Roanoke Times Bureau, DUlard & E J. Ernest "Walker, Agent. _ ÖALKM ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS. A solid rosewood old style ¦square piano for a song almost. Piano-organs at the lowest prices. The best one manu¬ factured. All goods at one-half former profits. Bargains in all de¬ partments. L0MMUSICH0ÜSE. jan23 tf R. H. CARPER, College Avenue, Salem, Va. Steam Fitters, Water and Gas Plumbers, Dealers In Iron, Load and Terra Cotta Piping, Pumping Machinery, Pumps, Eubbor Hoso and Packing. Steam Fitting a Specialty. Get our estimates before contracting. jan23-tf Darst, Smith & Co., UNION ST., SALEM, VA. Dealers in GOAL, LIME, CEMENT, BALED HAY, ROYAL PATENT FLOUR, OATS, CORN, CHOP AND CRUSHED FEED. Agents for Pocahontas Coal. jan23-tf Camden Iron Works, ALABAMA STREET, SALEM, VA. Manufactures Ornamental and Archi¬ tectural Castings, Iron Fencing, Crest¬ ing, Iron Fronts, Miners' Cars, etc. Pull line of hardware at storo, corner Main and Colorado streets. Jan26-lyr O. D. OAKEY, Propr. lERPONT'S BRICK WORKS. Tb,o attention of Roapoko contractors and builders Is Invited to our facilities for providing a fine quality of merchant¬ able building brick in any quantity at very low prices. G. R. PIERPONT, 6 15 tf Propletor, Salem, Va. D, C. STOVER, TIN AND COPPER SMITH, Main Street, Salem. All kinds of Ranges, Cooking and Heating Stoves for Bale. Tin Roofing, Spouting and Guttering and Copper Work contracted for. Prices low. Sat¬ isfaction guaranteed. 3 5 lyr HAIR MATTRESSES.WE MANU- facturo all kinds of mattresses for sale, wholesale and retail. Hair mat¬ tresses re-made a specialty. Practical workmen employed, work warrantod, priceB low. Ordors by mail promptly at¬ tended. Will buy clean shucks and straw. J. B. RICHARDSON & SON, Alabama St., Salem Va. P. O. box 32G. 3 5 ly. New Business Wagons See our wagons just built for Roanoko Brokerago and Storage Co., Jennings & Body, C. P. Ulount, E.. U. Stewart Fur¬ niture Co., Catognl Bros, and others. Catognl Bros.' hokey pokey carts aro dandies. All built by Salem Carriage Co., Salem, Va. Call and seo us and get prices. CLARKE & SADLER, Proprietors. .1 30 F LOWERS AND PLANTS. My wagon will be at the Koanokc market every other morning, with choice plants, l'nrtiea having lawns to plant would do woll to get my prices on bedding plants, us 1 can save you money on ull foliage plants. J. SllAltTZKi:. Florist, Salem, Va. Itlver Sldo Flower Gardens._.1 1 lyr PROFESSIONAL. J ERNEST WALKER, Insurance, Itca! Estate and Collecting, Itoom .UUlanl ä I'trsinger building, College RTenno.ll 7-5 tf w m. m. montgomery, ATTOHNBY-AT-LAW, WBBT WING COUKTIJOUSE, SALBM, VA. Blue KUlge Special. Commencing Tuesday, July 12, and until furthor notice, tho Norfolk and Western railroad will run a special train from Roanoko for tho accommodation of visitors to Coynor's and Blue Ridgo Springs. This train will leave Union Station 0:00 p. m. daily except Sunday. This train will not run boyond Bluo Ridgo. W. B. Bevill, Gonoral Passonger Agent. Lost. strayed from my stablo on Campbell street, Thursday night, a dun mare, black mano and tail. If returned to mo, at corner of Salem avenue and Commerce street, or any information leading to her recovery will bo suitably rewarded. Db. j. II. Lawrence. Kranich «& Racli Piano. Always popular. Tho musician's favorite. Hobbio Music Co., sole deal¬ ers. Factory prlcos; easy payments. If>7 Salem avonue. The Henrietta cigarette Is hand made; a mild and pleasant smoke. Thk tobacco in the Henrietta cigar¬ ettes is throe years old; tho paper is pure rlco paper. Tin Ttpbs, 10 minute*. Bldeltngcr'e, 301 JoC'n NEWS. 'erelnger Building, College Avenue. _ F. A. Lovolock, Correspondent. COUNTY COURT. The July Term Commenced Yesterday. The July term of Roanoko county court commenced yoatorday morning, Judge Uriflln presiding. In tho absence of tho county clork, K. A. McCauley qualified as deputy. Tho following grand jury were sworn: John P. (Jwaltnoy, foreman; Daniel Kittengor, W. L. Williamson, Lewis Kirk wood, D. A. Brumbaug, John Burk, Eugene Boon, James Kissler and John Bradley, who returned three indict¬ ments against John Albun for soiling liquor without license, also one against James Miles, petit larceny for stealing a cow and another for carrying con¬ cealed weapons. In the case of Noah F. Werts vs. Jefferson Masshtoller for unlawful detainer, on motion of the plaintiff tho case was continued at the cost of the defendant. An attachment was gotten out by tho Koith-Schroedor Harness Company against C. B. Strouse. George C. L. Hill, a former citizen of Great Britain, deolared his intention to become a citizen of the United States and took tho oath. The report of tho commissioners in the case of the Roa¬ noko Street Railway Company vorsus George Stevens' heirs was returnod. The will of Christian Swartz was ad¬ mitted to probabo. Witnesses: Jamos A. Garst and Carlton D. Lemon. Ap¬ praisers: John Garst, James Garst, Abrain E. Eller, Jeremiah Garst and F. A. Eller. In tho case of commonwealth versus Branch Allen, for assault and battory upon a negro woman some months ago, defendant pleaded not guilty, and aftor hearing the evidence and speeches of counsel tho jury returned tho following verdict: "We, tho jury, find the defend¬ ant not guilty as alleged in tho indict¬ ment." Pugh & Moffottdofonded; com¬ monwealth represented by Major Bal- lard. BREVITIES. Miss Laura Henning loft yesterday morning to visit friends in Radford. Yostorday morning before Justices Camper andJCoon, George Hofanger, of Cave Spring, was tried upon a warrant gotten out by his son, W. H. Hofanger, charging him with unlawfully and ma¬ liciously threatening to kill and poison several of his family and with firing off a pistol in his house on July 11th. After hearing several witnesses tho Justices bound defendant in the sum of S-OU with one suroty (A. J. Pholps) in the like sum, to keep the poaco and bo of good bohaviour for twolvo months, and in ad¬ dition to pay the costs of S10.75. J. S. Baer represented