TT^Ifn n.-Hfliaifl ._- ta ¦attpi.lW ,3$ ! A* ,. . ...t Rouiua at Nv .4 Va... k-ft_____T_*^0.i.,e.l Inqoiro Tml.t ,aandrailiva.l.'--ea P»^J~jrL, -¦q ,.re.l - N. ... txnedwny . ril Ma, I f+T^ ,-.. i. b 11 |MN fm -lr. witb or - h ul hotrt. "* j^jtoo Pir*~» k-etwiec OTteiie and WorttitaN-*-. ten t'Too.rl R-treoTe req-.nc' ., .j. | \_|;_\ I S !,. Sl 1 i 1 s ot BOOMH ar-_^_5_3LfL_l - geottellv t.rf.hre. ^JjtlZ^ptmmWorta^e ktm te-tle-tei. -i.liniiopavaI.lw!<^r<^r^w.)-. i ' ,m__ -_..!-. ¦.fbel.-P.-e-'l-^^Ne: . Tofon w.ier *'*.-_»£_'_,. ftn ,t.d 9li, -va. l'-****^!,.. "> -utbeI«ol; ni. ihioo.h fllhav ai>dlwethn,«**i'**tlK)tT , May. l;.(.rtnrraeirhaif. V !'-. ..,,,,..,unl i-el With rT,--«> «»r FOUR ^r:M&^'___-y.>>~'- -inak-e n«ar 1 . V.r I w.kb.J_^5£Suuegon.U wu! ,-._-~0 .d,he_.t'.K..v\N.T..rar- **<*..,. ,^r MrtropolU-n TII 1 F T.At tV'. 8»3 nn ___ii Vaul .* i rrn .»p»*r"*. _a___T_i -..U. (iea.)ea~~ ,<* "T'.uTa-w *"-** ¦>*-4*r °° *M -aiae of Bo.-..~. witb tfl." «?££ S-*****_"d£Lbo..+ra Th. £j_£^tf^ Hoaae Mtriabe- w~h *¦***¦ .** aaleaaaath" ¦*¦ . .. ___»__*,_f_l euitCI ol ".(XitUI, ¥TMV1 ¦K8m'i^tJ^lSrU w »"- -' *- «' U i.i tV. ied.flaor-** »*<0-a oaratipli--. ^mapjirttrv~ ACCa »'m mod \ I'lUX*** I"".- 1* : K. 1)E_*IKAM''' -.,s, noBeeckeri. Thklflo-Jfl baa all the ma**- «¦*»**"u ...... ^[ON b.'*'v<vn pflrtOBI .1KANS I'l" t'OpMiav «.**< ,_vroin.i..Klalii)nafor Boerd- ;U>--afl*.__*_.___£.__ ro.-« ¦_".____...u._,:.°.r.'_'*.*;'_ *on9t9 tUtiiitfb. BAKEKY.-Th** » J^'t7fi.~ ***** Baker?. wV-r U\Sa pnmtmm "'^Bt%\t ..-¦... Addr.*aa M. OLMSTED, p.,,., ,.f icomv* a. a tn Tnba> 0_taa_ /-O' \J pl f^ihwttpu-t. .ij ^ _g y«ra_reo ior ¦ vruua -~u. ip.i.im __jiiaflr t Ik-uiJy « fV. _', p-riect order. and tbe ovmer wil.._. t 'i^.n'*1___^~^*-~p-ifl-tr.l~|!Ton A-idie-aMAS.-l »N. 55 l ¦__*'*»4,sr_--tiS_.»- f<*nt- ¦*..''"'ont' w,>*k «Tk_TTf - HOISK WANTED-In a pli-aaant f*"AhX____i Lotaiion berw-en Pnoce and 4tn-»te oear the X aeigkbc»ateo_^mlprred « :tb h-wment. Iv-feT-raoTe and ten. Bewtt* hawrtjlr iddreia TENANT, al thu otBce. Tho family !____SKSS-«. 'v"r «~ Chud ^TiiirfaHOl'SE WANTED in BROOKLYN, BBJ ta B_a._» ^^.Bavmeot. one oi both Parlorp. and two JL BflM;*.» w *.**___**--"*-, aod or third _t_.v. Family cooiuta of mihrmfmtitt^ua f^^ . .,, be irei! ......ed and ra.t nr*etto*awluiaom'l { _,_- l>f _,,.;] ____j r^p^vtai-le. S£?&lR-B__-!y" --kr LAPAY-KTTI- TribnneOffi,.- rw-i. i a\T)1 OK1-*-'^ Mitk'd.aHitll I'lilallc f..r (.'.mi- T^BflfS c^i« B-J-d-V. Any penon hkv ng . U.".. w_o _____f_a_ti /«¦»-.<. *».»¦*"' *rtb61»->or* °f ««-«¦.v.ni __ c_S_B_i_P~>atea"jstfp!;^' mwmtltr**k>u*bJ ?eMe _ddf_-aC to MIS1CA.Tn'.tuie Office. WANTFD.Kr » imall Bmm\\r, p.irt ot fl ro.poetabie tlcL \u t toed tflBB-b-d-M* BOl far f.om « aahiattM j _C___l____E S a paror. k.tchen, two o* three other .^^ _2_±_rt_--al«*ft«>- Other f.«..!y. where chU,~,a SM5S-KT3 r.i« to he orer #=(.. Addre. h, leiter. BB D..Nal.,P«*-**WT''* WANTFD to PURCHASE-A two or thr.r -t .ry .misE wuh three er -our Lo<- «.* Oroan.i adjoioiug for a iir- - .,1Sn"'-rV. k. B-ooklyoar Hobokoa Pnoo ..;- to p?_Seedfll«0>' Tb*-«._~niu«ll»mi ao_d neip.ibo-b- ___,.,-»_-ith all the m.-derniinprvivemei.tP ITie w ft",JtmTZ7ee r i b. p-d in toth. Atidreai N. Y fc K ", fw^w.^pS&MS_? ,-f. p*'. -livin.a.a-ide^ripiiooo. ihe _^ir^ofl_re_.W«k tbo -weat cyp'. pnce. wl- ', wi.. CS^aaS-fltT rfl"»***" ** "-a*^ ¦-*-***!.*..'*¦?. j^onsro to £rt. A Fl KliL-HED HOl'SE *.> I-KT iu Ihe COUNTRY __\ -The r*nt wUIl« tak.n out m l-oatd. A -k-afiji wit_*jut c _.Jren f.KmO Adflraaa M. JA.M>>. «*.e of tbifl paper. BROADWAY 8ALOON-TO LET.-Tha L«cture Rooa m the «nl flr»r oi the Srv.Yvea_at lti«*'tu*e, No b^fl riiiilr.T wkcfc u IChT TlfVet. wr_ hc rented, mt ka -taltrred to part arrrvar,i. woui,^ make a h uidiomo Iflre Cr.am Silooa. ______iTVa7eKO-C. or cooid be atla;.*e¦'. to the nsc 8ar.ni or o-.^-t Banka. JjJ££ i. o.r£__B_M~~,Ma_a w_U-4. BROADWAY 0FFICE8 t.> LKT.Both stnall aud large Rootn, lobt-iea wrll 'i-htV- aod itrpt .n clean cndinon. Aj^ly'ro OEOBOE P .>- .->r Authocv it snd Broad waj. 1JROADWAY _*T.»lvh-and LOYT> to LKT-Th. Dl,,, ,-iore^ iate Olrmpit 11ieat_r. now fiuiilnr., each Lmktmt inp Ai*v id. ii and Iti: Plcan, »'_ii_5 iVaf dtt-p, with ll-aem -at of aame aae. Will be let or ht* i fx * term of three venxx. i p .ratelv orrtaelhri PflflBflflka ahoal tba flufl trrak ia May. ApplyatNj.il Jo-ait. or to E. M. ATHYATER, No. _:. klacduoff- it. COTTAUK toLET. iu8INO SINO-One mile from tie raiiroad, conimandmi a'raagnifi.-ert vt.-w of the Hndian R tfl_ ¦rfta_TOt_k_*nge_antry. T'.:e lol coi'v.-i t{ acrea. and his bora, ttakle. 1.0. Apply to B K. BROTHER-ON, l ouoa Ba_k. N. Y. COTTAGE and OABDEN to LF.T at YONKEKS . Aaeat Cortage ai d Qardea, within three minotea' walk .(' the Dep-t < 1 the 1'iocton K.v-tr lail * eo_._aa_id.r_ a ppi-udij viewoi" thenvrr tnd :ei!e>eti-tb ite, co ve-ie. cel'o: a .ente-1 fan'ily. In- onni ©T .*. I». BIK KWKIJ.. in the TiUa_e, or tth-_ Btore, No. 11". C_oij-.r. \rW .tr. _i HOl.-F. 1 Kl in 801TH l.Rt»OKLYN.Atiae tbeA»l-.t |4ti-aat I!o__e. No IS- ("oa:t at.. *"ou'.h Bauklyn. .eor Tai-- loqoire of l_-EDEP.ltK BtTLER, No. S VflflJj tt, Kow-Tark Ctty. oi at hia .-eaidecce. No. It.i Cour it B o -_) MOKl.iSlANA -To lap-f.t-i. t-tor.-*. in tlie .n-sr lo c-t.<k_ fl th.- a-.!'-.-.- * - t^e hard-rare or dry foodi taaaflo. iji'*- toW.V -: No. 145 Uur.u-it.. N \ or WU. (>R.» .. rrperMcn_raiia OUR F to LET..A laayor,haring two pleaaaat i-a-tb. I'-tv I'a". dflfl-vo to la* ooe of them to a mem- terofthe proi'-kkflo. ita"mo.le-.-eret.t tl:e offii-ea to be occapiei xn coaaraor. . i -, ai» toir to L R H.. ____~ of thu ptjI: RCH.)M to LET.Wl.h s:eam power.One Ium raa_>.-i.y 10. aad Bahtoh A!-~ waanl aB-Oflfl itoma. wuh aaaady power, ia oue of tie beat _~v.~__a ic thu city. App.y to PERkl-aTABER. coroer ol Oreeaw.th and Btacb-ite. RO-lMfc to LET, anth good ateady l*OWi_R. at tho ___..«_* Railraaa DrfpNt, aituated oa Wi.i --»,.. betwe-u Y'm and Ctaat-ati TU r.oa-1 va. in a/- from 3-_.-fi to IdSxii are weil Bflttad and eaa W ecroo___o_»te- with aay aauoiukt of power. There _r» tlat- gcod hoiirwija water CnWeta. C.-o'tun water, tai fiitarea, ke-, _B_aa__rc.T cooaootnl witb fhi d'ieient rooma App.v daiiv to W. A Al '..F.N. c -oet of E'm au/Piankiia-fltfl- 'tH) IM.To a retpclaMe fami'v arithout small A ebi^ien, tho lalf ofataiTY lloaae in il'.h at. and ith-av n C»t__tiV»ve ta ard ff<*m eAfrv !Ot'.i-.-.'.ei There ia Croton wa'er all tt>aa_b_-e Houae. wuh ba-ha. water clo-eta. Ic Tnerv u a flow.r atdbai*. <ar_t_. antl to 'aa..h ia the bouir bu: throwner. (hx-.I r-fe- i«_iai»-aur<' tai t.". X. t .t N U I'tn: 21th-*t. trom IC to 1. .TO LET-1W mvDdett.r. t.f S-,..r,- No. -2. D.-y-it. A _<-:.. i. D, y _t Hctpe -_.hy.3f.at. Will l..-lot low. Ap- »iyea ika pirxiwi. or at Nc. .." I' T) LET.Krom the !st of Mav. the atHoud floor, .tth rar. cf tbe a' BnaaKfl 99 Attorefv at, w;tl. tnT'h_n,ta t -aad. !____:».. It wUI be let low. In<_(ure oo the pit-.-jra, r. al Ba tfl Jaawi-ih;> Ti 1 VT.A fim .'la-ti HoUKf, haTina tllthf modern aiftflitracB*!. w th a___otis g-ve.oianr* »taMe altac-ed. . :aaaaaftka_kaatt_ra_aat ^.atioaa _a t'e..rv The h>oae w.ll ho faraaB, -art-akrd kf ra.uivd. Poaae-noc aiven at i-ort ootic-. \J ill ba kat wilh ataittaat tiaa tuUe ___tn__ rnt No B I'oatO-S.e, .T-* LET or ftir BALE ia BBOOKLYK.Tlw oto- Jl |txt fkreaittiy 1 ntk Hoaae. browi- atone front. mir'.'e mai.tlea. m train nln, taa te. Na. 5 U.,._._. at ietweer. H.c_« aod Hea.y. w,t>ia ata aaa.tta' oali af Ra_ailu~>-av. ferry Poo_e~ton fluen im- aiaatily. Aw**t 9 i. R. V, \ .iN-Mit N Y PFO LET.T» t txrull FainillT. th* half of the upper A pwtefeTe-ifloBnUe Hoeae, No'jTJW ar. Apply oa tbe proni* Oa* t.t**y Ial May T) LET.Hoat. Kfl .*... dtb-st . near Waa-iagtOB* amon ktnttr*. I_<p_T o* 0 JOHN*. Ma. fl» Utmetem tt-, ktlwr i oVhaat A. M. a__.fr._r. | tj J c'tixt P. M for permiu to om TH) l.KT-Tte Oiiard Stores -Th- A.aaCa t_o_ba_M_fCb____ttit. ahoie Th.rd. jacav-a: p abaa: _4 fe-i, -wi «___d aoa_i__n_s t j i;.._ J Coa.1 al ko:lM(flf». TtoWMvataeaa-i-daaf Uw iu_«aT _*_-- eeatrr, lead-.a. to the ***fl_L**^"'*>_*____*rta»**la>d»*kvlMfre.iIeap. tba-.__._. af <hok_>_a__p__T. b_ra a_w<_e_ witb a du - --gar J t > '_______*.''¦_-,-,¦ kailw-iWaaty aadlive beea co-iraJ^d ib thfl !_? r^"-" "f*,ll**~ *-¦ "U- tV k-tt water.ala. aader thj t irec- **_**. T B.AmBatm, Ai-hilat. Tba int ttot* t* eat'.reit bi .( of irun. aafl anaflawttie lackaaadaad aaeartd bT"ralem ravo'TiatihatUrra. ¦' . ... .natlaie _ _a_i aaaWl. -*. * .. m mwht\\m r hu-'.aeaa of 2^3"¦¦**.-» » ko" nbAly tbma._il tl.e whole thir'.Be-eof y^^faa-iiai at taawa a-oai^T-a i7axYdT_~_-- paakdM ___!___!__[..?' amhhtatin taab atory ia orna<_ea«ed b> a -.-T-i-y w* mlmtim*. betweea wlach are arched w.._l tw. and a tka whole. u lappjrte- by iafl boidly train the wall. wmpoaed'of '-tb: I >'u BBfl raal n d >oe wub the r.otat I v___.bu.ea af tbfl BtOflBfl tbe froat aad rea--. and at Hght ka admitted tKrv.ni|b *~e lat-Wa-wa md awakea craaqlafl ta tbe whole. u iap?Jrte~ by ^B¥#_l'*»-|Ba tarta-i -nuacoaf holdly iroin the wall. eaaapoeed of tb: cola-HH baal ka doae wuh the r.otat d v___.bu.ea af tba BtOflBfl tbe floa. aad rear. aad al w._sw«____ias2J_s S_____*-»~w_p___L. aack kartegavaryl ¦« __2f__k_r_.n_.*_f^Cl^y ._ «i Cbaaaatat. Haa rl>to. rear. They ore li.at lathaceotar i-_r__j- *»o iraio-a or bo-.ldi-jt-tba ?-_?_r_T-l--^TT-f** *****1 Mtoflaaaa flwakr aghu tor tbe domefl __.rf **'**?* of ***? ^|,*^~,^*^ Aervta a. tta aaaor part of toe tr >n: ~S^^^t___^i'__^.,_,,_lt_-* -flV^-a-f-** of wa..-b .*. ».... aia taaal» aat ty tfl laat. ati taaalv kantoA and w .coa- T_-t_tMaa. _a th* bttabaa~~ch~» S'.^CVTlT.r__T^ th-t r-ck atory ceadd ke ocnpied tv caa _t___T__4 T_>T-a__eovor r ^^^B^Ztmap^ MMaa, ana tkampeh tht Otnvd BaiiBaa aa Sd _. th ¦P«B»~^|--0~--Ca--t. TW^3K~^haa __r__1^___S__.*^*l__*_r'!*^ Atttbaaawou- SrT ty*_r*_t*j *y.ta«*;*- *. .-. *-d«_-7a__H *r* .»o *ZmTl __J1 __?_!____'___**._*"-?**. *-t aaa. tad kack b_.__in_. ia! t-?-?----.^**^**«-« -5f«a» flrf-mra-aah-ad-. tflK.ai a_-_-^__^_xarste>-i . **. **..te *bw: t**\!Zm*niTmm^ *.-»¦* .*»» ta-pail aaaa that .uat. emftad. aad a!l Ua Wi .^^SL »&_____--* ^'ammkkxhm nr-.7_*l^,"^^ **-w^*^»*-~^.YY.__,-aa, r,.__a I%jy_ftl__?1! *__!__- frtM B_-«n«»t trt.it S^-^^-^^J*-^ T^.H~^.T^^^^,^^^ Bfc^ n . ^¦_daafaa^kfr^a_^J2,*22_^ Th; »?-«-> wkUha lat Mr au-Hatba ata kow ~^T_**w*****»***a'dflalt_r a hp-p T°, aaaatil Ta ba l»4 TWI aa mnaim «a . ta . ,^" _f~.'i.^-tiaVV-' TUN. N.. r -»__-_., ..-( _^ '^-8^ti .1 _,7r M _- aad twea-y pa-»«a .***¦ »P *_____* *»*»^-4a»r^-_; K_. T4 Piaat-a-fl-. eacaad to<i«e fcoaa --__*«.. »,^r___, ta\ ¦a_-OMtC~ -__, K* JP Biaaaway V_^^w^_«Jt oftaalia-w aflirailfl " ___T__T_fl. tkirt-fltory bnck S*~_*e_i h,^.. -_a a>_~-L (eaaa M May Beat B*» I tfl-oa al »~aaa*r__.Ba« »-^ T,jn.1.__>D _., gj^,^ T) LET Btece Ho 19 Parhjlaoo. la v.ht*ieor w \u*. Bt " » l'"-e>.I" .rated AppN I** 1" I'ARM .*. * PKO_U.LAT_iY.Na ... iy R _*__., Ro i rpo MT.A deatrable r. on tot a Poiti 1 c .',:.- -atilt' nt ar Bo* . __t_fl .i. r|X) I 1 *-1 fii-tii. nt*. fin i: plaiu reinrptaMf* family I ri'S) 1.1:1. 1 icin i«t llajr.aaftt 11 I V . * I, ai .'.;.. i'u.-'. TO LET.Ko. 173 Bi eataer of CourUaadt It.Uirtt. .. ' '. _** -y Ht *]-ea' I.FIMTT .v .V \ .. IVt .1 flX>I.l i-A'I....* v|.,rv brirh II..-toalJSira I f. r ..-'..-. te v l-dv. who w wl l *>.»2 «t_* n }!._?¦£._¦__ '' - ¦p.-Tiicc.rnpaBtaBdVaaf'rwillb-a-dwilh hrr _-.d tako ro_8t ot ba 188 iBboarvj Tbr lo.-flilpa i a P!«*«"V^i^JSS *th .t. W -.lliacitbc-flh, Houie A_rw. or adircfl* J.U.Tx. flt tlin oth.a, ' Maj. . I^i) l.KT.A large. aea BuiWla*, 25n?0 fret dwp. wi'*-tiih'***en:eDt. iirdtiTo nonei _i-.flh.No »¦' Croiliv-it ut dooi!' ffi«b '¦>. A--x,toir. piaao lovtei ind -th.'.: na: i.f-oiuriu* purpo-r*. wi.l ,*~ I.l l»_. t r o, it ,t rtv-tte fioora tm turtbr: patt.ci »r- ;i. ,_ire of AARON HAttB- M.VN No 11-' Miill-v-rTT--"-, fcur. oon ielow Orai.d. r|i|> i ,i: j 1 .r Beligiona Berricea, a Hall neaiy tin* A i»lifd iiKhtrd flritl - - ftaabla of cortaunoa Ji" o: mo*. A_",''y (*> A A Kr i l> Ha '4 Hr »dw»y. TO LET.A Ccantn* Rcsitlcncc ou tho Hu..< mRiver. in tbe tit-itiiiy of W.-ti I'o.i.t t.tnil t.n i._.**»i.:.a_d Itevit'iv * -.ntHt iriu'i the Ra.it.._l *tat.*n ar. tht> f.rry IO. . o*_ -na'i T'l-eir i< a flcot. two .ti.t li..,i* f. oi.i.unnfl nx looini w.tb caUaraad tchra. and floi .u_.. aod .rvrrtl a,.-. ..f laad .djom-ni Apply Ui (" 9 OBBOU., Baal ___8a8o OM xto'l Btt.a. ii tl . BWMJ, mo Li i bi i:.\vi:\s\V()(ii). LL.A »e_yde-ii-_a JL bi? ola tuhioaed liwt'.iios i'.juic. two rtory «ad »t_ic, BtB t.n- tainn ( frvrterr. rocma, lai-jsc atirden. with every var.ctv of lruit. tt- parejni. kc Lawn :n fr rr. »nd rear finely ibided with larje tree, flad n :tli bsm a_d eamajt'-bo-ie : aiao. luoir'aod it drr.rrd li icce**:blt- ly boatixnd it-uri itery hour. For pirt._'j_ar* ej'P y t(* Dr. **AN_' 'BU l ear the p.-rtniaej. a\t LET.Threa brieh Cettagea on l-r.i__.U-ay. aear __, 84th-M Thrre "tt-fT ati.) r-*ar l'-_*p_.er:t, tv-ith mott ofthe modern iuiprnv.nirtit* (afl tn thet_-»t oford-i Tbe itetttoo it heiltby a:. panl iDdr..nimanrl|fl tiill v-rtt-ot the tireTand I'a'itadr*. Thia* iaa ol aajaa paat tha d~n*i »na tk4*k sv.r.ra uo to Md.<. R«- per _nn*_i" kor f-rtii* r r..rt'.ruiart appir to _->! Cl* 4 BAKNils, No. 4a Mi) it ottoVvM h |'vV\"il.'No Ul__k.av IX) LET ar 8ELL ta BROOKLYN-l-ieo threa atory rhi'_delpbiaWickandbriiui,-ittvne fititii molnrn Imilt Ho.,"*, ¦jait finiiliid. iu llavii -..o-it. lirtwien lult.vn ai.d D* Kalb iva with l>a(h l'.ot ii Oa*. Belifl. SfK»akin« Tul _- SnViVl.r. kel tr- .1. ii. ¦ituated in full vew i.f Wa»hititoo ptrk. A hnr of *ta,.-« ruu t-ir.mih each avenur from Ko'.tou an.1 7-otnh Ke.-ii. a For part ciiltr* in ]nit> .f .1. R. ST FFI IX Yu.\.. oppi'iite the booirfl, ot to Mr. W. I I TIIOM. No -1 i'viun'.aiidt-it New-Yirk_ TO I.FT.A thr-'f-aNiry II."i*.*. pleaaaatl. aittiitt-J i-oct:ir.4 two hiflh b»»-:iie_U. two palor*. Ou: 18 aaa iu mctad tt0. _, m tind «,orv. Tbe preaiiie* wiU I* mitle ua- aaceB-iaaaals to a »ocd tenant. llcat. 