,-gg, ira* bri-ring out the Hymphoaie* with the or ^¦traof which bc wa* K md fri n waa jrjjf.ym of th" hiatory ofthe working* of rWrhi-en'. rAmi duhcf tbe period ju-t precr ling it* ompoaitiia Byetraii.late tbe paaaafB fre.m ¦achind.'er entiro, u if mmtkm* t hiat tooar leadert of orrhi-'trae, wbich th**] iroaid Ao well to n'*t>*. la the C mi__r Hympliony, raya H-hiadler, Bcetharei _Madc_ tohave >rut fewchanee* tn.lt [that la, in fi. mttterof aceelcran !".. r>t*.r<lando_A A- *-, lor the aatt »f«rpr~aimi) battheae few are of - .traor linary in Dorttnre a_d inter._t, and are c'.iielr m the hrt* moi'i*. \nftt TherepeiiirxB of tbiamovenieot, had in tbe 9ral Lvtr_ra with tbe holia, the Ume <V MaJ-ela metro. aoae;of l*2kS quai_**T n !e'-n<*i.!y nn Anliva <*'n ttotei By Ukir._ thif timetheMyf < .n.wbi'-b p TTadet .-bework, exhil.iu laetfla a 1-r bi-jber d^^r-e, tiao wben tha' plra-e, ao foi! r,f aolemn meaninz, i* e;i»en .j»M*t. lle»-thore_ expreaaed hime.lf in a amni'tr in reBaru* mr.ni.rr. when he explxinec! to me hia i le* in jkUpMrt)-- MT.he, "BokBOcka fateat fhefporui'" xTVa'iegro con brii'eegln* with the fl ral vi-ilin ln the mrrl hkr, BBd roa inuea to the twen:y-*» -ond. where 'tokeep up Beethoven'a idea) fate a^ain, int_eal:>wer totm>nw.-til of ihecomin'wrixeraerit, ixiio.-_t al the pirtal. Wkb the etitranee i.f the fir*t vi .itn ta'ter the phrat**) IbBxllixfro hei-ini agaw. In two other eaaea wh*re 11,1* pbrMe i* repeated.tba aame chanre it ma le. !t ia trtia that Fchindler waa a pxi.aite upon the -reat eonip«»er. but in a matter 1/ tbi* kindhieteeti- "eaay i* ralualile, aa be atudied m nj oi the tnaxter'a rrrat workt wdh their author, for the parpoae of pro- dacio,- tbem with the greritct-t pos«ihle eJect. Mir<*- over, it i* cle»r that a di.tinct utterance of the few aeMain whicb Feite ia made 'to k-icx-k,' with proper re- gkt* tn the rytbm in whicb they are writtea, muat be Brmore effectin than the uaual onode* of playins* them Iketriplei* hjj.l in auch haate aa to leave them hardlv e-athiruieh-ble. '1 hi*, by the way. The 1-ifth ."yrnphony of Bcthoren wa* rompo*ed in "l_B-7, juat at tlie clofte of the aadde*. p"riod of hia Bfo Kight yeara bef.rre, he hid be.-ome cooaciont of tke %radual failnre of hia aenae of heirlng, arid the tfm\ wkkh thia t-_.a***d him. amnuntod in 1803 almo-t to .tlaaawlr, aa ia almwn by tbe XVMI, dedicntod to hia brotb- en, which hr wrote In that year. Hcre ia a paataee Re< rnrirneri'1 V'irtue to your ehldr«n; aheal-m*er,n i/,ak» onehappy-notmoney. I *pe*__ trom e-xpen.ice. Sle it waa who rai*<-d mm from mx' mianry; to ber, next to my art. I owe my thanka, that I have not put an eol to my life by ixetlfm uHer. Ue gradually l.e< .,ij,e re< onrile.1 to hia {tt*, and had reached tho poeiiion of the grcatcut llv-iogcompuacr. Haydn waanowaupcrannuttted.atthetimein queatlon. l__eated a *t rict CatfaoJIc, and bBBBJ mucb in the aoelety ofthehti,beAt Auatriandirnlurieaoftbat r'hurch.hehad bmm |nd during the yeara whieh had pnaaed to aeek the cor.aolationR of rel'gion, aml to thii.k deeply upon tbat a.il.ji 11. And now, when the trial m.it atruggle waa ever. he aouaht to emliotly th- ir hi.-to.'-y in hia own ___l.lr.Fa harmonica. fate knoek* at thr donr! Thc.ou. ia .tartled. aronxed. and the atnictjle commerieea, ln the- *'*cond move- tneaf, tl.e divine an.lante, rore* wh:*per fieaee uwl BBRBBBRMa intbethird, the nehl-BBBBBB »f deapnir. j'rometheua liui_l.iii« i.t the eiit.'li'. foBBBM but ttOft tr-'-*., tbe moniinir .lawn*. vicfory i. wou over dfiu'.t, ilMpalr and deatb, and that mi Ity .onf* of triumph tnd iniFTinrtai joy l.ur.ta in. tvhich forme the fitting erowii to th<* whole. X. ? . IV Tlie Ite^entA of tlie I'liiveraity hSvo publiab. d >li'*ir anniial di.trilntfion ofthe income ofthe IiBeraturi' Fund. N.rl 01k ai.d lin^klyn get tbe fol¬ lowing lumi H. uf ani Ilutnb fn.ttutlon, Bl"! .:'. t'ohiniliia Collrffe f Jraiiitnar .-J, h.iul, .313 831 Univera.- 17 (irammar Hchool, »215 BS, (:oiif.*n*tiee Petninary. BW' l'». an.i f*.V) fur bookt; Irce Aci.ti.-my, tl.fKit? ..- Kutger'a Fe-nial.i lu.titufe, All?: Urooklyn Feinale Aeademv, f»;".!» 02, and B&Vlfnrbooka - . %WoMr-> TrmPRRAROI Mn n*,.. .ThcSi.x- leetilh Ward Temp. riiucr AMaBBM tarasd ABl m _oa_ farce Ixat iiiitht to h.ar BB_e*BaBBB '.r.nii Mn. BtesMMB aad her co laborera. Mi* I, N. Paaabar prnaielnd, an.l BMde a brief tuldret*. ,*-lio wim f.,l!ow, _ by Jtov f__m Hrtiwu, who apoke extemporiinlv at conHiletalile, -B**tli, in m|i|nirt of Teitiperini-eiiiid kindred rcf irin-. Bra Hlootiior waa tbe BBMB BpaaBAB. t*he made a vory aan.'-.t at..l i-flertive lullr.*-. i.i f.y,,r of the Maine Law. ani waa IL-t*n< <l M x. -'i draplaMBBBt Th't tlMioir aptxeh w_* made I.y Min* A1.th.1ny and wn of Bkaniinie (jrncia! renor xvith tli a r-e. 1_B taOallllff then ii.'jouri.eil. NiiX'ri TaRAIMRRt Bl *n IImi*i.dvek or II XBBIOIBBA Ob Witltieadiiy eveiiiug th etn i,hty<tot Mr t'barle* rartrid *e, match tntnufi'-'Mr'-r. of No .'I f'ourtlanelt »t me t nt tlu intin*IflB 0! Mr. 1' io Tw-llth et Alier ». vral *njiSa w.-re triv. n bj tl"* t(x iietlver- nt d Mi. 11 'a fijiiilv. Mr. V B_llB8 ad Biployei al-0111c 1,-u^th, tinl tli.iikc i llu-ui for th"ir lione.l.T ai.d ndi-lity ln aidtnt; hitti fo huill bia a, BWiialon, BBd M BBBMBB .1 .' ., B0f aii:ti ient to protect l.itu from tl.e evilf ol porarajr, Ba tlie-n r leired M atM MbBBBJ "f BM i' * bill! in- ll ine-- lt- fl bRbbM Mr.Qa-M- ia iw4 Mr 1'. antd he bad rtaitcl iu BB-BBBB a* pi*or a* y tlie 1 .,!., e!i> rrr. .e-e-- ol I. woikmrii he had ¦BBBBBd bB ihi* propcriy p. ife.ttd. Mr 1'. lurthi-r '.rocco'lcd *>y aiatin^r the itiiuipli* by wlni'h be (,'ui.leil h - m\ xxhich wa* by ikiii.wli-el 1. .; mt e .iini.fx 1. 1 tie iieiihor Ij Mad toiti.y BBBB M '.'. ttt liiin. BBl ''." 1..111 a. be vv He phiil tlie liijihei-t markit j ii. e f.ir labor, nn t J mt I.. lu BB tl-ii lu hivl iiper.oii 111 tii. rtiiiili.v w'n. PM8M BT8B| bim, and BBMB bc Imd been in t.ualufjs ad ni-ver ttt t n.iil.r tl.e i.n .-.,... ,,t dl ,-h*,*-i;;.ii|( any |,r*on fmin bt. employ. Ilt* xxould lui-ii.. 4- BB b.'bre, atiel iti a liiin. 11. M a rewar.i ifclunc* ol hi* wiirkiiunii'ii, eud pnrtiaOj t.i MMtbe mi n.-iii ibiy of utniii.g tlu* Intere ofthe xx.th th*- hel H.4T, lor thei-n-iiin.: x -ar, he mt. uke lOpcr ciiit. ot the BBRfltB af '.' 8 bu-ineea an.l .1. »u!c aniini^ i)n*m ]"o ra:* acaardlBJ to ihe .oa muf o. H- r i-iii] Mja d. Tne n 'M .4 BBB BB inlemlcd togof.ir ther. and to li.vea .-'.ikI redal 11 BBaaaQy. Mr P , \ io|ii*itioii wn* aiuioun i-l te. BB pi rllon 11 h.a iniiu-fii.la iy h paatiaaaaala th rnwu Uuguaix*. Mr. Ira B. 1'axi* BBBB niiii.ii-.. ..! BM4 Bfl x.a« inviied tx Mr f t.'gixo bia xievx -, rntm '.. BB I'.illy «a»-. Ha lixil Ia, pt l.un-.-ll pi n ai in >*n- denronni* to iliustrxte t- .ty of cym'iiuinjt Ihe lal-orm. MMARRM BB work ftw t'i*:ii*ehef, woh *.l di". reif ne-,-,---. while llr. P-I »d WI ! I - Baata||MB*j**_BBaBB-oa of proyeitj Mr k-atM-t.aad j.ai*i\l iuiii- .1 .-Ti.n.l f'1-1 1. t ,'or*.».uf:,en. tura- k»c bt* attenlion BBd BBBBBB M aM*/aBB au.l teach by de^n^ei1 bi* BpBBBtf-BB t-i- MbBOB, nfc-.oii ol i-itereat a-i 1 ii-.i-rt*. Mr. 1>. »pe.-ulafc,l. ,11 1. BBBBl mx upot. ihe ren tiit- tl «iini!ar ex-jveri'- iliat*. a_.i wa* of tl-.- i>i in-ou t'..iit t... r..-,;- woul.l be beii;< faall the 1-rue. c.iricrriirxl, tvi.l xvunhy theat*. .fthoee who*e brut'ToU-iiiv hx ,. 1 Vcen ex:_.;uish >«1 by Ihi accuiiiulixtix.fiorpawa**. ., . \ laauaetBtertixinment wi_ tl paay. who .epsratcxl at lli !'. .M. t»T*tPlTMX IXITH nisDl .. ...K MfklllX- Ha.-l.N4t v< iiiny there xva- * , mx* -daiat., nd mex-kat)ica of other ranchea, at I'hal*.* ¦*_-, 111 tl.e Nii.ih.ax , to take iu 1 the aid of ikaniet. 1:1 Haltiuiore who ntx-01. a ..'nke. and to <*\ l"B*a tlu r .en*,* ol tbe ue*,tx*»iiy 1 i au adxanceof w* Bea. Vr lhit-Jale wa* x*allt*d t'th-ihair. aad J BB IMBrr w.a ii in.-d m Secretaiy :.v*.te* were pra#- aslfrom BaRBRBBB,whotfttrxi t t'le iii***riai* tbr-ou.t. Mr 1 nid, one of their nufi»l>er I ie tettt oi tbe *u- xaeai ther-. aud th.* nead ot' aad n_.I eticoara^v-.ttear » C,ttiuittiee waa appoiiitod t.> 111 ' il'liilklBB ObB* :i_*itkx|..- tx-. ii- made xt t'->- af IM iii'-tla.j. aud i*nkei Mtitia will lee (tla-ly r»xvi eJ b] them. Th- y wrll put .i*'. their notict*. Sptvc' * were ma le by tbe l kaanna" l*y Me*._r*. Ka*mit* l *nrcrr. Watkitt* tri >*__>.. T! |U^tl»¦e and nex-ee.iry ofan adraoc.- Iha* atxv ot lal>or genernllT w*>» h prevaiLB!; Bl.. «_-*in ibe meetiuf. an.1 tha pf lowd. A-ci., r e\,ire-e»rion -r tl . l>~-B_| lay ;»<*t witj favor * -. . KxiiKe.u.A*. it httma .A- e,:.. k>r**t»«r- '.aj tdV-rruon a Im^r rxxk. e.-tnuatoJ at 100 Baaa ***_-t. rx_U_ B-von ibe tmek ,<:'tbe HuJ-cn K v *r HaBraa.1. tw.> mile* aliive Cold HirinA*. It caiae frofii '*.* *¦!> »*l the kixk rockee. w ere iaea wwrv? eo- |aar4 ,11 l.la»tiaj, The train duts *'. e Oi-l.ik . *ivT*l 11 iVlox-tt Th« ur. train and lown tn_a tran. MBal lhair |i_*t<_/*era at the o^*tr_ctio_, aad each BBm*** vl. Tbe rock wa* ao diepoaeil ef that th * i-n.w kw io o'clock List eraaing artireAl a: '.'2 8 el A i*nanti»T of u!.l Maileira wine, beloar- ar |B 1. t-tfe of It. Kuloid, deceaaeej. wm aold x ¦r- hy Mr THI, oa XX'e tncd.j, f_r*311 r*-r j A Ba.I- At.LEGLD TOBEFa'.JHiatT.-Mr Tbt-e Pie'on, Mitorof anewipapercall'xl Tkt M -a publiahed in thia f ity, on Wodneedty appsarad kafiwi .Jtuxr» *nd prt-ferr^d a BatnpUiot i,n t S, Daiwin Fo..t*.Preelderat of tfcd New York C_y Bxnk, Iccaicd at thr -iruor of N_t*_u aad Aoo *u. liim with havtng by f.bw prsfeneo* defrauled hitaol .],<*», which amount he paid for a reruacUe of taa iharra oftbe capital atock of th*. bat... Hsnural hyee that no ench laaututioti legtlly eiiati, aai t'att he Lu fmrn defrauded of hi* ¦ .aey by re-j-* -e B tti mi made to bim by tbe Preeident, tothe erT-et tha: the bu k waa legally organizc.l. The followiaj ti a copy of bia affdarit, Ar TA»w«i Pirtam, of No 71 Fo-irtVat., aworn-Sari tbxt ia OThlMiil: t.-ietnobtb of Decetubw laat, be waa totW-aed by ¦T. i. I). toota that a re.>_lariy oigu.aed hmk w_*iial>- BBBB in BBBBBBBSBof i*-. and tliat aaid F.. D. Fn-. waa tue Pn i.ueot tbereof. aud Mr. C. H. C irneli wU tn* Cw'o- V t BT tha aame and fnrth-r. that tbe title of the ban't waa . ' tt- or" C:tv Ha"k," doiag kuaiueaa at tae eo.-ner of Ai.i, xnd Naa*BD-*ta ia thia City. I). Jrrauetit furtber a..<ia. that at the iocation of tS* bxnk ._r«ea.gr.weree_h.hitrd,.> w.t "N-tr-Y.,rk ©ty Baak " aid that uader tlie bailoing there were de*k*. rt iug», k«, * » _____*'-' 'n 'eaaiiv e.ut.i-iW binki ig oat t r »«* Ai.d fnrti.*., denot,tr t nva. that nnon tk*.-p-^»*a"itio>_ ii'.r.aad, made to in in by fhe axid Pt»,t*. aod umiif rep- r. _ uution* i/iade bv otb»rx be wa* in luc-d to depovil e»r- Uinmourvjintheiwid i_«t totioa .xaparponed to B U onot or *2,.-i»i i ai.d that and money waa de-oauxd ia the haada of *e-d C. H. Cornell, aod that inch dBpoaBB wrr*n.adein or abont the month of D-sc^tnb^ la«t, m ih* Unk aforeaaid; eub**|o*nt'v deponent withdrew aii tbe aa d money from tk* baok with tb* egr-»ptr.n of ?l.b'in. Od or abont tbe 3Jit Iierrrnb*, !,_(, K. D Fn-e xoa'iH tu d.rponeDt forhlitHerwjDrnt'ilrbect on the»% d pra«eoded bii.k. and oflered to depooeut len eharee of whxt pirported to b* a r«rrit.<-ate of the eipital *foek of aaid baak, wmtk abd aharrii the *aid Foof rrTir-wented ae banngb«-e.i a-tu% ly paid in aa part of th» r,,(1taJ of aaid bxnk. Ilep ,ne-,t r»!v- ii.r oa aaid repreaentation* tn be trne. dio dekver to aaid E. D Foote hia fdepouenl -i cheek fcir 11,000. and in ex- B ing'fortheebeck deponent reeetved from Foot* nti f. II ( <.n,*il fhe eeetifieat* anneaed, togetber wnh xn **- i.gnmerit if the mrne rmtd bv Corneli. parpatl ou brbaJfof tbe aaid " >ew i ork City Baut." Deponent haa tinrt, maAt e*veral appiirati'me to axid ti-Araj, Preeident of aaid Bxnk for the payment ol fla Bl t'tt.ttti wa* itiforroH by him tbit depon-ut had r-v Baaaaa tbe iroorinf in at.