tho defendant, W. M. Montgomery prosecuted. Mrs. C. R. Roberts is quito ill at tho residence of hor fathor-in-law, Capt. T. A. Roberts. Mrs. Wade, wife of tho physician in charge of the Keeley Institute, has joined her husband and Is reglstorod at Hotel Lucerne. Deputy Sergeant Flnko oarly yester¬ day morning arrested Peter Archer, colored, at the furnace, who is wanted for shooting another negro in tho leg at Elkhorn. When the olllcor approached him ho was unloading a car with four others, but upon being told to consider himself under arrest, remarked, "Dar, Lord!" and wont to jail without any re¬ sistance Sergeant Frior telegraphed news of tho arrest to tho sheriff of Mc¬ Dowell county, W. Va., who will no doubt come hero after him. Sunday morning at 7 a. m. a party, consisting of J. A. Thomasson, G. P. Gilmoro, Loonnrd Wilson and W. O. .Johnson, left Salem on their bicycles for Radford. When about throe miles from town Johnson's wheel broke down and he had to foot it homo. Tho other throe kopt on, taking breakfast at Big Spring and roaching Radford at 1:30 p. m. for dinnor. At Radford Jack Thomasson's bicycle was brokon by an obliging friend and ho returned home by train Uilmoro and Wilson loft Rad¬ ford at 4:30 p. m., took supper at Big Spring and reached Salem at 11 p. m. Toe distance from Salem to Radford by road is said to be forty milos. Octavo Blacho and wife, of Now Or¬ leans, aro roglstored at Hotel Lucerne, from tho Roanoke Rod Sulphur Springs. At a meeting of tho county Demo¬ cratic commiUoo Monday at noon, Capt. Rogers in tho chair, tho following reso¬ lution was passod: Resolved, That a mass meeting be held at Salem, August 15th, court day,at noon, for tho purpose of electing delegatos to tho Democratic convention, to bo hold at Lynchburg, August 26. The districts will on that day olect dologates and alternates as follows: Salem district, five each; Big Lick; four of each; Cavo Spring, ono of each; Ca- tawba, ono of each; all of which shall be ratified by the mass mooting. Mrs. C. F. Rood, in company with her brother, C. T. Campboll, superintendent of tho Southern Express, left a fow days ago for Chattanooga, to visit her nolce, Mrs. F. M. Garza. William Hannah loft last night for Newport News, whero he will run a branch establishment for Mr.McAllister. Sjrnilicnto Embezzler* Hold. London, July IS..Lunt and Wilson, tho clerks who organized an alleged syndicato for speculations in cotton,and victimized a number of firms, including the old and prominent houso of Isaac Cooke & Sons, have boon commlttod on charges of ombe/.zlomont and forgery. Wilson has made a full confession In writing. How to Cur« n Cold. Simply tako otto's Cure. Wo know of its astonishing cures and that It will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy. If you have asthma, bronchitis, con¬ sumption or any diseaso of tho throat or lungs, a fow doses of this groat guar¬ anteed remedy will surpriso you. If you wish to try call at our store, corner Salom avenue and Jefferson street, and wo will bo pleased to fur¬ nish you a bottlo free of charge, and that will prove our assertion. Chris¬ tian A Barbee. Old papors, 15 cents por hundred, for sale at this olllco. ROUMANIANS QUEEN. Prlnoos, She Says, Should Woo and llarrf tho tilrls They Love. Tho queon of Roumanla, Carmen Syb va, lias come from Pulanza to her costlO Wied, at Now Wied, on th«i Rhine, King Os¬ car, of Sweden* visited her there a few days ago.- Ho found her still shuttered in health, hut well, enough to read to him her last) QUEEN op !toi;ma.via. oonu^st. ing tho happiness of Prince Oscar'B unj royal wife with tho misery of Mile. Vacuresco, tho young woman who tried to capture Crown Prince Ferdinand, of Roumnnla, hut lias been condemned to seeing diplomacy carry him off and en¬ gage him to Princess Marie, of Edin¬ burgh. Tho queen still bemoans tho disap¬ pointed lovo of her favorite lady-ln-i waiting, and has not been reconciled to her husband since ho uttorly refused, upon tho advice of his cabinet, to coun¬ tenance tho match betwoon Mile. Vac- aresoo and tho crown prince. The queen informed tho Swedish king that aho was writing a long poem, in whicli ahc would depict tho sorrows of Mile. Vncnresco, thodlsappointmcntof Crown Prince Fordinaud over tho thwarting of his first true, lovo and the advantages of allowing princes, like otlicr men, to fbllow tnelr own bent in selecting their wives, as dkl Prince Oscar, of Sweden. Princess Marie, of Edinburgh, will hardly bo edified by reading in this poem when it shall appear that her feature husband is supposed to love still smother woman. LOUISIANA'S BUILDING. ft Will Oe Modeled After the Old Colon¬ ial Fluntatrou Hooso. Plans for tho Louisiana world's fair building have just been completed. Tho atyle of tho structure will be tho old colonial plantation house. A great many works of art by LouisianlanB have .WHERE) IXWTSIATTA. FEOPM? WTU, EXuTBIT. been collected and will form a feature of an exhibit to be placed in the build¬ ing. Lumbermen of the state have practically ngreed to furnish the build¬ ing material, but it appears that a great deal of money ¦will have to be raised by private subscription before tho ereotk^ of tho pavilion will b^assured. Bcnoeor Vanoo as a Humorist. Senator Vance has the reputation of being a humorist. It is a fatal repnta- Uon. '.Sunset" Cox used to say that it ruined his future. As Mr. Vance bos no ambition beyond the senate, and as hu¬ morous speeches there have made him rather popular with his people, he can afford to b* "funny." Senator Gray spent part of last summer abroad. Mrs. Gray accompanied him. On & steam¬ boat on Loire Lucerne ho encountered Senator Vance, who oame up behind him as he stood near the rail and, touching liim. on the shoulder, greeted him most cordially. When the usual greetings had passed between them. Senator Vance asked: "Well, as Handy said, are you traveling for pleasure or is tho good wifo along?" Senator Gray's embarrassment will bo understood when it is known that