L. wtssssaBSESBBmBSKi r ipi pmiaii BXSQKBEiSS9$SSS3* SBSr8Sf^^^^^^r^^^^^OT^lifi iMi^n 4. •!• •!• •!• ,t.»{M}^..t. •!• •;• •!• ,{• ,|.fr•!• •!• .4.fr•!• * >l fr»» 4 Of Interest in the City. | "j"I"l'<I"I' iti itt iti itr 1T1 iti »!• •!• it' •!• <t' '1' '1' 't 1 '1* "f" *H"I"l"i' The members of the Priedens church celebrated their annual harvest fes- tival, Sunday. Henry Krambeer, jr, is now receiv- ing treatmen at the state sanitarium .at Walker. The members of Ladies' Sodality of the Catholic church enjoyed an entertainment Sunday evening. Rev. Martin Peper, of North Star, returned to his home after a several days' visit at the Rev. Mayer home. Miss Anna Mauren, of Minneapolis, is visiting with Miss Clara and Miss Marie Korbel. Miss Ima L. Juni left last week for Tuscon, Arizona to take charge of a school in that city. 'The Misses Elsa and Alma Marti spent Saturday and Sunday with St. Paul friends. Mrs. Otto Fosburg, of Minneapolis, as visiting at the J. M. Haubrich home in the town of Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Wojahn, of Okarche, Oklahoma, are visiting with friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wd. Eibner and daughter, Carrie have returned from their trip to Montreal. .Mrs. Margaret Wolf, of Seattle and EEL Hammer, of Mountain Lake, Wash, .are visiting with friends here. * We sell guns and traps cheap. Buy Furs and hides. Write for cata- log. NORTHWESTERN HIDE & FUR <Co., Minneapolis. 38tf. The annual harvest festival was •celebrated at the Methodist church, ^Sunday, with special services morning -and evening. Otto Fiene, former student of Dr. M. L. college, has accepted a position 31s teacher in the Lutheran parochial school at Fairfax. Miss Anna Koch, who has been visiting at the home of Rev. Albrech t, left the forepart of last week for a visit with relatives at Hutchinson. John Nolan, car inspector, has been- transferred from New Ulm to Tracy, where he will be employed as inspec -tor of the C. & N. W. yards. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spaeth and daughter, of San Francisco, Cal., re- turned home the forepart of last week after a protracted visit with relatives -here. Miss Lillian Juni returned from Aberdeen, S. D., where she had been visiting during the summer and after a short visit with her parents left for Kimball, S. D., where she will teach during the coming year. H. H. Pfeiffer has sold back the South Side meat market to F. C. Schnobrich, former proprietor, and has gone to farming in Milford. Mr. Pfeifler was forced to retire from business on account of ill health. Rev. I F. Albrecht, of Fairfax } visited with his father.JRev. C. J. Albrecht the forepart of last week. Rev. Jul. Engel, of Wellington, Minn., and Rev. Otto Engel, of Norfolk, Wis., were also guests at the home of the latter, last week. Anton Sprenger who recently sold Ms farm to A. Saffert, last Saturday •bought the farm of Hermann Bentzin near Searles. This is a modern im- proved farm, containing 210 acres and all necessary buildings. Mr. Sprenger paid $60 per acre. He will move onto the Bentzin place next spring. Your kidney trouble may be of long standing, it may be either acute or -chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kidney Remedy will aid you to get rid of it quickly and restore your natural health and vigor. "One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy made me well," said J. Sibbull of Grand View, Wis. Commence taking it now. O. M. Olsen. * Mr. O. M. Olsen was in the Twin Cities on business, Monday, m ^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Silverson made an auto trip to the Twin Cities, Saturday. * ^ h ^ J. B. Cornwall, of Molinef Ill/visi' ted with O. M. Olsen, the forepart of last week. Rev. J. H. Hjetland, of Sleepy Eye, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E* F. Wheeler, Friday. Judge I. M. Olsen and family of Sleepy Eye, drove to this city, Satur- day afternoon, returning the same 7 evening. < > ,* Leslie Grimm, who is employed at Olsen's drug store, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grimm, of Lamberton. } Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Schilling, of Great Falls, Mont., are expected in the city next week to visit with friends and relatives. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cornwall, of Moline, 111., Sept. 20. Mrs. Cornwall is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Olsen. Carl Hose, son of Martin Hose of this city, who has been employed in a bank at Lemmon, S. D., now has a similar position in a bank in St. Paul. Aug. Schultz, hired hand oa the farm of J. M. Haubrich, of Milford, had his right foot injured in a run- away the forepart of last week. F. P. Zschunke, of the Columbia Clothing Co., was in Howard, S. D. last week. This firm has opened another branch store in this thriving town. Miss Hertha Grebe, who has been visiting with her parents here, returned to Milroy Monday, where she has a position as saleslady in a department store. Capt. and Mrs. Albert Pfaender, Mrs. F. W. Johnson and Miss Martha Eichmann made an auto trip to Winthrop last Sunday in Capt. Pfaender's car. Mr. and Mrs. N. Henningsen and Adolph Meile, made an auto trip to the Twin Cities last Wednesday and returned on Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Critchett. F. W. Johnson left Friday after- noon for Herman, Minn., where he de- livered the principal address at the county fair, held at that place. Re- turning to New Ulm Sunday, he again left Monday for Martin County to speak at the fair which is this week being held at Sherburne. Charles Adams, charged with rob- bing the Security State Bank of Sea. forth last April, was given his preli. minary hearing before Justice Zindel- Adams was located at Fond du Lac, Wis., last week, and brought to Lam- berton by Sheriff Schueller, from whom he escaped shortly after the rob- bery. He was bound over to the grand jury which meets in November. Burglars broke into the store of H N. Turbis, Dotson, recently and se- cured $800 in cash. The thieves gained entrance to the store through a rear window, and located the money which had been kept in a trunk, the proprie- tor having neglected to make custo- mary deposits at the bank. No one slept in the building, and the visit of the burglars was not known until Mr. Turbis opened the store. While search for the robbers is being vigorously made, no clew has been obtained. Miss Cushing, of Tracy, is visiting with relatives here. Mr. Spoerhase, of Winthrop, spent Sunday with relatives here. H. Held was in the Cities on busi- ness the latter part of last week. Monthly examinations were held at the high school the latter part of last week. Mrs. E. T. Critchett, of Minneapolis, visited in this city^hejqrepart of this week. ^ ' ^ "l-?^ ijli^ - ^ A harvest festival was celebrated at the Lutheran church, Sunday. J~ Chas. E. Webster, of, Winthrop, transacted business at the Eagle Mill, Monday? " - J* s^ *& Mr. 1 and Mrs. F. Zschunke were in the cities visiting with friends and relatives. • - * Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beecher and children, spent Sunday on their farm near St. Peter. , * * John Mack has purchased the 130- acre farm of Aug. Hellmann, just west the city limits. Rey. Otto Engel, of*Norfolk, Wis., visited his nephew at the Dr. Martin Luther college last week. Miss Bertha Schmidt visited with her sister, Miss Edith, at Minneapolis from Friday until Monday. Mrs. J. H. Siegel and .Mrs. L. B. Krook made an auto trip to the Twin Cities in the former's auto last week. Jos. Arbes accompanied his wife to Minneapolis Monday, where she is receiving treatment in one of the hospitals. Charles L. Hess, son of Supt. H. C. Hess, returned Sunday to Chicago, 111., where he will resume his studies in Rush University.' Rev. C. J. Albrecht and Prof. Meyer - will leave next Tuesday for Jaynes" ville, Minn., to attend the regular conference of lutheran ministers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogtel and son, Harold, Miss Anna Luetjen itnd Mrs. C. A. Zelle left Friday morning for Minneapolis, in the former's auto. They returned Monday. Otto Becker, of Johnson, Minn., accompanied his son to the Dr. Martin Luther College of this city, which institution the latter will attend during the winter. Mi. and Mrs. A. J. Backer, of Essig, and Miss Emma Hellmann, of this city, have returned from a weeks' visit with relatives at Redfield, S. D. On their return they also visited at Echo, Fairfax, Boyd and. Florita, Minn. When Merit Wins When the medicine you take cures your disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleep- lessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. O. M. Olsen. We Will Take Back Your Old EDISON RECORDS Here is something our many Edison Customers have been looking for, for many years— We will allow you 15c for * two old Edison Records in Exchange for one New One from our special list of , 500 Eddson Standard Records. ' v . Here is a most liberal plan whereby you can clean up your Record Stock and have nothing but Good Music and Songs in your Collection— -Call Early and Make your Selections— If your Machine is not in working order bring it to us and we. will repair it Free of Charge if no parts are broken— If any- 25 thing should be broken we will only charge you the actual expense of obtaining these parts. l t \ ^/4u^? , ««ff* Call and See the New "Music Master" Horns. Eug. ;A.f Pfefferle^ The Reliable M Druggist. Miss Louisa Woratschka and Ludwig Altmann were married at the Catholic church yesterday morning. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woratschka, of Klossner, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altmann, of .Lafayette. Miss Florence Arhart, who has been spending the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Arhart, of this city, has returned to Valley City, N. D., to resume! her stu- diesin the state nurmal school at that place. Mrs. John Hoffmann, mother of Mrs. A. Ackermann, of this city* arrived in Spokane Saturday, and wrote to relatives here that there was a snowfall when she was at .Helena, Mont. Miss Ida Backer and John Har- mening were married at Courtland Friday morning. Rev. H. Strassen tied the knot. The bride is a daughter of Fred Backer, of Courtland twp. and was attended by the Misses Rosin a Backer and Martha Harmeninsr. The groom is a son of H. Harmening, of Brighton, and was attended by Herm. Harmening and Henry Voges. In a letter to a friend in this city, Ben Stockman writes from Scotland that he underwent another operation, which was performed early in Septem- ber. He is now on the road of com- plete recovery. It had been the In- tention of Mr. Stockman to return to this country about Oct. 1st, on account of this operation, however, his trip will be delayed. Karl Steidl, 74, an inmate of the Home for the aged died early' Sunday morning at the local hospital. De- ceased was born Jan. 28. * 1836 in Treibendorf, Bohemia. He Is sur vived by one daughter who lives in Canpda. The remains of Mr. Steidel werffburied Tuesday morning. Funeral ceremonies were held from the Hospi- tal chapel. * - **• * ;t i Mrs. Anna Hoehne died at her home is this city Monday afternoon. De- ceasen was born June 2nd, 1872 in Wisconsin, In the year 1894, on the 26th of September she was married to Mr. Hoehne at Sanborn, Minn. Soon after the couple moved from that place to New Vim, where they have lived ever since, with the exception of five years, during which period they made Courtland their home. She is survived by her husband, lour children and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lueck, who reside in North Dakota. The latter are here to attend the funeral which will be held today (Wednesday) from the Lutheran church, Rev. C. J. Albrecht officiating. Lord's Supper will be celebrated next Sunday at Lutheran St. Paul's church. Ernst Strelow was a business visitor at Winthrop Friday. r Chas. Forster visited with his son George at Springfield last Monday. Mrs. L. B. Krook entertained at whist yesterday afternoon, (Tuesday). Miss Jennie Drum visited at her home in Owatonna, Sunday. *"* Carl Aufderheide visited his brother at Arlington, Sunday, i^ ~; ^ - ^L Mrs. Wm. Wendt and Miss Minnie Wendt will entertain at whist, Friday evening^ ^ J °- 1 Emil Wicherski was in South Dako- ta last week looking after his proper- Mrs. Adolph Meile will entertain a number of lady friends at whist to- morrow afternoon, (Thursday). Fred Hamman left for. Sykeston, N. D. Tuesday morning to visit with his brother Henry at that place. -- Miss Martha Albrecht is this week visiting with friends and relatives at Mankato. Miss Minnie Cushing and Dan. Cushing, of Tracy, were visitors at Sheriff Julius'. Jerome Fritsche, of Minneapolis, a former New Ulraite stopped off at this city, Monday, while on his way from Tracy to Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schell visited their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, of Springfield, Friday and attended the carnival at that place. Rev. Gust. Albrecht of Holland, Minn., was tendered a call from the Lutheran congregation, Town of Ridgely. Mr. Albrecht has not deci- ded on making the change, the chan- ces are, however, that he will remain at Holland. , Sheriff Julius was in Minneapolis Sunday, where he arrested Edward McCarthy on the charge of bastardy preferred against him by Lena Hoehne of this city. The prisoner had a hearing before City J ustice Henning- sen Tuesday forenoon. The case was continued until Oct. 6. Troop E., 4th U. S. Cavalry, of Fort Snelling, resumed their practice march Friday morning, headed towards Mankato. Wednesday afternoon they exhibited riding drill on Minnesota street, and the same evening the 2nd. Reg. band gave a concert at their camp on the fair grounds. Thursday afternoon they had troop drill at the fair grounds at 2:30 and the school children were dismissed earlier than usual, to see the drill. COMPANY "A" AGAiNST TROOP Militia Men Defeat the Regulars in Sgj? Competitive Shoot. Company "A" and Troop "E" held a competitive shoot on the local range near the Hundsruecken Thursday morning. Although the regulars seem to be first-class rifle-men, they were defeated by our boys. The score was as follows: Company A ~ 200 300 500 Total Groebner, Lt 36 41 49 126 Sackl, Sergt 39 40 35 114 Neumann, Corp ZZ 43 43 118 Grussendorf, Priv...36 42 42 120 Juni, Sergt 44 40 47 131 Klause, Sergt 39 45 46 130 Pfaender, Capt 41 39 32 112 267 290 294 851 Troop E— 200 300 500 Total German, Sergt 37 3S 39 114 Gillet, Sergt 38 42 42 122 Reed, Corp 32 36 46 114 Gony, Priv 35 38 38 111 Dickler, Priv 37 43 46 126 Matthews, 1st Sergt..36 39 38 113 Bowen, Lt 39 39 46 124 254 275 295 824 In a Pinch, use ALLEN'S POOT-EASB. A powder to shake into your shoes. It cures hot, tired, aching, swollen, sweating foet and makes walking easy. Takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Over 30,000 testimonials. Sold everywhere 25cts Don't accept any substitute. 