ssssfas muWn vi L LW No 1 HW5 GiE ISTO GO HER Grand Jury Hears Evidence but Decides Matter Too Grave for Rush Decision NEW MEETS TUESDAY Public Demand for Resignation of Delinquent Supervisor Noto Insistent Thnt tho present territorial grand jury will leVro thj matter of tho ticath ofTltaotfldHorrianao to tho jury which acmes lnnlwc6k tQ Hx tho blamo aifu todlecof thVculpabillty of Harry Murray lhffhoiattori was tho decision of that body after hearing several wit- nesses ¬ in ihd case yesterday afternoon The juYy Tvent into session at ono thirty and Was in conferonco for thrco hours hut only part of tho timo on tho Murray mattor- - Murray himself was ono of tho witnesses hoforo tho jury Others wore Chauffeur Bolin J Walter Hoylo Robert Whito and D F Hondcr- - son those persons who wero in tho auto it the time lldrnnndcz was struck by Murray and- - thrown to tho roadway tho shock of which fnll resulted in his death - One of the jurymen stated last oven jng that tho members thought tho public should know what a done in tho mat ¬ ter which bafc caused so much talk and In winch thero is such wide spread in terest from tho fact of the position which Murray holds in local affairs Ho said that thoro had been a lengthy lnvetigationby tho Members after they had disposed of other matters before them and that from all that was brought cut they Ud not bcliovo thoy could take action Of Stay kind V H JTtLn fcU DUMUSWiBi r s We bclieyo thatihissmjbstsori- - fVM - - 1 Into TroiffronithotSstundhVjWO h llKislSiaBSiill yoswiraay mat jmirruy yvs jtspouBjuiu fqr tho death of this nail wo believe that the matter should be investigated much more thoroughly tlian we are ublo to do it Our timo expires on Saturday morn- ing ¬ and before that timo we have sev- eral ¬ othor mattors which wo must inves- tigate which came up hoforo this ono and then our final report must bo pre- sented ¬ to tho court on that day In viow of all thoso facts and of tho testi- mony ¬ of thoso witnesses before us wo think that tlio jury for tho Juuuary term which comes in noxt week should take up tfiis matter rathor than our- selves ¬ said a member of tho iucpiisi torial body Tho witnesses yesterday wero ques tioned at length by tho members ot the jury tho investigation being most in formal and every ono of tho jurymen asking the questions no tnougnt or which had a bearing on tho case Walter Dttylo stated that his efforts wero directed to impressing upon tho ittvvinnn im fnnf flifif a Tvnn nn flin water wagon whoro he had boon for tho past year All Talk of Murray Littlo clso was talked about on tho streets or in ofliccs yesterday than tho pllikia of Supervisor Murray and it seemed to bo the opinion of everyone as expressed in Tho Advertiser yesterday morning and teitcnited inthe afternoon papers that tlio first thing for the bu J pervisor to dtt is to sever his connec- - j tion with tho board of supervisors Without reunrd to what the outcome of tho investigation showed it is up to I him in the opinion generally expressed to resign from the ofllco to which ho was elected and do it without any delay j As both Henderson nnd Whito leave hero with their whips tomorrow it will i bo necessary to hiivo depositions from them us to whnt they know of tho p nCTair hut it is not understood that any action liax Ucen taken toward this end nlthtiiigli it will before they sail way i Without doubt I The action nf tho next grand jury is awaited with interest by tlio whole city Who uo vitally engrossed In tho hilling I 1Ai die J In Ibx icudwny after he was knocked down and fntnlly Injured TWO TONS NEW ZEIlLfl G0IE1ED A Iliiu ijvii two wiiili wrrtviK ou u rmwt 0eiHlnl ftiii t ii Mua hhl at Ike MMJwM- - lioutt iul will i ljipwj hMk Imvlttg Ixrn r4 tigry it from 4 IfUIUuv Ut AiunrUMM HW IMMMWt M I il i J ll tUdUl SU4lll4 I Miitt iUi Uv r tkjtmutt ii Miiii iki niHtiii Mwt iMeitte U IImMli hM bit U 4iu j mUk AuMltuUMM UL indt tttwmdlMw ht a i j u t tU imilkm m i lM 1IHU ifBiUk tr fkttiHd HAWAII TERRITORY raufyVY ARMEC MURDEBEB ABRQADQN 1UI Entire Lahaina Force and Wai- - luku Detachment Looking for Desperate Japanese Special Wireless to Tho Advertiser- - WAILUKU- - January ti Tho entiro Lahaina polico force nnd a detachment of tho Walluku police under tho por- - sonal command of ShorifT Crowoll are i searching this district for Uajlmoto a murderer who is supposed to bo hiding in tho canoficlds and who is known to bo armed and dotormlnod to resist Tho Japanese rofuso any assist anco to the polico at all as Hajimoto is considered a dosperato character and they admit thaf thoy aro afraid of him and wish to stay out of tho pursuit Hajimoto shot his former wife Tues- day ¬ night hitting her twico in tho breast anuVnbdomon and killing her al ¬ most instantly Ho then turned tho gun onihcr paramour hitting him in the arm hut not fatally wounding him Tho murdor nnd attempted murder took place at tho Kcawo camp Lohaina He escaped boforo assistance conld bo found Hajimoto was seen in a canculd near Kaanapali Wednesday night and a searching pnrty is now in tho neighbor- hood ¬ Tho two roads from Lahaina to Wai luku aro being closoly watched Tho sheriff and his party will tako up will cither surrender call or get hurt they say MEET CLEVEL LEIS FOB fiLBf H1BITE1S - -- r the mm wmu r HUM Li PRESIDENT OF CHINA SENDS FIRST CABLE TO HONOLULU PROMISES TO DO HIS BEST NANKING JANUARY O jrTO WA fcWUN TUNG MINQ WTJI ANTVPIUENDS CONGRATULATORY GABLES ARE RECEIVED I WILL DdMY BEST TO COUNTRY MEN THAT OUE BEOTHBItS -- ABROAD NOT BE DISAp POINTED BTJN WEN In tho modest words qUotod President Sun Ynt Sen of China responds tho many cabloa sont him from Honolulu following tho news in Tho Advertiser that ho had hcon formally elected as President tho Republic in tho Orient cablo Wcdnesdny nnd has been tho source of a groat of pleasure tho Honolulu friends and sympathizers of tho Republican lender Tho names of tho addresses aro thoso of tho reform soctotics in Honolulu whilo tho signature is tho official signaturo of Doctor Sun familiar to thoso who have examined tho revolutionary scrip discounted some months ago -- a m FLEET GO AS EXPECTED Nobody Knows But Then the Manuka Site Legal Pro- - Ladies Are All Booked to Sail on Mongolia Tho ladies the PaciQc fleet to 110 1 leave for San Francisco tho Pacify Cash For chances with him when he is rounded io flcct wjU suroiy Bail for s Dleg0 surprised nor worried over Ho at on tSJtJTI NI to now arrived deal to various Wen hero ergo at ten oclock Saturdny morning What tho news thattho petition iu fnvor of bettor reasoning could bo advanced to this sito is notucing considered at this support tho statement that fleet time in that can may leave at hour tho Coast t dcmnatioii in regard to tho course women are prono to sito havorJiPPn ordered to thoir minds and if any do cecd minds about loayjng Honolulu to 1 As the easo stands at prcsont tho total morrow morning then it will for tho federal building bg prima facie ovidenco that tho including tho money for tho bainnco of will remain longer Hawaiian wators the Mnhuka sito isSOO000 from which Commander Tcrhuno chief of staff vr- - fi - r - iirateajiasi cvcnintr vnat as lar oa an LWASt5oamrjurfcAlrieanslirrM yauaraImBeunanCTrwyalmI3encoeKKea Yblcohnma Jin iln ernlnn arnnniT th urdav momiric owover thoro - f rf rftrrmKtuti fiv nN nrf ntt Ti isetiZ j Hivwuu pAcvaa fcuu - world the five hundred tpurista aboard no certainty that tho fleet wifl go to will bo given a cordial welcome to morrow Commander Torhuno stated Honolulu the committee J5flevV c ordered to remain hero cmUU oi ma commiwoo neaaea although ho has no intimation Socrotary Wood will meet the Clove that such an order will bo received laud at nnd will carry out I Tho vessels oto pretty well conled up enough leis to decorate all tho now tho California havingiTeeeivcd full bunkers yesterday The Maryland jcamo in from tho othor anchorage was done when tho Cleveland torday and mtorod nt the Alakea wharf first arrived hero two years ago and j as Captain Ellicott was host at a din- - old Hawaiian custom so charmed Iner danco on board last evening tho globe trotters that thoy gave the Th Mwarl quarter deck was closed in canvas and Islands froo which a fow decorated with birhting and flags and thousand dollars could not havo paid was gorgeous electrics The din The tourists wrote up tho lei- - nor party was composed of a number pf 4i i officers ladies of tho fleet town i society folk It was a brilliant func- - wro magazine articles referring par Uon muBhmi aBd wIU bo ticularly to this particular phuso of tho one of the last functions whilo tho fleet rccoption and soveral became book is in port nuthors in which found a con- - Floet Officers and Landlubbers of ucscnptlon j wonder why JaWp exchange in Tho promotion has bo fleet available Hawaiian melo haVing maneuvers in Oahu building As petitions of Hawaiian did now ready ho considered by con nndrnotiou know littlo about ouo fivo of other all sec thero count Clevelands interest thank ono women and to in will a battalion of soldiers children Tho houso en- - unnrinir Tcillum fnr drill It that when gSged and tho may tho view- - it become of understand and apparent Hawaiian maneuvers of at J majority of wauan melodies given Tho havo a peculiar interest same in motion will bo people to water K Bonlno has revised his Kilauea front in and year out see a picture expects to steamer como in or outfor that receive a wireless a few boforo whatever relates to sea lias a the Cleveland stating just ar fascination for pussenpers desire to tako in this that per- - 4i ikv uiapa leave n e hA Jteur I mornlnc 24th Vnt leaving on the 25th Cajfgrna Ibo Cleveland will leave San Fran- - jcow presence Cisco again February 0WibI0 occasion was only return trip world i mL n upijroiJrjuMuu of his being Now stopping two suKucstlon i OF Wtlrtil Jnpancso Mere u party COO people Honolulu bat been a welcome port lo board of ever with and hpvu visited the j u warm welcome uud were nniT mw w vw UL IJMI UnUI eovutrJos the ut tout et of lie V1 u ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i j I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii tl ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm I W f IM H M M OUTJNU YOUft - iare l t t v V u ui f I s I o t ships since frigate j Ulondo Itori j port ftlwuys I lifetime BKIUL nvy vwtfMw n4fU rli mwIvmI Urn Ut Mf rmlir Vmu4 t tinki nmwStilTt UtiuwKi Wjiie E3umw HONOLULU JANUARY WITH Hm Uyton i 4 u tn Itf turn iii I ti i m kr ifi Htt 1IM4 i- i ii BMy MmiM it It f bt - ii - iWjj i it in Wi - i e nil PPir IHI tnnhi MAY iiMW frrs liii GlGRESfllLL I Must Be Advocates for the federal W WWW MMWMWlMBWMMMMBMMMaMWWlti WlHHM Sun ETO tho civic E Following ceedings building site neither particularly tho Washington but the that for proceedings chsoiMahuka pro change be appropriation fleet Ih uveianucornvcszan promotion P0SslbiUty nyjollBcrj quarantine ain yes- - tho beautifully advertising for and lcis iiiiMwiutfiiy almMi 94 has been set aside 350000 the pur- - r - naso oi iort street frontage lcav x tug S45UtJOiforitnobni WeUoaUsitaWhaS DEID ia with the matter has to Co back to congrcsd before site is secured WJion question is up it will prob ¬ ably be decided to exchanco tho prcsont sito for cheaper and better civic center I A 1a C Atkmson Ymdcr super- - MlbA1 1 1 nllnH JAI n it - i fVU MW U1JJ puVUlUU UVUT 1JVO thousand names votors prepared in of civic center site stated that if news is true that legal proceedings a condemna- tion ¬ have been ordered to nrocccd it is a thing as will bring a solution the question boforo tho cqurts and settle sito of federnl building which still believes will bo on tho civic grounds will have to no hack to congress to get more money said Atkinson yesterday and this will make it to advance the ¬ ments civic editor espe as me sue ue nvail spicuous Some tho offlccM pco- - for which case the committee ar jplo hero should interested in the 800000 will ho for tlio ranged tho ovoning of war waters for tho which dies tableaux anciont statiug that oven if they tho pub- - aro to life pictures tho lie would them undGrca3 I think the with over Kilauea mid scenes inithcv cannot wbv should bo thousaud voters will for more honor of the passongcrs any more in tho fleet maneuv- - f tho with names of i but which people town than in i on it invited onera bean nut frnm I is expeeted tho for that night music Tho officers not realize comes boforo tho court Will will furnished by Ernest andpoint tho landlubbers or more morc that tho wishes his musicians Only Ha- - that of ships sea tljo great the pcoplo will bo the pictures shown by It Iterest thnt draws tho who year to crater Mr Wood mull go days tho pecu arrives how landsmen many officer yesterday stated tiie lact that tho shins nfternoon caport cities on York days vf found way bW7 letM mtm Dull HELP lliui wMilM WhdWlt inf Asked center taken Whdlo whoso favor good it contcr easier Aiuiiuica crater Honolulu in favor of civic center are to considered ibaving been an honorable and ono mat included participation In events which made history f Vrom ciuht oclock this mornlnc un til sundown today flags naval The Cleveland leaves Yokohama forinrg0 amount money in port may t0 aa 1n1tn fth Va Honolulu on January 12 and will or- - Va Iometblng to do with the inter- - TVl h0B hero of tho late i rive tho of Of ho of of the certainly to crave tho fleet early in for thecvery tho around tlio back tofnir imhmn nilM Hurniidiz hero for iuo Ut by will bo new of war tho miuaa viji every iiuwiu frjuiidnhlii in nini ru In Hit liHH ne flitt vf w0U U uudrfeiiwd timilmk fm lU uttl MrlV lWii1 In fwUMM Ml MM HUttt ir hero This of came here Mod nr Ur Ijhvwh for Mud Uv kM Jlul Will 4mii itrlll uf tt iy nli lit ftmt than yesterday Ultimately bocrinir Uvun I vt him il WlllUMMlMWl Of their for TinH An iiul nti tno tho tho tho sito tYlkU of wns the tho for nearer of the tho ho wo Mr argu for tho site cially will of ntiro of has Kaai war IHWjf BO iiitu tno tho tho ones bq ono many the at the of to liobloy BRIDEGR00M JURIST CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY IBHHVBr77rliiBMiu9l L 3 mm tut I t fc SITE I SURE PEO EML Hawaii Will Bo Helped in the Big Fight tgainst Mediterranean Fruit Fly Pest st 8ACKAMBNTO January n It wns nnnouucod yesterday that the request of Govornor Pronr that tho Stato of California as sist Hawaii In tho fight ngainat tho Mediterranean fruit lly by paying part of tho cxpcnsos of tho Hawaiian campaign lms bocn ngrccd to State horticulturists and oth er ofllcials havo now definitely plodgcd tho Stnto to pay ono lmlf tho cost of the Hawaiian campaign in viow of tho fact that its successes of such vital lmi iiinco to tho California froll industry Asi Cougross to Help- - - - Washington January cAa bill appropriating fifty thousand dollars to assist in Qgliting tho Meditorrnncun fruit fly in Ha ¬ waii nnd to provont its admis- sion ¬ into tho State of California was introduced inthc houso yos terday ns a joint mensuro by Conjrressmnn Knhn of the fourth Californian district and Con ¬ gressman Hayes of tuo fifth 0 f 1 4 U 4 f 4f rft s t LF1I WIS HEB FLEET In honor of tho departuro of tho Pacific fleet at ton oclock tomorrow morning businessmen generally agrco to tho proposal to fly flags on their buildings that day The plan will bo will bo up by cighllgjcibciaandilBlyautLtillSBboiifhJit leastffwnicfl nmeFtnovesselawill1 be under way nrund Diamond Hoad and possibly will bo out of sight As tho consuls have all been visitors aboard tho warships and havo been to ceived with tho honorsxluo their rank the too may fly their national flags ns a compliment not only to tho do parting fleet but to Rear Admiral Thomas who will hnul down his own flag next spring This will probably bo their last opportunity to honor tho commander-in-chie- f TO HUP REPUBLIC KTXTIIO Washington TJso your ln fluenco to secure recognition of tho Bo public of China OHAKO CHATJ Tho Honolulu Chinese encouraged by tho news given in The Advertiser yes- terday ¬ morning that Congressman Hul rcr had introduced a resolution in tho houso of representatives requesting that tho United States rccognizo tho Republic of China took steps ycuter hty tu assiit in tho favorablo consid- eration of tho resolution by the enm mittco on foreign affairs Chang Chau tho leading Chinese Republican and backer of Princo Kuhlo in tho nnmo of tho Chinese of Honolulu filed tho cablegram quoted above which will bo followed by others to other members of cungrosH if tho necessity arises J have great hopes that tho United States will be tho first of the Powers to recognize the Republic of China said Chang Chau yesterday PREMIER HAS FEAR OF SHANGHAI PLAN PUKJN0 Junusry B Replying to the invitation of Dr Wu Ting Fsng to go lo glmugliBl and there diicus flnul peace propoisli Yuen KuiU Kul premier under the Miuchu govurnwcnt decliuHi but rwiuait Dr Wu to come to the Impurlul wplUi tor hat lur jwic The premier dew net btdlnvo h MHwId Ue mt In bvugbai though be i wiJUiiic u KHrHte ttbwlMte yn i4tUm M lit rw wyoe I turn tat ay JHte Pflvete Ilw4i IfcliJfcU Jittmiy -- Me4i Um Ill W itltumt hft Udr i iIim1 t tgv ttttv Ik iliiu i vf Utt THtm JMMMKWUwM ut uuua Ujjtf fiMMIM 1eHSJiittj e l4MiMimt iiJ rtW llmifol YttM elJV Ml i nfjiliy pwvmMt U is LmhII nine fUf Ue f Meie i UNmI1i nfMtL tMpflW lunt f iufMg tip fKti LYMAN ABrJOTT SP EAK5 FiN TEDDY Outiooks Edit6r Sayg1colone Does Not Want Republican Presidency Nomination TAFT STANDS BY HIS FRIEND Sends Word Out From the White t House That No Attack on Teddy Goes With Him DR LYMAN ABBOTT Outlook editor sajs Boosovolt will not bo a candidate fOHWALtiON mmsON January Iw n statiment undo horo today Dr Lyman Abbott editor of tho Out ¬ look of which journal Colonel Koosor velt is a contributing editor declared pos lively- - thnt bo ox Prosldent is Torthc5mlnfconvontion of tho Repub ¬ lican pnrty in Chicago Doctor Abbott further enid that Mr Roosevelt would tako no part or sharo in tho contests of tho various enndidntcs Tho oditorof the Outlook added however that his statements wero mndo without consult- ation ¬ with tho ox President No Mud Throwing Saya Taft WASHINGTON January 5 It was given out forpiiblicatlon at tho Whito House Jast fnlgnTthat under no circum ¬ stances would President Taft counte nonco any attack upon Colonel Itooso volt H- - PUTS ON WJIB PIT M1NN1JAPOL18 January C Sena for La FoIIettos campaign for the Ro pubiicnn nomiiiatiiiu lor tho ptsidency wns formally odsih I lfqrn tonight by bonntor Brandies if ttlchguu who spoko to a largo andionco He de- nounced tho IouhriiJtioii giver tho Sherman antitrust law ly tho present administration Orcetcd in Illinois PEORIA Illinois January 5 Crowds havo greeted Senator La Fol lotto in his swing through this Stato Ho mado brief speeches in many placos and wus heartily received LA 8ALLK Illinois January C In a strong speech delivered korit today Bcnntor La Follette Insurgent candi date for tho Republican presidential nomination declared that monopoly in this country destroyed ho Integrity of bunincist and that a lack of competi ¬ tion while sending prices higher sont tho quality lower Ml ADMIRAL WILL BE BURIED TODAY WAMIIINUTON Juuuary mm The marll reMplu hi A4mlrn HobHy Kr HgbtliiK ib vrllj be fn urrmt wiih full imvel w wJUlur Irnmtt Umt IpAay I U nl m1 Htlmn w MMMtine y4i b siuueVJ iiy lie ftmtHsfl hmmNmiii ut 6 ubiimi k iimi itf tin Btiviuv Imun u4 m Stt wvwiUi ef ib 4luUwti MirjMk Jpr i H rl if m f il NJ7 eifU tin rfiMMiiii iUhWk I M fce HAHUtiitnh imtuttf A ef kHflis llllln iitl 4l rinfJUH alllJS tlu AAlMi MBM huJ dllMl Ailtlu2 j- - j- ywr r r m m Kin to Ur ptntmti tm Ut mi wMtiwiu iti e ttyM In4 ii vi eW fit mt m f - 4 i sr i 1 m j 1 1 il NT 4 m ii l i A 4

muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm

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Page 1: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm


muWnvi L LW No 1




Grand Jury Hears Evidence but

Decides Matter Too Grave

for Rush Decision


Public Demand for Resignation of

Delinquent SupervisorNoto Insistent

Thnt tho present territorial grandjury will leVro thj matter of tho ticathofTltaotfldHorrianao to tho jury whichacmes lnnlwc6k tQ Hx tho blamoaifu todlecof thVculpabillty of HarryMurray lhffhoiattori was tho decision

of that body after hearing several wit-nesses


in ihd case yesterday afternoonThe juYy Tvent into session at ono

thirty and Was in conferonco for thrcohours hut only part of tho timo on thoMurray mattor- - Murray himself wasono of tho witnesses hoforo tho juryOthers wore Chauffeur Bolin J WalterHoylo Robert Whito and D F Hondcr- -

son those persons who wero in tho autoit the time lldrnnndcz was struck byMurray and- - thrown to tho roadway thoshock of which fnll resulted in hisdeath -

One of the jurymen stated last ovenjng that tho members thought tho publicshould know what a done in tho mat ¬

ter which bafc caused so much talk andIn winch thero is such wide spread interest from tho fact of the positionwhich Murray holds in local affairs

Ho said that thoro had been a lengthylnvetigationby tho Members after theyhad disposed of other matters beforethem and that from all that wasbrought cut they Ud not bcliovo thoycould take action Of Stay kind


JTtLn fcU DUMUSWiBi r sWe bclieyo thatihissmjbstsori- -

fVM - -1 Into TroiffronithotSstundhVjWO hllKislSiaBSiillyoswiraay mat jmirruy yvs jtspouBjuiu

fqr tho death of this nail wo believethat the matter should be investigatedmuch more thoroughly tlian we are ubloto do it

Our timo expires on Saturday morn-ing


and before that timo we have sev-eral


othor mattors which wo must inves-tigate which came up hoforo this onoand then our final report must bo pre-sented


to tho court on that day Inviow of all thoso facts and of tho testi-mony


of thoso witnesses before us wothink that tlio jury for tho Juuuaryterm which comes in noxt week shouldtake up tfiis matter rathor than our-selves


said a member of tho iucpiisitorial body

Tho witnesses yesterday wero questioned at length by tho members ot thejury tho investigation being most informal and every ono of tho jurymenasking the questions no tnougnt orwhich had a bearing on tho case

Walter Dttylo stated that his effortswero directed to impressing upon thoittvvinnn im fnnf flifif a Tvnn nn flinwater wagon whoro he had boon for thopast year

All Talk of MurrayLittlo clso was talked about on tho

streets or in ofliccs yesterday than thopllikia of Supervisor Murray and itseemed to bo the opinion of everyone asexpressed in Tho Advertiser yesterdaymorning and teitcnited inthe afternoonpapers that tlio first thing for the bu J

pervisor to dtt is to sever his connec- -j

tion with tho board of supervisorsWithout reunrd to what the outcome oftho investigation showed it is up to I

him in the opinion generally expressedto resign from the ofllco to which howas elected and do it without any delay j

As both Henderson nnd Whito leavehero with their whips tomorrow it will i

bo necessary to hiivo depositions fromthem us to whnt they know of tho

p nCTair hut it is not understood that anyaction liax Ucen taken toward this endnlthtiiigli it will before they sail way i

Without doubt I

The action nf tho next grand jury isawaited with interest by tlio whole cityWho uo vitally engrossed In tho hilling I

1Ai die J

In Ibx icudwny after he was knockeddown and fntnlly Injured



A Iliiu ijvii two

wiiili wrrtviK ou u rmwt 0eiHlnlftiii t ii Mua hhl at Ike MMJwM- -

lioutt iul will i ljipwj hMk Imvlttg

Ixrn r4 tigry it from 4IfUIUuv Ut AiunrUMM HW IMMMWt

M I il i J ll tUdUl SU4lll4I Miitt iUi Uv r tkjtmuttii Miiii iki niHtiii Mwt iMeitte U

IImMli hM bit U

4iu j mUk AuMltuUMM

UL indt tttwmdlMw ht ai j u t tU imilkm m

i lM 1IHU ifBiUktr fkttiHd




Entire Lahaina Force and Wai- -

luku Detachment Looking for

Desperate Japanese

Special Wireless to Tho Advertiser- -

WAILUKU- - January ti Tho entiroLahaina polico force nnd a detachmentof tho Walluku police under tho por- -

sonal command of ShorifT Crowoll are i

searching this district for Uajlmoto amurderer who is supposed to

bo hiding in tho canoficlds and who isknown to bo armed and dotormlnod toresist Tho Japanese rofuso any assistanco to the polico at all as Hajimotois considered a dosperato character andthey admit thaf thoy aro afraid of himand wish to stay out of tho pursuit

Hajimoto shot his former wife Tues-


night hitting her twico in thobreast anuVnbdomon and killing her al ¬

most instantly Ho then turned tho gunonihcr paramour hitting him in thearm hut not fatally wounding him Thomurdor nnd attempted murder tookplace at tho Kcawo camp Lohaina Heescaped boforo assistance conld bofound

Hajimoto was seen in a canculd nearKaanapali Wednesday night and asearching pnrty is now in tho neighbor-hood


Tho two roads from Lahaina to Wailuku aro being closoly watched Thosheriff and his party will tako

up will cither surrender call orget hurt they say




- --r









In tho modest words qUotod President Sun Ynt Sen of Chinaresponds tho many cabloa sont him from Honolulu following thonews in Tho Advertiser that ho had hcon formally elected as President

tho Republic in tho Orient cablo Wcdnesdny nndhas been tho source of a groat of pleasure tho Honolulu friendsand sympathizers of tho Republican lender

Tho names of tho addresses aro thoso of tho reform soctoticsin Honolulu whilo tho signature is tho official signaturoof Doctor Sun familiar to thoso who have examined tho revolutionaryscrip discounted some months ago




Nobody Knows But Then the Manuka Site Legal Pro- -

Ladies Are All Booked to

Sail on Mongolia

Tho ladies the PaciQc fleet to110

1 leave for San Francisco tho Pacify



chances with him when he is rounded io flcct wjU suroiy Bail for s Dleg0 surprised nor worried overHo at





now arriveddeal to




at ten oclock Saturdny morning What tho news thattho petition iu fnvor ofbettor reasoning could bo advanced to this sito is notucing considered at thissupport tho statement that fleet time in that canmay leave at hour tho Coast t dcmnatioii in regard to tho

course women are prono to sito havorJiPPn ordered tothoir minds and if any do cecd

minds about loayjng Honolulu to 1 As the easo stands at prcsont tho totalmorrow morning then it will for tho federal buildingbg prima facie ovidenco that tho including tho money for tho bainnco ofwill remain longer Hawaiian wators the Mnhuka sito isSOO000 from which

