& t *? '"'"r^ Wages F o M o o r Mcfney "- ' P l a c e y o u r m o n e y w i t h u s a n d i t be safe and earn good interest for Call o n u s a n y time. v ~ , will > you*- Suite Buii £ Mortgage Co. New UlmJ^Minnesota *Wh ^'S.. ^T^fe" JOE m m 3d ~ ••y~" Mrs. F, Gilbert wis among those who spent the Fourth at Mankato. **** JS?, Miss Aurelia - Schneider,^undeFwent- an operation at the %orefcto Hospital Saturday. ' - 4&r ^~j Ad. Spelbrink from Sleepy^Eye. at- tended to business matters in New Ulm during the week.*** - Miss Minnie Brust has left for GayloM where she will visit for severalSweeks with relatives* --- fe : Miss Viola Fritsche returned home Saturday after an enjoyable visit with relatives at Mankato;-^ J*Si. and Mrs. E. J. Hetlinger and John %ttmger, Sry returned to Bancroft,'-S. D., Sunday after a several days' visit at the Hetlinger home in this cHy;>;: Mrs. Glen Davy and children from Sleepy Eye were guests at the C. tf Robertson home several days during jthe. week. '"' STORK BROTHERS " ESTABLISHED I902 rnos.Poui.TRv CASH BUYERS B 1 I "^"c PROMPT. RELIABLE, SAFE -WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS N E W U L M MINNESOTA ~o LOCAL NOTES Ho'meister's band furnished the music at the picnic at Casper Green's farm No. 1 near Sleepy Eye, on July 4th. S! - ..' IQaus Wiens of Mt. Lake met his death Friday a week ago by being struck by a pasenger train at a trailroad crossing. Wm. Thaemlitz arrived at his home in this tity last Wednesday after being in the service fourteen months. H6 ex- pects to leave for North Dakota shortly. Madelia had one of the best farmer picnics of the year. 5000 people were present Sunday a week ago when A. C. Townley spoke on the political situation in North Dakota. Harry Lang who has been in the over- seas service for some time has returned to New Ulm. Before entering the service he resided in Wanda. His parents are contemplating removing to New Ulm. . A. T. Van Doren whorepresented the Brown Land Company of Madelia in this city for a number of years, but who has recently "been located «t English- town, N. J., was in New Ulm several days last week. He will have charge of an office the company expects to" open at Ada, Minn. Miss Mildred Kieslmg ffom Minne- apolis visited with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vogtel last week. The Saulpaugh hotel at Mankato was recently purchased'by the National Bank of Commerce of that city! ^ < - • Herman Kaiser from Truman was a gaest at the Chas. F. Kaiser home during ^Attorney G. D. Erickson spent the the week. He is the oldest brother of Mr. Kaiser. £3vjtg, . * #; * *Albert~ BachWafin left" for DeSme S. p., the fore* part of the week after visit at his home in this city. -He will seek employment as a carpenter there* . The G. N. Wycoff family who were ,^ former y located in this city, Mr. Wykoff : (being manager -of r the Jaspar Granite Co., are now living at Dudley, Kentucky. ***Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neubatier and family from Minneapolis came to New Ulm for the Fourth and spent the, week- end vfeiting at the home of the latter's Arthur WaUner has returned to Minne- week end in Lafayette. *-" -v. "&>&& \~y£ty ' "Emil Buenger and Edmund Fritz at- tended the state embalmer's convention apolis to take up his old position with which was held in Minneapolis last week." the Minneapolis Thrashing Machine iMrsJAlbert Buggert returned to her Company^ g ^ home in St. Paul Thursday after a week's Mrs. Gust. Wachter and little daughter visit at the Henry Barth home in this from Freemont, Wisconsin, are visiting city. , - ? .. •, , >;Hubert Kotten ha3 returned home in Springfield after revovering from a recent operation which he under- went in this city. - ,„~ —--^'r - >-„£3 A. H. Blank from Nicollet was in New Ulm last week visiting with Ed. Cordes to' his at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Dahms. Joseph Haling and Anna Kioes from Watertown, Wisconsin, enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr. and^ Mr&*-Christ Filzen during the past week. .- * *, ^ John Krueger has retucned to his home .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Loesch,^ ^i—, ' , " • 7cV,Tne storm last Thursday put a great number t o e telephones in the city" out of 'working order and the line men are kept very busy these days. Up to now they have not-all been adjusted. s ', Mrs. E. Pfeiffer left Monday fqr f Dowadiac, Michigan, where she will make a prolonged visit at the homes of her children. She expects to "he absent from New Ulm for three? months. * The l o c i baseball team was defeated at Springfield on the- Fourth by a score of thres to two. There seemed to be a lack .of push and pull on both sides, due undoubtedly to the heat. who is recuperating from a recent opera-, in this city after a visit with hisdaughter tion at the Union hospital. ; *-r ;-.