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B e s t M a n u f a c t u r i n g P r a c t i c e s






F o r e w o r d

This report was produced by the Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP)program, a unique industry and government cooperative technology transfereffort that improves the competitiveness of America's industrial base both hereand abroad. Our main goal at BMP is to increase the quality, reliability, andmaintainability of goods produced by American firms. The primary objectivetoward this goal is simple: to identify best practices, document them, and thenencourage industry and government to share information about them.

The BMP program set out in 1985 to help businesses by identifying,researching, and promoting exceptional manufacturing practices, methods, and

procedures in design, test, production, facilities, logistics, and management – all areas which arehighlighted in the Department of Defense's 4245-7.M, Transition from Development to Productionmanual. By fostering the sharing of information across industry lines, BMP has become a resource inhelping companies identify their weak areas and examine how other companies have improvedsimilar situations. This sharing of ideas allows companies to learn from others’ attempts and to avoidcostly and time-consuming duplication.

BMP identifies and documents best practices by conducting in-depth, voluntary surveys such asthis one at NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Cape Canaveral, Florida conducted during the weekof October 21, 1996. Teams of BMP experts work hand-in-hand on-site with the company to examineexisting practices, uncover best practices, and identify areas for even better practices.

The final survey report, which details the findings, is distributed electronically and in hard copy tothousands of representatives from government, industry, and academia throughout the U.S. andCanada – so the knowledge can be shared. BMP also distributes this information through severalinteractive services which include CD-ROMs, BMPnet, and a World Wide Web Home Page located onthe Internet at http://www.bmpcoe.org. The actual exchange of detailed data is between companies attheir discretion.

KSC has the opportunity to be the global leader and facility of choice for space launch operationsand payload processing. Clearly the facilities, infrastructure, capabilities, and expertise that exist atKSC are world-class and generally unequaled. The challenge in capitalizing on this opportunity is todeal effectively with the sweeping changes of large scale privatization which are occurring as KSCredefines itself. Among the best examples were KSC’s accomplishments in instrumentation andcontrol; human factors event evaluation model; technical documentation system; payload operationsnetwork and network control center; space shuttle logistics; benchmarking; and weather support.

The Best Manufacturing Practices program is committed to strengthening the U.S. industrial base.Survey findings in reports such as this one on NASA Kennedy Space Center expand BMP’scontribution toward its goal of a stronger, more competitive, globally-minded, and environmentally-conscious American industrial program.

I encourage your participation and use of this unique resource.

Ernie RennerDirector, Best Manufacturing Practices

NASA Kennedy Space CenterC o n t e n t s

1. Report Summary

Background ......................................................................................................... 1Best Practices ...................................................................................................... 2Information ......................................................................................................... 5Point of Contact .................................................................................................. 6

2. Best Practices

DesignAutomated and Intelligent Systems ................................................................... 7Information Systems Laboratory ........................................................................ 7Instrumentation and Control .............................................................................. 8

TestFailure Analysis ................................................................................................. 10PCGOAL Shuttle Data Monitoring System...................................................... 10

ProductionAutomated Problem and Discrepancy Reporting Program .............................. 11Ground Processing Scheduling System ............................................................ 11Human Factors Event Evaluation Model ......................................................... 12Orbiter Reliability Centered Maintenance ....................................................... 12Propellant Handler’s Ensemble......................................................................... 14Technical Documentation System ..................................................................... 14

FacilitiesAerospace Facility and System Design and Implementation .......................... 15Fluids Management ........................................................................................... 15Mechanical Ground and Facility Systems and Equipment ............................. 15Payload Operations Network and Network Control Center ............................ 16Preventive Maintenance .................................................................................... 16Rack Insertion Device ........................................................................................ 17


NASA Kennedy Space CenterC o n t e n t s (Continued)


LogisticsExpert Learning for Vehicle Instruction by Simulation .................................. 18Space Shuttle Logistics Management ............................................................... 18Spares Simulation.............................................................................................. 19

ManagementAdvanced Technology Programs ........................................................................ 20Benchmarking .................................................................................................... 21Customer Payload Processing Operations ........................................................ 21Customer Survey Process .................................................................................. 22Interactive Task Execution Program ................................................................ 22Lightning Safety ................................................................................................ 23Manifest and Facility Planning ......................................................................... 23Negotiated Tasking ............................................................................................ 24Payload Ground Safety Review Process............................................................ 24Safety Policies and Requirements ..................................................................... 25Tech/QC Computer Based Training .................................................................. 25Weather Support ................................................................................................ 25

3. Information

TestCheckout, Control, and Data Systems .............................................................. 27

ProductionIntegrated Work Control System....................................................................... 27Process Analysis Overview ................................................................................ 27Structured Surveillance .................................................................................... 28Variable-Form Data Analysis ............................................................................ 28

FacilitiesCommunications ................................................................................................ 29Environmental Control Systems ....................................................................... 29Space Station Processing Facility ..................................................................... 30

NASA Kennedy Space CenterC o n t e n t s (Continued)

LogisticsInternational Space Station Logistical Support ............................................... 30Launch Processing System Upgrade Project .................................................... 31

ManagementElectronic LogBook ............................................................................................ 31Portable Data Collection System ....................................................................... 31Spacelab Integration Process ............................................................................ 32

APPENDIX A - Table of Acronyms ......................................................................... A-1APPENDIX B - BMP Survey Team ......................................................................... B-1APPENDIX C - Critical Path Templates and BMP Templates .......................... C-1APPENDIX D - BMPnet and the Program Manager’s WorkStation ................. D-1APPENDIX E - Best Manufacturing Practices Satellite Centers ...................... E-1APPENDIX F - Navy Manufacturing Technology Centers of Excellence ..........F-1APPENDIX G - Completed Surveys ........................................................................ G-1


NASA Kennedy Space Center


2-1 Automated Tile Processing System........................................................................ 72-2 Automated Window Inspection System ................................................................. 92-3 Laser Shearography ............................................................................................... 92-4 Ultrasonic Leak Detection and Location ............................................................. 102-5 Check Box Screen ................................................................................................. 112-6 Draw Screen .......................................................................................................... 112-7 KSC Human Factors Event Evaluation Model ................................................... 132-8 Rack Insertion Device........................................................................................... 172-9 Rack Installation .................................................................................................. 182-10 Orbiter Program Cannibalizations ...................................................................... 192-11 Provisioned Line Replaceble Unit Fill Rate ........................................................ 192-12 Performance Summary ......................................................................................... 192-13 Two-Phase Cryogenic Flowmeter ......................................................................... 202-14 Protective Wire System ........................................................................................ 233-1 Capability of Individual Bonding Adhesives ....................................................... 293-2 Overall Capability of Structural Bonding Process .............................................. 293-3 FY96 Energy Use Index Comparison of the Operations & Checkout

Building and the Space Station Processing Facility ........................................... 30


2-1 Examples of KSC Benchmarking Studies .............................................................. 21

F i g u r e s & T a b l e s



S e c t i o n 1

Report Summary


The National Aeronautical and Space Adminis-tration (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center(KSC) was established at Cape Canaveral, Floridain 1962. As America's only manned spaceport, KSCcurrently employs 2,200 civil servants and 12,000contractors. Its fiscal budget was $1.3 billion in1995. Surrounded by the Merritt Island NationalWildlife Refuge, KSC encompasses 140,000 acres ofland and 8 million square feet of building area. Thefacility provides prelaunch checkout, assembly,testing, and processing of the space shuttle fleetand of the payloads that fly aboard, as well asshuttle launch, landing, and solid rocket boosterrecovery operations.

In the present political environment which isembracing a strong policy to reduce government,balance the Federal budget, and privatize to themaximum extent, KSC faces major challenges.These include reducing its workforce, privatizingthe Space Shuttle program, and redefining its roleand mission. In light of this new direction, KSCcontinues to commit to excellence in the quality ofits products and services for its many customers.Among the best examples were KSC's instrumen-tation and control; human factors event evaluationmodel; technical documentation system; payloadoperations network and network control center;space shuttle logistics; benchmarking; and weathersupport.

KSC's ad hoc concurrent engineering develop-ment teams produce quality instrumentation andcontrols at the lowest costs available. Throughstreamlining techniques, real-time measurements,non-program funding, and customer involvement,KSC has successfully produced financial savingsand resolved potential life-threatening situations.Examples include Automated Window InspectionSystem, Hazardous Gas Detection System, Hydra-zine Vapor Detection, and Real-time ContaminationMonitoring. With a significant annual cost savings,KSC leads the world in the enhancement of special-ized instrumentation and control development.

The typical reactive approach to incident report-ing and resolution usually does not investigate thehuman factor elements, nor does it permit knowl-edge gain from past incidents to be incorporated.

Instead, KSC developed the Human Factors EventEvaluation model as a continuous improvementtool. By using the model, KSC reanalyzed 25 previ-ous incidents and was able to test both the validityof the model, as well as identify valuable, additionalroot cause data. The Human Factors Event Evalu-ation model provides greater understanding of theinterrelationship between humans and processes,new insights into root causes contributing to er-rors, and better capability for analyzing trends.

Payloads Processing uses more than 5,000 docu-ments in its operations, representing more than 30different types of documents. Upon analyzing thedocumentation flow, KSC recognized the need tocreate a central repository, establish standard for-mats, and eliminate the inaccurate tracking, revi-sions, and distribution of its documents. To resolvethis problem, KSC incorporated the Technical Docu-mentation System. This electronic managementsystem provides document templates, electronicreview, document modification, activity tracking,simple or complex searches, and multiple viewinglevels.

Isolated networks and diverse applications ex-isted throughout KSC. Lack of configuration con-trol, adequate budgets, unique dedicated wiring,and proprietary protocols signaled a need for im-provement. KSC improved its network capabilitiesby establishing the Payload Operations Network(PON) and the Network Control Center (NCC).Comprised of several local networks tied together,PON interconnects all the payload facilities intoone Local Area Network (LAN). In addition, PONprovides network services and integrated informa-tion technology support. A centralized NCC con-trols operation and maintenance of the networkand provides a customer help desk.

Overwhelming best describes the shuttle logisti-cal task in magnitude and complexity. More than250,000 part numbers exist for each orbiter andrelated ground support equipment. In addition,KSC uses multiple duplication of some parts, main-tains and distributes spares, and monitors 52 re-pair contracts. To handle this enormous job, KSCrelies on numerous management methodologies,unique databases, and discrete simulation models.Benefits include a decrease from 120 per year to 8 peryear in the cannibalization rate, an increase from


90% to 98% in furnishing spares from on-handsupplies, and the elimination of Capability Reten-tion Contracts (industry contracts are maintainedsolely to retain unique capabilities).

KSC established a Benchmarking Network incollaboration with its major contractors and pio-neered consortium benchmarking techniques toreduce the cost of benchmarking studies. In gen-eral, KSC determines the amount of resources toinvest by estimating the potential return on theinvestment and by considering the criticality of theprocess, the process stability, the availability ofdocumentation, and the cost of implementing pro-cess change. After a successful government prop-erty benchmarking study, several organizationshave reported significant cost avoidance and reduc-tions in property loss reports. As a result, KSC wasdesignated as the leader in agency benchmarkingby NASA, and received a 1995 Silver Medal Bench-marking Award in Applied Research from the In-ternational Benchmarking Clearinghouse.

Spacecraft operations are extremely weather sen-sitive. In addition, forecasting weather in the CapeCanaveral area is complicated by the surroundinglandscape, the jet streams, the lack of sensors to theeast, and the fact that this area is the lightningcenter of the United States. KSC established itsWeather Office as the centralized coordinator togovern the space program on weather-related is-sues such as infrastructure projects, constraints,emergencies, and technical expertise. To accom-plish this, the Weather Office uses a multi-agencyinfrastructure comprised of wind towers; lightningdetection equipment and algorithms; data acquisi-tion and display systems; hazard models; and vari-ous sondes and spheres.

KSC has the opportunity to be the global leaderand facility of choice for space launch operationsand payload processing. Clearly the facilities, in-frastructure, capabilities, and expertise that existat KSC are world-class and generally unequaled.The challenge in capitalizing on this opportunity isto deal effectively with the sweeping changes oflarge scale privatization which are occurring asKSC redefines itself. The BMP survey team consid-ers the following practices to be among the best inindustry and government.

Best Practices

The following best practices were documented atKSC:

Item Page

Automated and Intelligent Systems 7

KSC shares its state-of-the-art automated andintelligent systems with the private sectorthrough technology transfer activities. Areas ofdevelopment include teleoperated and autono-mous control systems; automated systems simu-lation; robotic systems; and task planning.

Information Systems Laboratory 7

The Information Systems Laboratory stays up-to-date on leading-edge information technology,so NASA can quickly and efficiently implementnew solutions as requirements change. In addi-tion, the Information Systems Laboratory oper-ates KSC's website and maintains it throughperl language software.

Instrumentation and Control 8

KSC maintains its instrumentation develop-ment through real-time measurement tech-niques. With significant annual cost savings,KSC leads the world in the enhancement ofspecialized instrumentation development.

Failure Analysis 10

The Materials Science Division supports andhandles the unique analysis requirements ofKSC. Functions include chemical analysis,materials analysis, process evaluation, applica-tions research, failure analysis, technical con-sultation, and technology transfer.

PCGOAL Shuttle Data Monitoring 10System

PCGOAL provides remote sites with a systemfor monitoring space shuttle data. It enablestechnicians to plot data in real-time by using thetrend data and test results.

Automated Problem and Discrepancy 11Reporting Program

KSC uses an automated program to documentProblem and Discrepancy Reports on the servic-ing and modification of each space shuttle priorto its next mission. The program features on-screen pop-ups, check boxes, and draw screens.


Ground Processing Scheduling System 11

The Ground Processing Scheduling System isthe primary scheduling tool for supplementingthe existing computer-aided, process-planningtools of the Orbiter Processing Facility. KSChas granted a license to a software developmentcompany which has produced a commercialversion of the program.

Human Factors Event Evaluation 12Model

The Human Factors Event Evaluation modeldetermines the underlying human factor causesof incidents and also trends when, where, andunder what circumstances these incidents oc-curred. The model also provides greater under-standing of the interrelationship betweenhumans and processes, new insights into rootcauses contributing to errors, and better capa-bility for analyzing trends.

Orbiter Reliability Centered 12Maintenance

KSC established the Orbiter Reliability Cen-tered Maintenance system to improve the re-quired tests between orbiter flights. The systemhandles fleet-reliability monitoring by compar-ing actual orbiter primary and subsystem per-formance to statistically derived control limits.

Propellant Handler's Ensemble 14

The handling of hazardous material demandssafety measures. KSC's current version of thepropellant handler's ensemble represents thesafest, most reliable, lowest-maintenance, pro-tective garment available today.

Technical Documentation System 14

The Technical Documentation System is anelectronic management system used to gener-ate, deliver, retrieve, process, store, and trackdocuments necessary for the payload process-ing operations. This system streamlined thegeneration procedure, reduced creation time,improved revision procedures, and eliminatedhard copy distribution.