Commander Tcrhuno chief of staffvr- -fi - r - iirateajiasi cvcnintr vnat as lar oa an


Yblcohnma Jin iln ernlnn arnnniT th urdav momiric owover thoro- f


rftrrmKtuti fiv nN nrf ntt Ti

isetiZ jHivwuu pAcvaa fcuu-

world the five hundred tpurista aboard no certainty that tho fleet wifl go towill bo given a cordial welcome to morrow Commander Torhuno statedHonolulu the committee J5flevV c

ordered to remain herocmUU oi ma commiwoo neaaea although ho has no intimation

Socrotary Wood will meet the Clove that such an order will bo receivedlaud at nnd will carry out I Tho vessels oto pretty well conled upenough leis to decorate all tho now tho California havingiTeeeivcd

full bunkers yesterday The Marylandjcamo in from tho othor anchorage

was done when tho Cleveland torday and mtorod nt the Alakea wharffirst arrived hero two years ago and j as Captain Ellicott was host at a din- -

old Hawaiian custom so charmed Iner danco on board last eveningtho globe trotters that thoy gave the Th Mwarl quarter deck was

closed in canvas andIslands froo which a fow decorated with birhting and flags andthousand dollars could not havo paid was gorgeous electrics The din

The tourists wrote up tho lei- - nor party was composed of a number pf4i i officers ladies of tho fleet town

i society folk It was a brilliant func- -wro magazine articles referring par Uon muBhmi aBd wIU boticularly to this particular phuso of tho one of the last functions whilo tho fleetrccoption and soveral became book is in portnuthors in which found a con- - Floet Officers and Landlubbers


ucscnptlon j wonder why JaWp exchange inTho promotion has bo fleet available

Hawaiian melo haVing maneuvers in Oahu building As petitionsof Hawaiian did now ready ho considered by con

nndrnotiou know littlo about ouo fivoof other all sec thero count

Clevelands interest thank ono women andto in will a battalion of soldiers children

Tho houso en- - unnrinir Tcillum fnr drill It that whengSged and tho may tho view- - it become

of understand and apparentHawaiian maneuvers of at J majority of

wauan melodies given Tho havo a peculiar interest same inmotion will bo people to waterK Bonlno has revised his Kilauea front in and year out see a

picture expects to steamer como in or outfor thatreceive a wireless a few boforo whatever relates to sea lias athe Cleveland stating just ar fascination for

pussenpers desire to tako in this that per- -

4i ikv uiapa leave ne

hAJteur Imornlnc 24th Vnt

leaving on the 25th CajfgrnaIbo Cleveland will leave San Fran- - jcow presenceCisco again February 0WibI0 occasion was onlyreturn trip world i mL n


of his being Now stopping two suKucstlon i




Mere u party COO people Honolulu bat been a welcome port loboard of ever

with and

hpvu visited the j

u warm welcome uud were

nniT mw w vwUL IJMI UnUI eovutrJos the ut

tout et of lie V1 u




I4 til





w is miu utAtt TJm bluha w mm iU

Mi hmI It vh W4 lum 4imm Ut n

teitii bt f ij I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKiitl ii i

W lil Mfito ilf

ummUm IW f IM H M







t t

v V

u uifI




tships since frigate

j Ulondo Itori j

port ftlwuys

I lifetimeBKIUL nvy

vwtfMw n4fU

rli mwIvmI Urn Ut Mf rmlirVmu4

t tinki











u tn Itf turniii I ti i

m kr ifi Htt 1IM4 i-

i ii BMyMmiM it It

f bt - ii - iWjji it in Wi

- i

e nil PPir IHI tnnhi






IMust Be

Advocatesfor the federal




tho civic






tho Washington but thethat for proceedings

chsoiMahuka prochange

be appropriationfleet



promotion P0SslbiUty



yes- -








has been set aside 350000 the pur--r -naso oi iort street frontage lcav x

tug S45UtJOiforitnobniWeUoaUsitaWhaS




the matter has to Co back tocongrcsd before site is securedWJion question is up it will prob ¬

ably be decided to exchanco thoprcsont sito for cheaper and bettercivic center I

A 1a C Atkmson Ymdcr super- -MlbA1 1 1 nllnH JAI n it - i

fVU MW U1JJ puVUlUU UVUT 1JVOthousand names votors preparedin of civic center site stated

that if news is true thatlegal proceedings a condemna-


have been ordered to nrocccd itis a thing as will bringa solution the question boforo thocqurts and settle sito of federnlbuilding which still believes will boon tho civic grounds

will have to no hackto congress to get more money said

Atkinson yesterday and this willmake it to advance the ¬

ments civic editor espeas me sue ue nvail

spicuous Some tho offlccM pco- - for which case thecommittee ar jplo hero should interested in the 800000 will ho for tlio

ranged tho ovoning of war waters for tho whichdies tableaux anciont statiug that oven if they tho pub- - aro tolife pictures tho lie would them undGrca3 I think the with over

Kilauea mid scenes inithcv cannot wbv should bo thousaud voters will for morehonor of the passongcrs any more in tho fleet maneuv- - f

tho with names of i

but which people town than in i on itinvited onera bean nut frnm I is expeeted tho

for that night music Tho officers not realize comes boforo tho court Willwill furnished by Ernest andpoint tho landlubbers or more morc that tho wisheshis musicians Only Ha- - that of ships sea tljo great the pcoplo

will bo thepictures shown by It Iterest thnt draws tho

who year tocrater Mr Wood mull go

days tho pecuarrives how landsmen

many officer yesterday statedtiie lact that tho shins

nfternoon caport citieson

York days




letM mtm












good it





Honolulu in favor of civic centerare to considered

ibaving been an honorable and onomat included participation Inevents which made history f

Vrom ciuht oclock this mornlnc until sundown today flags naval

The Cleveland leaves Yokohama forinrg0 amount money in port may t0 aa 1n1tn fth Va

Honolulu on January 12 and will or- - Va Iometblng to do with the inter- - TVl h0Bhero of tho late irive tho of



of the certainlyto crave tho fleet

early in for thecvery thoaround tlio back tofnir imhmn nilM

Hurniidiz hero for iuo



will bo new ofwar tho

miuaa viji every iiuwiu


in nini ruIn Hit

liHH ne flitt

vf w0UU uudrfeiiwd


fm lU uttlMrlV

lWii1 In

fwUMM Ml

MM HUttt ir




came here



Ur Ijhvwh for Mud





uf ttiy nli

lit ftmt







vt himil WlllUMMlMWl











tYlkUof wns




the thoho



for tho sitecially will









thotho ones bq


the at theof






L 3 mm

tutI t fc



Hawaii Will Bo Helped in the Big

Fight tgainst MediterraneanFruit Fly Pest


8ACKAMBNTO January nIt wns nnnouucod yesterday thatthe request of Govornor Pronrthat tho Stato of California assist Hawaii In tho fight ngainattho Mediterranean fruit lly bypaying part of tho cxpcnsos oftho Hawaiian campaign lms bocnngrccd to

State horticulturists and other ofllcials havo now definitelyplodgcd tho Stnto to pay onolmlf tho cost of the Hawaiiancampaign in viow of tho factthat its successes of such vitallmi iiinco to tho Californiafroll industry

Asi Cougross to Help- - - -

Washington January cAabill appropriating fifty thousanddollars to assist in Qgliting thoMeditorrnncun fruit fly in Ha ¬

waii nnd to provont its admis-sion


into tho State of Californiawas introduced inthc houso yosterday ns a joint mensuro byConjrressmnn Knhn of the fourthCalifornian district and Con ¬

gressman Hayes of tuo fifth

0 f 1 4 U 4f 4f rft s




In honor of tho departuro of thoPacific fleet at ton oclock tomorrowmorning businessmen generally agrcoto tho proposal to fly flags on theirbuildings that day The plan will bo

will bo up bycighllgjcibciaandilBlyautLtillSBboiifhJitleastffwnicfl nmeFtnovesselawill1be under way nrund Diamond Hoadand possibly will bo out of sight

As tho consuls have all been visitorsaboard tho warships and havo been toceived with tho honorsxluo their rankthe too may fly their national flagsns a compliment not only to tho doparting fleet but to Rear AdmiralThomas who will hnul down his ownflag next spring This will probablybo their last opportunity to honor thocommander-in-chie- f



KTXTIIO Washington TJso your lnfluenco to secure recognition of tho Bopublic of China OHAKO CHATJ

Tho Honolulu Chinese encouraged bytho news given in The Advertiser yes-terday


morning that Congressman Hulrcr had introduced a resolution in thohouso of representatives requestingthat tho United States rccognizo thoRepublic of China took steps ycuterhty tu assiit in tho favorablo consid-eration of tho resolution by the enmmittco on foreign affairs Chang Chautho leading Chinese Republican andbacker of Princo Kuhlo in tho nnmoof tho Chinese of Honolulu filed thocablegram quoted above which will bofollowed by others to other membersof cungrosH if tho necessity arises

J have great hopes that tho UnitedStates will be tho first of the Powers torecognize the Republic of China saidChang Chau yesterday



PUKJN0 Junusry B Replying tothe invitation of Dr Wu Ting Fsngto go lo glmugliBl and there diicusflnul peace propoisli Yuen KuiU Kulpremier under the Miuchu govurnwcntdecliuHi but rwiuait Dr Wu to cometo the Impurlul wplUi tor hat lurjwic The premier dew net btdlnvo hMHwId Ue mt In bvugbai though bei wiJUiiic u KHrHte ttbwlMte yni4tUm M lit rw wyoe Iturn tatay

JHte Pflvete Ilw4iIfcliJfcU Jittmiy -- Me4i Um

Ill W itltumt hft Udri iIim1 t tgv ttttv Ik iliiu ivf Utt THtm JMMMKWUwM ut

uuua Ujjtf fiMMIM1eHSJiittj e l4MiMimt

iiJ rtW llmifol YttM elJV Ml i

nfjiliy pwvmMt U is LmhIInine fUf Ue f Meie

i UNmI1i nfMtLtMpflW lunt f iufMg tipfKti




Outiooks Edit6r Sayg1colone

Does Not Want Republican

Presidency Nomination


Sends Word Out From the Whitet

House That No Attack on

Teddy Goes With Him

DR LYMAN ABBOTTOutlook editor sajs Boosovolt will not

bo a candidate

fOHWALtiON mmsON JanuaryIw n statiment undo horo today

Dr Lyman Abbott editor of tho Out ¬

look of which journal Colonel Koosorvelt is a contributing editor declaredpos lively- - thnt bo ox Prosldent is

Torthc5mlnfconvontion of tho Repub ¬

lican pnrty in Chicago Doctor Abbottfurther enid that Mr Roosevelt wouldtako no part or sharo in tho contests oftho various enndidntcs Tho oditorofthe Outlook added however that hisstatements wero mndo without consult-ation


with tho ox PresidentNo Mud Throwing Saya Taft

WASHINGTON January 5 It wasgiven out forpiiblicatlon at tho WhitoHouse Jast fnlgnTthat under no circum ¬

stances would President Taft countenonco any attack upon Colonel Itoosovolt



for La FoIIettos campaign for the Ropubiicnn nomiiiatiiiu lor tho ptsidencywns formally odsih I lfqrn tonight bybonntor Brandies if ttlchguu whospoko to a largo andionco He de-

nounced tho IouhriiJtioii giver thoSherman antitrust law ly tho presentadministration

Orcetcd in IllinoisPEORIA Illinois January 5

Crowds havo greeted Senator La Follotto in his swing through this StatoHo mado brief speeches in many placosand wus heartily received

LA 8ALLK Illinois January C Ina strong speech delivered korit todayBcnntor La Follette Insurgent candidate for tho Republican presidentialnomination declared that monopoly inthis country destroyed ho Integrity ofbunincist and that a lack of competi ¬

tion while sending prices higher sonttho quality lower



WAMIIINUTON Juuuary mm Themarll reMplu hi A4mlrn HobHyKr HgbtliiK ib vrllj be fnurrmt wiih full imvel w wJUlur

Irnmtt Umt IpAay I U nl m1 Htlmnw MMMtine y4i b siuueVJ iiy lieftmtHsfl hmmNmiii ut 6 ubiimi kiimi itf tin Btiviuv Imun u4 m SttwvwiUi ef ib 4luUwti MirjMk Jpr

i H rl if m f il NJ7 eifUtin rfiMMiiii

iUhWk I M fce

HAHUtiitnh imtuttf A efkHflis llllln iitl 4l rinfJUH

alllJS tlu AAlMi MBM huJ dllMl Ailtlu2j-- j- ywr r r m m

Kin to Ur ptntmtitm Ut mi

wMtiwiu iti ettyM In4 ii

vi eW fit mtm


- 4isr

i 1











Page 2: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm



MW VI I I I K i 1 I fri WtMLJLlUU xuiiit-lLlH- -t- iiuitunirufllilJlilliHiliiTiHlitilliimiiilt UHt irmTtini mnrri r r --- y T -- n m f twwttt1



upSensational Developments Are

Promised at Inquest This



Chauffeur Bolin Confesses De-



to Be Made Public


From Wednesdays AdvortisorThat Timoteo Hornandes liitliorto

known by tlic Wost linllnn equivalentof his name Otflni Nandy wns killed on

Jtlvor street enrly Monday morning ns

tho result of a drunken jest and notby tho nuto of J Ilolin is tho fairlydefinite result of the police investigation into tho tragedy tho caso nowawaiting only tho verdict of tho coronors jury That Fernandas wasstruck by ono of tho passencors inthat nuto as it sped past tho unfortunate man nt soventcon miles an hourand thnt that blow resulted in thomans death aro matters equally dolinito ns further rosults of those in-


Deputy Sheriff Hose in n stntementInst night reported that tho results oftho nutojisj- - held yestordny morningbore out this supposition and tho mansclothes further strengthened tho case

Tho passengers in tho auto woro Su-

pervisor Harry Murray who sat besidetho chauffeur Walter Doylo BobWhite of tho U S S California nnd DP Hondorson of tho V S S West Vir-ginia All have been subpoenaed to appear boforo the coroners jury this af-


at two oclock nnd sensationsaro looked for Tho inquest was post-poned from tho time set for it lastnight owing to tho inability of thocity attorneys department to havo arepresentative present

Bolln ConfessesTho first definite information receiv

ed from nny actor in tho midnightBceno was from tho chauffeur Ii BolinAfter refusing to describo tho affair tothe sheriff at all on Mxindny morningBolin sent for tho official Inter in thoday The sheriff however could notbo found and Deputy Eoso was also outChief McDuflle next senior and afraidthat the man might change his mindsent for him and Bolin told tho wholostory which surprised oven tho off-icers


So far hiB confession has re ¬

ceived partial confirmation asido fromtlio results or tho autopsy

According to his story ono of hisjnssongors reached out of tho machineas it passed Hcrnandcs nnd eitherstruck him or shoved him as thoy wontjiast Bolin says they woro goingabout soventeen miles an hour Thoman fell and tho nuto passed on leav ¬

ing him thero to be picked up later byMounted Officer Fred Wright at whichlimo tho body was almost cold

Tho autopsy showed that tho manTiad died from a fracturo at tho baseand at tho sido of tho skull Ho hndabsolutely no other mark on his btdyor about his features His clothes acheap pair of trousers and a knittedvest do not show any sign of beingdragged nn inch after tho body foil totho road With tho exception of astain on tho cuff of tho trousers thorois not the slightest traco of dirt ordust on them Tho vest is bloodsoaked in placos and a bit dusty hutwhile it wos of n material to whichdust would adhoro at moro contactwith the earth it was also of a ma-terial that would show tho effects ofthe slightest drugging over the grouud

Was Crossing StreetFrom tho ovideuco gathered by Dep

uty Sheriff Itoso yesterday morning itseems that Hcrnandcs had heard loudToports of firecrackers ami bombs inAala Park and was crossing lilverstreet io tho rivor wall in order toceo them Tho deputy bolioves thatthu auto passed to tho right of himjossibly leaving him with his backJialf turncd to tho auto ns it passed

hypothesis probable if Bolin s storyis true

Ho was an old man possibly sixtythree or over and was badly cripplediroin xuouinausm uno arm was usoion mid tho leg on the sumo sido wasllama He could list lift it from thoground but dragged it ns ho wnlkod

Sheriff larrett stated yesterday morn-ing thnt he had sunn Murray and thatMurray told a tulo opposite from thattold by Iiolin On tho day tho needdiuit lmppvned Murrey was quoted asdwiyiug that ho wan in tlm auto at all

t the 11mm but the eliiirlff4 stnlouiuutindicates that hu admitted that ywtorJy

My Jiupeaah Murrayttvtuerit that impeachment jirpcaad

lag annual Muperviaur Murray uwiuuto Ma aburv iu the Might mejit andtll JWetloll cuuduit Will be a UAturaJOUleuUii of the loionur nuiuasl tO4y trr rife vn the alrrt t jwUrJuy

The pulltlml plmai nf 111 lh raiuaout alrviitfly whiu a number of paoujvwiii to itierIK Jtimn uud mria4 ailtbajr iatfuanra t bav tbv luvvitlaaHub ut iba ana ilruppmj Tin vKurtMM Tba polli a ituuuubiii thai IfjiuJiw niutf prutaa true Ik uiaa eonMru4 will ha duly tbaiMa4

Tfcn uMvr wbu ayiiaaUd Jiulwami ban afUr tba Mailadr alaUa

aJI Htr mmoltHH Mvij lwwVM Uuify wf ttn4rr tbv fiiaWtiiut ItMaw 1b tjMHimj f4 tintWritM u ilrttlia ttm laMfca a4iMri

UtH Ul Mr uWfWw Ml tmmt mni mkm Fun aHaat a hi Iumm Awlfciw alrtl la4 iaw4i it tUipu mJu m fia ni aattNui

lJ a MaW I

iwu0 a4 IkI ad a4 Mia



tf m V pi Mill i i

llif fniim into llm niiillan laaIn thf fratfr of Kftaara and Mandlattr the bmk f tbt woat wdwlarfnt

lata f OterM nM th icprlHtt many f tka luiwlrtdi who rlllad

the Velitwa ll BtiMAy nnd MonJuyDown the alepa of tbAt nit men andboys trnvelnl until thy oAmo upon theshore Of the lnkf nf fire nml there thoystood throttling sttcka nnd iron rodsInto the burning maas oefnIoniillydodging bark a h fmtntnln flame threwup ita flory debris

Mnny dippeil coins were broughtbnek to Honolulu but tho lnva uponcooling beeame friable nnd broko awayfrom the silver Tho cne with whiehobsorvnrs could go down into the pitwas omphasized when tho nino yoar oldson of C S Prnno mndo tho descentfour times and each timo dipped coinswhich ho brought back to Honolulu

Tho lava had risen to within twofeet of tho upper ledgo whon tho tourists arrived thorc A civil engineerwho measured with his eyo tho pinyof tho column of lava shot up by Old

Faithful estimated thnt tho bits of mol-



fire wont up 125 feet nnd this was

far above tho location of Ferrets observatory

Hoat IntonsoThe heat waB Intonso but this was

withstood by improvised masks Thotourists wnlkcd and rouo to tno pitfrom tho Volcano House A fine autoservice was maintained nnd althoughonly half tho rond is good yet tho rldois worth while Tho tourists werelanded at a point within a fow minutes walk of Porrets observatoryand tho walking over tho lava path iseasy

Tho Kilauea bent the Mauna Kcaover to Hilo and outdistanced tho for ¬

mer flagship on tho trip back to Hono-lulu arriving hero yesterday morningnt an early hour

It lias been many yoars since iviiaucnhas been ns active as at prcsont nndIt is not within tho memory of thooldest steamship enptains whon somnny havo gono to tho Volcano on aweek end excursion

Tho two hundred and sovonty whospent Sunday nt the Volcano nouso roport tremendous activity and porfoctsatisfaction with tho arrangementsOno excursionist who vqiccs tlio senti-ment expressed by a majority of the

Murray wns included in tho numborfrom tho report brought back by thoofficer sont out Ho attended tho meeting of tho supervisors last Thursdaynight again intoxicated Theso nndother incidents of similar nature ac ¬

cording to rumor will constitute a por-

tion of tho charges for impoaebmentH




From Wednesdays AdvortiscrTho first stops looking towards tho

establishment of buoys beacons andlights necessary for the safe navigationof Pearl Harbor woro taken yesterdaymorning when tho lighthouso tondorKukui steamed from her wharf at thochannel dock to Ponrl Harbor for a pre-

liminary inspection Xono of tho off-

icers on board would discuss tho tripIt was learned that tho only present

significance of the journey will bo intho form of recommendation for thoauthorities in Washington who mustpass upon everything boforo tho workofi phi lining u system of signals for1ourl Harbor can actually start

Tho Kukui left port early yesterdaymorning and was gono but a fow hoursShu steamed into tho channel recentlydrudged out in Pearl Hurbor took afew squints at various sitco suggest ¬

ed Atter noting down salient tactsfrom tho lighthouse boards poiut ofvlow Btoumed bark to port acaiu

This trip coniinc ns it did so soonafter tho dunurturu of Inspector Trotthead inspector of the lighthouse service

t Inyostorday to inonii that tlm boat it sim-ply iiiktructions to getnt onco on Jean uiattors

In this connection it wns learnedyiwtordny that work is soon to bostarted on tlio lighthouso at Kilauralor the mini of 7nuuu has liccunpprnnrluted by congress and tho sitofor which was through coniliriutlon proceedings In fodnral oourtnHvurul inonllw Rgu This lighthouoowill bo one of th bout in the lnlunil

it ioiiiilnllou is for withiutrt by MMtfnriuiK uimi wbuMi workiiiku tlmiii around tint portion of tbaIslands

Durluic ii wk Mvrl ttltafur Uyb4bouM wr by tbutrwof tho court aud within a abort liuiland will Ira avallaUe for all tlia aliauin whirl it U pfOftfiaad tohM iu tin vr future

- - -- -


nuiirhnn Januarylr llulirii ImmIvi li Aral Ut ailMouiunbin IliUlilhlli lit IHlMitlg Ibf UHlititlWl

f ilif uii iuuIm MaiiMi lal itiMM iliaby until uiiNiiiiii lib vi tiavlun nnMill

fu 1ii 11 j

limit InnbaalM

far Mini

iiMiiil lru4 Immi lul lllul r Iftltifurt

amMjisai Li y lM uf luidin tfUiMl

4lM4lf w PtwlfMtttf Ill In i UM Uiiniirtjy ftfutMt l

tKlftM l IM tli fcriMiiwMii- 4 A

K4iWi r 4 atfBfL221

93BP9SaaM9PBiaHajajBK vTBBiHiEr-l- - IratefiSBHi


pnrty snys it was the most suecossfttlljrnrrled out affair for the numbers hohnd over rcen

No JarringThero was no jarrlncr and notas

much crowding ns ono would expecton such nn ocension Tho steamersworo well filled but ovcryono scornedto have a berth though of course itwas necessary to put more than twoin somo of tho rooms Everything wasorderly and tho people seemed to realize the unusual demand on the officersand employes of tho steamers and takothings easy

Ono of the features of tho trip wasthe excellent management of tho conveyances taking the crowd to tho hotelTho trains were not overcrowded in thorun between Hilo and Glcnwood andfrom tho Volcano Stables company was represented by ManagerWright no had twenty automobiles j

running to the nino dlstnnt and not ono was crowded Wherothe scats were for but soven sovenworo carried so that thero was no niscomfort

Demosthenes mnnnger of the Vol- - tho unusual crowd and tho impossibilenno House was ovorywhoro at onco ity to secure more waiters As a matnnd bent ovory effort to kcop his bun- - tor of fact continued tho oxcursion

of in a good humor no 1st it was an oxcursion that ovcryonohnd tho biggest task ho has had in

nnd ho performed it like a Spar¬

tan Tf thoro wns a kick at any timobecause ono person was waited on Do

foro nnother it camo from somo who than press notices had mado itworo not willing to makCiallowanco for covered cntiro two



Information Comes to That Ef

fect on Board Pacific Mail

Liner China

From Wednesdays AdvortisorHoro is still another roport to tack

on tho already long collection of state-ments rumors allegations and tho likothat been going tho re ¬

garding tho fleets destructionAccording to this latest roport tho

cruisers will go direct to tho MaroIsland yard beforo going to San IWego

for target practiso This informationis contained in a dispatch MaroIsland to ono of tho San Franciscopapers It says

Island Dccobor 25 Tho fivo

big men-of-wa- r composing tho armoredcruiser squadron of tho Pacific fleetwill bo back in San Francisco Bay fora visit within a fow weeks ac-



to advices roceived hero todayTho squadron is at Honolulu but isoxpectcd to sail on or about January0 for Saji

ft is understood that tho TCturn oftho cruisers is duo in part to tho dosiro of Admiral Thomas commnndcr-in-chio- f of tho Pacific floot tofinish tho tnrgot practiso of tho fleetbeforo hothoir arrivvocboIh tako on necessary



NrW -- Avia









Following conclusion oftarget practiso the cruisors Maryland

West Virginia will tuko theirpostponed coal test as they aro nowfitted same typo of

-- H

Matof II H K WmM Vlrgiuls wbo wax

lit au ataUriwHi wbau U iitiwuipU

to uutba it Uua biplana breujebt to ti

xrwM ilia ihiiuuaUtalV lralula



llurtuu Dryar



avuoiiaiaaiti labaa alttard ib Witl

If aauiuiiia4 iliai Ut uui uidaunai i f 4avto4tU lutarual Ituublvand tbal fWHHf will


l NMIMf ttm


li lwb



guestsconnected with its mnnacoment may boproud of and one for which too muchcredit can not bo given

Tho condition of tho lake wns hotterearly

The lava tho nun

lias rounds





Woman to Bring Accusation

Against Army Doctor on

Board Sherman

Charges of neglect by surgeon on

board are to bo laid beforo the headof the army transport survico when thetroopship reaches in Sun Francisco Tho uccuser is or says she isnyiieco General Allen chief of I whichbjkmui curjis tmiuuuuoinciit lu iiuseffect was mado while tho Sherman wasin Honolulu and leaked out yesterday

I ho woman is tho wito ot a signalcorps electrician Her story is to thoeffect that her husband was sent to Ma ¬

nila two or months ago On theway acrobs he became very ill laterit was discovered that ho was sufferingfrom Bright h Disease His wire chargesthat the surgeons on board paidheed to tlio sufferer other than perfunc-tory visits On arriving at Manila thoelectrician witli a cool reception astho army wns expecting a well insteadof a sick man

It wns found necessary to send thoman back to 431111 not bo-

foro tho wife gono to extremes tosecuro thu necessary transportation audorders

On going aboard tlio Sherman sho declares sliu tried to get her husband intotno nospitni uut tor somo 111110

without it wns decidedretires next April but sho was barred

al in San Francisco Bay tho visiting I1i11 011 the ground that thorowcrL o1 to Ward Thowill somo


who suilod from tho mninluud on tho und supplies and proceed nt onco vb that frantic with nnxiotyHiorrt wns tho waterfront to target rnngo San Diogo nny10 imy Ignored nil red tape and

obeying busyJlnrunr


nnd wstilind









tlio their

iiiul up

with the boilers

luuchiuUt mute

lujurad aaciduulHuu4ity


qay uarak


bo mjij





Francisco buthad

effect Finally

marched into the ward aud took up hervigil alongside her husbuudB bunk Thesurgeon protested