Mrs. Gray sat within three feet of him, an amnsec listener to the conversation. Kot ObUtrod to llcllfw Fvorythmf*. The dean of Norwich In a recent speech told this story to illustrate the new criticism as it appears among tho middlo classes: A worthy timber mer¬ chant announced that ho was relieved to find that ho need not believe literally the various passages m the Riblo which he had often proved to bo impossible. Reing pressed to name one of these passages, ho mentioned the arh. It was, ho understood, 450 feet long, TO feet broad, and 45 feet high, and was filled with live animals. He was con¬ vinced, therefore, that the Israelites could not have carried it about with tbcm for forty yearsi A Jleturn Blow on Ilutk», Henry Durunt, tho founder of Welles- ley college for women, and a very well known lawyer in New England, studied law in Butler's office when a young man, and was admitted to the bar on bis recommendation. On one occasion Butler and Durant were opponents in a ease, and tho contest was very heated. Butler suddenly turned to the court and said: "It is the chief regret of my life that I recommended that young man for admission to the bar." Durant, as. quick as a flash, replied: 'Tour honor, it is the great wonder of my life that his recommendation had any weight with tho court." Atr I*re«trure at tho Cannon's Month. Experiments, our correspondent says,' were made during tho laet trial trip of tho armed cruiser Beowulf to determine. Iho alr-prossuro at the mouth of a gun at tho moment of discharge. Rabbits, were placed near the muzales of the guns, and Bhots fired. In every case the' uninioJs fell dead at once. In order to test tho probable, effects of tho enorJ inous dispbkcemcnt of air upon human beings, figures mado of straw wcro used. Theso were torn to pieces in every instance. The trials woro made with long-lx>red twenty-four centimeter ring guns._ 1 uft Flyer*. Ducks fly at tho speed of ninety tnilcs an hour, and with tho wind, when it is brisk, they have been known to attain a rate of velocity of two miles and a half .a minute,. The Largest Honse-fornishing Establishment I3^T ms SOTJTH. In selecting goods in any line it is always desirable to do so from large Btocks, and wboro large stocks in every line can be combined under one management the cost of handling them is reduced, and both an advantage in prices and convonionce secured to the purchaser. Those advantages oan bo secured ot THE E. H. STEWART FURNITURE CO., whore larger stocks of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Curtains, Glass and China can be found than in most bouses that confine themselves to these separato linos. We are just in receipt of our Spring Stock, to which wo invlto your attention. The E. H. Stewart Furniture Co. Established over ) *jf^rpBJ 8 Salem avo., Roanoko, Va. 50 years ago. ) stores ^ MJJ Main flt^ Lyrmnburg, Va. REMEMBER H. SILVERTHORN carries the finest stock of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry in Roanoke. Repairing and adjusting fine watches, chronographs and chronome¬ ters a specialty. All kinds of difficult and delicate jew¬ elry repaired in good style. No. 8 Salem Avenue, Roanoke. I. BlAHTOH HUFF, Manager._<*« THB ROLLER TRAY THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. The Tray is arranged to roll back, leaving the bottom of the Trunk easy of access. Nothing to break or get out of order. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. PROFESSIONAL. QHARLES C. HERING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Roanoke, Va. tf Room 3, Kirk Building. C 14 R. T. M. BOWYER. offick, Lately occupied by Dr. Luck, 303 Church stroot. Office hours.8 to 10 a. m.: 4 to 0 p. m. 5 27 3m t. w. miller, s. e. jones, MILLER & JONES, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W. Office: 511 Terry Building. Courts: Roanoke city and county and adjoining counties, Supreme Court of Appoals and U. S. Courts. Special attention to claims. r. k. scott. a. p. staples. SCOTT & STAPLES, attorneys- at-law, Roanoko, Va. Office: Terry Building. 5 14 tf ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING, J. B. POLLARD & CO., Room 17, Moomaw building, Jefferson street. Will furnish plans, estimates and contracts for residences, warerooms, stores, etc. Rates moderate, and all work guaran¬ teed to give satisfaction. Best of references furnished. Call or addross us. 2 21 6mo S. GOOD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roanoke, Va. Room No. 14, New Kirk Bulling, op¬ posite Kenny's tea store. oct4-tf WS. GOOCH, ATT'Y-AT-LAW, . Rooms |402 and 404 Fourth floor, Terry Building, ROAN OKE, VA. Courts: Roanoke City Jand County, Court of Appeals. oc26tl OAKEY & WOOLWINE. Funeral Directors and Practical Embalmers.,120 Third avenue,Roanoke. Calls answered in city or cou ;y. Reo idence telephne No. 23; office, 61. ap7-ly ADDICKS & WERNWAG, ELEC- triclans and machinists, 208 Com* merce stroot. Estimates given on all kinds of electrical work. Machinery repaired. Work guaranteed. nov7-lyr. SGriffin, Wm. A. Glasgow, Jb.. . Bedford City, Va. Roanoke, V». GRIFFIN & GLASGOW, Attorneys-at-law, room 8, Mooma» building, Jefferson st., Roanoke, Va Practice in courts of Roanoke city and county and adjoining counties. janeSO-tf SHAMILTON GRAVES, . Attornry-at-law, Roanoke, Va. Office, 116 Commerce street, over "The Roanoke Saving! Bank." novl7-ly w. o. hardaway. a. l. pay nil JJARDAWAY & PAYNE, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Room 3, Asberry Building, opposite Post Office, Roanoke, Va. tf U. DERR, Attornoy-at-Law, Rooms 6 and 7, Masonic Temple, Roanoke, VirginU mar5-ly john h. wright. b. lacy hog* TÖRICHT & HÖGE, Attorneys-at-Law, Roanoke, Va., Room 6, Moomaw Building, Jefferson street. Courts.Roa noko city and county, and Craig and Botetourt counties. Special attention given to collection of claims. mar4-lj o. m'h. oi81i, alex. j. nRAND, Roanoko City, lato Judge Pago Co.Court. GISU & BRAND, ATTORNEYS-AT LAW, No. 7 Campbell stroot s. w., Roanoke. dec 17 lyr PROFE8 3IONALi. DU. W. W. S. HÖLTER, JB. Oilloo, Room No. 2, Kirk building, ovor Eckloff's grocery storo. Resi- donco, Oil Soutb Joilorson Btreet (O. H. Royer's house). 