Dear Parents, WOW!!!! What a week the staff and students shared! Last week was amazing. We had fantastic opportunities to work on improving our understanding of writing through opportunities to write as well as advice from authors. Then on Friday, we had fun, gaining an understanding about different ways we can tell our story through our indigenous stories, through drama and music, through signing and through use of technology. Mr Paul Wilson, our Education Services Consultant from the Catholic Schools Office, announced the winners of our Writing competition. Congratulations to ALL the students who entered this competition. The standard of the entries was extremely high. See who the winners were in the festival round up for last week, later in this newsletter. The fun continues this week here at school AND you are invited to join us on the webinar on Thursday evening with Megan Daley. PLEASE BOOK IN FOR THIS EVENT - IT WILL BE INFORMATIVE AND USEFUL. The many photos we have to share show the wonderful events which we were able to participate in last week. Thank you to Miss Kingsford and Miss Miles for their wonderful planning which enabled this to occur. Thank you to our guests Zanni Louise and Phil Kettle for sharing their expertise with us all. Thank you to Fr Max for feeding us all and to Emma and her band of helpers who ensured our lunch was served on time. My humble thanks also to the Joeys staff who once again went above and beyond to ensure our students came first. The effort they put into our Writing stimulus on Monday and the planning for the activities of the week was exceptional, then they all dressed up on Friday in some outstanding costumes. Our students are very fortunate to work with staff who make every day enjoyable here at school. SEPTEMBER Tuesday 1 - Recommencement of approved, deferred school fee payment arrangements. Wednesday 2 - “How to develop Persistence in your teen” with Linda Stade.7pm. FREE Parent Assembly webinar. Register: https:// bit.ly/2CWaAWk Thursday 3 Megan Daley Raising Readers Webinar ONLINE ONLY, 7pm. REGISTER: https://bit.ly/3eTgTqo Fathers’ Day Stall Friday 4 Heat 1 Alstonville’s Got Talent, lunchtime Virtual Book Fair CLOSES Early Childhood Education & Care Survey CLOSES Friday 11 - Heat 2 Alstonville’s Got Talent, lunchtime Wednesday 16 - “Bringing out the best in your child” with Dr Kaylene Henderson. FREE Parent Assembly webinar. 7pm. Register: https://bit.ly/33cVpCS Thursday 17 - Stage Two STEM excursion to Flat Rock Friday 18 Term 3 fees DUE Byron Writers’ Festival Writing Competition closes Heat 3 Alstonville’s Got Talent, lunchtime. Friday 25 Alstonville’s Got Talent FINAL End Term 3 OCTOBER Monday 12 - Staff Development Day - PUPIL FREE Tuesday 13 - Students return Term 4. Thursday 22 - Junior Joeys Meet & Play (session 1)t.b.c. Friday 30 - World Teachers’ Day NOVEMBER Thursday 5 - Junior Joeys Meet & Play (session 2)t.b.c. Mon 9 - Wed 11 - S3 camp to Lennox Head 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 www.alstplism.catholic.edu.au Email: [email protected] WEEK 7 Online only

New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au

Dear Parents,

WOW!!!! What a week the staff and students shared! Last week was amazing. We had fantastic opportunities to work on improving our understanding of writing through opportunities to write as well as advice from authors. Then on Friday, we had fun, gaining an understanding about different ways we can tell our story through our indigenous stories, through drama and music, through signing and through use of technology. Mr Paul Wilson, our Education Services Consultant from the Catholic Schools Office, announced the winners of our Writing competition. Congratulations to ALL the students who entered this competition. The standard of the entries was extremely high. See who the winners were in the festival round up for last week, later in this newsletter. The fun continues this week here at school AND you are invited to join us on the webinar on Thursday evening with Megan Daley. PLEASE BOOK IN FOR THIS EVENT - IT WILL BE INFORMATIVE AND USEFUL. The many photos we have to share show the wonderful events which we were able to participate in last week. Thank you to Miss Kingsford and Miss Miles for their wonderful planning which enabled this to occur. Thank you to our guests Zanni Louise and Phil Kettle for sharing their expertise with us all. Thank you to Fr Max for feeding us all and to Emma and her band of helpers who ensured our lunch was served on time. My humble thanks also to the Joeys staff who once again went above and beyond to ensure our students came first. The effort they put into our Writing stimulus on Monday and the planning for the activities of the week was exceptional, then they all dressed up on Friday in some outstanding costumes. Our students are very fortunate to work with staff who make every day enjoyable here at school.

SEPTEMBER Tuesday 1 -

Recommencement of approved, deferred school fee payment arrangements.

