eSTABLiSHED MAY, 1895 VCL. ^o. 9 rjitttt»^AL% VA^ r"''^"YrriH,air" I^T . T'JT'''-*"^'^ ... -*?. in Advance >- SUPERYBORS IN SESSUM Govenunent Granted Pcnmuioa to Build or Impror* Roads in Vicinity of Qnantko. PROF. HODGE'S LECTURE The Prince William county board of supervisors met at the court house at Manassas on Thursday, July 12. The mem bera present were J. L. Dawson, 3. Cornier, Manassas district; J. T. Syncox, Dumfries district; McDuff Green. Brentsville dis- trict; Q. C. Hutcbison, Gaines- ville district, and T. M. Russell. Coles district Business was transacted as fol- lows: 0. W. Uedrick dareiSfced to de- liver check fdr $5.88 received for Mte of scrap iron to county treas- urer for Brentsville road fund. In re 40-cent levy on bttdc stock—levy to be extended by -the commissioner of the to and for the coun^ levy ooly. the Qoantioo Company, gnmted the r^t taooQstnict or improve pemument highway ateng Poto- mac avenue. Qoantico. and thence to Amidon'a Goreerj^to ^ v e t t e l - egiwh. tel^faone sod electric Kght poles and lines and to lay jvater pipes. W water malm^ Eaaton CoM««i ProfMMr Oiitlm*! PUa •fWarUGoTi IN THE MYSTERIES OF SCIENCE MARINE SHOOTS HIMSELF UraL MaUj, 21 Ymmn OU.F<Mtad OMMI at Trriaiaa Caap at Qaasifea. "Mundane Government, Civil and Ecclesiastical," was the sub- ject of a lecture delivered by Prof. B. T.H. Hodge Tuesday eventng in the U. D. C. Hall for the benefU; of wju- vic- tims. The scope or aim of the lecture, ym!uiiliuy i» fwf. MUUBM. and is to induce the regenerate followers of Christ to club or; leajirue themselves in every com- munity to urge forward an end- less chain relation upon ail Sov-! ereign electors and their repre-j sentations to hate and forsake, despotism, love and enforce Chris-! tian liberty as focused in the Con-1 fiHtution of 1787, the elixir of political reason, the secret of con-1 stitutional self-government, and to expend their superabounding' resources upwards and found a, mundane government having the >. same relation to the nations that the United Stat^ goveminenti has to- its states, counties and townships. Prof. Hodge yerterdar pr^ sented a check covering tbe>|^(>- i oeeds to the Manassas Gbapter of] the American Red Cross. BEiTHOFCH YooDf M|ut Dk» at Dumfries llwue Hit Wife aiwlTSctt— •Muvtva rani* sewer drains and condmte^ pzo^ Tided that tha Improvement be accompliBhed without. coat to Domfriea district or FriiKse Wil- liam county. ._:. Road HupOTJntendfflt diriebt^ ^£it la SO oenfe per g«Uan« with peeewry brMhes. lifglfcati<m to opfm or idoeata .;«it3nrised to estdriidi x«ad in - tipwrdsiiifn with •orv«y, no land ownenippeningin oppodtioo. ' Soperintendentof loads dinset- <^ view ajyroBch to Ne^aeo bridge ov«: NwhHfio rmw iniQceo- qoan diBtrict, rdatint to a —powtt BhangH tlifOBgbr ^^fan 8. Piywdl^s^eMS.^ CbaJTITT''" *'^ **"» ^^^rA ant '!- -ked to-ni^ f our .notea ^iigyi,Sfi6 to EmersCTi BrantMig' }\frn Impl«naent OoropSBy and raie note for $495 to'Coamwdr Sopi^ Company aad^m^pay- ments on machinery, Approval of agreement between Miss Mary Snook and the ehair- wmof the board, with referince to widening the road at or near ppel Sginfc wb^by. Aow pending in UM CRutit is to be ditmt—fd; Miss Snnnk to receive $1 damages; load lo- perintoident directed to ploeeed to widen road; present right of wsy to v6 ~»^^c ^s C0BQ1Q0& zor Letter from Gbampion uridi^ -GempM^T approving contract be- tweoi their repreeentatrre and -Or-Gr^ HotcfaisoD, Geofge Richard Kineheloe, sev- enth son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee William Kincfaek>e. passed away I|Dnd«^"3u^r2,~atThe Bcwne"^ was bwn at Walaat Farm, thia ooimty, twajty.fbur yeare ago^ PtoeriJ services^ IwgeTt Joly 3 at the Kinctilbeha^ Hev. D. H. Showalter oflldit^. John Henry McKay, Second i leutenant. United States Marine ' >jrp8, was found dead early Monday nsoming at the treiaisg amp at Q)tan^co, evidently from a self-inflicted DuUeVwound. No reason lias been assigned foixhis •m\m. TB6 y6UngflBMWH Mid have drilled his men as usual Monday morning and returned to IS room ostensibly to. Clean a ffvolver.—His comrades heard- he report of the weapon and ished into his room, finding him 'ad with a bullet wound through is heart. On a table near his body was a note, evidently fresh frcHn his pen, which read, "Good-by, Mother, I'm gone." Dr. J. C. Meredith, of Manas- sas, who waa-summpned at ^le time of the shooting, considered it unnecessary to hold an inquest j e u t McKay was twenty-One yearsold. EUs home waain Phil- adelphia. iV/MWi Manay»ai Boy* Learn Camiing As a War Measttre-Mias Interment was made in the fam- ily cemetayv K „ -tte board blMpervisora. Reports of tew ceUeetM toT S. Storic«4uadUL3g. Nntt, Jqa- tices of the peaee^ flort^d »«£ - _ i H » e r office for Di3rBttent^_^^_-J HTG. Tubbei&ectedtiaiaiw dx road drags made for ose on Colea diatriet roada. , ^ List of accounts certined totfae JOHN R. HORNBAKEK ESflO John R. Hombaker, eighty-five J Wfg uld. itted at neen today at is home on West street, after a Jong illness. Funeral services will be held at three o'ck>ck Sun- day afternoon at thePreeby*er»a» Church, of which he waaaaem- _rB^-aDdint«in^ltJsilLbft-ULtt^ Manassas cemetery, rfcdtey WTU officiatf- Rev. Alfoid G. k. KINCHEpQE The pall bearers were the ax surviviifie bratikera of the decsas- ed, MeMBrai"Gi^ H. eng Wr Kindieloe. of Dom£riei; I. " STUPKttW OF THE Elf^TB DIST&ICT ACSICOLTURAL HI^ HJRIMIftL'AT WORK fW TUB CKAgS aOOMB AT ltANAHaA«-^ ing ontiwRnffner school grponds by Mia. Tin^Ti V^cabert Prince Williiaaa eiwiitarSome ti(^nii<BBSr~ The beys T A THREE-CORNERED KACE? Frjeoda U r g e ^ e n GreantoBe- RepnMiran Caodidato for Howe of DetagatM. Political circles in Prince Wil- liam between now and Nnvemher promise to be enlivened by the announcement of a republican candidate for the House of Dde- amug. Mf. AllBB IrFWH. M AfK^fl. has been urged by a number of his friendstoenter the race, and. although his candidacy has dot boon announced, Mr. Grpfn l^aH admitted -that-he baa the matter under consideration. When questioned by a repre- sentative of THE JOURNAL Mr. Green said he had received a number of letters from influentMU men of the county who had u- sured him of thfdc-szpport In^ the earlier part of the we«^ he madeia trip,toLower Prince Wil- liamtoconsult his friends in Aat section. While THE JOURNAL repreaen^- tativa continued his inter^ew with Mr. Green—not premising, to vote for him, M SGWnS CAN REWeH»*-^'« ^^ , ^ to see 9 demoerat conie forward to inform tir. Green that he waa reiulytovotetorbun andtosop- p^ him in infoty pnaaiW* way.. Several members of the Manas- sas Boy. Scoots took part in a canning d^wmstration which ^ _^ . , . „_ was conducted Wednesday nar^l^^ V^'''^^'^'''^^ ^ ^ Mr. Green is a prominoit turn- er of BrentaviUe magirtaial <bh IzkLuSissoa, Mr. McDuff Greoi^ wbd is affiliated with the dcano^ cantffid W Botany stodentoL _ . , Note^tiw learned gaae which iy«i4jMid<ffOneaeh i^aaa. i2y These ybqag peo^ were deep in.tbe.iiayBteriee ni chenn !: jdieoxanght bqt tlmjcam^ajnan. Edocatkig yomig boosekeepera i(i another feature of the I pfugram^aft niB^ffiAD&m^jsm mM'fMsmmM The Manaana Cfaapte'of the Amerieain Bed Craas h^ its first rae^ng Monday evening at the Town Hall, ahnnt forty peramis bdng inreaent Mr. (p. Raymond Ratefiffe. a member of the eom- 1^1 P"r*^y~ ""Jai' iitaitp ^"^^ Khiefaeioe, HMST Md.. and V odf Cherry HilL ' ' " . "V^ "'•' Wb«»- qgite ywing Mr. Kinehe- loe tutejcd Un UnAer aa a representatiTe-ef L. A» Clarke & SOD, whidi hecontinaed aoccessfnlly tor two years, at of wbkb time on accoont flOBoe time. After regaining his health be again took up the tim- YwT hnHJnwBi m pJrtnmJhiBljn^ MivAlo«i"Kl"r Stone -Mr. Horabaker 4& survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Meetze and Mrs. G. D. Baker; the business and accepted a posi- tion in Washington with the man- agement of the Vtm Wlliard Ho- tel. Tailing lieiS&'iiipSraiaMS tkm (tf irfBeeni, whidt nsoltedlft foUowa: Oiairman, Mr. Gewge G. Ty- tort" vice chairman. Mn.~ licoripe msy F^rank •^-*^^M^WBWI^B^Kft—*^^^*W^^y awM^^^fc «M>thflrdeiBOiistrat!fonr *^ Mi- ^tjfrt'B filfmtffr f^ Striking a deatb-biow to the liquor traffic_Jv making it vir- toaUy impoaaable to transport liqo<» into "drjr*'territoryunder any eaoditiom, th^i United States Depnrtmeat ,of; jaatiee^ Ja mittee en-wganiitfttion, waa made ioyinkm upon, the p^viakHu 'qf -appropriation bill piwrfubi- ting the sMginent M Kquor into ^ ^ i j ^ a g A vote of thanks was given to C. B. C. Joiinann, fnr Bff efforta4n- circlec^ ( w o ^ i r U d r b i v e tew foimed^tnder her supei »iaion Misi Mary Laridn reported the recdpt o< Rev. GypearBmith's Xtft "From Gypey Tent to Pulpit,' the mart important steps takes (rf Ol health be waa eoo^dled to ____^__ leave tfafrboauieaa fui aumethlnglwhiatarebeingsoiafflrthe^eB^lia i>wMblllyil U i g ^ }fm fiwifining • Ha poichaaed a trardtng moving i»etare ton* ahuw wiih whkh be tiaveled to fit af th^Rad Croaa.- tary waa inatruAed to write to Mit and ap«H«eiation of the chapter, lite next meeting ia to be beid tTniff fiB ftf the^H'^nan. when :er from ttar ^AftCTMr. tiaued|««<i ftmas » expected. The chapter now baa sixty- three membera. the following a '"iry" atate. held Friday that an individual cannot transport Bqaor into each commonwealth. either in hia personal tewgage'w' OB his person, for any pdipMe. .-Ail doubtaa-to what cunairuo ^OTj^^jfe^^aoMTby Federal trict on the eoontar board of aoper- visora. Fcomiag etoctkm^ ia cakukted to ruuBe-Tdd-Priner~ Wffliam from any appearance of iattction e< M t e 6Bbert..wlM» da- dar4d~tiiit.ahe wis very prood her pnittla. Miaa (Albert gave anotiMrdon- onstratien Toeeday morning, aa- fldafeed by several of thetodiesof the tewn.^ Cayisand tin were used snd die~T( beets and brani ladies of the town JMYI^ present *atoo^ to pcrant bar to earTr~oat tiieirwtaheB:: 'Sie ia to aeeompany the canning elnb girti of Prince Wflliam, Fsirfax. Loodoon and FasquieF to Hanis- onboiig Batord^'for the girls' Aart eoorse at the State Normal Sscnooi, jcuy £&—di^rv uciununs UrtTwuB diFTiaar to IBnM*^ l^glff Tom's Brook, Shenandimh eoonty, and later sbf wffl attmA is to be given at tiie hmne of Mr. John Ewell. of Hiek(»y Grove. by the members-of the ttckoty Grova Ckiod~fioo8dceepers' Cfaib.' W y d e g * t w t f f ehS>r aflitBtoiBPriaeeWi] has had^no^ C. A. Sfaielair waa dsdsnftUM dembcfttlg nondnee and Mr. C J.r Meetze. who had annooneed Ida candidary bat who iaSei to file Ids tai^en in the time reqiuied Ant>lTPtl hIa intaartinn at leaving the deeiskin to the T|Aen inJKiaEember--by r w a f a r M n i independiant candidate.—^ m CMS FAII PBDM Jlaaior Grda Flan Fate to Aid War Suiieaiars. A~Red Oroes Fair ia to be hdd next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih» ]tik~ Mendayj ahe wfll adtosaa meet4<>ppoeite the hotel l^Jaaior Gr- de X 6f Jthe MMMttwa ChipC»__^ of the American Red Cross. lee win be OB sale and other attrac- tions will be offered. The Jnqiora nt a meefeig Mon- ^CTnoon aa iSS The mendien Wffltam eenn^ of canning the Prince einbfr who will attend the fherclras any ekxid'STte die w- with the department's raling. Prohibition supporters last ni^it Jonkff CUda B (the nieeabers- *t-"** Ifirsthonors in the eoantyeonteetihave^nefrnagied th«r-«»dea> believed this decision was one of Tiqnor ran now bf tranmrnrtud from a non-prohftftioB stMS m> ty-two states affected only by oommon carriers aadthen only in a limited gnantitv. The Fed ivendeethatliqu^ wine nr nthfr intftricatt be^ddppetl lnto~a i(Dy~ sanafor BieSeinal, mechanieal, personahave be»^inroBidtinff ttor* a son, Mr. Edward L. Hombaker, | Wffl to relinqaish hwpoBfaon and andtengranddiildren, Mrs. G. A. |he returned to to fennar bosaa Parker and Miss Mabel Horn-1 at Dumfries, baker. White Fish, Mont; Harry! Surviving members of thefam- Hornbaker, Protection, Kans.; ily are his wife, who was Misa Miss Olive Hombaker and Waiter, Blanche Virginia Leary, daughter Hombaker of Bristow; Merars. tof Mr. W. H. Leary, of Hoadley; Wilh" and Clarence Meetze, little i a small son, his father, mother, Misre? ( hnstine Meetae and j six Iwothers and one a^ar, Mn. Garland Baker. 1W. H. Alexander, of Indian Head, course at well and Mlaa Aitete Davis, both (^"Oeeoqaan (fiiibneir~lrho won which decided iriio shoold repre- (imt. thr PriiMMf ^«""""« *'"*« Miae Davis is a first year girl and Mias ffiSwdl is douig~tBrg yearwoifc The canning dnb girlaV^Shott whidi w— givenat East- ern OoHegelsst week, ekasd^it' nrday. A luncheon was given in the eolle|« dining room to about iliiiij iMiMit iiiiliiliiui riirnihrni *v ur iii-.<uiH«. Norvdl Larkin; «iec»> ed tiie feUowing oflfeesa: PresH dent. Miss same LarinnT taiy, •«• <inrnrhy Jotansiin, and-Z- treasnrCT, Miss Marion Barks. met Tuesday aftenKXH) at the Johnson. The next meeting, at which tune nev reeeived, irto be at tiie bome id Mi—Tinian t.ajirin a>-rt Tnanilay at 2^ p. nt. * The jumur cirtilea, meeting st the homes or th¥meird>er8, have a iixnited membership. As the of the eetmty bottd of s^crvi- eewnty and distriec agncniturid eouodjli uf Hfety and woman's amcSary to B«'Uta- r-vSK^ranc gi! of M(ir;a.esa.si. lA-i. l a i i l r e d r s annoonSMMai K n e e Mkggie R Si&ith, Hat- tie B. WfficOTon, JuHa Lewis, I Dr.'W. Fewell Merchant, who Qe^t^IiewiB, Mi^b^ Lyon, tlmi^ i haa b e ^ eeouniasioned grrt tieo- ly Round. Thedie Waters; Mrs. (tenant in the Medical Reserve B. T. H. Hodge, Mrs. Sara A.; Corps, this week waa ordered to Payne, Rev. ? . Q. Burr, Mrs. Tthe P^ersburg cantonment .which H. Q. Burr, Meesra. C. C. Leacb- t^is kaown aremap Lea. Dr..Jlar- didcB will.be formed. QiipypAr.prra PARDOWED man and D. J. Arrinjrton, Mrs. F. R. Coles and Miss Mollie Rixey. cbant is making plaSs to leave for Petersburg. Mr. ano* Mrs. ster. uf Wsshingtuu. nounced the marriage oi tii^ daughter Lraley and Mr. Ncurval Landon Burchell on Tuesday at St John's Epiaoop^ Choreh ia Washington. ^Mr. Burchell is a w^-known Waidungton grocer land has many relatives in this 'countv. - Sixteg sagiagettes who were "sentenced to sei f e sixty days at Roy- Oeeeqaae or pay a ^ne of ^2& have sn-i each for forbidden picketinp- at the White House gates, were t •.: doned yesterday by Presiu Wilson after seninp : ' • ;.-. s of their term at *ox!o. ,«•- ir.ire: they were reiievt^d of 'v.-- ew- els and ether fin«>ry anr; i?:v<>n a share of the labor a - nj: the women prisoners of every class.