1 Hudson Maxim, the inventor of the rapid-fire guns, smoke- less powder, etc , predicts that the flying machines will make war impractical, unprofitable and intolerable. And in the near future the aeroplanes will have a hitching-post in every back yard. The correct styles for flying costumes soon as invented you will find in our store—in the meantime for walking, riding, motoring or sailing here's everything for men's wear. ^sear 1 Hummel Brothers 14 N. Minn. St. New Ulm. Minn. *^>4K*^:*^:*4*^:*4K*^:*^:*g*^:<^^^ 1 t t t i I ••& t •> % t * SCENIC THEATRE t I Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evening £ Miss Josephine Regals Direct from the Pantages Theatre Circuit, performi ug on several beautiful and novel instruments. CORNET SOLOS LYRE SOLOS BANJO SOLOS STAFF CHIMES Do not miss this Splendid Attraction. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. High School Notes. I I t I § #0«***#$»$**»*****»4»*»*** 4W*$#*****#*******«**»«*« School was dismissed last Thursday in order to give the Students a chance to see a regular cavalry drill. At 2'AQ the pupils left, getting out in time to see the Cavalry. The drill was en- joyed by all the students. % Last week, was examination week. Examinations take place every month. Courtland D. Precht and Peter business Mother Dakota Max Friederich, $. Louis Hulke were St. callers Wednesday. August Beyer got his New Buick. car Tuesday. Gustave Krueger and his visited friends in South Tuesday % Frank Reinhart was a business cal- ler at Mankato and Eagle Lake a few days last week. Lorenz Hunziker went to Red W ood Falls Thursday where he is building a barn-on his farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Feigel of Tinley Park 111. visited here at the home of Otto Strehlow and others last week. ^Contractor H. H. Meyer was buil- ding a large Poultry Barn for Frank Beinnftrt lasn week. The Auction Sale of William Rees was well attended and everything sold well. Wm. Moss returned from Aberdeen S. Dak. last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August Beyer and Mr. and Mrs Fred Wilking visited at New Ulm Sunday. - , * Mr. and Mrs. John Rockvan who have conducted a Motel at Hanska visited here a few days this weeh« C. S. Gibbons of Sleepy Bye was a business caller here) Monday. G. W. Schtottma* was a Business caller at Madisen S. EfeM. this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Ttfft moved to 'Nicollet last week and Wm. Steinberg will move into* the house vacated by the Taft family. ^ * ^Jk "2ft 5 John Harmenffg and Miss Idtt Becker were married last Friday in the Lutheran Church, Jfov, H. Sfcrasen officiated. The Groom la a Son of Mr and Mrs. Henry Harmening and is a very bright young man. antf the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Becker, she is a very respectable young lady. A large crowd of rela- tives and friends were present add Mr. and Mrs. Becker left nothing undone to make the occasslon one of the tfest held here for years. We wish them all ihergood luck sad happiness. EXTREMELY PLEASED I with the results of our Opening. We announce that we carry the largest and most select line of STYLISH HATS. I Call on us and be convinced. [ MRS. CHAS. ROLLOFF f STATE BANK OF NEW ULM Nine years of continuous growth is proof of the soundness of this bank, and of our ability to satisfy our patrons in all departments. Below are the figures of oar growth from opening day, August 1st, 1901 to the close of the ninth year in business, August 1st 1910. Capital, Surplus and Deposits: $ 41,994.34 124,594.72 * 219,094.50 ..*.». 289,518.46 394,596.24 Aug, 1, 1901 Jan. 1,1902.. J a n . 1, 1903 Jan, 1,1904 J a n . 1, 1905 »» Jan. 1,1906 452,761.14 Jan. 1,1907 507,589.22 Jan.JL, 1908 532,176.43 Jan. 1,1909 535,606.27 Jan.1,1910 658,713.28 Aug. 1.1910 715,517.05 S1ATE BANK Of NEW ULM FRUITS and Canned Goods Fresh Supply For a good cu£ of Coffee} try our Gold Medal, 25e per lb. STAR \ HALL Saturday Eve.* sOct. ist. EVERYBODY INVITED: Dally Thought. r <^ A great man iff made up of quallfJea that meet of make greatf 6fccailotor.'=* Lowaik i ! *~3 jeS PSfi Phone 43. ? t