Wednesday 2 - “How to develop Persistence in your teen” with Linda Stade.7pm. FREE Parent Assembly webinar. Register: https://bit.ly/2CWaAWk

Thursday 3 Megan Daley Raising

Readers Webinar ONLINE ONLY, 7pm. REGISTER: https://bit.ly/3eTgTqo

Fathers’ Day Stall Friday 4

Heat 1 Alstonville’s Got Talent, lunchtime

Virtual Book Fair CLOSES Early Childhood Education

& Care Survey CLOSES Friday 11 - Heat 2 Alstonville’s

Got Talent, lunchtime Wednesday 16 - “Bringing

out the best in your child” with Dr Kaylene Henderson. FREE Parent Assembly webinar. 7pm. Register:

https://bit.ly/33cVpCS Thursday 17 - Stage Two

STEM excursion to Flat Rock Friday 18

Term 3 fees DUE Byron Writers’ Festival

Writing Competition closes Heat 3 Alstonville’s Got

Talent, lunchtime. Friday 25

Alstonville’s Got Talent FINAL

End Term 3

OCTOBER Monday 12 - Staff

Development Day - PUPIL FREE

Tuesday 13 - Students return Term 4.

Thursday 22 - Junior Joeys Meet & Play (session 1)t.b.c.

Friday 30 - World Teachers’ Day

NOVEMBER Thursday 5 - Junior Joeys

Meet & Play (session 2)t.b.c. Mon 9 - Wed 11 - S3 camp

to Lennox Head

11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 www.alstplism.catholic.edu.au Email: [email protected]


Online only

Page 2: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au

Covid Update for this week Parents and carers who have received an SMS these last few weeks due to their child being absent from school, may have noticed that the message is slightly different than previously. The new look message is as follows: 'name' is absent from school today. Please confirm, with a detailed reason for absence, by return SMS by 3pm today. PLEASE NOTE: If your child is exhibiting even mild Covid symptoms, please arrange a Covid test and advise the school that you have done so. Please supply proof of negative test result before your child returns to school as per government requirements. ALSO, if your child has been absent due to illness for 3 or more days, a medical certificate is require. Thank you St Joseph’s Primary School.' As previously requested, parents are now asked to provide a more detailed explanation / reason for their child's absence other than 'Sick' or 'Unwell'. This is to make it easier for us to know the nature of illness and how we can best proceed in advising families of what the are required to do. Some examples of a clearer explanation could be:

Sick with flu like symptoms and being COVID tested** OR

Sick with stomach pains OR

Unwell with earache, OR

Injured with sprained ankle etc. OR

Feeling tired, didn’t sleep well

**Being absent due to Covid testing also changes the way the absence is marked on the Roll.

Thank you to everyone for being so vigilant around this matter. It is easy to say “we don’t have any cases here” but we need to stay on our guard to continue this fortunate situation.

On Monday, parents were emailed the most recent Covid-19 update from the Catholic Schools Office. This can also be found on our website under the “Recent Notes” tab.

Do you sew? Our Parish Pastoral Council decided at their meeting on Wednesday night to put out a call for any people who can sew face masks who might like to donate a few to the Church. Bishop Greg has requested that all those who attend Mass wear a mask. We see many of our older parishioners re-wearing the same paper mask each week and thought a fabric mask, with instructions for wearing and care, might make a valuable gift for the parishioners. If anybody would like to help out, they can be dropped off at school. Thank you in advance!

And for your information, the graphic at right….

Letter from Greg Isaac, Diocesan Business Manager The Diocese of Lismore is reviewing the role, governance and operation of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Services in the Diocese. This review aims to examine Diocesan approaches, including governance, policy, compliance and sector growth, to ensure that what we offer families is in accord with the mission of the Lismore Diocese, including God’s greatest hopes for the wellbeing and care of family life, and the mission for Catholic Education. Parents are being asked to complete a survey to inform this review. The link to complete the survey is included in the letter emailed to you on Monday and again, in this newsletter today. Please take the time to complete it so that the Diocese has accurate data. The survey closes Friday, 4 September. The survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete and can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PCYYHXW NSW Council of Catholic School Parents Newsletter - This might be of interest. https://ccsp.schoolzineplus.com/newsletter/68610/#a0 Therese Seymour

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Dear Year 3 parents,

Joanne Hall, Education Officer Mathematics K-12, Diocese of Lismore, is currently undertaking the unit EDCP601 Capstone (a research project), as part of a Masters of Education (Mathematics Leadership) at the Australian Catholic University. The purpose of the research project is primarily for the purposes of assessment for the course, not for publication purposes. The project aims to analyse the existing Diocese Mathematics Assessment Interview (MAI) data captured in February from 2018 - 2020 for the students who are currently in Year 3. The data collected will be de-identified prior to analysis and stored securely for the duration of the project. If you have any objections to the use of your child’s de-identified data in this research assignment, please contact your child’s teacher.

