The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk No. 476 The weekly newsletter for The Junior King’s School, Canterbury 14 June 2019 From the Head Last weekend some of our swimmers took part in the IAPS National Finals at Olympic Park. Sofiya and Oscar, represented Junior King’s extremely well in their races. Jess beat her personal best and became a National IAPS Champion, which is an incredible achievement! We celebrated all their achievements in assembly on Monday. We are delighted that our Year 8s have their next schools all confirmed following on from the Common Entrance exams last week, and they should be congratulated for their effort and hard work. Our End of Year Service this week was a wonderful event, with a special focus on our Year 8 leavers. The Dean gave a thoughtful address to the school. It was a touching moment as each of our leavers lit a candle at the start of the service. We enjoyed delicious refreshments afterwards in Number 14 The Precincts, kindly hosted by the Headmaster and Marie Roberts. Our Summer Concert last night was superb and showcased a large number of our talented musicians. Nursery and Pre-Prep thoroughly enjoyed their Sports Days, as did all the parents who were there to cheer on the children. We are very proud of Maria K, who came to Junior King’s this year with very little spoken English. She gave a very touching assembly this week to the whole school about overcoming her fears and about how everyone should be inclusive, feel proud to be unique, and not just follow the crowd. It was a truly inspiring talk. I was thrilled to hear the news that both Pippa and Lydia were two of 139 finalists to have a piece of art work chosen out of 6200 submissions in total from all over the country, in the Royal Academy of Arts’ recent competition. Not only will their artwork be exhibited online, but will also be on display in the Royal Academy between 13th July and the 4th August. I am also delighted that Alex’s pot was shortlisted in the top 700 entries, although it didn’t quite make it to the exhibition. This is a superb achievement. Thank you to all parents who supported St Nicholas’ Summer Fete last week. They were delighted to have raised around £900 for their repair funds and we look forward to joining them in the future for further events. I look forward to welcoming many of you to our Summer Ball tomorrow evening and my thanks to the incredible team of parents who are working all hours to make it a night to remember. Clockwise from top: Jess the U13 25m butterfly National Champion; Archie & Harry who won bronze med- als in the 800m for their respective age groups; Callum, gold medallist in the 1500m. NATIONAL CHAMPION! Congratulations to Jess who became National Champion at the IAPS Swimming Finals last weekend. Full report on page 6. Kent IAPS Athletics Congratulations to Callum, 8M, who won a gold medal in the 1500m at today’s IAPS Regionals. He has qualified for the National Finals in July. Many other pupils have also won medals, and run or jumped personal bests. We look forward to celebrating this in next week’s Week.

NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

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Page 1: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

No. 476 The weekly newsletter for The Junior King’s School, Canterbury 14 June 2019

From the Head

Last weekend some of our swimmers took part in the IAPS National Finals at Olympic Park. Sofiya and Oscar, represented Junior King’s extremely well in their races. Jess beat her personal best and became a National IAPS Champion, which is an incredible achievement! We celebrated all their achievements in assembly on Monday.

We are delighted that our Year 8s have their next schools all confirmed following on from the Common Entrance exams last week, and they should be congratulated for their effort and hard work.

Our End of Year Service this week was a wonderful event, with a special focus on our Year 8 leavers. The Dean gave a thoughtful address to the school. It was a touching moment as each of our leavers lit a candle at the start of the service. We enjoyed delicious refreshments afterwards in Number 14 The Precincts, kindly hosted by the Headmaster and Marie Roberts.

Our Summer Concert last night was superb and showcased a large number of our talented musicians. Nursery and Pre-Prep thoroughly enjoyed their Sports Days, as did all the parents who were there to cheer on the children.

We are very proud of Maria K, who came to Junior King’s this year with very little spoken English. She gave a very touching assembly this week to the whole school about overcoming her fears and about how everyone should be inclusive, feel proud to be unique, and not just follow the crowd. It was a truly inspiring talk.

I was thrilled to hear the news that both Pippa and Lydia were two of 139 finalists to have a piece of art work chosen out of 6200 submissions in total from all over the country, in the Royal Academy of Arts’ recent competition. Not only will their artwork be exhibited online, but will also be on display in the Royal Academy between 13th July and the 4th August. I am also delighted that Alex’s pot was shortlisted in the top 700 entries, although it didn’t quite make it to the exhibition. This is a superb achievement.

Thank you to all parents who supported St Nicholas’ Summer Fete last week. They were delighted to have raised around £900 for their repair funds and we look forward to joining them in the future for further events.

