APPRECIATION First and foremost, We are so grateful for being able to complete this task and we would like to thank Puan Balkkis bt Abdul Aziz. We too feel glad that we had enough time to analyse the question and to collect the materials related to the task given. Even though at the beginning we were having some problems in identifying the sentence type, but with the help of our beloved lecturer as she has helped us by giving some guidelines and brilliant ideas regarding this assignment, finally we had completed this task successfully. Other than that, we wish to thank all our family and friends who give us full of support and help in completing this task. Without all of them, it would had been more difficult for us to do this assignment as the task is quite challenging and it needs a lot of reading and understanding in order to produce a good assignment . Besides, this coursework also did inspire us to do a lot of research to find the right answer from many sources. For example, we did some revision for this coursework from several books and also surfing internet to gain any additional information about this coursework. Last but not least, I really hope that our lecturer will be satisfied with the task as it is a good process of learning for us.

my part

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Page 1: my part


First and foremost, We are so grateful for being able to complete this task and

we would like to thank Puan Balkkis bt Abdul Aziz. We too feel glad that we had

enough time to analyse the question and to collect the materials related to the task

given. Even though at the beginning we were having some problems in identifying

the sentence type, but with the help of our beloved lecturer as she has helped us by

giving some guidelines and brilliant ideas regarding this assignment, finally we had

completed this task successfully.

Other than that, we wish to thank all our family and friends who give us full of

support and help in completing this task. Without all of them, it would had been more

difficult for us to do this assignment as the task is quite challenging and it needs a lot

of reading and understanding in order to produce a good assignment .

Besides, this coursework also did inspire us to do a lot of research to find the

right answer from many sources. For example, we did some revision for this

coursework from several books and also surfing internet to gain any additional

information about this coursework.

Last but not least, I really hope that our lecturer will be satisfied with the task

as it is a good process of learning for us.

Page 2: my part













Page 3: my part


Megginson, D. (2011, February). u Ottawa.com. Didapatkan March 5, 2012, daripada u Ottawa: http://www.writingcentre.uottawa.ca/hypergrammar/sntstrct.html

Moon, B. (2006, September). Learning Nerd. Didapatkan March 10, 2012, daripada Learning Nerd.com: http://learningnerd.wordpress.com/2006/09/12/english-grammar-types-of-sentences/

Rajah, M. (1987). Sentences Type. Dalam S. Selvaraja, Improve Your English (hlm. 46-54). Selangor: Pustaka Utama Publication.

Taubes, G. (2011). Is This Any Way To Lose Weight? Readers Digest , 39-44.

Wikipedia.com. (2012, March 2). Didapatkan March 13, 2012, daripada Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentence_(linguistics)

Page 4: my part
Page 5: my part

Outline of the Article

Article on Health : Is This Any Way To Lose Weight?

Main Ideas and Supporting Ideas

1. Introduction

Gary Taubes Book, article on why we get fa and what to do about it.

Taubes calls his ideas as an alternative hypothesis for why we get fat

The Obesity Experts are wrong! Says Taubes.

The fact is that the way we get fat is we take in more calories then we


Gluttony and Sloth hypothesis, we eat too much and exercise too little.

Taubes theory, you overeat because you’ve developed a disorder in the

way your fat tissue is regulated. Fat isn’t the enemy, easily digested

carbohydrates. For example, white rice, sauce, cheese, steak and


2. Diets Don’t Work

Can’t get a clinically significant effect from cutting calories.

Banatric surgery altering your digestive system.

If you cut calories, you’ll be hungry all the time.

Studies in animals show if you restrict energy intake, cells actually burn

less energy.

3. It’s Impossible To Count Calories

Page 6: my part

How actually do you have to match calories in to calories out.

Nobody can match calories in to calories out with precision.

Consume 20K a day. For example, a single bit of MCD hamburger,

couple sips of coca-cola.

4. Exercising Won’t Keep You Thin

By exercising more energy intake is needed. You expend and the

hungrier you become.

Things likely to do is skipping lunch and might exercise more.

There’s no evidence that exercise has any effect on weight. If exercise

more it will be less likely to gain weight over time.

Foods which are rich in carbohydrates and starches will literally make

you fat.

There’s a complete disconnect between the fundamental science and

the cause of human obesity.

People get fat because they eat too much and exercise less.

5. You need to eat food that keeps insulin low

Fat cells as a long term bank account, where your body stores access

calories as fatty acids.

Fat cells are getting fatter and fatter, but can’t get at the fatty acids that

are stored inside them.

