New Creatures for Dark Heresy

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  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Phanaton(Xenos Race)

    Weapon Skill (WS) 22Ballistic Skill (BS) 26

    Strength (S) 27Toughness (T) 22Agility (Ag) 36Intelligence(Int) 2!erception (!er) 37Willpo"er (W!) 3#$ello"ship ($el) 26

    %o&e'ent 2*+#6Woun,s ##

    Skills Acro-atics .2/ (Ag)0 Athletics (S)0 A"areness (!er)0 1li'- .*/ (S)0o,ge (Ag)0Speak anguage 4 !hanaton (Int)0 Sur&i&al (Int)0 Tracking (Int)Talents 1at5all0 ightning Reees0 A'-i,etrous0 S"i5t AttackTraits ark Sight0 $lier (8li,e) 60 Si9e 4 Scra"nyAr'or :oneWeapons 1lu- (#,#/ I; !ri'iti&e)0 Sling (#,#/= !A:=T A: A:A?SIS

    !@?SI1A =S1RI!TI: A: ABIITI=S

    !hysically0 !hanatons rese'-le a cross -et"een a s'all Terran pri'ate (suchas a le'ur) "ith a raccoon an, a ying suirrelC A,ult 'ales stan, -et"een# an, #C 'eters tall "ith a prehensile tail that is a-out /C7 to # 'eter inlengthC $e'ales are slightly s'aller in statureC Both ha&e a -o,y that isco&ere, in short0 greyish -ro"n 5ur "ith a s'all0 shaggy 'ane (slightlylonger on 'ales) an, a pronounce, 'u99le or snoutC Their 5aces also 5eaturelarge eyes that allo" the' to see &ery "ell in lo" a'-ient light con,itionsan, they ha&e ,e&elope, a &ery acute sense o5 s'ell0 as "ellC They are-ipe,al an, "alk "ith proDciency using a short0 "a,,ling gait that 'ayappear hu'orous -ut in no "ay aEects their a-ility to 'o&e "ith relati&erapi,ity an, great sure

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    the a-ility to achie&e li'ite, ight through gli,ing (either -y leaping 5ro' ahigher altitu,e or gathering 'o'entu' 5ro' a running start)C

    1FTFR= A: T=1@:8?


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Starting Skills &

    TalentsAll A,ept characters start the ga'e "ith the 5ollo"ing Skills an, Talents

    SKILLSSpeak Language Low GothicLiteracyTrade Copyist or Trade Valet (choose one)Common Lore Imperium

    Scholastic Lore Legend or Common Lore Tech (choose one)

    TL!"TS#elee $eapon Training Primiti%e or Pistol Training SolidProectile (choose one)Light Sleeper or 'esistance Cold (choose one)Sprint or (nremarka)le (choose one)

    *omeworld SelectionThe selection o5 a ho'e"orl, is 'an,atoryC A,ept characters can choose5ro' the 5ollo"ing list o5 a&aila-le Gho'e"orl,sH or points o5 origin

    Blighte, Schola (Ra,ical) arkhol,er (Ra,ical)$a'ulous !rotg $orge Worl,I'perial Worl, %onastic Fp-ringing:o-le Born Schola !rogeniu'Shrine Worl, Tainte, Bloo, o5 %alD

    (Ra,ical)>oi, Born


    Core Rulebook

    To ha&e -roken a"ay5ro' the ,og'aticconstraints o5 I'perial li5e0

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    your character 'ust either-e o5 eceptional spirit orha&e real potentialC!erhaps you are ana,&enturer or sol,ier0 or a

    true -elie&er -eginning along pilgri'age to pro&eyour 5aith; 'ay-e you are a'ercenary0 -rought in to,e5en, a planet ,uring"arti'eC ?ou ha&eun,ou-te,ly seen conict0'a,ness or perhaps e&enheresy0 an, no"0 5or"hate&er reason0 you aree'-arking into the

    unkno"n in the na'e o5the ='perorC I'perial A,epts are theci&il ser&ants that run the='pire o5 %an theA,'inistratu'C Theyceaselessly "ork to recor,an, archi&e the "orkings o5the ='perorJs ,o'inion"ith nearly all in5or'ationpassing through their inkoi,BornC ?our lack o5 socialskills0 unusual appearance0ner&ous ,isposition an,

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    ina-ility to carouse likeyour co'ra,es co'-ine to'ake you 5eel like a loner0a Dsh out o5 "aterC ?ouonly co'e into your o"n

    "hen your epertise isreuire,; unlike the rest o5the'0 you are at easearoun, psychicpheno'ena0 "arpano'alies an, spacecra5t0an, as such your kin,'ake the -est A,eptsC Aslong as the co''on 'anstan,s in a"e o5 you0 heJlllea&e you alone0 an, thatJs

    Kust ho" you like itC >oi, Born A,epts areo5ten part o5 thea,'inisphere o5 the ship0acting to ser&e the oLcercaste -y analy9ing ,ata0atten,ing the :a&igators0recor,ing the contents o5&arious hol,s an, so onCthers are taske, "ith'ore -i9arre ,uties0 such

    as keeping accurate 'apso5 the &essel0 preser&ingthe integrity o5 the shipJs-loo,lines or engra&ing thena'es o5 e&ery cre"'e'-er into the hull o5 thecra5tC


    All >oi, Born can speak alanguage uniue to theirho'e &esselC >oi, Borngain the Speak Language Ship 0ialectskillC


    CharmedThe >oi, Bornunconsciously channel theDckle po"ers o5 the "arp0'aking the'

    preternaturally luckyC+ene-t, Whene&er youspen, a $ate !oint (thoughnot i5 you -urn one)0 roll a#,#/C n the roll o5 anatural M0 you ,o not losethe $ate !ointC

    Ill6/menedWhether -ecause o5 theirstrange looks0 clannish

    "ays or un"holeso'e air0the >oi, Born are shunne,an, 'istruste, -y 'ostC Ina,,ition0 the >oi, Born are'ost likely to attract anynegati&e attention that theparty o5 Acolytes creates(accusations o5 cur,ling'ilk0 ,isgruntle,'erchants0 chil,ren "ithhan,5uls o5 8ro ,ung an,

    so on)CPenalty, ?ou take a 4penalty on all $ello"ship($el) Tests 'a,e to interact"ith nonoi, Bornhu'ansC

    ShipwiseBirthe, in the ,epths o5 aspaceoi,Born ha&e a natural aLnity

    5or such &ehiclesC+ene-t, "a%igation Stellar an, Pilot Spacecra9tare Basic Skills5or youC

    Void ccustomed

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    ue to their strange an,unnatural chil,hoo,0 the>oi, Born are use, to the&agaries o5 changinggra&ityC

    +ene-t, ?ou are i''uneto space tra&el sicknessC Ina,,ition0 9ero< or lo"oi, Born characters start"ith d12:Woun,sC

    .T! P/I"TS

    Roll #,#/ to ,eter'ineyour starting $ate !ointsCn a roll o5 4;0 you -egin"ith 2 $ate !oints an, on aroll o5 16470 you -egin "ith3 $ate !ointsC


    Roll 8d47241 5or yourStrength (S) characteristicCRoll 8d47281 5or yourWillpo"er (W!)characteristicC Roll8d47287 5or all othercharacteristicsC

    .orge $orldInquisitors Handbook

    $orge Worl,s are noten&iron'ents that re"ar,0

    let alone tolerate0"eakness in -o,y or in'in,C To ha&e sur&i&e, an,prospere, enough to lea&ea $orge Worl,Js rigi,

    society0 your character'ust possess a great ,ealo5 ,ri&e0 a'-ition an, goo,5ortune0 or at the &ery least-e -loo,y

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    Common Lore Techan,Common Lore #achine

    Cult are Basic Skills 5oryouC


    .it .or PurposeA $orge Worl, inha-itant isrepeate,ly teste,0channele, an, traine, 5ro'-irth 5or their chosenstation an, role in li5eCWeakness is not tolerate,an, 5ailure is 'et "ithpain5ul incenti&es to ,o-etterC!

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    The 5ollo"ing ta-leillustrates so'e possi-lepoints o5 origin an, ho"they 'ight aEect youroutlookC

    'oll 'esult

    /#43/ Greater .orge$orld, ?ourcharacter "as raise,in the sha,o"s o5one o5 the &ast an,po"er5ul greater5orges0 such as theathe "orl,s o5

    1aliisC ?ou ha&e 5eltthe earth shake "iththe 5oot5alls o5 Titansan, -aske, in theDre

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    the col, an,un5orgi&ing starsC?ou &alue single'in,e, pursuit o5 agoal a-o&e other

    consi,erations an,you see ,epen,enceon the co'pany o5others as a"eaknessC

    M/4// !>plorator.leet, Assigne, at ayoung age to the5orces o5 an=plorator %agos0

    you ha&e tra&ele, to,istant an, unkno"nstars an, set 5ootupon "orl,s eons,ea,C ?ou ha&e seen"on,ers an, horrors5e" e&en suspecteistC ?ourencounters ha&e le5tyou cra&ing al"ays tokno" 'ore0 "itness

    'ore an, rip openthe galayJs secrets0one enos -o,y at ati'e i5 nee, -eC


    Roll 8d47241 5or yourWeapon Skill (WS)characteristicC Roll8d47281 5or yourIntelligence (Int)characteristicC Re'e'-erto a,, an a,,itional .3 toyour Intelligence score (,ueto the .it .or Purposetrait)C Roll 8d472875or allother characteristicsC

    "o)le +ornInquisitors Handbook

    ?ou "ere -orn into "ealthan, pri&ilege0 e,ucate, -ytutors0 an, te'pere, -yspite5ul intriguesC ?oukno" ho" to 'o&e in thehigh circles o5 I'perialsociety an, ho" to -en,others to your "ill0 an, youha&e ne&er -een touche,

    -y the harsh li5e theco''on citi9ens 'usten,ureC ?ou 'ay -e anhonora-le an, 5aith5ul soul0"ell a"are o5 the ,utiesyour station i'poses onyou0 or a ,issolute rakehell"ho cares naught 5or thoseun5ortunate enough to -elo" -ornC =ither "ay0 the@oly r,os has taken an

    interest in you0 an, youackno"le,ge that it has agreater po"er than anyyour 5a'ily has e&er"iel,e,C There are 'any no-les0particularly those ,istant5ro' po"er0 "ho turn theire,ucate, 'in,s an,5ortunes to intellectualpursuits an, e'-ark on


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    ?ou -egin play "ith theiteracy0 Speak anguage 4@igh 8othic0 an, Speak

    anguage 4 o" 8othicskillsC


    !ti?uette:o-les are schoole, in ho"to co'port the'sel&es inall 'anner o5 5or'alsituationsC=Eect ?ou gain a .#/-onus on 1har'0 ecei&ean, Scrutiny Tests "hen,ealing "ith high authorityan, in 5or'al situationsC

