1 EAT TH TREET ● BLOOMIN TON, MINNE OTA 2 2-8 -7 Fax - 1- E ail ffi @ intb n v nt r . r W b it www. intb n v nt r . r THE PA ISH NE SLETTE EATED BY ST. B NAVENTU E PA ISHI NE S F THE MMUNITY L nt 201 V lu 1 Issu 2 t i i ue g F th, o e Ms g e lth ell ess g o th F m l es g 4 At t es te t me t g 7 New t ff Membe g tl m g g 5 F th t g 7 sh o l te A TOR’ AT T 2 13 e l e se l wo l th t oes l ttle to e fo e o f th o the ose me g of o lt g l se so s. e h stm s, I h e see eo tos sl s fo le t e’s , t. t k’s , ee ste . ht h e e to et he se l wo l oes ’t seem to t ke ote of t—e e t fo f sh f es. e h s th s s be se t s ff lt to m ket th gs wh h ll s to e e t e o e s o . It s o f th th t em s s to t o he ts m s to the ee e th gs of l fe. he se so of e t s o e of those t mes th t lls s to look mo e ee l to o l es how we e l g. e t beg s th s e o Feb 13 (Ash e es . o hel s g ow o s t l l es, t of o fo s w ll be o the s v t t e beg b A hb sho Ne ste t. (I w ote bo t th s e te s el the l st ewslette . It ms t hel g ll of s e s o e the tes e ele e of o thol f th s we l e o l es se l wo l . If o h e ot l e o e so, I e o ge o to e the book s v g C t l sm t te book s sso beg g l te th s mo th. e es t mes fo these s ss o s h e l e bee est bl she . he e s lso fo t s e ke se es th t w ll hel s to fo s o ffe e t s e ts of o l es th t m ght ee some tte t o . e f fo m t o bo t the s e ke se es the book s ss o s be fo o ge of th s e to . Fo mo e fo m t o , le se he k o t the webs te: htt :// e s o e -f th.o g A othe em e fo s t l e ew l l es ob e t we w ll be g g o t to o o ket o se g e t. O e e we se o k, l st e f sho e ow of tho s. h s e ’s ob e t w ll be l em e to em f thf l to the t es to wh h we h e omm tte o sel es. hese t es l e f st g, e lmsg g. e h e lso s he le sh M ss o ese te b F. o he, . . .R., o M h 17- 0 t 7 m. I ho e o w ll l o tte g s m of these e e g sess o s s o . O f th be s h mot t w to f mo e me g ose o l es , of o se, t le s lose to Go , who s lose to s th we mg e. I h e he e o gh sto es o e the e s bo t eo le who h e fo gotte bo t Go ’s l e the l es o who h e e e the h bette e th wh t s t e o f th tell s. he sto es o ot t o t well the e so s e some k of mess, feel g lost, mless, s o te /o o f se . s se s h e g e. I he these sto es f om eo le who e t g to f the w b k to bette l fe h e fo th t Go h s ot b o e them. R the , the sto s ll s th t th o gh some set of s s g o l kel mst es, o th o gh othe eo le who h e ome to the l es, the h e bee w b k to the f th ew el t o sh w th Go . h s s wh t et be bo t fo e h of s, e e f we h e bee f l f thf l o e the e s. th Go , the e s lw s mo e to l fe th we mg e, Go hs w of wo k g o t sol t o s to ff lt es o l es f we wo l o l t st h m go to h m fo g e. I th t th s e , the weeks of e t w ll be t me of e ew l ee e g fo e h of s, so th t we m e s o e how m h of ffe e e o f th Go m ke o l es. e lesse e t! F the R h

Newsletter Lent 2013mr - saintbonaventure.org 2013-2.pdf · THE PARISH NEWSLETTER CREATED BY ST. BONAVENTURE PARISHIONERS FOR THE COMMUNITY Lent 2013 Volume 1 Issue2 In this issue:

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901 EAST 90TH STREET ● BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55420 ● 952-854-4733

Fax: 952-851-9690 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.saintbonaventure.org


In this issue:

Page 3 Faith, Love & Music Page 6 Health and Wellness

Page 2 Youth and Families Page 4 Activities and Entertainment Page 7 New Staff Member

Page 3 Capital Campaign Page 5 Faith and Spirit Page 7 Parish Council Update


We live in a secular world that does little to reinforce our

faith or the purpose and meaning of our liturgical seasons.

