New Practical English 1 Passage I Passage I Eating in Canada Passage II Passage II Dial a Recipe Unit Eight Unit Eight

New Practical English 1 Passage I Passage I Eating in Canada Passage II Passage II Dial a Recipe Unit Eight

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Page 1: New Practical English 1 Passage I Passage I Eating in Canada Passage II Passage II Dial a Recipe Unit Eight

New Practical English 1

Passage IPassage I

Eating in Canada

Passage IIPassage II

Dial a Recipe

Unit EightUnit Eight

Page 2: New Practical English 1 Passage I Passage I Eating in Canada Passage II Passage II Dial a Recipe Unit Eight

New Practical English 1

Passage I

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Intensive Study



Page 3: New Practical English 1 Passage I Passage I Eating in Canada Passage II Passage II Dial a Recipe Unit Eight

New Practical English 1

Text-related information

1. Canada is a big country with a number of different ethnic

groups and many immigrants from different cultures.

In Canada it is common to see restaurant which serve

food with various flavors and originated from different

countries. So besides employment, eating in Canada will

also prove to be a valuable experience to learn about

different countries.

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2. A potluck Dinner(凑份聚餐 ). It is a kind of informal dinner party, which is usually held outdoors in the mild weather. It may also be given at one’s backyard. Relatives, neighbors and friends will enjoy the happy get-together in the open air. As a rule, everybody is supposed to contribute something, such as a dish , some drinks, some fruits, or homemade cookies or cakes to the dinner party.

Text-related information

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Text-related information

3. A Buffet (自助餐 )

Dinners at a buffet will not be required be sit at the table. They simply hold a tray and serve themselves from a table that is set with a variety of foods. Then they may move around to meet, talk, and eat with others as they like.


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Intensive Study

Difficult Sentences

Important Words

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New Practical English 1

Intensive Study

Eating in Canada  

Para.1 Food likes and dislikes vary from culture to

culture. It can also be a source of intense personal

prejudice. Canadians are generally considered to be

conservative in their tastes but, because of the many

different ethnic groups in Canada , they have also

learned to appreciate many different kinds of cuisine.


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Actually, the ability to enjoy different kinds

of foods is highly regarded in Canada. A Canadian

family may eat Italian food one night, Chinese food

the next –then Greek or Japanese food. Eating in

Canada will provide you a good chance to enjoy

various cuisines and get in touch different

cultures. Studying the cuisine of different cultures

is not only fun, but also a valuable learning


Intensive Study

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Para.2 Canadians often entertain

by inviting people to dinner. It’s

customary to arrive on time for a Dinner

party and to bring along a bottle of wine

or a small impersonal gift , such as

flowers and candy. Food is not brought

unless especially asked for by the

host as, for example ,at a pot- luck

dinner. As a general rule, everybody

contributes some food to a potluck.



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Para.3 Some meals may include appetizers, soup or salad before the main course. A typical main course includes meat or fish, potatoes or rice, or one or two vegetables. Dessert is usually served with coffee or tea at the end of the meal. Sometimes a dinner is served as a buffet: people then serve themselves from a table that is set with a variety of foods.


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Para.4 To show that you enjoy a meal, it is

polite to compliment the quality of the food. The

hostess often feels happy if you are interested in

the recipe of a certain dish. Be sure to accept a

second helping if you like the food and are not full; a

Canadian host will usually offer it only once. In some

other countries, however, it is polite to refuse up to

three times before accepting a second helping.

Intensive Study

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New Practical English 1

Difficult Sentences

Canadians are generally considered to be conservative in their tastes but, because of the many different ethnic groups in Canada, they have also learned to appreciate many different kinds of cuisine.        加拿大人通常被认为在饮食喜好方面相当保守,但是因为在加拿大生活着许多不同民族,加拿大人也因此学会了品尝许多不同风格的烹调。


She did come to the party but, because of her poor health, she did not seem to be in a good mood.

because of the many different ethnic groups in Canada is inserted here and separately by two commas to emphasize an adverbial of cause. But indicates a contrast in meaning from the first part of the compound sentence to the second part.