New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ... · Valley City, N. D., to resume! her stu-diesin the state nurma at l school that place. Mrs. John Hoffmann, mother of Mrs

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Page 1: New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ... · Valley City, N. D., to resume! her stu-diesin the state nurma at l school that place. Mrs. John Hoffmann, mother of Mrs

L. wtssssaBSESBBmBSKi r ipi pmia i i BXSQKBEiSS9$SSS3* SBSr8Sf^^^^^^r^^^^^OT^lifi iMi n

4 . •!• •!• •!• , t .»{M}^. . t . •!• •;• •!• ,{• ,|. fr •!• •!• .4. fr •!• * >l fr»»

4 Of Interest in the City. | "j"I"l'<I"I' iti itt iti itr 1T1 iti »!• •!• it' •!• <t' '1' '1' 't1 '1* "f" * H " I " l " i '

The members of the Priedens church celebrated their annual harvest fes­tival, Sunday.

Henry Krambeer, jr, is now receiv­ing treatmen at the state sanitarium .at Walker.

The members of Ladies' Sodality of the Catholic church enjoyed an entertainment Sunday evening.

Rev. Martin Peper, of North Star, returned to his home after a several days ' visit at the Rev. Mayer home.

Miss Anna Mauren, of Minneapolis, i s visiting with Miss Clara and Miss Marie Korbel.

Miss Ima L. Juni left last week for Tuscon, Arizona to take charge of a school in that city.

'The Misses Elsa and Alma Marti spent Saturday and Sunday with St. Pau l friends.

Mrs. Otto Fosburg, of Minneapolis, as visiting at the J. M. Haubrich home i n the town of Milford.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Wojahn, of Okarche, Oklahoma, are visiting with friends in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Wd. Eibner and daughter, Carrie have returned from their trip to Montreal.

.Mrs. Margaret Wolf, of Seattle and EEL Hammer, of Mountain Lake, Wash, .are visiting with friends here.

* We sell guns and traps cheap. Buy Furs and hides. Write for cata­log. NORTHWESTERN H I D E & F U R <Co., Minneapolis. 38tf.

The annual harvest festival was •celebrated at the Methodist church, ^Sunday, with special services morning -and evening.

Otto Fiene, former student of Dr. M. L. college, has accepted a position 31s teacher in the Lutheran parochial school at Fairfax.

Miss Anna Koch, who has been visit ing at the home of Rev. Albrech t, left the forepart of last week for a visit with relatives at Hutchinson.

John Nolan, car inspector, has been-transferred from New Ulm to Tracy, where he will be employed as inspec -tor of the C. & N. W. yards.

Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Spaeth and daughter , of S a n Francisco, Cal., re­turned home the forepart of last week after a protracted visit with relatives -here.

Miss Lillian Juni returned from Aberdeen, S. D., where she had been visiting during the summer and after a short visit with her parents left for Kimball, S. D., where she will teach during the coming year.

H. H. Pfeiffer has sold back the South Side meat market to F. C. Schnobrich, former proprietor, and has gone to farming in Milford. Mr. Pfeifler was forced to retire from business on account of ill health.

Rev. I F . Albrecht, of Fairfax}

visited with his father.JRev. C. J. Albrecht the forepart of last week. Rev. Jul . Engel, of Wellington, Minn., and Rev. Otto Engel, of Norfolk, Wis. , were also guests at the home of the latter, last week.

Anton Sprenger who recently sold Ms farm to A. Saffert, last Saturday •bought the farm of Hermann Bentzin near Searles. This is a modern im­proved farm, containing 210 acres and al l necessary buildings. Mr. Sprenger paid $60 per acre. He will move onto the Bentzin place next spring.

Your kidney trouble may be of long standing, it may be either acute or -chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kidney Remedy will aid you to get r id of it quickly and restore your na tura l health and vigor. "One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy made me well ," said J . Sibbull of Grand View, Wis . Commence taking it now. O. M. Olsen.

* Mr. O. M. Olsen was in the Twin Cities on business, Monday, m ^

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Silverson made an auto tr ip to the Twin Cities, Saturday. * ^ h ^

J. B . Cornwall, of Molinef I l l / v i s i ' ted with O. M. Olsen, the forepart of last week.

Rev. J . H. Hjetland, of Sleepy Eye, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E* F . Wheeler, Friday.

Judge I . M. Olsen and family of Sleepy Eye, drove to this city, Satur­day afternoon, returning the same7

evening. < > ,* Leslie Grimm, who is employed at

Olsen's drug store, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grimm, of Lamberton. }

Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Schilling, of Great Falls , Mont., are expected in the city next week to visit with friends and relatives.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cornwall, of Moline, 111., Sept. 20. Mrs. Cornwall is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Olsen.

Carl Hose, son of Martin Hose of this city, who has been employed in a bank at Lemmon, S. D., now has a similar position in a bank in St. Paul .

