M 4 k -- ? L t ysjgaiyjiMjjiuiyuaxgafawjaiaaiiii tAiwoaimnijij.iifFJWj. TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn-- an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n ... ..,..t-..t- . "- - " ' ttt t " " rrr ?"" '" " .Tr.""" T?T?r.7!r uwuji f3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT i f m iw Vol. VL No. 870. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, N0VEMB15K 2-J- , 1881 8UD8CniPTION GO 0ENT8 PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING flFFIfiF. W$. "" Uuccti Htrect. K, ' "ppotlto Went' Cnrtlnco 1'uctory. !ripllon, 50 cents por Month. AH business communications to ho ml. r3Cil, .Minuter Daily Bulletin, Post ' 21co Box No. 1 1. Telephone 250. Dan Loua.v,. Editor Wlt.VYTAtI.UII,... Local ltcpoitor J .vs. O. Ci.Kvion,. Manager WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMING UPON US? Like u thief ut night It steals in upon iu unawnics. Many crsons havo pains u bout the chest and pitted, uml sometimes In thu back. They feel dull mid sleepy; the month has 11 bail taste, especially 'in In thu morning. A sou or sticky sllmo collects about the teeth. Theappotite Is iioor. There is n feeling ltko n heavy lo id on the stomach; sometimes n faint sensation at the pit of the slomnrh which food does not satisfy. The eyes nro sunken, the hands nnd fc!t become cold and feel ulaniiny. After 11 while :i rough sets In at lliht diy, hut after u few months It is attended with a giconlsh coloured cvpcctorntlon. The nlllictcd one feels tired all the while, and sleep does not ocelli to allord any lest. After u time ho becomes ueivous, irrita- ble, and gloomy, and has evil There is u giddiness, u soit of whirling sensation in tlie head when rising up suddenly. The bowels become costive; tiio skin is dry nnd hot at times; tlio blood becomes thick and stagnant; tho whites of tho eyes becomo tinged with yellow, tho urine Is scanty and high-coloure- depositing u sediment after standing. Tltero Is frequently a spitting up of the food, sometimes w ith a sour taste, and sometimes with a sweetish piste; this is frequently attended with pilpltntlon of the heart; the vision becomes impaired with spots hefore tho eyes; there Is a feeling ot great prostra- tion and weakness. All of these symp lomi aio In turn present. It is thought that nearly onc-thh- d of our population hits this dlseaso In some of Its varied forms. It Ins been found that medical men have mistaken thu nature of this disease. Somu have treated it fora liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., but none ot the various kinds of treat- ment hnvo been attended with success, because tho remedy should be such as lo act harmoniously upon each one of these oi gang, and upon thu stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of theso organs partake of this disease and rcqulru n remedy that will act upon all at the same time. Scigcl's Curative Syrup acts like a charm In tills class of complaints, giving almost Immcdialcdicllcff Thofollowinglettcrs from chemists of standing iu the com- munity where they live show in what estimation tho articlo is held. John Archer, llurthlll, near Sheffield: I can confidently recommend it to all who mny bo suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having tho testi mony of my customers, who have derived great honellt fiom the Syrup and Pills. The sale is Incic.ising wonderfully. Geo. A. Webb, HI, York'btreet, Belfast: I liavo sold a largo quantity, and tho parties have testitlcd to its being ' what you represent it. J. S. Metcalfe, 03, Highgate, Kendal: I havo always great pleasure in reconi. mending tho Curative Syrup, for I havo never known u case in which it lias not relieved or cured, and I have sold many grosses. Hobt. G. Gould, 27, High Street, Audovcr: I have always take a great Inteicst In medicines and I havo recommended them, as I havo found numerous oases of euro from their use. Thomas Chapman, West Auckland : J find that thu tiadc steadily Incicascs. I sell liioio of your medicines than any other kind. N.D.uroll, Clun, Silop; All who buy it are pleased, and recommend it. Jos. liatkwill, A. P. S., Kiugsbrhlgo: Tho public seem to appreciate their great value. A.Armstcnd.Maikct Street, Dnlton.in-Ftirncs- s: It is needless for mo to say that your valuable medicines have great sale in this district greater than any other I know of, giving great satis faction. Hobt. Laine, Mclksham: I can well recommend tho Curative Syrup from having proved its clhcacy for indigestion mysclt. Frlockhcim, Aibroath, Forfarshire, Sept. 2a, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year I scnt'you u letter recommending Mother Scigel's Syrup. I have very much pleasure in still bearing testimony to the very satisfactory results of tho famed Syrup mid Pills. Most patent medicines dlo out with me, hut Motlier Selgel has had a steady sale ever since I coin, meuced, and is still in as great demand as when I first bognn to sell the medi- cine. The cures vvhlch havo como under my notico aro cliiclly those of liver complaint and general debility. A certain minister In my neighbour- hood says It is tho only thing which has benefited him and restored him to ills normal condition of health after being unablo to prcuch for n considerable length of time. 1 could mention also a great many other cases, but spaco would not allow. A near friend of mine, who is very much addicted to oostlvencss, or constipation, llnds that Mother Selgcl's Pills aro tho only pills which suit his complaint. All other pills cause a icactlon which Is very annoying. Mother Selgcl's Pills do not leave a bad uftcr-olVcc- I havo much pleasure In commending again to sniveling human. Ity Mother Selgcl's medicines, which nro no sham. If this letter is of any service you can publish It. Youis very truly. (Signed) William H. Glass, Chemist. A. .1. White, Esq. ICtli August, 18SJ. Dear Sir, I wrlto to tell you that Mr. Henry Hillier, of Yatesbury, Wilts, in. ,;'orms mo that ho sudoral fiom a severe-loi- of Indigestion for upwards of four years, and took no end of doctor's modi, cino without tho slightest bcnellt, and declares Mother Selgcl's Syrup which ho got from mo has saved ills life. Your truly, (Signed) N. Webb, Mr.JWhite. Chemist, Calnc. 705 ly 3 t;-'.ttii-- 1'iriiri' imrf-- ) rritn B. F. EHLERS & Go., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Recoivod by ovory steamer II. M. i M 5R Preparations are now in FOR A GRAND DISPLAY OF New S, S A,C1S TO ARRIVE If id 1 04 Fort Street, Mrs. Mollis' Dress Hay, Grain and SHORTLY Making Establishment on Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Ifeleplione 17.". iMlnml orilci'N Holtcitod, uml kooIn delivered promptly. IIEXSOX, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. & 113 & 115 FORT STREET, HONOLULU, Depot for Booricko & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicine's, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Bcnso Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. Every Description Executed with ncntnpss and dispatch, Printing THE FOITA II! Adjoining Uodd's, 123 FORT STREET. Cold Drinks for Young nnd Old. Superior Ginger Beer, lOe. bottle. Donnelly's Root Beer, " " " Donnoliys Spruce Beer, " " " Theso lieors mo tho pleasant nnd healthiest heveraga known. Thoy clcanso nnd purify tho blood, which renders them not only an ex- cellent drink but good for invalids, and moro readily quench thirst without producing any deleterious pllects. CANDIES ! CANDIES ! ! Homo made Creams and Caramels, all varieties, ficsh dally. Finest selection of Imported Candles. CluihuV, celebrated lioston nnestiiioinnticqiuilltyliithomnrkot. NUTS AND BON-BON- S ! ! Hmoko! Hmnlco! Hmolce! My Manllnb nro the in town. Como in and judgo for yourself. Amcilcnu, Havana and eelobrnted Ilomomndo Cigars nl. ways on hand. Chowlng and Smok. Ing Tobacco, cut foil and plug. All varieties of Cigarettes at tho Fou.v. TAIN. 803 ROBERT DONNOLLY. FOR TUB POPULAR MP ANY. Ghicken Feed. f O. W. SMITH, of M Printing Beaver 4 Saloon Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TnU PA UK OPEN EVE.EY DAY. t2TTho only sct-sld- o resort in tho Kingdom. II. J. NOIIT;, Pioprlctor GEORGE LUCAS, a ,( and Jtulldcrps: saErsas Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, IJspla- - nauo, Honolulu. Miinufncturet) nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Unish. Turning, Scroll nnd Band Sawing. All Muds of Sawing and PJin-ni- Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Order from tho other solicited J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers In nil kinds of STATION JURY, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on hand nt the Gazette Block, Mm chant Street 1 by AT TUB Daily Bulletin Steam Office, QUEEN STREET. por most will Locngcs, best Illnglcy's Tho IS FORT STREET. progress Good STORB OF 5J Honolulu. tho promises. WILLIAM AULD, to tnko Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Koua, Island of Oahu, nt tho olllco of tho Honolulu Wntcr Works, foot of Nuu anil street. I8t , JOHN A. HAS3INOEK, Agont to tako Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Ilouoluln. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the abovt languages niado with accuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 20D H. S. Treqloan, TAILOR, SOI FORT ST. CUB. GERTZ, . No. 80 Fort street, Ilonolul.iy-Import- cr and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. JTBITZ WILHELM, CAKPJJNTEU & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of Now Odd Fellow's Hull King street. Telephone US. 52a Cm I7D. O ROWE, HO USD AND SIGN PAINTER, Pai'kii Handeii, etc., No. 10T Kino Stukkt, Honolulu. 5 Telephone, 111. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Ons Fitters nnd Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. STHouso nnd Ship Job Work promptly oxecuted. 17 J.3I.OATA CO., NAIMIAKKItM, Loft in A. F. Cookcs Now Fireproof Building, foot of Nuunnu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Flags of all descriptions mado and repaired. ly b IIOLUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 50 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor., 007 Fort nnd Merchant streets, tf b rfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, BK&aiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil. ers, coolers; Iron, brass nnd lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention pnld to ship's black smithing. Job work exc cutcd nt short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp'v KSTAllMSHLD 1843, " Capital 0,000,000 Rolchsmarks, npiIE undersigned, having been np JL pointed agent of tho nbovo Compnuy for tho Hnvvnlian Islands, Is prepared to accept risks, ngalnst Fire, on Bulldlngi, Furniture, Merchandise', Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. II. RIEMENSOHNEIDEU, 00 ly b at Wilder C'o's. Xoticc. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. rS7TrCr"' Tho undersigned having ffil,irBftJnwdo nltcnitlons, additions, K7?.Sr1allll improvements In his Mwtt.rfrtrwB NOAi' 'ACTORY, Unow prepared to glo Tho Highest Cash Value for nny quantity of T.AXJLiOTT, And will furnlHh containers for the same free of eo'.t to any one who may desire. TIIOM. W. KAWLISN, Honolulu Soap Works. Office In Brick Building, King street, Leleo. 483 1) Commission Merchants. 0. brewer (Limited) & Company, Oknku.vi. Mrucaxhm: ano Commission Aoents. MSToroFricvua: P. 0. JoNi.s, Jr. . . .President & Manager .1. 0. Oautbii Treasurer ft Secretary uiiti:crons: Hon. 0. R. Bisiior. Hon. II. A. P. Cautkk a8 ly Geo. W. Macfarhme. H. R. Mncfarlnue. Q. W. MACZAKLANE & Co. I.MPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Sxiyar Factors, FircProotBullding, m Queen etieet, Honolulu. II. 1. aoei,ts for Tho Wnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui, I ho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, '1 he Hcela Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Mnui, Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlccs. Watson & Co's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow nnd Honolulu Lino of Packets. 183 J. LYONS, i j. LKVEY. I YONS A: TjRVP.V. X- -i Auctioneers nnd General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., . . Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Meichandise promptly at- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro, penn merchandise. yis MS. GRINBAUM ti CO., Importers of Genorul Mcr- - cliiuuliso niid Commission Merchants. Honolulu. i TIT S. GRINBAUM Si Co., XlXt Commission JUorclmuts, 121 California street, Sau Francisco, Cul. CUus Sireckel. ym. o. Irln. VM a. Irwin & Company, T t . Sugar Factors nnd Commission Agents, Honolulu. i AS. OLEQHORN & Oo. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- . ij(j MA. GONSALVES & CO., No. 67 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers nnd Dealers In Dry nnd Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, -- 8? &c..itc., .Ac. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 BROWN Is CO., Wholcsnle Wine nnd Spirit Merchants, No. 1 1 Merchant St., Honolulu. 330 S.N. Castle. j. D..thcrton. CASTLE is COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merclianti. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King t., Honolulu. i WING WO TAI & CO , and General Dealers In English, American nnd Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas nnd Gencrnl Supplies. Also, White it Colored Con. tract Matting, all qualities nnd prices. No. SI Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. C. Afong's. 6211 Om Wolfe & Edwards Grocery ana Feed Store, Corner King nnd Nuunnu streets. Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P.O. Box 130, Tclcphono 349. fiGl Om W3I. McCAXDTilfeiS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer In choicest Iccr, Veal, Mutton, I'InIi, Ac, Ac. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels nt short notico, and Vegetables of nil kinds supplied lo order. 310 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Prncticul Confectionci, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotol st. Tolophono 74. Ihinlerii Vine Suurar Koj;k, In Shocks or Set up, aho Eastorn Pine Barrels for Molasses. Hoops Iron ?f. 7a. Hn.,2 x Mli, 2 x (J, a.-:i.i- For Nnlo by 030 :tmji J. II. B1HLNS, Senior. "Wilier Notico. Oftlco Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having AVntcr Privileges notitled that their Water Rates are payable in iidvauco, nt tho olllco ot the (Superintendent of Wnter Works, foot of Nuunnu street, upon tho 1st day of January nnd July of each year. CHAS. B.WILSON, SI't M ntcr Works S. K. Kaai, Minister f Interior. 201 Professionals. DR. EMERSON, Residence mid consultation rooms ut No. 2 Kukul gt., comer of Fort. Telephono No. 140, 53 2m AR03A, AT LAW, And Notary Public, Office wltli tlio Attorney General, Allio lani Hnlc, Honolulu. 312 ly JOHN RUSSELL," ATl'OUNEY AT LAW. Oniee, on Merchant Btreet, (next door to Dr. btangeuvvnld.) 493 jy EICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Ofllce, No. 14 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, nnd Agent for taking Ac know lodgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. j JM. MONSARBAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold nnd leased, on commission. Lonns ncgotih ted, Legal Documents Drnwn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands iao Q O. BEBQER, KAAHUMANU STltKET. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, Tho City of London Fire In. Co(lImIt'd Macncale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Cd. 238 C 3!. Coolto LltobcrtLottors, COOKE, ' to Lowers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers iu Lunibnr and all arB,cr,u,- - Fo,t Ilomilulii TXTILDER & Co ( ,McnI(;" n Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails Salt and Uuilding Materials of houolulu. every kind, cor. Fort nnd Queen st". .JAMES JlltODIK Veterinary Surgeon, Can be consulted dally at tho oflitu of Dr. Brodle, Fort Street, between the hours of 10 and 12 a. m. ". A11 rtI3 left thero or throuKh Telephone 231, will be promptly attend. ul '" 81!ltf -- a. rr. JtsviasK, .0- - ..xv Will cure Sici; or Lime Horses. E?-Sc- nd orders to dipt Cluney's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. .j;o ly Telephone No. 3C0. PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTUKE for Hones in Knlihl Valley fiO acres iu one paddock 2Sfei all fenced, with an atntnilnnp.. nf r...i. grass, a living stream of wntcr runnini; through tho land. Horses called for nnd delivered nt CO cents per bend, If so desired. Itcasonablu good care tnken of stock but no responsibility from acci- dent. Positively nono but healthy uni. mals tnken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HEHBEHT, Ofllce on Queen street, with Hamilton Johnson. 754 (r A Good Pasture lor Horses, NEAlt TOWN. ill . i V Inquire to A. A. MONTANO. 07" Om G. II. ROBERTSON. Drayman best teams In town. Ofllce, Queen st. 15 A Rare Book. "The Liquor Problem of nil Ages," by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts. Bccommcnded by tho Hoy. Messrs. Crunn and Oggel.nnd ordered by many of the leading gentlemen Iu iho com. munlty. For sale by ,T. S. CUI'LEIt, next building east of Y. 31. C. A. rooms. Xlie PcopIo'H Cyclopedia. A Now Era in Cyclopodltm. It came into exlstenco ns tho result of public opinion that tho manesof thu people needed 11 Cyclopedia better adapted to their wants nnd means. It hnsiheeienm of nil tho oilier Cvelope. dins given iu 11 masterly, Hcholarly man. hit, not inero skeletons, but tho llesh nnd blood of all tho others. It has eighteen thousand topics more than other Cyclopedias, ilvo thousand illus. initioiis, llfty-tw- o double colored maps, 0110 hundred nnd ivvcntvMlvo maps uml diagrams. Tho maps nio Hall Jtoad nnd County maps of the United States. Iho work Is complete nnd now nady tor nollvery, levlsid and nil brought downtolBSL 1'ritos $17, $19, iJ20,$22C0 Indlller-en- t bindings. Published by PHILLIPS & HUNT, N.. lorsalu by .1.8. OUTLEH, next building east of V. M. C. A. ltooms. I rf m 4 P i :

New - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn--an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n..,..t-..t-. "--"' tttt " "rrr?"" '" ".Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwujif3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT

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Page 1: New - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn--an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n..,..t-..t-. "--"' tttt " "rrr?"" '" ".Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwujif3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT


4k --?



ysjgaiyjiMjjiuiyuaxgafawjaiaaiiii tAiwoaimnijij.iifFJWj. TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn-- an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n... ..,..t-..t- . "-- " ' tttt " " rrr ?"" '" " .Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwuji f3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT i f m iw



W$. "" Uuccti Htrect.K, ' "ppotlto Went' Cnrtlnco 1'uctory.

!ripllon, 50 cents por Month.

AH business communications to ho ml.r3Cil, .Minuter Daily Bulletin, Post' 21co Box No. 1 1. Telephone 250.

Dan Loua.v,. EditorWlt.VYTAtI.UII,... Local ltcpoitorJ .vs. O. Ci.Kvion,. Manager


Like u thief ut night It steals in uponiu unawnics. Many crsons havo painsu bout the chest and pitted, uml sometimesIn thu back. They feel dull mid sleepy;the month has 11 bail taste, especially 'inIn thu morning. A sou or sticky sllmocollects about the teeth. Theappotite Isiioor. There is n feeling ltko n heavylo id on the stomach; sometimes n faint

sensation at the pit of theslomnrh which food does not satisfy.The eyes nro sunken, the hands nnd fc!tbecome cold and feel ulaniiny. After 11

while :i rough sets In at lliht diy, hutafter u few months It is attended with agiconlsh coloured cvpcctorntlon. Thenlllictcd one feels tired all the while, andsleep does not ocelli to allord any lest.After u time ho becomes ueivous, irrita-ble, and gloomy, and has evil

There is u giddiness, u soit ofwhirling sensation in tlie head whenrising up suddenly. The bowels becomecostive; tiio skin is dry nnd hot at times;tlio blood becomes thick and stagnant;tho whites of tho eyes becomo tingedwith yellow, tho urine Is scanty and high-coloure-

depositing u sediment afterstanding. Tltero Is frequently a spittingup of the food, sometimes w ith a sourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetishpiste; this is frequently attended withpilpltntlon of the heart; the visionbecomes impaired with spots hefore thoeyes; there Is a feeling ot great prostra-tion and weakness. All of these symplomi aio In turn present. It is thoughtthat nearly onc-thh- d of our populationhits this dlseaso In some of Its variedforms. It Ins been found that medicalmen have mistaken thu nature of thisdisease. Somu have treated it fora livercomplaint, others for kidney disease, etc.,but none ot the various kinds of treat-ment hnvo been attended with success,because tho remedy should be such as loact harmoniously upon each one of theseoi gang, and upon thu stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease is) all of theso organs partakeof this disease and rcqulru n remedythat will act upon all at the same time.Scigcl's Curative Syrup acts like a charmIn tills class of complaints, giving almostImmcdialcdicllcff Thofollowinglettcrsfrom chemists of standing iu the com-munity where they live show in whatestimation tho articlo is held.

John Archer, llurthlll, near Sheffield:I can confidently recommend it to all

who mny bo suffering from liver orstomach complaints, having tho testimony of my customers, who have derivedgreat honellt fiom the Syrup and Pills.The sale is Incic.ising wonderfully.

Geo. A. Webb, HI, York'btreet,Belfast: I liavo sold a largo quantity,and tho parties have testitlcd to its being

' what you represent it.J. S. Metcalfe, 03, Highgate, Kendal:I havo always great pleasure in reconi.

mending tho Curative Syrup, for I havonever known u case in which it lias notrelieved or cured, and I have sold manygrosses.

Hobt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Audovcr: I have always take a greatInteicst In medicines and I havorecommended them, as I havo foundnumerous oases of euro from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland :

J find that thu tiadc steadily Incicascs.I sell liioio of your medicines than anyother kind.

N.D.uroll, Clun, Silop; All who buyit are pleased, and recommend it.

Jos. liatkwill, A. P. S., Kiugsbrhlgo:Tho public seem to appreciate their

great value.A.Armstcnd.Maikct Street, Dnlton.in-Ftirncs- s:

It is needless for mo to saythat your valuable medicines have greatsale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving great satisfaction.

Hobt. Laine, Mclksham: I can wellrecommend tho Curative Syrup fromhaving proved its clhcacy for indigestionmysclt.

Frlockhcim, Aibroath, Forfarshire,Sept. 2a, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year Iscnt'you u letter recommending MotherScigel's Syrup. I have very muchpleasure in still bearing testimony to thevery satisfactory results of tho famedSyrup mid Pills. Most patent medicinesdlo out with me, hut Motlier Selgel hashad a steady sale ever since I coin,meuced, and is still in as great demandas when I first bognn to sell the medi-cine. The cures vvhlch havo como undermy notico aro cliiclly those of livercomplaint and general debility.

A certain minister In my neighbour-hood says It is tho only thing which hasbenefited him and restored him to illsnormal condition of health after beingunablo to prcuch for n considerablelength of time. 1 could mention also agreat many other cases, but spaco wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whois very much addicted to oostlvencss, orconstipation, llnds that Mother Selgcl'sPills aro tho only pills which suit hiscomplaint. All other pills cause aicactlon which Is very annoying.Mother Selgcl's Pills do not leave a baduftcr-olVcc- I havo much pleasure Incommending again to sniveling human.Ity Mother Selgcl's medicines, whichnro no sham. If this letter is of anyservice you can publish It.

Youis very truly.(Signed) William H. Glass, Chemist.

A. .1. White, Esq.

ICtli August, 18SJ.

Dear Sir, I wrlto to tell you that Mr.Henry Hillier, of Yatesbury, Wilts, in.,;'orms mo that ho sudoral fiom a severe-loi-

of Indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end of doctor's modi,cino without tho slightest bcnellt, anddeclares Mother Selgcl's Syrup which hogot from mo has saved ills life.