7 12 lm J. ALLEN WATTS. WM. GORDON ROBERTSON. EDWARD W. ROBKBTBON. CTTATT8, KUUERTSON A; HODEItTBON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Room 001-2-4 Terry Ruildlng. 2 4tf TH C. OAKLEY, ARCHITECT,!? CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, ROANOKE. Plans and estimates furnished on short notico. Will contract to orect resi¬ dences, BtoroB and warerooms. Rest of workmen and material. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3 4 limo WILLIAM lun8ford. A. BLAIR ANTRIM. LUNSFORD & ANTRIM. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office.Campbell Btreet, over Adams Express Company's building. 4 15 tf HOTELS. MARSHALL'S CAFE. Bar remodeled and finest re¬ frigerator and work board in Virginia added. Cboico Liquors and Cigars served. Nicely furnished rooms. Un¬ surpassed meals at all hours. Prompt and polite attontion. J. F. MARSHALL & CO., 15 SALEM AVE. S. E. 54 lm HOTEL ROaNOKE, ROANOKE, VA. B. L. WINNER, Manager. Leading hotel of Southwest Virginia. Convenient to depots and busi¬ ness section. The model house of the Nor¬ folk and Western system. THE SOUTHERN, Opposite Union Passenger Depot, NORFOLK AVENUE, Rates $1.50 per day. Rooms 50c. and $1.00. Special inducements to com¬ mercial men. Fine bar and most complete lunch counter in the city. Open day and night. Hani7-tf BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. A FIRST-CLASS^ INVESTMENT. Wo offer the bosfr socprity in the oitj and pay semi-annual dividends. AS A SAVINGS BANK this institution offors special induce ments. Paid up shares 850 each. In¬ stallment shares 81 per month. Shares may bo subscribed for at any timo For further information addres TUE PEOPLE'S PERPETUAL LOAN AND RUILDING ASSOCIATION. WM. F. WINCH, Secretary, and Troasurer. Masonic Temple. jan4-tf CITY DIRECTORY. Of the Principal Business Houses of Roanoke. Tho following is published daily for Ihe benefit of strangers and tho public generally. It inoludes all trades and professions and cannot fail to prove of interest to all who intend transacting business in Roanoko: ARCHITECTS. NULAND & DS SAL'SSL! UK, Architect*. Ma- souic Temple. WM. Ii. kb id, Masonic Temple. WILSON & HUOGINB, Bceond lloor, Coinmer- ¦eial Dank Building. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. CUAHLKS A.MoHUGH, Room 10, Kirk Building. HOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, ETC I. bACBRACH, M Salem avc. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. F. J. AMWBG, Commercial Bank Building. FRANK K. MAY. 106 Jefferson et., P. O. Box 9. BUSINESS COLLEGE. NAT. BUS. COLLEGE, 3rd aye. & Henry at. CANDY, man'fh, FANCY cake BAKBB St ICE CREAM FURNISHER. CATOGNI'S, 00 Salem avo. CLOTHIER, TAILOR AND HATTER. JOS. COHN (B. M. Dawsou, Manager), 44 Salem avo. COAL, WOOD, LIME AND CEMENT. NOTTINGHAM & HALLET (aawed etove and kindling wood), 7 Commerce Btreet. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. B. F. ALLEN, 3 Commerce st. (wholesale dealer in trait and produce), 'phone 190. CORNICES, SLATE AND TIN ROOFINO. TUB ROANOKE HOOFING AND METAL COR¬ NICE COMPANY, Room 7U'(, Terry Building. COURT STENOGRAPHER. CUAS. E. GRAVES, office room 60C Terry Bldg. DIAMONDS, WATCHES & JEWELRY. D. L. SOLOMON, 108 Salem ave. DRUGGISTS. HALLER & BARNES, corner Jofforeon St Nor¬ folk ave.; tel. £00. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. G. W. 8ISLEH. 407 Second st. n. c. (coffins, cas¬ kets, robes, &c), Tel. loa. FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. COPPER & STONE, 10 Salem avc. t. e. GROCERS. < R.J. ECELOFF, 91 Jefferson Btreet. F. U. WALKER, Campbell at., 1 door east ol Jef¬ ferson. HARDWARE, WHOLESALE AND RE¬ TAIL. BROWN & JOHNSTON, 11 Jefferson street. Telephone 48. HAY, GRAIN, Ac. DANIEL & HOLLAD A V, 14 Kirk, rear P. O. IRON CONTRACTOR. CUSUMAN IKON CO., Commercial Bank Bldg. LIQUOR DEALERS. OPPENHEIM Jb CO.'S EXCHANGE, cor Com merco and Campbell streets. LUMREK, LATHS AND SHINGLES. W. 11. Ci.AitE & Co., ofllce 100 Henry street. Times" building, P. O. box ISO. Everything that goes hito a building at mill prices. By the carload only. MERCHANT TAILORS. LEWIS, 104 Salem avenue. PAWNBROKERS. 0. NYBDRG, 99 Railroad avc., b. e. PHOTOGRAPHS. ROANOKE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, No. 130 Salem avenue. H. V. lin Kb a CK, succesBor to Eutelcr, 33 Salem avenue. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, AO. ROANOKE SANITARY PLUMBING CO., NO. 10 South Jefferaon Street. PRACTICAL HORSESHOER. H. HALEY (treats all diseases ot horsce' feet). Fourth ave., between Jefferson and Henry ste. REAL ESTATE. 8IMAION8, CARPENTER & T1NSLEY, 108 Jefferson et. RENTAL AGENTS. M. H. O'MOHUNDRO, 4 8. Jefferson street, SCAVENGER AND GARBAGE WORK PRYOK WOODSON, 223 Fourth ave. n. w. SEWING MACHINES. NEW HOME, J. A. CAMPBELL, Agent, 801 Henry street. STEAM LAUNDRIES. DIXIE, Franklin Mid Second Bts., tel. 187. ROANOKE, 129 Kirk avc. 8. w.,tel. 116. STENOGRAPHERS « TYPEWRITERS. C. M. HOG3BTT, room 13 Masonic Temple. TRANSFER COMPANIES. ROANOKE TRANSFER COMPANY, Package Room,8 South Jefferson St.. tel. 110. CITY MARKET. CHOICE MEATS. BRRADY (keeps the best),stall «, Market House. B. B. CATT, stall No. 4 (sausage a specialty). J. W. HOGAN, Stall 3. THOMAS NELSON, atall No. ». W. N. 8ALB. atall No. 16. CURED HAMS, BEEF, LARD, &o. B. J. KEMP (specialty beef tongues), stall 14. FRESH FI8H, OYSTERS AND PRODUCE. B. B. ODBLL BROS., City Market. DRESSED FOWLS, VEGETABLES, Sic. S. J. A KKKS, City Market. J. W. 8IMCOB, City Market. PRODUCE, FISH AND OYSTERS. HUDSON & DEAL, 19 Salem avenue n. o. (wholesale and retail). ROANOKE DRESSED BEEF CO. N. REN8CH, Stall No. 8. DECENNIAL WHISKEY 1882, This whiskey was distilled. .1 117 Commerce Street. Full supply of wines, whis¬ keys, Cigars, etc., Imported and Domestic. Medicinal Whis¬ key a specialty. 1892 This whiskey put on sale. 34 om