I look forward to welcoming many of you to our Summer Ball tomorrow evening and my thanks to the incredible team of parents who are working all hours to make it a night to remember.

Clockwise from top: Jess the U13 25m butterfly National Champion; Archie & Harry who won bronze med-als in the 800m for their respective age groups; Callum, gold medallist in the 1500m.

NATIONAL CHAMPION! Congratulations to Jess who became National Champion at the IAPS Swimming Finals last weekend. Full report on page 6.

Kent IAPS Athletics

Congratulations to Callum, 8M, who won a gold medal in the 1500m at today’s IAPS Regionals. He has qualified for the National Finals in July. Many other pupils have also won medals, and run or jumped personal bests. We look forward to celebrating this in next week’s Week.

Page 2: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Junior House Stars of the Week!

3AW: Madeline

3L: Martha

4C: Walter

4M: Casper

4W: Sophie

Notices Our sergeants all do an incredible job to keep our children and

families safe. Please remember the 5mph speed limit throughout the school and please be cautious around the narrow exit roads through the village. Please remember that

we have a one-way system through Milner Gate and not through the gate in Church Lane, particularly at peak drop off and collection times.

Young Artists’ Summer Show

Congratulations to Pippa, 3AW, and Lydia, 4M, who have had their work selected from over 6000 entries to be exhibited at the first EVER Young Artists’ Summer Show at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Alex, 4M, had his pot chosen as one of just 700 pieces of art that the judges shortlisted, another fantastic achievement. Well done to you all!

Socks and Buttons!

In an effort to ensure that everyone looks smart for the remaining weeks of term, the children were reminded this morning about the importance of wearing the right socks to school. Boys should be wearing grey ankle socks; girls should be wearing white ankle socks. Any pupil not wearing the correct socks as of Monday will be provided with a pair, for which they will be charged. A donation will go to charity.

The children have also been asked to ensure that their shirts and blazers are not missing any buttons. As of Monday, sewing lessons will be provided as necessary!

Page 3: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

8L Trip to the British Museum

After Scholarship exams, 8L students have spent much of their Classics lesson time exploring the history and the architecture of the Parthenon temple on the Acropolis in Athens. This iconic building is one of the first things that springs to mind when most people reflect upon Ancient Greece and the Scholars were intrigued by its complex history, including the removal of parts of the frieze and metopes by Lord Elgin in the early years of the 19th century. Since a trip to Athens wasn’t on the cards we decided to go and see the marbles at the British Museum. We spent a very fruitful couple of hours exploring the sculptures and admiring the exquisite detail with which they are decorated. Having seen them in situ, we will devote the rest of our classroom time to the debate around whether or not they should be returned to Greece.

Year 6 Lullingstone Villa Trip

Year 6 went on a Latin inspired trip to Lullingstone Villa last Tuesday. We set off (in our own uniform) at around 9.15am and arrived at Lullingstone Villa at 10.30am. First we went into the education room where Madame Vleminckx talked to us about the Romans in Britain: what they wore, what they ate, when and how they had landed in Britain and why this villa was so important/interesting for Roman Christianity in Britain.

After that we were split into groups of 3 and we had 45 minutes to complete a 20 question worksheet. I was in a group with Tom and Lucas. We completed the worksheet with about 10 minutes to spare, so we took part in wearing a special cloak that the Romans wore to stop them getting cold in Britain, we played an old board game that the Romans used to use and even tried to make mosaics with paper tiles.

Our plan to have our packed lunch outside was foiled by typical English weather: rain. We had a cheese and a ham sandwich, a packet of crisps, an orange, a bottle of water, an orange juice and a Kitkat. Our trip was nearly over and yet one thing remained. The gift shop! It was a very small gift shop, so we could only have 10 kids in the shop at a time. So we all lined up in one massive line and once someone went out the next person in the queue went in. I got a pot of putty for £4 and some marbles for £1. We got back on the coach and just about got back to school for periods 9-10. /Erik, 6P

Page 4: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Year 1 children have been exploring The World Around Us this term. As part of our topic we have been reading about Mrs Armitage, who takes her bicycle on many exciting adventures. All her experiences mean she has to solve a problem and as she rides, she picks up various bits and pieces that might be useful and adorns her bike with them. We designed our own fantasy bicycles using a paint program in ICT. Then we brought our bikes to life, embellishing them with psychedelic supersonics! Want to ride with us? Better hold on!