    Supremely Connected:o-les ha&e etensi&econnections an, you kno"

    that ,ropping the GrightHna'es into a con&ersationcan open 'ore ,oors thana Dst5ul o5 ThronesC=Eect ?ou -egin play "iththe !eer 4 :o-ility talentCIn a,,ition0 you also gain!eer (Aca,e'ics0 A,eptus%echanicus0A,'inistratu'0 Astropaths0=cclesiarchy0 8o&ern'ent0

    %ercantile0 %ilitary orFn,er"orl,)0 selecting onecategory to reect your5a'ilyJs po"er-aseC

    Vendetta=&ery no-le house has itss"orn ene'ies an, ri&als

    "ho "oul, ,o it an, its'e'-ers har'C Noining the@oly r,os ,oesnJt stopthis; it 'erely 5orces those"ho "ish you har' to -e a

    -it 'ore cautious an,su-tle in eacting their&engeanceC=Eect ?ou ha&e po"er5ulene'ies0 perhaps in theshape o5 a ri&al no-lehouse or so'e otherpo"er5ul groupC The,etails o5 these ene'iesare le5t to you an, the 8%to ,eDne0 "orking together

    to create a 5or'i,a-lethreatC While they ,o not,og your steps at e&eryturn0 they are still outthere0 ai'ing toincon&enience0 har' or killyou "hen you cross theirpathC ?ou0 o5 course0 are5ree to return the 5a&or"hen itJs epe,ient to ,osoC

    $ealthThose -orn into the no-ilityare also -orn in to "ealthan, enKoy the 5ruits o5 their5a'ilyJs 5ortunesC=Eect ?ou -egin play "ith,ou-le the starting nu'-ero5 ThronesC ?ou are also:o-le 5or the purposes o5,eter'ining 'onthly

    inco'e (see page #2* o5the 1ore Rule-ook)C


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    :o-le Born characters start"ith ,.+ Woun,sC

    .T! P/I"TS

    Roll #,#/ to ,eter'ineyour starting $ate !ointsCn a roll o5 #430 you -egin"ith # $ate !oint; on a rollo5 *4M0 you -egin "ith 2$ate !oints; an, on a roll o5#/ you -egin "ith 3 $ate!ointsC


    :o-le houses are each -uilton ,iEerent tra,itions an,each has a uniue5oun,ation to their positionan, po"erC These originsha&e a huge i'pact on one-orn into a no-le 5a'ilyC?ou 'ay roll on the

    5ollo"ing ta-le to,eter'ine your 5a'ilyJstra,itionsC

    'oll 'esult

    /#4# #erchant#agnates, ?our5a'ily controls &asttra,ing operationsthroughout the sectoran, -eyon,C Theaccu'ulation o5"ealth an, po"erthrough tra,ereuires all scions o5the house to ha&e auick hea, 5or

    -usiness or Dn,the'sel&es'arginali9e,C

    #643/ .amily

    #ilitant, ?our house"as -uilt -y the-loo, o5 your5ore-ears "ho "erethe heroes o5 past"arsC The 5a'ily hasstrong ties "ith the'ilitary "ings o5 theI'periu'0 an, itstra,itions are -oun,to those o5 "arrior

    honor an, gloryC

    3#4* Commanderso9 #ankind, ?our5a'ily is a'ong thehere,itary rulers o5your "orl,C ?ourhouse is a'ong theDnest0 'ost po"er5ulan, truste, o5 allno-le 5a'ilies0 -ut

    "ith ene'ies to'atchC

    *646/ Pro%ender o9the Imperium, ?ourhouse is -uilt on &asthol,ings "hichpro,uce the ra"'aterials on "hichthe I'periu',epen,s0 -e it ore or

    grain0 though youyoursel5 are 5arre'o&e, 5ro' such,irty "orkC

    6#47 *ouse o9 theIron Spires, ?ouco'e 5ro' one o5 the

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    high no-le houses o5a hi&e "orl,C The5ortunes o5 yourhouse are -uilt onthe la-or o5 the

    'ultitu,es that toil5ar -eneath your5a'ilyJs spire

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    sho" conte'pt 5or "hatothers consi,er har,shipC A,epts recruite, out o5the Schola !rogeniu' areo5ten ,estine, 5or special

    ,uties in the A,'inistratu'or in scholastic collegesspeciali9ing in particular or,iLcult areas o5 kno"le,geC Such ,e,icate,an, har,

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    (43/) Willpo"er Test0 youonly take a 42/ penalty 5oryour 1haracteristic instea,o5 the nor'al 43/C


    !rogena characters start"ith ,.+ Woun,sC

    .T! P/I"TS

    Roll #,#/ to ,eter'ineyour starting $ate !ointsC

    n a roll o5 #420 you -egin"ith # $ate !oint; on a rollo5 3470 you -egin "ith 2$ate !oints; an, on a roll o5+4#/ you -egin "ith 3 $ate!ointsC


    The Schola ai's to 5or'

    their young charges intoper5ect ser&ants o5 the='peror "ithoutunnecessary e'otion orin,i&i,ualis'C All progena0ho"e&er0 are -orn o5I'perial ser&ants0 an, the,eath o5 their parents isone o5 the 5e" ties "ith thepast that progena areallo"e, to ha&eC ?ou 'ay

    roll on the 5ollo"ing ta-leto ,eter'ine "ho yourparents "ere an, ho" they,ie,C

    'oll 'esult

    /#42 $arrior#artyr, ?ourparents "ere'e'-ers o5 theI'perial 8uar, an,

    perishe, at the han,so5 the ene'ies o5'ankin,C

    264* Slaughtered)y 'e)els, ?ourparents "ere I'perialloyalists caught in are-ellion that -rutallyclai'e, their li&esC

    *646 0istant/utpost, ?ourparents "ere poste,to a ,istant an,lonely outpost0 sore'ote thatco''unication coul,ne&er again -e 'a,ein your li5e ti'eC

    6647 Lost to the

    Void, ?our parents"ere ,e&ote,ser&ants o5 theA,eptus Terra an,,isappeare, along"ith the ship theytra&ele, onC

    764+ $ithout aTrace, There are norecor,s o5 "hat

    happene, to yourparents0 though youkno" "ho they "ereCAt so'e point0 theysi'ply &anishe, 5ro'all recor,sC

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    +64M "e%er to'eturn, ?ourparents "ereattache, to anI'perial crusa,e or

    Rogue Tra,erepe,ition that&enture, 5ar -eyon,I'perial space an,has ne&er returne,C

    M64// "ot Spoken/9, :o one "ill talko5 your parents oryour 5a'ilyC ?ou ha&eno i,ea ho" they

    ,ie, or "ho they"ere; all enuiresa-out the' are 'et"ith stony silenceC


    Roll 2,#/.2/ 5or allcharacteristicsC


    A'adicalBRadicals Handbook

    ?ou are a creation o5care5ul nurturing in 'atters,e&ious an, pro5aneC ?ou

    "ere taught to clea&e to norestriction in 'etho, orkno"le,ge in pursuit o5your en,s0 or the en,s o5your 'astersC ?ou are asu-tle "eapon in -o,y0'in, an, intent an, you"ill ,o "hat you "ere

    raise, to ,o 5ollo" your"illC A,epts recruite, out o5 aBlighte, Schola progra'are o5ten ,estine, 5or

    special ,uties in theA,'inistratu' or inscholastic collegesspeciali9ing in particular or,iLcult areas o5 kno"le,geC Such ,e,icate,an, har,

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    =Eects The Acolyteconsi,ers the $or-i,,enore 4 1ults0 ae'onology0@eresy0 !sykers0 an, WarpSkills as Basic Skills an,

    -egins play "ith #,.1orruption !ointsC

    Skill at rmsAll progena are instructe,-y gri99le, ,rill a--ots inthe 'artial arts an,0 no'atter "hat their calling0all are "illing an, a-le toshe, -loo, i5 nee,e,C

    =Eect ?ou -egin play "iththe Basic Weapon Training4 as or Basic WeaponTraining 4 Soli, !roKectile0%elee Weapon Training 4!ri'iti&e0 an, !istolTraining 4 as or !istolTraining 4 Soli, !roKectiletalentsC

    Conditioned #ind

    The AcolyteJs 'in, has-een -roken an, re-uilt -y'eans psychic0 noetic0 an,surgical to create a5racture, -ut po"er5ul toolC=Eect The Acolyte -eginsplay "ith . Intelligencean, the Resistance 4!sychic !o"ers0 Strong%in,e,0 an, $oresightTalents (ignore the nor'al

    prereuisites)C @e alsogains #,#/ Insanity !ointsC

    Tempered $illThe harsh 'etho,s o5 theBlighte, Schola chiey ai'to 5orge the 'ost crucial

    "eapon a progeny canha&e an un-en,ing "illC=Eect Whene&er you"oul, atte'pt a >ery @ar,(43/) Willpo"er Test0 you

    only take a 42/ penalty 5oryour 1haracteristic instea,o5 the nor'al 43/C


    Blighte, Schola charactersstart "ith ,.+ Woun,sC

    .T! P/I"TSRoll #,#/ to ,eter'ineyour starting $ate !ointsCn a roll o5 #420 you -egin"ith # $ate !oint; on a rollo5 3470 you -egin "ith 2$ate !oints; an, on a roll o5+4#/ you -egin "ith 3 $ate!ointsC


    ?ou 'ay roll on the5ollo"ing ta-le to,eter'ine "ho yourparents "ere an, ho" they,ie,C'oll 'esult

    /#42 $arrior#artyr, ?ourparents "ere'e'-ers o5 theI'perial 8uar, an,perishe, at the han,so5 the ene'ies o5'ankin,C

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    264* Slaughtered)y 'e)els, ?ourparents "ere I'perialloyalists caught in are-ellion that -rutally

    clai'e, their li&esC

    *646 0istant/utpost, ?ourparents "ere poste,to a ,istant an,lonely outpost0 sore'ote thatco''unication coul,ne&er again -e 'a,ein your li5e ti'eC

    6647 Lost to theVoid, ?our parents"ere ,e&ote,ser&ants o5 theA,eptus Terra an,,isappeare, along"ith the ship theytra&ele, onC

    764+ $ithout a

    Trace, There are norecor,s o5 "hathappene, to yourparents0 though youkno" "ho they "ereCAt so'e point0 theysi'ply &anishe, 5ro'all recor,sC

    +64M "e%er to'eturn, ?our

    parents "ereattache, to anI'perial crusa,e orRogue Tra,erepe,ition that&enture, 5ar -eyon,I'perial space an,has ne&er returne,C

    M64// "ot Spoken/9, :o one "ill talko5 your parents oryour 5a'ilyC ?ou ha&e

    no i,ea ho" they,ie, or "ho they"ere; all enuiresa-out the' are 'et"ith stony silenceC


    Roll 2,#/.2/ 5or allcharacteristicsC Re'e'-erto a,, an a,,itional .

    points to your Intelligencescore (,ue to the1on,itione, %in, trait)C

    0arkholderA'adicalBRadicals Handbook

    ?ou cannot escape "hatyou are0 no 'atter ho" 5aryou tra&el0 no 'atter thatyou put soli, groun,-eneath your 5eet an,en,less 5ree air a-o&e you0no 'atter ho" 5er&entlyyou pray to the 8o,isInquisitors Handbook

    *ome $orld, I'perialWorl,0 :o-le0 possi-ly$a'ulous !rotg or%onastic Fp-ringing "ith8% appro&alCost, #// X!