Aerospace Facility and System Design 15and Implementation

The Aerospace Facility and System Design andImplementation team provides expertise fordesigning, constructing, and enhancing the sur-vivability of KSC's launch and payload process-

ing facilities, structures and systems. The teammust maintain a balance between NASA's re-quirements and the environment's protection.

Fluids Management 15

As the leading government agency for space-flight-propellant management, NASA's corpo-rate knowledge base contains the mostcomprehensive information on propellants,gases, and specialized fluids. Other topics in-clude industrial supply sources; manufacturingand analysis processes; storage, transporta-tion, and handling; and supporting hardwaredesign and development.

Mechanical Ground and Facility 15Systems and Equipment

The Mechanical Ground and Facility Systemsand Equipment team designs and develops me-chanical systems to support the launch, landingand turnaround activities of current and futurelaunch vehicles. The team continues to proveitself as world-class experts in special accessplatforms, payload handling structures, andumbilicles propellant handling.

Payloads Operations Network and 16Network Control Center

Through centralization and commonality, thePayloads Operations Network and the NetworkControl Center have improved KSC's networkcapabilities in cost, speed, and accuracy. Inaddition, a network help desk provides immedi-ate support for all network problems.

Preventive Maintenance 16

KSC's aggressive Preventive Maintenance pro-gram was based upon fixed-time repetitive pro-cedures. However, KSC has improved thisprogram by combining it with its PredictiveMaintenance program which increased theequipment and facilities up-time from 77.1% to98.1%.

Rack Insertion Device 17

Most shuttle payloads are carried on/in special-ized racks which are hard-mounted to a floorsystem and installed inside the module (floorand ceiling areas) of the space laboratory. Byusing the Rack Insertion Device, KSC improvedits installation operations, minimized damagedto its payloads, and maximized its module ca-pacity.

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Expert Learning for Vehicle 18Instruction by Simulation

The Expert Learning for Vehicle Instruction bySimulation supplements KSC's training meth-ods. It is a completely-integrated, high-fidelity,interactive, training tool which models the or-biter systems and ground support equipment.

Space Shuttle Logistics Management 18

The Logistical Operations Directorate providesreplacement hardware for the Space Shuttleprogram and furnishes logistical services. Inaddition, a Failure Analysis Capabilities Ma-trix provides customers with expertise fromvarious facilities on failure analysis capabilitieswithin the shuttle program.

Spares Simulation 19

The Spares Simulation calculates life expect-ancy of components and determines the quan-tity of needed spares. The simulation minimizesthe subjectivity in determining the spares re-quirements and considers the long lead timesrequired for producing a particular spare com-ponent.

Advanced Technology Programs 20

KSC consolidated its five technology transfer-related activities into the Technology Programsand Commercialization Office. The result is asuperior system for new technology develop-ment which maximizes the positive relation-ships between commercial equipmentdevelopers, university researchers, and poten-tial users of KSC technologies.

Benchmarking 21

KSC established a Benchmarking Network incollaboration with nine major support contrac-tors and pioneered consortium benchmarkingtechniques to reduce the cost of benchmarkingstudies. The Network received a 1995 SilverMedal Benchmarking Award in Applied Re-search from the International BenchmarkingClearinghouse.

Customer Payload Processing 21Operations

KSC provides facilities and services for its pay-load customers. By focusing on early and con-tinual involvement with the customerthroughout all phases of the payload integra-tion process, KSC obtains an in-depth under-standing of its customers' needs.

Customer Survey Process 22

KSC increased its customer survey responsesfrom 75% (with a 50% incomplete or inaccuraterate) to 100%. By involving the customer andmaintaining a flexibility in the data collectionprocess, KSC proved that survey responses andsatisfaction levels can increase.

Interactive Task Execution Program 22

To ensure a customer's needs and requirementsare being met, the KSC Weather Office imple-mented the Interactive Task Execution pro-gram. This program enables the customer andthe tasked organization to work togetherthroughout the cycle of a requested task.

Lightning Safety 23

Through various lightning conductors, KSC hassuccessfully protected spacecraft assemblies andpayloads from potential damage despite 13 di-rect strikes on the launch pads with spacecraftpresent. The latest technology is a “shoebox”developed by I-Net.

Manifest and Facility Planning 23

Manifest and Facility Planning provides a com-prehensive analysis of the major factors whichaffect the outcome of long range planning, iden-tifies resource conflicts, validates planned hard-ware availability, performs theoreticalassessments, and assists in budget projections.It is currently used on the payloads and theInternational Space Station program.

Negotiated Tasking 24

The KSC Weather Office improved its manage-ment, operations, and effectiveness of environ-mental responsibilities by devising negotiatedtasking with its key organizations. It is based oncommunications and the sharing of resources,responsibilities, and results.

Payload Ground Safety Review Process 24

Through its Ground Safety Review Process,KSC responds to its customers' needs withoutcompromising ground safety requirements. Nofatalities or payload losses have occurred dur-ing ground processing operations at KSC.

Safety Policies and Requirements 25

KSC's Safety Division represents one of the feworganizations in the world which fully under-stands the mandated safety requirements andprocesses needed to ensure the safe launch and

Item Page Item Page


recovery of space vehicles. In addition, the Divi-sion has established an excellent safety recordover the past 30 years.

Tech/QC Computer Based Training 25

KSC installed a Shop Floor Control/Data Col-lection system to collect data, define areas ofimprovement, and justify process changes inshuttle processing facilities. The system uses aComputer Based Training tutorial to overcomeany training inadequacies. Many additional,just-in-time, computer-based training modulesare available in the shop areas to improve thetech/QC recertification process.

Weather Support 25

The Weather Office is a unifying force for coor-dinating weather-related infrastructureprojects, launch constraints, emergencies, bud-get support, and expert technical assistance. Inaddition, the Office also developed some of themost efficient, best management practices.


The following information items were documentedat KSC:

Item Page

Checkout, Control, and Data Systems 27

The Checkout, Control, and Data Systems groupprovides state-of-the-art, highly reliable, cost-effective, total system development to KSC forthe checkout, launch, and landing activities.Numerous programs now involve the customersthroughout the development cycle.

Integrated Work Control System 27

KSC's Integrated Work Control System tiestogether the key elements of the shuttle pro-cessing activities and permits the sharing ofrelated, common data through a centralizeddatabase.

Process Analysis Overview 27

KSC improved the overall efficiency of shuttleoperations by offering process analysis servicesto its customers.

Structured Surveillance 28

The Structured Surveillance program placesquality accountability on the individuals per-

forming the task, focuses mandatory inspectionon work with significant risk, uses statistical-based measurement of quality, and establishesa closed-loop, continuous, quality assurance,improvement process.

Variable-Form Data Analysis 28

The Variable-Form Data Analysis examinesdata variations for different types of analysiswhich may result in substantial reductions inareas such as direct labor hours, material costs,and amount of rework.

Communications 29

KSC maintains its communication functions byestablishing requirements; performing analy-sis; reviewing internal and commercial capa-bilities; and providing periodic reviews,acquisition, installation, acceptance, and sup-port of a designed system.

Environmental Control Systems 29

Driven by requirements for improved energyefficiency, more precise operation, and bettermonitoring capability, KSC began using an in-tegrated, direct-digital, control system for theSpace Station Processing Facility.

Space Station Processing Facility 30

The Space Station Processing Facility is a460,000 square-foot, class 100,000 clean roomfacility which was built specifically to accommo-date shuttle payloads for the International SpaceStation.

International Space Station 30Logistical Support

Based on its proven capabilities from the SpaceShuttle program, KSC anticipates a major rolein the logistical support of the InternationalSpace Station program.

Launch Processing System Upgrade 31Project

KSC is currently upgrading its Launch Process-ing System through stages so as not to createnegative impacts on its Space Shuttle program.

Electronic LogBook 31

The Electronic LogBook provides a means toconduct consistent, historical trend analysis ina timely manner as well as produce a widevariety of reports and real-time status.

Item Page Item Page


Point of Contact

For further information on items in this report,please contact:

Mr. Saul BartonNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationJohn F. Kennedy Space CenterCode HM-CICKennedy Space Center, FL 32899(407) 867-3494FAX: (407) 867-2454E-mail: [email protected]

Item Page

Portable Data Collection System 31

The Portable Data Collection System allowsshop floor technicians and quality assurancepersonnel to electronically stamp the comple-tion of critical work steps and enter data intoelectronic work instruction documents. The sys-tem operates through hand-held notepad com-puters and remote PCS.

Spacelab Integration Process 32

By streamlining the power-up testing of theSpacelab Integration Process, KSC reduced itsoverall process from 55 to 40 weeks and de-creased the workforce requirements by 22%.

S e c t i o n 2

Best Practices



Automated and Intelligent Systems

KSC shares its state-of-the-art automated andintelligent systems with the private sector throughtechnology transfer activities. Although some cus-tomizing was necessary due to NASA’s uniqueground applications, the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products expedited the overall devel-opment process of the automated and intelligentsystems. Areas of development included teleoper-ated and autonomous control systems; automatedsystems simulation; and task planning. BecauseNASA uses hazardous material, safety was a con-cern. However, this was resolved through the use ofrobotic systems for these types of environments.

KSC uses the latest technology available to de-velop its automated and intelligent systems. Theseinclude Internet tools which are available at no costvia downloading, and COTS software tools such asLabview for data acquisition and control. Thesepermit KSC to access the latest technologies byusing the most cost-effective methods.

One example of an automated and intelligentsystem is the Portable Hepa Filter Inspection Sys-tem. Knowing that clean room environments arecritical in maintaining contaminant-free payloads,KSC developed the automated Portable Hepa Fil-ter Inspection to inspect the air filtration filters inpayload changeout rooms. By automating this pro-cess, KSC achieved increased safety, reduced costs,and improved quality. To further enhance payloadprocessing, KSC also implemented a COTS, au-tonomous Mobile Cleaning Robot for cleaningthe hard floors of a clean room. These two systemshave resulted in a higher quality, more-efficientcleaning process with reduced costs that can beutilized in other NASA operations or the privatesector for clean room applications.

The method and process of waterproofing theshuttle’s thermal tiles provide the best example ofKSC’s automated and intelligent systems. At a costsavings of more than $200 thousand annually, thewaterproofing system (Figure 2-1) injects the haz-ardous, waterproofing substance into the tiles andperforms the tile inspection, which becomes a base-line for future degradation analysis. This new

process improves worker safety; reduces costs; en-hances data collection; baselines the orbiter’s lower-surface tiles; and through technology transfer,enables other process automations with little de-velopment costs.

KSC’s automated and intelligent systems havesaved time and money, improved quality, and in-creased safety. Enhancements such an Internettools, alignment tools, and robots supplement theseautomated and intelligent systems in many ways.Real-time test data is now available via the Inter-net to other NASA centers and contractors. Inter-net tools also support Rockwell’s Orbital Maneu-vering System Testbed for New Launch VehicleDevelopment. Many alignment tools improve theaccuracy and cycle times of systems. Robots im-prove the accuracy and safety of visual inspections.These state-of-the-art systems, developed by KSC,would be valuable manufacturing technologiesthroughout the United States.

Information Systems Laboratory

The Information Technology (IT) requirementsfor NASA’s largest launch site are quite complex,and demand continuous evaluation of new IT capa-bilities. KSC’s Information Systems Laboratorystays up-to-date on leading-edge IT, so NASA canquickly and efficiently implement new and effec-tive solutions as requirements change.

Figure 2-1. Automated Tile Processing System


Before the Information Systems Laboratory ex-isted, numerous obstacles hindered on-site custom-ers who tried to contact off-site facilities throughdata communications. These obstacles includedincompatible networks, lack of connectivity withthe outside world, and lack of staff to assist thecustomer. The Information Systems Laboratoryestablished an Internet connectivity and providedstandard, Internet services for KSC’s customers.The staff continues to maintain expertise on mul-tiple platforms and operating systems, so thatquick solutions are available to meet each customer’sunique data communication needs.

To capitalize on modern computing systems, theInformation Systems Laboratory researched dif-ferent ways of automating information systems.Redundant systems which automatically transferresources between components during failures areable to contact staff members for assistance. Thesesystems virtually eliminate downtime and reducemanpower requirements by eliminating the needfor continuous monitoring.

In addition, the Information Systems Laboratoryoperates KSC’s website through the World WideWeb. KSC’s website provides more than 28,000pages of information to a diverse community ofusers, ranging from the general public to its ownemployees. It would be virtually impossible to sup-port a staff to manually update this information ina timely fashion. Instead, the Information SystemsLaboratory developed a unique software, using theperl language, which automatically converts e-mail messages and other sources of information toHyper Text Markup Language documents. Thissoftware also performs regular-expression searchesto locate text strings which can automatically beconverted into hyperlinks leading to other docu-ments. This development effort resulted in a verylarge, but extremely dynamic and up-to-datewebsite, and requires only a minimum of humanintervention.

To keep up with the demand, which has peakedat 4 million accesses per month, KSC uses a dualprocessor DEC Alpha with 640 MB of RAM and 24GB of disk space to communicate with an external2 MB/s E-2 circuit. The server distributes theworkload across 13 other systems through oneFiber Distributed Data Information and threeEthernet networks.

Instrumentation and Control

KSC is responsible for instrumentation develop-ment, qualification, standardization, characteriza-tion, testing, and problem solving for the Nation’smanned spaceflight program. This responsibilityincludes determining ways which KSC can im-prove the cost effectiveness of instrumentationdeployment. By using real-time measurement tech-niques, KSC has realized significant savings throughreduced recurring costs of operation, while main-taining the required flight rates, even with man-dated manpower reductions. KSC has reduced thecosts to the shuttle, payloads, and space stationprograms by using non-programmatic fundingsources to solve shuttle, payloads, and space sta-tion problems.

Many organizations approach project initiationand problem solving in a reactive manner. KSC’sInstrumentation Development Laboratory’s ap-proach is based on customer input detailing processimprovement requirements and provides customerbenefits through time and money-saving proce-dures. This development process at KSC beginswith assisting the customer in documenting re-quirements for their specific needs. In turn, thecustomer becomes involved as part of the designteam and participates in frequent, informal, designreviews. This has proved to be a beneficial way tomeet customers’ technical needs and reduce datacollection time cycles, producing unforeseen costsavings.

KSC’s fast response time to problem solving insensor development is remarkable. Typical responsetimes for urgent problems are one to three days,which may include travel time to other NASACenters or contractor plants. By eliminating therequirements of lengthy analysis, the launch teamand other NASA centers’ requests are acted uponimmediately. This has produced millions of dollarsin cost savings due to solutions that reduce down-times related to launch readiness.

By applying this method, KSC has created indi-vidual instrumentation which has produced sub-stantial cost savings, such as:

• Automated Window Inspection System (Figure2-2) at $5.6 million per year

• Hazardous Gas Detection System at $1.6 million


• Launch Complex 39/SLF Meteorological SystemUpgrades at $1 million per mission

• Advanced Data Acquisition at $900 thousandper year

• Dimethyl Ethoxysilane (a shuttle tile water-proofing compound) Toxic Vapor Detection Cartsat $400 thousand per year

Besides the financial savings, other developmentshave produced “Fastract Delivery”, solving urgentproblems and potential life-saving developments.