Since Christmas, I have seen decorations and displays for

Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and even Easter. What

happened to Lent? The secular world doesn’t seem to take

note of it—except for fish fries. Perhaps this is because it is

difficult to market things which call us to repentance and

conversion. It is our faith that reminds us to turn our hearts

and minds to the deeper things of life. The season of Lent is

one of those times that calls us to look more deeply into our

lives and how we are living.

Lent begins this year on February 13 (Ash Wednesday). To

help us grow in our spiritual lives, part of our focus will be

on the Rediscover initiative begun by Archbishop

Nienstedt. (I wrote about this extensively in the last

newsletter.) It aims at helping all of us rediscover the

treasure and relevance of our Catholic faith as we live our

lives in a secular world. If you have not already done so, I

encourage you to read the book Rediscovering Catholicism

and participate in a book discussion beginning later this

month. Leaders and times for these discussions have already

been established. There is also a four part speaker series that

will help us to focus on different aspects of our lives that

might need some attention. Specific information about the

speaker series and the book discussions can be found on

page 5 of this edition. For more information, please check

out the website: http://rediscover-faith.org

Another reminder for spiritual renewal includes an object

we will be giving out to carry in your pocket or purse during

Lent. One year we used a rock, and last year a fashioned

crown of thorns. This year’s object will be a daily reminder

to remain faithful to the practices to which we have

committed ourselves. These practices include fasting, prayer

and almsgiving.

We have also scheduled a Parish Mission

presented by Fr. Don Kirchner, C.S.S.R., on

March 17-20 at 7pm. I hope you will plan

on attending as many of these evening

sessions as you can.

Our faith can be such an important way to find more

meaning and purpose in our lives and, of course, it can lead

us closer to God, who is closer to us than we can imagine.

I have heard enough stories over the years about people who

have forgotten about God’s place in their lives or who have

decided they had a better idea than what scripture and our

faith tell us. The stories do not turn out well and the persons

end up in some kind of mess, feeling lost, aimless,

disappointed and/or confused.

“God is closer to us than we can imagine.”

I hear these stories from people who are trying to find their

way back to a better life and have found that God has not

abandoned them. Rather, the story usually is that through

some set of surprising or unlikely circumstances, or through

other people who have come into their lives, they have been

drawn back to their faith and a new relationship with God.

This is what Lent can be about for each of us, even if we

have been fairly faithful over the years. With God, there is

always more to life than we can imagine, and God has a way

of working out solutions to difficulties in our lives if we

would only trust him and go to him for guidance. I pray that

this year, the weeks of Lent will be a

time of renewal and deepening for each

of us, so that we may rediscover how

much of a difference our faith in God

can make in our lives.

Have a Happy and Blessed Lent!

Father Richard


It was a cold, winter evening on the 8


of December, when

Couples for Christ (CFC) hosted a Christmas celebration.

The ministries of CFC assembled at St. Bonaventure to

make merry this 2012 Christmas: Singles for Christ (SFC),

Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD), Couples for Christ Youth

(CFC-Y), and Kids for Christ (KFC). This is the reason

why CFC calls each other family. We are one family not

only because we are part of the CFC ministry, but we are all

beloved children of God.

This past Christmas, CFC

emphasized the significance of

Christmas, and we were blessed to

have Father Richard and

Bishop Lee A. Piché attend the

festivity. We were honored with

their presence for they further

explained the definition of Christmas. God’s gift to us was

His Son, Jesus. Mankind was made through the eyes of God

by both His likeness and image. As humans, we are all

imperfect and we are all sinners, but Jesus came into the

world to show us God’s perfection. We believe that Jesus

united us as brothers and sisters through His blood and

sacrifice on the cross, so we celebrated our Savior’s birth,

and we look for spiritual renewal during Lent leading up to

the Glory of the Resurrection.

