Network Protocol Tunneling Network Security’s Friend or Foe Spyridon Dossis / DSV, Stockholm University

Network Protocol Tunneling

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Network Protocol Tunneling. Network Security’s Friend or Foe Spyridon Dossis / DSV, Stockholm University. Outline. Description & Concerns Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling Network Tunneling Tools & Setup Demo Conclusions. Network Protocol Tunneling. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Network Protocol Tunneling

Network Security’s Friend or Foe

Spyridon Dossis / DSV, Stockholm University

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Description & Concerns

Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling

Network Tunneling Tools & Setup




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A delivery network protocol encapsulates a payload network protocol

The delivery protocol usually operates at the same or higher level (e.g. in the TCP/IP stack) than the payload protocol

Network Protocol Tunneling

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Protocol Tunneling◦ Order in Protocol Encapsulation◦ Obfuscation rather than hiding◦ Practical use cases & misuse

Covert Channels◦ Channels not intended for information

transfer◦ Hiding in unused protocol fields, utilizing

fields such as IP ID, TCP Sequence number etc.

◦ Network Steganography

Protocol Tunneling & Covert Channels

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Carry data over incompatible delivery-networks

Provide a (encrypted) path through a public network◦ Monitoring vs Anti-Censorship

Allowing “some kind” of traffic may lead to “any kind”

Common Uses

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Pre-existing network-based security tools (firewalls, IDS) may not be able to apply the controls to the tunneled traffic◦ Evading traffic regulation

Lack of host-based security controls◦ Defense in depth

Inability for ingress and egress filtering

‘Open-ended’ tunnel may forward traffic to other internal hosts

Misuse of Network Tunneling

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Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) - Remote Control & Data exfiltration◦ Backdoors with OS commands, file

transfer capabilities are installed in target systems.

◦ Upload collected files using common ports such as HTTP (80), HTTPS (443) and DNS (53) bypassing detection.

Covert channels for malware◦ e.g. C&C communications over DNS

(i.e. Feederbot, W32.Morto )

Network Tunneling – Rising Concerns

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Description & Concerns

Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling

Network Tunneling Tools & Setup




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The original IP packet is encrypted The ESP header indicates that the entire

packet is the payload (IP-in-IP) Inserts a new IP header (next header is ESP)

IPSec Tunnel Mode

Image taken from http://www.free-it.de/archiv/talks_2005/paper-11156/paper-11156.html

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Security services from gateway to gateway or from host to gateway over an insecure network

The entire original packet is encrypted◦ Internal traffic behind the gateways is not

protected Often used to implement Virtual Private

Networks (IPsec VPNs)◦ Site-to-site◦ Client-to-site

IPSec Tunnel Mode

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“GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) specifies a protocol for encapsulation of an arbitrary protocol over another arbitrary network layer protocol” – RFC 2784 and 2890

Point-to-point links

GRE – Generic Routing Encapsulation

Image taken from http://netwild.ru/pptp/

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Ethernet over IPv4/IPv6 (e.g. Openstack Neutron)

Support for tunneling broadcasting/multicasting◦ e.g. Delivering routing updates to multiple sites

IPv4/IPv6 over IPv4/IPv6 No default encryption/security services

◦ IPSec Tunnel/Transport over GRE

GRE and IP

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Tunnel Brokers provide a network tunneling service

6in4 – IPv6 over IPv4

4in6 – IPv4 over IPv6 ISATAP Teredo – IPv6 over UDP over IPv4 …and others

IPv6 over IPv4 Transition Mechanisms

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Secure channel over an insecure network between an SSH client and an SSH server (e.g. OpenSSH) typically listening at TCP port 22

Public-key cryptography for server (and client) authentication

Remote command execution, file transfer (SCP, SFTP), TCP port and X forwarding, tunneling

SSH (Secure Shell) Protocol

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Local-port forwarding when traffic coming to a local port is forwarded to a specified remote host/port

Destination is relative to the SSH server’s location and mostly unrestricted

SSH client can be configured to act either as a local-only service or public to other hosts

SSH Local-port forwarding

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Remote-port forwarding when traffic coming to a remote port is forwarded to a specified local host/port

Destination is relative to the SSH client’s location and mostly unrestricted

SSH server can be configured to act either as a local-only service or public to other hosts

SSH Remote-port forwarding

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Performs successfully for single-host/port communications◦ Simple Web (HTTP)◦ Mail (SMTP, POP3, IMAP)◦ SSH

Fails for more complex network services◦ Web with External References / Surfing

Solution: Chain to a Web Proxy◦ FTP◦ Peer-to-Peer

SSH Static Forwards Limitations

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The SOCKS protocol proxies TCP connections/forwards UDP packets from client to server through a proxy

A local SOCKS proxy is created on the SSH client’s side and can forward traffic to arbitrary remote hosts and ports

Firewall Traversal / Content-filtering circumvention

SSH Dynamic-port Forwarding

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Run remote X Window System based applications but displayed locally

Need for X server for Windows

Secure the X protocol by tunneling it over SSH

ssh –X user@host <application>◦ Run a remote browser visiting a blocked website

SSH X forwarding

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“An ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet contains an additional 8 bytes worth of ICMP header followed by an arbitrary-amount of data” – ping(8) man page

LOKI (Phrack Issue 49) utilized it to establish a covert channel between client/server

IP over ICMP TCP over ICMP

ICMP Tunneling

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ICMP Tunneling – A Sample

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Various network protocols are encapsulated using the HTTP protocol

HTTP is rarely blocked

Bypass restrictions◦ Firewalls◦ Proxy server / Content-filtering

HTTP Tunneling

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HTTP Tunneling – A Sample

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Transport arbitrary data by encoding them into DNS messages