Warm regards, Jo Hall

Page 3: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au

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What an amazing start we have had to our Reading Writing Arts Festival! We have been blown away by the excitement and engagement our students (and staff) have shown so far.

We started with our Writing Stimulus morning on Monday. Students and staff created fantastic stories, poems and pictures from the five stations around the school. (Read all about it in Week 6 newsletter).

On Tuesday, author, Zanni Louise, entertained and inspired our students to get writing. Stages 1 - 3 experienced workshops led by Zanni helping them to develop great planning skills and character development. Students even delivered their “elevator pitch” to sell their story idea to prospective publishers. Zanni focused on the importance of “letting your writing flow, without focusing on spelling and grammar (they come later in your editing)”; that “every idea counts” and could potentially be a great story and to “HAVE FUN with your writing”. Most importantly, students were reminded to “write stories that interest and are meaningful to you”! Be curious! Be adventurous! Be brave! Kindergarten students created their own characters and listened to some of Zanni’s beautiful picture books. Zanni had a wonderful

day with our “gorgeous students” and she was delighted to see so many light bulbs switching on and students enjoying their writing process. We look forward to welcoming Zanni back to our school in week 10 for more workshops with selected students.

Wednesday was our virtual presentation by author, Phil Kettle, who focussed on the importance of reading and writing. Phil explained to students that reading is a habit...which begins at home. He challenged the students to talk to their families about reading; share their stories; discuss books at dinner time; ask questions about what others are reading; read before going to bed to give yourself great dreams; and to make reading a part of everyday life. (A great message for all of us to consider.) He focussed on IMAGINATION (the most important word in the English language) and the need to turn on our imagination! Students were encouraged to own their stories and always be proud of their work. Phil said “ It was great to work with your students. They are a credit to you and the rest of your staff”.

Friday was a wonderful (albeit different) Family Day. We missed our families dreadfully but we did have a tremendous day. Students and staff embraced the theme of dressing up as their favourite story character. There really were some amazing costumes! Thank you to parents for supporting this. Students and staff immersed themselves in the rotations - sign language, Indigenous story stones, drama and digital technology spy school. Thanks to Mrs Meyers, Mrs Moloney, Mrs Crosby, Miss Kearney and Mr Murgha for their fantastic work on these. The Indigenous story stones will become part of an art installation which is being created with Mr Murgha - we can’t wait to show you this when our school opens up again!

The Reading Writing Arts Festival and all of these events would not have been possible without the Arts Partnership Grant from the Catholic Schools Office. We are very grateful for this funding and the opportunities it has given our entire school community.

Our festival will continue over the coming weeks and into Term 4. We are excited to welcome more inspirational story tellers, so watch this space! WRITING COMPETITION Congratulations to all of the students who entered the writing competition, there were many tremendous stories created by these talented students. The winners were presented with their prizes on Family Day. Thanks to our special guest judge, Mr Paul Wilson (School Service Consultant from the Catholic Schools Office).

Early Stage 1 / Stage 1: First: Hugh Woolley - “The Fly Away Kite” Second: Poppy Elmsly - “My Pets” Highly Commended: Harry Hosking - “The Winning Goal”

Stage 2 / Stage 3 : First: Ava Allan - “Sophie’s Choice” Second: Eva Gallagher - “Death Road” Highly Commended: Lachlan Beare - “Letter to the Past” Highly Commended: Rachel Wills - “You’re Free”

Page 4: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au


Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Book Fair will be a little different. Instead of having books to select from, we are asking for families and friends to make a monetary donation. We will then purchase more fabulous books from our local suppliers for our beautiful library. Donors' names will be displayed on a book plate inside the book. Students can suggest a title/series or author and we will do our best to source these. Every family should have received a virtual book fair flyer (these can be downloaded from our school website here). Simply complete the information on the book fair flyer and return it to school by Friday 4 September. (Cash or direct deposit to school). For more information please contact Ros Kingsford in the library ([email protected]).

Ms Ros Kingsford

Page 4

Seasons Haiku By Rachel Wills (S2).

The sun hugs me tight, It’s eyes burn deep in my skin,

Then goes down to rest.

As the leaves dance down, They drop as a brown carpet,

Always to be crushed.

