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Nashoba Freshmen Transition Guide

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Nashoba Freshment Transition File

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12 Green RoadBolton MA, 01740

phone (978) 779-2257fax (978) 779-2720

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Page 3: Nashoba Freshmen Transition Guide


Welcome Page 4Extracurricular Overview Page 5Resource Center Page 6Resource Center Page 6Academic Overview Page 7Policies & Procedures Page 8

Welcome to Nashoba!Message from Nashoba Regional High School Principal

Dr. Parry Graham

As your new Principal, I welcome you to Nashoba Regional High School, home of the Chieftains! We are excited about our new group of Chieftains and look forward to getting to know you and assist you in your high school experience. We are also excited about our wonderfulFreshmen opportunities and all that it has to offer you. We feel it is the very best way to make your transition to Nashoba Re-gional High School as smooth as possible. We want all of you to be successful and feel a part of Nashoba Regional High School. To make this happen, we encourage you to get involved in your school. You will see that you have many opportu-nities to make this happen. I look forward to meeting all of you and hope that you have a great start to your career at NRHS.

Freshmen Study Skills Page 14Academics Page 15Who Does What? Page 16Extracurricular Overview Page 17Annual Events Page 18School Map Page 19

Table of Contents

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Extracurricular OverviewStudent Council- StuCo

Student Council is a representative group that makes every effort to make positive, as well as, significant contributions to the school and community. Its major goals are representing and communicating the needs of the student body to the administration. It makes recommen-dations to the administration at any time. Communication and strong enthusiasm for a better school are key factors for a successful Student Council at Nashoba.The council may discuss any and all school issues. The Student Council encourages all students to take an active part in student life and to express themselves on school affairs and to take part in decisions affecting their school life. Students may volunteer to serve on the student council for a period of one school year. All students are welcome to join and attend student council meetings.

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Resource Centers OverviewEvery freshman, for their first semester, will have any free period in Room 403B for freshmen study skills. The idea be-hind this is for freshmen to acquire basic study skills in a familar environment. The ASC (Academic Support Center) is for students who need help with their studies or would like a tutor in almost any subject. The Media Center is for students who need access to a computer or wish to take out a book.

Staff at HandThe staff at any resource center is there to help. Their job is to make your time there as easy as they can. The Media Center has two (2) staff members always ready to help at the main desk.

Design of the Media Center

The media center is designed with three main areas. In the front and back there is the group study area. On the side there is the quiet section where no talking is allowed. There are also computers set up in the front for anybody who wishes to use them.

Mr. Emerson; 403B Freshmen study skills

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Academic OverviewCreditsAny full year, every day, class taken during the year is worth 4 credits. Classes taken during the first or second semester that meet every day are worth 2 credits. Wellness taken every other day for half a year is worth 1 credit. Students are required to maintain any grade above an “F” and not exceed attendance policies to obtain credit.

DiplomasStudents are required to earn 90 credits during their 4 years.

Weighted Grades

Any CP class will be graded on a 4.0 scale. All ACC class-es are graded on a 4.5 scale and AP or honors classes are graded on a 5.0 scale.Example: An “A+” in a CP course is a 4.0. While an “A+” in AP is a 5.0.

TutoringStudents who need help in any enrolled class can have a tutor pro-vided by the ASC. Another student will be matched up with you and a schedule will be set up for your availability.

HomeworkStudents should expect to have homework every night. Depending on your enrolled classes the amount can vary.

Stay Connected

Parents and students are both given Powerschool accounts to check their grades, attendance, and lunch account balance. Con-tact information for teachers such as emails and phone numbers are posted on the high school site.

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NRHS (978)779-2257

NRHS Fax (978)779-2720

NRHS Principal Dr. P Graham (978) 779-2257

NRHS Assistant Prinicipal Ms. T Calo (978) 779-2257

NRHS Assistant Principal Mr. B Cote (978) 779-2257

NRHS Main Office Mrs. S Hilliger Principal’s Secretary x3115 Mrs. P Nicoll HS Secretary x3100

NRHS Athletics Ms. Tania Rich Athletic Director x3102

NRHS Counselers Jodi Specht Director of Guidance x3106 Katie Abruzzese Counselor x3103 Trevor Short Counselor x3109 Dan Glover Counselor x3107 Sarah Dodd Counselor x3110 Sue Allaire Career Counselor x4509 Tonia Bouvier Secretary x3104 Jeanine Eickhorst Registrar x3105 Diana Durr School Adjustment Counselor x3108 NRHS Nurses Mrs. L. Oetman x3112 Mrs. M. Rivera x3120 Ms. R. Sullender x3112