Wide support and availability of the global DNS infrastructure

Few organizations block DNS traffic from individual clients to the Internet (e.g. captive portals in public Wi-Fi)

Effective for bypassing security measures such as firewalls or ACLs

Used for two-way communication or data exfiltration

DNS Tunneling - Overview

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Around since 1998

NSTX (Nameserver Transfer Protocol)

OzymanDNS (Dan Kaminsky) – “Tunneling Audio, Video and SSH over DNS”

Used mostly for bypassing paywalls

DNS Tunneling - History

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Mapping domain names and IP addresses

Record types◦ A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, TXT, NULL

EDNS for UDP payloads larger than 512 bytes◦ Increased bandwidth

Internal users can contact arbitrary external domains through the organization’s DNS servers/resolvers

DNS Primer

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DNS Recursive Resolution

Image taken from http://nirlog.com/2006/03/28/dns-amplification-attack/

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DNS Tunneling – A Sample

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Maximum 253 characters in domain Maximum 63 characters per subdomain Case-insensitive (Base32 encoding) TXT requests allow for maximum characters

in response + Base64 encoding

Bandwidth up to 110KB/s, 150ms latency (Van Leijenhorst, 2008)

DNS Tunneling - Limitations

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Description & Concerns

Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling

Network Tunneling Tools & Setup




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SSH Local-port forwarding

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SSH Remote-port forwarding

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Combined with NetCat◦ Establish a local/remote port forward over SSH

with an SSH server◦ Create a FIFO special file (a named pipe) on both

sides◦ Listen for UDP requests / Relay through the SSH

tunnel◦ Forward UDP requests / Relay through the SSH

tunnel tcp_to_udp & udp_to_tcp socat Relay & UDPTunnel (UDP over TCP)

UDP over SSH Static Forwards

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SSH Dynamic-port Forwarding

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In the case of HTTP browsing, DNS requests are still submitted by the client

Monitoring can reveal DNS requests for common websites along SSH traffic.

Solution: forward DNS requests also to the SSH server. ◦ (e.g. Firefox network.proxy.socks_remote_dns)

Multi-hop setups◦ Client (SSH lpf) -> Host 1 (SSH dpf) -> Host 2 -> Web

SSH Dynamic-port Forwarding

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SSH Traffic Volume & SSH Tunnel Endpoints Tunnel Hunter (Dusi et al., 2008)

◦ Naïve Bayes Classifier◦ Packet size & Packet inter-arrival time◦ Detect Tunneling & Classify the actual protocol

(BitTorrent, POP, SMTP, HTTP) with high accuracy◦ Limitations with respect to multiple SSH authentication

types, data compression, login failures, network protocols

SSH server in non-standard ports (e.g. 443)◦ EmergingThreats Snort Rules, Cisco IDS

Degrade SSH performance (TCP over TCP )

SSH Tunneling Detection / Mitigation

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ICMP Tunneling Technique

Image taken from http://www.sectechno.com/2010/10/31/bypassing-firewalls-using-icmp-tunnel/

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SSH Tunnel over ICMP Tunnel

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ICMPTX (IP over ICMP) ICMP Tunnel (IP over ICMP) Hans (IP over ICMP) itun (IP over ICMP) Ptunnel (TCP over ICMP)

Droid-VPN , Troid-VPN (Android Apps, need root) PD-Proxy, Wi-Free, Tunnel Guru


ICMP Tunneling Tools

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Detection Signatures◦ ICMP_PingTunnel_Detected◦ LOKI ICMP tunneling back door◦ ICMP Raw Sockets

Non-standard average packet size High ICMP traffic volume between tunnel


Disallow ICMP traffic

ICMP Tunneling Detection / Mitigation

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The Tunnel Client initiates an HTTP connection to the Tunnel Server

The application encapsulates the application requests in HTTP requests destined to the Tunnel Server

The Tunnel Server unwraps and forwards

HTTP Tunneling Technique

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GNU httptunnel◦ htc – Tunnel Client component◦ hts – Tunnel Server component

Syntax◦ Server: hts –F remote:<remote_port> 80◦ Client: htc –F <local_port> server:80

ssh –p <local_port> user@localhost

HTTP Tunneling Tools

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SSH Tunnel over HTTP Tunnel

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DNS Tunneling - Technique

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OzymanDNS Dns2tcp

Iodine Heyoka (+ source IP spoofing) DNSCat NSTX DNScapy

MagicTunnel, Element53, VPN-over-DNS (Android) iodine for iOS

“VPN over DNS”

DNS Tunneling - Tools

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Increased DNS traffic (network traffic profiling)

Maximum DNS request packet size

Large number of DNS TXT requests

Number of DNS requests, unique hostnames to a single domain

Composition of hostnames◦ Length, unique characters, character frequency analysis

Split DNS◦ Web proxies (but not clients) can resolve external domains

DNS Tunneling – Detection / Mitigation

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Determining which tunneling messages are malicious

◦ Real-time Blackhole Lists (DNSBL lookups) example.net.dnslist.example.com

◦ NIST National Software Reference Library 84C0C5914FF0B825141BA2C6A9E3D6F4.md5.dshield.org

Mail server performs DNS TXT requests (SPF)

DNS Tunneling - Challenges

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Description & Concerns

Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling

Network Tunneling Tools & Setup




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Demo Topology

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Description & Concerns

Tunneling Protocols & Protocol Tunneling

Network Tunneling Tools & Setup




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Using existing core network protocols in innovative ways

Ability to bypass filtering controls and make monitoring difficult (SSH encrypted tunnels)

Need for improved tunneling detection (both delivery and payload protocols) methods and even forensic capabilities


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