Your truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

Mr.JWhite. Chemist, Calnc.705 ly 3

t;-'.ttii-- 1'iriiri' imrf--) rritn

B. F. EHLERS & Go.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Recoivod by ovory steamer

II. M.



Preparations are now inFOR A GRAND DISPLAY OF



If id

1 04 Fort Street,

Mrs. Mollis' Dress

Hay, Grain and


Making Establishment on

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsIfeleplione 17.".

iMlnml orilci'N Holtcitod, uml kooIn delivered promptly.




Depot for Booricko & Schreck's

Homoepathic Medicine's, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, The Common Bcnso Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

Every Description

Executed with ncntnpss and dispatch,


THE FOITA II!Adjoining Uodd's,

123 FORT STREET.Cold Drinks for Young nnd Old.

Superior Ginger Beer, lOe. bottle.Donnelly's Root Beer, " " "

Donnoliys Spruce Beer, " " "

Theso lieors mo tho pleasantnnd healthiest heveraga known.Thoy clcanso nnd purify tho blood,which renders them not only an ex-cellent drink but good for invalids,and moro readily quench thirstwithout producing any deleteriouspllects.


Homo made Creams and Caramels,all varieties, ficsh dally. Finestselection of Imported Candles.CluihuV, celebrated liostonnnestiiioinnticqiuilltyliithomnrkot.


Hmoko! Hmnlco! Hmolce!My Manllnb nro the in town.

Como in and judgo for yourself.

Amcilcnu, Havana andeelobrnted Ilomomndo Cigars nl.ways on hand. Chowlng and Smok.Ing Tobacco, cut foil and plug. Allvarieties of Cigarettes at tho Fou.v.TAIN.




Ghicken Feed.



of M Printing

Beaver 4 Saloon

Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All Hoursfinest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


OPEN EVE.EY DAY.t2TTho only sct-sld- o resort in tho

Kingdom. II. J. NOIIT;,Pioprlctor


,(and Jtulldcrps:saErsas

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, IJspla- -

nauo, Honolulu.Miinufncturet) nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Unish. Turning, Scroll nnd BandSawing. All Muds of Sawing and PJin-ni-

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Order from tho othersolicited

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers In nil kinds of

STATION JURY,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand nt the Gazette Block, Mm chantStreet 1 by


Daily Bulletin Steam Office,















tho promises.

WILLIAM AULD,to tnko Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Koua, Island of Oahu, nt tho olllco oftho Honolulu Wntcr Works, foot of Nuuanil street. I8t ,

JOHN A. HAS3INOEK,Agont to tako Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Ilouoluln.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abovtlanguages niado with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 20D

H. S. Treqloan,TAILOR,


CUB. GERTZ, .No. 80 Fort street, Ilonolul.iy-Import- cr

and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, In rear of NowOdd Fellow's Hull King street.

Telephone US. 52a Cm


Pai'kii Handeii, etc.,No. 10T Kino Stukkt, Honolulu.5 Telephone, 111. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Ons Fitters

nnd Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. STHouso nnd Ship JobWork promptly oxecuted. 17

J.3I.OATA CO., NAIMIAKKItM,Loft in A. F. Cookcs Now Fireproof

Building, foot of Nuunnu Street.Honolulu, II. I.

Flags of all descriptions mado andrepaired. ly b


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

50 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, nnd Cor.,007 Fort nnd Merchant streets, tf b

rfl HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,BK&aiStcam engines, sugar mills, boil.ers, coolers; Iron, brass nnd lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention pnldto ship's black smithing. Job work exccutcd nt short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'v

KSTAllMSHLD 1843, "

Capital 0,000,000 Rolchsmarks,

npiIE undersigned, having been npJL pointed agent of tho nbovo Compnuyfor tho Hnvvnlian Islands, Is prepared toaccept risks, ngalnst Fire, on Bulldlngi,Furniture, Merchandise', Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In


II. RIEMENSOHNEIDEU,00 ly b at Wilder C'o's.


and all whom it may concern.

rS7TrCr"' Tho undersigned havingffil,irBftJnwdo nltcnitlons, additions,K7?.Sr1allll improvements In hisMwtt.rfrtrwB NOAi' 'ACTORY,Unow prepared to glo

Tho Highest Cash Valuefor nny quantity of

T.AXJLiOTT,And will furnlHh containers for the samefree of eo'.t to any one who may desire.

TIIOM. W. KAWLISN,Honolulu Soap Works.

Office In Brick Building,King street, Leleo. 483 1)

Commission Merchants.

0. brewer(Limited)

& Company,

Oknku.vi. Mrucaxhm: anoCommission Aoents.

MSToroFricvua:P. 0. JoNi.s, Jr. . . .President & Manager.1. 0. Oautbii Treasurer ft Secretary

uiiti:crons:Hon. 0. R. Bisiior. Hon. II. A. P. Cautkk

a8 ly

Geo. W. Macfarhme. H. R. Mncfarlnue.



Sxiyar Factors,FircProotBullding, m Queen etieet,

Honolulu. II. 1.

aoei,ts forTho Wnlknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui,I ho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,

'1 he Hcela Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maul,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Mnui,Puulo.i Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-able Tramway Works, Leeds,

Mirrlccs. Watson & Co's Sugar Machincry, Glasgow,

Glasgow nnd Honolulu Lino of Packets.183

J. LYONS, i j. LKVEY.I YONS A: TjRVP.V.X--i Auctioneers nnd General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen st., . . Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Meichandise promptly at-tended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro,penn merchandise. yis

MS. GRINBAUM ti CO.,Importers of Genorul Mcr- -

cliiuuliso niid Commission Merchants.Honolulu. i

TIT S. GRINBAUM Si Co.,XlXt Commission JUorclmuts,

121 California street,Sau Francisco, Cul.

CUus Sireckel. ym. o. Irln.VM a. Irwin & Company,

T t . Sugar Factors nnd CommissionAgents, Honolulu. i

AS. OLEQHORN & Oo.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu- .


MA. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 67 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers nnd Dealers In Dry nnd FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

--8? &c..itc., .Ac.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

BROWN Is CO.,Wholcsnle Wine nnd Spirit

Merchants, No. 1 1 Merchant St.,Honolulu. 330

S.N. Castle. j. D..thcrton.CASTLE is COOKE,

Shipping and CommissionMerclianti. Importers and Dealers InGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King t.,Honolulu. i

WING WO TAI & CO ,and General Dealers

In English, American nnd Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas nnd GencrnlSupplies. Also, White it Colored Con.tract Matting, all qualities nnd prices.

No. SI Nuuanu street, opposite Mr. C.Afong's. 6211 Om

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery ana Feed Store,

Corner King nnd Nuunnu streets.Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P.O. Box 130, Tclcphono 349.

fiGl Om

W3I. McCAXDTilfeiS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer In choicestIccr, Veal, Mutton, I'InIi, Ac, Ac.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels nt short notico, and Vegetablesof nil kinds supplied lo order. 310 ly



F. HORN, Prncticul Confectionci,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotol st. Tolophono 74.

Ihinlerii Vine Suurar Koj;k,In Shocks or Set up, aho

Eastorn Pine Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron ?f. 7a. Hn.,2 x Mli, 2 x (J,a.-:i.i-

For Nnlo by030 :tmji J. II. B1HLNS, Senior.

"Wilier Notico.Oftlco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having AVntcr Privilegesnotitled that their Water Rates

are payable in iidvauco,nt tho olllco ot the (Superintendent ofWnter Works, foot of Nuunnu street,upon tho 1st day of January nnd July ofeach year. CHAS. B.WILSON,

SI't M ntcr WorksS. K. Kaai, Minister f Interior. 201


DR. EMERSON,Residence mid consultation rooms

ut No. 2 Kukul gt., comer of Fort.Telephono No. 140, 53 2m


And Notary Public,Office wltli tlio Attorney General, Alliolani Hnlc, Honolulu. 312 ly


Oniee, on Merchant Btreet, (next doorto Dr. btangeuvvnld.) 493 jy

EICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Ofllce, No. 14 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, nnd Agent for taking Acknow lodgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. j


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold nndleased, on commission. Lonns ncgotihted, Legal Documents Drnwn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands iao


KAAHUMANU STltKET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,Tho City of London Fire In. Co(lImIt'dMacncale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Cd.


C 3!. CooltoLltobcrtLottors, COOKE, 'to Lowers & Dickson,Importers and Dealers iu Lunibnr and all

arB,cr,u,- - Fo,tIlomilulii


,McnI(;" n Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails Salt and Uuilding Materialsofhouolulu.

every kind, cor. Fort nnd Queen st".

.JAMES JlltODIKVeterinary Surgeon,Can be consulted dally at tho oflitu ofDr. Brodle, Fort Street, between thehours of 10 and 12 a. m.

". A11 rtI3 left thero or throuKhTelephone 231, will be promptly attend.ul '" 81!ltf--a. rr. JtsviasK,

.0- - ..xv

Will cure Sici; orLime Horses.

E?-Sc-nd orders to dipt Cluney's stables

Queen & Punchbowl sts. .j;o lyTelephone No. 3C0.

PASTURAGE.GOOD PASTUKE forHones in Knlihl ValleyfiO acres iu one paddock2Sfei all fenced, with anatntnilnnp.. nf r...i.

grass, a living stream of wntcr runnini;through tho land. Horses called fornnd delivered nt CO cents per bend, If sodesired. Itcasonablu good care tnken ofstock but no responsibility from acci-dent. Positively nono but healthy uni.mals tnken. Address or enquire of

ALLEN HEHBEHT,Ofllce on Queen street, with HamiltonJohnson. 754 (r

A Good Pasture lor Horses,NEAlt TOWN.

ill . i V Inquire toA. A. MONTANO.

07" Om

G. II. ROBERTSON.Drayman best teams

In town. Ofllce, Queen st. 15

A Rare Book."The Liquor Problem of nil Ages,"

by Dr. Dorchester, of Massachusetts.Bccommcnded by tho Hoy. Messrs.

Crunn and Oggel.nnd ordered by manyof the leading gentlemen Iu iho com.munlty. For sale by ,T. S. CUI'LEIt,next building east of Y. 31. C. A. rooms.

Xlie PcopIo'H Cyclopedia.A Now Era in Cyclopodltm.

It came into exlstenco ns tho result ofpublic opinion that tho manesof thupeople needed 11 Cyclopedia betteradapted to their wants nnd means. Ithnsiheeienm of nil tho oilier Cvelope.dins given iu 11 masterly, Hcholarly man.hit, not inero skeletons, but tho lleshnnd blood of all tho others. It haseighteen thousand topics more thanother Cyclopedias, ilvo thousand illus.initioiis, llfty-tw- o double colored maps,0110 hundred nnd ivvcntvMlvo maps umldiagrams. Tho maps nio Hall Jtoadnnd County maps of the United States.Iho work Is complete nnd now nadytor nollvery, levlsid and nil broughtdowntolBSL

1'ritos $17, $19, iJ20,$22C0 Indlller-en- tbindings.

Published by PHILLIPS & HUNT,N.. lorsalu by .1.8. OUTLEH, nextbuilding east of V. M. C. A. ltooms.







Page 2: New - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn--an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n..,..t-..t-. "--"' tttt " "rrr?"" '" ".Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwujif3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT







&i 'ft


to- -



iMMiujjggwy-wygwr- ?


BTSII01 & Co., BAlN'KlSKSHonolulu, il.1w.11l.1n hlnnd.

Draw Exchange on the

I tunic ol'CtilllWuIu. S. Y

And their Juent in. NEW YOHK, UOSTON, HON 3 KONB.