-^, f^Miss Winnifred Vedder from Minne- apolis is visiting at the home of her parents in this city. She recently under- went an operation for removal 6f tonsils. Alfred, Guse from Convoy, Ohio, is enjoying a visit at his home here. . He is working for the Pennsylvania Railroad company and will-leave again this after- noon. .._,,.,, ,.,;..,..: _. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Zschunke and Mrs. C. Schilling and daughter Lydia were in Springfield Sunday where they assisted Mrs. Louis Schilling in celebrating her birthday anniversary.; .^ i Miss Elsie Kaiser who has been at-, •tending a business, college at St. Paul has returned to her home in this city. She will remain at home during July and August and commence her studies again in September. r . , , v „ ^ i Wm. Brown, aged twenty-five, died at the Loretto hospital last week. He had been at the hospital for some time taking treatments. The remains"were shipped to Franklin for burial. He was a brother of Mrs. Peter Welter Schmidt of this; city. Mrs. Henry UlhOrn who resides, Comfrey in Adrian township. Miss Helen Sehladweiler from Madison, ,^ ervice Andrew Schmidt has returned.to Fort Snelling for further treatment at the base hospital after visiting for-sey^ral days near at his home in this city. ' It was his first visit since he returned from ' ov< Minn., arrived in New Ulm Saturday r. ^jgLast Thursday* tfie electric storm and is making a visit with Miss Thecla - $ 0 ^ ^h sucn rap idity that many Herriges. ,.^ ^„ , ,.-<-, y ^ 5 Xr were unable to reach shelter before the * ^-'*<w'^ ^ v^ ^ .^sfe^v? vc great downpour and as a result drenched. The wind and hail The Misses % £enora Schneider "and Alma Falk left yesterday for Spirit Lake, Iowa, where they will spend 'their vaca- tion at a summer resort. John Wartha, son of Mr. and * Mvs. Wenzel Wartha residing on North Broad- way, has received his discharge from the •service and has returned to his home. He was year. were were worst right in the down town section thore being no strong wind thru the out- skirts of the city.^ Several awnings were torn down and automobiles which had been ^parked on Minnesota street were shoved almost half a block from their tormer standing place, one or two of ; ? V ^ ^ ^ J B P ? H them being lifted irom the pavement i.\ -*\&? &&&»* T^rit*^A ^JB ! on the sidewalks. ... _ and_Mrs. Jacob ••••: ^V^ -S^V _.^ ,. , ^. The village of Hanska is having its Chautauqua this week. The entertain- ment began on Monday, the Travers- Newton Chatuauqua System having charge of the arrangements. Ten differ- ent programs have been arranged. The A happy family feunibri took place whole affair is to last five days. The at the home of Mr..and,Mrs. Heiuy same system that has charge of the Engel last week. It will be remembered -entertainment at Hanska takes care of that their son Jacob recently returned ) visitors in Sleepy Eye at the same time. the arrangements of Lafayette. ' The from France. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and The reunion was much enjoyed." big send-off there was made yesterday little daughter from Minneapolis came and the affair will last till next Saturday, for a visit and also Mr. and Mrs. Anton July 12. ^ u 'G Schiller and son from Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Bendixen and family . _ * •* ^-J^^^H^tt'.f^^ from Springfield motored to this city i| The mena »»rs of the basket ball team Monday and took the St. Louis train o f t h e local hi K h school » w h o w « e , in to the Twin Cities. The Northwestern J attendance at the tournament at Nprthr field?,recently received stick pins pre- sented by Mayor Meyers of Minneapolis, as-a mark of distinction for sportsman- ship^ exhibited" during the state tourna- ment|^It will be remembered- that the of the team were Mayer Schapi trains have been very late during the past week. ^ Sjp-* ? >>•. ?^ -? ^ij J±^ Corporal Herman Schwantes, has re-, turned to his home in this city after serving ^overseas. He is -glad to be friends among friends again and will enjoy a ^ j f o / E i b n e r , Oscar Esser, Guy Current, well earned vacation before commencing j 0 hn and Richard Graff, Anton Ochs, work again, ^ v o ^ -SK ' acs^-s* •'-'. Eliner Pollei and Walter Schulke. The ?V ;gt ^t^p! "* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moll visited at the Conrad Moll home in Sleepy Eye several days last week. Chas. and Leonard Moll of South Dakota were medal given for true sportmanship means more than would the prize cup which the boys just missed/ Mrs. Arthur Besmehn and children ,. r . and Myra Alwin, daughter of "Mr. and I Mrs. W. G. Alwin, have left for the Twin MM MM AMERICAMTHEATRE _ FRIDAY, JULY I f •av i *- *^*w*w -" Cities where they will visit at the home > r iS:- of the former's parents and spent several ! weeks at a Lake resort. r ^H /TO-NIGHT Bessie Barriscalc in Tangled Threads" and F.linOr Field in 'The Wig Wag System" comedy. Mr. arid Mrs. W. L. Krauch and little; , daughter returned to their home in St. , Paul Monday after an enjoyable visit at the August Stork home. Miss Lulu I Mueller of St. Paul was also a guest at 4&£5^"THE BRAND Thursday, July 10th the Stork home last week, it Greatest of all Rex,Beach THRILLERS. 