* k. xince which ti-ne d*ponent hai i.'it l..en ible to oblain xnvperfof hia money. d»poo*nt haa laafly called frexpient'y at the Bank, but coald n-rer find the *«tid Foote, n<>r rlid tharre appear to be eoy kaalaoaa traiiancted in tbe plxc*; .f i* furtber a-lded by depoosot tr.it ,,o gnch Bauk ra th* " N*w York City Bn't" einte ; xr d furthur allegeg, that fl ia balief thare wxa no nch ib- ititntio'. id Dec lait.ai.d thxtthr**,,! K. D Foote obrained from deponent hia rberk ol Bl.OOO by r'priwentat.ong aa abov* aet forth; deponent fberffore tbaiv,* that E. D. Foote obtainad the money Bxu^d by maani of fal*e and fraado'eiit rejireaentatioM vnth aa intent to chegt depon-nt cnt of waatAM n-t-t . rvtrtr'-iTl Klia/e* 81'lJ.i. li w.th i.r.tiieg* <*. .... . | .*<* -t ""OMi.TlVf A5DCAKS. :.: ; * _ Tiir sr.vv v.iiiK riTy bavi ¦ Thi. ernifl,, ,h.,| Mtao. T.ara ,, r»:,.'-' .. Tr, _ 5 «.,,. ,.* (,., H....,,» tv., ,.,,,,. i ! Syiy.1**.**" V" " ' "r Rinktranar '". ' , ", .. , \- , tutnrj.ou turrrildr, ol .', . I rr- I .'. \ \^k, y Mitwit rooTi r I II ( aatnia.1 ( w|,,w ai i. u rnaor-oi nn,. iiunnret aoilar. e«c 'i, ofthe N-w-Vork II) BeakBtaek. i-auding in my nxme ou tbe kaskt u t'i* Jl "-"Ork. City Bxnk, and do hrrehy conititute andvnpont luimaa 1 irfon my tnie and lawful Aftornev, trr ABBtaBBBBT OT ITOCK. .ttii.u'*i.l,«tai i.v t.i,.. Faaaaata, r.i,T| r H (or- ni II ol tl.e New-Vork City Bank. for v«/a" rrc-,vod. bave B, aold, aaBgned and trauaferr'"!, h-i.1 arnlado hargain. ie||, awgn nnA irxmf- ir.'o fho nu Pir- t'.n, lenahareaolnn,. hun.lrendollan^c'i. "f'r,- V-w-Vork ( it) B.uikStoek, a'i ' BaW'Taa Thoma* j ._._-. am-a* j l|| M" » UT l.»r uie, and in my name aod atead to niei, to flB, aaiiagn, traxmfer and aet over aiora. v part ol «a:d ¦«!. b, n <l.*l porpotte to mnke and exee"ute a)! ne< earxry acti ot m- aiKnii.nitaiid tran»fer. and uaeor meiaparaaaal i it't-itite ttilb likefull powrr. herebv mfdying and ermHr n-ng *H tl.at tbe aaid Attorney or hia mbBitute ahall careftiMv virtiie liereof M i~irriraa ,rhrrr..f | h\rr h*^»nntn ^-t my hn-id io **,'. the »lat d*y 0< D'cnul,. r, one t(Kiu**ud eiiht b-andred «oi '''_*,w<? , , , < " ' 'aaai ..**»__ ard de.ivered in t'li paBBBBSB ol T. VV i iit. f»n tbe aboTt-ruridnvit Juetice Stuartissutsl a war lantfor th. arre.t ol Mr. I.. t .i,d placcd U m the I. iiiiaof OlliccrMootpij. ofthe Jefferaim I'.li a.. v (,,. laaaaafl i fl f Iie rourao of the day in x;.;.re "'i I ii i the aceu*>rd. When brmighl before the .nx i.trx'e ke afufed that the imttrr bad been BBBlad B ' Ht flafcaa, at tl.e »«me fla ji.-eienting a BBtafroat BTr. I' '...IntieeHf.,. rt, in vrhieh he rei|tie*te 1 kkfl to de fer any aetion in the flBBBBT for a .!ay or twj. aa Mr. woi'1,1 !,e aMalaaBaV aditr-renigtBteof facu. audfurthtr that he had aetlli d with Mr. P. t in oiarBcnfla taaanaad Mr Foote tbm ha .1.1 » - «.-*- *- 1' .te the Court n.ide i. t-i-.l.aaaaa e.i iti- r.i'.I.-ii in of d.'t*. Thia moi.e-, ,ai'l ke, aaoaflUagto Ika afli t% oi Mr. Pieton, wa* obtained by fa.tra pretea.ei. Tne .< cuiati. ii ia eiihcr trii" or fn!'" anil lt tr,... hxll b .! 1 you to liall toamwer the rhar 8 M th* I "irt ..f (i-n- rral Soa»ioti. ' M PleBBB rnu f eo-i" BBta an I r awear to a dM I'-.r ataBB of hcta ' >vh t heksi alrerdy gworn fo rr I ahall tn 11 you to itrnu r, i* if .-¦*, eru! it rh'tv. that ynu ato itin i int of ihe ckari'e, the'n, of rour^e, ] ahull .liinii-. tlo' t,itn,.!aiut. Bal tthei! r JOBBBTa Ol lmvp nrt paid h.'rk the tn i i.i-y io Mi. ricioii I- a BBBaflaaf n 18 ta tae. Ika J.nri.'-. Mr irked fi fime to pr, inre Mr d. i | 8 'i' B \\k- |TBt_a 1 hu I h Ml __m Caati in di .ii;'' o( ib.- bAbbt afla iu i; * Tba pruprirtura of the Ast..r Haaaa haTe BiKlrd r. new f. «t,ire to thnr Ta.-t eifa. hrga rtu.u. Baa baaaaaada in iiie oidconrt. au.iwaa o. ened a <!ay or two BBee uudrr fhe title ut th.' " Aa- tor Kxrlmnyc lt i* l>m!t af iron _ud g'.aB, ia the it .ir !¦! ni: 11.,.¦-.¦".''¦< f by >: in di. n-oi il niitl jwii't.il iu i'i.' iiioel I'lit'.orat.' uu i ex «t\li\ en.l i Ili-httl I'V iiiedalli.il., *r ih . niic. by aaaaa m*ty bataan In ihe .laytimeihe l.t toiu.'i iroiu tl.. ro,.j. nn I I'roiu groun.l gl..« -..!.' wladvwB. Thelaaaaiahaaa t arbB - ywarmair.i t'tiotv ni.,1 ii ..,; m .'. > i' .: > II aud a: al! ica-o ;- ti* venttla .oiii ihe rt^jf w.l. ka.',, Ikfl at.Ut>ia|ihere Ire-Ji ar.d .' I- ,' il'.a ,1 t fc i'i'..: a witb every tele^rapkie aaai tkal aflad I -.¦ I - Cuieuian l ... e .rn xt luauv nptmmla aal.iing thia |>e« u'i' r:n ti.'i:'! n t.i thrirpr, n;-, -. B . »r-. t.lu* a\ Ho]' ln.it tiie paliaf.;. | Hm l\r\f ...'. i .... ng iiiMethinit". Ha!'. N b ITO 11 tai r-al ii.io aaaaManafla tb* ptaprfltr u-jd.-r .- "i»tanrr». bi-'i ren"- an prior> t f jiroi *; >ii<. \r *f t!(irpr,-e_: ra - ot wag >t alv« * r. ut. Ml I A-B-BB, ol Ka. 3.1.'. i»roa.lw*v. ha< xlr.-a li w t.a tke di i-tti ol S3 p-i .-cnv Th-y hohl ' ¦' oi 11 -day erenin.-. tt . o'clo.-k. tn kir Mafca a Bal 1! .ICT-aM. * . lt* IW larrBBtara aVttortTtin i i-__Mf .r vaaBrj Baaaaaj tt N.. tin -raBltrajr, ol vTb* . __ac- % Mi. WenJell Wl -. ' _a| Mr. J. II i:«hrr, Acriug aa rVt-re r* C'onu il-fee oror.rtiizatioa, roDatfltin^aflta-Bk B-wae- v. ;:. BaaaBaai ^,.";;¦;r., - ;-orf*d a draft af a Con- tiitu'ionau l.'y I aaa, whieb with rome s!i.-bt »ia.T».l- iient»wae adopttd T wafl "al lnsi_ea»o: th*mrotinj i.*virg hetTi d.-{Hire,l t,f *,u i_ft,n_a! ronver.atioaal dia- I euaueil a- ti the BB8Bal obieta to b- rmnar 1 by tl.e t-odety. Haaaa ^herwood. .^ai I ;*rd at otiio:- ; tr l '.ui'.ry ol.iect of all 'houlrl ba tht' improvoiaeat aad -Bpabaaa oi the raee. 1 he beat meani of arr.v !n6- a' t! .* e-otl i* thf e«:xbliahicent af tkeprin.ijift* ot axtu- u-fcit-e, aud the p.-.-tettion ia tbeir car_r»: - -". e>.: v he eam-iinity. By _ie ex ouiig laara and uaagea..f the worl¦!. lureBfora were bjk ¦* in-etteda_d atvuted Tf-.- jtm rigbi* w¦.- , nr.ialry reeogau-d in pkaflBBB and ia pra^tiee- tne .".wa tbat hat e beeu paaeed Mr their itenekt ara re ry itn- i^r.'tt anu defective. ao that lave_to--a .tre roattaadf » *nd plM-tderetl by p,-..,. agg* tk«v-*. 1. r* aiuat un.te aud organtie aad a*eert ± t ... xtaa_lo_e in BBBBB. ni_r.Ber tka eoaaaBia'ty woakl t l k)n.- re*;,t | r.tK.i '.ra that are ao obr.oualy Bjfla, u-ataadexpcdien:. 1)11 l'-ltL FlBfll 1I1H. |,, Wt .u wkicb a B-ua named Joko Mc . - . BSaaa] aaajlBfl aaa the tabyeex ot f-rrher Tirar-iga- _ob yiererday. tieh-re Caroaer O Dotuell Coaaider *bie te-itimoay wa* takea. bat aatkiag araa e!iciMd ahowinr whick of tb-- th»ee aceuaed aader arreit oau- united mt violent-e. Tke ra*e Baadt farther al .... rued to lo o'cloek thia mor_Lng a>.¦ It' It ii aai- th.tt inatraction* kare bevu tecdved Lert' froni l.ouia Na^io'eou to eoafraat far _Ba Itarnedtate ct ctrvit-tico ia New-Yotk. of a Beat of VTaB .^teamera. hut we doat know wh-etker tka atory «tiu* oraot lt will t*e rvrtnembered tkal a aimilar M it-w a i w w-x-ki a^o to ^cotland. whir-"i . . «i -'. Tirid or L-rTr.4/.MJBf S-.a* .0_ Mm day eretdng. Offi-er K-lly. of ibe Ei,_tk m \ dh-corered a beau-.1 _irl, arx-t 16 yaara .f ,-. m -Mpfcsr foo* of ChxrltoB M. S R. aad .nmh-raBBBB ateute, be waa of the belief tk*x tb* iaten ie 11. -o n : avidde by throwin^ _»r**_.' inio the d fct II* «_: | >r 1 i-gly addrvM-ed her in a kndmtaaer, aai isiu-al j-r to to wah kim to rhe .-.a na houae, wa-ra. ta an>w*r to qneaton- pi-npo-inda- by Ca.it. T_i_b_!l «. that, Id an ev_ botir, ahe l«*fr % rn j b >.»- k B1 pt'-ata. axd brother* aad aiatera, who Baa ia a __«__¦_ m T*r *a ty-niath.t. and took up her a>ude ia a eJ;rr*_.__**!a howe. where ahe remained a lenj-th ot" ti-_e.her w_ere_leo__i be_)_ unknowa to aay of hsx r Vtre*, who were nearly duararted at ker tu 1 iea aad mytto- rtoB* __app..r_oee*. «**_c however, dared a >. thena wbere abe wa. and what corjr»e of life the wt* I^iri'tiing,butreaolTix.inherowBm:ndthxtt')'*y. .1 -ot k_ow of ber defr*__ion One evtxain,. biwarer. :M d in *o aee on" of BBB BMB8BBJ »i*ter*. but w*. __c_rd<*d «cd ilet-iedaedmiaanceto the houae. ..*'ieth**a fmVrj d«*ton__ied upon taking her 1 ife, tad ni oa the piar for that porpoea when ~-ciiad by OtS-er K-Hlay ard eond^ictoA. to the P-lice atatiin. *?_<¦ a-j-tearet wjd. labored under marh rxrnt«ne_t. aad waa e*ri dently partial'y inaane. XXTjile the wt* ia a pri. ate room at tfce .**__ion bou.e awaiting the arriral of her f* .her. who had been lafonned ofhi. d r-i-bfr* rearu*. Cerrtals Tnmbull, who had reeeired a te!e*rxp_ic du- patch from two meri lirinj ia Boaton to the m\\ tbeir tmant daughter., wbo we.-.- minutely de*crii>»_in the di*pat;h. had rei-enfiy ab»enteel t_e._*#l»r-_ <«-,-_ hcme and left for thia (ity. and iav,_ed bt* aii .a re- ttoringtbem to their homee, entered the ?t-_ioa. w:t_ the nris in t-*u*etien, whom he fanad ia a ho_- titution in Mereer.*?. Th«*e*e nt-'jrt.nate girla. who ex- hibited bnt Iittle penltroee at th.-ir conJ _jr. were abnwn into tlie aam. room wher* tbe otber girl waa fl'ting. A ronreraation en*u>! betwoen thethr-*, ia whirh the one wbo preic-itxted tui.. > exnraeeed al-ccTf rej esuneefor her paM MBMR wl.ie t_"ot_ere, who aeemed moreharder 1. _**_m*>d mra in BkflM dA portraer t whicj a .-re r>:; th;ng but co-imeadxb'.e At la.t. bo-ever, af._Tfre.ly cmvei-inguirtrther. t..- tn became penitont, and yield. d to their feeling., which found relief ia a flood of t-^ara. aud while tbe tri i were ei.t-A-rd in forminr good re*oluttona relative to th»ir future conduct, the father of thr* girf hvia * tn * arrired, and on meeting hi* lovely bM emar d»n l-BBf, a acene not eaa-.ly deecribed. aml one whicb w >uid have brought teara to the ayea of ihe moat hardened incriraa and miaiorfnne, enanevl between them. After a pre> tracted interview between father aai diu.-hter.the latter not conaeoting upon any rmlitiona to ret ira liome.waatak-n to the .. Ma«,'il-ileu," an iu»ti:u*un ia Fithty aixth at. wbere fen-alr. de.irou* of reformi.i; and bexomiiig weaned from their de.xrare.l r .ura.- o: lifr, repa.r. Tbe IU»ton cirl. weredetained by Captxia TuiiiLiiH at the rerjui^tol their pare-nt*, nntil *-nt for I ti- mtt ih' | aie rn Bbalf w.iy li Thk De.Tr I_rm rt Ct«K.Thr* Jury iu ffcif. eaae were out alKiut t'ur-e boura lx«t ni-rht, »¦'I a* uidniitl.t n-tiirteixl a ve nlict of Neer Ol ll ri I'.i-r werr alarge nnmber ofperaon* in Ihe fmirt room when thf terdut wa* annmuc-d. and Mey hailed the ncwa with t hecr tmttfeMg af htnd< an.l otlicr marka Ot approl.; ti. n. Tie .4,". rney f>n. ral (Hf < 1.) counael fur Mr. I or-.-t, .er'nT-d to ba Rreafly BSBt.BBd in h.J «t the re-ulf. r.d BfBBB with mui-li feee'inrr of if. Mr. PtwreM wh. n! i> CSarl when tlu* Jury rtma ii, XX'c batt-va lhat thi- i- tht i-i ol" tl." lagal ;>ro-ee linj. .:¦ t: a DivaMtaeaaR . Ntxe-^uRK ICcBIOAt CeSUBRI . Hr Por* i' H i!.'ix-er,-.l t vxl" B-ta*7 a.li'.*«< at the (' mi BMMMBBBBM .-al TbBTM IBM PaWagB. laM iiii'l't Af'erthe* .1 i'. ire'leixte of th" y D.) w_a ronl'i'ire.l ou the fi.lloiAin,. uam^J gaadi BMa «'..ii.'. VT m I 'ii'iiin, R, > W'o T.i'.r Jamnia, XV. I Wm <. Ak.n. Alkan J >. h | f n 1'. i .. i: 11 nn .. _f {r?m - .. i,\'rt!r.trv ' Ut 1'. 1 .-..nri.4 hm.-. I! :i tl. .-*. N C. A. \ .- T. D'-'l .e. \- « V,.tk I *y Pe r i \. iMiliailT . BrHsfc B. la>__i J. F. Nar-I'i nalil, Kow York I'HT: l.yman I'. Tit.'.if*., .-with Jx.rav.ek, M/*.. (*> rxi XV TReMM., QrBBlAwd . New *i ..rk iRBmfl, 8 Ani-* ., -ifiu.-l II nn, rifiilln Oktoj i aw r B, Blaaekard, i'< r, mtt Rorae,C rrry Valley,N > J-<¦¦ N ll T ..- D Do '. rty, KewVV.Bdaor, Ml.. 1.1- ri.J-ro <. Hu-w'-ll, M D., TrBfJ, R. 1 jJ. Ue*iryO,X . e. ¦, .., \{ |l Mi Maaaa, M H 'l'..r.>nt.e Canad*. BBBMBraXRyrBM Ct '.. '¦»'adMrl i. PR. D 'i rifahjhii Fraad L Biag, M. D., BBaaAwt, X. C W. XV. liickey, Otta Bl xt Ti irr .Th" r.illoBii!.'