    The @etaireia eis is aloose organi9ation o5aca,e'ic an, pri&ateinstitutes0 ,e&ote, to

    learning an, the higherarts0 "ith a strange an,checkere, historyC=sta-lishe, -y or, Sector1aracalla so'e sicenturies ago0 theirin,epen,ence an, rightsare protecte, -y a -in,ing

    legal charter granting the'rare autono'y ,espite-eing outsi,e the control o5the A,eptaC &er theyears0 the @etaireia has

    sur&i&e, nu'erouschanges in sectorgo&ernorship0 =cclesiarchyopposition0 scan,als0'ur,ers0 heresy trials0-lasphe'ous ru'ors an,e&en a 5ull Inuisitorialpurge o5 one o5 itscontri-uting -o,ies0 an,yet continues to operate tothis ,ayC There are perhaps

    a ,o9en separateinstitutions operating un,erthe @etaireiaJs u'-rellaan, scattere, across thesectorC They range 5ro's'all cloistere,scriptoriu's "ith no 'orethan a 5e" score stu,entsto the eis %ai'aPala-yrinthine co'plehousing o&er a thousan,

    scholars in the sha,o" o5the uci, !alace itsel5 in@i&e Si-ellusC %anyInuisitors regar, the@etaireia as a -ree,inggroun, 5or ,angerous i,easan, 5reethinkersC therssee the learne, 'en an,"o'en it pro,uces as apotentially &alua-leresource to -e eploite,C

    $or such a scholar co'ingto the InuisitionJs notice0li5e as an Acolyte is usuallya 5ar 'ore pre5era-le 5ateto the potentialalternati&esC

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Apply all o5 the 5ollo"ingchanges to your character

    Characteristics, Increaseyour Intelligence score -y

    .3C Re,uce your WeaponSkill an, Strength scoreseach -y 4C

    Skills, ?ou gain 1iphers 4Secret Society (@etaireia)0$or-i,,en ore (any one)0an, Scholastic ore (anyone) as a,,itional startingSkillsC

    Talents, ?ou -egin thega'e "ith !eer oi, 1o''ercia are usuallyuite 5a'iliar "ith theeperience o5 star

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    I'periu'0 1o''on ore 4%ercantile0 =&aluate0Scrutiny0 an, SecretTongue 4 ?our 5or'er'asterJs organi9ation as

    a,,itional starting SkillsC$or ea'ple0 you 'ightchoose 8ol,entongue 5orthe tra,e guil,s o5 @i&eTarsus or 1or,cor,ia 5or thee>ayne 1orporationC

    PenitentRadicals Handbook

    Cost, 2// X!

    There are a rare 5e" inthe ser&ice o5 so'e Ra,icalInuisitors that "ere once

    the'sel&es &ile heretics0a,orers o5 ,ae'ons0reci,i&ists an, "itches "hoonce scorne, the purity o5the ='peror 5or either theiro"n gain0 pleasure or spiteCWhen ,isco&ere, -yser&ants o5 the @oly r,os0all that these ,a'ne, souls'ay hope 5or is a s"i5t,eath that is rarely gi&enC

    %any are "racke,0 aye,an, -ran,e, 5or 'any,ays0 "eeks or 'onths-e5ore they are grante, thepeace o5 ,eathC So'e0 inthis ti'e o5 pain an,uestion0 Dn, inthe'sel&es an

    un,erstan,ing o5 "hat theyha&e ,one an, "hat theyha&e -eco'eC So'e -eg5or 5orgi&eness; 5e" recei&eitC A &ery 5e" Dn, that

    their pleas ha&e -eenhear, -y one "ho is "illingto gi&e the' a secon, li5ea li5e as a penitent in theser&ice o5 the 8o, ='peroro5 'ankin,C Thesepenitent ser&ants ha&eonly the li5e that is gi&en tothe' -y their 'aster an,are 5anatical in their,e&otion -oth to that

    'aster an, to the chanceo5 earning 5orgi&eness 5or"hat they once "ereC

    Apply all o5 the 5ollo"ingchanges to your character

    Skills, ?ou gain any t"o$or-i,,en ore (pick anyt"o) as starting SkillsC

    Talents, ?ou start thega'e "ith ark Soul0Insanely $aith5ul0 an,$lagellantC

    Corruption, ?oureperiences ha&e le5t you"ith #/.#,#/ 1orruption!oints an, the characterauto'atically -egins play"ith one %alignancy (roll

    on Ta-le +

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Thy "ame IKeep

    Radicals Handbook

    Cost, *// X!

    $or those "ho co&et5or-i,,en kno"le,ge0 5e"pri9es are greater than thetrue na'e o5 one o5 the,ae'ons that eist in the"arpC To possess a,ae'onJs na'e is to -e

    a-le to co''an, it0 to-ri,le it an, ha&e it ,ooneJs -i,,ingC $e" arelucky or insane enough tolearn such a great secret05or ,ae'ons guar, thekeys to their nature "ellC A,aring soul 'ay0 ho"e&er0learn a 5rag'ent or phraseo5 an entityJs na'e throughlong stu,y an, research

    into 'atters 'aleDc an,corruptC To possess e&en a5rag'ent o5 a ,ae'onJsna'e is a great pri9e thatcan -e use, to access aportion o5 the po"er o5 the,ae'on an, ha&e to gi&elittle in returnP-esi,esoneJs 'in, an, the slo"corrosion o5 oneJs soulC

    Scholars o5 the 5or-i,,en

    "ho ha&e o-taine, a5rag'ent o5 a ,ae'onicna'e "oul, epect to -epurge, "ith Dre i5 ,isco&ere, -y a 'e'-er o5the InuisitionC $or so'eInuisitors "ho 5ollo" aRa,ical path0 such talente,

    in,i&i,uals are to -e keptan, nurture, in the ser&iceo5 the I'periu'0 "heretheir stolen po"ers an,talents can -e turne,

    against the ene'ies o5'ankin,C

    Apply all o5 the 5ollo"ingchanges to your character

    Skills, ?ou gain $or-i,,enore 4 ae'onology as astarting SkillC

    Talents, ?ou start the

    ga'e "ith Resistance

    Insanity Points, ?ou startthe ga'e "ith #,#/

    Insanity !ointsC

    Power o9 the 0aemon,?ou ha&e the eEects o5 one-oon o5 a ark !act chosen5ro' pages 2*2 to 2*3 o5the 1ore Rule-ookC ?ou'ay also atte'pt to callinto your presence the,ae'on o5 "hich you kno"a 5rag'ent o5 its na'eC

    This "orks in eactly thesa'e "ay as In&oking theae'on (see page 2** inthe 1ore Rule-ook)C

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    Radicals Handbook

    Special, ?ou 'ust notpossess a !sy RatingC ?ou'ay ha&e no otherpackage0 talent0 trait orsi'ilar that grants psychic05aith or "arp

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    nor'ally ha&e on theFntoucha-le is like"iseignore,C

    Because o5 their uniueplace in the uni&erse o5

    ark @eresy0 Fntoucha-lesin ga'es 'ay -ring up o,,uestions a-out theirnature in the rules an,options such characters'ay takeC In all cases it isup to the 8%Js o"n goo,sense an, Ku,g'ent to,eci,e ho" they arehan,le,C

    Special "ote, AlthoughFntoucha-les arethe'sel&es ecee,inglyrare an, little un,erstoo,0there are others "ho sharesi'ilar traits an, &ariationson their con,ition -oth lessan, sa&agely 'orepo"er5ul in eEect outsi,ethe scope o5 this -ookCSuch night'arish

    in,i&i,uals "ill -e co&ere,in a 5uture releaseC

    Apply all o5 the 5ollo"ingchanges to your character

    Characteristics, ThecharacterJs starting$ello"ship 1haracteristic isre,uce, -y

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    5ro' its eEects "hile in thisareaC

    "ote, It 'ay still -epossi-le to in,irectly aEect

    an untoucha-le "ith a!sychic !o"erP5orea'ple0 a -oul,ertelekinetically ,roppe,5ro' a great height on anuntoucha-le "ill still attenthe'C This is le5t entirelyto the ,iscretion o5 the 8%C

    $arpTouchedRadicals Handbook

    Cost, *// X!

    There are places "herethe -arrier -et"een realityan, the "arp is thinC

    Across such thinne,-arriers the inuence o5 thepo"er o5 the "arp cantouch those "ho are nearCThis is not the touch o5 theintelligences that 5or' inthe ti,es o5 that otherreal'Js energy an, arecalle, ,ae'onsC It is acaressing0 &iolating0"arping ten,ril o5 the

    -oiling psychic energy thatleaks across into reality likean in&isi-le 5og or aho"ling gale; 'arking an,changing all that ittouchesC n Slee50 the"arp "hispers in thethun,er o5 the &olcanoes

    an, can change the 5ate o5those "ho hear itC n%ara0 it -u99es an,scratches0 sen,ing 'en'a,0 "hilst on usk0 it

    shi&ers a'ongst thes"a'p trees like thelaughter o5 a hagC Those"ho are touche, -y the"arp 'ay possess strangepo"ers that they carry intheir -loo,0 -one0 an,'in,; 'aking the' al'ostinhu'anC So su-tle an,,angerous are the see,splante, -y the "arp that

    al'ost any ser&ant o5 theInuisition "oul, -urn oneso touche,P-ut a 5e""ithin the @oly r,os0 suchtouche, in,i&i,uals are to-e e'-race, an, -oun, toser&ice0 i5 5or no otherreason than to see "hatthey 'ay -eco'eC

    Apply all o5 the 5ollo"ing

    changes to your character

    Traits, ?ou start the ga'e"ith the $ro' Beyon, traitC

    Corruption, ?ou -eginplay "ith #/.#,#/1orruption !oints an, thecharacter auto'atically-egins play "ith one%alignancy (roll on Ta-le +trous