Aug. Schultz, hired hand oa the farm of J. M. Haubrich, of Milford, had his right foot injured in a run­away the forepart of last week.

F . P . Zschunke, of the Columbia Clothing Co., was in Howard, S. D. last week. This firm has opened another branch store in this thriving town.

Miss Hertha Grebe, who has been visiting with her parents here, returned to Milroy Monday, where she has a position as saleslady in a department store.

Capt. and Mrs. Albert Pfaender, Mrs. F. W. Johnson and Miss Martha Eichmann made an auto trip to Winthrop last Sunday in Capt. Pfaender's car.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Henningsen and Adolph Meile, made an auto trip to the Twin Cities last Wednesday and returned on Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. E. T. Critchett.

F. W. Johnson left Friday after­noon for Herman, Minn., where he de­livered the principal address at the county fair, held at that place. Re­turning to New Ulm Sunday, he again left Monday for Martin County to speak at the fair which is this week being held at Sherburne.

Charles Adams, charged with rob­bing the Security State Bank of Sea. forth last April, was given his preli. minary hearing before Justice Zindel-Adams was located at Fond du Lac, Wis. , last week, and brought to Lam­berton by Sheriff Schueller, from whom he escaped shortly after the rob­bery. He was bound over to the grand jury which meets in November.

Burglars broke into the s tore of H N. Turbis, Dotson, recently and se­cured $800 in cash. The thieves gained entrance to the store through a rear window, and located the money which had been kept in a trunk, the proprie­tor having neglected to make custo­mary deposits at the bank. No one slept in the building, and the visit of the burglars was not known until Mr. Turbis opened the store. While search for the robbers is being vigorously made, no clew has been obtained.

Miss Cushing, of Tracy, is visiting with relatives here.

Mr. Spoerhase, of Winthrop, spent Sunday with relatives here.

H. Held was in the Cities on busi­ness the latter par t of last week.

Monthly examinations were held at the high school the latter part of last week.

Mrs. E. T. Critchett, of Minneapolis, visited in this ci ty^hejqrepart of this week. ^ ' ^ " l -?^ ijli^ - ^

A harvest festival was celebrated at the Lutheran church, Sunday. J~

Chas. E. Webster, of, Winthrop, transacted business at the Eagle Mill, Monday? " - J* s^ *&

Mr.1 and Mrs. F . Zschunke were in the cities visiting with friends and relatives. • - *

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beecher and children, spent Sunday on their farm near St. Peter. , * *

John Mack has purchased the 130-acre farm of Aug. Hellmann, just west the city limits.

Rey. Otto Engel, of*Norfolk, Wis . , visited his nephew at the Dr. Martin Luther college last week.

Miss Bertha Schmidt visited with her sister, Miss Edith, at Minneapolis from Friday until Monday.

Mrs. J . H. Siegel and .Mrs. L. B. Krook made an auto trip to the Twin Cities in the former's auto last week.

Jos . Arbes accompanied his wife to Minneapolis Monday, where she is receiving treatment in one of the hospitals.

Charles L. Hess, son of Supt. H. C. Hess, returned Sunday to Chicago, 111., where he will resume his studies in Rush University.'

Rev. C. J . Albrecht and Prof. Meyer - will leave next Tuesday for J aynes"

ville, Minn., to attend the regular conference of lutheran ministers.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogtel and son, Harold, Miss Anna Luetjen itnd Mrs . C. A. Zelle left Friday morning for Minneapolis, in the former's auto. They returned Monday.

Otto Becker, of Johnson, Minn., accompanied his son to the Dr. Martin Luther College of this city, which institution the latter will attend during the winter.

Mi. and Mrs. A. J . Backer, of Essig, and Miss Emma Hellmann, of this city, have returned from a weeks' visit with relatives at Redfield, S. D. On their return they also visited at Echo, Fairfax, Boyd and. Florita, Minn.

When Merit Wins

When the medicine you take cures your disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before. That is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, in all cases of backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite, sleep­lessness and general weakness that is caused by any disorder of the kidneys or bladder. O. M. Olsen.

We Will Take Back Your Old

EDISON RECORDS Here is something our many Edison

Customers have been looking for, for many years— We will allow you 15c for * two old Edison Records in Exchange for one New One from our special list of , 500 Eddson Standard Records. ' v .

Here is a most liberal plan whereby you can clean up your

Record Stock and have nothing bu t Good Music and Songs in

your Collection— -Call Ear ly and Make your Selections—

If your Machine is not i n working order br ing i t to us and we.

will repair it Free of Charge if no parts are broken— If any-25

th ing should be broken we will only charge you the actual

expense of obtaining these par ts . l t \ ^/4u^?,««ff*

Call and See the New "Music Master" Horns.

Eug. ;A.f Pfefferle^ The Reliable M Druggist.