['".'j-rty wai ii.idiy .:. II. I.-: ti. w. KarakB: .' | | . e,, \ 'l' ,f - !ee e.:, 1*71 ¦" l A B* .... -' i ,.ta ,.n Tlb «i "n i-.' ot l * i 1 loti I 1 let i>i iiore 'i .IH* 64b *i e. eoiniD*. 2 _ i '.!.-at, :-> t-*'wrnat Ir.im A.'. . :..l oa iie.f.i a.ue i>th al near .Xve'i'.e B t. -t tiMax an.i _.J-*t I-. ' -ayByBorar * Ith-.' x> 9*" I * 4 .' ..eej i.e, ter'h.idr '. e!i-a> , l-tVer-cn 8th aad '"le -.ty.. I.'.e. ... , lu.l.iiti-ara. 1 TLelolliiw.-g waa-ol.l by A. J Blwker llon^ .t , ial li t S.. II Oab .... ¦ . .u. - ...1 V. \x .. , i B - ¦- . I -. . «. ttt. - 4 r - . |l etaBaf ¦: at, b. t ial 4 >r . "''.» 1! M T- 11. xi ... Mct ixi'i. * l -, i At tlv r *> ->r K -. BeaW, 1. . >. -x i u i J vv .. *. . 4, - '. ' \ . y U ii H » -x- .¦- , A « .' I t Aa l\r.ovtd; I> I.-x.-n ->. - ** r-ti F. A. N..VV-.B.*.- r___datekia: Fo*. XX---.-.. .»..*-¦ H.xrn T l I.ii--f* ftoyi ' U| e \ .-ti4_ini: aad ath *r* FaaM. -OnWitlnealax tui-unknowa, war.: iBto a hoABe of . -t. aad while t-.re gv»t b80 a <__**_» * iMBtaea. One ot the BgkM-j mea -bour ,r ^'i-iainkKi be te> , ,!"_f_A_ wer-e,A.t extingui*h.4t. H.uoagB MiB-BR R-BB BB» t iMiBaionthx*_f--*-*_' ma-lekMBat-fa .XuKriitax Iy|xri*.*AR»-»'.'"-" / l\efx__<* *t itw -aakMMjaB-aMP*; ..,K:..__l_3B__B-flBgrrla-_^ _r__m ^"vi*:^.--'"^ * ttt Pawmrx, 8M. __¦.¦*__. .*» »"T"; _, " -. ',T-^-_wi*n_,B_Ii r__«xit_a_i _Mi *_*_£*; «n_rT: i (^r___y. B' cthtt ^»Bn- » &£,_]£? ,r wl_-*_. BJB; -_-. 7. tt t* U<*P-g: L'_ltlt_t_^itt - tu-de: **>-*«..¦£ *l££Sm^£ ^___ke7_^**^-^ I f* Titeh.Uowiniruth-rx-port ot'ikf F. - i-*r ir. ._-^___.k _.' V____T 1-B.Ml B tff«i '..oH2. EbbUBM 4 aaa-aa. Bk .T_{^S__M _o__. i848. Urt-M a-sAer ta bb* *". *M___t *_hrriax-_*_tx.7l; tvaraaepewaa-. ".. lit-craot. Abbicit -AwomABBBm,^ th M-._ru.WMMT.MBd.BB "T*_&!!^_?em4£M, =^^,5S^s_Sl,; ..ectaatr-.-B; gmmi tat_. ,*-*_*l*Sr "A-mTiB* TkawBai* aaaabrr ef *»**xiipr_«-. _*^.^*t2-_-M .l. ...*_, r .___. -w-._-r ia aa* ¦*'. I" tmoxm. deut wat arwrMd ea, W-Aaerfay .V__*^''_XJ_ ...! thr -__k^arrtc--xtrt_:^^/S__iiS: rtmrt, -bra tk* BaMale beraaa* xrrr «¦£.?*,.~ mhTtmBM'kwjn-; bve^ _**ar__^S_ia«B- lu^Mr.»4wat_e__akl«*k*4-aa. i-*-*" i,r i xXcte t.*l*t-» tettmjmtm, t_ k~- <2__l __. * keaal. '**.»** aaerrv mr-,.9*mt* ot kit aBBBBB- mm 7 ...__.. . ..rii _a aviaJirxt T-r *e,-*a *xa___rT_x TV A Ti- x T-'. , .A b.r bbbbbI .W1"* ¦**»> Tb.'!.*"' .T*^aa Wedae^.v a ,M. at rhe rtjwort *"**4*f' widi a part* r-u'*: .? *, d eata Tv. .»'« C?"_*_- .-.<- lakaeyaettv rrvjv-d b. i p*.-t ea a. b he «.*.. b. .. - ..._....T -^ , .<,.,..,., ,,..!» *.-. ty Rr. . ., . ,,,, .'«'., r * Wood,aad kt -a* *-trd a? ta a* a.t eia_;;_l_0_ r itai Accmsrr -Carmer GaiaMa h«H ¦ - Sniv,.f Wa S-Joo-i "..'"-'t "all '. a-t-Vfc.',, . .-aiaia- H^LTTT'* *.h' "'. °ooti ». a;, rixv. kv rbr :" g. STn_,b*\\ fK*.» H-»« Tw-t. >-* of B. "_*_*?. ¦" . >.» .-» and ri C_tn--gt wh n a bv ."._. . ¦WM abcatfa Bar* n-vto - - nml ¦***J¦t**»:" t h . ..ti , , ¦,, . .. o,h,iV oaanea. casaag m A *-r dlct af aecideata: __tk wa* n-aden- by fla f'Harr.r or Htonw iy R.jbbkst . A Cwv diin Baced Frtoctt Brook*. wa* irr-ered ir aa **Hv b-tr ;' Btorataa. efcarr-d witn wri Baa *. t B utl*T. "I ''J H.n lor-w, ind ¦*}.&*.. -,-*, ofa * ilrer -afrk. va.L*n*tai" Th* aa-aoit a_d r-.bt-y i»nr- porr r r-eaa* o' Babt Miea-r.: i (Wa . B t* WMtak»a irrorr-goal. . .-v\v*a of rh* tih vtg.ri ,rd ,_,,. v^/fc-, jnri_, Oaheraa, w:u romn-rted kia to pnaoa ia detaalt ol $2,099 bad fc.- triai. ABnr«T or Bi roi xa* .Tt.*i. <;;Mm-h an.l a bU.ki.a_.ed Jamea V_nck were v ...iSvO.' nrerHi-.r.i of tb. !.':_ Vt ard. * t* t* Witt of ti.e Pth of Jaauarv 1* *-erv of a .x."Ba. Nc. 113 «'-.t Ikk*., aad Bo'ea fl pr raerrr tetke-iata* oi Ita bt wi* e1*:>A bvkreak:Bgea*ti th-trr-tdoor tfttieatorv Th* priBBBMB eo-feaaed tbeu kn_t. xa.i wotr laicied ap hv J_t toi c.a!. A-othfr Ftru. AcciPixT.At :l o'cloek vra-rrr,T,"r-r*x-i. *¦. OT-*r: .ad. 'i r.tr* nf *4t-\ r.amed Oea-re M-<*wm. wfcr» *. rg h.a Irt* nprtn the nxf of We 3BMi >.-. . ... ... -'d ac mnneat at»on. i_1i i'tt ctof . B 8 iu .-uadereJby tbe Jary W T_o cannan »h.» j»tirt''i.-a^d tao pi.rr'a cf rarpetiBg fr.ym a '¦o'ored mxn. wtii e in IhaoaaML, tha ear'y part af !a*t week. ta r*<jue*t*d to r% ou (".. (i p*n»er.it tbe F kftfc W*rd Sfaiior.Hoa** ,o L*tija.-d-B, withont doiiy. .. . Oer.xixo thi; 5-rnix.. (. »t,e tt..x Tfii« BtT> pn.ttort of Colarubian Hall Ba. .*'! (<rxa.l-k. wouldau- d. n-.rr, ,-. . . . . ry ¦ id tka itaaw iry ge.era t , v _ave oj enrd tlna in k an ex .>n«ira *** at<iini*nf o'- t . t--» ., :. at S u.ng Os . a -.: in laurtatirn ,,f ;_xi, errbrar^ng all the ae*-a*t i't"-rui m : a. u.n Crxpa. <'it»» erakf-i-gt«d tn t" p'.n p am blaek (imd* Rl.tn Si k* h'aek ajt* t-o-orA Hn> . -- re*. Plaidi »e.i ^ i .. *l*tx'it Bar*g*a. Btr**-aod Maaitn d* I.an**. larog'am* Frei.rh and EnaHak P A .>>, a grnieil a«*ortinent of H,r:« . K-*rtt*T*' <t.*la wliicb thry ar* prer>*red to oBai it .-tail. owiaj t> th.irtreat r»ei;,f"rg ot import.n| far belo- lha Jooher. t .. Moxi ariTt ix (iRr.rxwiK»ii CryttTfRT 1'or- l' .'. Ibiguerreian Arti.t. w 'i t at ll.-e. w.,t! n. a Vw dayi. for th* prir|a<»*e a>f cooying *<mr of th- arwaiaineBta At: i^r-.-u inter.Br.1 m anv of the aaw* ui rn'* a_d d**iron* of bav.iig » r.arreci -onv th-reot. w-.l tUapaaaraddtaaaaaaaala I i . .. -.irnerot flk at and Util-»t . givmg . ful! drwrr |.'i.n o> M ¦¦*.*. nf dtvtaatft periotii and , < Itka-ii lt ihnr reaid- ree*. Kbbi SrRixr, (.(Min-i-Ih.'fftrlv iliiiiinl t ir Bew !*f r.ng Drv (toi-d. bai ir.diieed tn» laropna-fon o' Co i Mgiia II.i.i Ke.ail Oraad rdtipli t' . * w ii tiitn tutil. Akaalyt.i ithe nch afCai i. a fapr lhawla, , adlll pk_a Bflek asd Broeade Btlka aa Ibb ai .vJand"> i«r,tt |<-r v»'d, aa or to auv of- ferrd at -fl lad #1 ."i p*r v»:,l T.i*y litre i -. arylee Fl ine.i _awaa, Hi-.^r.. IaB'*. aad M.ial-n de Lataaa, wkiek tbeya-eellei ta ..:.:> ll -lennber t . l.t-. lln S . < il 1 t' !'. .1 >. klB - IN ll.l S( II ( HIX l N - Ml and *>3 Br..«.t» ,v -lli>.. flTOCT I Dt LBT hvve leeatvad freai , Muiut ,-,»rv ta Franc ICkiaaM . __a«_ed _J aiticlre tiA Dtgaeit Uxre. b,.th .1 « >rate<l xnd p'aia vt .-!.'.r Bitb * t,:.efy ol othei i.tiale* tidB* are ahght, aid in maayeaaea tka g.m.li a.>- . - aad etpu*»l io, Mar. Y iad will ke aaid ckaap ia aidar ta '.a... ..I.wat at or..- rhe puhiia _r,-1 , raaai.iaa the gaada ea Ihe >iav aaeei_ad TV inx a t. m.J ii a. » or .ri xrat.- pii ¦. . aa luay r BBOOKLTH [TEUS. e I II ' l.e < IBI ....... _ 1 I li. \X'..Ii:..ihI iy -. i 1- yl. ii i .-:. e! . r Iiao ol' at»>am lix Aila-ii.- aB -" e««|e4-of-*rt tint'f .: rapoal of the Ittii1- N ra ai.jeiiejrrrnt-. were int-Je nri'l ul*'innf 'ly wi l.dr-wn, to >x .'l.iWlQg. y Al.l BrBBMB I, W a BBe . tet.-r.-el t XtRRiey, 1" On Wed -. . A I f. Bai i - .'i ^lv 4 *! » I - I. a ? A x ( x i I 1 '. t l>- ! > II,'!' U .11 . ' X * Dt X to Ifn xx at iin 4- e * Tbi Poi ic_ ibb r_ti Firi I1 ... ix OI *-.. k - *T_ y tl ¦ - ¦ * ,1" \ e. i leaf.it ... P ' wi].; .; .. i 1 !... :. n m the ¦area ¦ ._)»- NaaakM tt ox- * .. . I) ep-_. arx. )t Wn bi.. -.a « -!. - i , - Tr> > :.x Ix^. E»r I B XX r-oa-ta-kv extniag oa lb» .- V- rrw * .-. *. Tja J.(fy rtiar-i t !.¦ k a .-.. it Ra I .' Ob * .u:il'. at a ai-xi . B M t »*re- ? RRTh _La_ A_-i*c_.t Koraraaa. IfEWaJE^EI Ii I :. l.xxe ri» x .-j Tkbidw xi.Eba C M-* T Ti-4_rway whc wa* r__*-_irA oa Ta_a- .r ihe JtBef fttttn Ca fl ty X tor.. Bag wt.*, R***Ie a eoaBawMB U> waa borB a-xr Woud . -tweea ie a.- MBBBfaBB Be__th_lk___foaatCi_.nt of d__r_Uy w _. tarfcrr. Twx, or __¦***» tmm e_?*-w_rd _***I.__o_M -ctr. __* *ame eaaae He wm u__app_*f ta-j-r ed _ * 1- aad two or tkree arptrmoiu *ao*e.;**___y im- _m-A betweea biM .d h*. wtfc. Ua tar*ed _ the rmy MtA-e-th*.d_ri_4j _..* wbt wl_ Mexex. Uf **__ Hve^ wttt 'i wifa oa hia i_r_*_. A d_H-__y bBBBBBJ . l . r4_nt_air.t a,-__8 bia.aad ha raa eotat -By*. VV _-e r i*-ttaf tipaw tha j m- . . T .¦-'"'* i .-ewttea-r. k_W_e fivei.W__BOB th* :t tktttr, he .aw hi« wifc h. the Hae&aa. I .-tter- ... u_ i exmthedmt kaB her j bat -w _i» r_we. XV :r,_« Brft*-»_*¦% -*» .-*. t-,1 n ._* r... a fBtBBB-l 8B8M-1 tx n«* «* xx '.*,-,- -! «;»if.r * *.-, . _*r .a :a- '. Tf au* e it, tj rt " ri te-*k ralae* tt 1. n'd **k Bt*»*--i***-»T. ** :-.- i*. wva-e -.1 1- BBBMBMam RaBBBJ * ' '¦: V nlty ai.-ht aa I a__**4 IWaBBy -he i>-vot.*r wm --Bt-xged trprty-raivl pr-i** H-a**e^l_4 _. mm§h\ ¦ mi:h a fiim -to**.. wear-v-t a itnl* ur»a hi* eoeaxt-_*B4*a Tm reat- --ruopendfi a*xo«t thn^eTuarter* ,* ta h__r. wkkb BM 'e-xr* were tkrowB opea. aad baa* lederif per-.ec* *ntrwe*d ih** r*t_*_B* [BTRRMRBT8 it Tbk.tob . The rtTiiSetr of .-.'-. - 'li* i tx ot" Trrutuo Ixr-.r.g the -"ar .0I14 Jt* aar-1. 1AM »xt ¦ flfarbaM BBM-BB t.-**r* ware H*i taalaa, 108 taataJa*. aad of 4°. ao mx -.pertaA Thi Oarb or Bimt .na.-Thu Bfc-BBBB of Prxeewt<xo haxe rxetioo-ed tbe l. ftlat-tr* I*r t ia*r -wntul itiag If' , Njrwn.h, wtuch f*»*y r****rx*arat aa *.-_.. I m -1 »! -bec -i BMIBBM ata, - 11 ar** -ixarte- -Tx_a ttaa-ir ttadiat l.t t_«tr. .ud drawa mw *vil . Tita Lar.tatxTi'KB..N'tUw.th-,tani.in« the :'i*tty eiay. r.)tn«r;ttir-._fi_; It-'t Vr ta* _BB_-MlBBB_B_aB .1. It .-.titlDa a The .*__*- Comtty Sk*n4i4.t mtd ' my*. Aa far a* ar* bxx-* dmtm.reA 14 a *1B4- f-ti..c Act. i*a>olM»_ tn b*_rtit 'he Stat*. ha* k.a ****.. t_0*-4 XX ra-rver.',* XJ.>D4'rv.;y .ieroead* >. a-i-wew-ximt*- tTt-tee*.the* he xrir-e .xfth* tllD- M CIIBtBlBI- lll WI-BJllTTlil all r-le.ii* aud b»_a*i.'i*l m-aaurra taked lor bi t*i* peopl*.- LfarwAAR Tat.-T Svcirrt .At tht> _tB .¦uar- terly _i**»rtnf .*' t*i*. Seeterv rt wa* reported thtt etanne th* ' nixyotl*. *..83B trart* had b*-- wf-,h _x,_x* wen* ta F ..»'.«¦ I?1 la Oamaaa, aad *V0m Twerty a e* eor-te* of th* Ser. i.farea hxv* been BjhABMR M -hich 17 in . U .j m. Mi run - L-M Xi.uir -Thf titiruvmh af tiwpapaiar conraaol leetaur* by ibe U-Mfy Aawuciatma wa. ilieivi-rr.! laat *xe_.uf ia t'.r Le. mn-n. 11 ol'i-r* firat f.ni hBi-ti, hy Re* Miio Maban. Sabr**** "Tha* fl. .:* HaratiBB tl'm Xi.er.gt thetima nf ,X .kinte" Tbe I'MonLtieraix 1 lub beld tb* firat meetmt ot th* term in Lyeeuu. 11a.. a-.i __ulled tbair officer*. iMraoTKMrxTa..Fitt*. Iiiii!.lin^a..lwt»ll:a>-aii.l ikther honeet. are to be errercteei .Inrliet tha tnm-wer. T.*'r c< _* ,e eatunaia.l to he aot rar trom A_a,_.' O-her itn- ..uaie- t.. be tukde at aa rtpaiw. al' 9-'''. "l|. Titi .Mr Thoma*.T..r.lan. reafaxnlxT alter- n. 011, a attemt'tint tu tdja.«t aoiua looae a_.ui* in a Baild- nrn proieaa ut 1 ot_tr_ction on Riiln>_t-*v, fell.atra.-k ii.a .t-o-t.irr afati rt a projectini joice. aad then the vouA. ia a MBM oi__e_nMtity He waa canied lunue. aaJ uie.li- eal aniatance xv_e proridcd. ?- LAW INTEI.LIOEXCK Sl IHl.MK rOTJlJ .fa-IBaau Tra-a-Beto- Jai-. BBWafl - Rewii.ti r aa<i M.**..- ttXtte>At. KilLRelllx Applii-a'ii.n I'e.r iiijuuotion to rSBtTB-l tho r-'.eain in |>r.H-'x*diB4 with t e road tnal >r.iet tu abow tiuu ahe'.el.l n.l l_ .r.iit.... li-rtn! <tiivx-^u,t.tt. D.oi.u P^artaJ. a>i.l n'lie.. Tl.e -it'.uiei.t 111 tlu. caae wa* prooead*. m. XI war*. XX' '-iin.lt aM*ahaate leehaii ot" dir. ai>p .. *- ti.u. aaei Mr JaMeaT Brady 'or laaaaaa. The |-,iuto ti p x.nl;rl «e t ureuahe,l i.ior or-ite rixvaatei Tit-V ar-, w't'l .BtMB *4f battar _ra_ h>uua _-,-n ..tfeiv. .neej..* B ia ebarfl*- aad aM ilaalad tkal BIM.BM aa**_i have bee-a ot.e-ni.ei fe.r t'.e rra/.tl. . un.art.i thttt ef th* e\ pi.eeie 8*M Ika Biue-'iiay t'-int1 a;mth»t thr t»niL* ..| th" raao- '* |tki |r_M_ara BBtbaaa r-e-up. -.1 with, .* tl.e treolut.uii reoaitr* f'lat h*'.*..ie t»ie r-- Bl x '. ihe-parti*. tia- -ed aa «r»nt.4-B,r.,!ei,1l ..ut«r ,nt,i . ... .1 aini aiitrn Ma4 a«r. finrot witb tbe Mavor, la Mad lbt tl.eiiB*rU.tt» thoae m,ly wh,i abnn d tft tl mitinathe i' .1. lUaieadof tht ibev di.l nit hitiel llwll IB|BBBBBll liv. . L.il Ih.-.r av. Lraa .. m ,; aili-aa-, il tnfert.'iet e rth thr ra . MBMal Mw af Ika read _.!.