Real ??state fot Bali AT FBIVATE SAEE-.In lABtùtMrzh.tm mXM ibove .roy, Ite two-tory Uutat bwelli-a« _,. m Market- near Stitav«., with yard and alley way J^hneZm. Tbe Plot of «r<s»nd is JB feet oa Muiet-st. m\Am 'net. deep Al»* tM «titry-ksi^a-helf frame Store oo ".Mr st eear M«rker »t_ 16 tret froat a-td i*fe«td«»ep, rtataetr'deitb ite Market* U .»use and forming m L. Toe« are *»t»th rent'-d 10 Mat next, and will b- »1 a bar- »ain if »e»t»le-»d for e »μ?. l'ait r»i» remai» ob bond and o^ase· apply to CoLt a (HILTON, fie. » Wall-et. AT PRIVATE SALE.The rbr«j«>k«4«7ry f mai Atte brick llotwe end Lot. No 41 »It-Tay-et, psiili in tn»iv»ry Marrianii-r Site of faatrree 26 fay Sé.yntfa , two aery t»a and bath room iu lit« reati lot by 1«· '·** «.eep. re· farther t art.tu t<« apply to ANTIIONT J BLF.ECKr.lt, A.ct »ne*r, 7 Br-Mdet A SMALL FARM l«.r SALE .Th«· under- iigord offer· for -wie the Earn» of tbe lete JAMEB WRIGHT, dixcesseti, pteaaamly ...uatrd Bear JetlereM Val¬ ley, ia X «wktown. VA tat» he««.- Ooaiiitx. the rr-ad ¡«teiog from Pi-jf-tTj-kintoLMtMAiio·^ and foor tram the latter plate The Farm eooiain· abawt ten met»* uf good land. On t'e- prrunemuro u good Uwe.l- Ir.gHc/tJMarjdtxberoAit bnildir.rj, all aeariy a».w· xiso an excel n.f Apple fIrthard atei etter fmit· of runons girtd«. If the «tes· proper j ii r.o' »-Id it private tule before tbe . r«-'»y ul FebtTuri net:, it will on that day be t».d at pubi r auction, on ríe pt»·p.?«?··. si II o'clock A M. ? ? -tkJMtXof tbe purch.se nwney mxyretnaia oa the tirrmise«, rtntmntd r or firttarr ii.tiruntuiu apply to. or adire«», the n-.der eigrie'S it bM place of renntw sVeat fiomeT·. N. Y. Ri VF.R.NOL. ExrcBWrof J»me» XVnglik dec'd. I^AST MORRISAMA VILLAGE.-ß À «venu« Railroad..Aiao'it IV i'»u yet for «aV.Terms ten Per es«at daTWB ate balene,» isug beture to» 27th March, \VA lutee lottoceajiy a v»rv healthy and ?-??«:G»?1 taee· tioe, near «rd ili foli view of t e Kaat Ri ver, and B«B»M; mediae vicioity of II.· several ni t te most wealthy atad rtepectaale rit ?»?· «f W'sai» h--«trr Cesari·». Also fine ftafata« witbtn a ·;twuttxrof · mis». Toe Momaam» branch Raul road «ir» adi roil· pa«»· » ?-irrjrogh this property: aso. New-Rnehelta and ."v-cortd-av. P.*lr<>*vl, which ha» len. lately r'.artrred, it . »?|..·.<| will p.e. rttrontk this propel (¦'.-· rai «r- row huildtr.g, and lot- - rapidly Distinte of this proi«rrty f om tee city ntr»» unies. Title tertaet. fut m»p»aoJ ath-r infa-mat. ipplv to ? «VINI la. No oTryon row, o*xr Har>'it Railro«ta Oihce. ??)? SALE-'sMO Uta <»l (.rollini in th.» Vii- lai-of Newtown, tin"ni Ceanty. LengliU.i A!»o tM. 0\r» Blei out bouse«, pl«a»aiit.· live »til»» of Williari,»burgo. 3t««M tea ? g!« lo Newton »vari .:f i,..-.r aud a railroad i*«ooo to be «onetiBcfrd, itinniug Irorn Wili.xiinbuiiii ti.iOigii Newtown to Aftori«. Tlw lo, «Mv tonid.-r d te i·· the hral'l-.ett oo the iiliad. and Ib· lari/i m a h.«h l'ale of eeltivitior. Influire of ? MILLI R No. 1 IO Via»»u-«t.. from » tn 11 AM and at No. 11· JOthat. corner 3d-»v., ir ,ri, . to« P.M. Ï"OR HALE.A Four story Brick limi««» and Lo» with · two-·'! ry lam» building ;·? the rear, of No '.Si West lf.fl, it Ini'.iieof ANDltr «V r VSIl. llltù- «' Harlem, of PF.1K.R ? r IIKNIIÏ BIRN1E, No. 24 Ot»o«a>«t. 1¡V)B SALE.Tlif two-itory and attic Houec. Il Commerceet. near Bleecker, with tee-room attached, abide tie.» in frou!, and pleaaaul ii-ighb iroovU. Tenie e»»y. For particular», ketpair« ou the premises, oi it will fai »changed (oi lot» up town. 1¡V»R SALE.Thi» thrc.'kt.r.i l.rici» II«»»isc. No 71 Ainos at, built in mod»ru «irle ind of beat rna terni· A qaii'l and «etite»I location, only two block· fro-ii »Mb an» ülii av Railroads »??? Jett»-ra»ti Marke!, i ermi easy Apply lo J. ttCACKF.NBl'SII. No. it tedar-sL. or A «41 'aCKKNHI (SII, No S Hroa»! it COB SAI.K-Tlir.c lour »tory Uri« k IIoMM. A on Ihe sootb wde of West '.iah «? In-rween 4th «nd I'Sh a»a fronting on m.iiirv-er|nnre, papfa 16 feet lancha» liv M net daep- «il fluiihed in n mlrrn «tyle, with w»t»r «nil gas tUrueglioat. ? he lots mi who b ihey stand ar·· «U ¦.»«? ase freni (i (1 Moore, for H »ear. from May I, IH V «,ro, ,i t-ot on eseb, 0*0 A part of the parchase "ion·» «u ·. ? ? ? («? l»oi»d aind »nnrtges- lu»|iiire «t the .fit. « of JAMF.H ?. XVKLLlI, No 101 »th »y CH)H SALE.A fir»t rat« FARM of n.-arly A 4«»i «.ie«ol eho;ce land adjott ng the »ullage of (len¬ ts·, aiitt citiiinainl'iig a li»ie view «it tlie H»oiwa Like, With lion»«·, harte kr., m good order tao·» nnMtly of hosrds ·· itb " u I. d «I |Mit's Ii" a< o » in salitebls woorl, r- in ili ¡ittioli rh· ?«. .?·?· i.t fur gt aiu. und w< I! adept- . «1 I.» gr»/»og. »nd «ii>i|,ll.fl » ith durali« «pring« in »nun» part». A plank inad run« oa the east ita »Mia« li¦ nit» the si kg' where anlk ilwayi IikIi a r.any tiiark.t. Will be auld ri.i:r»oi ilividintt to .till HM pur· baser For t. ·» r> «»Mheaubw-ilM tob llir pi· ti.i*·. <>r uf XX'M 111 '/IMI. Kiwi , at the «if! »e ol ih» Manhattan Lite dai» n ? o No Mh Broa«,st.?. ? Y. THOMAS I> 111 RRAI.L. IjX)B SALE-IiiHtliiiv ..?»..??· HOw-Ot., w,-si aad», lloaa« aawt ? I No 41, f> irai story, «tore «· ,1 t.ark rooni t, S it.d 4 Sion· ». «?« Inoli« in r«,'iti no XV'.'erall Ilo..iigb lite tatusa. Il a il»»ir «hi« lot al ou fui »ny pvrwm »... n·,.,.·,: ¡«b tben . .>·- ???????. OC'1"' cui re ..Il ": » il·' '. ortvagr for rVyeira from Mat Best A..| ;v ri N.N k VVI.r-Tti.N, Rrai )st»U Brokrr». No til « listili · t. .1 ? IgVHÌ SALE In Ita vrillBge ol TnrrvUiwn. un Ih·M····· Rive« Rm iox«l (loiueiul XVaanoailoii and Frabklll «li j « Imi .·»«.,?? two-alory fiatile H W ih ???,?, Lot, 7 deep, n.,d roett'M eh·.:, funi end otiiuinriit» n - itihte-rv, kci · well o| «In· b< .1 wafer, fcc llou.e t/".·' !.. 11. | feet ileep. an «lu· h. «t iiianij. r fixr lin- i.iew nt aaner. App s .UimiilllV. No 3) p".. ·.Itepramisw« lllti.MA.-l U ???? G 1jX)R SAI.K-Tlii· l-s.i aail Ihr·« »Mit brick Honer, Nu «J» Fatene) loi ."> ft·, t neat r»ai M lr.-i di«p Aprii, by un.., n. lotl.N Si»l'LII)K, N. » H «Ielle XX «vati >..»t» ? f ., o kg A M LION, No 9 Blet« l.arn l.arbai'i·. Heu lut 1,'(»K SALE-In ta« villani« o? Tarry town, a ll»ot»r aad th. ut mi, ., ti.· in.I. l'In ??,???»» li *W »?. is... «I. noti » t,. with «loiiiile |U- ai/a, fa« o g lie uobn Reaten lei »loch their ilMMBBB . .ve ? u ) Tbe bous·'w »s huilt l.y d»y'· wotk irai» olii, arni I». tu »u, kepi ib iiMidcondii t?.??,? at» BU·« »avili finit »ini »vniteeu in·«·, ot t'inai» noi· G., ¦ |n rtuo Waten« lo rejo ? t Ite iiiuury.ir. .ud itici g 11« ?»' ·· in les« n a melai «taettaiiiiy wôl not be u ? » ih Terni» e ? For fit rt hei int.toni ion. apply oa fir pt.tt.iari CLARK HXMVONII ^MR SALE.N... Ml I'.'ili ·( . i..»..r V..-,.i,· H Ihrxe-eory hu.X Dwelling. 17!» bv «I aM IT'» l.y 7" I'¦ · li.urllia eu no ttaag. AppH to ? ? I' St ,\ N).\ Nu XNaafM» ». . toan IS t«> 1 G M. 1,X>B 8ALJE ?.?.??? 'Jim nere* ol Eni'! in .- jumo,it·?, ai le. e'lgihly ..I tale.1. belìi p???, Xlii.lke Ne.|| tv. a.l «ili Hai il a».. Il aad I «Il e.-t ·? 11. S. r Ba>, b«v ti ? ¦ gtud »»lei Bata, ??·? · ' .Unx'e.l tint tt m giltdi. ni .1 lo', ii ·? » Itiiiu». li »l<tul I wo ( « m. - Kot arra I - «lar» lenir» .t (A ·, VS HI.» G.«., .s,, IU VViler ?; ?·.! ?? of ^.l>^!? W tLLKTS, oo tho peti» yillagr il ]le»lyn. am! three to»«·, from the Mku'iasert !.. ?«?·>?.|,. r. Ne» Veik ,?,? BUM «..Ml »X 1LI.M.1, onlho I/i'ls SVI .E- In Ita Citv ,.| X..sv.trk.N. ,1 , Iwolhraa-Blory inotlera llru k II.»ime« funli « In tbe li .M .ubatati ni inai ?. ? i il.« .ut «lia·» it otiiv .»? ?, titani eu iti.uu.t- V-- ?. .,''»> tllage vi MadiM« ? J . a banda. r ·,'.,., lions». w ih » Urge lìuxleu ainl Haiti rot ttittu »lu» «r- I » io 1 DI' ULEI ! Al N... lliTea'st |,N »li sM,E.A c«»iii«'r|>rx»j««riv li.» feci ?'????? I Btwis-ay. and ß?»?» ( ( HAI Ni ?? Mahn VKl». No. 11 Pisest, ^\rH SALE.A d«'siral'lt» ?????··*???· Houm. .od Loi, No IfU.luuth,» ,t Api ·. k ii BBOWN Mrnh.nl,.· ai»j Tr»«ler. Bat.k, or io TUOMI'Sl IN PRJCK, ho I'· I aat Hix»a..»a» ^y>B SALE.A riot of i.ouu.l MtM oon« et th.· «tb as. au.i Ila «t paaaaia . v\ be »old oa ß?4?«ßß???? Amuy lo »CD »? . , ,i»>J,.hisiu »/ol»' sALE-Thc Room kxad l ..· \...'r»n I « ? BEEBR ? ULàLL) l'i' S Broads· «». tbarth ««tot. 1«X»R SAD·'.A lwAailsA»í.icl» linisl. tran e llouec suiialrd at Poil Riclm· ·... IM wiib'ii il.ieeaaiaitte·'walk ?>: r ·'· hv ia\ »uf · taue kBttefl o «e, y «lirtkei pan tii ul» » of A II WALLA« s John·, orai J.UVH 1»??.???>G. fett RM ..dkvL «L'OR ñ/lTT bIbmmi aud L«»a«»· ?? 1 » G »Neta M,H.>ir s -t .Y.in'»p«:» k7|tret. hosMifA bv «1 feet, llwtl kWMII« Witb ivlwsl piassa. two »tlw rxtiKua. »»d a'l tM a»tea>smi:iigtrs>ifx-mei»tn. I not adti ai prix ale tale Ik tore itefflk. will tbat day be Mid ai »ii«-'ue», at IVc Mm'* '. · AiiüiHV J Hkrt-,1· Apply t.-vVi No .V Sottli btoswe-at, vi Ko. t-l D | Ï'OR filiti TtatBiM«tori bri.k D. 11. ita» Ne. li», oa tbe aja ? h »ule ol VA'cat llth ».ab-ra'lsi aad baariueat, bark tea ??«??. kjtcVn range, A r ion »»'at ettdga«. lei it) by li«' le« ? : a veiv gent». 1 aad tepitoiukta ««-»«?-a?» te: e gaateel tami.v Tenie csJBifttHi'nt. ? R Cast ba are«, by «pastel penai wiea. l- lari u lb» bearaol ? and » V kl. bv apphc-alis« to M F THOMPSON ? Bai ? la lj (>ESEau»l l.or'orSAl.K.ru» LI 181 Well csklcalalrd fie d»»!i.ug aad «sMbiBioal par- II .nwr* (ìi»Lte«iUoci«Mtei>»ubhikgiulbj»ivar. A pon e of ir pur. bass «aokxey cea rwataia ou bead «ad i«iiia»«·· For tut that paitsrsttar· lujuii» ea the prtuiuec«. No. ? x a»- 1! VNK tur SAI E.Ot' p^ivrty ahich hv à twenty year»of BBexjared t.o»e ftom tbe la ot May ant It ha» a foal oi !* reel, aad m lo«j*t-d ape« oae ef lie moat proai:·. ut txttsuirw l>«roufoiurm «a Ite city, below laMbet. and aooa tte bae ef » Mnrsiil»! rxuiixiad Tb» InMs ate iksetelv feared la, (tad «Bay M Bawd to tbe «Teatew tKAWibsr »Ivaala»*·» to tbe paxitn»i»a»g Apply to A. JrJshklN»», No ¦ ¦ all-**, «dstory. back W'ATER P0W1B lor SAI ? or to EF.T- T ? Well eataalated kot tar«a«ti>tive «ad ear kaiklia« »orka or othot exksemxe Bkaaaterana« parpow«, rae large aad «rveral «esalte dieelhaQt, aad ptber tei»a»»p oa Irte prruiiain*. Ate. · FiVaWbM Mill »uh two rea et manea: a Direste ttaXw utH-ta-tMN, enfetter witb a «aaatity of Karniia« LabJ, t: ri-oairrxi. all is |OOsl «»ixler. aaioated wiiAua 1| bout Irvm N.w Vi»rk I'»«» fay railnvad. wbttb bb»»»i tJkwaaak tte prs»p- erty. laoBiie M No. ? Cedar-«! ? ? rpo OWNERS oi RE.Us ESTATE .Th* J. idvartaag bavui« a pur'um ot hie uooc. »-»irti. wiaAs» to occupy tbe reinamJ· r ia lettiu« kvad roUecting tbe Beat» of Real Istafe ta Ne» \ert or viciaity. or ia taiAiug col- leauons of aav kiad Ctkejte»»tea»fata retanae-· tiv-a M tob«M^rty.c»)>ebiUiy, kc A.ldnaa REAL ESTATF. Tr» l-uae XaMPee. VOTEES« rml GLENWOOD FROI'ER- I TY for «ALK-The lyi-criber u prepareel to oft: a I rt» tTiEtiei ot valuable bui'diM «ite», e·»-?jtv^.BJl axìtm- »t. vi» ». of the llTidetm River. Lona Island *Viead. and New-Voik f'.y to t-taxeo Ui«**. »¦··<- ·"·"·-« ·»_·« !>_»_· ofbolft: or:» or mor» to so»t parchMers. Term· tor?ßß?«. AM. Mtenii new boswoa, with i«B^ve-r«st«·-, P£m»atìr »itnst/c! ft t »le and ta» let. Apply to J. II. JE*l»!*tO_, SBBM ho -5 SI tr·«» plot·*, («n·?»'1·"·· M»aor BaU.) Tofater», ti. ?- Jixaory. ???ß. A lía í.í.fi -FOB SA LE.-Ei.*! 0 -I«i1 »I ?\.?\/·G'?·.»»·?-?*·??»*'???«? witi b_e*- meet· oad μß-μG·«»tß, «» t»»»*t frese« by M feA, Lnta 1* f. e toreo. ·..».«»»d »t? JefaTtBaa ? .r», between Seiath -5th .i.d Sot»h fi|.»>-«t·, Win.*n»bnrjr».. Alan, thr»-» e»e-*eerY Briek Ho'i»*·. Tt fart frvrtit try f*> fee* Ar-n ; I/*B VtVm, .iterated oo the .oatirerly eoe·* oí/trata .»Ui-et- iVtmttaaat of lie tt. Twevtbir«'· '«f the prrrcbase nmn»», if de*r»d, . aj anrnan on band «rod taonaxea. laquir» of STLVI.rTTR LAÏ, No. 16 W»3 «t *M\ mCn\m*% «Htl ifxA BBBBBBBBBfa Wt, &"·. -mr\t ir, Jar.-me* Vi.iaare, At aal»_oo «t**ry terra*. tdora land if rertnittA. _. - HOMER H. m'AlIT.yoMWtSa Instraction. BO0K-KF.L1 1N(.. WHITING. mm^Otm. room* No. SW Urotdw.y. a«»n W.'ieMt Hw»ot »..tretet·»«« » a. M. to · ? M. Ta* dswrn-? f ?G?-.RrJ COMMtBCIAL ????????? to fornmh y-»»-*« r«·**· net. »?? tsae romp.·ted th*"· irteSral Mue ti: ?. M weil M oeJtilU. wbo ore .taekn« rnerc ???t? MTaTalaryTatent, en ep· .? of .??ß???ßa*. wiino-r loss ef ttBM, a proertoeal tra lee«» ot tooat e.-aneb«·· »rhicb er» ewe*»»iti*l to laee-eta· MttAnmMmtmmm^Mbm. WUTIJIO. »KKJlw-KEBP· I.vOond AkllHwETK; are tauidrt try Mr Flitter ape» irrr.ie.aid ir ri«;.n««t>le prttrifiea to fie estire ridane*, of the modern ·«:». or tw· Iv» leseoii·'' charlatanry ; and nata·» »re r«niiin*d to discnnrue the (*iaa of the coTint- iDt-beio»e ;n M »*¦¦*_..t.». «nd «apt-no.- monner. .uvera-int w.th tbe detail» of bas·.nem m»v «train. ar-eler Mr. Fo*l .. t comptei.t koowi- et.»e of ! ? ' .,· .r tur »*. ,-·, «par* of one w»eA pATAaLOGUES ar;J «"IRLTLARSof"many \_/of lb* I»»·» ¡"ijion »re d «tr.v.ii:«ad « ratal- t..B»Iy »t K. II V. 1 :.? . BOOL A ir.VCY. No. ·'.·> StMaWray. ar*baa» «re c:on»t«uit inlr.rfitict on* aad ea- ¦afcaMait* by thy be«t ,o*titu«.<n·. faMaaa» and iraclierB.. Five d«. lia;» ??. Bevane« ?? ¦> rv.ri ur I · At" enraiement u effe« ted,a.« «leti by a Itai.ifttrobl* check. e If IM» ATION . Tin· iwlvertirer »¡she·» to n> J»*t ? ·?- ("..r «mail beys to educóte with bis own. at home. ir. tie country. To ptrent*. w hj f**r the trial« *f * bo«rd;rii^cl,o<«l, th;» r«n lie »»»own ny reference* to be as excellent opportunity to vtnre a pieooont hjrn· with jadi- cit-u» n.« ral oiid ?!??«?*«1 traix.ii.«. IttBi, tlCO per »a etno. Aridreo» box No. MB, P.ett Office. /M.liilA.N LANGUAQE ani BOOaf· \J KEKI'IM. laoiht hy J. WIG?-*·?»?.??( C«a»aa· Apt'ly i.r No. '»»·'> Broodwiy. I AWBENCE SCir.NTinc S'HOOL, 1 J IIAlì^ Alili G.?? K.R>irV.-Th· Bert terrn of thi» li.»titi.t.'/i. tanl opeo "ti ihr first BSV* of Marre. I8S3, Baal eoi.tiLue twntv a*naa*n Inatroctioo by rec.ution*, latr- tar<«, or Mirtini »?·rei*«« according ¡he natar* ai tita «tudy «,11 uvea in Attrononny. by Meaar«. Ctuid. Betaay, by Prêt lïray. Cbeii.írlry, tutu)t.t*.í and practical, by Prof. Horaforl «in»: Anatoioy »'.d Physiolucy, by Prof Wye».* Kin.h· n.M. bv Prof: Enati·. Mrtllirii'··: - l'i'f Te, re. MaBrralafy, by G??? ? «¦.kr·. ??»?'·. hy l'io!". Lovenn«. L TaUati p.«: i;e.Wv. t.. ftot ??*»?? For further iníorn.iri. .. ....«·. rnin» th» Schoo. ·?;..fan¬ on Bioy be mod* to G -I N II· »??»!'Ml.'» Ue-iii of the Pacai:V MAI.'Sll- COtJRâE·** BOOK ??G.???? .Let ihiiBC wl.o cuniMit avail t ern»e|»e· of pra'tire ur «1er tiie n-'Irr. try''.« \.>o^,. t rxrd tear'ier 10 ltoelt, . tid «? km.'tn »e«! to !*· th«· ...i«.trn:;«,e.«-<i*ri*>!ete ··¦'! bea ? tifai work evei -et ?