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Studying the cuisine of different cultures is not only fun, but also a valuable learning experience. 探究不同文化的烹调风格不但是一种乐趣,同时也是很有价值的学习经历。


Doing morning exercises is not only refreshing, but also a good way to keep you in shape.

Studying the cuisine of different culture is a gerund phrase, used here as the subject of the sentence. The sentence can be paraphrased like this: It is not only fun but also a valuable learning experience.

Difficult Sentences

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Here it is used as a formal subject . The actual subject is made up of two infinitive phrases to arrive on time … and to bring … , which is too long to keep the sentence in good balance if it were put at the beginning of the sentence.

It’s customary to arrive on time for a dinner party and to bring along a bottle of wine or a small impersonal gift, such as flowers and candy.通常出席晚宴的人要准时到达,并带一瓶酒或一点赴宴小礼物,例如鲜花或糖果。  


It is necessary to take eight glasses of water each day and to have enough sleep.

Difficult Sentences

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It is omitted after the word unless. A is use here to introduce an adverbial of manner.

Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host as, for example , at a Potluck dinner.



You don’t need to write your resume in English, unless especially asked for by the personnel manager, as for example, in a joint venture.

Difficult Sentences

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The sentence can be paraphrased like this: Sometimes a dinner party may be given in the form of a buffet, at which people can take the food from a table set with different kinds of food.

Sometimes a dinner is served as a buffet: people then serve themselves from a table that is set with a variety of foods.



Sometimes the lesson is given in the form of a seminar: students will do the presentation and discuss their project together with the teacher.

Difficult Sentences

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In the imperative sentence, be sure to … means “ 确保”  in Chinese. The second part of the compound sentence, a Canadian host will usually offer it only once, is used to explain the reason why you should be sure to..

Be sure to accept a second helping if you like the food and are not full; a Canadian host will usually offer it only once 假如你喜欢并且还没有吃饱,那主人第二次给你添饭夹菜时,你一定要接受,因为加拿大主人一般只劝菜一次。


Be sure to hand in your homework on time if you want to get a good grade; The professor is usually very strict with the students.

Difficult Sentences

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vary v. be different, change 不同,变换   

1. The teaching methods vary from teacher to teacher 2. The prices of vegetables vary with seasons. 3. The climate varies from area to area.

Important Words


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Important Words

source n. starting point, place from which something comes or is got 源头,起源,根源   

1. Where does the Yellow River have its source? 2. The news comes from a reliable source. 3. The source of the arguments is only a trifle.


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prejudice n. opinion or idea formed before one has adequate knowledge 偏见

Important Words


1. Many people have a prejudice against modern jazz.

2. As a teacher, you should not have prejudice against any students.

3. He was looked down upon because of some racial prejudice.

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appreciate v. understand and enjoy , put a high value on 珍惜,懂得,喜欢 

Important Words


1. I do appreciate your kind help.

2. You don’t appreciate the paintings unless you

have the artistic taste.

3.They appreciated the opportunity to apply the

knowledge to practice.

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regard v. consider, think of 认为,被看成是

Important Words


1. He was regarded as a hero by the people in the country.

2. Here words were regarded with suspicion.

3. Do you regard it as a proper behavior to smoke in public places?

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entertain v. receive and treat as guests, amuse 招待,接待,使娱乐

Important Words

1. I enjoy being a hostess and entertaining my friends at home.

2. They were all entertained by this joke.

3. Old people may entertain themselves in the spacious hall.


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contribute v. join with others in giving help for a common cause 贡献

Important Words


1. They were busy contributing food and clothes to the Red Cross.

2. We want to contribute these data to this research project.

3. Everybody has contributed some books to the library.

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Read and Think

Read and Complete

Read and Stimulate

Read and Translate


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New Practical English 1

1 Answer the following questions according to the text.  

Read and Think

1 What fact may have contributed to many different kinds of cuisine in Canada?

The fact that there are a number of different ethnic groups living in Canada. 