Our loving, creative, and funny Chair of the

Liturgy Committee, Jan Scoblic, was in a

tragic car accident on Christmas Day. Jan had

made St. Bonaventure her home parish for

over 30 years. She was involved in so many

ministries we can’t list them all, but we wish

we could say “Thanks.” You could see her

touch in the church liturgies and altar

environment, but if one word could describe

her role here, it would be hospitality. Jan

was instrumental on a social committee over

20 years ago; you might remember the

homemade donuts or the fun New Year’s Day parties. If you

were ever with her on a committee or for the chores

involved in decorating the church, you were invited to join

in one of her “spreads” of good food. She laughed, she

welcomed, and she lit up the room with her smile and her

welcoming nature. We miss Jan, and we will certainly

notice she is gone, but in order to honor her memory, each

of us now needs to take on the role of welcoming strangers,

smiling at those we meet, and being willing to help.

Think hospitality, and keep Jan’s joy alive!


May 14, 1950—

Dec. 27, 2013

Recently, I have been personally strengthened in my own

faith life each and every Wednesday night over in the Faith

Formation building. You might be wondering, did she

enroll herself back into tenth grade religion class or

what? Actually, no, I’ve been meeting and growing side by

side with parents of the kids and other young adults in a

group we call Refresh! After working our way through the

Serendipity Bible Study this past fall, there were about a

dozen of us that had gotten in the rhythm of gathering each

week and we simply couldn’t fathom ending our discussion

group. Now that the community has been built a little bit,

things have just begun to get really good. We recently

began a new video series and are presently diving into what

it means to live a life ultimately for God, taking second

place ourselves. I Am Second is a cutting edge movement

where people are personally taking a stand for Jesus and the

powerful love He exhibits in their lives. The real life stories

of these people will move you, shake you… change

you. These testimonials have provoked an incredible

amount of discussion within our group, and we have

continued to grow in number.

I can only imagine the greater impact a parent is able to

have in the life of their child when they themselves are

dedicated to cultivating their own spiritual life and personal

growth. In the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on

Christian Education, Pope Paul VI stated:

“Since parents have conferred life on their children, they

have a most solemn obligation to educate their

offspring. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first

and foremost educators of their children. Their role as

educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can

compensate for their failure in it. For it devolves on parents

to create a family atmosphere so animated with love and

reverence for God and others that a well-rounded personal

and social development will be fostered among the

children. Hence, the family is the first school of those social

virtues which every society needs” Gravissimum Educationis 3.

So whether you are a parent who longs for personal growth

or a young adult who desires community, this group

provides a place of encouragement. Come and experience

arms open wide; there is quite a range of us, and always a

place for newcomers. We meet on Wednesday nights at

6pm in Ambrose Hall, and will be continuing the I Am

Second video series through the month of February. Upon

completion of this series, we will continue our discussion

group with Matthew Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicism.

Rachel Olson, Youth and Family Activities Coordinator

JOIN US! Wednesdays—6pm—Ambrose Hall! IT’S FUN!


By Josephine Dalpee

In November 1958, John and I moved into our house in

Bloomington with our four children. Soon after, Fr.

Ambrose Finnegan received his appointment as our first

Pastor, and masses were held in the gym at Cedarcrest

Elementary School at 86th and 15th Ave. By mid-June, we

moved to Valley View School to accommodate our growing

congregation, and our first Christmas mass was offered by

Fr. Paul in the Nativity gym.

On June 19, 1960, the first mass was said on our church

property in our social hall. And in January 1961, the call

went out for volunteers to form a choir. My husband John

encouraged me to join, but believe me it did not take much

encouragement. Friar Leopold from Assumption Seminary

became the first of many choir directors. On March 22,

1961, our choir made a successful debut on the occasion of

the Solemn Blessing of our social hall and activity building.

There were many choir directors during my fifty years with

the St. Bonaventure Choir. The next director was Loretta

Kaley, our very own pastor’s mother. We saw many

changes in those years including: Mass in English, our first

musical and choir robes for all the choir members, made by


Brother Don Hart became our next choir director, bringing

with him a sense of discipline and pride. He also moved the

choir from the main body of the church to the balcony. We

climbed ladders until stairs were added to the balcony.

Marty Haugen joined us next and would continue to bring

us to new heights both with our music and our performance

skills. Our church and choir were known throughout the

Twin Cities.