Some of these accomplishments are:• Laser Shearography (Figure 2-3) which detects

unbonded areas of insulation on the ExternalTank, Remote Manipulator System, and otherflight hardware

• Ultrasonic Leak Detection and Location(Figure 2-4)

• Hazardous Gas Detection System• Portable 10 parts per billion Hydrazine Vapor


Figure 2-2. Automated Window Inspection System

Figure 2-3. Laser Shearography


In addition to KSC, the Materials ScienceDivision also performs work for the AirForce; the Navy; the National Transporta-tion Safety Board; the Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco and Firearms; other federal andstate agencies; and the surrounding in-dustrial community. The failure analysisfunctions at KSC provide a critical, correc-tive-action operation which helps makethe space program a successful one.

PCGOAL Shuttle DataMonitoring System

Initially started by KSC in 1990, the PersonalComputer Ground Operations Aerospace Language(PCGOAL) provides remote sites with a system formonitoring space shuttle data. The system is low-cost, near real time, and PC-DOS based. It wasdeveloped at KSC for Dryden Flight Research Fa-cility to provide visibility for the space shuttle data.Once the system was initiated and operational,NASA technical experts recognized its applicabil-ity to the main-firing, control room at KSC.

PCGOAL enables technicians to plot data in real-time by using the trend data and test results.Previously, the system needed to be off-line, theoperating application or environment shut down,and the data input transitioned as a separateoperation. With PCGOAL, KSC now has a stand-alone system with trend-analysis capability whichdoes not require other systems or capabilities to beshut down.

PCGOAL benefits KSC’s launch director, deci-sion-makers, and problem-solvers through its abil-ity to provide real-time information on easy-to-seeterminals. Real-time information helps KSC per-sonnel respond to emerging events immediately.Presently, this user-friendly system is being imple-mented by other NASA field centers. NASA JohnsonSpace Center derived one of its currently-used datamonitoring systems, called XGOAL, from KSC’sPCGOAL. XGOAL is, in fact, a UNIX version ofPCGOAL.

Future plans include migrating PCGOAL to otheroperating systems; it is ready for Windows 95, anda JAVA version has been prototyped. AdditionalPCGOAL users include the NASA Johnson SpaceCenter Evaluation Room; NASA Marshall SpaceFlight Center, Huntsville Operations Support Cen-ter; NASA Stennis Space Center, Space ShuttleMain Engine Project, as well as Pratt & Whitney inPalm Beach, Florida and Rocketdyne in CanogaPark, California.

Figure 2-4. Ultrasonic Leak Detection and Location

• Real-time Contamination Monitoring• Improved Hydrogen Leak Detectors• Solid Rocket Booster O-ring Groove InspectoscopeWith significant annual cost savings, KSC leads

the world in the enhancement of specialized instru-mentation development. KSC’s ad hoc concurrentengineering development teams work superbly toproduce quality instrumentation at the lowest pos-sible costs.


Failure Analysis

The Materials Science Division’s diverseworkforce supports and handles the unique analy-sis requirements of KSC. Functions include chemi-cal analysis, materials analysis, process evalua-tion, applications research, failure analysis, tech-nical consultation, and technology transfer.

Heavily involved with industry, the MaterialsScience Division works in the development and useof corrosion and heat-resistant coatings and metalalloys. The Florida region combines heat, salt, andhigh humidity to form one of the most corrosiveenvironments ever documented. The beach corro-sion test site, one of the facilities, provides perfor-mance history on coatings and alloy materials. Thereare thousands of test specimens at the corrosiontest site, some dating back almost 30 years. Special-ists at the Materials Science Division continuallyprovide coating research, and periodically publishtechnical articles in the Journal of Protective Coat-ings and Linings, Material Performance, and vari-ous other industrial and internal publications.

Of the 8,000 different jobs processed every year atthe Materials Science Division, about 1,000 arefailure analysis jobs with the remainder comprisedof physical analysis and chemical testing functions.


the user to handdraw a picture of the tile damagedirectly on the computer screen (Figure 2-6). Thesoftware saves the image and later prints it out onthe PR/DR.

Future plans include linking the pen-based com-puters to a server via a radio frequency Local AreaNetwork (LAN). This will allow real-time printingof PRs and DRs, and simultaneous updating ofseveral tracking databases including master sched-uling and spares acquisition.

Tens to hundreds of labor hours; inventory order-ing and retrieval time-and-cost; and further sched-uling time will be saved by using this user-friendly,

automated, pen-based computer system. KSCplans to expand this system to its propulsion,electrical, and mechanical inspection require-ments.

Ground Processing SchedulingSystem

KSC developed the Ground Processing Sched-uling System (GPSS), an artificial-intelligence-based, work-scheduling tool, as part of its Inte-grated Work Control System (IWCS). Currentlybeing used in its development stage, GPSS isthe primary scheduling tool for supplementingthe existing computer-aided, process-planningtools of the Orbiter Processing Facility. A KSCdevelopment team produced the GPSS based

on initial scheduling algorithms developed by NASAAmes Research Center.

Influences on the complexity of the schedulingtask include 24 major (most being in parallel)


Automated Problem and DiscrepancyReporting Program

KSC uses an automated process to documentProblem Reports (PR) and Discrepancy Re-ports (DR) on the servicing and modification ofeach space shuttle prior to its next mission. Theprevious method can best be described by anexample. The Thermal Protective System con-sists of 30,000 to 50,000 individual, unique tilesor blankets. Upon inspection, any discrepan-cies were documented by notes on a clipboard.These notes, unique to each inspector, intro-duced non-standardized descriptions. The in-spectors would later transcribe these notes toan official report. This serial duplication ofeffort consumed time, provided an opportunityfor transcription error, and perpetuated un-verified, invalid, and inconsistent data. Thenewly-implemented automated process uses aToshiba T200CS 486/40 pen-based computer with20 MB of RAM, Microsoft DOS 6.22, and MicrosoftPen for Windows 1.0.

The automated PR/DR program features on-screen pop-ups, check boxes, and draw screens.The program allows users to enter damage-descrip-tion data with virtually no keyboard input. Screenpop-ups (Figure 2-5) provide standardized lists and

restrict the user to the displayed choices. Elementsof artificial intelligence automatically change theconfiguration of the screen pop-ups based on theselected user-input. The graphics capability allows

Figure 2-5. Check Box Screen

Figure 2-6. Draw Screen


subsystems connected with the orbiter configura-tion and resource constraints associated with thesupporting tasks, frequent rescheduling due tounexpected events, and the need to communicateschedule information in a timely manner. Thedevelopment team used the Ames constraint-basedalgorithms to model the temporal, configuration,and resource constraints of each processing activ-ity. These models then compare individual taskschedules, resolve conflicts, and produce scheduleswhich contain minimal constraint violations.

Key milestones for 1996 and 1997 include com-pleting the integration within the IWCS, reengi-neering the LISP-based software to a C++ version,and expanding the system to handle multiple flows.Future applications will include scheduling for theVertical Assembly Building and the Launch Padoperations. KSC has granted a license to a softwaredevelopment company which has developed a com-mercial version of the program. The licensing rightsare now nonexclusive, and KSC is interested infuture licensing agreements with other interestedcommercial parties.

Human Factors Event Evaluation Model

KSC’s Shuttle Processing Human Factors teamdeveloped the Human Factors Event Evaluationmodel as a continuous improvement tool for discov-ering the underlying causes of human error. Notonly does the model determine the underlyinghuman factor causes of incidents after they hap-pen, but it also trends when, where, and underwhat circumstances these incidents occurred. KSCexpects this capability to enable the Shuttle Pro-cessing Operations to reduce the frequency andseverity of future incidents.

Previously, most KSC incident reporting andresolution were reactive to events, with little em-phasis or investigation on human factors elementsand methods. Though this approach provided docu-mentation and explanation, it did not allow KSCShuttle Processing Operations to learn from pastincidents, factor in what they had learned, norapply that knowledge to areas beyond the one inwhich the incident had occurred.

KSC’s Human Factors team developed the Hu-man Factors Event Evaluation model by studyingvarious human factors data-gathering methodolo-gies; and previous research. Studies included thoseby the Center for Creative Leadership/NASA AmesResearch Center, ongoing incident investigationsat KSC, and the results of research performed from

the Summers of 1992 through 1994 at KSC byNASA Ames and the U.S. Air Force Academy’sDepartment of Behavioral Sciences. The KSC Hu-man Factors team then modified the Team Effec-tiveness Leadership model, developed by Dr. Rob-ert C. Ginnett, by expanding and customizing itscompatibility with the Shuttle Processing Opera-tions (Figure 2-7). By using the model, the teamreanalyzed 25 previous incidents and was able totest both the validity of the model, as well asidentify valuable, additional root cause data. Thedata produced through application of the model isstored in a Microsoft Access database.

The Human Factors Event Evaluation modelprovides greater understanding of the interrela-tionship between humans and processes, new in-sights into root causes contributing to errors, andbetter capability for analyzing trends. The HumanFactors team educates KSC personnel on humanfactors issues through newsletters, training ses-sions, seminars, and workshops. By providing anunderstanding and analysis of human factors, theteam strives to reduce incident occurrences acrossall operations at KSC. The Human Factors EventEvaluation model also provides valuable documenta-tion on the human factors element and its effects onShuttle Processing Operations. The model has muchpotential and could easily be applied to larger activi-ties and operations at KSC and private enterprise.

Orbiter Reliability CenteredMaintenance

To support cost reduction initiatives, KSC estab-lished an Orbiter Reliability Centered Maintenance(RCM) program to reduce the required tests be-tween orbiter flights. Previously, KSC conductedextensive tests on critical hardware between eachflight based only on hardware criticality, designcriteria, and some failure history. Orbiter RCMtakes advantage of the information regarding thehardware’s successful past performance and thepreviously mentioned criteria and incorporatesthese into the testing program. Since most avionicsand electrical component failures result from groundpower time and not flight operational time, conclu-sions implied the failures occurred from extensivetesting between flights and not from normal usage.

Only about 11% of today’s components respondfavorably to regularly-scheduled maintenance.Advanced electronic equipment does not displayage degradation nor do existing tests effectively showimpending failure. This has led to maintenance


Figure 2-7. KSC Human Factors Event Evaluation Model


systems based on analyzing those factors whichaffect reliability. KSC chose the RCM methodologybecause of its proven track record with airlinemaintenance requirements. Johnson Control WorldServices, Inc. developed the recommendations forthe initial system. Since several years of flight datawas available, the baselining section of the tradi-tional RCM approach was disregarded. The systemhandles fleet-reliability monitoring by comparingactual orbiter primary and subsystem performanceto statistically derived control limits. When a trendrate moves outside the upper or lower controllimits, action must be taken to identify the root causeand to apply the appropriate corrective measures.

Implementation of the pilot RCM system reducedthe number of tests required and produced signifi-cant cost avoidance. KSC realized these benefitsprior to transferring the RCM system to its processowners for full-scale use.

Propellant Handler’s Ensemble

The handling of hazardous material demandssafety measures. KSC led the way in improving thepropellant handler’s ensemble into the safest, most-reliable garment for protecting individuals whohandle hazardous material. These improvementsinclude making the suit from a multi-layer fabric ofdifferent colors instead of a single layer, allowingfor easier wear inspection; increasing the thicknessof the butyl rubber which coats the suit, allowingfor added durability; connecting the gloves andboots to the main suit with a metal-locking ring,allowing a positive seal for better protection thanthe cuff design; making the helmet an integral partof the suit, allowing the face shield to be the onlyrigid part on top of the suit; and placing the ventvalves in the chest area, allowing for easy access.

KSC’s use of a liquid air pack should draw com-mercial interest. The previous method used com-pressed air at 2,400 psi, which lasted about 40minutes and weighed 60 pounds. The liquid airpack operates at 150 psi, lasts over an hour, andweighs only 28 pounds. Liquid air pumped through-out the suit absorbs body heat prior to becoming a gasand gives an air-conditioning effect to the handler.

KSC’s current version of the propellant handler’sensemble represents the safest, most reliable, low-est-maintenance, protective garment available to-day. The ensemble’s high cost of $10 thousand isoffset by its 15-year life span.

Technical Documentation System

KSC uses the Technical Documentation (TechDoc) System, an electronic management system, togenerate, deliver, retrieve, process, store, and trackany document necessary for Payload Processingoperations. The Tech Doc configuration consists ofa client-server architecture with a dedicatedALPHA and local personal computers.

Payload Processing uses more than 5,000 docu-ments in its operations, representing more than 30different types of documents. Prior to the Tech Docsystem, no centralized repository for documenta-tion existed. Document storage occurred on variousplatforms, ranging from the personal computer tomini-computers. No standard format or controlsgoverned the creation of the documents and distri-bution consisted of hard copies. Inaccurate track-ing of documentation releases, revisions, and dis-tributions created considerable uncertainty withconfiguration control. Improvements to the docu-mentation process were a necessity.

After analyzing the documentation flow, KSCidentified the deficiencies of the previous methodand incorporated the Tech Doc system. Word forWindows or any Native format creates the docu-ments. Electronic Data Control System (EDCS)software handles the file management and controlof the documents. EDCS Graphical User Interfaceruns in the MS-Windows environment and is theuser-interface to EDCS on the ALPHA. BASISPlussoftware provides quick document search and re-trieval by using the text of a document. Documentrouting and reviewing are performed using EDCSand any Standard Mail Transfer Protocol. The WebBrowser and Adobe Acrobat Reader provide docu-ment viewing.

Tech Doc’s functions now provide templates forthe creation of each document; a list of members fordocumentation access, notification, and distribu-tion; electronic review and approval; documentmodification; tracking of every activity of the docu-ment; archiving old documents; and the releaseand distribution of the documents. The systemperforms simple searches on one data field andaccommodates complex searches on two data fieldsby using a joined operator. Viewing can be performedat the text level or at the document attribute level.Documents can be retrieved in Native format,Postscript, or Portable Data Format.

Tech Doc streamlined KSC’s document-generationprocedures, reduced the documentation creation time,


and allowed revisions of a document to be per-formed with ease. In addition, hard copy distribu-tion is no longer necessary.


Aerospace Facility and System Designand Implementation

The Aerospace Facility and System Design andImplementation team provides expertise for de-signing, constructing, and enhancing the surviv-ability of KSC’s launch and payload processingfacilities, structures and systems. This expertiseguides a project from initial concept, to identifica-tion and definition of requirements, through theproject development, design, and implementation,and finally to full operation. The team must main-tain a balance between NASA’s requirements andthe state environmental regulations for protectingthe surrounding wildlife refuge. It is not uncom-mon for mating habits or natural migration ofwildlife to halt a project.

The team supports the launch structures withsound and acoustics suppression systems; special-ized access and servicing platforms; lightning pro-tection design, construction, and survivability;emergency power systems; modification and rede-sign of launch structures; and deluge water protec-tion systems. In addition, the team designs hazard-ous and non-hazardous payload processing facili-ties and systems, and develops specialized, fine-motion, 350-ton cranes which are capable of mov-ing loads at the rate of 0.040 inch per minute. Theseunique cranes can also support the growth of KSC’slaunch facilities.