Tho womiiu claims that tho surgeonguvo little enro to her husband andthat tho oillcer cured more for bridgewblht than for putionts When shofinally informed tho authorities that shewaa i relative of Genera Allen the sit ¬

uation changed und better treiittfnentwas accorded her husband

It whs thought uhou thu trunsiiortleft Honolulu Hint tho nulteror mightillu beforo rouehlng thu Coast

- -

famous is


I A Hi JaJtuar I - M4wwi MarinCivil orufaaaar aJ tW kWriwDlur i


III al Ut nw tm HMM

Wl baa iaaialy ImbW ftWMd- -

U Wwbal priaa Xw WmyfJpmtjdiMud kbj


MMf if rear

m w u mIt MU MtMa


HMWWvUk MtU la


t ititfCHhJ UU mftM


J -J u

ami 4lNMMMMW4

iu AMI4


PALI 10 9


KiriitwiiU nn utiil mdtftel attar Kahulu wlrolaa itallon of the kwrnmpsny for lotig dlMaiwa meaoaKeand thp rMn4t jniw letter a time goeson and the Instrntnftnta am Improved

Qneral Manager llaleh of tho wiroIrm eowipniiy however will shortlycreel nn serial plant ovor the Pall nndwill conduct experiment thoro hopingby this menns to determine wiiothcrthat high elevation is adapted forsending mesangea to Cnllfornln or tholower elevation of tho present KnhuVustation

Mnnnger linleh snoko somo time agoof his plnn to utilize tho Pall for ex-


although ho is not so suromat it will prove better tlinu tlio present location

Pollcoman Floyd 0 Eller was shotnnd fatally wounded in ai t midnightduel in Los Angeles witli n Bohemiansnid to bo n hold up man





dred acres area nnd was so closo tothe surface that a boy of ton nnd aman of sixty years of ago wont to thoedgo and braved the boat to got coinspecimens has not boon dono foryears Tho indications if a crater filledwith boiling lnva can glvo indicationsto which faith may bo pinned show along siego of activity with a flow intotho big crater beforo it ceases


MOSQUITO iiReturns to Quarantine Service

From Detached Duty in


From Wednesdays AdvertiserAnother of tho mosquito fighters

leaves the campaign tomorrow whonDr E It Marshall of tho public health

land mnnno hospital survico returns toof the his quarantine duties from ho








had been detached to assist in turnDoctors Mluo and McCoy Doctor Mar-shall


has been Doctor McCoys rightbund man and for several weeks directed tho mosquito fighters whilo his chlofwas on tho big island Much of thoorganization existent at present is thowork of Doctor Marshall

It is probable that with Doctor Mar-shalls


departure from tho campaign thoinsK 01 collecting specimens of mos-quitoes and particularly those of thoytegomyia calopus and Scutellaria thofever bearing and supposed fovor-bcar-in- g

mosquitoes will Btop Doctor Mar¬

shall spent tho dny yesterday examiningthe bottles of larvuo and tho mosquitoesiircu rrom tiiem which had not alreadybeen listed Whon bo stopped thorobad been n total of 111 localitiescheeked where tho calopus had beenrounu ana H7 wliero tho Scutellariaworo found

Apanu Lieutenant Buckbeo of A nanaI yesterday reported tho continued re-fusal


of W A Hideout of Paloio Val-ley


to permit tho inspectors on his promiebCH and tho attornoy gcneral immed ¬

iately tceured tho proper warrant fromtho district court Sergeant of Dctectivos Kellott took tho mosmiite man nndother otlicors out to tho place nrmedwith the legal sanction

Tho placo wus gono oVor thoroughlynnd two containers reported by Budbee as candy palls wore fpuud fullof wrigglers Tho lieutenant showodboth otlicors with him the Iarvno beforono iiestroyod tuom

Collections of tho varieties of inoioultous found here ilurimr Mm nrnmlnillations Inelileiit to the eiiinpalgn nreiwing inuiio 10 1 or warn to Doctor Noonhum of tho eolohratud Iondou fichnolof Troplaal Mediciuo whore Doctor Illuortniiiiluiiul hit uioilienl itudioa and tojiooior imiwmm ii utt or thu UnitedWtate Kuvul MwliHl feiolioul TIumoMtUoirtiooa will lit prptirtM by DotorMoraball lit muUnal having baoiiKatlvrvd io U work uf idtui litest ion

poostTob teddy

Uvmrsw i4 IMUhh m iaiJ IbatIII bi ilttUdMHUkUU WMltJlal W

Tail awl U toUaUsw ar al UmfU



amCabinet Says Tano Wont Be

yond Authority atShanghai


London Hears Alarming Reportsof Chaotio Condition

of Empire

PEKING January 3 The Imperialcabinet Inst night formally accepted thoresignation of Tang Shno Yi who represented tho prenlior Yuan Sliih Kai nttho pcaco conference just held atShanghai tho resignation being re-


Tho Imperial government de-


that Tang went beyond tho in-


given him previous to his de-


for Shanghai particularly insigning on bohnlf of tho governmenttho agreement which cnllod a nationalconvention to decido tho futuro formof government for China

Tho garrison of sovoa hundred regu ¬

lar soldiers of tho Imporinl army sta-tioned


at tho Lnnchow arsenal havomutinied and tnkon possession of it inthe namo of tho revolutionists

HANKOW January 3 Tho Imper-ialists


troops aro evacuating TInntvnmand hostilities have ceased on bothsides tho armistico formerly observedueiug again in cuect

LONDON January 3 Specials fromtho scat of unrest in China state thatthe situation in Peking is chaotic andthat tho situation is becoming danger¬

ous ton degrco where it will effect in-


relations Tho governmentis on tho vergo of bankruptcy and con-sternation


reigns in financial circles af-fected


Tho railways aro borrowingmoney from tho British mining compan-ies


nnainst futuro freiuhts accented nscollateral

NANKING January 2 Sun YatSonwas inaugurated President of thoCmnese Republic today with slmplocoremonios The city is cclcbrnting

PEKING Jnnuary 2 The Empresshas given Yuan Shih Kai 2000000 toconttnuo tho war Tho northern troopsaro anxious to fight

NEW YORK January 3 AlfredTennyson Dickens son of Charles Dick¬

ens died hero last night following anattack of acuto indigestion His deathcuts short a long series of lectures ontho works of his famous father hohaving como to America from Aus-tralia


for mnny yoars his homo largoly for that purpose His visit was afeature in tho Dickens contcnnial nowbeing observod






LOS ANGELES January 3 OlafTvoitmoc indicted as implicated intho nationwide dynamite conspiracyagainst capital declares that ho andIns companions will light their casoto tho finish and to tho United StatesSupreme Court if necessary

Tho prosecution lias secured thebooks of tho Asiatic Exclusion Loaguoot which Tvoitmoo 13 secretary anathoy will be examined for further ovidenco against tho defendants

LOS ANGELES Jnnuury 2 OlafTveitinoo and his companions wore ar-raigned


today Tho pleading in thodynamite cases has been postponed un-


January 12SANTA MONICA California Janu-

ary 3 Clarence Darrow orstwhllo at-


for tho jIcNanmru brothers whois recuperating hero from tho laborsincidental ti that trial issued a statement yckterduy 10 tho cffiict that howill not uppcur in the conspiracy trialswhich uro new on


MUSCATINE Iowa January 3

Emmot Flood organizer of the Amer ¬

ican Federation of Labor has not beenurrusted iu tho dynamiting conspiracycase us previously reported



WAMIIINUTUN Decamber ZBMludura liurton founder and flrt pri- - U

HSSmMdent or ma Amen- - U

ran Natiouul Hoi urun homely wh Uhowr4 t o 4 a y l

Mitu irutiua Sotf jgwwd ihe on thouiuuail aanivar- - wnut nf bar U11I1

aiiiuui fblrr iu iUa fiiii r im Hit r

SlJhtnu TBr tmumnm -

tm rTWMf M w iMitii iTrtH- -lkUi vuu J I u h aJ wh Mt tw at bix ba Mflut Alb niMiVa a liur kmtmtt Bm Jim i Olab jwUrl ti Wa

imutti t viabaMu baMa ft


f W af JU MVfjMrf

Page 3: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm



PROBABLE CHARGE DF illWRTEHCoroners Jury Lays the

Death of Hernandezto a Blow Struck byHim

From Thursdays Advertiser

Wo tho Jury ompanollod Intho matter of tho Inquest ovortho body of ono Tlmoteo Hor--

nandoz find that Timotoq Her- -nandoz oamo to his doatk on thofirst day of January 1012 atHonolulu Olty and County ofHonolulu Torrltory of Hawaiion Klvor Btreot between Kukuland Vineyard Btroots fromfractnro of tho baso of thoskull said injury having booncausod by a blow on tho headthrowing tho said Tlmotoo Hor- -

nandoz violently to tho groundsaid blow bolng dolivorod byono Harry E Murray a pas- -

scngcr on a moving auto- -


Chauffeur Bolin driver of auto-

mobile 801 who hns been hold aprisoner nt tho police station ponding j

jury inquiry into tho death of TimoteoHernandez tho aged and crippled

Porto Tlicnn who was killed earlyMonday morning was rolensod yestorday nt tho conclusion of tho inquesttho jury having definitely placed thoresponsibility for tho mans violentdeath upon Supervisor Harry E Mur ¬

ray chairman of tho polico committeewho whilo a passenger in tbo autostruck the man tho cripple falling backto tho ground and sustaining a frac ¬

tured skullEvery statement but ono mado by

Bolin nt tho inquest was corroboratedby Mr Murray and by thoso who werohis follow travelers in tho nuto on

the morning of tho tragedy tho onlyInlnm 1 nnrmWn I nil VMnfT 4hlt In

liim and that told nlout itwind h had told il would Kill

ho tho kill- - backing kill him Mur- - a ppoclal forray stoutly denial having Baid thisbut his statement was verymuch along tho lines dovoloped by tho

that tho tlif mnn wn

HernandezTtnlin nrdR sober not havine taken adrink dnrintr tho evening It was nlsonroven that Murray Robertn of the TJ S S Californiaand D F of IT S SWest had taken severaldrinks nt tho Elks club with Murrayand nlso at the Grill but that J VV

Doyle tho fourth member of the partyhad not any drinks at all hostating that ho was on tho waterwagon

His Head Off

stated that after the man hadbeon struck by Murray as tho autopassed within two to three feet of thovictim Murray that ho be-


that man had beonUpon reaching Bucklo house to

the party was driving to attenda Itmu Murray asked him to go backand seo how tho man and that ho

so returning to Murraywho thereupon led him nsido nnd de ¬

that ho his mouth shutor ho would crack his head LaterFlnlin snid that Murray said ho wouldkill him It was the fear that ¬

might do something to him that horefrained saying anything abouttho at first

Murray denied threatenedBolin but he state that was truoho hod quiet nnd

nothing of tho I didsaid Murray at xtho inquost

now you quiet about this nndwo will find out if this thing cannot bofixed I wanted to see tho men inauthority and explain and get41 n -- - nits I II- mil nrrAt1v

Acknowledged DenialIn rcspoiiko to a query by ono of tho

jurors If ho hnd not denied at firsthaving a pansenger in tho ma

until stated ho wasray replied

1 did maxc uie iioiumeiii mm iivui not tun maciiine inni mt iuo

I know what m3so or why I stated that but I feltthere ln uu iuquoU over hismutter and I would b oolled a wit- -

li ti wl that may hnvo beon thereason

ii kiiitiiM I hut lij uu ilrivliii tliti- ur ui I the who nlitMi and uw


bMl t if Iu hW MM WM

tumA tin Num

ft lblkJ tk alffklllaf ikl lut till

t liD t I ft

li J iliii 11 it lt

i- - M UmJi

itrt if ti Hi




Grill and was directed to goto tho Bucklo house

Murray was intoxicatedTho autos lights skewed tho victim

hundred feet Upafter tho auto swung into it from Kukti street and tho horn was sounded

The auto was running nt n ovorfiCien miles an hour

Tho victim stood or hesitated in thomiddle of the street

There was room for tho car to passtho man by slightly veering to thoright

saw tho rolatlvo positions of nuto and man anu passed on

Ho realized that Murray was swinging out to the running board and sawhis loft arm swing out

Murray returned to ms scat com-plaining


of his nrm being hurtMunay turned around and said ho i

the man was hurt orHo did not suggest that the car bo

and an bo madoArriving at tno uuckio place Murray

took him nsidi suggested ho re-turn


to ascertain tho condition of thoman

Ho returned tho man dend re ¬

ported to a polico and then re ¬

lumed to tho Bucklo plnceMurray of tho result of his investigation

Murray took him to the fronttol im to qurt nhnut tuo

nair if he hostated Murrayiiirrav mm

if did not keep quiet about Brought tho croud to tho Grillho Murray would vVro officer was waiting










Tho Man Hit HimTho of D Hcndorson cor

robornted s insofar as tho loaving tho Grill nnd going up street

Tt irnn Tirnvnrl nlso machine nnil nnRsini rnnpfrnnildid not touch and that Bolin thought that there was about

yeomanHondcrBon tho







wasdid Tcport to

manded keep




asked Bolin to keepBaysaw



beencliino Bolin Mur

inman dont mado do




several Hivcr street





ovidenco PBolin


thrno feet between tho machine and thoman Henderson gave Jt as a foot nnda half to two feet Ho testified havincr

White seen Murray swing out from his seat

lI l


and at tho same time say My Godand reach out toward tho man Hothought lie remembered hearing Murray

afterward say tho manmust havo been hurt Eater ho had thodriver go back in tho machine to seoabout it no know that tho machine

fact that

this tcstimony



4jiltJ yLttm

mSLHmff WWHppmmwwmw





Chauffeur Testifies ThatMurray Warned Him

Against Telling What

He Knew

told Bolin deputywent down

offlcor phoned officeri that deputy wanted

morningsaid then that would nothing

about much notor-iety thp pnpors late thnt


mako statement thatbreak head

keep qulutt askedmako such stntomont

make stntcmentnuto thnt been killed

said hurt becausofeeling which

still littlo When got ¬

others intuitiontells that must hnvo been prot

hurtAfter ybur

what happenedmust hnvo rolled wnht

backsaid only down

makothen next dayDuffle told police this macbino

anybody wlion nskednuout being killed

chauffour Now you koopabout this and will


jury composedTames Barrington James

lines ¬

deliberated time bcforSpresenting above

Possiblo Manslaughterresult ¬

jury prohablo Super-visor


Murray will havo standtrial manslaughter

possiblo that formal charge willhowover

gono before territorial jury



Manager Vancouver Commer-

cial Plani Re-




Bailoy managerCommercial Club

livo wire callersstruck thoro Tuciduy at rooms

no inr When driver returned toJlc eiiiiiicuaBuckie houso reported tl10

dcail Murray afraid auout DuilU away that jmodious homo Vancouor will

was threo into promotion work a largofeet from macliino when scale

latter passed Henderson BailoyVFcrgio niauagorasked about drinks i club much interested work

taken during evening i organbeon with Mnrray only about will help form a

hour beforo they that club Oaklandlunn that time possibly threo Chamber Commerce saidfour taken was getting touch with handswith Murray all times know only there also nowerand advanced

thoso three four methods promotion aro aboutstrike as greatly intoxicat- - into effectcd said Henderson Francisco promotion

Henderson added that thought beon abandonedit mind which inducedpresenco chamber commerce does workMurray awing ward Spokane chamberaway from Murray Incmbclss ated that Ibis idea j Bortfcwebtfthat thought if machino grazed

could him from falling I ft f learning muchstanding street l0nov promotion work

time hesitating which way Ui1- - BnAJColumbia to Hunoluiu

Corroboration onlr Honolulu tbat theyentertained hero part

California said Public wotIc that interMurray cgtei vis5tor 8CUrcd pron-to¬

tboluuu just Now lcar cooiiorationcorroborated Bolin -t--

iionuerson as specu ma- -

clilne tho uiHtanco of tho macliino fromthe Murray

swungUoylo corroborated

and said howished to correct a that

been drinking To contrary he j



wouldtiling sheriff






CaroyTurrill Kram-er

cor-oners that






drinks nrouud




nobort Whito



water wagon i

drop liquor Ho Sjoclnl Wireless The Advertiservictim jttaiuling ma- -

cliino ort wuving Mur- - W1IUJJ Kauai January Chairfrom VOIlt Ulld awiinc 1 WUIinrl lrmuil linnrl

running board Afterward bonkkponnr uinm

tJffiu3rw mwtlnu of board anparTMUmuy env tlrlckeii with heartMurrays ttwllinony tlmo nlarmrd aollcvairuei nuimosed

I horn pwtd nret tlwf nlrl utihat thidr ehalriuaii dwid buti H Mwrmy lfisHM takw lieu- - nilliwj from- ffn IHMMI anil dfUKr threw Ulffwn t iiwu Attn ftwreblJgbl Uf wiring Wllwrd fwUK

t ly pm4 wtl JIwiwiwIi fodiiy but wlwly HIhit w mm4id IMIni Murray rwitNir lktTZaKl ffiVVtttSKltitil P0R CHAMPIONSHIP

lmtlf fauliilif HihllMtHUI UW MM iViir Ummw M HiW WS U Ita4 Wiil wWly iumug Ur4

ImmJ jI bwik IWWJIM

mi TImU



Itr all

I1 w

tt MfMl hp H




miiU4Aw wmmwm -




tho wan topre him Wo to tho

an and thotho

him to lie nt the in thosay

it had hadof

tho to thoand

Did you thoyou if ho didnot was

not anyhim

Did you tho thotho man had

was ofin my own armsore to

to tho myman

tythe man arm

He ovorcd to go but some ono in car

Oh no ho felldid any the

hut did tho to Mctho

did hit wastne mnn said to

thowo out if this

can not be upTho Jury

Tho of

II andsome


As of of thoit

now toof It

nobo laid until

thonow in


Mr M tho oftho of

was ono of tiiohad not the man as was tho

tho lvlu anuthe nnd tho man ott Uo Jlr

said was ciun to comthc mnn hit me in and

Ho was tho man ontho

the by Mr Mr of thowas tho of was tho

by the tho of thoHe had and ofan tho in Tho

and of ho is alsowero Ho not in thont and and moro

of Ho did not of to bemo pUt

Mr j In San tho com- -Mr ho hns and thowas of of its Into tho man tho of hasthe anJto him was his

ho tho i5man ho save ofTho man was in tho atif to i V

move plo oflf seonro It whs this

of tho 0f thoho was by Mr to go thc ani his

as tbo com- - 0fIIo andt tno mo

tho man andout of his scat

Wat tbo





was the and hud notof mw tho toin tho of the

ofruy ill IHd III inun nt thnout on the nf Mm

out theth to

ForMr own was to his

itml tm inun itb ho bad the wa ho

luri ft but lt wu M iff the At Umlli i Mr Is

n lli0 tmM Iu lliu litb Ud mVftit uu U Mt

wu but MM Ut MM1

mt Ikiiw tft Wi






Junu1 -

JiWj HI 0M4 M u4 qj fi to HiT wb

nimit uimt U wl mudmm but bOfiUMtN M

W ptPP

MMKJt rif fTIa1 Lima IWWM

kit hU 4v Xit ww m

I4 Hmut4 I liutitfM Uut itti fit Mti

WM nt tip- - n- f n

lil -- f I 0 W ltl Uft

m i i r n mJ i l i


andp 1

I 1as so

In Ioxplaln


Bolin b



I ais

ns I snid




Inot roport to polico




Charles GirdlorT F

J F Bor

verdict quoted

a verdictis

on a chargeis

tho hasgrand



Club Real

PurgioVancouver U

ServiceVI o

on steamer Hailoy- -

I so is


asnumber iu

branchfor Vancouver

in or


outmachine had

utho 1S


the as




io oi


touched ntrackuround 3

III Ifuierviiior

todayMurray fiirva

Jtruiiow attack ilia

c m d




U ittmtir


W9 pf



aptw v






nit MijftU iMtimi mt id Uimtf tt mmihn4 iM U4r

ttu ybtdi0 vw MMflW l UliviHiiUm tut tMnM m4 ul4 itbftiin in wLiuUir wltkmUl ut ilmlmt Ill llf taiiiui k

Ifct n4 I utile tf Id tltt fll4ihNi Li ttii4 wMi tomtit imfttit i Ml l wll i dl if li Mttl

I Mil I Kll it 4 H

li I i ad I I t iii I I i




Admiral Evans Dies Suddenly at His Home in

Washington Funeral Tomorrow With

Full Naval Honors

WfHBBBB j- - tBBT v v KctBJJJP Mu



WASHINGTON January 1 Bcnr Admiril Bobley Kvnns USN rotlred was stricken suddenly yesterday afternoon at two oclock whilo in tholibrary Uf his home on Indiana Acnuo this city and died a quarter to fiveHo was conscious up to tho moment of his death

Tho funeral will be hold tomorrow but although tbo final arrangementshac not been completed is believed that tho buritl will bo in the ArlingtonNational Cemetery and thnt tho body will bo borne to tho grave with full mili ¬

tary honorsRenr Admirnl Kvans had apparently been enjoying excellont health lately

His death1 was caused by attack of acuto indlgestiun



An appeal came yesterday to the pco- -

pie of Honolulu direct from Wu TingInng secretary of foreign nftians intho now Chinese government nsking fornfd toward tho Bed Cross work tliublood drenched Empire Republic To V

W Damon wis delivered Inst night ncablegram from Vu Ting 1ang urgingupon thc llonolulnu every possible iftort to interest liutnniutarinns in thiscity in tho work of tho Bed Crosstho Chineo oatticficlds and m the hospitals and to secure for tho furtlieraiioof that work all thc luudtt thnt llouolulu can give The nionov baid the i

cablogrnin is lioing expected for republicans and Muncluis alike and is boIng handled by men of tho new liepublie in whom tho donors mny havo thomost perfect confidence

Such an appeal coming direct fiomWu Ting inug a inun known and reupeetod throughout all America ns ho

throughout all the world and whopersonally known ill this city shouldmeet with n liberal response J

Honolulu tho nearest Americancity to tho ftCeno of tho war mil sut











where tho Ited Cress is j

hucIi great and noblo work said Mr yrrj tingMinian last niglt ana i ieei certain f Koro fthat nn now to tho of nhlic h

l -Honolulu generally will have a gener


fenng doingFANG

Sccrcir ATalrsappeal people

ous and a quick rcsjionwj Tho mouoy Honolulu as tbo city in which feungoes to reliovo suircring and I nm sure yit Sen received ills early educationirom Wu Ting Fang a inosNigo to the his Christian training and his ideals ofpooplo of Honolulj through mo that democracy is a placo whero such an upfunds uro urgently needed Both Mrs peal s his government makes shouldlUmon and myself will receive nnyllio met with tho greatest generositycontributions thnt may be mado and la this city todnv lives Doctor Sunswe will seo that tho mouuy is promptly jonly bon and iieroaro inany of ins closlorwunled to tho foreign secretary icst friends believe Honolulu owes

The Chinese of tho city havo ro- - j something to tho cause of tbo Repubfipoiidcd nobly to the call for Red Crots ilic in China nnd know of uo way infunds Wo havo already cabled three which wo may recogmzo thnt debt andthousand dollars to Shanghai and wo also oxprcss our appreciation of whatnuvo uciwi en vo ana uireo iiiouBanuiiko itepuuilcan Ked Cross is doing formuro to cable immcduloiy Tbo Chiueso hero havo contributed almost usmuch ns tboy can possibly spiro mid Jnow ask Tbo Advertiser to extenil tboappeal to tho other nationalities of thiscity Tho nppcul 1 bolieru should notJill upon deaf ouri nor do I boliovothat It will



CsM new ruin Washington to ouutHXHiwu tMir I 1 l1 Tuft that

rmurnjlluii of tliu ouihIohjiuIUjh prom4itm Uhw Uumi urJwml for uriut lu iIhmm4wk tfU ni ttu bUkuji Jurt turn kiwwn tho Uuhuimdie iw Ibt a4wrJ bulWiK MUrUtAttorney lUAmrx W UZuut tlnimthat lw Va tim Imu Ufld ly mmltv utmost will tin tttU

A fir l roiiririil evtyiIiimk im4y Mi uimm4 wIflM tut Hltr Id urt at um itiuiU lb iitiirt flUumtf 1lf

tiuwiiuii in w umn N vwumt u wmul Ui9 Um iiiiiaUI f fjii lb iiv i wmM i

Tm 1 ImHU ll tlr IlMMMI IMlMl

ri J A H








ti lm i i imim fMiIn 4HIHI n kUlK Mil tliUI

H I - mw iiUiMf r jvilllimit IxL iiibt4 tf t4 ut ait4f Iim4 4 1 tWi If Ifl L I ii i rot mI t I it

ii i i





lick and woundrd cneinios of the Itopnldie ns well as for its friends thanby contributing towards tho Red Crosswork

Both mysolr and Mrs Bamon willbo gratified nt retching tho contributions to haeton thorn on to whero thoyari most uccdeL

i u miiitt tv iry the Wubuku cawINIll law WVUl Into twl fuUT

day nu ihtnv wan ih way Iu wbisjiiuildv voulii U wul fiuni Huolhr dU

Irlrl In m mipiy lijui Um iutand mm i hit I aciww It in IMuuy tlluu oiiiiii ww utknii muuun l Uib matUr 1lt i ii4miiu4I uU aevld uullivw auitw um wilb M iuiu U Iry It1m1 Ii iHuUrtlMMl Imi Ju4m iiol

lmn m M liljl4i Ulli lh mUfiutfHrprtnl t Imi i Mil lldi until itllof lii iit in r I Mali t Hun mlllOl In M nil in 1 J lih

llwMMjll tttllllmttm Ifai liiM uidmi fiyi tniWg

ilir wuiiiiiHiiltH itiut fiUfp iurtUi imi4 if Jliii Iii iiil HI ittlin In I Itr liwtJUUulttl l tl ti -- i

Jutl lid h In Inli Ii li 111 III fl g w illHuill V I ll ul ll j l

Ijililljl v l i 114 ttjll lilil l l i fll I f i

I li l ii iipii I tiJ W I li I





Resolution Introduced in Houso

and Sent to Committee on

Foreign Affairs


Wu Ting Fang Halts Negotiation

for Peace General Li

Sends Apology

WASHINGTON January 4 Con-



Sulzer of Now York cntiBcd aHurry in tho houso yesterday whon hointroduced a joiut resolution for thorecognition by tho United States of thoRepublic of China

The introduction of this resolutionexcited much iutorest nnd expressionsif sympathy for tho revolution wero

lioaTd expressed unofficially from ninnytpiarters Tho resolution was roforredto tho houso commlttco on forolgnaffairs

Poaco Negotiations HaltSHANGHAI January 4 A sorioua

hitch has again taken placo in thoelTorts to bring about a poaco sottlomont botweon tho imperialists and thorevolutionists through tho stand of WuTing Fnng secretary of foreign affairsfor tho Republic of China who now re ¬

fuses to continuo tho ponco negotiationswith Peking by tolograph

Secretary Wu insists that Yuan Sluh- -

Kai proniior under tho Mnnchu Bovcrnmont shall icomo to Shanghai nndeotier witli tho republics poaco com-missioners


to Bcttlo upon tonusTho revolutionary authorities aro

making nn offort to raiso 23000000as n loan on tho security of tbo governiMnt property seized by tboni from thoManchuB