«·t »aie ?? the f.»r the practice of B Kik-keepiB^, ¡rosile-ay. tirsi floor up stair», Pr.c« êl J5, booed; ntst! «i.t pei n.a.l free, fi 4V Miss DWIGBT" SCHOOL «.f DESIGN, No. bi.'J Ilroul». «y. where the l»»«t iu*txu,ttoa will b* giteti .t, iiu- uliuf DraarSBI «?;? G«·???'?.« Tern·· ?'» fui twrlity leaaiit'· Patlü.-Bla nrlvabce'l Vuiii.« Ioli·· wa, im lo ti.okn o tempoiary rtsaite-iir* m t'.ie iy tur ths pur- po«t* of Uaiii leanoancnn I»· o>«e>uimr»l«teal w'th iii.elerat* triiOtd IIU'D! «1. tu!.li' (.' iVlt.Oli. 1 .iii,.i.i,.a;» M «· Usrt»..I refer» lo her «e Imi lor» Til» iillowii'i (lam it'wlii r " 1 h«»» t*k«n lea«,*!· ef Mia* Dwii'it, »nd b»r familiar trilli her melh.*] ..ftee· Inni ; arni think that ß? t?« «Oli de «o w.llii.til ?»·???« r.iiiti.iceat fiat »b» ta III »T.i.iilily qtifclilwd I»· at the h< ad o! in Ir*r itutiiiu bavin« loi it» BBaTBBa ??? in ll.e alt» of dial*'" SKI-? ? FAMILY ltOARDINi; SCHOOL tir MM Mi I.AU1KS.-»t.!lae»ter. ? Y.-The sn of tli· Hot.t !" ire a very li-nited Bainber ?? popi!·, so «s to wcureal! the ro.iif.irt and ynvi!*«· aof tbe c.'ii.estic circle, aexl al the BMM taBM »von ' MUMM .»Inch ote »up|.«'i«d ?·· censi .ly to attach to« Urge and irotaded »eniiiitrv. A thnr»nsh and ' fti.ieu.' MBBB1 » f imtrn.'ti >n will be all the Krisliih htaiicho», to«eth»r with tbe M.» I MB Itteamtmm, Mu»·.' l>rawii,(, and ?·:?????| iu UU onJ \\ at« r ? Hllllwatet la "ne ot t'i' ??.·»'.eoltby. ret » tail loeoht.e» ..? lb* llutUon U.wr. and of la* ratieat at- tern roilr« ad ?«·? « neniar» »*atin« ter.rs, »r.rb «nrtlier ps-rcilar«, a! dr.«*Itr.V J (? !><»\\M»'i. .*¦! Jo'.ri« he»·,, ta»'« r acrratMin Ri R J M « .ina». _ht un n r I. III lt.» WKW . 1' 1». litri 1 L Mow · D I>. L I. H»» «'m J h. |., Il D WII M l»AM.M'l\l.i: SCHOOL .Th« i" »e, and r·». tin» tv 1mm.I tai rotii'iiet«»· un let Pel«, mart »I wi..« ?? ?.lue l'aient« r. «id,..« ni 111* iipi.er |»rt af ! I.« it y «i« »n «m» of f «? u e 111· 11 »···!» ?«. · th'iro'ienlv »»Ieri »nd «??μ? e lieo!. ??.»? bave ni.iMirlunitv t<> ent»r them UMr.S II TV.SO 1> ? I E ? MACHE ORNAMENTIKÜ 1 l'Ai ilMT'ri ?1' its !»»mii by percotw renowned in .i .1 An»erT» for Iheumai aiutile «kll. Lodi»· -.? .·',. n.en ·> bo d«-«ire t.. leaia tb* above beautiful and tr»ln«.i;ot ert. ? rotino« lion ttttb niattv ultii ? art*« t.r tie | .·[.«· » t.,, «?*????« ther own ptrloro, e«a Bow avail that) Miai « ef »t oi portunity ol leariim« in omo.i p ttit n>**iNiahlr tenni Kot particular· apply at tl.e part«.?· liitt tloot. .No «?»! Broavdway .Metropcih'laa Hotel bml. _ Dünung öilic-ole. 4 DODWOKTH'· DANCnW ACADE . \ · a!'; , -t the ar Kttrtl?- u- .N tAi Uiootlwoy, m »i l«rai e Cl la·» · t..r r'i^ - ¦t. ·,.???.».t.*. Fer laMMS al. I l'I'.ildriu oa VVED.SK*· 1)A\ S Md » \ 11 111' \ i S. .' »n 1, u L G M ? ? ..?' Bec «n MONIiAVS, W Kt)M'..*»li.V\ .*< THURS¬ DAY 8·*» ^\·,? «1 -. - :. : lo 10 «.'rl«K:k M Tie ¦*·»* Iti '. i.l «'turn ar» »rrauKad ob an eiitirr i.ew » le ettiir.aa aii.l « «tuveuience ..f ? ·, pnpil» r ... 1 ¦ .?. »,-.·, ullt Jjiano-Zotie·. ANla\N rtANO-FOKi): it *il-». dut ¦atafni·*·1! ¡»»on· ; «..?. ? I » reati« e;i, io··'» «l«a»e. I oa'tatr. by on* of the be«: sriaui.*·4 ? ??ßß?«? Eat Bf' Vpplyiuon, at No .77 llulanatt ? V ÏJ»OUAM lM\.NOS.-l'iit.i>«.et*Bsonrae»iitc»í ? Pi», «ti n, 'bia.-iiv can b* te»a ot to* W«tretoita· of LINOOLM » ? ?!?»»!1·*»<·\. No.441 Brasodwav iiietadin* H*IVl, G··'· k e'o.'».ele!rTiì«»d G «tata Pionoa, of new a??? tooth oppr.'ted aoieo, ocanott!«r«Jated»»B*>erijr tu ouy o'Jter ?b ih» iiiartei. « »*r t 't-tt- .·¦-·- ¦.rrhrr !i«ri«tmit>»_| ¦*B ! ¦'» t: : »t,. A ...la.ttand ìiftiiT ????***1 batsiB'lth »rid tt boat ihe .t ..:¦ .i. ai tv-otu pnoea UMVI.1 4. THOMPSON, No 411 6r»adwav. FOR >\l.?. ? ??G.?G t.r CASH-? h.in.1- tt.i.t« r«^etatt>«i r,.ii»,.'.i,i.uvr l'I AMI e.'Krt'.. .1 elastic tuacé; ?. tutu» iu fie tira» nionoei Itiaurat ».iroar». Apply .t.Ula. :t»rt "lai au.'Mt.üi'l ? ILO bUi». Ra -«vi B«<w»-» G\ ? ? l'AKMOKF. ttir.r at .hair manu ? e · ta»-«t'ry anal aorertat·. No. >4* ??.«-eckerot. corner ,.! I l.ai'.ea. rao Baanttiiiaat MetUaaat !'..!. ^ Ki*tte» * itMrtalbc ????.,? ??*! rvvat** brtalfc oud al! »tbar fi»ra i-a- pltlttBlrLt» 1 ? (^ bTSCHEH H nit Fisi-hfr.) *" » noi · tory «atti wiavre-aiaa. No. 170 Oroe · ronaer .1 De*» et. ft**»0-K«iaM woareCtteti. «rua iterw bruì** »!"><1 r»»teBt tub* «a· I ». ,i '.>r ? ·,.?^ . _, Piatto ?ß? ii « rutaeat. repamed «ad «rrb«Bf»d, ? ? - V «tv ?????? l'i·«-.» »?;«*· tot ..a ??..·»-.*» UGHTE a M.WTON. N.» ·.». fa« al»· ? G?????????? ti ibi 1????~? ?«?ß»ß? tad untiaali, iNiv-KORTEtt, bave ex- ?.', ,1 the ? baairi»«a, end »ta. bstW peipansd lo oBer to theie flieieA» oasi tàt·- ;·»»??« latroraMt. aa ex tenti ve »»«aitto»»*«, m ahiia an«! «j«r»«iti»*iBBd e»*e* ot l. t>irll «»1 ' »- **««.·..ud tioeal ?:·*«·taJl·* '«G. Kr»·., »«a »a _re ?,????». 4tta. NBW »?*., StCOXD-HAXD PIA2(t> rT"-' «a·-«..-¦.,-..... -Ilirr,wl et aew ano «ernaS baed IhattM loi «al* ao_ lo «_rr*. tmooa roui to Aia*. Vm bar* tro« A¿ fit) pee _·.__-. No Br*4Bt*· «y. New-Voi!. tUYTOAD k BAVUTHc.8. I>lANi> ???? \ m Bl] I « UH -d BlBBWlli [ftlBI a ¡Nta Ik·' «xuvr». aad one S «ctov* fi liilija, to: tai·»» itaietrMB L. I*. fl'MV ? - ?*. Its» Isa» lath- »e. b*t»e«aa Id oad It. »v» PUNOV01»nT»rrV-Tba riu*a-t a»*e.naient uf rH*»»t*»aorBr«i ta Ut*» «irr atay be Ammi at to* War·» iMMlf !t.n l'l BTIS. SV «rt aVraadwa», ?t?»t?| ef I-roete Hew-· earWbaat-atd Aatervaa ISa»M-a«a*»ee« Ihaxtaa »id · in·,«; of N«n»-ïtià ami Ian ataAa. anta aad taveal ih» .V-eataa. Aha». 8ßß?»«t«?ß?ßμßß1 a««i Gßμμ IW eel* «M let ? ? CCRTIS. Na. 4*7 Braoiway. PUÑOS f »r SALE-.Vt ?a 8 BarcIaT-it.. assai eaoor lo tb* Attor Uesuet, a vanety af aad V.ot¬ ta·--· roar-woe») ? .«*>*» roa-t**, warvaaBsl M |i»* cattannea-Ma 1b »vary r.»(»»c». a-t at»**!*, tot oaak at ijaiM alpa»a»«r. PV anosoa hire JAMati THOMf.- s \J F HARRISON ha« KemoveoJ hi· M*,,·, a l»t-t«»r»· orid WiaTMeeM* ftwo» M«. S faaal «e lo Ma BJ Merca-i at :,«u (iitoirit, attttiaiaay SH t ipiinfld MBBIII???? HI P^*»>F«Kte*. rnTLUKG, eCOlTOlfG aa. OILSOAP.for A VAit'len Mauna*b«tum». at t»oo«l «jaaBt», aad at «aw pi-re». 4 ? »ervd fV·· of taViati cnorf* at aay tha rammt ta»tt*-B«t m railroad *>pc«u in tSt» or tha S -w-Ka_rloa»l JAMB»»' H ARTNBB-S, ¡sehe··»·«-»'«. ? ? lîlarhinnT}. #c «pHEAP COrro.N MACHINERY -???¬ ?. esta, t»e.-tinea e-«>ixtebate Fly-r T^eetta*. of IM g IT n i' Tata» «re «end mac ri o»»·. aed maybe «jea ???????a? Taey an uVuJi **~f£?JZ 'Wft taB«tartafw«tMmhi>>»r. *Tvpi°" Di.KD. B BRI :dJtm Horkt, nett Pteerto-., N J. DOLNiF/* COP SPIXXER.-ThwTalaa-ikle teproT-satient n «sjiaa-.n« hM lar » co-^d-rib e ltnr.b ftaaWl.Waw'ibslraw:. tie», for tte riir-wM d r-ffir-r»·" »»-rtral jupo.-taiii unproramexiis, aad fsr lee uneurbt ef Ur.cn p.»'« .x-'·1 "> ;fcj ««·ry »ad atti¬ nte. Ai! tb »e o r-·t. f. .i..'»« b-»o tst-airta. I ao* htve tbatleasr-re of bne»»« i: to tbe nte.ce of mutt!»totMet»a t-d-dwlxn«»··»*'^·?·^^ F;a-a » Iom ·??«G.»??-ß m » ts-iitictl sp.r.r-«r. I do no: berute to pledge my r»t»aU- vnm »ocli liiAt. u,on ? t MaM*a«h -lAmiaMioe of all iu rriaciri«» RwS be foii-d tbe very beat ipiDaer aowia nie. ! bave now bui ? t g »t the Franklin Foundry tod Micb.se Co'»·:«op. la Pnjsrdetce. · new Frame, frota t»» tau new art of paiten»« tZmt kas ex er bea «ot ap te Ibi· Piar«. xb4 r.alr»tate«i to 'ai« in ai! ih · imp -ovemeuts. It w.il «con I- iene, erbe» i! will be put m operalooa at the .aid es-ahahrrn:. «r.d be BMaaM o .jkoufkctarer» c iBai to the same. A few Frair.»» only hate be ? tiiered t tate in tbe last il-por tut impr... men's, it. i ti«e ar» aew m OTertiiirn ttlijclgrv.Ur.it the Liscks'.one Manaffa Compatii'» Mais- and at Joseph ? in-rofi'· tu.Ls. ia Dt-ls- w.rt. »nere tbey may be «e-n. tbe time ia« new tmved wbei mint man-.fact-irer» »re th'.nur g .,f-H.OS.Î · tr «tid.Bgto whit th»y co» base I will uow ca.! tiieu Uen iot· to th:» method uf .j.nii.iig.M liai which w.U best pro note th*.r iMBteat, j both respiC*· tbe co*t for: M proloce tlie .urne in.outit of yarn, ..asir.g two Mitte io power, aad M lernt Up t cent, in root., reflj· Haï f»r otlter k.uds of »pia- t log Coste «ad ei» JOHN C ÙODOE. OedesenOu, Mua PJ? .A Frame » ? 1 l»e al tl.e *? oriti « l'ai: in New-York, wbere 1 iLVite coiiipetitioB. [Pro·.-, t-' P.ov.deoce Jour. IhÒB sai.E-ELol'R IUCHD.RT ? F1EAM EM.INF.-Four FixrB»r»i Burr «Mone«, tteee ? four Con ?», ria, l«r«e Grain E ?«- veyor. floor and Mee.'En.·* »hie oxk fra-?· or hosk, two ^IrBt .???«, 8jvsr-wbee!« »nd Shafting, a forty five harae- « · «t. tr. Eafta »ith Velen ro-np'ete. fnrmiig xl-o- ther · r .?.· ritte »et ? ·,-»*-dia» mufrb»nl fiocri: J. MOillUá".N1. Ne. SJ Front-*. SODA WATER AI'l'ARArrs-Fcr M ai (»rtt-rlpg. Drawing and Bofl.ng. of t'ie ta'eat and most . pprtixed <:<«k.rot ou, loxnofartnr«., a ti tor «als I faUTTHRWe, La-av ? Y. ' FIX) COOK-RIM »ERS ami PAPER MAK- jl Kl . Yr MXI.LORY-4 RE- CIPRI »CATINI» BOOR ANI» PACER CI tTr.R. I would »ligut orde ? from the tr.dr «ai rni-hin»·. wh fumi»!; of ipprovrd c. ng'roet.oo an! warranted to itut. ?«!«?»?·ß use ha» ftiüv esu1, peal n'-i'.iuJ P,iadei»Aíd P«r»r Xltütei» wil on f ' . 1·. bk.«!!!«»·. II. LAW. Na. fOAanet rpo l.ici: OBOWEBfl -Ata -f STBONO·· 1 P\Tr.»-T G.?G? HCLLERS te Sale, one of wkicb rwy be »e-ti ib opera" ·? on app -von _w-. N h 'IRFMIVR. No. i\¿ G??μ? · ·»»· Fletcher «t. Galamanbcr Siifce. <?Al.AMAM-I.R SAI E.S-\\ ILDE1»'* l'A kV>ri.NT «ito UK HI I XI PR' s -. tiEN.*i fa MARVIN, B^kw No. 14· XX atrrtt, New-York. «re tb« thtr mikertof St .tiiand-r Sal«», with »X iliisr'i Pit.-Bt »ad i h'· i'ltin! con intied. A C Cetlcrn ano ^aromare. EST RAI. I A and CALIFORNIA OOODS. Mi'iri ants, (on ·,,«, «aid IndividaaUai r»g out for these «.»ik. «ran ...' futi ..od complete ataort- », fofM.ner. llsriwttf^Celtavy, .-T«»oU. I'ir«a. ? «. ?? fa« it the old »deadel ( TIARLl*» .*» LITTLK. N.a. *J«t»à»M Faitea»»·. BOOM ONCI l NAII.S-M't.t.iYctnrrxiliij«. eoastac-lvoa hand. Kor isle hy Fi LI. k LORD, Nt» 13«C»net.»ich-»t, corurr l «niai AM' ËTTEEL -ilOVi'-I.S. inanufkCt.ircilbT Ihe dl.li COLONI IROS ? 'X4P\NV -G?»»«· « Ire ti.d '-..»ii, »oil although ilieadya tuir».l . highly t«sor»t . G«???·«?'??? 'i «? «r·· p?a???«p???·<1 from Balta ef last «Steri, «ad in the parchase of . »ridl's, Ar greti ?«ids h·»» been taken to oll* ri in«· very hr»t lb» »»alterne ar» afl kfJajtUlad 1 s. '«»r» ,n every rvertect »prime IVe are ?·» r«-p«r.d t r«. delivrry .t »hört nonce, and wh . u win tiled PMMptte at the .j-. Al tbe ia«· r of tie Anier.cip luslitate ih· ptre.i.u, » ». »w»r.'.e,l to the Old Colony Shov-1·, whea ? ? ttUipef :l .< ? w Ii I ho·» » ? Irme» r.r« for Ihr wrll known r»r« I f >'. I Coirti} CM Nsila. will ß>·? be li led al the regular market F. k J. BUrlAIMU A io^ So ?. id at Agrnt» Old Colony lion Co ; M .Lutaci ter» ?! t.lc Kigle Cutüt , Ck\ (?. ? wool »WA IM I aaaaao» turen e a dkVstantaWEOUUHT IROM l'H'Ks . Fifa tioga ot ai. ko.d». tor Sta im Wttrr, nia. Ir ? T7 Ke.g. li.«teat l-ts ..| (.,.,,1 a:»d Hill, .Near.York. Mills tnd . 'ran 1ubi.»i Ilo.let«, of va- i.oua · te·. ·? m aye hand. I! ·.· · Btt ais ir.« » .«j t.,? Steam Eugtii·» au.1 L.i.i-s XX LoiawaJ» aud rriail. (H TLEBT, ..i-vi* "f I'.rv au.l · Knur·»nd Fork» y Te·Trave. Poiisbed I Rkovvls snd Tongs, Kire Srartde, ·,'»|?·».'. » and re.aiL fay -n. .N«»a aad J4 Falteaet. ÍOHV ? ?! ?»1). Mantifaciiircr aad Pro pr rii.r of [..« k wimmI'· reirhialed Cooking and Laundry Raligr· Alan. J ? It ...?·» ,uveu;»,' Posogea, whuh, for beaut», durability »ad «cotioiuy, ca· no« be mi pi awd. All Rao·«» warraut.nl ? ? I'r.cts from ·JP apward. No »1« rroadaiy, iferme'ly (MlI uppeette «·.. Ttvom- ¦'.Chanik \KW ARTICI G: ??G????? * D.-iMc ii c iieiOte t Taxethran ta» r»ver»e>l, ti,u» getting don the west of rwi- oidi «Ieri »e« th ; ??.?! DBB h reim s, ·ni lor half Üis rtpeuea, ?? th« «tai u».diminuì rjn»t»i.t!y giHid. Of tbe lar«· aa.?- ?*t sold daring the past te»·.,·., tata faM bera hut uu- illumai «ipr»-aed of ?», they »re the faeet, cnrB'Kit.kUii iiKist .'..rabie Cult v»ti»t Tritìi »ver in ibi» ? ss tactanag bv mv hin-ry a large quantity of tliaee Polished Teeth, aud will aril at waataah ver» low ? ¡ «e» XX"- invite Merebaata, ?; Maker» an·! . thrr«. t«. ???««·?1 ordrr» fot »aui-v|,· X\'r also manufacture th- vtrought and ta· work n «--'a witb bilt» eli plele for ( ul'.vati.r« J | A M PK ÜIIAM. I u a, OtienUlY, ? Y. KE.Mt'N AL . i to siilitiriliíinilinvc r«· o Ne I ..' l'rar M th- Ixrge ici' «-'a il «BWfB, No II Join W « tt»y will rarrv on t'- I '«hrtuchaa The »t. ?oty k: tl»XX AH!» COIIM.N' i k Cu. 1JA1I líOAl» BPKEtS, ra-iíaiitiiiil at V R.nii ·, ? .«Je ly Il Ll.l R k LiiRI». No IA> Or-eawt,-b«t..cor Cedar. CI HIGH I'M IS. ? tiill BMk»fawMa1 ft Ci Itttw aad t·!*.» «rrapped «leigh-Belia G - tin * ? , ? »nd 54 Frütnnet. .¿??? IS . A -ti|»iTi«.r at»«»ríni«»>nt . « -urnea aadtekry S titee, «-.rap- « ...... C S. LITTLK, .M.«. 33 «nd 34 Palto·.-at. itUacfllancone. * ? o»», Jai.aary 1. A t'A 1,1» 1 m fa« .o* eoaetad toaceAiaacetab:» I Pnbtta t a: I I ea appuiated AdBtat te tbe b ttu» ui itemrt X\.Vt;.. li. kZIMAR .okJeucteLiverpooi.arid »*h Advaaee» ob C'oa· ¡ ¦ gaie n i. iu :!ir abk, « . · ot A -rxeaa Pre¬ dace tal· friry. Ea.» V..»»; ' k, Eat- No ß: P.out »« ?«»' ? . Alenar A Ca»., L«.b<!. : BBS : A Urtlltg;!, f^efd-ftg A DVE1M1>1:M1:MS are abMrt«M ¡a tho ^a brtt fi;· · »ud tosrn» at X' B. PALM- RAá Advert .ur Agency. Tribune Bui' · ?.-.-lGNKIS· Nel h J.-Al! rverga.ii· . nt.tr ? ? LIMBCROER, ta- Iteir «tat-meiit» m tte aader- j nt aed. ars bereby rej .-ved to do »o ea or before tte «tk jt . ·» --r .·.·«·, be ie.: ..; = a. 4». Ikvkl ' ' ? j. it MiiAen-Une ·. âta|»ta· Al:!i> - MM KRIM.»»-«.Ko H HKLL »·· toostactiy ca Brasdal! · «»· uf Eogl^h au-i i c»b Cissiiig Papera, Trac me Hein, Ciajese aullad.» Pajar. wh:e aad cal.rx-d Brittsl Board | Bate *m4 lisiram« ta Ckafeaal, black aad eaiôrad Craxona, ikemum Reeve, aad OsUtru'· *V«ter Cafera, i- tai -t k¡* «- «kratk-.lc OEO U ItlLL. M.Bsat. Nav 13« Neaakast |\11'0 -i i ERIt.ORD PRESERVES . -a F A ·( Brr^nriv..iTte «ae- <-e**taal erbai made by Ux· narahí «aiiaaai ia -i'riieal atad- . r .·»· . a.- r «iwatawl t..- ¦ n. A to rvmtsr .: to ite tarte pr«-ruses Navi»* BsvaTsdwcr. above Nifata't »tKreaa rxttastir isatttaii ul of laxatrtaia tette paiate aad aa etasCee« vxirtery rieb tel été praiial« «p« ' aew «kOtted »*g «ata. DOC·!»' SA-M vid BLEND DKPOT, N'.. -1 Imane «I ite aateiiter m.iiee a:Battiea la tte abo»e ar-.Ki«ra »»t-cb he m prepared to for-uah ia aay .aaatitv. «a«2 will »kmit u gaxd m ti.y ? the marie·. ttoataìtak ofcstniMoa ataM oa avad. or g'.eaed ta «réW. Oli.) WARRLb ??G-???G DBF«»- I\I\T> OILS. Ac.GBEEX- LEAF k ?1.N S LEY. Na ß Va»ev-«u DRIG- «·?>??