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Read and Think

2 What is the author’s opinion toward studying the cuisine of different cultures?

It is not only fun, but also a good learning experience

3 What is customary if you are invited to dinner by a Canadian cultures?

To arrive on time and to bring a bottlewine or a small impersonal gift

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Read and Think

4 What is a buffet?

It is a sort of dinner party where people servethemselves from a table set with a variety of foods

5 Why should the guests accept a second helping if they really want some more of the food?

Because a Canadian host will usually offer it only once

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2. Fill in the blanks without referring to the passage.  

Read and Complete

Although they are generally considered to be

_____________. In their food tastes, Canadians have

also learned to appreciate many different kinds of

_______. A Canadian family may enjoy French food

one night, Chinese food the _____for as we know, there

are a number of different groups in Canada.




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Read and Complete

As food likes and dislikes are so closely related

to _______,Studying the cuisine of different

cultures is both interesting and a good

________experience. When you are invited to

dinner by a Canadian family, it is

_____________for you to be on time . You should

also bring along ______________ or some small

gifts. In order to show that you _________ the food,

it is polite to give the host some compliment.




a bottle of wine


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Read and Complete

You could also make the hostess happy by showing your

_________in the way a certain dish is prepared. interest

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3. Complete each of the following statements according to the passage.  

Read and Complete

1 Food likes and dislikes __________________________.

2 Studying the cuisine of different cultures is not only fun but also ______________________________.  

3 Canadians often entertain by _____________________.

vary from culture to culture

a good learning experience

inviting people to dinner

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Read and Complete

4 It is not necessary to __________________

unless you attend a potluck.

5 A typically Canadian dinner may include

____________________, the main course,

dessert and tea or coffee.

bring any food with you

appetizers, soup or salad



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Read and Complete

6 At a buffet, people serve themselves from a

______________________________ table.

7 In some countries, it is polite to refuse up to

____________ before accepting a second helping. 

8 In Canada, the host will usually offer a second

helping __________.

that is set with a variety of foods

three times

only once

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4. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.  

Read and Complete

1 Everyone, old or young, should ________his share in the struggle against pollution.

source vary appreciate regard

explore entertain contribute include


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Read and Complete

2. Table manners can _____ from country to country. Even the ways utensils are handled can be different .

3. Some famous Chinese poems are _________ in the dissertation papers by overseas post graduate students.

source vary appreciate regard

explore entertain contribute include



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Read and Complete

source vary appreciate regard

explore entertain contribute include

4. Teachers are highly _______by the people in our country.

5. A team made up of geologists and scientists has set of f to look for the ________of the big river.



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Read and Complete

source vary appreciate regard

explore entertain contribute include

6. We plan to __________these foreign friends with our traditional Beijing opera in the hall.

7. Basic English is ________in the compulsory courses or the freshmen in our university.



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Read and Complete

8. The ability to ___________happiness is learned; We are not born with it.

source vary appreciate regard

explore entertain contribute include


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1 紧密的家庭关系可以被视为巨大的幸福源泉。

Read and Translate

A close family relations can be regarded as a source of great happiness.


5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate



2 在科学研究中应该避免个人偏见。

Personal prejudice should be avoided in scientific research.

personal prejudice

5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate



3 学会珍惜不同的文化在现代社会中是非常重要的。

To learn to appreciate different cultures is very important in the modern world .


5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate



4 为不同的学生探索适当的教学方法是教师工作的必要组成部分。

Exploring proper teaching methods for different students is a necessary part of a teacher’s work.

teaching methodsexplore

5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate



5 在澳大利亚工作几个月对于这些再校大学生来说是一个很好的学习经历 .

Working for a few months in Australia is a good learning experience for these college students.


5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate


6 你可以通过和一英语为母语的人直接交流来提高你的  英语水平。

You can improve you English by communicating with native speakers directly.

native speakersby

5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate

7 除非他在整个学期都更加努力,否则他很难通过考试。

It’s going to be very hard for him to pass the test unless He worked harder the whole term


5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate



Ice cream is usually served as dessert after the main course.

serve as…main course

8. 冰激凌经常用作正餐之后的一种甜点。

5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Translate


9 在一个朋友家里小住几天之后, 给他写一封感谢信       是礼貌的做法。

It’s polite to write a thank-you letter after stay in a few days with a friend.


