Name : Bayu Putra killa NIM : 102013235/D8 Outline Paragraph 1 main idea: Stroke is a disorder of brain function caused by blood flow to the brain is impaired. Support idea: Nutrients and oxygen the brain needs not met properly. Cause there are two kinds of strokes, namely the existence of blockages in blood vessels, and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel. Paragraph 2 Main idea: In the case of stroke adolescence, genetic factors is a major cause of stroke. Support idea: Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessels are fragile and easily broken, or blood system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease are passed down from parents of patients. If a family member is suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, stroke likely to be larger in other family members. Paragraph 3 Main idea : Early symptoms of stroke are generally dizzy, head spinning, then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles move. Support idea: Common people can not stop crying because of paralysis of the brain controls the emotions system. It made applicable stroke patients such as people with mental illness, but it's not. Things like this that need to be understood by the patient's family. Paragraph 4 Main idea: There are 2 major healing process that must be followed patients. The first is healing with medicines in hospitals. Support idea: Strict control must be done to keep the levels of bad cholesterol can be lowered and not grow up. Patients


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Page 1: Name

Name : Bayu Putra killa

NIM : 102013235/D8


Paragraph 1

main idea: Stroke is a disorder of brain function caused by blood flow to the brain is impaired.

Support idea: Nutrients and oxygen the brain needs not met properly. Cause there are two kinds of strokes, namely the existence of blockages in blood vessels, and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel.

Paragraph 2

Main idea: In the case of stroke adolescence, genetic factors is a major cause of stroke.

Support idea: Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessels are fragile and easily broken, or blood system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease are passed down from parents of patients. If a family member is suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, stroke likely to be larger in other family members.

Paragraph 3

Main idea : Early symptoms of stroke are generally dizzy, head spinning, then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles move.

Support idea: Common people can not stop crying because of paralysis of the brain controls the emotions system. It made applicable stroke patients such as people with mental illness, but it's not. Things like this that need to be understood by the patient's family.

Paragraph 4

Main idea: There are 2 major healing process that must be followed patients. The first is healing with medicines in hospitals.

Support idea: Strict control must be done to keep the levels of bad cholesterol can be lowered and not grow up. Patients are also forbidden to eat foods that can trigger a stroke such as junk food and salt.

Paragraph 5

Main idea: The second is fisiotherapy healing process, which exercises the muscles to restore muscle function and communication function to approach its original condition.

Support idea: Fisiotherapi conducted with instructors, and patients must adhere to the exercise performed. If this is not undertaken Fisiotherapi seriously, they can lead to permanent paralysis in his limbs that have experienced paralysis.

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Healing in patients with stroke varies. No one can recover completely (100%), some are just 50% recovered. Healing depends on whether or not a severe stroke, the body condition of the patient, patient compliance in undergoing the process of healing, perseverance and spirit of the patient to recover, and the support and understanding of. Often found that stroke survivors can recover, but suffered from severe depression because their families do not want to understand and feel very annoyed with her illness (such as the attitude of the patient is not receiving state, the harsh treatment because they have to clean up the patient, the nurse handed people who also treats patients with rugged, and so on). It should be avoided if there is a family member who suffered a stroke.


Stroke is a disorder of brain disfunction caused by the blood flow to the brain is impaired. In certain case, genetic factors is a major cause of stroke. Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessels are fragile and easily broken, or circulatory system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease are passed down from parents to child. Early symptoms of stroke are generally dizzy, head spinning, then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles move. Healing in patients with stroke varies. No one can recover completely (100 %), some are just 50 % recovered. Stroke will recover well depends on the condition of the body, the patient compliance in undergoing the process of healing, perseverance and spirit of the patient to recover and support families. With that stroke survivors can recover and live well with normal activity.

Agus w. Magnificent teenegers in X-treme science. Stroke [serial online] 2005 Agust [cited 2003];1(1):[24 screens]. Available from URL : http://www.angelfire.com/mt/matrixs/kesehatan.htm