· -locntrv Mtwrhiaaa, Oteeai« taai ¦«.fciln . ewtR «erth ea aterra! tataav te «es*. PAMCFLT ORER.NLEAF WM U. RLNSLET. .OKAIL VI.NF. ILANTIVi; «jid PKFKIX»; N-B pajtiMwwdMkwiiáwM' lotsrftea, *«r«t»x4Tw« te ite »tea· e: Mr La-a-aeer. »a the, laste asf MaterxvL· vitwyards «? »«Ma Umjtaaat «tavtste »»apee la tte a»«t4tl Tte kasktln·/ te Pt-ixtaa Praar^g. .4otL tr, wiEbee»Mto »y Part ea ??^»t»? affi. Apply to W WEEDON. V^e- Oteaaer ate « .arden,,. m -teeth« Seed Stare. Ha Broadway. Saw York. te«Jaraaxea« Dr ? Berr-sat, J. U. Or»..«,»., Dt M«aaet, Cat«»/tatewktbwtv o K ILS DBIEDBA BBXfl .··¦'!.'.' RAR REsU, hai Flonr Segar Cere.-nr. ',- A !l. ri extra «tr. t. ii and cue tbtt w.li n,: ftpdteaast-ttNo 4«^ Wcat«, by W. h mfOVET, TIME ·»·«, LABOR «a - ? .1J1 »ueeg the er-ebmted Ct.'STARD i-OWH» ?_-? 14 .eel package matta ?ßß catrt or" g «elnci t'a«tir«L reoo a- ::? M»»Tt.-.fic.s Iipissease m · rastrillarle «'»erre, c«oi«a»nu*Ptrt faite «Bite alfanxataeae »Ti>pe-t-e« teal » b-an: blwxi. r.-h, ·?*. eaf-..'y digested. S--.d by all -«-»»etable Ditugvt» ate Grocer*. XX V>'«-«e e. by ÍTUART .MIC«»LU Ne 7 New »t l.i AMZE A VirrrOBY..CARNOT. the - Frerxh Miris-rr, of«! to orr»x»»e n-rory anni.· of Kraae*, frorn h.· Betest ; ba «d.»·«?*·* Ite nght tt'ars. ti¿ the r.i'i· r-xxu!ts tolios-ed. ? tresníts íl bu'c«·· rosy be okuiard by tdii-prt-M» .be,^* tn»»rt. tanirlv. Arrver.ist-x V. B. PALME» S ADTBE- > .i,:- Beata«·* M tbe Bai-eae ".ir«» a «uceiWal »ícU'ry ta Gt???. He te the Aspad te tte t**t paper» of the whole Cm««. Csmedta, «-. F«r»»r» »ree to« rat»· g.ve» al ais otic*. Tbe m ol ibe New Year is tte time to make Ite ar- .fatetrrr., 1 ·» PkGODA TEA Ce ?"· 11* Chatharnet. » - «Ihn« 5 lb» hsct Tea tor »I and «fa· good Cof· fer f. r #1 _ SPANISH PAPER Sir PACKING CIGARS _Ata « of everv de«cr'.;:noa cae- atnt t 0 aa d GEORGE ? BKLL. BteilBir, .NY 1W Nassau·. THE MAGNETIC ???????.?? -New « efTtcee.cortver of Hsnover «nd Beirersts., sad . «i-, beutw Fa.toti-et. -The Mign-tic rel- ?-t-ose of th» further v.n am> ·.,..-·..». 1 the ? ia .--*«- tut T·'- arine bas.!», sa. »n-1 enable titeiragei.tsto ap»lch T.e.»a-»r« thst may be otier«*d. luve, «? ah»· - ? 'W complete«! «ad -. « · s tu» r-?? «ej^rate ai»! .Inrinet ¡in«*» if poica xa.! egripiun 1 ?. . ? k trotte liry «f*·» :-ig- too. (»i.ebvthe»- ' * ? w- ·. ani four wire» f.- » nate !.· T.d XX" ·«!.:.'.t'n, by il mg ' «er.« t». dkrre 1 · twe wtae I · aad «b» Company l«vi «· tl · at VX "i ngtoo. G.-":?:.· » Rraitsw a ?»: ¦..¦.:i. N'ewxrk, Jersey City. H»vre de (i-ve pi r, I»· pent» «ud Sew-Hopa V is above, and regutatioa« tn ¦»«'"· prompl delivery. !h » Company nfnnU t.» r-eraua· dwps»«>esl f.. ».j « the use sod Mvsotage of 'bwrapid ¦.ic.cafin« with peraontl or i>n«inet» rr.'»o.1s . «wan* te promptirr.de an- > > .ttry. Telegraph'·-«, h'.t rec-utíy an experiment, be» tn-r-v-oe ? ,T.-eD , , an,] lieh · ·nee». »I'd ot iKonssr.l»'· "f dollar· now daily trta»- acrtnri tliroiifii iuag«r.ry. . ... .. .n-slfen wtxrd» or .ew (exc'»- tbe ptice· ere from NI-VX \< »tltx to Nr.xvARrX. .,1.; to PHILADELPHIA, fee» (y Ar« ce,'i. t-.d } , u i-'IMiinN, //?» re»»/». Opeo .'W« IWI IN. Pre-, MM, XX ? ? WI'.»-IVRVFLT, S'ir»»r-i'en»ieut. ??) FISH MERCHANTS. Fur tale, two .r; of Fi«h Braadfat« Iron«, w.tii the alatka letter· , . .! I.t |o..- ? AN DREW IV-1 ... Mra « RAIT, x 0. Croaant- \'FAST powder.B. T. BABBITT U the BBnfJBBw iiiver'or of ite «JhemKiai YreetPowtar, which 1* pr-!»Med and e»!d by faim tt Noe « and » Wmàv li.«t.na. N-w X "ik, ¦·. · - .x·:· Th w who pn-jtakM gh'u'd tal Itorj that wuh the above natue oa. Balee bs Indian. A. M MtBWi», .Amnone,·· BY RANOS. I.KOIHEK «V C.»,~Tr»ei· Sal«« Rooms. No 1.1 rVk-row. \\ I I'M -1 > A r \ Y ?,??? Vsli «Hi.r Lass I.ips.HV -iriT»-e U* l.i hr»ry ol ll« :«.. BafB. Id - ti San tt· rl. decev .1, h'ing 01.e «X t ,. te »¦ .1 hii «..|..r..,i ,. ev.r ütler.U. Citalogue» wtil be re id t t> o diy« Itetore tbe Mi» KH-1'i IRVINTH NRW-TORR TRADE SALB, ka be ...liner.·»! ea MONDATI · ··'-.' ?. ?. A Cu. »»h. if conaign asttl 11 l'irta«, art· Tioar.KV. .Stkktorvrt l'LATts, Bmiir«»'tYorH. latATH- » », i. .ir tt». next regnlsr Tr».le »(air, to be co'iimeoc*! al tl e al«>.« date l'aiti, atan for ili« punto.« should ftirms!ied hy the tl.. f Janaaiy tuet. Um XV. Solai.tv, Auntie te»r pBO« KUi. i.l.\.->.-.ni CHINA..WED- " REBDAT, Im. -Xi. xt H'4 o'y.ock. al No. »1 J ibnst, a inerti wii.'e gr^ iu W«re, I li blets »nd Deemter» « »1 ?',-.i - . Br» | e 1 »-,-eii.bti'ry, tor cash I, vr« (Ott, A oc. 1 1?XEI i rOR-S' SALE ·¦; ¦ VALUABLE J MR.AI a NRW-JERAEY tl ACCI liJV.-J A M Eri CGLF. V ? ? UH-·,»Ai. Jar: al 12 l'CUnk,·! il» M ree inti' Ktchang». New Vor«. I,y « ot t.ia lire PETER BlsMEN· 1 ·· »B ** bit» I A-vl »itl'h P.rifan Risrr. 1' F.l n-tni >rf Farm." S«'dK«·· aerei of very iiip-rior aplaod -w. i.idrr · high »r .te tvf enltiVAlion. itici iding .«a»·»·«**) ?G-ftmiUad «aaatMblly.ou«·..I «a th« I. in, aboil«· pet oftte Wow- .'¦ r»»y I .nini Baáktast, Bl Rarität», l.iu« «te·» 'J I li "in.' f New ? ?«. 1 ?·» »ad Dp»are all :n .·.?.,1 order G . < t rt»e t»-»t graia and »raging Firm· in Somerset 1Y Fru'O its imtne- .tate »:.· nity to 1'ie city, banauty ul aeueryxt.d heallhy it |>r. anta «irons mdncenn-Ofs to t«v»a» wuhuig · residí 1. I a it it an ?!, couid be divi led into sr all par-, a, ·. h: h j urpace it well «dsjirrd. Title lodiapnt Ile. lui fu nh»r information, «pply »t the office« of «be Au. t-".e. r. Nu. 13 Knltora -t., Brnoklyn, and No. » Wall «t.. New York. («H» GEFAT SA IE of BEAL E-STAIH-The C.XiÜ.I.Y.K. IRON XXOIiKS PROPERTY, · ? *i Dilles tastu· l'arli»le. Cambt-rUn.t I i.nlv. Pena will lie .old M public «ale. ih» preouiea, oa TflLRSUAY. (ite ÎEUiday ot Janiin.y. IloA IL,a »one of lb« t,ne«t eaOvte« in Peiitiivivani», «od · rt- bracraalaii.t l'i,«»»«iCr"» «,f laud betweaa lit« «ai «?. b in- «red 01 wlo«! aieel· -t'.l nul tu mltivatioa. The linpii-iiinei-t· are 1 y fartafa Maimón lloase, ? ?.-g», Korea».·, ?.r«t ?,, with tour run ?! Miei», Baw-Mi'i!, r.. ¡., nt. r «At» - ? .. ?. tii »?, two «toa« c .«J toree tar«e tsank Barn» itone Stable, 1>? I«et l.,a« (.ra.n Ho «..(on Cub« and Hog Pens. toj-tJier with ¿1 Dwehi g tinti.· · Tbe f- Iroa \XY-ks 'or the prod ic- tioncft.r ,.. '->' r Metal utd Bxrlmn.it u be- lievrd, ere ot-??··... d SLS » The wv·. p.iw· r »eaeoftb. .I lianng Ye'leve Br-e> Ii·-' ·· l.itg ¦-.¦yriiig«, it n»v-r r. « «o as to ·?G»?'·*«?( the constant 0|»er.xtion of the a Oneh,.l'r..i «n.! nr a r««, with··! loioriveni ».t. ". eluded 1. oarrd »1.4. w.ii le.'n»!d »eparalely. » fae patcbaM .ioti, y to be m iMof ???! enmin.«. tth-ati.aw»«i»ni wnl I«. ,(.· liverv.l. «nd tie bai« .*i arjuu»! iwviii-i'i. wiihont letereat. re.pur«d to pay us · neire'it. of toe parafa«¦ - -, ibe proper'y «tr»' vrn ot), which . 'ind ti.e proprietor oa . 1 i.l'KPi F. EuE. t'vi, ¦· λ. '.??2. J is.. , XI M U » I, A 1. riyirieer. I ARGE irai ÍMP01 \ -M.F. of IM- ¦ d PRi r D PRCPKIITY. «_...n»« Nuv ??, 1ß. 130, . ?? «·. atan ? , , ! Vil il '! MILLER fa Co ardi «.IK HBll VY. K»b i, lkVii. at U «e. · -Tbe ««av-«tui « brick Bu lint« Nos IX, , ? ? '-,»·· -T.e »,' U Reek ????- ·.. :. now re»t» f.r t!i»,5i>i, nd casbe #14.00» per auoum. ?wo-tii ...1 ol IBs parrkue 11.01.ry can re-uaio on bond Mitntan.1 fkrt.L ,l»n«tt ite Auct aa No. 81 a*guáaa ?·»*·» M( « ^(»LII ì 1 LlbBARl r ?? G?0?..HO» ».'iaBl·· Mi IR ¡AN will i»l! at »««??t?. at It o'clock 00 the X!-tvSanta Kxcuanga, tte I premttyktowB - L.tnarv. uu Hioa-lw.« «taaid »i Tbe L·· t is tu t «. it 00 H.-os«tw»v. aad M k very eon'.Iy Bmkiia« spua 1·, wbich cao eMlIy be ooa- :ud ilo »sygy-re or dwi Pia.an.iiSi on Ite te ef Ma j. I ¦:..». 1 rie prop- p ? ig «ifíirrd C pr>vxJ> «ale asti! tte ¿7tk inst ForB«»è»-tkaiar«Atpry to huMi R MORGAN. NY '..'.Lira Aaeirfmeer. ? 'ALI -AP.I.E WALE-St. PKOPERTV- » PARTII rhe Ptenit Biuiiüuaa,« »I XVa-rr » XX ? - « .1 t > cuae tte i.LV, ---.? ita fa· tino of hale a halli ».. . t rat at ir.vate.»-, at reib1:« «?«..«. » ADRIAN 14. M'"LLKR. o 1HI 1 - 'Ai Jm ?. liÄ.tUo· .o.k. M., »t tte Mer- ebaat·'Lxrcaugr. ? firgi t-ptt?tß nf rh» rrart k««e itnsj .0 r-o^.a «sa unsi bub rrjatgag» if bbwibb. The r ha« · frer-t of «feet 00 «A'aî -«a aad m leet oa Water-et. ft ta new earcBPketi bv tra cae» u-iants. Tte nrataltiic »ea.· is 4-t.PM. aad « tlitd»!»)1 adi «an b-nae forti-eaext Th· aew tina of ilALLOCK. BITLF.R A ? XLP «»«- Bot .att-od tt parcbxse th« property aad wj] ¡mg bid at th- «ale i.recf!y or ladiremlly. Profxeeionui Xoncce. DAiilERREiiTVPES ONLY iT, CENI ¦»- A! F AltRANI)'!·. ¿rat «av-r ».y-:.gru GaUery. Ma OT ?.·»«·»;»»» »br.-» p.c:ar»s are taa-a .b »iti ny^. aasur- pasar« by any «a «aaiuy, ebeaptara» «ad da. PATENTS trr NEW INVENT«· »\- , CCBEO At-L PART·» oi KCRGPE -Cndrr «he aew law. t Kagtaaat, kisf usai redact^imi beve «sx oaty ta_"ta·, "* *·»*? but provaioaa» protecr.o» e grant· i * -"' '-' · : ... t.. t.,.-. af l.Breae, tbraeiga »ay Ar a.«· wv. M pr.mpti, ambirmi bew-Yerk Laiaal .«a. Pars, braaa.1» or X .eruta, as parue» BBty Biettr. It «MtaM te pr-a»«-x-eo to Eijrvpe :o vtspoa» of »a invaa- bea beteet'airara are teoreti, pr.ur «xpeaare will void FbD ia*tea-i«t_ a is to cosce, kc . caa be bad eat a te JOHF.PH P. PIR.-50N, No 5 kViR-ai ? I .X.-SP0RTS ato all r»ru uf the woi-id aaakta tJaveierB-isated bv J ? NONEB NaMary, Na 4a Breadway u. kl~ CENT DA'ilEKREOri'PE^-REES met ß A Co^ Na «O» otead» ty, make tte tiaest piciure« te eaniy tiare wiilim^ ky · aew Germán urotem «a d ra»· ? cha» lied take nee» ÌM te AW dai; ?j is MhaAkAaAvias. I tettrue C»''»-^.ae«j «TüpartnrroÍy.p. 0>μ»!..?!·>? : PAETNEloâLHiP ? ore e ¡-r t'«e I «n ol MI F.-T.*- A »·». Hoeteelrers a ti i* - '«N»itt««.*ti»'a«i>li*ral unitati t »?*«·« 0:1 t.; e 4th riattar t Te uaav4:le«l heo-i-e·» etf là- « » 11 be «ruar· i'· 1 BILir J Otri '»S«, wbe akm w «e- ^»*·*.{*^'·*"^?'.?.^^':'^>. PBUVIP J I ·< V»» PHILIP J .fi ...AN." ttiüont: .rd Statie-c· ty t'..»4i<se ?! ? *. ! 4 »*1 . » Kaetiaa··!. Ne» Y or». Jaieory M. i DlN*.LlTION\.The C'-ipartnenaliip U"r»> tofcrr ex^.oi bet »Men BabeMÄ -rsis ih-sJ·.· ea¬ rn !?»?! bv irnrnal eoawrt trtber et the »aea»:«i*n«ej « ««- t ori», «ito «.»a the taatrtror tbe -irrn in ? .«riotion G?* b.o». «».? ? «tir. of tb. ¦?***¦ w tS MOU.L- KttaeU.V.-,,'vUUL:^" «rÄ-1· BM aetttriairnt- y roM N-w ?«ßt?, IW 3!. 1»»3 J,-US <-? G?.???'G JN. TI· 1- ? »PABTNKBSHIPof the under»:pi*d, «rider the .G! »»Mt (JREESK A Ce»,BN tt* trmt.ict.ua ef the R<«.ì* Mode'", limutbirue«», al wb. >ieai>. wul be oor.ticn-»J»*het*et.ifore WILLIAM O V.RI» vtSB, ?a' m otivr.N'v., OLI» K.K B. i'iV.-.Ki)Y. ??G»«. Y\ M 11 ?.G??, ?·«. York. Dee 31. 1«. JOHN ? ?'?.??G??. COPARTNERSHIP--TV ßßßßß?ß?μ? have thi« day fcrrtnee! a Gopaitar rvAip, Sor the lai ¡tortillon and 1 , ,. v «.. the ervlear«! tinn Ot M.it. l»rUN, PLÌMPToN. WILLIAMS {¡^tfnßtffä JOHN" 0. PLIMBTOB, OB >B IB vriLLIAMA New tork Peertl, IMI DKXTKR T1FKANY. G»»- On tbc «Bu ,l»v of Vtv tbey will rsmotitu No b Fsrclov-t. o*i«! No li"»t»ty-«t. directly in th* retai of tue Anvi Hoose. ^0TICB..TW <.\··nrtriorship rn-r.'t'>f.>ri> BB> _tt*.i.g betweeo th· und*t**,tt-«r*t, under trte rinn »jf CB0Ï K>'H. HALL A SrOSV. wa» d-.Bo.v-d oa »·«* Noven.ber lot«, by muta«! Mttoent-.Vlesond.ar Util re- *&* a1.1-1-* the firm w,I! be clo*ed by C«UMBI A ^w^7a,te^lMbiuaoc,tEr 1 BLU. HALL, J. VV STOW. New York, January 1st, IBM. COrARTNKR."Hir NOTICE. A h-Bited «jopartner· .!ip ht» be-n furuied, ptii»ua.il to the tintt ritta» of tita fourth charter ei the se· «jtid pat ot tb* R ? leed Slttute*of the liter* of New ..irk. uu.ier t mm«, »tyle and firm of f ROl KKH k STOW, fir the ItiTiii« tnd «ellin», »nddeai- t; ? ? foiiibaand r«ncv Oooda, «a tbe City of .New· York. TW John t_jnn_la aaho t*et«iiie« in the G ty ,.t Mobil* and S'ote of A'ai-inia, is tlie ipeval partner, and W lliaia .4. fiockerotid Joseph W. Panar, belli ot t.bien r-#.d« ia tbe City ef Ne» York, or» tlie tener»! partner». That the «a .1 J. ? ?'????'.'» hs» c.iitnhuted tlie «um of tiftiaen tho'.otrtd dollar« in eetsh to tlie common stock oe capital cd »aid «·» cvtn ro!:i|·, ai.d ibat »aid copvr uetahip n toeomra»«*»«on theÜTet d»v of Joniurv. one thousand eirht huu.irvd and ftttv-thre*. »id to terruinot* th. tir»t .toa ot Jtn-iorv, one .b.-.iserrd cixht landre,! and fitly -sisl~VaU d Net» \.,k, I>.,-,r'.· ttb ISA« JOIlt il .»OLDS, Ueeetrttrer sin, it«-*. UM A CR0CtK£ J. W now C WANGE af FIKM .Tli»* bu»inttis tt the » »tiUcrir·· berrtufiTe conducte»«! under the tinn of IU PI "? ti ri I I.l.? i'«>. will hereefier be c.inutiaed .r^ertr,fir:,',».KrLLKK4j;,!t!:Y,i,,K...^^ j. courxi LORD PUBLIC NOTICE la a>v>rBv? fbe· thai iln> [,,.-;n-ral'p l.ere.n«,.« .'t'«ti!i|| »»etween MTaFataVB DA»!M a·»! A H.8 I'DLr/ ?»,!»*»«· t.·.! Jai IB l>*»3 ??G???? DAataa. Jnettrance Companue. !'. ,i m\ IltSVtUBCI Ornes, J»n. II, ue. AT tl.f ANNI Al. l.l.KC HON. tifiti at the» Office, tl Bay, tlie f..l owiii» |MB«tBMB were elected line. t. l'or the eti»ii ??« tear. o ?',?'.???. IHl.tiNi. II. M KOiT»-et»r, ('niwell llvKlea, \t in. . liii.lt, lt»:t.ar.! »iiT'h, Joba ?. ?.···??. \mi ...,..re, J. IV Merte-ean, S e; h-n > Vbr.», WiIbubí: »inet, M-l'iin* M Weiu WaMaaton Yale, (¡rerje 1 l.bb, Motthew llinl, Join W llriisey. ? W rdi'iond». K. W Howe». Kraoe-.s CsttBta·, I-ewi« 11, t. J 11 Dick:n*uD. Il loiel Dr· tr, Henj G t'tinp. J,.l.n G ? »I er, ( baa, L ..»...»virt', Charle» t>i,iid!.ii.I. Aori ? Arnold, Micliael M.iirotb, ChaaMr Maaja Wtn ???·?·». Andre·/ V. Stii.it Ani »r Iii»pe« tor« of «h* eieat Klevtiou Ciarle· li. Reni¬ li a?.. Wm M. > . «rljtolph Mend. At»«ii)ate.iueuti«ie,tii.(or the Hoard, HIRAM M KOR- Hr SI II. r««|.. wa« iii,ai!iiiii>u*ly re«leer»d r/retident t.ir tt.e c!»..ii m >.ar JOHN WRvY I cretory ??????.?.??,?) ??? INSURANCE COM all'lNV llie Annual Klectioii for Twen'v five D'ree- tor» tot tin C.itiipaiiv. w.ll b.» Ii- 1.1 at tl.eir «.llic·, ? ?. dl I h.iiibert »t.. on ill I KSDW.lhe id brutry next. Th* l'oli talli be op. «I al li ami el.»«.· at .'.iVI.a-b P. M. G IBLllLM NDRlV'OllD, Me. retiry. VAllONAii LOAN KUND LIFE ASSUR. II AMI. MU 11 IV ,il LllSIXtM-tleiieral As*ney .fNo.7l WiU-et, New-York. I'm» l.if.· Swaeaa ta bavtl I dltMitll a I it, «rant.·«» Kan,I .I «t | IMI »IMI ?a l'-iitri! Mate» Skx-s« Olid New-York Sut» át'Ojí· with tb* CleUtMllrt .,1 th» Stute of New-York, in o. ..»r.linc« with the Stale law. will rea-eiT« iinii».»· «!a lot ln.iiraii.^ ,.o Live» at ? »n · .-? etal A«rmcy, No 71 Wall «t., New York, aad at tj.».r II it' lit t|. «?« · Ktoualliii.t 111«· Statt*. .Tti.a and Anatrali* inaurod at a i'l ?1?· LsMbI rt'jurtl ol D:r«»etori nieet etery VN'ridnsriday fur trsiKUit 1MB el ??? M BM MM. Metl'cti Kim ?:,· iu »tt»mlance dally at I o cloak P. AL I'ai'i rib Ilio oda tutarte» ..I't.i « t'.i.upaay, oon behad mi »pi', «! .m »t tlieo-tlie, >'o 71 Wail «t» ?.« ti. «tust» or t-isKiTiisa, raar-Taasi i'.r.ir«r llnrclay. Jame* Hoorttion, Joiiu J !'