Qcnoral LI ApologlzosPUKING Tnnunry 4 A written

npolog has bocu received by tho govriumVnt here from General Ll Yuen111 i g coiii mdng tho rebel army fortho it latum ol the nrmftleo recentlyat Hankow Guera Ii alsn states thatho has diniissim tho two eolonols fromtho onnj win wero rcsioiihblo for thoflghting

it is rumoiod hero thnt tho nrmiBtlcowilt socn end and that tho fighting willnnicklv bo resumed It is announcedthAt ho imperialists bavo recapturedl hanpti Ilirru thousand Imperialtroors liiw bien ordered to ChingWing Tno

May Mako Threo KingdomsST ILTHRSRURG Russia January

4 It is lunoiod bore that Mongoliauntil eeontly n jiruviiico of China willsoon v rpln into three separate king-doms


Many Soldiers MutinyI1ANGCIIOW Cliinn January 3 An

ntnek ho bcuii made by 4O00 inutiti rs wlio plnii to march on tho capitak


WASHINGTON dnnuary 3 In astatement mado today President Tuftis quoted as declaring Nothing butdeath will keep mo out of tho presi-dential


fight nowTho statement quids rumors that ho

would withdraw in favor of Theodorolicosovolt Ho is evidently aroused tothe gravity of the party situation nodeclines advico to break with Iioosotlt

La Follotto in EaceCHICAGO January 3 lrom thtj Ja

Tollotto headquarters liero thoro wasisauod a statemont today that Ii Follitto has no intention of withdrawingfrcm tho raco





WA9HIN0TON January 1 Congressman Otfcur Underwood has aniiouneii1 that ho will not bo ublo to at ¬

tend tho allium J Juolisou Day bumiiiulono of th i notable Dmiioemtlo funisof tho ymr Iiwjjiijh of Ins III hwiltli

H Ik gtniufiilly ImJIovoil liowtiviir thatthe true rim win fo rtiis rufowl of MrUuJitroJ who i sliHtrmuii at tliuway mid iiimiiis uifirulttMi of the houniimid on of lb wiioMMti ImhJi Ubtuiu WIIIUw JuiIiijj llryau hUu madv llui main ijNwkvr of llmtswum Hud ll uu ti list


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MlM ut Hitpbt jU4 4fl munklllilU IU J H J hMIMuMimI iu llOiMUO1 Id I I lilt it iiklib

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vWAJiANtjigjiM X8fBfltfWttMVrliif ijjfff


Entered tie IosloRice of Honolulu H T SccondClm matterSemi Weekly Issued Tucadaya and Fridays

Subscription Untoa

P Motif SfllVr Mouth Foreign MXtor Yoar 300 lir Year Foreign tiXO

Payable Invariably in AdvanceCHARLES S CRANE Manager

I ii n i


lf f

9 t


With I sudden death of Rcar Adinlrnl Robloy Dunglison Krans USNat Wash ii jtwturdny the service loses one of its moat plcturcsquo characloni ii i thoso muni heroes who Kill tank in tlio futuro history of ournavy with ml Jones Trumbull l arragut and Dowoy nlways keen to upholdtho honor the flag and rendy for n BCiap nt any tlmo from tho day atFort KltOm innuary 115 1HCG to tho Bnttlo of Santiago when ho commandedtho bsttle iji Iowa Fighting Hob is dead but in tho hearts of his coun-trymen lu know htm ho still lives nnd bis memory will go down in songand story oco of thoso gallant ofllcors of our navy who helped to make itwhat It is iio transformed it from nn aggregation of woodon ships to tbo thirdstrongest steel clad navy in tho world

Horn in iloyd county Virginia August 14 1847 tho death of bis fatherwhen ho was Ion years old threw him on his own resources Ho wont to Washington and thcro mado tbo acquaintance of William II Hooper congressionaldclogato fiom Utah Territory Hooper gavo him an appointment to the nnvnlacademy at Annapolis but in ordor to qualify for tho appointment a yearsresidenco in tbo Territory was a necessity Of bis rcsldonco in Utah ho givesmany interesting descriptions Evans entered tho naval academy in 18G0 andreported on board tho training ship Constitution On tho outbreak of tho CivilWar his niothor demandod that ho should resign conio South and fight for Mb

State but it did not Room to bim that this courso was imperative His next7oasgor brother enlisted at tho ago of fourtoon in tho Washington Artilleryand wont to tho front under 1olham so that tboro was ono member of thofamily on each side which wns a fair division if ho saw bis duty in thatway

Cvans bogan ftctivo service in tbo waters of tho West Indies where for aperiod ho commanded the yacht Amoricn ono of soveral vessels sont to lookout for Confcdcrnto privatoors But the first tlmo bo was actually under firowas in tho first abortivo attempt against Fort Fisbor At the second and suc-

cessful attack on tho fort tin January 15 1805 thcro was a call for volunteersto lead a forlorn hopo in a land attack Boy as bo was Evans was one of thorst to atop to tbo front

Tho story of this fierce attack has been told many times of how tbo boyfinally foil wounded with fonr rlflo bullets within tho palisades by tho fort withsovon companions How ho was rosctied after tho capturo of tho fort by thoarmy and how ho threatened to shoot any doctor who tried to cut his legs offwith tho result that ho Bavod his legs and eventually recovered Of tbo sixtytwo mon who charged with Evans on that occasion fiftyifour wcro killed orwoundod It was indeed a forlorn hope But it was wbilo in commandof tho Yorktown at Valparaiso Chile in 1891 that ho won his title of Fighting Bob for it wns tben that ho cloared tbo decks of bis little gunboat foraction and threatened to sink tho Chilean cruisors at anchor nearby and do afew other things besido unless sumo of his men who bad bcoa attacked by1

a mob and arrested for disturbing tho peace when thoy defended thcmsolvcswere returned to him safely

Of course if thoy had provokod it I should bavo engaged tholr nino phlpnwithout hesitation and tho chances would not bavo favored my getting tboYorktown out of thoir bnrbor wroto Captain Evans

Tho Admiral was honored by tho German Emperor during tho visit oftho cruiser Now York to Kiel at tho opening of that canal and later when theCrown Princo visited tbo United StatCB Admiral Evans was assigned as his aidknd host representing tho country whoso guest tho Prince wnBi In tho battleoff Santiago Cuba wbon Admiral Cevoras fleet was destroyed Captain Evansfought his Bhip tho battleship Iowa in fino style and received tho surrenderof Captain Eulato of tho cruiser Ylzcayn who camo alongside tno Towa ina small boat of which ho tolls in his book A Sailor fa Log or Forty Yearsof Naval Lifo as follows

That was a sight which 1 shall never forget as long as I live In thostern supported by ono of our naval cadets sat the captain covered with bloodfrom threo wounds with a blood stained bandkercbiof about bis baro headAround bim sat or lay a dozen tr more wounded mcnt In tho bottom of tboboat which was leaking was a foot or so of blood stained water nnd tho bodyof a dead Spanish sailor which Tolled from side to sido as tho wator swashedabout

Tho captain was tcndorly placed in a chair nnd then hoisted to tbo deckwhero ho was recoivod with tho honors duo his rank Ab tbo chair was placedon tho quarterdeck ho slowly raised himself to bin feet unbuckled bis swordbelt kissed tho hilt of his sword nnd bowing low grncofully presented it tome as a token of surrender I never felt so tsorry for a man in all my lifcVOf course I declined to rcccivo tho sword or rather I inBtantly banded itback to Captain Kulatc but accepted tho surrender of his officers and men inthe nauio of Admiral Sampson our commander in chief My men wcro nilcrowded aft about tho deck and superstructure and when I declined tho swordtho bravd hearts under tho bluo shirts appreciated my feelingR and thoy cheereduntil I felt ashamed of myself

i Following tho Spanisli Amorienn Wnr Admiral Evans was president of theboard of inspection nnd survey for a time nnd tbon took command of thoAsiatic fleet 1002 1904 From 1905 to 1907 ho commanded the Atlantic fleetand thon took command of tho great battleship fleet of sixteen fighting ma-


which mado tbo tour of the world This fleet ho conducted around thocontinent of South America but wnB forced to leuvo his flagship at Sail Diegoon account of inflammatory rheumatism Later Admiral Thomas took commandbut it was Admiral Sperry who carried tbo fleet around tbo world AdmiralEvans retired August 18 1903 and mudo his homo at 321 Indiana AvenueWashington v hero death camo to him yesterday

Admiral Evans wns well known in Honolulu and with Mrs Evans and theireon Liout Frank Evans was entertained as the guest of Col Sum Parker attbo Hawaiian Hotel Ho also vUlted this port morci than mice during hiseervlco in tho Pacific


Nothing that bun been published In Honolulu for u long tlmo has excitedtho general attention of tlm public to the extent thut has followed tha publication in this paper of tliu ritport of Judge Whitney of tho juvenile court readoriginally boforn tho Social Science Association Thut paper Hhllo it barelytouched on what are common conditions in the hIiiiiih of this city ntagguredmany of the readers of Tho AdvertUor those who havo never bad uny occasionto know of the life of tho children of the local under world As u rotult oftho publication of Judge Whitneys article a result anticipated by this pajtcrseveral movuuieuU are under way to plan some means of correcting tbo couditlnns be JImIokx The muiviiieuU are tcututive as yet but with tbulrcohIwsImk tbould mjihu kometblng tangible

liennlulu i no worse to Its ilums than muuy other eltlen but ft should bewub letter tbN ihoM suit ne Horyo than uny In this land of rverlattiugmwuifr and atraeM smiUhiwu uushlnu thvie Is no uxvuse for nany of theMgffeti lafiwutfttU t the c4ty eueinvsilt owned by some of be leadlugtJliMa Tbw k M urn fur the wjuulwr amid ueb many children arebiujigbt up i4it U an jeU fn in bit land f uutoWor for thep44dii4UiK ylum wtMiii m mmy l lbt uwfwunwit bvu le ltvo

Tb laMrta ti w trti41y t hmJ eu t b awilat iu a dsy LowmwYfm biiUtHhw u fur tl 4tMMit wia lb tly ip tblUU4m nam nwiwm mm i fu iw mum iti4 ajuj ij fU8U mtiW JsHWl t t MwaiiU nti hmi 1 rrbteli liu m ra tdie tti

laariiM - kMuui ii i ir ituti em fiuutfatlnai ttuas

wNiXiaaai kf Uwt wuImnM uJ mMi wf ui it u Hismiui

tWAmw atviiurAt UiIWI WM Iwm MWH t4llHltl li ikia lJ

iM0M ftt ttiulwi f4 li Htu it i w tin hi it 4nVft ntfcn ttti uV ii M f U i kai iWi sji M t 4

nmmr ww t iKiii nm ti asttM kimmtm m Mr Ui4- - ilt t Iulliit4 ft iul Ii ll H


la roMgrrs aim mtmtvnurTb U WWIe Ihhhw aiaii t IR0 In AaMnMy brt l AUtr h m1 It BU W Mii 1 44

hj m lH hhm UMih IWt BHf OImiwHw Thrw Hxrt Tfc Mtti Ht Harry li Mtttty tarter Mi veaJgMtJft a iMlf tf ttlrHlt a la wmtmUmi aefW4 lave dMUatA by a good tolld wajwlly HUlti Vward of arHirt r Marray my wtlUMtMl tb sptttato rb en rnt tr the WlM owila Glint and dMlai to lk lOBRtogt unit pal a taiiM ef ia wy ravd Mmitlf and ethcrtr forUiw ttatati by gtWilli it sublime faith In tbi lrerlble for tha greatest IaaarRfal of Ihm B pn Hitn u oily ltarre departmeat ana ehewbereall to btek Into tl shifts nnd hsul their wsgoivup the bill to victory Hueh

Is the lntlmftllen to bo gained from tfc dMjwleh yesterday that in lha Opinion

of IGo oiwembiiid ProRtesslvo It la now tha duly of Hooiovoll to declarelitrfiself Htrldrntly tho IWrewlvYB glva no more crodenco la lbs manydeclarations of Hooscvell tint newltj uot bo a candidate under ntiy circum-

stanced than does the country ii Ifrrje They bellove evidently that theHough IJldor could1 lie induced in Change his mind if circumstances appearedto ensure victory nnd bo nhlo to reconcile bin attitude with his politicalconscience

Tho La FollctCo b ra bognn to wano so mo weeks ago just ns the Hoosevotttalk returned and It was scon that a great many of those who had bcon shoutingIn the La FollCtto ranks woro rendy Co flock to tho HoosoVelt bannor If It wcroonco unfurled That sortio into the country which tho Wieconsinito wnsgoing to mako nnd which was deferred time nnd time again is now on butIs attracting not a tltbo of tho public attention TThlch had bocn looked forand this may bo put down to the idcaliomo of tbo noisiest of tbo Insurgentshavo that Itoosovolt may bo nvnllablo and that to tie up too tightly to LaFollotto would not bo wiso politically All of which must bo particularlyannoying to him who would bo Tafts only rival In tho limollght

How to smoko Hoosovoltjlouttiis what is bothering La Follotto One of

tbo plans under conslderatiowjtbnsboon for Senator La Follottoto writo thoex President n lottor dcelaringifliwjinngncss to got out of tho rnco altogetherif bo Itoosovolt wna willing to accept tho nomination Thoy havo figuredthat Itoosovolt under such circumstances would havo to fish or cut bait Ho

Itooscvolt would have to accept tho Wisconsin Senators proposition orassent to La Follotto j continued candidacy so theso advocates of La Follettothink But thero thoy might bo reckoning unduly for when it comes togoing upon paper ex President Roosevelt Is vory wary as nro most of thogood politicians on this oarth

But tho La Follotto advertising is proceeding Unabated and it is no morothan tho truth to say that no circus was over given moro publicity throughoutthe land than has tho La Folletto boom Claims havo bcon mado for Itthat cannot even in a small measuro bo substantiated Somebodys money isbeing lavishly spent for tho kind Of advertising that La Folletto it gettingcosts money nnd laTge sums of It Many mon have been kept on tho go

making speeches and brganizing in La Follotto a behalf and all that costs

moneyAfter such largo expenditures tbo La Follotto peoplo must bo chagrined

to havo their operations wrecked by tho chatter of a few persons for Rooseveltand Itoosovolt s inconclusivo statements Tbo fact that those persons arenot friends of Roosovelt but simply bent on making troubleand getting tho country wrought up makes tho situation all tho moro annoyingfor tho La Follcttitcs

-- -


It nppcars that tho officials of tho treasury department at Washingtondespito tho foot that tho most progressive cities of tho mainland are strivingto socuro each their civic center and to work out city improvements along

city beautiful lines havo resolved that Honolulu Bhall bo dovclopcd ontho ordor Thoy bavo authorized tho resumption of tho condem-


suits to socuro tho sites of tho buildings along Fort street botweenMerchant and King to bo added to tho original Mahuka sito ns a plaec for thoproposed federal building To this decision thcro is nothing left apparentlybut to bow although it is ono which1 will certainly bo received with a greatdoal of regret by a majority of Honilulans now and ono that will bo severelycriticized by all Ilonalulans later Never was thoro an opportunity presentedto locate a public building correctly better than has been presented here withn splendid vacant site on the civic ecntor An ideal opportunity for Honoluluhas been turned down to favor a few real estate dealers with somo sort of apull operatod in secret Honolulu will probably novor again havo tho oppor-


of doing something along modern city planning lines of so much momentnt so little oxpenso as tbo ono just passed

Now whatever is to bo done let it be done expeditiously Wo trust thattbo condemnation suits will 1b pushed through on their moritH and tho mattersettled one way or tho other with as little further delay as possible If tboappropriation be sufficient to secure the addition to tho sito all right Lotit be secured

But supposing it bo found that the appropriation is not sufficient toacquire the extension to the Mahuka sito T What then t Will those whohave been opposing tbo Irwin sito tho logical civic center plan favor thooriginal Mahuka sito with the building squatted down in tboroar of tho Fortstreet business bouses or will thoy tben if thon bo not too lute swing inwith tbo majority and mako it unanimous for the Capitol Square location I

Wo fear greatly that tho resumption of tho condemnation suitB means tboindefinite postponement of work upon the federal building who Che possibilitythat Honolulu will got no building at all for a good many yoars to come



An afternoon paper professes to seo somo significance in Tho Advcrtisorscomments regarding tho cloment of probability from a political standpointof the report published in this paper yesterday that Governor Frear was tobo offcrpd a position ns assistant secretary of tho interior Politicallyns Tho Advertiser pointed out tho suggestion that Governor Frear bo inducedto leave Hawaii for a higher position might well bo one affording tho way toplacate thoso opposed to his renomination the ones who stand ready to sacrificethoir party tho prospects of territorial advancement tho very autonomy oftho Territory itself to gain their personal points From evory standpointexcept possibly tho personal standpoint of tbo Governor who certainly cannotrelish tho constant misrepresentation of himself mado for tho purposo of mis-

leading tho Hawaiian voters anything that would tako Governor Frear nwayfrom Hawaii and out of tho governorship during the coming four years wouldbo unfortunate

lu pointing out tho not improbability of tbo report from Washingtonfrom tho standpoint of ono who might desire to play politics with tho Hawaiiangovernorship Tbo Advertiser simply wished to discuss it from overy possibleangle without being in any way In sympathy with any idea of looking forun easy waj out of tho tangle politic jlly that may result from tho Delegatosfight agniiiHt tho Governor The Advertiser believes that tho matter mustbo viewed from the broad standpoint of tbo ultimato best good of the Territory not from tho standpoint of tho one anxious to avoid present difficultiesand careless of futuro possibilities

A despatch from Washington yestorday quoted Secretary Fisher to theefTect that no appointment in the department bad been promised GovernorFrear This wn bolleve is literally correct It Is notlceablo bowovcr thatSecretary Fisher docs not say that the appointment is not under considerationnor thut it will not bo nftered to the Governor


White imuilgrslipn In the Inltcd Htates which for many years up U 1H70

wns nlno tontlm from Northern Kuropu is now two thirds from Southern Eu-

rope Id spite of which tbo number of fore lgttbornlernian ltrltlih aud Heantlhiavfuus In tbo fjuinlr is more thuu onBImlf the total number of foreignborn HliltM UHgurilliig tu Urn preliminary statistics of the recent census justgiven out by be bureau of the uamma Of British hornHuglUb rkotehWeled Irish DamidliiH uud NeHfeuBdlajder there are 770eG9t waking theIlrllUh Him iHrgcul gmup J be dermis number MPOtiOO HumIsui J17709AitrlB UPBJWQ Julians ltlJJOO and HkwIm 669600

The JlrllUb Uiin uibr Ui w eant 9t the ffiKAbsrA wbll theJeriuji JfcT vnr et

Vim Iftll la ISJO of Jwwajiy Qm Jfllulu ljtfaui HadHvlA4 MtftMhl ItgailUV IMtUtiiulatj MblftJIJy ttulaihj f aj h Immlrff u tWi twairr 11 at 10T4 JJLjJ jtfsiwlhw 111 UU WttbwLt 4v4il Jfelii4 frtuu suakat aMf tbaa twuMt t IMM8M tu

ibmlmmk to 1MI11M0 4mwI lyfilll tm HHWI ii wif f JJUkmm ia m Ml tm IINti m

lmmlif lim Aunty Uttmif Kit 14 HmI Mm M4rnM4 ia l I yti a j Up fajforttU Hl U 111 4

tai timti wnUtm urn tittf imiumd 4tom Blmti wiiiiwiin tan i u t wii W tj it mmi iu iflM ipw f Mijr

tktl mi iiUi tit

atw4 pu4 it Im -- U ia fr tataalla Mw MpMNM itMilin ui timi ft i lf

tiimjaga5aya9ieieia8geafe8tttfKUr MJJ KUWHIK

can not save hint from tha fact that he brought dlwraea upon tk eilvthroush bis notoriously Intemperate fcablla and through ill quarreaoraa acduuujng ways wnea unaer ine inuneano or liquor it it aeetdediy onjert toothera to have aa chairman of tha pplieo committee of the board a maa vtoblmsolf should b decorating the dodk at the police coirtal Intervals amongthe drunk and dllordorllea

Regarding The AdVertlsora invitation for Mr Murray to mako rotoa atthe supervisorial board for someone who is ablo to bring clear head to thacouncil the Star yesterday salilt

Tho Star agtocs with Its morning contemporary that SupervisorMurray should resign from hla position on tbo board He has not onlyput himself-- in peril of indictment for manslaughter but not long agoho struck n youth whoso father ho had previously Insulted and senttho young fellow to tho hospital with n broken jaw In other rospectahis personal Conduct has been distinctly of tho Bowery typo For Ho-nolulu


to bavo audi a man in the board of supervisors especially aAchairman of the poll co committee is to siifTcr insult If Murrny Com ¬

prehends his own disgraco and tbo nttltiido of tho public towards himhe will lcav6l public life at onco nnd apply hig whold tlmo to tho taskof keeping Bober Ho will need all tbo sobriety ho dan get togcthor inview of dangers to come hiTho Bulletlnywltlle Inclined tb a certain extent to boJ Murrays champion

in tbo Hornandiz death affair at thb same tlmo Sees that his UBtifulno13 aaa supervisor is bver nnd Concludes an editorial on tbo subject by saying

Mr Mhirrdyhas most Soriouslylinpairod his usefulness as a mem ¬

ber of tho DOrddf supervisors Vhilc ho may fed that sonto of thoattdeks mage on him nreunfair and unjustified ho sin thity boundto consider Ithe peoplo whom her ropresentfl nnd wlip havo liithortosupported IifMnuh6 Bullctinibcllovds Supervisor Murray should tenderhis resignation1 and leavp it to bis associates in tho- - city governmentwhotbor itstiould bb accepted

Honolulu ihaTTovcrigcnorouslydier citizVUb Havi glVcn ti the1many flailsupon their purseyiruringho past year should hositntoljiot1atyail Inrespondingagain to tho calfr6m thb battloflolds and hospitals of China 6 funds forRed Cross workl - 1 i

Tho battling iniOhina during the past fow weeks has been fierce Ho-


has thrilled 6s the cables brought to it day after day tho tidings oftho war and wo havo shouted for tho victors and shuddered for the losers Toa certain extent we havo looked upon the great movemont of China undorarms as something our own knowing that it was thoso Islands that gavo DoctorSun to China and that tho revolution started moro or loss on monoy raised laHawaii Tho success bo far of tho Republicans has boon gratifying to Hawaiians gonerolly

But whilo we havo been pleased at tbo outcomo of tho pitched battlessight should not bo lost of tho fact that those victories nro only gained at aCroat cost in lifo and suffering The fighting in China has not been of theburlcsquo order ii nns been with tho desperation of patriots fighting fbr polit¬

ical liberty against men determined to hold tho power thoy havo wieldedfor centuries and tbo world has aecn no moro grisly battlefields than haveboon loft of late in the wakes of tho armies of China War is torriblo ondlits results are no less torriblo becauso In thiB Instance tho wounded and thosick nro Chinese

From a thousand wards come tho cries of tho maimed tho crushed andtho sufforing from many a battlefield tbo pleadings of tho wounded for aidfrom many a home tho appeals of tho ones left dopendent Theso nro allcontained in tho brief cablegram rccoived by Mr Damon on Wednesday fromWu Ting Fang

Tho Advertiser Is willing to assist in any way possible iii collecting fundsfor this Rod Cfroas worlc Any contributions loft with this paper will beacknowledged and bonded over to M Damon to bo forwarded to Shanghaialthough contributors may hand their contributions best direct to him

ryi -



John Gook Kamaaina Has Many

Interesting Reminiscences

to Tell About

There is probablymo one in Honoluluwho has passed through moro Interest-ing


experiences than John Cook whosoexcellent narrative of the rnlsing ofthe first American flag in Californianow in his possession was told recentlyin Tho Advertiser During bis longnnd varied career this vctoran kamaaina has participated in many morooccasions of world wido importance boBides tbo exciting days of old thodays of gold tho days of 49 whenbo was enlisted under General Fremontin exterminating tho outlaw Houndswho terrorized California communitiesby thoir lawless depredations

In his boyhood days John Cook witnessed many great scenes in variousparts of the world by reason of hisfathers prominence aa a seaman andaccompanying him upou numerous note-

worthy occasions His father hud beenan officer undor Lord Admiral Exmouth when tho British fleet bombardcd Algiers in July 1S1Q In this engugoinettt the father suffered injurieswhich caused bis retirement from thesea and appointment to harbor duty utPlymouth

Among bis earliest recollections MrCook holds first place In bis memorythe scenes incident to the dentil ofKing George IV of Englanft flu Wuathon but u boy lRlit years old butbe remembers distinctly tlm boomingof thi minute guns fired from MountWise Devouport prominence overlooking tbo entrance to the Imrbpr ofIlj iuoulh The guni in gays bvomedevery sixty second oacb lUchrKarfiireneiillutf a ymr of the duad inutiurbJSff

Tbo flt day be j iuJ hit father wiutto the town ul to brur lha msyfirriroclaiin Wllllawj JV an King of ifmlfd A 1 f mim wuwt fglowwl ibl vvol au4 Mr

wk m that bo will rwiwiiliww tUMvva r

Tiftertft tw W NM iluwrWaw w imimmi mtum


4a mn mi

and eventually shipped aboard1a whaler and lauded at Honolulu onSeptember 16 1844 Ho has lived horcever Since Tvitli tho exception of thoyear 1849 when ho participated in tho



lUw rfj iVVJnKB

mm mdtSEL sauasJflssV HaB

ifflSl tfssssssssraBssssVVtIRl



exciting incident of California earlyearner uud Incldontnlly got u bullet Inthe neck from tha pistol of ono of thiluniilmj Houiidsi Just before thisexeltlng enrimnter with tbo desperadoesAir 1 poH nun neon einpioyeu in ttie eonttruellon at tbo first wharf ever builton the waterfront of Han rritucitco

- - - - -

Olaudlna 00 it LastTaking navaitste of blglt tide shortafter three u clock yestrday murP

itif tba Jnterlshmd inauagcnient floatrd the slimmer Clumllna off the tnarlnrallmiy steaks when it hf JwnnrnjuHd forii firtwIuM Tb wrfkg9 md bwii siifllalwpily latird wy

laui li bntal ll WraA hwmi Tia tSanduia1 III lad At I faulbKL a tt - a t k I 1 1Im wtr iiMvsf w tmmimt atw pum

WWMi i







Uwiag lw it I U4 -U U K tk wl W bi 4mHltint W Mul mu tv Ala wi wbi lltfWi

Mitk kufa Maisiaasl ta isstt aa iimli ai a 1U1 IU uiuviiii in itaai iwMMf a tfmnt - - - - 7

iAHii tM afcv Vstmi0 w al Mil sm11m

fc MltMI vS 1

nUn Wm Vjiil -1 itdMmimtm nt mim i

liar tint Mi mA ty HUkMHnU HmimdH a tt 19 t - ri tK M nt l i


Page 5: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm




Architect Dickey QWes Data on

Saif Francisco Fair


Prom Thursdays AdvertiserO Wvllekoy of Ban Francisco for

merly in architect in Honolulu whoreturns to tho Oooit on1 tho Mon-

golia had a conference with Chairman

Wood of tho Fanama Paclflo Interna-

tional Exposition commission for Ho- -

wall yesterday Ho gavo some Intereating data concerning tho proposed

plans for tho 10 IC exposition and a hintas to whore Hawaiis building Ib to beioeatod