NEWS. The Largest Honse-fornishing Establishment · RoanokeTimesBureau,DUlard&E J. Ernest"Walker, Agent. BARGAINS.ÖALKMADVERTISEMENTS. Asolid rosewood old style ¦square pianoforasongalmost

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Page 1: NEWS. The Largest Honse-fornishing Establishment · RoanokeTimesBureau,DUlard&E J. Ernest"Walker, Agent. BARGAINS.ÖALKMADVERTISEMENTS. Asolid rosewood old style ¦square pianoforasongalmost

Roanoke Times Bureau, DUlard & EJ. Ernest "Walker, Agent.



BARGAINS.A solid rosewood old style

¦square piano for a song almost.Piano-organs at the lowest

prices. The best one manu¬

factured.All goods at one-half former

profits. Bargains in all de¬partments.

L0MMUSICH0ÜSE.jan23 tf

R. H. CARPER,College Avenue, Salem, Va.

Steam Fitters,Water and Gas

Plumbers,Dealers In Iron, Load and Terra Cotta

Piping, Pumping Machinery, Pumps,Eubbor Hoso and Packing.Steam Fitting a Specialty.Get our estimates before contracting.


Darst, Smith & Co.,UNION ST., SALEM, VA.


Camden Iron Works,ALABAMA STREET, SALEM, VA.Manufactures Ornamental and Archi¬

tectural Castings, Iron Fencing, Crest¬ing, Iron Fronts, Miners' Cars, etc.Pull line of hardware at storo, corner

Main and Colorado streets.Jan26-lyr O. D. OAKEY, Propr.lERPONT'S BRICK WORKS.

Tb,o attention of Roapoko contractorsand builders Is Invited to our facilitiesfor providing a fine quality of merchant¬able building brick in any quantity atvery low prices.

G. R. PIERPONT,6 15 tf Propletor, Salem, Va.


TIN AND COPPER SMITH,Main Street, Salem.

All kinds of Ranges, Cooking andHeating Stoves for Bale. Tin Roofing,Spouting and Guttering and CopperWork contracted for. Prices low. Sat¬isfaction guaranteed. 3 5 lyr

HAIR MATTRESSES.WE MANU-facturo all kinds of mattresses for

sale, wholesale and retail. Hair mat¬tresses re-made a specialty. Practicalworkmen employed, work warrantod,priceB low. Ordors by mail promptly at¬tended. Will buy clean shucks and straw.J. B. RICHARDSON & SON, AlabamaSt., Salem Va. P. O. box 32G. 3 5 ly.

New BusinessWagonsSee our wagons just built for Roanoko

Brokerago and Storage Co., Jennings &Body, C. P. Ulount, E.. U. Stewart Fur¬niture Co., Catognl Bros, and others.Catognl Bros.' hokey pokey carts arodandies. All built by Salem CarriageCo., Salem, Va. Call and seo us and getprices.CLARKE & SADLER, Proprietors.

.1 30


My wagon will be at the Koanokc marketevery other morning, with choice plants, l'nrtieahaving lawns to plant would do woll to get myprices on bedding plants, us 1 can save youmoney on ull foliage plants.

J. SllAltTZKi:.Florist, Salem, Va.

Itlver Sldo Flower Gardens._.1 1 lyr


J ERNEST WALKER,Insurance, Itca! Estate and Collecting, Itoom.UUlanl ä I'trsinger building, College RTenno.ll7-5 tf

wm. m. montgomery,ATTOHNBY-AT-LAW,


Blue KUlge Special.Commencing Tuesday, July 12, and

until furthor notice, tho Norfolk and

Western railroad will run a special trainfrom Roanoko for tho accommodation of

visitors to Coynor's and Blue RidgoSprings. This train will leave UnionStation 0:00 p. m. daily except Sunday.This train will not run boyond BluoRidgo. W. B. Bevill,

Gonoral Passonger Agent.Lost.

strayed from my stablo on Campbellstreet, Thursday night, a dun mare,black mano and tail. If returned to mo,at corner of Salem avenue and Commercestreet, or any information leading toher recovery will bo suitably rewarded.Db. j. II. Lawrence.

Kranich «& Racli Piano.Always popular. Tho musician's

favorite. Hobbio Music Co., sole deal¬ers. Factory prlcos; easy payments.If>7 Salem avonue.

The Henrietta cigarette Is hand made;a mild and pleasant smoke.

Thk tobacco in the Henrietta cigar¬ettes is throe years old; tho paper ispure rlco paper.Tin Ttpbs, 10 minute*. Bldeltngcr'e, 301 JoC'n

NEWS.'erelnger Building, College Avenue._

F. A. Lovolock, Correspondent.


The July Term CommencedYesterday.

The July term of Roanoko countycourt commenced yoatorday morning,Judge Uriflln presiding. In tho absenceof tho county clork, K. A. McCauleyqualified as deputy.Tho following grand jury were sworn:

John P. (Jwaltnoy, foreman; DanielKittengor, W. L. Williamson, LewisKirk wood, D. A. Brumbaug, John Burk,Eugene Boon, James Kissler and JohnBradley, who returned three indict¬ments against John Albun for soilingliquor without license, also one againstJames Miles, petit larceny for stealinga cow and another for carrying con¬cealed weapons. In the case of NoahF. Werts vs. Jefferson Masshtoller forunlawful detainer, on motion of theplaintiff tho case was continued at thecost of the defendant. An attachmentwas gotten out by tho Koith-SchroedorHarness Company against C. B. Strouse.George C. L. Hill, a former citizen of

Great Britain, deolared his intention tobecome a citizen of the United Statesand took tho oath. The report of thocommissioners in the case of the Roa¬noko Street Railway Company vorsusGeorge Stevens' heirs was returnod.The will of Christian Swartz was ad¬mitted to probabo. Witnesses: JamosA. Garst and Carlton D. Lemon. Ap¬praisers: John Garst, James Garst,Abrain E. Eller, Jeremiah Garst and F.A. Eller.In tho case of commonwealth versus

Branch Allen, for assault and battoryupon a negro woman some months ago,defendant pleaded not guilty, and aftorhearing the evidence and speeches ofcounsel tho jury returned tho followingverdict: "We, tho jury, find the defend¬ant not guilty as alleged in tho indict¬ment." Pugh & Moffottdofonded; com¬monwealth represented by Major Bal-lard.