MuMro. N. M. Rothschild &on, London.The Commercial 11 ink Co., of Sydney,

London.Tito Ooiiiiitcielnl Hunk Co., (if Syilney,

Sydney-'I'h- u

ll.utk of New Zealand: Auckland,Chrhtrliiiroh, anil Wellington.

The Haul; of Urlildi Columbia, Victi.rln, it. und Portland, Or.

ANDTraiiMirl : General Banking HiiIiip.

(WO ly

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party.Bit ejtibllihel tit the biaaJ'. of all.



Clymnusiuin, Skating, 7.Hand, ICininn Square, 7:flU.Harmony Lodge, I.U.O.F., 7:!10.


On Friday the A.h'crlifrr had anuitiolc Unit asked, in effect, whnt alltin; talk about constitutional reformmeant. It is n hopeful sign to tlndtill! only paper Mipporting the Gov-rrnino- nt

through thick and thin,deigning to pay .o much attention topublic opinion. The article referredto calls upon the Opposition picss'Mo come down from the clouds ofgeneralities and to descend to parti-culars." No doubt the cha'llengewill be accepted, if not .doner, whenthe Government press condescendsto reply to the hill of particulars re-

garding the present Ministry's, crook-ed ways. For instance, neither ex-

planation, excuse nor reparation hatever been vouchsafed for the illegaland unintelligible lin.mcinl statementrecently put lorth. Our contempo-rary would make it appear Unit thedesire for constitutional reform nowprevalent is merely a revival of apolitical struggle of a score of yearsago, which it says was "a light, not(or a constitution, but for power;nol for principles, but against in-

dividuals." It will probably lind.when the present workings of thethoughtful minds in the community,over the unsatisfactory administra-tion of iiffnii-.- , crystallize-- ' into adefinite movement, titat it is verymuch mistaken. Whatever wiethemerits of that foimcr .struggle, intowhich it is not our purpose now toimpure, we have, reason to know thata powerful propoition of those whoare sick of the existing state ofaffairs would display very little, andno laslin;', enthusiasm over anyOpposition policy that did nol, com-

prehend more than replacing the pre-

sent Ministry with another, even ofmen much superior in every way.Indeed, it is impossible to hope forany great betterment of governmentunder such an odd piece of patch-work as the constitution of thisKingdom presents. With the met estfeint at conferring representativegovernment, it combines the obsoleteautocratic elements of English mon-

archy in the middle ages, the decay-ing aristocratic privileges of thepresent Fnglish constitution, andthe most faulty characteristics ofthe American republican system.Monarohs may come und go, minis-tries rise and fall, but administra-tions that were failures throughout.still have a powerful influence inaffairs in the persons they haveloft in the two potent but irre-

sponsible bodies, the lYivy Counciland the House of Nobles. A Minis-try may have no policy, nor brainsto devise one; their pet measuresmay bo cast out by the Legislatureas rubbish and themselves snubbedby formal ccimiro and studied par-

liamentary indignity; but if theAppropriation Hill can be squeezedthrough, giving them authority tohandle the revenues of the nation,they may hold their places and emo-

luments from one session of the Lear-islatu- re

to another. F.vou if con-

demned at the polls, there is no

guaranty Hint they will bo dismissedunless tho verdict against them issustained by such numbers in theAssembly as to make them whollyimpotent, and, thcru is

, no assurance that their successorshave the support of the people. Addto these anomalies the hopelessnessof having an independent Legislature

.while it is so largely composed as atpresent of Government officials, fromGovernors to district magistrates.

Is it much wonder that under such n

system tho whole head is sick, andthe wholo heart faint ?

Tho Advertiser says it "shouldmuch like to see a programme fromthoe would be constitutional re-

formers." So should we. In ourcase the wish 13 based upon the hopeUnit it would be u programme thatwe could conscientiously and en-

thusiastically support. Those who

stand in the way of a thorough over-

hauling of the ship of slate are notthe friends of that independent Ha-

waiian nationality generally admittedto be bet for tho inhabitants of thegroup and for the world's pence andcommerce. Ono of the first essentialsof such nn independent state is thatthe sybtem of government shallconfer upon its subjects as free andhonorable :i citizenship ns that of thecountries from which the foreignpopulation is cliiclly drawn?


The plundering Arab, ' Auti-shamus- ,"

y lays rough handson court parasites.

An ntticlo in lirttdslrcit's, theleading commercial journal of theFast, gives u comparison of tiietrade of the United States with Ha-

waii and that with other countries,similar to that which recently ap-

peared in the San Francisco .Mer-

chant, and concludes as follows:"Indeed, including Mexico, the littleKanaka Kingdom of the North Paci-

fic comes within S201J72 of theentire exports to all American coun-

tries, except the Dominion of Ca-

nada. This is a suggestive fact, andindicates that the commercial ideawill best be carried out by maintain-

ing existing trading relations with,the Tinted State.-,- . If any changebe made it sdiould be towards ex-


There is a hydrophobic article in

this morning's Adrei liner, uponMis. Lcavitt's mission. It givesthe cue to every prejudice that itsmi iter can conjure up in the commu-

nity against the movement. Thetalented lady who lias come to leadthe campaign against intemperanceprobably doeo not need to be told ofa single oiie of tho obstacles to suc-

cess mentioned. Similar ones over-

come elsewhere cannot but be fami-

liar to her. The very same localprejudices' Including that againstthe prophet at home, are just asstrong in thousands of towns, greaterand smaller, in America where thotemperance movement has tri-

umphed. At all events, we shouldthink it would better become a res-

pectable newspaper, if it could notconscientiously help such ;i needfulwork as. that just begun by Mrs.Lcavitl. to at least not try to hinderit.

The reportcis of a morning andan evening paper wen; refused per-

mits to go out in the pilot boat tomeet the S. S. Alameda, upon theground Unit the privilege was onlyaccorded to those having friends on

boaul. This was not a matter ofsurprise, for it - notorious that thepress here. does not receive the samesort of consideiation that it does in

such less enlightened places as NewYoik, Philadelphia and San Fran-

cisco. It became, however, a fairmatter of complaint when (he 'strictrules of the Health Olllco werebroken to oblige a citizen whoseonly business in going out was togive the signal for a salute as thesteamer came up the harbor, ifMaine had been elected. It was

probably deemed more importantthat the few who had arranged forthe salute should bo gratified thanthat the news of the election shouldbe given the public at the verycailiest possible, moment by thelocal papers. It turned out, how-

ever, that the saluto gave false in-

telligence, and this paper no thanksto any outside favor was out withtho con cut news of tho election mihour after the steamer whs mooredto the wlmrf.

The Adwrtiscr politely asks forproof of the, following assertionsmade by this paper on the lfith in-

stant: "Tho Hoard of Health sta-

tistics, imperfect ns they are, proveit to be one of tho most unhealthycities in Christendom." As to thoimperfect nature of the Hoard ofHealth statistics, it is perhaps enoughto point out thnt whereas they re

presented tho number of deaths hi1881 tiB 518, the Boaul of Kduca- -

lion records showed it to have been900, a difference of 442. Then avery largo proportion of the deathsreported are. attributed to causes un-

known, which shows anything butperfection in the olllcial tables,That the sanitary condition of thecity is as bad a9 wo have slated is

proved by the death rale of 1881, '

exclusive of the deaths by small-po- x,

having been neatly 02 in the thou-

sand, which is, according to theJImca Han Monthly, "three timesns great as that of the city of Lon-

don, more than three times that ofSan Francisco, and two and u halftimes that of New York." Satisfied? i


The Hri.urnx reporter had quitea surprise Saturday evening. Stroll-ing round town a little after dark,who should ho come across but hisold long lost fiicnds Jinks andHumps, on the verandah of thePost-olllc- e, in deep Presidential con-

versation. From their general ap-

pearance and the color of their faces,they looked as if they had just comeup from the country, and had a kindof lookabout them.' The lcportcr lit ncigar and sitting on the steps ns nearas possible to them heard the follow-ing conversation :

"" I'll tell you what it is, Dumps,there's a done-brow- n lot of men inthis city to-da- y. They felt cock-sut- c

of Jim Maine's election. Thenews that Cleveland is elected hasilabcrgastiealod the whole crowd.I'm right glad the chap's got in,and believe lie 'II make as good aboss as any on 'em before him. Itwas big fun, you bet, on the wharfthis morning before the steamerconic alongside. They sent out anIrishman on the pilot boat so as toget the news and send a signal for nsalute if Maine was elected, liesomehow made an Irish stew of hisjob and they did lire a salute forMaine, which made all the Demo-

crats scared, and the chaps in whitehats all whooped, and said, ' AVc

told you so!' Hut you know.Humps, when I seed thnt boat com-

ing along at a kind of funeral pro-cession pace, thinks I, Jim Maine, Isee it plain you're a goner. 1 couldsee those chaps with the white hatsbeginning to turn whiter than theirhats, and as the steamer got wellround the last corner that littlewide-awak- e Merchant street newschap hollered out with tears in hiseyes, 'It's Cleveland! Afterwhich there was a general exchangeof sighs. All of a sudden I felt thewharf shake, and on turning round,there was Fatty from the hoteldancing a hornpipe, and looking ashappy as if he had just got married.Then one chap threw his white hatinto the ocean, another carried hisbehind him, and the rest of t hem stolesoftly home like a lot of half-drown-

rats. You know. Humps,that little fellow on Merchant streetwho sells and rents houses had beentold by some of tho American bigbugs with plenty of coin, to get allready for having a $.iUO torchlightaffair, with Hergcr's band in front.That young boy in the bank whocounts out $20 worth of silver inthree licks, and the brown-lookin- g

chap in the next shanty who insuresyour life, both got badly left. Theywere going to paint the whole townred, but after the steamer got in,they were seen with crape on theirhats, so 1 suppose they heard newsof the death of some relations, anddidn't like to take part in anydemonstration.

Humps, who had just finished hiscigar, interrupted Jinks and askedhim if he had heard about the elec-

tion of Blaine in Honolulu." Oh, yes," said Jinks, " I read

the result in the Hi:m.i:ti.v, and Ibelieve they wish they hadn't a doneit now. Somebody told mo the re-

sult with the names has been sentto Cleveland. There wasn't manyDemocrats in Honolulu before thesteamer arrived, but now there seemsto be heaps on 'cm. You shouldhave seen old Hill Wilder, he lookedas happy as if a fortune had beenleft him. He hunted round for alive rooster, but couldn't find one,so got a paper one, stuck it in hishat, and paraded the streets likeIoano the dandy docs. "When hemet a Maine chap, he asked him,'what's the latest news from thoCoast?' which made 'cm bile. Thebest fun of all was, Sam Nottthought Maine was elected, anil puthis and Logan's pictures up outsidohis store but they didn't stay therelong, it was too cold a day for oilpaintings."

Just at this point a friend of Jinks,whom he had not seen since theLegislature was sitting, came alongafter his mail and recognizing eachother, they till three walked off toNollo's Saloon for a drink of sodawater, leaving the reporter alone.

to tiii: li.vlnr.K or iioxomj.siMK9. GASCOYNE,

DRESSMAKER, hubbies.having returned'

VeniluiiH Cleaned, Dyed anil Curled inall the newest shades.