5a* and - riti ft'*Ford Educational Weekly^ ^ Sgt. Hugo M. Schnobrjch has -been confined to the Base hospital at Camp Grant during the past several weeks. HeMs receiving treatment for stomach j trouble. His relatives recently received ! n ^ a letter from nie Red Cross notifying _ You see the end? them that he is getting along nicely.. Cecil B. DeMillies Yer^ sion of Edwin Milton Royres Famous Play. Thrilling Battle with Lion Yeature of the "Squaw Man." " B% Cat Kills Nan in Latest Cecil B . D e Mille's Big Production^ One of the most thrilling scenes ever photoguaphed in a mo-* tion picture is the battle fought by Henry, Earl of Kerhill, with a great lion in which the Englishman is slain, and which is graphically pictured in Cecil B. De Mille 's superb pieturization of Edwin Milton Royle's "The Squaw Man." This*photoplay, which is said to be one of the best ever- produced by this ster-'-! ling director, will be shown at the American theatre next Fri- day, July 11. The battle scene is laid in an 'African jungle. The Earl of Kerhill is an embezzler whose crime has been shouldered By his cousin Jim Wynnegate, to spare Henry's wife Diana, whom Jim loves, disgrace and suffering. After her husband's death in thej"jungle Diana traces Jim to Wyoming where he is living on a"ranch with his squaw, and after some exceptionally, ^tragic scenes, they are reunited in their mutual love. *¥^ . The lion used in the picture is perfectly harmless except in a,film scene. Assistant _director Sam'Wood played hide and seek with the, big cat at rehearsals, but Thurston Hall whol plays the part of Sir Henry, who-battles with the lion, entered\j into the contest with no little misgivings. The lion was lazy and preferred do zing to acting. But when the cameia clicked^ the animal was there with both feet, as it "were, and Hall was realistically mauled by the king of beasts. The various roles are in the hands of stars including Elliott Dexter, Ann Little, Theodore Roberts,:Jack^Holt^Tully JSLarr shall and others;, _. - ' * r-". " v * - 1 '* -* A '-f " At a recent meeting of the directors of the Stark Farmers Mutual Fire In- surance Co./ George Berkner was elected- treasurer to succeed the * late Nick' Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz was'the town! clerk of Leavenworth and Jay Ingraham was appointed to succeed him in this office.. harvest w^to^ Friday, July IJth ' - "The Struaw Mari"k. . A Cicil BTDeMillie's Production. Don't be to sure till you see the play.. A CORKER. V and - • - "His Body For Rent"- S% Lyons & Moran comedy. , Saturday, July 12th 3 SHOWS: 7:30^8:45-10:15 .j, .„ _,. v Wj&ianvRussell - . **«** $ ?in "A Sporting Chance'*^ The^picture is alive with brisk action We Like To Recom- mend Our Hosiery When you've tested this hosiery by actual wear you'll recommend x " -it_as, strongly as we do. You'll be particular to get some just like ^ it when you need more. It's the kind that has all the * qualities you always try to *get in the hosiery you buy—snug fit * fine appearance -and determined ^ wear. k r^j> ^ . ^ s t -%w^' 25c-35c-50c-75c.^" ^* Highly Fine Shirts At $3,00 You really won't know what gf o 1 shirts you can get for $3.00 until you see these. _ They are made of particularly" substantial fabric— r woven madras. ' The patterns and colorings are -unusually attractive. And every Ibit of detail is finished with utmost -, - »- fefc^'-^jfeafc?^ Shirts at $1 to $5 and more. , care. -"& HUMMEL BROTHERS HDHHEL BROTHERS , . 1 14:No.ifinn. St., NewTJlm; Mtntf. fe^lf No. MmnTst., Nei^Ulm, MrnnV l Ai -. -7^'- W Si^#»» - ">CJ *"Z-c? 1 - Jft 3E 3C *& ^ „-^?' J??S0f K«rt3S 3G "«»'VS"_r^ 1 1?s That Court afflKSSS 7**^^^ \&J^.Tliere are many little advantages this^bank of- ; ^ 3s^k- fers to its depositors which are absolutely "ttnknown have an account here* . W-e invite you to familiarize yourself with our ae- 1 -a-" Ar?-'**"" i. *§ commodations and thus enjoy our^advantages.f -v; ^ ^ 1*-rZZZg&5_ rsm 'hy&r??. Brown, County Bank New JUIm,^% 5 ir£ ^ Minnesota IE 3E ^^- 3C 7*&i*^ 'K~ >"- -EST Mrs. Win. flostetter enjoyed a visit at the Metag.home in Morgan last week. " "Mrs. Frank Schaefer left for Esther- , ville, Iowa, the f >re part o^the week;)Pedigree furnished, where she will'spend some time visiting etc. enquire of v ith "relatives and friends. Estherville being her home town before she came to New Ulm with her parents. - Mrs. Scha fer will also spend some tim'e at a FOR SALE Pure Bred Chester Hogs.' All ages; either sex. For P£$£& Wtiite summer resort in Iowa.