The Aerospace Facility and System Design andImplementation team promotes teamwork betweenitself and other specialized departments such asmanagement, technical, operational, environmen-tal, and safety. Through this approach, KSC hassucceeded in breaking down department barriersand obtaining the best working solutions.

Fluids Management

As the leading government agency for space-flight-propellant management, NASA’s corporateknowledge base contains the most comprehensiveinformation on propellants, gases, and specializedfluids such as chlorofluorocarbons. Other topicsinclude industrial supply sources; manufacturingand analysis processes; storage, transportation,

and handling; and supporting hardware designand development. The Department of Transporta-tion Regulatory Agency recognizes KSC as theprimary, technical expert in the area of hazardousmaterial equipment standards.

Numerous accomplishments have resultedthrough KSC’s fluids management programs. Byusing direct delivery, minimizing its supply stock,and implementing a recycle program, KSC im-proved its hypergol operations, reduced its produc-tion of toxic waste, and saved $120 thousand peryear in new purchases. KSC also designed, devel-oped, and procured propellant transportation ves-sels and ground support equipment to support allU.S. space operations. The effort produced a saferand more environmentally-sound container for toxicliquid propellants.

KSC continues to strive for improvement bybenchmarking with industry. Goals include bal-ancing government guidelines with industry stan-dards, increasing cooperation between other govern-ment agencies and industry, and improving safety,regulatory, environmental, and economic issues.

Mechanical Ground and Facility Systemsand Equipment

The Mechanical Ground and Facilities Systemsand Equipment team designs and develops me-chanical systems to support the launch, landingand turnaround activities of current and futurelaunch vehicles. In addition, the team develops,qualifies, and implements systems and equipmentto meet the unique requirements of shuttle pro-cesses and future launch vehicles. Working with itscustomers, the team focuses on handling and um-bilicals; transporters and structures; hydraulicsand pneumatic; propellants and life support; me-chanical engineering analysis; and mechanical com-ponent testing and qualification.

The diversity and legacy of this team enable thegroup to develop systems and equipment whichmeet KSC’s unique requirements and reduce thecost of processing, checkout, launch, and landingoperations. By pulling resources and expert stafffrom various on-site departments, the team canimplement a total system integration process, frominitiation to conclusion.

Competent, knowledgeable personnel promotecustomer trust, understanding, information ex-change, and participation from other teams. Imme-diate analysis of potential situations protects equip-ment, personnel, and scheduling commitments.


When a serious problem occurs, the time and moneyspent on an outside consultant may be less benefi-cial than realized. The consultant may not possessan in-depth understanding of the entire orbiterprocess, or the investigation may surface anotherproblem which does not fall within the consultant’sexpertise.

One success story cited by the Mechanical Groundand Facilities Systems and Equipment team dealtwith a scrubbed launch due to hydrogen leakage.To help resolve the situation, KSC decided to builda prototype purge system and mock-up of the or-biter and liquid fuel tank inside the Launch Equip-ment Test Facility. By pulling resources and stafffrom various on-site departments and workinground-the-clock, the team quickly assembled thesystem and mock-up and completed the necessarytests. The data results proved the viability and adecision was made to modify the mobile launchplatform.

This dedication and in-depth understanding ofthe orbiter process have been documented and aretraceable to the earliest launch activities at KSC.The team continues to prove itself as world-classexperts in special access platforms, payload handlingstructures, and umbilicles propellant handling.

Payload Operations Network andNetwork Control Center

Payload Operations Network (PON) currentlysupports more than 3,100 nodes and 1,900 users.Comprised of several local networks tied together,PON interconnects all the payload facilities intoone LAN. In addition, PON provides network ser-vices and integrated information technology sup-port for all payload civil servants and contractorpersonnel. A centralized Network Control Center(NCC) controls operation and maintenance of thenetwork and provides support to users through acustomer help desk.

Prior to establishing PON, isolated networks anddiverse applications existed throughout KSC. Eachnetwork required its own dedicated wiring andused proprietary protocols. User areas, scatteredthroughout the Payload Operations facilities,housed the servers and network equipment. Thesenetworks lacked configuration control, adequatebudgets, and knowledgeable support personnel. Asinformation and network technology began to growand mature, the demand for network availabilityand reliability increased. Likewise, as operations

became increasingly automated, more equipmentwas required to support the payload facilities. Todeal effectively with these changes, PON was set-up and became operational in 1991.

PON consolidated the core networking equip-ment into one central location and installed net-work cabling in each office of the major payloadfacilities. Dedicated, support personnel operate andmaintain the network. KSC developed configura-tion control and detailed documentation for theentire system and state-of-the-art tools and tech-niques for troubleshooting problems. As an ad-vanced central facility, NCC monitors and controlsthe PON activities. In addition, a separate networkengineering group focuses on new implementa-tions and future designs to keep the system up-to-date with new technologies. NCC now supports itsusers’ requirements through a stable budget and awell-managed project plan.

NCC’s help desk provides immediate support forall network hardware and software problems. Asthe initial contact for handling potential problems,the help desk successfully solves more than 20% ofthe field calls without ever dispatching an analyst.The help-desk software, developed by KSC, tracksall active problems, maintains a database of previ-ous problem resolutions, and functions as an expertsystem to assist help desk personnel.

NCC and PON significantly improved the net-work capabilities at KSC. Centralization and com-monality produced immense improvements in cost,speed, and accuracy. Workgroup computing, whichsegments the network into smaller groups, mini-mizes broadcast traffic from propagating across theentire network and increases performance andavailable bandwidth. Internet access to the net-work provides customers with communication ca-pabilities to off-site facilities. Remote connectivityallows customers to access data at off-site facilitieswithout incurring transportation costs. The exper-tise and knowledge gained from developing PONand NCC are being shared internally at KSC andwith other NASA centers, contractors, and govern-ment agencies.

Preventive Maintenance

KSC has always had a very aggressive Preven-tive Maintenance (PM) program for its equipment,machines, and facilities. Given the corrosive envi-ronment of the Florida region and the stringentrequirements for safety in all of NASA operations,


laboratory. With a space station possible in thenear future, the increased demand for payloadswould require a labor-intensive operation to installthe 2,000-pound racks into the module. First,specialized, high-capacity floor systems would haveto be installed inside the module. Then floor-mounted jacks would position the racks prior tohard-mounting them onto the floor systems. Thespace occupied by the floor system and jacks wouldprevent the accommodation of floor and ceilingracks. Afterward, another labor-intensive opera-tion would be needed to remove the floor systems,jacks, and other ground support equipment. Exces-sive handling and manipulation would also presentan increased risk to the racks and associated pay-loads.

To improve operations, minimize damage to thepayload, and maximize module capacity, KSC de-signed a specialized Rack Insertion Device (RID).This device, a multi-axis manipulator, supportsrack installation from the floor outside of the mod-ule (Figure 2-8). The manipulator positions theracks into the module within 0.015 inch of itspredetermined position. With this device, fully-loaded racks are installed into the module withoutusing flooring systems, jacks, or specialized groundsupport equipment. Payload per module increasesbecause RID accesses all areas of the module’s floorand ceiling by using the 5-axis degrees of freedom

KSC performed most of its PM based upon fixed-time repetitive procedures. However, using time oroperating hours as a basis for maintenance does nottake into consideration any failure mode analysisderived from historical data gathered.

Starting in 1992, KSC initiated a PredictiveMaintenance (PDM) pilot program to take advan-tage of the available technologies for analyzing andquantifying the conditions of its equipment andfacilities. Available PDM technologies include:

• Vibration analysis for balance analysis ofrotating machinery

• Ferrography for wear particle analysis ofmachinery lubricants

• Thermography for infrared thermal imaging ofelectrical and mechanical systems

• Ultrasound for ultrasonic leak detection• Ultrasonic non-destructive evaluation for

material degradation detection• Laser alignment for maintaining peak rotational

alignmentThrough PDM technologies, KSC started pre-

dicting the condition of its equipment, facilities,and future failure modes. Early detection of systemhardware problems now makes it possible for re-quired maintenance to be performed.

In 1994, KSC combined the PM and PDM pro-grams into one maintenance management philoso-phy. By using proactive maintenance pro-cesses and incorporating the PDM technolo-gies and PM practices, equipment life-cyclecosts were minimized. The approach, re-ferred to as the Reliability Centered Mainte-nance (RCM) process, allows KSC to in-crease equipment and facilities up-time from77.1% to 98.1%. In addition, KSC realizedcost savings of more than 12,000 man-hoursin FY94 (the first year of implementation).Since implementation, corresponding costsavings have been generated in out-years.Future plans call for evolving RCM into theroot cause analysis as the next stage of pro-active maintenance.

Rack Insertion Device

Most shuttle payloads are carried on/inspecialized racks which are hard-mountedto a floor system and installed inside themodule (floor and ceiling areas) of the space

Figure 2-8. Rack Insertion Device


and rotation. Figure 2-9 shows the fully-extendedmanipulator arm as it positions and installs a rackin a typical module.

RIDs eliminate the need for tilt pallets and centerof gravity (CG) tables, reduce manpower require-ments for rack installation, and shorten the leadtimefor preparing modules for flight. KSC has alreadyrealized a $1.5 million savings in cost avoidance.Testing to this point indicates the actual-operationsavings may be even greater than expected. Rack-operation savings are presently estimated at over$1 million.


Expert Learning for Vehicle Instructionby Simulation

KSC maintains its corporate knowledge from thepast 30 years through formal classroom training,mentoring, actual-shop-floor training, and on-the-job training. To supplement its training methods,KSC began developing simulation programs. Oneof the most effective and successful programs is theExpert Learning for Vehicle Instruction by Simula-tion (ELVIS).

ELVIS improved the training method for theshuttle hardware engineers who are responsiblefor vehicle subsystems support. The engineers gainknowledge and familiarity of the individual opera-tion procedures through a simulated test environ-ment. ELVIS repeats the test and procedures asoften as the engineer deems necessary. This famil-iarization helps to ensure procedure compliance

and reductions in testing and processing times.Safety and reliability of shuttle operations are alsomajor benefits of this electronic-training tool.

Started in Fall 1993, ELVIS evolved over threeyears into a completely-integrated, high-fidelity,interactive, training tool which models the orbitersystems and ground support equipment. ELVISprovides the necessary, procedural training to en-sure safe and reliable operational tests; displaysthe interfaces which would normally be encoun-tered during tests and processing operations; andfurnishes advisory notes to indicate possible causesof a procedural error. No control room resources arenecessary for this training. ELVIS supplies theuser with hands-on instructions in a Launch Pro-cessing System environment, provides an on-linehelp facility on the Internet of the KSC facility, andis gaining new users on a daily basis.

Space Shuttle Logistics Management

The Logistical Operations Directorate assumedresponsibility for space shuttle orbiter logisticsmanagement and operation functions in FY87. Inaddition to providing replacement hardware forthe Space Shuttle Program (SSP), the Directoratefurnishes logistical services such as original equip-ment manufacturer (OEM) management, failureanalysis, repair depot operation, and supportabil-ity analysis.

Overwhelming best describes the SSP logisticaltask in magnitude and complexity. More than250,000 part numbers exist for each orbiter andrelated ground support equipment. This involvesthe installment of over one million parts because ofthe multiple duplication of some parts. While KSCprovisions over 55,000 of the part numbers, anadditional 9,000 are handled for repair. Sparesmust be maintained for everything, from washersthrough fuel cells for four orbiters, to over 300ground support end items. In addition to the largescale job of procuring, warehousing, and distribut-ing new spares, KSC must monitor 52 repair agree-ments with major subcontractors, manage the NASAShuttle Logistics Depot (NSLD), and locate newsources for parts which are no longer available fromthe original suppliers.

To handle this enormous job, KSC uses numer-ous management methodologies to supplement itsextensive base of knowledge on reusable space-flight logistics. In addition to applying sound busi-ness practices, KSC developed unique databases

Figure 2-9. Rack Installation


for the logistical processes and discrete simulationmodels to assess the status of critical spares andsupport maintainability. Priorities and perfor-mance measures improved the efficiency of theNSLD activities and dictated direct (to subcon-tractor) procurement methods.

Since assuming these responsibilities, the Logis-tical Operations Directorate has documented sig-nificant achievements. The cannibalization rate ofthe SSP logistical support program dropped froman average of 120 cannibalizations per year to 8per year (Figure 2-10). KSC’s ability to furnishspares from on-hand supplies rose from 90% to98% (Figure 2-11). Overall supportability perfor-mance (Figure 2-12) for on-time spare delivery

grew to over 99% in FY95, and the requirement forcannibalization became almost nonexistent. Whilereducing program costs, the Directorate effectivelymanaged the loss and transition of numerous OEMsthrough the development of equivalent repair,manufacture, and failure analysis capabilities atthe NSLD. In addition, KSC eliminated essentiallyall of the Capability Retention Contracts (industrycontracts are maintained solely to retain uniquecapabilities).

KSC also developed a Failure Analysis Capabi-lities Matrix which provides customers with exper-tise from various facilities on failure analysis capa-bilities that exist within the Space Shuttle Program.

The current matrix concentrates on the facilitieslocated at KSC, Cape Canaveral Air Station, RockwellDowney, and the Government Depots (NSLD andWhite Sands Test Facility). The matrix is dividedinto three sections (capabilities and equipment; spe-cialized test facilities; and site information) and listsa point-of-contact for each facility. KSC expects toaugment the value of the matrix by adding morefailure analysis facilities in the future.

Spares Simulation

The Space Shuttle Program has traditionally usedprobability of sufficiency (POS) to determine thenumber of spares required for line replacement units(LRU). However, the POS calculation does not al-ways provide adequate information regarding therisk of not having a spare LRU when it is required.

By collecting data on the actual uses and mainte-nance records of shuttle components, a joint Logis-tics and Industrial Engineering team developed adiscrete event process simulation to supplementthe POS method. This simulation minimizes thesubjectivity in determining the spares require-ments and effectively models the variability in

Figure 2-10. Orbiter Program Cannibalizations

Figure 2-11. Provisioned Line Replaceble UnitFill Rate

Figure 2-12. Performance Summary


repair turnaround times and mean time betweenfailures or removals for maintenance. Successfullyimplemented for Orbiter Auxiliary Power Units(APUs), this simulation is now being applied to theorbiter fuel cell spares process.

The spares simulation helped KSC determinewhether additional APUs should be upgraded toincrease the time before scheduled maintenance isrequired. By using the generic spares model of thesimulation, an APU spares model was built. Themodel tested the following hypotheses: reducedrepair time increases availability, increased APUreliability increases availability, and increased timebetween maintenance activities increases avail-ability. Model inputs included maintenance times,failure rate, number of orbiters, total APU inven-tory, and APU possible locations. Model outputsincluded average shelf quantity, number of zerobalance times, percentage of time when cannibal-ization opportunities exist, and duration of zerobalance on the shelf. The conclusion supported thedecision against upgrading additional APUs, re-sulting in a cost avoidance of up to $14.7 million.