    EP gility 7

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Inditor A'ank ;B

    d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    wareness 287477EP

    wareness 247

    Common Lore Tech 247477EP

    Common Lore Tech

    Common Lore #achine







    .or)idden Lore #utants477EP


    .or)idden Lore 6 In?uisition477EP


    In?uiry 247477EP


    Logic 247477EP


    Scholastic Lore 6 Chymistry 477EP


    Scholastic Lore 6"umerology



    Scholastic Lore /ccult 247477EP

    Scholastic Lore /ccult

    Secret Tongue colyte 247477EP

    Secret Tongue 6 colyte

    Secret Tongue dministratum 247


    Secret Tongue 6dministratum





    +lather 287877EP

    +lather 247

    "a%igation 6 Stellar877EP


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Chirurgeon A'ank

    ;+B d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    wareness 287477EP

    wareness 247

    Common Lore ImperialCreed






    .or)idden Lore #utants



    .or)idden Lore 6In?uisition



    In?uiry 247477EP




    #edicae 247477EP


    Secret Tongue colyte247


    Secret Tongue colyte



    Carouse 247877EP




    Sleight o9 *and77EP


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    #aster Chirurgeon477EP

    #edicae 247

    Talented +lather


    EP +lather

    Talented #edicae477EP


    Peer The Insane477EP

    .ellowship 7


    Toughness 7

    *eightened Senses Sight



    *eightened Senses Smell



    *eightened Senses Touch



    #elee $eapon Training Chain



    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Scholar A'ank 1B

    d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Common Lore deptusr)ites



    Common Lore dministratum 287


    Common Lore dministratum 247

    Common Lore !cclesiarchy




    Common Lore !cclesiarchy

    Common Lore Tech 287477EP

    Common Lore Tech 247





    0ri%e $alker477EP


    .or)idden Lore *eresy 247477EP

    .or)idden Lore *eresy

    .or)idden Lore In?uisition247


    .or)idden Lore In?uisition

    .or)idden Lore #utants247


    .or)idden Lore #utants

    Scholastic Lore 6stromancy



    Scholastic Lore +ureaucracy 247


    Scholastic Lore +ureaucracy

    Scholastic Lore *eraldry477EP


    Scholastic Lore Imperial






    Speak Language *ighGothic 247


    Speak Language *ighGothic

    "a%igation Stellar 247877EP

    "a%igation 6 Stellar

    .or)idden Lore The +lack 77 "one

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Li)rary EP

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/STP'!'!D(ISIT!


    rmour o9 Contempt477EP

    $illpower ;7

    +inary Chatter 477EP


    +asic $eapon Training +olt



    0ie *ard877EP

    $illpower ;7

    Pistol Training +olt877EP


    Sound Constitution877EP


    Step side



    gility ;7H


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    A'ank :Bd%ances

    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Ciphers colyte 287477EP

    Ciphers colyte 247

    .or)idden Lore Cults 287 477EP

    .or)idden Lore Cults 247

    .or)idden Lore *eresy287


    .or)idden Lore *eresy247

    .or)idden Lore In?uisition 287


    .or)idden Lore In?uisition247

    .or)idden Lore #utants287


    .or)idden Lore #utants247

    Secret Tongue colyte287


    Secret Tongue colyte247

    Speak Language *igh

    Gothic 287



    Speak Language *igh

    Gothic 247Lip 'eading



    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Pistol Training .lame877EP


    Duick 0raw877EP


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Comptroller A'ank

    :+B d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S



    Common Lore #achine Cult477EP


    Common Lore #achine Cult




    Common Lore #achine Cult

    0ecei%e 247477EP




    !%aluate 247477EP


    In?uiry 287477EP


    Scholastic Lore stromancy247


    Scholastic Lore stromancy

    Scholastic Lore +ureaucracy 287


    Scholastic Lore +ureaucracy 247

    Scholastic Lore Chymistry477EP


    Scholastic Lore Chymistry247


    Scholastic Lore Chymistry

    Scholastic Lore Cryptology477EP


    Scholastic Lore *eraldry247


    Scholastic Lore *eraldry

    Scholastic Lore Imperial

    Creed 247



    Scholastic Lore Imperial


    Scholastic Lore udgment477EP


    Scholastic Lore "umerology



    Scholastic Lore "umerology 247


    Scholastic Lore "umerology

    Scholastic Lore Tactica 477 "one

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Imperialis EP



    Secret Tongue colyte 287477EP

    Secret Tongue colyte 247

    Secret Tongue dministratum 247 477EP Secret Tongue dministratumSecret Tongue dministratum 287


    Secret Tongue dministratum 247





    Tech6(se 247877EP


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Chem Geld477EP


    0istur)ing Voice


    EP "one'esistance PsychicPowers



    +lind .ighting877EP

    Perception 7

    0eadeye Shot877EP

    +allistic Skill7


    $illpower 7

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Loremaster A'ank

    =B d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Scholastic Lore /ccult 247


    Scholastic Lore 6/ccult

    Lip 'eading 247877EP

    Lip 'eading



    Psy 'ating 4

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Logister A'ank

    =+B d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Common Lore deptusr)ites 247


    Common Lore deptusr)ites

    Common Lore !cclesiarchy287


    Common Lore !cclesiarchy247

    Logic 247477



    Logic 287477EP

    Logic 247

    Scholastic Lore Cryptology247


    Scholastic Lore Cryptology

    Scholastic Lore ImperialCreed 287


    Scholastic Lore ImperialCreed 247

    Scholastic Lore udgment247


    Scholastic Lore udgment

    Scholastic Lore TacticaImperialis 247


    Scholastic Lore TacticaImperialis

    Search 247 477EP


    Command 247877EP


    Interrogation 247877EP


    Tech6(se 287877EP

    Tech6(se 247

    .or)idden Lore rcheotech77EP

    Tech6(se 287

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    ir o9 uthority477EP

    .ellowship 7



    EP "one

    Peer Go%ernment477EP

    .ellowship 7

    Pistol Training .lame



    'esistance .ear477EP


    Strong #inded477EP

    $illpower 7H 'esistance Psychic Powers

    Talented Logic477EP


    Peer In?uisition 877EP

    .ellowship 7

    "er%es o9 Steel77EP


    Peer deptus#echanicus


    .ellowship 7

    Peer !cclesiarchy77EP

    .ellowship 7

    Sound Constitution77EP


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    #agister A'ank

    3B d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S






    Tech6(se 247877



    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Sage A'ank 3+B

    d%ancesSKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Common Lore deptus r)ites287


    Common Lore deptusr)ites 247

    .or)idden Lore Cults 287477EP

    .or)idden Lore Cults 247

    .or)idden Lore *eresy 287477


    .or)idden Lore *eresy 247

    .or)idden Lore In?uisition287


    .or)idden Lore In?uisition247

    .or)idden Lore #utants 287477EP

    .or)idden Lore #utants 247

    Scholastic Lore TacticaImperialis 287


    Scholastic Lore TacticaImperialis 247

    Command 287877EP

    Command 247



    .or)idden Lore rcheotech247


    .or)idden Lore rcheotech

    .or)idden Lore The +lackLi)rary 247


    .or)idden Lore The +lackLi)rary

    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    'apid 'eload877EP


    Talented Command877EP


    Peer deptus r)ites 77EP .ellowship 7

    Sound Constitution77EP


    (nnatural Intelligence177EP


    All pre&iously un

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    +onded !missary

    AltF 'ank ;2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, * or higher (20///. X!)C/ther 'e?uirements, Intelligence 3/ an, $ello"ship 3/

    Tra&el is a ha9ar,ous -usiness0 an, 5oolish is the 'an or"o'an "ho steps un"ary o5 the ,angers a"ay 5ro' thesa5ety o5 their o"n0 let alone seeks to tra&el the col, an,'erciless ,arkness -et"een the starsC Such tra&el in so'e"ays is an e&en 'ore ,angerous -usiness 5or the po"er5ulan, "ealthy o5 the 1aliis SectorJs elites0 -ecause0 althoughinsulate, -y their po"er an, their 5ollo"ers 5ro'co''onplace har,ships0 they o5ten ha&e 'any ene'ies an,'uch to loseC The I'periu' o5 'an is a gri' an, ,ea,lyplace; the great an, the po"er5ul 'ust al"ays 5ear theassassinJs han,0 as "ell as the intrigues0 plots an,'achinations o5 their ri&alsC It is unsurprising that 'anychoose to re'ain at the centre o5 their ,o'ains an,0 "hen'atters o5 i'port arise that ,o not reuire their personalpresence0 they sen, others out in their stea,C The Bon,e,='issary is Kust such a personC ='issaries are0 -y theirnature0 po"er5ul in,i&i,uals0 no 'ere 'essenger0 tra,e5actor or erran,

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    their o"n rightC Those that 5ail their e'ployers a-Kectly orcause the' to lose 5ace sel,o' get a secon, chanceC

    In the 1aliis Sector0 as in 'uch o5 the I'periu'0='issaries go -y nu'erous na'es an, titles ,epen,ing ontheir task an, their 'asterC The A,'inistratu' has a

    la-yrinthine series o5 titles an, ,esignations0 5ro' theUuastor %ai'us "ho sits in atten,ance at the uci, !alace0to the grey ranks o5 ree&es0 ,elagators0 potentates an, theinnu'era-le su-

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    0ecei%e 247477EP









    !%aluate 247477EP




    In?uiry 247477EP




    Scholastic Lore *eraldry



    Scholastic Lore Legends



    Scholastic Lore #ercantile



    Scholastic Lore Philosophy







    +arter 287877EP

    +arter 247



    Carouse 247877EP


    Common Lore (nderworld



    0ecei%e 287877EP

    0ecei%e 247

    .or)idden Lore In?uisition



    .or)idden Lore #utants



    .or)idden Lore Eenos



    In?uiry 287877EP

    In?uiry 247

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Scholastic Lore #ercantile 247


    Scholastic Lore #ercantile

    Scrutiny 247877EP





    .or)idden Lore rcheotech



    Sleight o9 *and77EP


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S







    EP +arterTalented 0ecei%e




    Toughness 7

    Duick 0raw877EP


    Peer "o)ility77EP

    .ellowship 7

    Peer (nderworld


    .ellowship 7


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Cali>ian Eeno6

    rcanistAltF 'ank ;2B

    d%anceslternate 'ank, * or higher (20///. X!)C/ther 'e?uirements, Intelligence */

    A speciali9e, scholar in -oth a pri&ilege, an, a ,angerousposition0 a Xeno

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    5ate0 "hile other Ra,icals -elie&e that -y stu,ying the alienthey can -etter learn to ,e5eat it0 or e&en replicate alientechnology an, achie&e'ents 5or their o"n en,sC So'e0-lin,e, -y the potential ,isco&eries an, -eneDts in&ol&e,0are 5oolish enough to secretly ,is-elie&e the I'perial