^ •• £r a. P*i.t" The rye harvest has begun-in this and snappy surprises." vicinity and the majority of the farmers have a very good stand pf the •grain,'] some of the stalks being as high as the* average person. The pest of gnats') seems to be even more annoying in tl e country than in the city and they are J giving the horses considerable trouble. A number of deaths among cattle havej been reported. - J ^•Thjeu ^ recent issue of the Faith, Gazette, Faith, N. 'D., the news^'has reached us of the marriage of Eric A,- Blauert, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. ^lauert of this city. On Saturday, -June-]. * : 21, he was' united r in marriage to Miss Ethel Tkompson. The. grooms brother Rev. A. /W. Blauert performed ^ thef!^t ceremony*at bupree;'N, D. where the young couple in ^company with-another couple and_the Reverend had' motored \i to!'' The accompanying couple are'good friends of young Blauert and honored him by ^oBbwrng'suit*^ thus mateng a double wedding. It V?iU be remembered that Mr. Blauert was an employe, at the, RexaU Drug store in-'New .Ulm for several years: fie is following the same line of work^at Faith. His many also 4 ^"Look Out Below'!>^ " ' With Harold Lloyd comedy. The Fourth of July celebrations v which were held in the neighboring cities all turned out to be -very successful days. The New Ulm residents traveled to St. Peter, Mankato, Springfield and other places where they report having enjoyed themselves. New Uhafin return will be .glad to have enthusiasts from our sister cities come and participate in our next months. Home Coming celebration.. ^Herman Hein returned last Tuesday to New Ulm after a several weeks' ab- sence.- He went ^o attend the meeting of the Turner Societies of America which jwas-held at Louisville, Kentucky, and jafter that he visited at the home of Mrs. j Hein's brother at Chicago ^and with his- json, Carl at Cleveland, Ohio. Miss, Elsa Hein who is locat-d at Buffalo, N. Y^ cameras far as Cleveland to meet her father and they all enjoyed a pleasant visit there. - - ^ . - Sunday, July 13tjh * -..o. Vivian Martin in 1 *^*^ *i "Miranda Smiles'^- , *" * It doesn't matter whether a girl is carrying a bucket or^i fan—if her smile is RIGHT she will land Jhe boy she wants—see Miranda do-it. :*»? ^ 'ROeyV Wash Day' ^ !.>('« - A "MackScnnett" comedy Monday, Julyl4tfi Emmy Wphlen ii| p >r ,s . Wv ; The.Amataur Adventureis'^^ ., A girl wanted toknowlthe meaning of the'worid life—how didr-she set about acquiring the knowledge? ^jjg$ i t^#-. ':' and ;$?> *~l' and «The Fltal Je^elU" 8th Epuode of "Hand Up H; 0- SCHLEUDEF OPTOMETRIST ''" , "' ,r AND ^ OPTICIAN We Grind ]0ur Own Lenses lffi No^Mirai. SI?." -J-Tel. 87 "FARMERS' J have some army tents - cheap that will make 2 good stack ' "_ covers. Get one or more while they > last. Phone 68 JRoy L . Berg. Adv. 25-29, *i s>. .iasj $&&£%'••*& WANTEtH Room and board by '^Tuesday, July 15th Frank Ksenatt'in^t^ Todd of TKe Ttnw*^' **&• j^iS- -. young coupleln private family where home privileges would'be extended. * Best of references.. Telephone lOl ^WedneadayV S*'> ~%t -Adv.~28 ^*SE.' here were surprised to know &&£$ marriage and. extendi their congratula-r v ^ L-KO Comedy H*S Robert Altmann. ,, ^ Route 4. G i b b o n , M i n n ; * ,FOR SALE. ^ Restaurant, furnished, located at Gibbon, Minn. For further information write O. S. 01s<>n, Gibbon, Minn. 25-28 If you wish your Kodak finishing done right bring it to* Goede's / Kodak Finishing Department. ^ 2Stf. HOUSE FOR SALE. - Five room house on North State. Street. City crater and electric tight Tel. R0705 for information. ' - Adv. 2tf FOR Sale OR TRADE in land, my modern home. Price reasonable. Mr. Live Nelson, - ---" - ' _ Mankato, Minn. Adv. 2*6-28 , 3& Gen. Del. WANTED: A . competent maid for general housework. Adv. 28 Mrs. M. A. Bingham. FOR SALE: An 8 light, water ndfas. Minn. St* room house, with Inquire at 25 So. Adv. 28 Lost time cannot be regained. Lose, no time m arranging to enter the Man- kato Commercial College, Mankato, Minn. * ' " *? Adv. 28 FOR SALE: "Point Lookout 1 ' 8 room residence witlrall modern conveniences, spring water, good barn and garage. 15 lots'. Enquire of ri - Albert Steinhauser or Adv. lOtf. _, ~\ Andrew Steinmete, FOR RENT: Six .room residence cen- trally located. -Inquire - of Otto HummeL . ' . , - - - ^ Adv^ 221^.- • • ~ r ... " Your Kodak^lms are appreciated at .- .Goede's Kodak Finishing Depart- ment. " Finishing, is"-done Welec* trie printine^f _ 20 tf adv^ -*SSS *i<^i. FOR SALE: Sixty-five acres of grass ready . to cut for hay. About 10 ;. miles from NewU l m on the old Jos. f Pfokosch farm in Sigel. CaU or write r -vto Geo. Prokosch, &e^ Because of my inal>ilit^r to attend to my practice during my'recenVulne^a ^ Dr. Myrtle Price of Spirit Lake, Iowa, ^ s . "will take charge of it now «n4 4urinf « r ^^ my vacation later. *' r-.v. &&• '