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VCL. ^ o . 9 rjitttt»^AL% VA^ r"''^"YrriH,air" I ^ T . T'JT'''-*"^'^ . . . -*?. in Advance >-

SUPERYBORS IN SESSUM Govenunent Granted Pcnmuioa

to Build or Impror* Roads in Vicinity of Qnantko.


The Prince William county board of supervisors met at the court house at Manassas on Thursday, July 12. The mem bera present were J. L. Dawson,

3. Cornier, Manassas district; J. T. Syncox, Dumfries district; McDuff Green. Brentsville dis­trict; Q. C. Hutcbison, Gaines­ville district, and T. M. Russell. Coles district

Business was transacted as fol­lows:

0. W. Uedrick dareiSfced to de­liver check fdr $5.88 received for Mte of scrap iron to county treas­urer for Brentsville road fund.

In re 40-cent levy on bttdc stock—levy to be extended by

-the commissioner of the to and for the coun^ levy ooly.

the Qoantioo Company, gnmted the r ^ t taooQstnict or improve pemument highway ateng Poto-mac avenue. Qoantico. and thence to Amidon'a Goreerj to ^vettel-egiwh. tel^faone sod electric Kght poles and lines and to lay

jvater pipes. W water malm^

Eaaton CoM««i ProfMMr Oiitlm*! PUa • fWarUGoTi


UraL M a U j , 21 Ymmn OU.F<Mtad OMMI at Trriaiaa Caap at Qaasifea.

"Mundane Government, Civil and Ecclesiastical," was the sub­ject of a lecture delivered by Prof. B. T . H . Hodge Tuesday eventng in the U. D. C. Hall for the benefU; of wju- vic­tims.

The scope or aim of the lecture, ym!uiiliuy i» fwf. MUUBM. and is to induce the regenerate followers of Christ to club or; leajirue themselves in every com­munity to urge forward an end-less chain relation upon ail Sov-! ereign electors and their repre-j sentations to hate and forsake, despotism, love and enforce Chris-! tian liberty as focused in the Con-1 fiHtution of 1787, the elixir of political reason, the secret of con-1 stitutional self-government, and to expend their superabounding' resources upwards and found a, mundane government having the >. same relation to the nations that the United Stat^ goveminenti has to- its states, counties and townships.

Prof. Hodge yerterdar pr^ sented a check covering tbe>| (>- i oeeds to the Manassas Gbapter of] the American Red Cross.

BEiTHOFCH YooDf M|ut Dk» at Dumfries

l lwue Hit Wife aiwlTSctt— •Muvtva rani* sewer drains and condmte pzo^

Tided that tha Improvement be accompliBhed without. coat to Domfriea district or FriiKse Wil­liam county. ._:.

Road HupOTJntendfflt diriebt^

^ £ i t la SO oenfe per g«Uan« with peeewry brMhes.

lifglfcati<m to opfm or idoeata

.;«it3nrised to estdriidi x«ad in - tipwrdsiiifn with •orv«y, no land ownenippeningin oppodtioo. ' Soperintendentof loads dinset-<^ t» view ajyroBch to Ne^aeo bridge ov«: NwhHfio rmw iniQceo-qoan diBtrict, rdatint to a

—powtt BhangH tlifOBgbr ^ fan 8. Piywdl^s^eMS.^

CbaJTITT''" *' **"» ^^^rA ant


-ked to-ni^ f our .notea ^iigyi,Sfi6 to EmersCTi BrantMig' }\frn Impl«naent OoropSBy and raie note for $495 to'Coamwdr Sopi^ Company aad^m^pay-ments on machinery,

Approval of agreement between Miss Mary Snook and the ehair-wmof the board, with referince to widening the road at or near

ppel Sginfc wb^by. Aow pending in UM CRutit is to be ditmt—fd; Miss Snnnk to receive $1 damages; load lo-perintoident directed to ploeeed to widen road; present right of wsy to v6 ~» c ^s C0BQ1Q0& zor

Letter from Gbampion uridi^ -GempM^T approving contract be-tweoi their repreeentatrre and

-Or-Gr^ HotcfaisoD,

Geofge Richard Kineheloe, sev­enth son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee William Kincfaek>e. passed away I|Dnd«^"3u^r2,~atThe Bcwne"^

was bwn at Walaat Farm, thia ooimty, twajty.fbur yeare ago^

PtoeriJ services^ IwgeTt Joly 3 at the Kinct i lbeha^ Hev. D. H. Showalter of l ldit^.

John Henry McKay, Second i leutenant. United States Marine ' >jrp8, was found dead early Monday nsoming at the treiaisg amp at Q)tan^co, evidently from

a self-inflicted DuUeVwound. No reason lias been assigned foixhis •m\m. TB6 y6Ung flBMW H Mid

have drilled his men as usual Monday morning and returned to IS room ostensibly to. Clean a

ffvolver.—His comrades heard-he report of the weapon and ished into his room, finding him 'ad with a bullet wound through is heart. On a table near his body was a

note, evidently fresh frcHn his pen, which read, "Good-by, Mother, I'm gone."

Dr. J. C. Meredith, of Manas­sas, who waa-summpned at ^le time of the shooting, considered it unnecessary to hold an inquest

j e u t McKay was twenty-One yearsold. EUs home waain Phil­adelphia.


Manay»ai Boy* Learn Camiing As a War Measttre-Mias

Interment was made in the fam­ily cemetayv


„ -tte board blMpervisora. Reports of tew ceUeetM toT

S. Storic«4uadUL3g. Nntt, Jqa-tices of the peaee^ flort^d » « £

-_iH»er office for Di3rBttent _ _-J HTG. Tubbei&ectedtiaiaiw

dx road drags made for ose on Colea diatriet roada. , ^

List of accounts certined totfae


John R. Hombaker, eighty-five

JWfg uld. itted at neen today at is home on West street, after a

Jong illness. Funeral services will be held at three o'ck>ck Sun­day afternoon at thePreeby*er»a» Church, of which he waaaaem-

_rB^-aDdint«in^ltJsilLbft-ULtt^ Manassas cemetery,

rfcdtey WTU officiatf-Rev. Alfoid

G. k. KINCHEpQE The pall bearers were the ax

surviviifie bratikera of the decsas-ed, MeMBrai"Gi H. eng Wr Kindieloe. of Dom£riei; I.


ing on tiw Rnffner school grponds by Mia. Tin^Ti V^cabert Prince Williiaaa eiwiitarSome ti(^nii<BBSr~ The beys


A THREE-CORNERED KACE? Frjeoda U r g e ^ e n Grean to Be-

RepnMiran Caodidato for Howe of DetagatM.

Political circles in Prince Wil­liam between now and Nnvemher promise to be enlivened by the announcement of a republican candidate for the House of Dde-amug. Mf. AllBB IrFWH. M AfK fl. has been urged by a number of his friends to enter the race, and. although his candidacy has dot boon announced, Mr. Grpfn l aH admitted -that-he baa the matter under consideration.

When questioned by a repre­sentative of THE JOURNAL Mr. Green said he had received a number of letters from influentMU men of the county who had u -sured him of thfdc-szpport In^ the earlier part of the we«^ he madeia trip, to Lower Prince Wil­liam to consult his friends in Aat section.

While THE JOURNAL repreaen -tativa continued his inter^ew with Mr. Green—not premising, to vote for him,

M SGWnS CAN REWeH»*-^'« ^^ , ^ to see 9 demoerat conie forward to inform tir. Green that he waa reiuly to vote tor bun and to sop-p ^ him in infoty pnaaiW* way..

Several members of the Manas­sas Boy. Scoots took part in a canning d^wmstration which ^ _^ . , . „_ was conducted Wednesday nar^l^^ V^'''^^'^'''^^ ^ ^

Mr. Green is a prominoit turn­er of BrentaviUe magirtaial <bh IzkLuSissoa, Mr. McDuff Greoi^ wbd is affiliated with the dcano


W Botany stodentoL _ . , Note^tiw learned gaae which iy«i4jMid<ffOneaeh i^aaa.

i2y These ybqag peo^ were deep in.tbe.iiayBteriee ni chenn !: jdieoxanght bqt tlmjcam^ajnan.

Edocatkig yomig boosekeepera i(i another feature of the I pfugram aft

niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmM

The Manaana Cfaapte'of the Amerieain Bed Craas h ^ its first rae^ng Monday evening at the Town Hall, ahnnt forty peramis bdng inreaent Mr. (p. Raymond Ratefiffe. a member of the eom-

1^1 P"r*^y~ ""Jai' iitaitp ^"^^

Khiefaeioe, HMST Md.. and V odf Cherry HilL ' ' " . "V "'•'

Wb«»- qgite ywing Mr. Kinehe­loe tutejcd Un UnAer aa a representatiTe-ef L. A» Clarke & SOD, whidi hecontinaed aoccessfnlly tor two years, at

of wbkb time on accoont

flOBoe time. After regaining his health be again took up the tim-YwT hnHJnwBi m pJrtnmJhiBljn^ MivAlo«i"Kl"r Stone

-Mr. Horabaker 4& survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. C. J. Meetze and Mrs. G. D. Baker;

the business and accepted a posi­tion in Washington with the man-agement of the Vtm Wlliard Ho-tel. Tailing lieiS&'iiipSraiaMS

tkm (tf irfBeeni, whidt nsoltedlft foUowa:

Oiairman, Mr. Gewge G. Ty-tort" vice chairman. Mn.~ licoripe

msy F rank

•^-*^^M^WBWI^B^Kft—*^^^*W^^y awM^^^fc

«M>thflrdeiBOiistrat!fonr * ^ Mi- ^tjfrt'B filfmtffr f

Striking a deatb-biow to the liquor traffic_Jv making it vir-toaUy impoaaable to transport liqo<» into "drjr*' territory under any eaoditiom, th^i United States Depnrtmeat ,of; jaatiee^ Ja a»

mittee en-wganiitfttion, waa made ioyinkm upon, the p^viakHu 'qf

-appropriation bill piwrfubi-ting the sMginent M Kquor into ^ ^ i j ^ a g

A vote of thanks was given to C. B. C. Joiinann, fnr Bff

efforta4n-circlec^ (wo^irUdrb ive t e w foimed^tnder her supei »iaion

Misi Mary Laridn reported the recdpt o< Rev. GypearBmith's Xtft "From Gypey Tent to Pulpit,' the mart important steps takes (rf Ol health be waa eoo^dled to ____^__

leave tfafrboauieaa fui aumethlnglwhiatarebeingsoiafflrthe^eB^lia i>wMblllyil U i g ^ }fm fiwifining • Ha poichaaed a trardtng moving i»etare ton* ahuw wiih whkh be tiaveled to

fit af th^Rad Croaa.-tary waa inatruAed to write to Mit and ap«H«eiation of the chapter,

lite next meeting ia to be beid tTniff fiB ftf the^H'^nan. when

:er from ttar ^AftCTMr. tiaued|««<i ftmas » expected.

The chapter now baa sixty-three membera. the following

a '"iry" atate. held Friday that an individual cannot transport Bqaor into each commonwealth. either in hia personal tewgage'w' OB his person, for any pdipMe. .-Ail doubtaa-to what cunairuo

^OTj^^jfe^^aoMTby Federal

trict on the eoontar board of aoper-visora.

Fcomiag etoctkm^ ia cakukted to ruuBe-Tdd-Priner~ Wffliam from any appearance of

iattction e< Mte 6Bbert..wlM» da-dar4d~tiiit.ahe wis very prood

her pnittla. Miaa (Albert gave anotiMrdon-

onstratien Toeeday morning, aa-fldafeed by several of the todies of the tewn. Cayisand tin were used snd die~T(

beets and brani ladies of the town JMYI

present *a too to pcrant bar to earTr~oat tiieirwtaheB:: 'Sie ia to aeeompany the canning elnb girti of Prince Wflliam, Fsirfax. Loodoon and FasquieF to Hanis-onboiig Batord^'for the girls' Aart eoorse at the State Normal Sscnooi, jcuy £&—di rv uciununs

UrtTwuB diFTiaar to IBnM*^ l^glff Tom's Brook, Shenandimh eoonty, and later sbf wffl attmA

is to be given at tiie hmne of Mr. John Ewell. of Hiek(»y Grove. by the members-of the ttckoty Grova Ckiod~fioo8dceepers' Cfaib.'

Wydeg*twtff ehS>r aflitBtoiBPriaeeWi] has had^no^ C. A. Sfaielair waa dsdsnftUM dembcfttlg nondnee and Mr. C J.r Meetze. who had annooneed Ida candidary bat who iaSei to file Ids tai^en in the time reqiuied

Ant>lTPtl hIa intaartinn at

leaving the deeiskin to the T|Aen inJKiaEember--by r w a f a r M n i independiant candidate.—^

m CMS FAII PBDM Jlaaior Grda Flan

Fate to Aid War Suiieaiars.

A~Red Oroes Fair ia to be hdd next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih» ]tik~

Mendayj ahe wfll adtosaa meet4<>ppoeite the hotel l^Jaaior Gr-de X 6f Jthe MMMttwa ChipC»__^ of the American Red Cross. lee

win be OB sale and other attrac­tions will be offered.

The Jnqiora nt a meefeig Mon-^CTnoon aa iSS

The mendien Wffltam eenn^

of canning

the Prince einbfr

who will attend the

fherclras any ekxid'STte die w-

with the department's raling. Prohibition supporters last ni^it

Jonkff CUda B (the nieeabers-*t-"** I first honors in the eoantyeonteetihave^nefrnagied th«r-«»dea>

believed this decision was one of

Tiqnor ran now bf tranmrnrtud from a non-prohftftioB stMS m>

ty-two states affected only by oommon carriers aadthen only in a limited gnantitv. The Fed

ivendeethatliqu^ wine nr nthfr intftricatt be^ddppetl lnto~a i(Dy~ sanafor BieSeinal, mechanieal,

personahave be»^inroBidtinff t tor*

a son, Mr. Edward L. Hombaker, | Wffl to relinqaish hwpoBfaon and andtengranddiildren, Mrs. G. A. |he returned to to fennar bosaa Parker and Miss Mabel Horn-1 at Dumfries, baker. White Fish, Mont; Harry! Surviving members of thefam-Hornbaker, Protection, Kans.; ily are his wife, who was Misa Miss Olive Hombaker and Waiter, Blanche Virginia Leary, daughter Hombaker of Bristow; Merars. tof Mr. W. H. Leary, of Hoadley; Wilh" and Clarence Meetze, little i a small son, his father, mother, Misre? ( hnstine Meetae and j six Iwothers and one a^ar, Mn.

Garland Baker. 1W. H. Alexander, of Indian Head,

course at

well and Mlaa Aitete Davis, both (^"Oeeoqaan (fiiibneir~lrho won

which decided iriio shoold repre-(imt. thr PriiMMf «""""« *'"*« Miae Davis is a first year girl and Mias ffiSwdl is douig~tBrg yearwoifc

The canning dnb girlaV^Shott whidi w— givenat East­

ern OoHegelsst week, ekasd^it' nrday. A luncheon was given in the eolle|« dining room to about iliiiij iMiMit iiiiliiliiui riirnihrni

*v ur iii-.<uiH«. Norvdl Larkin; «iec»> ed tiie feUowing oflfeesa: PresH dent. Miss same LarinnT taiy, • « • <inrnrhy Jotansiin, and-Z-treasnrCT, Miss Marion Barks.

met Tuesday aftenKXH) at the

Johnson. The next meeting, at which tune nev reeeived, irto be at tiie bome id Mi—Tinian t.ajirin a>-rt Tnanilay at 2 ^ p. nt. *

The jumur cirtilea, meeting st the homes or th¥meird>er8, have a iixnited membership. As the

of the eetmty bottd of s^crvi-eewnty and

distriec agncniturid eouodjli uf Hfety and woman's amcSary to

B«'Uta- r-vSK ranc gi! of M(ir;a.esa.si. lA-i.

laiilredrs annoonSMMai K n e e Mkggie R Si&ith, Hat-

tie B. WfficOTon, JuHa Lewis, I Dr.'W. Fewell Merchant, who Qe^t^IiewiB, Mi b^ Lyon, tlmi i haa b e ^ eeouniasioned grrt tieo-ly Round. Thedie Waters; Mrs. (tenant in the Medical Reserve B. T. H. Hodge, Mrs. Sara A.; Corps, this week waa ordered to Payne, Rev. ? . Q. Burr, Mrs. Tthe P^ersburg cantonment .which H. Q. Burr, Meesra. C. C. Leacb- t is kaown aremap Lea. Dr..Jlar-

didcB will.be formed.

