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BLUF It is through a shared cultural heritage that people both legitimize and consent to a shared agenda. In this way, heritage is an influential device in the construction of national states.

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NATIONAL CHALLENGES AND LOCAL NARRATIVES:THE USES OF CULTURAL RESOURCES IN THE STABILIZATION OF TROUBLED STATES by JAMES C. CARLSON BLUF It is through a shared cultural heritage that people both legitimize and consent to a shared agenda.In this way, heritage is an influential device in the construction of national states. Agenda BLUF Archaeological site on a military
installation near Baghdad Ctesiphon Nation Building - identity, economy, and stability The Way Forward contextualization of interpretations of the past
(Dodd and Boytner 2010:3) contextualization of interpretations of the past
(Dodd and Boytner 2010:3) contextualization of interpretations of uses of the past Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad
1 hectare of ancient settlement: Old Babylonian period= BC Kassite Period= BC Seleucid Dynasty= BC Parthian-Sassanian periods=538 BC - AD 641 Abbasid period= AD Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Archaeological site on a military installation near Baghdad Ctesiphon Taq-I Kisra: Ctesiphon Arch soccer field in park at Ctesiphon Taq-I Kisra: 1950 Iraq: Two Key Traits a diverse human population
a rich cultural heritage Pillars of National Unity
state control - infrastructure, governance, laws, security etc. a core identity and interests shared ethnicity Pillars of National Unity: Iraq
state control - infrastructure, governance, laws, security etc. a core identity and interests shared ethnicity Cultural narratives are constituted through representation and performance, conveying not only who we are but also who we will come to be. Somers (1994) Cultural heritage provides a rather effective material and symbolic
support for a societys narratives. Anico and Peralta (2009) Summary economic diversity = economic sustainability
unity through a shared cultural heritage 3.cultural resources = a stability "engine" The Way Forward incorporate cultural resources into: PMESSI
(Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure and Information systems) ASCOPE (Area, Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People and Events) SWEATMS (sewage, water, electricity, academics, trash, medical and security) + cultural resources = SWEATMS-C The Way Forward assess: views of local populations
past and present uses of cultural resources The Way Forward benefits to US/USF efforts:
1.mitigation of threats, social frictions, and/or conflicts regarding cultural resources 2.enabling of the handling of dialogue, messaging, and public relations 3.avoiding potential negative legal and publicity issues Acknowledgments: Special thanks to: Laurie Rush Diane Siebrandt
Jen Clark COL Bartholf QUESTIONS?