New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ...spent the Fourth at Mankato. ***JS?, * Miss Aurelia -^undeFwent Schneider, - an operation at the %orefcto Hospital Saturday

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Page 1: New Ulm review (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.) (New Ulm ...spent the Fourth at Mankato. ***JS?, * Miss Aurelia -^undeFwent Schneider, - an operation at the %orefcto Hospital Saturday

& t *? '"'"r^

Wages FoMoor Mcfney "- ' P l a c e y o u r m o n e y w i t h u s a n d i t

b e s a f e a n d e a r n g o o d i n t e r e s t for

C a l l o n u s a n y t i m e . v ~ ,

will • >


Suite Buii £ Mortgage Co. N e w UlmJ^Minnesota

* W h ^ ' S . .

^ T ^ f e "

JOE m m 3d

~ • •y~"

Mrs. F, Gilbert wis among those who spent the Fourth at Mankato. **** JS?,

Miss Aurelia - Schneider, undeFwent-an operation at the %orefcto Hospital Saturday. ' - 4&r ^~j

Ad. Spelbrink from Sleepy^Eye. at­tended to business matters in New Ulm during the week.*** • -

Miss Minnie Brust has left for GayloM where she will visit for severalSweeks with relatives* --- fe :

Miss Viola Fritsche returned home Saturday after an enjoyable visit with relatives at Mankato;-^

J*Si. and Mrs. E. J. Hetlinger and John %ttmger, Sry returned to Bancroft,'-S. D., Sunday after a several days' visit at the Hetlinger home in this cHy;>;:

Mrs. Glen Davy and children from Sleepy Eye were guests at the C. tf Robertson home several days during jthe. week. '"'

S T O R K B R O T H E R S " E S T A B L I S H E D I 9 0 2

r n o s . P o u i . T R v C A S H B U Y E R S B 1 I " ^ " c




Ho'meister's band furnished the music at the picnic at Casper Green's farm No. 1 near Sleepy Eye, on July 4th. S! - ..'

IQaus Wiens of Mt. Lake met his death Friday a week ago by being struck by a pasenger train at a trailroad crossing.

Wm. Thaemlitz arrived at his home in this tity last Wednesday after being in the service fourteen months. H6 ex­pects to leave for North Dakota shortly.

Madelia had one of the best farmer picnics of the year. 5000 people were present Sunday a week ago when A. C. Townley spoke on the political situation in North Dakota.

Harry Lang who has been in the over­seas service for some time has returned to New Ulm. Before entering the service he resided in Wanda. His

parents are contemplating removing to New Ulm. .

A. T. Van Doren whorepresented the Brown Land Company of Madelia in this city for a number of years, but who has recently "been located «t English-town, N. J., was in New Ulm several days last week. He will have charge of an office the company expects to" open at Ada, Minn.

Miss Mildred Kieslmg ffom Minne­apolis visited with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vogtel last week.

The Saulpaugh hotel at Mankato was recently purchased'by the National Bank of Commerce of that city! ^ < - •

Herman Kaiser from Truman was a gaest at the Chas. F. Kaiser home during

^Attorney G. D. Erickson spent the the week. He is the oldest brother of Mr. Kaiser. £3vjtg, . * # ;

* *Albert~ BachWafin left" for DeSme S. p., the fore* part of the week after visit at his home in this city. -He will seek employment as a carpenter there* .

The G. N. Wycoff family who were ,^ former y located in this city, Mr. Wykoff

: (being manager -of r the Jaspar Granite Co., are now living at Dudley, Kentucky.

***Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neubatier and family from Minneapolis came to New Ulm for the Fourth and spent the, week­end vfeiting at the home of the latter's

Arthur WaUner has returned to Minne-

week end in Lafayette. *-" -v. "&>&& \~y£ty

' "Emil Buenger and Edmund Fritz at­tended the state embalmer's convention apolis to take up his old position with which was held in Minneapolis last week." the Minneapolis Thrashing Machine • iMrsJAlbert Buggert returned to her Company^ g ^ home in St. Paul Thursday after a week's Mrs. Gust. Wachter and little daughter visit at the Henry Barth home in this from Freemont, Wisconsin, are visiting city. , - ? . . • •, ,

>;Hubert Kotten ha3 returned home in Springfield after revovering from a recent operation which he under­went in this city. - ,„~ —-- 'r - >-„£3

A. H. Blank from Nicollet was in New Ulm last week visiting with Ed. Cordes

to' his

at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Dahms.

Joseph Haling and Anna Kioes from Watertown, Wisconsin, enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr. and Mr&*-Christ Filzen during the past week. .- * *,

John Krueger has retucned to his home

.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Loesch,^ ^i—, ' , " •

7cV,Tne storm last Thursday put a great number to

e telephones in the city" out of 'working order and the line men are kept very busy these days. Up to now they have not-all been adjusted. s ',

Mrs. E. Pfeiffer left Monday fqr f

Dowadiac, Michigan, where she will make a prolonged visit at the homes of her children. She expects to "he absent from New Ulm for three? months. *

The l o c i baseball team was defeated at Springfield on the- Fourth by a score of thres to two. There seemed to be a lack .of push and pull on both sides, due undoubtedly to the heat.

who is recuperating from a recent opera-, in this city after a visit with hisdaughter tion at the Union hospital. ; *-r ;-.-^,

f^Miss Winnifred Vedder from Minne­apolis is visiting at the home of her parents in this city. She recently under­went an operation for removal 6f tonsils.