__ pammgi thanj tl-e- (ixtit.e.are (eerw,,, tpoBtl ... ¦. .. i.i Bbm .1.1 ei* l>- MMM, fSe |en».lrxr ahould te* eiixe-11 11. ll 'he land at the ,-,*.. 0l the atrert, ...d*Mr»bHve ,.ai.liheeA|»...-i,f s -. thare xx». frs '1 ttn* eir.nt lBIX*f*!j l._i j.-.'-^-t tlealie ,fft |,,.|f ,},j, -^ ' I . I pr_:ll i»fd »ry r* waril t.ir tka ' Bl xrt* a;p!ied br BBB ohtaii.eel ia aaeA vueatof unpre per .. ,t wtll W 1 trrr.- i:ued t rrt"l*r It , 0| [tt0 Mate, ev: ,.'.., e'lttcm r 1.1: l.'.W, ye-ar: that pla "'iH *¦..,,a.-;t had prov'o-iMy etitioned, with * * I to de - laaMoa to tbr railroad lt thr tf ... xaeieiutei*. hr and f- ,. 1 tl] j t.,.u fi.-xx.ri x ' l*''h ?.."..*."!.,'" r--: '* >.¦ ¦.. - *--«.*.a*» . mori Ihe trf tittion a* x Uei'mxt luiiipany are f p..TB. ro c.f-,|.w r. T..W- Aiaw ,_e_ le llaMi e- R in '. .1 aica a' * ,,.;,! |q . I' B Fe '.'. .. | . .. ll r nf|. r t«e..ly .Iiir-a -atli.ltvii aayatliil H'pt-r. at ba* l_«u |> ".1 ou a .1 t xl.arr. f x*.a rre»ent..l by Ml Ne.«r«, I. 4 . A ee Mr. It a- x B - 1 " U .V'.llA II XX ard Mntlon for BtUohBBBRl kgai'i-i Mr \v, . ll *.. .1, I.,- .. t y.MI,lt tt rtail. le.:..!. ot the- , '..'»,. a hei.il*. lu J. .'''Uie a previ 1.1. meebf.' ¦..- .! I.r ,.*er« .1 .':... r e t May. Mr XI , .' 1 1UI \ :. u 1 , -ounl 1 ii.il tu ,. t aniajr, u .... a , , .. nwgl ti. . . . ' . . ' ao.: wm br , ., t He waaaiek ,1 br.aaa , i ,. - ¦.* h. .,,.-. r: , -¦'¦ . ,.- two be ' p. e ',» ... ... . It < ... j ., irl . V . . -mtt. ¦ liai .. il ,r waaea 'hr,-c ara* ae# i*ie* on l t . - - not to . a aad p Baa a . . _. t'li.-r (Aa > tl a lencavar. A.'., Iw . . .:¦ , 1 tbi .-. , . a. | MODBai . t t . i , -, 4 * IOIKT" I ¦.'--!(,n- 'f'A-A Z~t*ti*,rt .araar Ui, rttau aa I -x.t.< .'.TY M XllBV I .-I. an aaa*..aaai -l aavaaj ''¦ * ¦¦tj an<i tba wtnuniaa tp of tamawt Tba ., BBflflB iM:t ii*t CtaCBTTl Is*. r-.-x. ua- fl. xt*. mx im. m; .Jt- l' ». Da t r.-Bao _f 88 /7 tr. » JT, Bt, _l MABUIEU. tBBBBB ttX-B.Bawl . . , bf j* - r a . . r . t^f t ir . Aa- r -' t i . H- » e.. . ,»___,..__ Ulk.fl. *I *.> t i-r.B. f.j-. * fKI"%- a- Biaa wa tmrmrz. > . _,.... tt a. «.*. aw *t ti*-!.»- l a**aa<e. * !.** y, »-t «*.** X Br*«» »*»»t » f -«-. . «> . TW ttmaa* at tae f__,"y tr* artb-i v, 4n. 'k*ll -liirtWtwfat-T .' . -*aam tatmmt aWmammta Tba _i*i ai atemk **A I >a,t r C* *7., | __ . «¦'" boa - ..¦«. ' * . aitd 'k* laa* B __» r. - - Ca**. 'a-c-g ' ../ at . *../«a r. B.. B*n '._ 'ra*v.t ., | _»_t.i 8*.: ' . v -x_, i l _."._-! I l axrtfl.J-r_-xr.Ca__rB.Wa_a ._i r-_ ai*w ba ¦-***. w -W-* e Ik* b... r Ow*taa W. aad t*rwm*. arr m«<^ ,.j-_4 Ka <*»-. » xvrra»«, a*J»i_rt, (trcn i aaiiakni-, a.--.. J._- e*p*m, * raeeha «w» Bi t8. '.. l.y '< .. . --o _. Juv. .'.,|b_.'.'. ... t_N«ar lat. . aa *** *a*t rnrna.** tl*t.t »*a *. tl fr_».a» IX* r.iMr_ - -,tr »>. 'row tk* |»«>J ata af Aat 4*-r\*r. k . V.,, OrJVe.lt*. ailw^.ii r»khv. Baerk b. aitV r tt Tt* rraxtar* aad Vir.A of Ikr fca»> ar* a.,l_l w ana.A TV ra> *e-*B*i^B,J!!Cr,. ""'* *-*''.* IV^»»- ..* Paflflfl * wa b Vt.-'IT"" -*,*,^-a 8j ba ttm a-B MBBflBj «**B.4 -..".- ettwmal -BeaaeBeS- Uk .A. wtkaa* mwmm raammTwrnTaaa _!_!___ !_T ! *¦" n»«"»- *«-aaB*t U* rr---.r*«.ar. . * '.- *"!*. *»Jt ">"->- b-tr-'aavwU».j*»a IB L-Bevat ke. aaaa ),*aaa ..« Hevatalr*, b*. am a - . fb*»a- ta*. ¦**-a ratbrrt a <| J«B_-«L_*a, a :,.,_.*. -* M»iV^.Bx-i..k...*_-...tt-k .*-.,.« (.a-waaai v_««V **J lt* Aa*rk-J. iMlat. ,., k.^.tM. _wr»t fc, an-al W*8k .**.*: ,«.«.-.... at « ..¦...» r M. itom baa -ka ,,-*_.,- " . I? VXee-r-. - Aaw 'm,!*, U»V ""....*. bl kaatw- _, IV* g .k t_- ,»s( -a nrarr » fc~tc- tta. t*.Ai _*».»., r^,, ___ . r.-BirR A.L-* «-aa..k-*a i*.H« trMaBaBwB* MJaa\ rOV\ HV ix« r.t,Md,y. I.M | ,> *__., B J ¦_ a.rtVMl*«a'j,'l,KU|||a,ram * . -a__* TW* -Bt-a*aaaBt*»-«i'ia*--oty ar* r-tpaei.V> ^.«»i .. 'r-4 krr a.rwrat aa r¦***.* aarata* at II .' orl.B.a* tk. ¦,.,, - Br bVaka- taa at l*aitr** r*~ t. ra-T»waa*wrt aaaaa.-ata l*|x, gxrt B*r,1 a, a-t** a 'aaa.4 t'wrm, Ca Var tv n**t . .. a. atB B. «r-ntH-Xaax ta ta* .Uiraar ai am aaa. »- ..,.. .,,.,,_ .»-. |..'». V t.i lt Ba BBft Gr-»* Ur. w\w* at t .- air raaa»- » k* lak*a V. Oeerewaa.-. rAUua-AtB-w a*-%i . >¦. lA.-ciwa* *..*, ara ¦"aaW Ttwwr *.* a Suf-.a-. faarttt at .%*» ¦} r* tka tT'k aaatat bmaaa tf "..a*. __ [Kk-Biw Ca rtiw- BW«e e*of |..*T l'iv,M ', x .1 rm Vt .s,_OtT M-ai. Baerk 1. at ~r--«*_lre_-.*»,.^.btr B»arg* W. r*at mraaf j a -*.» T**k t.'t m:.r k-ib i-tWbaMi f** faaara' a»lJB b* air-a.i-1 ., « oVVra-t. nam waawta ba* bmkf -i'lk*k_tt«l-W-4W-fc4.rx.i«r«bww-kl. W'a**a*af%w*hmm* i"l»'''t «'rlb' atretW laB !>...., .IV - y rwaaraw^amameaar ItriKT V K.t t ^>_ Vo.B*«*ar-i»_.IH-,*. aa_-av *i ¦. RiH-BB til. Al lVW-»A C-. Wa- BBBBBk atkow af Baa V'Hit'lv.'i,-!»ailbrr,> II a J-, .RerA-.J ag*.. a, ". l , * v_, bb I b-k || .tt r-.'^-am^xt.a, iaaa, trt r of IW* J Rkagte*. «*«. - ik- city, aaa *a*«*..., at 'laa ~ Ua a Maaaa .ai |.,.ai -BtlH kr *^a-aa. x T TtA tt aevwux- MBkj htBJBI Ba g*.>.-«« M !>.!.«.. ikvct AtWaa-aBBw.flhaa, c>a~--i R r,_<* ta__a aa.Vr vVa-uu'a.a* aav.4 >t t * li AtLe*. _*-*., rWs 11. Aka-r ra.b_.aaxlav-.ar*. t»Mta |a Aflaaard-B. W. T Hi'Mlliit XiiarMt «l .'nMr.i., k*^. M **.-* 1 > .H T <Vr. KtHirtt IH> naarwig. <tl *at VVtbf*. MttJtk* .' V .', " rt rbr 101k v*ar nf kia ua Th* f-trw_. **J rr-Ul.t.» .. ib* Aaa.rar* re^rvtikttv ava*i IB atfr-Jkialbi»*f»!t'ariret BBI M _t B |a.._rt. trow a* iat Ut.k. at trat kxt* a*«ifc *' B»-tl**» Bmettya. COMMKKCIAL MA1TKKS. Malaaai tha Htach BxehaB-aw ...Marrbk Bt <.' . V. tV.ag \a}\ Bl' r.ns. >'.*! f>* kaXB 1IX\ ta .. i vtj ta. rh.«.t tmco ..m aa ' .<¦'rr. m a.p ,i i,, uae aa *».** ,',i|. h.latamlla ttS lt' ft ..iaa n.tXXlB/wCoav. Ba-.ll. tf IB1I Oo. J I-w > tXXl tka. io. Bl. m I.U f 1'V M ....'BartA M 1*1 JM .ln. «_M»bI 10 K*M l .. tarnw.lO*\ «_ ,(.. \.u Atc...kFt.ii**BH b*ha. a iAX)a*-ci_Bc*^o*f4a tJ . IHoo lilk aalTrtt.l_|.v*\ tt) At. kiB IW t»t> Biwrit I'aml. t .. a .. aitl IV BB t*.aftr* Jt.tj BB at*. IV ittj a* .*> «,t, ,,u'k*a uid aaa* u I'bl aa.UHii, .-" - .*ua_ Ht VtV N V l_o .l.ttj *»»..» Rattrt-d . BT -'vtaaaiec*.*t*M*t teaa ,t* _ ... flB i.t) ia ai da...... ..fl aaC i.nt.ig«->.ib i*.mI m av na. ,k> .***** 1.0 N J. Ata* ta.... ..ka l-H nti J. a, , ar kaauV*. i* uaa\ .XV ttt.. 111, |a« 0: -*¦* .»*, Zim .... tk aa ar .-xj i. .1 t -..Hiiu.i Kt.intat ...aaa )'<. i'i MB a* Miaa tlOrurUaatllk U.l>a«l tl * lai Oo i.*j Bl i..v ... fl i . v 7'. rWriK- aa.1 krjfmt I'.g- I.¦¦ .a tr-. klllaVibf l.ii j. aa >i .1, '. Ht* I'tlLaailtalgklhtvlfclB' i'.a a* t_» xt MVoiin. kk .aik (BV l|« t'umr-,1*.. i ..I l .. t| ati *., aa oo.M>iki bn ** ... a>\ ... ... -.t .... ...mC " 'x _bm| .. H I.,,!.,. K It kMAbk H8 Ir aWb>S v A. ..... (BE )e. tB IliB 4a..,B« kt X. nk ItV Jo ll* iB KM M Ml b> MB t% .VI io .hBVitfc, a) tt; .*. ii B I..I K Hai. HN Iftl I.. "IV Wl, -aiX. T * n M.t all H.IUV »ai .h. .w <i ll J. .III i.u da .i.i o it a.s -. m ii tatk .1«i aa. <i, *M'»v« (ol k H H.IMW .a. < . II ll lat . ikcond aotao *l .»..!-»l«BaBK»".>iB .»:, l.t. o. Atttt '.. Bof,a.Car*V tu *». ,ba -aa. 1*. B>h " .' Wh \ :r » . iaa [188 ..bt m *.\ vo da. ..aiaaa WU ,¦. ... li.. |a '.1 n S BB A* .(>' .-a.. -a vi C aai .ki.... . ¦ . «i -_ 11, HaAwa it K Ttl" *o.MH", io .b. ..ib .' * la.Bor. B VV,* K. kt a8H ii. ata ii ( Ba baa ta ¦i a.. Hai BlmB.a . %tt, .10 aj «a. ato .kBB *t -", «. .1. *al* '. S B Ja bJ aa* .. ar ? . i nr i.'i'iun'H (.i nt'^^fo^ryi^r^'irTVu a, lor li e Ust week or twn, bul the prln. ipal 1 «. toilay hai b.«ea N»r»raiiu» «-- ._¦¦<"¦ "*ftt, tt btM.-b lat.g.. .-n*aft wrre tlnutru u{N>n tbe latrket, of tba ft.i lu-r aV ..l 00 -liaie., and ..f tii" I ,'ter a'.o^t 7,i>>g| Baat OBdai thia pl.tlmra of Htoek M xra,ui I.i.. I I .11! a ilerline of 11 t* cent an 1 ('um!>*rlaud :.'¦.'of.'l, <"i,t Tbe f.imy railr..«.|* e.a I e preaie.l on tho markrf, anl a f.irlk.-r de to 1 f* rent wa« mbfnltted to Othrr f kt* .-lockiaympatllied whii CinilarTland, eBeeptloj New Creek, whirh li tuitalu*.! ..': Tht l.an I stu.-k. art g. .i.ikllyf rmer ( aiiinn wa I ,'l bbl at tb* ',.* arMJ aiidOtryll;, bi-l Ttie .t.iall H-fl-B BBBBta areBaaTf .n am l!aBrn_<l* tho demau.1 U .inito lli.nt.-d, aa aaaaaal aaa aa iieeiy ua. d u> inatit tahailaf aiiv«nt*<je (lai.tatiiiaahaveadiiwnward teialnm-y For (lirera ment tafnek" tbere la a l..ir iu.) jiry. pnrtly, u U baliorml, l. (iovernnii.fit acrmint, aml tbe tpiotatinna ara ad> v-mui< A »*Ja of #3(1,000 ..*, l~i.7, wae nixleal l*>|, i fci)n_.i Baaaa ar* aaavy an.i aai aaflaa At tiie cime ol :'.(. i. i .1 l.tWiid the in irknf '.in'inue.1 benry Ha K-r-!iBt.Kf market ia fBBBl at !»«;./ i'i P> i,r g.^.,1 and Ibvurite riterli'nr Bnalri*.* baa not yet eoiome-ca.! Inr tbe tteamer. Ira-caare Jail _'ri*iglita are im-iloralfly aotivw aiul .' rbtfive To I it.Tpo.el, I i«.i or 4,000 i.'a. Hour,'.' l.e. Bj -fl(a.)buAbela('orB, Bil .10 OT ilaaCa Ma i Mk-ta i*..rk 3 3. r<» H..f**t, r. t. v.a.l It.K.it Uliaai le.i-ll.U feeni lOA T* lie»r ol n cngngemeii'*. Tu litrre iOBar tht ..' ..r'U.M at ;- There i* a Mir i.i.rt ..1 boairie** diiinr tn i elf'.rnU M ytneioee i..<-'.. f nt || VI.; ?-, fnr Flnur t,->/»BcS. . I raksi Mp Tel.aear built at >Vi«-_*t*t In l->47, t.i.,>. wa* t.ild I.y luati-r- A .*.*pli-_aon ttt i BB-M trade '1 h iBfBBilB io the Sul-Trri-iurj wer.< Ln,*- ti. day i.y BM8BM ol BMBBBBR betc. §7-1,1'*.; pay ii* 8i ... balaaeB lk.,-**'7.-.*r7 A l Iffir.iii.¦.. ('...iij.tliy. i.I ,n b*e der-rared a BBBM -nunal divldend of IA ll 8 .'*»re._*e, X[.r; .. , ,,/ C rnrmh, tf \ u.ar_.t aCA i.a'-a ae-i..-. Tba e-'-uiaad lor c.el. I> ._* waa Un.-* a*. 7 f rawt, aod tka aapply Mm BMB Tn* f ai... ara e.ia- e*il l.a_a iii pteyxrntUte for ."aturdajr .'ti auHM e,a«rtf ra tbe-re wxa . f»ir eafipty of uioiey but genei-Hy. w. tuu.k tb* iliff. nl'y i,t r king- loana e~p* e.-ially upor. BBBR-.B| BBt-M-Bflef -tKrlaa* arocka, wm xreater rhaa aay day .lartn,' pre*e_t the tifht- r_e JUnk* btb !<i«lbf *bbbbal" their deyeaRa a. tbr irajker '..rifWaBat tt tke Baari M BBfOtiatBd i. tiie eirottt Ly . apiUllat*. har_j. oi__ey oa dapnait. ,.-.... i" ,¦¦¦.. y .,r/» in t'.«* IV.'1 at Haoka.i* u_ny ~ae»_ r.yt#c t/i_ h ua the raeeipu. . it a rtritet-lerahla enau-t ia BBjaBBBB. T_e rat-Mpt* ot _ie nvitith are rery !irj*\ and for Xfan*b aad ij r.. ara ea*iruMi_l ". - - ei_j u, thrw quarter* tl.e eatwe dUeouat Mae* cf the Ratik* A Urtrapro p<.rt__k et fhe ii-euat to _.__« t_n*e pay.oaut* ia drawa by tb** _i_r___tU fiora tha aBRMBf. T_e Baoka are out drawioy apaeia to-dar. . ad it ia tbe o;,ileion tf ifrBM bf Ika; Laakler* -Ml after ti... week li.ere will ... _ 1 uutt-.unet ia -_i- 1_ere la a |rowinr __preaai_Ba in WaIi M t__t the Le.'Uiawre *_*x_<l aUibak taa c-a_u*t_fvy reparta, aad enforc* tha* p it-v.ioa of waaAJy ar eeml woekly M U_-__t* of tie lea..nir uem a-i tbe < ity b-utk*. »-. t «.* .irp4_.it.. loeu* ate'I .iMt-oun-i, .*,*<-_*, rircuia ».oa Ac Ti. « xx o* --l.e. t tbe perVadleal axpaneuM ard ritf.Tkt-.cu wbieh B>/w aearMrty arnbwrraaaee ihe iiiarrabu-f wurUJ. ar. 1 preveat tbe ki_aw of . ncb Baaa* a* now lead freely durl-f Ui* weei. t'¦ hot.rter -jr-r pledred to pay np oa Tbarad-y Zim ryatf.i .'.r.-.e of rhe !a/.a anka are uVana__»d rf paaMkb* f_ break op. a_d tb_re wiil prokaMy ba a Mi latrodueed ia tbe Le-fWlBtara <____f far each weexfciy or .. i... weekly rrporta. Ia teittbtm to the prc- er' ta,r acWarui. bo_M we .jodwi-taad tba ComMifta** *t CeaL-rra kaa rr.tde a rtptat, b_t tkM tke ptaa reeotii a.. iMed ia ccntidered to be too caetptex. The BUt* nifBt a tnoraiBg; papt-r tbat ar ati- t u! eei.n.t aj. ewia Baak* kad -"-n .___*aad_B_kd tn te about nine »__-.* la an erroi Tharw kaa BBen r.ocotBBtof .-»ex_B,_aR_Ma_i__M|iv. lUalar'y .i . B_BMBB -.*. .k*Tt* a.«-e aovneIbowMmt_ lay mRBBX ti.r Bxnk». AJ..1 -ad the «_____*. af tha eaha ta .*uk> > i t A-BB MB to elexea Btilliotia whieh la (__W*I . *.'. -»i * --bT ¦¦-- ¦' ; . R BBJ