?,, »r, I II "rv l.n.llain, J itirt It llolbrook* Dmbb-4 Paraat, < ? Uabiiaa, ? atateUt A it. i»' ut, R..!*-« .I Dillon, Joweph Usattara, Jr. Babbi »· Ti'» mattmamai H«nk. ?*?t·??t?? th* I.»oia· er alai aerai of Bank, New-V ork. rrea BUBEBT DIl.i.tiN. M KiiMtMU Ha. A K H'»SACK, and Da. i. S M-I..NK C E IIA????G. O'uert! Ateut RmTUBLK till INSI'KANCK Co-Io «utanen Kiiildinx«. »orner of Wall «od Wi"i«uj-»«a.· Obmm Kan. It and 11, «r.una 11' or. T'..« I "ii pai.y, liu> .u« their Capita, of # ? i»n p_i_ i^ tn coah, and «ectirely lovew, d, are prepared to meure) asotoia l'i«· »nel ?a?!«?.« !¦» Im on tuoi a!,.e irriti«. Th* charter of tfiis l'onipoay pro» idra that, «ilei payait totere*» to th« »t<< k!:. I«!et» »t thr» r»»e r>f 7 per aaaB» per «n- Btim, íbur-ílth* of tlie r-u.^ unis profil« aria Ul b* divide«! ¦enoTaf the aaaiir« d io a DB, »?··; me luttire«t, wluch n-rip i* to be rr.lernulli«* in coatta »a Beni r tiae .ccaiu'idfead profit· and capital «hoi! amount to #l.nOn,r*De ????????? Jo» (? a?. ¡arri, J; Jahn A *-tt-ph*ii», ? B. flowlatW, Joe. M. Wauubury.Jajiie'o Worre*. Si..p.',eu Whiraap, ????«* I urta Arthur Li-or», Dan II. Keoriii*, Orarie ? Ad«·, M. W. il orni tesa, WniHR.itw.il D IS. Kennedy, Detiina* liner, lo« G ll.iwuir*, JohaJ. Altor Jr, John -trrwtrd Jr 11 ? l..im_·, »red. A. DeUno. B«»'» rt H M nturii.Wm. I! Atptnwail Jttie·· Bell Be n »»»o Wither». Wn II Duocaa, Istuiielüra«. Sm-th.Pdw»rd C. (Jaater.rho*. H. Kuatell, Bred. G. lOatM, JiMiaii Ooke«, loooo TuwTMaad. Pe»ilf.. Robert S ¡lore» BDHKIiT S HUNK, ? retad.t Oia.ia ¥ t 11 it, Secretory QFECIÉ Bti.l <K>LD DUBT tttm CALIFOB» l»3 ??? »JEm. ', !.HK «ad 3A> »RAM 1-»' n«r \H- ????G LINK, No ? Broadway . ??«« MMatMB «f ¡.u-tie« a««ii rit·» eetorTi· fruii. | «i.'Ortii* in Spe« ie.,r laid Hast, át«., ?*«tarée'*»·! to the noue· of Haw Tan a-id-rwriter·, at fVsot. DAV If BROOKS b <o O-nerol Ae*dt*. StW'.uB*·. *>«.¦··. 16, I8.V1 j ¦· · | .«??? IHK. M.V. HiRIC AND SAN tmaJtCttCO HT». \M- Siili* Ll>!· h»v arr-»are»tl wu.'i \f. ? Brett '·· >'ir: »1: » a:.-c·' «»lord, wktcb ba» bean daeiued «at- a '4 tO t»A* Itiuiai.ete »rotii San Krnnctsero to New-York arid t·) ??a·» t'e .«ji.e re..*iti«jB in f rrrr.aui for comiri« »i. 1er the pro- tec noti tb» evititi of M··».-», tìnmmm k Ytr.U. tr,,m Pon¬ an.» to tt·· At «rite cietat. bii* lieen t4td yet «llowéd oa y ti« |aird oi Mtoara. »i>««|at>ri. I Irirtotta» l »rv A»tor albtual loanrorce «? iStateed) ZzaCooi. OenlVntooi Inanron. I ptt-d) Axraao ?.?ß?. New-York ituióOJ · (»'.? S«rT».«THW»iTB. ? «âne err ai Imnrtnre t ? (rti»tied) Dt.·. ?. D. á.4:11.. ??»*" · ' o_ (»niirdi IViirtt & J . TI* tàoi. Mitnol In*nr»_uc» LB Nilsob. Mrrvtu ?. .«,. »'.»»O VVALtr.B, L'bksb Mutual In* .». .led, J. L. Larii»·)». l*re^t. AtlMl'-u'aJ !nm»onc«Co.. (à.tue«!. ?. U ?»a???. Cöatctjcs, Ic.clrD, Ut. W'AM BEfl i Mi.Ii:\VKLKY. -JKK ·. ¦« f ? Bh.N WATt HK*l.-Ju*t reí» ved bv 14» «u «»eri»-»*· . JalM Jrrceo*tn W Uctte«. witri « rtircote* rri.m hurí vue eoch Watcb, wanaiaiexl pert, et üette-beeaM» tue mua »t ara* t'i» u the lumai pnce* C«i- [er \V Ua..';e*_*uuae Ut hatiumcaate* ·)_·>1?* ami !«e v»rt. peri, e: tiaikli ;e·· li.dee»-i·.·..-.t -ver..?? Watcba* on*t laorTcr^aacoud«, for ' « Uid ...Te' r.ura. Ouiil Picket CiirouOieelera. whxb ru without any vanat»on. Koaav-l Wirrhe· (»t ¡.di·* liât» *od s. »r Ie-ter, îletac·-»«! le»»·«., Lepina Db» pt-T.anel..· tber »tya» M Watdaan Ají ut Um akafra tot Mattata» tíjn ti^ ea;_ji prue* "" I-ilBiiair D-.oano-.d Pino, Riti,* Eoî-Bui*», Pu,.*,. B-n«B.«*^Crvj_»eat'r»i«'riow. m * ¡fiswísr.Uí Lepiae W au.Ua,4 l-Je-ayc*,_M.SJÄ M r .b* Ot!»» Detoehed Uvera, fall Je «/.;l»d. Ht ot Ciold Enaii.el Witche«, for ivtie* . y} m Oold H int ni VV'otchc*. for loda«*. j«¿ m tseial Hnnttar Potent Lever*, tor fante. ¿ri ß?:?»t Pttert Lerer·.? Li io M M Silver Dt-taat«v! L»«»rv f ?! /·¦»,. Uutliot Bilaer !·*???.»?, 4 bo·«* jtwalM.. .ItilotUr. it-ul» lo» pr-r__, lae, »Il 1,^1·... .1. ·./¦».__ ?, ... G, G^ . Pina, Viauer-Biaaa, «wiv ???,.?*. Capa, Pori», pnce* Catcht» aad J«rwelry «acbetaeed. AJ W'*____¡* ganaMMj BB keep m** lfm, or Ino bb»..,, rtreWT Guetta*. Cloek* otteTJeweirv Mp%rMatA« aàat e-«»--.^ «··.'". .... tha ataml »arma*. Icbea aad J*w*li tatCT,Aïi,,h- - >"*> °^^tmtr\\a\Xt S! aV-*?.'¦?¦' «»a»^«*·*».! aaar Bea·-1- Fi_?»_i_?WÄ*Ä_S he-it Cat. -? ?? St m*^i mm t**" Breodway prvM» BBO WH. M, m Caoaal^t, oat toot fnm ialhraa. .fcrnUnre,. £:. \M I ?,. < .N ,v 11 Itti g up ? tra, w,a1 e ry «»ntaadtai M ·¦ » - ? ? t \| | ataitofj Blixv :··:-.!, ».n All. WARRANTED FIHST CLAJ880- i\ FBAMKLbKD c iTTIGF «ad CHAMBER FUR- M kR.-v1 .r» iure Ni». 44.' lli«»*.iw.r. Mlua Irate »t MaanfMfi o .ti .... a-ot m tbe li.iti a 'S'a: who Csmtuae th :n-elvr· lo uanuq wvanrf-ctnre ' ?»*?. «.lLLIrSf» l'.R.NE resprcifa' y i.«a»b ,g III« con ir g ? A-on le» «ill aoj et» ante t r ritire new nid a·: :ne |t»U t ». ?? ?. · t c a'e aller tb« ? xi-at F.-arli aad lu.' tan »"y l«e. froan t ri «t qo«rtry «f n at ir old CBieem of w!!ifid TW* NTT F!\ F PUR l ENT. BELOW ALL Ol'UKR» T.i' Trai, airpLrdM e»i»al at arescly txdm-..? rfkUw. GILLIES A 3.RNE. No. 4V Bma-U»·, Fast tide, below Grate «at. aOKEAT BARI.AINS in FF.\rMr.rt\ \1 BIT'S. MAaTRr'S-t'E·*«·, ae^Ml'RAWBlVk'·» v> iW Gran.'-«BY a-«-..n«i d.»ot e»·! rowai «a , >»w-k»»rk- CHKAi-Crm.LSTVRY »id FEAlHEB-iTORb.-lwi atteet·. I u( fatati esaho«! purxtes.ng w ix»»well'«..y bviis« .eai»i fvacfll»! »i»eixaae«»t ol Keda Ml III· «Bta, P«il!a«M«rBrds«»a.V «OoU Uc oil-ii wo eb hive tee. oar» based tt tax» ¡Toa And w»U be «Oti al «'.v-a (MVOM as to «1 sue it tr i-idecrmeto f,* til te eall tad eifaiae tbe above tuxk ! er neos M makia« tfaeir ¡^ tebser· » I.»» mat tr- «mv pa-ot tte citx-, Rrxooklyn and Wt,liam»b«irgh frxv «xf »af aie l »i¦« Bar-i« »»»i M «IXr-xiet-»renova?ed and :at»M arm. mmmmm . < a ixxKCClC No SMGraadst^ ..id-»g east of I -k«a Coal. Piitston coal..the pknnsvlva MA COAL CONG'ANY is prepared to furnia* «pe» cog White Ash Pittati« Cavai, of al! i.aea,cl«nau ate m «oet order, auiub'e «Air «team thippui«, aad domeacte parpeaes .eon: otter» or ya-xi» ic tsae cirv. WtftatrngM-rO». »at Orooklya The Conipaiiy · lanlitie* ars «uen to m »He U ? «?«« «.sod awinV1· ko '-»we·· lead ·»» at New Vor» or al Pari twee. Pamema! ».rent: m gi.xyi to th« «leiivwry «?« CaaJéW de Bieatic purrxosea Apply at the office, sor Bteadwe· ate Wail «? . eu/eu. West, near Meto«· , cot. 14th st. »te wj»a». ate fox»* M iJ»kX«veroeurst, riry Ffot of ? «rtk "Hhss WI!lfaiAwtt».rxl, Init of .o:.' «< ?->??>*?? ???..Bed Ash. Stavo ?"«! E '·-! ?ßß? Al·» ( ?. .h .-.s. ? ? Vgg. sure»*n»»<l »ud i-liveied al lite hMMlBta' \ .-d No. a* Fi ****** UKnl C10AL. -'lhf »iibr«'r»tox.r ha* m raru«, Mi ·» J ooastautly tli-cbaigtns ali ite varo«, ko.*, of A ..tua- eite «itd Ritiiiiiiiio'i« ('.vii·, »i·- !'»»· h O-vhxnl Klar* Heath. Laxbisb, Liverpool Orn·.! Ckjkaal s,,<.,., \f ^ all of the »eiy beart «ualily, delivec-o u i.xni'-o r»s> (xnW. ! fer »al« low ?? N FS ?, ?". ? RT 11, «Mb-et oor Tbouipeue. am« »»'l»-»v , cor V a Dxiwa-aowti ofktae No S3 Wall «a lRIonet} UJiinicd ino to toar» MONEY to LOAN UPON P.OVD ??,? MORTO 4Gy-On productive Real Est,«ß in thu iity, in »unta to mit »? [Volili·. None bal ilio«, tioldia« kixt 11·*» ·«··*·_-,., aera a·.·»!». FlÍANCfá J. KENNKDY, No H W.H et ????,?. MONEY. M.»·..«/ to loan «»a a* I XX art-lira, lhaiNond». Jewelry. Ac. Ac AU». M tu«aa te let «ml Saloous «olii out. ofevrry dee.»iips;itii, un the must t·.· fatatemi« Ail transaction« confident! ai, al 111» pet em (»Ilice. Vo |i 2 Nassau OlRce .No It. Sil (Unii WJallTED forSIXTl DAYI *?? I e""'"- Korwh.ch«ltb"telb.Hi.i· wil! b* pol. »t.i nt.lii. a , ualtle ·.. uii'v of iloul-le tiie a'liiMitit will be .rWi ? ? »? Is ng «l No li« Si-iiuat, oflice No IS, (over thr ( Hv llauk.) ¦ ^».^.^w.»a^.^.w^w» CDcran Oiciimcto, §Ht pALIFvOBNIA TICKET. Tarottffe G?.·?.t \. ia the Mail Stsain.i .»? K. !.. .">. tor ··.!.· ol tbe test Lett!', in ilk] tdiee' ».»loou. A,xply to ,S W. Pl'T- .NAM, No ¦ llroe«l»t. /California, afsteai.ia .mi new- " ORLI'VNS- Stean-liip P»a»a,.· an,! ?rriglit Office. Putt« · noiiig to » uh« r olili«· abuse port» will do wall by calling »t o.ii oflice und Prateria« paaaag» lower lino »I»» where. VOCNOACo-No IS.; \v ..f ,t .oi.e r II. ale, up | oaite lb« .N. is ? ulk »ud Elle II«;, oui CHIP ?????????????? BISA (Mr. Don- ?? siti McK»}'· gieat cltiMier) »oli be at bet betih, P,»r No V K.xal R ver. on TrK-SllAV, Feb. Ì. ('.imp t -ul ini'gr» baile«e fliAt the Foi,| r «sein nuke th ¦ pagwig» to San Fian« «an taaabortrr time ilian »ny «ai ??« ?··«»? ia tbe world. frniht. »Pply to J. S illKrl) tl». No IH Wallst. ???? SIROCCO liir SAN I I.ANlTSi'O- «1 Tbi» ai.litui ship will sail tu a few day«, aal ha* »?,· t.iild «t. iiiot ,?.?,??,??ß fui |«.«.'ii«rr» Shippers are ia- i, «t· il tu »eud duwii »il their good« ??· wen«. J S (»«.EFORI). No. ?? Wall «t I/OK CHARLESTON ami FEOI'IDA. .'»nn V. -»kit G 1 Mail Liu. -1 be new aal last going steamer JA MKS AlMHR. J. llicki ,attn, tit, iinitu 1er, will Imv« ? ? r NY I NoitUR.i.r, on XVKIINKSDAY, Jia *>, «t 3 «ytl.ck, ? M., precisely. For fi ig t, »? it y nu loan!, abete all illa ?| failing will be »igt.p? nudln« pas· .»ge al the ? ti ir ol SPOFFi'RU. TILKSTON k Co., R.» Sotti»-·«. Tbitiiigh ticket» lor florid* Billow· To Jacksonville, . il tu Prati». «.·. miIROI OH 10SANFKA5iCISCO.-VAN· a DEEBILTLINI ? «? A,· wstry i'r«us t e«,¦«*»¦ (ol Nu «initia. propio tota lui Caliloruia. by wa» oi *.n»mgu. No it. lentil u on the latinum.--TliruugB m »ds am e Ot th« Mill -Only Line giving ? c.eU fu« Ir ed ig tJ - lati ,. TI,.· ? w liiniblti Ungine Stnainsiii.i ?G?? otile VViSI, -MJ tini« ?,???.?. u, ? !.. Tiuklep.tigh, ( i.ti,u.aioli r, will leave ?. w York for J m Joan del Sona, Piel No ? North Hiver, ou -AliltKAY, K-h A «t I o'clock P. M pir.iaelv, uounectiiig »nth tbepoverini nt«l (Opiilir Mriiuabip PACIFIC, over the Ni. .raina »«naît Pou··· bas mg bal C mil. g ..f land f airi.ge. Tlieie r t'Ai, et» aio 'iB«ui)ia»»ed ta tletr venti a'ion »te a.-.uoi· ii.oilatioii» f. r ??.??p?????? or paaang«, at th« lo »rat ?»!·«, »pply only »? ite ag'"' y "t if..· l'ompuiy, Nn. « K.tftrs piace, up «taira C. VAMDRERILT, Agent A Mail bag la made up »l th» »bos· oflice ne lei t in new l'ini.»! .--tate« Fettige Law, for toe ?,,?«?,.·??, ? ot Ite \ ni ??. Paaaeilter» »re cv'ilionel agi n«t lite reoreai.t iti io« nf ir. il Itniiriria uf ol ti Ione«. Nona aie eiiipluyial ir .n» Line. ITKTTED SI ATI'S ???? STEAMSHIP J COMPANY. ..»iiiectiri« with tte Pacific Mill Siei-a- ¦)t ? Company, carrying tin· «real r Ma.L. ???? throu.lt I'uitru Sutes M»il Line for ('ALIFi)RflA . n.? ORI ·¦ l'N, su AsasVawall and Paaama. (ire«t réduc¬ tion lor >!·. on.? Cibi, ai il Steerige pawenger. T'ie »;1»?? il,ti utw ami tlinil.le ei «ine I jiifod .ntistes Mail iteamahl« l.KHlGIA, ?«»' tunsli'ittlrn. h Porter, V S N«vy, (..p mai,.:«· will «.il no 8?G? RI» V Y, Keb. X, «t g .,', i.e'k F M.prrciielv, troni ¡?.·? if liait of sV'arren··., North R ft. Tbe Paiil.r Mail Bt.nabj?OaMptey lut» iiiorteee migtiiii- ? ·. Dt tiret tina «ie,imehi| · plying I't.twii Panama and San tao, « -Lili· i»»t i.nii.l · ? ut »hich are alway« kept et Par.ama ht ri,sir a.l ne. iilru··. and to prnvei.l any delay of toe io., «ai il nasaeiger» on the latiimu«. No etfurt« «IX» fat »paied on the pert of the CooipaoiM to «end tteir i»·*- BMSjer» tlirounii with expedition, comfort «nd «afety. Rate« Of Fitrr to A»pinvrall: Lailiee' Saloon. (Itale Rotm. 0-1»I Low.? Alt auil FoiwaiM Saloon do, #»J; Secoad ixJiu BtMfle·* *li; Si«etage, AXi. Rate«of Ur» from Pin« to «Ata Piai, tee Fu·« Cebio, ·??>·?; teeoud Cabía, a)I »¡ Stee-age. «.'»·. PmnaiBl will be landed at the Railroad Wiiart at Aspn.wil. free Transit u! the l.thmtts at taa laserrgrr. ·· »palien, i'rlwii,« ««earing through tiaaaadJB by the tif. d .-'»tr» Mail Steamer» from N.w York, ha«« ? rrfeieaee of «coaanmaal»! oa on board th·· PaajUfa Mol Stiain.ri r or fr^ got or P'saage »pply to t'Il A R l,KS A. XX 111TB K Y, at tte ocbee of tte Cuiapaoiae. 177 iV^ai ß«.. ..er. ot VX Agreii, ?. Y. \ Y and SAN l RANCIHCO SIEAMSIIIP la ß LINK thr'.Bglito SAN PRANCISC'). vu-VSI'I Nf- XX ALL au.) PANAMA fxY The new «c.l fast urta wleel rtenruiop l'NU'.'.D STATES, ?,?????,·.) XXn, C. Berry (ëmiBisadar. v H !e,y» New- York inr Aspinwall. (?·? » Uay.i tsn FIIIIiAY K t, l. i P. M. rre. i»ely trowi p r No 3 North River, ?a?»?? og with t!.·· new atol nx»gn.re«',t mit}* wr!:eel double eng.ua t»*t »h¡if WINk'Ie.Ll) CiTT, 'J.l'óte. « Kdv. ( iitKBisber. wit··«»a»»m· r wll ·,« .n r. » ¦«·*'. PANA¬ MA to re.*:.·· the l rtlTEf) .»i'AI'K.'ip'As.Ayngeraeiideill ? 'AN FBA.N'tisi'G Tao arco »irriitdatiwna atul vent, .iionof tiu» \·. .·» aro »? tbat can be «taanrtd. Her «peed (eaMsd^ifted oa the vrry-A»» l-tw-e» New >. rk «sal Panama, tad wlnta on the Pacifie c .«at,, ta UiilurpiiMed. Every eteri »a will I»« uerde oo 'he part of tte line toin- wt» tant.lu;t. «tprxlitum aad »afety. P«s»eng»r. will be laudad oli ti - wliarf ag A»pu,wall free, latta« tte Panama BawsMad, «? ? - caatioued mat Ticket« tar luis Line are eeld «saly at Nu l!r.-a way. i'AV IS. BROOKS k Co General Ageng«. or J0NF.8 A JOHN-JON. A Mail Bag m niade p ? at the above Offle». tette »e Cai'rd Btatts Poatsga Law, for tbe cajaveutsace ot tte public. 1TM1ED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP > CO.MPANr-rOr.neeting with the Pviti. Maul menus· ahip Caf>np»By, carry in« tte Coite« States Mail -Gol» throotb t uited Siate« Mail Line for CALIFORNIA ««ad OREGON via HAVANA, for A.pinwall and Pti-tm*.- ? ·. «a, ? n.l rireaiaship CRKSCKNT CITI. Bsxter. trtw n a; .irr will «ail from tte pier ? ??»? of Warren akY N. R-. «.u Till KSL.V'r, Ja/ei..rv ?, Bt i «yelgjck P. ? ptieeaely. Psswa Lg» ra per ('restent City will he transferred to «tea»· «kip RI Dorate «t Havana, and eail »mmeciafely !ur A.pie- wa!¡. tro) cm»«.» w-.tii the Pariti« Mail BleaiiWn» Vues- peay'* .teanier· from Panama to Sac Fraiaaaeo. Rates of Fire tu Asptt»w*il_p,m ra»A»n. ? »Uto-t-oaar». Ott', L·»*«« AM «lid P.rward Bainoa. te». Iteróte Cabía, «taste« berth» Oto Steerage, 0»). rrom Par.«sma ti S m Pr««««»»«!« ? r In First Cabía, *&*,-, ut BecoBd do., Bl«; »n «teersea. A». Forpasaage apply io CHAa. A. WHir.NElf, «t »te ' elite of th« Ctsmraaniea, 177 jWe· ·. S TEAM »ETWEEN NEW TORI ani GLA.-GOW..The OlMfOw and New York S «awu-ihiP Cssm-paty'· powerful aew riu^nistiip OLAS ¿OW. «il Sue« «od 4 4 bMbw>power, Robert Cref«, Cammmsiet, unU .til from New York ior Glsaratuw oo ??? AUAY. »I Mar«fc,at 1}u'ci«xk. ?»·/». . , F irti Ctbia (BtvlaMlJtate RooktM).0J» »irttfUiiuluLdsh ? t«ÀXtM aVfaaat)-. « arx-ete Ctesa.· * TlairdCtaM.»»'»«¦.»t*WI. w Steward*, ime laelodad A, , , J MiBYMOO, Ne »Bresadway