5. Translate the following sentences into English  

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Read and Simulate

6 Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English Sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.  


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Read and Simulate

1 Food likes and dislikes vary from culture to culture. Living habits vary from person to person .

Now you try


Styles of home decoration vary from family to family.

Dialects vary from one province to another in this big country.

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Read and Simulate

2Canadians are generally considered to be conservative in their food tastes.

Chinese are generally considered to be considerate and kind in receiving visitors

Now you try

人们一般都认为孩子们对学习新知识更感兴趣。人们一般都认为学生回答这类问题更为积极。Children are generally considered to be more interested in learning new knowledge.

Students are generally considered to be more active in answering such questions.

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Read and Simulate

3 The ability to enjoy many kinds of foods is highly regarded in Canada.

The ability to appreciate other’s help is highly regarded in China.

Now you try

科学家们非常看重敢于冒险的能力。我们的父母非常看重从错误中汲取教训的能力。The ability to take risks is highly regarded by scientists.

The ability to learn a lesson from one’s failure is highly regarded by parents.

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Read and Simulate

4 Studying the cuisine of different cultures is not only fun, but also a good learning experience.

Learning English is not only useful, but also necessary in the modern world .

Now you try和朋友们交谈不仅可以使人放松,同时也是一种获得信息的来源。给家人做饭不仅有趣, 而且也是一种表达爱心的方式。Talking with friends is not only relaxing, but also a source of information.  Cooking for the family is not only fun, but also a way of showing love.

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Read and Simulate

5 It is customary to arrive on time for a dinner party.

It is polite to shake hands with the people you meet the first time.

Now you try


It is pleasant to keep your room clean and tidy.

It’s useful to take notes in class.

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Read and Simulate

6 Food is not brought unless especially asked for by the host.

Don’t trouble trouble unless the trouble troubles you .

Now you try

除非净化过,否则这水不能用。除非你把所有的生词都查过字典,否则这篇文章很难看懂 . 

The water is unfit for drinking unless purified.

The passage is hard to understand unless you look up all the words in the dictionary.

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Read and Simulate

7 Sometimes a dinner is served as a buffet. Sometimes ice-cream is served as a dessert.  

Now you try

有时可乐作为软饮料送上餐桌 .有时候酒可以用来开胃。    

Sometimes cola is served as a soft drink at the dinner table.

Sometimes wine is served as an appetizer. 

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Read and Simulate

8 To show that you enjoyed a meal, it is polite to compliment the host on the food.

To show that you respect the professor, it is good to follow his advice.

为了表明你喜欢这件礼物,礼貌的做法是给送礼的人写一封感谢信。为了表明你的思师之情,可行的做法是隔段时间去看他。   To show that you love the gift, it is polite to write a thank-you letter to the sender.

To show that you miss your teacher, it is advisable to visit him from time to time.

Now you try

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Passage II

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New Practical English 1

1. Dial a Recipe (打电话学烹饪 )Nowadays we can get all kinds of help and obtain dif

ferent sorts of knowledge and information by dialing,

such as weather forecast, medicine consultation, ex

amination scores, tickets booking or shopping guida

nce. Such telephone services are usually much mor

e expensive than ordinary phone calls.

Text-related information

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New Practical English 1

2. Dessert (餐后甜点 )

It is customary for people in European and A

merican countries to have some sweet things as t

he last course of a formal meal. This sweet food i

s called dessert. It may be cakes , pies, puddin

gs, chocolate, ice cream, fruits, etc.


Text-related information

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3. Christmas Turkey (圣诞火鸡)

Toast turkey is a traditional food for Christmas a

nd Thanks giving Day. So housewives are supp

osed to be able to cook this dish.

Text-related information

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Intensive Study

Difficult Sentences

Important Words

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Intensive Study

Dial a Recipe

Para.1 (Ringing…)

Para.2 Hello, and good morning everybody! Thank you for calling. This is Dial a Recipe and I’m Jenny With today’s recipe: Strawberry ice cream, the perfect dessert for your family, or if you are having guests for lunch or dinner.