New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-03-04 [p 7]. · 2017-12-12 · Sleit waawhorai*

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-03-04 [p 7]. · 2017-12-12 · Sleit waawhorai*

,-gg, ira* bri-ring out the Hymphoaie* with the or

^¦traof which bc wa* K md fri n waa

jrjjf.ym of th" hiatory ofthe working* of rWrhi-en'.rAmi duhcf tbe period ju-t precr ling it* ompoaitiiaByetraii.late tbe paaaafB fre.m ¦achind.'er entiro, u if

mmtkm* t hiat tooar leadert of orrhi-'trae, wbich th**]iroaid Ao well to n'*t>*.la the C mi__r Hympliony, raya H-hiadler, Bcetharei

_Madc_ tohave >rut fewchanee* tn.lt [that la, in fi.

mttterof aceelcran !".. r>t*.r<lando_A A- *-, lor the aatt

»f«rpr~aimi) battheae few are of - .traor linary inDorttnre a_d inter._t, and are c'.iielr m the hrt* moi'i*.

\nftt TherepeiiirxB of tbiamovenieot, had in tbe 9ralLvtr_ra with tbe holia, the Ume <V MaJ-ela metro.

aoae;of l*2kS quai_**T n !e'-n<*i.!y nn Anliva <*'n

ttotei By Ukir._ thif timetheMyf < .n.wbi'-b pTTadet.-bework, exhil.iu laetfla a 1-r bi-jber d^^r-e, tiaowben tha' plra-e, ao foi! r,f aolemn meaninz, i* e;i»en.j»M*t. lle»-thore_ expreaaed hime.lf in a amni'tr inreBaru* mr.ni.rr. when he explxinec! to me hia i le* injkUpMrt)-- MT.he, "BokBOcka fateat fhefporui'"xTVa'iegro con brii'eegln* with the fl ral vi-ilin ln themrrl hkr, BBd roa inuea to the twen:y-*» -ond. where'tokeep up Beethoven'a idea) fate a^ain, int_eal:>wertotm>nw.-til of ihecomin'wrixeraerit, ixiio.-_t al the pirtal.Wkb the etitranee i.f the fir*t vi .itn ta'ter the phrat**)IbBxllixfro hei-ini agaw. In two other eaaea wh*re11,1* pbrMe i* repeated.tba aame chanre it ma le.

!t ia trtia that Fchindler waa a pxi.aite upon the-reat eonip«»er. but in a matter 1/ tbi* kindhieteeti-"eaay i* ralualile, aa be atudied m nj oi the tnaxter'arrrat workt wdh their author, for the parpoae of pro-dacio,- tbem with the greritct-t pos«ihle eJect. Mir<*-over, it i* cle»r that a di.tinct utterance of the fewaeMain whicb Feite ia made 'to k-icx-k,' with proper re-

gkt* tn the rytbm in whicb they are writtea, muat beBrmore effectin than the uaual onode* of playins* themIketriplei* hjj.l in auch haate aa to leave them hardlve-athiruieh-ble. '1 hi*, by the way.The 1-ifth ."yrnphony of Bcthoren wa* rompo*ed in

"l_B-7, juat at tlie clofte of the aadde*. p"riod of hiaBfo Kight yeara bef.rre, he hid be.-ome cooaciont oftke %radual failnre of hia aenae of heirlng, arid the tfm\wkkh thia t-_.a***d him. amnuntod in 1803 almo-t to

.tlaaawlr, aa ia almwn by tbe XVMI, dedicntod to hia brotb-en, which hr wrote In that year. Hcre ia a paataeeRe< rnrirneri'1 V'irtue to your ehldr«n; aheal-m*er,n

i/,ak» onehappy-notmoney. I *pe*__ trom e-xpen.ice.Sle it waa who rai*<-d mm from mx' mianry; to ber, nextto my art. I owe my thanka, that I have not put an eolto my life by ixetlfm uHer.Ue gradually l.e< .,ij,e re< onrile.1 to hia {tt*, and had

reached tho poeiiion of the grcatcut llv-iogcompuacr.Haydn waanowaupcrannuttted.atthetimein queatlon.l__eated a *t rict CatfaoJIc, and bBBBJ mucb in the aoeletyofthehti,beAt Auatriandirnlurieaoftbat r'hurch.hehadbmm |nd during the yeara whieh had pnaaed to aeek thecor.aolationR of rel'gion, aml to thii.k deeply upon tbata.il.ji 11. And now, when the trial m.it atruggle waaever. he aouaht to emliotly th- ir hi.-to.'-y in hia own___l.lr.Fa harmonica.fate knoek* at thr donr! Thc.ou. ia .tartled. aronxed.

and the atnictjle commerieea, ln the- *'*cond move-

tneaf, tl.e divine an.lante, rore* wh:*per fieaee uwlBBRBBBRMa intbethird, the nehl-BBBBBB »f deapnir.j'rometheua liui_l.iii« i.t the eiit.'li'. foBBBM but ttOfttr-'-*., tbe moniinir .lawn*. vicfory i. wou over dfiu'.t,ilMpalr and deatb, and that mi Ity .onf* of triumphtnd iniFTinrtai joy l.ur.ta in. tvhich forme the fittingerowii to th<* whole. X.

? .

IV Tlie Ite^entA of tlie I'liiveraity hSvopubliab. d >li'*ir anniial di.trilntfion ofthe income oftheIiBeraturi' Fund. N.rl 01k ai.d lin^klyn get tbe fol¬lowing lumi H. uf ani Ilutnb fn.ttutlon, Bl"! .:'.

t'ohiniliia Collrffe f Jraiiitnar .-J, h.iul, .313 831 Univera.-17 (irammar Hchool, »215 BS, (:oiif.*n*tiee Petninary.BW' l'». an.i f*.V) fur bookt; Irce Aci.ti.-my, tl.fKit? ..-

Kutger'a Fe-nial.i lu.titufe, All?: Urooklyn FeinaleAeademv, f»;".!» 02, and B&Vlfnrbooka


%WoMr-> TrmPRRAROI Mn n*,.. .ThcSi.x-leetilh Ward Temp. riiucr AMaBBM tarasd ABl m _oa_farce Ixat iiiitht to h.ar BB_e*BaBBB '.r.nii Mn. BtesMMBaad her co laborera. Mi* I, N. Paaabar prnaielnd, an.lBMde a brief tuldret*. ,*-lio wim f.,l!ow, _ by Jtov f__mHrtiwu, who apoke extemporiinlv at conHiletalile,-B**tli, in m|i|nirt of Teitiperini-eiiiid kindred rcf irin-.Bra Hlootiior waa tbe BBMB BpaaBAB. t*he made a voryaan.'-.t at..l i-flertive lullr.*-. i.i f.y,,r of the MaineLaw. ani waa IL-t*n< <l M x. -'i draplaMBBBt Th'ttlMioir aptxeh w_* made I.y Min* A1.th.1ny and wn ofBkaniinie (jrncia! renor xvith tli a r-e. 1_B taOallllffthen ii.'jouri.eil.

NiiX'ri TaRAIMRRt Bl *n IImi*i.dvek or

II XBBIOIBBA Ob Witltieadiiy eveiiiug th etn

i,hty<tot Mr t'barle* rartrid *e, match tntnufi'-'Mr'-r.of No .'I f'ourtlanelt »t me t nt tlu intin*IflB 0! Mr. 1'io Tw-llth et Alier ». vral *njiSa w.-re triv. n bj tl"*

t(x iietlver- nt d Mi. 11 'a fijiiilv. Mr. V B_llB8 adBiployei al-0111c 1,-u^th, tinl tli.iikc i llu-ui for th"ir

lione.l.T ai.d ndi-lity ln aidtnt; hitti fo huill bia a,BWiialon, BBd M BBBMBB .1 .' ., B0f aii:ti ient to

protect l.itu from tl.e evilf ol porarajr, Ba tlie-n r

leired M atM MbBBBJ "f BM i' * bill! in- ll ine-- lt- flbRbbM Mr.Qa-M- ia iw4Mr 1'. antd he bad rtaitcl iu BB-BBBB a* pi*or a*

y tlie 1 .,!., e!i> rrr. .e-e-- ol I.woikmrii he had ¦BBBBBd bB ihi* propcriyp. ife.ttd. Mr 1'. lurthi-r '.rocco'lcd *>y aiatin^r theitiiuipli* by wlni'h be (,'ui.leil h - m\ xxhich wa* byikiii.wli-el 1. .; mt e .iini.fx 1. 1 tie iieiihor Ij Mad]¦ toiti.y BBBB M '.'. ttt liiin. BBl ''." 1..111 a. bevv He phiil tlie liijihei-t markit j ii. e f.ir labor, nn tJ mt I.. lu BB tl-ii lu hivl iiper.oii 111 tii. rtiiiili.v w'n.

PM8M BT8B| bim, and BBMB bc Imd been in t.ualufjsad ni-ver ttt t n.iil.r tl.e i.n .-.,... ,,t dl ,-h*,*-i;;.ii|( any

|,r*on fmin bt. employ. Ilt* xxouldlui-ii.. 4- BB b.'bre, atiel iti a liiin. 11. M a rewar.i

ifclunc* ol hi* wiirkiiunii'ii, eud pnrtiaOj t.i MMtbemi n.-iii ibiy of utniii.g tlu* Intere ofthexx.th th*- hel H.4T, lor thei-n-iiin.: x -ar, he mt.

uke lOpcr ciiit. ot the BBRfltB af '.' 8 bu-ineea an.l .1.»u!c aniini^ i)n*m ]"o ra:* acaardlBJ to ihe .oa muf o.

H- r i-iii] Mja d. Tne n 'M .4 BBB BB inlemlcd togof.irther. and to li.vea .-'.ikI redal 11 BBaaaQy. Mr P ,

\ io|ii*itioii wn* aiuioun i-l te. BB pi rllon 11

h.a iniiu-fii.la iy h paatiaaaaala th rnwu Uuguaix*.Mr. Ira B. 1'axi* BBBB niiii.ii-.. ..! BM4 Bfl x.a« inviied

tx Mr f t.'gixo bia xievx -, rntm '.. BB I'.illy «a»-. Halixil Ia, pt l.un-.-ll pi nai in >*n-

denronni* to iliustrxte t- .ty of cym'iiuinjtIhe lal-orm. MMARRM BB work ftw t'i*:ii*ehef, woh *.l

di". reif ne-,-,---. while llr. P-I »d WI ! I -

Baata||MB*j**_BBaBB-oa of proyeitj Mr k-atM-t.aadj.ai*i\l iuiii- .1 .-Ti.n.l f'1-1 1. t ,'or*.».uf:,en. tura-k»c bt* attenlion BBd BBBBBB M aM*/aBB au.l teach byde^n^ei1 bi* BpBBBtf-BB t-i- MbBOB, nfc-.oii ol i-itereat a-i 1ii-.i-rt*. Mr. 1>. »pe.-ulafc,l. ,11 1. BBBBl mx upot.ihe ren tiit- tl «iini!ar ex-jveri'- iliat*. a_.iwa* of tl-.- i>i in-ou t'..iit t... r..-,;- woul.l be beii;<faall the 1-rue. c.iricrriirxl, tvi.l xvunhy theat*..fthoee who*e brut'ToU-iiiv hx ,. 1 Vcen ex:_.;uish >«1by Ihi accuiiiulixtix.fiorpawa**. ., . \

laauaetBtertixinment wi_ tl

paay. who .epsratcxl at lli !'. .M.

t»T*tPlTMX IXITH nisDl .. ...K MfklllX-Ha.-l.N4t v< iiiny there xva- * , mx*

-daiat., nd mex-kat)ica of other ranchea, at I'hal*.*¦*_-, 111 tl.e Nii.ih.ax , to take iu 1 the aid ofikaniet. 1:1 Haltiuiore who ntx-01. a ..'nke. and to <*\

l"B*a tlu r .en*,* ol tbe ue*,tx*»iiy 1 i au adxanceof w*

Bea. Vr lhit-Jale wa* x*allt*d t'th-ihair. aad J BBIMBrr w.a ii in.-d m Secretaiy I» :.v*.te* were pra#-aslfrom BaRBRBBB,whotfttrxi t t'le iii***riai* tbr-ou.t.Mr 1 nid, one of their nufi»l>er I ie tettt oi tbe *u-

xaeai ther-. aud th.* nead ot' aad n_.I eticoara^v-.ttear» C,ttiuittiee waa appoiiitod t.> 111 ' il'liilklBB ObB*:i_*itkx|..- tx-. ii- made xt t'->- afIM iii'-tla.j. audi*nkei Mtitia will lee (tla-ly r»xvi eJ b] them. Th- ywrll put .i*'. their notict*. Sptvc' * were ma le by tbel kaanna" l*y Me*._r*. Ka*mit* l *nrcrr. Watkitt* tri>*__>.. T! |U^tl»¦e and nex-ee.iry ofan adraoc.-Iha* atxv ot lal>or genernllT w*>» h prevaiLB!; Bl..«_-*in ibe meetiuf. an.1 tha pflowd. A-ci., r e\,ire-e»rion -r tl . l>~-B_|lay ;»<*t witj favor *

-. .

KxiiKe.u.A*. it httma .A- e,:.. k>r**t»«r-'.aj tdV-rruon a Im^r rxxk. e.-tnuatoJ at 100 Baaa***_-t. rx_U_ B-von ibe tmek ,<:'tbe HuJ-cn K v *rHaBraa.1. tw.> mile* aliive Cold HirinA*. It caiae frofii'*.* *¦!> »*l the kixk rockee. w ere iaea wwrv? eo-|aar4 ,11 l.la»tiaj, The train duts *'. e Oi-l.ik .

*ivT*l 11 iVlox-tt Th« ur. train and lown tn_a tran.MBal lhair |i_*t<_/*era at the o^*tr_ctio_, aad eachBBm*** vl. Tbe rock wa* ao diepoaeil ef that th * i-n.wkw io o'clock List eraaing artireAl a: '.'2 8 el

A i*nanti»T of u!.l Maileira wine, beloar-ar |B 1. t-tfe of It. Kuloid, deceaaeej. wm aold x¦r- hy Mr THI, oa XX'e tncd.j, f_r*311 r*-r j

A Ba.I- At.LEGLD TOBEFa'.JHiatT.-MrTbt-e Pie'on, Mitorof anewipapercall'xl TktM -a

publiahed in thia f ity, on Wodneedty appsarad kafiwi.Jtuxr» *nd prt-ferr^d a BatnpUiot i,n t S,

Daiwin Fo..t*.Preelderat of tfcd New York C_y Bxnk,Iccaicd at thr -iruor of N_t*_u aad Aoo *u.liim with havtng by f.bw prsfeneo* defrauled hitaol.],<*», which amount he paid for a reruacUe of taaiharra oftbe capital atock of th*. bat... Hsnuralhyee that no ench laaututioti legtlly eiiati, aai t'atthe Lu fmrn defrauded of hi* ¦ .aey by re-j-* -e B tti mimade to bim by tbe Preeident, tothe erT-et tha: thebu k waa legally organizc.l. The followiaj ti a copyof bia affdarit, ArTA»w«i Pirtam, of No 71 Fo-irtVat., aworn-Sari tbxt iaOThlMiil: t.-ietnobtb of Decetubw laat, be waa totW-aed by¦T. i. I). toota that a re.>_lariy oigu.aed hmk w_*iial>-BBBB in BBBBBBBSBof i*-. and tliat aaid F.. D. Fn-. waatue Pn i.ueot tbereof. aud Mr. C. H. C irneli wU tn* Cw'o-V t BT tha aame and fnrth-r. that tbe title of the ban't waa


tt-or" C:tv Ha"k," doiag kuaiueaa at tae eo.-ner ofAi.i, xnd Naa*BD-*ta ia thia City.I). Jrrauetit furtber a..<ia. that at the iocation of tS* bxnk

._r«ea.gr.weree_h.hitrd,.> w.t "N-tr-Y.,rk ©ty Baak "

aid that uader tlie bailoing there were de*k*. rt iug», k«,*» _____*'-' 'n 'eaaiiv e.ut.i-iW binki ig oat t r »«*Ai.d fnrti.*., denot,tr t nva. that nnon tk*.-p-^»*a"itio>_ii'.r.aad, made to in in by fhe axid Pt»,t*. aod umiif rep-r. _ uution* i/iade bv otb»rx be wa* in luc-d to depovil e»r-

Uinmourvjintheiwid i_«t totioa .xaparponed to BU onot or *2,.-i»i i ai.d that and money waa de-oauxd iathe haada of *e-d C. H. Cornell, aod that inch dBpoaBBwrr*n.adein or abont the month of D-sc^tnb^ la«t, m ih*Unk aforeaaid; eub**|o*nt'v deponent withdrew aii tbeaa d money from tk* baok with tb* egr-»ptr.n of ?l.b'in.Od or abont tbe 3Jit Iierrrnb*, !,_(, K. D Fn-e xoa'iHtu d.rponeDt forhlitHerwjDrnt'ilrbect on the»% d pra«eodedbii.k. and oflered to depooeut len eharee of whxt pirportedto b* a r«rrit.<-ate of the eipital *foek of aaid baak, wmtkabd aharrii the *aid Foof rrTir-wented ae banngb«-e.i a-tu% lypaid in aa part of th» r,,(1taJ of aaid bxnk. Ilep ,ne-,t r»!v-ii.r oa aaid repreaentation* tn be trne. dio dekver to aaid E.D Foote hia fdepouenl -i cheek fcir 11,000. and in ex-B ing'fortheebeck deponent reeetved from Foot* nti f.II ( <.n,*il fhe eeetifieat* anneaed, togetber wnh xn **-i.gnmerit if the mrne rmtd bv Corneli. parpatlou brbaJfof tbe aaid " >ew i ork City Baut."Deponent haa tinrt, maAt e*veral appiirati'me to axid

ti-Araj, Preeident of aaid Bxnk for the payment ol flaBl t'tt.ttti wa* itiforroH by him tbit depon-ut had r-vBaaaaa tbe iroorinf in at.* k. xince which ti-ne d*ponent haii.'it l..en ible to oblain xnvperfof hia money. d»poo*nthaa laafly called frexpient'y at the Bank, but coald n-rerfind the *«tid Foote, n<>r rlid tharre appear to be eoy kaalaoaatraiiancted in tbe plxc*; .f i* furtber a-lded by depoosottr.it ,,o gnch Bauk ra th* " N*w York City Bn't" einte ;xr d furthur allegeg, that fl ia balief thare wxa no nch ib-ititntio'. id Dec lait.ai.d thxtthr**,,! K. D Foote obrainedfrom deponent hia rberk ol Bl.OOO by r'priwentat.ong aaabov* aet forth; deponent fberffore tbaiv,* that E. D.Foote obtainad the money Bxu^d by maani of fal*e andfraado'eiit rejireaentatioM vnth aa intent to chegt depon-ntcnt of waatAM

n-t-t . rvtrtr'-iTl

Klia/e* 81'lJ.i. li w.th i.r.tiieg* <*. .... .

| .*<* -t ""OMi.TlVf A5DCAKS.:.: ;


Tiir sr.vv v.iiiK riTy bavi¦Thi. ernifl,, ,h.,| Mtao. T.ara ,, r»:,.'-' .. Tr,_

5 «.,,. ,.* (,., H....,,» tv., ,.,,,,. i

! Syiy.1**.**" V" " ' "r Rinktranar'".' , ", .. ,\- ,tutnrj.ou turrrildr, ol .', . I rr- I .'. \ \^k,.¦ y Mitwit rooTi r