Advanced Technology Programs

To improve the coordination and effectiveness ofits services, KSC consolidated its five technologytransfer-related activities into a single TechnologyPrograms and Commercialization Office (TPCO).These five activities consist of advanced technologydevelopment; technology transfer and commercial-ization; patent and other intellectual property pro-tection; small business development; and univer-sity technology programs. Consolidated activitieswithin the TPCO enable KSC to enrich its industrypartnerships, extensively leverage its resources,and maximize its dual-use developments. The re-sult is a superior system for new technology devel-opment which maximizes the positive relation-ships between commercial equipment developers,university researchers, and potential users of KSCtechnologies.

Under this system, advanced technology devel-opment starts with the first-line directors prioritiz-ing KSC’s current technology needs. Next, theTPCO conducts a market analysis to determinepotential commercial involvement in the develop-ment of each technology and examines its back-ground for prior-NASA intellectual property whichrequires protection prior to public release. Release

of an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) describesthe desired technology development to potentialindustry partners. Following this, KSC holds infor-mation briefings for interested companies, solicitscommercialization plans (including co-funding pro-posals), selects the best industry partner(s), andsigns a partnership agreement(s).

Since most companies propose dual-use develop-ments with shared development costs, the cost toNASA for these closely-monitored technology de-velopments averages only one-third of the totaldevelopment costs. Figure 2-13 illustrates an ex-ample of such a development, a two-phase cryo-genic flowmeter developed by Air Products, whereNASA’s share of the development costs represented20%. This illustrates clearly the win-win results ofthis program in which NASA obtains needed tech-nologies at reduced costs, and industry acquires newproducts. In addition, the consolidation of the func-tions within the TPCO permits KSC the flexibility toplace each developed technology within a spectrumof possibilities. For example, a NASA-developed tech-nology under consideration through its spin-off pro-motion could instead be the focus of an AO solicita-tion, if the TPCO determines the technology willresult in improved commercialization.

Another feature of the TPCO is its aggressiveeffort to support regional, economic developmentneeds. These efforts include a business develop-ment incubator developed in partnership with alocal community college and the State of Florida; anInternet-based marketing program for NASA-de-veloped technologies to provide easy business ac-cess; and a technology outreach program to trans-fer the expertise of KSC to the regional businesscommunity by providing solutions to technical prob-lems typically encountered by such businesses.

Figure 2-13. Two-Phase Cryogenic Flowmeter


This latter effort, marketed in Florida by countyeconomic-development organizations, enables busi-nesses to benefit from KSC experience and exper-tise without any cost to the business. The ease bywhich a business may access this service is en-hanced by the simple, straightforward TechnologyTransfer Agreement form developed by the TPCOfor use by companies requesting this assistance.


Over the years, KSC implemented a benchmark-ing function to gather data on internal KSC facili-ties, teams, and organizations. However, this capa-bility quickly evolved into a more formal operationwhich now conducts external studies for commoninterest groups and primary KSC processes. Table2-1 provides examples of both internal and externalbenchmarking studies conducted by KSC.

In general, KSC determines the amount of re-sources to invest by estimating the potential returnon the investment and by considering the criticalityof the process, the process stability, the availabilityof documentation, and the cost of implementingprocess changes. Benchmarking techniques, how-ever, are subject to continuous improvementthrough customer feedback, new technology avail-ability, and the evaluation of improvements andlessons learned from previous studies.

KSC established a Benchmarking Network incollaboration with nine major support contractorsand pioneered consortium benchmarking tech-niques to reduce the cost of benchmarking studies.As process changes are implemented, various KSCorganizations are reporting benefits from the bench-marking activities. For example, a governmentproperty management study produced $41 thou-sand in cost avoidance from three organizationswithin two months of the release of the preliminaryfindings. Several organizations also reported sig-nificant cost avoidance and reductions in propertyloss reports. As a result of these successes, NASAdesignated KSC as the leader in agency bench-marking. In addition, the KSC Benchmarking Net-work has received recognition through varioussources such as the 1995 Silver Medal Benchmark-ing Award in Applied Research from the Interna-tional Benchmarking Clearinghouse.

Customer Payload ProcessingOperations

KSC serves as host to numerouspayload customers by providing fa-cilities and services for payload finalassembly and launch preparations. Aclose-working relationship betweenKSC and the customer develops priorto hardware arrival. Based on de-tailed knowledge from the customer,KSC plans, schedules, and tailors itssupport products and services to thespecific launch site requirements. Ad-ditional support includes educatingthe customer about the myriad of re-quirements for integrating the pay-load into the shuttle system.

A Launch Site Support Manager(LSSM), designated for each payload,works with the customer to ensurethe customer’s needs are being met.Responsibilities include assisting thecustomer with the daily schedule, com-

mitting necessary KSC resources to the customer’spayload, identifying optional services for test andsupport requirements, and maintaining fundingsupport through either NASA Headquarters or thepayload project.

With more pressure for NASA to accomplish itstasks faster, better, and cheaper, the LSSM’s rolehas taken on greater importance and requiresincreasingly earlier involvement in the planning

Table 2-1. Examples of KSC Benchmarking Studies


process. As much as two years before a scheduledmission launch date, the LSSM assists in the pay-load design reviews and begins working with thecustomer. KSC also implemented new processes tostreamline its procedures and provide informationresources for its customers. Payload Operationsand Launch Site Support Office websites have beenset up as communications resources to provideinformation handbooks, payload customer guides,safety documentation, generic schedules and pro-cessing flows, and key points-of-contact. LaunchSite Support Planning requirements now are morefocused and simpler, and use shorter developmenttemplates. New metrics measure customer satis-faction levels to determine whether KSC is fulfill-ing the customer payload processing requirements.

All these improvements reflect KSC’s commit-ment to its customers. By focusing on early andcontinual involvement with the customer through-out all phases of the payload integration process,KSC obtained an in-depth understanding of itscustomer needs. Through this approach, KSC con-tinues to improve all aspects of the payload process-ing for its customers.

Customer Survey Process

KSC’s strong commitment to customer satisfac-tion drives its personnel to constantly search fornew and innovative ways to increase the satisfac-tion levels of its payload services. Prior to recentchanges in the methodology of conducting cus-tomer surveys, the traditional approach of obtain-ing customer satisfaction information consisted ofmailing out a questionnaire, reviewing the com-ments upon return, tallying up a score rating, andgetting back to the customer on major concerns.This process provided low feedback rates to KSCbecause customers viewed the approach as anti-quated, complicated and reactive.

Key changes include simplifying the question-naires with short essays, installing suggestion boxesin the payload processing facilities, and involvingthe customer (survey team) and the LSSM in thesurvey process. Immediately after completion of aservice, the LSSM interviews the customer, fillsout the simplified questionnaire, returns the formto the customer survey team, and participates indiscussing customer comments with the missionprocessing teams at KSC. The formal process ad-dresses any customer concerns immediately, while

the LSSM provides the customer with a final mis-sion report and discusses concerns or suggestionswith the customer on improving service.

Since implementing this process, survey responsesincreased from 75% (with a 50% incomplete orinaccurate rate) to 100%. Other benefits includehigher quality input from the surveys, quickerturnaround times of the process, and improvedrelations between the customer and the LSSM oncustomer satisfaction issues.

Customer follow-up is imperative to customersatisfaction. By involving the customer and main-taining a flexibility in the data collection process,KSC proved that survey responses and satisfactionlevels can increase. The customer survey process isan ongoing initiative that must be continuallyimproved in order to fit the needs of a changingenvironment.

Interactive Task Execution Program

To ensure a customer’s needs and requirementsare being met, the KSC Weather Office imple-mented the Interactive Task Execution program.This program enables the customer and the taskedorganization to work together throughout the cycleof a requested task. At the start, both sides meet todiscuss the preliminary steps needed to fulfill thetask. From this discussion, the tasked organizationdevelops a proposed strategy which must be ap-proved by the customer. Each month, the taskorganization keeps the customer informed on thestatus of the task. In addition, the customer evalu-ates the task and any revisions at all critical mile-stones. E-mail and teleconferencing keep the infor-mation costs at a minimum.

Upon completion of the task, sample products aresubmitted to the customer and an independentexpert for review before the final product is pre-pared. Even after delivery of the final product, thetasked organization follows up on the customer’ssatisfaction and addresses any problems at thattime. Benefits of the Interactive Task Executionprogram include improved communication betweenthe customer and the tasked organization, success-ful matching of solutions to task requirements,higher quality products with fewer errors, increasedcustomer satisfaction, and increased usage of theproduct by the customer.


Lightning Safety

The KSC Lightning Safety Assessment Commit-tee is responsible for protecting the launch pads,assembly buildings, hazardous fuel and energeticsstaging and assembly areas, orbiters, and payloadsfrom lightning strikes. Throughout the KSC com-plex, various types of lightning conductors arepositioned. These include elevated wire grids aroundbuildings; unique, catenary wire assemblies at thelaunch pads; and standard lightning rod assem-blies. Despite 13 direct strikes on the launch padswith spacecraft present (Figure 2-14), these light-ning conductors have protected KSC spacecraftassemblies and payloads from potential damage.

I-Net, a KSC contractor, has created the newesttechnology for lightning safety. Known as a“shoebox”, this small, portable device measures themaximum magnetic field, the waveform, and therise rate of current. During the Summer of 1996,KSC installed a “shoebox” at each launch pad. Thedevices, however, can be used in other applicationswhere lightning characteristics are important fordesigning or providing protection of sensitive elec-tronics and energetics.

Manifest and Facility Planning

KSC employs a dynamic, multiflow-assessmentmechanism to track critical resources across mul-tiple processing flows and determine if plannedpayload processing can be performed with avail-able resources in a given time frame. The processyields optimal facility utilization plans, manpowerplans, flight hardware utilization, and ground sup-port equipment utilization.

Previously, no standard format existed for estab-lishing a resource plan for new payloads. Bestestimates were used to determine whether facili-ties, manpower, flight hardware, and ground sup-port equipment would be available for requiredtime frames. Based on current manifest, resourceplans emerged as handwritten or computer-gener-ated charts. Cumbersome data collection, analysis,and revision methods required considerable man-power. Negotiation handled conflicts, but prioritieswere difficult to defend. As a result, payload process-ing costs and schedules suffered under this practice.

Over the years, changes directed NASA to reduceits facilities and resources, but maintain its highly-reliable payload process. Diligent scheduling prac-

tices required maximum efficiencies fromthe KSC resources for supporting pay-load requirements. In addition, mani-festing is an iterative, dynamic functionwhich affects multiflow and facility uti-lization planning.

In response to these challenges, KSCimplemented a new Manifest and Facil-ity Planning practice. The practice useda multiflow-assessment mechanism totrack critical resources across multipleprocessing flows and determine ifplanned payloads processing could beperformed with available resources.Development of facility capabilities and

capacities, payload requirements, and standardflow databases allow KSC to maintain current andviable data for use during the planning process.True payload requirements generate strategies forassigning payloads in the processing facilities. As-signment strategies minimize major schedulingproblems, prioritize the process, and identify limit-ing resources. A COTS scheduling program simpli-fies manifest changes for revising plans and pro-vides information on facility, manpower, flighthardware and ground support equipment.

Manifest and Facility Planning provides a com-prehensive analysis of the major factors whichaffect the outcome of long range planning, identi-fies resource conflicts, validates planned hardwareavailability, performs theoretical assessments, andassists in budget projections. Automation of theprocess reduced the labor for data processing andincreased the accuracy of the multiflow-assess-ment mechanism. KSC uses the Manifest and Fa-cility Planning practice on current payloads andthe International Space Station program.

Figure 2-14. Protective Wire System


Negotiated Tasking

The KSC Weather Office improved its manage-ment, operations, and effectiveness of environmen-tal responsibilities by devising negotiated taskingwith its key organizations. In the past, the variouskey organizations operated in an isolated and self-regarding manner. This rationale resulted in du-plication of effort, dilution of scarce resources, andpoor communications with the Weather Office.Over time, the Weather Office succeeded in promot-ing cooperation between the key organizationsthrough negotiated tasking. Negotiated tasking, basedon communications and the sharing of resources,responsibilities, and results, proved to be a simple,straight-forward and highly effective process.

The negotiated tasking process begins by callinga meeting of the key organizations, which includesany interested or expert members. To reduce meet-ing time and costs, e-mail and teleconferencingmethods are employed where possible. Discussionscover such topics as defining and meeting require-ments, trade-offs, solution costs, potential divisionof labor, and support sources. Once the goal ofconsensus is attained, the organizations obtain theappropriate levels of management approval. Anyrevision to the original consensus requires thegroup to reconvene and establish a new consensus.

Benefits of the negotiated tasking process in-clude aggregating, leveraging, and focusing re-sources on the highest priority; capitalizing on eachorganization’s best talents; free and open exchangeof information between organizations; and coop-eration and consensus by all members. The AppliedMeteorology Unit (AMU) tasking process best dem-onstrates the effectiveness of negotiated tasking.

Payload Ground Safety Review Process

KSC established its ground safety policy require-ments for payloads, experiments, and support equip-ment through its Shuttle and International SpaceStation (ISS) Program Offices. These requirementsprotect flight and ground personnel, orbiters, ISS,payloads, support equipment, property, the public,and the environment from payload-related haz-ards. To assist payload customers in implementingthese safety requirements, KSC established aGround Safety Review Process (GSRP). The GSRPstaff manages the Ground Safety Review Panel and

gives the final safety approval for payloads to beginground processing at KSC.

The GSRP uses a phased approach and a sched-uling process. The phased approach is flexible andgenerally relates to Payload Preliminary DesignReview, Critical Design Review, and Design Certi-fication Review/Payload or Ground Support Equip-ment Fabrication. The scheduling process man-dates the customer to submit a Safety DesignPackage to the Ground Safety Review Panel 45days before it convenes. The Safety ComplianceData Package must include descriptions of theintended ground operations at KSC; the flighthardware (payload) being processed including allhazards, interfaces, testing, servicing, lifting, trans-porting, and integrating; and the support equip-ment with its schematics, design information, ma-trices and other relevant data.

The Ground Safety Review Panel assesses theSafety Compliance Data Package, evaluates allidentified hazards and acceptable controls; negoti-ates resolution of payload ground safety issues;interprets launch and landing site safety require-ments; and evaluates non-compliance reports. KSCencourages its customers to communicate earlyand frequently with the Ground Safety ReviewPanel to ensure all safety requirements are met. Inaddition, the panel performs joint research with itscustomers to establish safety standards for newtechnology, such as nickel hydrogen batteries andcomposite overwrapped epoxy pressure vessels.

The Ground Safety Review Panel responds to itscustomer’s needs without compromising safety. Nofatalities or payload losses have occurred duringpayload ground processing operations at KSC. Thepanel constantly strives to work in cooperationwith its customers to improve its methods, learnfrom its experiences, and adjust the review processas needed to ensure safety. Recognized as a leaderin ground safety requirements, KSC frequently as-sists inquiring customers with safety requirementsor safety operation issues at their own facilities.

KSC continues to streamline and improve theprocedures of the GSRP. Improvements includeconducting most reviews by mail or telephone toreduce travel time and costs, and replacing safetydesign analysis with COTS equipment. In addition,ISS program realized a $10 million savings byimplementing an In-line and Phase Ground SafetyProcess for its ISS flight hardware.