8-ot'. with tbe tinvilefleufa ttri7-. of veai* A family doflitina to ac«-omm_d*te il» bo.rj.r. wouid Bad :t eoavmaiaat "ard di-iabl.- Apply f. So T t'.x*t r-thit r*|X) LET.With homediate poatu-aaioo, oa -»th-ar., A tmW B.'fX'k;v7*. berweer llth flni Hf.-'t*. three fln.-tar.tial an i cor.vrn:eBt two t'tory hnrk Htn'ri. ctnfvtiini t roomi w-.th paa- tnet, cloaetfl aio jtood c'e'la:.. with ffl rar.dat. sr.d coartyirdfl tn f.-oat The ifii »t. :. liflhted with (tai. acd hne* of itflre. paiv . icvod tenit_t the reo* w:'l b» low. by urP:r'--i« to D BXO£ItL,l Crenr-errv-it. Brooklyn. ITH) l.Ei.1 or a tertu ol" reara, the lar«.* Srore No. X im Weit-a . fire door. fiom Er,e Rai.ioa-d-p.it. Ap;* y (.' Vln BA_t__H B__KK-1 BadlJary-a * To LET ;iu.l FrRNITrRL (br ~ALE-Tbe baae- meLt.f No. lapirk-p'ae ....... __,_.. .* BABCOCK i. BR'iWN.No. _" Pak-p._v*r. hpo let. BOUTH BROOKLYR.Taa t~_ree ataty a\ iPMtic-front Honoet. wuth (ide of Vntoo. itfc flad r".h hou. . of H'.ki-M uithic tir^ rr-inTite_ wa^ of Hfltnilron bt Ferry - : t-t .ii .-m alird w:- .: nfent-cn par or. tai faraace, ranp ^.f; Wi' U* Ttvu-d iivw tv4»*.Hv' ten«ot. Icqflirfl ¦*. UARKf.** W'lLSON, \ N.-iiiao-it. or r J SIMMS. Nr ti IVflll-.t TO LET '¦¦.* _.«<>. TH BROOKLYN.A three rtory H bm (IniflVrl »ith axtpaaioa r.v. i- B_art~i aattaa, ... Lt.rili aidfl "f Woodl.u'.. *t. oear id-lac*. five ininnte*' walk tro- r-tw. R-nt n.i_hieii.'e Ino.) re o( JOHN R BXiniAi-AY.a MW I^O LE 1. Wal!-lij{littHi i.-H>iua aith er aithoot 5:?e_nP.we: lf OBJ 8-8 laqa:.-. o: C M IIMOK-OH,Hl lt. Lcwifl-i*. TO LEi in BROADWAY.Sereral anit-d of OtW?r» i: \ Br.-*,... t B i - ¦: llai .*'*. I.iwy-rt kc A,->p:y »( Ka 4! >'? nanft-yloce TO LET.Wdl Lighted Kih>i:i- v»: : Bieaaa P.)Wi*r. in a t* itbmx.-flfl lesaSa. App'.y to UETZ, BRorUEE k Co No. 1^4 w lllaa 0 tl\) LET.KEM LOW.Hoaae aorth iide%t__-«t, J. y. |fl --.h-ar fo-it itonri ind bai'-raect. with modern ln-prpTr:: e ::ti hnxty tm tba paoadaaa or 18 C. 1'ABI'RIIH__. N». 3 Courtianct-t: trotc I to S oc ocfl. rt LET.A l-dabed Baaemeur. No. :*'. A-.ni ->t e n tier of !>"*_»»u » ko *d ttflnd for * Tiunk Store Aiao. AH.-tetu.i i"ro_t,l Baaaji. oa 1 ^tii-.t. ueif .ith-a-'. bv tween tl*e 4tbaid-th __8|all8 ktD-FAICTHAW, No -vJAan-tt., or .t York *l\t RE-vT.A Gr-t t-lnaa H->tiso on the Etightaat X fffla liiililaa, 8 I. moit comi'orta'.iie aad ooavaniaat hariaa waet do-. t*. l>«*-fl. -c-. flUble fltd o-ch hooa; iat-loaad m»inrk of ?Ci icit* onlv il ve r_.ii.utt- walk from tiu) ferrv App.y to IHA>. iv HAhlll.ToN No IHaaova-a. TO RENT.Thoae fine large, _iry. aapaeleaa aad well iiiht«>d Rooxfl o:i flec-nd fioor of the new buiidina of lha l'tL>- ver La-.k roaw-i.tu fl'.ven in:::i<M'.iafe'.y. Applt a tl.e Hinover Bin_,orfl: the itnce ofthe ()'i.o I.iv !__tur-nceai_d irt-tt Comnany. \\*1! LIAM8BUBGH..flitore in South6thel. WpO; II ilo-j** vitb lt ro.t-j. *uit~b> for a botrA af-baaif, 8.V'. i' r- *. ,-t rick Houfle o. Soot! ::h-it ,on* block froui th Fi rry. 11 roou*. ?»'. Alto. averal .:.K:r b-at::!^ ll.-.i.t MV thfl lerrr _____£», to mil :t__ap, orre .r trca: ti'"'t, 81 ". S. OOC-XltOFT, P.eil K*t_te Office. N _. : ?ou_L l-h-flt W'i'KK 6HOP8 t.. LET.The aeeoad au-l thinl T T .-re* of » bnck Bu:'.'i.-i|t in rear afKa ft ten >' i tr tki I_.u:re ia I'-oar oft.ro. Nc l-«lni' 117ATER POWER.To Reat._-.the Delaware aud 11 Ba .- d Ca_*I. o.ar tlie Cut of N,w Bnimw Irh N .' -T.ie*e rremi*** f n.btace a larfle kfliek buiU.tt, with macbinery a.. in t *>l irorkinfl * *' i'our, uieai atd feed w,;h abundanc- ot rov.er'l". r iwo thn-. or four itm ot .tone* An evten.'.Te c By ktorkmay be done at tht. pt.ee A cornmodio-. re*. w.th tweott .cr'rt of iho.cel.nd. aay a.t.v heteattd. aent the raill.^ For paTUcalanv. apply to PETEB ONOVER. No -t New-Bnuu ¦' ''" y Ecal Cetatc for Qak. AT PRIYATE SA] E FARM and (.or.VTI.Y.-r.vr -Simottdafco:- m Jflnev. 38-.ilrtfiom N,«7 .jik. Uiaflfl. .vt_i.o.th» ;-.___ia a > ¦:. wiiicbf-u- leite... -. ._i *:-.-.- Oraa aad Craia * iri_«a-_aa»fl ar wa t * _»f:u,'..-rvt,- tbeHoawerikraaananoay in the l . . -'*]. ot- %u ' '.'-i' L;c*. .TS a lt_.-»i !at» n t t to UiO uian road. aud wei. itxX. fr.it aud o-_«-r:rrt_ It kl :m>_-Orr aml coatt i.i I rfl roonii on iat trit 11c... m__ aiar«e bklX it:a-b.- B-Batba .u thajparka Ac. and arte*_rt_.mt . tao_th Theraifl a I-A. :. front ati on but-, aad*.01*the -__-*e. *np}~rt.d oy ten flote, Slnaiii, T-'.- '' itlit"n4t! x,-mt ol alaraoand we.i WiU Bere Cnb Hom i »lk_a_ A.- bo: baaa »' <"M '' ' .t of arce.4 to.rhe city - ch_fl-brfl.br tl.- ah eaaaot aeex "... : ».'7.t .**-.. . __** -nte Tbe tflflraa. f«nnfla| ln been done »»^P«" at an* ti-n- App.y u COLt. A LiliLTv.> VVall-tt. AT PBIVATE 8A_L-_--Th .rounduu the ... ld and Lrfl- tittonatt. Ako. .:- Loti oc tbe _oathwe«t cof.er ¦. .. tv I'or tein:. aad taitu-lara at P'.* ") ANiliOM J BL>ECKFR. Au.tio?-<r No.7 Broa_ia. /-.Nl BE BEAT FOK THE MONEY .Two V l>wel:-c Hov-ei :a Brookivn. i:ti.atva oe __h*__*_*** ot P-c'Se and N**vir»it.. ir cne of tte bei. neig-bo.-:»__»in : ba.lVup ntoptiv w.tb firtt daa bow-fland acorra M-tiflt flny III III 1 he hoow** are' _*.__*. three itory. b*«t-ment ani rib cei.a nea and _lh-t-_:.riv l-Ji'.f. «itb it-* tl i-nahout Call aad e_a__ie tn eetlOk A nxtm portion .'I the purchate n*o--^"> ,^'xxki ¦-.ftgt tor a terni ot year. u' de*rrd Apt NnKlli-t oa'Jioptoa-f-- 1'ncaof comet l*i . I B88BI b c 01 H iitV BEAT i.t SALE-A Mai B-aaaCottaaja, with three ._.«.. of icod IulI with fra t. good waer. -*_***_ b. _** aid barn. aituaed beant:fu!It on tbe raa*..- Rf.' to New-Jer- iflV- oii-e* fr -m I'atr.-aoa. and 2 tion. K_-l7o.d lflrp.rf-vehaim-.__f re- tie.l ttr aet mercU. - ..et* m tht v ita IV.ceve-j.ow liat; a fl p at.-. EAS1 MORRISANIA LOTS.T.iuv eTten.K*d lur t*vi_e_t of 80 pet crnf. of pnrcl_a*> aoney cr. fhe t"*-«_**e ot _,cc-_---Vr__. l> prrcea _K_ra, and baiaoe* on or betore ..«--:.- JT '.(AV Tbtwe l.*U occupy a vrry he-Jthy aod beava' tu. k-eaOon --tur , waraboBaaaifl-a aai nt_- ¦iwiijia v7-..-r rewJentr. of k-feml of flha* i-~_t wea-'thy and re*|-e.-cab_4 cisiieci of We*trbe-~rT Ca nlfl Ain*. tine fiabiafl wtth:a a qa_na ot a nai.e TkeMorr-aiiaBnii-;!. Railnvad. airewty bni.: i-aflwat-ronaath-a p~.p- . rtv ai-. tl., New-Bochelle and _e.oi:d-av Kailnw-. wh:cb ha* beea «_a t ch-rttare-. lt u fl-twet**.! w:¦} r~- thr.__fb th_« prvpt.-r-f br>atr*are now bnt Ial and t. tt te tcfl rapadjV D-jta-Ce 0. tbi* i*-->aa-rtv OflatJ tbe <*>Iv Hall. mne milr. T-.t-* r-Tject- For mtpa J_WS_flTu~----«~n-^y ro DB WiNTON No 5 TTy.»-row aea B-v-7-fl Bai road 0__c* IMK SALE or LET.A loodern aud 8-r.»taniiai . ltHou_-w.thl3fl.-r_. ol -Xf-elhrrt ln.J.'J ibe aec-*-ar- *alkaf--f- withinfittt n-inuu» walk ot thed.-. * la -.'-tr. of Hl N. B.V J. PA . ID, at iW knt*tx* Hot*'- Jat-ve-ca. L .. 1-vQlI 8ALF.A aolid. l^auttful Httbt ttiWi HOU-E, e'eaantly Baiflhrd. «ix n_ooth« ato. c a l*a:_c_t Bro. tlv a Pn.-e _^-t~i_ayi-fl-i»taca-4<--r.-d aijji-iiia. Ibfl Hoaaa wa* tL t fer aMTnt-iiflp.fl.-a*" aud wiU. if .*_:*4 fir thu week. be Aold fc, lr^t-~_.c-- -k^roTx- kToWARD- U-iTF.R. NaM Biaad 27....r-... il-ri 11 L l)AVFNFt*RT. Ko V A e eaaotiy _a_nr_,awina>~ii-**>*-<. t.u i_..___. ...--...- ...-. $luv.ii_»vi--n->in(*n-4_4-di.nd »ar-|»a* Ibe Ibu** M t'itfcrati-v»fl-U^^__v»_*.aj-w.;. if rt-.tti t.r tbu week. be *o.d fci lr"_b__-ca Tid-rr- i IDWABD- LK-TF.R. No w.v Ii.p-Ju.ial .'t KRO k DAVFNrtMIT Ko fl Wai F>KT BAMILTOH VII.LA BttES.-*Tha retj choav* Pk-4 of lirtiuod io itu'jiealia'e ticimty ofth- Haraiit.m o_-r atMi I'mtrd Sttte. lanJt. Yott Hf. ItflO :in..4* of-reai ¦ iu* ** te« to thi*c __*..__ . m*Ot*aad pkaant iocttitka t»t readeuco I w V i'.'o* tha »i*A i* ii---iih_«»-_ f.*r brautv of »u_a'io« Wiaf fl-rvvaf __*nie_4 pv-t-rtflviu. arooud New V ork A !¦**_,liient Ferry i* i*o# ...iiii tha-.' l). .I'rlli.l 1 :i n C t.lV -.--,. ita .ll* cvl._7k ibu«rrt_Jriiifl il* prt'i-rrty ol ¦«< roady aad roov-cirotv ,_, I. -.« ...-.-* .. a '. -" N' Wl v. BA-_t___l i BANDKBH '. 3 Nit-aa tt L'a.iK SAI.E.A ainnll Lut aii- Sial.loiaYiw»-*.t .HriK»k- r Ivrntv-theFaltoalexry Apply to D1FT-. BRO P.IKR i v. .. Ke 154 Wil_u__» flt t'olt .SAI.E.Vnlii.bli' Kfal Eatate ai Haatiafa.caa' a.cafl oi wTerfll Vi * and Cottaae Baaa,ebmamuxgBaatbns taflaa trnm of .aad. AU th*M pa..li are «rali (r-aced aad wa aeaaaw-laf flaaM-atwct view ol the Hadaaa tim aod aarroaadisa ccaatry aid w.lhin «te n.uiutrt' wat ofth. HaaWa R.trrr R. i rf t 1 - i-artir-iiart n. ;*..**> oft K ME'iRATH. Uati.ngfl. a at Ka_ UW M athia-tna tt New Tork y-*.)*** BALB or io L-ET- A Farta.,"*- a.*r»*a.kimkIhiwa-a a t_n -atfliMia. N T N 11 R lt ¦ < kflfl 'man tb* aBjj «-a_a*d t-tcltyptopany t.tmru v'trt 0e *~ Rm-dwty. .' i 1"S>R SALE.10 dwurabie Lota at H fh Unxige m ' ir* atkaa tAmt -mrytmx-*0mk_hketabmmmmatwt tm_?ern£~*'- Ar-tJyioD B v*-t>T.,v ;_.-»!.,* o^ ya-_t.C7fl.H~B ! FOli i-.i.E, at Y«»nkt-ri *... Hadaufl Ki*~-' aataaa . d tne 1 ,. LA? LA .'R-.S' L. No lleekt atipf '- .'< ,,- ia»ge_v §¦ - 1. 1/' >i; .* . ¦-b-e. I*V1. BALE, ht PQUQHKKCTSIE.A ce^r-rl : :i. .'I - . . ; :_e .i ol la.-,-* *.ie. r'ode.Ti ba-t, coav ,-ti:.n: a .d -rxiicape and river aeenerv ip nol ro -iTTtaja-il I .: orn. tt.enta tieei i_ndir>'': PflrfartberBflffl arplv to -"'J.- *P) ., i VNWAOI - :. Y. * IV' '*S' iPo-.eeop-a -UOCL-Pf 4*. w.'.K-.-v, i'-' ' 1jX)i_ BALI -JktJtet Robertaua, Kichand ii Bayaid i'ienr.,n Cope tai T'l.-.iaa S. Tivlor. A< auteei ifl ttutf of tba _., the Cvnk .( thr i rtbe fclloo Lea Eata e ai .-.- vai, p-.'.e. .m.i ;A li R."'A \. lha portiona of aaid real eatate aa aia oot t tipoflod ol boToia hat t i. .-. willbeei] it (he Co rt Hfl-M n l P a- '-I. of th-iaii Wbdayaf A.0 1 -, i. ; y roace property, itoite ia Libarty To-rattra i . _. af Nocthambarlaad I . » v r ii.-rn i-ri"*, honita for a fllfl IB a:.-l a'l the BflflflflBMy araoal bi.iit faraarr. There u ti- tiched l.i li-.'.irnici a Iprie le.riv of wn,-1-n.l !.»-:._ >>n. an.1 ext-ol- l ..it Moeioo-'i Ridg flome I iflclearolaU a rii - laad i- tolni '.irt' ul f, otrpnil Ore fittinrfotlie .iepreieed itaio of _bah ...... trt i l-:r:-ar..- hai b-en ont of bUflt f.r i.»ne J****, ¦t-. view nf tbe coBfemii.aftPd ronp'r.ieti-jn of th- l>ta» V. por. and Et.fl Raiiroad wito-n a (ew ml- -i.evt-.oo-trg.rst advantajeitot'ie luccearfii cu-ion t'-f Ihe iron''n>ii.c«a. _^_ l crnv ,-rd .wo-fhir-i of the Rou-.ng rreet ..roiee orooerty, eoodidaa ol IN ecm a-d 6 porehea of Und, aruata in Miyberry T.'T>n*h:r. Mont .ir C.nniv. Pa. witb the fo, nann_ ktaarflm. ,_'.. omai-e.'ac-. Uttet taaa, -Bfaathjah and :'teet boib: ona Caatiej Ho*. _>. I t. t by M i.f. m.e Stock Hflaafl U fe-t b-.-r~ u-rt; oce Coal nLed. J5 let t hy 7.'. feet: one Brnlie llnof. 3- fert Ity fotir Hoatini Chamhera. conta-.nint t" *.¦¦<¦¦- a.Dfll : ¦:..- I I u Bn « I. 81 I d.an.e'.r: , ne lt>-d nn.i Ta.l Rtce. 5(»0feet l.ut: RflflM (¦aaaP.pei. ard ali tl.e nece-earv 6_rurei at th- raroa_*>: all'.oni larao-toofl IHre! rt Houie. 4" f-e^ aqoara; terea i.ntller Dt ........ - laad are ot au .. oelleot qaahty. The water jower nune _t Bfl bflfll in thu i- tion o! fl A Vr-ctof I.tad. ntca.-in Motto-rTown-lup. ( i.'.cTnbn tj icrrittd-. iercle#-tbo.t ~,o arrri c eaied Tim t- . . loflta on .Vo-tc-r'i Kidte. tnd kl fjppoted to c .ntnin talB-Bfl veiniof ir. n cre. ....«, L- _r-. 4 A Tract "t Und nfnare in M-iomng 1 ownihtp, Monrour(.oititr. I'a criai'jing'iii rea aud »i-errhea-aboat Iflfl tc.ee cieared T-.-. nnd ii ntnatc on Moctoa.'p Bidge. and ii auppop-a to I raloab e v, oi ot in I _. I \ I'r* rt ot La__.Mtuttr in MalaorjiDgTown-hip. M-' tn-.rl o-i.tv, .'«__ rnturi-.. g S- 1,-r* ad II P-TchM. ob w'oxch r.viiuab.ev ina of troc ore oow op.Led snd worki-d. ted from whi,- .arr- i':t-_n_i-tol at. , Ibarth tort of the pnrchi«e monev to be rv.rf OO -hc dty -t I'le. nal aanaal aaymoo-i wt.h iatareat ao- irraati a-d mtrtxmge ou the S "-Il-UMAVC'- A,r " K H BALDY, Daavilie. Pa. Dtnnlle. Pa A 1,'OR BALE or EXCHANOE t.rCTTY FIMFER- J. Tv_'. | _rr-p of choice L.iud, ioc'uding a mmatUi Parni w.th l'i- acrri. iti high .-tutivatlon. Toe iKatMB cannot t-e lurpaaied f.r aaritn tnrol r-i'i'-iei Uiitance from thii c::y If mi*a K-.r pertxu -. .( ' H. HL-.m, Ka _«.:Ubt. FOB SAI.E in WILT.IAM8BUBGH-TirflBtyfcar _-,^ .,_ two romen, wel! adi;t.-.i fur the ere.t.on f r.ei Pricea I'r.m tl.'O' te tl.Y'.': Tho at.. a may le Pccurtd by mort_age. The above pror~rtY, #tr___., ; n>nte tfl (Ireen.o.nt, aa.i va ith:n balf a mi>of th-(ij-iii ard Kou-' a-9 t ,k. orattbytbflflttflflflbtfl I .hppr- i.tp f. T'-irv-l*. w.th a l«_-_ei.on__gp. Ten ,,f ih- ab-.veir. co-.f:_.o__, tad bare a f.-oat ot 4-0 foet. la-jaireit Jay-»t.. Bnoklyn. I^vY. SAI.K.a Hooae ai.d Lot. No. 199 Weat 90th* :'i54i, three .: *ud undercelitr. b-.m-n .tone tronr; Crr~on wiier. ra*. i.- oontptele. lu )ou-e of i... UU ir. B JAQl'l 9, No aaW-atflfltkett. I?ABM for SAI.K or EXCHANGB..49J aereao. '. -,- fin-.-.r._ '..ad. tboot loe aeree ol'which are ia good cu.t.rj. -t'lr-He. and for an i*_ncaltu_i*t the __-!_ot te .nr?«_i Applv ro WAU.BB MlKE, 1. Chambe~-_t. FOR SAI.K. aear STAJkUOBD, Coonocticut, a PARM cr COINTRT BEAT. coLtamir; a'tou;-'. t r-. I .- land w.i. woodedand wolflf-d. iy.ni aboit hall a mi.e-ro-. the Tilltte l i tnd about ten m-.cu_et'walk fro^i tna Kew Havea Ruirvaa Star »o The dwellmfl-boaa* ii pteoM .-¦c-p tnd totiiar-rate order. Pair paittealara, 11 B WARDEUp, at Staaitord.orof Rr* K.WLhi.No. ___! bro-j.w.v. Ktw-Yfltb. FOB SAI.K. or to LET, r1 CA8TLETOX, Stal W-.i \ te<!C<jt_i.ear.!.-:i a laad- int pr.' fl ^l tho wi-.e: si-.l Jti.ey <LoreIrom the p.enuiee. AaaStB ,' r LEE. BO .>' " *..-r.- I"*OI. BALE.A verv deairable baaeami ind three* atorv Ol Bl M '-' " ¦.¦>'¦ <..*' ':<-* ,;" ll-'-eam tl. r*- r;,., arfrh ev- ry -.- an.l ic oriier for .uiinediatc o.'C'jp-Jcy. K-aae^ion bv of May. if aod i__nieil;a:e'v. ... .._____. Alao (tioi haciaome four-itory broira-rton-fr .-. )1 Sl - i-i JKa -e_r .f Maoiaon-av.. lorS.'.e ot ta ireat fi____»tIU. 187P-Jtoafl*. fl«ra-_r «f < «.