Miss Laura Henning loft yesterdaymorning to visit friends in Radford.Yostorday morning before Justices

Camper andJCoon, George Hofanger, ofCave Spring, was tried upon a warrantgotten out by his son, W. H. Hofanger,charging him with unlawfully and ma¬liciously threatening to kill and poisonseveral of his family and with firing offa pistol in his house on July 11th. Afterhearing several witnesses tho Justicesbound defendant in the sum of S-OU withone suroty (A. J. Pholps) in the likesum, to keep the poaco and bo of goodbohaviour for twolvo months, and in ad¬dition to pay the costs of S10.75. J. S.Baer represented tho defendant, W. M.Montgomery prosecuted.Mrs. C. R. Roberts is quito ill at tho

residence of hor fathor-in-law, Capt. T.A. Roberts.Mrs. Wade, wife of tho physician in

charge of the Keeley Institute, hasjoined her husband and Is reglstorod atHotel Lucerne.Deputy Sergeant Flnko oarly yester¬

day morning arrested Peter Archer,colored, at the furnace, who is wantedfor shooting another negro in tho leg atElkhorn. When the olllcor approachedhim ho was unloading a car with fourothers, but upon being told to considerhimself under arrest, remarked, "Dar,Lord!" and wont to jail without any re¬sistance Sergeant Frior telegraphednews of tho arrest to tho sheriff of Mc¬Dowell county, W. Va., who will nodoubt come hero after him.Sunday morning at 7 a. m. a party,

consisting of J. A. Thomasson, G. P.Gilmoro, Loonnrd Wilson and W. O..Johnson, left Salem on their bicycles forRadford. When about throe miles fromtown Johnson's wheel broke down andhe had to foot it homo. Tho otherthroe kopt on, taking breakfast at BigSpring and roaching Radford at 1:30 p.m. for dinnor. At Radford JackThomasson's bicycle was brokon by anobliging friend and ho returned homeby train Uilmoro and Wilson loft Rad¬ford at 4:30 p. m., took supper at BigSpring and reached Salem at 11 p. m.Toe distance from Salem to Radford byroad is said to be forty milos.Octavo Blacho and wife, of Now Or¬

leans, aro roglstored at Hotel Lucerne,from tho Roanoke Rod Sulphur Springs.At a meeting of tho county Demo¬

cratic commiUoo Monday at noon, Capt.Rogers in tho chair, tho following reso¬lution was passod: Resolved, That amass meeting be held at Salem, August15th, court day,at noon, for tho purposeof electing delegatos to tho Democraticconvention, to bo hold at Lynchburg,August 26. The districts will on thatday olect dologates and alternatesas follows: Salem district, fiveeach; Big Lick; four of each;Cavo Spring, ono of each; Ca-tawba, ono of each; all of which shallbe ratified by the mass mooting.

Mrs. C. F. Rood, in company with herbrother, C. T. Campboll, superintendentof tho Southern Express, left a fow daysago for Chattanooga, to visit her nolce,Mrs. F. M. Garza.William Hannah loft last night for

Newport News, whero he will run abranch establishment for Mr.McAllister.

Sjrnilicnto Embezzler* Hold.London, July IS..Lunt and Wilson,

tho clerks who organized an allegedsyndicato for speculations in cotton,andvictimized a number of firms, includingthe old and prominent houso of IsaacCooke & Sons, have boon commlttod on

charges of ombe/.zlomont and forgery.Wilson has made a full confession Inwriting.

How to Cur« n Cold.Simply tako otto's Cure. Wo know

of its astonishing cures and that It willstop a cough quicker than any knownremedy.

If you have asthma, bronchitis, con¬sumption or any diseaso of tho throator lungs, a fow doses of this groat guar¬anteed remedy will surpriso you.If you wish to try call at our store,corner Salom avenue and Jeffersonstreet, and wo will bo pleased to fur¬nish you a bottlo free of charge, andthat will prove our assertion. Chris¬tian A Barbee.

Old papors, 15 cents por hundred, forsale at this olllco.

ROUMANIANS QUEEN.Prlnoos, She Says, Should Woo and llarrftho tilrls They Love.Tho queon of Roumanla, Carmen Syb

va, lias come from Pulanza to her costlOWied, at NowWied, on th«iRhine, King Os¬car, of Sweden*visited her therea few days ago.-Ho found herstill shuttered inhealth, hut well,enough to readto him her last)QUEEN op !toi;ma.via. oonu^st.

ing tho happiness of Prince Oscar'B unjroyal wife with tho misery of Mile.Vacuresco, tho young woman who triedto capture Crown Prince Ferdinand, ofRoumnnla, hut lias been condemned toseeing diplomacy carry him off and en¬gage him to Princess Marie, of Edin¬burgh.Tho queen still bemoans tho disap¬pointed lovo of her favorite lady-ln-iwaiting, and has not been reconciled to

her husband since ho uttorly refused,upon tho advice of his cabinet, to coun¬tenance tho match betwoon Mile. Vac-aresoo and tho crown prince. Thequeen informed tho Swedish king thataho was writing a long poem, in whicliahc would depict tho sorrows of Mile.Vncnresco, thodlsappointmcntof CrownPrince Fordinaud over tho thwarting ofhis first true, lovo and the advantages ofallowing princes, like otlicr men, tofbllow tnelr own bent in selecting theirwives, as dkl Prince Oscar, of Sweden.

Princess Marie, of Edinburgh, willhardly bo edified by reading in thispoem when it shall appear that herfeature husband is supposed to love stillsmother woman.

LOUISIANA'S BUILDING.ft Will Oe Modeled After the Old Colon¬

ial Fluntatrou Hooso.Plans for tho Louisiana world's fair

building have just been completed. Thoatyle of tho structure will be tho oldcolonial plantation house. A greatmany works of art by LouisianlanB have

.WHERE) IXWTSIATTA. FEOPM? WTU, EXuTBIT.been collected and will form a featureof an exhibit to be placed in the build¬ing. Lumbermen of the state havepractically ngreed to furnish the build¬ing material, but it appears thata greatdeal of money ¦will have to be raised byprivate subscription before tho ereotk^of tho pavilion will b^assured.