    ,octrine that the enos an, their "orks are 5un,a'entallye&ilC So'e e&en li&e long enough to regret this 'isplace,conceitC The 1aliis Sector0 -oun,e, as it is -y the &ast an,terri5ying epanse o5 unkno"n space0 is a place "herekno"le,ge o5 the alien is in high (i5 secret) ,e'an,0 "ith'any 'ercantile guil,s0 eplorers an, e&en no-le houses0uietly circu'&enting the I'periu'Js -an on such kno"le,geeither through ,esire 5or proDt0 po"er0 out o5 5ear or si'ple0,a'na-le curiosityC To the chagrin o5 r,o Xenos0 -y si'ple&irtue o5 the sectorJs location0 ti'e an, eposure0 'any

    pri&ate li-raries an, collections on Scintilla0 %alD an, otheresta-lishe, "orl,s are kno"n to hol, their o"n enosarti5acts an, secret lorePalthough o5ten useless or 5orgotten"ithout the kno"le,ge o5 ho" to interpret the'C The@etaireia eisJs collections ha&e -een the source o5 se&eralscan,als an, e&en a 5e" ar'e, rai,s in the pastCFnsurprisingly then0 a rogue Xeno

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    .or)idden Lore 6#utants



    .or)idden Lore 6In?uisition



    .or)idden Lore





    In?uiry 247477EP






    Carouse 247877EP


    .or)idden Lore Eenos 247


    .or)idden Lore Eenos

    "a%igation Stellar247


    "a%igation Stellar

    Scholastic Lore Cryptology







    Pilot Space Cra9t77EP


    Sleight o9 *and77


    Secret Tongue EenosAanyBMay be taken multipletimes



    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Sound Constitution477EP


    0ecadence 877EP Toughness 7

    *eightened Senses Sight877EP


    Pistol Training "eedle877EP


    Talented .or)idden Lore Eenos


    .or)idden Lore 6Eenos

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Peer /rdo Eenos77EP

    .ellowship 7


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    In%estigatorAltF 'ank ;2B

    d%anceslternate 'ank, * or higher (20///. X!)/ther 'e?uirements, ?ou 'ust ha&e the iteracy skillC Ina,,ition0 you can only select this Alternate Rank i5 yourInuisitor oEers it to youC

    @eresy is 'ost skille, at hi,ing its 5ace 5ro' those "ho"oul, Dn, it out an, persecute itC 1onspiracies0 cults an,5alse cree,s hi,e the'sel&es -ehin, layers o5 petty cri'e0local preKu,ices0 cru,e 5akery0 5alse ru'or an, see'ing5oolishness0 as "ell as 'ore la-yrinthine plots an, intricatelayers o5 "ell

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    are in&ol&e, in an, 5or a &ery li'ite, ,urationC Such po"ersusually eten, to co''an, authority o&er local la"en5orce'ent0 ,etention0 reuisition an, uestion0 -ut rarely'uch 5urtherC When an in&estigation is co'plete0 theauthority o5 the egates in&ol&e, is 5or'ally en,e,C

    espite the potential 5or a,&ance'ent in the role0 so'eAcolytes see egates as un5ortunate ,ru,ges use, -y their'aster to plough through te,ious 'onths o5 interrogationsan, 'ountains o5 inter'ina-le recor,s0 only to Dn, thatthere is nothing -eyon, the 'ost 'inor cri'inal acti&itypresentC ther un5ortunates are le5t to clean up en,lessloose threa,s a5ter the 'ain thrust o5 their InuisitorJs "rathhas -een epen,e, an, they the'sel&es ha&e 'o&e, onCThis &ie" ,oes ha&e so'e -asis as the r,os 1aliis ,oin&est an, ,ispatch egates "here Inuisitorial in&ol&e'entis -eing ,e'an,e,0 -ut thought largely unnecessary -y the

    higher authorityC So'e Inuisitors in&est egates an,,ispatch the' on an in&estigation si'ply to stir up "hat 'ay-e lurking -eneath the 'u,0 using the' as literal an, open-ait to ,ra" heresy an, ,ark 5orces out into the openPo-&iously0 this last task is 5ar 5ro' popular "ith the Acolytesin uestionC %ore su-tle Inuisitors use legates to gi&e5or'al "eight to a largely co&ert operation0 kno"ing thattheir Acolytes "ill ha&e access to greater resource "ithoutha&ing to "ait on petitions to local authority or constantlyha&ing to re5er -ack to higher po"ersC The granting o5 e&en a 5raction o5 the a-solute authority o5

    an Inuisitor0 e&en closely ,eDne, as in this case0 is a &eryserious 'atter in,ee,0 only e&er entruste, to the 'ostpro'ising an, a-le o5 Acolytes0 an, o5ten to can,i,ates "hoha&e success5ully per5or'e, such a role -e5oreC $ailure or'isuse o5 such an oLce also hol,s the ,istinct prospect o5censure an, harsh punish'entC All egate In&estigators -ear a 5or'al carta o5 inuiry (theiregature) an, a Sigil o5 Uuestion that ,e'onstrates theirre'it an, authority un,er the r,os 1aliisC These t"othings are proo5 o5 their authority an, statusC The Drst is a,ocu'ent that states the locale o5 in&estigation an, the

    5ocus o5 concern0 granting the -earer the a-solute right touestion an, ea'ine "ho or "hatsoe&er they "ish onpresentation an, corro-oration o5 a Sigil o5 InuiryC The Sigilo5 Inuiry is an icon 'a,e o5 sil&er 5eaturing the sign o5 achalice engra&e, "ith the sy'-ol o5 the InuisitionC It 'ay-e "orn as a 'e,allion0 carrie, in a "allet or "orn on theDnger as a ring0 an, contains "ithin it a co,e

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Beco'ing a egate In&estigator is as 'uch a-outackno"le,ge'ent o5 capa-ility an, potential -y an AcolyteJsInuisitorial 'asters as it is a "illingness or "ant on the parto5 the player or characterC The opening up o5 this 1areerRank to one or 'ore 'e'-ers o5 a group o5 Acolytes 'ay -e

    a 5or' o5 re"ar, -y the 8% 5or a ,e5tly acco'plishe, 'issionor success5ul ca'paign0 or so'e si'ilar acco'plish'entC1hiey0 this career sho"s that a character is -oth truste,an, &ie"e, as capa-le -y their superiorsC Whether they li&eup to such trust is in the playerJs han,sC nce this Rank has -een taken0 the character hasper'anent access to its A,&ance Sche'e0 although theegateJs authority only applies 5or the length o5 a particularenuiry or 'ission "ithin the ga'eC

    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S



    .or)idden Lore 6 Cults477EP


    .or)idden Lore 6 *eresy477EP


    .or)idden Lore 6#utants



    .or)idden Lore 6Psykers





    In?uiry 247477EP




    Interrogate 247477EP




    Scrutiny 247477EP Scrutiny

    Ciphers In?uisition477EP


    .or)idden Lore Cults247


    .or)idden Lore Cults

    .or)idden Lore *eresy247


    .or)idden Lore *eresy

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    .or)idden Lore #utants 247


    .or)idden Lore #utants

    .or)idden Lore Psykers 247


    .or)idden Lore 6Psykers

    In?uiry 287877


    In?uiry 247

    Interrogate 287877EP

    Interrogate 247

    Scholastic Lore udgment



    Scrutiny 287877EP

    Scrutiny 247

    TL!"T "ame C/STP'!'!D(ISI


    ir o9 uthority877EP


    Talented In?uiry877EP


    Talented Interrogation




  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Tyrantine Shadow

    gentAltF 'ank 12B

    d%anceslternate 'ank, or higher (30///. X!)

    The Inuisition0 so'e say0 is an e'pire o5 secretsC Tooutsi,ers0 this is certainly the case0 5or in stern Ku,g'ent an,shrou,e, in 'ystery the @oly r,os sit a-o&e the' like"rath5ul go,s0 little un,erstoo, an, rightly 5eare,C But "hatis not so "i,ely kno"n -y outsi,ers is that there are 'anysecrets the Inuisition keeps 5ro' its o"n0 either -ecause itis epe,ient to ,o so0 or -ecause they are si'ply too,angerous e&en 5or so'e 'e'-ers o5 the r,os to kno"CThese secrets are o5ten hel, through in&isi-le "e-s o5patronage0 5ealty an, alliance0 -ut so'eti'es 'ani5estthe'sel&es though sha,o" e'pires "hole organi9ationshi,,en un,er the "i,er u'-rella o5 the @oly r,os "hosenature an, concerns re'ain 'ysterious e&en to otherInuisitors an, AcolytesC Within the 1aliis Sector one suchgroup is the Tyrantine 1a-alC Insi,e the 1aliian 1oncla&e0 there is no greater ,i&i,erthan the @ereticus Tene-rae0 the Tyrant StarC The supre'e,anger o5 the Star is not kno"n to all e&en "ithin theInuisitionJs o"n ranksC Within the 1aliian concla&e0 e&enthose "ho ,o kno" so'ething rarely ha&e anything -ut apiece o5 the pu99leC In no s'all part0 the Tyrantine 1a-al is

    responsi-le 5or 'aintaining this ignorance0 Kust as 'uch as itis in&estigating "hat the @ereticus Tene-rae represents an,ho" to co'-at itC As the years ha&e progresse,0 this "e- o5 secrecy an,control has taken on a li5e al'ost o5 its o"n0 an, 'etho,san, agencies ha&e sprung up to support it an, its 'asterJsgoalsC ne such po"er5ul agency is the Tene-rae 1ollegiu'Pa sha,o" e'pire all o5 its o"n 5oun,e, -y the genius o5

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    the reno"ne, Inuisitor 1assil,a 1ognosC The 1ollegiu'takes the 'ost pro'ising an, suita-le o5 Acolytes an,trans5or's the' into su-tle an, lethal instru'ents o5,eception0 "hose true allegiances can re'ain secret e&en5ro' the Inuisitors they ser&eC These Acolytes are per5ectly

    suite, to keeping the Tyrantine 1a-als purposes hi,,en an,enacting its "ill "ithout re'orse or apprehensionC Theeistence o5 the 1ollegiu' an, its so

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    'ust -ear0 5or their o"n 5ear5ul secrets are as nothing to the,angers o5 the @ereticus Tene-rae0 an, so'e 'ust -esacriDce, lest its truth ,e&our us allC Taking this Alternate 1areer !ath is not Kust a 'atter o5passing the X! reuire'ents0 it 'eans that you ha&e -een


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    .or)idden Lore In?uisition877EP


    .or)idden Lore In?uisition247


    .or)idden Lore 6 In?uisition

    In?uiry 247 877EP In?uiry

    In?uiry 287877EP

    In?uiry 247

    Scholastic Lore Legend 247877EP

    Scholastic Lore 6 Legend

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S



    Intelligence 7



    EP "one'esistance PsychicPowers





    Strong #inded877EP

    $illpower 7H 'esistance Psychic Powers

    #ental .ortress77EP

    $illpower 17H Strong #inded


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    AltF 'ank 2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, 3 or higher (#0///. X!)