Alfred, Guse from Convoy, Ohio, is enjoying a visit at his home here. . He is working for the Pennsylvania Railroad company and will-leave again this after­noon. . . _ , , . , , ,.,;..,..: _ .

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Zschunke and Mrs. C. Schilling and daughter Lydia were in Springfield Sunday where they assisted Mrs. Louis Schilling in celebrating her birthday anniversary.; .^ i

Miss Elsie Kaiser who has been at-, •tending a business, college at St. Paul has returned to her home in this city. She will remain at home during July and August and commence her studies again in September. r . , , v „ ^ i

Wm. Brown, aged twenty-five, died at the Loretto hospital last week. He had been at the hospital for some time taking treatments. The remains"were shipped to Franklin for burial. He was a brother of Mrs. Peter Welter Schmidt of this; city.

Mrs. Henry UlhOrn who resides, Comfrey in Adrian township.

Miss Helen Sehladweiler from Madison, ,^e r v i c e

Andrew Schmidt has returned.to Fort Snelling for further treatment at the base hospital after visiting for-sey^ral days

near at his home in this city. ' It was his first visit since he returned from ' ov<

Minn., arrived in New Ulm Saturday r. ^jgLast Thursday* tfie electric storm and is making a visit with Miss Thecla - $ 0 ^ ^ h s u c n rapidity that many Herriges. ,.^ ^ „ , ,.-<-, y ^ 5 Xr were unable to reach shelter before the

* -'*<w' ^ v^ ^ . sfe v? vc great downpour and as a result drenched. The wind and hail

The Misses% £enora Schneider "and Alma Falk left yesterday for Spirit Lake, Iowa, where they will spend 'their vaca­tion at a summer resort.

John Wartha, son of Mr. and * Mvs. Wenzel Wartha residing on North Broad­way, has received his discharge from the

•service and has returned to his home. He was year.

were were

worst right in the down town section thore being no strong wind thru the out­skirts of the city.^ Several awnings were torn down and automobiles which had been parked on Minnesota street were shoved almost half a block from their tormer standing place, one or two of

; ? V ^ ^ ^ J B P ? H them being lifted irom the pavement i.\ -*\&? &&&»* T^rit*^A JB ! on the sidewalks. . . . _ •

and_Mrs. Jacob ••••: ^ V ^ -S^V _. ,. ,

^ .

The village of Hanska is having its Chautauqua this week. The entertain­ment began on Monday, the Travers-Newton Chatuauqua System having charge of the arrangements. Ten differ­ent programs have been arranged. The A happy family feunibri took place whole affair is to last five days. The at the home of Mr..and,Mrs. Heiuy same system that has charge of the Engel last week. It will be remembered -entertainment at Hanska takes care of that their son Jacob recently returned ) visitors in Sleepy Eye at the same time. the arrangements of Lafayette. ' The from France. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and The reunion was much enjoyed." big send-off there was made yesterday little daughter from Minneapolis came and the affair will last till next Saturday, for a visit and also Mr. and Mrs. Anton July 12. ^ u ' G Schiller and son from Hopkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Bendixen and family . _ * •* ^-J^^^H^tt'.f^^ from Springfield motored to this city i | T h e mena»»rs of the basket ball team Monday and took the St. Louis train o f t h e l o c a l h i K h s c h o o l » w h o w « e , i n

to the Twin Cities. The Northwestern J attendance at the tournament at Nprthr field?,recently received stick pins pre­sented by Mayor Meyers of Minneapolis, as-a mark of distinction for sportsman­ship^ exhibited" during the state tourna-ment|^It will be remembered- that the

of the team were Mayer Schapi

trains have been very late during the past week. ^ Sjp-* ? >>•. ? ^ -? ^ij J±^

Corporal Herman Schwantes, has re-, turned to his home in this city after serving ^overseas. He is -glad to be

friends among friends again and will enjoy a ^ j f o / E i b n e r , Oscar Esser, Guy Current, well earned vacation before commencing j0hn and Richard Graff, Anton Ochs, work again, v o ^ -SK ' acs^-s* •'-'. Eliner Pollei and Walter Schulke. The ?V ;gt ^ t ^ p ! "*

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moll visited at the Conrad Moll home in Sleepy Eye several days last week. Chas. and Leonard Moll of South Dakota were

medal given for true sportmanship means more than would the prize cup which the boys just missed/

Mrs. Arthur Besmehn and children ,.r . and Myra Alwin, daughter of "Mr. and

I Mrs. W. G. Alwin, have left for the Twin



•av i *- *^*w*w

-" Cities where they will visit at the home >riS:-of the former's parents and spent several

! weeks at a Lake resort. r^H

/ T O - N I G H T Bessie Barriscalc in

Tangled Threads" and

F.linOr Field in 'The Wig Wag System" comedy.