Corner of King and Richard Street'.705 Hin"


The following table gives the ma-j-

itics for Clovcland and Maine inthe various Stales, based upon thelatent telegraphic returns :

CLEVELAND.Alabama 5:.,000Arkansas 20,0CO

Connecticut 1.200Delaware 11,000

Floilda 4.100Georgia 60,000Indiana r,ii00Kentuckv 00,000l.ouMnim i .3."i,000Maryland 7,000Mississippi 15,000Missouri 20,000Xew.lei'ev H,202New York 1,100.North Carolina 25,000Smith Carolina 00,000Tennessee '.t.",000Texas 70,000Virginia 10,000W.- -t Virginia 20.000

BLAINE.'aliforiila 12,000

Colorado 1.000Illinois 10.000Iowa 28,000Kansas 50,000.Maine 20,000Maachuetts 2 1.000.Michigan 0.000Minnesota 110,000

Nebraska 20.000Nevada 1,000New Hampshire 2,800Ohio 31,000Oregon 1,000Pennsylvania .78,000Ilhode lland 5,300Vermont 23,000Wisconsin 10,000racrvvwruw

Preliminary Announcement.Grand Xraa; Night Sale.

We aie Instructed by Mossm. Lye.ui itCo. to linlil n grand livening Snle of

Elegant Xmas Presents,At their ulore on Fort St ,

iVS MA'Ji'EJEJEDAY XSWHT,Dec. 0, ill 7 o'clock.

LYONS ic LEVKY,875 lw Auctlonutra.

Aileiifioit Suotiolcilit JtiflcM.. ALL Officers mid Members arelf--7 hereby ordered 10 lenort at the

I-T- Aimory, TUESDAY UVENIXH,J I IjXovoinljer ".itli. ui 7.P.0 v. m.

Fij slurp, in order to lc measuredI for their new uniform",jj Per Order.

it-l- Ctntahi Comnuindlni:.870 at

NOTICE.Honolulu, Nov. Sflh. 1881.

Gentlemen owing bills to WilliamFennel will plru'i: e.ill and pny bcfoiuthe v. December, any bills owingby hlni will bo paid nn presentation, byMr. P. Dajton. at Harness Store No. 02Ida;; meet, Honolulu. 870 t!w


0 Bssrms fcftrtY Ji ,'B


Wiwim hWMwWWm 9!



0 N


foi'iier or Fort nuil Uolol tn.S7U

NOTICE.I'lom and after the 1 t ofDecember next, Ticketsboth (or Cabin and Dee!;

Passenger per sleanicis of the Inter- -

Island Strain Navigation Co. can bohad at their olllco, on the wharf, at thofoot of Fort Ftreet. Those who fail toprovide themselves with tickets will becharged extra. Perouler,

.1. EXA. Jr., Sccretarv.Honolulu, Nov. 20, 18SI. 874 !)t

NOTICE.,X and after IhU dale. .Mr. .1. H.

Wiseman will lake charge of unhooks, distribute mid collect my billswithout exception. His receipt will besulllelcnt.

GEORGE THOUSSKAU. M.D.Honolulu, Nov. SI, 1881. S71 If


makers) situations as seani&ticsbesin a family or In a dress-makin- estab.llHhnient. Apply8T.1JW THIS OFFICE.


Ix. Meeting of the. Stockholders ofWilder's Steamship Co. (Limited) heldnt their olllco in the City of Honolulu,ThuiBday, Nov. 20, lgSI, tliu followingollleerswmo to servo (luringtho ensuing year; i

Samuel G. Wilder Pie.sldentWilliam G. Irwin Viee.Prchldent '

Samuel 11. Rose SecruinrvWilliam U. Wilder TreasmerJohn II. Pnty Auditor

S. B. EOfcU, Sccretarv.Honolulu, Nov. So.lb 81:1 lit ,

NOTICEJjS lir.RHBY given that I will not bo

i responsible for any debt conductedIn my name without my written order.

(!. WEST. '

Honolulu, Nov. 10, 1881. 885 lm



Novelty Head Quarters I

Efc-AJB-: 303a THE! JHC03-iIX-A.- Y I

tote Presents & New Year'sMAKE YOFNC. AND OLD HAPPY.



" " HOYS,


'" " YOUIt filtAND-FATHKI- t,





Can now be selected from the stock of Holiday Goods now boinj; opanad

AT THE HAWAIIAN BAZAR.ios jpoivj: sxxwEiiyjr.

tQT- - Call, examine and see the largest stock in the Kingdom. TrSrt

872 KENNEDY & CO., Proprietors.

JOSEPH. E. WISEMAN,Tho Only Recognized General Business Agent on tho Hawaiian Island.

icsawijjsiiivso in.Offices in Campbell's Fire-proo- f Building, 27 Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I.I. O. XSox ttlft : : : : Trlcplioni) 172.

.OJiJI.'.A.ll'.r.aL.UN'r.S :

HEAL ESTATE AGENT Buys and sells Heal Estate in all parts of the King.(lorn. Ilcnts Offices, Houses, Cottages and Hoaia;.

SOLICITING! AGENT FOE WILDElt'S INTEH-1SLAN- D STEAMEHS-To- uiistsiuid the '('raveling l'nblle will apply to me for Tickets and Information totho Volcano.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEWYOHK The Largest, GrmideM mid Soundest Institution of ils kind in theWorld.

AGUXTFOH THEGltEAT llUHLINUTON HAILWAY HOUTE IN AMERICAThis Houtu excels all other routes going E.ist, the sccnerv being the grander,

thu meals tho choicest and the I'.ilace ami Dining Cais tlie'lmmUonmt iiiul mosteonifoi table.

EMPLOYMENT AGENT Finds Employment for all work In the vari-ous branches of Industry on the Islands.


CUSTOM HOUSE IiROKER Enters Goods at Custom House, payi and dischargesFreight and Duty Ellis under power of Attorney.

MONEY" BROKER Loans Money at all times on llrst-clnt- s sccuritlv.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT Leg.il Papers of every description drawn. Bills

Distubuted and Collected. Bnok ami Accounts kept and adjusted. EecordsSearched. Rents Collected. Tuxes and Insuiance on Property looked after.Copying nnd Engrossing done. Advertisements, Newspaper Aiticlc?, Corres-pondence ami Commercial 1uMiic-- s of eveiv nattiro promptly and aectuatelvattended U.

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT IIONOLULU-Comp.u- tles abroadwill correspond with mu for term, etc. Oidcra for Island Shells, Cm los, LavaSpecimens, Native Views and Pliotm r.irefullv filled ami forwarded to nil partsot the World.

C2T Information appertaining to the Llauds giveti and all coircspondeiice faith-full-

answered.JOSBME V.. WISMMAK.

General Business Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


to iSo, 81 Kim: street, directlv on- -

potite the old stand. All ordcis prompt-ly attended to at reasonable rates. Tele-phone No. SO. 8.r7 lm

TO LET.Large and Commodious

(2fcrrt$JS HOUSE, centrally located,tercSMZR newly papered sad painted.L'irgu 'iii d, stnblcs, Ac. Possessiongiven immediately. For fuithcr par.liculars enquire ot

JNO. S. McGEEW,815 Hotel str., bet. Fort and Alakea


ABOUT 150 HEAD OF CATTLE,ages and Sizes, and Including

Milking Cows, Calves, Ilelfcr.s nndSteers. Will ecll In lots to wilt intendlug purchasers, but prefers to sell all inono lot. Also several good hone. Ap-ply to MRS. COSTA,

S2U tf Kallhi Valley.

TO KENT.rjlHREE NICE FURNISHED RoomsX including a front one, centrally lo.rated. Apply'Na. 1 Garden Line

8(15 lw


831 If Soap Works

TO LET.SUIT OF FRONT KOOMS, mcelvA furnished. Apply at No. 8 Kukiil

street. 77(1 tf

Furnished ltooms.

FOH GENTLEMEN ONLY. Applyto MRS. TURNEK. 82IClii!.' Street.

nearly oppositu tiio iniisor iccstnurant,000 ly b

FOR SALE.House mitl UiOt ut I'nlumn.

A, House, Stable, Car-liag- u

and Chicken House and,everything convenient. About an acre"of land fenced. Terms easy.

Apply to J. A i'ALMER,87'J Sw Real Estate Broker

NOTICE.17 11. RYAN will cany on Ilia busl.

ucss of Boat Building, Repairing,Vc, so long conducted on by II. B.Ryan, nt tho old stand on Kllauea street.E3JT All orders promptly attended to,

SCO lm

3ER,Collector, Ileal WMtatu,

A.N- D-

iiieiieral ItuMincHK Agczit.Olllie iii Campbell's Now Block,

it vr f it.. r.-i- .815 tr Jiuuiii iiu. i, ii.


also Residence propcity on thePlains at a bargain.

For Kent Several u oil furnishedrooms, In private families gool locu-tion. Pleasant rooms for two gentle,men, with privilege of keeping!! horsesin paddock.

QUARTERLY BBLLS,Books and Accounts and Cus-

tom House Business prompt-ly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


Qoneral Business Agent, Merchant St.

Telophone 172 P. 0. Box 315.

Boots t Sloes

L. ABLERB EOS to inform the public that ho has

JUST RECEIVEDper Mariposa, an chgant assortment of

Gents', Ladies', and Children's


813 flm

MR. W. C. PARKEAN OFFICE over p & Co.'HASBank, and will be happy to attend

to nnv business entrusted to his care.SlJ'J (hn



Manufacturer.Book Binding of nil description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building . . Merchant street

722 ly

v&J&ftU. V-- i. .uiii..Kj W.iC 4 '. ,S.m,.7.Sq&..

SEPf ta-- W



Page 3: New - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn--an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n..,..t-..t-. "--"' tttt " "rrr?"" '" ".Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwujif3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT


MONDAY, NOV 21, 1 881."

AIiniVALS.Xovcmher 22

Stnir Lelum from Wind waul PomNovember 23

btmr (J It IHshop from Hnm.ikuaStinr Planter from KaunlSehr Lukn from KoliolnlcloSchr Kuw iillaiil from KoolanSclir Catcrinii from IlunnlclP 31 S a Zciilniidlu from Australia

"DEPAntURES."""November 21

J' 3t S S Zcakintlln for San FraneUeoSclir Kawallanl for llanalol.Stinr W (i Hall for Windward PnrlSliur Llkrllku for KaluilulSclir Jtob Jtoy for KoolanSclir Waloli lor LnupnhochocSclir Nettle Morrill forl.alialna.St'hv 3Innuoknwal for KoolanSelir3llli! MorrN for I.niuilSclir Ehukal for Wnlalua

VESSELS LEAVINGStinr Klnaii for Windward PortsStmr Leliua for AVlndward PortsJlk Geo S Homer for Portland. OrUktnc Amelia for Port'fowiiscmlIlgtno W U Irwin for San FranciscoSclir I.nka for KoholaleluSclir Catcilna for llanalclStmr Walmanalo for WalmanaloStmr 0 It IJishop for Kauai

VESSELS IN PORT.Steam bk Geo S Ilomer, PerryJlrig Tawara, La OucnHgtuo Hazard, TlorncyHark Abide Carver, PendletonHark Caudaur, OffcrsonTorn Eva, WikinanUktnc Amelia, Ncwhallltgtno W G Irwin, TurnerUark Halla, 'l'ornccnlmS S Alameda, Jlorse

PASSENGERS.From Kauai, per Planter, Nov 2.1

Madame Corn. 1 U ClilMiolm. S y,

Oil Hnfgard. W II Spitt,.Simpson, wife and clilld, A ltrodle and2 Chinese.

Prom Ilainakua, iicr Leliua, Xov 22X Ilulbert. 31m Ulackburn and P High.

Prom Ilainakua, per C It liUhop.Nov22 Hon J IC Kaunamaiio, Judge Alio,lion 3Iakakla, W X Purdy and J LSmith.