New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-01-26 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1853-01-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Real??state fot Bali ATFBIVATESAEE-.InlABtùtMrzh.tm

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Real ??state fot Bali

AT FBIVATE SAEE-.In lABtùtMrzh.tmmXM ibove .roy, Ite two-tory Uutat bwelli-a«

_,. m Market- near Stitav«., with yard and alley wayJ^hneZm. Tbe Plot of «r<s»nd is JB feet oa Muiet-st.m\Am 'net. deep Al»* tM «titry-ksi^a-helf frame Store oo

".Mr st eear M«rker »t_ 16 tret froat a-td i*fe«td«»ep,rtataetr'deitb ite Market* U .»use and forming m L.Toe« are *»t»th rent'-d 10 Mat next, and will b- »1 a bar-»ain if »e»t»le-»d for e »µ?. l'ait r»i» remai» ob bond ando^ase· apply to CoLt a (HILTON, fie. » Wall-et.

AT PRIVATE SALE.The rbr«j«>k«4«7ry fmai Atte brick llotwe end Lot. No 41 »It-Tay-et,

psiili in tn»iv»ry Marrianii-r Site of faatrree 26 fay Sé.yntfa, two aery t»a and bath room iu lit« reati lot sá by 1«· '·**

«.eep. re· farther t art.tu t<« apply toANTIIONT J BLF.ECKr.lt, A.ct »ne*r, V» 7 Br-Mdet

A SMALL FARM l«.r SALE .Th«· under-iigord offer· for -wie the Earn» of tbe leteJAMEB

WRIGHT, dixcesseti, pteaaamly ...uatrd Bear JetlereM Val¬

ley, ia X «wktown. VA tat» he««.- Ooaiiitx. o» the rr-ad ¡«teiogfrom Pi-jf-tTj-kintoLMtMAiio·^and foor tram the latter plate The Farm eooiain· abawtten met»* uf good land. On t'e- prrunemuro u good Uwe.l-

Ir.gHc/tJMarjdtxberoAit bnildir.rj, all aeariy a».w· xiso an

excel n.f Apple fIrthard atei etter fmit· of runons girtd«.If the «tes· proper j ii r.o' »-Id it private tule before tbe

. r«-'»y ul FebtTuri net:, it will on that day be t».d at

pubi r auction, on ríe pt»·p.?«?··. si II o'clock A M.? ? -tkJMtXof tbe purch.se nwney mxyretnaia oa the

tirrmise«, rtntmntdr or firttarr ii.tiruntuiu apply to. or adire«», the n-.der

eigrie'S it bM place of renntw sVeat fiomeT·. N. Y.Ri VF.R.NOL. ExrcBWrof J»me» XVnglik dec'd.

I^AST MORRISAMA VILLAGE.-ßÀ «venu« Railroad..Aiao'it IV i'»u yet for «aV.Terms

ten Per es«at daTWB ate balene,» isug beture to» 27th March,\VA lutee lottoceajiy a v»rv healthy and ?-??«:G»?1 taee·tioe, near «rd ili foli view of t e Kaat Ri ver, and B«B»M;mediae vicioity of II.· several ni t te mostwealthy atad rtepectaale rit ?»?· «f W'sai» h--«trr Cesari·».Also fine ftafata« witbtn a ·;twuttxrof· mis». Toe Momaam»branch Raul road «ir» adi roil· pa«»· » ?-irrjrogh this property:aso. h« New-Rnehelta and ."v-cortd-av. P.*lr<>*vl, whichha» len. lately r'.artrred, it . »?|..·.<| will p.e. rttrontkthis propelt» (¦'.-· rai «r- row huildtr.g, and lot- -

rapidly Distinte of this proi«rrty f om tee city ntr»» unies.

Title tertaet. fut m»p»aoJ ath-r infa-mat. ipplv to

lì ? «VINI la.No oTryon row, o*xr Har>'it Railro«ta Oihce.

??)? SALE-'sMO Uta <»l (.rollini in th.» Vii-lai-of Newtown, tin"ni Ceanty. LengliU.i A!»o

tM. 0\r» Blei out bouse«, pl«a»aiit.·live »til»» of Williari,»burgo. 3t««M tea ?g!« lo Newton »vari .:f i,..-.r aud a railroad i*«ooo

to be «onetiBcfrd, itinniug Irorn Wili.xiinbuiiii ti.iOigiiNewtown to Aftori«. Tlw lo, «Mv i» tonid.-r d te i·· thehral'l-.ett oo the iiliad. and Ib· lari/i ?» m a h.«h l'ale ofeeltivitior. Influire of ? MILLI R No. 1 IO Via»»u-«t..from » tn 11 AM and at No. 11· JOthat. corner 3d-»v.,ir ,ri, . to« P.M.

Ï"OR HALE.A Four story Brick limi««» andLo» with · two-·'! ry lam» building ;·? the rear, of

No '.Si West lf.fl, it Ini'.iieof ANDltr «V r VSIl. llltù-«' Harlem, of PF.1K.R ? r IIKNIIÏ BIRN1E, No. 24Ot»o«a>«t.

1¡V)B SALE.Tlif two-itory and attic Houec.N» Il Commerceet. near Bleecker, with tee-room

attached, abide tie.» in frou!, and pleaaaul ii-ighb iroovU.

Tenie e»»y. For particular», ketpair« ou the premises, oi it

will fai »changed (oi lot» up town.

1¡V»R SALE.Thi» thrc.'kt.r.i l.rici» II«»»isc.No 71 Ainos at, built in mod»ru «irle ind of beat rna

terni· A qaii'l and «etite»I location, only two block· fro-ii»Mb an» ülii av Railroads »??? Jett»-ra»ti Marke!, i ermi easyApply lo J. ttCACKF.NBl'SII. No. it tedar-sL. or A«41 'aCKKNHI (SII, No S Hroa»! it

COB SAI.K-Tlir.c lour »tory Uri« k IIoMM.A on Ihe sootb wde of West '.iah «? In-rween 4th «ndI'Sh a»a fronting on K» m.iiirv-er|nnre, papfa 16 feet lancha»liv M net daep- «il fluiihed in n mlrrn «tyle, with w»t»r

«nil gas tUrueglioat. ? he lots mi who b ihey stand ar·· «U¦.»«? I· ase freni (i (1 Moore, for H »ear. from May I, IH V«,ro, ,i t-ot on eseb, 0*0 A part of the parchase "ion·»

«u ·. ? ? ? («? l»oi»d aind »nnrtges- lu»|iiire «t the .fit. « ofJAMF.H ?. XVKLLlI, No 101 »th »y

CH)H SALE.A fir»t rat« FARM of n.-arlyA 4«»i «.ie«ol eho;ce land adjott ng the »ullage of (len¬ts·, aiitt citiiinainl'iig a li»ie view «it tlie H»oiwa Like, Withlion»«·, harte kr., m good order tao·» nnMtly of hosrds·· itb " u I. d «I |Mit's Ii" a< o » in salitebls woorl, r-

in ili ¡ittioli rh· ?«. .?·?· l« i.t fur gt aiu. und w< I! adept-. «1 I.» gr»/»og. »nd «ii>i|,ll.fl » ith durali« «pring« in »nun»

part». A plank inad run« oa the east ita »Mia« li¦ nit» thesi kg' where anlk ilwayi IikIi a r.any tiiark.t. Will beauld ri.i:r»oi ilividintt to .till HM pur· baser For t.

·» r> «»Mheaubw-ilM tob llir pi· ti.i*·. <>r uf XX'M 111'/IMI. Kiwi , at the «if! »e ol ih» Manhattan Lite dai»n ? o No Mh Broa«,st.?. ? Y.


IjX)B SALE-IiiHtliiiv ..?»..??· HOw-Ot., w,-si

aad», lloaa« aawt ? I No 41, f> irai story, «tore «· ,1 t.arkrooni t, S it.d 4 Sion· ». «?« Inoli« in r«,'iti no XV'.'erallIlo..iigb lite tatusa. Il ?« a il»»ir «hi« lot al ou fui »ny pvrwm»... n·,.,.·,: ¡«b tben . .>·- ???????. OC'1"' cui re

..Il ": » il·' '. ortvagr for rVyeira from Mat BestA..| ;v ri N.N k VVI.r-Tti.N, Rrai )st»U Brokrr». No til« listili · t. .1

? IgVHÌ SALE In Ita vrillBge ol TnrrvUiwn. unIh·M····· Rive« Rm iox«l (loiueiul XVaanoailoii and

Frabklll «li j « Imi .·»«.,?? two-alory fiatile HW ih ???,?, Lot, 7 deep, n.,d roett'Meh·.:, funi end otiiuinriit» n .« - itihte-rv, kci · well o|«In· b< .1 wafer, fcc llou.e t/".·' !.. 11. | feet ileep. an

«lu· h. «t iiianij. r fixr lin- i.iew nt aaner. App s

.UimiilllV. No 3) p".. ·.Itepramisw«lllti.MA.-l U ???? G

1jX)R SAI.K-Tlii· l-s.i aail Ihr·« »Mit brickHoner, Nu «J» Fatene) loi ."> ft·, t neat

r»ai M lr.-i di«p Aprii, by un.., n. lotl.N Si»l'LII)K,N. » H «Ielle XX «vati >..»t» ? f ., o kg A M LION, No 9Blet« l.arn l.arbai'i·. Heu lut

1,'(»K SALE-In ta« villani« o? Tarry town, all»ot»r aad th. ut mi, ., ti.· in.I. l'In ??,???»» li *W

»?. is... «I. t» noti » t,. with «loiiiile |U-ai/a, fa« o g lie uobn Reaten lei »loch their ilMMBBB. .ve ? u t« ) Tbe bous·'w »s huilt l.y d»y'· wotk

irai» olii, arni I». tu »u, kepi ib iiMidcondiit?.??,? d« at» BU·« »avili finit »ini »vniteeu in·«·, ot t'inai»noi· G., ¦ |n rtuo Waten« lo rejo ? t Ite iiiuury.ir. .ud

itici g 11« ?»' ·· in les« n a melai «taettaiiiiy wôl not beu ? » ih Terni» e a· ? For fit rthei int.toni ion. apply oafir pt.tt.iari CLARK HXMVONII

^MRSALE.N... Ml I'.'ili ·( . i..»..r V..-,.i,·H Ihrxe-eory hu.X Dwelling. 17!» bv «I aM IT'» l.y

7" I'¦ · li.urllia eu no ttaag. AppH to ? ? I' St ,\

N).\ Nu XNaafM» ». . toan IS t«> 1 G M.

1,X>B 8ALJE ?.?.??? 'Jim nere* ol Eni'! in .-

jumo,it·?, ai le. e'lgihly ..I tale.1. belìi p???, Xlii.lkeNe.|| tv. a.l «ili Hai il a».. Il aad I «Il e.-t ·? 11. S. r Ba>,b«v ti ? ¦ gtud »»lei Bata, ??·? · ' .Unx'e.l tint tt m gilt?·di. ni .1 lo', ii ·? » Itiiiu». li ?» »l<tul I wo (

« m. - Kot arra I- «lar» lenir» .t (A ·, ?» VS HI.» G.«., .s,, IU VViler ?;

?·.! ?? of ^.l>^!? M» W tLLKTS, oo tho peti»

yillagr il ]le»lyn. am! three to»«·, from the Mku'iasert!.. ?«?·>?.|,.r. e«

Ne» Veik ,?,? BUM«..Ml »X 1LI.M.1, onlho

I/i'ls SVI .E- In Ita Citv ,.| X..sv.trk.N. ,1 ,

Iwolhraa-Blory inotlera llru k II.»ime« funli «

In tbe li .M .ubatati ni inai ?. ? i il.« .ut«lia·» it otiiv .»? ?, titani eu iti.uu.t- V-- ?. .,''»> tllagevi MadiM« ? J . a banda. r ·,'.,.,lions». w ih » Urge lìuxleu ainl Haiti rot ttittu »lu» «r-

I » io 1 DI' ULEI ! Al N... lliTea'st

|,N »li sM,E.A c«»iii«'r|>rx»j««riv li.» feci ?'?????I Btwis-ay. and ß?»?» (

( HAI Ni ?? Mahn VKl». No. 11 Pisest,

^\rH SALE.A d«'siral'lt» ?????··*???· Houm..od Loi, No IfU.luuth,» ,t Api ·. k ii BBOWN

Mrnh.nl,.· ai»j Tr»«ler. Bat.k, or io TUOMI'Sl IN PRJCK,ho I'· I aat Hix»a..»a»

^y>B SALE.A riot of i.ouu.l MtM oon«et th.· «tb as. au.i Ila «t paaaaia. v\

be »old oa ß?4?«ßß???? Amuy lo»CD »? . , ,i»>J,.hisiu

»/ol»' sALE-Thc Room kxad l ..· \...'r»nI « ? BEEBR ? ULàLL) l'i' S

Broads· «». tbarth ««tot.

1«X»R SAD·'.A lwAailsA»í.icl» linisl.tran e llouec suiialrd at Poil Riclm· ·... IM

wiib'ii il.ieeaaiaitte·'walk ?>: r ·'·

hv ia\ »uf · taue kBttefl o «e, y«lirtkei pan tii ul» » of A II WALLA« s

John·, orai J.UVH 1»??.???>G. fett RM ..dkvL

«L'OR ñ/lTT bIbmmi aud L«»a«»· ?? 1 »

G »Neta M,H.>ir s -t .Y.in'»p«:»k7|tret. hosMifA bv «1 feet, llwtl kWMII« Witb ivlwslpiassa. two »tlw rxtiKua. »»d a'l tM a»tea>smi:iigtrs>ifx-mei»tn. Inot adti ai prix ale tale Ik tore itefflk. will tbat day be Midai »ii«-'ue», at IVc Mm'* '. ·

AiiüiHV J Hkrt-,1· Apply t.-vViNo .V Sottli btoswe-at, vi Ko. t-l D |

Ï'OR filiti TtatBiM«tori bri.k D.11. ita» Ne. li», oa tbe aja ?h »ule ol VA'cat llth

».ab-ra'lsi aad baariueat, bark tea ??«??. kjtcVn range,A r ion »»'at ettdga«. lei it) by li«' le« ? : a veiv gent». 1aad tepitoiukta ««-»«?-a?» te: e gaateel tami.v Tenie a»

csJBifttHi'nt. ? R Cast ba are«, by «pastel penai wiea.l- lari u lb» bearaol ? and » V kl. bv apphc-alis« to

M F THOMPSON ? Bai ? la lj

(>ESEau»l l.or'orSAl.K.ru» LI 181Well csklcalalrd fie d»»!i.ug aad «sMbiBioal par-II

.nwr* (ìi»Lte«iUoci«Mtei>»ubhikgiulbj»ivar. A pon eof ir pur. bass «aokxey cea rwataia ou bead «ad i«iiia»«··For tutthat paitsrsttar· lujuii» ea the prtuiuec«. No. ? x a»-

1! VNK tur SAI E.Ot' p^ivrty ahich hvà twenty year»of BBexjared t.o»e ftom tbe la ot May

ant It ha» a foal oi !* reel, aad m lo«j*t-d ape« oae

ef lie moat proai:·. ut txttsuirw l>«roufoiurm «a Ite

city, below laMbet. and aooa tte bae ef » Mnrsiil»!rxuiixiad Tb» InMs ate iksetelv feared la, (tad «Bay MBawd to tbe «Teatew tKAWibsr »Ivaala»*·» to tbe paxitn»i»a»gApply to A. JrJshklN»», No ¦ ¦ all-**, «dstory. back

W'ATER P0W1B lor SAI ? or to EF.T-T ? Well eataalated kot tar«a«ti>tive «ad ear kaiklia«

»orka or othot exksemxe Bkaaaterana« parpow«, rae

large aad «rveral «esalte dieelhaQt, aad ptber tei»a»»p oaIrte prruiiain*.Ate. · FiVaWbM Mill »uh two rea et manea: a Direste

ttaXw utH-ta-tMN, enfetter witb a «aaatity of Karniia« LabJ,t: ri-oairrxi. all is |OOsl «»ixler. aaioated wiiAua 1| bout Irvm

N.w Vi»rk I'»«» fay railnvad. wbttb bb»»»i tJkwaaak tte prs»p-erty. laoBiie M No. ? Cedar-«! ? ?

rpo OWNERS oi RE.Us ESTATE .Th*J. idvartaag bavui« a pur'um ot hie uooc. »-»irti. wiaAs»to occupy tbe reinamJ· r ia lettiu« kvad roUecting tbe Beat»of Real Istafe ta Ne» \ert or viciaity. or ia taiAiug col-leauons of aav kiad Ctkejte»»tea»fata retanae-· tiv-a M

tob«M^rty.c»)>ebiUiy, kc A.ldnaa REAL ESTATF. Tr»l-uae XaMPee.

VOTEES« rml GLENWOOD FROI'ER-I TY for «ALK-The lyi-criber u prepareel to oft: a

I rt» tTiEtiei ot valuable bui'diM «ite», e·»-?jtv^.BJl axìtm-»t. vi» ». of the llTidetm River. Lona Island *Viead. andNew-Voik f'.y to t-taxeo Ui«**. »¦··<- ·"·"·-« ·»_·« !>_»_·ofbolft: or:» or mor» to so»t parchMers. Term· tor?ßß?«.

AM. Mtenii new boswoa, with i«B^ve-r«st«·-, P£m»atìr»itnst/c! ft t »le and ta» let. Apply to J. II. JE*l»!*tO_,SBBM ho -5 SI tr·«» plot·*, («n·?»'1·"·· M»aor BaU.) Tofater»,ti. ?- Jixaory. ???ß.

A lía í.í.fi -FOB SA LE.-Ei.*!0 -I«i1 »I ?\.?\/·G'?·.»»·?-?*·??»*'???«? witi b_e*-

meet· oad µß-µG·«»tß, «» t»»»*t frese« by M feA, Lnta 1*

f. e toreo. ·..».«»»d »t? JefaTtBaa ? .r», between Seiath -5th.i.d Sot»h fi|.»>-«t·, Win.*n»bnrjr».. Alan, thr»-» e»e-*eerYBriek Ho'i»*·. Tt fart frvrtit try f*> fee* Ar-n ; I/*B VtVm,.iterated oo the .oatirerly eoe·* oí/trata .»Ui-et- iVtmttaaatof lie tt. Twevtbir«'· '«f the prrrcbase nmn»», if de*r»d,. aj anrnan on band «rod taonaxea. laquir» of

STLVI.rTTR LAÏ, No. 16 W»3 «t

*M\ mCn\m*% «Htl ifxA BBBBBBBBBfa Wt, &"·.-mr\t ir, Jar.-me* Vi.iaare, At aal»_oo «t**ry terra*. tdoraland if rertnittA. _. -



BO0K-KF.L1 1N(.. WHITING. mm^Otm.room* No. SW Urotdw.y. a«»n W.'ieMt Hw»ot

»..tretet·»«« » a. M. to · ? M. Ta* dswrn-? f ?G?-.RrJCOMMtBCIAL ????????? ?» to fornmh y-»»-*« r«·**·net. »?? tsae romp.·ted th*"· irteSral Mue ti: ?. M weil

M oeJtilU. wbo ore .taekn« rnerc ???t? MTaTalaryTatent, en ep·.? of .??ß???ßa*. wiino-r loss ef ttBM, a proertoeal

V¦ tra lee«» ot tooat e.-aneb«·· »rhicb er» ewe*»»iti*l to laee-eta·

MttAnmMmtmmm^Mbm. WUTIJIO. »KKJlw-KEBP·I.vOond AkllHwETK; are tauidrt try Mr Flitter ape»irrr.ie.aid ir ri«;.n««t>le prttrifiea to fie estire ridane*,of the modern ·«:». or tw· Iv» leseoii·'' charlatanry ; andnata·» »re r«niiin*d to discnnrue the (*iaa of the coTint-

iDt-beio»e ;n M »*¦¦*_..t.». «nd «apt-no.- monner..uvera-int w.th tbe detail» of bas·.nem m»v

«train. ar-eler Mr. Fo*l .. t comptei.t koowi-et.»e of ! ? ' .,· .r tur »*. ,-·, «par* of one w»eA

pATAaLOGUES ar;J «"IRLTLARSof"many\_/of lb* I»»·» ¡"ijion »re d «tr.v.ii:«ad « ratal-

t..B»Iy »t K. II V. 1 :.?. BOOL A ir.VCY. No.·'.·> StMaWray. ar*baa» «re c:on»t«uit inlr.rfitict on* aad ea-

¦afcaMait* by thy be«t ,o*titu«.<n·. faMaaa» and iraclierB..Five d«. lia;» ??. Bevane« ?? ¦> rv.ri ur I · At" enraiement ueffe« ted,a.« «leti by a Itai.ifttrobl* check. e

If IM» ATION .Tin· iwlvertirer »¡she·» to n>J»*t ? ·?- ("..r «mail beys to educóte with bis own. athome. ir. tie country. To ptrent*. w hj f**r the trial« *f *

bo«rd;rii^cl,o<«l, th;» r«n lie »»»own ny reference* to be as

excellent opportunity to vtnre a pieooont hjrn· with jadi-cit-u» n.« ral oiid ?!??«?*«1 traix.ii.«. IttBi, tlCO per »a

etno. Aridreo» box No. MB, P.ett Office.

/M.liilA.N LANGUAQE ani BOOaf·\J KEKI'IM. laoiht hy J. WIG?-*·?»?.??( C«a»aa·Apt'ly i.r No. '»»·'> Broodwiy.I AWBENCE SCir.NTinc S'HOOL,1 J IIAlì^ Alili G.?? K.R>irV.-Th· Bert terrn of thi»li.»titi.t.'/i. tanl opeo "ti ihr first BSV* of Marre. I8S3, Baaleoi.tiLue twntv a*naa*n Inatroctioo by rec.ution*, latr-tar<«, or Mirtini »?·rei*«« according I« ¡he natar* ai tita«tudy «,11 b» uvea in

Attrononny. by Meaar«. Ctuid.Betaay, by Prêt lïray.Cbeii.írlry, tutu)t.t*.í and practical, by Prof. Horaforl

«in»: Anatoioy »'.d Physiolucy, by Prof Wye».*Kin.h· n.M. bv Prof: Enati·.Mrtllirii'··: - I» l'i'f Te, re.

MaBrralafy, by G??? ? «¦.kr·.??»?'·. hy l'io!". Lovenn«. LTaUati p.«: i;e.Wv. t.. ftot ??*»??For further iníorn.iri. .. ....«·. rnin» th» Schoo. ·?;..fan¬on Bioy be mod* to G -I N II· »??»!'Ml.'»

Ue-iii of the Pacai:V '·

MAI.'Sll- COtJRâE·** BOOK ??G.????.Let ihiiBC wl.o cuniMit avail t ern»e|»e· of pra'tire

ur «1er tiie n-'Irr. try''.« \.>o^,. t rxrd tear'ier 10 ltoelt,. tid «? km.'tn »e«! to !*· th«· ...i«.trn:;«,e.«-<i*ri*>!ete ··¦'! bea ?

tifai work evei -et ?«·t »aie ?? them» f.»r the practice of B Kik-keepiB^,

¡rosile-ay. tirsi floor up stair», Pr.c« êl J5, booed;ntst! «i.t pei n.a.l free, fi 4V

Miss DWIGBT" SCHOOL «.f DESIGN,No. bi.'J Ilroul». «y. where the l»»«t iu*txu,ttoa will b*

giteti .t, iiu- uliuf DraarSBI «?;? G«·???'?.« Tern·· ?'» fuitwrlity leaaiit'· Patlü.-Bla nrlvabce'l Vuiii.« Ioli·· wa,

im lo ti.okn o tempoiary rtsaite-iir* m t'.ie iy tur ths pur-po«t* of Uaiii leanoancnn I»· o>«e>uimr»l«teal w'th iii.elerat*triiOtd IIU'D! «1. tu!.li' (.' iVlt.Oli.