Safety Policies and Requirements

KSC’s Safety Directorate represents one of thefew organizations in the world which fully under-stands the mandated safety requirements and pro-cesses needed to ensure the safe launch and recov-ery of space vehicles. Because of the complexityinvolved in launching manned spacecraft and pay-loads into space, KSC developed and implementedspecial safety procedures to deal with the hazard-ous operations and materials used. First publishedin 1979 to support the shuttle program, the GroundOperations Safety Plan, GP-1098, contains all thesafety policies, procedures, and requirements fol-lowed by KSC. The publication consists of twovolumes which are continually refined as the pro-gram moves forward.

The GP-1098 addresses each type of hazardousoperation by definition, specific resource informa-tion, and step-by-step instructions required to per-form the operation safely. Each hazardous steprequires a verification by on-site or Firing Roomsafety personnel before the operation can progress.Any deviation to GP-1098 requires a detailed riskassessment and concurrence by the Director ofSafety at KSC.

After every launch and landing, a post-test de-briefing occurs to address in detail any issues onsafety, operations, and engineering, and to assigncorrective action. Lessons learned from these op-erations are incorporated into the GP-1098 whereappropriate. In addition, all KSC employees mustreport any event that results in personal injury ordamage to equipment. These events are catego-rized into specific types depending on the severityof the injury or the value of the equipment. Seriousevents require the establishment of an accidentinvestigation board to determine the cause of theincident so that corrective actions can be taken toreduce the risk of recurrence.

The Safety Directorate has established an excel-lent safety record over the past 30 years of launch-ing and recovering spacecrafts. By capitalizing onthis experience, the detailed safety requirementsand procedures are constantly enhanced and im-proved. In addition, changes in the technologiesthat support these operations are recognized andincorporated where appropriate.

Tech/QC Computer Based Training

A Shop Floor Control/Data Collection (SFC/DC)system was installed at KSC to collect data, define

areas of potential improvement, and justify processchanges in shuttle processing facilities. The SFC/DC system necessitated the Tech/QC ComputerBased Training (CBT) tutoring approach. AlthoughKSC technicians received instructions on how touse the SFC/DC system, the previous trainingfailed to identify the benefits gained from thesystem or the importance of entering accuratedata. The CBT tutorial was designed to overcomethese training inadequacies. In addition, it in-creased awareness among the users, whose pro-cesses are being measured in the SFC/DC system,on the perspectives of the technicians responsiblefor entering the data.

The CBT tutorial, developed with a COTSauthoring system for delivery over a LAN, acted asthe pathfinder in the Orbiter Processing Facilitiesfor additional just-in-time, computer-based train-ing modules for technicians and quality inspectors.Features of the tutorial include flexible user inter-face; remediation capability during training exer-cises; and automated tutorial evaluation. Benefitsfrom the Tech/QC Computer Based Training in-clude labor savings from reduced training time,fewer conflicts with processing schedules, improvedtraining consistency, and readily-available refreshertraining.

Weather Support

As a world-class operation, the KSC WeatherOffice deals on a daily basis with many issues whichgovern the launch and recovery of manned space-craft and all surrounding ground operations. Space-craft operations are extremely weather sensitive,and failure is not an option. Extensive and detailedweather support must be maintained because lackof weather knowledge could lead to expensive delaysand postponements or to catastrophic accidents.

The weather requirements come from multiplesources, such as the Vehicle Systems ProgramOffice, the Range (especially Range Safety), andthe Payload Systems Program Offices. Approxi-mately 11 different sources generate the operatingresources. The challenge of weather forecasting inthe Cape Canaveral area is complicated by tworivers, an ocean, a gulf, being the lightning centerof the U.S., the jet stream, and almost no sensors tothe east. KSC constantly strives for continuousimprovement in evaluating and implementing therapidly changing weather technology, changingrequirements, and changes in available resources.


The KSC Weather Office functions as a unifyingforce for:

• centralized coordination of all weatherinfrastructure projects and direct oversight ofKSC components,

• operation of the AMU,• centralized coordination of the weather-related

launch commitment criteria for all vehicles andground support operations,

• preparing and following up on weatheremergencies,

• expert technical assistance to NASA, the U.S.Air Force, the National Weather Service, andcontractors on weather-related issues, and

• direct control of the entire KSC weather supportbudget regardless of Directorate or source offunding.

The Weather Office uses a multi-agency infra-structure composed of wind towers; field mills;various sondes and spheres; 50 and 915 MHZ radarwind profiles; weather radar; lightning detectionequipment and algorithms; data acquisition anddisplay systems; and hazard models. The WeatherOffice orchestrates a complex and diverse array oforganizations, technologies, requirements, and re-sources which benefit the entire U.S. Space Pro-gram and the Nation at large. Of necessity, theOffice also developed and refined some of the mostefficient, best management practices. KSC makes allthe expertise from the Weather Office available forsharing with both the public and private sectors.

S e c t i o n 3




Checkout, Control, and Data Systems

The Checkout, Control, and Data Systems groupprovides state-of-the-art, highly reliable, cost-ef-fective, total system development to KSC for thecheckout, launch, and landing activities of spacevehicles’ and payloads’ processing and integration.Numerous programs now involve the customersthroughout the development cycle.

Previously, formal review cycles occurred at six-month intervals and informal reviews occurred inreal-time throughout the design and developmentcycles. However, misunderstandings between de-signers and customers could result in developmentdowntimes. The new procedure formally involvesthe customer at frequent intervals during the pro-cess phase. This philosophical change decreasedcycle times for the design process and reducedoverall program costs.

During the planning processes, various metricsevolved and provided KSC with excellent feedbackfor problem solving, especially in earned value,defect density, program reporting, and customersatisfaction. Based on the metrics feedback, theoverall process is well-structured but variable.

By implementing customer involvement through-out the life cycle of the design and establishingcontrolled processes in each life cycle phase, KSCimproved its program reliability and has met itscustomers’ requirements more efficiently. Metricswhich define a program’s development cycle haveproven to be a valuable tool in determining processimprovements.


Integrated Work Control System

KSC’s Integrated Work Control System (IWCS),a computer-based system, consists of four majorcomponents which tie together the key elements ofthe shuttle processing activities and permit thesharing of related, common data through a central-ized database. The four components are Work Prepa-ration Support System (WPSS); Computer Aided

Scheduling and Planning Resources (CASPR); ShopFloor Control (SFC); and Automated RequirementsManagement System (ARMS).

WPSS provides an automated process for creat-ing and managing consistent work instructionsand related data for use by the Shop Floor. CASPRfurnishes the necessary process management toolsto support the scheduling, planning and resource-availability functions. SFC handles the work re-lease and execution functions, and also the track-ing and location of related resources used for pro-cessing the assigned Shop Floor jobs. SFC also servesas a historical reference for future work. ARMScontrols the electronic support needed for the closed-loop accounting of Operations and Maintenance Re-quirements and Specifications (OMRS), as well asthe initiation and tracking of all non-conformances.

Together these four components allow the engi-neer to electronically transfer work instructions toa master scheduling system, while simultaneouslysending a notification about upcoming parts andmaterial needs to the Shop Floor. Resource require-ments for work startup are verified while physicallocations are provided for kitting and prestaging.The actual tracking and non-conformance of workin process occur in real time. OMRS communicatesthe closure information to the engineer, the pro-gram, and NASA in a consistent and timely manner.

The benefits of IWCS cover a wide variety ofprocesses from requirements notification and track-ing in the program office through the execution andclosure of work assignments on the Shop Floor.Increases in both efficiency and effectiveness ofshuttle processing are being realized through theuse of IWCS.

Process Analysis Overview

Through KSC, various process owners maintainindividual process operations for the shuttle pro-gram. To improve the overall efficiency of theseoperations, KSC industrial engineers began offer-ing process analysis services to the process owners.With this approach, the process owners and indus-trial engineers work together to measure, develop,and implement process improvements to the indi-vidual process operations. As this approach became


more apparent through successful process improve-ments, more process owners began requesting theKSC services. Services developed with the KSCprocess analysis and industrial engineering servicesinclude spares simulation, tech/QC computer basedtraining, benchmarking, orbiter reliability centeredmaintenance, human factors event evaluation model,and ground processing scheduling system.

Current projections indicate that shuttle opera-tions will continue into the 21st century and futureNASA programs will demand more complicatedoperational phases. Because of KSC’s unique roleand accumulated experience, process analysis ser-vices will remain an important tool for improvingKSC’s capabilities for the future.

Structured Surveillance

Early programs at KSC, such as Mercury, Gemini,and Apollo, involved 100% inspection of all flighthardware and systems by both the contractor andNASA. This total involvement of quality in-flighthardware carried over into the early shuttle flights.Based on past experience, KSC initiated a QualityPlanning and Requirements Document (QPRD) toidentify inspection requirements for its shuttleprogram. This approach resulted in reduced in-spection requirements as a means to reduce cost.The reduced KSC inspections continued until theChallenger accident in 1986. Various studies andreports following the accident re-emphasized theneed for inspections. An intensive review and as-sessment led to inspection planning for the QPRDbased on technical rationale and risk.

In 1990, the NASA Office of Space Flight (OSF)directed KSC to improve operational activities byfocusing on Total Quality Management initiatives.KSC chose quality assurance for its improvementefforts. In 1991, the OSF directed KSC to reducenon-critical inspections by 25%. In response, KSCdeveloped a Structured Surveillance program whichplaces quality accountability on the individualsperforming the task, focuses mandatory inspectionon work with significant risk, uses statistical-basedmeasurement of quality, and establishes a closed-loop, continuous, quality assurance improvementprocess. The system does not change the inspectionrequirements by both contractor and governmentfor critical items, but instead presents significantchanges in government philosophy for monitoringcontractor performance on non-critical items.

This approach involves training the KSCworkforce in the philosophy that everyone is re-sponsible for quality, the application of structuredsurveillance, and the role of total quality assur-ance. The concept relies more on the individualtechnicians for quality verification. The system willuse measured quality yields in inspection and sam-pling to identify opportunities for improvement.For each area, samples will be used as weeklyindicators instead of acceptance parameters.

To date, results indicate more knowledgeableworkers, greater flexibility in quality assurancefunctions, the establishment of first-time qualitymetrics, and expanded quality coverage withoutincreasing inspection manpower. Future plans in-clude data collection and analysis technique im-provements, report enhancement, continuous im-provement of the sampling approach, and furtherprocess improvements.

Variable-Form Data Analysis

Until 1995, KSC used discrete element data as abasis for pass/fail with respect to conformance ofspecifications. When also used in statistical analy-sis, this data justified the improvement of severalKSC process operations.

Recently, the Industrial Engineering team con-ceived, designed, developed, and is beginning toimplement a variable-form data analysis methodol-ogy. This analysis examines data variations fortrend analysis which may result in substantialreductions in areas such as direct labor hours,material costs, and amount of rework.

One example, identified by the variable-formdata analysis, surfaced during the investigation ofprocessing tasks by Shuttle Materials and Pro-cesses engineers. Numerous reworks were occur-ring because bond test strips failed to meet pull-teststrength values. Detailed analysis, as summarizedin Figures 3-1 and 3-2, indicated the structuralbonding failures resulted from a lack of processcapability, largely associated with a particular,two-part epoxy adhesive commonly used in bondsrequiring high strength. As a result, a new bondingprocess has been designed which can potentiallyreduce rework by 67% and establish stronger struc-tural bonds. Once KSC verifies and records metricsof this process, the next step for process operationsimprovements will be to strive for zero structuralbonding rework.




The communication function at KSC is a criticallink to operations. KSC must ensure its usersreceive the same data upon demand. Each user’sproject may have its own communication require-ments which must be supported during all phasesof the life cycle. Despite occasional obstacles ofantiquated technology or reduced funding, KSCstill maintains all existing capabilities without anydiscontinuance of operations.

With its established practice of involving thecustomer in all phases of each project’s life cycle,

KSC satisfies its users in development and modi-fication. These phases include establishing re-quirements; performing analysis; reviewing in-ternal and commercial capabilities; and provid-ing periodic reviews for all phases, acquisition,installation, acceptance, and support of a com-pleted project. Communication capabilities atKSC include a fiber optic transmission systemwhich contains more than 13,000 miles of fiberfor distribution of voice, data, imaging and video,including 73 cameras at each launch pad; adigital audio and distribution system that con-nects over 4,300 end-user instruments; a pro-posed improved radio frequency system for per-son-to-person communication; a highly-accuratetiming system based on two global-positioningstations and a cesium beam clock; and groundsystems for the testing of telemetry data anddistribution.

Environmental Control Systems

In the past, KSC used various environmentalcontrol systems in its payload processing facili-ties and buildings. These included pneumaticcontrols, stand-alone digital controls, and PC-based control systems for monitoring clean rooms.There were separate controls for miscellaneoussystems and separate controls for monitoring. Ingeneral, these types of controls were unsatisfac-tory because of unreliable, difficult to control,and out-dated technology. Driven by require-ments for improved energy efficiency, more pre-cise operation, and better monitoring capability,KSC selected an integrated, direct-digital, con-trol system for the new Space Station ProcessingFacility (SSPF).

The SSPF has a single-building automation sys-tem capable of integrating all environmental sys-tems within the facility. This user-friendly systeminterfaces easily with outside systems and net-works, is monitored through PC workstations, andinforms maintenance personnel of problems byremote paging. In addition, the system has producedlarge savings over previous systems. Figure 3-3shows an energy-use comparison of the SSPF witha similar facility using out-dated environmentalcontrol systems. Automated controls installed inthe lighting system can easily be incorporated intoother applications. The new system provides greaterflexibility to accommodate the various require-ments of customers.

Figure 3-1. Capability of Individual BondingAdhesives

Figure 3-2. Overall Capability of StructuralBonding Process


Space Station Processing Facility

The SSPF, a 460,000 square-foot, class 100,000clean room facility, was built specifically to accom-modate shuttle payloads for the ISS. Salient fea-tures include a 46,000 square-foot high bay and a17,000 square-foot low bay for processing ISS ele-ments; 19 off-line labs within the clean work area;air-bearing compatible flooring and pallets; airlocks and personnel air showers; high communica-tion rate fiber optic LAN; perimeter tunneling andcatwalks to accommodate utilities; and energy-efficient, computer-controlled air conditioning, heat-ing, and lighting equipment.

After thoroughly analyzing the successes andexperiences from its previously-designed facilities,KSC based the SSPF’s construction on operationalefficiency and flexibility, cleanliness, maintenance,and energy efficiency. Design features include in-stalling standard utility interfaces uniformlythroughout the processing and office areas, maxi-mizing available floor space by routing cabling,plumbing, and ductwork through tunnels and cat-walks, and using air-bearing flooring to permiteasy movement of support equipment. Fiber opticLAN optimizes communications throughout theoffice and processing areas. DC-powered, overheadcranes with digital controllers provide positionresolution and control for moving and positioning

equipment, fixtures, and space station elements.All fans and compressors are internally located ata single, sound-proof site to avoid the harshcorrosive environment of the region. In addition,the facility takes into account all EPA regulationsin its design.