NRHS Special Education Dr. M. Davies x4508

Where to Go & Who to See

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Extracurricular Overview

ClubsAt Nashoba, students are encouraged to join many different activities at school outside of taking classes. To get involved in activities, you can join

one of the many clubs offered at Nashoba. No matter if you enjoy mock debating or creative writing, there is a club for you. To get involved in one of the following clubs, you can e-mail or ask the advisor when the club meets and if you can join. Don’t see a club listed that fits you and what you enjoy? Then create a club! With a group of friends and a willing faculty member to become your advisor, you can create any reason-able club that isn’t already at Nashoba.

Performing Arts

The Performing Arts are a huge part of Nashoba. Every year, Nashoba puts on two productions, one fall play and one spring musical. But is acting not your thing? No problem! Nashoba also has a band and a chorus. There are many different types of band, such as the Jazz band which you audition to be a part of. Still don’t see what you’re looking for? Not to worry. Nashoba has a great visual art program too. Art classes are offered as a part of the Nashoba curriculum. No matter what type of art you enjoy, you can find it at

These are some clubs available at Nashoba:•Best Buddies •Drama Club•Model UN •Math Team•Creative Writing Club •Yearbook•DECA • Robotics •GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)•Republican Club •ScrabbleA full list of clubs is available at http://nrhs.nrsd.net/index.php?id=68


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Daily Schedule Nashoba Regional High School runs on a 8 day rotating schedule.The days run A-G with the fifth period of each day being lunch block. Each class is 46 minutes long except the fifth block in the rotation which is longer due to lunch. Classes begin at 7:40 a.m. and end at 2:20 p.m.

Policies and Procedures

AttendenceAll students are expected to attend school on a regular basis. Under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: “Every childbetween the ages of 7 and 16 is compelled to attend school.” At NRHS, pupils 16 years of age or over are also expected to conform to the same rules of attendance. Any student who is absent from school on a particular day will not be allowed to participate in any school activities or dances on that day. (The only exception would be if the absence from school has been authorized by the Principal, or his/her designee, in advance.) A student who is tardy after 9:45 AM or is dismissed prior to 11:15 AM will be ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities on that day unless the tardy arrival or dismissal has been authorized in advance by the Principal. This rule applies to games, practices, club meetings, rehearsals, dances, and any inter-school competitions.

Excusable Absences• Death in the family • Health Professional appoint-

ment formally documented note needed from Physician, Dentist, Optometrist, etc.

• School sponsored/sanctioned activities: field trips, class meetings, in-school or external suspension, up to 3 college interviews approved by the Guidance Department, Adminis-tration, and teachers in advance of the interview/visit.

• Religious Holiday Observance.• Legal/Court appointments• Court note required upon return

to school.

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Uniform Requirements for WellnessThe Wellness department encourages school attire and accepts thefollowing: Anything “Nashoba Related” (but does not mandate Nasho-ba attire) which is appropriate to the activity, including T-shirts, athletic shorts, sweatshirt and/or sweatpants.

Unacceptable attire includes: Anything torn, ripped, cut off or dirty; tank tops, abbreviated tops, or mesh shirts without T-shirts underneath; spandex clothing items without athletic shorts covering them; the wearing of underwear as outerwear, and any other items which conflict with the “Dress and Grooming” policy.

Electronic DevicesStudents may use cell phones and musical devices during open study in the cafeteria and at lunch. Use of these items is a privilege, not a right. As a result, students must ensure that cell phones and musical devices, including ear buds, are not in use and hidden from sight in the halls and during class time. Cell phonesand/or musical devices used outside the cafeteria may be confiscated as is and turned into the main office. Students may pick up the item at the end of the school day; however, the second offense will result in administrative detentions.Subsequent offenses will require parent/guardian retrieval of the item and the potential loss of privileges.

The school is not responsible for valuables that are damaged, lost, or stolen.

Lost and FoundA lost and found area is located in the Main Office. Articles leftunclaimed for over thirty days will be brought to a donation center.