QiipypAr.prra PARDOWED

man and D. J. Arrinjrton, Mrs. F. R. Coles and Miss Mollie Rixey.

cbant is making plaSs to leave for Petersburg.

Mr. ano* Mrs. ster. uf Wsshingtuu. nounced the marriage oi tii^ daughter Lraley and Mr. Ncurval Landon Burchell on Tuesday at S t John's Epiaoop^ Choreh ia Washington. ^Mr. Burchell is a w^-known Waidungton grocer

land has many relatives in this 'countv.

- S i x t e g sagiagettes who were "sentenced to sei f e sixty days at

Roy- Oeeeqaae or pay a ^ne of 2& have sn-i each for forbidden picketinp- at

the White House gates, were t •.: doned yesterday by Presiu • Wilson after seninp : ' • ;.-. s of their term at • *ox!o. ,«•- ir.ire: they were reiievt^d of 'v.-- • ew-els and ether fin«>ry anr; i?:v<>n a share of the labor a - nj: the women prisoners of every class.

Page 2: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~



A'Hu. otker't Risk.

A ^

;--ByF. A.MITCHEL ]>

A man dresaed like a gentleman •li«l>t«d from • trflla at a auburban •tetion. aaked the agent when the next train,to the city would pasa, then aet ont to walk to a residence whicli boM nnapBrfinflti, tinrlnr liprn Ahutnfla ^"

b< llkel; to •nq>ect one wMoae ap-t>««niDQa gtvea cTtdaac* oi btirtatr been loB» married;:—V weaH feewa-mend "yon "BT?olir~me hi pUurlng aoch 1 a conpfeT^ ' ' " j

The lady agreed, and tbey at one* began to abow .that wit ward Indlffer-enc< that contraDta with the beh*Ttor of * . * 3*>vw(

I » •• > 1^ • H i


tha winter. Entering, he v'ent \xp-•talra. Half an hour later he IcKiked <Mtt ttarongh a window and aaw a hand-• o m ^ dresaed woman emerging.from another oountry residence a few hun-dred yards dlatant. She wa» carryln, a anit caae. ' , '

The man's face took on the expraa-

thtaig Interesting. He kept hla eyea on the woman, who was.approaching, tni abe pasaeS 'UuT'hbuge he was In; then, taking up a suit caae he had packed, he went downstairs and bar-dad after the woman.- Lifting Ua hat politely, he aakl:

**Wlll Toy permit me to asalat you with that BulLcitser

"Thank you very much; It la Tery U(M> DQ you know wtien the next tialfa leaTea for tha dtyr'

• la tea mlnutec" • • "In ttet «al» I shaU h a ^ iaatUat*

fn rMfh .the atatlon and buy my

Tb» two walked on'together and by the Uma they reached the atatlon had eataUlShed ^^if^w*"**"*^- Onboard-Ing the train the amrlkelped the wom­an on to the train, and i» seatiag her­self she^nade room for him bcaMy ber.

t I saw yoa leaving Mr. Lawvesee's latry few," to Ml*!' ,. ' be Vomft igarted.,

^{^ supposed ^- lJivir«ice'B tUttUy i. .. ^ iwir«ceT In the ci y and tii^ honae was oifeocu-pled."

"I am Fanny Lawrenccr" waa the hesitating reply. , , -^

"Ohr "I needed some ttdngrand cabv ost

to get them. Tbv>s In D ? aolt case." "My case exactly. My cfinntry hodaa

la alwt

ried couple. "It won't do," said the man. "for

me to go out ahead of you on arriving at Arlington avenue atatlon and recon-nolter. That would give you away at-once. We ai^gt Htep out iincoacened-ly. ru let .vou carry your suit case. Just as if we had been married twen­ty years, and go my way, leaving you to follow me wltbciut looking back for ywi." ' '• '• '—— '—

The couple deaceaded from the train. The man watching them taft it a mo­ment later and, keeping them in sight, went out after them to see them take a cab together. Tbey were being driv-«kiaaaa^M»ha».4te«^t)adwaaaHaaUaA another cab and, getting into it, bade the driver.follow the one that was leaving.

"Now, see 'ere," said the man play­ing the part of the husband, dropping

jen ian i lar that .was natural to tiim "7ou ain't Miss Lawrence no­how. What d'ye want to init np a Job

the Lawrences." '_|'pw do you kn9w^ I amT' askai

the woman, paling. " X^ose I'm the Tookers' butler; tha

next 'ouse to the Lawr^icea. Tve seen yon In the Lawrence back yard a-'angin' up the waab. Wot j" got la yoar salt case anyhow?*'— —

"Wofa that to you?" "Tou and I are In for It togethar.

If one gets tioS 'totber g e ^ holt I reckdn y' got soma Talyablto In y o v iolt case, fiaitt't y o u r

"Beckon'you've got aome In y o n r f ' j fen't mind lettln' yoa know that

I've gM aome gold i^ate." "Well. I've got soiae j« y i^ " "Now we're ^ttln' ^ t j ^ BS^^'

ui&Siix'. "'9'i* 1vuuB"7 liEttoJgltJrtd o' lour | e w ^ tiU Q>ere'j no daagar of vAn*M KAITI.* ¥rMr\A ivlftt 'Am An w m r * '

"^l&e enough " i ^ waal a ^emt»yoa."

"TVeB, if yo» don't like that, would yon Mka to taka my tianlT"

"I don't want i t I've got enough rtBk now without takia' any more."

"What you gotn' to io •with the spar-klwa When you 1^'em aaSfef'

wTHnn'i- know. Sell "em If I can." .• purty eofiocb to wear 'em Tbey^re none. taa-tP>od for

"Tou're yooraelf. yon." V "

jnt CdUTweiit jpiritiih ii[iuii"tTfi TjBaliiMMri ^ "Oiie w y

•i^oA they're In year salt.paaeyi "Yea; tbey. ABfel

U was vMmt a* iMOj-wBB. JB.Mt -ease. Presently the man said:

•The next station is Cloverton. An­other road ciosam tUa (ma tbaca.. Tm going to leaVis t&b train and tak* a»r other on the oOMir read." __!_ i

"Why "do jwr 4o tlaiO"" "TUa tvut cBliH* Ilia,

Unloo atatton.' Tiie o«bar'

man <rf the man. Sbo ptVttifimBT^ TOCO hfan.- aa moat women ^nt«e ti

fVtjr at rat*«T-

eral wnall ttattww baf«yraa«:Mi>t,tlH> terminal, at one of lAMi t slHill

"Tor what pnrpeaer "at wlUtia mor* convenlaBt for me." The lady waa aOant She aaamed to

r«mp»irtnn at w ^ i>a WOgg atc^ .He aald AtUngton aTanoeu Then, after a fkw qneatlona aa to «h» loeatioB ef tbe Arlfaigieii a^cBoe ata-tSon, she B^d that It woold be is m>H« conv<Hiient stopi^ng placa for bw tooi. The man saki that p«4mpa «be had

nly^ikfi^ a ittan. '• Whaf'-wtiaW-ywr <|p w1th.:'»gjtf I dtaad ^jm orar' fo jm^ *Wia- 4MiBed

fit a tone thai deaatad a dbpoaBka to yield.

"Oh. I'd *.fc. /»«•-« iryf 'am »m t ^ M torn 'em t^u^ to yoiL. If yod cangtbt with 'em cm yoa yoti'd git s«it aipfar MJHi Ma' UK* Ova <» ilx f^uit, and tbat woaUn't pay ainca jon'ra gat a friler aa la trffifn' ta taM tbe

~~8lM~G i«r the ^aakc^ aax. be sue-ceeded in persuading bar to cast bar


fkCaaabatook It waa, to aay tbe teaat, cnflr. What waa ,fiHiliinc ttaron«h Mi iUnd JTO, ^ '*Ul»fat M^^^^^ tor a sh aip as a hMh,


Experiments Pr«v« That Wheat U Net Eaaantial to Egg Preduetlen,

With wheat so high, poultrymen win l>e interested to learn tbat on tbe Unit­ed States department of agriculture experimeat farm excellent egg laying results were aecured, with a wbeatleaa ration. Thirty Leghorn pullets to wKIc£~tfi lJ9 rsffdh~hiS Been fedTOr one and one-half years produced an aver­age of 147.S eggs per^ben for the pullet year. Thla compareii favorably with egg yields secured on other rations containing: wheat and therefore more eapewtTiii 'I'Uiu puBnawwe'ian Juilug

the flrnt Klxieeri weeks of Its second

#» The' op«n - patl used in the h«i

yard to water th« (owls Is a fooliab and bungling method. Chickens are

: —fsMiuently drowned by Calling IstO the bucket. Use a fountain that f—d^ from thft bottom.

year has averaged 28.5. eggs per hen, Jt-5 grea P*"" ben being produced .In. Marcb.

'Qii Bftme vrheatless ration has been fed since last November to a pen of Btjff OriAngton pnllcU. which have laid, fifty-three eggs per hen in twen­ty weeks and hold the highest egg rec-nmrl nf nnv nt thg teygo t t ^ l P g PCnS Of puUets at ttie farm tMs year. Two otbes pens, however, are less than one egg per ben behlnd^ls pen.'

The ration used was as foilows-Scrotjcfa mixture, two ixnmd»--of-ciack-ed ctim 'and one ptmnd .of oats; dry nMurii, JJiree pounds of .£onmealUM]. one-poand of beef scrap.

Tho arr^p "UTtBM ,waj_fed jgparlng-ly 00 tltiit^tbe/fa«is atie about eqtiU parts of this oafxtnre and of tba.dry maah. —The total giafaa conanmptlo-^ feed forthe year was flfty^wo ponnda,

-Of J>wlileh, ««aBCK.aix poonda -mfM aeiktebBrixt«»-"l%r«i^Bietntbarw Vt took 4.6 pounds Of feed to produce a'doaea egga ••

wttli Thla Bciateh mixture, with whwrt-$2.57, cracked com $}.35 and oats 70

-eenta per badtel. "la 48 cents pel' 100 pooada cheaper than tbe r ffOiairm&c-tore of eonal part* cracked com, wbott and oats. Another maah, w h i ^ la smutty ehoaper than tbia one, Is

Clean T e e t h T




THa uoxna.

XT nr nOOK - A t

^fttoHie Dressed and t

PrinceWilliamPliamiag Manaaaaa, Virginia

PreKriRtioH? That's Ov Buaest.

FOR SPRING Garden making ia in order. Do you need any new tools ? We have a big stock to select from. Farmers ! Remember, we are sole agents for the Oliver Chilled goods—plows,. ciUti-— vators. plow points, etc.. The only place in Manassas where' you can get genuine Olivier points. r


Rich'a New S^>le Duuk of ^^io« Fadiums wUL be Mttiled on Retjuest '_ _

lUnstrates several of the models which will be worn liiis fair and winter by-diaeriminating people^ men, women and _ehiklreB. Wiui it youatn btqr l i s peifeet aatiitfa«(Mm.''

B> RichVSons Tdi4M F SI; C«. lOtt'


Re etcr ^ CjS* WAYMARKET, VA. iTMi\rBTnrrBC i

made of 4 per cent eaidi bran and mld-''""Ip ^ par cw»t beaf arrap and AH

better leava the tram tnere ana would be bapM' to-.aeenrv veyance. The lady thanked btm and said she believed ^te would^do'so.

-Would yuu lUbid." tUt WW i f l g x period evidently devoted'to deUbent-tl<», ''wben we reaeta tbe AfUintmt-avemie statkm. getting out en tba ear platform and aeeing If there la my one

"Of course I wffl." -I^uppus

la bettwthan one." "WSenll i get 'cm backT* sbe aslteS. "Let ^ see, inUa la Friday, A

week fMiin - today y«ff~iBeat m^—do yM know tha fMntaln la the pukl^

"Tea." . 'r-. r. —

yea my aak rg" shall have to ^ e yoa aay I am engafttd tu • J * a f MM to my fathitr oh}iMi««-" ; — —

"I see you are going t» dope'-trlth

meet him at tiia ArHagtoQ a m a a j t a t tlon ? -YOB dM aet Intsnrt tn atao tbage [ ^^^rwrntodthat; coma with me: tin I itiole liif dntag ao tyatf. '

"Tou don't understand. I don't ex­pect to meer b&n ttRi4: Too iwCIi v n a bit nervooa l«at ta^er or my^Mtber

—has learned whaf I sm abnwt and mayatoimiei'

•1 Shortly after theee travtiers had left

their rMpecQvF coohEfy bOBMI • Istly-IlTlsc opposite the beaae from which Miss Lawrence emerged callBd-Kp Jo-Ilan I.awreDce In the city on Ihfl phone and gave bim a bit of tnforatatlon that produced In JitBV a^-nuniwi n'HiHj,

..J!:vrell. 7Qn.n»;t-B£.At tba fooataln at 12 O'clock and rU glvw 'em ^ck tn yoi"

•^a yit out of the cabr-^ Tba sbwlower was diaeoncertad at

thla dlTMon. Ha eoaU not follow both' of tiiem la dmerent directions, and, seeing that tbe girl was wltboat bar anR caae, be conctnded ^int man had'

4ha entcanoa JoJaa aU^. T^man Jng •Hghn«i with two salt caaea and, bar-lag paid tta tuie,^waa ahoot to entsr

hi* abooMw and, taming, aaw a aua •m^ IhisW »|SB Ms w m i d ^ JpMMl.

jMT CfWt WgBmaal.' If tbe wheat la omitted feom the ra­

tion It la very eeaentlal to feed a con-•IdeiaMf ywaugrtluu uf Iwef aerap' in ] '

wllh pisaaat psieaa acrap la one c< tbe cheapest pooltxy frada. ~conslder|iig Its high protein^ cdst-tent. ' \ ' * r

These ekpertmenti. the spedalista aay, prove that wheat is not esaenttal

javlMr ration aftd tba* Tyftf• lent resnlts cf^ be secured by com^ and oats as a scratch'mlzta«, HcoTlded thla is fed with a good masA

25 per cent beef acrap. >


Promjit -mo vke. Hcwrse -fiunialied for i n j reaL(ionilBe~ diataseer

E.v.TythHn^ G«%\nf^\Jip\ leataha^e

I Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork




Poid for Country Produce-^ and Live Stock


mmmmmmm m-mmmmmm m mmmmmm^^^,

Protect Your Farm Products l„ ,.„«*,, :^— .• ^ AND

Live Stock From die Weather

Al l kinds of l o o 4 a n d l ive stock are g o i s g -to be worth money n e x t winter and tue tune~ is ri^ht here to make your pfftpatationi^OT' taking care of them.

D o not de lay tmilding and improving until every one w i l l want matefiaL and labor'for thia same pnrpose, B U T DO I T N O W .

w n m yoa consider the value o f .-other articles you wi l l not find the' prisje of L U M B E R , B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L S and M I L L WORK so h i g h that yon cannot ^ o r d to do y""r bHV«^'"g »^^ ^tnproving to as good'advantage aAQStial.

-Ottf -g i v e good low gi

values i n \SK!/OCL Vtot h i g h and

W. A. SMQOl & i lCMi i^ i^mi^:m^mt^yv^^^'


advanced; itcoata much more to educate your ehikireii than fonne^; wearing ai^arel and everything yoa buy is going up. We are told that fire mqurance eompaniea are advancing their rates in tranendooa proportions—BUT REMEM-M B - r f K . ftH rrfiahli. Fanqnier Mntlial Fire In«aranee Company have not .aa yet adnaeed their ratea. Now, before ttrnt fire comes, insore yoar property. Bet­ter to have it aqd not need it than to need it: and not haTa it. We will be glad to

-—: civ«yiMSxsaK' or two.


Norenaw - MO.M.

eywyjaS [I Jgwdwr ajid Optici»»-Va.