1 '· .iii,.i.i,.a;» M «· Usrt»..I refer» lo her «e Imi lor» Til»iillowii'i ?» (lam it'wlii r" 1 h«»» t*k«n lea«,*!· ef Mia* Dwii'it, »nd b»r

familiar trilli her melh.*] ..ftee· Inni ; arni think that ß? t?«

«Oli de «o w.llii.til ?»·???« r.iiiti.iceat fiat »b» ta III »T.i.iililyqtifclilwd ?« I»· at the h< ad o! in Ir*r itutiiiu bavin« loi it»

BBaTBBa ??? in ll.e alt» of dial*'"

SKI-? ? FAMILY ltOARDINi; SCHOOLtir MM Mi I.AU1KS.-»t.!lae»ter. ? Y.-The

sn of tli· Hot.t ?« !" r· e· ire a very li-nited Bainber ??

popi!·, so «s to wcureal! the ro.iif.irt and ynvi!*«· aof tbec.'ii.estic circle, aexl al the BMM taBM »von ' MUMM.»Inch ote »up|.«'i«d ?·· censi .ly to attach to« Urge andirotaded »eniiiitrv.A thnr»nsh and ' fti.ieu.' MBBB1 » f imtrn.'ti >n will be

I· all the Krisliih htaiicho», to«eth»r with tbe M.» IMB Itteamtmm, Mu»·.' l>rawii,(, and ?·:?????| iu UU onJ\\ at« r ?

Hllllwatet la "ne ot t'i' ??.·»'.eoltby. ret »

tail loeoht.e» ..? lb* llutUon U.wr. and of la* ratieat at-tern b» roilr« ad

?«·? « neniar» »*atin« ter.rs, »r.rb «nrtlier ps-rcilar«, a!dr.«*Itr.V J (? !><»\\M»'i. .*¦! Jo'.ri« he»·,,ta»'« r

acrratMin Ri R J M « .ina». _ht un n rI. III lt.» WKW . 1' 1». litri 1 L Mow ·

D I>. L I. I» H»» «'m J h. |., Il D

WII M l»AM.M'l\l.i: SCHOOL .Th«i" »e, and ?· r·». tin» tv 1mm.I tai rotii'iiet«»· un let Pel«,mart »I wi..« ?? ?.lue l'aient« r. «id,..« ni 111* iipi.er |»rt af! I.« it y «i« »n «m» of f «? ue 111· 11 »···!» ?«. · th'iro'ienlv »»Ieri»nd «??µ? e lieo!. ??.»? bave ni.iMirlunitv t<> ent»r them


1> ? \· I E ? MACHE ORNAMENTIKÜ1 l'Ai ilMT'ri ?1' its !»»mii by percotw renowned in

.i .1 An»erT» for Iheumai aiutile «kll. Lodi»·-.? .·',. n.en ·> bo d«-«ire t.. leaia tb* above beautiful andtr»ln«.i;ot 1» ert. ? rotino« lion ttttb niattv ultii ? art*« t.r

tie | .·[.«· » t.,, «?*????« ther own ptrloro, e«a Bow availthat) Miai « ef »t oi portunity ol leariim« in omo.i

p ttit n>**iNiahlr tenni Kot particular· apply attl.e part«.?· liitt tloot. .No «?»! Broavdway .Metropcih'laaHotel bml.


Dünung öilic-ole.4 DODWOKTH'· DANCnW ACADE

. \ · a!'; , -t the ar Kttrtl?- u- .N tAi Uiootlwoy,m »i l«rai e Cl la·» · t..r r'i^ -

¦t. m» ·,.???.».t.*. Fer laMMS al. I l'I'.ildriu oa VVED.SK*·1)A\ S Md » \ 11 111' \ i S. ,· .' »n 1, u L G M ?? ..?' Bec «n MONIiAVS, W Kt)M'..*»li.V\ .*< THURS¬DAY 8·*» ^\·,? « 1 -. - :. : lo 10 «.'rl«K:k 1» MTie I« ¦*·»* Iti '. i.l «'turn ar» »rrauKad ob an eiitirr i.ew

» le ettiir.aa aii.l « «tuveuience ..f ? ·,

pnpil» r ... 1 ¦ .?. »,-.·, ullt

Jjiano-Zotie·.ANla\N rtANO-FOKi): it *il-». dut

¦atafni·*·1! ¡»»on· ; «..?. ? I » reati«e;i, io··'» «l«a»e. I oa'tatr. by on* of the be«:a» sriaui.*·4 ???ßß?«? Eat Bf' Vpplyiuon, at No.77 llulanatt ? V

ÏJ»OUAM lM\.NOS.-l'iit.i>«.et*Bsonrae»iitc»í? Pi», «ti n, 'bia.-iiv can b* te»a ot to* W«tretoita· of

LINOOLM » ? ?!?»»!1·*»<·\. No.441 Brasodwav iiietadin*H*IVl, G··'· k e'o.'».ele!rTiì«»d G«tata Pionoa, of new a???tooth oppr.'ted aoieo, ocanott!«r«Jated»»B*>erijr tu ouy o'Jter?b ih» iiiartei. « »*r t 't-tt- .·¦-·- ¦.rrhrr !i«ri«tmit>»_|¦*B ! ¦'» t: : »t,. ?· A -» ...la.ttand ìiftiiT ????***1batsiB'lth »rid tt boat ihe .t ..:¦ .i. ai tv-otu pnoea

UMVI.1 4. THOMPSON, No 411 6r»adwav.

FOR >\l.?. ? ??G.?G t.r CASH-? h.in.1-tt.i.t« r«^etatt>«i r,.ii»,.'.i,i.uvr l'I AMI e.'Krt'..

.1 elastic tuacé; ?. tutu» iu fie tira» nionoei

Itiaurat ».iroar». Apply.t.Ula. :t»rt "lai au.'Mt.üi'l

? ILO ;» bUi». Ra -«vi B«<w»-»

G\ ? ? l'AKMOKF. ttir.r at .hair manu? e · ta»-«t'ry anal aorertat·. No. >4* ??.«-eckerot. corner

,.! I l.ai'.ea. rao Baanttiiiaat MetUaaat !'..!.^ Ki*tte» *

itMrtalbc ????.,? ??*! rvvat** brtalfc oud al! »tbar fi»ra i-a-

pltlttBlrLt»1 ? (^ bTSCHEH H nit Fisi-hfr.)*" » noi · tory «atti wiavre-aiaa. No. 170 Oroe ·

ronaer .1 De*» et. ft**»0-K«iaM woareCtteti. «rua iterw

bruì** »!"><1 r»»teBt tub* «a· I ». ,i '.>r ? ·,.?^ . _,

Piatto ?ß? ii « rutaeat. repamed «ad «rrb«Bf»d,? ? - V «tv ?????? l'i·«-.» »?;«*· tot ..a

??..·»-.*» UGHTE a M.WTON. N.» ·.».fa« al»· ? G?????????? ti ibi 1????~? ?«?ß»ß? tad

untiaali, iNiv-KORTEtt, bave ex-

?» ?.', ,1 the ? baairi»«a, end »ta. bstW peipansd lo oBer totheie flieieA» oasi tàt·- ;·»»??« latroraMt. aa

extenti ve »»«aitto»»*«, m ahiia an«! «j«r»«iti»*iBBd e»*e* otl. t>irll «»1 ' »- **««.·..ud tioeal ?:·*«·taJl·*

'«G. Kr»·., »«a »a _re ?,????». S» 4tta.

NBW »?*., StCOXD-HAXD PIA2(t>rT"-' «a·-«..-¦.,-..... -Ilirr,wl

et aew ano «ernaS baed IhattM loi «al* ao_ lo «_rr*. tmooaroui *« to Aia*. Vm bar* tro« A¿ B» fit) pee _·.__-. NoM» Br*4Bt*· «y. New-Voi!. tUYTOAD k BAVUTHc.8.

I>lANi> ???? \m Bl] I «UH -d BlBBWlli[ftlBI a ¡Nta Ik·' «xuvr». aad one S «ctov* fi liilija,

to: tai·»» itaietrMB L. I*. fl'MV ? -

?*. Its» Isa» lath- »e. b*t»e«aa Id oad It. »v»

PUNOV01»nT»rrV-Tba riu*a-t a»*e.naient ufrH*»»t*»aorBr«i ta Ut*» «irr atay be Ammi at to* War·»

iMMlf !t.n l'l BTIS. SV «rt aVraadwa», ?t?»t?|ef I-roete Hew-· earWbaat-atd Aatervaa ISa»M-a«a*»ee« Ihaxtaa»id · in·,«; of N«n»-ïtià ami Ian ataAa. anta aad

taveal ih» .V-eataa. Aha». 8ßß?»«t«?ß?ßµßß1 a««i GßµµIW eel* «M let ? 1» ? CCRTIS. Na. 4*7 Braoiway.

PUÑOS f »r SALE-.Vt ?a 8 BarcIaT-it..assai eaoor lo tb* Attor Uesuet, a vanety af I» aad V.ot¬

ta·--· roar-woe») ? .«*>*» roa-t**, warvaaBsl M |i»* cattannea-Ma1b »vary r.»(»»c». a-t at»**!*, tot oaak at ijaiM alpa»a»«r. PVanosoahire JAMati THOMf.- s

\J F HARRISON ha« KemoveoJ hi· M*,,·,a l»t-t«»r»· orid WiaTMeeM* ftwo» M«. S faaal «e lo Ma

BJ Merca-i at :,«u (iitoirit, attttiaiaay a·SH t ipiinfldMBBIII???? HI OÍ P^*»>F«Kte*.

rnTLUKG, eCOlTOlfG aa. OILSOAP.forA VAit'len Mauna*b«tum». at t»oo«l «jaaBt», aad at «aw

pi-re». 4 ? »ervd fV·· of taViati cnorf* at aay oí tha rammtta»tt*-B«t m railroad *>pc«u in tSt» or tha S -w-Ka_rloa»l

JAMB»»' H ARTNBB-S, ¡sehe··»·«-»'«. ? ?

lîlarhinnT}. #c«pHEAP COrro.N MACHINERY -???¬?. esta, t»e.-tinea e-«>ixtebate Fly-r T^eetta*. of IMI« g IT n i' Tata» «re «end mac ri o»»·. aed maybe «jea???????a? Taey an uVuJi**~f£?JZ'WfttaB«tartafw«tMmhi>>»r. *Tvpi°"Di.KD. B BRI :dJtm Horkt, nett Pteerto-., N J.

DOLNiF/* COP SPIXXER.-ThwTalaa-ikleteproT-satient n «sjiaa-.n« hM lar » co-^d-rib e ltnr.b

ftaaWl.Waw'ibslraw:. tie», for tte riir-wM

d r-ffir-r»·" »»-rtral jupo.-taiii unproramexiis, aad fsr lee

uneurbt ef Ur.cn p.»'« .x-'·1 "> ;fcj ««·ry »ad atti¬nte. Ai! tb »e o r-·t. f. .i..'»« b-»o tst-airta. I ao* htvetbatleasr-re of bne»»« i: to tbe nte.ce of mutt!»totMet»at-d-dwlxn«»··»*'^·?·^^ F;a-a » Iom ·??«G.»??-ß m» ts-iitictl sp.r.r-«r. I do no: berute to pledge my r»t»aU-vnm a» »ocli liiAt. u,on ? t MaM*a«h -lAmiaMioe of all iu

rriaciri«» RwS be foii-d tbe very beat ipiDaer aowia

nie. ! bave now bui? t g »t the Franklin Foundry todMicb.se Co'»·:«op. la Pnjsrdetce. · new Frame, frota t»»tau new art of paiten»« tZmt kas ex er bea «ot ap te Ibi·Piar«. xb4 r.alr»tate«i to 'ai« in ai! ih · imp -ovemeuts. Itw.il «con I- iene, erbe» i! will be put m operalooa at the.aid es-ahahrrn:. «r.d be BMaaM o .jkoufkctarer» c iBaito the same. A few Frair.»» only hate be ? tiiered t tatein tbe last il-por tut impr... men's, it. i ti«e ar» aew m

OTertiiirn ttlijclgrv.Ur.it the Liscks'.one ManaffaCompatii'» Mais- and at Joseph ? in-rofi'· tu.Ls. ia Dt-ls-w.rt. »nere tbey may be «e-n.A· tbe time ia« new tmved wbei mint man-.fact-irer»

»re th'.nur g .,f-H.OS.Î · tr «tid.Bgto whit th»yco» base I will uow ca.! tiieu Uen iot· to th:» method uf

.j.nii.iig.M liai which w.U best pronote th*.r iMBteat, jboth a» respiC*· tbe co*t for: M proloce tlie.urne in.outit of yarn, ..asir.g oí two Mitte io power, aad MlerntUp t cent, in root., reflj· Haï f»r otlter k.uds of »pia-t log Coste «ad ei»

JOHN C ÙODOE. OedesenOu, MuaPJ? .A Frame » ? 1 l»e al tl.e *? oriti « l'ai: in New-York,

wbere 1 iLVite coiiipetitioB. [Pro·.-, t-' P.ov.deoce Jour.

IhÒB sai.E-ELol'R IUCHD.RT ?F1EAM EM.INF.-Four FixrB»r»i Burr «Mone«, tteee

? four Con?», ria, l«r«e Grain E ?«-

veyor. floor and Mee.'En.·* »hie oxk fra-?· or hosk, two

^IrBt .???«, 8jvsr-wbee!« »nd Shafting, a forty five harae-« · «t. tr. Eafta »ith Velen ro-np'ete. fnrmiig xl-o-

g· ther · r .?.· ritte »et ? ·,-»*-dia» mufrb»nlfiocri: J. MOillUá".N1. Ne. SJ Front-*.

SODA WATER AI'l'ARArrs-Fcr M ai(»rtt-rlpg. Drawing and Bofl.ng. of t'ie ta'eat and most

. pprtixed <:<«k.rot ou, loxnofartnr«., a ti tor «alsI faUTTHRWe,


jl Kl . Yr MXI.LORY-4 RE-CIPRI »CATINI» BOOR ANI» PACER CI tTr.R. I would»ligut orde ? from the tr.dr «ai rni-hin»·. whfumi»!; of ipprovrd c. ng'roet.oo an! warranted to itut.

?«!«?»?·ß use ha» ftiüv esu1, peal n'-i'.iuJP,iadei»Aíd P«r»r Xltütei» wil on f '

. 1·. .· bk.«!!!«»·. II. LAW. Na. fOAanet

rpo l.ici: OBOWEBfl -Ata -f STBONO··1 P\Tr.»-T G.?G? HCLLERS te Sale, one of wkicbrwy be »e-ti ib opera" ·? on app -von t»

_w-.N h 'IRFMIVR.

No. i\¿ G??µ? · ·»»· Fletcher «t.

Galamanbcr Siifce.<?Al.AMAM-I.R SAI E.S-\\ ILDE1»'* l'AkV>ri.NT «ito UK HI I XI PR' s

-. tiEN.*i fa MARVIN,B^kw No. 14· XX atrrtt, New-York.

«re tb« thtr mikertof St .tiiand-r Sal«», with »X iliisr'iPit.-Bt »ad i h'· i'ltin! con intied.



Cetlcrn ano ^aromare.EST RAI. I A and CALIFORNIAOOODS.Mi'iri ants, (on ·,,«, «aid IndividaaUai

r»g out for these «.»ik. «ran ...' futi ..od complete ataort-», fofM.ner. llsriwttf^Celtavy,

.-T«»oU. I'ir«a. ? «. ?? fa« it the old »deadel( TIARLl*» .*» LITTLK. N.a. *J«t»à»M Faitea»»·.

BOOM ONCI l NAII.S-M't.t.iYctnrrxiliij«.eoastac-lvoa hand. Kor isle hy Fi LI. k LORD,

Nt» 13«C»net.»ich-»t, corurr l «niai

AM' ËTTEEL -ilOVi'-I.S. inanufkCt.ircilbTIhe dl.li COLONI IROS ? 'X4P\NV -G?»»«·

« Ire ti.d '-..»ii, »oil althoughilieadya tuir».l

. highly t«sor»t . G«???·«?'??? 'i «? «r·· p?a???«p???·<1 from

Balta ef last «Steri, «ad in the parchase of. ?« »ridl's, Ar greti ?«ids h·»» been

taken to oll* ri in«· very hr»t lb» »»alterne ar» aflkfJajtUlad 1 s. '«»r» ,n every rvertect »prime

IVe are ?·» r«-p«r.d t r«. delivrry.t »hört nonce, and wh . u win k» tiled PMMptte at the

.j-. Al tbe ia«· K« r of tie Anier.cip luslitateih· ptre.i.u, » ». »w»r.'.e,l to the Old Colony Shov-1·, whea? ? ttUipef :l .< ? w Ii I ho·» » ?

Irme» r.r« for Ihr wrll known r»r« I f >'. I

Coirti} CM Nsila. will ß>·? be li led al the regular marketF. k J. BUrlAIMU A io^ So ?. id at

Agrnt» Old Colony lion Co ; M .Lutaci ter» ?! t.lc KigleCutüt ,

Ck\ (?. ? wool »WA IM I aaaaao» turene a dkVstantaWEOUUHT IROM l'H'Ks . Fifa

tioga ot ai. ko.d». tor Sta im Wttrr, nia. Ir ? T7 Ke.g.li.«teat l-ts ..| (.,.,,1 a:»d Hill, .Near.York. Mills tnd

. 'ran 1ubi.»i Ilo.let«, of va-

i.oua · te·. ·? m aye a» hand. I! ·.· · Bttais ir.« » .«j t.,? Steam Eugtii·» au.1 L.i.i-sXX LoiawaJ» aud rriail.

(H TLEBT, ..i-vi* "f I'.rv au.l I» ·

Knur·»nd Fork» y Te·Trave. PoiisbedI Rkovvls snd Tongs, Kire Srartde, ?··,'»|?·».'. -« » and re.aiL

fay -n. .N«»a ?ß aad J4 Falteaet.

ÍOHV ? ?! ?»1). Mantifaciiircr aad Propr rii.r of [..« k wimmI'· reirhialed Cooking and Laundry

Raligr· Alan. J ? It ...?·» ,uveu;»,' Posogea, whuh,for beaut», durability »ad «cotioiuy, ca· no« be mi pi awd.All Rao·«» warraut.nl ? ? I'r.cts from ·JP apward.No »1« rroadaiy, iferme'ly N» (MlI uppeette «·.. Ttvom-¦'.Chanik

\KW ARTICI G: ??G????? * D.-iMcii c iieiOte t -·

Taxethran ta» r»ver»e>l, ti,u» getting donM» the west of rwi-oidi «Ieri »e« th ; ??.?! DBB h reim s, ·ni lor half Üis rtpeuea,?? th« «tai u».diminuì rjn»t»i.t!y giHid. Of tbe lar«· aa.?-?*t sold daring the past te»·.,·., tata faM bera hut uu-

illumai «ipr»-aed of ?», they »re the faeet,cnrB'Kit.kUii iiKist .'..rabie Cult v»ti»t Tritìi »verin ibi» ? ss tactanag bv mv hin-ry a

large quantity of tliaee Polished Teeth, aud will aril at

waataah .« ver» low ? ¡ «e» XX"- invite Merebaata, ?; ?«Maker» an·! . thrr«. t«. ???««·?1 ordrr» fot »aui-v|,·

X\'r also manufacture th- vtrought and ta· work n «--'awitb bilt» eli plele for ( ul'.vati.r«

J | A M PK ÜIIAM. I u a, OtienUlY, ? Y.

KE.Mt'N AL . i to siilitiriliíinilinvc r«· oNe I ..' l'rar M k» th- Ixrge ici' «-'a il «BWfB,

No II Join W« tt»y will rarrv on t'- I'«hrtuchaa The »t.

?oty k:tl»XX AH!» COIIM.N' i k Cu.

1JA1I líOAl» BPKEtS, ra-iíaiitiiiil atV R.nii ·, ? .«Je lyIl Ll.l R k LiiRI». No IA> Or-eawt,-b«t..cor Cedar.

CI HIGH I'M IS. ? tiill BMk»fawMa1 ftCi Itttw aad t·!*.» «rrapped «leigh-Belia

G - tin * ? , ? »nd 54 Frütnnet.

.¿??? IS .A -ti|»iTi«.r at»«»ríni«»>nt oí .

« -urnea aadtekry S titee, «-.rap-« ......

C S. LITTLK, .M.«. 33 «nd 34 Palto·.-at.

itUacfllancone.'· * ? o»», Jai.aary 1.

A t'A 1,1» 1m fa« .o* eoaetad toaceAiaacetab:» I Pnbtta

t a: I <· I >· l» ea appuiated AdBtat te tbe b ttu» ui itemrtX\.Vt;.. li. kZIMAR .okJeucteLiverpooi.arid

»*h Advaaee» ob C'oa·¡ ¦gaien i. iu :!ir abk, « . · ot A -rxeaa Pre¬dace tal·

friry. Ea.»V..»»; M·'


Eat- No ß: P.out »« ?«»' ? . Alenar A Ca».,L«.b<!. :BBS : A Urtlltg;!, f^efd-ftg

A DVE1M1>1:M1:MS are abMrt«M ¡a tho^a brtt fi;· · »ud tosrn» at X' B. PALM-RAá Advert .ur Agency. Tribune Bui' ·

?.-.-lGNKIS· Nel h J.-Al! rverga.ii·. nt.tr ?· ? ? LIMBCROER, ta-

Iteir «tat-meiit» m tte aader-j nt aed. ars bereby rej .-ved to do »o ea or before tte «tk jt

. ·» --r .·.·«·, w· be ie.: ..; =

a. 4». Ikvkl' ' ? j. it MiiAen-Une


âta|»ta·Al:!i> - MM KRIM.»»-«.Ko H HKLL

»·· toostactiy ca Brasdal! · «»· uf Eogl^h au-i ic»b Cissiiig Papera, Tracme Hein, Ciajese aullad.»Pajar. wh:e aad cal.rx-d Brittsl Board

| Bate *m4 lisiram« ta Ckafeaal, black aad eaiôradCraxona, ikemum *· Reeve, aad OsUtru'· *V«ter Cafera,

i- tai -t k¡* «- «kratk-.lcOEO U ItlLL. M.Bsat. Nav 13« Neaakast

|\11'0 -i i ERIt.ORD PRESERVES .-a F A ·( Brr^nriv..iTte «ae-

<-e**taal erbai made by Ux· narahí «aiiaaai ia -i'riieal atad-. r .·»· . a.- r «iwatawl t..- ¦ n. A

to rvmtsr .: to ite tarte pr«-ruses Navi»* BsvaTsdwcr. aboveNifata't »tKreaa rxttastir isatttaii ul of laxatrtaia tettepaiate aad aa etasCee« vxirtery oí rieb tel été praiial« «p«

' aew «kOtted »*g «ata.

DOC·!»' SA-M vid BLEND DKPOT, N'.. -1Imane «I ite aateiiter m.iiee a:Battiea la tte

abo»e ar-.Ki«ra »»t-cb he m prepared to for-uah ia aay.aaatitv. «a«2 will »kmit u gaxd m ti.y ? the marie·.ttoataìtak ofcstniMoa ataM oa avad. or g'.eaed ta «réW.

Oli.) WARRLb ??G-???G

DBF«»- I\I\T> OILS. Ac.GBEEX-LEAF k ?1.N S LEY. Na ß Va»ev-«u DRIG-

«·?>??· -locntrv Mtwrhiaaa, Oteeai« taai ¦«.fciln.ewtR «erth ea aterra! tataav te «es*.