    You have been forsaken! You have been enslaved by lies,beaten by injustice, and bled by greed, but you have notbowed your heads or bent your knees. If it takes a thousandyears and a river of blood, then so be it, but we will be free! Fni,entiDe, heretic on Tranch prior to the rising o5 the !aleThrong

    e'agogues are ra--le rousers an, agitators "ho cans"ay great cro",s "ith their "or,sC These Dery orators 'ay-e cult lea,ers0 i,ealists0 'a,'en0 5anatics0 or su-tle'anipulators an, agent pro&ocateursC All0 ho"e&er0 ha&ethe skill to ,ra" cro",s together "ith "or,s0 -in, the' "ithrhetoric0 an, loose the' on a target like a pack o5 ,ogsCWorl,s ha&e -urne, -ecause o5 the actions o5 such 'en an,"o'enC So'e "ish 5or nothing 'ore than to see the "orl,aroun, the' torn ,o"n an, set aa'e0 to stoke the Dres o5anger an, ,issent to the point o5 an all

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    co''on 5or reci,i&ist ,e'agogues to appear long enough tocreate a -rushDre re-ellion or riot0 only to 'elt a"ay "henthe authorities 'o&e against the' an, replicate the,estruction they ha&e unleashe, so'e"here elseC Theseelusi&e agitators are the 'ost ,angerous an, hunte, &ariety

    o5 ,e'agogue0 an, 'any are counte, a'ongst the 'ostnotorious o5 reci,i&ists an, hereticsC So'e ,e'agogues are not the cra9e, 5anatics or si'plere-els they appear0 -ut ser&ants o5 the Inuisition acting aspro&ocateurs an, instigators 5or reasons hi,,en 5ro' all -utthe 'ost su-tle in&estigatorC %ost o5 these ta'e agents o5hatre, ser&e Inuisitors o5 a Ra,ical ,ispositionPan, those"ho 5ollo" the Recongregator philosophy or Ist&aanian,octrine in particularC Fnlike true ,e'agogues0 these secretpro&ocateurs choose their causes an, targets "ith the,ispassionate consi,eration o5 a 'aster surgeon choosing

    the proper -la,eC ne 'o'ent0 they are calling 5or theo&erthro" o5 a 'ining cartel on Sepheris Secun,us0 an, thenet0 they are rousing the 'utants o5 Scintilla to 5ren9ie,re&oltC $or this 'ost ,angerous -ree, o5 ,e'agogue0 theeEect their 'ission reuires is all0 an, ho" it is 'aske, is o5no conseuenceC e'agogues "ho ser&e Ra,ical Inuisitors usually assu'ethe role through necessityC When you are charge, "ith-ringing -loo, an, ,estruction or instigating 5un,a'entalchanges in the structure o5 I'perial authority0 the a-ility tocreate a riot0 instigate a 'utiny0 an, 5o'ent re-ellion is

    use5ul in,ee,C Talente, orators an, socially a,ept Acolytes'ay e'-race this role an, ,e,icate the'sel&es to per5ectingits Dner points0 "hile so'e are thrust to"ar,s it -y their'asterC

    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S



    Charm 247477EP









    0isguise 477 "one

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy







    0ecei%e 247

    0isguise247 877EP 0isguise







    ir o9uthority










  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    AltF 'ank ;2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, * or higher (20///. X!)

    "a#il, "a#il, what$s wrong, your eyes %an! &hat are youdoing with that'no! ast "or,s o5 A,ept Acolyte an&ers

    An InDl

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    The Drst criteria 5or a character to -eco'e an InDl

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    player(s) an, the 8%0 an, "ith a 'in, to ho" it 'ay aEectan ongoing ca'paignC

    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Common Lore Tech









    0ecei%e 247877EP


    Intimidate 247


    EP Intimidate

    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    rms #aster477EP

    +allistic Skill 7H +asic $eapon TrainingAany twoB



    $eapon Skill 7




    0isarm 477EP

    gility 7






    Logis Implant877EP


    Duick 0raw877EP


    Swi9t ttack


    EP $eapon Skill 1


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    #ale-c Scholar

    AltF 'ank ;2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, * or higher (20///. X!)

    If you wish hi% dead I can oblige, though you %ay be ableto a(ect such an end yourself without recourse to %y arts."y specialty is the %anipulation of events to violent ends by%align arti)ce* chie+y war, tragedy and rebellion. If that isnot what you desire then perhaps it is not I that you seek. 41or"ainious Tare

    A %aleDc Scholar stu,ies an, acuires proscri-e,kno"le,ge concerning the nature o5 the "arp0 the po"er an,nature o5 ,ae'ons0 an, the 'anipulation o5 "arp -y the artso5 ritual an, sorceryC These are the "i9ene, 'asters o5 "arpcra5t "ho can su''on ,ae'ons0 open portals into the ether0see things 5ar oE an, ,ays re'ote0 an, create arti5acts o5occult an, unclean po"erC Such ,e,ication is 'oti&ate, -yan o-session "ith kno"ing "hat shoul, not -e kno"n0 or -ythe ,esire to "iel, unnatural po"er that is -eyon, that opento 'ost hu'ansC The po"er o5 a %aleDc Scholar haspotential that is only -oun, -y the "eakness o5 the hu'an'in, "hen con5ronte, "ith truths greater than it can cope"ithC $or-i,,en kno"le,ge is -ought "ith unspeaka-le acts0o-sessi&e pursuit o5 5oul to'es0 occult arti5acts0 incuna-ula0an, long stu,yC 8i&en the 5rag'entary an, o5tencontra,ictory nature o5 the is'al Tets0 the practice o5 "arp

    cra5t reuires long eperi'entation an, a consi,era-leintellectC The eEects o5 such stu,y an, practice are corrosi&eto -o,y an, soulC %ost %aleDc Scholars go 'a, an, areslo"ly eaten -y the cancerous nature o5 the things theykno"C %any succu'- to ,ae'onic inuence an, possessionor -eco'e 'onstrous things rule, -y their 'alignancy an,,"in,le into ,arkness an, a li5e li&e, in night'aresC So'e

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    si'ply &anish an, are lost to an eternity o5 suEering at thehan,s o5 the 5orces they sought to un,erstan, an, controlC %ost %aleDc Scholars are an o-&ious threat to the 5a-rican, security o5 the I'periu'; their pursuit o5 5or-i,,enkno"le,ge can unleash "arp entities0 pro&i,e a point o5

    incursion 5or ,ae'ons an, 'ay corrupt all they touchC $orInuisitors o5 Ra,ical 5actions "hich e'-race the use o5 "arpcra5t0 a %aleDc Scholar is a &alua-le ser&ant an, "eapon to-e use, to Dght the ene'ies o5 'ankin,C In the ser&ice o5 aRa,ical Inuisitor a %aleDc Scholar "ill Dn, un,rea't o5access to sources o5 5or-i,,en lore an, en,less opportunitiesto epan, their kno"le,geC Beco'ing a %aleDc Scholar is a conscious choice on thepart o5 an A,ept "ho "ishes to pursue 5or-i,,en kno"le,gean, sorceryC Beyon, this the character 'ust ha&e in

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Ciphers /ccult477EP


    .or)idden Lore



    EP "one

    .or)idden Lore $arp477EP






    Scholastic Lore /ccult477EP


    Ciphers /ccult 247877EP

    Ciphers /ccult

    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology 247


    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology

    .or)idden Lore $arp 247877EP

    .or)idden Lore $arp

    In%ocation 247877EP


    Psyniscience 247877EP


    Scholastic Lore /ccult 247877EP

    Scholastic Lore /ccult

    Ciphers /ccult 28777EP Ciphers /ccult 247

    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology 287


    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology 247

    .or)idden Lore $arp 28777EP

    .or)idden Lore $arp 247

    In%ocation 28777EP

    In%ocation 247

    Psyniscience 28777EP

    Psyniscience 247

    Scholastic Lore /ccult 28777EP

    Scholastic Lore /ccult 247

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    .a%oured )y the$arp


    $illpower 1

    #inor rcana


    EP Sorcerer

    #inor rcana477EP


    #inor rcana477EP


    #inor rcana477EP


    #inor rcana477EP


    #aor rcana877EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer

    #aor rcana 877EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer

    #aor rcana877EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer

    #aor rcana877EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer

    #aor rcana877EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer


    Intelligence 1H $illpower 1H.or)idden Lore 0aemonology

    247 or.or)idden Lore $arp 247

    Su)lime rts77EP

    Perception ;7H Intelligence ;1HSorcerer

    #aster Sorcerer;77EP

    Intelligence ;7H $illpower 17HSorcererH

    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology287 or

    .or)idden Lore $arp 287


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



    AltF 'ank 2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, 3 or higher (#0///. X!)

    error and the application of atrocity* that is %y art. 4Attri-ute, to a na'eless "arlor, o5 ancient Terra

    Sa-oteurs are cra5ts'en o5 panic0 ,estruction0 an,,o"n5allC They are the loose, ,ogs o5 secret "ars o5,esta-ili9ation an, terror that rage in the sha,o"s o5 theI'periu' o5 %ankin,C Traine, to 'o&e unseen a'ongst thegreat ocks o5 hu'anity0 the Sa-oteur is a 5aceless agent o55ear0 'ayhe'0 an, ,eath that attacks the physical an,psychological 5a-ric that -in,s the I'periu' togetherC It issai, -y so'e in the A,'inistratu' that e&erything "ithin theI'periu' is connecte, -y en,less in&isi-le threa,s o5inter,epen,ence that -in, the "hole togetherC $ro' theastropathic 'essages -rought to the ta-le o5 a lor, to the5oo, eaten -y the lo"est "orker in a 5orge; all ,epen,s onso'ething else to eist0 an, those in turn on other thingsCThese threa,s o5 reliance 5or' a &ast "e- o5 po"er an,sta-ility on "hich or,er0 5aith0 an, sur&i&al ,epen,C It is the,estruction o5 these threa,s that is the Sa-oteurJs purposean, their 'ost -elo&e, artC Why such col, 'onsters o5 terror shoul, -e 5oun, in theser&ice o5 the Inuisition can only -e ans"ere, -y those "houn,erstan, the Ra,ical philosophies an, cree,s o5 the typeo5 ene'y "ho 'ight see a nee, to create conict an,

    ,esta-ili9e the 5a-ric o5 the I'periu'C To Inuisitors o5 theRecongregator an, Ist&aanian 5actions0 Sa-oteurs are the5un,a'ental tools "ith "hich they 5orge their en,sC Traine,-y the ,e5en,ers o5 'ankin,0 Sa-oteur Acolytes areunleashe, against I'perial "orl,s to cause the anarchy their'asters ,e'an,C $ro' ,e'olishing a sy'-ol o5 I'perialauthority to "recking a key 'anu5actoru' supplying a"ar9one0 the targets an, actions o5 a traine, Sa-oteur are

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    ,esigne, to al"ays create a particular eEect or reaction;"hether it is si'ply 5ear or pre&enting a greater ,anger 5ro'co'ing to passC Beco'ing a Sa-oteur is a 'atter o5 "illingness an,reuire'ent; the ser&ice "hich an Acolyte ,oes 5or his

    Inuisitor 'ay -e o5 such a Ra,ical nature that skills in,estroying -ri,ges an, crippling cities "ith 5ear arenecessaryC In this case0 an Acolyte 'ay elect to un,ergotraining in the sha,o"y arts o5 sa-otageC

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S





    EP "one
















    0isguise 247877EP


    Security 247877EP






    Chem6(se 247






    0emolition 247

    0isguise 28777EP

    0isguise 247

    Security 28777EP

    Security 247

    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    (nremarka)le 477EP





  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy



  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    $arp 0a))ler

    AltF 'ank :2Bd%ances

    lternate 'ank, 6 or higher (60///. X!)