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Para.3 First of all, the ingredients. You will need one packet of frozen strawberries, the juice of an orange, half an ounce of gelatin , half a cup of milk, four tablespoons of sugar, two eggs, half a cup of cream and a cup of mashed ice. .

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Para.4 Start by defrosting the strawberries. Do this by putting them in a bowl with the orange juice and leaving them for a couple of hours. When they have defrosted you will find that you quite a lot of juice. Put this juice into a saucepan and heat it, without letting it boil. Next, put the hot juice into an electric blender and add the gelatin and the milk. Blend these together at high speed for a minute. When you have done that, add the sugar and the strawberries and the two eggs. Switch on the blender again just for five seconds. Now add the cream and the mashed ice and blend everything together until it is smooth. You are ready now to pour the mixture into a box and put it into the fridge until it has set. Now the strawberry ice cream is ready to serve!

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Para.4 To serve it, just turn the ice cream out of the box onto a plate. If you like, you can decorate it round the bottom with a few fresh strawberries. So that’s strawberry ice cream! A delicious dessert that should serve about four or six people.

Para.5 Tomorrow’s recipe is Christmas turkey, so I hope you will call again tomorrow. Thanks again for calling today. Goodbye!

Intensive Study

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New Practical English 1

Difficult Sentences

(Para. 1) Strawberry ice cream, the perfect dessert for your family, or if you are having guests for lunch or dinner.

This is a elliptical sentence in which the predicate is omitted . It can be paraphrased like this: Strawberry ice cream is the perfect dessert for your family. It will also serve as a good dessert if you are having guests for lunch or dinner.

Translation: 今天的食谱是草莓冰淇淋,这可以用来作为你家人美味可口的餐后甜点, 或许你有客人来共进午餐或晚餐,那也可适用。Example: On-line English training program, a very

convenient way to improve your English , or if you

can’t spare the time for a day-time course.

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(Para. 1) First of all, the ingredients  

This is also an elliptical sentence in which both the subject and the predicate have been omitted. It can be paraphrased like this: First of all, let’s prepare/have a look at/see/know something about … the ingredients.

Translation: 首先是(让我们来看一看)原料。

Example: Most important of all, the endurance.

Difficult Sentences

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New Practical English 1

(Para. 2) Do this by putting them in a bowl with the orange juice and leaving them for a couple of hours.

Translation: 这样做的方法是把草莓放在有橙子的碗里,摆上两三个小时。 

All the imperative sentences in this paragraph are used to give introductions. In the above sentences, the proposition by has two present participle phrases putting … and leaving… as its objects.

Example: Do this by dividing the children into three groups and having them discuss this question.

Difficult Sentences

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New Practical English 1

(Para. 5) So that’ s strawberry ice cream! A delicious dessert that should serve about four or six people.

Translation: 这就是草莓冰淇淋!一份可供四到六个人享用的可口甜品。 

Example: So that’s the composition, a perfect model for all the students to enjoy and learn from.

The sentence A delicious dessert that should serve about four or six people. As an opposition to strawberry ice cream. Or it may also be regarded as an elliptical sentence, in which the subject and predicate it is have been omitted.

Difficult Sentences

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New Practical English 1

Important Words

1. recipe n. direction for preparing and cooking a dish, cake, etc. or some medicine 烹饪法,处方


1. She has learned a lot of recipes for cooking all sorts of delicious food.

2. Nobody can offer you a recipe for happiness.

3.They are asked to keep the recipe a secret.

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New Practical English 1

2. ingredient n. one of the parts of the mixture 成分,原料,内容

Important Words


1. You can find the ingredients of the medicine on the cover.

2. What is the ingredient of his character?

3. We can’t make the cake without the necessary ingredients.

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New Practical English 1

3. mash v. beat or crush into powder or paste 与挤,压,磨(成粉状或糊状)

Important Words


1. She is helping her mother to mash the potatoes.

2. The mashed ice will be used for making the ice cream.

3.You may use mash the peanuts to make the filling.