Whispering starlight, Through the miserable coldness,

Waking up to frost.

The lake is a mirror, Floral scents enter my nose,

Flowers bloom all round.

My Haiku Poem by Noah Greensill (S2) In the summertime The hot sun glows on the surf. Heating the water. The cold winter moon With snow as a white blanket. Icy breezes outside. Before the winter Leaves slowly blow off the trees Falling to the ground. Then comes the springtime. Floral scent fills the blue sky. Blossoming flowers.

Calling all Hogwart’s students. So many princesses!

Who done it?

Congratulations to our Writing Competition


Page 5: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au

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Leader of School Evangelisation - Mrs Julia Meyers MASS ONLINE: Please click on the following link to Bishop Homeming ’s celebration of Mass for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time held on Sunday 30 August, 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0E-aKzpPP0

Leader of Catechesis - Mr Phil Crosby

Religious Education This term, students in Stage 3 have been taking part in a project based learning experience. The Today Weekend show introduced students to their big project - to create a behind the news story about a woman who has answered the call, has faced challenges and is respected and admired for her achievements. These last few weeks we have set our focus on learning more about Jesus’ mother, Mary, as well as Australia’s first saint, Mary MacKillop. This has involved students deciding what they need to know to help guide their learning experience. We will be sharing our finished projects at the end of the term.

Winter Sleepover Care Packages Update I am in awe of our school community and what we are capable of. Let’s look at the Maths :

181 Joeys kids

260 care packages with at least an average of 10 items in each package

Therefore, approximately 2600 donated items or an average of 14.36 items PER STUDENT This is an incredible feat and one which we should be enormously proud of. The lessons we are giving our children about giving a hand up and the dignity of others cannot be underestimated.

Yesterday, I delivered all of the packages to the Winsome Hotel in Lismore. The Winsome specifically supports homeless, vulnerable and marginalised people in Lismore. They serve a meal to approximately 80 people each day with the complete support of donations and volunteers. When I made contact with the Winsome to ask them if

they would like to receive our care packages, they were very appreciative and overwhelmed. When they saw what I delivered, they were incredibly grateful and surprised at the quantity. I was told that they would redistribute the items by asking individuals what they need rather than just handing them a package which may contain items which they personally do not require. By doing so, it gives the recipients the opportunity to have choice as well as maintaining their dignity.

I noticed that from about 10am, a table is set up outside the hotel for donations of items like bread, crumpets, fruit, etc. which folks are able to avail themselves of. If you are in the area you may like to consider dropping something off yourself.

Thank you again for your generosity. Next term we will be supporting the local St Vincent de Paul conference with festive items for Christmas hampers. If we can embrace this with the same enthusiasm as this appeal, we will be just as successful.

God Bless, Lyn Rowling and the Social Justice Team

Our Lady of the Rosary Alstonville & St Patrick’s Wardell Catholic Church Masses

Mass is available on site. We have now ceased the drive-through communion option. Current Covid-19 restrictions limit us to 50 people in the church at any one time. People are required to book the time they wish to attend Mass so that these limits can be managed and adhered to. Permanent and casual bookings are being taken. Please advise the parish as soon as possible if you have made a booking but are unable to attend on that day to allow your place to be made available for someone else. Please phone the parish on 66283047 or email: [email protected] to make a booking. Bookings must be made by the preceding Friday. Weekend Mass is available in the following four time slots:

Alstonville: Saturday 6pm Sunday: 8:30am (booked out) 9:30am Wardell: Sunday 5pm (booked out)

Please bear in mind the following procedures when entering the church…

Sanitise your hands on entry

Record your name, address and phone number on the Record of Attendees sheet,

Maintain social distancing (1.5 metres), and

Before leaving the church, wipe down the areas you have touched with the disinfectant wipes provided by church helpers.

Page 6: New 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 … · 2020. 9. 1. · 11 Perry Street Alstonville NSW 2477 ( PO Box 265 ) Phone: 02 6628 1009 Email: alstp@lism.catholic.edu.au

The following children have

celebrated their birthday since our last newsletter:

Max Latham, Van Mitchell,

Orlando Speidel & Maddi Layland.

Happy Birthday from all of us at



All pizzas from the canteen are now HOMEMADE.


Week 7-9: Heats will be judged.

Winners go through to the Final. Week 10: FINAL

Top 3 winners from the Final will perform at end of year celebration!

TO ENTER: Show up to the hall with your group or by yourself with your talent idea. WHEN: Friday Lunchtime (after eating time) WHERE: Hall WHO: Anyone!

See Mrs Meyers for more information or email: [email protected]

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