MeUisc ahouid Care For the Breed aa Lena aa She Will Do a^

Whm cblcka are raised In ti>e nat-nitJwlr wWrlieas few^ mlatahee MS

thetia is mndi bad weather, too m n ^ not be left to the hen, beoaaae

^ all the cata'ibat'lr she uauuwt supply needed. Uany early hen hatched chkks

badca. 4Ud you""gat on iw^tr*


When the Ctffl! reached the croastag a man In a striped waistcoat waa stand-

.tha platform. 7 e was altoat to hgftrd the f^'" ^^'^ '*^ —•" **^ ""^ pla step down from It. whetwopoM he scmttnlied them otooely and let It go on without Mm. Whea thsy bearded -• train on the other road a» fwHonr t(vi. SDd took a asat In ^ rear of the CKT tb«T oecnpild. ^ « ther faHed-tar notl<>e that he appeared to be inteceot-M In UieaL As s<M» as tbe eoeiple r»r- nested the man turned to the .A.'T s sd said'.

:; yoD are trj-lnir to avoid capture kv T • ,)r father it behooves you to exer-ri^» ronr wlta Fnl^sa some one on t.~}e '! .i! "I> for J< "' krKiws yon by stgtat v.rvj ms.i throw htm off the track. One uc/i.:ng for a r.iniTgy «mpl»> will no*

Aa boor later there waa wa laToati-gatlon at tbe police ofllce. Tha two ana cases were_.Qi)eae<L One waa found to contain valnable plata, the

wet* not looking for tbe butler. Bow-ever, tbe culprit explained tha iaatter

come to ba in poastsslon of an tha lost. ata»&a had aotUng to gate hj telling that the maid^~islgtat ^lo cap-tared en a certain data at tba paik ftantttn he did not aaeatlon tha fact

However, tbe nazt Viantng on tak­ing op a newspaper abe saw an ae-cosnt of the capcora of tha man Who

.d become reeponslhle for her share

•oltabie quarters where tb«y will have fSoHy of room* and can .laiM advaa f»y^ t^ •Ka pwn«h4ii* Bmall cUcha are Bar better <^ Indoors when the weath-er Is not pleasant. Later on in die scaaon or when tbe chicks a»e of soase stse mnniag oatside will be bvlgocat-Ing. hot'nis~GSr~GrWork ea tha sate

at aP times a»d tahe no chaaeaa «r «fai^^ the eUefcs.

Soasctiaaea tbe chicks from

t the plunder and kept away fron rendesvooa. Several weeks later

a member of tbe family sbe bad rotAad the stceet^ and taaed bee

over to a policeman. On ber trial theprosecotlng attorney

fotmd it dU&cnlt to «oovict her, aince CO stolen property was found la ber pcsstsslon and she waa not known to txve dUT>o«M 6r any 8ni(<e A« was

batcbea are given to one ben for rats-- thla WUIILS ulcaly "tn warm

WVatber. 'Gut do not try it until aftw Aa lat of Hay, betaoae tn cool weath­er one ben cannot cover more than ^ • tosA chicka-TW*; tbe seiaaoB fm chkka are affl a baa eaa look aftec

Let tbe mother ben care for early ehteks Jint as ieag aa aba wlU do ao.

rCJiidertetaap^ And Lkensccl EmbaLoMr

tat Avs,, sati ,CocKiaopa«. lli««nm, VA. Piompt attsatioo giAeo all ciders. Priees

as lew as ae<»4 setwise sad matetWt alHJas-tfiv. VETAUe CASKETS CABBIED Bl arfocK.

Wlien yoaihmk of pmrhaaing a^jgatdy a ring; a scaif -or brocNgh pin, orj>th^ jewdiy, j^ttgnaber we can

Wj^ly yoiar~w»ntB. Most a^yttuagJttLrtbft Bpwling goodB line wffl^iiefc

~ • - - ^ at Ml atfxa^dse.pnce_

Witok R^an i f aad Httiiig <H Glasses

a o WENRK:H BMU»aax^ T iffinm


%^eiiic Sbving Parkr Thia ia to ^ve potiea tbat,I am I

hava •aiait means of pcatacOng aa coat nights. Tbe prcAr ventHatkni vt their house or coop. BowaraCrmoat

~it«sya tsrwatdasd'EaRfnOy. Chlcka most be made to ezarclM tew-

ly atall-t&nM_aBd,. 11 uMll^iia l>1li la a good range, a portioB «< tba

ha g t m m a Otter. -

vary penitent her former miotreas for­gave ber and the waa set free.

As for tbe man who bad so kindly relieved her of the risk of being caught , , ^ .• u ^i K->« ._>I W-M with tbe ««Nm « o ^ be-waa a t ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ l T l ^ ^ I l ^ ^ . ^ " ^ ^ three j-ear. ft>r each robbea. m»Ung ( If this does not effort s ror? ^ ^ «ii years In tlL torpentln* one to thr«^ re«.«poonfu]a.

Worm* In Poultry. There are some forty species of pool-

fry w snna. Tf jooM mve tmflfcrtakaB to feed an.v of this lot try doaea of

now identified with the 'above named shop, tooited in the New Prince William. Hotd.

TtA equipment is nodenu san­itary aod complete in every par­ticular and iSr under my. personal

There ia an entrance on Center street The loeation being ex­clusive, the shop is especially adapted to the care f^* f|1 daMflB _ Tff pttxtns who Hesire ean^gUat-I tention onder refined aiaS whole-f aome conditions. ^ Bm Bbty assisted by Chariar

Harris and we most earnestly solicit the patronage of our cos-tomers and promise you coffiteoos

- ( « B d panistakinfr service. Very respectfully

1-1 c-pANK F - i - ^DERS. — 4 B PARK^R'^ '


i i « i t l i a m liBTB B

BROWNIE ^ ^ The children always enjqy taking pictures—it

'adds to the pleaaorCT of the dAY'a ntitivig; tun'

B free, yeBr a aubauiiititm to' itUy mBgBEine for |] |B


Dowell's Pharmacy 'THE REX ALL STORE'

Page 3: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~

nifr T y j ^ ^ A M . g g ^ tn^j^^j^, pRUj^v s v ^ ^ 1917

Sijp MnnuBBViB Journal PLiJUaUl.il EVERY ysffiXY AJTERNOOMl iY



ADVEKTISING RATES Fifty OnUKo inch (or thefint inaeitkaand TwiB<7>4va Oiatifgr «aek

oDDtinuincc. Liboml DIM»U>U to Y«u1|r Adnrthan. All cutit of TMiiki. formBl rvtolatioai, obttaan aoUaM oOartteB tb«

W M I do tb notie«a. and «ll mattv of an l i i i i l i l l a i CIMW»«M, altkv dirwtb or hMMraetIr, will b* pablMiad at tfaaimtoaf Twfly-<h» Canton tnafc.


TRIBtJTE TO SOUTHERN CHIEFTAINS Manassas, a& the scene of the first jreunion of

the Blue and Gray, should be keenly interested in the govcmmont's first officii recognition oi the military genius of South^n leaders which is

t4o banish the last voatigc oi-sectionalism which-still exists In soroe sictioiiis of the natioa ^ b u t o in paid to €reitenU Robyt

Giordon and Goneml P. G. T. Deanregard in nam-ing for :^m' foitr ol^the Southern military train­ing (^ps . " ~ -'-.-;-•-—"'- — ^ - ^ -

TheViiginia cahtionment atTeterglmrg, where the Fifth Division troops, composed of the selec-

-ndiariire and ti» Dfatrifet of Ofthin?M?i, "" ' tH> trained, has b6en Muned in honorof G«ieral Lefe 7 ^ PJ Tpp of the GeOrg'''j Alnh^ma-awa-ini>rMn tro(^s at Atlanta, Gegrpa, is to be knpwn-Jui

t^: !i ^

Cao^ GozdoD, in honor of-tiie-Gemgia geneiaL f Gamp IVKeeler Is the name of the National ( oard camp ai; Maoon, Geoiigia, where the gmords-

^eB(tf^£Ia&i^arCl^ilMiia^ll^^'t^^%^ The NatloDiU Guard canip at ^xandiia, Louia-iooB, for the Louiaima, Miaaiagnppi and Aikuisas gggidsmen win be faK)im «B Camp Beaor^^ard,

•STRANGE GUESTS AT OGCX>QUAN . Sixteen militant aiiffragistA of wealth and

prgminen^liMiinir trom-YfOToS ^^^

— eo«ntry> ape the gaesta of Superintendent Whit-iker at a muBTTnlonna} house party at the Dis-

triCT woricEonse at'"^86quS5fir "Wml5 »upenn-tendent Whittaker is their official host, the invi­tation was extended by Judge Mullowny, of the Washington police court, who gave them their choice of $25 'fine for each of the ladies or sixty days at Occoquan for forbidden picketing at the White House gates.

Virginians wUl douJbtless owm i» a fleeting sense of pride that their choice was in favor of the halnfy Virgiiua sir oh Occo<}uan run. Whether Uasit JUB- iMiini fllwwmjd Jiiiih EApieaaium- td sympatiiy from friends of the "cause"—the militant cause—cannot be stated, but it is only fair to assume that other friends of suffrage and those who turn a deaf ear to the appeal for equal rights will not waste sympathy on their plight

Their methods of seeking the vote overaceinlKrf boun(is of sane thinkiilg and cast a cloud of doubt "ever tJieir:ability-And fitness to exercise the right of the baltot, which appSrentlyjth^have placed on a plane above the serioais' interaatio: problems already confronting the nation. —Perhaps prison garb, prison fare and prison

Start today doing your business W I T R TTS,

work, into which they will enter in coinmon with other~prisqners at the woridiouse, will convince them_of the failure of picketing as a suffrage argument » • • . • • ——

ISlaborate' dinners 'M)"* rauroaid! according vx announcement from New York, have succumbed

E. liee. General Joe Wheeler, General'John KJtDrtlie war situation, and there iato be no more Iamb, no more spiing chicken and nq gaOTe young veal on the menu. If you want more butter your dieckwili heiagber. Two sUcesxjf bread i s ^ ^ limit for a meal.


^ The Uijitai States agriwiltHiat dcy^fystsusit haa. been makiag inquiries Of fanners' wiyeB as to their needs Mid detdr^and has rBceiywHJwo^ sands of lettOTS in reply.—Th6tgirdcai of these |^;t«rs is that t h ^ anoompeiied xoW€lS9mc/t ^iraigeryln cwetertbat their husbands niay **tKi7 more land, to raise more eoTn, to feed mm<e hogs, t^JNiy MoreTaai^—& p m « ^ « £ 4 i a s ppyam^ the wives claim t b ^ ^re negleeted and that the .livestock on Hie farm receiver m«K soaad&r^ tionthantliey. Itiahaiidto

Tpg gnMr\T10NAL OimjOOK^

The aanricf^ of CK^O of fee ywuig aaen of Vii^ gima who deore topursoe tlte qoertof hijbsr education diiring i£te i » r wini)enIJRirved by tSe aimouncemeid; that-tbe UnlverBity of VirsoHft will i%open in the fall aod that the estonated shrinkage IB " ~" — v -

veiysiTuUl. Hembiers of tiki faculty advise the piumt~of

study byihose who have not entered upon mili­tary service. The youth of the countiy shHOold

'frxyrt wv*"'y w>*a>Tisi t. thjMj mmmand t/> IjfeffftiTaft j >w»^^ firt^fld iar aervice when tbev shaH be calted "

to . ^ I fTTTTW 3 r»' ^B B r T. j » #'•'1 j i • » ( ' u r Saauir U) tHto? the places of older man in dvii life.

An imp^^^^* dedsibn of the Department of Jiatiee concemii^ the '^bwe^dry^tider fo the

-peat offle»-^ti|tfmH'iaUuu bill is giien elaewlMut in this issue Tvsnty-three states are affected, by the rafii^whiek viftnally pwAilMts the ebip-i^entfW liquor inSr'Mjy-stAtM under « iy eomt-

' ditioa The Department of Justice^faolds that an individm^ cannot carry Bquw into 'Hby" t n r k

. torydthy in his pewnfiaT hagg«gB,OTon hfaper--flOB-for^toy purpose. .\^_

This decree of the Department of Justice witit-drawB the quff^-a-month privil^:e which a large nmnberof Vuguiiam Uu*Ut^^ f iu* IherrtWb^ of course) have tlkken advtatiig« of during the eight or nine months since last November _ or mne Pj^pier aoquaint8noe"wiui tne natiosuK ntc ipt^ tatJon of the new law shouW reduce perceptibly the number of violatians, many of trfdch fdrthe

^ « e w i t are expected to come UmHigli ig«*nu*c^if you like him tet \am know it, which, however, is no excuse in to eyes of the



it were not in MI official xepart of ia department i i- ^wg with the ftonen ~[^

But VM! WraM^ protest that l^e^ information must be-frwtt a.very lestiieted part of the coott-try, for v ta t we have seen of-farmers' wives they^-are the hiypicst port of tiie popofattjon. T t o e ^ r r m y y . unoHJith hurfands, who have more're$;ard for a woman than they have for a mule, but that is the case in cities as wellTB in

x: XEs: XEaE ;E

M TsxmTrrKr^i.wM .Ti .t' jr.'t of the people because

tlie people, and for the people. It is

by the people because.

THEY WANT IT and for the people because

OHEY USE IT r Are you using it ? If not, why not ? All your neighbors do. Our patrons are the people. Yon s hni ld hfi nnp of t.hpm

tional BankoLManassas PERSONAL SERVICE^


MJRANCrUA •Select your ajfCMit and coini>anie*M^irea would yo<^ Banker, Lawyer or Doctor, une« yovr financial (iarih^^ ence may depend on-this'and die I eat coftoiio flMtre


SBSBi m mm ',.

3ffllE^TRIEir . nf -i-- WLLsssm

Uraie your

to talk it- it our rates-

thecountty. It is the meanest tcait c^ humanity when a fauadinnd does not regard his wife'as the. ] fi est j«^BOnaU^^BitjHn_ his gxperience, and tUs, too, frtjgOigr Ml the farm or in tiie d^.—



If with pleasure you are viewing Ajqy woz^ ajnan is doing;

If you like him, or you I VA him—te^^ ¥"1 » w ; Dun'i wlUiboid iiiiAu appiuLaUufl; nrai the parson makes^ oration.

AH iw» Kpa wi«» gnmwy HHfw cfe^ Kfi limw For no matter Jiow yofc-ahout it, .-r rr He won't really care abotit it,

He-wuu'ljcnwr how many lwirdro|« yuujnnre shed; ~ ^ ' ; : : -

If you think some praise is doe han, How's the.time to sli|> it to him, ~ ~

li'or bb dead. ^

Mmro »h«ti f»mi> K ri TWIwa-tftMi ^"^fj

b the eommadt, kind and samgr, And the hearty warm appfoval of a ftiend.

For it giyea 10 life a aaycr; Aad~tt mBEB yoo stm^jiir-Imvci, ~

And it gives you heM*t and spiritto the esKt' If h»oanig yoor praise, bestow it;

Let the words of true enecmragmnent be said; -De flot wa^ tUl life4s o w * -And he's underneath the dov^,

Have you Jistned the Rat CrusH? The iocah- Tor "he cannot read his tombstone when he's embership is growing, but tiiey need YOUiq dead:

E. iAN>

NOW PAYING - - - J * -




- • V - - -•- A .-*..* '


j y



Manassas Produce JExchai e tmiLDINQ, CENTER S T R f F T

Page 4: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~


•• r,"

— Mrs. J. L. Lioaweaver is iH of pBetuBonlfc

—The uinuftl picnic of the Presbytegan Church will be held

grounds, through the oourteByth* week mt^uckhalt

Young haa-?'^ eepted a position in Portsmouth.

-Mrs . W. S. Athey, who has been very ill at her home in west Manassas, is improving.

—Mrt. G:W. Merchant; who wss vrry lit enmer IB xne WWSK, is able to be out again.

—Mr. George W. Biuddiinan has sold his property on Center street to Mr. S. Hynson.

—Mr. Thomas P. Joyce, of Oc-coquan, has been appointed a warrant <^cer in the United States Marine Corps* „

-Mr . Franz Bouffier, who has

Robinaoa who j s i n Charge of thV Tproperty. "Mem-

1 ^ Sand Bethlehem are invited to join the party. '

—Mr", Rarhara Pote <Ued Mon-

ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Ruth 3abb is visiting in Philadelphia.

-of Parkersburg, -W; ~ Va., and

relatives in Washijjgton^ Miss-Charlotte.Smiffl'is'v^sIii ng.

frienda in Harrisonburg.

been in a Washington hospital for some time, IfflB r e t o n i c ^ ^ his home in Manassas.

—Rev. Bamett Grimaley will preach at the Woodbine Church the first Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. instead of 8 p/m.

--Rev; Robb White, ji-Mfonncr rector of S t Paul's Church. Hay> market, has been ordered to re^ port as chaplain to the braining camp at Macon, Ga.