I II ( aatnia.1 ( w|,,w

ai i. u rnaor-oi nn,. iiunnret aoilar. e«c 'i, ofthe N-w-VorkII) BeakBtaek. i-auding in my nxme ou tbe kaskt u t'i*Jl "-"Ork. City Bxnk, and do hrrehy conititute andvnpontluimaa 1 irfon my tnie and lawful Aftornev, trr

ABBtaBBBBT OT ITOCK..ttii.u'*i.l,«tai i.v t.i,.. Faaaaata, r.i,T| r H (or-

ni II ol tl.e New-Vork City Bank. for v«/a" rrc-,vod. baveB, aold, aaBgned and trauaferr'"!, h-i.1

arnlado hargain. ie||, awgn nnA irxmf- ir.'o fho nu Pir-t'.n, lenahareaolnn,. hun.lrendollan^c'i. "f'r,- V-w-Vork( it) B.uikStoek, a'i



j ._._-. am-a*j l|| M" » UT

l.»r uie, and in my name aod atead to niei, to flB, aaiiagn,traxmfer and aet over aiora. v part ol «a:d ¦«!. b, n<l.*l porpotte to mnke and exee"ute a)! ne< earxry acti ot m-aiKnii.nitaiid tran»fer. and uaeor meiaparaaaal i it't-ititettilb likefull powrr. herebv mfdying and ermHr n-ng *Htl.at tbe aaid Attorney or hia mbBitute ahall careftiMvvirtiie liereofM i~irriraa ,rhrrr..f | h\rr h*^»nntn ^-t my hn-id io **,'.the »lat d*y 0< D'cnul,. r, one t(Kiu**ud eiiht b-andred «oi

'''_*,w<? , , ,< " ' 'aaai

..**»__ ard de.ivered in t'li paBBBBSB ol T. VV i iit.

f»n tbe aboTt-ruridnvit Juetice Stuartissutsl a warlantfor th. arre.t ol Mr. I.. t .i,d placcd U m theI. iiiiaof OlliccrMootpij. ofthe Jefferaim I'.li a..

v (,,. laaaaafl i fl f Iie rourao of the day in x;.;.re "'i Iii i the aceu*>rd. When brmighl before the .nx i.trx'eke afufed that the imttrr bad been BBBlad B ' Htflafcaa, at tl.e »«me fla ji.-eienting a BBtafroat BTr.I' '...IntieeHf.,. rt, in vrhieh he rei|tie*te 1 kkfl to defer any aetion in the flBBBBT for a .!ay or twj. aa Mr.

woi'1,1 !,e aMalaaBaV aditr-renigtBteof facu.audfurthtr that he had aetlli d with Mr. P. t in

oiarBcnfla taaanaad Mr Foote tbm ha .1.1 » - «.-*- *-

1' .te the Court n.ide i. t-i-.l.aaaaa e.i iti- r.i'.I.-ii in ofd.'t*. Thia moi.e-, ,ai'l ke, aaoaflUagto Ika afli t%oi Mr. Pieton, wa* obtained by fa.tra pretea.ei. Tne.< cuiati. ii ia eiihcr trii" or fn!'" anil lt tr,... hxll b .! 1you to liall toamwer the rhar 8 M th* I "irt ..f (i-n-rral Soa»ioti. ' M PleBBB rnu f eo-i" BBta an I

r awear to a dM I'-.r ataBB of hcta ' >vh t heksialrerdy gworn fo rr I ahall tn 11 you to itrnu r, i* if

.-¦*, eru! it rh'tv. that ynu ato itin i int of iheckari'e, the'n, of rour^e, ] ahull .liinii-. tlo' t,itn,.!aiut.Bal tthei! r JOBBBTa Ol lmvp nrt paid h.'rk the tn i

i.i-y io Mi. ricioii I- a BBBaflaaf n 18 ta tae.Ika J.nri.'-. Mr irked

fi fime to pr, inre Mr d. i | 8 'i' B \\k- |TBt_a 1 hu Ih Ml __m Caati in di .ii;'' o( ib.- bAbbt afla iu i;


Tba pruprirtura of the Ast..r HaaaahaTe BiKlrd r. new f. «t,ire to thnr Ta.-t eifa.

hrga rtu.u. Baa baaaaaada in iiie oidconrt. au.iwaao. ened a <!ay or two BBee uudrr fhe title ut th.' " Aa-tor Kxrlmnyc lt i* l>m!t af iron _ud g'.aB, ia theit .ir !¦! ni: 11.,.¦-.¦".''¦< f by >: in di. n-oi

il niitl jwii't.il iu i'i.' iiioel I'lit'.orat.' uu i ex

«t\li\ en.l i Ili-httl I'V iiiedalli.il., *r ih .

niic. by aaaaa m*ty bataan In ihe .laytimeihel.t toiu.'i iroiu tl.. ro,.j. nn I I'roiu groun.l gl..« -..!.'

wladvwB.Thelaaaaiahaaa t arbB - ywarmair.i

t'tiotv ni.,1 ii ..,; m .'.> i' .: > II aud a: al! ica-o ;- ti* venttla

.oiii ihe rt^jf w.l. ka.',, Ikfl at.Ut>ia|ihere Ire-Ji ar.d.' I- ,' il'.a ,1 t fc

i'i'..: a witb every tele^rapkieaaai tkal aflad I -.¦ I - Cuieuian l

... e .rn xt luauv nptmmlaaal.iing thia |>e« u'i' r:n ti.'i:'! n t.i thrirpr, n;-, -. B . »r-.

t.lu* a\ Ho]'ln.it tiie paliaf.;.

| Hm l\r\f ...'. i ....ng iiiMethinit". Ha!'. N b ITO 11 tai r-al

ii.io aaaaManafla tb* ptaprfltr u-jd.-r.- "i»tanrr». bi-'i ren"- an prior> t f jiroi *; >ii<. \r

*f t!(irpr,-e_: ra - ot wag >t alv« *

r. ut. Ml I A-B-BB, ol Ka. 3.1.'. i»roa.lw*v. ha< xlr.-a liw t.a tke di i-tti ol S3 p-i .-cnv Th-y hohl

' ¦' oi 11 -day erenin.-. tt . o'clo.-k. tnkir Mafca a Bal1! .ICT-aM.


. lt* IW larrBBtara aVttortTtin i i-__Mf.r vaaBrj Baaaaaj tt N.. tin -raBltrajr, ol vTb*

. __ac- % Mi. WenJell Wl-. ' _a| Mr. J. II i:«hrr, Acriug aa rVt-re r*

C'onu il-fee oror.rtiizatioa, roDatfltin^aflta-Bk B-wae-v. ;:. BaaaBaai ^,.";;¦;r., - ;-orf*d a draft af a Con-tiitu'ionau l.'y I aaa, whieb with rome s!i.-bt »ia.T».l-iient»wae adopttd T wafl "al lnsi_ea»o: th*mrotinji.*virg hetTi d.-{Hire,l t,f *,u i_ft,n_a! ronver.atioaal dia-

I euaueil a- ti the BB8Bal obieta to b- rmnar 1 bytl.e t-odety. Haaaa ^herwood. .^ai

I ;*rd at otiio:- ; tr

l '.ui'.ry ol.iect of all 'houlrl ba tht' improvoiaeat aad-Bpabaaa oi the raee. 1 he beat meani of arr.v !n6- a't! .* e-otl i* thf e«:xbliahicent af tkeprin.ijift* ot axtu-

u-fcit-e, aud the p.-.-tettion ia tbeir car_r»: -

-". e>.: v he eam-iinity. By _ie exouiig laara and uaagea..f the worl¦!. lureBfora were bjk¦* in-etteda_d atvuted Tf-.- jtm rigbi* w¦.- ,

nr.ialry reeogau-d in pkaflBBB and ia pra^tiee- tne.".wa tbat hat e beeu paaeed Mr their itenekt ara rery itn-i^r.'tt anu defective. ao that lave_to--a .tre roattaadf

» *nd plM-tderetl by p,-..,. agg* tk«v-*.1. r* aiuat un.te aud organtie aad a*eert ±t ... xtaa_lo_e in BBBBB. ni_r.Ber tka eoaaaBia'ty woaklt l k)n.- re*;,t | r.tK.i '.ra that are ao obr.oualy Bjfla,u-ataadexpcdien:.

1)11 l'-ltL FlBfll 1I1H. |,, Wt ,¦

.u wkicb a B-ua named Joko Mc . -

. BSaaa] aaajlBfl aaa the tabyeex ot f-rrher Tirar-iga-_ob yiererday. tieh-re Caroaer O Dotuell Coaaider*bie te-itimoay wa* takea. bat aatkiag araa e!iciMdahowinr whick of tb-- th»ee aceuaed aader arreit oau-united mt violent-e. Tke ra*e Baadt farther al.... rued to lo o'cloek thia mor_Lng


It' It ii aai- th.tt inatraction* kare bevutecdved Lert' froni l.ouia Na^io'eou to eoafraat far_Ba Itarnedtate ct ctrvit-tico ia New-Yotk. of a Beat ofVTaB .^teamera. hut we doat know wh-etker tka atory«tiu* oraot lt will t*e rvrtnembered tkal a aimilar

M it-w a i w w-x-ki a^o to ^cotland. whir-"i.

. «i -'.

Tirid or L-rTr.4/.MJBf S-.a* .0_ Mmday eretdng. Offi-er K-lly. of ibe Ei,_tk m \dh-corered a beau-.1 _irl, arx-t 16 yaara .f ,-. m-Mpfcsr foo* of ChxrltoB M. S R. aad .nmh-raBBBBateute, be waa of the belief tk*x tb* iaten ie 11. -o n :avidde by throwin^ _»r**_.' inio the d fct II* «_: | >r 1i-gly addrvM-ed her in a kndmtaaer, aai isiu-al j-rto to wah kim to rhe .-.a na houae, wa-ra. ta an>w*rto qneaton- pi-npo-inda- by Ca.it. T_i_b_!l «.that, Id an ev_ botir, ahe l«*fr % rn j b >.»- k B1 pt'-ata.axd brother* aad aiatera, who Baa ia a __«__¦_ m T*r *aty-niath.t. and took up her a>ude ia a eJ;rr*_.__**!ahowe. where ahe remained a lenj-th ot" ti-_e.herw_ere_leo__i be_)_ unknowa to aay of hsx r Vtre*,who were nearly duararted at ker tu 1 iea aad mytto-rtoB* __app..r_oee*. «**_c however, dared a >.thena wbere abe wa. and what corjr»e of life the wt*

I^iri'tiing,butreaolTix.inherowBm:ndthxtt')'*y. .1-ot k_ow of ber defr*__ion One evtxain,. biwarer.:M d in *o aee on" of BBB BMB8BBJ »i*ter*. but w*.

__c_rd<*d «cd ilet-iedaedmiaanceto the houae. ..*'ieth**afmVrj d«*ton__ied upon taking her 1 ife, tad ni oa thepiar for that porpoea when ~-ciiad by OtS-er K-Hlayard eond^ictoA. to the P-lice atatiin. *?_<¦ a-j-tearetwjd. labored under marh rxrnt«ne_t. aad waa e*ridently partial'y inaane. XXTjile the wt* ia a pri. ateroom at tfce .**__ion bou.e awaiting the arriral of herf* .her. who had been lafonned ofhi. d r-i-bfr* rearu*.Cerrtals Tnmbull, who had reeeired a te!e*rxp_ic du-patch from two meri lirinj ia Boaton to the m\\tbeir tmant daughter., wbo we.-.- minutely de*crii>»_inthe di*pat;h. had rei-enfiy ab»enteel t_e._*#l»r-_ <«-,-_hcme and left for thia (ity. and iav,_ed bt* aii .a re-

ttoringtbem to their homee, entered the ?t-_ioa. w:t_the nris in t-*u*etien, whom he fanad ia a ho_-titution in Mereer.*?. Th«*e*e nt-'jrt.nate girla. who ex-hibited bnt Iittle penltroee at th.-ir conJ _jr. wereabnwn into tlie aam. room wher* tbe otber girl waafl'ting. A ronreraation en*u>! betwoen thethr-*, iawhirh the one wbo preic-itxted tui.. > exnraeeedal-ccTf rej esuneefor her paM MBMR wl.ie t_"ot_ere,who aeemed moreharder 1. _**_m*>d mra in BkflM dAportraer t whicj a .-re r>:; th;ng but co-imeadxb'.e Atla.t. bo-ever, af._Tfre.ly cmvei-inguirtrther. t..- tnbecame penitont, and yield. d to their feeling., whichfound relief ia a flood of t-^ara. aud while tbe tri i wereei.t-A-rd in forminr good re*oluttona relative to th»irfuture conduct, the father of thr* girf hvia * tn *

arrired, and on meeting hi* lovely bM emar d»n l-BBf,a acene not eaa-.ly deecribed. aml one whicb w >uid havebrought teara to the ayea of ihe moat hardened incriraaand miaiorfnne, enanevl between them. After a pre>tracted interview between father aai diu.-hter.thelatter not conaeoting upon any rmlitiona to ret iraliome.waatak-n to the .. Ma«,'il-ileu," an iu»ti:u*un iaFithty aixth at. wbere fen-alr. de.irou* of reformi.i;and bexomiiig weaned from their de.xrare.l r .ura.- o:lifr, repa.r. Tbe IU»ton cirl. weredetained by CaptxiaTuiiiLiiH at the rerjui^tol their pare-nt*, nntil *-nt forI ti- mtt ih' | aie rn Bbalf w.iy li

Thk De.Tr I_rm rt Ct«K.Thr* Jury iuffcif. eaae were out alKiut t'ur-e boura lx«t ni-rht, »¦'I a*uidniitl.t n-tiirteixl a ve nlict of Neer Ol ll ri I'.i-rwerr alarge nnmber ofperaon* in Ihe fmirt roomwhen thf terdut wa* annmuc-d. and Mey hailed thencwa with t hecr tmttfeMg af htnd< an.l otlicr markaOt approl.; ti. n.

Tie .4,". rney f>n. ral (Hf < 1.) counael furMr. I or-.-t, .er'nT-d to ba Rreafly BSBt.BBd in h.J

«t the re-ulf. r.d BfBBB with mui-li feee'inrr of if.Mr. PtwreM wh. n! i> CSarl when tlu* Jury rtma ii,XX'c batt-va lhat thi- i- tht i-i ol" tl." lagal ;>ro-ee linj.

.:¦ t: a DivaMtaeaaR.

Ntxe-^uRK ICcBIOAt CeSUBRI . Hr Por*i' H i!.'ix-er,-.l t vxl" B-ta*7 a.li'.*«< at the (' mi

BMMMBBBBM .-al TbBTM IBM PaWagB. laMiiii'l't Af'erthe* .1 i'. ire'leixte of th"

y D.) w_a ronl'i'ire.l ou the fi.lloiAin,. uam^Jgaadi BMa

«'..ii.'. VT m I 'ii'iiin, R, > W'o I» T.i'.rJamnia, XV. I Wm <. Ak.n. Alkan J >. h | fn 1'. i .. i: 11 nn .. _f{r?m -

.. i,\'rt!r.trv'Ut 1'. 1 .-..nri.4 hm.-. I! :i tl. .-*. N C. A. \


T. D'-'l .e. \- « V,.tk I *y Pe ri \. iMiliailT . BrHsfc B. la>__i J.F. Nar-I'i nalil, Kow York I'HT: l.yman I'. Tit.'.if*.,.-with Jx.rav.ek, M/*.. (*> rxi XV TReMM., QrBBlAwd

. New *i ..rkiRBmfl, 8 Ani-* ., -ifiu.-l II nn, rifiilln

Oktoj i aw r B, Blaaekard, i'< r, mtt

Rorae,C rrry Valley,N > J-<¦¦N ll T ..- D Do '. rty, KewVV.Bdaor, Ml.. 1.1-ri.J-ro <. Hu-w'-ll, M D., TrBfJ, R. 1 jJ. Ue*iryO,X

. e. ¦, .., \{ |lMi Maaaa, M H 'l'..r.>nt.e Canad*.BBBMBraXRyrBM Ct '.. '¦»'adMrl i. PR. D 'i

rifahjhii Fraad L Biag, M. D., BBaaAwt, X. C W.XV. liickey, Otta

Bl xt Ti irr .Th" r.illoBii!.'['".'j-rty wai

ii.idiy .:. II. I.-: ti. w. KarakB:.' | | . e,, \ 'l' ,f -

!ee e.:, 1*71 ¦" l A B* .... -'i ,.ta ,.n Tlb «i "n i-.' ot l * i

1 loti I1 let i>i iiore 'i .IH* 64b *i e. eoiniD*. 2 _

i '.!.-at, :-> t-*'wrnat Ir.im A.'..

:..l oa iie.f.i a.ue i>th al near .Xve'i'.e Bt. -t tiMax an.i _.J-*t I-. '

-ayByBorar * Ith-.' x> 9*"I *


.' ..eej i.e, ter'h.idr '. e!i-a> , l-tVer-cn 8th aad '"le -.ty.. I.'.e.... ,

lu.l.iiti-ara. 1TLelolliiw.-g waa-ol.l by A. J Blwker

llon^ .t ,

ial li t S.. II Oab .... ¦ .

.u.- ...1 V. \x .. , i

B- ¦- .

I-. .

«. ttt.- 4



. |letaBaf

¦: at, b. t ial 4

>r. "''.» 1!M T- 11.xi ...

Mct ixi'i. *l


At tlv r *> ->r K -.

BeaW, 1. . >. -x

i u i J vv

.. *.. 4,


\ . yU ii H » -x-

;¦ .¦-

,A « .' I

t Aal\r.ovtd; I> I.-x.-n ->. - **

r-ti F. A. N..VV-.B.*.-r___datekia: Fo*. XX---.-.. .»..*-¦H.xrn T l I.ii--f* ftoyi ' U|

e \ .-ti4_ini: aad ath *r*

FaaM. -OnWitlnealaxtui-unknowa, war.: iBto a hoABe of .

-t. aad while t-.re gv»t b80 a <__**_» *

iMBtaea. One ot the BgkM-j mea -bour,r ^'i-iainkKi be te> ,

,!"_f_A_wer-e,A.t extingui*h.4t. H.uoagB MiB-BR R-BB BB» t

iMiBaionthx*_f--*-*_' ma-lekMBat-fa

.XuKriitax Iy|xri*.*AR»-»'.'"-" /l\efx__<* *t itw -aakMMjaB-aMP*;..,K:..__l_3B__B-flBgrrla-_^_r__m ^"vi*:^.--'"^ *ttt Pawmrx, 8M. __¦.¦*__. .*» »"T"; _,

"-.',T-^-_wi*n_,B_Ii r__«xit_a_i _Mi *_*_£*;«n_rT: i (^r___y. B' cthtt ^»Bn- » &£,_]£?