Mr. arid Mrs. W. L. Krauch and little; , daughter returned to their home in St. , Paul Monday after an enjoyable visit at the August Stork home. Miss Lulu

I Mueller of St. Paul was also a guest at 4 & £ 5 ^ " T H E BRAND Thursday, July 10th

the Stork home last week, it Greatest of all Rex,Beach THRILLERS.

5a* a n d - riti ft'*Ford Educational Weekly^ ^ Sgt. Hugo M. Schnobrjch has -been

confined to the Base hospital at Camp Grant during the past several weeks. HeMs receiving treatment for stomach j trouble. His relatives recently received ! n ^ a letter from nie Red Cross notifying _ You see the end? them that he is getting along nicely..

Cecil B . DeMil l ies Yer^

s i o n o f E d w i n M i l t o n

Royres F a m o u s P l a y .

Thril l ing Battle w i th Lion Yeature of the " S q u a w M a n . " " B % Cat Kil ls N a n in Latest Cecil B. D e Mille's B i g Production^

One of the most thrilling scenes ever photoguaphed in a mo-* tion picture is the battle fought by Henry, Earl of Kerhill, with a great lion in which the Englishman is slain, and which is graphically pictured in Cecil B. De Mille 's superb pieturization of Edwin Milton Royle's "The Squaw M a n . " This*photoplay, which is said to be one of the best ever- produced by this ster-'-! l ing director, will be shown at the American theatre next Fri­day, Ju ly 11. The battle scene is laid in an 'African jungle. The Earl of Kerhill is an embezzler whose crime has been shouldered By his cousin J im Wynnegate , to spare Henry's wife Diana, whom J im loves, disgrace and suffering. After her husband's death in thej"jungle Diana traces J im to Wyoming where he is l iv ing on a"ranch with his squaw, and after some exceptionally,

^ t r a g i c scenes, they are reunited in their mutual love. • *¥^ . The lion used in the picture i s perfectly harmless except in

a,fi lm scene. Assistant _director S a m ' W o o d played hide and seek wi th the, big cat at rehearsals, but Thurston Hall whol p lays the part of Sir Henry, who-battles with the lion, entered\j into the contest wi th no little misgivings. The l ion was lazy and preferred do zing to acting. But when the cameia clicked^ the animal w a s there with both feet, as it "were, and Hall was realist ically mauled b y the king of beasts.

The various roles are in the hands of stars including Ell iott Dexter, A n n Little, Theodore Roberts , :Jack^Holt^Tully JSLarr shall and others;, _. - ' * r-". " v* -1 '* -*A'-f

" At a recent meeting of the directors of the Stark Farmers Mutual Fire In­surance Co./ George Berkner was elected-treasurer to succeed the * late Nick' Schwartz. Mr. Schwartz was'the town! clerk of Leavenworth and Jay Ingraham was appointed to succeed him in this office..

harvest w ^ t o ^

Friday, July IJth ' - "The Struaw Mari"k. .

A Cicil BTDeMillie's Production. Don't be to sure

till you see the play.. A CORKER. V and - • -

"His Body For Rent"- S% Lyons & Moran comedy.

, Saturday, July 12th 3 SHOWS: 7:30^8:45-10:15 .j, .„ _,. v Wj&ianvRussell - . **«**

$ ?in "A Sporting Chance'*^ The^picture is alive with brisk action

We Like To Recom­mend Our Hosiery

When you've tested this hosiery by actual wear you'll recommend x "

-it_as, strongly as we do. You'll be particular to get some just like ^ it when you need more.

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Highly Fine Shirts • At $3,00

You really won't know what gf o 1 shirts you can get for $3.00 until you see these. _

They are made of particularly" substantial fabric—rwoven madras. ' The patterns and colorings are -unusually attractive. And every Ibit of detail is finished with utmost

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Shirts at $1 to $5 and more. ,



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Brown, County Bank New JUIm,^% 5 ir£ ^ Minnesota

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>"- -EST

Mrs. Win. flostetter enjoyed a visit at the Metag.home in Morgan last week.

" "Mrs. Frank Schaefer left for Esther- „ , ville, Iowa, the f >re part o^the week;)Pedigree furnished, where she will'spend some time visiting e t c . enquire o f v ith "relatives and friends. Estherville being her home town before she came to New Ulm with her parents. - Mrs. Scha fer will also spend some tim'e at a

FOR SALE Pure Bred Chester

H o g s . ' All a g e s ; e i ther sex . F o r P£$£&


summer resort in I o w a . ^ •• £r a. P*i.t"

The rye harvest has begun-in this and snappy surprises." vicinity and the majority of the farmers have a very good stand pf the •grain,'] some of the stalks being as high as the* average person. The pest of gnats') seems to be even more annoying in tl e country than in the city and they are J giving the horses considerable trouble. A number of deaths among cattle havej been reported. - J

•Thjeu ^ recent issue of the Faith, Gazette, Faith, N. 'D. , the news^'has reached us of the marriage of Eric A,-Blauert, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, F. ^lauert of this city. On Saturday, -June-]. *:

21, he was' united rin marriage to Miss Ethel Tkompson. The. grooms brother Rev. A. /W. Blauert performed ^ thef!^t ceremony*at bupree;'N, D. where the young couple in company with-another couple and_the Reverend had' motored

\i to!'' The accompanying couple are'good friends of young Blauert and honored him by ^oBbwrng'suit*^ thus mateng a double wedding. It V?iU be remembered that Mr. Blauert was an employe, at the, RexaU Drug store in-'New .Ulm for several years: fie is following the same line of work^at Faith. His many

also 4

^ " L o o k Out Below'!>^ " ' With Harold Lloyd comedy.