From Australia, per Zcalaudla, Xov21 3IIss Itcrtlia von Holt. Mr llninp- -POII.

SHIPPING NOTES.The Abhlo Carver Is in the stream.Schr Caterlna brought 027 bag paddySclir Kawallanl brought 500 bags rice.Schr Alalia will bo laid up for repair.Stmr Iwulanl hails on Wednesday at 4

) in for Ilainakua.Stmr Lchua brought 20SJ1 bags sugar.

She sails at 5 p in.The Klnau hi ought 12411 bags sugar, I

horse, 181! pkgs sundries and 1 donkey.Stmr (.' Jt liUhop sails on

the Planter's route to Kauai.Stmr Planter brought 22S bags sugar,

:i 1 bags rlco and 21! hide. She sails onWednesday at 5 p m.

The S S Alameda sailed from SanKrnncNco, Xov loth at Dp in, with 7--

passengers and 1100 tons cargo. Hadfresh SSW winds to the 18th, thencelight SSW with a heavy XW swell. Onthe 10th, at i) a 111, passed the Americanbk Coloma from Portland, Or, withChinese passengers bound to Hongkong.Arrived at Honolulu, Xov 22nd, at 12noon, 0 days, 211 hours and 25 minutes.

MARRIE0.On Sattudav, Xov. 22ud, ISS-t- , at the

ieldence of ill". T. II. Henderson. Ku-k- ui

Place, by the Jlcv. K. C. Oggel. Mr.W. II. Itichardson, of Honolulu, to MissAnnie Wil-o- ii of Plctou. Xova Scotia.


Lieut. J. II. Henderson, of II. B.M. S. Swiftsurc, arrived bj' the S. S.Alameda.

Tin: new missionary steamerMorning Star did not leave Bostonuntil November filli.

Tin: Hawaiian Commercial Stock

Co.is selling its shares in San Fran-

cisco at two bits apiece.

II. It. Lillavd's name was inadver-

tently omitted from the list of pas-

sengers by the Alameda.

Thi: barkentino William Phillips

was in port at Hongkong October

Mill ; would soon sail for Honolulu.

Mr. John. A. Beckwith has been

appointed U. S. Consular Agent atHilo, vice Capt. Thomas Spencer,


Tnu Consuclo is 12 days out to-

day from San Francisco, with a cargo

valued nt 8 14,095. She lias 91 bogs

on board.

Tin: Hawaiian schooner Malolo

left San Francisco November 11th

for Hilo, with a cargo valued at 83,- -

08.r..,..- -

Tin: exports from San Francisco tothese islands for the month of Octo-

ber amounted to $235,300, which is

tho best month since March.

Ciiisksi: express driver No. 98 has

what ho calls a horse, which can

scarcely move. It looks as if itwould not last tho week out.

Mit. J. I). Trcgloan returned by

tho Alameda on Saturday. During

his stay at the Coast ho has selected

a magnificent stock of hats, caps,

gentlemen's neck and under wear,

all of which will bo opened in a day

or to.

"Antisiiamps" on last page.

Attkxtios Honolulu Miles, we

have got somo good news for you.Go to the Armory even-

ing and get measured for your new


Jin. X. F. Burgess, who resides011 Bcrctauiii street, illuminated hisresidence in n most beautiful mannerSaturday evening, in honor of theelection of Cleveland und Hendricks.

A xr.w single scull racing shellarrived by the Alamcdu for Port-Survey- or

tOcorgu Markliani. It is

housed at the Honolulu Yacht andBoat Club's house, and is. a veryfine specimen of workmanship.

K.u;i, the escaped prisoner, wascaught at the wltliigig Saturdayevening, lie was biought up thismorning and given n year's imprison-

ment, to commence at the expirationof former sentences. This is thethird time he has made his escape.

. . .- -- .

Tin: members of the Itemcnyiconcert party arc meeting with grandsuccess in the Colonics. They arestill in Melbourne. Kcmcnyi's plny-in- g

is considered far ahead of any-

thing ever heard in the Colonics be-


Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, Inspector-Gener- al

of Immigration, leaves bythe W. G. Hall this afternoon on atour of inspection through tiio Ivan

district. He will visit the planta-

tions at Wnloliinu, Ililea, und Pa-

llida, and expects to return Sunday.

As Mr. C. E. Ilcnson was drivingdown Nutianu street Saturday morn-

ing, a small Chinese child ran acrosstho street in front of his horse. Bya clever piece of driving, he pulledup in timo to save tho child's lifeIt iiad a hair breadth escape.

TmmsDAY next, November 27tli,being Thanksgiving day, there will

be na special service at St. AndrewsCathedral in the morning, commenc-

ing at 11 o'clock. There will be aunion service at the same hour, ofthe Congregational Churches, in FortStreet Church, when the Row Mr.Oggel will preach.

Tun P. M. S. S. Zcalandia arrivedoff port about half-pa- st one o'clockthis morning, and left again for SanFrancisco at 7 o'clock. She wasdetained a few hours on account ofan accident to her machinery. Mrs.Hampson tho evangelist and MissBertha von Holt were passengers byher for this port.


A Tnitmiiu: noise proceeded fromFowler's yard about one o'clockSunday morning. Residents in theneighborhood were wakened up andsomewhat alarmed. Chairs andother things were knocked about,and there were loud cries of murderand police. It is about tho lowestplace in town and ought to be cleanedout.


Puusnit Sutton of the S. S. Ala-

meda was married in San Francisco,November 14th, to Miss Mary G.McCombe, daughter of Mr. JohnMcCombc, of San Francisco. Thopresents were numerous and elegantmid included a silver ice pitcherfrom the olllccrs of the S. S. Ala-

meda. Congratulations.

Tin: opening of the new organ fortho "Waikiki church will take placeon Friday evening. II. R. II. Prin-

cess Liliuokalani has charge of theprogramme. Mcsdamcs Chas. B.

Wilson, Malcolm Brown and W. II.Aldrich and the church choir will

assist vocally, and there will bo two

organ solos. As there will bo abright moon, the attendance will

probably be large.

1'oun drunks in tho Police Court

this morning brought in $21. Kalua-hin- c,

an old offender, charged withdrunkenness, was given fifteen days.

Frank Smith, for furious driving,

forfeited bail of 810. M. S. Copley,

on tho same charge, was remandeduntil Friday, to await tho appearance

of Mr. Sullivan, who received in-

juries through tho defendant's care

lessness. Ah Yok, for having opium

in possession, was lined 850 and one

month's imprisonment.

Auout two o'clock on Saturdayafternoon we met Pastor Oggel oftho Bethel church, in his very best

clothes with a beautiful button-hol- o

bouquet of choico flowers. Some-

thing unusually being apparent wo

stopped him, and found that he had

Just united In inarrinirc, Mr. W. IIRichardson, tho genial druggist atBenson, Smith & Co.'s, to MissAnnie Wilson, of Plctou, NovaScotia, who had just arrived by theAlameda. The happy event tookplace at tiio residence of Mr. T. II.Hcndcigou, Kukui Place, in tho

picseocc of a few friends. Longlife ami happiness to the newlymarried couple.

Tnu sale of imported blood horsesby Mr. E. P. Adams was largely at-

tended this noon. Ono matchedspan of black mares wcro sold for8125 to Mr. Heine, who also boightfor 8575 the browu marc dementiwith .1 record of 2 :2 1. Capt. Clunicbought Benton Boy for S290; Mr.U. Lane, Comet for 8250. BellBoyd, $295, and a bay filly by Shan-

non, 8320, were sold to Mr. SamParker. Mr. Jaeger gave $280 forAlabama. A brown stallion ownedby Mr. W. II. Cornwell was sold toTong Yen for 335.

Tin: brigantine Clans Spicckcls,which left here October 22nd, arrivedin San Francisco November 8th.She had n narrow escape from beingwiecked off the Cliff House. ThoGolden Gate was sighted the nightbefore, and a pilot taken aboard. Itwas a very dark and foggy night,and entering the harbor was a dilll-eu- lt

matter. After beating aroundunder the pilot's guidance, theCaptain suddenly saw a dark massof rocks right over tho starboardbow. The next moment the vesselcainc to a standstill stuck fast in thesand. The rocks proved to be thoseal group off the Cliff House. Hadthe tide not been out the vessel musthave struck on tho rocks. As itwas she remained fast in tho sanduntil the tide came up and floatedher off. Her six passengers weremuch alarmed, but thankful for thenarrow escape.



Gut one of those AVall Pockets, anice ornament, for sale cheap atKing Hros.' Art Stoic. 87(5 .'It

For Head stones or Monuments goto T. J. Naglc, corner Queen & Ala--

kea street. 8S Read his circulars.875 lm.

Tin: undersigned have opened anemployment olllcc on Meek streetnext to the Chinese newspaperofllec, where persons wanting Cooks,"Waiters, Gardeners or Laborers will

(hid it to their advantage to givethem a call. Chinese interpretingalso attended to on reasonable terms.873 2w HO FON & LEE PAT.


An effoit to set the temperanceball rolling in this community wasinaugurated by a meeting in the Y.M. C. A. Hall on Saturday evening,which was addressed by Mrs. Leavitt,of Boston, Vice-Preside- nt of theWoman's Christian TemperanceUnion of America. There was alarge attendance, chiefly of friendsand sympathizers with the move-

ment.Last evening a union temperance

meeting was held in the Fort StreetChurch, which filled the building.Among the audienco was a largerepresentation of leading citizens,including several members of theLegislature and one or more liquordealers. Preliminary devotions wereconducted by the Revs. Dr. Danion,Bishop and Cruzan. Mrs. Leavittgave a remarkably earnest, clear andpointed address, a report of which,owing to our columns being in avery crowded state from matter leftover from Saturda', wc shall haveto defer until

This afternoon nt 3 o'clock Mrs.

Leavitt holds conference with tho

.ladies of Honolulu, and in tho evening will address a public meeting in

tho Y. M. C. A. Hall.

The latest accounts of the cholerain Paris is that the cold weather washaving a favorable effect upon the

mortality. The ravages arc trivialcompared with those of the typhoidfever epidemic. It is known thattho deadly disease mado large

ravages among the soldiers in the

garrison, but the military ofllcials

publish no returns and refuse all in-

formation. From midnight to six

in tho afternoon of Nov. 14th, therewero seventeen deaths by cholera in

tho city and thirty-on- e in tliu hos-



The Band will play at EmmaSquare this evening, at 7:30. Thofollowing is the programme :

TAitr t.Overture Jolly Robbeis SuppeWaltz Vienna Bon-bo- StrausDance The Aborigines ThleioSelection Jerusalem Vordl

paut 11.

Selection Yo Oldcu Times UeyurWaltz Medley SchmidtQuadrille Liliuokalani Hcrgor

llooheua and Hawaii Pouol.

10 1



rosw STOCK-- OF

CHRISTMAS B oddJust Received, and which arc

Now Being ExhibitedAT OUR

No. 10 Store.FORT STREET.

A lnrge assortment of

Fancy Goods,Toys, &c, &c,

And a variety of articles suitable for

presents during tho coining season,

which wo oiler at

Reasonable Prices- -


Telephone SH.