,r wl_-*_. BJB; -_-. 7. tt t* U<*P-g: L'_ltlt_t_^itt -

tu-de: **>-*«..¦£ *l££Sm^£^___ke7_^**^-^I

f* Titeh.Uowiniruth-rx-port ot'ikf F. -

i-*r ir. ._-^___.k _.' V____T 1-B.Ml Btff«i '..oH2.EbbUBM4 aaa-aa. Bk

.T_{^S__M_o__. i848. Urt-M a-sAer ta bb* *". 1« *M___t

*_hrriax-_*_tx.7l; tvaraaepewaa-. "..

lit-craot. Abbicit -AwomABBBm,^th M-._ru.WMMT.MBd.BB "T*_&!!^_?em4£M,

=^^,5S^s_Sl,;..ectaatr-.-B; gmmi tat_. ,*-*_*l*Sr "A-mTiB*TkawBai* aaaabrr ef *»**xiipr_«-. _*^.^*t2-_-M.l. ...*_, r .___. -w-._-r ia aa* ¦*'. I" tmoxm.

deut wat arwrMd ea, W-Aaerfay .V__*^''_XJ_...! thr -__k^arrtc--xtrt_:^^/S__iiS:rtmrt, -bra tk* BaMale beraaa* xrrr «¦£.?*,.~mhTtmBM'kwjn-; bve^_**ar__^S_ia«B-lu^Mr.»4wat_e__akl«*k*4-aa. i-*-*" i,r

i xXcte t.*l*t-» tettmjmtm, t_ k~- <2__l __.*keaal. '**.»** aaerrv mr-,.9*mt* ot kit aBBBBB- mm

7 ...__.. . ..rii _a aviaJirxt T-r*e,-*a *xa___rT_x TV

A Ti- x T-'. , .A b.r bbbbbI .W1"* ¦**»>Tb.'!.*"' .T*^aa Wedae^.v a ,M. at rhe rtjwort*"**4*f' widi a part* r-u'*: .? *, d eata Tv. .»'«

C?"_*_- .-.<- lakaeyaettv rrvjv-d t» b. i p*.-t ea a.b he «.*.. b... - ..._....T -^ , .<,.,..,., ,,..!» *.-.

ty Rr. . ., . ,,,,

.'«'., r * Wood,aad kt -a* *-trd a? taa* a.t eia_;;_l_0_

r itai Accmsrr -Carmer GaiaMa h«H ¦- Sniv,.f Wa S-Joo-i

"..'"-'t "all '. a-t-Vfc.',, . .-aiaia-H^LTTT'* *.h' "'. °ooti ». a;, rixv. kv rbr :" g.STn_,b*\\ fK*.» H-»« "¦ Tw-t.

>-* of B."_*_*?. ¦" . >.» .-» and ri C_tn--gt wh n a bv."._. . ¦WM abcatfa Bar* n-vto - - nml¦***J¦t**»:" t h . ..ti , , ¦,, . .. o,h,iVoaanea. casaag m A *-rdlct af aecideata: __tk wa* n-aden- by fla

f'Harr.r or Htonw iy R.jbbkst .A Cwvdiin Baced Frtoctt Brook*. wa* irr-ered ir aa **Hv b-tr

;' Btorataa. efcarr-d witn wri Baa *. t B utl*T."I ''J H.n lor-w, ind ¦*}.&*.. -,-*, ofa * ilrer -afrk.va.L*n*tai" Th* aa-aoit a_d r-.bt-y i»nr-porr r r-eaa* o' Babt Miea-r.: i (Wa . B t*WMtak»a irrorr-goal. . .-v\v*aof rh* tih vtg.ri ,rd ,_,,. v^/fc-, jnri_, Oaheraa, w:uromn-rted kia to pnaoa ia detaalt ol $2,099 bad fc.- triai.

ABnr«T or Bi roi xa* .Tt.*i. <;;Mm-h an.l abU.ki.a_.ed Jamea V_nck were -¦ v ...iSvO.'nrerHi-.r.i of tb. !.':_ Vt ard. * t* t*Witt of ti.e Pth of Jaauarv 1* *-erv of

a .x."Ba. Nc. 113 «'-.t Ikk*., aad Bo'ea flpr raerrr tetke-iata* oi Ita bt wi* e1*:>Abvkreak:Bgea*ti th-trr-tdoor tfttieatorv Th* priBBBMBeo-feaaed tbeu kn_t. xa.i wotr laicied ap hv J_ttoi c.a!.

A-othfr Ftru. AcciPixT.At :l o'cloekvra-rrr,T,"r-r*x-i. *¦. OT-*r: .ad. 'i r.tr* nf *4t-\ r.amedOea-re M-<*wm. wfcr» *. rg h.a Irt* nprtn the nxf ofWe 3BMi >.-. . ...


-'d ac mnneat at»on.i_1i i'tt ctof . B 8 iu .-uadereJby tbe JaryW T_o cannan »h.» j»tirt''i.-a^d tao pi.rr'acf rarpetiBg fr.ym a '¦o'ored mxn. wtii e in IhaoaaML, tha

ear'y part af !a*t week. ta r*<jue*t*d to r% ou (".. (ip*n»er.it tbe F kftfc W*rd Sfaiior.Hoa** ,o L*tija.-d-B,withont doiiy.

.. .

Oer.xixo thi; 5-rnix.. (. »t,e tt..x Tfii« BtT>pn.ttort of Colarubian Hall Ba. .*'! (<rxa.l-k. wouldau-d. n-.rr, ,-. . . . . ry ¦ id tka itaawiry ge.era t , v _ave oj enrd tlna in k an ex .>n«ira ***at<iini*nf o'- t . t--» ., :. at S u.ng Os . a -.:in laurtatirn ,,f ;_xi, errbrar^ng all the ae*-a*t i't"-rui m: a. u.n Crxpa. <'it»» erakf-i-gt«d tn t" p'.n p amblaek (imd* Rl.tn Si k* h'aek ajt* t-o-orA Hn> . --

re*. Plaidi »e.i ^ i .. *l*tx'it Bar*g*a. Btr**-aodMaaitn d* I.an**. larog'am* Frei.rh and EnaHak PA .>>, a grnieil a«*ortinent of H,r:« . K-*rtt*T*'<t.*la wliicb thry ar* prer>*red to oBai it .-tail. owiaj t>th.irtreat r»ei;,f"rg ot import.n| far belo- lha Jooher.

t ..

Moxi ariTt ix (iRr.rxwiK»ii CryttTfRT 1'or-'¦ l' .'. Ibiguerreian Arti.t. w 'i t at ll.-e. w.,t!n. a Vw dayi. for th* prir|a<»*e a>f cooying *<mr of

th- arwaiaineBta At: i^r-.-u inter.Br.1 m anv of the aaw*ui rn'* a_d d**iron* of bav.iig » r.arreci -onv th-reot. w-.l

tUapaaaraddtaaaaaaaala I .¦ i . .. -.irnerotflk at and Util-»t . givmg . ful! drwrr |.'i.n o> M¦¦*.*. nf dtvtaatft periotii and

, < Itka-ii lt ihnr reaid- ree*.

Kbbi SrRixr, (.(Min-i-Ih.'fftrlv iliiiiinl t irBew !*f r.ng Drv (toi-d. bai ir.diieed tn» laropna-fon o' Coi Mgiia II.i.i Ke.ail Oraad rdtiplit' . * w ii tiitn tutil. Akaalyt.i ithe nch

afCai i. a fapr lhawla, ,

adlll pk_a Bflek asd Broeade Btlka aa Ibbai .vJand"> i«r,tt |<-r v»'d, aa or to auv of-ferrdat -fl lad #1 ."i p*r v»:,l T.i*y litre

i -. arylee Fl ine.i _awaa, Hi-.^r..IaB'*. aad M.ial-n de Lataaa, wkiek tbeya-eellei ta

..:.:> ll -lennber t .

l.t-. lln S


< il 1 t ' !'. .1 >. klB - IN ll.l S( II ( HIX l N -

Ml and *>3 Br..«.t» ,v -lli>.. flTOCT I Dt LBT hvveleeatvad freai , Muiut ,-,»rv ta Franc

ICkiaaM . __a«_ed_J aiticlre

tiA Dtgaeit Uxre. b,.th .1 « >rate<l xnd p'aia vt.-!.'.r Bitb * t,:.efy ol othei i.tiale*tidB* are ahght, aid in maayeaaea tka g.m.li a.>- .

- aad etpu*»l io,Mar. Y iad will ke aaid ckaap ia aidar ta '.a.....I.wat at or..- rhe puhiia _r,-1 ,

raaai.iaa the gaada ea Ihe >iav aaeei_ad TV inx a t.

m.J ii a. » or .ri xrat.- pii ¦. . aa luay !» r


I II ' l.e < IBI ....... _

1 I li. \X'..Ii:..ihI iy -. i

1- yl. ii i .-:. e! . r

Iiao ol' at»>am lix Aila-ii.- aB -" e««|e4-of-*rt tint'f

.: rapoal of the Ittii1- N raai.jeiiejrrrnt-. were int-Je nri'l ul*'innf 'ly wi l.dr-wn, to

>x .'l.iWlQg.y Al.l BrBBMB I, W a BBe


tet.-r.-el t

XtRRiey, 1" On Wed-.

. AI f. Bai

i - .'i ^lv 4





A x ( x i I

1 '. t l>- !

> II,'!' U .11 . ' X*

Dt X to Ifnxx at iin 4- e


Tbi Poi ic_ ibb r_ti Firi I1...

ix OI *- .. k

- *T_y tl





,1" \ e.

i leaf.it




wi].; .; ..

i 1 !... :.n m the ¦area

¦ ._)»-NaaakM tt ox-

* .. . I) ep-_.arx. )tWn bi.. -.a


-!. - i ,- Tr> > :.x

Ix^. E»r IB XX r-oa-ta-kv extniag oa lb» .-

V- rrw * .-. *. Tja J.(fy rtiar-i t!.¦ k a .-.. it Ra

I .' Ob * .u:il'. at a ai-xi .

B M t »*re-? RRTh _La_ A_-i*c_.t Koraraaa.

IfEWaJE^EI Ii I :.

l.xxe ri» x .-j Tkbidw xi.Eba CM-* T Ti-4_rway whc wa* r__*-_irA oa Ta_a-

.r ihe JtBef fttttn Ca fl ty X tor.. Bagwt.*, R***Ie a eoaBawMB U> waa borB a-xr Woud

. -tweea ie a.-

MBBBfaBB Be__th_lk___foaatCi_.nt of d__r_Uy w _.

tarfcrr. Twx, or __¦***» tmm e_?*-w_rd _***I.__o_M-ctr. __* *ame eaaae He wm u__app_*f ta-j-r ed _

* 1- aad two or tkree arptrmoiu *ao*e.;**___y im-

_m-A betweea biM .d h*. wtfc. Ua tar*ed _ the

rmy 1» MtA-e-th*.d_ri_4j _..* wbt wl_ Mexex. Uf**__ Hve^ wttt 'i wifa oa hia i_r_*_. A d_H-__ybBBBBBJ . l . r4_nt_air.t a,-__8 bia.aad haraa eotat -By*. VV _-e r i*-ttaf tipaw tha j

m- . . T .¦-'"'* i

.-ewttea-r. k_W_e fivei.W__BOB th*:t tktttr, he .aw hi« wifc h. the Hae&aa. I

.-tter- ... u_ i exmthedmt kaB her jbat -w _i» r_we. XV :r,_« Brft*-»_*¦% -*» .-*. t-,1

n ._* r... a fBtBBB-l 8B8M-1 tx n«*«* xx '.*,-,- -! «;»if.r


*.-, .

_*r .a :a-'. Tf au* e it, tj rt "

ri te-*k ralae* tt 1. n'd **k Bt*»*--i***-»T.** :-.- i*. wva-e -.1 1- BBBMBMam RaBBBJ

* ' '¦: V nlty ai.-ht aa I a__**4IWaBBy -he i>-vot.*r wm --Bt-xgedtrprty-raivl pr-i** H-a**e^l_4 _. mm§h\ ¦ mi:h a

fiim -to**.. wear-v-t a itnl* ur»a hi* eoeaxt-_*B4*a Tmreat- --ruopendfi a*xo«t thn^eTuarter* ,* ta h__r.wkkb BM 'e-xr* were tkrowB opea. aad baa*

lederif per-.ec* *ntrwe*d ih** r*t_*_B*

[BTRRMRBT8 it Tbk.tob .The rtTiiSetr of.-.'-. - 'li* i tx ot" Trrutuo Ixr-.r.g the -"ar .0I14 Jt*aar-1. 1AM »xt ¦ flfarbaM BBM-BB t.-**r* ware H*itaalaa, 108 taataJa*. aad of 4°. ao mx -.pertaA

Thi Oarb or Bimt .na.-Thu Bfc-BBBB ofPrxeewt<xo haxe rxetioo-ed tbe l. ftlat-tr* I*r t ia*r -wntulitiag If' , Njrwn.h, wtuch f*»*y r****rx*arat aa*.-_.. I m -1 »! -bec -i BMIBBM ata, - 11

ar** -ixarte- -Tx_a ttaa-ir ttadiat l.t t_«tr. .ud drawa mw *vil.

Tita Lar.tatxTi'KB..N'tUw.th-,tani.in« the:'i*tty eiay. r.)tn«r;ttir-._fi_; It-'t Vr ta* _BB_-MlBBB_B_aB

.1. It .-.titlDa a The .*__*- Comtty Sk*n4i4.t mtd' my*. Aa far a* ar* bxx-* dmtm.reA 14 a *1B4-

f-ti..c Act. i*a>olM»_ tn b*_rtit 'he Stat*. ha* k.a ****..t_0*-4 XX ra-rver.',* XJ.>D4'rv.;y .ieroead* >. a-i-wew-ximt*-tTt-tee*.the* he xrir-e .xfth* tllD- M CIIBtBlBI- lll WI-BJllTTlilall r-le.ii* aud b»_a*i.'i*l m-aaurra taked lor bi t*i*peopl*.-

LfarwAAR Tat.-T Svcirrt .At tht> _tB .¦uar-terly _i**»rtnf .*' t*i*. Seeterv rt wa* reported thtt etanne th*

' nixyotl*. *..83B trart* had b*--wf-,h _x,_x* wen* ta F ..»'.«¦ I?1 la Oamaaa, aad *V0m

Twerty a e* eor-te* of th* Ser. i.farea hxv* beenBjhABMR M -hich 17 in . U .j


Mi run - L-M Xi.uir -Thf titiruvmh aftiwpapaiar conraaol leetaur* by ibe U-Mfy Aawuciatmawa. ilieivi-rr.! laat *xe_.uf ia t'.r Le. mn-n. 11 ol'i-r* firat

f.ni hBi-ti, hy Re* Miio Maban. Sabr**** "Tha*fl. .:* HaratiBB tl'm Xi.er.gt thetima nf ,X .kinte"Tbe I'MonLtieraix 1 lub beld tb* firat meetmt ot th* termin Lyeeuu. 11a.. a-.i __ulled tbair officer*.

iMraoTKMrxTa..Fitt*. Iiiii!.lin^a..lwt»ll:a>-aii.likther honeet. are to be errercteei .Inrliet tha tnm-wer. T.*'rc< _* ,e eatunaia.l to he aot rar trom A_a,_.' O-her itn-

..uaie- t.. be tukde at aa rtpaiw. al' 9-'''. "l|.

Titi .Mr Thoma*.T..r.lan. reafaxnlxT alter-n. 011, a attemt'tint tu tdja.«t aoiua looae a_.ui* in a Baild-nrn proieaa ut 1 ot_tr_ction on Riiln>_t-*v, fell.atra.-k

ii.a .t-o-t.irr afati rt a projectini joice. aad then the vouA.ia a MBM oi__e_nMtity He waa canied lunue. aaJ uie.li-eal aniatance xv_e proridcd.


LAW INTEI.LIOEXCKSl IHl.MK rOTJlJ .fa-IBaau Tra-a-Beto- Jai-.BBWafl - Rewii.ti r aa<i M.**..-

ttXtte>At. KilLRelllxApplii-a'ii.n I'e.r iiijuuotion to rSBtTB-l tho

r-'.eain in |>r.H-'x*diB4 with t e road tnal >r.iet tu abowtiuu ahe'.el.l n.l l_ .r.iit....

li-rtn! <tiivx-^u,t.tt. D.oi.u P^artaJ. a>i.l n'lie..Tl.e -it'.uiei.t 111 tlu. caae wa* prooead*. m. XI war*. XX'

'-iin.lt aM*ahaate leehaii ot" dir. ai>p .. *-ti.u. aaei Mr JaMeaT Brady 'or laaaaaa. The |-,iuto tip x.nl;rl «e t ureuahe,l i.ior or-ite rixvaatei Tit-V ar-, w't'l

.BtMB *4f battar _ra_ h>uua _-,-n ..tfeiv. .neej..*B ia ebarfl*- aad aM ilaalad tkal BIM.BM aa**_i have bee-aot.e-ni.ei fe.r t'.e rra/.tl. . un.art.i thttt ef th* e\ pi.eeie8*M Ika Biue-'iiay t'-int1 a;mth»t thr t»niL* ..| th" raao-

'* |tki |r_M_ara BBtbaaa r-e-up. -.1 with, .*tl.e treolut.uii reoaitr* f'lat h*'.*..ie t»ie r-- Bl

x '. ihe-parti*. tia- -ed aa «r»nt.4-B,r.,!ei,1l ..ut«r ,nt,i. ... .1 aini aiitrn Ma4 a«r. finrot witb tbe Mavor, la Madlbt tl.eiiB*rU.tt» thoae m,ly wh,i abnn d tft tl mitinathei' .1. lUaieadof tht ibev di.l nit hitiel llwll IB|BBBBBllliv. . L.il Ih.-.r av. Lraa .. m,;

aili-aa-, il tnfert.'iet e rth thr ra .

MBMal Mw af Ika read _.!.__ pammgi thanjtl-e- (ixtit.e.are (eerw,,, tpoBtl... ¦. .. i.i Bbm .1.1 ei* l>- MMM, fSe |en».lrxr ahould te*

eiixe-11 11. ll 'he land at the ,-,*.. 0l the atrert,...d*Mr»bHve ,.ai.liheeA|»...-i,f s -. tharexx». frs '1 ttn* eir.nt

lBIX*f*!j l._i j.-.'-^-t tlealie ,fft |,,.|f ,},j, -^' I .I pr_:lli»fd »ry r*waril t.ir tka ' Bl xrt* a;p!iedbr BBB ohtaii.eel ia aaeA vueatof

unpreper .. ,t wtllW 1 trrr.- i:ued trrt"l*r It , 0| [tt0Mate, ev: ,.'..,e'lttcm r 1.1: l.'.W,ye-ar: that pla "'iH *¦..,,a.-;t had prov'o-iMy etitioned, with

* * I to de- laaMoa

to tbr railroad lt thr tf... xaeieiutei*.hr and f- ,.1 tl] j t.,.u

fi.-xx.ri x '

l*''h ?.."..*."!.,'" r--: '* >.¦ ¦.. - *--«.*.a*» .


Ihe trf tittion a* x Uei'mxt luiiipany aref p..TB. ro c.f-,|.w r. T..W- Aiaw ,_e_ lellaMi e- R in '.

.1 aica a' * ,,.;,! |q.