—Junior Circle A ol the Ma­nassas Chapter of the American Red Cross • hdd a meeting this afternoon at the home' of Miss EmilrMaitlapd RoBfl : •

day at her home near the horse show groanda, at the age of fifty^ eight years. She was paralyzed several months ago. Funeral services w o e held Wednesday at the Cannon Branch Chureh of the Brethren, of which she was a member. \

—Augusta and Leo Pohl. of Alexandria, former students of Eastern College, have unlisted in the United States Navy and were ordered to report to the training BtaCioH at Newpurt, R. I., cin Wednesday July m "Theiir par­ents. MFT and Mflt A. J. Pohl, livein-Rosemont.

—The Prince William county locij board of review has been in session this week at the coiatrilra.J-^^^^ house' for the piirpose qf review^ ing tax assessments. The mem­bers of the board are Mr. West-wood Hutchison, of Manassas,

-ney, of Occoquan, and Allen

ion of-the Potomac Baptist Asso­ciation this week at Middleburg

, _ , , , , , „ ^ , were Mrs. Westwood Hatehfaoay

—The Bethlehem Good House­keepers' dub-wiU-beeotertained

ver aild HiH." the hqmeef Mr. Mrs. Joseph &.. Johnson. ,

—Mr. Gilbert E. Spies, son of Mrs. A. E. S^ies, haa suceeito^-fully passed &e state exaiimoa^ tion and has^ W g m i t e d a 4 i 4 ^ cense as a p h n s N t d ^

registered. assisbmt lield at l i t t le River

—Rev. Barhett G'rimsley, aa-sisted l ^ ~ 1 S ^ I 3 ? t _ Q M u n o i ^ of Culpeper, win hold a pror be preeent ^OToia Xjonfedfcrate tracted meeting M the BapSflyiiUwaiifi aw* inritwl In iiiwl wtl1t church in~^Bn&viI^^fesgiaDU>g n«--*a. L. HutehiaoB^ Adjgtimtt the first Snnd^rin Augort.

i n tins 36ard^aa annooneed two addi-county who demre to be asaod-a t e d ^ t h Ewell Camp may vwly for membership l^-addrwMing a post card to Mr. GeorH. &uth. Adjutant of Ewdl Gaapfe nassasrVai^ , . -

the District wwkhoaae at Ooss^ quan,has-tertainment hdd at OoBpqoan on the Fourth of July broogbt in about $300 for die>»efit .Qf the RedCrosa

cher College, wiQ Jfo-^ Gladys W. JiAnaop


-A lawn fctcT^aa given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aabby LewiSr near Manaaws, yerterdaaf evening for the lMgiefit~bf the Rest Room. t W waffm kiada of visitors were 'carried from Manassas^

—Rev. J. Halpenny,' Aabury itetfandigt~ Churcb. preached SnrwiT aftop. noon at the United KetiireQ Church-jt-Biifkhall frar Bay !• C. M e a a ^ who is viaiting at his former home in Harriaoabarg.

cbant have aold"Bannnckh^^T their heme on the Centerville road, to Mr. 0.' K. Brown and

and Miss Mildred Harrell

—The reunion of the Berkeley Gamp, Eigfiilii Virginia Regiment,


, Mr. J. C. Gregory has returned from atrip to North Carolina.

Mrs. Irving A. Buck, of Front Royal, ia the guest of Mrs. R. C. Buck.

Mrs. L. B. Williams leaves next week to visit relatives in North Carolina.

Judge and }in. J. B. T. Thorn­ton have returned fnNn a visit to Irvington.

Mrs. Margaret H. Bow^n. of

Miss MurieiLarkiaJa.yJ3iti^)g their ^(wrchildroD are spending

foontavillewaa a Mariaaaaa visi-t / tr \ASit W P P I C .

Dr. V. V. Gillum and Mr. W. FVed Dowell spent Sunday at Charlottesville.

Miss Elizabeth Cole, of Wash­ington,^-!^ the sueat of Mi. and

Miss Georgie Ramey, of Wash' ington, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L L. Shacklett

Mrs. Arthur P. Hevmond. o t Annapolis, Md., is the guest of Jlr. and Mrs.T. A. Lewis.

ton Park, Alexandria, were the guests: of Mrs. i Linn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Foote, yes­terday.

Mrs. C. E. Simmons has as her guests her daughter, Mrs. R. Pugh, of Morris, Okla., and Mrs. E. R. HiUi, of Marshall, accom­panied by their little daughters, Misses Mary Elizabetii ^ugh arid Margncrite Hidl.

Mr. Emmett Milstead. of Waah-Green, of-Aden; --———

—Among the Manassas Bap- . _^ • .^ ...• u- i « tists who atten.led the meeting '^''^'^..TT^u T ^ of the Woman's M i s s i o a a i y - t A ^ r ^ M i l s t ^ o f H o a d ^ ^

Miss Mamie Ora Shoemaker, of West Virginia, is s'pendingthe jgseLitt thJp NalHonlMxagalow. '-

Mr. John d . Dobsen, ofRock-IL Barbour* Mrs. S. T. Hall>,^_, „ „. , _ . , .. MUHMW Ruth and Clmrlutle SinKli ^ " " ^ ^ U , taat^weeic wastne

IllIUBdl T^ftAlSQA 97.it AU members of the old regiment and theirl^Bi are reg^oested tg

— H M MaiMssae Distrtet Schotd

tiduJ JnnwintiiieBtB for the fitHO!-ing aeaaiai, Miaa 4iQdred Belt; of B»ltimc»e, a graduate of Goa>

sneeeed Min

Wgk School, and Miaa Lily Sqttea,i »,

a graduate-of SaieeL a to succeed

Miaa Grace Metz aa teachor of Groveton School. Miaa Johnaon 1 ^ Mi^- JUtx tendered t l i ^


fair Mills, cording to

Stafford coonty, the Fradariftksharg

Rree L a n e v a exhtKffng a ronnd, tdack AiliBlauice iidioattbe site of a marble Whidi he said f d l and raUed 'off "the jsoaf of • •••. .M|y ^Msv^ iMilvft V ^ m o D ^ o v n i •>

ew weeka ago. A nmnber of

make oat wbtt IttB. It ansDr i s too light fOT atone, hnttt^"? ttw appearence o f a piece of ctrbaii. iirr-W. J. Potd ptona to have it examined at t in Saathnonian

Mr. aHffl&8. iy. N. Mavjjjn tifarfi, In Wa'aWngJiinZr' **• • " • .. - y . • —

^ ' A f W OF MMS PHti |Pff

have muved t» thefr new home I H^s^ajme c. Philips, an aged' on Grant «y«aije whichth^ ^ r i ^ s i d e i i t of the Briatow neighboiw chased frem^Miaa IlaUie tkattfe

gu|st of Mr. uMi Mra. L B. Wil­liams. .. ._^

Misa_Rutii Hatchiso^, ektest danghter o f Col and Mnt. Robte A. Hot^iatm, is vidtingrdativ^

Mr. W- B. Walker, of Greeaa-boni, N. C , recently visited at the home ofiriia tattwr. Mr.W, J. *alker. ^ ^

Mr. Edward Bottmao. of }i*m^ port Ntrans, Iwwerty a stndetit «f EsBbeaen GoIIc«e, Tiated l&ieiBii JiereFridayr

Miaaep Maggie Gregory, Annie Stiekky and Edytfae.&<«EH7«^ Julian Gr^fMT ^pent Wednee-

u.M linwaiKeth Cdviagfam two wedta with

grandmnthfr, MTP. Hark judiihg:

Mias DorothyiCcmataiiee Brandt of Bidley Park, Pa., was the guest

^Taliafa.-m.irf TWIU A ; f f l g e « « A : U * ^ i » ^

several weekg • here with Mr. Dodged f ^ l i ^ ^ f f ^ l l o w a r d P. Dodire.

Miss Ads Kincheloe, of Upper-ville; Mr. Brice Bayly, of Mark-ham, and Mr. Auty. of New Jer­sey, were recent gueats at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. R. S. Hyn>-on.

Mr. aod Mrs. James F. Gulick, f Washington^ffi^ visiting Mrs.

A. Lamb. Mr. Thoa. Gulick ac­companied his parents to Maiias-sas and returned to Washington Tuesday.

Mrs^ H. C* Lina and her^two^ daughter8,^sses Annie and Mar-garct Linn, of Georgo Washing-


aga,. Miss- Robecca Montea Preet^r u e the guests of Mrs. Proctor's pers^tBi 'JAr.;.AhdA MrsT JohiL JX . Garrett, at ''Salisbuiry." thwr home near Clifton.'

Mrs. Aquilla Lewis, of Jackson­ville. Fla., and her littiedaught^r were the gaesto^of Miaaea Nettie and: Uaggie Smith <m Monday. Mrs. Lewis was joined at Culjpep-er. by her hosbaBdwho came from JackaonviUe by automobile.

Mayor and Mrs. W.C^ W i ^ nerfaad^tt thcfr goeiSJastwedfclMd re» fe fe

Ohio.wteryviHJtii at MArshaS,;: tdStd ICnt Wagener'a sister, Ifiss Martha RosaeH. of XaaluiiL


But the ones who fail to make themselves "preferred creditors" by the practice of industry and thrift, by regularly saving a part of their income and taking advan­tage of the Law Accumulation, usually have to hustle rather hard to make collec­tion. Getting the details of OUR Bank Account Han dosen't place yoti under ob­ligation to open an account but when you taow^ltriff^an yoiTwin quidkly see its" regular use will prove pn incentive tp the practice of thrift.—^

i -

i j o i i e recq^ Dank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our ^ogan: "It is a pleasurfe to serve you." .


' \


Th * Bummffl* oya'"'""*'' ' for both white and colored teachers . , , . . .. -^--, . fof_Qifi:yfiaiJaiZ4«U-^heW'«r ^ ^ M ^ H t p o n r t n i c o h r g ^ the-Bemtett bmhfinsr. Manassas, Va.j on Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday, July 18,19 Mid 20. Ex-ammaSooawiUlkegmpriHiiip^i^ 9 a. nk each day.

Sabjeetaior tiie first day are: Gei^rapfay^^ap^tBS^-gFaBunar ai^compoaitioii, theory audpim-tiee of teiaehlng. civi^ gnmfmmtmt

t h ^ daaghter-in^law, itra. Clar- Sabjeeta for the sd6ond day; ence W. Wegener, of Fo(rtoria,-ftFawing,phyMology and hygiene.

and UnitedStates histoiy, Sabjeeta for tite t l d r d ; ^ areT

^ w i e i a l geognqifer, agrieultaTe

and English history. Writing will be graded from Form E, No. 2.

The examinations on theory and practicie of teaching mi l be

Pedagogy, to—physiology- and-hygiene, uix>n Ritchie^-Primer of Sanitation and Physiology^iad' Ritchie's Hmnan Plqrsiotogy;

Ko apidicant undier 13'years of age shall be pormitted to take the examination. - Potaenn doelrii^f totriDe tSe ex^-amination s h o g Id notify the Division siqienntendent not later Umu July .lOUi. if pesaible. -jffl^ apidicants will pro^de^

g teF= jgcr~wiBrHbe farnisfaed-l ^ear.

C H A B X ^ R McDcofALD, Division Soperintendeiit^ GsiDes-'vflte,Va: -*> 6-S '^

^ x

Hfr. and Mra. Alfred E. BrucET of Rm liomnnd. ara the gowta of Mr. BavAVpanst i^ Hr.-and Mr&Jf. W, fitndvjA Caevdand, Ohio.

h. Wunex mday to spend a few wdeim with

hanniM andotjber pamta. m'Weat Virginia.

l&Tluid'linL dvnd- Miaa S^M. Hakaiy.

Baltimore, are coectarof: M i n ISagwiia Oabuura* ^1

peper, will be stationed at%ian; tico in conneeti<» with the Ma-rine Offieera' SchooL . JBe. will make his home in Frederickabarg with hia family, while atatiooed ^0fT^_~~PrmAmrif^rw»mrf F r e e Lance.

-"Rev, of HahUUST

Weetwood Hutchiaon, Miyi tB€ stiffart

hood, died TSea&f Major P , Ur-itan^ ^ ^gj^^tta^^MOA^^ii^ Miai k a n r ^ a w i i ^

with whom abe had lived for a number of yeara. SBie dghty-eight years okL

Funeral aervicaa were oondoct-ed yesterday from her late home by RCT. J. H»h>mny, raatnr of

Store news letter to the Freder­icksburg Free Lance, ' haa ac­cepted the call of Stafford St(»e Baptist Church and preached the f.rgt sermon of his pastorate year

:.he second Sunday in July. PS may be expected there

ea:.^ .-ocond Sunday afternoon at :.• :;n • c.">ck Mr.Flory, of Nokes-

w.ii > reach at the school

Aabury M. E.<fcutth. iDtniBent fras mdcrbMpde^QMr mamhie of bae fa ^race euf^nng gnuod^ J o i ^ Imtttote.

S t

M e e i n g CooBiy Sdtoot Bomri


The regular afioual meeting of the County School Board is called for Monday, July 23. 1917. at 10 a. m. Secretaries will brinj: t heir hooka ready balanced for ^pttle-

Mra. C. G. Skiane and her na-tera, Miaa Mabd^ Latimer, of Washington, Qua "wear weftr

t l M J M W B ^ K

Bmdk and G. C Fraaer d the week made a trip to Lanrd MiUa, Odpeiwr eooatf , a aale of live stodc

Mias Virginia Naiion SpeideB. the Bttle .daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Albert Spaidea, ia the family of her onde. Mr.

.•-ert ihe third Sunday inimpnt. CHAS. R. }AC

Spdden, St RiTerdale.lCd.

H n . L. £ . Ferrell of Ricb-mond, and her two children, Miaa Thdraa Forell and Robert f^sr-rdl, are visiting Mrs. F^8rT^*8 mother, Mrs. Marietta Davis.

iir. Thomas Hogg, chief engi­neer of the S. S. Clan MacKeiiar. a Bntiah tranarx.rt. recenilv vis­ited ::; .-•er- " '.'i \'. "- • Tf

We Have a nice «tock of tfag^ii^owmg mi f4ii!fif«T that we are in j , jtositioii to offer you at a good prfee:

ers, lIooMer^i CcMm funs' Manure - am and-Tkan

ws, Utternational Pnrot L Case Hows, Wheel Cultivators, Deering Ralns^

Mowers and Binders

ftimrose and Shai^es Separators

Manassas Feei Supply and Implement Co.


Page 5: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~


T h e MiBmevflto SeBeel aad ISvlc l/^giife-heia iU- monthly -


'ygja MANASSAS JQlj^iflJ^ FRIDi =S54- C53*^


meeting at Out urday eveniog. Owing to the in-]-

ment weather thfi-jC' H(5t as large as usuaJ.-^ Two^new members were enroBeid and a committee was appointed for the digging of the welL

The next meeting of the league will be held Saturday, August 25, at which all members are re> quested to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger LaHayne, of Washington, accompanied by their three children and Mr. La-H i ^ o e ' s Biotb«r^ were the week­end guests of Mr. aad Mrs. C. E. eiarker


Mrs. Virginia LaHayne and her emddaughter, Miaa " i Hayne, will visit friends at

Minnieville for some time. Mr. and Mrs, Charltw Alpvan.

der and children, of Marlboro, Md., spent-the weelc-«n4-wtth Mr. Alexander's mother, Mrs. E. J. Alexander.

Mrs. J. L. Hinton and children w«re ffuests of itfrs. Hinton's gnnt, Mrs. C. E. Clarke, lagt Friday.

Mr. J. L. Hinton attentted _the. f»» mi„.h fll^^h"!. thf morhTu, league meedng at Hayfield Ftu day.

Rev. Alford Kelley conducted services Sunday afterboon at Greoiwood Fr<^ytenan Church.

Mr. Charles Alexander, o{ Muryland, accompanied by his adf 0 end children and his mother, were guests of Mr. and Mts^X. £. Clarke Sunday.

Mr. Frank ThriftrOf Kinsal^ visited at 'the Iwme of Mr. and Hrs. C. E. Clarke recently. >~

Uapt. Keid. of baltimore, and ^ f e - H i l l ^ , tluough M: ^fr. Walter Strobert eontinpes



W. L. Naff willfiilJiisreg-iatment at Antioqh


Baptist Church on the fourth Sua< dw eveimig«t 8 o'clock.

Mrs. Geoni Stewikjrt who has been a recentguusloi mBsUKty Jane Foley at" "LaCnmge.J haa returned to her home in Wash-iostm.

lleMra. H«Try K- Pimper and C. S. Shirley-of WasnifKfaai» were gtMStsat "Oak Shadr* «itViiOT»ui.