.OKAIL VI.NF. ILANTIVi; «jid PKFKIX»;N-B pajtiMwwdMkwiiáwM' lotsrftea, *«r«t»x4Tw« te ite »tea·e: Mr La-a-aeer. »a the, laste asf MaterxvL· vitwyards«? »«Mam« Umjtaaat «tavtste »»apee la tte a»«t4tl Ttekasktln·/ te Pt-ixtaa Praar^g. .4otL tr, wiEbee»Mto»y Part ea ??^»t»? affi. Apply to W WEEDON. V^e-Oteaaer ate « .arden,,. m -teeth« Seed Stare. Ha 0»Broadway. Saw York. te«Jaraaxea« Dr ? Berr-sat, J. U.Or»..«,»., Dt M«aaet, Cat«»/tatewktbwtv


K ILS DBIEDBA BBXfl .··¦'!.'.' RARREsU, hai Flonr Segar Cere.-nr. ',- A !l. ri

extra «tr. t. ii and cue tbtt w.li n,:ftpdteaast-ttNo 4«^ Wcat«, by W. h

mfOVET, TIME ·»·«, LABOR «a - ?

.1J1 »ueeg the er-ebmted Ct.'STARD i-OWH» ?_-? 14

.eel package matta ?ßß catrt or" g «elnci t'a«tir«L reoo a-

::? M»»Tt.-.fic.s Iipisseasem · rastrillarle «'»erre, m« c«oi«a»nu*Ptrt faite «Bitealfanxataeae »Ti>pe-t-e« teal » b-an:blwxi. r.-h, ·?*. eaf-..'y digested. S--.d by all -«-»»etableDitugvt» ate Grocer*. XXV>'«-«e e. by

ÍTUART .MIC«»LU Ne 7 New »t

l.i AMZE A VirrrOBY..CARNOT. the- Frerxh Miris-rr, of«! to orr»x»»e n-rory

anni.· of Kraae*, frorn h.· Betest ; ba «d.»·«?*·* Ite nghttt'ars. ti¿ the r.i'i· r-xxu!ts tolios-ed. ?tresníts íl bu'c«·· rosy be okuiard by tdii-prt-M» .be,^*tn»»rt. tanirlv. Arrver.ist-x V. B. PALME» S ADTBE-

> .i,:- Beata«·* M tbe Bai-eae".ir«» a «uceiWal »ícU'ry ta Gt???. He te the

Aspad te tte t**t paper» of the whole Cm««. Csmedta,«-. F«r»»r» »ree to« rat»· g.ve» al ais otic*. Tbem ?» ol ibe New Year is tte time to make Ite ar-

.fatetrrr., 1 ·»

PkGODA TEA Ce ?"· 11* Chatharnet.» - «Ihn« 5 lb» hsct Tea tor »I and H» «fa· good Cof·

fer f. r #1_

SPANISH PAPER Sir PACKING CIGARS_Ata « of everv de«cr'.;:noa cae-

atnt t 0 aa d GEORGE ? BKLL. BteilBir,.NY 1W Nassau·.

THE MAGNETIC ???????.?? -New« efTtcee.cortver of Hsnover «nd Beirersts., sad

. «i-, beutw Fa.toti-et. -The Mign-tic rel-?-t-ose of th» further v.n am>

·.,..-·..». 1 the -· ? ia .--*«-

tut T·'- arine bas.!», sa. »n-1 enable titeiragei.tsto ap»lchT.e.»a-»r« thst may be otier«*d. luve, «?

ah»· - ? 'W complete«! «ad -. « · s

tu» r-?? «ej^rate ai»! .Inrinet ¡in«*» if poica xa.! G» egripiun1 ?. . ? k trotte liry «f*·» ?« :-ig-

too. (»i.ebvthe»- ' *? w-

·. ani four wire» f.- » nate!.· T.d XX" ·«!.:.'.t'n, by il mg ' 1«

«er.« t». dkrre 1 · twe wtae I · aad«b» Company l«vi «· tl · at VX "i ngtoo. G.-":?:.· » G»

Rraitsw a ?»: ¦..¦.:i. N'ewxrk, Jersey City. H»vre de(i-ve pi r, I»· pent» «ud Sew-Hopa

V is above, and regutatioa« tn ¦»«'"·

prompl delivery. !h » Company nfnnU t.» r-eraua· dwps»«>eslf.. ».j « the use sod Mvsotage of 'bwrapid

¦.ic.cafin« with peraontl or i>n«inet» rr.'»o.1s. «wan* te promptirr.de an-

> > .ttry.Telegraph'·-«, h'.t rec-utíy an experiment, be» tn-r-v-oe ?

,T.-eD , , an,] r· lieh · ·nee». »I'd t»ot iKonssr.l»'· "f dollar· 1» now daily trta»-

acrtnri tliroiifii iuag«r.ry..... .. .n-slfen wtxrd» or .ew (exc'»-

tbe ptice· ere from NI-VX \< »tltx to Nr.xvARrX..,1.; to PHILADELPHIA, fee»(yAr« ce,'i. t-.d

} , u i-'IMiinN, //?» re»»/». Opeo.'W« IWI IN. Pre-,MM,

XX ? ? WI'.»-IVRVFLT, S'ir»»r-i'en»ieut.

??) FISH MERCHANTS.Fur tale, two.r; of Fi«h Braadfat« Iron«, w.tii the alatka letter·

,..! I.t |o..- ? AN

DREW IV-1 ... Mra « RAIT, x 0. V» Croaant-

\'FAST powder.B. T. BABBITT Uthe BBnfJBBw iiiver'or of ite «JhemKiai YreetPowtar,

which 1* pr-!»Med and e»!d by faim tt Noe « and » Wmàv

li.«t.na. N-w X "ik, ¦·. · - .x·:· Thw who pn-jtakMgh'u'd H· tal Itorj f» that wuh the above natue oa.

Balee bs Indian.A. M MtBWi», .Amnone,··

BY RANOS. I.KOIHEK «V C.»,~Tr»ei·Sal«« Rooms. No 1.1 rVk-row.\\ I I'M -1 >A r \ Y ?,???

Vsli «Hi.r Lass I.ips.HV -iriT»-e U* l.ihr»ry ol ll« :«.. BafB. Id - ti San tt· rl. decev .1, h'ing

01.e «X t ,. te »¦ .1 hii «..|..r..,i ,.

ev.r ütler.U. Citalogue» wtil be reid t t> o diy« Itetore tbeMi»

KH-1'i IRVINTH NRW-TORR TRADE SALB,ka be ...liner.·»! ea MONDATI · ··'-.'

?. ?. A Cu. »»h. if conaign asttl 11 l'irta«, art·Tioar.KV. .Stkktorvrt l'LATts, Bmiir«»'tYorH. latATH-» », i. .ir tt». next regnlsr Tr».le »(air, to be co'iimeoc*!al tl e al«>.« date

l'aiti, atan for ili« punto.« should b» ftirms!ied hy the.» tl.. f Janaaiy tuet.

Um XV. Solai.tv, Auntie te»r

pBO« KUi. i.l.\.->.-.ni CHINA..WED-" REBDAT, Im. -Xi. xt H'4 o'y.ock. al No. »1 J ibnst, a

inerti wii.'e gr^ iu W«re,I li blets »nd Deemter» « »1 ?',-.i

- . Br» | e 1 »-,-eii.bti'ry, tor cash

I, vr« (Ott, A oc. 1


CGLF. V ? ? UH-·,»Ai. Jar:al 12 l'CUnk,·! il» M ree inti' Ktchang». New Vor«. I,y

« ot t.ia lire PETER /· BlsMEN·1 ·· »B ** bit»

I A-vl »itl'hP.rifan Risrr. 1' F.l n-tni >rf Farm."S«'dK«·· aerei of very iiip-rior aplaod

-w. i.idrr · high »r .te tvf enltiVAlion. itici iding.«a»·»·«**) ?G-ftmiUad I» «aaatMblly.ou«·..I «a th«

I. in, aboil«· pet oftte Wow-.'¦ r»»y I .nini Baáktast, Bl Rarität», l.iu« «te·» 'J I li "in.'

f New ? ?«. 1 '¦ ?·» »adDp»are all :n .·.?.,1 order G . < t rt»e t»-»t

graia and »raging Firm· in Somerset 1Y Fru'O its imtne-.tate »:.· nity to 1'ie city, banauty ul aeueryxt.d heallhy

it |>r. anta «irons mdncenn-Ofs to t«v»a» wuhuig ·

residí 1. I a it it an ?!, couid be divi led intosr all par-, a, o» ·. h: h j urpace it 1· well «dsjirrd. Titlelodiapnt Ile. lui fu nh»r information, «pply »t the office«of «be Au. t-".e. r. Nu. 13 Knltora -t., Brnoklyn, and No. »Wall «t.. New York. («H»


*i Dilles tastu· l'arli»le. Cambt-rUn.t I i.nlv. Pena will lie.oldM public «ale. o« ih» preouiea, oa TflLRSUAY. (iteÎEUiday ot Janiin.y. IloA

IL,a »one of lb« t,ne«t eaOvte« in Peiitiivivani», «od · rt-bracraalaii.t l'i,«»»«iCr"» «,f laud betweaa lit« «ai «?. b in-«red 01 wlo«! aieel· -t'.l nul tu mltivatioa.The linpii-iiinei-t· are 1 y fartafa Maimón

lloase, ? ?.-g», Korea».·, ?.r«t ?,, with tour run ?! Miei»,Baw-Mi'i!, r.. ¡., nt. r «At» - ? .. ?. tii »?, two«toa« c .«J

toree tar«e tsank Barn» itone Stable, 1>? I«et l.,a«(.ra.n Ho «..(on Cub« and Hog Pens. toj-tJier with ¿1Dwehi g tinti.· ·

Tbe f- Iroa \XY-ks 'or the prod ic-tioncft.r ,.. '->' r Metal utd Bxrlmn.it u be-lievrd, ere ot-??··... d SLS »

The wv·. p.iw· r »eaeoftb. .I lianng Ye'leveBr-e> Ii·-' ·· l.itg ¦-.¦yriiig«, it n»v-r

r. g« « «o as to ·?G»?'·*«?( the constant 0|»er.xtion of theaOneh,.l'r..i «n.! nr a r««, with··! loioriveni ».t. ".

eluded 1. oarrd »1.4. w.ii le.'n»!d »eparalely.T« » fae patcbaM .ioti, y to bem

iMof ???! enmin.«. tth-ati.aw»«i»ni wnl I«. ,(.· liverv.l. «ndtie bai« .*i arjuu»! iwviii-i'i. wiihont letereat.

re.pur«d to pay us · neire'it. of toe

parafa«¦ - -, ibe proper'y >» «tr»' vrn ot), which.

'ind ti.e proprietor oa. 1 i.l'KPi F. EuE.

t'vi, ¦· λ. '.??2.

J is.. , XI M U » I, A 1. riyirieer.I ARGE irai ÍMP01 \ -M.F. of IM-¦ d PRi "· r D PRCPKIITY. «_...n»« Nuv ??, 1ß. 130,

. ?? «·. atan ? , , !

Vil il '! MILLER fa Co ardi«.IK HBll VY. K»b i, lkVii. at U

«e.· -Tbe ««av-«tui « brick Bu lint« Nos IX,


? ? '-,»·· -T.e »,' U Reek ????-·.. :.

now re»t» f.r t!i»,5i>i, nd casbe#14.00» per auoum.

?wo-tii ...1 ol IBs parrkue 11.01.ry can re-uaio on bondMitntan.1 fkrt.L ,l»n«tt ite Auct aa

No. 81 a*guáaa?·»*·» M( «

^(»LII ì 1 LlbBARl r ?? G?0?..HO»».'iaBl·· Mi IR ¡AN will i»l! at »««??t?. at It o'clock 00

the X!-tvSanta Kxcuanga, tteI premttyktowB 1« - L.tnarv. uu Hioa-lw.«

«taaid »i Tbe L·· t is tu I· t «. it 00 H.-os«tw»v. aad

Mk very eon'.Iy Bmkiia« spua 1·, wbich cao eMlIy be ooa-v» :ud ilo »sygy-re or dwi Pia.an.iiSi on Ite te ef Ma j.I ¦:..».1 rie prop-p ? ig «ifíirrd C pr>vxJ> «ale asti! tte ¿7tk inst

ForB«»è»-tkaiar«Atpry to huMi R MORGAN. NY

'..'.Lira Aaeirfmeer.? 'ALI -AP.I.E WALE-St. PKOPERTV-» PARTII rhe Ptenit Biuiiüuaa,«

»I XVa-rr » XX ? - « .1 t > cuae ttei.LV, ---.? ita fa· tino of

hale a halli ».. . t rat atir.vate.»-, at reib1:« «?«..«. » ADRIAN 14. M'"LLKR.o 1HI 1 - 'Ai Jm ?. liÄ.tUo· .o.k. M., »t tte Mer-

ebaat·'Lxrcaugr. ? firgi t-ptt?tß nf rh» rrart k««e itnsj.0 r-o^.a «sa unsi bub rrjatgag» if bbwibb. The r

ha« · frer-t of «feet 00 «A'aî -«a aad m leet oa Water-et. fttanew earcBPketi bv tra cae» u-iants. Tte nrataltiic»ea.· is 4-t.PM. aad « tlitd»!»)1 adi «an ?» b-naeforti-eaext Th· aew tina of ilALLOCK. BITLF.R A? XLP «»«- Bot .att-od tt parcbxse th« property aad wj] ¡mgbid at th- «ale i.recf!y or ladiremlly.

Profxeeionui Xoncce.


A! F AltRANI)'!·. ¿rat «av-r ».y-:.gru GaUery. Ma OT?.·»«·»;»»» »br.-» p.c:ar»s are taa-a .b »iti ny^. aasur-pasar« by any «a «aaiuy, ebeaptara» «ad da.


CCBEO j» At-L PART·» oi KCRGPE -Cndrr «heaew law. t Kagtaaat, kisf usai redact^imi beve «sx oatyta_"ta·, "* *·»*? but provaioaa» protecr.o» e grant· i

* -"' '-' · : ... t.. t.,.-. afl.Breae, tbraeiga »ay Ar a.«· wv. M pr.mpti, ambirmi i»bew-Yerk Laiaal .«a. Pars, braaa.1» or X .eruta, as parue»BBty Biettr.

It 1« «MtaM te pr-a»«-x-eo to Eijrvpe :o vtspoa» of »a invaa-bea beteet'airara are teoreti, a» pr.ur «xpeaare will void

FbD ia*tea-i«t_ a is to cosce, kc . caa be bad eata te JOHF.PH P. PIR.-50N, No 5 kViR-ai

? I .X.-SP0RTS ato all r»ru uf the woi-idaaakta t« tJaveierB-isated bvJ ? NONEB NaMary, Na 4a Breadway

u.kl~ CENT DA'ilEKREOri'PE^-REESmetß A Co^ Na «O» otead» ty, make tte tiaest piciure«te eaniy tiare wiilim^ ky · aew Germán urotem «a d ra»·

? cha» lied take nee»ÌM te AW dai; ?j is MhaAkAaAvias.I tettrue C»''»-^.ae«j

«TüpartnrroÍy.p.0>µ»!..?!·>? : PAETNEloâLHiP ?

ore ? » e ¡-r t'«e I «n ol

MI F.-T.*- A '· »·». Hoeteelrers a ti i* -

'«N»itt««.*ti»'a«i>li*ral !» unitati t »?*«·« 0:1

t.; e 4th riattar t Te uaav4:le«l heo-i-e·» etf là- «

» 11 be «ruar· i'· 1 BILir J Otri '»S«, wbe akm w «e-

^»*·*.{*^'·*"^?'.?.^^':'^>.PBUVIP J I ·< V»»

PHILIP J .fi ...AN." ttiüont:.rd Statie-c· ty t'..»4i<se a» ?! ? *. ! 4 »*1 . »

Kaetiaa··!. Ne» Y or». Jaieory M. i

DlN*.LlTION\.The C'-ipartnenaliip U"r»>tofcrr ex^.oi bet »Men ?· BabeMÄ -rsis ih-sJ·.· ea¬

rn !?»?! bv irnrnal eoawrt trtber et the »aea»:«i*n«ej « ««-

t ori», «ito «.»a the taatrtror tbe -irrn in ? .«riotion G?*

b.o». «».? ? «tir. of tb. ¦?***¦ w tS MOU.L-

KttaeU.V.-,,'vUUL:^" «rÄ-1·BM aetttriairnt- y roMN-w ?«ßt?, IW 3!. 1»»3 J,-US <-? G?.???'G JN.TI· 1- ? »PABTNKBSHIPof the under»:pi*d, «rider the

.G! »»Mt (JREESK A Ce»,BN tt* trmt.ict.uaef the R<«.ì* Mode'", limutbirue«», al wb. >ieai>. wul be

oor.ticn-»J»*het*et.ifore WILLIAM O V.RI» vtSB,?a' \» m otivr.N'v.,OLI» K.K B. i'iV.-.Ki)Y.??G»«. Y\ M 11 ?.G??,

?·«. York. Dee 31. 1«. JOHN ? ?'?.??G??.

COPARTNERSHIP--TV ßßßßß?ß?µ? have thi« dayfcrrtnee! a Gopaitar rvAip, Sor the lai ¡tortillon and1 , ,. v «.. the ervlear«! tinn Ot M.it. l»rUN,PLÌMPToN. WILLIAMS {¡^tfnßtffä


New tork Peertl, IMI DKXTKR T1FKANY.G»»- On tbc «Bu ,l»v of Vtv tbey will rsmotitu No b

Fsrclov-t. o*i«! No li"»t»ty-«t. directly in th* retai of tue

Anvi Hoose.

^0TICB..TW <.\··nrtriorship rn-r.'t'>f.>ri> BB>_tt*.i.g betweeo th· und*t**,tt-«r*t, under trte rinn »jf

CB0Ï K>'H. HALL A SrOSV. wa» d-.Bo.v-d oa »·«*o· Noven.ber lot«, by muta«! Mttoent-.Vlesond.ar Util re-

*&* a1.1-1-* the firm w,I! be clo*ed by C«UMBI A

^w^7a,te^lMbiuaoc,tEr1 BLU. HALL,J. VV STOW.

New York, January 1st, IBM.

COrARTNKR."Hir NOTICE. A h-Bited «jopartner·.!ip ht» be-n furuied, ptii»ua.il to the tintt ritta» of titafourth charter ei the se· «jtid pat ot tb* R ? leed Slttute*ofthe liter* of New ..irk. uu.ier t ?« mm«, »tyle and firm offROl KKH k STOW, fir the ItiTiii« tnd «ellin», »nddeai-t; ? ? foiiibaand r«ncv Oooda, «a tbe City of .New· York.TW John t_jnn_la aaho t*et«iiie« in the G ty ,.t Mobil* andS'ote of A'ai-inia, is tlie ipeval partner, and W lliaia .4.fiockerotid Joseph W. Panar, belli ot t.bien r-#.d« ia tbeCity ef Ne» York, or» tlie tener»! partner».That the «a .1J. ? ?'????'.'» hs» c.iitnhuted tlie «um of tiftiaen tho'.otrtddollar« in eetsh to tlie common stock oe capital cd »aid «·»

cvtn ro!:i|·, ai.d ibat »aid copvr uetahip n toeomra»«*»«on

theÜTet d»v of Joniurv. one thousand eirht huu.irvd andftttv-thre*. »id to terruinot* th. tir»t .toa ot Jtn-iorv, one

.b.-.iserrd cixht landre,! and fitly -sisl~VaU d Net» \.,k,I>.,-,r'.· ttb ISA« JOIlt il l» .»OLDS,Ueeetrttrer sin, it«-*. UM A CR0CtK£

J. W now

CWANGE af FIKM .Tli»* bu»inttis tt the» »tiUcrir·· r» berrtufiTe conducte»«! under the tinn of

IU PI ?· "? ti ri I I.l.? J» i'«>. will hereefier be c.inutiaed

.r^ertr,fir:,',».KrLLKK4j;,!t!:Y,i,,K...^^j. courxi LORD

PUBLIC NOTICE la a>v>rBv? fbe· thai iln>[,,.-;n-ral'p l.ere.n«,.« .'t'«ti!i|| »»etween MTaFataVB

DA»!M a·»! A H.8 I'DLr/ ?»,!»*»«· t.·.!Jai IB l>*»3 ??G???? DAataa.

Jnettrance Companue.!'. ,i m\ IltSVtUBCI Ornes, J»n. II, ue.

AT tl.f ANNI Al. l.l.KC HON. tifiti at the»Office, tl ?« Bay, tlie f..l owiii» |MB«tBMB were elected

line. t. ?« l'or the eti»ii ??« tear. o

?',?'.???. IHl.tiNi. II. M KOiT»-et»r, ('niwell llvKlea,\t in. . liii.lt, lt»:t.ar.! »iiT'h, Joba ?. ?.···??.

\mi ...,..re, J. IV Merte-ean, S e; h-n > Vbr.»,WiIbubí: »inet, M-l'iin* M Weiu WaMaaton Yale,(¡rerje 1 l.bb, Motthew llinl, Join W llriisey.? W rdi'iond». K.W Howe». Kraoe-.s CsttBta·,I-ewi« 11, t. J 11 Dick:n*uD. Il loiel Dr· tr,Henj G t'tinp. J,.l.n G ? »I er, ( baa, L ..»...»virt',Charle» t>i,iid!.ii.I. Aori ? Arnold, Micliael M.iirotb,ChaaMr Maaja Wtn ???·?·». Andre·/ V. Stii.itAni »r Iii»pe« tor« of «h* eieat Klevtiou Ciarle· li. Reni¬

li a?.. Wm M. > . «rljtolph Mend.At»«ii)ate.iueuti«ie,tii.(or the Hoard, HIRAM M KOR-

Hr SI !¦ II. r««|.. wa« iii,ai!iiiii>u*ly re«leer»d r/retident t.irtt.e c!»..iim >.ar JOHN WRvY I cretory

??????.?.??,?) ??? INSURANCE COMall'lNV llie Annual Klectioii for Twen'v five D'ree-

tor» tot tin C.itiipaiiv. w.ll b.» Ii- 1.1 at tl.eir «.llic·, ? ?. dlI h.iiibert »t.. on ill I KSDW.lhe id V· brutry next.Th* l'oli talli be op. ?· «I al li ami el.»«.· at .'.iVI.a-b P. M.

G IBLllLM NDRlV'OllD, Me. retiry.

VAllONAii LOAN KUND LIFE ASSUR.II AMI. MU 11 IV ,il LllSIXtM-tleiieral As*ney.fNo.7l WiU-et, New-York. I'm» l.if.· Swaeaata bavtl I dltMitll a I it, «rant.·«» Kan,I .I «t | IMI »IMI ?a

l'-iitri! Mate» Skx-s« Olid New-York Sut» át'Ojí· with tb*CleUtMllrt .,1 th» Stute of New-York, in o. ..»r.linc« withthe Stale law. will rea-eiT« iinii».»· «!a lot ln.iiraii.^ ,.o Live»at ? »n · .-? etal A«rmcy, No 71 Wall «t., New York, aad attj.».r II it' r« lit t|. «?« l· · Ktoualliii.t 111«· Statt*.