« OR SALE.Funv ven deairable lota, It sit- c i of Eaatcfl ¦,uoa' . Mount ' ~*.v' -old chtar. 1 '->. A,,..(t. UBW.M...Y N . .' Tt-. on-row opfoaite (Ity HaU OUSE for >AKK.-T'he Hoaae aad Lot._S __5 _-.--¦. terxzt w' metit a yja -a«. "..*:'. :: Praak al a -: i BIVATE BALE..-Bn nklra J II JL df-'-a: - Lo'l - I ' -c-it, ead.oeroa C The tot! oc 1 *T : tiveLf- . ¦-._.- - tiaa-aia tflf y :o A J &_,_._.<- h.x.'A. o PKi\ ATE BALE A i .' i. Ajo. a Farm ou t'ne wufll \- o :¦. P*f REaK ESTATE AGENCY-Th uianv v j^rA-une* to - o >.--.- ¦- > ;.'_;__ Jnstinction. A, am* (ev owra arOTc-a. rru.' V.-ui. \_--_::beck B' OABDE BCHOOL for BOT8 al STAMl" - iri coaiai-i-i. ' BOARDING SCHOOL for YOUNG LAD (i -Mjd.-_.-e md e M aee ROLSSELL1 .- ir.emii aad : v _, ..... ..rer. they _jve a_a; ?____ Laa- -_t_ghr o_ t.-e 0..f_ti..: .. . flfl. C-Bflfl ot Ttrr-.i ma he ob__--»ii it the _lpjveaddreaa _ KEirwi>i..-R-v.>ra_-... V1Dt«_, 1' D. Rector Grtce < V\ __,-_., --;.. N.w.ora. R-v M: r [i t :.i v K > »;. Co-n-ealcr at Law. N_ 5. \% a..- ¦ oi J J- E--. v »oa~ B | tm .: NewYc.-t. r-_A$8ICAL aad COMMEK' IAL BOABDING V. BCHOOL-.Tbfl Irv 24 la«t rare. Urry-.oxa N . .T ia > - ..iiooL from:»de!it«fni an_m.obr.jp.- .-- i. '.jitiew an.i rjp. nor accon morianona and amnremruta, aed t.-vmiu ¦sti-r prriotia- :aiprovement. a^d for i«.'.}u:n-t atl«aiu-*.or Cct-flteroaa educarioc j^oenii iBdnceuietitt to paroau aad irtrac- hoaata irodean toldom aurpa-ed. Horaet_____-i p. i.yainaitic* tad .._!.: without cbarre. la__n.etu*ii m Pnrt«h ac - Teaehen. Namb<r l.i^ev; t. tw-tjv-Sve^ (-. - tba, camnieocuu Mav I, 0125 Circuori v. B * ." ^^VV.X^L'tlM^.AM.rr^ipui. HI U60N BIYEB lNSTTILTK. Dohba Ferry. N. V _B - for B-.va, ._?_¦ the eaat baak of the Hai- B ______ from New-York Locatro* uaiarpaa-d. I'uroiara. taty tkumtttc i^affjssRgi I^AIK HaVf.N SKMIXAKY.A Fa-uily _k»rdiiM: . Sct *: ta HaMattr:jf»t«i * ._? . t;.ir ooe mile of New-Haven. U. A rttiati __a____a_~a oe the hnt of Mar. Circo.an marba at ...u d i. Berrr't Vu-c Store. No 197 Br-adw»j Tha .j, 1 wt -r r_ tbe lflth inat to the firet oi Mav at Mr ::_le.-t.,:-it. THOS 0 SL-.4.V Tne- .»: 1NSITTITION for X0UK6 LADIB8,fla Bn-ik'.ru , K . Pierrer««t-tt. coraer of Cluxoa: ALFRED \ 1 Y.\ t A M IV-...\ml.-Tbe Ser>>ot-*~_h Anoual Seanao oi : ..w coB-.ineacing laatrit _. r. in all braachea. Ta.iion :oclu<_-_g ___..!____ Sta-JA'aery, frotn ._- to »-' per i}___Ter. Ukcl____ lonii ttxtn fl.V ta a_iO je- antntn. KIHDEBHOOK BOABDING SiHOOL-Neit v -i Mav .¦. number of hoardori hmitod to J*». tanoctioa tmnxtsh Parea.i a_av iiave tho c*y bv itramhoot. or tik-.tin aad lllflainPi 'i ..'"*"' .***.."- . *.* Termiiin- llafllair-'- ''''-** TbaPr_cip__ A W AT.-tiN V M. o_ivhe--B at Di Ct'LU VS. No. Ti Cranb-rry-it. Br-jotlyn wd.ceii oo parvrnta wbt- deaire it. t a_a_o_u^_, kc, at WIU.A- Mecc-.. No Broadway IODI BOABDING BCHOOL ior BOT8.Al Lodi, B-r.- t l s raiiat from New Tork C. ' K W1NA' - «; aaaaraoa-sl by aiT aai.-a.-i bea-'tb a_J U-p'.tv oi tuiua.ioc Tbe _-.__-uar »i~A>a Mv-dav Miy 3d;'t-P~ recr:T-d anv r.n_e. Tera^a- J *_.'. Pitlii: aafl nwa.l.ol. .*> pe-r quarer_ ( ¦aftaTbi-i*.- «'. 1' -'. -i'i v' I-' Hai-aoat W TilfR- _;, x>! .r.kttf DANlhL R.VBOLD. Nj -.4 ABM- ' COUB-dB oi BOOK-KEEPING..AD .. . -a ia moaetarv or mercaa-.a.. ahuaU arat'. thein- ¦ aceoaata m aoaa-iiwat'Hir.tatb .-red tbeea, aod let !_*¦ whom d_tiaee .:._w te. prucare the late wart af taat tttla a tenemt _..->nt. In itau.ei: d ai taaeh_-a fnaaany otfkar _olt r. .-a- ratea tvo pta«e4 -.a . ...ore. fll t>. aeolpar * . a i ¦ M S rouat:»g rwaa, tot th* l-ract.-t of »«?A>t ki-P't- Na. 3N Brte-lway MK I Dl iPVM-YAI. IK1YATK BOABDING B. liaaiaoo ca.aew. llobakea. N 3 Tb* aaatai. - p Mav x. Tarm- pei aaaaai trmm fllflP to BlOfl. *nt a feh cterrm ot t'laanral. -agUab aad Freewh, trvat-hea Nacal M . 1 -iv __BflP*a__h_| Cirrniaraal tta laal_ta____ K i.n. SCHOOL fi.r BOT8,Ba. **i i~« lfltt-.t. twar atuyveaant _-{__*.- MK.A MK- klDDBB** IMIABDING aad DAY ..»L Vr .fl'CN'i LADir* N- mClomoa pkpem.brleraan Bflkaadflatk. M M C-aflflO plara. betwwea pxuotmt Iafl a-aily a.- P_RENT8aad Ul .B-WANfi whmg for tha teat . H-~t *_ ¦''*.' P- ic'St. .. a.'.*- L.EI-EC1 I -MILYSCEIOOL for BOYS,at sOUTH *«i;,m'.:,-'r WU. Beikflhire 4 a. Ma**- M landJ .i'-li v :, iii rpjil. Vv :i io.N UOARDINU A' ID IY. I i -.ed tl No ..-. ;.¦ I^iHE METROPOLITAN ACADEMY aod liYMNA M ai- open fl-flth DAY *_- EV1 '.ll..) d .r ., to. Weft.-. S'ifl ! aad Sv'i (tb »t WI-lllM. andLVCTRUCTIQNtuADULT8 An 11 l_«l__h Ifldv, of flTtflt pre. :.r«' t«per:enee in T.-ahioa who -. -urcenful io irapvrt-_ i pleuiw nii'hol -.wfi.l.vr.. -own imdrt . w.llre- i__a__-t____- .1 irh Drrren-- -'--ty. 5eaaa_--r' *'* bo - || lf.-yidv._T. New TiC, fllacl-incrn. Srt. ANEW lHINi' ENT1RELT- .Th«_-_08taatoa-thio| .,f..Tn,*..r*l*.rA,,( Bair-1.. wt th* wnr> e I. prifcrn:a.re L-*rd of BanU, F.rkip.. K- ti _4 _-rti_hi r x tittbTtn\wiW^^ .*,\Ti fotwhirl, w. lave r-reit-d i.o.d aui i»i t-i M-ina-il *..¦_'- T>.p,-,:ni Itt-liitbei.ii.'*.r in tliebo'r aw» thtkfltavi .' owing ib tb* r-- a. *i d rrrt-.i Ihe hairel or kefl fji tbfl b** .-.. ?-«-«*. tn v rrtnnrr »o _-_ J*_V. .'.... ____ _.._.. !__.___. .1.. 11 ... I ... ub thiat wr ebaUeaaa tba t Via il'i-. rn_i<- p.i'.ct. c.'iipiele iaid ot'mt.r-.n fnnh ti t.rkinor k.fl. ih ,. '.i iIit toth.1 -.itiet-t -to wh.. i. w- __.rat_C-IO.__] whn cii.><4*. t.. giTe tl.-tii inrpfletioo W. ma-ata-tara t-i ctiod: rlf.ieKxTnny tn.m tbe tnm flfl) '.* tfl lofld ¦. 1 _t.it cr.t in (tn eral vf. all uf wh'rh cfln be wslttnt.-. tabfl I tbfl tuiit, or teidaptedtn frx-per_:r*flotiry r*_i* Inti;: r: aie «_iiniperfect _.-:ie * evc-p*. 188 'lefecr _f vt-ly :_ the tiuiber. Urlai'p_ahopatK.iii:.-a. N V.d:r-_-- y «-, "r ...-¦.--\-ar.York ird Kne Railroad, tnd tbr r -Tll -um walinor-h ofthe depa.t, where any pncaaai who v-.il, caa w:ta<_i ticti now uirfo'd, ran obtain aur :nfo-::ti: a iti ial '.¦ >n tb«.e:t) by ap- to aa ti.Ti.oa!. tha maii Tbe_t8r8_ata_8w_^tbe_~a_8i8airta- ,.'.-.,,, L, atill, opp_e«n_ wifl lafuuad ta tbaaaaaaaB o-neiv. UM-ttofathom wili no doobt ho.d for dfrpTi.1 d-«ir»b:. t t;cr_. v ...Mfrtive tflttitortaa, It ifl concedM by all jni«e« wh. hare ex_mine<! tbe machine. tiitt if '-irpa_*e» ererTfh-.Dt 'hat ha* or can be mver.ttd for tbe atne pnrpo,., -_i_*t eatir.iy fl-pei*.-_e ai! hirdcroyencfl. ... _¦>__. r «?r*. iirei.i rf o,;: w..rk f.: b* flfen bv eama- on th. F.ditow of Tie N.i -York Tnb-D**. Vv M TRAFP k ( o _*»:»n'*-- .-.: : t-nirt, N*w-York, March l*. 18BB CTi:.\M andGAS PIPE.-JO~EPH NASON. ,nf tha |Ty late 'mi of VV alworh. Naeon k Goi!d.) No C8 Broniwty maiii- ficttirei Wiofligl.t Iron P.p* fcr*. t.-am. (ia* ar.d Watar v* - Fttir.fl*. ind every t. -ir-ar.i and Uti W,.r» . ree'd Pumpa. Coila and F.v . icaaflfl, nd VV'ttir (lr.i:_!fi. *_d Luitietotit -' o* .*>- ixnditri. Heflliocoiifltnittfli ?reat rinrli of S:<*v_and Hot "Aatpr- wai-n._n(_. md Gitl.nhl.rfl appanfin. a_d r»7en to ext-npl-a ot n-j wctk in ir-ar'y ot the eonntry Sl EAM ENGINE f-r SALE.g__ horee povi ctflt-iroLbed. indepen-ett pntnp. w.th bo:ler and c.o- Ea-c:c,r_.cevertet np, eLtuely new, ai. compiet* irith baatn. nl taartnlfd bt! »'l the modern x-;pr .vemen-* lnit-. OtC. li-ANOaio. No 41 Pev-4t tt. the rear. rii ,| si.oAN" PATENT HYDR08TAT-PRE 1 . VFNTK.'N of" STEAM BOILFR FXPLOSi drrtic-i'd I:*'xr uiide ext.na.ve inir.i- ' of (liete mach.ne*. ue now prepare.l to t-oe:v- ordera tor tn* iin*n»-.at. ipr .-Mon ol tie uxtae to b I I ai ariad M Td-t bat** e->- deatured to place tl.eit_4__xi-.ent t. ' tt a verv icw prce. the tot: 7 tl",' n»»- havia _*tjwer iv-".-cf-o on. flccordinfl t.. thecflpt-.Ty of t iB T-LVAS k LXGCZTt, Ttopriet -i Mj itif-_-*ni-ra Footof Kv*t Hth< Bflflfl-l TO PRiNTERS 1 *'.'. a it'cond hnnd Biado Ct'.'t.drr Nt: | Ma 88 .n ( ->i woik.L< orJ. r. Ud 3Fl_4icrhfl. Unaidebeareral made ly I'o-. A_ao ». Adamt !'r,««. oid -flttern. Apply from l. to to R. J. aJC H.A_RI)*s No 187 Faltaaeat._.^_. Cntlcrfl ano i-jarbmare. CAIJFORNIA ftii-1 ATMEAEIA i.ooj.s.M"-- ehicu. Cm piniei and tndividafllfl -tr.afl otit fcr th»' cm tind a full *J-d ron:p ete «*»orai:e3t o'' Min.r-. TOola, PlCkfl, BbcwaU. Hardwara. Cntlenr. Ed«» TooU. FLt a tho olditacdof CHAELESfl LITTLK. Noa.-Janj _4 _PEL E B BA r E D CROTON FII.ES-MHKE V. to HXIil.WARE IMPORTF.R*., MACHINI-T8 and ENOI* *v .-. BA . Th* niidenijnied bafl -tfl rurcl.a-**- the entire :nr-r*.: Cro'ca Fie Wovka, to - Bf fl "¦' V -.- by iiret no:-?* taataU the denrirf otflflof Filt. n-flxrafatnred flt »a.d workt. ar.l tonn-ry **:d l v Mcara J. Hcrcer lo.. flnil bencelbrth be to'.d ou'y ler at 1 ifl cfcee and war*-ho_»e. a* b^l.'W, w'..ere»il ord«.-v «-;.. be t__tea it-ihiiedfliveryflhoriiol-i^.. __ __ ^^ m . ., ^ N B.-IU* .»<-_, Brotheti A Co.'i G.obt* Fuei are fo: flv.e, _4_-a_L, .t ti.e »ane fltaaa. C'l T NA1LS and SITKES. A t'ull a-«omn_-iit of >___t_8 Ircn WcrU" Cut -. * .*-»-->, 'i chvrcoai iron. fir tale o-tav rt-!. ter7:.' o..t.' MFRltliT if: Ak- f. r >a'e. _. ""-" k'.i W Urden received ror F. :n bon»-hO« fl-d other ro.leti iron. JOHN T. BUDD, Man.ifac-'.rer a'.tl Propri_»r.jr <_f Lockw^di Bodu. brW-flntr.dar-h tc.-r. -d A!. R47_7.etw_x.-an-. N.B '. ¦:« Broalwaj, if.._7_.*riy ^ i Church. RlYEls. CA8T Bl TT H!NGi>. [RON 6INK8 Cappar-l-sU Copper Na Nsili, Ir.r Ticki. Irvul3rt^' tbr .Au/.x. (. .-, prnu ptly ti Ied. k: BE1SS1 L»0ENU1NE PMZE MEDALNEED- _bo0.1'ia.itT. 81 do iceond q-ainy A _itr_: i*t<ot.l tl.owtd on orderfl uf toarn nee CHOT.BAB __EAD-__dPIOl_EADWAREHOC.SE, ^ . The Ilrsflv T-ei"' nPREMONT il r NAILS.-Ol Eaeter Atare-i .0,t!" iny-flA '. | ¦' I JE Piano--for!f9. OLIAN PIAN08.REMOYAIr- rtaiaa ii, Pv_ ud Me:.--i«or. -aceo''tne m xird de-.ani for i 011 tl-RT k Co. . . wuh -tiv _a. t:.e -no-cnbei !. Bm-ca. r v -4 a Lue a...-.:_-.'. ot (npanot r'ani-ja iefy ccvtnperit.on T. Gtib-it A Co . l'.a_c* ave r te a. J are wirranted to iraiid -TiT ..rd P-ano. a a*", i- - * ii -. a_-.ao-.ri - iM. cl-ip n-xLC. h-n- 4 * orto HORACr' WAliil *.w.y i* OLIAN a.-ai BOUDOIR PIANOS, htEL _f_L_ WHll- ,.>> 1AI ...-(.na b*,-a-ufl* tn taefl* oe Pianoa, w.th aad w*.t_*..:t rne-.y :m;:roTed Jt tinee k.kt by tia. lett. Daa-a S. Co.. and thoee beaai'Jtn P»»_ t Boaao.: Fifl-Ofl ta-de bv -.-windflrrotd-ii P ir « o: a.! pnce*. D-t-era. Tfl-Ct «ra mi Sen-inarie* i_rp.--i *:' >~al ijaral raea h-Wt* let. T f_ Br.aRl No i*T BroadwiT. JE 70LIAN _____-N0-F0RTE8, al No ill Biaa .j.j _ji ;.Tr. tflaortoK-t ot' P:»rofl fro-a tbe eelebrjtet bjue a . Dava i. Co. 1 . * \v'l_4 '' Be,r and i-CjT-d-hin-l Putiofl Jt vanoo* _>__eri _..- t-e a: rer. low pr.ee*. l'_i_o* :o lat T4r-* | Tii'_MP--YN- 411 Br_*_i--v. Ga B BARMORE oaTer at thetr _a_o-i ,,, B..aaN:trr tt crrj-.-of C'.iir'__a. an atan____c: .aat 1 laoTortaa. Wtt* th* mcUl-c f.-a-ne aod revene'arv-af-, t a ._«: n.c_r-n ii_prQTrc:ent- J_k C. FIMJHER, lata Naa__a A F-Beher, w t _- t. .;. -.=_.>> ITO llrr-Bwicba. .- Y xto-i o-l««*aa_Tan:ed. t.- h reTrr»e br. ue acJ c-af.i-i fcr vad ex- ihai .ed. N. B -__*... Ue eaa PiBBHt-Fertaa ka ** IXIBTSALE.Pric* >. '¦. A .-Mi.-iiid mahog Pl INO F( RTF.-Hu batl pu? -a iot*d >r_er AppI _: NA-L-OitBi: V^OK sai.F -r ta LET.Aaaa Raaaa i'lANO- Kl'RTF.t"! txrarpfl. coa #-0>>. Ic i t* brea utei oi'.y 4 rnont-*. tadw:. ; t: No .":_.¦.__. tt..'ro-. *88ll ME8~~~~ Lii.-HIE A NEW TON. No. *ti Canal «., -eooeore o' th* ircrea-rddeniardaadaanv_led papalir.ty ot the-.r PlANohORT.'S. ba*.aateadad thetr >-_-__¦¦ tad *.-» aow pr-p*:rd M oti-1 to their fru-odfl aod tbem w.uat, u an-aetiOT in__-_r_- Brnt. an rxttmwt* aavnrrt**.c. ia plain and o.xmcLted cttaa. ot n;o_em *rvie. trvm .>? t. T| octat-. ^e<'J_il-b__d Y:xno* Utenlnax- rflflwy Broadway Ware-roomfl. No lii N 7EW an- SECONDHAND PIANOF01TES - __*. W* have aow oa hand a lam flan.-Tiaent ot New aiid S_coad- Hi_d Haaaa fot m. aiid to k_re P_-aa tr-cn _~0 *w t_C*.. F*,* __ra (ro- e-to tio per o-cnih. No ^^1^^^^^^ 1>IAN0~-.Otaal Bariiaina. il t->ld pri'vious to Mav l For bn:.-.*ocT of ton* t-n_T_-T*-__»e4_. flnd wflrrantad *.a orery re- a;r<rf Pat_**-er. . ."-id d .. d ev~_i_w a-kaaaaBaa- t.ry Nolltt Wwiiai tt , betarera Pt-jice anu Hotuioa l HARL1.9 v V8.4 PLANll-FOKTEv**.TLe fint-at aaaonmeat of Piaao Forte. :a tb. eay aay be fcani **»_____*i*___Zi Cl'RT'... No 441 Bro_-i«.y. e-t-iatat af xW**yi H"I_,.S aSS At-r.-caa raaaa Aci-a t-A.. **^«~^ .i^:\^^___°tj tt_*le, «.7h»ad witNnu tha _t*«»i*-_fl. Alto, BoudaJ.£*_!__** P*.fl8.*.(_ra-*ortol,t. N P B Cl'BriS. No kC Bro-wui il.iO.-l.Jn;-----. CKNAK'Y B-RDfl Behpaa, laaj ahiaadtaafariarlal . rr^ly for Ih. »l____*i_. J^i^-** le *o!d cbeap U appiiad 8-f fl-**-. v4_*-«i tteimi t*. umd hremwty. .;; ... C0N6UI S NCrT_-RlE8 _-*! » hTEVY EU-AIA «.-- fl^atd by ibe art-*- -A «r«_t v~r rry _.' i~cimam* a F.V- FRDKLI-sNo _*tB*aa_w»y come t _>__-. a IM>ll P_M>Y1~40~«, BUTTKl *ad TE-VS. I »T -HOtlltLfl ____ ALLIN k Ro.-JK.Na. *.*- VV a-tt-flt-ti a paa* iemtabort per* aJl-a) New V. a .-'.-r at who*ram>. t_ C-.fy aad v v*-aflrr b_lm% ^,C_aw._r.M__aprtoflalaaab,iba__~_tt_t_-4fl -Itk-ba - -Noa W 7 and 1 .a a_l XjUi if, atflfljai "'Dl'.*" -ln -a!-l-a_-* a ». v -adiaptckU, .it a Ll riTvra i.i, i»taa^ ._¦ tm _r. m_». -ea^kad. ia boa**, aad ptct-fal m hkt~. r-BN-Xrin 1*t--c-4. aat_aa-_aa, i .*-_ **.«.- 4 1 K--..*- Pi-aa *-d Ra-xfl-a-- __,,____, * *?**__ ,. , .__i!»_. UU -a*-4--_ T-aa VV ivflat vinh.i -_«_._:--. W aakut-a "»»-- --«ai-:n BlTJ F.H.la 8aktaa. tubu tmi tpmln trwo D--rt nmkttndnmn. uumx ^_ >- --i-iati VtM*« lijmwt. taa.-^tr-t '-K-piw**.- (3aU»_>. l t-r-ta V-W", ->->.o__fl. ik- FINE SILVER DOOR PL.ATEB, NUMBEBI i (tea, (or pt.rnf -<aor_al mia- .( .**] DOOBFLAN Vl Ti .' tOTti, aelf H .,...*. a\ l.i un., ..'aro- rt'il'i- (" f- 'lr ;- IMPOBTAN1 PAMIUEB, nOTEL-Kl I vn-'; C_r.ri. ic .1. .-.;;-: .:..:' (I- v. . ._. ¦ Mi " ^.VTa.'l Pf .-ener_.:T tr- rtl.'l.dritai.. I JA. FEBBY, Wbo_eflalfl aad Retail i>> - .. V. .. 1 -yrspt, No. taE-a,-ers-ei Mta-He-teT~, loxtxieh** rer. N H MONE- to LOAN in eu~n Uwfl p^n.itl*. oo p-rvon-i tocuj-.tr. -_--. on MercLa..