Ha stated that tlvo plan is to coverfortyfslx acroa of ground with build- -

logs between Fort Mason and thePresidio parade Tho buildings aro tobo of consldarabio magnitude yet ofsimplo design The greatest art rjrchltccts of the world are to be given nnopportunity to olabornto the designs fortho six of eight great entrances to thecentral totraeturoi Thcso nro to rivalany art entrances or porticoes in thownrM

building to built Knownan onoeWI of other to whom

the Sandwicharounding irpon control the cpurt extendingin the opposito direction toward a sortof St Poters plaxzato jth6 beautiful

nd building which to bb Surmountedby a gorgeous dome Six other domeswill aonnnatou other portions of thebuilding Tho commissioners at BanFrancisco propose to utilize eucalyptustrees and other foliage around the out- -

side of the buildings tho better to ac ¬

centuate tho magnificentUpon tho side facing tho

it is proposed to locate the State Territorial and possession buuuings Among

Hawaiis is to locatedMr DickcV states that the fair corifc

missioned wish a general oriental planI to prevail and that Hawaiis building

Emissioncrs andboforoieaylnc



Thursday sAdvortisor










According Captain









Aloha Takes Proposition

urdayrNlflht -

Thursdays Adverthor


indofatigablo workdevising scliomo


been considerableformally wholq

ImporialAngploB next

Saturday evening thisinstallation


after cercmonieq concludedlast

from leadershipcontral

immenso court opWfit



Hawaiian speaking

Hawaiian weredisributcdpineapplo

disponsed headquartersdelegates ihisjlty


advertising schemeat-


through Saturdayfinal arrangements


will havo to conform with prevail- - will take Potoning architectural The Kub- - strong this Bondingmitted U Appiegartb San patrol

will according Mr Die- - Oflteers who will bo installed thokey tho new meeting Saturday evening Im- -

is tho pcrial potentate Arthur G Hodthat tho Court which chief Charles J Bart- -

Hawaii commissioners above c assistant rabhan C

constitute main of Prlst and prophet Williamtho Hawaii building easily pro- - J0017 uoorgo Angusvided for nothing the nnrryE recorder

TW I1 t nl bItalia which Chairman WjoocT has outMtiW1 ftv hii til an ia thn nmninnthat the dioram propooTcan fThardly bo duplicated any otWbuild- - l I81 aray5

AiirrnWall minrrl Tnnlinri Trtnlcrti- -

renfesentitive imnwinl onnilnatiou of the fair com- -

forHolulu Tcce ntly was given an

light into their plans MrDickcy willalso confer tho Bpecial sito comv

ittAi --irAwl ri helpedMoners bjsfor bolioves that tho qucs- -

settled Within jthe-- tko Pooriott may

hirty forty uiiu spuut

Commission rccclv1

Is in No Way to

FromThe of tho Shinyo Mafu

howest tho Toyo TCisenlleot oi transpacific steamers aro holdresponsiblo for the damace

whilrf tho day tho linor firstirrived port- its maiden voyage

row months ngo Tho board of hnr- -

iim1i1 vnninTtlWbat tho

the amount lninnrrn nnrl Hvifho pilot was in wayrresponsible

nilots iviru nttnniniinand all were elbsoly qucs- -

iuucL ruing vrgBCjs generalvntAln AlnUnn tstmrfIt was brought out that

uiujuu uiigmcp aro noi fao nestho to bandJo great linersarbor of tho andhat tjnginos arc muchandior tho votselu moreiniekly

One pf tho pilols stated that whcrahero aro foruign officers onha fltflniiiAr IIItaIv

less delay in orderseiK uiociueu was etniea matbo Japanese officers do not graspm not being well enoughualnted with tho Enulivh lanmintnlorn in orders of thengllljnimkng riIotl

to Banders theHot Who llflrtllivl tllll Rlilnvn Uur- -

hit his utders hud not Wo capquicsiy was snown uy iiie

llot that thn Nklnvaa atlirhnntrimo wis stlflTly The sainssy the vptnul wax Han

pilot to vijoard hhiII listhat Ills wor

uciiifTL Wilfiy hj 44kouhalt lim uilttut at uliaiil liU

at tl big to lluiiiusr iMvpurriK Mtlltd- Tim M

UiitWitlivU sjfi tw wfk

pmmm iiuimmum itbi4 I4t liueblint tss ali will iltlialilt La

Ml Ml

tHlr McV

Utl IM


After Insinuation on Sat- -

PromWith Arab Patrel of Aloha Teraplo

going to tho Coast within few monthsHonolulu nnd Hawaii will get groattloal of at no cost All goodSnrlners know of thoefforts of Sunny Jim in tho pastfew years but that

always some newto Aloha Tctnplo to tho front nod

boost for Hnwnil at thosame time

There hasof tho patrol being sont

to thg next Council wliiohrncettt lnIx8 springthe matter will bo taken up in formalmanner nnd some action arrived nn

of week Atthat time tho tegular bfofficers for tho year will andtho Arab Patrol comoup tbo nro

At Rochester vcar thounder the- - bf

Tho is bo Meuanaicss mnao uawauhundreds








name was moro familiarthan in of thosoisles the blessed Lola and fans of

make amongthe visitors and juico was

at tho of thofrom to thirsty

scores who called during tho days ofine convention

This sending of tho Arab Patrolhere to Los Anccles is tboutrht to bothe biggest whichtno Huriners or the city havo over

and there Booms littlo doubtin the minds of the leaders that thoplan will go ovoning mado latorwhen tho of the trip will bopiannea out ur Artnur u JLlodglns

tho then office as Imperialtope plnns tate and ho is for

by A of 01 tne to tno StatesFrancisco nt

be nnsuited to general arcplan However ho of opinion Dr

ParndiBO tho Klsj rabbaudcsiTo all Fred Smith

shall tho portion ncan bo entfti gnuio 11

and loBo of do- - usurer Websterllfil ltiinni lire avavm nS maIu



ThomhH R ceremonial

in rf- vuiifcani in iuw --lm uru ur iiil nufof TVk r lt T JL V - A J - - UHHH AUUUt 6UUUB uiM ia w eflw tban

no ho in- - j

u ir -- inv luo inin lrnnrispo on toho

ofbeor u wiia in tno

officers theof 1


in oni


isor nf

noin nl Mm


n I


inIn n

nf n Kb

o bo orn


dsymi out n




la 1

ti tMv

I - lami

t n rit


M mp


ct is






Wftll secondeffects

vwy - -- - -inmen pinion

NEW YORKS POORnrw vnmr TiwnmAK oo n

10000 persons were the lastSanRurn site



year by tho Now York Association forthe next improving- - Condition

uays aoing

dono the




rtiv wan




work Moro than 100000 of thisamount was used in paying for thofood medicinoj clothing and rent of thenoeuy nnd about 75000 was used inteaching tho poor how to thoirown Trips to tho seasideand tho country which 28000 mothersand children took last year at tho ex ¬

pense of tho society cost 39171 Thoreport of tho society shows that it wascompletely in spending the

terbor Rnds Pilot mmy H
















Was Surprising Inflammation Re-


in a Few Hours and CureScon rd lowed Boys Torturehad Doen Intense for YearsFriends Child 1iad Eczema Too


When my boy was six years old hsuffered terribly with eczema Ha couldneither lt still nor Ijp quietly irbedfor the ItchuiK was dreadful Ilo wouldIrrjtaUs spots by scratching with Jiisnails and that only mhdo them worse Aelector treatoil 1dm and we tried almosteverything but the eczema soemed tospread It started In a small plaoo ontho lower extremities and spread for twoyears until it very nearly covered tliobaek part cf his tog to tho Unco

Finally I cat Cutlcura Soap Cutlcura Ointment and Cutlcura lills andeavn them according to directions Itiied I Iiem In t bo morning and that uvenInR Ixforo I put my Jwy to bed I usmIpicm ejjin and thoMmnrovcment ovenIn thowi firw mum was surpriilni thoInflsmniatlon fdoml to be so much Jess

iuw m mos j uiuioura uinimcnlHim Tills pud lu Husp endtho tares ifmy Iwy was

IUruniq is novr in

mnnsnvrnlwnlli ho lias noverlied n return rf Miooxems

tlUil ftAMi tj fi trlttniVm tllr 4Ilisd ivautrna im IU turn amlliinlis and tiud tbs qutfcum rtflfp9 QlrUtwnl

Iipy jbU4 on ilw Ma Jut u tUy didt10 Pll t pip Jvfr rWuniHtI wpulii riwWMJtiiOutlura jwno

dip to suyoiwi Mrs A J Cuciirsii

tfiMft Av WMiM 1tt-

FOR SKIN HUMORSTvn 44t4 lmuhmut ku

w tmmrwwf


u twi umu tr tmt49 wi uw ii rj j inrM mm MiHit Mf HI

um4tltiymMir JW tuittiiir siiiitstJifl JttfciJiilnmTjttt0 mmwam

IIAWAIIAH OAJUCm PRirnYvJNlAY 5 1912 -- skmi HRifRl






WIbti rlrml Ttsdor nnd wyfllfreAcliedrrlneelen fcnd leoVed over tbftlItnpotfrtjJelBslsr oftMllBcf ne presided oVr by tho now Ttouldbo chiefexbtullve VooJrow Wtlsin wo decid-ed that to eommcnrn another grindafter the One we bdflnlilicd In AVilla

metlo University was altogether toomuch far human nature such ss oursA tripjjiround fho world sounded goodJust about n yar of ltyou know Tlionit was westward ho once moro Woplanned to cross tho Pacific tnko inInpan Ohinn nnd India nnd then whenmoney would vory likely bo gettinglow go by easy stages through KuropcThat was tlio plan but Honolulu mmtoo ninch for us and hero wo aro

That is tho way linymond 1 Courtonay privato Uocrctaryi to GovernorFroar talks anilryrteaay Jlj nvary estimnblo young man as lntorit- -

ing perhnjps as TlhTli hdVo coirfo tJHonolulu iff a lortgrtinio

No sir henWsi Mwlibn wo witncsscd tlio beauties of this plnco andrealised tho pOsaibilitica of its futurewo simply decided thnt it wbuld bd

time tospond that year1Mr OourtonnyiiSmnUingoodin tho

responsible post ho holds Ilo has madogood from tbo firqt minute nt tho Go-vernors


offlco HoenmoSfrom thnlnrirn-nnd raifiy Sthto of Oregon At Wlllambttorho was a lender In matters ofbrain fld brnvvn nnd ono of tho besttennis players evor turned out at thatworthy instltiitlbn






An executive order is what tho load there will a mockonnrtflrR neonln nf thn nntinnnl minrrl COUrtmartlnl to bocln nt 730 oclockof Hawaii nro expecting from hour tp tonant Zim ho may be

wtM stl iccusod ofllccr nnd it fairhour its arrjval the old armorylot or such of it as isfoT tho orection of a home for tho terri-torial


troops will pass into tho juris-diction


bf HawaiiIt has been thought in many quar-


and assorted in some that a billrrivinf this federal land over to tho


thcMult- -

quarters tonight


portion necessary

Territory must first pass congress but lfivnn for tho accusedVl nMnB overseeing all willthis bo erroneousappears

by act of congress passed and ap ¬

proved July 5 1884 tho President of



i scom- -




a itnn

lUBjfuciurtho States by oxecutlvoH JoTirison from daytransfor to territories I AfAIA moro A hi na- -or narU of public-- Uona rd Bnd yeatordTlyproperties as --Jiernay doom fit and roecnt proTjon

I out in tbo vicinity of Camp fijiaftcrthtj careful scrutiny j-- -i ui ktIui5Henc

mnils at for QWfra battallon aititi fromoe no question as tho war J Pirl wore ntrntrna reflectedreeent decision a bird iu amlit5 bov

tho hand is nl ways two else- -

wnoreMock Oourtmarttal

At tho bungalow tho guard hoad- -



Take Up Matterbut There Is No Money

Nitre Cargoes

From Thursdays AdvertiserThat Pearl Harbor is an assured fact

as a commercial barbor was accentuated at tbo meeting of tho board of har ¬

bor coriimissioners yesterday afternoonin the senate chamber when Commis-



McStocker brought up tho ques-


of pilots for tho vessels boundfor that port

I think it is time that wo consider-



tho question of pilot for PearlHarbor tho commissioner whontho paymont of tho bill for tho damage to tho wharf had been settled Thoro will soon bomanysels coming supplies and itwill bo necessary for them to havo apilot

Capt Milton K Sanders ono of tbopilots familiar with Pearl Harbor aswell as with Honolulu- Harbor Btatedthat tho pilotugo rules will apply hereunder the coastwise laws and itis necessary havo a federal licenseto take In a vessel It was added thata number of pilots ttyia li ¬

censeCliuirniAu Campbell stated there

wait no fund for- - tlis payment at thopilots for 1rnul Ifarhor tboharbor eoniinlwloii Imd full Jurlwllotluunvur tliu biHborlliure - iho pilots prc

i t at tlis ineullug wiiro nke4 us lohow it om14 d Axed and Oujilaiu thuu

diiri wi idirHttly ntkeVi IK be wuuM

wut to pUot vpf6l nb Jwirltutr u ins iriMul Mtlary

Hum ut Ilia mwik4 Wlw tv

tk Itw fiiWliy witiit sirmltmUiiH d UnnuU wrt 4

l4 it It wttfUut l pita M

wis U Patrl Hviw m UU k pMIm U T BHiH wsi Jy it0ir4 Ut m HtmmlMm ut tkt MMMM tftJv ftMMMF MM MiWmSm Silt

4y t p Mm s4uhi m MRiWll MiMW Mm ptiltHiHu M

uMti nl I tt tbwl t4tt i- -M Mt il

Ut0i turn tin




llHt rJmmm


Ho tvns for a voar tho hbldcr of thomvaillam lndd Cup tlio gift of thofamous Portland banker and tho Maxi ¬

ma trophy of the northwestBesides being a of a numberof small clubs Mr Courteiiav Inhlcli

tia Tonnis ClubandA A Club bothnoted orgamz

jAttans of Oregon motropolisMt Courtonny is ninKln his

nt tho Colbniril - i



i to ossumo that ho will cot what islug o iin

Of crcat interest to truardsmon aroftheflo mock trials for presumablyjonc figures that some day anothe

Uy may go through a real ono To-night


Major Iioso will act president of tho court Captain Thompsonwill judge advocato nnd Captain


to Instead tA PhUhkI TAnn-- hJ nMHlKi TTT TtJbtipson Twenty fifth TJ 8 Infantry

JiiiJiruciurUnit6d may -- Captain to day

order states AMlhltnlnAfT overcities such 9rparcc sMad- - thb0 fiold

of thol theadquarters while there anda ocan to do HarborTrtmont8 au Jloworth






thero with


hero hold-



Uur- -







is- rpartieulaTly enthusiastic over thowpjlc of Colonel Zicglcr Major Jtiloynnd Captain Johnson all of tho terri-torial


militia -

1 horo in the steamers of tlio T K KWas brought- - boiord tno coinmifsioaers4iy ca statement from Commissioner Me- -

Xjflsthythat although thoxo is a ralethat thero should bo no smoking upontho wharves he found Sheriff JarrettsmoKing a pipe on ono mo oiucr uayandrthat every Portuguese and kanakaworkman was also smoking

A resolution was passed InstructingChairman Campbell to request tho Slier- -

littitb order his men to see to it thatthero is no moro smoking ou thowharves

It was stated that it is especiallyoangerous to have men smoking wbcronitrate is being unloaded as under suchcircumstances there is always extra possibility of an Explosion or fire

Commissioner Berndt mako a reportas to tho responsibility for having bagsnf nltrntna itnnln1 n IIa 1

thp steamer from South America unloads Ho said the consignee was notresponsible under the charter until thecargo was delivered on tho cars or draysbut that the stcamsTuji company insistsuppa unloading from eight hatches dayand night in order to get out of thoharbor within three days und thatthero aro not enough drays or cars intlio city to rcceivo tho cargo as itcomes out of the ship consequently thostuff is piled anywhere on tho wharf

Thq harbormaster will bo instructedto keep an oyo on the cargoes after thishnd sco that tho wharf is kept asclear as it is possible under tho clrcumstsces

Tito agents of tho steamship companywill be nsked to have a watchman ontlio pier to prevent any ddngcr fromAre during tho unloading of tho nitrewhich saturates tho timbers of thowhnrf and makes them particularlyHuaepllbie to fire

Other ThingsTho question of buying an nutomo

bill or a horso and buggy for tho harbormaster ulllo cu inn mi niiil it wiifinally decided that n horse and hpggynun mu pen unuer ma eircuintiancosana tun may be secured later

There was un liuUteuee from Commissioner Vukefield that uulloji b tukjl huJJd the Nuiooiiio wharf ou Jlawall Nt wo muiioy is uvwildblu utViwnt ft wen lUsldeil lo itostiwnu tlittwitter tur u time uml nnvniVvliiiu nnuy b tli Ml u Whtrust for drtwlgiiig tluUp will bu iwdv

w - -



MrftittxJMiWriuiifMmwJ Mtiu Mw Mttimuit ItommtM

iub ii rMi mmmi M

Hs4 ti t nUtkl tiil tttutmttml frivol t m ii U

tttnH it -

inf yi --lim i mi inr imMiMMMi

Motion Duniod Defendant in Suit

of 10000 Against Build

inrj Company

Prom Thursdays AdvertiserCharles 8 Tudil land commlwilonor

Ims been enjoined by n temporaryorder Issued by Judge Cooper on behalf of William Woltcrs from sslllngn portion of whnt Is nVv Union Btreota trnat of 1521 square fcot for whichnn upset price of 15000 is nsked

ThiB is tbo triangular piece of road ¬

way In front of Territorial MessongorScrvico ollice whero tho stroot mnkes aturn into Hotol instead of comingdown straight and of its ordlnnrywidth It is tho property which thoBrewer Esthto wishes to acqulro tosqunro up Its Jot on tho cotner uponwhieli a largo building Is to bo orcctcd

Lnnd Commissioner Tudd has hdvortised this land for sale and th6 injunction is brought by Mr Woltors ontho ground that tho salo can nbt takoplaco until tho strcotis closed Thisclosing ho is opposed to lis ho liasprbporjy just mauka abutting onUnion street

Ho represented by Attorrioy Lymorof tbo law firm bf Thompson mldorWatson lymor Tho ordor to showcnuso will bo issued today and argument in tho caso is sot for tomorrow

X discussing tho proposition Attorney Lymer stated Inst evening that anycitircn nnd tlio right to enjoin tbomniT- - commissioner from selling suchland undor tbo conditions that thispieco was to havo boon sold Mr Wol ¬

tors ho added is trying to protect hisother proporty which ndjoins that ofBrower Estate

As to Idttlo Ah KwaiJudge Cooper yesttrday denied a

motion introduced by Aloxnndcr YountcBuilding Company for a more specificcomplaint in tho matter of a suit for

10000 dnmnges brought by tho fathorof littlo Ab Kwai who was killed In anelovntor of tho Young building onNovcmbor 13 Tho suit was tiled afew weoks ngo by Ab Kwai Yeo Wotho fathor of tho boy Tho complaintsots forth tho manner of tho killingwhen tho Ave yoar old foil forward inthe elevator and was crushed to deathwhilo going to Dr McDonalds officewith his fnthor Funeral oxponaes nregiven as 00 and damages in thoamount of 10000 nro n sited from thocompany

Domurrer la FiledInitio- - matter of Qcorgo A Davis

yersus- - Mutual Tclcphono Company ac ¬

tion brought bocaupo plaintiffs phonowouia not wort uuwurrur uus uuuufiled by tho dofondnnt company Thisdemurrer states that tho complaint isinconsistent and Bclf contradictorynnd asks that it bo dismissed on thcsogrounds

Dlvorco Asked

Mrs Eliznboth S Church has broughtnction for n dlvorco from her husbandFrederic J Church alleging non- -

support for four years Hho nsks ali-mony


of 100 monthly out of his per ¬

manent income of 200 a mouth fromn trust fund in Now York

H H Parker who owns land bordering on and has intorost in tho waters OfKancoho stream has filed his answerin tho suit brought by Kancoho HunchCompany versus Kancoho Bico MillCompany to detonnino certain watorrights

Discontinuance has been filed in thematter of Torritory of Hawaii byMnrston Campbell versus Lam Kow

Boforo Judgo Whitney in opencourt a voluntary discontinuance wasontorcd yesterday in tho suit broughtby K Kokuha ot al versus Mark PBobinson in a suit of 700 tho plaint ills bing children of tho lato JamesPohinson

Tho petition of Paul Muhlendorf toregister title to his land on Tantaluswas grunted by Judgo Whitney yostorday sitting ns judgo of tho land court


Clerk A H Murphy has rccoivod alargo addition to the law library offederal court consisting of 188 volumesof Federal licportor and eight volumesof tho Digest of tlio reporter He wasbusy unimchlng tho shipment of booksfrom Washington yesterday nnd bytho middlo of tho afternoon had themoil In plueQ or handy reference

this shipment or uooks comes unuerprovision of section 229 of an act roliitlvii to tho judiciary which went intoeffect January 1 whereby tho Attorney fJminrnl wits authorised to havotlliwo bookji sent to niicli courts as hoi1oiimL fit Tliwy nro to bo held inthe ust6iy nt the clerk

Tivi dollars was uutliorlred to bopsji ur wteh voIuiiim of tlio ruPorterHfid fivii dullsr for uih pf ho iljgost- -


TJt4m i WiihlMMWi li AmrUuujmmIi Ml t ths WXVu tluimuArlmNlJM kilM MtlU Wlli hUU

tt4 Wfi tit IHUll tit ttttJl Distil

wtukWtWllkiWSfll IM IS lit Ur 04 triuMi

tlt uMlMt Mum44 tutu lis lllllarvuil li Ihlf iptu lilt tuuiii imil St

jHnitrf Vili lur uliMSllr pltiuUII ivtut kidic kilt I kniUf ii lh

lllfr l bolIU tKl ttlttl li S

i4t iltt4 it i ti m nt tivti m 4mn 4

i i m i i it i

llil U IM WVJftUlM



Rudolfih anil Claus A NowScsk12 Millions From Tholr

Brothers In Suit

SAN FltANCrsCO December 34

Claus A Spreekcls and ItudolphHpreckols yestordsy Parted nnotkerlawsuit against tholr brothers JohaD Sprcckols and Adolph I Sprcckelsand their sister Mrs Km ma O FerrisIntliolr fight to sccuro n largor sharoof tho millions left by their fathernnd mothor

Tho first legal fight Instigated byItudolph nud Clnus A was nn attemptto break tholr fathers will This fail-ed


ns far ns tho decision of tho trialcourt was concerned although an ap-peal


to tho Supremo Court Is stillpending

Tho stnko in tho present fight jn thoSprcckols family is spoeifiod in roundriumbors nt 12Q000Q0tthis bqlng thonmount that tho brothers Budolph andClaus A now seek to tako away fromJohn D and Adolph Sprcckols andMrj5 Ferris

In tho complaint that was filed yes--

tcrdnylt is alleged that Claus Sprock--pis gavo to Jphn- Di vind- AdolphSprcekels prior to his doath thoamount of 20000000 out of an estatetho total valuoof which before thesogifts woro mado is specified nt30- -

000000Tho claim which tho plaintiff broth-


now mako is that they should bogivon somo 12000000 by John DandAdolph B 8prcckols

Out of kooping with this seasonof universal kindliness is tho man-ner


in which tho attorneys for John JKSprcckols spDak of this ronowal of afamily fight in tho Christmas seasonbut tho intimation is that both sidesof tho family disputo will bo contestedwith spirit in tho court

Without Mothors OonsontTho method by which Rudolph and

Claus A- - fiRuro out that tho 12000- -000 is duo thorn is complicated but labrief as follows Thoy claim that thoirfather gavo tho other brothers 20000000 from an estate valued at 30000000 that 18000000 of this cstntawas community proporty aud that thogifts woro miido without the consentof their mother Consequently thoyTockou that thoir father gavo tho otherbrothers 8000000 more than ho hada right to give away without tho con¬

sent of tjioir mothor In writingBrought ih complicated form tho-

meaning of tlio suit isoxplalnod at thooffieo of ChnrlcS A Wheeler attorneyfor Iiudolph and Claus A Sprcckolsas being an effort- - of tho oatato ofMrs Spreckols to recover monoy fromtho cstnto of Mr Sprcckols Thus bythb invention of the lawyers tho 6s--tato Of u dead wife is suing tho cstatoof a dead husband In the intorcst offtho contention bctwcoi tho livingchildren

The nttornoys on tho othor sido alsolmvo things to say- - This is tho state-ment


made frpm dim office of WilliamI Brobeck nnd Potor F Hunno attor- -ncys for John D Sprcckols

Seasonal ConsiderationsTho actions proceed upon the

theory that tho gifts mado by ClansSprcckels in his lifotimo to J D Snnd A B S nro wide bocauso notconsented to in writing by Anna CSprcckels nnd that tho properties esti-mated


to bo worth upward of 10000000 may bo recovered Those giftswere mado many years ago arid thorecipients have possessed and onjoyodthem without dlBputo or quostion oversinco It is impossiblq to conBidorBorlously tho present effort to furtherharass aud annoy tho gentlemen It isbut another step in the campaign whichhas boon wnged against them for yearsby thoir brothers and is out of keeping with this season of universal kind-liness


Of tho 20000000 which tho twobrothers now Assort their fnthor gavetho othor two brothers something over

18000000 is identified and tho bal- -

anco of 70UU000 is included withoutnaming tho properties

Claus Spreckols GiftsTho properties named as gifts are

as followsSprcckols sugar ranch 53302120Sprockets Sugar Company plant

82051 14Wcstorn Boot Suirar Company 777- -


HHO shares Pnlaro Valley road200400

LMD0 shares California Sugar Refinery 0000000

liuao shares Oceanic rjtcauialilp join- -

puny 200213 150

IU shares Uiillfornla tiujjnr itofincry40000

SVHf ii li ores llultiilnii r antalion11300fili shuro II lo KUotrlc Power Com- -

jmny 1010lAQu slmroM llllo Huunr Coiinmny

160000 -

noou iraudjtui U am Kltwtriobomls 1000000

It is iull Ju Ui somiitalxit 0mUum 1W7 until tlm tJiHD his djuUithr H Hsuii Mirmigmut btwn imtutUt J iTudsInh uwl 0mw AprkttJ 1ml li MjitUiii 1 how

lltntWii su4 MikI sky Witt Mit jMrtiu iii nifu wbub fiM nitmmiii ml u Iu llv Li lioltri Ul f wfmmw ut 4hiuuttUug HuMpi DM

IUus A Mifkri- - lHOW W 9M HI W A SOUIf vu bir iiHiibU In yliltf r4 t

wif tM rn Mir k i lii muKill I If Mg tl Iklitpmif fill ft I MlIrtfmS l t Il4 fUiM lhtM 11 tut

II Kill IWI it IU Ulilltll mifll ttlHttmtt V Il illHsu T r Ui M f






Page 6: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm


fcIT I








F -

V i s




J- -


rf y te I


FEDERAL COURT no phegeoeht fob



immmh MaiiiliUgB8 glUa SWM

out China Is n Great CreatorAmount Is 450 Ahond of Last nr Procortont snv Jim

Yonr and Court Hold on

263 DaysAdvisor

II V Dentson Japans foreign ad- -

Total earring for tb Vnited Btatew who it Mt Paklng for b littlest federal court in Honnlnln during Hie rest ws interviewed at Shanghai eh

psit year were WM n gain of fc ISO rout by representative of the China

over the same period n year ago as Press his expressed Wows on a possible

shown In the accounts of Clork A K Intervention by Japan being psrtleulnrMurphy The elorka account wore ly interesting nt this timenpproved by action of Judge Clomons What truth is there in tjio reporteyostcrday morning tlmt Jnpnn 1ms encouraged tho tqvoIu- -