.Tti.a and l« Anatrali* inaurod at a

i'l?1?· LsMbI rt'jurtl ol D:r«»etori nieet etery VN'ridnsriday fur

trsiKUit 1MB el ??? M BM MM.Metl'cti Kim ?:,· t« iu »tt»mlance dally at I o cloak P. AL

I'ai'i rib Ilio oda tutarte» ..I't.i « t'.i.upaay,oon behad mi »pi', «! .m »t tlieo-tlie, >'o 71 Wail «t»

?.« ti. «tust» or t-isKiTiisa, raar-Taasii'.r.ir«r llnrclay. Jame* Hoorttion, Joiiu J !'?,, »r,

I II "rv l.n.llain, J itirt It llolbrook*Dmbb-4 Paraat, < ? Uabiiaa, ? atateUtA it. i»' ut, R..!*-« .I Dillon, Joweph Usattara, Jr.Babbi »· Ti'» mattmamai H«nk. ?*?t·??t?? th* I.»oia·

er alai aerai of Bank, New-V ork.rrea BUBEBT DIl.i.tiN.

M» M KiiMtMU Ha. A K H'»SACK, and Da. i.S M-I..NK C E IIA????G. O'uert! Ateut

RmTUBLK till INSI'KANCK Co-Io«utanen Kiiildinx«. »orner of Wall «od Wi"i«uj-»«a.·

Obmm Kan. It and 11, «r.una 11' or.T'..« I "ii pai.y, liu> .u« their Capita, of # ? i»n p_i_ i^

tn coah, and «ectirely lovew, d, are prepared to meure) asotoial'i«· »nel ?a?!«?.« !¦» Im on tuoi a!,.e irriti«.Th* charter of tfiis l'onipoay pro» idra that, «ilei payait

totere*» to th« »t<< k!:. I«!et» »t thr» r»»e r>f 7 per aaaB» per «n-

Btim, íbur-ílth* of tlie r-u.^ unis profil« aria Ul b* divide«!¦enoTaf the aaaiir« d io a DB, »?··; me luttire«t, wluch n-rip i*to be rr.lernulli«* in coatta »a Beni ,· r tiae .ccaiu'idfead profit·and capital «hoi! amount to #l.nOn,r*De

?????????Jo» (? a?. ¡arri, J; Jahn A *-tt-ph*ii», ? B. flowlatW,Joe. M. Wauubury.Jajiie'o Worre*. Si..p.',eu Whiraap,????«* I urta Arthur Li-or», Dan II. Keoriii*,Orarie ? Ad«·, M. W. il orni tesa, WniHR.itw.ilD IS. Kennedy, Detiina* liner, lo« G ll.iwuir*,JohaJ. Altor Jr, John -trrwtrd Jr 11 ? l..im_·,»red. A. DeUno. B«»'» rt H M nturii.Wm. I! AtptnwailJttie·· Bell Ben »»»o Wither». Wn II Duocaa,Istuiielüra«. Sm-th.Pdw»rd C. (Jaater.rho*. H. Kuatell,Bred. G. lOatM, JiMiaii Ooke«, loooo TuwTMaad.Pe»ilf.. Robert S ¡lore»

BDHKIiT S HUNK, ?retad.tOia.ia ¥ t 11 it, Secretory

QFECIÉ Bti.l <K>LD DUBT tttm CALIFOB»l»3 ??? »JEm. ', !.HK «ad 3A> »RAM 1-»' n«r \H-????G LINK, No ? Broadway . ??«« MMatMB «f ¡.u-tie«a««ii rit·» eetorTi· fruii. | «i.'Ortii* in Spe« ie.,r laid Hast, át«.,?*«tarée'*»·! to the noue· of Haw Tan a-id-rwriter·, at fVsot.

DAV If BROOKS b <o O-nerol Ae*dt*.StW'.uB*·. *>«.¦··. 16, I8.V1

j ¦· · | .«???IHK. M.V. HiRIC AND SAN tmaJtCttCO HT». \M-

Siili* Ll>!· h»v o« arr-»are»tl wu.'i \f. ?Brett '·· >'ir: »1: » a:.-c·' «»lord, wktcb ba» bean daeiued «at-

'· a '4 tO t»A*Itiuiai.ete »rotii San Krnnctsero to New-York arid t·) ??a·»t'e .«ji.e re..*iti«jB in f rrrr.aui for comiri« »i. 1er the pro-tec noti o» tb» evititi of M··».-», tìnmmm k Ytr.U. tr,,m Pon¬an.» to tt·· At «rite cietat. a« bii* lieen t4td ?« yet «llowéd oa

y ti« |aird oi Mtoara. »i>««|at>ri. I Irirtotta»l »rv

A»tor albtual loanrorce «? iStateed) ZzaCooi.OenlVntooi Inanron. I ptt-d) Axraao ?.?ß?.New-York ituióOJ ·

(»'.? S«rT».«THW»iTB.? «âne err ai Imnrtnre t ? (rti»tied) Dt.·. ?. D. á.4:11..??»*" · ' o_ (»niirdi IViirtt & J .

TI* tàoi. Mitnol In*nr»_uc» LB Nilsob.Mrrvtu ?. .«,. »'.»»O VVALtr.B,L'bksb Mutual In* C« .»..led, J. L. Larii»·)». l*re^t.AtlMl'-u'aJ !nm»onc«Co.. (à.tue«!. ?. U ?»a???.

Cöatctjcs, Ic.clrD, Ut.W'AM BEfl i Mi.Ii:\VKLKY. -JKK ·. ¦«f ? Bh.N WATt HK*l.-Ju*t reí» ved bv 14» «u «»eri»-»*·

. JalM Jrrceo*tn W Uctte«. witri « rtircote*rri.m hurí vue eoch Watcb, wanaiaiexl pert, et üette-beeaM»tue mua »t ara* t'i» u the lumai pnce*C«i- [er \V Ua..';e*_*uuae Ut hatiumcaate* ·)_·>1?* ami !«ev»rt. peri, e: tiaikli ;e··

li.dee»-i·.·..-.t -ver..?? Watcba* on*t laorTcr^aacoud«, for'

« Uid ...Te' r.ura.Ouiil Picket CiirouOieelera. whxb ru without

any vanat»on.Koaav-l Wirrhe· (»t ¡.di·*liât» *od s. »r Ie-ter, îletac·-»«! le»»·«., Lepina Db»

pt-T.anel..· tber »tya» M Watdaan Ají ut Um akafra totMattata» tíjn ti^ ea;_ji prue*


I-ilBiiair D-.oano-.d Pino, Riti,* Eoî-Bui*», Pu,.*,.B-n«B.«*^Crvj_»eat'r»i«'riow. m *

¡fiswísr.Uí Lepiae W au.Ua,4 l-Je-ayc*,_M.SJÄ Mr .b* Ot!»» Detoehed Uvera, fall Je «/.;l»d. Ht otCiold Enaii.el Witche«, for ivtie* . y} mOold H int ni VV'otchc*. for loda«*. j«¿ mtseial Hnnttar Potent Lever*, tor fante. ¿ri O«ß?:?»t Pttert Lerer·.? Li io M MSilver Dt-taat«v! L»«»rv f ?! /·¦»,. UutliotBilaer !·*???.»?, 4 bo·«* jtwalM.. a».ItilotUr. it-ul» lo» pr-r__,lae, »Il 1,^1·... .1. ·./¦».__ ?, ... G, G^ .

Pina, Viauer-Biaaa, «wiv???,.?*. Capa, Pori»,pnce* Catcht» aad J«rwelry «acbetaeed. AJ W'*____¡*ganaMMj BB keep m** lfm, or Ino bb»..,, rtreWTGuetta*. Cloek* otteTJeweirv Mp%rMatA« aàat e-«»--.^«··.'". ....

tha ataml »arma*.

Icbea aad J*w*litatCT,Aïi,,h- - >"*> °^^tmtr\\a\XtS! lì aV-*?.'¦?¦' «»a»^«*·*».! aaar Bea·-1-

Fi_?»_i_?WÄ*Ä_S !»he-it Cat. -? ?? Stm*^i mm t**" Breodway prvM»

BBOWH. M, m Caoaal^t, oat toot fnm ialhraa.

.fcrnUnre,. £:.

\M I ?,. < .N ,v 11 Itti g up ? tra, w,a1e r« ry «»ntaadtai M ·¦ » - ? ? t \| |

ataitofj Blixv :··:-.!, ».n

All. WARRANTED FIHST CLAJ880-i\ FBAMKLbKD c iTTIGF «ad CHAMBER FUR-M kR.-v1 .r» iure Ni». 44.' lli«»*.iw.r. Mlua Irate »tMaanfMfi o .ti .... a-ot mtbe li.iti a 'S'a: e» who Csmtuae th :n-elvr· lo uanuqwvanrf-ctnre ' ?»*?.«.lLLIrSf» l'.R.NE resprcifa' y i.«a»b

,g III« con ir g ? A-on le» «ill aoj et» antet r ritire new nid a·: :ne |t»U t ». ?? ?. · t

c a'e aller tb« ? xi-at F.-arli aad lu.' tan »"y l«e. froan t .» ri «tqo«rtry «f n at

ir old CBieem of w!!ifid TW* NTTF!\ F PUR l ENT. BELOW ALL Ol'UKR» T.i' Trai,airpLrdM e»i»al at arescly txdm-..? rfkUw.

GILLIES A 3.RNE. No. 4V Bma-U»·,Fast tide, below Grate «at.

aOKEAT BARI.AINS in FF.\rMr.rt\\1 BIT'S. MAaTRr'S-t'E·*«·, ae^Ml'RAWBlVk'·» v>iW Gran.'-«BY a-«-..n«i d.»ot e»·! o· rowai «a , >»w-k»»rk-CHKAi-Crm.LSTVRY »id FEAlHEB-iTORb.-lwiatteet·. I u( fatati esaho«! purxtes.ng w ix»»well'«..y bviis«

.eai»i fvacfll»! »i»eixaae«»t ol Keda Ml III· «Bta,P«il!a«M«rBrds«»a.V «OoU Uc oil-ii wo eb hive tee.oar» based tt tax» n« ¡Toa And w»U be «Oti al «'.v-a (MVOMas to «1 sue it tr i-idecrmeto f,* til te eall tad eifaiae tbeabove tuxk ! er neos M makia« tfaeir ¡^ tebser· » I.»» '« mattr- «mv pa-ot tte citx-, Rrxooklyn and Wt,liam»b«irgh frxv «xf»afaie l »i¦« Bar-i« »»»i M «IXr-xiet-»renova?ed and :at»M arm.mmmmm

. < a ixxKCClC No SMGraadst^..id-»g east of I -k«a


Piitston coal..the pknnsvlvaMA COAL CONG'ANY is prepared to furnia* «pe»

cog White Ash Pittati« Cavai, of al! i.aea,cl«nau ate m «oetorder, auiub'e «Air «team thippui«, aad domeacte parpeaes.eon: 1» otter» or ya-xi» ic tsae cirv. WtftatrngM-rO». »atOrooklyaThe Conipaiiy · lanlitie* ars «uen a· to m»He U ? «?««

«.sod awinV1· ko '-»we·· lead ·»» at New Vor» or al Paritwee.Pamema! ».rent: m gi.xyi to th« «leiivwry «?« CaaJéW de

Bieatic purrxoseaApply at the office, sor Bteadwe· ate Wail «? . s» eu/eu.

West, near Meto«· , cot. 14th st. »te wj»a». ate fox»* MiJ»kX«veroeurst, riry Ffot of ? «rtk "Hhss WI!lfaiAwtt».rxl,Init of .o:.' «< ?->??>*??

???..Bed Ash. Stavo ?"«! E '·-! ?ßß? Al·»(?. L· .h .-.s. ? ? Vgg. sure»*n»»<l »ud i-liveied al litehMMlBta' \ .-d No. a* Fi ******


C10AL. -'lhf »iibr«'r»tox.r ha* m raru«, Mi ·»J ooastautly tli-cbaigtns ali ite varo«, ko.*, of A ..tua-

eite «itd Ritiiiiiiiio'i« ('.vii·, »i·- !'»»· h O-vhxnl Klar*Heath. Laxbisb, Liverpool Orn·.! Ckjkaal s,,<.,., \f ^all of the »eiy beart «ualily, delivec-o u i.xni'-o r»s> (xnW..» ! fer »al« low ??N FS ?, ?". ?RT 11,

«Mb-et oor Tbouipeue. am« »»'l»-»v , cor V aDxiwa-aowti ofktae No S3 Wall «a

lRIonet} UJiinicd ino to toar»

MONEY to LOAN UPON P.OVD ??,?MORTO 4Gy-On productive Real Est,«ß in thu

iity, in »unta to mit »? [Volili·. None bal ilio«, tioldia«kixt 11·*» ·«··*·_-,., aera a·.·»!».


????,?. MONEY.M.»·..«/ to loan «»aa* I XX art-lira, lhaiNond». Jewelry. Ac. Ac AU». M tu«aate let «ml Saloous «olii out. ofevrry dee.»iips;itii, un the mustt·.· fatatemi« Ail transaction« confident! ai, al 111» petem (»Ilice. Vo |i 2 Nassau OlRce .No It.

Sil (Unii WJallTED forSIXTl DAYI*?? I e""'"- Korwh.ch«ltb"telb.Hi.i· wil! b* pol.»t.i nt.lii. a , ualtle ·.. uii'v of iloul-le tiie a'liiMitit will be.rWi ? ? »? Is ng «l No li« Si-iiuat, oflice No IS, (overthr ( Hv llauk.)¦ .¦ ^».^.^w.»a^.^.w^w»

CDcran Oiciimcto, §HtpALIFvOBNIA TICKET.Tarottffe G?.·?.t\. ia the Mail Stsain.i .»? K. !.. .">. tor ··.!.· m» ol tbetest Lett!', in ilk] tdiee' ».»loou. A,xply to ,S W. Pl'T-.NAM, No ¦ llroe«l»t.

/California, afsteai.ia .mi new-" ORLI'VNS- Stean-liip P»a»a,.· an,! ?rriglit Office.Putt« · noiiig to » uh« r olili«· abuse port» will do wall bycalling »t o.ii oflice und Prateria« paaaag» lower lino »I»»where. VOCNOACo-No IS.; \v ..f ,t .oi.e r II. ale, up| oaite lb« .N. is ? ulk »ud Elle II«;, oui

CHIP ?????????????? BISA (Mr. Don-?? siti McK»}'· gieat cltiMier) »oli be at bet betih, P,»rNo V K.xal R ver. on TrK-SllAV, Feb. Ì. ('.imp t -ulini'gr» baile«e fliAt the Foi,| r «sein nuke th ¦ pagwig» toSan Fian« «an taaabortrr time ilian »ny «ai ??« ?··«»? iatbe world. F« frniht. »Pply to J. S illKrl) tl».

No IH Wallst.

???? SIROCCO liir SAN I I.ANlTSi'O-«1 Tbi» I» ai.litui ship will sail tu a few day«, aal ha*»?,· t.iild «t. iiiot ,?.?,??,??ß fui |«.«.'ii«rr» Shippers are ia-i, «t· il tu »eud duwii »il their good« ??· wen«.

J S (»«.EFORI). No. ?? Wall «t

I/OK CHARLESTON ami FEOI'IDA..'»nn V. -»kit G 1 Mail Liu. -1 be new aal last going

steamer JAMKS AlMHR. J. llicki ,attn, tit, iinitu 1er,will Imv« ? ? r NY I NoitUR.i.r, on XVKIINKSDAY, Jia*>, «t 3 «ytl.ck, ? M., precisely. For fi ig t, »? it y nuloan!, abete all illa ?| failing will be »igt.p? nudln« pas·.»ge al the ? ti ir ol

SPOFFi'RU. TILKSTON k Co., R.» 4» Sotti»-·«.Tbitiiigh ticket» lor florid* a« Billow· To Jacksonville,

. il tu Prati». «.·.

miIROI OH 10SANFKA5iCISCO.-VAN·a DEEBILTLINI ? «? A,· wstry i'r«us t e«,¦«*»¦

(ol Nu «initia. propio tota lui Caliloruia. by wa» oi*.n»mgu. No it. lentil u on the latinum.--TliruugB m»ds am e Ot th« Mill -Only Line giving ? c.eU fu« Ir ed igtJ - lati ,. TI,.· ? w liiniblti Ungine Stnainsiii.i ?G??otile VViSI, -MJ tini« ?,???.?. u, ? !.. Tiuklep.tigh,( i.ti,u.aioli r, will leave ?. w York for J m Joan del Sona,

Piel No ? North Hiver, ou -AliltKAY, K-h A«t I o'clock P. M pir.iaelv, uounectiiig »nth tbepoverinint«l (Opiilir Mriiuabip PACIFIC, over the Ni. .raina»«naît Pou··· bas mg bal C mil. g ..f land f airi.ge. Tlieie

r t'Ai, et» aio 'iB«ui)ia»»ed ta tletr venti a'ion »te a.-.uoi·ii.oilatioii» f. r ??.??p?????? or paaang«, at th« lo »rat?»!·«, »pply only »? ite ag'"' y "t if..· l'ompuiy, Nn. «K.tftrs piace, up «taira C. VAMDRERILT, AgentA Mail bag la made up »l th» »bos· oflice ne lei t in new

l'ini.»! .--tate« Fettige Law, for toe ?,,?«?,.·??, ? ot Ite\ ni ??.

Paaaeilter» »re cv'ilionel agi n«t lite reoreai.t iti io« nfir. il Itniiriria uf ol ti Ione«. Nona aie eiiipluyial ir .n»


ITKTTED SI ATI'S ???? STEAMSHIPJ COMPANY. ..»iiiectiri« with tte Pacific Mill Siei-a-

¦)t ? Company, carrying tin· «real r ,· Ma.L.???? throu.lt I'uitru Sutes M»il Line for ('ALIFi)RflA. n.? ORI ·¦ l'N, su AsasVawall and Paaama. (ire«t réduc¬tion lor >!·. on.? Cibi, ai il Steerige pawenger. T'ie »;1»??il,ti utw ami tlinil.le ei «ine I jiifod .ntistes Mail iteamahl«l.KHlGIA, ?«»' tunsli'ittlrn. 1» h Porter, V S N«vy,(..p mai,.:«· will «.il no 8?G? RI» V Y, Keb. X, «t g .,', i.e'kF M.prrciielv, troni ¡?.·? if liait of sV'arren··., North R ft.Tbe Paiil.r Mail Bt.nabj?OaMptey lut» iiiorteee migtiiii-? ·. Dt tiret tina «ie,imehi| · plying I't.twii Panama and San(· tao, « -Lili· i»»t i.nii.l · ? ut »hich are alway« kept etPar.ama ht ri,sir a.l ne. iilru··. and to prnvei.l any delay oftoe io., «ai il nasaeiger» on the latiimu«. No etfurt« «IX»fat »paied on the pert of the CooipaoiM to «end tteir i»·*-BMSjer» tlirounii with expedition, comfort «nd «afety. Rate«Of Fitrr to A»pinvrall: Lailiee' Saloon. (Itale Rotm. 0-1»ILow.? Alt auil FoiwaiM Saloon do, #»J; Secoad ixJiuBtMfle·* *li; Si«etage, AXi. Rate«of Ur» from Pin« n«to «Ata Piai, tee Fu·« Cebio, ·??>·?; teeoud Cabía, a)I »¡Stee-age. «.'»·. PmnaiBl will be landed at the RailroadWiiart at Aspn.wil. free Transit u! the l.thmtts at taalaserrgrr. ·· »palien, i'rlwii,« ««earing through tiaaaadJB bythe tif. d .-'»tr» Mail Steamer» from N.w York, ha««? rrfeieaee of «coaanmaal»! oa on board th·· PaajUfa MolStiain.ri r or fr^ got or P'saage »pply to t'Il A R l,KS A.XX 111TB K Y, at tte ocbee of tte Cuiapaoiae. ?» 177 iV^aiß«.. ..er. ot VX Agreii, ?. Y.

\ Y and SAN l RANCIHCO SIEAMSIIIPla ß LINK thr'.Bglito SAN PRANCISC'). vu-VSI'I Nf-XX ALL au.) PANAMA fxYThe new «c.l fast urta wleel rtenruiop l'NU'.'.D STATES,?,?????,·.) XXn, C. Berry (ëmiBisadar. v H !e,y» New-York inr Aspinwall. (?·? » Uay.i tsn FIIIIiAY K t, l. tí iP. M. rre. i»ely trowi p r No 3 North River, ?a?»?? ogwith t!.·· new atol nx»gn.re«',t mit}* wr!:eel double eng.uat»*t »h¡if WINk'Ie.Ll) S« CiTT, 'J.l'óte. « Kdv.( iitKBisber. wit··«»a»»m· r wll ·,« .n r. » ¦«·*'. PANA¬MA to re.*:.·· the l rtlTEf) .»i'AI'K.'ip'As.Ayngeraeiideill

? 'AN FBA.N'tisi'G Tao arco »irriitdatiwnaatul vent, .iionof tiu» \·. .·» aro »? tbat can be«taanrtd. Her «peed (eaMsd^ifted oa the vrry-A»» l-tw-e»New >. rk «sal Panama, tad wlnta on the Pacifie c .«at,, taUiilurpiiMed.Every eteri »a will I»« uerde oo 'he part of tte line toin-

wt» tant.lu;t. «tprxlitum aad »afety. P«s»eng»r. will belaudad oli ti - wliarf ag A»pu,wall free, latta« tte PanamaBawsMad, «? ? - caatioued mat Ticket« tar luis Line areeeld «saly at Nu 2» l!r.-a way.

i'AV IS. BROOKS k Co General Ageng«.or J0NF.8 A JOHN-JON.

A Mail Bag m niade p ? at the above Offle». uà tette »eCai'rd Btatts Poatsga Law, for tbe cajaveutsace ot ttepublic.

1TM1ED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP> CO.MPANr-rOr.neeting with the Pviti. Maul menus·

ahip Caf>np»By, carry in« tte Coite« States Mail -Gol»throotb t uited Siate« Mail Line for CALIFORNIA ««adOREGON via HAVANA, for A.pinwall and Pti-tm*.-? ·. «a, .· ? n.l rireaiaship CRKSCKNT CITI. Bsxter. trtwn a; .irr will «ail from tte pier ? ??»? of Warren akY N. R-.«.u Till KSL.V'r, Ja/ei..rv ?, Bt i «yelgjck P. ? ptieeaely.Psswa Lg» ra per ('restent City will he transferred to «tea»·«kip RI Dorate «t Havana, and eail »mmeciafely !ur A.pie-wa!¡. tro) cm»«.» w-.tii the Pariti« Mail BleaiiWn» Vues-peay'* .teanier· from Panama to Sac Fraiaaaeo. Rates ofFire tu Asptt»w*il_p,m ra»A»n. ? »Uto-t-oaar». Ott', L·»*««AM «lid P.rward Bainoa. te». Iteróte Cabía, «taste«berth» Oto Steerage, 0»). rrom Par.«sma ti Sm Pr««««»»«!«

? r In First Cabía, *&*,-, ut BecoBd do., Bl«; »n «teersea.A». Forpasaage apply io CHAa. A. WHir.NElf, «t »te

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STEAM »ETWEEN NEWTORI aniGLA.-GOW..The OlMfOw and New York S «awu-ihiP

Cssm-paty'· powerful aew riu^nistiip OLAS ¿OW. «ilSue« «od 4 4 bMbw>power, Robert Cref«, Cammmsiet, unU.til from New York ior Glsaratuw oo ??? AUAY. »IMar«fc,at 1}u'ci«xk. ?»·/». . ,F irti Ctbia (BtvlaMlJtate RooktM).0J»

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Steward*, ime laelodadA, , , J MiBYMOO, Ne »Bresadway