Year 2 children took a trip to Natural Pathways and had a great time learning about woodland survival. When we arrived, we sat together and reminded ourselves of all the things we know will keep us safe in the woods, before splitting into groups. We had to work in teams to build survival shelters. We collected different sized logs and branches to build a frame like a dinosaur’s skeleton, before covering the roof with sticks and leaves. The inside was kept cosy with leaf litter. Our shelter was now waterproof! Next, we needed to learn how to keep warm, too. We collected sticks the size of matches, pencils and our fingers. These make the best wood to build a tepee fire. We used the ‘dragon’s breath’ fire steel to light our fire. When the flames died back and the wood was crackling and hot, we toasted marshmallows. They were seriously sticky and tasty and a delicious end to our day. Year 2 children tell us this was the best trip ever! So thank you to Hannah and Mary-Rosa for making it so memorable.

Page 5: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Pre-Prep Notice Board

Monday 17th June – Children’s Transition Morning. We look forward to welcoming our new friends for September as all our children spend some time in their new classrooms with their new teachers.

Thursday 27th June – Summer Concert Dress Rehearsal at 10.30am. For grannies and grandpas, aunties and uncles, tickets will be limited as Junior House will come to see the dress rehearsal, too. Keep an eye on your child’s book bag next week for further information about tickets and DVD orders.

Friday 28th June – Summer Concert Performance at 2.00pm. Once again, check your child’s book bag for further information next week and we look forward to seeing parents that afternoon.

Monday 1st July – Joss Bay Beach Trip – We are hoping for a warm and sunny day as the whole of Pre-Prep takes its annual trip. We will send you information nearer the time.

Tuesday 2nd July - Pre-Prep Church Service at 1.30pm. Please join us if you can for our end-of-year thanksgiving service. If you would like to take your child home after the event, you will be welcome to do so.

Wednesday 3rd July – End of term for Pre-Prep at 12.00pm. Our children do not have lunch today and will be ready for you to pick up at 12.00pm. There will be no Late Club on the last day of term.

Reception continued their learning about Japan this week. We made some Japanese koi carp kites, carefully decorating our beautiful fish, before rolling it into a cylinder and decorating with paper ribbons. In a break in the weather, we ran outside to make them fly. Japanese children make this traditional kite as a symbol of strength and power. We also took a ‘flight’ to Japan. Our Pilot, Mrs Tricker, was very good and take-off and landing were smooth. While our air steward, Mrs Garvey, told us about the mountain ranges we were flying over, including Mount Fuji. We are going to learn more about that next week.

What a day! After a week of rain, Sports Day finally went ahead this week in glorious sunshine. The children all achieved a personal best as they delivered a spectacular performance. Nursery children demonstrated excellent throwing, steering, jumping and scrambling skills before showing us all how it’s done on the race track. Thank you to all of you for your patience and joining us for another successful Sports Day.

Page 6: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Sports Noticeboard

Sports Results

Saturday 8th June


U13A v Duke of York’s

Junior King’s won 11½ - 7½

Players of the Match: Jessie & Tia

U13B v Duke of York’s

Duke of York’s won 11 - 9

Player of the Match: Nene

Boys’ Cricket

1st XI v Duke of York’s

Junior King’s won by 10 wickets

Players of the Match: The Whole Team

2nd XI v Duke of York’s

Junior King’s won by 7 wickets

Player of the Match: Sam R

3rd XI v Duke of York’s

Junior King’s won by 6 wickets

Player of the Match: Cameron

Colts A v Northbourne Park

Junior King’s won by 35 runs

Players of the Match: The Whole Team

Wednesday 20th June

Girls’ Cricket

U11A - Cricket Festival at King’s

Junior King’s came 2nd

Players of the Festival: The Whole Team

Thursday 24th June

Girls’ Cricket

U9A v St Lawrence

Junior King’s won

U9B v St Lawrence

Junior King’s won

U9C v St Lawrence

Junior King’s won

Player of the Match: Charlotte

Boys’ Cricket

U9A v Ashford

Ashford won

Player of the Match: William

U9B v Ashford

Ashford won

Player of the Match: Aadham

U8A v Ashford

Match tied

Players of the Match: The Whole Team

U8B v Ashford

Ashford won by 3 runs

Player of the Match: Oliver M

A huge congratulations to our three swimmers that represented the school at the National IAPS Swimming Championships last Saturday at the Olympic Pool in London. During the course of the last six months over 4,600 pupils have taken part in Regional time trials, in order to qualify for the National Finals. Sofiya competed in the 25M Butterfly event and was ranked 16th in the country. Oscar took part in the 25M breaststroke event for the second year running and was placed as 7th in the country: both very impressive performances. Jessica competed in the 25M Butterfly and was competing at her 4th National Finals, a feat that has never been achieved before by a Junior King’s pupil. She qualified for the final in second place in a time of 14.06, 7/100th of a second behind a competitor from another school. The final was an unbelievable event and one that took 13.91 seconds… Jessica was simply outstanding - cool, calm and collected from the moment she dived into the pool, not quite how I was feeling! But an incredible achievement for Jessica to become NATIONAL CHAMPION… a personal best time and the ‘first ever’ title for a swimmer from Junior King’s. We are incredibly proud of all three of our swimmers and we look forward to the future successes that they will all undoubtedly achieve.