Theio earnings aro fcos rocoived Hon in Mnnchiirlnf ho wob askedfor tho regular routino work of tho Yon may have noticed ho saidclork s office such as administering that thoro is loss troublo in Manoaths recording pnpors etc all such churia whero Japan hns influence thanacta boing done for cortnin fees which n nny other flart of China I think that

s n good answer to tho questiontho credit of the earningare placed to wH bfl tJm o Japan

power of the office and aro known as m cnj0 forojKn intervention becomesearnings agninst tho United States nocessaryt

It is a complicated systom which is Japan has always nctcd with tho

in operation in the clerks offices of all Powers in regard to China She has nospecial interests hero winch would warfunds collected as feesfederal courts a othcnvis0 nnd Bho

being reported in ono nccount and linos wi1 of C0UrsC nct witu tll0 powors nsin court being reported in several dtf-- gle 1IS jono jn tho pastfcrcnt accounts according to tho kind Continuing on tho BUbject of intcrof case on trial Vcntion Mr Dcnison said ho did not

From fines and eesta in purely local fell Jf Jgmatters such as a case of assault on iTlin kninir of a few missionaries whotho high seas tho court Tccoivod 481 mvo UC0I1 warned by their Consuls toduring tho period stated and this leave thu interior is not In my opinionamount with tho 5635 already men-- sufficient causo for intervention ho

ld In fact it is not ns strong ationcd makes a considerable showing

7 reason or intervention now ns it wouldfor tho work dono hero l0 in timcs lf jeaeo foT tl0 govorn

Then from opium cases thoro hns beon mcnt8 should take into considerationroceived 2500 in fines and costs All the disturbed state of affairs whichthis money is turned over to tho lo- - oxists now

i miwtor of customs and not to is there any prcceucni wnicnwouutho treasury of tho United States as warrant tho Powors in intorven- -

inr lmro morolv boenuso tho fact thatis tho other monoy tuo revolution hns paralysed tho busi- -

Fincs nnd costs which aro mcurrou CS3 of tUoir nltions ho was askedin cases brought for violations of thopostal laws arc turned over to tho lo- - There is No Procodentcal post office under tho law Tho No thoro is no precedent of thatsamo is truo of fines and costs imposed kjna and tho only reason for interve-ner


violations tho intornal rovonuo tj0n Tvould bo tho destruction of thelaws tho monoy in this caBO going to jvcg anj proporty of foreigners Oftho local oftlco of tho internal rovonuo C0Ur8c ho said laughingly China isdepartment fi great creator of precedents Thoro

In making up tho total of 2509 from Ja no prcocdent for Shanghai Hero isopium convictions tho ease Norman n cU nominau undor tUo rebel flag

5ii WltU m009 nn uam7 m and yet it affords a rofugo andto 2200 provided nearly lmporlalirtB aB oll fts robofssum of goncrous proportions

COllcttrwhich has h b f f thf fS8Sahb0le0rr8 CS0WhCr tUOy COm t0

nirtnr Mm mt vniir tlm court In anangiiaiHonoluhi has held sessions on 263 of tho Mr Donison refused to answer n

363 calendar days of tho year and each question as to which government thomonth tho number of days of sessions republican or tho United monarchyhas been nearly tho samo during tho would bo tho moro suitablo to Chinawholo twelvemonth but later said bo did not believe tho

In January thcro were twenty four country seemed fitted for a republicdays of court February twenty three It seems to mo ho said bo aMarch eighteen April twenty two May revolt In tho form of a protest againsttwenty six Juno twenty four July Jind government or I might say an untwenty August twenty one Soptembor popular government but without anyeighteen uctouer twonty ono jovom- - aonnito iuoa or wnat Kinu or governber twenty four nnd Decembor twonty--





Special Deputy Custom Collector Williain H Hamilton wub notified yester



i ran ik inIm ¬









ment is to bo up in or tnoone

Chinas position remindstho who was employed bytho Tnpanoso Government a few yearsago A blooded Japaneso

was working alongside wasdiscussing Japaneso ono dayand said Japan is a GeorgeWashington or n Napoleon BonnpartoWell Bald Englishman wny

day that the secretary of tho treasury aont vou auvcrusohad miticated 200 tho fino of 3030 man 0f the hour is needed in Chinaimposed upon Captain J W Saunders m mot Yuan Shih Kai in 1005 andof tho steamship Korea becauso 705 wn3 very mucU impressed withtins of smoking opium had been smug- - tj10 tmCi fi0 aeoma to mo agled on his vessel The secretary stron man uut tuo Ohincso do not trustsays In view of tho facts and tho llim j0 tloyf

with which merchandiso offacility Hope Trouble Will End Soonthis character may bo concealed uponthe person of members of tho crow or It may bo a timo boforo thishidden in various places on board tho tronblo is settled though I hopo it will

tho department is of tho opinion bo soon Thoy havo been fighting forthat tho penalty was incurred without a long timo at Wu chang and I nmwilful negligcnco or intent to dofraud nfraid that a conference begins it

Saunders died since tho fino was im- - will bo as long drawn out as tho fightposed and fhe200 will have col- - iDg i8lected from his estate Jt is a very dangerous thing for a

This system fines was imposed government tako up negotiationsunder a very old when captains rebels howovor for then it isof vessels woro protty gcnornlly tho yyg a qUCStion when tho next negotiaowners of the craft thoy navigated ti0I13 wjth rob0ls must follow

Collector of tho Port Stratton stated njfnybo this will bo another Taipingytrlay robclIion nnd nnothor Ward or GordonTho collector of customs is also in i lin

receipt of advice that whon mastors trefuse to pay tho fines imposed upon

upon forjd willing bear pro- -

them lor carrying opium on tneir ves-sels he is to refuse elenranco papersfor vcssoIb when officorcd by such masters havo been so fined Tho Tuling compel tho transpacific HncBto tho fines imposed theirships nr sceuro newthem

Many Honolulu People Know theportance of Healthy Kidneys

The kidneys filter tho bloodThey work night und JayWell kidney remove ImpuritiesMl ok kidnoyi allow impurities to

No kidiKY ill ihould be uoglwtudThorn in uruvti dimuur in delayIf imtru kueksebe or urinary

tiwMmIf you imrvoun ily or wuru outlidgin IMting your kWHuys t onsetU u juuvwi Vtdnty riMMHly

eMvrMMi lis Dombsuy

by Uwvumliisullnu

Mil sttistl m I

Ml M 4tMb si Uh





set piaco oiq

now mo of

hot youngwho

affairsWhat needs

tholor xiio


atto bo





to bo

of tostatuto wjti nl


Mr Donison said ho had no dotailodinformation about tho matter but hounderstood that Japaneso industrieswero suffering quito soriously becausoof the revolution in China ovoryono Bcems to bo pntlcnt nbout it he

masters and aro to tho








BLllI 1USBU3 111 CUIlllUlUVU wmi UUiiullconditions will bo restored I dontKnow that trado is sufferingany inoro than that of any other coun-try but it may bo more serious to Japanthan to any othor country for a largo

T fln Ci





Atceiiipanlejl by 11 brothorluluwenidutv who ujipwirml proiniiiently111 trial Ojjden Utah for themurder of Nad llnuki v baud mutterlast AwKit Usury Soutliwortli I ex

iHttl luirti iu futuru South- -

Hrtti ww fouud not guilt of thealmrifu tt ritki rf ir ltw it tuvu ii ti Djtlttt

IjW I l MWeJft W ijtifin HJ JWr wji iwmtt

Vtiltr Honolulu IlsVSli sty I ulaflutMl u luaulr Into tbs



rTVff IM w Hwitiwortits miniA iliUiJ Hutu UgM Mstst lUt

HSVS ikU HIKV llMVM LlULlAJtMj OftlUlL Itfd 1 1 il m

W4lt ituiiu tut lliiwll Ma Utktt tluilWiU Ulf MUt 1W MNMMtlMUy mil Lu fiiakajklu tut Uukul mmm nmmmmi M r Ww 0MttMM a us 4 mt su n ui

MVli IUs Ms rsms iilsb

T J T tP f --MWSf M M isluM ut IW UlMkitv

t tfJfiZJfS WV0MM UIT iiUUANOmhdfml U tt HWIMS M IlKt JhI- - fci I4M 41W ili lit fnitt MUr ii u toItMMfliH Hl I IMi M V Si l ylafelid

fUUgttiUtKttlUMtiJmiit i y ii k i






Not Immediate Revenue From Public Lands

But Home Owning Citizens Is

Js Wanted

yNowhere do w And H1

stated to b the pulley or tlieoofof the government bv moundIts polley to tloV

rlvo forthwith anytliinir liketheir real vnliio from the dls- -

posal of these lands to settlersAs nn immediate financial

proposition there can bo no question but that tho governmentwould profit more by leasing tholand Hut provided It can socuro


dllflj- -

spocicshoirifc owning citizens it profors X wrltton contract bolongs it is buU- -

for obvious rensons do so by Torritory that eon- -

tract was drawn for tho oxprcsjfc concealing as far possible

iii lt8 rcn character Tho homesteador bo- -above from a brief j a party th his counsc

the circuit eourt Hilo ono properly havo n guesiJtho numerous pending thoilsl- - its character Ho has now sug- -

and llnwnii sets forth positiontaken by the territorial ndministrntionas to tho policy for which it prepared to fight in tho courts ngainstthoefforts of alleged fake homesteadersacqniro public lands merely sell thornto big corporations

Many Cases FendingTho


toldagreed to



to tho this

The toin nt







tilnliinrquestion bona fidos in cultivating sugar cane

homesteaders is his lot It is bo noted that HenJudgo Hilo about fifty dorsons cash froohold dated

brief J J was received by himwhich tho above quoted July and that this contractfair sample says Attornoy vas mado July it 1007 days

oral Lindsay issuo is in- - Henderson his ngrecmontin a part of Dologato Kuhios from tho governmont recites not

charees nirainst Governor Prfcar is cultivating tho land forand tho suits pending provide somovery important ovidenco as to land set-


IslandsRulings Much Desired







tboIcaBt mind

Tnopniirto imro ilnnlintr witli inn agreement present of

tho land laws far homestead- - th0 cano a Pco bo nsccrtninediug is concerned said tho attornoy wlneh agreement ppcratogeneral and tho pending tno prcsont cropsHawaii cases are thoroforo of muck Ton elaborate provisions fortercst goverumont has becomo con varices by tho plantation to the bomo

that theso Hawaii called stender assist him his cultivationhomesteaders wero not sot- - nn provisions securing plantationtiers at all There plouty of ovidonco uch advances terms common to

show that thoy had no real inten- - mortgage provision is insontion to settle on tho lands but on tho thc eompany full Viowcr

contrary had agreements lur lusaustlo ol l anuations undor thoy planned to go rvct t10 samethrough the of title in Thcn conl0 othor elaborate provisionsorder sell out Tho taken J01 to uie planting

Territory toshows thisTho above quoted brief of tho Terri-


filed by Deputy Attorney GeneralArthur G Smith in ono of tbo numerouscases brought against Land Commis-sioner


Judd continues with the follow-ing


purpose of tho homesteadlaws is not and ennnot bo attained bymere speculation entry and tho manwho takes up parcel land intend-ing


oither to sell tho same to playthe part of an abscnteo landlord isnot tho kind of man contemplated orwanted nomestcaaer

This gives tho Territorys positionns maintained by tho Frear administra-tion


in court as against alleged plan ¬

tation plans to get lands from homosteoders

Tho Issue PresentedThe following summary of facts and

argument by tho attorney general isto represent a typical case among

tho many which to bo fought outtho courts of last resort and possiblya political way in Washington on the

issuo of tho locnl land policyTo summarizo tho facts On July

18 1907 Alfred Hannio Hendersonpublic auction becamo tho purchaserof lot 33 Kaiwiki Homesteads con-taining fivo acresof cano land which had formerly boonunder lease tho Hakalau PlantationIn this application for said land homado affidavit that ho wanted this landsololy for his own uso nnd benefit

Plantation Agreement

On July 24 1907 ho signed a writ- -

ton contract prepared by tho plantationand on tho Bnmo day he signed written request on a typewritten form pro

by tho plantation copies of bothof which aro in evidence At abouttho samo timo whothor or aftersigning theso documents Hendorson wasnot wholly sure written contractfind request were ns his counsel puts

merged an oral agreementbetween Hendorson nnd tho HaknlauPlantation through its bvwhich tho plantation ngrecd to paytho straight sum of fivo dollars peraero per year

iTjor to taking up this homesteadproportion of our trade is with China TIcnacrBon had bccn in a plantl TTnlnln T1 ID


ih uwHr




Ul VVJhlUU V MIHIIIIIUI ju uuij JO1908 ho moved to tho lot and nnJuly 1010 ho off and back totho plantation cottage Ho provedup July 23 1010

The subagont on Augunt 0 1010stnting that he had power to compeltho littcndauco wltnesies to proveor disprove the prove up statementsHenderson and his witness roeommended that tbo patent be issued Thepntout was not iisuml but InsteadJuly SI 1011 the secretary of the com- -

lulsslonor nr public inmu wrote 1 1 nilerson stntlng substantially that Id

IMtwut would not lo granted on thefarts thsn uvhIUU nudthe tubmlMlon to iUls eourt undertUfi 874 II h ot llu queftionsvolvnd

AfrecwMit wlU Uio PluuUtioaHmUdn W iwrsurDpti 4 rtUtmif

is sssii rsskolii prvia tUt UstAUr bll mi m1 er Hblt

4ilally lltfwiw bis Mumat ny tfewwrf uu4t Ut tiHttm


mv umtt mumIS mtmmm fcl

rmm UmmMSt mmi tM mt HMKImiWW mWfml I lll M

lui tlliMi j IMI I nt iff1 I ml

mHrtf IM mt S IMf MaiM






la provo papcr applicant laboth instance nskodt llavo you

trnnsferrod or mortgaged thisland or offered or sell or dlspose of and nt what prlcoV

A Queer ContractSpocllloolly tho written contract

between tho plantation andits is in evidence Counsel objectshis ns no mil during tlie nrgu- -

ment that the had soinoi -

i ulty ns well as Hesitation in stalingexactly to gonus this

mittcdpur- -

pose of as

extracts contrnctin of might ventured

on as to



nested that it might bo called a cropcontract which is tho thing

t obviously is not as shall endeavorto Inter on

A nnnlysis of tho writton con-tract


nnd the which accompan-ied


it might nt first suggest that thiswas nu contract of salo ofpresent nnd future crops a periodof four by tho homesteader aa a

Tf ctfrntra flinf tlin linmnQtitfiof tho of dr

the pending beforo on toParsons of In agreement

cases of 20 1907is a Gen- - fivo bo

Tho samo fore receivedvolvcd It

that someone


the homesteader but that ho is cultivating showing ono of thocontracting parties at had inthe statutory requirement rospect

nrst portion consists ot a proth nnnlinnf Hminarv of salo

nt toof as aswould to

yesterday tt to and futuroin- - como ad

Thevinccd so to in

bona fido thois for m

to men aca 8lvnB to

with corpor- -

which c1no am plant theforms getting

to testimony agreements in


a ofor











it in


on18 moved





In mlIM M





land that

in this


purporting regulatetho scalo of prices to bo paid by thoplantation to tho Homesteader tor thocane Tho homesteader then ngreos tocut weigh nnd dcllvor nt the flumestho cano grown on his homestead andto pay the cost of all labor for weigh ¬

ing nnd alpo covenants that ho willcultivate tho cane and that if ho doesnot tho plantation mnv enter into thopossession of said promises and do alltho necessary work charging thohomesteader for tho labor and materialand crediting hini with tho canoweighed

Plantation Really in ChargeThroughout tho entire written con

tract tho apparent intention is that thohomesteader shall at least attempt tocultivate his own homestead not thattho plantation should do so Only inenso tho homesteader became unable orfailed later on to do tho cultivatinghimself was tho plantation to tako possession apparently But along withthis contract camo tho written requestdated the samo day and from tbo evi-dence


apparently signed at tho sametime stating that the homesteader isat present unable to cultlvato all hislot and requesting tho plantation tofurnish him with men and mules to doso and promising to pay for tho sameon completion of harvesting of mvcrop of cano showing that at tho timeol signing tno contract it was not contemplated by either party that thohomesteader should do tho cultivating

Henderson testified at the hearingthat whether Jioforo or after the signing of tho contract and request ho wasnot quito suro nt first he later statedthat it must havo been afterward forxitherwiso ho thinks ho would not havqsigned tho written contract ho madonnothor and verbal agreement with theplantation into which his counselstates the written agreement and re-

quest wero mcrgod This verbal agree-ment


was it appears from tho ovidencomado on the samo dny and apparentlyat tho samo timo with tho others Undor this merger tho plantation asHenderson put it agreed to pay himfive dollars por aero per year and wasto do nil tho work oxorciso all the sup-ervision


as to how whon and where thocano should bo planted cultivated cutor milled The homesteaders sole interest ns no himself stated lay in gotting his five dollars per aero per yearHo als0 tcstiftod that he was to get thisfive dollars wbother tho plantation cutany cnuo tlmt year whether tho entirecrop proved a laiiuro or wnetner in ¬

deed any cano was planted at all by tboplantutlon Henderson stated that heliud received no monoy from the plan-tation but had bo thinks been creditedon tho plantation books with aboutMOO to date which would bo five dol-

lar per Here for twonty flve acres forthe four vcar from July 24 1007 toJuly 2 1 1011 Ho stated alio that thesamo contract U still In force He aliootiflod that be hud not the remotest

Idea how inueh cano had been st anyor nil tlm cut from III homesteadIuee be ntnulrod Ills freehold gre

ment i that m did not know bow muchfsrHUwr If soy had bssn usd or bowIHUSii it son mat lie iim uoi Know

mt tb Ubor er say of It rosti Unitlit dh net know luw wh svgsr uMUtae nam ins mho or mn hihsu iiws wortlii In ibsM Inst U did uthas is t lbs dsJMi wnnwttvormtm wtlb Um MtlUt4ii UymA lbs

fM If tlU SgWWSIti W tM t

Htmttrt tim llis MlMWiisc im rsist MiM4 HtftUsr wbst biMSSi IM m tblskj ti HtMtul Ul

bssf mUm U Mf SB Mt WtMWllMIS siwNl tfc ulsui4iiNi

tmutum siU4 mI hmtnn ff tHtimmwmA Htm WW UtflilcV sU M

Ik itHftstllli aUsisl sMlUll sMsUstppajp VfsajaiWV afPlP fjavp jjfmww sasisaaj

en iumiikJtntatM f ton DwWf It lllW Omsk ssJ wf l WHHsm I

IpMkHiMta IUMTlw il OMk 1M ta XnplDe

K nossl DNaKlwB K ltthwl to Allsti k Kob- -

iston Ltd MKspu w by AfTt fTdvtj 1 MeOmdlMM to B P Aiku Jtel

Wettern k Hawji Invimt C Ltdto II WnUfhoHio Tr Co Ltd A M

IratH loiehiro to Adv Alnmaida- -

Mnttos Plumbing Co AttachmentStnsrt H Diuibnr ami wf to Jaine

V Aehuek DE Me Inlu and wf to Knhiilnni

Lspaola DJoto G llenriques to Plrst llauk of

Hilo Ltd KouaiUrnnobAddl phgoPelilalli Kealanln w lo Young

Mori a Savs Sooy Ijtd Mfidelity Insuranco Co Ltd to Trs

of Est of U I Bishop DNnpela N Mathias and wf to Pio- -

ncor Bldg Loan Assn of II MSusanuc C Adams and hsb to Wil- -

iam J West DWilliam J Wost and wf to West

tern Hnwn Invsmt Co Ltd IIEdward K Kca and wf to William

r Goodalo Tr DMan 1 K Cook Tr nnd wf to Oahu

Knilway Land Co DMutl Bldg Loan Socy of H Ltd

to Lo Hoy I Edwards HoiTrent Trust Co Ltd Tr to H Wa- -

tcrhouso Tr Co Ltd Tr DEntered of Ilecord December 20 1011x iwa w to J una 1 Ah Lock and

hsbManuel Faustino to J Pia CockcttMrs Makaleka K Lo to W II BeorsiMaoca w to First Bank of Hilo

LtdPihaua and hsb to T K LalakcaTarn Sing nnd wf to Fredrick W

iiaruyGeo H Williams to Albort A WilsonAlfred Willis and wf by Attya to

Harry Irwin DKaimukl Land Co Ltd to von

Hamm Young Co Ltd DYoung Chun to William R Costlo

Tr c 11C Brown Tr to A J Derby HoiA J Defby to Hermann Hugo DHermann nugo and wf to Bank of

Hawaii Ltd MEntered of Itecord December 21 1911II Waterbouso Tr Co Ltd Tr to

Kaimuki La nd Co Ltd DManool F da Silvn to Lusitana

Bont Socy of II MK Segnwa to William B Castlo MJ W Pakiko ot al to II Hackfcld

Co Ltd LDaniel K K Kcpoihai by Tr to

Daniel IC K Kepoikai DManuel F da Silva nnd wf to Maria

A Hosa DWong Chow to Oahu Hallway

Jjiind Uo v A LWaiamaau Ai to Loialoba K Molo DLeialoha K Molo and bsb to Jose

Costa DK Oba to 7 Tanaka C M I

D Murashigo to First Bank of HiloLtd C M

Kokai Apaa w and as afftAffdvtVictoria Ward by Atty to James

F Morgan PelAlfred Basck and wf to James F

Mprgan MLowers Cooke Ltd Tr to Chun

Kim Sut DChun Kim Sut to William E Cas- -

tie Tr MJas F Morgan and wf by Atty to

Alfred liasch and wf DChas M Cooke Ltd to Alfred

Hasch and wf DPirst Bank of Hilo Ltd to Mary

K Stacker HoiCourt of Land Registration

William R Castlo and wf to KoicbiSegawa D

IC feegawa to William R Castlo MEntered of Record December 22 1011Mele Kauoa and hsb to Emma A

Defrics DEmma A Dcfries and bsb to G L

MjdcnlyPoikcko w to Makiota LGeorge K Cypher to William It

Castlo DMary S McMnster and hsb to Trent

Trust Co Ltd MEntorod of Record December 20 milJohn K Kai Jr and wf to First

Bank of Hilo Ltd H--

Maria M Coroa and bsb to FirstHank of Hilo Ltd M

Mrs M Kaholo to Ching Hook LAntonio C Suva and wf to Lutcia

Costa DYin Poy to Yuk Yin Altai DWilliam II McLean and wf to Eva

McLean DEva McLean to Solina S McLean DTrent Trust Co Ltd Tr to James D

Lovonson DJnmcs D Lovonson to Trent Trust

Co Ltd MEntered of Record December 27 1011Julia I Oneha to Hirozuchi Na- -

kata Rcl DowHirozuchi Nakatu and wf to WiU

Hum G Rogers MWong Tin Look to 0 T Akunn Co LAlmeida Mattos Plumbing CoCo P DRamon II Makekau and wf to First

Hank of Hilo Ltd MGeo Conn nnd wf to David T Flem

ing uKaholo Haiua and hsb to Paauilo

Agrctl Co Ltd DHank of Hawaii Ltd to Yeo Yap RclDiana IS M Ryan and bBb lo Yeo

Yop DYeo Yap nud wf to First Amcr

Bavs Tr Co of II Ltd MKou Klu to Mnnoa Poi Co LtdB 8Kalihi Turo k Land Co Ltd to

Kou Kiu ConsentKinmn A Dofrles und lub to Chang

Uliuu MHank of Hawaii Ltd to John 1

MoVeluli HelAfrwl V Carter Tr to John I Mc- -

VoigU KolJohn J McVeigh aud iff to Hank

or jipuoiJiu Id mliilsus im Nobrliot to Autono P

druse DKstsrsd mi Hmt4 PiMHWr miA W Oowphrll Tr to Teft WM

WH Wfelsrltsiifs T L Ui t Ml to

ltl O jftiniliftPaul O lUiwiat nud wt U OttaMJlxB

Tr Co LUJulia 1 Maaa mi wt It JafiW

WaaasLls 1 ms m Umi It ttmnM tHiUmltmm K WUlllSl Wl M

lit ml 11 Wijny sjPaaawWBB

ii ft ItSUi si Wf U liUMl mW fWmft


a batban iM als4a to I XtrwtM si tl ti W lUlMtftftsftfta M M C

SUM V AIwlkftw s4 wt h MMHiM Ala

lwhw smiI wf t KAWWlmkim wJtawMi lm U IM by Co 8br

o h L M0H4tN Hher 1

Tffit Trwt Jtd t tbrt Wmiwr OTlil wf D

Trttit Trwt Oo Jtd Tr to Mr Anita i lierar

Hilo Kailie k to Nniieleon K Iukut

Kfllinitkl Ind Co Ltil to ObarlottoD I Btere



sPint Am Snv Tr Oo of H Ltd

to W W Chamberlain Tr DFirst Am Slav Tr Co of H Ld

to James L Holt BelKnlun w to Llszio K Keikl Dwestern liawn invsmt uo uu

to Zlllnh Uisehof nnd hsb HclZillah Blsehof and hsb to II Water

houso Tr Co Ltd Tr Mlist of Isaac Testa by Uxors to Po- -

haku Ohulcnul uKst of lsnnc Tosta by Exors to

Mrs Puanla Williams DEntered of Record December 30 1011Wntanabo Sahei to Araki Moijt C MWilliam II Johnson to Leland S

Conncss PAIC Tarao to A Sinjo CMH Kinoshltii to S Hata B SA Ku k to A IC Kauhi ct al D

J K Kapunlal to AJcnka JjHelen C Boyd and bsb to Western

Hnwn Invsmt Co Ltd MHenry St J Nahaololua and wf by

Atty et al to Lum Ching DWong Aloiau and wf to G II Fair

child DGeo II Pnirchild und wf to Hose

Aloiau DHoso A Kong and lisb to Wong

Aloiau DOahu College by Trs to Emclio

Waldcyor KelKamohai k to Dick K Diamond D

-- loan Kaiminaauao to V ivmnoak ct al

Cecil Brown Tr to Alexander TrippDouglas H Lockwood to Fanny 11

IiockwoodCaroline A Mcdoiros and bsb to Ai- -

raeo G BicknollOahu College by Trs to Arthur




DEntered of Record January 2 1012

Thomas Forbes and wf to ElviraM R Smith M

Joso Dias to Antonio D Do SottzaJr D

John Andrado to Antonio D DcSouza Jr D

William IC Koki ot al by Gdn toGdn of Annio T K PaTkcr L

Ching Sau Yeo to Manuel M Cal- -

hau LHawn Comcl Sug Co to Island

Invcstmmcnt Co - LChoy Ah Moon to von Hamni- -

Young Co Ltd CMJ P K Paukealani to William Hen ¬

ry DJohn S Kapela and wf to Paauilo

Agrctl Co Ltd DBcnto do Abreu and wf to Paauilo

Agrctl Co Ltd DMoke Ehu to Kaaala Naohu DJ E Sheaban to James W Young DPeter Corney and wf to Joseph C

Corney and wf -- D AM Murakami to Shoiclu Murakami D



Many Inquiries Received by theLocal Agents and Supply

Is Small

Added interest in real estate investments both by homesteaders and foriinvestment bns becomo manifest sud- -

Samson sinco the holidays havo passednnd many inquiries aro coming intojall of tho largo agencies for propertyof various kinds in Honolulu especially Tesidenco proporty Both the TrentTrust Company and tho WaterbousoCompany havo many such inquiries Sohavo tho Island Investment Companyand James F Morgau Tho HawaiianTrust Company has a nuinbor of

wants in connection with businessproperty particularly near tho waterfront

Altogether it looks according to thanreal cstato men of tho city as thoughthere was an awakening to tho xiesir Iability of Honolulu proporty as mvestment which will result in a steauyogrowth of the city At present thereis a lack of modcrato priced homes fornao or to rent and tho demand Is growing with ovory month With tho greatincrease of tho army hero thoro will boaanother demand by tho oulcors forihomes at a reasonable rental but noadovelopment is under way to supplyflthis probablo demand