For my part, I became the choir’s librarian, and all of my

children sang at some time with the choir. Lynn sang with

us throughout her teen and early adult life and would come

back on special occasions. After fifty years as part of the

choir, I chose to leave as it was hard to get to practice and

mass. Lynn brings me to church most Sundays, and she and

I now sing down in the main part of the church where we

sang when the church was first built. I have so many fond

memories of our directors and the music and joy that each

has brought our church. I leave the choir in the capable

hands of its current director, Karen Thompson. It has been

a privilege to have served our Lord for over fifty years.

I also want to thank our pastor, Fr. Richard, whom I was

privileged to watch grow up in this church. Thank you to

all who have made my faith in God and love of music a part

of not only my life but that of my family. I continue to grow

in faith and appreciation.

During the last few months of 2012, the construction

committee worked with Vanman Architects to complete the

design development work necessary to move forward with

our project. This work culminated with a presentation to the

parish of the updated plans for our renovation project after

masses on December 8th & 9th. It was followed up by a

question and answer session on December 11


. We have

received many positive comments from the presentations

including several suggestions on changes that would be

beneficial. As the plans continue to develop, you will see

minor changes that reflect the feedback received. If you

have not had the opportunity to view the plans, please visit

http://www.youtube.com/user/saintbonaventuremn for a

four minute video explaining the project.

“We expect to have the design complete by early March”

In early January, you may have noticed colored markings

and flags on the property due to locating underground

utilities. This was necessary to allow for accurate

construction documents and project approval. We also

completed several soil borings; these borings allow the

engineers to design the footings necessary to support the

new construction. The city requires both the survey and soil

samples to be completed prior to plan approval and permit


The next few months will be busy with design activity, final

plan development, materials selection, and document

completion. The City of Bloomington’s approval process

will continue to move forward. You may see our project

listed with the planning commission or on the agenda with

the city council for approval. We expect to have the design

completed by early March. We will solicit bids pending the

approval of the finance council. If any parishioners would

like to bid on the work, or work for employers that would

like to bid on the project, please contact the committee and

let us know what work you are interested in. We will help

explain to you how the bidding process will work.

When the design work is complete, and before we have final

numbers, it is the intention of the construction committee to

share the final designs with the parish. We would anticipate

that this will be done much like the design development

presentations that were held in December. Additionally, as

design work is completed, it is our hope that we can provide

some 3D views of the designs on the website or in the

weekly bulletin.

We are excited about the project, and look forward to

getting shovels in the ground in the spring of 2013.


Third Saturday of the month

Make it a night out with dinner and

a movie after mass.

Pizza or Hot Dogs & Chips, plus

Popcorn and Lemonade.

Then enjoy Classics to Comedy to

Drama in Ambrose Hall.

Food is served at 5:30pm

Movie starts at 6:00pm

Watch the ALIVE! calendar for

more information and movie titles.


Sponsored by

Catholic United


The purpose of

MinisTREE is to

bring volunteer

opportunities and members of St.

Bonaventure together to fulfill

unmet needs in the parish. Catholic

United will donate $5 to St.

Bonaventure for each separate task

completed by a volunteer up to a

maximum of $500. The program

begins on Ash Wednesday and ends

on Divine Mercy Sunday.

Looking for a way to make a

difference in someone’s life?

Dur ing Lent s top by the

MinisTREE, in the Marian Area,

and take a “leaf” off of the tree.

Please complete the task you choose

or donate the dollar amount

requested towards the purchase of a

particular item. When finished

please return the card to Mickey

Redfearn or drop the card in the

collection basket. Thank you for

making a difference and supporting

St. Bonaventure in the process!


St. Bonaventure

Fish Dinners

February 22nd &

March 22nd

4:30 - 7 pm

Menu: Perch, Potatoes, Cole Slaw,

Hot Buns, Beverage and Free Dessert.

Adults: $10.00, Children age 5-12:

$4.00, Children age 4 & under: Free

Volunteers are needed to work the

fish dinners! Please call Art

Breitbarth at 952-854-3347 to


Saturday, March 16, 2013

11:30am in Ambrose Hall

The ladies of the parish - with their

relatives and friends - are invited to an

Afternoon Tea in the Garden .