Congratulations to Cassius Baker, Joseph Gould and Jesse Obiora, who have been selected for the Saracens/Kent Under 14 Rugby Development Squad. This is a great achievement and all three boys deserve to be very excited.

Congratulations to our fencing coach, Marc ‘The Force’ Chapman, who won his second consecutive Word Crazy Golf Championship in Hastings last weekend. What an incredible achievement!

Page 7: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Paint Balling, 9th June 2019

On Sunday, we had the best experience ever! We were like real soldiers, attacking our enemies.

In the morning, we had breakfast and got ready for church. At church we talked about Pentecost Sunday and the choir sang for us. Then, we had lunch and Mr Stevenson told us the minibus groups to Quex Park. When we got there, we all suited up with masks and overalls to protect our clothing and our body. The Year 4s, 5s and 6s did splash attack which the Year 7s and 8s did kids paint ball.

Year 4, 5 and 6 split into two groups and they did three activities against each other. Attacking: they try to get furthest onto the opponent’s land. Capture the flag: they had to retrieve the flag. Finally, they had to get three of their team in the taxi without being shot.

Year 7 and 8 were also split into two teams: the red team and the black team. Our first activity was to get 5 people on a bridge for 10 seconds without being shot, then we had to capture the flag. For the final activity, it was a team death match. We basically just had to shoot each other.

We worked hard as a team to take down the opposition. The paint balls might have been painful to be shot with, but it was all worth it since we enjoyed it and we had fun. We got the experience of being in the wilderness.

Thank you Mr Stevenson and Mrs Tugwell for organising the trip, it was wonderful!

/Katie, 8M

Page 8: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Page 9: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Page 10: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019


Saturday June 15th Fencing: U11/U13 England Youth Championships, Hertfordshire 10:00 ABRSM Theory Examinations 18:00 Friends’ Summer Ball Sunday June 16th Fencing: U11/U13 England Youth Championships, Hertfordshire 19:00 Boarders return Monday June 17th Boys’ Cricket: U11 IAPS 6-a-side festival at Ashford New Pupil Welcome Day Tuesday June 18th ABRSM Examinations Requested Date 08:45 Year 2 Transition visit to Year 3 09:00 Year 8 Leavers’ Play: Dress Rehearsal 12:45 IAPS Prep School Golf Tournament, Hythe 18:30 Nursery & Reception Welcome Evening for parents Wednesday June 19th ABRSM Examinations Requested Date Girls’ Cricket: U11A IAPS at Ashford Rounders: U13A IAPS at Holmewood House Speech & Drama Examinations 08:30 PAUSE 10:30 Sports Day: Junior House Field Events 14:00 Girls’ Tennis: U13 (H) v Benenden 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 1st XI (H) v Wellesley House 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 2nd XI (A) v Wellesley House 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: 3rd XI (H) v Wellesley House 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: Colts A (H) v Wellesley House 14:00 Boys’ Cricket: Colts B (A) v Wellesley house Thursday June 20th 09:00 Year 4 French Spectacle, in the Recital Room 10:30 Year 8 Leavers’ Play: Performance to School for Years 6 & 7 13:00 Girls’ Cricket: U9A Kwik Cricket Tournament at Ashford 14:00 Girls’ Cricket: U9B & C (H) v Ashford 15:15 Sports Day: Middle School Field Events 19:00 Year 8 Leavers’ Play: Performance to Parents Friday June 21st Year 3 Greek Day 08:20 Friends’ Coffee Morning 15:15 Sports Day: Upper School Field Events 17:00 Bands’ Concert & Art & DT Summer Exhibition Evening, Herbert Music School & Design Building

Page 11: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Page 12: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Page 13: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019

Page 14: NATIONAL CHAMPION! From the Head - Junior KingsThe Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch The Week —No. 476 14 June 2019

The Junior King’s School, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 OAY — T: 01227 714000 — : @JuniorKingsSch www.junior-kings.co.uk

The Week — No. 476 14 June 2019