One of tho loadinc real estate ownersof Los Angolos J C II Ivins who Ifvisiting in Honolulu is much vurprlsedlat tho vacant property right in thisheart of the city which is lying idloiwnno mere is sucu a uemanu ior iiouneHnt rcasonablo rental Such a neclectof opportunities in this lino bo thinkscould not happen in any wast cuyjespecially in Los Angeles whero tbtiJcmnnd for homes I always active andtbo building operations keep pace witllit


MUSCATINE Jowa January ZTmlmatt Flood orironlrer of the America1JVderutlon of j abor is being bold berlshtruea Willi Doing implicated inthrowing odd bombs in the button facUffllU


OlittMherJatns dough Jte4iiudy tl fidonly a sftiUB sure for sroup but iwill irsynt lb Mak trbn ranIgivtn i mwh ns lbs r yniptei j

nig wsfiy tbais4 of rar i

tmmUtlly al bswti titty tiasUit Ut at mm to iU creou vHIf mt4 Tfcf U 8mt Iu hi i

il til MMI sLUSlfM HI ii UllllrSilH I

IbUais r atstr utwimiu Lur hMM V mmjUmtt aasM

IU M sTHTMii m

Page 7: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm

P Wttt M WuXfV



We make fertlttxor for every productfend put on the market only what hasbean proven of real value Let uiknow tint purpose or which you wantoil helps and wo will supply you

Address us

Pacific Guano and Fortilizor GoHonolulu II T

ITfce Famous Tourist Route of the


in Connection With the CanaJian Australian Steamship Line Tickers



Mountlan esortsflANtF GLAaER MT STEPHENS


FROM VANCOUVERTickets to All Points in Japan China

t India and Around the Worldtw Tickets and general information

-- Apply to


At s Canadian Australian h a unaCanadian facitic Kailway

gCastle Cooke Co LtdHonolulu IV I

Commission Merchants

Sugar Factors

na Plantation UoWaialua Agricultural Co LtdApoknn Sugar Co LtdFulton Iron Works of St LoulaBlake Steam PumpsWestons Centrifugalsttabeock Wilcox BoilersJreens Fuel EconomizeMarsL Steam PumpsMatsorj Navigation CoPlanters Lino Shipping CoKotala Sugar Co

tenk of HawariLIMITED

corporated Under tho Laws of thnTerritory of Hawaii

jTjp CAPITAL SGOO00000PLUS 10000000


II Cooke PresidentD Tennoy Vice PresidentB Damon CmhierG Fuller Assistant CasheirMcCorriston Assistant Cannier

DIRECT0B8 C TS Cooke E DJennoy A Lewis Jr E r Bisaop

W Alaefarlane J A AictanaiessH Athcrton Geo E Carter P B

famon i U Atherton K uoouuiOMMEBOIAL AND SAVINGS DE


itTict attention given to all branchesof Banking


Rastle Cooke Co Ltd

Life and Fire

Isoeral Insuranco Agents representingI New Knulnnd Mutual Life Insuranceliiupany of Boston N

Atn Fire Insurance CoATTENTION

V have just accepted the AgencyBr the--

andlie raotoctor unaerwmera or we

Phoenix of HartfordIbew in also ttniong the Boll or

bnnr in P- - r nnoifeo



District Attorney Robort BreckonsIid n hurried visit to tho volcano go- -

over to Hilo and returning on thoiiilhclminn IIo eays that it was tho

st eight ho ever saw in his life IIojn acknowledges that tboro is mith- -

in Wyoming rnilto up to tlio showlinllod by Madame Pole

was supposed mat tun ostuto prosoing attorney went to Illlo in regardan opium investigation which liaa

lin taking up much of lifts time toiitly but ho claims It was nothing of

i coreI Ill nt immigration mutter wanBuiicd up just In tho nlok of tiwoit I beat It for the volcano atdEickunn I hud a fine trip nndInt talk huliiM with anyone whlk



Iska Laxative Dunn Jmiyoablets All dmiwiiu Mindi munttV if it fail in mim

W Jrovns liffMlUJV U Uh I x



VimilH IUWFtV NmUv m M i i MWffigSHiqSMjfijgaajgs Qj



Chlnoso novolullonlsts and Solon

of Royalists Passengers

on China

From Wednesdays AdvertiserStrange was tho metal mlsup on

board tho Pacific Mull stdnmor Chinawhen alio Milled Into this port yester ¬

day morning lu tlio anbln vrnn Tnl 0Lu brother of Lu Pn Fnmg scerotnryof tho chamber of commoreo nt Pekingmill In tho Mcorneo woro nlno membors a I1IVof the association of San turco monthFrancisco Tl C Lu is going homons fast ns ho may in tho hopo of beingnble to stivo so mo portion of bis fa-


vast estates from tho hands oftho revolutionists Tho lenders of thonine insurgents In tho steorngoSlTo ¬

to confer with Drfeun Vnt 8onnbout tho ork thnt still remains to bocarried on throughout tho

oho was

roadmakeInst months tho half yoar

monthYoung China




toto pollco

pnrks patrolwngon thus

thoHcadinc tho rovolutionists nro the McClcllan saylnc merely that

Chu Hoon secrotury of tho of hail lms3 tuo

clsand witk h7intho teadcnhlp M0O f censes

of the party is Loul Chuck Sam assist- - at end of tho period whichant secretary Tho sovenj would kelp if toomay members of the revolutionary riate1 for tho T0Vouuespartv for a chance at tho fight- -

Ing which may yot tnko placo in their Murrny snid ho was wlllrtig to passland the bill first reading stand behind

Friends of and Sam wcntlt as ho heliovcd it right it wasaboard tho steamer nt her dock yester- -

and secured permission for firEt ana orderod toand Sam to visit ashore Thoy were to print on motion of McClollan secondedbo the Mr Tsui editor of the iy Ktugcr voted no DwightLiberty In to obtain per

wns cxousod as bo wantcd to talkmission for tho rovolutionists to eoinoashore it was necessary to obtain tho rollcnll nnd was told ho was out of orconsent of tho immigration officer andjder so ho would not votodeposit a bond of hundred dollars A th bm nfor each of too men This money was l llput up bj-- Mr lioon Sam and paid priation of 307080 fromover in shining yellow clouhio eagles fund for salaries nnd maintenance 87

eagles the hands of 200 or pormnnont 20

Tnl i tin nof f fi tt f 230 from road tax special fund fordentB in tho United States who hasbeen called back to bis native countryon account of conditions growing oot oftho present revolution in that countryHe has boon a studont at AndovorAcudomy Andovor Mass and has justcomploteil his cntranco examinationsfor Harvard Ho has boon recalled bocause tho revolutionists have seques-tered the family fortune and hisbrother La Fa Famg sccrotary of thochamber of commoreo of Poking is un ¬

able to pay his tuition and expenseslonger Lus father Lu Bow

Chang wns a member of tho Cnbinot oftho present dynasty but died two orthreo yoars ngo Bhortly aftor Tai Luentered Andovor Academy

Ho says that within the next sixtydays there will bo over 200 of tho 600Chinese students in this country com-pelled


to roturn to China on account ofthe damages and the appropriation offamily fortunes by tho rovolutionistsThis doos not affect tho Chinese stu ¬

dents who arc horo in the different col ¬

leges through tho 20000000 indemnityfund paid by tho Chinese governmentto tho United States for tho Boxeruprising but affects only tho sons oftlio royalists who have been attendingschool in this country

Ho states that he has not receivedany word of tho movomonts of tho rev-olutionizes


or of tho royalists oxcoptthatwhich ho has road from news ¬

accounts and tho only thing thathe knows of tho progress by thorovolutionists is that ho rocoived acable and a from his brothor inPeking calling him homo and sendinghim sufficient to pay his trans-portation


nnd expenses to YokohamaJapan where ho will bo met by hisrelatives and tho situation discussed asto tho futuro course to bo takon by his

to its fortunesHo said that noarly all of tho stu- -

donts who bcon sent to this coun-try


by tho governments tho differentprovincos would havo to return on ac-count


of tho nnstablo condition of thoChinese securities and tho lack ofmonoy

Ho rofused to discuss nny of thophases of tho rovolution saying thatlie know nothing authentic




While striving to do something n lit-tle


out of tho ordinary in celebratingtho death of tho old year and thoof tho new Robort Kaloihienn a black ¬

smith at Waiulua lost his right handSunday night All Waialua took a handin celabruting tho closing hours of thoold by making as much noise aspossible Firecrackers wore ono of thomoans of rid of their surplusenthusiasm but Kalelhiena themono or two better by using sticks ofgiant powder Ho hold one in his handtoo long aftor touching off-- tho fusoTho stick blew his hand to pieces muti-lating


tho arm the wristTho pollco were called in and the

man wns given modlcal treatment TheInjury Is a very eorious one but willnot provo

OUudlno StuckThe IiiturJslmid steamer Claudlno

wllj not bo aide ti leave bur airy perchon the marine iHllwwy for some timeytt if the ropprU from various sourtM

toHB tU walwfroBt ar to U bllevWlTbi diver am Mill at work on hebtakwi hwIIhii ot the railway Itwhy takii IIibw smvaral wwks to winilt the jeb

ItllllliwavA Mil kw m iuu4itt






Appropriation Dill Pnssos Supor

visors One Dissenting


Hut ntiienilmtnt made to thonnJirojirlfttloti bill ns paMod lnit nlKhtby the bonnl of iHipervlwM that beingnn appropriation of 000 from tho gon

rnl fund for Wnlnltia distrlet totin amount received during tho

three tit 000mine ns received for tlio

Ebon Low tried start something bjtrying cut down flro department promotion committee mayors en-

tertainment donntion Knpiolanl Parkmaintenance of and police

saving 17000 dovotingpart of this to ronds and leaving an

United emergency fund of 32000isouo of supervisors would nrguo

Lura pointbranch ltloy got to bUi llnd thcr0

duo thoremaining out much had been


home andHoon and

day Hoon PaBSCl1 jading

guests of Low andNews order aftor


and tho goneral

and into Purser improvommonts






family mend









roads and bridges 87f0 from schoolfund for maintenance of schools 4000trom interest and sinking fund for interest on bonds

in full tho appropriation bill for thosix months reads

General FundSix Months

Salnries fixed by lnw 33840Advertising 1000Associated charities 000Attornoy doputics and offlco

employes 4140Attornoy supplies 300Attornoy oxponscs civil and

criminal cases 300Auditor oirico employes 2400Auditor supplies 600Building and plumbing inspect ¬

or pay roll 2700Building and plumbing inspect-


eupplics i 450Burial of indigent dead 000Court oxponscs first circuit

court 7250City physician pay roll 2010Clerk office employes 3120Olcrk materials and supplies 450Collection and disposition of

sarbago 10080Commissions collecting road tax 800Committcos clerk pay roll 300Coroners Inquests 500District court omployes 2580District courts materials nnd

supplies 300District magistrates 150Donation Hawaii Promotion

Committee 1500Donation Kapiolani Park 4200Donation Lealii Homo 760Encineorlnc and surveying

work pay roll 4740Engineering and surveying

work materials and supplies 750Fish inspectors pay roll 1200Hospital expenses 9000Humane Society 200Janitors pay roll 3210Expenses board of licenso com-


3750Maintenance fire stations and

tiro apparatus pay roll 23430Hnintcnnnco firo stations and

iiro apparatus materials andsupplies 4200

Maintenance Hawaiian Bandpay roll 11010

Maintenance Hawaiian lianamaterials and supplies

Support juvenile court depondonts

Maintenance of jails pay rollMnintonnnco of parks pay rollMaintenance of parks mater ¬

ials nnd suppliesJailers park supplies




Maintenance police and firoalarm system pay roll 1320

Maintenance police and tiroalarm system materials and

supplies 000Maintenance police force pay

roll 50070Maintenance police- - force ma

terials ana supplies uuuuMaintenance of pounds pay rollMaintenance or pounds mater ¬

ials nnd suppliesMnintonnnco of prisonersMaintenance and construction

electric light system pay rollMaintonnnco and construction

electric light system mater ¬

ials and suppliesMayor incidentalsMayor ontortaiument fundMeat and food inspectors pay

rollMilk inspector pay roll



Municlpul ofllco 1600Bunitury inspectors 3870Registration expenses 1000Supervisors materials

piles 30Treasurer office employesTreasurer mutcrlals sun- -

plleiWltJitwsMaintenance automobileMainteuaiite mayors autoMaiultfMne of road Ilouelttlu

district 90400waiHunaine w oinriii

months of January Feteraary uarob iPM

MaiiilattNMA Walasaa r4Wla I IHMMIMUniltMMifellaf WW rati

MMr Ivm i i i 1






pny roll

and sup



tem POO000460





H P Wood Reviews Closing Yonr

and Predicts Banner Son

son in 1912

The yanr 1011 In my opinion willbo one of the greatest yat in golttngtourfsta to the Hawaiian Islands saidSecretary II P Wood of tho promotioneommlttot ywterdny Wo have hadnn exceptionally good year in 1011 but1012 is certain to bo tho banner season

I honestly bollovo that the work ofthe promotion committee has been nbig aid to tho commercial prosperityof tho Hawaiian Islands and that nilbranches of trado havo benofitod bytho constant stream of tourists cominghere Thoro nro some who say thewnnt us to put in black and whito justwhat wo hnvo accomplished That isimpossible but there aro tangible re-

sults to show nevertheless Tho hotelsnro all doing good business now hotolshave been nddod to the list mora people nro coming right along to buildhomes mid these nro all lino homesnnd mean a largo outlay of moneywhile tho tourists aro dropping monoyright and loft in our midst

Tho merchants say thoy havo had aprosperous year Certainly much ofthnt prosperity is duo to tho work oftho promotion committee To mo it isa matter of cold fact thnt tho touristgetting businoss is bringing results toHawaii

Tho work of tho promotion com-


primarily started to attract thoattention of- - tho traveling public to thoHawaiian Islands has been a factor inawakening interest in tho ontiro Pacificregion so that Hawaii is now con-


on tho map and Bermuda thoRiviora Egypt and tho other wollknown watering and wintor resorts nowknow that thoy havo a rival whlohfor climato and attractions is unoxcolled

Wo officially decided a whilo agothat tho promotion committee wouldregard next to climato tho nctlvltyof tho volcano of Kilaucn ns an attrac-tion


Wo decided to show tho worldthnt it was ono of tho worlds groatostattractions and that wo would advortiso it and compol peoplo to como horojust to tako a trip to tho brink of thocrater MndamPolo I am glad to sayseems to hnvo approved our decisionfor she is creating moro than usualinterest in tho crator Tho demonstration is wonderful and nt present ac-


tho lava is within fifty foot oftho top of tho crator

Tho fact that throe stoamors couldbo filled with oxcursionists just to visittho crater and soo tho wonderful activ-ity


is evidonco that thoro is no dangerfrom tho eruption I am told that thorois a placo whoro pooplo can go downalmost to tho edge of tho lako and dipthings in tho hot lava People who roturned from tho crater today follow- -

nassemrers with mo on tho Mauna Kentoll mo they spent tho ontiro night attho crater fascinated Thoy camonwny red eyed from tho fierce hoat butwildly enthusiastic Tho play of thofountains thoy toll mo is somethingremarkable A week ago whilo at Mahukona I saw tho reflection from Ki-laucn

I havo not had confirmed tho state-ment


or rumor that Mokuawooweo isagain active What appeared to bo firoup there may havo bcon a reflectionfrom Kilauea

Tho promotion committee is sendingR K Bonine tho expert moving-pic-tur- o

taker to Kilnuoa nnd ho will re ¬

main a week if necessary to get thebest kind of pictures Wo wirelessednvir to tho Volcano Stables to got hima wagon nnd span of horses to carry hisparaphornalia along Ho is takingnbout 2000 feet of motion pictnro film

and many dozen plates whilo for hispanorama camera ho has a largo amountof film no will got what will probably bo tho finest photographic historyof the present eruption Wo intend tomake uso of this all over tho world toadvortise tho Volcano as a tourist at-




You nro probably awnro that pneu ¬

monia always results from a cold butyou novor heard of a cold resulting inpneumonia when Ghumborlains CoughRemedy wns usod Why tako the riskwhen this remedy may bo had for atriflot For sale by BonBon SmithCo Ltd agents for Hawaii


Driven from tho roof of a burningdwelling by a sudden burst of flameJohn Timmons a Brooklyn flro lieuten-ant


attempted to jump six feot to thoroof of an adjoining building missedhis footing and foil threo storios to hisdeath

Maintenance Koolauloa roaddistrict 3750

Maintenance Koolaupoko roaddistrict for months of January February March andApril 1012 2200

Maintenance Wnlmanalo roaddistrict 500

Ioliie auto pntrol 4000Addition to fire dupartincnt 10000

Permanent ImprovementWnlaiiao stream crossing 1000Mauadamiziiig Waimea road 1000Additions to electric light ys- -

tern 18000Moanfllun Iiiuloa road 20000Hutu street widening 30000Alexander street otorin drain 2500AJditioiiK io police find flro

alarm gyntom 2100Koails Honolulu distrlot 0000Ituads 1wu district 3000

Road Tax Bpeclol FundDistrict of Honolulu 118000DitrUt of J5vu ad Wtismae

fr th ateattM of April Hayand June JP1X IIIOO

Irtatrtat of Waialua for theuiualU of April Way a adJuM JIK 8100

IHatriat of tUJaMfc tr UuswftUM er wy mm ju hi mv

Hk ttMi


H R3f 5 vww bs3t 15 r



Popo Boliovos Thorn All Insll- -

gatod by Daughtor of


Mali Speelnl to Tho AdvertiserHILO January 1 Tho arrloim

elmrge that wns pinned ngnlnst Principal Wilson of thn Hllca ICau schoolsemo particulars of which wcro reportod in Tho Advortlser Inst wcok hasbeen nol prossed according to a tclophono mossngo to Illlo today from Deputy Sheriff Keknuca of Kau In itsplaco a much moro serious chargo 1msbeen brought thnt of Intercourse witha female under fourteen years whilotho authorities aro alio considering afurther chargo of incest Tho cnoo isono of tho most rovoltlng tho pollco ofthe Big Island hnvo had to hnndlo foryears



I hnvo heard nothing about thoWilson affair except what has nppoarodin tho nowspapers Bnid W T Poposuperintendent of publio instructionlast evening and it is nothing withwhich I hnvo anything to do until tboH

court officials investigate tho mattorns it stands now Should they arrestWilson for tho alleged crimes thon ofcourse he will bo dropped from thorolls of tho department at once

The question was askod Mr Popo inconnection with tho published chargesagainst II E Wilson Discussing thomnttor at length Mr Popo said thntWilson had ono of tho best schools intho Territory nnd had bcon at Hiloafor soyoral years Ho had beon in thoservico slnco 1804

Thoro havo boen reports from tlmoto timo against Wilson but nothingover camo of thorn upon investigationsaid Superintendent Popo Our super-vising


principal for Hawaii is ono oftho most efficient in tho servico andsho has investigated tho roport thatWilson was a Btill drunk At notimo did sho ovor And a traco of liquoron his breath

Thon reports havo boon mado ofhis conduct in othor ways but thoycould never bo substantiated Tho su-


principal has passed hisschoolhouso as early ns six oclock intho morning and found tho door of thomanual training department open nndtho tenchor at work sweeping out andgetting roady for school

Dont Believe ChargoAs to this chargo I dont boliovo

it myself This girl of his is seven-teen


yenrs of ago and sho had troublowith her father some timo ago Showas scntoncod to tho industrial schoolhoro and has beon living with anothermnn From what I hoar I think thowholo lot of girls are bad and thattho daughter is using them to got overwitn nor latnor

Ho has a family of seven childrennnd is ns I said a good worker inschool affairs I am not sticking upfor him I am expressing meroly myopinion of tho affair concluded MrPope




WASHINGTON Dccembor 11 Onolittle bit of progress in Hawaiian mat ¬

ters is to bo recorded horo of tho lastfew days It has to do with tho KauDitch bill which tho houso committooon Territories ha8 just reported favorably There bccius to bo no prospectthnt tho bill will bo considered by thehouso boforo tho holidays for congressadjourns Thursday day after tomor-row


nnd tho bill could bdrdly bo readi-ed on any call of committees by thattime

However it will bo high up on thocalendar and ono might expect it tobe roached perhaps along in tho middlo of January John T McCrosaonand E M Watson who are hero urg-ing


tho legislation aro highly pleasedat the prospect of getting the legislationenacted early It is easier to get ac ¬

tion on such measures usually iu thesenato but thus far the senate hasdono nothing because its committeesaro unwilling to undertake the consider-ation of any bills till after Christmas

All of Dclcgnto Kalnnianaolo s partynro still ut tho Dowoy Hotel includingCol Sam Parker Attorney Aahfjrdand others But thoy will probablydlspprso within a few days for a tripinto tho South They aro talking ofgoing to Pinchurst S C for a fowdnys during the holiday season



Curl Court von Mndayski for nlnoteen years a roililont of tho Islandsand nn Austrian count died yeilordoyin ho Oahu Insane Aayjum Very lit ¬

tle is known about hli i Doctor Ietarduii auperlntandant of thn Jnaaua asylum liavlug Io hU raaorda dtalr hli

U Ihlrty nlx ami his length of ratidatiM I Jo Ii said U havo arrlvad lmra a plantation luVamr and bat Jlttlo1 aaylhlwg l known of M turmutoituum IU was kaw to aaraialtuuibara of U Uawaa ntluny wilyHit imth itrHtml v m WlfaljUA flaWiUJlftV liUi lifcf ll h mf fa

MljJ ilAffal tUU ujsjulljkflk aa Liaw PaB JbPWW w WaB iaWsajfajjaajjsjj tf VV

ijz6ikilMfJiym Svv lkVt ii -



Figuring on Gonornl Bill or tho

Exhibits From Hawaii andPhilippines

The pollay most likely to bo success-ful


in obtaining federal government nssistnnso for Hawaiis exhibit at tlio1015 oxpositlon in San Francisco isboing considered by Delegate Kalanl- -

nnnoloTho dclogato has glvon tho mattor

somo consideration slnco his arrival inWashington and ho Is to arrango fora discussion of tho subject with thodolcgatb from Alaska and tho commis-sioners


from tho Philippines to fix upona concerted policy

At tho present tlmo tho dolognto isinclined to tho boliof that tho bestplan will bo to hnvo a genoral billproviding for tho oxhlblts of HnwniiAlaska Porto Rico nnd tho PhilippinesHe will discuss tho question with thoCalifornia dolegntion and thon takosuch action ns Beams most likely togive Hawaii tho best results

Tho Hawaii commissioners for thofair hopo that tho federal governmentwill appropriate from 300000 to 500- -uuu lor Hawaiis exhibit ChairmanWood will mako a strong effort to havotho plans for tlio nnwnli buildingemnnato from tho Hawaii commissionand tho fcdornl government to put uptno iiuuding riinirnmn wood and tliocommissioners havo practically ndoptodcortain plans Tho chiof of these istho Pnrndiso Court in which it isplanned to install sovcral diorama pic-tures


showing tho most noted scones intho Hawaiian Islands It is for thisreason tho Hawaii commissioners wouldrathor mnko up tho plans nnd hnvo thostructuro built according to thoso plans

Tho flvo members of tho spoclal sitecommittca in San Francisco who aroall former Honolumns havo ontorodinto their work with onthuslnBm andimmediately on roccivlng thoir commis-sions


as members a mooting was calledby William G Irwin who is chairmanTho fair commissioners havo boon con-


by tho site committoo and al ¬

ready Hawaii is conspicuously on thoexposition map

Wallace Aloxandor in acknowledgingtho appointment as a member says thatho appreciates tho honor dono him andwill cooperato in ovory way possibleThoro is a likelihood that tho stto com-


may also bo empowored to sottlotho building mattor or nt least finallypass upon tho design for tho building



UWife of Chinese Must Stay atImmigration Station Pend-




From Wednesdays AdvertiserChong Sheo wns donicd bail by Jiidgs

demons in fedoral court yestordayTho matter had boon taken up to himby the attornoy for tho plaintiff Sat-


nnd decision given yestordayTho woman is being held at fedoral Im-


station on account of tra-



Her husband is a ChineseAmerican citizen having bean born inHawaii

Ho married her in China a couple ofyears ago and sho arrived hero lastmonth but was denied admission ontho ground that sho was suffering froman infectious disease Sho was calledau alien immigrant though eho wns thowlfo of an Amorlcun citizen and underthat rule she was held to bo deported

Tho case has beon fought iu tho localfedoral court and taken on nppcal totho mainland Bail was asked for whilotho appeal was pending hut was do ¬

nicd by the court hero Sho will re ¬

main in tho custody of tho immigrationauthorities

Two Citizens MadeBecause their applications for citi ¬

zenship wcro seven years old tho mat-ter


of making Edward Munro and J G

Guild American citizens wns taken un-


advisement by Judgo demons onSaturday Yesterday ho ruled thut thoapplications woro still good and bo thotwo men took tho oath of allegiance totho government of Undo Sam

Tho accounts ofClork A E Murphyof federal court for the last six mouthsof 1011 wero upproved by tho courtwhen presontod yesterday TIiobo ofUnited Stales Commissioner C 8 Da-


wero also approved theso last cov-


tho throo concluding months ofthe year

The Celtic Chief cuso wns called againyesterday but nothing was dono in thoheuringa continuance boing taken un-




i David Kauoocnlewui tho adopted fa-

ther of David Kauwe who Buffered u

severe injury to ono of his logs Mondaywhile tiring uu old gun makes tho state-ment that lie was not drunk at the timeof the accident and that he endeavoredto do what ho could to alleviate tliohoy sufferings lie explains his objection to tho poliee patrol taking thewounded boy away on the ground thatlin wuhad to thoroughly claanati tho injured leg and bind it before the youngttr wm takru to the boaiiital IB

stated that ha was using Hit for theaacond appllaatlon of MNlad wator Inorder to prevent bleed iielioniag Heuud 14 u 1U Hut Man U we bad

Itw but u bottle of Uw aad tUit of tU driakaWaa aMMrUtl s4mU

wUr He ttMt tltM mI Uf La

laatNl trie Uajr to aaeUI Io WAim wale eajdedeej m m4m w Mm







i Mv J

V t

rtl- m








Page 8: muWnHUM...ui vfii in I4 til f m This with w is miu utAtt TJm blu ha w mm iU Mi hmI It vh W 4 lum 4imm Ut n teitii bt f i jtl I iu miry tn 0 nt i wintt tKii ii i W lil M fito ilf ummUm

I- -



f J H

onsiWHY W 5SilB

IV Jr WM J r Kmtil r M ftmttfc p


16 1 1COUGH V

Q What Is good for my coughA AVers Cherry Pectoral

Q How long has il been usedu4 Seventy years

Q Do doctors endorse ilA If notwc would not make it

Q Do you publish the formulaA Yes Or every bottle

Q Any alcohol in itA Not a single drop

Q HowmaylleammoreofthisA Ask your doctor He knows

Ayers Cherry Federal

hvmi t Dr J C Arr Co Lowttl llui U 8 A



of ovary floacription made toorder


Building Inspector Finds Owners

Willing to Improve Statusof Poor

Tho tenement ordinance which es ¬ttablished rules and regulations concern-


tho building and use of tenementsins proven n boon to Honolulu in theopinion of Building and Plumbing In ¬

spector Mielilstein That official saysthat tho ordinance has so discouragedprospective toncment builders thatthey hnvo turned their attention toTnilding cottages to rent cheaply Theaccessary modern sanitation fixtures inthese insure bettor living conditionswhile tho privacy of tho cottages overIho tenements insure better moral condilions