NTiRPRISLIT PLANING MILL, TgjjAhikun, near JsioiMi Mr. BL

C. J, IIaiiiii:!:, Proprietor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings anil Finish always on hand.

1ST Orders promptly attended to. -- J


llaril and Soft Stovo Wood,87(1 Cut and Split. :im

F.unilic-- i and othem in want of (iood,Frch, Clean,

Machine ftfiade Poi,Can obtain the sauiu in ()ii intitlej to

Milt by liming ordeis and con.tainers with

IT. XJ. OAT,At Pacific XaUgntion Co.'s Rullding,bill Queen btrcet. if

Portuguese Lessons.fpiIE undersigned, who has inndo nr-J- L

langciiicuts for opening a l'orlu.gueso School, l nl.--o givu lessons inthat language to foreigners understand-ing French. For particular apply to31. A. Gonsalves c Co., 57 Hotel at.8.--

j9 tf .1. A. 31. OSOHIO.



J. I. OAT, JS. k CO'S.

807 tf

Chas. EustaceHns jiint received per Jliiriposa,

Bxs Choice ApplesAtmorc'd Mlnco Meat, Oranherriert,

Wliittnlser's Star Ham. Uaron,I.ml, Cal. f'hcce, ICitH Mackerel,

Kits Salmon Dellles,Keg Family lleef. Kegs I'ork,

Now Orleans 31oln(H,Siloon llread, Oraelters, Potatoes.


Family Flo'ir, Wheat, Corn,Outs, Bran, Onion?, it'e., &c.


For Froieht or Charter.pFlt THE UGTNE

$$ HAZABD;"Apply at the

844 lm Pacific Navkutiox Co.

-- Ol-



On or aboutAT TIIL"


01 and 03 Fort Street, opposite

AflSfifam GRAMD

New Holiday Goods--AT-


IVow on 3Uxliilit:ioii.


Importers & Dealers in Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Steel Plows,


Els., Etc.. Etc.



Wsire, &c,


Family Grocers, - -


Pigs, Anchovies Cala Boiled


;. d. vr. c.

Freeth23 Street.



General Morohanls,


At the IiinrcHt Kntcsn large and well selected stock

most Favorllellrauds of





&.C., &c, &c,

All Goods

und oh! era filled promptly.

Telephone 40. "P. O. SCO.

703 6m.

.,aWtaa.,Ua liiiiiiu. t a. . -- nVjftt, Y) n nlf ii fhflltitti w. fa.ife .Hii'i'"1 ' 'M ,W " "''' ' ' i


December 1st,


the Xew llonk Building.





Clc, Etc.. Etc.


kk.snkdy co.)

67 69 Hotel Stex S S .Mnrlposn,


Special attention given to Surveyingin Honolulu and vicinity.

Itccords and plans showingtitles prepared.

Office, Room No. 5, upstairs,Cainphcll's Ulock, Fort St.


MvsuBtssmParticular attention paid to Tourists'


Baggago, Parcels, Eto, Doliverod inany part of tho promptly

and with caro.

Onlers left nt Hammer's Harness Shopwill receive prompt attention.

Telephone 202. .No. of Wagons C8 it C9.847 lm

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 Maunakka Sr.

Trees and Srddles of nil kinds nmilo toorder and repairing Harness, etc., donein short notice. All ordcrs'proniptly nt.tended to. 593 ly

Fence "Wire and Staples, Kerosene si specialty.Psiints, Vsirnishes, Turpentine,

House Furnishing Goods, Plsited &c.


Kennedy's Cream Biscuits,Table Apples, Bologna Sausages, Sea Bass, Lymma and Cola-Drie-

Swiss Cheese, in oil, Pickled Buttor,Ami a l'n 11 line ol" Frcftli Staple dirooericN.

Island Orders solicited. Telepliono 210. I'. O. Uox 207. (7W

ntrxTii. PEACOCK

& Peacock,Xuuniiu















Page 4: New - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · TTal n it juj i j jyti in mi Tn--an mmii I rmn m n imi mmrrmt m n n..,..t-..t-. "--"' tttt " "rrr?"" '" ".Tr."""T?T?r.7!r uwujif3tmwwipgi.Pffr?ri7nT,iiisTyyiT







taWWUtmUMHWEftM UmuuSeJUUXStrrmomt

MONDAY, NOV. 21, "fssJi


Km rot: Huu.t.ii.s: Anti'-hnniusi- s

no courtier. The homely tout is nopreparatory school for the gilded

' palace. The simple, unolfVcted lifeof the iloseit despises and slums llio


hilly yuicties and heartless courtesiesof nrlillchil existence. A littniati.figure, animated with heart and soul,is my brother, even if plastered withluud and adoincd with rags. A

vdiviuo shape, decorated with costlyraiment and faring sumptuouslyevery day, with neither heat I norsoul' within, is to me an object ofscout and contempt.

There was a time, long years ago,when days wcie brighter and lifeWas sweeter than now, before thedisheveled locks of dusky brownhad turned to silvery white, thatthe splendor, the formalities, andthe flummery of royalty and aiisto-crac-

in a great empire, were fami-

liar sights and .scenes.You may bo incredulous thai such

an obnoxious barbarian should e erhave been raised to a plane of sohigh elevation. Nevertheless, 1 tellyou it is a fact, and may be ac-

counted for by the accident ofbirth, si long line of ancestry, andinfluential family connections. I

was born in an adobe hovel, otf asand-ban- k ; I can clearly trace mylineage back to my grandfather, whoin early life bwept street-crossing-

was afterwards promoted to match-pcddlin- g,

and was finally decoratedby his sovereign with a broad arrowfor bravery on the highway; myimmediate family connections passedtheir time in alternate honorableidleness and honorable bloodshed.Thus, you see, it was extraneouscircumstances, not intrinsic belong-ings, that temporarily placed mooutside of my proper sphere.

Well, as J was going to say, inthose days I got an insight into thehollowncss of fashionable life, amiconceived an unconquerable dislikefor gold lace, white kid gloves, kneebreeches, monkey show, and nil

of devotion and loyally."Hut at the same time there sprangup in the rude brcat an irrepressiblerespect and veneration for the posi-

tion, and a strong attachment to theperson, of the Sovcieign. Thisheart-feelin-g, which is the substanceof loyalty, is still there. Time andexperience have wrought manychanges in other feelings and senti-ments, but none in this. Why, 1

cannot exactly tell; for the " divineright" dogma and the '"can do nowrong" belief form no part of anArab's creed.

Coming to this land, I llutl here apeople having a government with amonarch at its head. 1 think it myduty to cultivate a feeling and exhibit a demeanor of respectful loyal-

ty to that monarch, and 1 fuliil thatduty spontaneously and cheerfully,finding no need of any . artificialstimulus. My loyalty is not of thecocktail breed, which offcrvcsccsby the inspiration of whisky, andfalls fiat when the whisky fails.Neither is it of that descriptionwhich rises like scum to the surfacewhen the pot of some public demon-stration is heated to boiling point,and delights in displaying itself in aswallowtail coat at levees, and makesgreat spread-eagl- e bows, and thenretires to indulge in uncomplimentaryremarks. I am not among tho?ewho get invitations to the "palace"and "important public ceremonials,"not do 1 consider myself entitled tothe honor. At receptions, J neverpresume- to thrust my ungainlycarcase into the royal presence. I5utwhen the hour of battle arrives, I

venture to promise that Antishnmuswill be found in the front rank ofdanger, with yataghan in hand,decapitating the wooden heads ofthe Great Caliph's foes; while thelittle scaramouch fete-da- y loyalistswill be seen trembling behind a tree,or surreptitiously slinking over tothe enemy's camp.

Having such crude, unconven-tional conceptions of genuine loyalty,which is a much scarcer article thailthe spurious imitation called by thesame name, I may bo pardoned forthe desperate longing to Jling a brickat the empty skull of the man whostrung together that half column oftwaddle in the Advertiser, What ft

conglomeration of ridiculous non-sense and sycophantish silliness!When a common man like me makesa fool of himself, nobody troublesabout it; but the public have aright to expect better things from

, the editor of a respectable paper,liven the folly of an editor might lieforgiven, but the glaring and mons-trous presumption which dictates toroyalty what "ought to lie a strictpoint of court etiquette," and un-

dertakes to "adviso" Mis Majestyin matters which are his own businessand nobody else's, is a trifle toomuch. This particular kind of.thing bears the impress of " ignor- -'

unco of good manners," or " iioor-- :, ishness," or impudence, or a peculiarsomething that smells of a cross be-

tween a tallow dip and the rind of arotten cheese. The vulgar amb-

ition of the parvenu docs moro harm'ijtlinn good to tho royal name. Such

is the conviction ofAntisimmcs.

ft- --

rpilI5 Undersigned Proprietor of the'



desires to inform Ids palions and the publie generallv flint notwithstanding thorecent DISASTROUS 1'IRi:, has erected


On n much more Extensive Scale whichla now la Fum Oi'kuatiox, and whichwill ho In complete working order by anEarly Arrival of new Machinery andTools; and Is now again prrpaicd U



and will nlwiiy has rim lninit his deli-cious Fresh Made




Gum Drops, and Gum Fruit33ou Bona

Of all ilesciiptlnns. All UiomjIIoiiioMade Eiosh and Pure Confections, I sellAt r0 cents PElt POUXD.

RICH. WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand and ornamented In tin;most artistic style.


always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at GO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceof my new machinery of the newest do.signs luruianufucturing all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so.licitiug a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,

F. IIOJRN,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

run oi.n stand. 71 Hotel street

P. O. Box No. 715; Telephone No.r72 ly






NO-:- . 123 and 1!!0, FOItT STREET

(opposite I'antheon Stables)


(Juvriagu Msuuii'iicliiruv,Wheelwright iiiul

General IJInclcsmitli.Tho Manufacloiy contains a complete

C.iniage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, FaintShop, ninl Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on mdst favorable termsand all work guaranteed.Tin' CloM'Nt Attention xivrn (o re-

pair work of all Kimlx.Having been in business on the Island

for n number of years employing nonubut tho most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, I can strictlyguarantee all won; leaving my Manu-factory.

Give me a call bofore purchasingelsewhere.

Don't i'orgct tho place.128 mid WO FORT STJtEKT.

oitositi: dodo's sTAiu.ns.


WENmlTcaoa pout ktki:i:t.

Have on hand New Foieig and HomeMade Jewelry.

Watohos, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of all kindt.Silver and Gold Plate,

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

tliiiavlii and ."Vutlvo JewelryA Specialty.

Repairing in all its branches.I3T Solo Afjonts for King's Eyo Prcsorvors.


FRAWEC EUSTACE,j Iravnum.I (Successor to C. P. Ward.)

All milord fm- - put-hu- inmunlH' nt.tended to, at the lowest rates. Also forsale:

KnUnuUo Halt,I'lrei Wood,

White, and MueU Handin quantities to suit, nt lowest prices.

CCS ly


Stallions nl Miraliold !

Zj5bSJ" 3SA.:;.A..AJe,.,

(Thoroughbred.)Hy Jack Malone, he by Lc.lngtou.

tat Uatn, ivy Leaf, bv imported Austra-lian; 2nd dam, Hay Flower, by Lexing-ton; !lrd dam, Hay Leaf, by 'ImportedYorkshire; tth dam, Imported Marialllack, by Phllo da Ftit'ih, etc., etc.