-iaa _Ba.O Ptltoo-k~ TdfUor. I'thr* houra. A M to I P M. R ".>¦>'>¦ V 18! Mal***" NEI-l! '..'*".¦' aaiiatjr ot *. J_> aadNfltl *______ bcthr-gidBCdunrrr. *=*»U tiadJ ct j'w.ae a_n Kiah ing I PCX'.r. tor ive. at wfto.eaa'e. T UREEtp? Ho.tlV . .-. V»il< K to BOOT and SHOE HANI PACTCB* J_l KS -Aipletdjd mmttmawt oi'R)"*-. .'''"_, !.,,'. .*.-... ;>'al~. Kr-i.. .. i.h.i aiul n'inj-ro..i o her laaaiianabla .I Frvarb Fraoraia v. lh a aaaa ral flfljM I ;i ifl l_af fla** amtl ppn l^aiher PitothCtitBbiur.Mn od*. e-lver-oedal Pataat L_B___ar.K__.C-~t aadf__--Bi-f-J - >$££-£ S^PTu-ET PAFKR WABEHOl ..!...' T D~~~H_CI'BON A Co No Iflfl Ku-'ton et. otter f.r aa_e on tha Ijwoat teruia, W n___| !.__-». Er.i '-jb- Fraocb tn tmencaa. Ncairar*r -IMH, we.gnta ina <.a B.ok Kaat, i.i Bflflfl. w.:_ .-. at .a-l'.r.ee T*.__ne P.per. fancv coi.n iad fl r .-.__ Paper.wl « lUrren- Piper. thin. aad of tbe h*er ft Oath P»j?rr. 'J''*''- *'1*^¦,. -**.* *-'xa- Pittern Pip-r on ro EatlHfa H_r_w_.-e Paper. alart. aaa-rtraoat (aat _f. "od. ¦bnllilt. Tif n I the bt'tt qualirv t l'_; *r. .-n-.w. Rar. and _*-«_. a Tea rat er of diifl-reut a_iea. Tar Ro-fiug Piper. ac-fible t jr reoft. ia r- i _ DLAIN aad FA.M Y CONFEC1IONEBY.Back 1 (andv Jn.abe Tnte. Oa**J Dwj** Braii.lv f)rn-~. tV<*, _-. at wboie_-.eorr.~i! I »>'.»¦ No 1*4 Olfltflflldb befween Coartianor aud Lib-~y C-tfxt'orerv p_r ip ifl tht beat man-.-r fct ah.ppmi. PI Ll Di A PLATEaad WIKK. l'aiiadituu.Ca.'.aiaifl. .efned Ni.V. "¦- - *' 9atm Ut .:.an. a-d Baryto, Brocniie. Ic.'i.-. D.itii.ed (J.ic.pi.v.r C.aaide PoUaiium. A*_~-tiM. BVarl,-d .-he! ae. _.e_'i__ R-':<r. \ i-nna l.ime solphate auu I. . I aafo-tta N-.tric and Mur~_i: A.ida. dflUOic Btflautt, »': audl n...:i.. KxtmtC.raiva Chloride Lime. Diajofecttot I.i-j-ud. kc- A- . Mia by I-r Ll ' "; '*. N" 1*1 Mt.dtu.aofl. RLNGEB and HEATEB8 . I ~ai noa aa i'v thoae _o want cf a C.- w-.:h ore that ly eoOLCt-icil. ut co..: i^-:i sao.-e ,-onvan:enc_at-rTO'.::Lg -a«.-,ng.a. . ttaii-OT_t.tr._:i'e A 10 tLe Kmt Heat*r for wi.mg i ,n"i__l Apil.to A M.P11ER- .***:* CEWELL V DODGB, eonieraf 1> rof aad r.!.'eok--r- 55 na, b«fli i *..'*__,"* *****'7 "_,* lUnty on herd a cbo;ce a-aortmei.t ot Beet, »ea'. Mntton. L«r*». Pcu.trr, Ktgi. Baiter, Mi.k, ic. on tte moat reaajaab.e tern_i By ,trc. jtt-ctjon t. buiiaf-a. a_.<i tte ¦ f : I .«*.'. irticleethe mtTtrt affcrda. he hepea ro tecare. ai beretofOTe. a i-.ar- of paBtat p-.tToaage N.B Meat rot rcaht. ^__p __.CJ_nrj?p._*d by tfc« earem fl_d_. _e | pr.ee*. OUPEB FHOSFHATE of LIME.or CHEMICAL ^ V LVU-E-W toil i'atteraoi. . .. i::e b-fl ma. ard ior *~_e at lowaat raUn bv t.A-K:._,... MLRKICE A \. laaii fl___iiifcrtbanf-r-.- m -Wflfll (j.ncr or thi Noxth R:vrt Miyiy. an QHBIW 1 t'o No r* Wa-l-at- New \ _.-i _I-.cb Jl. .->' I -THF NOBTH KIYKK MINING tad yFABUYING X COMPANT hav__j( co_-n-.fT_ced work ar.th t lirgt tJ.-.e of m«a q ca ....:.- V.:-..,. _a_n~-l wfll be P:ep_«J to a^ta^m tim. or Um Koatbera Caaa_ the tarMW co.-.rt aad.q*-*;^. -_'^^ Warblea m biocii -qnared :n Uie ltahan ity.e. A^-ooi tl.*_e o^h-f* . i.-.at var.f.y of fajicy flbjdflfl jpua » Jr»<_';".T°'__i nanlT koAwn aa tbe I:__-_n ve__ed marb.e .t-». a pure wbite. e__a_ r t.x-.'-f..t-iwork_anail;..-.e.totheIu.an tUMay ¦ _.,t' <_ marhU iu.lv e-.uii. __d in manv r_*p_-U inpeiwi ta lha Inah Ki_u.tii_.et-) ui_.e. M i~Lr- -rr.-e bfl^«iu:nfl to iL{,aj.y axe op-uod. lia raa-..ty of ary'.aa arffl b. «ro«-«.y .*> "ISa- - BBwUbBfl-taailB blocka A raoer-. q-i-'.ty-f pcra wbtelin-ew-.:: be __a-.i_fae~.:.4 .u -mir q--_n-.:.i-4. San-rlatt' the nroduc'j .f th. (om;-«JY a.n be a-ec at txv* omco, or^i"ii*!V«^;at tlaie-k ASTHflSaS*. LAWRKNCK k O.No jr the e-a« of *.. ia ¦ f tbi _-o_-_.__i.. «vi w wUqj dea-en are beit-br ref«Trfl .-.-'. 'o.-.t ¦_pe.i_-__oth«_a-up.-a«thibit«o VT E66BLB1 CAi'.i K)8E8 at WHi >LE>ALK.Heavr. and of tb. kaa! _.d moet ecoi.ox coi i_T>3gein-ot niaoe^a'.-d :or p TA OP-R * [IM FflflflkflMfl, N-v. BeHf.r \rE\*-T FOWDEB..B T. I3ABBITT,tt the Brig-_-l . xt oi the ChflflB-flBl Yeaa: Powier Bbfeb u pr.pe.ei_aad KldbTbl-ia: K_t,M«wTori-,la,~BCaBB. T-O-t wbo .'unb-ie tkcold ~re thta they t-t thar trBh the above _*__. oa. ¦> C CA8KB F.KKACHING POWDERS A:1oa", .-._.! ._) wii -rr e Ita- a-tak. »a_ tai ta'e by . Y-p- wui itoy a -j/rrkkSON t Cj No ro Pa*.on-« N.TI afnntitnrr. ^'r. CABINET IT ..'Nm KK -HENRYW KINGMAK, late r_rrtcr af Phil.i Klafl-Baa. har.-._ opened tae it...- 4W Pearl-it.. ne^r Jdadup-D. w.th a Ur4e aanjituaenf of wajraul-d Cti> i:.tt t on :u.e a: w «.. * u reitil. tt . -* former __*. omen lfl 'o P»l i-m.4ca_! before pu.-c_ap-.ag CHEAF IKON BED8TEAD WABBBOOiC. .PRINO tlA-TllEr-S-nd BKI'L'ING DEPOT -iron Be_Ptaadfl, ..x MMrernt* atd-ai.: I'a_ ae- aea al l.a.-'_S lie bea; manner. Od M_t:re__ee tarfltltooaa. -prr i Be-., U to tt2. Pnvate dwel.inge, hotel and __¦_______! IBnMflfl-la No. -_*) Broad» ay, abov- _>pnng«. CABINET KUI.NMTKK-I) B HOUGl -.'iid cail theipe.-. _tte_t-.cn cf _ho_e aboat to p-ia-chuo hoaaeh__d toodacftsY ceaenpnao, to hu iar.e tad w...t--ec:r-_ it_ck ^f w*j- rar'r. f_.-T.":ture at hj new aad ipa_.i>_a ware ra me, Ra. _f'Nortt. W ll nr. .-... n.~ C:.itiaa», where t_»y be f.-___i ctr_a__ct:T oc hind. -.a _r_d-i a__i r^ . t__»:fllaaun«b tartitry. Br___e._. thr- e f.,T a_._ InjrraiL Carp-u. Ma_-._-__- Oi. fAataa, lirraLd c-.hcr O-oaa, beit ha.r M-t-re-ata. *od a variety oi Faacy '.'_fc! aad ornarTcctal _: C.TAGE SKTS-iaLKi:;. .v BYBNE katiat the 'argrat f ¦'¦ atnttraanl 7S.4MELED ac4 ORNAMt..NTAL CHAMBtR FIRN TIRE tn the. l fe.pec-cl.v ca 1 t_e »ue_:;>nol Porclaeera to their r.NilRr. N_w BTYLE-. _u,_i* _x;r-_. t 'or The r-:>t.nt Trade. which. for e.e«»r_:e of The ca-v.eo ol . Bylefl. adea a_<i partemi, made throoflhoat ot we I-tettccd B-ttenala. ander onr own ipecia! loperr-r.on. ayd aT ftKt.ri-. ItLCW »[._, -THEI4. (jILLILSk BVRNK. No. 452 Br_adway, _eiow Grand-9, _«_..«-«; MiD-iactcrA No 4- .---.e-ir. da ',»t of Mav wt.: r-_:.ve tfl No 54. Bro-lway, eaat akde, i :.w dooia above Sptirt it ENAMKI.KD COTTAGE CHAMBEB FUBNI- Tl'RE..MA1HF.WS V STACY. No. i.6 Broalway, eor. of t it. (.ppca-te *.'-.Nicholai Hue- Preacoa aadC_-__m,r» llcaaea). l.w ii_ti it wi -¦_-_« ai.u retaii ile trojet pxtann :* and raried aa- __.t-_._.l il __NA_.li.LED FLRNITL'Ri: xo le tonod ta tha L'__4ad bt.T.i. i.i Tnm cn__nal deaiitna. lae-B-Uifl Or^___, S«rpo___e. Opea. !'i:i_o;l.t:p,'w_ M - .-einaeUeiexC-UEvely :o th- a__~~_ctannfl trt- parOue-t of t_u bci-waa. tmurn a_rcU*-:i t_er can proc-_r* of ..___, v. ...o aodfl-fl-ot l-_a.t-.--i:-. pr-c-Tflrat^-fl ^ r r ..'* . . ^ , .. . Ha-r. Srnr.t aad ali othflr Martreiaea; Peata^r Bed* tc_ at t__i .ow- eat w i.c:-ia_e fll .ce«. _._______. N. B No cor_*r_.on with anv other trtz. ia the e *v. E.M1 ** COOl iV I.EAVAN Mi'i'i-aet'.trerfl aai PER-HAM-UXO-L B' iRDERR, U-C iRATIONR __._ W IMH »« -flwo-enot tbr ».-. at arb^l-Bt-tfll retail aie-T _vge»_r~'.vofi:v!e«__icar-Trrj. tnaryotthem J a-w/Or-en ao.idted ot N_a.fl~»ad lfl _-_ker__er.._raflL, aear l.'-y Mail. Bniflatyn. /"'EEAT BAR..A1NS ia FEATHEBS, BEDS, V."1 MATT____--_E_i. tc. CRAWBLCEs, No Ne_ Y,.t .-llEAP LPH 1 > RE. Th-ttteat-on of faouliea tboat aar,-a-u:afl 4 t tte .arte au_i >an,cfal t-aortrnflflfl of Bedfl, Mat:r- w Pai .._<---. Uedk. Cflflfl. i. » - or ¦flflBB -ave h-ea por- bt »"- at auch pncea aa ta raaie it :a aail atd exaaiiafl tha aaove attxl pre ¦r. da aaai to tav part oftikflci-.y __rc-i- a.:free_4eai*_He uJ ^*^^^T*'.* ovatecaodtaadcoker. ^ ^ .^^ ^ ^SU !*»: --*] ..il l.iiiM KOLLABLE SFJ Ii | _:_ CNDER BKD5-Manafi_.-t_.-ed wfcol-».« . ao et_er plac* N S -No br__-_x« down, ._otcj w. n__aa ot .-.Wu bp KKHUKMUKE-JlTall >1^^'_1"^^; rt im'* mt ^d a ~^ «^k «_J.*_**« w pra- 1 :ev^_ tad fl. t-panfll **|2_?C?*^fc*,_3____« _.. c t. T-.e ;a__tc a.-. r_5ec_r~y _-~~d ta ea.. «ad ax-a~aa~~ TiuG CTOBE DILLWEIL^For.^^^ \' ,w- , tul-bie :. i ¦"- ." * A -* "' * m*0i No 31 N'fD-ar iDalcr Carr. .... .iii-^v firliflflt At-enean prartitioaai ot' Wtft |\K S-l-.^ "5,__.«¦__.r_ru-e Muaai r~i_-aipe_oo ui P~- X/ C-tw, a«i>»*» of *^^!y-^~*-»»**»*^"' Chii-rp-T-ki.-v. a -r i on aad t »-* - _*??_**. .W wul w-iive t U_:>_ed noni-«r 04^Day IDd DioflaaaK* ** «¦*»«-_^'-:_*-'. ______ i_<_ at. betwflea 3d iad tta- ^^^P-^-r^^r-cfl-dto. ITOK I-ADIKS ONLY -^^^J[,^ :V * c iS5t__ rfJ__SS*_L5t Itt liVt.. UA-ru ETT. aad Ma <ua_-*~- --- ** *- B HA! .l.K(»r\THIC ami HY-'IKNU INSriTlTE ^l .. Tlinn-iViaa- havv_«te-ae__ir-*l br Nj ' T-*1*1- "--TT-"*!'!.'-1 \llTllmmaxtmamo4am '.-(-«- ¦'» o: tfc* _**"___!__?_____!? R.T TRAU- "d r> _pt.__ «fl|»-f*t ~< "-*. *un ft JL. bO-JT0_-"~ 0__af_fit \KHMA1N WATEB l l KK S,HitL BAM.** -mv t -> l**J^RM t BR-.»n»JL riflfl«~fltj_- i*T-_r* >..*.'. __T_tr__i_-pp_ __l mock uaaroYod ty Ttua _-_ti..--a kav-.-aJkj*« *"n_2_r___Tt mir*?*^? .!««* t_r____.:.n trf--« **at>-^toy*^ vS____B_3-Ta^~!* * *~-.',.;,¦., flfraaiNaw-Tflct . ^iVi.t- -U-* ^^Iffl OKKK-Ua-t \\ (,»hv r.> 1 i-k~ .»--*- ^jjj^ _.<->YT M.». t T - -.-.--» PainUv -?i~v3. v> 1%'MIU U.\FNVAKKH.)fSK.NA. IV IV MIII'*f-f*-.T^-. -_At-.u.i---ki~Udi f T ,-ocret A M-PiOem jm i^*_- __^____ ___. ^a-^^,, al nr NX *.*. "** ****** -*' iiar-i-fl-Ta . tflfld. - taib Iba. **~ ^__^k;,*^_' S.TS------?-. Haw iw^t r_r_* *n__i^_^?f_^.a^ B»|r«iri-ea«i'»~W ..AXWI «**.*¦ *-*.--*-. 4.'aaat.taW Hty«t. _*»¦*». ......,.v prSTfn y , N , A , ,. - IHt _X _i^i _2" X-o-flork 0_oin««- Dirtc-org. rwt f .... I !-I f.f Bl -:*¦ -> FjRUa £ | d M *T BI LIABLF. .. mClty^_*k _,, r, . _-. **. .»Vf> ' !> JfiFKt'.i a,,K tinrypu, £22 - "M .. , ". il.' ?.r____i ¦"*& Rl A'tiSaUI-A ¦...¦w_H ' a_» *'*<*a_. v>v*vr_a_. vv . Bnaon *. I.1ioiii_ . CUAtAM I **« i v. ._-_*___. '.¦' c-aB *7 . "I C W 1MBIBO *arj fcL^ , t _.___ .^ f OII.:':.' ' ¦. -.- ¦->¦-.-*-'""."¦aia.i Bioadway r~»-*" > ' *.__ ..,/). 1 ri**aZ_T vu :i u l V'./vj .. 1. WARU DA1--1 -'' rl- larrri. * i. *f 's'" * * *7* F'jl" * W ' "*T &. - . Ytnry iieoA* .__«.* impor, t»«r+-- *m*M .n.Kicn.TfK.ii. atn jotW mo*' &; »__ .in _>>.' ei./.#'M nt I-KFF.'** YE-UR BAllNt. i' lA -'EB IMt-tpj ^ ;*) Wvter-K, f»o!d Kv liinsri" mil .me*rt .-^-^W I / Ihi.Y .vT.it A 0/ V'/ .' ISKtt (_rx__J *AM A.WA.FR-- Navwima^ W. A CARTFR. (Sal-flTu"* flnd Fi .i' lt*y-m.mt (itmaetx* .t \ vv BHKRMAN V .ha.4JthTkb_ Hl, I ,/<j.V. /..' .". - tl ^* yy £¥-.' Y. u " (D»ol**a«wd l'»> . '* . C WA BOOKSEU I «*¦. <v_*0 ' A _" BARN". v. : ! fc_H TP.BlCHA /* ...uaa, Kii...;ss Ki::.L'._'i. "*- -'at IRlM'H- .. '. FETER** i. . HA-MB1.K-. Ilf77p..rf_.-, and I)**lart». .-"8 W _jk.ai.bj -i.\;j _._.'!_."% oa )i caa lA-K1_I0RE.KuL.ERTh 8-(888-1 . IB*. ««"*./. LOi ft- ,. 1 WI'.AND PETK- * ..Ji'-Viajll UnTIMl I! UDinClikS ASIttHAkF.Kk Hlr-lttpM SI M OlUlIItatJ* ' . "¦*« ' t-,J5 SAML-^E'-U ,.. -«« ,OH_.VAN] '->-. DAMr.L MU.:. ac.'. ¦ *.¦*¦* v.;11' \M HcGROE.'. N '"' _*_-| JOlINCHAMjMar ,> C AH1_-_1-FEUI>T. (FrTncfl b'e. M M_.arnt-._-_ _v L__5 ,.'_-_«.-.. I I TO 4r rt IRK 4 V 's'Bita_fll HANFORDABRariMKR '--fha A. MINRf'l- * ('o <-'len'*_M h-v ** 44. -___-, AU.IGHANVMIV: - lk-«M KIMO-LKT b DABXIKO. v* Caj. L'vK-HhN'-'Ki,)- .-aa mt,;- '¦.- Ak-'-i-sa J OlBlvfck.- fr ti.sliKhS.lt * ^ BOBFBT M PATi. .. Paeui. .lt* hldt, CHAS.W.1 - rihtmrnu lA~-EaA.CL.ARK ,*. ---Bb-lt, naZEHWAT FF.c*, \o» _4l_rk p'-aeaatllSa-i, AVLRY HlLtlAjUil ... . .lUtU-M a BlfTCLOl EaeiHcBo _. to. Ba I '^Jjbfl * R A I> StNDfS. ¦*.» '»-»-__. g COCIiRAN ..> "\.¦Lp,,,*' w_»v-r>" i DOWSEBll-cportea .Nf «_,aai Hi:i BtXrTHE__8,_.la»aoi-flifll. .NottLaa I N GIMBREDE ...No. 5-8 Braadwa; ud * Marop*a>Mla »..AiTh C'.'i-NLL:. ... .«. -';'Brv»d»ay^aifd. tllAll***- t,\i,HJI ltx2t--,»Ui li \\ ILLIAM IIOWLAND... ' - V xtoxLt'-ukkx ^WtkVi^tsV. i'.iyui:yc^» ^.^^};/:^:yM':^i'inm"* u . , i ii .-, vT> - A Vi '. I.F, (In.r<rtr-r»i.rl* O MlLL y.\.\ , -'¦> .""il* .ir»- iv*r.n PF( '< k C la :<_.:-..' N "*¦ A FR/Vf, .T.V*lr_ MiyKFR k MAliiW -V tUxk.xetL: . ,,«V___ rt tD.H FCKiTE. .Nfll'i-w-a* ,7'i.v.,: I s » .' .a.7".' 8t ., naVID t' LVF.i. Mannf-cturer vaii Ij.t.-. s°*** .-iiflAXk!- k c.. _i--pi-*v. Rai-te..Noinaaa tu« -.-a n *_- , V/SH/.Vf. T. i rwKiK k C' So Y:TxtPi J B l ."t W _J.', -uri Bpo» ).... S "aB. x L BAuLEY V (...iM-__ __!*.-_.-.«_) So .'.'Mi__a_ i u d w:*.__..' u.s t.- a. < o.-.Baa ia *»-< "* g, *_ r K liA-CH A. CO . l-7_P_-t-J7» OO- ll_BB___f-B_fl.-flll W IV illflfll C. B. llAiv-a J^rS .i.v/' y*X**DA*U «- i k TACKMJN y'd'a. SO Froat a ind »l »"J.t *c-5i-K« .cn««£i *-» k*P_il*__\ Vt j IV v-..---' H*__ker_» F--v*ia*.'*I .r*- _) . v ..hot l.-kathK »cd_-v*j».___»a_a /' .!."> __.__! n t -ifl __ro-*rer vad f "e-wra. »e^er ) 1Jflod W Ma 2~i *@_kfli««W».^2 «- » whiVr .No. tti Oo!* aad 41 djaav ^ P }ii,rr*it hi *. CLOTHI.SW tr* NKV,i^^^^^^^r.'.'«^^ keaAaS . «j»!iiaiss8arf^; THCIJ-A- BABBOIE .l^-^-.., --^.^J iw* a. m on_«T a bon »***&x-r -d;;^4 » 'j""''1v. .1 Wd BAwti * vTfr:ZTrr/ri'lh< ¦'. iii' w tun' ,. y.tl I I : lt-'-1 ,n c.. praailin ad Ceape r__ErNDh*'I__.-I "-*. Soli.Bta SAI-A-dAND-l , hKKAPKB ...tt* ''...* M \t~t-lV-4Utat" 7. Vt 1-«I8*» ; i . _i*. iio.T<««" '¦".¦^rr.- ._v__.ii._t 1 . tr |\ .flM»-i'""* ;.; ;vai Mi i '- *a. prar'.a.t-d-a wia* !. -'v ti ll'll r a l/.f.- *D_|« -No-'Ct* ' ¦..._?i___B al- _li iB-Ctrt-r. .. ...W^ jiTWARKI** 'K^»T"*~w7if-iV/' » so a ___¦ *MH' vfl-ai D.ialTAn_ ( ,. v/r-irrra^^ii mi_aaa t CL-tai -_^___r_ _*-_-*--.' PRON5CN KSAPPac*. N.aTaa .-.. um'nr'ifL ikiaeh'yaad Taaaan) io 3 * r ^Kai'iiSi- -im* ^Jftf M JAME-Cv<hS.;.;t...-t'-.. , ,. _, , ' g^, AL- -> 'siVru-m^> ^ .. . -, vta ill^-taelr-aadaa-tr-dtct-*':'' *N» 9mW tVM 5 F_-tNE--> £n?7-A->r'Ts.iri-_- ¦ ^A\^*^8~B\^«5i*" '^U-alA^;^ t i>«*«-jafl_-i-»v ¦¦¦^'jtawti' "T bxVtlkuui X^_t--'N'»: ar.KV "T.nTi"^10-* .j^l .-...^a-aaar. V*tn___, .' ;.,.,, a_-~ta&>t - » «'_i'^_ai __j___^____aaarr)- t*._»i-vx ^¦r^aT^-Ai..^"^ »-»9u "-'"¦"«'.- .. tai-flf-rw-a**'*-- '...Nmiej^ * ____*--_». aat* A*-*f 1' t .iM'k-ti^'.J^l.vi.HU.v N> .* . _'.n '" ':V'.,' No.4- Ba. ia- .( L _.*_. Nu- «<**aa au -al a aa *. v* i.-\ ."*' -f."__..l >*;¦....* -. ** -¦'.'* raa ^^M ^ ,.i_.^4. '-j '-iw flotaar-aa at* m**m \Vffiws.'i" *'- - x-^*:'K __^X M-aTC. 3 -Y^ bS_~T-^ ^^ at 'Jfl-ftt *.** .a"1*) *.* -* PN^