I' B Fe '.'. ..

| .

.. ll r nf|. r t«e..ly .Iiir-a-atli.ltvii aayatliil H'pt-r. at ba* l_«u |> ".1 ou

a .1 t xl.arr.f x*.a rre»ent..l by Ml Ne.«r«, I. 4

. Aee Mr.

It a- x B- 1


U .V'.llA IIXX ard

Mntlon for BtUohBBBRl kgai'i-i Mr \v,.

ll *.. .1, I.,- ..ty.MI,lttt rtail. le.:..!. ot the- , '..'»,. ahei.il*. lu J. .'''Uie a previ 1.1. meebf.'

¦..- .! I.r ,.*er« .1.':...

re t May. Mr XI ,

.' 1 1UI\ :. u

1 , -ounl

1 ii.il tu ,. t aniajr, u


a ,

,.. nwgl ti.. . .

' . . ' ao.: wm br , ., tHe waaaiek ,1 br.aaa

,i ,.

- ¦.* h..,,.-. r: , -¦'¦ . ,.- two be

' p. e ',»

... ...


It< ... j .,irl. V .

. -mtt.¦ liai

.. il ,r waaea B»

'hr,-c ara* ae# i*ie* on lt .- - not to

. a aad pBaaa . .

_. t'li.-r (Aa >

tl alencavar. A.'., Iw .

. .:¦ ,

1 tbi.-.

, . a. |MODBai . t t . i , -,


IOIKT" I ¦.'--!(,n- 'f'A-A Z~t*ti*,rt.araar Ui, rttau aa I -x.t.<

.'.TY M XllBVI .-I. an aaa*..aaai -l aavaaj ''¦ * ¦¦tj an<i

tba wtnuniaa tp of tamawt Tba

., BBflflB iM:t ii*t

CtaCBTTl '¦ Is*.r-.-x. ua- fl. xt*. mx im. m; .Jt-

l' ». Da t r.-Bao _f 88 /7 tr. » JT, Bt, _l


. , bf j* -ra .

. r. t^f t i r . Aa- r -'

t i . H- » e.. . ,»___,..__

Ulk.fl.*I *.> t i-r.B. f.j-.


fKI"%- a- Biaa wa tmrmrz. > . _,....tt a. «.*. aw *t ti*-!.»- l

a**aa<e. * !.** y, »-t«*.** X Br*«» »*»»t » f -«-. . «> '¦ .

TW ttmaa* at tae f__,"y tr* artb-i v, 4n.'k*ll -liirtWtwfat-T .' . -*aam tatmmt aWmammtaTba _i*i ai atemk **A I >a,t r C* *7., | __ .

«¦'" boa- ..¦«. ' * . aitd 'k* laa* B __» r.

- - Ca**. 'a-c-g' ../ at . *../«a

r. B.. B*n '._ 'ra*v.t b« ., | _»_t.i 8*.:

' . v-x_, i

l _."._-! I "» l axrtfl.J-r_-xr.Ca__rB.Wa_a._i r-_ ai*wba ¦-***. w -W-* e Ik* b... r Ow*taa W. aad

t*rwm*. arr m«<^ i« ,.j-_4 Ka <*»-. » xvrra»«,a*J»i_rt, *«(trcn i aaiiakni-, a.--.. J._- e*p*m, * raeeha «w»

Bi t8. '.. l.y '< .. . --o _. Juv..'.,|b_.'.'. ...

t_N«ar lat. . aa

*** *a*t rnrna.** tl*t.t »*a *. tl fr_».a»

IX* r.iMr_ - -,tr »>. 'row tk* |»«>J ata af Aat 4*-r\*r.k . V.,, OrJVe.lt*. ailw^.ii r»khv. Baerk b. aitV r ttTt* rraxtar* aad Vir.A of Ikr fca»> ar* a.,l_l w ana.A TV ra>

*e-*B*i^B,J!!Cr,. ""'* *-*''.* IV^»»- ..* Paflflfl * wa

b Vt.-'IT"" -*,*,^-a 8j ba ttm a-B MBBflBj «**B.4

-..".- ettwmal -BeaaeBeS- Uk .A. wtkaa* mwmm

raammTwrnTaaa _!_!___ !_T ! *¦" n»«"»- *«-aaB*t U*rr---.r*«.ar. .

* '.- *"!*. *»Jt ">"->- b-tr-'aavwU».j*»aIB L-Bevat ke. aaaa ),*aaa ..« Hevatalr*, b*. am a - .fb*»a- ta*. ¦**-a ratbrrt a <| J«B_-«L_*a, a :,.,_.*. -*M»iV^.Bx-i..k...*_-...tt-k .*-.,.« (.a-waaai v_««V**J lt* Aa*rk-J. iMlat. ,., k.^.tM. _wr»t fc, an-al W*8k.**.*: ,«.«.-.... at « ..¦...» r M. itom baa -ka,,-*_.,-

". I? VXee-r-. - Aaw 'm,!*, U»V ""....*.

bl kaatw- _, IV* g .k t_- ,»s( -anrarr » fc~tc- tta. t*.Ai _*».»., r^,, ___ .r.-BirR A.L-* «-aa..k-*a i*.H« trMaBaBwB* MJaa\rOV\ HV ix« r.t,Md,y. I.M | ,> *__., B J ¦_

a.rtVMl*«a'j,'l,KU|||a,ram* . -a__*

TW* -Bt-a*aaaBt*»-«i'ia*--oty ar* r-tpaei.V> ^.«»i ..'r-4 krr a.rwrat aa r¦***.* aarata* at II .' orl.B.a* tk. ¦,.,,- Br bVaka- taa at l*aitr**r*~ t. ra-T»waa*wrt aaaaa.-atal*|x, gxrt B*r,1 a, a-t** a 'aaa.4 t'wrm, Ca Var tv n**t

. .. a. atB B. «r-ntH-Xaax ta ta* .Uiraar ai am aaa.»- ..,.. .,,.,,_ .»-. |..'». V t.i lt

Ba BBft Gr-»* Ur. w\w* att .- air

raaa»- » k* lak*a V. Oeerewaa.-.rAUua-AtB-w a*-%i . >¦. lA.-ciwa* *..*, ara

¦"aaW Ttwwr *.* a Suf-.a-. faarttt at .%*» ¦} r* tkatT'k aaatat bmaaatf "..a*. __ [Kk-Biw Ca rtiw- BW«e e*of|..*T l'iv,M ', x .1 rm Vt .s,_OtT M-ai. Baerk 1. at~r--«*_lre_-.*»,.^.btr B»arg* W. r*at mraaf j a -*.» T**k

t.'t m:.r k-ib i-tWbaMif** faaara' a»lJB b* air-a.i-1 ., « oVVra-t. nam waawta ba* bmkf-i'lk*k_tt«l-W-4W-fc4.rx.i«r«bww-kl. W'a**a*af%w*hmm*

i"l»'''t «'rlb' atretWlaB !>...., .IV - y rwaaraw^amameaarItriKT V K.t t ^>_ Vo.B*«*ar-i»_.IH-,*. aa_-av *i


RiH-BB til. Al lVW-»A C-. Wa- BBBBBk atkow af BaaV'Hit'lv.'i,-!»ailbrr,> II a J-, .RerA-.J ag*.. a,". l , * v_, bb I b-k || .tt r-.'^-am^xt.a, iaaa,

trt r of IW* J Rkagte*. «*«. - ik- city, aaa *a*«*..., at 'laa~

Ua a Maaaa .ai |.,.ai-BtlH kr *^a-aa. x T TtA tt aevwux- MBkj htBJBI Ba

g*.>.-«« M !>.!.«..ikvct AtWaa-aBBw.flhaa, c>a~--i R r,_<* ta__a

aa.Vr vVa-uu'a.a* aav.4 >t t *

li AtLe*. _*-*., rWs 11. Aka-r ra.b_.aaxlav-.ar*.t»Mta |a Aflaaard-B. W. T Hi'Mlliit XiiarMt

«l .'nMr.i., k*^. M **.-*1 > .H T <Vr. KtHirtt IH> naarwig. <tl *at VVtbf*. MttJtk*

.' V .', " rt rbr 101k v*ar nf kia uaTh* f-trw_. **J rr-Ul.t.» .. ib* Aaa.rar* re^rvtikttv ava*i IB

atfr-Jkialbi»*f»!t'ariret BBI M _t B |a.._rt. trow a* iatUt.k. at trat kxt* a*«ifc *' B»-tl**» Bmettya.

COMMKKCIAL MA1TKKS.Malaaai tha Htach BxehaB-aw ...Marrbk

Bt <.' . V. tV.ag \a}\ Bl' r.ns. >'.*! f>* kaXB 1IX\ta .. i vtj ta. rh.«.t tmco ..m aa' .<¦'rr. m a.p ,i i,, uae aa *».**,',i|. h.latamlla ttS lt' ft..iaan.tXXlB/wCoav. Ba-.ll. tf IB1I Oo. J I-w> tXXl tka. io. Bl. m I.U f1'VM ....'BartA M 1*1 JM .ln. «_M»bI

10 K*M l ..tarnw.lO*\ «_ ,(..\.uAtc...kFt.ii**BH b*ha. a iAX)a*-ci_Bc*^o*f4a tJ. IHoo lilk aalTrtt.l_|.v*\ tt) At. kiB IW

t»t> Biwrit I'aml. t .. a .. aitl IVBB t*.aftr* Jt.tj BB at*. IV

ittj a* .*> «,t, ,,u'k*a uid aaa* uI'bl aa.UHii, .-" - .*ua_ Ht VtV

N V l_o t« .l.ttj *»»..» Rattrt-d. BT-'vtaaaiec*.*t*M*t teaa ,t*_ ... flBi.t) ia ai da...... ..fl aaCi.nt.ig«->.ib i*.mI m av na. ,k> .*****1.0 N J. Ata* ta.... ..ka l-H nti J. a, , ar

kaauV*. i* uaa\.XV ttt.. 111, |a« 0:-*¦*

.»*, Zim .... tk aa ar.-xj i. .1 t -..Hiiu.i Kt.intat ...aaa)'<. *¦ i'i MB a* MiaatlOrurUaatllk U.l>a«l tl * lai Oo i.*j Bli..v ... fli.v7'. rWriK- aa.1 krjfmt I'.g-

I.¦¦.atr-. klllaVibf l.ii

j.aa >i

.1, '. Ht* I'tlLaailtalgklhtvlfclB'i'.a a* t_» xt MVoiin. kk .aik


l|« t'umr-,1*.. i ..I l .. t| ati *.,aa oo.M>iki bn **

... a>\... ...-.t ....

...mC" 'x_bm|

.. H I.,,!.,. K It kMAbkH8Ir aWb>S v A. ..... (BE

)e. tB IliB 4a..,B«kt X. nk ItV Jo

ll* iB KM M Ml b> MB t%.VI io .hBVitfc, a) tt; .*. ii B I..I K Hai. HN

Iftl I.. "IV Wl, -aiX. T * n M.t all H.IUV»ai .h. .w <i ll J. .IIIi.u da .i.i o it a.s -. m ii tatk

.1«iaa. <i, *M'»v« (ol k .» H H.IMW.a. <. ,» II ll lat


ikcond aotao*l .»..!-»l«BaBK»".>iB .»:, l.t. o. Atttt'.. Bof,a.Car*V tu *». ,ba

-aa. 1*. B>h ".' Wh\ :r » . iaa [188 ..bt m

*.\ vo da. ..aiaaaWU ,¦. ...

li.. |a '.1 n S BB A*.(>' .-a.. -a vi C aai .ki....

. ¦ . «i -_ 11, HaAwa it KTtl" *o.MH", io .b...ib

.' * la.Bor. B VV,* K. kt a8Hii. ata ii ( Babaa ta

¦i a.. Hai BlmB.a . %tt,.10 aj «a. ato .kBB *t

-", «. .1. *al*'. S B Ja bJ aa*

.. ar

? .

i nr i.'i'iun'H (.i nt'^^fo^ryi^r^'irTVua, lor li e Ust week or twn, bul the prln. ipal 1 «.

toilay hai b.«ea N»r»raiiu» «-- ._¦¦<"¦ "*ftt, tt btM.-blat.g.. .-n*aft wrre tlnutru u{N>n tbe latrket, of tbaft.i lu-r aV ..l 00 -liaie., and ..f tii" I ,'ter a'.o^t 7,i>>g|Baat OBdai thia pl.tlmra of Htoek M xra,uiI.i.. I I .11! a ilerline of 11 t* cent an 1 ('um!>*rlaud

:.'¦.'of.'l, l» <"i,t Tbe f.imy railr..«.|* e.aI e preaie.l on tho markrf, anl a f.irlk.-r deto 1 f* rent wa« mbfnltted to Othrr f kt*

.-lockiaympatllied whii CinilarTland, eBeeptloj NewCreek, whirh li tuitalu*.! a» ..': Tht l.an I stu.-k. art

g. .i.ikllyf rmer ( aiiinn wa I ,'l bbl at tb* ',.* arMJaiidOtryll;, bi-l Ttie .t.iall H-fl-B BBBBta areBaaTf

.n am l!aBrn_<l* tho demau.1 U .inito lli.nt.-d, aa

aaaaaal aaa aa iieeiy ua. d u> inatit tahailaf aiiv«nt*<je(lai.tatiiiaahaveadiiwnward teialnm-y For (lirerament tafnek" tbere la a l..ir iu.) jiry. pnrtly, u U baliorml,l. (iovernnii.fit acrmint, aml tbe tpiotatinna ara ad>v-mui< A »*Ja of #3(1,000 ..*, l~i.7, wae nixleal l*>|,i fci)n_.i Baaaa ar* aaavy an.i aai aaflaa At tiie cimeol :'.(. i. i .1 l.tWiid the in irknf '.in'inue.1 benryHa K-r-!iBt.Kf market ia fBBBl at !»«;./ i'i P>

i,r g.^.,1 and Ibvurite riterli'nr Bnalri*.* baanot yet eoiome-ca.! Inr tbe tteamer. Ira-caare Jail

_'ri*iglita are im-iloralfly aotivw aiul.' rbtfive To I it.Tpo.el, I i«.i or 4,000

i.'a. Hour,'.' l.e. Bj -fl(a.)buAbela('orB, Bil .10 OT

ilaaCa Ma i Mk-ta i*..rk 3 3. r<» H..f**t,r. t. v.a.l It.K.it Uliaai le.i-ll.U feeni *» lOA T*

w« lie»r ol n cngngemeii'*. Tu litrre iOBartht ..' ..r'U.M at ;- There i* a Mir

i.i.rt ..1 boairie** diiinr tn i elf'.rnU M ytneioeei..<-'.. i» f nt || VI.; ?-, fnr Flnur t,->/»BcS.

. I raksi Mp Tel.aear built at >Vi«-_*t*t In l->47,t.i.,>. wa* t.ild I.y luati-r- A .*.*pli-_aon ttt

i BB-M trade

'1 h iBfBBilB io the Sul-Trri-iurj wer.< Ln,*-ti. day i.y BM8BM ol BMBBBBR betc. §7-1,1'*.; pay

ii* 8i ... balaaeB lk.,-**'7.-.*r7Al Iffir.iii.¦.. ('...iij.tliy. i.I

,n b*e der-rared a BBBM -nunal divldend of IAll 8 .'*»re._*e, X[.r; .. , ,,/ C rnrmh, tf

\ u.ar_.t aCA i.a'-a ae-i..-. Tbae-'-uiaad lor c.el. I> ._* waa Un.-* a*. 7 f rawt, aodtka aapply Mm BMB Tn* f ai... ara e.ia-

e*il l.a_a iii pteyxrntUte for ."aturdajr.'ti auHM e,a«rtf ra tbe-re wxa . f»ir eafipty of uioieybut genei-Hy. w. tuu.k tb* iliff. nl'y i,t r king- loanae~p* e.-ially upor. BBBR-.B| BBt-M-Bflef -tKrlaa* arocka,wm xreater rhaa aay day .lartn,' pre*e_t the tifht-

r_e JUnk* btb !<i«lbf *bbbbal" their deyeaRaa. tbr irajker '..rifWaBat tt tke Baari M BBfOtiatBdi. tiie eirottt Ly . apiUllat*. har_j. oi__ey oa dapnait.,.-.... i" ,¦¦¦.. y .,r/» in t'.«* IV.'1at Haoka.i* u_ny ~ae»_ r.yt#c t/i_ h ua the raeeipu.. it a rtritet-lerahla enau-t ia BBjaBBBB. T_e rat-Mpt*ot _ie nvitith are rery !irj*\ and for Xfan*b aadij r.. ara ea*iruMi_l ". - - ei_j u, thrw quarter*tl.e eatwe dUeouat Mae* cf the Ratik* A Urtraprop<.rt__k et fhe ii-euat to _.__« t_n*e pay.oaut* iadrawa by tb** _i_r___tU fiora tha aBRMBf.T_e Baoka are out drawioy apaeia to-dar.

. ad it ia tbe o;,ileion tf ifrBM bf Ika; Laakler* -Ml afterti... week li.ere will ... _ 1 _¦ uutt-.unet ia -_i-1_ere la a |rowinr __preaai_Ba in WaIi M t__t theLe.'Uiawre *_*x_<l aUibak taa c-a_u*t_fvy reparta, aadenforc* tha* p i» it-v.ioa of waaAJy ar eeml woeklyM U_-__t* of tie lea..nir uem a-i tbe < ity b-utk*.»-. t «.* .irp4_.it.. loeu* ate'I .iMt-oun-i, .*,*<-_*, rircuia».oa Ac Ti. « xx o* --l.e. t tbe perVadleal axpaneuMard ritf.Tkt-.cu wbieh B>/w aearMrty arnbwrraaaeeihe iiiarrabu-f wurUJ. ar. 1 preveat tbe ki_aw of. ncb Baaa* a* now lead freely durl-f Ui* weei.

t'¦ hot.rter -jr-r pledred to pay np oa Tbarad-yZim ryatf.i .'.r.-.e of rhe !a/.a anka are uVana__»drf paaMkb* f_ break op. a_d tb_re wiil prokaMy ba a

Mi latrodueed ia tbe Le-fWlBtara <____f far eachweexfciy or .. i... weekly rrporta. Ia teittbtm to the prc-er' ta,r acWarui. bo_M we .jodwi-taad tba ComMifta***t CeaL-rra kaa rr.tde a rtptat, b_t tkM tke ptaa reeotii

a.. iMed ia ccntidered to be too caetptex.The BUt* nifBt h» a tnoraiBg; papt-r tbat ar ati-

t u! eei.n.t aj. ewia Baak* kad -"-n .___*aad_B_kdtn te about nine »__-.* la an erroi Tharw kaa BBen

r.ocotBBtof .-»ex_B,_aR_Ma_i__M|iv. lUalar'y .i

. B_BMBB -.*. .k*Tt* a.«-e aovneIbowMmt_ lay mRBBXti.r Bxnk». AJ..1 -ad the «_____*. af tha eaha ta .*uk>> i t A-BB MB to elexea Btilliotia whieh la (__W*I

. *.'. -»i * --bT ¦¦-- ¦'; . R BBJ