Miss Louisa Woratschka and Ludwig Altmann were married at the Catholic church yesterday morning. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jos . Woratschka, of Klossner, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Altmann, of .Lafayette.

Miss Florence Arhart, who has been spending the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Arhart, of this city, has returned to Valley City, N. D., to resume! her stu-diesin the state nurmal school at that place.

Mrs. John Hoffmann, mother of Mrs. A. Ackermann, of this city* arrived in Spokane Saturday, and wrote to relatives here that there was a snowfall when she was at .Helena, Mont.

Miss Ida Backer and John Har-mening were married at Courtland Friday morning. Rev. H. Strassen tied the knot. The bride is a daughter of Fred Backer, of Courtland twp. and was attended by the Misses Rosin a Backer and Martha Harmeninsr. The groom is a son of H. Harmening, of Brighton, and was attended by Herm. Harmening and Henry Voges.

In a letter to a friend in this city, Ben Stockman writes from Scotland that he underwent another operation, which was performed early in Septem­ber. He is now on the road of com­plete recovery. It had been the In­tention of Mr. Stockman to return to this country about Oct. 1st, on account of this operation, however, his trip will be delayed.

Karl Steidl, 74, an inmate of the Home for the aged died early' Sunday morning at the local hospital . De­ceased was born Jan . 28. * 1836 in Treibendorf, Bohemia. He Is sur vived by one daughter who lives in Canpda. The remains of Mr. Steidel werffburied Tuesday morning. Funeral ceremonies were held from the Hospi­tal chapel. * - **• * ;t i

Mrs. Anna Hoehne died at her home i s this city Monday afternoon. De-ceasen was born June 2nd, 1872 in Wisconsin, In the year 1894, on the 26th of September she was married to Mr. Hoehne at Sanborn, Minn. Soon after the couple moved from that place to New Vim, where they have lived ever since, with the exception of five years, during which period they made Courtland their home. She is survived by her husband, lour children and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lueck, who reside in North Dakota. The latter are here to attend the funeral which will be held today (Wednesday) from the Lutheran church, Rev. C. J . Albrecht officiating.

Lord 's Supper will be celebrated next Sunday at Lutheran St. Paul ' s church.

Ernst Strelow was a business visitor at Winthrop Friday. r

Chas. Forster visited with his son George at Springfield last Monday.

Mrs. L. B . Krook entertained at whist yesterday afternoon, (Tuesday).

Miss Jennie Drum visited at her home in Owatonna, Sunday. *"*

Carl Aufderheide visited his brother at Arlington, Sunday, i^ ~; ^ - ^L

Mrs. Wm. Wendt and Miss Minnie Wendt will entertain at whist, Friday evening^ ^ J °- 1

Emil Wicherski was in South Dako­ta last week looking after his proper-

Mrs. Adolph Meile will entertain a number of lady friends at whist to­morrow afternoon, (Thursday).

Fred Hamman left for. Sykeston, N. D. Tuesday morning to visit with his brother Henry at that place. --

Miss Martha Albrecht is this week visiting with friends and relatives at Mankato.

Miss Minnie Cushing and Dan. Cushing, of Tracy, were visitors at Sheriff Jul ius ' .

Jerome Fritsche, of Minneapolis, a former New Ulraite stopped off at this city, Monday, while on his way from Tracy to Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schell visited their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, of Springfield, Friday and attended the carnival at that place.

Rev. Gust. Albrecht of Holland, Minn., was tendered a call from the Lutheran congregation, Town of Ridgely. Mr. Albrecht has not deci­ded on making the change, the chan­ces are, however, that he will remain at Holland. ,

Sheriff Julius was in Minneapolis Sunday, where he arrested Edward McCarthy on the charge of bas tardy preferred against him by Lena Hoehne of this city. The prisoner had a hearing before City J ustice Henning­sen Tuesday forenoon. The case was continued until Oct. 6.

Troop E., 4th U. S. Cavalry, of Fort Snelling, resumed their practice march Friday morning, headed towards Mankato. Wednesday afternoon they exhibited riding drill on Minnesota street, and the same evening the 2nd. Reg. band gave a concert at their camp on the fair grounds. Thursday afternoon they had troop drill at the fair grounds at 2:30 and the school children were dismissed earlier than usual, to see the drill.


Militia Men Defeat the Regulars in

Sgj? Competitive Shoot.