With construction of the SSPF completed, KSCis installing the necessary payload support struc-tures and ground support equipment for the pro-cess assembly of the ISS. Dramatic improvementsin operational efficiency and flexibility of theSSPF, as compared to other similar facilities, areexpected when the ISS program becomes fullyoperational. The Energy Use Index already showsa 40% reduction in consumption when comparedto other comparable facilities.


International Space Station LogisticalSupport

The logistical teams at KSC have been heavilyinvolved in the Space Shuttle Program (SSP)

logistics operations since the origin of the program.As experts, the teams support the program bymaintaining flight hardware and ground supportequipment and by developing special methods andunique models to effectively manage the logisticalneeds. KSC is the primary NASA organizationwhich possesses the expertise and emphasis on thelogistical elements of complex, small fleet programsand has proven its capabilities on the SSP program.

Based on its track record, KSC anticipates amajor role in the logistical support of the Interna-tional Space Station (ISS) program. KSC recog-nizes that front-end logistics budgets, planning,and acquisition are often sacrificed for hardwaredevelopment thrusts. However, delaying logisticalcapability development after hardware develop-ment usually results in significantly higher costs.Therefore, KSC has identified two phases for anintegrated logistics system for ISS: long range acqui-sition logistics and operational logistics support.

The long range acquisition logistics concentrateson the logistical influence during the design anddevelopment phases. By influencing supportabilityand design elements such as material selections,use of COTS hardware and physical maintenancecharacteristics, a life cycle of stable cost profiles ismuch more likely. The establishment of affordable,cost-effective maintenance concepts during thisphase will pay off during the operational phases.

Figure 3-3. FY96 Energy Use Index Comparison of theOperations & Checkout Building and theSpace Station Processing Facility


KSC has identified several important operationallogistical elements to support during ISS opera-tions. First, KSC will provide institutional supportto prime, product groups; international partners;and principal investigators for elements being pro-cessed through the prelaunch, launch, retrieval,landing, and deintegration stages. Second, KSChas established capabilities and processes to enablethe provision of additional services such as techni-cal support, calibration, proof-load testing, compo-nent repair, and precision cleaning. In addition, KSCis well prepared to provide the management of logis-tics functions associated with launch-site support.

Launch Processing System UpgradeProject

KSC currently uses the Launch Processing Sys-tem (LPS) for its SSP program. Designed, assembled,and programmed with 1970s technologies, KSCsuccessfully used LPS since the early 1980s for theshuttle operations. However, the system lacksmodern computing capabilities, uses an arcaneprogramming language, and requires numerouspatch-in, subsystem add-ons to maintain its capa-bilities with changing mission requirements.

In April 1996, an LPS Upgrade Review teamstudied the present system and made recommen-dations for an upgrade by establishing project con-cepts and documenting projected benefits for NASAand United Space Alliance (USA), the new groundand in-flight operations contractor. Within sixmonths, KSC approved the LPS Upgrade Projectfor FY97 funding.

The LPS Upgrade Project team anticipates thenew system will possess enhanced capabilities andfuture flexibility. By increasing the system reliabil-ity and reducing the hardware, software code lines,and facility space, the team projects a yearly opera-tional cost savings of 50% once the new system isfully deployed. In addition, the team predicts adecrease in the number of processing engineersrequired on site for each operation and a moreefficient use of required operations/process engi-neering personnel.

The LPS Upgrade Project dictates various focuses.These include listening to its users (NASA and USA),and maximizing information transfer from the AirForce’s launch facilities and NASA Johnson SpaceCenter’s Mission Control regarding upgrade experi-ences. In addition, the project will focus on COTS and

industry standards, and will challenge any require-ments which preclude such a focus.

The LPS Upgrade Project must be developed andbrought on-line without any negative impacts onthe SSP manifest. To achieve this, the team willmake small subsystem deliveries every six months,work to minimize complexity and system costs,emphasize the implementation of a real systeminstead of should-be documentation, and take man-ageable risks.


Electronic LogBook

Previously, system engineers used paper log booksto record all the daily events. Currently, KSC ischanging this method to an electronic PC-basedsystem called Electronic LogBook (ELOG). ELOGconsists of two primary tables: the Tag table andthe LogBook table. All entries (records) enteredinto the LogBook table are associated with anexisting entry within the Tag table. A uniqueidentifier from the Tag table references each entrythrough its subject. The LogBook table supportsELOG’s relational database and serves as thesearchable information storage system where theactual data entry is stored.

ELOG provides a means to conduct consistent,historical trend analysis in a timely manner andproduces a wide variety of reports and real-timestatus. It also provides a storage and retrievalcapability for knowledge and experience developedthroughout the processing activities. While themajority of the system is installed on the localworkstations throughout KSC, the table attach-ments are centralized on the server where themaster copy resides. The system automaticallyupdates the version on a user’s workstation bycomparing it with the version number on the server.

Currently, ELOG contains more than 10,000 logentries and is growing daily as the system expandsthroughout KSC. Upgrades in the future will in-clude the scanning of past data from the paper logbooks previously used.

Portable Data Collection System

The Portable Data Collection (PDC) allows shopfloor technicians and quality assurance personnelto electronically stamp the completion of critical


work steps and enter data into electronic work in-struction documents. The system operates throughhand-held notepad computers and remote PCs.

The development and eventual commercializa-tion of an electronic stamp to an electronic docu-ment resulted from a Small Business InnovativeResearch (SBIR) contract initiated in May 1994between KSC and Sentel Corporation. Phase II,completed in May 1996, developed the capability toapply an electronic stamp to an electronic docu-ment. The integration of the technique into real-time documentation at KSC proved its validity andshowed a strong potential for commercialization.

The main components of the PDC system consistof a Central Data Server, which includes a desktopPC running Windows NT and software consistingof a form conversion S/W Module; a network com-munications control S/W Module; a document for-mat conversion S/W Module; and stamp utilities.The Portable Data Terminal (PDT) consists of alaptop PC or Notepad running Windows forWorkgroups or Windows 95, an electronic stamp, astamp reader, and PDT-executable software.

KSC chose the Work Authorization Document(WAD), currently used in Payload Processing Op-erations, as the test document process. The PDCsystem process consists of converting an approvedWAD from a Microsoft Word document into aformat which is executable on a PDT; executing theWAD using a PDT; and converting the as-run docu-ment into a portable document format (.pdf file).

Time-savings expected from processing the WADsincludes the elimination of printing, scanning, anddistributing the documents; gathering informationfor incident investigations; and management re-porting. Users instantly see changes made to thedocuments and can incorporate deviations directlyinto the document rather than use an attachment.The need to carry multiple stamps and ink pads areeliminated, while overall accuracy of the operationhas improved.

Sentel Corporation is currently marketing theelectronic stamp and stamp reader devices. ThePDC system complements the Wireless Informa-tion Network, currently being developed under aseparate SBIR contract, which will incorporateKSC’s existing Problem Reporting and CorrectiveAction system.

Spacelab Integration Process

KSC is responsible for accepting, integrating,and testing spacelab experiments from numerouscustomers in preparation for shuttle launches. Priorto 1992, these experiments followed a 55-weekintegration flow template which guided the experi-ment from initial staging of flight componentsthrough launch. Customers viewed this integra-tion flow as too lengthy, complex, costly, and inflex-ible. In response to customer concerns, KSC con-ducted a study to identify which activities could becompressed, performed in parallel, or eliminated.

One activity, power-up testing, occurred at sev-eral levels during the integration flow. These testsverified the interfaces from the experiment to thecarrier, the carrier to the spacelab, and the spacelabto the orbiter. As the experiment’s componentsgrew in complexity, more personnel were needed tomonitor the tests. This in turn elevated the testingcosts at each level. Therefore, any reductions in theamount of power-up testing, particularly in thelater stages of the integration flow, would result insignificant savings of time and cost.

The following changes to the integration flowstreamlined the power-up testing requirements:

• By performing the functional testing of theexperiment in series, potential problems arisingfrom powered hardware interaction wereavoided. However, some experiments do nothave common interfaces and therefore cannotinteract. In those situations, KSC identifiesthese experiments and now tests them inparallel.

• All payload configurations undergo a CargoIntegration and Test Equipment (CITE) testprior to installation into the orbiter. This testverifies that all interfaces to the orbiter arefunctional and prevents damage to the orbiterdue to misconfigured payload interfaces. Incases of a reflown payload, CITE tests may beeliminated since it is unnecessary to verifyinterfaces which functioned properly on aprevious flight. This eliminates up to sevendays of power-up testing.

• Previously, it took three to ten days to balancethe flow in the various segments of the freoncooling system. By using a flow-balancemetering unit to interface with the LabViewsoftware package, power-up testing decreasedto just one day.


• The Mission Sequence Test (MST) usually tookthree days to complete. By using flight-likeprocedures, MST verified that the integratedpayload operations would not exceed thespacelab operating envelope. However,experience gained from over 16 spacelabmissions greatly reduced the need for MST. Anew Integrated Compatibility Test now providesrepresentative power, data flow, and thermalconditions in one testing day.

Individual measurements of the racks and over-head containers determined the weight and Centerof Gravity (CG) of the integrated module for thespacelab module missions. By making one weightand CG measurement of the integrated module,over 500 workforce hours were eliminated. Thecombined effect of all the above changes resulted inan overall reduction from 55 to 40 weeks, and adecrease in the workforce requirement by 22%.


A p p e n d i x A

Table of Acronyms

Acronym Definition

AMU Applied Meteorology UnitAO Announcement of OpportunityAPU Auxiliary Power UnitARMS Automated Requirements Management System

CASPR Computer Aided Scheduling and Planning ResourcesCBT Computer Based TrainingCG Center of GravityCITE Cargo Integration and Test EquipmentCOTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf

DR Discrepancy Reports

EDCS Electronic Data Control SystemELOG Electronic LogBookELVIS Expert Learning for Vehicle Instruction by Simulation

GPSS Ground Processing Scheduling SystemGSRP Ground Safety Review Process

ISS International Space StationIT Information TechnologyIWCS Integrated Work Control System

KSC Kennedy Space Center

LAN Local Area NetworkLPS Launch Processing SystemLRU Line Replaceable UnitLSSM Launch Site Support Manager

MST Mission Sequence Test

NASA National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNCC Network Control CenterNSLD NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot

OEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOMRS Operations and Maintenance Requirements and SpecificationsOSF Office of Space Flight

Acronym Definition

PCGOAL Personal Computer Ground Operations Aerospace LanguagePDC Portable Data CollectionPDM Predictive MaintenancePDT Portable Data TerminalPM Preventive MaintenancePON Payload Operations NetworkPOS Probability of SufficiencyPR Problem Reports

QPRD Quality Planning and Requirements Document

RCM Reliability Centered MaintenanceRID Rack Insertion Device

SBIR Small Business Innovative ResearchSFC Shop Floor ControlSFC/DC Shop Floor Control/Data CollectionSSP Space Shuttle ProgramSSPF Space Station Processing Facility

TPCO Technology Programs and Commercialization Office

USA United Space Alliance

WAD Work Authorization DocumentWPSS Work Preparation Support System



Team Member Activity Function

Larry Robertson Crane Division Team Chairman(812) 854-5336 Naval Surface Warfare Center

Crane, IN

Cheri Spencer BMP Center of Excellence Technical Writer(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD

Tech Track Team #1

Ron Cox Naval Surface Warfare Center Team Leader(812) 854-5251 Crane, IN

Darrel Brothersen Rockwell Collins Avionics(319) 295-3768 Cedar Rapids, IA

Nick Keller Naval Surface Warfare Center(812) 854-5331 Crane, IN

Travis Walton University of Maryland(301) 405-3883 College Park, MD

Tech Track Team #2

Robert Jenkins Naval Sea Systems Command Team Leader(703) 602-3002 Arlington, VA

Richard Rumpf Rumpf Associates International(703) 351-5080 Arlington, VA

Anne Marie SuPrise BMP Center of Excellence(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD

Jack Tamargo BMP Satellite Center Manager(707) 642-4267 Vallejo, CA

A p p e n d i x B

BMP Survey Team

Tech Track Team #3

Rick Purcell BMP Center of Excellence Team Leader(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD

Larry Halbig Naval Air Warfare Center(317) 306-3838 Indianapolis, IN

Don Hill Naval Air Warfare Center(317) 306-3781 Indianapolis, IN

Ron Parise Computer Sciences Corporation(301) 286-3896 Greenbelt, MD





A p p e n d i x C

Critical Path Templates and BMP Templates

This survey was structured around and concen-trated on the functional areas of design, test, pro-duction, facilities, logistics, and management aspresented in the Department of Defense 4245.7-M,Transition from Development to Production docu-ment. This publication defines the proper tools—ortemplates—that constitute the critical path for asuccessful material acquisition program. It de-scribes techniques for improving the acquisition

process by addressing it as an industrial processthat focuses on the product’s design, test, and pro-duction phases which are interrelated and interde-pendent disciplines.

The BMP program has continued to build onthis knowledge base by developing 17 new tem-plates that complement the existing DOD 4245.7-M templates. These BMP templates address newor emerging technologies and processes.


A p p e n d i x D

BMPnet and the Program Manager’s WorkStation

The BMPnet, located at the Best ManufacturingPractices Center of Excellence (BMPCOE) in Col-lege Park, Maryland, supports several communica-tion features. These features include the ProgramManager’s WorkStation (PMWS), electronic mailand file transfer capabilities, as well as access toSpecial Interest Groups (SIGs) for specific topicinformation and communication. The BMPnet canbe accessed through the World Wide Web (athttp://www.bmpcoe.org), through free software thatconnects directly over the Internet or through amodem. The PMWS software isalso available on CD-ROM.

PMWS provides users withtimely acquisition and engi-neering information through aseries of interrelated softwareenvironments and knowledge-based packages. The maincomponents of PMWS areKnowHow, SpecRite, the Tech-nical Risk Identification andMitigation System (TRIMS),and the BMP Database.

KnowHow is an intelligent,automated program that pro-vides rapid access to informa-tion through an intelligentsearch capability. Informationcurrently available in KnowHow handbooks in-cludes Acquisition Streamlining, Non-DevelopmentItems, Value Engineering, NAVSO P-6071 (BestPractices Manual), MIL-STD-2167/2168 and theDoD 5000 series documents. KnowHow cuts docu-ment search time by 95%, providing critical, user-specific information in under three minutes.

SpecRite is a performance specification genera-tor based on expert knowledge from all uniformedservices. This program guides acquisition person-

nel in creating specifications for their requirements,and is structured for the build/approval process.SpecRite’s knowledge-based guidance and assis-tance structure is modular, flexible, and providesoutput in MIL-STD 961D format in the form ofeditable WordPerfect® files.

TRIMS, based on DoD 4245.7-M (the transitiontemplates), NAVSO P-6071, and DoD 5000 event-oriented acquisition, helps the user identify andrank a program’s high-risk areas. By helping theuser conduct a full range of risk assessments through-

out the acquisition process,TRIMS highlights areas wherecorrective action can be initi-ated before risks develop intoproblems. It also helps userstrack key project documenta-tion from concept through pro-duction including goals, respon-sible personnel, and next ac-tion dates for future activities.