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4. defrost v. get rid of the ice or frost


Important Words


1. Does this microwave oven have the defrosting function ?

2. My father is defrosting the refrigerator.

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New Practical English 1

5.blend v.mix something together to form a mixture 混合,搅和

Important Words


1. Oil does’t blend with water.

2. The coffee is well blended with milk.

3. Their voices are harmoniously blended.

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New Practical English 1

6. serve v. give,supply,and place food on the dinner table 上菜 (汤 /甜点等 ),提供服务,                               用来作 …

Important Words


1. Water melon can serve as a perfect dessert in the summer.

2. The waitress are serving the customers with the main course.

3. This will serve him a good lesson.

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New Practical English 1

7. decorate v. make beautiful by putting ornaments on 装饰,点缀

Important Words


1. The students are decorating the classroom for the New Year’s party.

2. The children’s room is beautifully decorated .

3.The lawn is decorated with colorful flowers.

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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

Read and Rewrite

Read and Translate


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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

1 Jenny is hosting a TV recipe program. 2. Today she is giving introductions on how to mak

e a kind of strawberry ice-cream



7 Are the following statements true or false according

to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.  

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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

3 The audience is supposed to have guests to

entertain at home.

4 Ingredients are the things we use for preparing a

particular kind of food.



7 Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.  

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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

5 The frozen strawberries are defrosted first in a micro-wave oven.

6 The strawberry and orange juice should be

boiled in a saucepan.



7 Are the following statements true or false according

to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.  

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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

7 The well-blended mixture should be poured into a box and kept in the open air until it has set.

8 Fresh strawberries can be used to make the ice-cream even more appealing.



7 Are the following statements true or false according

to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.  

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New Practical English 1

Read and Judge

9 The ice-cream can be served as a nice dessert for about five persons.

10 The Dial a Recipe will teach you how to cook a special dish for Christmas in its next day’s program.



7 Are the following statements true or false according

to the passage? Write T/F accordingly.  

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New Practical English 1

Read and Rewrite

8. Fill in the blanks according to the recipe in the passage.

Ingredients needed for making the Strawberry Ice-cream:

1. _______ mashed ice

2. ___________ cream

3. ____________ frozen strawberries

4. Juice of __________

a cup of

half a cup of

one packet of

an orange

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New Practical English 1

Read and Rewrite

Ingredients needed for making the Strawberry Ice-cream:


6. ______________ milk

7.__________________ sugar

8. ________eggs

half a ounce of

half a cup of

four tablespoons of


8. Fill in the blanks according to the recipe in the passage.

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New Practical English 1

Read and Rewrite

9. Put the instructions to make strawberry ice-cream in order

A Put in fridge until set

B Defrost strawberries in orange juice.

C Heat strawberry juice

D Keep blending till smooth.

E Add cream and mashed ice.

F Blend for one minute.

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New Practical English 1

Read and Rewrite

9. Put the instructions to make strawberry ice-cream in order

G Add sugar, strawberries and eggs.

H Blend for one minutes.

I Put juice into blender.

J Pour into box.

K Add gelatin and milk

Key: b-c-I-k-f-g-h-e-j-a

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New Practical English 1

10 Translate the following sentences into Chinese.  

1. Nobody can deny the attraction of Chinese food. People from different countries all like Chinese food

and many are interested in how to cook it.


感兴趣抵御 …的诱惑

Read and Translate

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2. You are immersed in a strong cultural atmosphere in this traditional Chinese tea-house.



3. These special flavored moon-cakes have been made for

our foreign friends.  为准备


Read and Translate

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4. Having jiaozi(dumplings) on New Year’s Eve is a Chinese custom. Making jiaozi together is a symbol of a happy family reunion.



Read and Translate

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New Practical English 1

Read and Translate

5. Beijing Roast Duck is world famous. It is not only good to eat; it also smells good and is good to look at.



6. We should have more fresh and green food and less junk food.


我们应当多吃新鲜的绿色食品,少吃那些污七八糟的       食品。