Bcnoeor Vanoo as a Humorist.Senator Vance has the reputation of

being a humorist. It is a fatal repnta-Uon. '.Sunset" Cox used to say that itruined his future. As Mr. Vance bos noambition beyond the senate, and as hu¬morous speeches there have made himrather popular with his people, he canafford to b* "funny." Senator Grayspent part of last summer abroad. Mrs.Gray accompanied him. On & steam¬boat on Loire Lucerne ho encounteredSenator Vance, who oame up behindhim as he stood near the rail and,touching liim. on the shoulder, greetedhim most cordially. When the usualgreetings had passed between them.Senator Vance asked: "Well, as Handysaid, are you traveling for pleasure oris tho good wifo along?" SenatorGray'sembarrassment will bo understoodwhen it is known that Mrs. Gray satwithin three feet of him, an amnseclistener to the conversation.

Kot ObUtrod to llcllfw Fvorythmf*.The dean of Norwich In a recent

speech told this story to illustrate thenew criticism as it appears among thomiddlo classes: A worthy timber mer¬chant announced that ho was relievedto find that ho need not believe literallythe various passages m the Riblo whichhe had often proved to bo impossible.Reing pressed to name one of thesepassages, ho mentioned the arh. Itwas, ho understood, 450 feet long,TO feet broad, and 45 feet high, and wasfilled with live animals. He was con¬vinced, therefore, that the Israelitescould not have carried it about withtbcm for forty yearsi

A Jleturn Blow on Ilutk»,Henry Durunt, tho founder of Welles-

ley college for women, and a very wellknown lawyer in New England, studiedlaw in Butler's office when a youngman, and was admitted to the bar onbis recommendation. On one occasionButler and Durant were opponents in aease, and tho contest was very heated.Butler suddenly turned to the courtandsaid: "It is the chief regret of my lifethat I recommended thatyoung man foradmission to the bar." Durant, as.quick as a flash, replied: 'Tour honor,it is the great wonder of my life thathis recommendation had any weightwith tho court."

Atr I*re«trure at tho Cannon's Month.Experiments, our correspondent says,'

were made during tho laet trial trip oftho armed cruiser Beowulf to determine.Iho alr-prossuro at the mouth of a gunat tho moment of discharge. Rabbits,were placed near the muzales of theguns, and Bhots fired. In every case the'uninioJs fell dead at once. In order totest tho probable, effects of tho enorJinous dispbkcemcnt of air upon humanbeings, figures mado of straw wcroused. Theso were torn to pieces inevery instance. The trials woro madewith long-lx>red twenty-four centimeterring guns._

1 uft Flyer*.Ducks fly at tho speed of ninety tnilcs

an hour, and with tho wind, when it isbrisk, they have been known to attaina rate of velocity of two miles and ahalf .a minute,.

The Largest Honse-fornishing EstablishmentI3^T ms SOTJTH.

In selecting goods in any line it is always desirable to do so from largeBtocks, and wboro large stocks in every line can be combined under onemanagement the cost of handling them is reduced, and both an advantagein prices and convonionce secured to the purchaser. Those advantagesoan bo secured ot THE E. H. STEWART FURNITURE CO., whore largerstocks of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Curtains, Glass and China canbe found than in most bouses that confine themselves to these separatolinos. We are just in receipt of our Spring Stock, to which wo invlto yourattention.

The E. H. Stewart Furniture Co.Established over ) *jf^rpBJ 8 Salem avo., Roanoko, Va.50 years ago. ) stores ^ MJJ Main flt^ Lyrmnburg, Va.

REMEMBERH. SILVERTHORN carries the finest stock ofWatches, Diamonds and Jewelry in Roanoke. Repairingand adjusting fine watches, chronographs and chronome¬

ters a specialty. All kinds of difficult and delicate jew¬elry repaired in good style.No. 8 Salem Avenue, Roanoke.




The Tray is arrangedto roll back, leaving thebottom of the Trunkeasy of access.

Nothing to break or get out of order. TheTray can be lifted out if desired, and to buythis style is a guarantee that you will get thestrongest Trunk made.

If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify themanufacturers,H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va.



Roanoke, Va.tf Room 3, Kirk Building. C 14


offick,Lately occupied by Dr. Luck,

303 Church stroot.

Office hours.8 to 10 a. m.: 4 to 0p. m. 5 27 3m

t. w. miller, s. e. jones,


Office: 511 Terry Building. Courts:Roanoke city and county and adjoiningcounties, Supreme Court of Appoals andU. S. Courts. Special attention toclaims.

r. k. scott. a. p. staples.

SCOTT & STAPLES, attorneys-at-law, Roanoko, Va. Office: TerryBuilding. 5 14 tf


Room 17, Moomaw building, Jeffersonstreet.

Will furnish plans, estimates and

contracts for residences, warerooms,

stores, etc.Rates moderate, and all work guaran¬

teed to give satisfaction. Best ofreferences furnished.

Call or addross us. 2 21 6mo


Roanoke, Va.Room No. 14, New Kirk Bulling, op¬

posite Kenny's tea store. oct4-tf

WS. GOOCH, ATT'Y-AT-LAW,. Rooms |402 and 404 Fourth

floor, Terry Building, ROAN OKE, VA.Courts: Roanoke City Jand County,Court of Appeals. oc26tl

OAKEY & WOOLWINE.Funeral Directors and Practical

Embalmers.,120 Third avenue,Roanoke.Calls answered in city or cou ;y. Reoidence telephne No. 23; office, 61. ap7-ly

ADDICKS & WERNWAG, ELEC-triclans and machinists, 208 Com*

merce stroot. Estimates given on allkinds of electrical work. Machineryrepaired. Work guaranteed. nov7-lyr.

SGriffin, Wm. A. Glasgow, Jb... Bedford City, Va. Roanoke, V».

GRIFFIN & GLASGOW,Attorneys-at-law, room 8, Mooma»

building, Jefferson st., Roanoke, VaPractice in courts of Roanoke city andcounty and adjoining counties.