CSituar was bred at tho great Wood-hu- m

Farm, near Lexington, Ky., by tholate It. A. Alexander, and was sold toYv". L. Prltchard, of Sacramento, Cal.,for ?5,00l'. He (.lands Wj hands,.weighs 1,00"! Ibo., and is a bright chest-nut color. Duriug his racing career hedowned many a fawirlte, and won manya balful of money for his owners, anilrocd himself one of tliu greatest of

horses over n most of his racesbeing nt two ami four miles. He hasalready sired several eolts in Californiathat are winners, among which areLlz.lo Dunbar, Young Bazaar, Sophia,and another called the Bazaar Minerva(Jolt, lie being out of Minerva by Im-pelled Leamington, the sire of Paroloand Iroipiois. Lizzie Dunbar greatlydistinguished herself last year in hert fonn by defeating one ofthe largest fluids ot two.year.olds thatever stalled in California, among whichWere the two beautiful llllie.s broughthero Inst Spring by Mr. Agucw, distance,i, mile; time, l.OIJij, the lnstcst time onrecord for at the distance.This year she has won several importantevents, and lias proved heisclf to be acrack three-year-ol-

ECav.aar lias now been brought backto Honolulu, and will remain 'here thobalance of this year, and breeders, horsoowners and stock raisers should availthemselves of tlio opportunity to obtainhis services while they have the chance.Terms, jj-l- Payable al time ofservice.

The Imported Ciydesdale StalliouDonald JHiuiic, ill'., will stand atthe same time and place at ii'Mi for theseason. He was bred in Canada, siredby Imported Donald Diunie, and out ofan imported Clydesdale mare. He is abeautiful dapple grey, 111 hands high,and weighs 1,00 'lbs.: is very active,and as lino a large horse as could befound anywheic.

Also, tlio lino largo Imported Ken-tucky Jack J?)iUi:iisois. This is oneof tho largest Jacks that wo could llndla California, and 13 an animal of im-

mense bone j is a very sun; breeder, andshould bo liberally patronized, as lie isone of the very best animals of hiskind. TcvniN, SIM) for the season.

The public are cordially invited tocall ami inspect the above animals.

MnJIZS BKOS.Proprietors.

Marslilleld, Sept. 15, ISSt. 818 fT T. RHOADS,

UUiVIUAUTUK U JiUlLUJ'vJtShop on Queen street, near Alakca.

tI3 (Jin

Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horse Shoeing a specialty

A first-cla- man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work fsiithfullyattcuded to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. IIopper's.204


BLLMD SALOOI70 Hotel Street.

C J. MoCAETHY Prop'tor.

Best Manila, Havana and AmericanCigars on Hand.

Fresh Vanity Fair. Little Bcautie?, GoldBar, Threo KJngs and the Pet

Clgaiettcs.Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,

Cut Foil and Plug.The Billlaid Tables of this establish-

ment hao been 10 covered andleveled, which makes them

the best in town.Gingor Ale and Soda Water on Ice.

ST Call and see me. "19a785

WILLIAM MILLEROa-binetniako-


And UitliolMtcrci',No. OH Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canos and Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBracket?, Cornices, Cm tain Pole, &c.'

made ol the latest designs,





Vir-.l131fcS-B s. S. CO.

Limited.M t ""Sfcatoanior ju.in.au,

WtJj lung, Commander,Loaves Honolulu ench Tuesday at

4 p.m., touching nt Lalmlna, Mnn-lne- a

liay, Makeua, Mnhukona, e,

J.aupnlioehoo ami llllo.Returning, will touch nt nil tho

nlove ports, arriving nt Honolulueach Sntnrdny afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.

frlnlei-lHluii- tl . 3f. Co.TIIHOUlMI TICKETS to tlio Volcano,and leturii, can now be had at the olHceor tho Hnlcr-Islan- d S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per time table of tlio"PLANTL'IC'wilf bo landed at Puna-lim- ,

thence by Itailroad to Pallida, whereHorses and (luldes will he In attendance.

15y this rout. Tourists can make theround trip In 7 dajs, giving A dnys tovMt tlio volcano.

TICKETS FOlt T1IK JlOUXDTIilP,Including Itorscs, Guide, float d anaLodging, ;JC0.

For further particulars cnquiie at theolllcc of the

fliitor-lKlui- ul W. X, .,Honolulu,

or J. F. JOHDAN, Volcano House.714 If



The Clipper Schooner

WAIMALU,F. Kibbling, ... - Master,

Will run regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, HANAPKPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passago applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacific Navigation Co.,702 3m Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sis.


Schooner "WaichurrSrWmp will run regularlyTO W'AIALUA EVBHY MONDAY,

Returning on Thursday, weatherpermitting.

For freight or passago apply to theCaptain on board, or to

Pacific Navigation Co.,181 Agents

LMME & GO.Have a Largo Stock of the


Which is olVered nt Low est Market Pi ices


Delivered Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual lifo Insurance Co.


Agents for tlio Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeodsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. M7. 7fili

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

NOW OPEN for Travelers, wlicroIS First class accomodation can bo hadnt all Times. Tho climato of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HOUSES AND GUIDESProvided for tho Volcano.

E2?-F-or Terms, etc., Sec CARDS at

Hotels ami Streets..1. W. SMITHIES,

073 ly Proprietor.




BEVERAGE,Accoiding to tho highest and belt medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Llliha St;

P. O. Box, 379. Telephone, 281.

BSJA1I orders receive prompt attention.

Tie' Daily Bulletin

Queen Street,

Bill Uemla


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ins

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bill;)


'4W6& :&.$ fo ktM,ijm$iiM


Ollei- - fov aleTin; roi.t.owiNU


Light Espresa Wagons,Ex Top Carriages.

STEALS C AL.Cumberland Coal,

Coin. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasti-- Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, !i, !), and C,Hoe Handles,

Lobsters, lib tus; Beans, 31 tijlnsSprupo Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grcaue,Fall-bank'- s Scales, No. 7,3,10&11J4

Leather Belling,Centrifugal Lining, 14 Inch ;

Comp. Nails, 12, 1.14 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Jlattrcsses,

Galvanized Fenco Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,

Y. 3LETAL SHEATHING10, 18, 'JO, 2!!, 24 and 20 o..;

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Kenned Iron,


Galvanized Screws and Washers.


PE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

.As Low JiH tlic X.oavchL !

and don't anybody forget it.

We sell New Bedford Hope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

Wo also have tho mo?t varied assort.ment of

SUIT CHAXDLEItYkept by any liouso this side of tho ItockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Hope,Cotton nnd Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whalo Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Perry Mavis' Pain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which wo will Bell at tho

Lowest Bates.390 ly A. W. Peirce & Co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copuer and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stocl: and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,77 - Chnndcliers, Lamps, &c.

Jot Printing Office,


Letter Headings


Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rece'ts


$Ss5 Visiting Cards




Business DirectoryAuctioneer!!.

E. P. Adams Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

Itliutcr.v.Alvin II. Rascinaim....Ga7ctte Building

Hanker.Bishop & Co. Merchant at

Itutcliur,W. McCandless Eisli Market

Hoot nml HliorH.L. Adler, Nuuanu stChr. Gcrtz, Foil btTcmplo of Fashion ' Fort Bt

ltlllliuil Naloon-- iNolle Fort stMcCarthy Hotel st

Clothing;.Gousalvcs & Co Hold stTcmplo of Fashion Fo.l it

Onlilni't Makerw.W. Miller. Hotel stLycan is Co Foi t st

Cnri'lnKc ninltct-v- .

W. II. Page,"" Fort stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

Cicni-- nnd Tobacco.C. McCarthy Astor Bill lard S nloonNoltes Beaver Saloon, Fort st

Cider,Fishei'fl Champagne Cider,.. ..Llliha st

Canity Factory nml ISnkery.F. Hon Hotel st

CnriientvrM nml ISultder.M.F. Wllhelm King stG. Lucas Foit stWT Rhoads Queen st

Dry nil it Fancy UooiIm.X..S. Sachs Fort ttJ.T. Watci house, Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, King stJ. T. SVatcrhouse Fort stB. F. Elders & Co Fort stM. A. Gousalvcs & Co Hotel stTcmplo of Fashion Foit st

JtrilCRiMtM.Benson, Smltii & Co Fort stHolllster & Co., Nuuanu stHollister& Co Foit st

lrnynge and Cnrtngc.Frank Hustacc, Queen stG. Robinson, Queen st

I'nriililu-- JtorniK.Mrs. Turner, King st

Insurance AkciUn.II. Rlcmenschneider,..nt Wilder & Co's.C. O. Bcrgcr, Mcrclnnt st

(ont'H oo(1n.

Elders & Co., Foi t stX. S. Sachs, FortstGousalvcs & Co., Hotel stII S Tregloan Fort & Hotel sts

iroceiloH mid I'rovlHlonw.A. S. Cleghorn & Co Queen stWolfe & Ed wards,.. .Fort & Nuuanu sttLewis & Co Hotel si

IIorMO Nlioelnji Sliops.Wilson Bros Fortst

liny nml Fei-t-l Stot-PH- .

Wolfe & Edwards. ...King & Nuuanu stsUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaine & Co, Fort st

IlarncMH SinkerG. E. Sherman, King st

Hardware.Dillingham & Co Fort stJ. T. Watcrhouse Queen st

Iniliortci-- &. Coin.SIcrcliniitM.G. W. Macfarlauc & Co Fort stC. Brewer & Co., Queen stLyons & Levey Queen stM. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co Fort stA. S. Cleghorn & Co., Queen stJ.T. Wntcrhouse, Queen stFreetlt & Peacock Nuuanu stCastled Cooke King stWing Wo Tai & Co., Nuuanu stC. O. Bcrger Merchant stllyman Bros., Merchant st

JewelersWcnner & Co Fort st

I.UllOl' AKClltH.W. Auld Water Works OfficeJ. A. Hasslnger, Interior OfllcoW. C. Akana King st

Lumber JenlcrH.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder & Co Fortbt

niillincry mid Slnlcliii;.Mrs. A. M. Mollis Eort st

Medical.Dr. Emerson Kukui st

Xcwh DealeiN.J. M. Oat Jr. & Co., Merchant st

l'lumbei-- and l'nlntei-H- .

E. C. Rowc,.. .. King stBrown & Phillips, King stJ. Nott, Kaalmmauu stMax Kohm, Fort st

I'liotoKi-aplieiK- .

Williams is Co FortstTuning A; IllHlcnl IiiMtrninentH.

Lycan & Co., Fort stItCMtaurantH.

Noltes Beaver Saloon Eort ttWindsor Restaurant, King itCasino, Knpiolani I'aikTourist's Retreat, .Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii

Jtcnl liHtnte AccntH.J. E. Wiseman, Merchant st


A. S. Hartwell over BankJ. M.Davidson Kaaliumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting, Kaaliumanu stJ. Russell, Merchant stS. B. Dole, Kaaliumanu stF. M. Hatch Kaahumaun stIt. F. Blckcrlou, Merchant btCecil Brown, ... .Meichaiit stJ. M. Monsarrat Merchant bt

. Hoap Factory.T. W. Rawlins King st, Lcleo

HtntloncrN..1- - M.Oat Jr. & Co., Merchant st

Mull IiitieiH.J. M.Oat & Co., Queen tt

Mhip Cliandlery.Pierce & Co., Queen St

TIllHIIlitllH.I. Nott, Kaaliumanu st

Tniloi-H- .

II. S. Tregloan Fort stTravel.

Inler.Island S. N. Co., EsplanadeWllder's S. S. Co Fort & Queen stsPacJIlo M S S Co Fort is Queen stsO. S. S. Co., 1'ort & Queen stPacific Navigation Co, Queen st

Veterinary Hui'kcoiihA T Baker Punchbowl & Queen sisJ Brodlo Fort st

Wood mid Coal Dealer,Frank Hustacc, Queen M

WlneH nml Npli-ltN- ,

G. W. Macfarlauo & Co.,.Knaliumann stFrecth& Peacock, Nuuanu stBrown & Co., Merchant st

Watch ainkerH.Wcnnr & Co., , Fort st