6. A Low Carb Diet is the Key

Page 7: my part

A Low carb diet actually does better than a low fat or a low calorie fat.

You have 1200 to 1800 calories per day with a low carbohydrate diet

you could eat as much as you wanted.

Eat what you want until you’re satisfied. You just don’t eat the things

that would make you fat.

Sentence Types

Page 8: my part

A group of words that forms a complete thought. A sentence begins with a capital

letter, ends with an end mark, and has a subject and a predicate. The types of

sentences are simple,compound and complex.

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence, also called an independent clause, contains a subject and a verb,

and it expresses a complete thought. Examples of simple sentences found in the

article, Is This Any Way To Lose Weight? By Gary Taubes.

1. Obesity experts have gotten things just about completely backward.

2. It had never crossed my mind to do that.

3. The weight just dropped off.

4. I gained weight every year.

5. The biggest study so far on low carb diets came out last year.

6. Twenty calories is like a single bite of a MCD hamburger.

Compound Sentences

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator.

The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.Except for very short

sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. Examples of compound

sentences found in the article, Is This Any Way To Lose Weight? By Gary Taubes.

1. I’ve got a pastry chef coming and gourmet butcher.

2. I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast everyday.

3. So, you get hungry and you eat again.

4. The two things you’re likely to do are that you might skip lunch, and you might

exercise more.

Page 9: my part

5. Our mothers grew up believing refined carbohydrates and starches were


6. But the reality is that your fat tissue is more like wallet, and your meals are like

going to ATM.

Complex Sentence

A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent

clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as because, since,

after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as that, who, or which. Examples

of complex sentences found in the article, Is This Any Way To Lose Weight? By Gary


1. You eat what you want until you’re satisfied.

2. But insulin locks the money in your wallet, so you’ve got to keep going back to

the ATM.

3. And in most of studies that have been done, a low carb diet actually does

better than a low fat and low fat calorie.

4. If you take in an extra 20 calories a day and put it into your fat tissue, you will

gain 9 kilos every decade.

5. There’s no compelling evidence that exercise has any effect on weight.

6. Scientist have known since the early 1960s that insulin is the primary hormone

that regulates your fat tissue.


Page 10: my part

I would like to thank my lecturer Puan Balkis bt Hj Abdul Aziz. Puan who had

helped us to finish this task by giving us a clear briefing .

I chose this text because the theme is about health which is very informative

and interesting. It provides me an opportunity to gain knowledge as I seldom read

science articles. From this article, I have learnt how to maintain a good health.

I have gained knowledge in using ICT skills. I had to present the main ideas of

the article using graphic organizers. Therefore, I was able to analyze and evaluate

the informations based on the topic. I realized that a graphic organizer attracts

student to concentrate in their studies. Besides, I was able to improve my English

proficiency in reading and comprehension. I have also learnt new words and refered

the dictionary to clarify my doubts in the vocabulary and its meanings..

Furthermore, I learnt to write a brief yet adequate personal response within.

300 words. This is a tough job as a good understanding is required to take notes of

the main ideas.

In conclusion, I’m happy that I’ve completed this challenging coursework which

gave me a new experience.

(200 words)

Personal Response

Page 11: my part

The title of the chosen article for this task is ‘Is This Any Way To Lose

Weight?’ by Taubes from The Readers Digest Magazine on October 2011.

The article focuses on how to lose weight. Taubes goes against obesity

expert’s gluttony and sloth hypothesis of why people get fat. Taubes believes that

dieting doesn’t work. In fact he states that by eating less and exercising more is

exactly what people do to make themselves hungry.

The best way to overcome obesity is to practise a low carb diet. Eat as

much as you want but just ignore the food that will make you fat. This theory stated

by Taubes concludes that a low carb diet actually does better than a low fat, low

calorie diet. In my opinion, I certainly feel that a low carb diet is not exactly the best

way to overcome obesity as it is only one of the ways to lose weight. People who

replace bread and pasta with calories of animal protein and animal fat may face an

increased risk of early death from cancer and heart disease. Therefore, Taubes’s

opinion is not the best solution as it has its weakness, too.

Besides, the vocabulary used in this text is too complex, thus simple words

should be used to describe the issue. The main idea in this text can be understood

by the readers better with simple English. Readers would find the article interesting if

they are able to understand the flow of the language. Furthermore, the main points

are not being focused and the ideas are being stated randomly. So, I suggest the

writer should at least mention the main idea in the first sentence before stating

another point.

In conclusion, this is indeed a good article with lots of scientific facts. It is very

informative and interesting. (304 words)

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