Tickets remain at $12 and will be for

sale in March after all masses. If you

would like to host a table or make a

donation, please contact Vicki Colby

at [email protected].

Card Club

On these cold winter

days join us for cards,

games and fellowship in

Ambrose Hall. This is a

great way to meet new

people every Monday from 12:30 to 3

pm. The card club has been meeting

for over two years. Contact Irma

Lorang at 952-854-3274.

New Craft Ideas Welcome

The craft group meets every

Tuesday at 9:30 am in the

activity building. We would

love to have your ideas for

new craft items to be sold at

the Fall Festival and the Christmas

Boutique. Everyone is invited to join

our entertaining and fun group.



Help support our military brothers and

sisters overseas and on the mainland.

We need people to:








For more information on how you can

help, please check out the ALIVE!

information tables in the Marian area

after weekend masses or contact

Mary Bergerson 952-393-7524

[email protected] or

Jerry Kaley 952-486-0902















Sunday, February 10


at 7:00 pm

Please join us in the church for a


as we take time to quiet our hearts in

prayer and draw closer to our precious

Lord as we begin our Lenten journey.

“For God so loved the world that He

gave His only begotten Son, that whoever

believes in Him should not perish but have

everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


We can benefit from private spiritual exercises during this Year of Faith, but we

can also gain from several communal opportunities. The archdiocese has put a

lot of effort into making specific and rewarding offerings available.

♦ Attend the powerful Speaker Series with

Catholics from across the Twin Cities.

♦ Participate in a facilitated discussion as part

of a Book Club group studying Matthew

Kelly’s book, Rediscover Catholicism.

The Speaker Series runs in multiple sessions at

different churches across the Twin Cities, with

different focus topics, as illustrated here:

Car pools will be available to drive to Our Lady of Grace in Edina.

The Book Club groups will meet on various days and times in small groups with

a facilitator to discuss Rediscover Catholicism. Just pick a time that best fits your

schedule and sign up online or after mass. These groups will begin meeting the

week of Feb. 24


. For specific group times, see the Bulletin or the parish website

www.saintbonaventure.org under Faith Formation > Rediscover Initiative.

The Book Club and Speaker Series reinforce each other, so consider availing

yourself of both. While this Initiative is intended to help all Catholics, it is

especially designed to help the less active. So come yourself, but more

importantly, bring along a friend! What are you doing for the Year of Faith?

Topic St. John the Baptist

New Brighton

St. John Neumann


Our Lady of Grace




Mon. Feb. 4 Tues. Feb. 5 Thur. Feb. 7



Mon. Feb. 18 Tues. Feb. 19 Thur. Feb. 21



Mon. Mar. 4 Tues. Mar. 5 Thur. Mar. 7


The Way

Mon. Mar. 18 Tues. Mar. 12 Thur. Mar. 21

From our Catholic Catechism:

“The Paschal mystery of Christ’s

cross and Resurrection stands at the

center of the Good News that the

apostles, and the Church following

them, are to proclaim to the world.”

(Catholic Catechism, #571)

The Agony in the Garden

It was nighttime in a garden

That was called Gethsemane

When Jesus went alone to pray

And thought of you and me.

He thought of every single soul

In every land and nation,

And all our sins reduced Him to

The depths of desolation!

His sweat became as drops of blood,

His soul in torment grew.

None were there to comfort Him.

They slept the whole time through.

But if His mind could see our sins,

His heart would surely know

Our love for Him and it would help

All He would undergo.

From distant times we walked with

Him, In love to Calvary

A little hill unknown until

He died to set us free.

(Original poem by

Peggy Peterson. )

Lenten Spiritual Renewal

St. Bonaventure 2013 Parish Mission

Sunday –Wednesday, March 17–20 7:00 – 8:00 PM in Church

Presented by Fr. Don Kirchner C.S.S.R. from Omaha, Nebraska.

Fr. Don is a member of the Liguouri Mission House of Redemptorists, and he

spent 39 years in the Redemptorist foreign mission along the Amazon River in

Brazil. He also studied moral theology in Rome. He has been a pastor, teacher,

author, and spiritual advisor. He has preached retreats, aided seminarians, and

held administrative positions. Father is happy to assist us and looks forward to

telling his stories and jokes in English rather than Portuguese!