..J^ " ^ j , C MeDonddtBTiAtix^: ^ e r lirother, Mr. Horace BnrgesiB,

at Halfway. ' - - -Mrs. R.- B. Goaaom and Miss

HazgareC S h h ^ attended ti» sessionB of the Woman's Miasioii

-ajryUnion-of the Potomae Bsp-" " * '— -mbk^i=rfask:^ ^idldtorg Thursday;

ednesday and

Mortafity A|aang.XluUtai_a£l Mothers WJio Drndc

, - 4


_ The awful mortality among ba­bies of drinking mothers and mothers who use alcohol is ap­palling aiui recent figures show that 21 mothers lost 56.2 per cent V* weir xoo uBuiea wneresa twen­ty-eight relatives of these same women drinkers who were non-users of alcohol lost only 23.9 per cent of their. 138 children; 4 1 per cent of the babies that lived were epileptic and~tfie children of users of alcohol as mentioned

u csucQ muuerace cnii" dren" (those who drank daily no more-alcohol, than corresponds to one glass of beer) about 4 per cent.

The afflouiit <^ alcohol in ordinary glass of beer is little less th&n will be found in some doses of alcoholic ^'emedies ahd when the Ferrodine Chemical Corpora­tion- wlffneegainetthe use itt alcoh<dic iron remedies containing

parents and physicians of fami lies should note carefully on every bottle of medicine they buy the percentage of alcohol, which al­ways _appffliaJb3LQBigr_eJLthe government as a protection to the public.

When one's aysteni needs a Ionic and you feel tired, worn out, run down and the appetite, energy and vitallity are at a low ebb d(m*t take alcohol which litBoijitg tonpbrafy effect upon the di; tion and a deteritnentaF effect

panied by her son Earl and her daoghfe Jiilia.i aad- Mrs. May-U^ Wriser and her datq btwr Louise^

From Gypsy Tent to Pul­pit." with sepia photographs "*'*''«vgM|M dUst and mesi !?f*'*~<-of blsnuni^Iare being sold for the benefit of the Red Croes. Rev. Gypsy Smith, jr., has

[iresented 500 copies of his ecture as a gift to the Red

Cross fund. The supply is di­minishing rapidly. Orderyours today—25 cents a copy. Call at THE JOURNAL office or send a quarter and a two-cent stamp to Miss Mary Larkin, Manas­sas, Va., who will mail a copy to any address in Virginia and neighboring states.

WILL YOU DQ YOUR PART ? jJ j'j'J'""^ °*^,""^*-

all of Washington, recently vis­ited Mr. and M 9 . £ . 3 . Wheaton.

shall, where they are visiting friends, r*

Mr. and Mrs, D . B.'SnIth a n d " their children, Mildred Leachman, Harry Lee and D. B.. jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Laws Oliver and their children, Allen ' Laws and John Leachman, a l l ^ Girardeau, Mo., are the guests of Mrs. Smith's and Mrs. Oliver's father, Mr. J. P. Leachman, at

Fredericksburg State Normal School fw Women

SEVENTH SESSION BEGINS SEFT. 11 an I DeatttiftiUuidlteiJtEfnl Igcation. Able

faculty. Fire ooones offered: I. Course preparing to teach in pri­

mary grades. II. Course" preparing to teach in

intermediate grades. lU. Coare*preparing to teach higfa

•cbool subjects. IV. Household arts coarse.

-VT—laduotrial arts ceurae.-AIso, as we believ6, the best type of

education to prepare for happy home-makers and life m general.

FTM aeholuihlps for Vi to teach. le or other

' l i^ la itn-, Expenaes ler inzorma-

denta ia low. For ea tion, address „ EL' H. RUSSULL, President,

H-it Fredweksburg. Va.

Subscribe for T H E JOUUTAL. 9^00 the year in. adyiQce.


Wejiave never yet failed in our ability to supply any drug requirement This means even in the face of the factlhaLour best physicians must at times seek the aid of ex- tremely rare drugs. It

'^because of our com-

Whitmorf, lynn ^ AMen Co. 1225 F Street N . W .


Jewelers Sflversautha

Pire Insurance—If you are afraid of Mutual Assessments, try onr old Line Companies^ If yoa d o n t like the increasing old line rates, try our Mutual. Take

We represent both your choice. kinds. Austin Corporation. 36

T H E JOUBNAL fifty^wo^mes A»r $.L00 ia adyanceai^ -

ple^^d^ stock that we are' enabledT to put up any prescription at any time. Bring ail of your prescriptions here, and you need fear no disap­pointment. Ask. your doctor—he knows.

Haymarket Phannacr G. M. COfJ-MAN

Manassas Transfer CO;T W a ATirgY,P«ipri«t«r.

Famitar<» and all kinds of -w-»4l ier eommoiBties

pr^ptiy tranaf erced or delivered.

minn t.hw yirinay a, BtnmM'hTnHrvHi^ tttain aad - liver. Take a iiatural ntm-alcoholic iron (not patent ineiidn^'and, toiie'up"an<fBtint ^ tttate the appdate and en«^gyy naturally and permanently.

Add-Iron Mineral (Natural Iron) may be secturedatanydrug atoro in cither fifty or d?^rHi7.fla bottles fog home UBR. ItJBj»K-earftiltma^ ~firom two to ten goes times as far as other 4Uid weaken

ions uid mdyce noany, it Bt6h>afh, came

constipation or bkekeu the teeth. LMge bottles aeirt prepai4 on-

the receipt of $L0O. Fenodme €heGMcal Onporatioa, Roaooke.




'Wahtetr-Apply to T H E JOURNAL.

Wanted—To rent on sharfea a farttt. Owner to furnish every-teing except labor. J. W. Holli-day, Greenwich. 9-1

For Sale—Desirable home at Catlett; 6-room liouse, l i acres land, good water, g^oo outbuild-IngS7 ~ Batgyiu to quick buyer. H. S. Herrell,Haymarket,Va.-9-8

Loudoun Camp Meeting, Ben­ton's woods, begins August 17th. closes August 26. Rev. Gypsy >-Smith; jr.~ will be with us - t h e -Entire time. AhybhedetuHhg to tent or seeking information wilL IT address H. H. Otley. Manager, Bluemont.

Genoml rS-?

Insure your grain in stack ' I against fire aad- lifi^teifig; -

Austin. Low cost. See^

For sale—Runabout in good condition—Mrs. A. E. Spies.

We have a new supply of Sal-Vet on hand. Same old price.— Maddox&B\rd. 3

For sale—Business property is small town. Good investment; small capital necwsary. Apply or address X care JOURNAL. bO-

noise foi sale' Bubt. A Hutehl-son. 48-tf

For Bent—SiK'room hoooo oa Battie St nawas. Va.

J. Arrington, Mft-41-tf.

Fo* tuouth

Sale—Pure Wlute Ply-.00 for Ifi.

J.J, Conner, Manassas, ya.38-tf Fw Rent—One laose room over

no^^aoro, suitable fof^offieg oiT buraness enterinise. Apply to E. R. CoimM'. : " ~tS^ ~

f •4

~For Sale—lt«i«^red fldsteJu male cadyea Horn. high i»odtieuic cows, f J. J. Conner, Manas--

= * t - v '-— -2m

m W H l JllfiL

Wanted—SO.OOO white oak < ties. See us and get Prices. M. Lyndi&Co. - 2S-tf

EPISCOPAL Trini^ Protaetaittt Kwiwiwil Chgreh,

V i u w a s , R«T. J. F. Sunday SelMxd at 9:46 a. m.

_ Serrtee Sunday at 11 a. m. aad 8 f. TnnnwHalglj after •tite-eTenjaa ****,.. thnae jTiiaiTnmi o^ '""""g wmUMMMt wiil pteaae r«nain for inrtmetiaa,

Of Bfau ts. A. Gmtm"^^^^^^^ nut two weeks.

Miss Marie White, of Washing­ton, is spending some time at the brane of her gnmdmothar, Mrs. J. C. McDonald.^ ^

^ "T-*< Kimiimiii . _ *t«.

9:45 a. m. Sobjaet, Invasion of Jodah."

Pnaefaiiv at 11 a. m. by Dr. H. U.

Fold AndersMi, _Miss firan^ Aodenun an4: Meprs. J. W. A ^ e y <nd Chester 11«Tb««inw, S^Warumtbn, w«re gui^s.at the home of Mr. 6. onSanday.



fcTftYillfifttYS8»'feSj-l*ihii>i Jt

Aucnst 7tlt, 1917, hairiiMUi S t a t e

Comiaittee 25 Yi Ogae. rinw wlwrtwi in offie»

l i / I T H niuelfiah •V teresti of the Democratic rarty




oaiBf a bgtiU He daaerree the rapport ^«very Virsroi* Democrat Hit HILPED US IN OUR NKM>

LET US l^ t iP HIM NOW He &Tor» greater efficiency in ednca-

ion, road-building. apicultnre ma leacrona aaautince to toe COTfoOM^ oidiers md their widowi. Stands RW •TOhibltion and any sdditi^MJ lawa rt(eded to seoufe its complete enforoe-aent.

].>-,,-. -.j-f ! in VLrginia wtjl beSlflB - )i giye the State a

ROOD, ^ujeet,'fQor Eternal Retee . C. E. Meetinr " ^ °-*^—

"Apirfya«tJ» PreacMng bi

Snbjie<*, ^'WMe I

C. E. UaetiBg at 7M p. m. ftibjee^ kpplyiag the G^doa Rnle to L&e.'* PreaeUng_by theputor^t 8 p m.

vraa .Busy, oe Wtt tiOM.'

Wedneeday-Prayer meeting at 8 p. mr5ihiaet.'''rhe'l!tne Ua<s^ltaiicy.^

CBftoa lYeabyteariwi Chnrrti—Simdy lOTlea—Sunday SdMOI i t 10 a. m. Sobject, "SennadMift'a Inraafae of Jadak" Pimtitijm rt II a. m. Sob-Wt. "WhOelWaa Bakt. He Waa Gene. C E, M e e i ^ . "SaE0ee^"A|^ plyii^ tbe Golden Rme <jp ~'

with THE JOURNAL'S aeryice

AM Satei'rtaBi aai, Father William frill.

days. SeeoDd~aod foarth loap' a. m.. _folk>wed by 1 tfca itiiaaerl narnment.

Bethel Lutheran Church,' Edgar 7ii Pence, i

mmabur miiiiiiim^

Sd6 p. m Plwdki Sonday SdKwl at II a.

ImtiUctiia I PiiJa) trt

PMdtin^ Sooday at 10ja.,

. Serrkiea at the Nokeey»i» ^Eder^DbyKtnaQctvr


Methodist E^mfimri CbBTCfc,


Jonier I^Mmth Senior Epwoftii *

IX B. m . 4 BO andSp. m. I nt S pw I

Ber. C E. MiffieHb>s follow: r

Sodley—Pint, s eoo^ «id fosxth i days, 11 a. m. . . * - • —raUtiew-flwaaij^

devotion to * i l i^ 'i^teeoTflte—Pirrt/ Sanday, S third and fiftt


W«efikWB—Tli»i4 cad afft Sowdoya^ l^aa.

8 ? u « .

.Uesr.ii^C vmvtf ~~~

United Brrthre*

Ftrvtl aad tUrd.Sonday* at

and thiM Svitdajra at

and fourth Sondaya at

e ^or T H E JOURNAL. if in advance

the ctfoH yrea/Oaer was with ns l was haying installed the hi^iest gnule, bang-ap refirigeratM' yra ev&r^sSkW. Just look faoW

•"^»aP MM^W^ig"

t.«wa » rif»w> flT»*i«g TM>^ y T ^ t * ^ * ^ » ^ -

son the people axe coming my way. -.Th^ know^Kwy dangCTMis -argLmcati that ace-Dot handled properly. Let m^ aen e yoa.

^ What*« my nanw ?—__I ^ .^___

S^4C R V 1 ^^ i - »

EiqC2X.iaiZ.J10f-eoont the above occasion, Sobthetn R»l-i way will have on sale> at Waahingtaii,i. Dt e. . aiad stvtiona b ^Htglnia. nSa^t zoond trip fare tidteta to Kncjivfllew' Tam., JMfc Tsrvr, K. g , Z*. aStg July 1, 7 and 14, iwaraig^ final retam Bmit of 15 days foUowing, bat not ia-efading date of sale^^witt privilege irf

tg tiie final retara n u t to Sept. SO, 1«17, by^epoait of tieket mft Spa-Sat Xgcnt ana on payment ef <e« o f ^«B^ CenanH: i«!«ata f«r details w write R. H. DeBatta, D. P. A., SootlH em Kadway, WaAinirton, D. C. M

_ ^

to Nashville, Tenn., Jane 11,12. 18,14, 21, 22, July 20, 21 and 26, 1917. bearing final return liinit of 16 davsfbl-iQwinc bat.Bot iaelndiBC date of sale. fiSr ;a.,«i«« oi final Unit granted on pay-mentof fee pTtLW atjd i f «H«°f * "*

agents for de tds or wnU R. H. D»> &tts , D. P. A., Sontbem BaJhray,

SMS p. HL, will be changed to lenv* Washington 1:45». m., paashig Maaaa-aaa 2£S p. m., Rivertoa Jonetioo 6:ai> p. m., Stnaborg Junction 9M p. m., •nd arriv* natrisswbnw 9M p. n> CoQsolt agwts. M t

A d A R ^ V4>tat« and XStiae^

William County: ef Ptiuaa

-,l herebv give notioe to the peoftt at Prince William County that I shaU b« a •candidate to sutcetid uijacU iu the iiei.t Honae e l Ddegates of Vbginia. I b»-liev* my eouduct in the put tbax soa-siaas warrant* this. I aak yoa to ex-

^ amiBe-the recorda, as kept tn the Joor^ H«al^«f tiie Beaaa,. to see where I stood

«11 iMttfri Thatddng yoa for the honor which yoa

¥ave alrendy eonf erred open me and the d, and with a lawwed

' ^ o c ::ioc aoE -J.


I yon in the fni I am, tora, . Very slRC•re^


A CARD To the Voters of Prince WiV; Arr, >i;r •

Having been re fularly declare.: • Penioeratic nomm^e for ttip HDU?-Delegates frorr. Pnnce Wj^^x cm.-: I hereby announce that I »u, r* H * didate for the House of i letra<^- : :-said countj «: 'kc general cji-. .. be held in N. mber

Rfsv).' : , • , - / ' ,. •,.

Page 6: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~


'• L i v e rrtlCK NOTES,

r>o nnt anfoiiniga vUiti toyoag



In e f ^ September 24,1916. -•niar"Bot~gn«raixiMa.''. ~

8O0THBOOND. No. W—Dailr lool , 8:S0 k. m. Delivvn

C &. 0. for (^ordonarille and KtStmond )I«. 4»—iWilT tkreogh tMia for C^MioM*,

10:08 •. m.. <rul (top (t MuaMM on flaft. Mo. 17—£zc«pt8iuidsT, lo««I fraot W«»b-

inffton to Wuronton, 6:22 V-^-No. 15—Daily local for Watranlon, Char-

lottAarille andwajitationa,5:12 p.m. Pull coan Parior Car to Warrenton.

No. 41—Daily tbroogh train, 10:45 y. m. •torn to l«t oS paaaanjier* from Waaiuagtos and Alsiandria and to take on pagaenger* tor point! at wkicb •chednled to atisp.

NOETHBOCND. No. 1ft—Eioept 8°»j»yi loc«l trom Wi

ranton to Waattington, 7;w a. m. Ha."l*=-DiUy throo^ tram betwaao

duu'IotCarrille, Warranton, Manaaaaa and Waahinaton, 9J)5».m,— • - - -

Nn. l ^ D a i l y Irom Barrisonborg to Vaah i UK ton, 0:47 a. m>.—Pnllnan Pa»U> Ca«.

No. 10—Daily local, at Oranga witl_ __ ' moad «nd Qordonarilla.

No. 28—DaUy, 8; tween Hai iagton. - . • ,: , _ - _-__

No. 44—Daily through traiiTlaiareen IX* naaaaaand Waamngton, 6:25 p.m."

No. 36^Daily through traint eo««h»« and atewpiug uani fur Waalungtuu tad B»ir " 10:20Vmr"toP"ei>fl*g. .

P^nJah Ntttritiou* Faad Far Animali and M*o Enrich Iha Soil.

tPrapared by United States department of affrlculture-'l

M.nqem bare known for c^toriea tbtt the clovera, alfkUk, beana and pMta enriched the soil, ao that wheat. conu fi>tt"" ^M niTniiji- cwpg g>y» bt-ter ylehla when foilowing them tban. when planted after the graiaa or graaaea. The reason for Uila fact, bow-aver, ia of more recent dl8cor«7 tban the fact Itaelf.