Tho tenement ordinance has dlocournged the Dnilding of tho oldtimotenement structures says Mr Mlehlstein Many tenement builders bavoalso found that under toncment condi ¬

tions there was no responsibility ontho part of tennnts for wear and tearand destruction of property and thisreduced profitsi Thero are a few owners of tenements who aro getting rid of theirholdings and are building small cottrices Thcso have found ready andKilling tenants and tho incomo fromthe nouses is satistactory

Firo Chief Thurston voices tho gameopinion of tho desirability of tho Bmnllcottage over tno tenement ana uolieves that with tho gradual decreaseof tenements and tho incrcnuo of cot-


tho moral to no of tho city willlo greatly improved In the tenementstho room dwellers liavo little privacyand tho children are reared iu a hap-hazard way tending more to tho development of immoral conditions thanotherwise Tho smnll cottages alsolessen tho danger of fire

Doors Must Swing InTho committee of sanitation and

health of the board of supervisorsheld a meeting Inst night to considera numbor of amendments to tho building ordinance Ono was tho consideration of tho swinging door evil Manysuch doors mainly the screened onesswing outward and aro n menace topassersby Tho committee will recom-mend that all buch doors swing inward

Alio committee tins found that tlioliiiililtmr lnKiirftnr InMtu nmvir fn in

ITThis Markoy

ho given At tho present timethero aro buildings which tho inspectorRelieves should bo razed and in this


atoccupied ns a Chineso grocerv

store and a Chinese restaurant Aboutthe only thing that holds the secondktory up is tho water pipe pays thoInspector This building will bo taken

iu tho futuro by tho ownerswho havo o qirossed a willingness toImprove tho proporty

Whon thobuilding ordinance went toBrliit it was found that a typograph-ical error had crept in concerning thegrade of theater lloorv The ordiuancereads that shall bo a grndo of uquarter of au inch to the fiwt Thiswas nu error should rwd one

fWUiirter inches to foot



3fco mutter of tho triiou lllihoptrt ii iiomt up Attorney

Uiulicy That ia with tht-- Hiuiiuatlouf all kills iwut lb retchttlf Hilo ttindfinuatlou prouidiugi or

ISO MffdlNHMllftH HitMtgThis li tie jUt w thr Jitwi

Wvml at Jurluir a aautiiuMm In Ilia

wf nm Mruifi4iMit of ubu wimIivt tl tUny nrslTit lit i4iiiL Plhl


4 Uttn M tm win iMwmiiiMsii

A pHaiMrflMtlMVMMWaMMplll4MWM

i fLt BLII



J I i 1 at a - I

Uarn for IlokolilnMr A rrll January 1 8 LIr 8 S Mm hut UNmbr fjlrt V

h J wiitU Wkli Ui UhtluTt in ai

ninh ihloo IHasrobor j M Hwurt jlwi itondimuMi Sir

AtriB - Hulled Iniitmrr i Schooner 7 VKrrd Wood fnr Tlotloitln mi - r

Knlitilm Hnlnl Decern r 30nhimhinn for Ballnit trnr

o n

K- - Drnhnr 30 Schoon

ThnriliiT Immary J 1112 u w ii iiH1 1I- - 1 Btn T- - Jinii j v u

Schooner llnurcnce Ward for Hono


lulu1ort Townwnd Arrived January 3 S

S St Kildn honco Uecunbcr 24Yokohama Sailed Peeeinhor 20 S S

Hongkong Mnru for HonoluluSan Francisco Sailed Jnnunry 4 0 nm 8 S Arizonan for Honolulu


ARRIVEDM N S S Hyadcs from SeattleStr Mnuna Ken from Ililo a m

return from volcanostr Kilauca from Ililo a m return

from volcanoi M 8 S China from San Fran

cisco a m Channel wharfC A S S Zealandia from Sydney

via Suva n mJan 3

0 A S S Makura from Victoriatnd Vancouver 10 a m

Str Klnnu from Maut and HawaiiI ports 330 a m

Str Y a Jiall from Knual G a mThursdaj Jan 4

Am Schr IL D Bondixscn from Mukiltco 1030 a m

M N 8 S Honolulan Bennett fromSeattle 3 p m

DEPARTEDO A 8 S Makura for Sydney via

RSuva nnd Auckland 1 p mM N S 8 Wilnelmina for ban

Francisco 10 a mv m S H Uhina lor Yokouoma

and Oriental porta 0 a mBktn C S Allen lor Sound ports

330 p mStr Wailolo for Kauai 1215 p mU A 8 S Zcalandia for Vancouver

5 p mHtr Mauna Kca for Hilo via way

ports 10 a mHtr liilauca for Kona and Knu

ports noonatr Mikahala for and

Maui ports 5 p mstr juauna ioa lor vaual ports o

p mT K K S S Kiyo Maru for Toko- -

hama 530 p mM is S S Ilyndes for San Fran

cisco via Kahului and Hilo 0 p mStr Jjikcuko for lcauai ports 0 p

mStr Kinau for Kauai portB 5 p mStr W G Hall for Kauai ports 5

p mStr for Hnwaii ports 10 a m

Arrive- -Per S 8 China Jan 2 For Honolulu

M B Bairos T A Cooper J J CrnigMiss Mabel Do lleardc Carl DiedrichA GFllani wifo nnd infant Miss BerthaGrant Miss D Hcitmnnn R JandorfPunch Jones P h King B F LatinA J Lyon and wife llarry Meyersand wife Frederick Miller and wifeTvrnivat Millnr O 11 Pntlnr Tnl DnimiWilliam Ross Fred A Shono and wifeA Ji Tripp Clias Williams and wifoHenry Wise For Yokohama Charliecnu ii lcuiua Mrs u R Kear T oLu M V Merchant C M MorrixonT G Ogawa wifo nnd infant ForKobe Miss P Auge Thos Wni Annessnnd wile For Shanghai Russell Bns- -

sett G Knox M R ICwny Wm WPipkin Mrs E A Roberts C N Woodward nnd wifo Miss Mary WoodwardAirs w A xoung Jr I or HongkongMiss E Allan Alonzo Barnes T 8Banldwin Mrs V Bilycti Gcorgo IIUrocl A Brown Mrs M E ClelandMaster Morrison Cloland Master Valeutitio CUMiind A G Colin nnd wjfcW J Cross P A Eberlv nnd wifeand Asiatic servant Miss Olarita Ebur- -

ly A C Fox and wifo C R Gunltier Miss lith L Gee Miss 11 MGertsch Gm Chen Ning Josephh GonlLouis A Gleyn II Qyzcinan Leo Hnni- -

Inond Mrs L Hermann Mrs Minnieforco his orders for tho pulling down Mloxscy L Lawlcr S P Mays S nndofunsafo buildings powor win Henry Nichols J O Owen days

him uiss i j eicrson i- - i xlnin aimwifo W L Reburn and wife MissMitzic ismz lrs Fny btockmuii Mrs

lu is backed up by tho firo chiof Ono J D Wing Yco Lee Promsuch building stands tlio Jiwa makui liouoiuui W 11 liauglicorner of Alakcu and Queen streets I Per C A S S Makura fromprescnt

down near


andBd the


ofto CJeueritl


ut- -


4WUH mwr




eouver nnd Victoria Misses JI McTnggart E Craig M Laker Mes



T1 wiitaT VrffiKa

iSrilS SM





dames Ilirscli Rycroft and childWood J Iinibou Doughton and twochildren C Brown Convernton Cros- -

by Jivans lirauloy Jlnckay and childllrodio II Roscoo iliman jrcssrs Jllfrtch R II Rycroft W L Woodl Kawlliison A ilawliusou J Ken- -

ney Dr C Covornton L S CrosbyW 11 DvAniH U Wcllwiiod F Jllrndley C Wynn Tohiibou T MnekuyJ Conkay 11 W llrodio T Smith 1

Ilatturaby M 8 HiuHop 14 P CowcllP iiiian W Crons G Smith nnd 311through uaUors

Per str Kiuau from llnwnii iaMaui porta Ian 3 Mr II JenilurliJ II llielu W Illckev 1 B Mur--

doeii Mian KkIiiusou 111m II liohinMiii Alls M 1 Puller MlW liiinbortK Tom Mi M i Toiiih V Bciamet It V U ii M Uum T f ivr

Utiroit ffiM ymuAmy ntundd

U H H Hu4itvUt fium feat- -

Wnfrtwf MlMm U MWrHKimI WatrlMM

nmm u m w iwtv


niii iriiv


Im h i u

a4 i MmMIi UiMUil Wll UlMk A

W Mr U Mm It nUau

Ynn- -


a ii ri oflki tt II Kriillcr A V CHrter

-- J I



corkett H T VbI C H Y t Imhim on King street near oitlcos of A yesterday at1iikoi street wuen Aiiroti vrns i wmaii nftor conBiucrnblo discussion it-

-- iwim ior nnu io tll0 0f tiny pioco of ten was resolved to close ijown2 Misslokai ports Meyer It II

iiiicncocK v u HitchcockPer M N S S Wilkelminn for San

Francisco Jan 3 Miss 0 M Shoe-maker Twigg Stiltb r Pinens R Loftus Miss M II 8 SimpsonIt T Hill Mr Tdombs Miss E Vithrow Mr nnd Mrs W R Fcldor GeoA McMck wife nnd child K Hedomnnn Mrs Chas Bicb Miss E BachAirs J A Doyle W N Campbell andwife Mrs C Thomas G Graudy MrsLang W Dickey Horhert DickeyOoulton Dickey Mrs C W Dickey and 2children Mr and Mm Hall Kola NcisMlu Tll linn M TUI M- - ntlJames A Gibb J L Cooper wife andchild airs c S lliddlcton Mibs AGlcason D Wartcnslohcn F WichmnnDr R A Pcnton and wife Mrs ff ILRudolph Mrs A M Merrill G AVcddcr and wife A F Griswold MissU Winston Mrs J B Winston ChasSnyder and wifo Mrs John Irwin MrsFabrcgon Mrs Bulkloy J A Worthen

R Linn F Gouvln Miss MartinJohn Morley S Carra C Ncnman MrsW H Coopor H M Loomis and wifeMiss J Miss K M Sponcor11 C Nelson 8 C Kennedy D NClarke and wifo Miss Clarke Mrs CA Drew Mrs DobbiSo Mrs ChesterWolls A M Merrill Fred Thomas Raymond C Brown Mins M Iliskoy O APerry and wife Mrs C T Wado andson

Per P M S S China for Jnpanand China ports J M Dcruglnas W

E Crowe F J Ilcrior Mrs HcrierMrs F W Maago Miss M BrozJ O

NnkariiuTh W S Cookson M OsakiW II Bnugh -- t

Per str Mikahaln for Maui portsMiss MeyerPer str W G Hall for Kauai ports

Jan 4 Dr W Li Wood and wifeUlakc Miller and party Mrd B BLamson Mr and Mrs Blako MrirnndMrs Miller K C Hopper V HIicoand vnte Qupng Tni Jan Mnmiei Costn

Per str Kinau special trip to KSfualJan 4 Mr Blake and wife J

K Miller and wife M E ilillcr nndwifo Miss A Miller II H Knltikn0 O Hottcl - j



It is announced that tho latestdevelopment of the hydro ncrpptyipotho combination of air and water crafton which Glenn H Curtiss is workingis a flying lifeboat equipped to carrytwelve men Tind to be propelled by amotor of thirty horso power TheHnmmondsport inventor arrived at hiswinter quarters at North Island SanDiego a few days ago with a carloadof neroplano equipment which is beingassembled including tho material fortho lifeboat Other equipment andseveral instructors for his winterschool aro ontho way

Mr Curtiss hopes that his devicowill provo of great valuo In war aswell as in rcscuo work Tho boat willbe nhlo bo expects to rise from a shorostation or from tho dock of a bnttloship fly for miles over tho wateralighting whero desired and risingngnin to return to its starting point

Captain Washington Irving Cham ¬

bers who has charge of navy aviationaffairs at Washington yestorday iaccopied invitation of Mr Curtissto observo tho experiments at NorthIsland Captain Chambers will prob- -

obly leave for San Diego immediatelyit is expected ho will spond Bovorul




Carnegie Trustees Will Spend

Half Million on Propagandain Coming Year

NUW YORK December 24 Planafor a world Hide caiupuigu in tbo interOct of pence in which apioxnutaJy

500000 will lie ttnit during the ilrttliuvo boon by tho j

tees of Andrew Carnegie cift uf 10

O0IJOXi for promotion ut nil urtiiiuul utility

Aecurdliig to the stuteiiu at lln utiiia u tt iiifflluu in ntoiiiiiiMuii ou

rtim W II Ilt Mia Hoy 1 HiUa DiMiniber 1 insdc iu iiiir iiitutiun ofU J Wilder li Wildur Jr T Ta- - lHTUu for vtiieudituu tii olHu fr htiniilK July 1 KM nitli t eh




apllisat Vila lUtMortu dtk hm auiUbly uil4lKi luJl




onr trus


III IxMlil tilt HiIn Ik murk Iwr It th Ut

km tkaM MMiilK4 nr AftmiU rf uvwIM HWU IM4MW tIt




Buyor of Tiny Strip of Land on

Kino Street Strikes aFine Flow

Whpii it w rcordod in this eolutnn There wae a mooting of stockholdersrecently that record of real os- - in the Humnuma Oil Company In tho

o Jnailo 1 Oampbolllmecu

JanMaui iuy0r n ground oporntlons





feet long by six feet wido or sixtyRqnnro fcot for ten dollars It was lu


rnthor humorous Vein that attention wos uctlon by tho company Is duo to lackcalled to this record sale it of caali on hand to continuonow turns out to havo been indeed a Tho stockholders realizo that tho

record sale although in another way companys property in thooil isfrom that good one if it could bo proporly do- -

Sinco Rasch bought this littio volopod but it is all deep well propodpiece of lnnd ho secured an expert well itlons in this particular Hold and thoman and proceeded to investigate an expenso reaching tho oil bearing

artesian well which was located up- - sand is considerable Tho Humnumaon this Btrlp of ground Aftor con Companys land lies in section sur

and - tSfroed from what oiI Conpaily nn1 1b thoroforo in a

been rock wadhad annarcntlv orof gTavel for tho water shot out fromthe casing to height of over fortyfeet with forco which inado ithard to place a cap the casing to

waste of tho water andlooding of tho surrounding proporty

Such a woll hero is worth a small goldmiuo and Mr Basch believes that tho

10 he paid for strip was a goodinvestment

Thib old well at ono tlmo suppliedtho neighborhood with water for domes-tic and garden purposes but sovcralyears ago it suddonly stopped flowing

tho householders eventually bocamoloinuctcrt up with tho city water sys-

tem Only ono Japanese renter failedto ilo this as there was enough waterflowing from the pipe to enable himto get all he needed for his domesticestablishment and so for years ho hashad no water rates to pay But nowMr Itasch has cut off flow preparatory to developing it in full and theJapanese is sad


Pioneer Mill stock sold at 22750terday an advance over the last prev-

ious sale of twclvo and a half pointsJust before tho holidays Pioneer soldfor 21500 Waialua also took jumpyesterday going from 12500 to 12600to 12700 to 12750 whero it closedOahu Sugar started off at 3500 andBtnck there all day Eya went np to

3325 McBrydo tho 7125 markwhile Olna was steady at G00 But tho

interest of the day on tho stock exchnngo was in Oahu Sugar of which1329 shares changed hands at tho advanced price The activity of thisitock is due largely to tho announco1mont made recently tho increase ofthe regular dividend from twelve toeighteen per cent year Thero wasalBO considerable activity in bonds atotal of 12000 par valuo being disposed of The sales yesterday wore asfollows

Between boardsMcBryde Sug Co 100 at 7125 100

ut 7120j



Hue 200 G00C Co

Co ntBondsO 10000 10375

1000 1000


Waialua Agrlc Co 5 12750


A byMyers yesterday

appointment theHawaii general agents

for tho entiro Lquit




the BuscliC II Huttig presi

Third National Bank U P Ed- -

wards NationalUomuuicc IItlM Trust tompiiiiy andUttArMicls viro StUnluu tompany amongkain Linitinnii

Jruiu TtfTMPP8

Tin- - piMjMHaMid Iuiuim Ijrtttf arbitlioiiii- - tm

Wrruur1111 uillub4 try titt



HyjiMwy ipipi mm


Htimauma Company to Stop

Drilling Temporarily on

Deep Well



tho proporty in tho CnrIsso Plains at once for

But drilling



sizable fussing experimenting the S










proved wildcatcbancuB

It was stated by an officertho company the shutdown

to he only temporary as tho oftho company is now down about

nnd still has between 700800 feet go to get oil make

paying A groat thostock of this company is held Hono-lulu nnd it an effort

made to the necessarymoney to continue operations to suc-cessful issue

DISTBJBtmNGrapidly as possible tho

in tho territorial station being distributed the various plantations nnd

there wero less 100men women and children loft undertho of Dr Victor Clark Dur

tho past two days thero hasan oxodus and soveral hundred

to tho othor islands all themgetting share But Oahu retainsquite number and thero has been

continuous stream of wagons goingover tho loaded to tho lastinch immigrants and thoir bag

Today thero will-- another batchfederal quarantine and

these havo hut short toenjoy their roomy quarters tho localimmigrant station this last lotbovonty tbreo reported toelected to go to Puuneno plantationtwonty six to thirteen toPnauilo and soventeon to

Dr Carl Ramusin chargo of the fedcrnl quarantine sta-tion is already new arrange-ments on Quarantine Island for tho

immigrants expected on tho steam-er which will leavo for Ho-nolulu Spain next month Basedon the experience tho Willesdenimmigrants ho many changes

will better enable him to segregate tho immigrants in case


Incidentally the now has oponodfbr tho sugar of

Oahu Sug Co 200 nt 3500 50 at niis Tcrritory anj it mattorof gen3300 100 at 10 nt 3500 225

ernl th of l11at 3B0O 170 at 3500 20 at 3500 Ico SUP

at 3500 100 at 3500 250 at 3500 03 keep much abovo tho low prico of laBt

at at 3500 nt this time although lastPioneer JW1 lo 00 nt ZiiM was onesof tho years in prosper- -Waialua Agne 30 nt 12000 10 ity for tho plantations here Reports

nt 12700 ut 12700 20 nt 12 50 25 rcccivcd by tho Sugar Factorsat 12750 is to tho effect that firindinc is pro- -

PahangRubCo 2o0 at 2070 eroding without interruption that thoOlan Co atII nw Sug 50 at 4200Ewa Plan 10 3325

5s atOlaa Gs at 9450




ManagerK announced tho

Home InsuranceCompany



president Louis




is understood









weather has excellentand tho prospects for

bumperfar two full cargoes hayo loft for

Atlantic Coast way Snlinaat Cruz which in itsolf recordSaturday tho American Hawaiian Bteam- -

Pnlninlltnn frnm TCnlmlni withOlaa 10 at COO at 000 fMli cnrf0 of 12jOo0 0Ilg of 8lIgar t0Oahu Sug Co 10 nt 3500 at mrrow A II steamship Alaskan is

3500 3500 at 3500

cablegram receivedZeno

ofof nfl

of tho



Teleuscd fromtime




3I50O year

been for opar- -


thoexpected hero and will niako Honolulu

proceeding other portscomplete her cargo This ship

also take Salinn

SAN CELERYLODT San Joaquin Becombor

Stockton commission firmconsignment celery

Honolulu Xho celery was grownSt LouisSurety Company Ul0 llcta lands west of Lodl and wasTins one tnoiargo vorv uno iUality This tho first

ty companion tho Uplted hav- - shipment made Honolulu The celerycapital nnd surplus of 1250000 fP it18 oni fpr this Beoson

although plentiful in the localyaid rp Tho home ofiico board of di- - markofH At prcg0lt tha grQwera Brorectors ana navisory uouru getting cents per dozen nenus iornames of many of tho leading million

of St liouis Adolphns Buseh 1111171111 PTBnTn Tflpresident of Auhouscr Urewtng Assoclntiondent

president Ilauk ofThos Wim of

Trust nre


omnia iu


AYnmimo this islandr ommeneed grinding out itsIleddlng who sucoessfuMyluturngBd uutlarwritiiiK depart ment sugnr and from now

the PiKilic Surety Iompmiy for many the OUOO ton will keep busyyeuii thi rcsidout vlfe president t and Drill ulao keep tho Oahu HailrotidtMii rrimifi u a vaJwiblo buy otrrjiug tlio output raw migarcounts lion fur tin Hume lntbrsDW tho atemtiihip for htpmetit

Vuiimuv nriil puis wdII the the miiiiiluudfur nritnttt nil cUtiMtca mrvly VSttluiitv pUiitntiaii coe corbuii ndinij bonds poratlun imr thoB luiudy IlitlB plan- -

i ur it n ii iiiii fauui jit 1 JU il l III f AJT1jKWATB

L uUtrv rr - 1EiUiaa P Ilerrj Uim JI ArwMf I iu l s4 ltWd

II Atifiiaf um j llu4 AratlUsM I

Hmi Mlu I WilttiuKluu J Itiiuul Inun r 4 u llrri 1 h - WaiLaraWLIHluti II U u iilm 1 j I- wit w wv nfl w i www iw l

I i i tM





J v a aj -


m r li4 U J




a Tho reason thisa

bolt a


a a


a a














field anv

yesterdaythat is


feet andto

a well deal¬

thatwill raise

a ¬

Asaro ¬

toyesterday than

S ¬


gono ofa


Pali roadwith


will a




new ¬



which ¬

of need



5 year



ations that aroI crop

by ofia a Last

HnilnilSug 23 a

95 5

lcfuro Islandto will

12000 tons to Cruz


CoA has

n large ofonable of

Misourl or sure- - isof to

iK i- it is

cunvum mo 30









on1912 cropP so

of onof

UThis is vnry of

to dockIt iu llJ to

- of of It ahi of


rtktir- -



euatumbouMSUliuin fv ponxiua ifbo

liiiu Vantirf atMililvMl KruM Mi lu lw11 ilu mi uul lu II th ww n4mlr of the

von to lw k utirUi Wji Mu ioa at Murrv LI bHul A




tho toof












uiii by aii v I IIn

J U iii flatturing tv say tbo leastVDWpple Ktll Coming

Tlic itiUpi4 pJsntalWMS euntliiu- -

SV tTta td tha l tumymmVU U U MrIw ii a immIU mf 41

rUMr t --Aajit jImi m is iimii wi mm m frM wwwf II a tti tf t tkrmymwliiyit ii UT l ii i tu BI1 t i ar tii aBaatt iWlr uravr

i plt44mtottitiimliMUinMvmtwPOWDER

Absolutely PureShe only h kFng powtfwlmatte from Royal Grapm

Oraam of TartarHoAumHeUn0 Phosphite


llonplulu Thursday January 4 1012H


UercntlUO Brtwar A Oo

BurEwQw Anrlenlronl

Hiw Oob a 8ns OOIuaw ong uoHonoaraIIonokmHaikuHateMnion Bntir

FUnutlon OoKhatuKcluha Batar CKOI aMeBryd Sag Oo 144uun augur uoOnome vOil Sim On LllPahau Bag Plan OorFlno

ireleptakM hPioneerWajalna Agrt Oo

u vnilHMinWalmaa Sdgmr U1H

ItlaeellanoiuInter Iriand B M OoHaw Electrie OoH U T L Oo PfiH E T A L Oo ComUutual Tel OoO B Ii Oo


HUo It K Oo FMBDo B E Oo ComUonolnlu Browing A

dialling uo liMHaw Irr Oo LUBaw Pineamile Co

Tanjong Olok BatOo Paid up

Titnanc hodPaldHp13 nnd

Baw Ter p o Vlri

Baw Ter ApeIRefnndlns 1BOS

Haw lor 4 p c pub Iratiaw ier ji p oHaw Ter 4U p oHaw Ter BU p cOal Beet Sflg Ba-


Co o p oHon Gal Oo toHaw Com it Bngax

Oo 6 p eHilo BE it Ca lata

of 1901Hilo BRCbSdAEiln Coo Oi

OVuonokaa tnii OpelHon BTAbdotpeKaaaiBr Oo OnKohalaBltohOoOiMcliryde Bag Oo CiMntaal Tel aiO E ly Oo B n btOahu Sngar Co 5 p cuiaa outar uooticPacific Sugar 1111

Pioneer Mill Oo 8p eWaialua Ac Oo 5 p o

UkDluiPaid Up


SOOooOO1200 000


1000000irooioo200000IPO0 0OO


400A101000 00010000001000000voccooo


75000Ci 75000010000008000000


2AO000750 000


100 001

4000 MX164610






rat Outctanalng



iocoao1 0000001344000



187 000600000620000BOO000500000

i 000000235000




PaK Bidvf

ii25 USO 0


4 atSi2

ioo -i 7JO 4ao r50

1169loo100 5



o wtoo

10 -niO

lo MM











327 Ii




23125 on 100 paid iRedcomabliat 103 maturity 2000 shares trcaStOCK

Sales Between Boitrdu


200 McBrydo 7125 1300 Oabji SudCo 35 50 Pioneer 22750 30 Wairlua 12G 15 Waialua 127 20 Waialul12750 Paining Rub 2075 103uui u xi a it os iujro mo Olaa

2000 Olaa Gs 9450 5 Haw CCo 42 25 Waialua 12750 10 Ew

Session Sales33 Olaa 0 20 Oahu Sug Co 35

Waialua 12750Sugar Quotations


88 Beg Analysis Beets 14s 8Vxiparity 513 90 Beg Centrifugals 44H

both sides of tho island and many tractor land aqwn Juinultu way wlucli tulpineapple peoplo would not oven loolat a few years ago aro boing investgatca ciosciy wany pincappUplantations may started tliere owiaprincipally to fact that they aicloso to the railroad I

bonto of tho pmeapplo fields nt Wlhiawn aro on warjlopartmqntvation and at the close sensdnext fall lands will bo taken barjby tho military authorities Howcvdall other lands the Wahiawn tllstriflaro rapidly being developed for tho iluustrry and tboUcIUs ostood backtho Koolau range



The Hawaiian Electric CompanJwhich has the local ngenoy for tPelton Wnter Wheel Company hboon advised that that company hS

boon awarded tho contract for tho conploto hydraulic equipment of tbo liydilelectric power plant at the Gatun lociof tho Pniinma Canal This comprhlthreo 3000 horse powor vortical shaIclton Frnncls water wheels oporoat 250 revolutions per intnuto und75 feet head Tlio wheels will bo tllriconnected to genoml elcctile genorati

nu regulation win be nccompiisncainaoiik ut PultQn presnura governotho comma niio can itor auu reeliiiiii-- liiiv for oath f i I IIon foot Ik iiieuAi iu diameter

Mwbr U tht ninety thlbirtbdwy of Uo eltleat titlui in tIuitM NUtM HKDI ttid WilHiMvntr of llnbytott iabii Inlua Ikmi li i6iXKty whUli tUir rfictlHaWM DMWJT l inra utii v

Um BmI MMfM ywiug and c

iU attWM Jfwm rr W3SW

N few ln lr M Ai iAuA m an4 Ukf










the reseof tho