The Fourth of July celebrationsvwhich were held in the neighboring cities all turned out to be -very successful days. The New Ulm residents traveled to St. Peter, Mankato, Springfield and other places where they report having enjoyed themselves. New Uhafin return will be .glad to have enthusiasts from our sister cities come and participate in our next months. Home Coming celebration..

^Herman Hein returned last Tuesday to New Ulm after a several weeks' ab­sence.- He went ^o attend the meeting of the Turner Societies of America which

jwas-held at Louisville, Kentucky, and jafter that he visited at the home of Mrs. j Hein's brother at Chicago and with his-json, Carl at Cleveland, Ohio. Miss, Elsa Hein who is locat-d at Buffalo, N. Y^ cameras far as Cleveland to meet her father and they all enjoyed a pleasant visit there. - - ^ . -

Sunday, July 13tjh * -..o. Vivian Martin in1*^*^

*i "Miranda Smiles '^- , *" * It doesn't matter whether a girl is

carrying a bucket or^i fan—if her smile is RIGHT she will land Jhe boy she wants—see Miranda do-it. :*»? ^

'ROeyV Wash Day' ^ !.>('«

- A "MackScnnett" comedy

Monday, Julyl4tfi Emmy Wphlen i i | p >r,s

.Wv; The.Amataur A d v e n t u r e i s ' ^ ^

., A girl wanted toknowlthe meaning of the'worid life—how didr-she set about acquiring the knowledge? ^jjg$

it^#-. ':' and ;$?> *~l' and «The Fltal Je^elU"

8th Epuode of "Hand Up


' ' " , " ' , r AND ^


We Grind ]0ur Own Lenses lffi No^Mirai . SI?." - J - T e l . 87

"FARMERS' J have some army tents - cheap that will make 2 good stack '"_ covers. Get one or more while they > last. Phone 68 JRoy L . Berg. Adv. 25-29, *i s>. .iasj $&&£%'••*&

WANTEtH Room and board by

'^Tuesday, July 15th Frank Ksenat t ' in^t^

Todd of TKe Ttnw*^'**&•

j^iS- -. young coupleln private family where home privileges would'be extended.

* Best of references.. Telephone lOl ^WedneadayV S*'> ~%t -Adv.~28


here were surprised to know &&£$ marriage and. extendi their congratula-r v ^ L-KO Comedy

H*S Robert Altmann. ,, ^ R o u t e 4 . G i b b o n , M i n n ; *


Restaurant, furnished, located at Gibbon, Minn. For further information write O. S. 01s<>n, Gibbon, Minn. 25-28

If you wish your Kodak finishing done right bring it to* Goede's

/ Kodak Finishing Department. ^ 2Stf.

HOUSE FOR SALE. -Five room house on North State.

Street. City crater and electric tight Tel. R0705 for information. ' - Adv. 2tf

FOR Sale OR TRADE in land, my modern home. Price reasonable.

Mr. Live Nelson, - ---" - ' _ Mankato, Minn. Adv. 2*6-28 , 3& Gen. Del.

WANTED: A . competent maid for general housework.

Adv. 28 Mrs. M. A. Bingham.

FOR SALE: An 8 light, water ndfas. Minn. St*

room house, with Inquire at 25 So.

Adv. 28

Lost time cannot be regained. Lose, no t ime m arranging to enter the Man­kato Commercial College, Mankato, Minn. * ' " *? Adv. 28

FOR SALE: "Point Lookout1' 8 room residence witlrall modern conveniences, spring water, good barn and garage. 15 lots'. Enquire of

ri - Albert Steinhauser or Adv. lOtf. _ , ~\ Andrew Steinmete,

FOR RENT: Six .room residence cen­trally located. -Inquire - of Otto HummeL . ' . , - - - ^ Adv^ 221 .-

• • ~ r „... "

Your Kodak^lms are appreciated at .- .Goede's Kodak Finishing Depart­

ment. " Finishing, is"-done W e l e c * trie pr int ine^f _ 20 tf adv^

-*SSS *i<^i.

FOR SALE: Sixty-five acres of grass ready . to cut for hay. About 10

;. miles from New U l m on the old Jos. f Pfokosch farm in Sigel. CaU or write

r-vto Geo. Prokosch, & e ^

Because of my inal>ilit r to attend to my practice during my'recenVulne^a ^ Dr. Myrtle Price of Spirit Lake, Iowa, ^ s

. "will take charge of it now «n4 4urinf « r ^^ my vacation later. *' r-.v. &&• '