Tlf •utl epncBlngrTefiimlnQua plants poaaeai normally liodulea attached to their roots. These are due to the pres-

TWtt Hnmt>Br»-uf bacteihi, minute living organiama which enter the roota from the soil.- To us their topertfcnoa Usa tn tha fact-that Oxer

the power of alMorblng nitro­gen from the air aa It drculatea In the soil and turning it into compounda which are readily utiltxed In the growth of the plants. Plants to' which these bacteria are not attached derive the nitrogen required for their growth from

•!• b«ru from the neighbor * «tn»k In always iitllng

that the way tolteephlm.

and his food and aurroandlnga cleah/1 Worth try;kig.

Wbei»-theflo< k has l>eeu eatlnjjf roots the change to the freah gX^aa is not NO relaxing.

Some five d«>(iar calves may grow Into hnndred dollar cow^; • don't eeed them to the butchar. 4>

The pigs need shade In the pas­ture. There should be trees- as

Do not 4jt tiie Uttle pigs hang over B b i ^ trough or th«y will grow crooked In the backs and ba spoiled.

* * » » » » • « • • « • • H - » . t . » » » » » 4 »


Next to Poultry Swino Ara Most Prof* Mahlo of Farm Antmala.


TB« meat supply or the country c«n be Increased more quickly by the hog route than by any other. The need to augment its supply is great, but prevailing high prices alose should be sufficient inducement to farmers to raise more hogs. The prospect of suc­cess never was brighter. The hlgb prices ruling In all markets show that the deihand for pork Is In excess of the supply.

Hogs fit into the modem scheme t>f farming on nearly every farm and ar« <»« «y> th» m—(. .IiinmrliHij wnlnntg pf ral«e both for maat and- for aMB«j.' They require less labor, less equipmeilt

W A S H I N C T O N .

and IffiB t^plll), tBalfTiTTiitrrg^ par bundredr^unds of concentrates fed, reproduce themselves faister and in

num^n of mqn^ than a^y .otiMr

WESTSOCSD NO. 49—Dail lpaJi°lBuiiaanbiijt]

intermediate poiBta,Jl:4(LaJis. Ifo. 21^Dsily loeal to HtoriaMifaarg,

5r00 p. m W. H. TAYmi .&iaJ!^J(Igr : H. F. QABY,Cioa.Paaa.Ag>. ^ ^

City People Wiig^aa: Eggs and Butter—

Metal Cwrier Is .coiiBequ<!nc! i KUBil-•^eriD'cooEJna 1 ^ ^ ^•


Various sizes priced hom 75 centa iqi

Send for catalogue and paitic-ulars. Meta! Carrieni^Jast for years—no breakase. No w,aD,. in^o,I .I .S;:ZS^„|l7;;", '->'; ,"^,''

DimN&MAgTHCO: 7 h * « B ^ peTCcatesr-tiHitls

1215 F St. ana 1ZI4<18 G-St;r -•>sn>ii«>Bt&i«>Bip«Tfw» ^ .

W AS H l N G T O i t ^ i > « X ^

of stock wUl All Unda

bcnoflt from thcBfc—AK trt^k hsy can be eibatitnted In fne anch eomcauUat— — wlHK^ and cttttonse^'meal for* both dairy and beef: cattler Red. AlsUttf t^aweet ^ v e r and field peas are fens ntitri-tlotis, but they are nevertheless move valuable than timothy; reiOtbp. occband snuB or otfrK^UKfeemnM.

Ftnrthennert, tbp «KtIthriag valpe «( a legumloous crop neied not be when It Is fed. From 79 to 90 per c ^ .

Every thi

My line embraces Staple and Fancy GrocerieH

Queensware, Hii and Enamdware

COME » AmKCMffwm


New WaM Paper Our new stock baa aiw r>>ea. W»sriH heyannw-of last jeaPaekock at IIM old pfiee. T it b afi sold.

Foote'sWaBPaperHoKe "Sonirt of Love a m i War ," a

coUectJoB of t h e beat poems of the late Dr. H. M Clarkson, $ 1 . 0 0 postpaid Address THE J O U R N A L , MaAaas&s. Virgrinia

•r« retomed In whtrie or Us-part to the soil tbcgr iilerease its nltiettH contMtr and thus promote the growth of the tA-towlag crept—A thliyl adrantage br their tise to tlw faet that WIIBU fua to live stod^ the! resnltlBi: ttaBnce baa a s impsaallr high fertUfilBg vataK

Cader. ordinary .dccBBtataaoaa. tba beat <ray ttf dlspoec afthei».crops la lo iced tncm to live stock.

givalur "tarn, orer' ai

The hog has no rival as a constuner of byproducts,, imd bnt fbrblm homier-oos unmarketable materials ^Ight b« wasted. Kitchen refuse, not wiiy ftbni farms, but k'lso from botela and res-tanrtota, when rttokBd- befAra lee^jag makes an excellent diet: ~ "~

The value of sklmmtlk as i hog fieed is known on every fann,. though not always fully appreciated. In the nel^--boriiood of Jaigr'dairies i>oi& piodqo-tlon is a very prominent and lucratfre stipplemwitAirtfafi dairy ladustsy-- .

The hog Is also a tarfci factor In

"A ^nctrola in Every Home ^9f^'^.*S9inT^aQn^Mhj there should4>e^Kaittn's Kg stock y and the fact that

you can buy on your own terms in reason; makef this possible. -" . -^^nteman "who ii woi

Saiis, providing the t day's work

In S « open every day and all day at top speed for Uncle for die natioiv NEEDS some sort of recreation after the

a maxnnuiir'

ip[oga ftOowtng steers have tn 4ia]l7 steer 1»]r

from 16 to 18. But hogs a!

Fe«r are tlie gaadMers - wto- are-a»' fSi timato as nevur to haw mttb tbtit yoong plants destroyed by cntwonns. ~~It Is perfectly possible tp destroy these pests, however. A eeauBoa and •Mettve remedy is the potsoned bait, vblch ia mixed and applied as follows:

Take a bushel of dry bran, add a pound of white arsenic or paris green

THE VICTI^LA jS A NECE.<»ITY TODAY-because it provides amount of pleasure at a minimum expenditui'e of energy. The tired out<|oor-worker is loathed leave his easy chair, his pipe, and his slippers for even Uie most appealing entertainment elsewhere, but will gladly sit hours and luten to his favorite opera, band music, po|]lular songs, recitations, violin, piano, or Hawaiian guitar selections, etc, pUyed ON THE VICTROLA, and find the keen-est.eiqoyment in them; mental diversion, physical relaxation, and spiritual upBft.



NOW AT KANN^—Home of'Siiperior Service

Home of SEALE3> rec<rirda

This b VictroU No. IV 2 ..

--ptber-VktroU^ in fiiiiihe ^ prices frtMn $15 to $300 Tkis is Victrob ^o. DC ..

urruuiTDWin ar i i; ::^ff :i3»iv:«y

JB«rt \A9tomatic vFMrm Gale tfn> the MaHcet

tiie^8oU~lf the manure frost tbr Bra stock i«jinr«>ad nrMnnttv UiA nmnTtr

tStBr _ Regain

to the Uve stock. Folr'vSMota reasoQs, however,' MHMI

Mt always'keep mflklent Hve s to^ to ' ' :«tteacfe«WMM4ee4he-M«ato«|

at the son. tJmlcr soch dr-cnmstances a snbstltnto mast hefoona. and the most avallaMs one ia a i l u w iiitn*. caBed, when vnth caneo, WUMI VOWS

parpose, a green maaim erep. Bjr _pwWlBg nttrterjjili trnp hnnnw Is odd,-eS- to the sttf ta mwA^ the MUM m y Aatlt_la-hj:. apvUea Baeaose they also add attravM are jDore deatraUe grsai •as ina crqpa tboB BotUegamea

Plowed imder icrops, however, otovt ««sl7 produce no direct return, and foe

P«a«l>fc that the same land shewW prodtice durmg the seisbo ooe crop for

and OB* crop tor gun , m^ auR. In the soothsm part of aie huiAtaa- iiii^g- gisjii, sarlj jMHHuei and a number of other crops are har­vested anffldently early for thsp-to be followed by a cttA crop, as a «to» f oDowtng the mafat oae is caBed.

Whea there Is no time to gtow a •«> tad crop hafor» coLii w^tw

SfflnKSMTM wbtsc eovar eiepa. ' • three parpeaas SrsL to

ioat MMBd^ tojvetoct the laad ssilast owsfca; thbd, to oappty wtoter pas-tarage. In the sprtag they sheoid b« twaed Tinder for fttm moaia*. a«d' rtWBT, (.niususi cIoTer and iMlry vetch mm\i iuul cBTer ciops In tlie aurth. A eoamoB practice Is to adx haliT vetch *1th rye.

Foodl«g th« Cow. Tb*- d«lrr row must hare a ration

from which rhf oaa prodnrp milk » .TOO oxpert hr- to make a profitable re­turn for itip r--!

eight sauces at wator,-ta wUeh bsen stlned a half aalloii of sorritaai

(Arswitand nisshs, hsndls

HaviOir bioM t the agency j^r Priace WQiiiB Coonty, we are now ready to offer to ttu»t«blic lEel estfarBMESteon theinarkeEr

soDd iron ftame and beat i^ade of heavy wire. \

A child can operate it. This gate opens from yWi regardless of the Brectb>Qir<m B|({S<Su !r!t'

^ It can be apaaged ao jfeu dPn't have to st<v; d«rt8 as easily as itnpwui _ _ •-!-

Fill Your a ia With The 1»AJP£G Eosilagre Cotter Ut. c k . Robtuon. North I^ukUh. Oania,

who opegitea a ISj" »-fcp"l« P«pgc cnttor wMi P. sas(4hM eagtae, wrftea

eao caaa tbora wars B tWo-tafSrsa teama. and I was wlthent

.. a)M^_aM|thlnl »t fha Uma ..Aaattafc oaaa r S S r T S ^ a s U r and Ti» WttraLmHi MA tbmt OOBU not keep mo ~ svoack atn anaa^nma

1 rBBnlna oa tea: aa. at rsvnhi

f\iir 8lb@ 0i(e cnx M^ new; d^Krtat

Onr ' repreeentstive . wm call upon yoo.

We goarantee thu gate to ds' thoroBtfi into 'Mg' rt " all wc dMni fbrit. oryoarxaoner:

refunded. Only V^2M. MEETZE

aboot four or five acres of colttvated cTQiis. After the-iaaah_haa-4aadLfhi MVeral hoars, acattel It Ih HIBWI i Out ttat-at a matble cpvsr the

XtsstB^arf Vi imtwiiliiftgainiT and about the bass* «f the plhoto i oat Apply late la the day so oa to jrfaee'the. potsoa. aboat tlie._riluiti_hfeL fore night, whkd^ 'k the. time whea the eatwosms are aetlTe. Asvir

. Plaatias **aaN P«to Mot many jt:kt% ago i had

barrels of potatoes, all aboat the alas «r a saaS hean egg; wtttea a New T«*t farmer la Aacricaa Agricalt«i>-1 ^ ^ ist. lite barer did aot want thi ' I sorted out a -load, and they

•gThfraeia wwr ssiall potatees wen bushfled ap at etaflag time sad the best sorted sat «SF plaated Jose O. The SsM of actca yielded Kb bushels to the acta. I prefer a potato of nataial rias^ est ths potetoss toto foor wheto pototoes ai* eartlarthaa the cat

, Dairy Stabto Floors. Only caoe<et«. floors shoold be psr:

mttted In a dairy bam. They cost more, perbapa. ortgiaally. bat tfaer ara the chp«p€«t in the Ions mn. Tor one tklnfc. rhey make it possible tn gave aome of the liQuld mannr*. a v.r-r r«in-• Me ; , .:.

is made from best materials. i«ked in an ap4o»da^ oveii* handled by nest, dean, car*. ful workmo). Askjfor it— accept QO. other. Wndso" haye a nice QUICK LUNCH COUHTBLwhefe-yes-eui Hmjl gvf rtflti-fil^iiliUdfcPil

J. M. BELL Admlaistwad for

l a f T a a ^ Pafe-


M peeideirho tore h « l l ^ aad ti** jhlt ttnffrr • J. J. Con^CT'-Manaaa^a, Vm - Mf»«Vw fjfrar Nukae



C. Boilding. ?•

ajHew Garage! _ j[.viH be open 'for bnsi>

aess Jime 2 at RandalTs Garage. Call aa me for

'~AutoRepairing,GasoHne Oil, Tirea, Ete.

D. C. Yates,

-Npy feasdy Iqr Your Intp^ctjon T We are showing this season, we think, one of the inoet varied and up;;t(>^te lines ever 8ho¥m in ManaBBas. We wre showinir a beautiful hipe of Ae Sport Goods in many different material^ Also a nice Hite of Silk and Cotton Pcmlins, Chiffon Taffeta. Etc S t i u T ^ ' y "°*°^ nrnteriakjotoe for CommenSrSS

Shoes! 1 ShoM! Shoes! Shoes! the facttmesat last we are goii bu5"

We have seve aSMd) sizes—if yi HALF THE ORI T We invite your

. _ ' —o ^rSre^^ I wajrnnd«rto-d«iy'»fflapket, bat while they

to give oar q«tnmws advMiti^ of our ear^

tables full of Pumps and Oxfoixfa—moBtJy I ^ ^ X ? ! i ^ r ^ * ^ "* yo*"* *t less than rINAL PfaCES.

inspection. gla3 to show, our goods,.

M anassaa. \ ' =

^liether you want ,to ouy or not

. CAMPER & JENKINS T.he I .adies Store* Manas&aA, \ a

Page 7: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~




. . .

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• ^ •

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itj;^^i^ii;>!i;j i-v-

• ' " ' ' - ' ^ i i ' --'

Merry•C»o4touiKi and-Ofe«' AmusCTc irts

Exeqdiedsr, lUid Biing the Chfldreii.: Meet Y<wg Old FriendiF »^ HAW a Good Tme y -


Page 8: niB^ ffiAD& m^jsm mM'fMsmmMeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · next Friday-«r«mBCt on-ih ]tik~


^ > HkUkYMMtii^l^*'

Mr. David Hnjgahj ot Alexan-

-Ifiui HILL™„

At a meetiog of the Coles di»-triftt wrhnol board Satur<iay aft

*FiV^i»Bbiotiier, Mi-. WiUiani e^eon, teaeTSSTIwirrppornted Hulftsh. of BaJtimore. gpeot Satw ^^ foUnyg; . • day Here »s the sruesta of Mayor Hayfleld, Mrs. Nettie Wright;

fish. iTw lBintRSRen, wfco-«pe PiJtseiriliM Mary WeberfGold Ridge, Mr. W. Y. Ellicott; Hor-tons. Miss Rena Ellicott; AVood-bine.

^ " • i l O N E HOo.^?**^

faster Hamilton Swart enter-tainad B numter ^ bi« iittkc friends at a patriotic celebration Oft the Fourth of Jnly at HaxeTT

former residents but have tK>t been here for some time, ex­pressed pleasurable surprise in the Haymarket improvements, notably the change in road cop-

tiie ditiona after motoring over new tarspike.

It has been so wet this week, rain having fallen nearly every day for some time, that the farm­ers are much delayed in their work. Corn, however,' is looking well and bids fair to be the'best crop of the yeai. J


Services will be held at the < Baptist~Church Stmtntj at 11-a. m. aadS.p._ffii The pastor, Rev. W. L. Naff, will preach at the

^oming services. Mrs. S. L. Rotter went to Wash­

ington Wednesday to see her hus­band who is ill in a hospital in that city. It is reported that Mr. Rotter is improving rapidly and could return but that the atten-dants believe-it best that he re-main until strong enough to re­turn trithntit dnngpr nf ft relapse

Mr. C. H. Barren, of theoffi-

Miss Mvrtle Herrill, and Smithfield/ Miss Elsie Fairbanks, prinoipal, and Mis^Lwri Strobert,

cers' tratmnfreaaap atFitij:j;.Myyi accompanied by his-^ther, was the, guestof Mr. and Mrn. C. D.

TAhinwp y^ hnme m Waaiugg ton Sanday^yemuBg.

Mr. Carl Patti^ <rf motored to the ViHlffe Sfiiiday in his Ford.

Mr. J c ^ S. Gtfter, wte htt enlisted in the anny, apeiDt the week-end in Haynuukel

Mrs. Elmer L Carmthers and children, of CharlottesviUe, have returned to tiieiir hpmf ufter a visit of several wwkaterdativeB here. She was aeeooqianied- by her sister, Mrs. W. H. ^url^.