    -he would have been just a petty recidivist and peddler ofhar%, but then the warp found her and she beca%e a true%onster. I a% just grateful that she is a %onster loyal to%e. Inuisitor Sol,e&an0 spoken o5 his Acolyte otus Yan

    Warp a--lers0 so'eti'es re5erre, to as "arplocks an,petty sorcerers0 are in,i&i,uals ta'pering o5ten -lin,ly "iththe 'alignant arts o5 the "arp sorceryC Whether cultists0non

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    tasks is to censor an, li'it the sprea, o5 in5or'ation ,ee'e,,angerousJ or corruptingCJ %ean"hile0 the =cclesiarchyconstantly preaches rhetoric ,esigne, to inspire ,og'atico-e,ience an, a-Kect a-horrence o5 the heretical in eual'easureC To the a&erage I'perial citi9en0 an e,ucation is an

    uno-taina-le luury0 ,ae'ons are ,istant horrors portraye,in 'orality plays0 an, the "arp ,oes not eistC In this social cli'ate0 it is onerous to the etre'e to o-taintets or in5or'ation a-out ,ae'onology0 the occult0 an, thei''ateriu'C @o"e&er0 it is -y no 'eans i'possi-leC Thereare 5e" things 'ore consistent in hu'an nature than the,esire to possess the 5or-i,,en an, uno-taina-leC In the,arkest corners o5 I'perial society (an, all too o5ten0 itslo5tiest heights)0 proscri-e, tets0 5or-i,,en to'es0 an, otherinstructions in "arp cra5t can -e -ought0 tra,e,0 an, stolen-y so'eone "ith the right connections or resourcesC

    The sa, irony o5 this is that ,ue to the I'periu'Js tirelesseEorts to suppress 5or-i,,en 'aleDc kno"le,ge0 those "ho,o 'anage to o-tain such in5or'ation o5ten ha&e noun,erstan,ing o5 Kust ho" ,angerous it can -eC To the'0 therituals an, incantations are Kust another tool to o-tain theirgoals0 or "orse0 an a'using ,allianceC nly "hen it is 5ar0 5artoo late0 ,oes the a&erage Warp a--ler reali9e ho" hisactions ha&e ,oo'e, hi'C That is not to say0 ho"e&er0 that Warp a--lers are not5or'i,a-le 5oesC n the contrary0 the co'-ination o5 lo"skill0 resource5ulness0 an, ruthless cunning they nee, to

    o-tain the 5or-i,,en kno"le,ge in the Drst place 'akes the'co'petent a,&ersariesC In a,,ition0 the "arp

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Beco'ing a Warp a--ler reuires -oth 'oti&e an,opportunity; the Acolyte 'ust ha&e a source 5ro' "hich hecoul, acuire $or-i,,en ore 4 Warp0 $or-i,,en ore 4ae'onology0 or Scholastic ore 4 ccultC The AcolyteJsInuisitor 'ight -e a source o5 such possi-ility0 "hile contact

    "ith "arp cults or 5or-i,,en to'es 'ight -e other possi-leroutesC nce a character chooses to ,a--le in "arp lore0 he'ust spen, an a'ount o5 ti'e stu,ying or -eing tutore,0 atthe en, o5 "hich he enters this rank an, gains 2,#/1orruption !ointsC

    SKILL "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S

    Ciphers /ccult477EP


    .or)idden Lore



    EP "one

    .or)idden Lore $arp477EP




    In%ocation 247477EP


    Scholastic Lore /ccult477EP


    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology 247


    .or)idden Lore 0aemonology

    .or)idden Lore $arp 247877EP

    .or)idden Lore $arp



    Scholastic Lore /ccult 247877EP

    Scholastic Lore /ccult

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    TL!"T "ame C/ST P'!'!D(ISIT!S


    Toughness 7

    .ueled )y .lesh


    EP Sorcerer

    #inor rcana877EP


    #inor rcana877EP



    Intelligence 1H $illpower 1H.or)idden Lore

    0aemonology 247 or.or)idden Lore $arp 247

    #aor rcana77EP

    $illpower ;1H Sorcerer

    0ark Soul ;77EP


    .a%oured )y the$arp


    $illpower 1


  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    dept Skillswareness

    A+asicBPerception =asily one o5 the 'osti'portant Skills to anin&estigator0 as "ithoutthis Skill0 he is ,oo'e,to 5ore&er stu'-le intoa'-ushes an, traps0an, to o&erlook &italcluesC The A"areness skillreects your a-ility topercei&e hi,,en ,angersan, to notice s'all,etails a-out yourphysical surroun,ingsC?ou use the A"arenessskill to notice a'-ushes0spot traps an, ,iscernother threats to you an,your alliesC A"areness

    is not tie, to any onesense; it enco'passesthe' allC When usingA"areness to ,etect ahi,,en ene'y0 the Testis al"ays ppose,Cther"ise0 the thing youare trying to ,etectapplies a iLculty-ase, on ho" cunningly

    conceale, it isC!articularly percepti&eAcolytes are traine, totake in e&ery aspect o5 ascene "ith Kust a uickscan0 later recalling thesu-tlest o5 ,etails thatturn out to -e critical to

    the in&estigationC

    A"areness cannot -euse, as an In&estigationSkill in its o"n right0 -utit can -e use, to assistan In&estigation SkillCWhen ea'ining acri'e scene0 you 'ay'ake an A"areness Testto atte'pt to notice anycluesC =&ery ,egree o5success re,uces the

    iLculty o5 asu-seuentin&estigation Test -yone

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    When ,ealing "ith ,ayery @ar,(43/) ogic Test toconKure up an i,ea 5ro'the ,epths o5 your 'in,Cn a success0 the 8%

    'ay grant you a hint0nu,ge you in the right,irection or oEer so'eother pre&iouslyo&erlooke, clue to ai,you in yourin&estigationC Tech

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    li'-0 replacing organsunnecessarily an, so onC The %e,icae skill isuse, to treat an, repairinKuries -y closing

    "oun,s an, restoringthe -alance o5 the-o,yJs hu'orsC Thereare t"o general'etho,s 5or using%e,icae $irst Ai, an,=ten,e, 1areC ?ou canuse the 5or'er to atten,5allen or inKure,co'ra,es0 "hile thelatter ser&es to hasten

    the re'o&al o5 ,a'ageC

    .irst id Fsing the %e,icae skillto per5or' $irst Ai,oEers a uick D 5orinKure, or ,yingcharactersC A success5ul%e,icae Test re'o&esa'age eual to yourIntelligence Bonus to

    ightly Woun,e,characters0 one (#)a'age 5ro' @ea&ilyWoun,e, charactersan, one (#) point o51ritical a'age 5ro'1ritically Woun,e,charactersC n a 5ailure0the patient is nota,&ersely aEecte, an,si'ply re'o&es a'age

    at the natural healingrateC @o"e&er0 a 5ailure-y three or 'ore,egrees in,icates thatightly or @ea&ilyWoun,e, take a point o5a'age0 "hilst acharacter on / Woun,s

    'ust 'ake a ToughnessTest or ,ieC

    $irst Ai, 'ay only -eapplie, to each Woun,once an, is a $ull Action

    -y you an, your patientC 8enerally0 a %e,icaeTest to pro&i,e $irst Ai,is 1hallenging (./)0 -utthe se&erity as "ell asthe type o5 inKury canalso ha&e an eEectC Asan optional rule0 you canuse the 5ollo"ingiLculties 5orper5or'ing $irst Ai, on

    inKure, charactersC This'etho, reuires playersto keep track o5 the typeo5 a'age theyJ&etakenC As "ell0 a%e,icae Test is 'a,e torepair a speciDc set o5inKuries0 each Testatten,ing to a particulartype o5 inKuriesC TheInKury e&el applies to

    total a'age taken0 soe&en i5 the target onlytook # point o5 =nergya'age an, 6 points o5=plosi&e a'age0 thatsa'e target "oul, stillcount as @ea&ily InKure,C

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    =nergyight 1hallenging(./)@ea&y

    iLcult (

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    a'ageC $ailing -y D&eor 'ore ,egreesin,icates that allpatients take #,#/a'agePagain0 use

    Su,,en eath to resol&e1ritical a'ageCI5 you are using the

    optional rules ,escri-e,un,er $irst Ai,0 the typeo5 inKury can aEect the%e,icae Test to treatpatientsC Fse thepre,o'inant a'agetype to ,eter'ine the-ase iLculty (eCgC the

    type o5 a'age thataEects the target the'ost)C In the case o5t"o eual a'agetypes0 use the "orst'o,iDerC :et0 5or eacha'age type thata[icts the target-eyon, the Drst0 re,ucethe iLculty -y oneery @ar, (43/)!syniscience TestC I5 yousuccee,0 you negate theeEects o5 any o5 thepo"erJs &er-lee,C =&ery li&ing creaturelea&es a psychicsignature in the "arp0an, care5ul use o5!syniscience can allo"

    you to ,etect thepresence or a-sence o5nor'al creaturesC ?ou'ay 'ake a iLcult (4#/) !syniscience Test inplace o5 an A"arenessTestC

    Fsing !syniscience is a$ull ActionC

    SecurityAd%ancedBgility %any an Acolyte hassa&e, hi'sel5 thein,ignity o5 -reaking,o"n a ,oor "ithKu,icious use o5 theSecurity skillC Securityis use, to -ypass lockso5 all types an,circu'&ent toughsecurity syste's to getinto "ell