New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-04-26 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1853-04-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · TT^Ifn n.-Hfliaifl._-ta ¦attpi.lW,3$! A*,.....t Rouiua

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Page 1: New-York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1853-04-26 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1853-04-26/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · TT^Ifn n.-Hfliaifl._-ta ¦attpi.lW,3$! A*,.....t Rouiua

TT^Ifn n.-Hfliaifl ._- ta ¦attpi.lW ,3$ !A* ,. . ...t Rouiua at Nv .4 Va... k-ft_____T_*^0.i.,e.l InqoiroTml.t ,aandrailiva.l.'--ea P»^J~jrL, -¦q ,.re.l- N. ... txnedwny . ril Ma, I f+T^ ,-.. i. b

11 |MN fm -lr. witb or - h ul hotrt. "* j^jtoo Pir*~»k-etwiec OTteiie and WorttitaN-*-. tent'Too.rl R-treoTe req-.nc' ., .j. | \_|;_\ I S !,.

Sl 1 i 1 s ot BOOMH ar-_^_5_3LfL_l -

geottellv t.rf.hre. ^JjtlZ^ptmmWorta^e ktmte-tle-tei. -i.liniiopavaI.lw!<^r<^r^w.)-. i ' ,m__

-_..!-. ¦.fbel.-P.-e-'l-^^Ne:. Tofon w.ier *'*.-_»£_'_,. ftn i»

,t.d 9li, -va. l'-****^!,.. "> -utbeI«ol;ni. ihioo.h fllhav ai>dlwethn,«**i'**tlK)tT ,

May. l;.(.rtnrraeirhaif. V !'-. ..,,,,..,unl i-el WithrT,--«> «»r FOUR ^r:M&^'___-y.>>~'- -inak-e n«ar

1 .V.r I w.kb.J_^5£Suuegon.U wu! ,-._-~0

.d,he_.t'.K..v\N.T..rar- **<*..,. ,^r MrtropolU-nTII 1 F T.At tV'. 8»3 nn

___ii Vaul .¦ .* i rrn .»p»*r"*._a___T_i -..U. (iea.)ea~~ ,<* "T'.uTa-w *"-** ¦>*-4*r °° *M-aiae of Bo.-..~. witb tfl." «?££ S-*****_"d£Lbo..+ra Th.£j_£^tf^Hoaae .¦ Mtriabe- w~h *¦***¦ .**aaleaaaath" ¦*¦ . .. ___»__*,_f_l euitCI ol ".(XitUI,¥TMV1¦K8m'i^tJ^lSrU w »"- -' *- «'

U i.i tV. ied.flaor-** »*<0-a

oaratipli--. ^mapjirttrv~ ACCa »'mmod \ I'lUX*** I"".-1* : K. 1)E_*IKAM''' -.,s, noBeeckeri. Thklflo-Jfl

baa all the ma**- «¦*»**"u ...... ^[ON b.'*'v<vn pflrtOBI.1KANS I'l" t'OpMiav «.**< ,_vroin.i..Klalii)nafor Boerd-

;U>--afl*.__*_.___£.__ ro.-« ¦_".____...u._,:.°.r.'_'*.*;'_

*on9t9 tUtiiitfb.

BAKEKY.-Th** »J^'t7fi.~ ***** Baker?. wV-rU\Sa pnmtmm "'^Bt%\t ..-¦... Addr.*aa M. OLMSTED,p.,,., ,.f icomv* a. a tn

Tnba> 0_taa_

/-O'\J plf^ihwttpu-t. .ij ^ _g y«ra_reo ior ¦ vruua -~u. ip.i.im

__jiiaflr t Ik-uiJy « fV. _', p-riect order. and tbe ovmer wil.._. t

'i^.n'*1___^~^*-~p-ifl-tr.l~|!Ton A-idie-aMAS.-l »N.55 l ¦__*'*»4,sr_--tiS_.»- f<*nt- ¦*..''"'ont' w,>*k

«Tk_TTf - HOISK WANTED-In a pli-aaantf*"AhX____i Lotaiion berw-en Pnoce and 4tn-»te oear theX aeigkbc»ateo_^mlprred « :tb h-wment. Iv-feT-raoTe and ten.Bewtt* hawrtjlr iddreia TENANT, al thu otBce. Tho family!____SKSS-«. 'v"r «~ Chud

^TiiirfaHOl'SE WANTED in BROOKLYN,BBJ ta B_a._» ^^.Bavmeot. one oi both Parlorp. and twoJL BflM;*.» w *.**___**--"*-, aod or third _t_.v. Family cooiuta ofmihrmfmtitt^ua f^^ . .,, be irei! ......ed and ra.tnr*etto*awluiaom'l { _,_- l>f _,,.;] ____j r^p^vtai-le.S£?&lR-B__-!y" --kr LAPAY-KTTI- TribnneOffi,.-

rw-i. i a\T)1 OK1-*-'^ Mitk'd.aHitll I'lilallc f..r (.'.mi-T^BflfS c^i« B-J-d-V. Any penon hkv ng . U.".. w_o

_____f_a_ti /«¦»-.<. *».»¦*"' *rtb61»->or* °f ««-«¦.v.ni __

c_S_B_i_P~>atea"jstfp!;^' mwmtltr**k>u*bJ ?eMe_ddf_-aC to MIS1CA.Tn'.tuie Office.

WANTFD.Kr » imall Bmm\\r, p.irt ot fl ro.poetabietlcL \u t toed tflBB-b-d-M* BOl far f.om « aahiattMj _C___l____E S a paror. k.tchen, two o* three other

.^^ _2_±_rt_--al«*ft«>- Other f.«..!y. where chU,~,aSM5S-KT3 r.i« to he orer #=(.. Addre. h, leiter.BB D..Nal.,P«*-**WT''*

WANTFD to PURCHASE-A two or thr.r -t .ry.misE wuh three er -our Lo<- «.* Oroan.i adjoioiug for a iir-

- .,1Sn"'-rV. k. B-ooklyoar Hobokoa Pnoo ..;- to

p?_Seedfll«0>' Tb*-«._~niu«ll»mi ao_d neip.ibo-b-___,.,-»_-ith all the m.-derniinprvivemei.tP ITie w

ft",JtmTZ7ee r i b. p-d in toth. Atidreai N. Y fc K ",fw^w.^pS&MS_? ,-f. p*'. -livin.a.a-ide^ripiiooo. ihe_^ir^ofl_re_.W«k tbo -weat cyp'. pnce. wl- ', wi..

CS^aaS-fltT rfl"»***" ** "-a*^ ¦-*-***!.*..'*¦?.

j^onsro to £rt.A Fl KliL-HED HOl'SE *.> I-KT iu Ihe COUNTRY

__\ -The r*nt wUIl« tak.n out m l-oatd. A -k-afiji wit_*jut c _.Jrenf.KmO Adflraaa M. JA.M>>. «*.e of tbifl paper.

BROADWAY 8ALOON-TO LET.-Tha L«ctureRooa m the «nl flr»r oi the Srv.Yvea_at lti«*'tu*e, No b^fl

riiiilr.T wkcfc u IChT TlfVet. wr_ hc rented, mt ka -taltrred topart arrrvar,i. I« woui,^ make a h uidiomo Iflre Cr.am Silooa.______iTVa7eKO-C. or cooid be atla;.*e¦'. to the nsc 8ar.ni or o-.^-t Banka.

JjJ££ i. o.r£__B_M~~,Ma_a w_U-4.

BROADWAY 0FFICE8 t.> LKT.Both stnall audlarge Rootn, lobt-iea wrll 'i-htV- aod itrpt .n clean cndinon.

Aj^ly'ro OEOBOE P .>- .->r Authocv it snd Broad waj.1JROADWAY _*T.»lvh-and LOYT> to LKT-Th.Dl,,, ,-iore^ iate Olrmpit 11ieat_r. now fiuiilnr., each Lmktmtinp Ai*v id. ii and Iti: Plcan, »'_ii_5 iVaf dtt-p, with ll-aem -atofaame aae. Will be let or ht* i fx * term of three venxx. i p .ratelvorrtaelhri PflflBflflka ahoal tba flufl trrak ia May. ApplyatNj.ilJo-ait. or to E. M. ATHYATER, No. _:. klacduoff- it.

COTTAUK toLET. iu8INO SINO-One mile fromtie raiiroad, conimandmi a'raagnifi.-ert vt.-w of the Hndian R tfl_

¦rfta_TOt_k_*nge_antry. T'.:e lol coi'v.-i t{ acrea. and his bora,ttakle. 1.0. Apply to B K. BROTHER-ON, l ouoa Ba_k. N. Y.

COTTAGE and OABDEN to LF.T at YONKEKS.Aaeat Cortage ai d Qardea, within three minotea' walk .(' the

Dep-t < 1 the 1'iocton K.v-tr lail * eo_._aa_id.r_ a ppi-udij viewoi"thenvrr tnd :ei!e>eti-tb ite, co ve-ie. cel'o: a .ente-1 fan'ily. In-onni ©T .*. I». BIK KWKIJ.. in the TiUa_e, or tth-_ Btore, No. 11".C_oij-.r. \rW .tr. _iHOl.-F. t« 1 Kl in 801TH l.Rt»OKLYN.Atiae

tbeA»l-.t |4ti-aat I!o__e. No IS- ("oa:t at.. *"ou'.h Bauklyn..eor Tai-- loqoire of l_-EDEP.ltK BtTLER, No. S VflflJj tt,Kow-Tark Ctty. oi at hia .-eaidecce. No. It.i Cour it B o -_)

MOKl.iSlANA -To lap-f.t-i. t-tor.-*. in tlie .n-sr loc-t.<k_ fl th.- a-.!'-.-.- * - t^e hard-rare or dry foodi

taaaflo. iji'*- toW.V -: No. 145 Uur.u-it.. N \ or

WU. (>R.» .. rrperMcn_raiia

OUR F to LET..A laayor,haring two pleaaaati-a-tb. I'-tv I'a". dflfl-vo to la* ooe of them to a mem-

terofthe proi'-kkflo. ita"mo.le-.-eret.t tl:e offii-ea to be occapiei xn

coaaraor. . i -, ai» toir to L R H.. ____~ of thu ptjI:

RCH.)M to LET.Wl.h s:eam power.One Iumraa_>.-i.y 10. aad Bahtoh A!-~ waanl aB-Oflfl itoma. wuh

aaaady power, ia oue of tie beat _~v.~__a ic thu city. App.y toPERkl-aTABER. coroer ol Oreeaw.th and Btacb-ite.

RO-lMfc to LET, anth good ateady l*OWi_R. at tho___..«_* Railraaa DrfpNt, aituated oa Wi.i --»,.. betwe-u Y'm and

Ctaat-ati TU r.oa-1 va. in a/- from 3-_.-fi to IdSxii are weilBflttad and eaa W ecroo___o_»te- with aay aauoiukt of power. There_r» tlat- gcod hoiirwija water CnWeta. C.-o'tun water, tai fiitarea, ke-,_B_aa__rc.T cooaootnl witb fhi d'ieient rooma App.v daiiv to

W. A Al '..F.N. c -oet of E'm au/Piankiia-fltfl-'tH) IM.To a retpclaMe fami'v arithout smallA ebi^ien, tho lalf ofataiTY lloaae in il'.h at. and ith-av n

C»t__tiV»ve ta ard ff<*m eAfrv !Ot'.i-.-.'.ei There ia Croton wa'er alltt>aa_b_-e Houae. wuh ba-ha. water clo-eta. Ic Tnerv u a flow.ratdbai*. <ar_t_. antl to 'aa..h ia the bouir bu: throwner. (hx-.I r-fe-i«_iai»-aur<' tai t.". X. t .t N U I'tn: 21th-*t. trom IC to 1..TO LET-1W mvDdett.r. t.f S-,..r,- No. -2. D.-y-it.A _<-:.. i. D, y _t Hctpe -_.hy.3f.at. Will l..-lot low. Ap-»iyea ika pirxiwi. or at Nc. .." I'

T) LET.Krom the !st of Mav. the atHoud floor,.tth rar. cf tbe a' BnaaKfl 99 Attorefv at, w;tl.

tnT'h_n,ta t -aad. !____:».. It wUI be let low. In<_(ure oo thepit-.-jra, r. al Ba tfl Jaawi-ih;>

Ti 1 VT.A fim .'la-ti HoUKf, haTina tllthf modernaiftflitracB*!. w th a___otis g-ve.oianr* »taMe altac-ed. .

:aaaaaftka_kaatt_ra_aat ^.atioaa _a t'e..rv The h>oae w.ll hofaraaB, -art-akrd kf ra.uivd. Poaae-noc aiven at i-ort ootic-. \J illba kat wilh ataittaat tiaa tuUe ___tn__ rnt No B I'oatO-S.e,.T-* LET or ftir BALE ia BBOOKLYK.Tlw oto-Jl |txt fkreaittiy 1 ntk Hoaae. browi- atone front. mir'.'e mai.tlea. mtrain nln, taa te. Na. 5 U.,._._. at ietweer. H.c_« aod Hea.y.w,t>ia ata aaa.tta' oali af Ra_ailu~>-av. ferry Poo_e~ton fluen im-

aiaatily. Aw**t 9 i. R. V, \ .iN-Mit N Y

PFO LET.T» t txrull FainillT. th* half of the upperA pwtefeTe-ifloBnUe Hoeae, No'jTJW ar. Apply oa tbe proni*Oa* t.t**y Ial May

T) LET.Hoat. Kfl .*... dtb-st . near Waa-iagtOB*amon ktnttr*. I_<p_T o* 0 JOHN*. Ma. fl» Utmetem tt-,

ktlwr i oVhaat A. M. a__.fr._r. | tj J c'tixt P. M for permiu to om

TH) l.KT-Tte Oiiard Stores -Th-A.aaCa t_o_ba_M_fCb____ttit. ahoie Th.rd. jacav-a: pabaa: _4 fe-i, -wi «___d aoa_i__n_s t j i;.._ J Coa.1 al ko:lM(flf».TtoWMvataeaa-i-daaf Uw iu_«aT _*_-- eeatrr, lead-.a. to the***fl_L**^"'*>_*____*rta»**la>d»*kvlMfre.iIeap.tba-.__._. af <hok_>_a__p__T. b_ra a_w<_e_ witb a du - --garJ t >

'_______*.''¦_-,-,¦ kailw-iWaaty aadlive beea co-iraJ^d ib thfl!_? r^"-" "f*,ll**~ *-¦ "U- tV k-tt water.ala. aader thj t irec-

**_**. T B.AmBatm, Ai-hilat. Tba int ttot* t* eat'.reit bi .( of irun.aafl m» anaflawttie lackaaadaad aaeartd bT"ralem ravo'TiatihatUrra.¦' . ... .natlaie _ _a_i aaaWl. -*. * .. m mwht\\m r hu-'.aeaa of2^3"¦¦**.-» » ko" nbAly tbma._il tl.e whole thir'.Be-eofy^^faa-iiai at taawa a-oai^T-a

i7axYdT_~_-- paakdM

___!___!__[..?' amhhtatin taab atory ia orna<_ea«ed b> a

-.-T-i-yw* mlmtim*. betweea wlach are arched w.._l tw. anda tka whole. u lappjrte- by

iafl boidly train the wall.wmpoaed'of '-tb: I >'u BBflraal n d >oe wub the r.otatI v___.bu.ea af tbfl BtOflBfltbe froat aad rea--. and at

Hght ka admitted tKrv.ni|b

*~e lat-Wa-wa md awakea craaqlafl ta tbe whole. u iap?Jrte~ by^B¥#_l'*»-|Ba tarta-i -nuacoaf holdly iroin the wall.

eaaapoeed of tb: cola-HHbaal ka doae wuh the r.otatd v___.bu.ea af tba BtOflBfltbe floa. aad rear. aad al

w._sw«____ias2J_sS_____*-»~w_p___L.aack kartegavaryl


__2f__k_r_.n_.*_f^Cl^y ._ «iCbaaaatat. Haa rl>to.rear. They ore li.atlathaceotar i-_r__j-

*»o iraio-a or bo-.ldi-jt-tba?-_?_r_T-l--^TT-f** *****1 Mtoflaaaa flwakr aghu tor tbe domefl__.rf **'**?* of ***? ^|,*^~,^*^ Aervta a. tta aaaor part of toe tr >n:

~S^^^t___^i'__^.,_,,_lt_-* -flV^-a-f-** of wa..-b.*. ».... aia taaal» aat ty tfl laat. ati taaalv kantoA andw .coa-T_-t_tMaa. _a th* bttabaa~~ch~» S'.^CVTlT.r__T^th-t r-ck atory ceadd ke ocnpied tv caa _t___T__4 T_>T-a__eovor

r ^^^B^Ztmap^MMaa, ana tkampeh tht Otnvd BaiiBaa aa Sd _. th¦P«B»~^|--0~--Ca--t. TW^3K~^haa__r__1^___S__.*^*l__*_r'!*^ Atttbaaawou-SrT ty*_r*_t*j *y.ta«*;*- *. .-. *-d«_-7a__H *r* .»o*ZmTl __J1 __?_!____'___**._*"-?**. *-t aaa. tad kack b_.__in_. ia!t-?-?----.^**^**«-« -5f«a» flrf-mra-aah-ad-. tflK.aia_-_-^__^_xarste>-i . **. **..te *bw:

t**\!Zm*niTmm^*.-»¦* .*»» ta-pail aaaa that .uat. emftad. aad a!l UaWi

.^^SL»&_____--* ^'ammkkxhmnr-.7_*l^,"^^ **-w^*^»*-~^.YY.__,-aa, r,.__a

I%jy_ftl__?1! *__!__- frtM B_-«n«»t trt.it

S^-^^-^^J*-^T^.H~^.T^^^^,^^^ Bfc^ n .

^¦_daafaa^kfr^a_^J2,*22_^ Th; »?-«-> wkUhalat Mr au-Hatba ata kow ~^T_**w*****»***a'dflalt_r a hp-p

T°,aaaatilTa ba l»4 TWI aa mnaim «a . ta . ,^" _f~.'i.^-tiaVV-'TUN. N.. r -»__-_., ..-( _^ '^-8^ti .1 _,7r M

_- aad twea-y pa-»«a .***¦ »P *_____* *£ *»*»^-4a»r^-_;K_. T4 Piaat-a-fl-. eacaad to<i«e fcoaa --__*«.. »,^r___,ta\ ¦a_-OMtC~ -__, K* JP Biaaaway V_^^w^_«Jtoftaalia-w aflirailfl "

___T__T_fl. tkirt-fltory bnck S*~_*e_i h,^..-_a a>_~-L (eaaa M May Beat B*» I tfl-oa al»~aaa*r__.Ba« t» »-^ T,jn.1.__>D _., gj^,^

T) LET Btece Ho 19 Parhjlaoo. la v.ht*ieor w\u*. Bt " » l'"-e>.I"

.rated AppN I** 1" I'ARM .*. * PKO_U.LAT_iY.Na... iy R _*__., Ro i

rpo MT.A deatrable r. on tot a Poiti1 c .',:.- -atilt' nt ar Bo* . __t_fl


r|X) I 1 *-1 fii-tii. nt*. fin i: plaiu reinrptaMf* familyI

ri'S) 1.1:1. 1 icin i«t llajr.aaftt 11I

V . *

I, ai .'.;.. i'u.-'.

TO LET.Ko. 173 Bi eataer of CourUaadtIt.Uirtt. ..

' '. _**-y Ht *]-ea'

I.FIMTT .v .V \ .. IVt .1

flX>I.l i-A'I....* v|.,rv brirh II..-toalJSiraI f. r ..-'..-. te v l-dv. who w wl l *>.»2 «t_* n }!._?¦£._¦__ ''

- ¦p.-Tiicc.rnpaBtaBdVaaf'rwillb-a-dwilh hrr _-.d tako ro_8t ot ba188 iBboarvj Tbr lo.-flilpa i a P!«*«"V^i^JSS

*th .t. W -.lliacitbc-flh, Houie A_rw. or adircfl* J.U.Tx. flt tlin oth.a,' Maj. .

I^i) l.KT.A large. aea BuiWla*, 25n?0 fret dwp.wi'*-tiih'***en:eDt. iirdtiTo nonei _i-.flh.No »¦' Croiliv-it ut

dooi!' ffi«b '¦>. A--x,toir.

piaao lovtei ind -th.'.: na: i.f-oiuriu* purpo-r*. wi.l ,*~ I.l l»_. t r o,

it ,t rtv-tte fioora tm turtbr: patt.ci »r- ;i. ,_ire of AARON HAttB-M.VN No 11-' Miill-v-rTT--"-, fcur. oon ielow Orai.d.

r|i|> i ,i: j 1 .r Beligiona Berricea, a Hall neaiy tin*A i»lifd iiKhtrd flritl - - ftaabla of cortaunoa Ji" o:

mo*. A_",''y (*> A A Kr i l> Ha '4 Hr »dw»y.

