National Exercise Referral Scheme Exercise & Weight Management Would you Like to.... Learn more about a healthy way to lose weight Become more active in a way that is encouraging, rewarding and enjoyable. Get support and ideas to change your eating habits and life style We have an exercise referral programme designed to help you become more active in conjunction with an an 8 week programme to help you manage your weight in a healthy way. They are fun, friendly sessions that cover a number of topics to support and encourage you. in conjunction with To Attend NERS – Exercise & Weight Management programme speak with your Health professional or Dietician (Strict Criteria apply) This Programme is led by a Portion Size Dealing with hunger and craving Moving more Food Labels Over coming Barriers Swap it don’t stop it! These Sessions are held at Neath Sports Centre Pontardawe Leisure Centre Port Talbot Resource Centre Vale of Neath Leisure Centre Lets-Walk- Neath-Port-Talbot NERS

National Exercise Referral Scheme Exercise & … fynychu NERS – Cynllun Ymarfer a Rheoli Pwysau, siaradwch â Gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol neu Ddietegydd (Mae’r meini prawf yn

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Page 1: National Exercise Referral Scheme Exercise & … fynychu NERS – Cynllun Ymarfer a Rheoli Pwysau, siaradwch â Gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol neu Ddietegydd (Mae’r meini prawf yn

National Exercise Referral Scheme Exercise & Weight Management

Would you Like to....Learn more about a healthy way to lose weightBecome more active in a way that is encouraging, rewarding and enjoyable.Get support and ideas to change your eating habits and life style

We have an exercise referral programme designed to helpyou become more active in conjunction with an an 8 week programme to help you manage your weight in a healthy way.

They are fun, friendly sessions that cover a number of topics to support and encourage you.

in conjunction with

To Attend NERS – Exercise & Weight Management programme speak with your Health professional or Dietician (Strict Criteria apply) This Programme is led by a

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Portion SizeDealing with hunger and cravingMoving moreFood LabelsOver coming BarriersSwap it don’t stop it!

These Sessions are held at Neath Sports Centre

Pontardawe Leisure Centre

Port Talbot Resource Centre

Vale of Neath Leisure Centre


Page 2: National Exercise Referral Scheme Exercise & … fynychu NERS – Cynllun Ymarfer a Rheoli Pwysau, siaradwch â Gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol neu Ddietegydd (Mae’r meini prawf yn

Cynllun Cenedlaethol i Atgyfeirio Cleifion i Wneud Ymarfer Corff

Ymarfer a Rheoli Pwysau

Hoffech chi ....Ddysgu mwy am ffordd iach o golli pwysauDod yn fwy egnïol mewn ffordd sy’n eich annog ac yn rhoi budd a mwynhad i chi. Cael cymorth a syniadau ar sut i newid eich arferion bwyta a’ch dull o fyw

Mae gennym Gynllun Atgyfeirio i Wneud Ymarfer Corff sy’n para 16-32 wythnos ac sydd wedi’i chynllunio i’ch helpu chi i ddod yn fwy egnïol gyda chymorth rhaglen 8 wythnos i’ch helpu i reoli eich pwysau mewn ffordd iach.

Mae’r sesiynau’n llawn hwyl ac yn gyfeillgar ac yn cwmpasu nifer o bynciau er mwyn rhoi cymorth ac anogaeth i chi.

mewn cydweithrediad â

I fynychu NERS – Cynllun Ymarfer a Rheoli Pwysau, siaradwch â Gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol neu Ddietegydd (Mae’r meini prawf yn gaeth). Mae Hyfforddwr Arbenigol Cymwys ym maes Rheoli Pwysau

Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o Ar gost o £2.00 y sesiwn£2.00 y sesiwn£2.00 y sesiwn£2.00 y sesiwn£2.00 y sesiwndim ond trwy gael eich dim ond trwy gael eich dim ond trwy gael eich dim ond trwy gael eich dim ond trwy gael eich atgyfeirio y gallwch

atgyfeirio y gallwch atgyfeirio y gallwch atgyfeirio y gallwch atgyfeirio y gallwch fynychu’r sesiwn

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Maint cyfran Trin eisiau bwyd a chrefuSymud mwyLabeli bwydGoresgyn rhwystrauGwell Addasu nag Aberthu!

Cynhelir y sesiynau hyn yng Nghanolfan Hamdden Aberhonddu Dydd Mawrth – 18.30 – 19.30 (Gweithgaredd) Dydd Iau 17.30 -18.30 FoodWise For LifeDydd Iau 18.30 – 19.30 (Gweithgaredd)