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    -ut a sensor0 such as anauspeC Fnless thesensor relies on physicalinput0 the 1onceal'entskill is o5 no useC

    Instea, you 'ay use theSecurity skill in place o51onceal'ent0 i5 youha&e the 'eans to,isrupt or ,ecei&e thesensorC ?ou can 'ake aSecurity Test to set upan, install a securitysyste'C =ach ,egree o5success increases the

    ,iLculty o5 any Test'a,e to -reach it -yoneC A Security Test tosetup a security ,e&icetakes one hourC When using han,hel,scanners or largersecurity 'onitors0 you'ay use Securityinstea, o5 A"arenessC A typical Security Test

    takes one 'inute0 "itheach ,egree o5 successre,ucing this ti'e -yten secon,sC

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Scholastic LoreAd%ancedHIn%estigationBIntelligence

    %any Acolytes spen, agreat ,eal o5 their li5estu,ying an,researching0 -eco'ingeperts in their Del,05ro' psykers "ith theirkno"le,ge o5 the occultan, the "arp0ar-itrators "ith their5anatical kno"le,ge o5I'perial Kustice0 an,

    oLcers "ith theirun,erstan,ing o5 the'inutiae o5 the TacticaI'perialisC It is precisely5or this epertise thatInuisitors surroun,the'sel&es "ith sucha,ept AcolytesC The Scholastic oreskill grants youkno"le,ge o5 a

    particular scholarlysu-KectC A success5ulTest ena-les you torecall pertinent 5actsan,Pi5 you ha&e accessto the proper 5acilities orresourcesPto ,oresearchC Scholasticore represents a ,eptho5 learning 5ar -eyon,1o''on ore an, it

    reuires etensi&e stu,yC ?ou 'ake Scholasticore Tests to i,enti5y ano-Kect0 creature or placethat 5alls un,er yourparticular area o5 epertiseC A success5ulTest a-out a su-Kect

    relate, to your specialtyre&eals the -asicin5or'ationC =ach,egree o5 successre&eals 'ore

    in5or'ation as 5ollo"s

    Stan,ar, Success< Re&eals -asicIn5or'ation kno"nto people o5 yourtrainingC

    e&el ne ery@ar, (43/)C Acolytes can also usethis Skill to ,eter'inethe ingre,ients ororigins o5 5oo,s they

    consu'e0 or notice outo5 the or,inary tastes0using the 5ollo"ingta-le

    Stan,ar, success Basic5acts a-out an ite'0 itsna'e an, propertiesC

    ne ,egree !rocessan, 'aterials use, to

    create the ite'0 itsclassiDcation or group0or stellar region "herecreate,CT"o ,egrees rigin o5co'ponents use, inconstruction0 ,etaile,in5or'ation a-out itscharacteristics0 or planeto5 creationC

    Three ,egreesSu-stitutes 5or the ite'0'eans o5 a'pli5ying itseEects0 or 'ore or na'eo5 its creatorC

    Acolytes can also'ake an ppose, Skill

    Test against thesu-KectJs !erception toeither hi,e or re&ealhi,,en su-stances"ithin a ,ish or ,rinkC

    %eals or ,rinks o5eceptional uality canaEect Blather or 1har'TestsC Re5resh'ents o5!oor 1ra5ts'anshipresult in a penalty o5 4#/to these Tests0 -ut a-anuet o5 8oo, ualitygi&es a .#/ -onus an,those o5 Best1ra5ts'anship grant a

    .2/ -onusC

    Trade 6 CopyistIntelligence 1opyists in the *#st%illenniu' are 5ar 'orethan 'in,less scri-esscratching out ,atasheets "ith an electroes ?ou react like aash o5 lightningC

    When rolling 5orInitiati&e0 you a,,t"ice your AgilityBonus to the roll o5#,#/C

    Logis Implant

    ?ou 'ay utili9eanalytical circuits tocalculate traKectoryan, reactions to apreternatural etentC

    ?our a-ility to rea,possi-le outco'eslets you anticipatethe 'o&e'ent o5your opponentsC As aReaction you 'ay'ake a Tech

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    that their agents are"ell protecte,against the ae'onso5 the WarpC As such0any character "ith

    this Talent ignoresthe negati&e 'o,iDerto Willpo"er Tests5ro' the ae'onic!resence TraitC Ina,,ition0 thecharacter is i''uneto Warp ShockC Thecharacter still gainsInsanity as nor'al0-ut ,oes not gain

    1orruption 5ro' WarpShockC

    #arksmanPrere?uisite,Ballistic Skill 3 istance is noo-Kect "ith a gun inyour han,0 an, youare Kust as a,ept atpicking oE 5ar a"ay

    targets as thosenear-yC ?ou suEer nopenalties 5or shootingat ong or =ten,e,rangeC

    #asterChirurgeonPrere?uisite,%e,icae .#/

    ?ou are traine, inthe 'ost a,&ance,'e,ical techniueskno"n to 'anC ?ougain a .#/ -onus onall %e,icae TestsC I5you are treating a@ea&ily or 1ritically

    Woun,e, patient0 asuccess5ul Test heals2 Woun,s instea, o5the nor'al #C I5 thischaracter is in ,anger

    o5 losing a li'- 5ro'a 1ritical @it0 you alsopro&i,e the patient"ith a .2/ -onus tothe Toughness Test toresist li'- lossC

    #aster /ratorPrere?uisite,$ello"ship 3/ ?ou are skille, at

    speaking to largeau,iencesC ?our$ello"ship Tests an,$ello"ship

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    ae'onic %asteryTests0 an, is i''uneto the eEects o5 ae'onic !resenceC %aster sorcerers

    are etraor,inarilyrare0 an, "ith goo,reasonC $e" possessthe ,e,ication an,strength o5 'in, toenact their "ill on the"arp in this "ay0 an,'ost are ,estroye,-e5ore they attainsuch skillC

    #elee$eaponTraining ?ou ha&e recei&e,-asic training in agroup o5 han,

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    the psyker takes#,#/ points o5 a'age plus #a'age per point o5your Willpo"er

    BonusC This a'ageis consi,ere, I'pacta'age0 ,irecte, atthe hea, ('orespeciDcally0 the 5ace)CThe psyker canre,uce this a'age-y an a'ount eualto his Willpo"erBonusC This a'age-ypasses ar'or an,

    any ToughnessBonusC

    #imic ?ou ha&e anetraor,inary a-ilityto copy anotherpersonJs &oicepatternsC This 'ay-e ,ue to i'plante,&o synthesi9ers0

    training or naturalTalentC ?ou 'ustha&e listene, to yourtarget 5or at least onehour in or,er to stu,ytheir &oice properlyC?ou 'ust alsoun,erstan, theirlanguage an, -e o5the sa'e race (ahu'an0 5or ea'ple0cannot con&incinglycopy an rk)Cisteners 'ustsuccee, on a iLcult(4#/) Scrutiny Test toreali9e that you arenot the person you

    are 'i'ickingC I5 youha&e -ase, your&oice patterns onanything other thanGli&eH con&ersations

    "here you are in thesa'e roo' as yourtarget (5or ea'ple&o recor,ings0 orco''linkcon&ersations)0 theiLculty o5 thisScrutiny Test isre,uce, to1hallenging (./)C:ote this ,oes not

    'ake you look likeyour target; you'erely soun, likethe'C I5 a listenercan clearly see youare not the personyou are copying0 your,eceptionauto'atically 5ailsC

    #inor rcanaPrere?uisite,

    Sorcerer The sorcerer hasacuire, ana,,itional %inorArcana !o"er o&erthe a'ount usuallyallo"e,; this 'ust -elearne, orresearche, asnor'alC

    #inor PsychicPower ?ou ha&e acuire,an a,,itional psychica-ilityC ?ou gain one%inor !sychic !o"erC

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    "er%es o9 Steel ?ou are a-le tore'ain cal'0 e&en"hen -ullets y pastan, -o'-s 5allaroun, youC ?ou 'ayre

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    !cclesiarchy 4!riests0 acolytes0 an,atten,ants that areresponsi-le 5or thesprea, o5 the

    I'perial 1ree,C

    Go%ernment 4%e'-ers o5 theruling class an,orthe go&erning -o,yo5 a "orl,

    In?uisition 4Inuisitors0Interrogators0 an,

    other 'e'-ers o5 ther,osC

    The Insane 4 $olksthat ha&e 5aire,poorly on sanitychecksC

    "o)ility4 In,i&i,ualso5 high -irth statusan, the elite o5


    /rdo Eenos 4%e'-ers o5 theInuisition that arepart o5 r,o XenosC

    (nderworld 4'e'-ers o5 theorgani9e, cri'e"orl, throughout the


    Pistol Training ?ou ha&e recei&e,training in a group o5pistols an, can usethe' "ithout penaltyC

    +olt 4 Bolt !istol08ar' !attern0%auler0 SacristanBolter0 SpitDre

    .lame 4 estroyer0@an, $la'er0Seraphi' @an,$la'er

    Las4 1i&itas0 uelingas0 $ury0 @ellpistol0aspistol0 %ark I>0!alatine0 Serieseno'0 Steel Burner

    #elta 4 @ellaIn5ernus0 In5erno!istol0 Seaphi'In5erno !istol

    Plasma 4 !las'a!istol0 Ry9a !attern!las'a !istol

    Primiti%e 4 euce!istol0 $lick Bo"0

    @an, Bo"

    Solid Proectile4 *Tranter0 Ar's'an0 !ho-osStu--er0 !uritan

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    Auto'atic0 Stu-Re&ol&er0 Talon %ark3

    Psy 'ating 4 ?ou ha&e unlocke,your !sychic !o"ersCSelect a nu'-er o5%inor !sychic !o"erseual to one

  • 8/10/2019 New Creatures for Dark Heresy


    ?ou ha&e spent solong practicing"eapons ,rills thatyou can reloa, a gunin an instantC All

    reloa, ti'es arere,uce, -y hal5 (roun, ,o"n)Pso a@al5 Action reloa,-eco'e a $reeAction0 a $ull Actionreloa, -eco'es a@al5 Action an, so onC

    'esistance Whether through

    past eposure0grueling physicaltraining or luck o5genetics0 you arehighly resistant to aparticular thingCWhen you pick thisTalent select a groupto -e resistant toC

    Cold < ?ou gain a

    .#/ -onus "hen'aking a test toresist the eEects o5etre'e col,C

    .ear < ?ou gain a

    .#/ -onus "hen'aking a test toresist the eEects o5creatures or e&entsthat reuire $earTestsC

    Poisons< ?ou gain a.#/ -onus "hen'aking a test toresist the eEects o5

    poisons or toins o5any kin,C

    Psychic Powers