TO LET.A Ccantn* Rcsitlcncc ou tho Hu..< mRiver.in tbe tit-itiiiy of W.-ti I'o.i.t t.tnil t.n i._.**»i.:.a_d Itevit'iv *

-.ntHt iriu'i the Ra.it.._l *tat.*n ar. tht> f.rry IO. . o*_ -na'iT'l-eir i< a flcot. two .ti.t li..,i* f. oi.i.unnfl nx looini w.tb caUaraad

tchra. and floi .u_.. aod .rvrrtl a,.-. ..f laad.djom-ni Apply Ui (" 9 OBBOU., Baal ___8a8o OMxto'l Btt.a. ii tl . BWMJ,mo Li i bi i:.\vi:\s\V()(ii). LL.A »e_yde-ii-_aJL bi? ola tuhioaed liwt'.iios i'.juic. two rtory «ad »t_ic, BtB t.n-

tainn ( frvrterr. rocma, lai-jsc atirden. with every var.ctv of lruit. tt-

parejni. kc Lawn :n fr rr. »nd rear finely ibided with larje tree, fladn :tli bsm a_d eamajt'-bo-ie : aiao. luoir'aod it

drr.rrd li icce**:blt- ly boatixnd it-uri itery hour. For pirt._'j_ar*ej'P y t(* Dr. **AN_' 'BU l ear the p.-rtniaej.

a\t LET.Threa brieh Cettagea on l-r.i__.U-ay. aear__, 84th-M Thrre "tt-fT ati.) r-*ar l'-_*p_.er:t, tv-ith mott ofthe modern

iuiprnv.nirtit* (afl tn thet_-»t oford-i Tbe itetttoo it heiltby a:.

panl iDdr..nimanrl|fl tiill v-rtt-ot the tireTand I'a'itadr*. Thia* iaaol aajaa paat tha d~n*i »na tk4*k sv.r.ra uo to Md.<. R«-per _nn*_i" kor f-rtii* r r..rt'.ruiart appir to _->! Cl* 4 BAKNils,No. 4a Mi) it ottoVvM h |'vV\"il.'No Ul__k.av

IX) LET ar8ELL taBROOKLYN-l-ieothrea atoryrhi'_delpbiaWickandbriiui,-ittvne fititii molnrn Imilt Ho.,"*, ¦jait

finiiliid. iu llavii -..o-it. lirtwien lult.vn ai.d D* Kalb iva with l>a(hl'.ot ii Oa*. Belifl. SfK»akin« Tul _- SnViVl.r. kel tr- .1. ii.¦ituated in full vew i.f Wa»hititoo ptrk. A hnr of *ta,.-« ruu t-ir.miheach avenur from Ko'.tou an.1 7-otnh Ke.-ii. a For part ciiltr* in ]nit>.f .1. R. ST FFI IX Yu.\.. oppi'iite the booirfl, ot to Mr. W. I ITIIOM. No -1 i'viun'.aiidt-it New-Yirk_TO I.FT.A thr-'f-aNiry II."i*.*. pleaaaatl. aittiitt-J

i-oct:ir.4 two hiflh b»»-:iie_U. two palor*. Ou: 18 aaa iu mctadtt0. _, m tind «,orv. Tbe preaiiie* wiU I* mitle ua-

aaceB-iaaaals to a »ocd tenant. llcat. 8-ot'. with tbe tinvilefleufattri7-. of veai* A family doflitina to ac«-omm_d*te il» bo.rj.r.wouid Bad :t eoavmaiaat "ard di-iabl.- Apply f. So T t'.x*t r-thit

r*|X) LET.With homediate poatu-aaioo, oa -»th-ar.,A tmW B.'fX'k;v7*. berweer llth flni Hf.-'t*. three fln.-tar.tialan i cor.vrn:eBt two t'tory hnrk Htn'ri. ctnfvtiini t roomi w-.th paa-tnet, cloaetfl aio jtood c'e'la:.. with ffl rar.dat. sr.d coartyirdfl tn f.-oatThe ifii »t. :. liflhted with (tai. acd hne* of itflre. paiv .

icvod tenit_t the reo* w:'l b» low. by urP:r'--i« to D BXO£ItL,lCrenr-errv-it. Brooklyn.ITH) l.Ei.1 or a tertu ol" reara, the lar«.* Srore No.X im Weit-a . fire door. fiom Er,e Rai.ioa-d-p.it. Ap;* y (.' VlnBA_t__H B__KK-1 BadlJary-a*

To LET ;iu.l FrRNITrRL (br ~ALE-Tbe baae-meLt.f No. lapirk-p'ae ....... __,_..

.*BABCOCK i. BR'iWN.No. _" Pak-p._v*r.

hpo let.BOUTH BROOKLYR.Taa t~_ree atatya\ iPMtic-front Honoet. wuth (ide of Vntoo. itfc flad r".h hou. .

of H'.ki-M uithic tir^ rr-inTite_ wa^ of Hfltnilron bt Ferry -

: t-t .ii .-m alird w:- .: nfent-cn par or. tai faraace, ranp ^.f;

Wi' U* Ttvu-d iivw tv4»*.Hv' ten«ot. Icqflirfl ¦*. UARKf.** W'lLSON,\ N.-iiiao-it. or r J SIMMS. Nr ti IVflll-.t

TO LET '¦¦.* _.«<>. TH BROOKLYN.A three rtoryH bm (IniflVrl »ith axtpaaioa r.v. i- B_art~i aattaa, ...

Lt.rili aidfl "f Woodl.u'.. *t. oear id-lac*. five ininnte*' walk tro-r-tw. R-nt n.i_hieii.'e Ino.) re o(


I^O LE 1.Wal!-lij{littHi i.-H>iua aith er aithoot5:?e_nP.we: lf OBJ 8-8 laqa:.-. o: C M IIMOK-OH,Hl lt.


TO LEi in BROADWAY.Sereral anit-d of OtW?r»i: \ Br.-*,... ,» t B i - ¦: llai .*'*. I.iwy-rt kc A,->p:y

»( Ka 4! >'? nanft-yloce

TO LET.Wdl Lighted Kih>i:i- v»: : Bieaaa P.)Wi*r. ina t* itbmx.-flfl lesaSa. App'.y to UETZ, BRorUEE k Co

No. 1^4 w lllaa 0tl\) LET.KEM LOW.Hoaae aorth iide%t__-«t,J. y. |fl --.h-ar fo-it itonri ind bai'-raect. with modern

ln-prpTr:: e ::ti hnxty tm tba paoadaaa or 18 C. 1'ABI'RIIH__. N». 3Courtianct-t: trotc I to S oc ocfl.

rt LET.A l-dabed Baaemeur. No. :*'. A-.ni ->t e ntier of !>"*_»»u » ko *d ttflnd for * Tiunk Store

Aiao. AH.-tetu.i i"ro_t,l Baaaji. oa 1 ^tii-.t. ueif .ith-a-'. bvtween tl*e 4tbaid-th __8|all8 ktD-FAICTHAW, No -vJAan-tt., or

.t York*l\t RE-vT.A Gr-t t-lnaa H->tiso on the EtightaatX fffla liiililaa, 8 I. moit comi'orta'.iie aad ooavaniaat hariaawaet do-. t*. l>«*-fl. -c-. flUble fltd o-ch hooa; iat-loaad m»inrk of?Ci icit* onlv il ve r_.ii.utt- walk from tiu) ferrv App.y to IHA>. ivHAhlll.ToN No IHaaova-a.

TO RENT.Thoae fine large, _iry. aapaeleaa aad welliiiht«>d Rooxfl o:i flec-nd fioor of the new buiidina of lha l'tL>-

ver La-.k roaw-i.tu fl'.ven in:::i<M'.iafe'.y. Applt a tl.e HinoverBin_,orfl: the itnce ofthe ()'i.o I.iv !__tur-nceai_d irt-tt Comnany.

\\*1! LIAM8BUBGH..flitore in South6thel. WpO;II ilo-j** vitb lt ro.t-j. *uit~b> for a botrA af-baaif, 8.V'.i' r- *. ,-t rick Houfle o. Soot! ::h-it ,on* block froui th Fi rry. 11roou*. ?»'. Alto. averal .:.K:r b-at::!^ ll.-.i.t MV thfl lerrr_____£», to mil :t__ap, orre .r trca: ti'"'t, 81 ".

S. OOC-XltOFT, P.eil K*t_te Office. N _. : ?ou_L l-h-flt

W'i'KK 6HOP8 t.. LET.The aeeoad au-l thinlT T .-re* of » bnck Bu:'.'i.-i|t in rear afKa ft ten >' i tr

tki I_.u:re ia I'-oar oft.ro. Nc l-«lni'

117ATER POWER.To Reat._-.the Delaware aud11 Ba .- d Ca_*I. o.ar tlie Cut of N,w Bnimw Irh N .' -T.ie*e

rremi*** f n.btace a larfle kfliek buiU.tt, with macbinery a.. in t *>l

irorkinfl * *' i'our, uieai atd feed w,;h abundanc- ot

rov.er'l". r iwo thn-. or four itm ot .tone* An evten.'.Te c Byktorkmay be done at tht. pt.ee A cornmodio-. re*.

w.th tweott .cr'rt of iho.cel.nd. aay a.t.v heteattd. aent the raill.^For paTUcalanv. apply to PETEB ONOVER. No \»-t New-Bnuu ¦' ''" y

Ecal Cetatc for Qak.

AT PRIYATE SA] E FARMand (.or.VTI.Y.-r.vr-Simottdafco:- m

Jflnev. 38-.ilrtfiom N,«7 .jik. Uiaflfl. .vt_i.o.th»;-.___ia a > ¦:. wiiicbf-u-

leite... -. ._i *:-.-.-Oraa aadCraia * iri_«a-_aa»fl ar wa t *

_»f:u,'..-rvt,- tbeHoawerikraaananoayin the l . . -'*]. ot- %u ' '.'-i' L;c*. .TS

a lt_.-»i !at» n t t to UiO uian road. aud wei. itxX.fr.it aud o-_«-r:rrt_ It kl :m>_-Orr aml coatt i.i I rfl roonii on iat

trit 11c... m__ aiar«e bklX it:a-b.- B-Batba .u thajparka Ac. andarte*_rt_.mt . tao_th Theraifl a I-A.

:. front ati on but-, aad*.01*the -__-*e. *np}~rt.d oy ten flote,Slnaiii, T-'.- '' itlit"n4t!

x,-mt ol alaraoand we.i WiU Bere Cnb Homi »lk_a_ A.- bo: baaa »' <"M '' '

.t of arce.4 to.rhe city -

ch_fl-brfl.br tl.- ah eaaaot aeex"... : ».'7.t .**-.. . __**

-nte Tbe tflflraa. f«nnfla| ln been done »»^P«"at an* ti-n- App.y u COLt. A LiliLTv.>VVall-tt.

AT PBIVATE 8A_L-_--Th .rounduu the... ld and Lrfl-

tittonatt. Ako. .:- Loti oc tbe _oathwe«t cof.er ¦.

.. tv I'or tein:. aad taitu-lara at P'.* ") ANiliOM J

BL>ECKFR. Au.tio?-<r No.7 Broa_ia.

/-.Nl BE BEAT FOK THE MONEY .TwoV l>wel:-c Hov-ei :a Brookivn. i:ti.atva oe __h*__*_***ot P-c'Se and N**vir»it.. ir cne of tte bei. neig-bo.-:»__»in :

ba.lVup ntoptiv w.tb firtt daa bow-fland acorra M-tiflt flny III III

1 he hoow** are' _*.__*. three itory. b*«t-ment ani rib cei.a nea and_lh-t-_:.riv l-Ji'.f. «itb it-* tl i-nahout Call aad e_a__ie tneetlOk A nxtm portion .'I the purchate n*o--^"> ,^'xxki

¦-.ftgt tor a terni ot year. u' de*rrd AptNnKlli-t oa'Jioptoa-f-- 1'ncaof comet l*i . I B88BIb

c 01 H iitV BEAT i.t SALE-A Mai B-aaaCottaaja,with three ._.«.. of icod IulI with fra t. good waer. -*_***_

b. _** aid barn. aituaed beant:fu!It on tbe raa*..- Rf.' to New-Jer-iflV- oii-e* fr -m I'atr.-aoa. and 2 tion. K_-l7o.d lflrp.rf-vehaim-.__f re-

tie.l ttr aet mercU. - ..et* m tht v ita IV.ceve-j.owliat; a fl p at.-.

EAS1 MORRISANIA LOTS.T.iuv eTten.K*d lurt*vi_e_t of 80 pet crnf. of pnrcl_a*> aoney cr. fhe t"*-«_**e ot

_,cc-_---Vr__. l> prrcea _K_ra, and baiaoe* on or betore ..«--:.-

JT '.(AV Tbtwe l.*U occupy a vrry he-Jthy aod beava' tu. k-eaOon --tur

, waraboBaaaifl-a aai nt_- ¦iwiijia v7-..-r ,¦

rewJentr. of k-feml of flha* i-~_t wea-'thy and re*|-e.-cab_4 cisiieci of

We*trbe-~rT Ca nlfl Ain*. tine fiabiafl wtth:a a qa_na ot a nai.e

TkeMorr-aiiaBnii-;!. Railnvad. airewty bni.: i-aflwat-ronaath-a p~.p-. rtv ai-. tl., New-Bochelle and _e.oi:d-av Kailnw-. wh:cb ha* beea

«_a t ch-rttare-. lt u fl-twet**.! w:¦} r~- thr.__fb th_« prvpt.-r-fbr>atr*are now bnt Ial o« and t. tt te tcfl rapadjV D-jta-Ce 0.

tbi* i*-->aa-rtv OflatJ tbe <*>Iv Hall. mne milr. T-.t-* r-Tject- For mtpaJ_WS_flTu~----«~n-^y ro D B WiNTON No 5 TTy.»-row aea

B-v-7-fl Bai road 0__c*

IMK SALE or t« LET.A loodern aud 8-r.»taniiai. ltHou_-w.thl3fl.-r_. ol -Xf-elhrrt ln.J.'J ibe aec-*-ar-

*alkaf--f- withinfittt n-inuu» walk ot thed.-. * la -.'-tr. of Hl N.B.V J. PA . ID, at iW knt*tx* Hot*'- Jat-ve-ca. L ..

1-vQlI 8ALF.A aolid. l^auttful Httbt ttiWi HOU-E,e'eaantly Baiflhrd. «ix n_ooth« ato. c a l*a:_c_t Bro. tlv a Pn.-e

_^-t~i_ayi-fl-i»taca-4<--r.-d aijji-iiia. Ibfl Hoaaa wa*

tL t fer aMTnt-iiflp.fl.-a*" aud wiU. if .*_:*4 fir thu week. be Aoldfc, lr^t-~_.c-- -k^roTx- kToWARD- U-iTF.R. NaM Biaad

27....r-... il-ri 11 L l)AVFNFt*RT. Ko V

A e eaaotiy _a_nr_,awina>~ii-**>*-<. t.u i_..___. ...--...- ...-.

$luv.ii_»vi--n->in(*n-4_4-di.nd »ar-|»a* Ibe Ibu** Mt'itfcrati-v»fl-U^^__v»_*.aj-w.;. if rt-.tti t.r tbu week. be *o.dfci lr"_b__-ca Tid-rr- i IDWABD- LK-TF.R. Now.v Ii.p-Ju.ial .'tKRO k DAVFNrtMIT Ko fl Wai

F>KT BAMILTOH VII.LA BttES.-*Tha retjchoav* Pk-4 of lirtiuod io itu'jiealia'e ticimty ofth- Haraiit.m

o_-r atMi I'mtrd Sttte. lanJt. Yott Hf. ItflO :in..4* of-reai ¦

iu* ** te« to thi*c __*..__ . m*Ot*aad pkaant iocttitka t»t readeucoI w V i'.'o* tha »i*A i* ii---iih_«»-_ f.*r brautv of »u_a'io« Wiaf fl-rvvaf__*nie_4 pv-t-rtflviu. arooud New V ork A !¦**_,liient Ferry i* i*o#

...iiii tha-.' l). .I'rlli.l 1 u« :i n C t.lV -.--,. ita .ll*

cvl._7k ibu«rrt_Jriiifl il* prt'i-rrty ol ¦«< roady aad roov-cirotv,_, I. -.« ...-.-* .. a '. -" N' Wl v. BA-_t___l i

BANDKBH '. 3 Nit-aa tt

L'a.iK SAI.E.A ainnll Lut aii- Sial.loiaYiw»-*.t .HriK»k-r Ivrntv-theFaltoalexry Apply to D1FT-. BRO P.IKR i v. ..Ke 154 Wil_u__» flt

t'olt .SAI.E.Vnlii.bli' Kfal Eatate ai Haatiafa.caa'a.cafl oi wTerfll Vi * and Cottaae Baaa,ebmamuxgBaatbns

taflaa trnm of .aad. AU th*M pa..li are «rali (r-aced aad wa

aeaaaw-laf flaaM-atwct view ol the Hadaaa tim aod aarroaadisaccaatry aid w.lhin «te n.uiutrt' wat ofth. HaaWa R.trrr R. irf t 1 - i-artir-iiart n. ;*..**> oft K ME'iRATH. Uati.ngfl. aat Ka_ UW M athia-tna tt New Tork

y-*.)*** BALB or io L-ET- A Farta.,"*- a.*r»*a.kimkIhiwa-aa t_n -atfliMia. N T N 11 R lt ¦ < kflfl 'man tb* aBjj«-a_a*d t-tcltyptopany t.tmru v'trt 0e *~ Rm-dwty.

.' i

1"S>R SALE.10 dwurabie Lota at H fh Unxige m'

ir* atkaa tAmt -mrytmx-*0mk_hketabmmmmatwttm_?ern£~*'- Ar-tJyioD B v*-t>T.,v ;_.-»!.,* o^



FOli i-.i.E, at Y«»nkt-ri *... Hadaufl Ki*~-' aataaa

. d tne 1,.

LA? LA .'R-.S' L.No l» lleekt atipf

'- .'< ,,-



1/' >i; .* .


I*V1. BALE, ht PQUQHKKCTSIE.Ace^r-rl : :i. .'I

- . .; :_e .i ol la.-,-* *.ie. r'ode.Ti ba-t, coav ,-ti:.n: a .d

-rxiicape and river aeenerv ip nol ro b» -iTTtaja-il I.: orn.

tt.enta tieei i_ndir>'': PflrfartberBflfflarplv to -"'J.-*P)

., i VNWAOI - :. Y.* IV' '*S' iPo-.eeop-a-UOCL-Pf 4*. w.'.K-.-v, i'-' '

1jX)i_ BALI -JktJtet Robertaua, Kichand ii Bayaidi'ienr.,n Cope tai T'l.-.iaa S. Tivlor. A<

auteei ifl ttutf of tba _., the Cvnk.( thr irtbe fclloo Lea Eata e ai .-.-

vai, p-.'.e. .m.i ;A li R."'A \. lhaportiona of aaid real eatate aa aia oot t tipoflod ol boToiahat t i. .-. willbeei] it (he Co rt Hfl-M

nl P a- '-I. of th-iaiiWbdayaf A.0

1 -, i. ; y roace property, itoite ia Libarty To-rattrai ._. af Nocthambarlaad I

. »

v r ii.-rn i-ri"*, honita for a fllflIB a:.-l a'l the BflflflflBMyaraoal bi.iit faraarr. There u ti-

tiched l.i li-.'.irnici a Iprie le.riv of wn,-1-n.l !.»-:._ >>n. an.1 ext-ol-l ..it Moeioo-'i Ridg flome I iflclearolaU

a rii - laad i- tolni '.irt' ul f,

otrpnil Ore fittinrfotlie .iepreieed itaioof _bah ...... trt i l-:r:-ar..- hai b-en ont of bUflt f.r i.»ne J****,

¦t-. view nf tbe coBfemii.aftPd ronp'r.ieti-jn of th-l>ta» V. por. and Et.fl Raiiroad wito-n a (ew ml-

-i.evt-.oo-trg.rst advantajeitot'ie luccearfiicu-ion t'-f Ihe iron''n>ii.c«a. _^_

l crnv ,-rd .wo-fhir-i of the Rou-.ng rreet ..roiee orooerty,eoodidaa ol IN ecm a-d 6 porehea of Und, aruata in MiyberryT.'T>n*h:r. Mont .ir C.nniv. Pa. witb the fo, nann_ ktaarflm.

,_'.. omai-e.'ac-. Uttet taaa, -Bfaathjah and :'teet boib:ona Caatiej Ho*. _>. I t. t by M i.f. m.e Stock Hflaafl U fe-t b-.-r~u-rt; oce Coal nLed. J5 let t hy 7.'. feet: one Brnlie llnof. 3- fert Ity

fotir Hoatini Chamhera. conta-.nint t" *.¦¦<¦¦-

a.Dfll : ¦:..- I I u Bn « I. 81 Id.an.e'.r: , ne lt>-d nn.i Ta.l Rtce. 5(»0feet l.ut: RflflM(¦aaaP.pei. ard ali tl.e nece-earv 6_rurei at th- raroa_*>: all'.onilarao-toofl IHre! rt Houie. 4" f-e^ aqoara; terea i.ntller Dt

........- laad are ot au ..

oelleot qaahty. The water jower nune _t Bfl bflfll in thu i- tion o!

fl A Vr-ctof I.tad. ntca.-in Motto-rTown-lup. ( i.'.cTnbn tjicrrittd-. iercle#-tbo.t ~,o arrri c eaied Tim t-

. . loflta on .Vo-tc-r'i Kidte. tnd kl fjppoted to c .ntnin talB-Bflveiniof ir. n cre. ....«, L- ,« _r-.

4 A Tract "t Und nfnare in M-iomng 1 ownihtp, Monrour(.oititr.I'a criai'jing'iii *¦ rea aud »i-errhea-aboat Iflfl tc.ee cieared T-.-.

nnd ii ntnatc on Moctoa.'p Bidge. and ii auppop-a to Iraloab e v, oi ot in I _.

I \ I'r* rt ot La__.Mtuttr in MalaorjiDgTown-hip. M-' tn-.rl o-i.tv,.'«__ rnturi-.. g S- 1,-r* ad II P-TchM. ob w'oxch r.viiuab.ev ina

of troc ore oow op.Led snd worki-d. ted from whi,- .arr- i':t-_n_i-tolat. ,

Ibarth tort of the pnrchi«e monev to be rv.rf OO -hc dty -t I'le.nal aanaal aaymoo-i wt.h iatareat ao-

irraati a-d mtrtxmge ou theS"-Il-UMAVC'-A,r "K H BALDY, Daavilie. Pa.

Dtnnlle. Pa A

1,'OR BALE or EXCHANOE t.rCTTY FIMFER-J. Tv_'. | _rr-p of choice L.iud, ioc'uding a mmatUi Parni w.thl'i- acrri. iti high .-tutivatlon. Toe iKatMB cannot t-e lurpaaied f.raaritn tnrol r-i'i'-iei Uiitance from thii c::y If mi*a K-.r pertxu

-. .('H. HL-.m, Ka _«.:Ubt.

FOB SAI.E in WILT.IAM8BUBGH-TirflBtyfcar_-,^ .,_ two romen, wel! adi;t.-.i fur the ere.t.on f

r.ei Pricea I'r.m tl.'O' te tl.Y'.': Thoat.. a may le Pccurtd by mort_age. The above pror~rtY,

#tr___., ; n>nte tfl (Ireen.o.nt, aa.i va ith:n balf a

mi>of th-(ij-iii ard Kou-' a-9 t ,k. orattbytbflflttflflflbtfl I.hppr- i.tp f. T'-irv-l*. w.th a l«_-_ei.on__gp. Ten

,,f ih- ab-.veir. co-.f:_.o__, tad bare a f.-oat ot 4-0 foet. la-jaireitJay-»t.. Bnoklyn.

I^vY. SAI.K.a Hooae ai.d Lot. No. 199 Weat 90th*:'i54i, three .: *ud undercelitr. b-.m-n

.tone tronr; Crr~on wiier. ra*. i.- oontptele. lu )ou-e of i... UU ir.B JAQl'l 9, No aaW-atflfltkett.

I?ABM for SAI.K or EXCHANGB..49J aereao.'. -,- fin-.-.r._ '..ad. tboot loe aeree ol'which are ia good cu.t.rj.

-t'lr-He. and for an i*_ncaltu_i*t the__-!_ot te .nr?«_i Applv ro WAU.BB MlKE, 1. Chambe~-_t.

FOR SAI.K. aear STAJkUOBD, Coonocticut, aPARM cr COINTRT BEAT. coLtamir; a'tou;-'. t r-. I .-

land w.i. woodedand wolflf-d. iy.ni aboit hall a mi.e-ro-.

the Tilltte l i tnd about ten m-.cu_et'walk fro^i tna

Kew Havea Ruirvaa Star »o The dwellmfl-boaa* ii pteoM.-¦c-p tnd totiiar-rate order. Pair paittealara, 11

B WARDEUp, at Staaitord.orof Rr* K.WLhi.No.___! bro-j.w.v. Ktw-Yfltb.