Each of the four evenings will have a special theme intended to assist you in your

spiritual journey, including Communal Penance on Monday, March 18. (This

will replace the regularly scheduled Lenten communal penance at St.

Bonaventure; multiple priests will be available for individual confessions.)



Greetings to all of you as we celebrate February, the month

dedicated to our spiritual, physical, and emotional hearts!

During the month of February, the American Heart

Association recognizes Heart Health Awareness Month.

Over the next several weeks, we will be reading, seeing, and

hearing a lot in the media about the importance of

promoting a heart healthy lifestyle. Most of what will be

shared won’t be new information, but it is good to reflect on

just the same.

New guidelines are coming out all the time about diet,

exercise, and heart health. It can seem overwhelming at

times! The American Heart Association has a wonderful

website with health information, exercise tips, blood

pressure guidelines, dietary suggestions and healthy recipes,

as well as many other interesting facts about maintaining a

healthy heart. Some of the tips they provide in promoting a

healthy heart are as follows:

♦ Exercise daily for at least 30 min. This can be done

while sitting in a chair if mobility is impaired.

♦ Eat well. Strive to eat a diet rich in green leafy, colorful

vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and heart healthy

fats such as avocados, fish oil, olive oil, and nuts in

small amounts. Avoid or limit foods the AHA titles the

“salty six”: pizza, breads/rolls/crackers, processed cold

cuts and cured meats, canned soups, potato chips, and

salt additives.

♦ Drink several glasses of pure water each day while

limiting beverages containing caffeine and alcohol.

♦ Obtain 7-8 hours of deep rest each night and avoid

excessive amounts of stress.

♦ Spend time each day doing fun things that fuel your

spirit and bring you and others joy!

♦ Have a wellness check up each year and maintain

healthy blood pressure readings.

Just as it is very important to maintain a physically healthy

heart, it is also very important to incorporate practices into

our daily lives that promote the spiritual and emotional

growth of our hearts for we know they are all intricately

connected. During this month dedicated to your heart, God

invites you to seek His abundance for your life. “I came that

they may have life and have it more abundantly” (John

10:10). He waits for you to come and keep company with

Him away from the distractions so He can renew your spirit

and bathe you in His love!

Here at St. Bonaventure, there are many wonderful ways to

nourish your heart spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Please look over our ALIVE calendar and watch the bulletin

for exercise classes, social events, yoga, tai chi, blood

pressure screening, information and training opportunities

regarding use of the new AEDs in the church and social

hall. There are also new opportunities to grow spiritually

through the Rediscover initiative Book Club discussions

and the Speakers Series presentations. And as always, we

grow spiritually by participating in Mass, the Sacraments,

and Eucharistic Adoration.

During this month, we will also celebrate Valentine’s Day

with our loved ones and friends. Please join us for our

6th Annual Valentine Dinner and Dance on Saturday,

February 9


. Everyone is welcome!

It is my hope and prayer that you are surrounded in the love

of Christ and those dear to you and that your hearts are

abundantly healthy!!

Blessings always,

Becky Running,

Parish Nurse


Thank you to all those who faithfully knit,

crochet, and make prayer shawls for our

Prayer Shawl Ministry. It is difficult to

describe in words how much they mean to

those who receive them! Many are

brought each month to the hospital and

homes of those experiencing illness, loss

of a loved one, a new birth, and many

other life transitions. Thank you for the gifts you so

graciously share which help to make this ministry possible!

We are deeply grateful!

If you have questions about the Prayer Shawl Ministry,

please contact Becky Running, Parish Nurse, at the church.


Please watch future bulletins for the St. Boni’s Walking

ministry which will begin this spring. We will meet weekly

on Wednesdays over the lunch hour.

More information will be available in

the bulletin as we approach spring.

All are welcome!!





(John 15:12)


I began working at St. Bonaventure as the

Volunteer & Newsletter Facilitator on January



. I am impressed with the warm welcome

that I have received from fellow staff and

parishioners. Role models often tell a lot about a

person, therefore I would like to share with you

one of my favorite role models.