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Bus TransportationStudents who receive bus transportation are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner. Riders

are expected to be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver at all times. Refer to the “Bus Rules” section for specific details. Students are expected to follow all regulations set forth

by the bus contractor as well. Students who stay after

school are able to take advantage of a late bus. For more info: check out the QR Code that will direct you to more district information.

Health Services The School Nurse is available for any students who feel ill, injured, or re-quire medication during the school day. In case of an emergency, a student should report or be es-corted directly to the School Nurse for immediate attention. A student who needs medical attention (not emergency) should report to class first and then be dismissed with a pass to the Nurse’s office. Students should remain home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms/conditions:• a fever over 100.0 degrees within the past 24 hours• vomiting and/or diarrhea within the past 24 hours• strep throat without 24 hours of antibiotic treatment

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School Cancellation On days when it is necessary to cancel school because ofinclement weath-er or unusual hazards, stations WBZ-AM (1030) and News 4, WCVB (channel 5), WRKO-AM 680, and WHDH (channel 7) will broadcast the “No School Bulletin” or the “One/Two-Hour Delay Bulletin” no earlier than the 6:00 AM report and not later than the 6:30 AM report.

Early Dismissals A student who wishes to leave school for legitimate reasons be-fore the end of normal classes must bring a written request from his/her parent or guardian to the office at the start of the school day. If dismiss-al is approved, the student will be issued a dismissal pass and should check out through the main office before leaving through the front doors. Also, the student is required to make up all classroom work as deter-mined by the teacher and should notify teachers where possible prior to leaving for the day. Students who are 18 years of age or older may dismiss themselves from school for legitimate reasons; however, the stu-dents must check in with one of the administrators before leaving school grounds. If students dismiss themselves without an administrator’s per-mission, they will not be able to return to school for the remainder of the school day or participate in after school activities. They will also forfeit all normal make-up work privileges for all classes missed and will receive a minimum of two days of in-school suspension.

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The school offers lunches that vary from day to day. There are four periods during lunch, and students go to a specific lunch depending on what class they are induring that lunch. The Snack Shack is open all four lunches, and the first four periods of the day. Students may not leave class to go the the Snack Shack. Money is deposited into the students Powerschool account in school or online. Food may be pur-chased and eaten during the campus studies. Consumption of food and/or drink for medi-cal reasons may occur in the nurse’s office or at the teacher’s discretion. Finally, students will adhere to the specific teacher’s policy regarding personal food or drink in their classroom. Stu-dents who fail to abide by the policy may lose their campus study privileges.Any student who does so will receive a dis-ciplinary consequence.

Our school strives to teach students to be punctual. Students are expected to be in their classes at the late bell at which time attendance will be taken. Students late for school must report to the Main Office/Assistant Principals. Students who exhibit a pattern of exces-sive tardiness to school may receive consequences at the discretion of the administra-tion. Subsequent continuous tardiness will result in further disciplinary action at the discre-tion of the administration and may include additional parental meetings. If a student is tardy 7 times to one class, 1 unexcused absence will be charged to the student for attendance and credit purposes. Students may lose credit for a class if tardi-ness continues at a consistent rate.

Administrative, parental and teacher permission are required before the student may miss a day of school. Students who miss more than fifty percent of a class will be considered absent for that period. Excused tardies include medical appointments and other formally documented visits.


Policies and ProceduresCafeteria

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Lockers are school property. A locker will be loaned to each student by the district for the entire time the student is enrolled at Nashoba Regional High School. Students may pur-chase a lock for $7.00 from the main office for their locker. Stu-dents may keep this lock for the duration of their time at the high school, or they may return the lock for a refund. Students will not receive a refund if they lose or damage their lock. In order to avoid theft and to maintain security, all lockers should be kept locked. It is not wise to leave items of real value or money in the locker or locker room. Students will be expected to reimburse the Wellness department the $7.00 replacement fee for a lost or broken locker. All pictures and/or decorations must be appropriate for a public school setting and cleaned by the last day of each quarter. Students should not be socializing at their lockers once classes have start-ed. Students do not have an expectation of privacy in their lockers. Students who purchase their own lock must expect that it will be cut off in the case that administration needs to enter their locker.