FOB SAI.K. or to LET, r1 CA8TLETOX, StalW-.i \ te<!C<jt_i.ear.!.-:i a laad-

int pr.' fl ^l thowi-.e: si-.l Jti.ey <LoreIrom the p.enuiee. AaaStB

,' r LEE. BO .>' " *..-r.-

I"*OI. BALE.A verv deairable baaeami ind three*atorv Ol Bl M '-' " ¦.¦>'¦ <..*' ':<-* ,;" ll-'-eam tl. r*-

r;,., arfrh ev- ry -.- an.l ic oriier for .uiinediatc o.'C'jp-Jcy.K-aae^ion bv 1« of May. if aod i__nieil;a:e'v.

... .._____.Alao (tioi haciaome four-itory broira-rton-fr .-. )1 Sl - i-i JKa

,» -e_r .f Maoiaon-av.. lorS.'.e ot ta ireat

fi____»tIU. 187P-Jtoafl*. fl«ra-_r «f < «.«

OR SALE.Funv ven deairable lota, It sit-c i of Eaatcfl ¦,uoa'

. Mount ' ~*.v'-old chtar. 1 '->. A,,..(t. UBW.M...YN . .' Tt-. on-row opfoaite (Ity HaU

OUSE for >AKK.-T'he Hoaae aad Lot._S __5_-.--¦.

terxzt w'

metit a yja-a«. "..*:'. :: Praak al a -: i

BIVATE BALE..-Bn nklra



JL df-'-a: - Lo'l - I '

-c-it, ead.oeroa CThe tot! oc 1 *T :

tiveLf- . ¦-._.--

tiaa-aia tflf y :o A J &_,_._.<- h.x.'A. o

PKi\ ATE BALE A i .'i. Ajo. a Farm ou t'ne wufll

\- o :¦. P*f

REaK ESTATE AGENCY-Thuianv v j^rA-une* to


o >.--.- ¦- > ;.'_;__Jnstinction.

A, am* (ev owraarOTc-a. rru.' V.-ui. \_--_::beck


iri coaiai-i-i.'


.- ir.emii aad : v

_, .......rer. they _jve a_a;

?____Laa--_t_ghr o_ t.-e 0..f_ti..: .. . flfl. C-Bflfl

ot Ttrr-.i ma he ob__--»ii it the _lpjveaddreaa_KEirwi>i..-R-v.>ra_-... V1Dt«_, 1' D. Rector Grtce <

V\ __,-_., --;.. N.w.ora. R-v M: r

[i t :.i v K > »;. Co-n-ealcr at Law. N_ 5. \% a..-

¦ oi J J- E--. v »oa~ B| tm .: NewYc.-t.

r-_A$8ICAL aad COMMEK' IAL BOABDINGV. BCHOOL-.Tbfl Irv 24 la«t rare. Urry-.oxa N . .T ia> - ..iiooL from:»de!it«fni an_m.obr.jp.- .-- i.

'.jitiew an.i rjp. nor accon morianona and amnremruta, aed t.-vmiu

¦sti-r prriotia- :aiprovement. a^d for i«.'.}u:n-t atl«aiu-*.orCct-flteroaa educarioc j^oenii iBdnceuietitt to paroau aad irtrac-

hoaata irodean toldom aurpa-ed. Horaet_____-i p. i.yainaitic* tad.._!.: without cbarre. la__n.etu*ii m Pnrt«h ac -

Teaehen. Namb<r l.i^ev; t. tw-tjv-Sve^ (-. -

tba, camnieocuu Mav I, 0125 Circuori v. B *

." ^^VV.X^L'tlM^.AM.rr^ipui.HI U60N BIYEB lNSTTILTK. Dohba Ferry. N.

V _B - for B-.va, ._?_¦ the eaat baak of the Hai-B ______ from New-York Locatro* uaiarpaa-d. I'uroiara. taty

tkumtttc i^affjssRgiI^AIK HaVf.N SKMIXAKY.A Fa-uily _k»rdiiM:

. Sct *: ta HaMattr:jf»t«i * ._?

. t;.ir ooe mile of New-Haven. U.A rttiati __a____a_~a oe the hnt of Mar. Circo.an marba

at ...u d i. Berrr't Vu-c Store. No 197 Br-adw»j Tha.j, 1 wt -r r_ tbe lflth inat to the firet oi Mav at Mr

::_le.-t.,:-it. THOS 0 SL-.4.V Tne- .»:

1NSITTITION for X0UK6 LADIB8,fla Bn-ik'.ru, K . Pierrer««t-tt. coraer of Cluxoa: ALFRED

\ 1 Y.\ t A M IV-...\ml.-Tbe Ser>>ot-*~_h Anoual Seanao oi

: ..w coB-.ineacing laatrit _. r. in all braachea. Ta.iion:oclu<_-_g ___..!____ Sta-JA'aery, frotn ._- to »-' per i}___Ter. Ukcl____lonii ttxtn fl.V ta a_iO je- antntn.

KIHDEBHOOK BOABDING SiHOOL-Neitv -i Mav .¦. number of hoardori hmitod to J*». tanoctioa

tmnxtsh Parea.i a_av iiave tho c*y bv itramhoot. or tik-.tin aadlllflainPi 'i ..'"*"' .***.."-. *.* Termiiin-llafllair-'- ''''-** TbaPr_cip__ A W AT.-tiN V M.o_ivhe--B at Di Ct'LU VS. No. Ti Cranb-rry-it. Br-jotlyn .»

wd.ceii oo parvrnta wbt- deaire it. t a_a_o_u^_, kc, at WIU.A-Mecc-.. No -« Broadway

IODI BOABDING BCHOOL ior BOT8.Al Lodi,B-r.- t l s raiiat from New Tork C. ' K

W1NA' - «; aaaaraoa-sl byaiT aai.-a.-i bea-'tb a_J U-p'.tv oi tuiua.ioc Tbe _-.__-uar »i~A>a

Mv-dav Miy 3d;'t-P~ recr:T-d anv r.n_e. Tera^a-J *_.'. Pitlii: aafl nwa.l.ol. .*> pe-r quarer_ (

¦aftaTbi-i*.- «'. 1' -'. -i'i v' I-' Hai-aoat W TilfR-_;, x>! .r.kttf DANlhL R.VBOLD. Nj -.4

ABM- ' COUB-dB oi BOOK-KEEPING..AD.. . -a ia moaetarv or mercaa-.a.. ahuaU arat'. thein-

¦ aceoaata m aoaa-iiwat'Hir.tatb.-red tbeea, aod let !_*¦ whom d_tiaee

.:._w te. prucare the late wart af taat tttla a tenemt_..->nt. In itau.ei: d ai taaeh_-a fnaaany otfkar

_olt r. .-a- ratea tvo pta«e4 -.a . ...ore. fll t>. aeolpar* . a i ¦ M S rouat:»g rwaa, tot th*

l-ract.-t of »«?A>t ki-P't- Na. 3N Brte-lway

MK I Dl iPVM-YAI. IK1YATK BOABDINGB. liaaiaoo ca.aew. llobakea. N 3 Tb*

aaatai. - p Mav x. Tarm- pei aaaaai trmm fllflP to BlOfl.*nt a feh cterrm ot t'laanral. -agUab aad Freewh, trvat-hea NacalM . 1 -iv __BflP*a__h_| Cirrniaraal tta laal_ta____

K i.n. SCHOOL fi.r BOT8,Ba. **i i~«lfltt-.t. twar atuyveaant _-{__*.-

MK.A MK- klDDBB** IMIABDING aad DAY..»L Vr .fl'CN'i LADir* N- mClomoa pkpem.brleraan



MC-aflflO plara. betwweapxuotmt Iafl a-aily a.-

P_RENT8aad Ul .B-WANfi whmg for tha teat.

H-~t *_ ¦''*.' P- ic'St... a.'.*-

L.EI-EC1 I -MILYSCEIOOL for BOYS,at sOUTH*«i;,m'.:,-'r WU. Beikflhire 4 a. Ma**- M landJ

.i'-liv :, iii

rpjil. Vv :i io.N UOARDINU A' ID IY.I

i -.ed tl No ..-. ;.¦

I^iHE METROPOLITAN ACADEMY aod liYMNAM ai- open fl-flth DAY *_- EV1 '.ll..) d .r ., to. Weft.-.

S'ifl ! aad Sv'i (tb »t

WI-lllM. andLVCTRUCTIQNtuADULT8 An11 l_«l__h Ifldv, of flTtflt pre. :.r«' t«per:enee in T.-ahioa who

-. -urcenful io irapvrt-_ i pleuiw nii'hol-.wfi.l.vr..

-own imdrt . w.llre-i__a__-t____- .1 irh Drrren-- -'--ty.5eaaa_--r' *'* bo -

|| lf.-yidv._T. New


fllacl-incrn. Srt.

ANEW lHINi' ENT1RELT- .Th«_-_08taatoa-thio|.,f..Tn,*..r*l*.rA,,( Bair-1.. wt th* wnr> eI. prifcrn:a.re L-*rd of BanU, F.rkip.. K- ti _4_-rti_hi

'¦ r xtittbTtn\wiW^^.*,\Tifotwhirl, w. lave r-reit-d i.o.d aui i»i t-i M-ina-il *..¦_'- T>.p,-,:niItt-liitbei.ii.'*.r in tliebo'r aw» thtkfltavi .' owing ib tb* r-- a.

*i d rrrt-.i Ihe hairel or kefl fji tbfl b** .-.. ?-«-«*. tn v rrtnnrr »o_-_ J*_V. .'.... ____ _.._.. !__.___. .1.. 11 ... I ...ub thiat wr ebaUeaaa tba

t Via il'i-. rn_i<-p.i'.ct. c.'iipiele iaid ot'mt.r-.n fnnh tit.rkinor k.fl. ih

,. '.i iIit toth.1 -.itiet-t -to wh.. i. w-

__.rat_C-IO.__] whn cii.><4*. t.. giTe tl.-tii inrpfletioo W. ma-ata-tarat-i ctiod: rlf.ieKxTnny tn.m tbe tnm flfl) '.* tfl lofld ¦.

1 _t.it cr.t in (tn eral vf. all uf wh'rh cfln be wslttnt.-. tabfl I tbfltuiit, or teidaptedtn frx-per_:r*flotiry r*_i* Inti;:

r: aie «_iiniperfect _.-:ie * evc-p*. 188 'lefecr _f

vt-ly :_ the tiuiber.Urlai'p_ahopatK.iii:.-a. N V.d:r-_-- y «-, "r ...-¦.--\-ar.York

ird Kne Railroad, tnd tbr r -Tll

-um walinor-h ofthe depa.t, where any pncaaai who v-.il, caa w:ta<_i

ticti now uirfo'd, ran obtain aur :nfo-::ti: a iti ial '.¦ >n tb«.e:t) by ap-to aa ti.Ti.oa!. tha maii Tbe_t8r8_ata_8w_^tbe_~a_8i8airta-

,.'.-.,,, L, atill, opp_e«n_ wifl k« lafuuad ta tbaaaaaaaBo-neiv. UM-ttofathom wili no doobt ho.d for dfrpTi.1 d-«ir»b:. t

t;cr_. v ...Mfrtive tflttitortaa, It ifl concedM by all jni«e«wh. hare ex_mine<! tbe machine. tiitt if '-irpa_*e» ererTfh-.Dt 'hat ha*or can be mver.ttd for tbe atne pnrpo,., -_i_*t eatir.iy fl-pei*.-_eai! hirdcroyencfl. ... _¦>__. r

«?r*. iirei.i rf o,;: w..rk f.: b* flfen bv eama- on th. F.ditow of TieN.i -York Tnb-D**. Vv M TRAFP k ( o _*»:»n'*-- .-.: :

t-nirt, N*w-York, March l*. 18BB

CTi:.\M andGAS PIPE.-JO~EPH NASON. ,nf tha|Ty late 'mi of VV alworh. Naeon k Goi!d.) No C8 Broniwty maiii-

ficttirei Wiofligl.t Iron P.p* fcr*. t.-am. (ia* ar.d Watar v* -

Fttir.fl*. ind every t. -ir-ar.i and Uti W,.r». ree'd Pumpa. Coila and F.v . icaaflfl,

nd VV'ttir (lr.i:_!fi. *_d Luitietotit -' o* .*>-

ixnditri. Heflliocoiifltnittfli ?reat rinrli of S:<*v_and Hot "Aatpr-wai-n._n(_. md Gitl.nhl.rfl appanfin. a_d r»7en to ext-npl-a ot n-j

wctk in ir-ar'y ot the eonntry

Sl EAM ENGINE f-r SALE.g__ horee povictflt-iroLbed. indepen-ett pntnp. w.th bo:ler and c.o-

Ea-c:c,r_.cevertet np, eLtuely new, ai. compiet* irith baatn. nltaartnlfd bt! »'l the modern x-;pr .vemen-* lnit-. OtC. li-ANOaio.No 41 Pev-4t tt. the rear.

rii ,| si.oAN" PATENT HYDR08TAT-PRE1 . VFNTK.'N of" STEAM BOILFR FXPLOSidrrtic-i'd I:*'xr uiide ext.na.ve inir.i- '

of (liete mach.ne*. ue now prepare.l to t-oe:v- ordera tor tn* iin*n»-.at.

ipr .-Mon ol tie uxtae to b I I ai ariad M Td-t bat** e->-

deatured to place tl.eit_4__xi-.ent t. '

tt a verv icw prce. the tot: 7 tl",' n»»-

havia _*tjwer iv-".-cf-o on. flccordinfl t.. thecflpt-.Ty of t iBT-LVAS k LXGCZTt, Ttopriet -i Mj itif-_-*ni-ra

Footof Kv*t Hth< Bflflfl-l

TO PRiNTERS 1 *'.'. a it'cond hnnd BiadoCt'.'t.drr Nt: | Ma 88 .n ( ->i woik.L< orJ. r. Ud

3Fl_4icrhfl. Unaidebeareral made ly I'o-. A_ao ».

Adamt !'r,««. oid -flttern. Apply from l. to to R. J. aJC H.A_RI)*sNo 187 Faltaaeat._.^_.

Cntlcrfl ano i-jarbmare.

CAIJFORNIA ftii-1 ATMEAEIA i.ooj.s.M"--ehicu. Cm piniei and tndividafllfl -tr.afl otit fcr th»'

cm tind a full *J-d ron:p ete «*»orai:e3t o'' Min.r-. TOola, PlCkfl,BbcwaU. Hardwara. Cntlenr. Ed«» TooU. FLt a thoolditacdof CHAELESfl LITTLK. Noa.-Janj _4

_PEL E B BA r E D CROTON FII.ES-MHKEV. to HXIil.WARE IMPORTF.R*., MACHINI-T8 and ENOI**v .-. BA .Th* niidenijnied bafl -tfl rurcl.a-**- the entire :nr-r*.:

Cro'ca Fie Wovka, to - Bf fl "¦' V -.- by iiret no:-?* taataU thedenrirf otflflof Filt. n-flxrafatnred flt »a.d workt. ar.l tonn-ry **:dl v Mcara J. Hcrcer lo.. flnil bencelbrth be to'.d ou'yler at 1 ifl cfcee and war*-ho_»e. a* b^l.'W, w'..ere»il ord«.-v «-;.. be t__tea

it-ihiiedfliveryflhoriiol-i^.. ____ ^^ m . ., ^

N B.-IU* .»<-_, Brotheti A Co.'i G.obt* Fuei are fo: flv.e, _4_-a_L,.t ti.e »ane fltaaa.

C'l T NA1LS and SITKES.A t'ull a-«omn_-iit of>___t_8 Ircn WcrU" Cut N« -. * .*-»-->,

'i chvrcoai iron. fir tale o-tav rt-!. ter7:.'

o..t.' MFRltliT if:Ak- f. r >a'e. _.

""-"k'.i W Urden received ror

F. :n bon»-hO« fl-d other ro.leti iron.

JOHN T. BUDD, Man.ifac-'.rer a'.tl Propri_»r.jr <_fLockw^di

Bodu. brW-flntr.dar-htc.-r. -d A!. R47_7.etw_x.-an-. N.B

'. ¦:« Broalwaj, if.._7_.*riy ^i Church.

RlYEls. CA8T Bl TT H!NGi>. [RON 6INK8Cappar-l-sU Copper Na

Nsili, Ir.r Ticki. Irvul3rt^' tbr .Au/.x. (..-, prnu ptly ti Ied.

k: BE1SS1 L»0ENU1NE PMZE MEDALNEED-_bo0.1'ia.itT.

81 do iceond q-ainy A _itr_: i*t<ot.l tl.owtd on orderfl uf toarn



Ilrsflv T-ei"'

nPREMONT il r NAILS.-Ol EaeterAtare-i .0,t!" iny-flA

'. | ¦' I


OLIAN PIAN08.REMOYAIr- rtaiaaii, Pv_ ud Me:.--i«or. -aceo''tnem xird de-.ani for i 011 tl-RT k Co. .

. wuh -tiv _a. t:.e -no-cnbei !.

Bm-ca. r v -4 a Lue a...-.:_-.'. ot (npanot r'ani-jaiefy ccvtnperit.on T. Gtib-it A Co . l'.a_c* ave r te

a. J are wirranted to iraiid -TiT

..rd P-ano. a a*", i-


ii -. a_-.ao-.ri- iM. cl-ip n-xLC. h-n- 4 * orto

HORACr' WAliil *.w.y

i* OLIAN a.-ai BOUDOIR PIANOS, htEL_f_L_WHll- ,.>> 1AI ...-(.na b*,-a-ufl* tn taefl* oe

Pianoa, w.th aad w*.t_*..:t rne-.y :m;:roTed Jt tinee k.kt by tia.lett. Daa-a S. Co.. and thoee beaai'Jtn P»»_ t Boaao.: Fifl-Ofl ta-de bv

-.-windflrrotd-ii P ir « o: a.! pnce*. D-t-era. Tfl-Ct«ra mi Sen-inarie* i_rp.--i *:' >~al ijaral raea h-Wt* let.

T f_ Br.aRl No i*T BroadwiT.

JE70LIAN _____-N0-F0RTE8, al No ill Biaa.j.j _ji ;.Tr. tflaortoK-t ot' P:»rofl fro-a tbe eelebrjtet bjue a

. Dava i. Co. 1 . *

\v'l_4 '' Be,r and i-CjT-d-hin-l Putiofl Jtvanoo* _>__eri _..- t-e a: rer. low pr.ee*. l'_i_o* :o latT4r-*

| Tii'_MP--YN- 411 Br_*_i--v.

Ga B BARMORE oaTer at thetr _a_o-i,,, B..aaN:trr ttcrrj-.-of C'.iir'__a. an atan____c:

.aat 1 laoTortaa. Wtt* th* mcUl-c f.-a-ne aod revene'arv-af-,t a ._«: n.c_r-n ii_prQTrc:ent-

J_k C. FIMJHER, lata Naa__aA F-Beher, wt _- t. .;. -.=_.>> ITO llrr-Bwicba. .-

Y xto-i o-l««*aa_Tan:ed. t.- h reTrr»e br. ue acJ

c-af.i-i fcr vad ex-

ihai .ed. N. B -__*... Ue eaa PiBBHt-Fertaa ka **

IXIBTSALE.Pric* >. '¦.A .-Mi.-iiid mahogPl INO F( RTF.-Hu batl pu? -a iot*d >r_er AppI _:


V^OK sai.F -r ta LET.Aaaa Raaaa i'lANO-Kl'RTF.t"! txrarpfl. coa #-0>>. Ic i t* brea utei oi'.y 4 rnont-*.

tadw:. ; t: No .":_.¦.__. tt..'ro-. *88ll

ME8~~~~ Lii.-HIE A NEW TON. No. *ti Canal «.,-eooeore o' th* ircrea-rddeniardaadaanv_led papalir.ty

ot the-.r PlANohORT.'S. ba*.aateadad thetr >-_-__¦¦ tad *.-» aow

pr-p*:rd M oti-1 to their fru-odfl aod tbem w.uat, u an-aetiOT in__-_r_-Brnt. an rxttmwt* aavnrrt**.c. ia plain and o.xmcLted cttaa. otn;o_em *rvie. trvm .>? t. T| octat-. ^e<'J_il-b__d Y:xno* Utenlnax-rflflwy Broadway Ware-roomfl. No lii

N7EW an- SECONDHAND PIANOF01TES -__*. W* have aow oa hand a lam flan.-Tiaent ot New aiid S_coad-Hi_d Haaaa fot m. aiid to k_re P_-aa tr-cn _~0 *w t_C*.. F*,* __ra

(ro- e-to tio per o-cnih. No *» ^^1^^^^^^1>IAN0~-.Otaal Bariiaina. il t->ld pri'vious to Mav l

For bn:.-.*ocT of ton* t-n_T_-T*-__»e4_. flnd wflrrantad *.a orery re-

a;r<rf Pat_**-er. . ."-id d .. d ev~_i_w a-kaaaaBaa-t.ry Nolltt Wwiiai tt , betarera Pt-jice anu Hotuioa

l HARL1.9 v V8.4

PLANll-FOKTEv**.TLe fint-at aaaonmeat of PiaaoForte. :a tb. eay aay be fcani **»_____*i*___ZiCl'RT'... No 441 Bro_-i«.y. e-t-iatat af xW**yi H"I_,.S aSS

At-r.-caa raaaa Aci-a t-A.. **^«~^ .i^:\^^___°tjtt_*le, «.7h»ad witNnu tha _t*«»i*-_fl. Alto, BoudaJ.£*_!__**P*.fl8.*.(_ra-*ortol,t. N P B Cl'BriS. No kC Bro-wui


CKNAK'Y B-RDfl Behpaa, laaj ahiaadtaafariarlal. rr^ly for Ih. »l____*i_. J^i^-**

le *o!d cbeap U appiiad 8-f fl-**-. v4_*-«i tteimi t*. umd hremwty..;; ...

C0N6UI S NCrT_-RlE8 _-*! » hTEVY EU-AIA «.--

fl^atd by ibe K« art-*- -A «r«_t v~r rry _.' i~cimam* a F.V-FRDKLI-sNo _*tB*aa_w»y come t _>__-. a

IM>ll P_M>Y1~40~«, BUTTKl *ad TE-VS.I »T -HOtlltLfl ____

ALLIN k Ro.-JK.Na. *.*- VV a-tt-flt-ti a paa* iemtabort per*aJl-a) New V. a .-'.-r at who*ram>. t_ C-.fy aad v v*-aflrr b_lm%^,C_aw._r.M__aprtoflalaaab,iba__~_tt_t_-4fl -Itk-ba- -Noa W 7 and 1 .a a_l XjUi if, atflfljai

"'Dl'.*" -ln -a!-l-a_-* a ». v

-adiaptckU,.it a Ll riTvra i.i, i»taa^ ._¦ tm _r. m_».-ea^kad. ia boa**, aad ptct-fal m hkt~.

r-BN-Xrin 1*t--c-4. aat_aa-_aa, i .*-_ **.«.-4 1 K--..*- Pi-aa *-d Ra-xfl-a--

__,,____,* *?**__

,. , .__i!»_. UU -a*-4--_ T-aa VV ivflat

vinh.i -_«_._:--. W aakut-a "»»-- --«ai-:nBlTJ F.H.la 8aktaa. tubu tmi tpmln trwo D--rt

nmkttndnmn. uumx^_

>- --i-iati VtM*« lijmwt. taa.-^tr-t '-K-piw**.- (3aU»_>. F»l t-r-ta V-W", ->->.o__fl. ik-


-<aor_al mia-

.( .**] DOOBFLANVl Ti

.' tOTti, aelf

H .,...*. a\ l.i un., ..'aro-rt'il'i- (" f- 'lr ;-


C_r.ri. ic .1. .-.;;-: .:..:' (I-v. . ._. ¦

Mi" ^.VTa.'l Pf

.-ener_.:T tr- rtl.'l.dritai..I

JA. FEBBY, Wbo_eflalfl aad Retail i>>

- .. V. .. 1 -yrspt, No. taE-a,-ers-ei Mta-He-teT~, loxtxieh**rer. N H

MONE- to LOAN in eu~n t« Uwfl p^n.itl*.oo p-rvon-i tocuj-.tr. -_--. on MercLa..-iaa _Ba.O Ptltoo-k~

TdfUor. I'thr* houra. A M to I P M. R ".>¦>'>¦

V 18! Mal***" NEI-l! '..'*".¦' aaiiatjr ot *.