The saint that I literally stumbled upon many

years ago was St. Maximilian Kolbe (1/8/1894-

8/14/1941). You may be blessed to already

know about Father Kolbe’s life since he was a

Conventual Franciscan Friar. I was touring the

Nazi Germany death camp of Auschwitz, located

in Poland during World War II, when I came upon a cell

that was clearly Catholic. There were rosaries on the walls

and flowers in vases on the floor. Plaques explained that

Maximilian Maria Kolbe had died in this cell. I was amazed

and inspired on that day to begin to learn some of the basic

details of his life.

In July 1941, three prisoners went missing from Auschwitz,

so the guard in charge chose ten men to starve to death in

order to deter future escapes. When one of the men,

Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out, "My wife! My

children!" Kolbe volunteered to take his place (Read this

and more at (www.catholic-pages.com/saints/

st_maximilian.asp.) Kolbe continued to pray with fellow

prisoners and celebrate Mass. He was finally put to death

by lethal injection since the lack of food was not killing him

fast enough. Kolbe was canonized as a martyr by Pope John

Paul II in October 1982, with Franciszek Gajowniczek in

attendance. It is amazing to reflect on the fact that the man

Fr. Kolbe replaced made it out of Auschwitz alive! Even

more incredible was that this former prisoner was able to

attend the canonization ceremony forty-one years

later. Father Kolbe’s life is truly an example of living out

the Greatest Commandment. “You shall love the Lord, your

God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all

your mind.”

The radical way that Fr. Kolbe lived his faith inspires me to

live radically also. Complete love of God will most likely

cause us to do things that are viewed as abnormal by the rest

of society. I continue to discern God’s will to determine

how to live out my faith on a daily basis. This is something

that I am trying to teach my children as well.

My wife, Michelle, and I have been married for twelve

years. We have three boys: Maximilian (10), Noah (7) and

Benedict (5). We live in New Prague, where we home

school our boys. Thank you for welcoming me into the St.

Bonaventure Catholic Community!

Mickey Redfearn, Volunteer & Newsletter Facilitator

Year of Faith

Have you started reading your copy of Matthew Kelly’s

book Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living

with Passion and Purpose? Rediscover Catholicism is the

new archdiocesan-wide evangelization and catechesis

initiative designed to reengage Catholics towards a fuller

life in their faith and to get people who are not active in

the church to become more involved. The Parish Pastoral

Council is excited about this new outreach program and

they encourage you to participate in this opportunity to

strengthen your faith. We encourage you to reach out to

family members and friends and extend an invitation to

them to participate as well. The archdiocese speaker’s

series consisting of four bi-weekly talks begin Monday

February 4


. You can obtain information at their

Rediscover website: www.rediscover-faith.org. Or you

can participate in one of the book discussion groups at St.

Bonaventure. Information on the discussion group times

and leaders and on how to register can be found on our

web site www.saintbonaventure.org or you can register on

weekends in February in the Marian area of the church.

Father Richard’s You Tube Page

The response to Father Richard’s You Tube weekly

homilies has been very favorable. Have you taken

advantage of this new opportunity to listen to and review

Father Richard’s weekly homilies yet? It is easy to access.

You can go to http://www.youtube.com/user/

FrRichardKaley or http://saintbonaventure.org website. Be

sure to check it out!

Contemplate the homily in the quiet of your own home.

Complete with links to review the readings, psalm and

Gospel for the day!

From Our Web Page:


Select Communications then,

Homilies – Video

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February 13 Ash Wednesday Masses 8:45am and 6:00pm Church

February 13 Ash Wednesday Soup Supper 7:00 pm Ambrose Hall

Fridays of Lent Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Church

February 22 Fish Dinner 4:30-7:00 pm Ambrose Hall

March 9 Seder Meal 5:30 pm Ambrose Hall

March 17-20 Parish Mission 7:00 pm Church

March 18 Communal Penance (during the Mission)7:00 pm Church

March 22 Fish Dinner 4:30-7:00 pm Ambrose Hall

March 28 Holy Thursday 7:30 pm Church

March 29 Good Friday Service 3:00 pm Church

March 30 Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 pm Church

March 31 Easter Sunday Masses 8:00 and 10:00 am Church