Lockers and Locks

Schedule- Regular Day

Period Time1 7:40 - 8:262345L1L2L3L467 1:34 - 2:20

12:44 - 1:3012:15 - 12:3811:50 - 12:1311:25 - 11:4811:00 - 11:2311:00 - 12:3810:10 - 10:569:20 - 10:068:30 - 9:16

On certain days in school, there will be an activity period that takes place between second and third period. Students will report to their graduating class home rooms. They are assigned these homerooms on the first day of school and they are they same for the students four years.

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Freshmen Study SkillsIf a freshmen student should have a period during which they have no core class or elective they are required to take a class called Freshmen Study Skills with Mr. Emerson. It is an introduc-tory course on study strategies that will help students succeed at Nashoba. The course will also allow students to have periods of free time to work on any work they may need to complete in order to practice these study skills. Students will only be required to take Freshmen Study Skills for the first semester of their freshmen year, pending that they keep a C average in all of their classes over the course of the first semester.

NRHS Departments•Applied Arts & Technology

•Comprehensive Wellness•English

•Fine & Performing Arts•Mathematics


•Social Studies

•Special Education

•World Language

NRHS Program of Studies QR Code

(Scan with any smartphone to see the full list of Nashoba courses!)

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NRHS Departments

MyNrsdNashoba’s own personal set of Google Docs websites. Each teacher has his or her own site that students will be able to access with their own “mynrsd” Google account. Teachers have the ability to upload documents, PowerPoints, and calendars for students to access. Each student receives a Google account at the beginning of the year consisting of their year of graduation, first initial, and last name. Ex:John Smith (2020) = 2020jsmith

Guidance CounselorsKatie Abruzzese (A-DE) [email protected]

Trevor Short (DF-J) [email protected]

Jodi Specht (P-R) [email protected]

Dan Glover (S-Z) [email protected]

Sarah Dodd (K-O) [email protected]

(sorted by last name)

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Fall Sports:FootballVolleyballCheerleading Cross CountryField Hockey GolfSoccerWinter Sports:Ski TeamSwim TeamIndoor TrackWrestlingHockeyBasketballSpring Sports:LacrosseTrack and FieldBaseballSoftballTennis

Freshmen are eligible to participate on any team—Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshmen. Depending on the sport, there may or may not be cuts made to each team. Joining a sports team is one of the best ways to get to know new people in the Freshmen class, as well as those in the Sophomore, Junior, ad Senior classes. For information on eligibility in joining sports teams at Nashoba, visit the Nashoba Regional handbook on page 31.



Fall Sports: Tryouts may take place as early as the second Thursday after Labor Day. Conditioning for football begins the second Monday before Labor Day. Cheerleading tryouts begin in June.Winter Sports: Tryouts begin the Monday after Thanksgiving break.Spring Sports: Tryouts begin the third Monday of March.

Sports in bold have Freshman teams

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Where are you?

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Annual Events for Students

Homecoming Football Game/Dance

Plays/Musicals- We Love Lucy, Beauty and the Beast, My Fair Lady

Relay For Life-In May on the Nashoba track

Nashoba vs. Clinton Rivalry games - Football, Basketball, Volleyball

Matball, Dodgeball, and Volleyball Tournaments- Teams are made by students and an advisor organizes game scheules

Class Plays- Students participate in short plays against the other grades.

Blood Drive

Mr. Nashoba Pageant

Battle of the Bands

and many more !

Most Nashoba events are inexpensive to attend!

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Freshmen Activities

During the spring and summer seasons, the Nashoba community holds many events to help the Freshmen adjust to high school. All of the events are for both parents and students, to help comfort every-one. The first event is held in March. At this event, the administration will speak to class schedules, school events and field any questions you may have. Getting around the school is always a fear that incoming Freshmen have. Everyone in the building is aware of this anxiety, and so, during the last week of March the school runs tours of the building for the freshmen to acclimate themselves with the surroundings. Student ambassadors give guided tours. These tours will leave from the main office and will show parents and students the many classrooms and other important locations in the building.

Welcome future Chieftains, we are eager for you to start your high school career at Nashoba Regional - Home of the Chieftains! The move to a new school is just one of many transitions you will experience in life. We are here for YOU! There are many resources available to you at Nashoba and we want you to begin your year on the right path. Nashoba Region-al High School is committed to providing students a rigorous and comprehensive educational experience. In preparation for each new school year, students receive recommended classes by their teachers in core subjects. Along with academics, we hope you will take advantage of some of the stated extra-curricular activities and experience Nashoba often over the next few months.