Mr. C. iL Sfaittey. of W y h i ^ ton, visited his Itrofter, Mr. W. H, Shirley. tMfl WCdc.———"

Mr. D&yJBmi LecaMiH?. -WP

assistant. llie meeting of the Hayfield

School and Civic League Friday evenidg was a decided success. A very interesting and helpful program, which except for a few chaagea was printedin an earlier issue of THE JOUBNAL, was pre-, senfted to a capacity crowd.—^~

COUNTY AGENT SPEAKS Mr. C. A. Montgomery, county

dembnstnition agent, gave a prac­tical talk on by lantern slides, discussing the importance of selecting pure breeds and utility types, methods of itnproving the flock -and the care and feeding of the hens.

Mewrg. M. Oleyar, Arthur Woodyardr R. L^ Huiton and-E. D. Merrill were appointed acom-

aFmnffe~& program for the next meetiAg on Friday, Aa* guBt40=—^ - —

Miss Hilda Tiaiaker of Baltimore,

^ - L ^ ^ : . , - ? » ^ nj : I »•» at Bellfair MtirfTuesdar^

txr^r ""

Sunday was

School at Rfllnhav^n

j^ternoon. Misses Annah Woolfenden and

KtJpp visitor Thurbf Mills,- IrSffli day. _ M r , i L . avillfi, spent Frid^ night with-hiaJuroth-«r, Mr. J. L. Hinton.



Swart. The little folk marched to the luncheon table under the treea bo the trmme

airs. A large Liberty bell, deco­rated with streamers of red, white and blue, was suspended from the branches over their heads. The favors were little caps in the patriotic colors, which were immediately donned by the guests. -

The Stone House Gk)od House­keepers' Club gave its third an­nual picnic to the children of the neighborhood on Wednesday, July 11. The attendance was as large as usual in spite of the thi^atening weathei-. The picnic

poultry, illustrated] was given St Sudley Church. Miss Apnie Laurie Swart was

the guest of honor at a surprise party given Friday evening in celebration of her birthday. The entertainment consisted of music and games, after which delight­ful refreshments were served.

Miss Gladys Dawson, of Oeco-qnan, haa hfiCtn viaiting a t tht,

|||P>J.r?l|igMir * * offVtTb V^^V'HF***l*C£

MS., wito is weeks' inusation

spending a few at the^home of

Mr. 8. Lung, was uu Uie sick list Sunday and Jdonday.


• Mr. William WOAn after a brief stay in this commamtjir. ye-

S. ClifklOTrSanday; ' Mr. Greorge W,. Dnt£ sr., who

has been the gdtot of Mr.>[..C. Jacobs for several weeks, has re-tiirned tn ^IflTatidijaiO QM^ Jas son, G^rge W. Boptz, jr., who has returned ^om a trip toBock ton.


MrP«Bkgwo^ mg two weeks' vacation here. Kopp neiflMxM iood,

lUtnoanein timore. , ^ Mr. apd Mrs. Geon^e W. R ^ zer, of Manassais, spent several

last week viaitipg firi^ds

home of Mr. and Mrs. H» L. Hond-fey?^ — - —


Mr. J. S. Storke was in Manas­sas Friday.

Mr. Allen Liming; of Jopltn, motored to Kopp Sunday and was the guest of Mr. Thomas Wcfbifenden.

Word reached Kopp Saturday night that Mr. Herbert Cole, for­merly of Kopp, was very ill at his home in Washington. His mother and brothai, Mrs. P. M. Cole and Mr, Philip €©te, left for Washington Sunday .morning.


Mr. Thomas Woolfenden visi­ted at Bellfair Mills Saturday.

A crowd of young people en­joyed a straw ride to Hay£eld School Friday evening to hear Mr. Montgomery's lecture at the meeting of the Hayiield League.

Com crops thrpufi^lhiaseetion are in fine condition.

Mr. Oalvin Duzm. of Quantico, passed through here Thursday.

Mr, Lee Davis, of Bellfair


Having determined to devote our whole time to the Real Estate and Insurance businesal we hereby solicit all property for sale and request those having property to I'st the same with us prcHnptly.

W« promiM to imml lairlj with all sad wUI fly* tiM baaiaMi oar bwt >tt—Una

C. J . MEETZE & CO. t c«iM.I.C.B«IUfaia

The monthly mooting_of the Civic and Schoe ImpK>vemettt Leagae washeld Monday evouog; | ^ ainSunl paid-It was decided to change the night of meeting^back to the dd

Friday in e v ^ W. N. Ijpscomb, month. Tfaefc^wingckHhimtteo was appointed to arrapgts the ^ o -gram for Friday, Aogost Si | ^ Virginia^Lee, liias Mamse Nidit and Mf. G. n. Waa}upgtop;

"MK C W. Storke; furmer ppi tor of Otk Brio Boptidt Cfcarch.

Mpinit thfl w^Jr imil at "RpringJalp "

Miwea Ekde Fairbanks, Btoiet SiiQpMQ, Jfinnif Bril. J t e i v d Irene Fttre^ MyrtieMorriD and Anoabel Graeff and Meaan.

•4eh«rie8 Ltptimi. Leafie Menr^

glad to k } a |

vrfO be hMM in a weeJE or tii«v

sonic instructor f<Hr this ^vision, was in town several days this week.


Miss Bessie Forsyth, who haa been viaitiug at Madfawi MiB^ has returned to her home at

Edward Hart, Eugoie Lombard, K D. Merrai^aBd4tay Fairbmks y d i fa . CdgaBcatvCTB wereSto' day viBtMS at Hillsdale lanxi.

MISS MKRRHJ. HOSTESS Mian Myrtle Menrtll anKtftained

at a play party Taeeday.evoung. The evening waa-apent

at tbatdklneh on Sonday, Jnly 29, at l U . m.

Themany-frie Mayfaogfa will be

CiOJuEp TO OAK DALE Rev. Bamett Grimsley, of Cul-

pepor, has accepted a eai\ hem thettek Dale Churelu ServieeB {Mrs. Lewis, b o ^ and loom will be Jield the ^agd Sunday | i l « . Weir, room mcHning at 11 b'doek atOak Dale TITH t*W» third SniMtKr-r''-""ifi>' So'doek.

Statenacnt of G, Raymond Ratdiffe, Treasurer of Gypsy ^nSE« Jr.,.!* und. ~ '

To amount received from collections , . . $881 43 To amonilt received from sale of tabernacle. 300 00

TttigusiTcri^ 1 SI duct my business on a stricdy cash basts. By

this system I will save

*So|~~B| |^nnim in Washington

has accepted a position in Quan-tico.

Mr. W. T. Jones made a buai-dess trip to Manassas Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Holmes and their son Alton and Mr. Bry­an Norman and his sister, "Mtej- you one to two per cent-Maud, were guests of Mrs. M. C. Holmes and Miss Hattie Cole Sunday.

Miss Ilae Luck, who has been the guest of Miss Bertha Wool­fenden, returned Thursday to her home at Independent Hill.

on all purchases. Come in and ask prices before b u y i n g else­where.

Hopingta^iiare: A^or-r tion of your trade; I am, ; Yours to serve,

C. R. KELLY SpiUeft ey Staarf Hamssas, Vi.



Brown & Hqoff, lumber, &cv for taBeniade Jno. R Hottel, work on tabconacle . . .

Bmacte, Geo. L. Rosenberger, wiring, fixtures, &c. . Newman & Trusl^, making sign and bann^ Comwell Supply Co., supplies. . . . . ;.• Manassas Journal PuUishing Go., printing , S^S^B^&Jsaaiam, axxf^Meo-Mrs. Adftmson, suM^es^^ ..—. . , v- r W. S. Athey^hauliBig. . . . . . ^ .

$428 24 149 10

1 50 46 50

7 15 4 50

^ 2 5


water pipe. Geo. W. BeH, watchman.

B r

^sr rS . Smili^ watclunair V -

0. C. Leachmim, Treasurer, ligbt bill Dr. H : U . Roop« te^aar on laano . - *

er QMa ry, Ihai, Hopwri T^PsophaiNaUoDid Book, interest x»i.k)an .

Gypey^Samtbi f^r Miss Hoaglax^ Ozgaocist • •' " ' Mr.Cote3eader . . .


a n d a u y «4^;atfaemjt-a«)ff^ ^ ^ a hqgc&bonfire.

Among the guests were Misses Hope Hiil/HUda Tasker. Myrtie BesfilhgtiUi, Annabel Graeli;, Annsfe Woolfenden, Rose Llpt<m.

Wooisey; ; '. ~ '•*"" • ' -, • Miss Nanm> Osbdta entertain­

ed the members of the Jq^or Aox-iliary Wednesday rgftemw^zB; her home outnde tiie village.

Miss J. Wilkiiij, irf •yarftlng;^

te». /uKKnas

at^the-.-Peters home for a few days.

Sunday-Hwraing at th^ osnai hour Rev. Dr. Kennedy, of the

Elngene and Howai d Hill and Mr. and Urn J A Rin

Theclogical^minary, will preach at St. Paul's Chnreh »nA a^ftnin^

diseases and diaordors are repnrt-jediaihisooimminily. Sineethey anmll camiBd by the dlaguaUn^ dittj home fly the

ister the Holy (ybnunoaioo. Mr. R. B. GoemmastJaiSa^

was in town TnmSaifr'Ttt: Goe-som is recovering fron^a painful experience when a piece of reii^ flew Into hta «ye.

r UKt3» 1 a U I U j

Mr. and MzB^J. F. Dunn and their turned to WashingtM visit to reiativea here.

Mrs. L. E. JLaA


ktt very ilL - •

Mr. Harvey Tapsoott haa ao-cepted a pciaition at QvBnticp.

Messrs. R. W. Abet and J. C Dunn have been on ^ e ^ek list

Mrs. WiU», of Washington, hw been vidting at tbe hwnaefMfBt Mitchell Bettis.

Mr. J. C. Dunn made a buai-n PSF trip to ManassM recbutly.

Mis5 A. C. Dunn and her little r/cK'p Katie spent last week in Washington.

Ruth Lintaa andlhellillrMeMrfc-George and Ray Furbanks, Geo. Oleyar, Mar Wotim*. Karl and

Miss VirginiaLee^ of Colendn, N. c," to viaiting her parental

Ifra. Batjamin Vakw^ of Pittsbnigfa, Pa., who has been-ataying at the home af Mr. aafd " T 7 T fifmk, JsviiitiTjifrtiiffiT ttmortQId..

Walter Wootfenden; C&arlea Li^ xniwaifr

preaantatieir of fortha- argoment sboold be nnnoecaoaiy to eenpel the tenninatioD of thia of


sdnol hooae list Friday eveniiig. ^B ataoaptiare Jt^ eBtfaoaiaam prevailed throdglnat the meet-

_ ^ dresaea were made 1^ Supt Qiarles R. McDonakl, Hon. C. J. Meetze, Mr. Ledman and Mi>: J. M. Rpil,—A nmyryn nf ^^ tatKms w a k n a t e e d ^ tfaepu^ SiU and byHra. J. M. BdI,"of

lanassas. "friiififuT jfold ^i»KieS~

^^eented to"TkGss Mildred Bar­ren of Manassas, who has taught at Bacon Race for tiie past two years, as an expression of tte toye and respect of theachod children of the community. The address of presentation was made hf-Ur. IdeetM Miaa Haczel ex. pressed her thanks and ber deep

HOLSS^EMONSTBATION Mim Marie T.<i«yhp^Mi, nf Bwa.

tow, home demcmstratioii agent fur Brentaville dlaltkit, gave-r agfming demonstration at Gretii-widi MiMidior. ^

Mr. G. H. WasbingtMt ap^t irfierneon at "Bm^it^

5 OO 50 OO

14 5 2f»i 4 09

100 00^ 100 OO 45 00 75 00 lOJKL


The way to make two blades of rass grown where one does now: uy the celebrated Magnesium

Lime frcmi Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has l ^ n sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for tl ft j»at ihe. m $ i i 8 t 4a 5wn^-fi»*Jf<«nt3rad^i

_ ^ducedr^them all, and the reason icr it is because Tt containsJIags^ aesium and Oxide of Iron imight proportion to Calcium Carbonate, and the tlhited States A^cuL-tund Department in Year Bcek

. XSSL mge 161, states that UagT nodum is absolutely necessary te plant growth and nothing else will take its place. Send orders toJCoi3»ell Supply Co.. Mimas aM , Va.; A. S. Rober^m. Well. Iiigion^ Va.,- M. Rollins, Bijstbi

.uffltiar ^ ' • » « UficLlQjis-and-BunftJdU-havepi^^i^eQtioor

fUesbirg Lime Co., IBC B. V. WHTiytJIianager


fplendidly equipped for tije TRAINING OP TEACHERS, birty-fourth session opens September 12 1917. For catalogue

J. L. JARMAN, President. address 98

Efedrkat Neeis

tam'» appnsd ly Arlsvi-sf MjMiM'tkm

A m « Ml trnktm ttat

G. LetvinetMi


l%giiua Fofytechnk I ^ ^ ^

cultural amiH^Medhuuiical Col^i^ BjLACKSBURG, V M G t N I A

Fifte^i degree courses in Agricoltare, EBgineerine, General iad Applied Sd-«ice; two-year agricaltqrml coarse. FunerB' Winter Coarae. Unit of Reserve

" " —^ Br EGGLESTON, PymiuKNT.— 7-j-«

tMteerrTrsinin^ &»rpH. Ap(^ to Registrar for Catalogue.

mitage." • • ^ Miss Carrie Lee, who has been

visUing fiiends in WashiimtfliBr ban rrtnrmrd tit GmmTrif h

Miss- Lnla Mayh&gh spent the week-end with Miss Janie BrmS^ otHaymaiiEet

Sunday f^uudeMaUa.


School will hold Children's 9 s oiiSoBdsy, AmostS, .^

8 p. m. AB are cordially invited to attend.

Misses Ganie and Florrie Lee and Measrs. E T R . Fitzho^, Rcimt Kakey and. Robert bee

laecd—ts HarrisBBbnrg and Loray ttve^ODT^i^day, retom* ing on the foUowiag day by #ay

Praaideat WDMQ haa ealtod oiMl>rinui&eraof«te eoonlxy to do tbair part in tfao werid war—to gto-

dnoe btnar and better eropa tbaa airar bafora. vrai~ rag halp VUgljila do bar aharet-^grow yoorbest for Unela Bam aoir—then ahow irttat yon hava alcoc wita aeoreac^otbarloyal Virginia Fannera, at (faa

laCHtllOND, V/U WEEK OF OCT. 8-IS, 1917.

M A N A S S A S . VA.

f «n arwr iludiwlat, Am ItlT Fair wfll ba tiMjbMrt ea i dBwtaMt. Woodacfal < •viMM BtaakTtov B kuisra trmm all pwta O^m Suta-

b i i

-IN CAsiimizES-$6<voe» oal pTodaaM—Ml

r •* tk« IHT rate. _1>« I

asiT naamiH CAI A]aeiaBMM«.Se(yirglB]a SUta Fair News. w y S ~

giTMtetare^tfBff pwtienlara aboottbaeoniM^IMk. Writa tor Wtm aopiaa Utimf awl fat poatol

L^^V ' . to'.-:-: Ail >rw^"':»

Orange. Miss Virgiaia Jones, of Fairfaj^

is the guest of Miss Hla Rod MA. R. H, Lea, Miss Virgi:

Lee and Messrs. Robert and Harry Lee and G. R. Washington were Gainesville visiton^ontey

H e n r y KTField & Co-

I eremn?. . ! Mr. Earl DeGrange spent San- i

ihcious refreshments were day afternoon with Mr. I 'v; Bfc-served by m^nbers of the league.' Clannahan. KEENE Y ta. '

ni jiodier, Smgles, Laths, Dows, Sadi, _^ ^iiuis and Building Material


Office; No. 115 N. Union Street Factory; No. I l l N. Lee Street. ALEXANDRIA, VA.I


__ Work J i i^

FffiST NATIONAL BAlff. A T . M i r j k i y p i M A . yrjL„

tnWTOKiTKP DxPOSITQiaT 0 » TMM.-1 TTwTq>«n, S T A T B S ,

*lfc UiriTKD

AID DSUVISSS tioo.oee Moojj55_

B.L.BOOTHl, lf.B.HA.jaOW O.K.WABjrmiD, J. p. l i t™ WArmmaoaxKTs. • BARB in

_ DOUOLASS STDAJtT ftOMPt attaatiaa tram ui .11 <».<»... ,&.

BiniriamaaatBaiiwiataat t>i' OaUadataL* -^ ^

Omyersity of Tii iiimr Head of Pabiic School Srttem of YinW^

- DeP*BTMENTS EKPRESEKTED " CoBece, Gradiuite, U w , Medi-

COM, rAxmnxmma m y LOAM PUIOSAVAajkBLE

•o ifaatii iiiu^ atuclBuU $10 W ocrert »1* ooata to Vixgmia atodpntu .n i^e Acadi Dep*rtn)«nt». Swiid fcr-*u.. ,r

HOWARD WINSTi'N r., -- i^.