Company " A " and Troop " E " held a competitive shoot on the local range near the Hundsruecken Thursday morning. Although the regulars seem to be first-class rifle-men, they were defeated by our boys. The score was as follows: Company A ~ 200 300 500 Total Groebner, Lt 36 41 49 126 Sackl, Sergt 39 40 35 114 Neumann, Corp ZZ 43 43 118 Grussendorf, Pr iv . . .36 42 42 120 Juni, Sergt 44 40 47 131 Klause, Sergt 39 45 46 130 Pfaender, Capt 41 39 32 112

267 290 294 851 Troop E— 200 300 500 Total German, Sergt 37 3S 39 114 Gillet, Sergt 38 42 42 122 Reed, Corp 32 36 46 114 Gony, Priv 35 38 38 111 Dickler, Priv 37 43 46 126 Matthews, 1st Sergt..36 39 38 113 Bowen, Lt 39 39 46 124

254 275 295 824

In a Pinch, use ALLEN'S POOT-EASB. A powder to shake into your shoes. I t cures hot, tired, aching, swollen, sweat ing foet and makes walking easy. Takes t h e s t ing out of corns and bunions. Over 30,000 test imonials. Sold everywhere 25cts Don't accept any subst i tute . 1

Hudson Maxim, the inventor of the rapid-fire guns, smoke­less powder, etc , predicts that the flying machines will make war impractical, unprofitable and intolerable. And in the near future the aeroplanes will have a hitching-post in every back yard.

The correct styles for flying costumes soon as invented you will find in our store—in the meantime for walking, r iding, motoring or sailing here's everything for men's wear.


Hummel Brothers 14 N. Minn. St. New Ulm. Minn.


1 t t t i I ••&

t • •>


t *


Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evening £

Miss Josephine Regals Direct from the Pantages Theatre Circuit, performi ug on several beautiful and novel instruments.



Do not miss this Splendid Attraction.

Admission, 10 and 15 cents.

High School Notes.


t I

§ # 0 « * * * # $ » $ * * » * * * * * » 4 » * » * * * 4 W * $ # * * * * * # * * * * * * * « * * » « * « •

School was dismissed last Thursday in order to give the Students a chance to see a regular cavalry drill. At 2'AQ the pupils left, getting out in time to see the Cavalry. The drill was en­joyed by all the students. %

Last week, was examination week. Examinations take place every month.


D. Precht and Peter business

Mother Dako ta

Max Friederich, $ . Louis Hulke were St. callers Wednesday.

August Beyer got his New Buick. car Tuesday.

Gustave Krueger and his visited friends in South Tuesday • %

Frank Reinhart was a business cal­ler at Mankato and Eagle Lake a few days last week.

Lorenz Hunziker went to Red W ood Falls Thursday where he is building a barn-on his farm.

Mr. and Mrs. John Feigel of Tinley Pa rk 111. visited here at the home of Otto Strehlow and others last week.

^Contractor H. H. Meyer was buil­ding a large Poultry Barn for Frank Beinnftrt lasn week.

The Auction Sale of William Rees was well attended and everything sold well.

Wm. Moss returned from Aberdeen S. Dak. last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. August Beyer and Mr. and Mrs Fred Wilking visited at New Ulm Sunday. - , *

Mr. and Mrs. John Rockvan who have conducted a Motel a t Hanska visited here a few days this weeh«

C. S. Gibbons of Sleepy Bye was a business caller here) Monday.

G. W. Schtottma* was a Business caller at Madisen S. EfeM. this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ttfft moved to 'Nicollet last week and Wm. Steinberg will move into* the house vacated by the Taft family. ^ * Jk " 2 f t 5

John Harmenffg and Miss Idtt Becker were married last Fr iday in the Lutheran Church, Jfov, H. Sfcrasen officiated. The Groom la a Son of Mr and Mrs. Henry Harmening and is a very bright young man. antf the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Becker, she is a very respectable young lady. A large crowd of rela­tives and friends were present add Mr. and Mrs. Becker left nothing undone to make the occasslon one of the tfest held here for years. We wish them all ihergood luck s a d happiness.

EXTREMELY PLEASED I with • the results of

our Opening.

We announce that

we carry the largest

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STATE BANK OF NEW ULM Nine years of continuous growth is

proof of the soundness of this bank, and of our ability to satisfy our patrons in all departments.

Below are the figures of oar growth from opening day, August 1st, 1901 to the close of the ninth year in business, August 1st 1910.

Cap i t a l , S u r p l u s a n d Deposi t s :

$ 41,994.34 124,594.72

* 219,094.50 . .*.». 289,518.46


Aug, 1, 1901 Jan . 1,1902.. J an . 1, 1903 Jan, 1,1904 Jan . 1, 1905 »» J a n . 1,1906 452,761.14 Jan . 1,1907 507,589.22 Jan.JL, 1908 532,176.43 Jan . 1,1909 535,606.27 Jan.1,1910 658,713.28 Aug . 1 .1910 715,517.05




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Fresh Supply

For a good cu£ of Coffee}

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STAR\ HALL Saturday Eve.* sOct. ist.


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? t