J_> aadNfltl *______bcthr-gidBCdunrrr. *=*»U

tiadJ ct j'w.ae a_n Kiah ing I PCX'.r. tor ive. at wfto.eaa'e. TUREEtp? Ho.tlV . .-.

V»il< K to BOOT and SHOE HANI PACTCB*J_l KS -Aipletdjd mmttmawt oi'R)"*-. .'''"_,!.,,'. .*.-... ;>'al~. Kr-i.. .. i.h.i aiul n'inj-ro..i o her laaaiianabla.I Frvarb Fraoraia v. lh a aaaa ral flfljM I ;i ifl l_affla** amtl ppnl^aiher PitothCtitBbiur.Mn od*. e-lver-oedal PataatL_B___ar.K__.C-~t aadf__--Bi-f-J - >$££-£ S^PTu-ETPAFKR WABEHOl ..!...' T D~~~H_CI'BON A

Co No Iflfl Ku-'ton et. otter f.r aa_e on tha Ijwoat teruia, W n___|!.__-». Er.i '-jb- Fraocb tn tmencaa.

Ncairar*r -IMH, we.gnta ina <.aB.ok Kaat, i.i Bflflfl. w.:_ .-. at .a-l'.r.eeT*.__ne P.per. fancv coi.n iad fl r

.-.__ Paper.wl «

lUrren- Piper. thin. aad of tbe h*er ftOath P»j?rr. 'J''*''- *'1*^¦,. -**.* *-'xa-Pittern Pip-r on ro

EatlHfa H_r_w_.-e Paper. alart. aaa-rtraoat (aat _f. "od.

¦bnllilt. Tifn I the bt'tt qualirvt l'_; *r. .-n-.w. Rar. and _*-«_. a

Tea rat er of diifl-reut a_iea.Tar Ro-fiug Piper. ac-fible t jr reoft. ia r- i


DLAIN aad FA.M Y CONFEC1IONEBY.Back1 (andv Jn.abe Tnte. Oa**J Dwj** Braii.lv f)rn-~. tV<*, _-. at

wboie_-.eorr.~i! I»>'.»¦No 1*4 Olfltflflldb befween Coartianor aud Lib-~y

C-tfxt'orerv p_r ip ifl tht beat man-.-r fct ah.ppmi.

PI Ll Di A PLATEaad WIKK. l'aiiadituu.Ca.'.aiaifl..efned Ni.V. "¦- - *' 9atm Ut .:.an. a-d Baryto,

Brocniie. Ic.'i.-. D.itii.ed (J.ic.pi.v.r C.aaide PoUaiium. A*_~-tiM.BVarl,-d .-he! ae. _.e_'i__ R-':<r. \ i-nna l.ime solphate auu I.

. I aafo-tta N-.tric and Mur~_i: A.ida. dflUOic Btflautt,»': audl n...:i..

KxtmtC.raiva Chloride Lime. Diajofecttot I.i-j-ud. kc- A- .

Mia byI-r Ll ' "; '*. N" 1*1 Mt.dtu.aofl.

RLNGEB and HEATEB8 . I ~ai noaaa i'v thoae _o want cf a C.- w-.:h ore that

ly eoOLCt-icil. ut co..: i^-:i sao.-e ,-onvan:enc_at-rTO'.::Lg -a«.-,ng.a. .

ttaii-OT_t.tr._:i'e A 10 tLe Kmt Heat*r for wi.mg i

,n"i__l Apil.to A M.P11ER- .***:*

CEWELL V DODGB, eonieraf 1> rof aad r.!.'eok--r-55 na, b«fli i *..'*__,"* *****'7 "_,*

lUnty on herd a cbo;ce a-aortmei.t ot Beet, »ea'. Mntton. L«r*».Pcu.trr, Ktgi. Baiter, Mi.k, ic. on tte moat reaajaab.e tern_i By,trc. jtt-ctjon t. buiiaf-a. a_.<i tte ¦ f : I .«*.'. irticleethe mtTtrtaffcrda. he hepea ro tecare. ai beretofOTe. a i-.ar- of paBtat p-.tToaageN.B Meat rot rcaht. ^__p __.CJ_nrj?p._*d by tfc« earem fl_d_. _e |


OUPEB FHOSFHATE of LIME.or CHEMICAL^ V LVU-E-W toil i'atteraoi. . .. i::e b-fl ma.

ard ior *~_e at lowaat raUn bv t.A-K:._,... MLRKICE A\. laaii fl___iiifcrtbanf-r-.- m -Wflfll

(j.ncr or thi Noxth R:vrt Miyiy. an QHBIW 1t'o No r* Wa-l-at- New \ _.-i _I-.cb Jl. .->' I

-THF NOBTH KIYKK MINING tad yFABUYINGX COMPANT hav__j( co_-n-.fT_ced work ar.th t lirgt tJ.-.e of m«a

q ca ....:.- V.:-..,. _a_n~-l wfll be P:ep_«J to a^ta^m tim.:¦ or Um Koatbera Caaa_ the tarMW co.-.rt aad.q*-*;^. -_'^^Warblea m biocii -qnared :n Uie ltahan ity.e. A^-ooi tl.*_e o^h-f*

. i.-.at var.f.y of fajicy flbjdflfl jpua » Jr»<_';".T°'__inanlT koAwn aa tbe I:__-_n ve__ed marb.e .t-». a pure wbite. e__a_

r t.x-.'-f..t-iwork_anail;..-.e.totheIu.an tUMay ¦

_.,t' <_ marhU iu.lv e-.uii. __d in manv r_*p_-U inpeiwi ta lhaInah Ki_u.tii_.et-) ui_.e. M i~Lr- -rr.-e bfl^«iu:nfl to

iL{,aj.y axe op-uod. lia raa-..ty of ary'.aa arffl b. «ro«-«.y .*>

"ISa- - BBwUbBfl-taailB blocka A raoer-. q-i-'.ty-fpcra wbtelin-ew-.:: be __a-.i_fae~.:.4 .u -mir q--_n-.:.i-4.San-rlatt' the nroduc'j .f th. (om;-«JY a.n be a-ec at txv* omco,or^i"ii*!V«^;at tlaie-k ASTHflSaS*. LAWRKNCK k O.No

jr the e-a« of *.. ia¦ f tbi _-o_-_.__i.. «vi w wUqj dea-en are beit-br ref«Trfl

.-.-'. 'o.-.t ¦_pe.i_-__oth«_a-up.-a«thibit«o

VT E66BLB1 CAi'.i K)8E8 at WHi >LE>ALK.Heavr.and of tb. kaa! _.d moet ecoi.ox coi i_T>3gein-ot niaoe^a'.-d :or

pTA OP-R * *»

[IM FflflflkflMfl, N-v. BeHf.r

\rE\*-T FOWDEB..B T. I3ABBITT,tt the Brig-_-l. xt oi the ChflflB-flBl Yeaa: Powier Bbfeb u pr.pe.ei_aad

KldbTbl-ia: K_t,M«wTori-,la,~BCaBB. T-O-twbo .'unb-ie tkcold ~re thta they t-t thar trBh the above _*__. oa.

¦> C CA8KB F.KKACHING POWDERS A:1oa", .-._.!._) wii -rr e Ita- a-tak. »a_ tai ta'e by. Y-p- wui itoy a

-j/rrkkSON t Cj No ro Pa*.on-« N.TI

afnntitnrr. ^'r.CABINET IT ..'Nm KK -HENRYW KINGMAK,

late r_rrtcr af Phil.i Klafl-Baa. har.-._ opened tae it...-

4W Pearl-it.. ne^r Jdadup-D. w.th a Ur4e aanjituaenf of wajraul-d Cti>i:.tt t on :u.e a: w «.. * u reitil. tt . -* former __*.

omen lfl 'o P»l i-m.4ca_! before pu.-c_ap-.ag


..x MMrernt* atd-ai.: I'a_ ae-

aea al l.a.-'_S lie bea; manner. Od M_t:re__eetarfltltooaa. -prr i Be-., U to tt2. Pnvate dwel.inge, hotel and

__¦_______! IBnMflfl-la No. -_*) Broad» ay, abov- _>pnng«.

CABINET KUI.NMTKK-I) B HOUGl -.'iidcail theipe.-. _tte_t-.cn cf _ho_e aboat to p-ia-chuo hoaaeh__d

toodacftsY ceaenpnao, to hu iar.e tad w...t--ec:r-_ it_ck ^f w*j-

rar'r. f_.-T.":ture at hj new aad ipa_.i>_a ware ra me, Ra. _f'Nortt.W ll nr. .-... n.~ C:.itiaa», where t_»y be f.-___i ctr_a__ct:T oc hind. -.a

_r_d-i a__i r^ . t__»:fllaaun«btartitry. Br___e._. thr- e f.,T a_._ InjrraiL Carp-u. Ma_-._-__- Oi. fAataa,lirraLd c-.hcr O-oaa, beit ha.r M-t-re-ata. *od a variety oi Faacy

'.'_fc! aad ornarTcctal _:

C.TAGE SKTS-iaLKi:;. .v BYBNE katiatthe 'argrat f ¦'¦ atnttraanl 7S.4MELED ac4

ORNAMt..NTAL CHAMBtR FIRN TIRE tn the. lfe.pec-cl.v ca 1 t_e »ue_:;>nol Porclaeera to their r.NilRr. N_wBTYLE-. _u,_i* _x;r-_. t 'or The r-:>t.nt Trade. which. for e.e«»r_:e of

The ca-v.eo ol. Bylefl. adea a_<i partemi, made throoflhoat ot

we I-tettccd B-ttenala. ander onr own ipecia! loperr-r.on. ayd aTftKt.ri-. ItLCW »[._, -THEI4.(jILLILSk BVRNK. No. 452 Br_adway, _eiow Grand-9, _«_..«-«;

MiD-iactcrA No 4- .---.e-ir.da ',»t of Mav wt.: r-_:.ve tfl No 54. Bro-lway, eaat akde, i :.w

dooia above Sptirt it

ENAMKI.KD COTTAGE CHAMBEB FUBNI-Tl'RE..MA1HF.WS V STACY. No. i.6 Broalway, eor. oft it. (.ppca-te *.'-.Nicholai Hue- Preacoa aadC_-__m,r» llcaaea).

l.w ii_ti it wi -¦_-_« ai.u retaii ile trojet pxtann :* and raried aa-

__.t-_._.l il __NA_.li.LED FLRNITL'Ri: xo le tonod ta tha L'__4adbt.T.i. i.i Tnm cn__nal deaiitna. lae-B-Uifl Or^___, S«rpo___e. Opea.

!'i:i_o;l.t:p,'w_M - .-einaeUeiexC-UEvely :o th- a__~~_ctannfl trt-

parOue-t of t_u bci-waa. tmurn a_rcU*-:i t_er can proc-_r* of..___, v. ...o aodfl-fl-ot l-_a.t-.--i:-. pr-c-Tflrat^-fl

r̂ r ..'*. . ^ , .. .

Ha-r. Srnr.t aad ali othflr Martreiaea; Peata^r Bed* tc_ at t__i .ow-

eat w i.c:-ia_e fll .ce«._._______.

N. B No cor_*r_.on with anv other trtz. ia the e *v.

E.M1 ** COOl iV I.EAVAN Mi'i'i-aet'.trerfl aaiPER-HAM-UXO-L B' iRDERR, U-C iRATIONR

__._ W IMH »« -flwo-enot tbr ».-. at arb^l-Bt-tfllretail aie-T _vge»_r~'.vofi:v!e«__icar-Trrj. tnaryotthem Ja-w/Or-en ao.idted ot N_a.fl~»ad lfl _-_ker__er.._raflL, aear l.'-yMail. Bniflatyn./"'EEAT BAR..A1NS ia FEATHEBS, BEDS,V."1 MATT____--_E_i. tc. a» CRAWBLCEs, No

Ne_ Y,.t .-llEAP LPH 1 >RE. Th-ttteat-on of faouliea tboat aar,-a-u:afl

4 t tte .arte au_i >an,cfal t-aortrnflflfl of Bedfl,Mat:r- w Pai .._<---. Uedk. Cflflfl. i. » - or ¦flflBB -ave h-ea por-

bt »"- at auch pncea aa ta raaie it:a aail atd exaaiiafl tha aaove attxl pre

¦r. t» da aaai to tav part oftikflci-.y __rc-i-

a.:free_4eai*_He uJ ^*^^^T*'.*ovatecaodtaadcoker.^ ^ .^^^^SU

!*»: --*] ..il l.iiiM KOLLABLE SFJIi | _:_ CNDER BKD5-Manafi_.-t_.-ed wfcol-».«

. ao et_er plac* N S -No br__-_x« down,._otcj w. n__aa ot .-.Wu bp

KKHUKMUKE-JlTall >1^^'_1"^^;rt im'* mt ^d a ~^ «^k «_J.*_**« w pra-

1 :ev^_ tad fl. t-panfll **|2_?C?*^fc*,_3____«_.. c t. T-.e ;a__tc a.-. r_5ec_r~y _-~~d ta ea.. «ad ax-a~aa~~

TiuG CTOBE DILLWEIL^For.^^^\' ,w- , tul-bie :. i ¦"- ." * A -* "' * m*0i

No 31 N'fD-ar

iDalcr Carr..... .iii-^v firliflflt At-enean prartitioaai ot' Wtft|\K S-l-.^ "5,__.«¦__.r_ru-e Muaai r~i_-aipe_oo ui P~-

X/ C-tw, a«i>»*» of *^^!y-^~*-»»**»*^"' Chii-rp-T-ki.-v.a -r i on aad t »-* - _*??_**. .W wul w-iive t U_:>_ed noni-«r 04^DayIDd DioflaaaK* ** «¦*»«-_^'-:_*-'. ______ i_<_ at. betwflea 3d iad tta-^^^P-^-r^^r-cfl-dto.ITOK I-ADIKS ONLY -^^^J[,^ :V* c iS5t__ rfJ__SS*_L5tItt liVt.. UA-ru ETT. aad Ma <ua_-*~- --- ** *- B

HA! .l.K(»r\THIC ami HY-'IKNU INSriTlTE^l

.. Tlinn-iViaa- havv_«te-ae__ir-*l brNj ' T-*1*1- "--TT-"*!'!.'-1 \llTllmmaxtmamo4am '.-(-«-

¦'» o: tfc* _**"___!__?_____!? R.T TRAU- "d r>_pt.__ «fl|»-f*t ~< "-*. *un ft JL. bO-JT0_-"~

0__af_fit \KHMA1N WATEB l l KK S,HitLBAM.** -mv t -> l**J^RM t BR-.»n»JL riflfl«~fltj_-i*T-_r* >..*.'. __T_tr__i_-pp_ __l mock uaaroYod ty

Ttua _-_ti..--a kav-.-aJkj*« *"n_2_r___Tt mir*?*^? .!««*t_r____.:.n trf--« **at>-^toy*^ vS____B_3-Ta^~!** *~-.',.;,¦., flfraaiNaw-Tflct .

^iVi.t- -U-* ^^Iffl OKKK-Ua-t\\ (,»hv r.> 1 i-k~ .»--*- ^jjj^ _.<->YT M.».t T - -.-.--»

PainUv -?i~v3. v>

1%'MIU U.\FNVAKKH.)fSK.NA. IVIV MIII'*f-f*-.T^-. -_At-.u.i---ki~Udif T ,-ocret A M-PiOem jm i^*_- __^____ ___. ^a-^^,, al nr

NX *.*. "** ****** -*' iiar-i-fl-Ta. tflfld. - taib Iba. **~ ^__^k;,*^_' S.TS------?-.Haw iw^t r_r_* *n__i^_^?f_^.a^B»|r«iri-ea«i'»~W ..AXWI «**.*¦ *-*.--*-.

4.'aaat.taW Hty«t. _*»¦*». ......,.v prSTfn

y , N , A , ,.- IHt _X _i^i _2"

X-o-flork 0_oin««- Dirtc-org.rwt f .... I !-I f.f Bl -:*¦ -> FjRUa £| d M *T BI LIABLF. .. mClty^_*k

_,, r, . _-.**.

.»Vf> ' !> JfiFKt'.i a,,K tinrypu,£22 -"M ..

,". il.' ?.r____i¦"*&

Rl A'tiSaUI-A ¦...¦w_H'


vv. Bnaon *. I.1ioiii_. CUAtAM I **«

i v. ._-_*___.'.¦' c-aB*7 . "I

C W1MBIBO *arj fcL^, t _.___ .^fOII.:':.' ' ¦. -.- ¦->¦-.-*-'""."¦aia.iBioadway r~»-*" > ' *.__


1 ri**aZ_Tvu :i u l V'./vj .. ^»

1. WARU DA1--1-'' rl-

larrri. * i. *f 's'" * * *7*F'jl" * W ' "*T &.

- . Ytnry iieoA* .__«.* impor, t»«r+-- *m*M.n.Kicn.TfK.ii. atn

jotW mo*' &; »__.in _>>.' ei./.#'M

nt I-KFF.'** YE-UR BAllNt. i' lA -'EB IMt-tpj ^;*) Wvter-K, f»o!d Kv liinsri" mil .me*rt .-^-^W

I / Ihi.Y .vT.it A 0/ V'/ .' ISKtt (_rx__J*AM A.WA.FR-- Navwima^W. A CARTFR. (Sal-flTu"* flnd Fi .i' lt*y-m.mt (itmaetx*

.t \ vv BHKRMAN V .ha.4JthTkb_Hl, I ,/<j.V. /..' .". - tl ^*

yy £¥-.' Y. u " (D»ol**a«wd l'»> . '* . C WABOOKSEU I «*¦. <v_*0 '

A _" BARN". v. : ! fc_HTP.BlCHA /* ...uaa,

Kii...;ss Ki::.L'._'i. "*- -'atIRlM'H- .. '.

FETER** i. . HA-MB1.K-. Ilf77p..rf_.-, and I)**lart». .-"8 W

_jk.ai.bj -i.\;j _._.'!_."% oa )i caalA-K1_I0RE.KuL.ERTh 8-(888-1 . IB*.

««"*./. LOi ft-,.

1 WI'.AND PETK- * ..Ji'-ViajllUnTIMl I! UDinClikS ASIttHAkF.Kk Hlr-lttpM'¦ SI M OlUlIItatJ* ' . "¦*« ' t-,J5SAML-^E'-U


,OH_.VAN] '->-.DAMr.L MU.:. ac.'. ¦ *.¦*¦*v.;11' \M HcGROE.'. N '"' _*_-|

JOlINCHAMjMar ,>C AH1_-_1-FEUI>T. (FrTncfl b'e. M M_.arnt-._-_ _v L__5

,.'_-_«.-.. I I TO 4rrt IRK 4 V 's'Bita_fll

HANFORDABRariMKR '--fhaA. MINRf'l- * ('o <-'len'*_M h-v ** 44. -___-,

AU.IGHANVMIV: - lk-«MKIMO-LKT b DABXIKO. v* Caj.L'vK-HhN'-'Ki,)- .-aamt,;-

'¦.- Ak-'-i-saJ OlBlvfck.-fr ti.sliKhS.lt *


BOBFBT M PATi. .. Paeui. .lt* hldt,

CHAS.W.1 - rihtmrnulA~-EaA.CL.ARK ,*. ---Bb-lt,

naZEHWAT FF.c*, \o» _4l_rk p'-aeaatllSa-i,AVLRY HlLtlAjUil ... . .lUtU-M

a BlfTCLOl EaeiHcBo _. to. Ba I '^Jjbfl* R A I> StNDfS. ¦*.» '»-»-__.

g COCIiRAN..> "\.¦Lp,,,*'w_»v-r>" i DOWSEBll-cportea .Nf «_,aai

Hi:i BtXrTHE__8,_.la»aoi-flifll. .NottLaa

I N GIMBREDE ...No. 5-8 Braadwa; ud * Marop*a>Mla»..AiTh C'.'i-NLL:. ... .«. -';'Brv»d»ay^aifd.tllAll***- t,\i,HJI ltx2t--,»Ui li\\ ILLIAM IIOWLAND...

'- V xtoxLt'-ukkx

^WtkVi^tsV. i'.iyui:yc^»^.^^};/:^:yM':^i'inm"*u . , i ii .-, vT> - A Vi '. I.F, (In.r<rtr-r»i.rl* OMlLL y.\.\ , -'¦> .""il*


iv*r.n PF( '< k C la :<_.:-..' N "*¦AFR/Vf, .T.V*lr_

MiyKFR k MAliiW -V tUxk.xetL: . ,,«V___rt tD.H FCKiTE. .Nfll'i-w-a*

,7'i.v.,: I s » .' .a.7".' 8t.,

naVID t' LVF.i. Mannf-cturer vaii Ij.t.-. s°***.-iiflAXk!- k c.. _i--pi-*v. Rai-te..Noinaaatu« -.-a n *_- , V/SH/.Vf. T.

i rwKiK k C' So Y:TxtPiJ B l ."t W_J.', -uri Bpo» ).... S "aB.x L BAuLEY V (...iM-__ __!*.-_.-.«_) So .'.'Mi__a_

i u d w:*.__..' u.s t.- a. < o.-.Baa ia *»-< "* g, *_r K liA-CH A. CO . l-7_P_-t-J7» OO- ll_BB___f-B_fl.-flll W IV illflfllC. B. llAiv-a J^rS .i.v/' y*X**DA*U«- i k TACKMJN y'd'a. >« SO Froat a ind »l »"J.t*c-5i-K« .cn««£i *-» k*P_il*__\

Vt j IV v-..---' H*__ker_» F--v*ia*.'*I .r*-_). v ..hot l.-kathK »cd_-v*j».___»a_a

/' .!."> __.__!

n t .« -ifl __ro-*rer vad f "e-wra. »e^er ) 1Jflod WMa

2~i *@_kfli««W».^2«- » whiVr.No. tti Oo!* aad 41 djaav

^ P }ii,rr*it hi *. CLOTHI.SW tr*NKV,i^^^^^^^r.'.'«^^keaAaS . «j»!iiaiss8arf^;THCIJ-A- BABBOIE .l^-^-.., --^.^J


a. m on_«T a bon »***&x-r -d;;^4» 'j""''1v.

.1 Wd

BAwti * vTfr:ZTrr/ri'lh< ¦'. iii' w tun',.y.tl I I : lt-'-1 ,n

c.. praailin ad Ceaper__ErNDh*'I__.-I "-*. Soli.BtaSAI-A-dAND-l , hKKAPKB

...tt*''...* M

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