The BMP Database con-tains proven best practices fromindustry, government, and theacademic communities. Thesebest practices are in the areasof design, test, production, fa-cilities, management, and lo-gistics. Each practice has been

observed, verified, and documented by a team ofgovernment experts during BMP surveys.

Access to the BMPnet through dial-in or on Inter-net requires a special modem program. This pro-gram can be obtained by calling the BMPnet HelpDesk at (301) 403-8179 or it can be downloaded fromthe World Wide Web at http://www.bmpcoe.org. Toreceive a user/e-mail account on the BMPnet, senda request to [email protected].

There are currently six Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP) satellite centers that provide representationfor and awareness of the BMP program to regional industry, government and academic institutions. Thecenters also promote the use of BMP with regional Manufacturing Technology Centers. Regionalmanufacturers can take advantage of the BMP satellite centers to help resolve problems, as the centers hostinformative, one-day regional workshops that focus on specific technical issues.

Center representatives also conduct BMP lectures at regional colleges and universities; maintain lists ofexperts who are potential survey team members; provide team member training; identify regional expertsfor inclusion in the BMPnet SIG e-mail; and train regional personnel in the use of BMP resources such asthe BMPnet.

The six BMP satellite centers include:


Chris MatzkeBMP Satellite Center ManagerNaval Warfare Assessment DivisionCode QA-21, P. O. Box 50001456 Mariposa DriveCorona, CA 91718(909) 273-4992FAX: (909) [email protected]

Jack TamargoBMP Satellite Center Manager257 Cottonwood DriveVallejo, CA 94591(707) [email protected]

District of Columbia

Brad BotwinBMP Satellite Center ManagerU.S. Department of Commerce14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NWRoom 3878Washington, DC 20230(202) 482-4060FAX: (202) [email protected]


Dean ZaumseilBMP Satellite Center ManagerRock Valley College3301 North Mulford RoadRockford, IL 61114(815) 654-5530FAX: (815) [email protected]


Sherrie SnyderBMP Satellite Center ManagerMANTEC, Inc.P.O. Box 5046York, PA 17405(717) 843-5054FAX: (717) [email protected]


Tammy GrahamBMP Satellite Center ManagerMartin Marietta Energy SystemsP. O. Box 2009, Bldg. 9737MS 8091Oak Ridge, TN 37831(615) 576-5532FAX: (615) [email protected]


A p p e n d i x E

Best Manufacturing Practices Satellite Centers


A p p e n d i x F

Navy Manufacturing Technology Centers of Excellence

Best Manufacturing Practices Centerof Excellence

The Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excel-lence (BMPCOE) provides a national resource toidentify and promote exemplary manufacturing andbusiness practices and to disseminate this informa-tion to the U.S. Industrial Base. The BMPCOE wasestablished by the Navy’s BMP program, Depart-ment of Commerce’s National Institute of Stan-dards and Technology, and the University of Mary-land at College Park, Maryland. The BMPCOEimproves the use of existing technology, promotesthe introduction of improved technologies, and pro-vides non-competitive means to address commonproblems, and has become a significant factor incountering foreign competition.

Point of Contact:Mr. Ernie RennerBest Manufacturing Practices Center ofExcellence4321 Hartwick RoadSuite 400College Park, MD 20740(301) 403-8100FAX: (301) [email protected]

Center of Excellence for CompositesManufacturing Technology

The Center of Excellence for Composites Manufac-turing Technology (CECMT) provides a nationalresource for the development and dissemination ofcomposites manufacturing technology to defensecontractors and subcontractors. The CECMT ismanaged by the GreatLakes Composites Consor-tium and represents a collaborative effort amongindustry, academia, and government to develop,evaluate, demonstrate, and test composites manu-facturing technologies. The technical work is prob-lem-driven to reflect current and future Navy needsin the composites industrial community.

Point of Contact:Dr. Roger FountainCenter of Excellence for Composites ManufacturingTechnology103 Trade Zone DriveSuite 26CWest Columbia, SC 29170(803) 822-3705FAX: (803) [email protected]

Electronics Manufacturing ProductivityFacility

The Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facil-ity (EMPF) identifies, develops, and transfers inno-vative electronics manufacturing processes to do-mestic firms in support of the manufacture of afford-able military systems. The EMPF operates as aconsortium comprised of industry, university, andgovernment participants, led by the American Com-petitiveness Institute under a CRADA with theNavy.

Point of Contact:Mr. Alan CriswellElectronics Manufacturing Productivity FacilityPlymouth Executive CampusBldg 630, Suite 100630 West Germantown PikePlymouth Meeting, PA 19462(610) 832-8800FAX: (610) 832-8810http://www.engriupui.edu/empf/

National Center for Excellence inMetalworking Technology

The National Center for Excellence in MetalworkingTechnology (NCEMT) provides a national center forthe development, dissemination, and implemen-tation of advanced technologies for metalworkingproducts and processes. The NCEMT, operated byConcurrent Technologies Corporation, helps theNavy and defense contractors improve

The Navy Manufacturing Sciences and Technology Program established the following Centers ofExcellence (COEs) to provide focal points for the development and technology transfer of new manufactur-ing processes and equipment in a cooperative environment with industry, academia, and Navy centers andlaboratories. These COEs are consortium-structured for industry, academia, and government involvementin developing and implementing technologies. Each COE has a designated point of contact listed below withthe individual COE information.


manufacturing productivity and part reliabilitythrough development, deployment, training, andeducation for advanced metalworking technologies.

Point of Contact:Mr. Richard HenryNational Center for Excellence in MetalworkingTechnology1450 Scalp AvenueJohnstown, PA 15904-3374(814) 269-2532FAX: (814) [email protected]

Navy Joining Center

The Navy Joining Center (NJC) is operated by theEdison Welding Institute and provides a nationalresource for the development of materials joiningexpertise and the deployment of emerging manufac-turing technologies to Navy contractors, subcon-tractors, and other activities. The NJC works withthe Navy to determine and evaluate joining technol-ogy requirements and conduct technology develop-ment and deployment projects to address theseissues.

Point of Contact:Mr. David P. EdmondsNavy Joining Center1100 Kinnear RoadColumbus, OH 43212-1161(614) 487-5825FAX: (614) [email protected]

Energetics Manufacturing TechnologyCenter

The Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center(EMTC) addresses unique manufacturing processesand problems of the energetics industrial base toensure the availability of affordable, quality ener-getics. The focus of the EMTC is on process technol-ogy with a goal of reducing manufacturing costswhile improving product quality and reliability.The COE also maintains a goal of development andimplementation of environmentally benign ener-getics manufacturing processes.

Point of Contact:Mr. John BroughEnergetics Manufacturing Technology CenterIndian Head DivisionNaval Surface Warfare CenterIndian Head, MD 20640-5035(301) 743-4417DSN: 354-4417FAX: (301) [email protected]

Manufacturing Science and AdvancedMaterials Processing Institute

The Manufacturing Science and Advanced Materi-als Processing Institute (MS&MPI) is comprised ofthree centers including the National Center forAdvanced Drivetrain Technologies (NCADT), TheSurface Engineering Manufacturing TechnologyCenter (SEMTC), and the Laser Applications Re-search Center (LaserARC). These centers are lo-cated at The Pennsylvania State University’s Ap-plied Research Laboratory. Each center is high-lighted below.

Point of Contact for MS&MPI:Mr. Dennis HerbertManufacturing Science and Advanced MaterialsProcessing InstituteARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 11804-0030(814) 865-8205FAX: (814) [email protected]

• National Center for Advanced DrivetrainTechnologiesThe NCADT supports DoD by strengthening,revitalizing, and enhancing the technologicalcapabilities of the U.S. gear and transmissionindustry. It provides a site for neutral testingto verify accuracy and performance of gear andtransmission components.

Point of Contact for NCADT:Dr. Suren RaoNational Center for Advanced DrivetrainTechnologiesARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 865-3537FAX: (814) 863-1183http://www.arl.psu.edu/drivetrain_center.html/

Gulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyCenter

The Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Cen-ter (GCRMTC) is located at the University of NewOrleans and will focus primarily on product devel-opments in support of the U.S. shipbuilding indus-try. A sister site at Lamar University in Orange,Texas will focus on process improvements.

Point of Contact:Dr. John CrispGulf Coast Region Maritime Technology CenterUniversity of New OrleansRoom N-212New Orleans, LA 70148(504) 286-3871FAX: (504) 286-3898


• Surface Engineering ManufacturingTechnology CenterThe SEMTC enables technology developmentin surface engineering—the systematic andrational modification of material surfaces toprovide desirable material characteristics andperformance. This can be implemented forcomplex optical, electrical, chemical, and me-chanical functions or products that affect thecost, operation, maintainability, and reliabil-ity of weapon systems.

Point of Contact for SEMTC:Surface Engineering Manufacturing TechnologyCenterDr. Maurice F. AmateauSEMTC/Surface Engineering CenterP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 863-4214FAX: (814) 863-0006http://www/arl.psu.edu/divisions/arl_org.html

• Laser Applications Research Center

The LaserARC is established to expand thetechnical capabilities of DOD by providingaccess to high-power industrial lasers for ad-vanced material processing applications.LaserARC offers basic and applied research inlaser-material interaction, process develop-ment, sensor technologies, and correspondingdemonstrations of developed applications.

Point of Contact for LaserARC:Mr. Paul DenneyLaser CenterARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 865-2934FAX: (814) 863-1183http://www/arl.psu.edu/divisions/arl_org.html

As of this publication, 87 surveys have been conducted by BMP at the companies listed below. Copies ofolder survey reports may be obtained through DTIC or by accessing the BMPnet. Requests for copies ofrecent survey reports or inquiries regarding the BMPNET may be directed to:

Best Manufacturing Practices Program4321 Hartwick Rd., Suite 400

College Park, MD 20740Attn: Mr. Ernie Renner, Director

Telephone: 1-800-789-4267FAX: (301) [email protected]




A p p e n d i x G

Completed Surveys


Litton Guidance & Control Systems Division - Woodland Hills, CA

Honeywell, Incorporated Undersea Systems Division - Hopkins, MN (Alliant TechSystems, Inc.)Texas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Lewisville, TXGeneral Dynamics Pomona Division - Pomona, CAHarris Corporation Government Support Systems Division - Syosset, NYIBM Corporation Federal Systems Division - Owego, NYControl Data Corporation Government Systems Division - Minneapolis, MN

Hughes Aircraft Company Radar Systems Group - Los Angeles, CAITT Avionics Division - Clifton, NJRockwell International Corporation Collins Defense Communications - Cedar Rapids, IAUNISYS Computer Systems Division - St. Paul, MN (Paramax)

Motorola Government Electronics Group - Scottsdale, AZGeneral Dynamics Fort Worth Division - Fort Worth, TXTexas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Dallas, TXHughes Aircraft Company Missile Systems Group - Tucson, AZBell Helicopter Textron, Inc. - Fort Worth, TXLitton Data Systems Division - Van Nuys, CAGTE C3 Systems Sector - Needham Heights, MA

McDonnell-Douglas Corporation McDonnell Aircraft Company - St. Louis, MONorthrop Corporation Aircraft Division - Hawthorne, CALitton Applied Technology Division - San Jose, CALitton Amecom Division - College Park, MDStandard Industries - LaMirada, CAEngineered Circuit Research, Incorporated - Milpitas, CATeledyne Industries Incorporated Electronics Division - Newbury Park, CALockheed Aeronautical Systems Company - Marietta, GALockheed Corporation Missile Systems Division - Sunnyvale, CAWestinghouse Electronic Systems Group - Baltimore, MDGeneral Electric Naval & Drive Turbine Systems - Fitchburg, MARockwell International Corporation Autonetics Electronics Systems - Anaheim, CATRICOR Systems, Incorporated - Elgin, IL

Hughes Aircraft Company Ground Systems Group - Fullerton, CATRW Military Electronics and Avionics Division - San Diego, CAMechTronics of Arizona, Inc. - Phoenix, AZBoeing Aerospace & Electronics - Corinth, TXTechnology Matrix Consortium - Traverse City, MITextron Lycoming - Stratford, CT





Resurvey of Litton Guidance & Control Systems Division - Woodland Hills, CANorden Systems, Inc. - Norwalk, CTNaval Avionics Center - Indianapolis, INUnited Electric Controls - Watertown, MAKurt Manufacturing Co. - Minneapolis, MNMagneTek Defense Systems - Anaheim, CARaytheon Missile Systems Division - Andover, MAAT&T Federal Systems Advanced Technologies and AT&T Bell Laboratories - Greensboro, NC and Whippany, NJResurvey of Texas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Lewisville, TX

Tandem Computers - Cupertino, CACharleston Naval Shipyard - Charleston, SCConax Florida Corporation - St. Petersburg, FLTexas Instruments Semiconductor Group Military Products - Midland, TXHewlett-Packard Palo Alto Fabrication Center - Palo Alto, CAWatervliet U.S. Army Arsenal - Watervliet, NYDigital Equipment Company Enclosures Business - Westfield, MA and Maynard, MAComputing Devices International - Minneapolis, MN(Resurvey of Control Data Corporation Government Systems Division)Naval Aviation Depot Naval Air Station - Pensacola, FL

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, ALNaval Aviation Depot Naval Air Station - Jacksonville, FLDepartment of Energy Oak Ridge Facilities (Operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.) - Oak Ridge, TNMcDonnell Douglas Aerospace - Huntington Beach, CACrane Division Naval Surface Warfare Center - Crane, IN and Louisville, KYPhiladelphia Naval Shipyard - Philadelphia, PAR. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company - Winston-Salem, NCCrystal Gateway Marriott Hotel - Arlington, VAHamilton Standard Electronic Manufacturing Facility - Farmington, CTAlpha Industries, Inc. - Methuen, MA

Harris Semiconductor - Melbourne, FLUnited Defense, L.P. Ground Systems Division - San Jose, CANaval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport - Keyport, WAMason & Hanger - Silas Mason Co., Inc. - Middletown, IAKaiser Electronics - San Jose, CAU.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity - Aberdeen, MDStafford County Public Schools - Stafford County, VA

Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque, NMRockwell Defense Electronics Collins Avionics & Communications Division - Cedar Rapids, IA(Resurvey of Rockwell International Corporation Collins Defense Communications)Lockheed Martin Electronics & Missiles - Orlando, FLMcDonnell Douglas Aerospace (St. Louis) - St. Louis, MO(Resurvey of McDonnell-Douglas Corporation McDonnell Aircraft Company)Dayton Parts, Inc. - Harrisburg, PAWainwright Industries - St. Peters, MOLockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems - Fort Worth, TX(Resurvey of General Dynamics Fort Worth Division)Lockheed Martin Government Electronic Systems - Moorestown, NJSacramento Manufacturing and Services Division - Sacramento, CAJLG Industries, Inc. - McConnellsburg, PA

City of Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TNMason & Hanger Corporation - Pantex Plant - Amarillo, TXNascote Industries, Inc. - Nashville, ILWeirton Steel Corporation - Weirton, WVNASA Kennedy Space Center - Cape Canaveral, FL