SHAMILTON GRAVES,. Attornry-at-law,Roanoke, Va. Office, 116 Commerce

street, over "The Roanoke Saving!Bank." novl7-lyw. o. hardaway. a. l. pay nil


opposite Post Office,Roanoke, Va. tf


Attornoy-at-Law, Rooms 6 and 7,Masonic Temple, Roanoke, VirginU

mar5-lyjohn h. wright. b. lacy hog*

TÖRICHT & HÖGE, Attorneys-at-Law,Roanoke, Va., Room 6, Moomaw

Building, Jefferson street. Courts.Roanoko city and county, and Craig andBotetourt counties. Special attentiongiven to collection of claims. mar4-ljo. m'h. oi81i, alex. j. nRAND,Roanoko City, lato Judge Pago Co.Court.


No. 7 Campbell stroot s. w., Roanoke.dec 17 lyr


DU. W. W. S. HÖLTER, JB.Oilloo, Room No. 2, Kirk building,

ovor Eckloff's grocery storo. Resi-donco, Oil Soutb Joilorson Btreet (O. H.Royer's house). 7 12 lmJ. ALLEN WATTS. WM. GORDON ROBERTSON.


ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,Room 001-2-4 Terry Ruildlng.2 4tf


BUILDER, ROANOKE.Plansand estimates furnished on short

notico. Will contract to orect resi¬dences, BtoroB and warerooms. Rest ofworkmen and material. Satisfactionguaranteed. 3 4 limo



Office.Campbell Btreet, over AdamsExpress Company's building. 4 15 tf


MARSHALL'S CAFE.Bar remodeled and finest re¬

frigerator and work board inVirginia added. Cboico Liquorsand Cigars served.Nicely furnished rooms. Un¬

surpassed meals at all hours.Prompt and polite attontion.


5 4 lm


B. L. WINNER, Manager.

Leading hotel of SouthwestVirginia.

Convenient to depots and busi¬ness section.

The model house of the Nor¬folk and Western system.

THE SOUTHERN,Opposite Union Passenger Depot,

NORFOLK AVENUE,Rates $1.50 per day.

Rooms 50c. and $1.00.Special inducements to com¬

mercial men.Fine bar and most completelunch counter in the city.Open day and night.Hani7-tf


A FIRST-CLASS^ INVESTMENT.Wo offer the bosfr socprity in the oitjand pay semi-annual dividends.AS A SAVINGS BANK

this institution offors special inducements. Paid up shares 850 each. In¬stallment shares 81 per month. Sharesmay bo subscribed for at any timo Forfurther information addresTUE PEOPLE'S PERPETUAL LOANAND RUILDING ASSOCIATION.

WM. F. WINCH,Secretary, and Troasurer.

Masonic Temple. jan4-tf

CITY DIRECTORY.Of the Principal Business

Houses of Roanoke.Tho following is published daily for

Ihe benefit of strangers and tho publicgenerally. It inoludes all trades andprofessions and cannot fail to prove ofinterest to all who intend transactingbusiness in Roanoko:

ARCHITECTS.NULAND & DS SAL'SSL! UK, Architect*. Ma-souic Temple.WM. Ii. kb id, Masonic Temple.WILSON & HUOGINB, Bceond lloor, Coinmer-¦eial Dank Building.



BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.F. J. AMWBG, Commercial Bank Building.FRANK K. MAY. 106 Jefferson et., P. O. Box 9.BUSINESS COLLEGE.

NAT. BUS. COLLEGE, 3rd aye. & Henry at.CANDY, man'fh, FANCY cake BAKBBSt ICE CREAM FURNISHER.CATOGNI'S, 00 Salem avo.

CLOTHIER, TAILOR AND HATTER.JOS. COHN (B. M. Dawsou, Manager), 44 Salemavo.

COAL, WOOD, LIME AND CEMENT.NOTTINGHAM & HALLET (aawed etove andkindling wood), 7 Commerce Btreet.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.B. F. ALLEN, 3 Commerce st. (wholesale dealerin trait and produce), 'phone 190.



D. L. SOLOMON, 108 Salem ave.

DRUGGISTS.HALLER & BARNES, corner Jofforeon St Nor¬folk ave.; tel. £00.

FUNERAL DIRECTOR.G. W. 8ISLEH. 407 Second st. n. c. (coffins, cas¬kets, robes, &c), Tel. loa.



R.J. ECELOFF, 91 Jefferson Btreet.F. U. WALKER, Campbell at., 1 door east ol Jef¬ferson.


BROWN & JOHNSTON, 11 Jefferson street.Telephone 48.

HAY, GRAIN, Ac.DANIEL & HOLLADA V, 14 Kirk, rear P. O.


LIQUOR DEALERS.OPPENHEIM Jb CO.'S EXCHANGE, cor Commerco and Campbell streets.

LUMREK, LATHS AND SHINGLES.W. 11. Ci.AitE & Co., ofllce 100 Henry street.Times" building, P. O. box ISO. Everythingthat goes hito a building at mill prices. By thecarload only.


PAWNBROKERS.0. NYBDRG, 99 Railroad avc., b. e.

PHOTOGRAPHS.ROANOKE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, No. 130Salem avenue.H. V. lin Kb a CK, succesBor to Eutelcr, 33 Salemavenue.


PRACTICAL HORSESHOER.H. HALEY (treats all diseases ot horsce' feet).Fourth ave., between Jefferson and Henry ste.




STEAM LAUNDRIES.DIXIE, Franklin Mid Second Bts., tel. 187.ROANOKE, 129 Kirk avc. 8. w.,tel. 116.STENOGRAPHERS « TYPEWRITERS.C. M. HOG3BTT, room 13 Masonic Temple.

TRANSFER COMPANIES.ROANOKE TRANSFER COMPANY, PackageRoom,8 South Jefferson St.. tel. 110.


CHOICE MEATS.BRRADY (keeps the best),stall «, Market House.B. B. CATT, stall No. 4 (sausage a specialty).J. W. HOGAN, Stall 3.THOMAS NELSON, atall No. ».W. N. 8ALB. atall No. 16.


S. J. A KKKS, City Market.J. W. 8IMCOB, City Market.

PRODUCE, FISH AND OYSTERS.HUDSON & DEAL, 19 Salem avenue n. o.(wholesale and retail).ROANOKE DRESSED BEEF CO.

N. REN8CH, Stall No. 8.

DECENNIAL WHISKEY1882,This whiskey

was distilled.

.1117 Commerce Street.

Full supply of wines, whis¬keys, Cigars, etc., Importedand Domestic.

Medicinal Whis¬key a specialty.

1892This whiskeyput on sale.

3 4 om