Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Newsletter JUNE 2018 - 1 - NEWSLETTER of the Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. No. 109 EXTRACT June 2018 PO Box 2635, Mount Waverley, Victoria, 3149 Web address: www.dsv.org.au Registration: A0035189A DSV philosophy: Through awakening consciousness, we are empowered with knowledge and skills to unconditionally serve others. NEXT MEETING Sunday 17 June 2018 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Our last meeting was held at our temporary venue, Ashwood Hall in the suburb of Ashwood, while our usual hall is being extensively renovated. Hopefully we can return to the Mount Waverley Community Centre for our August meeting. The temporary venue was quite good in that it was ours to use alone. However, it’s a longer walk further from the nearest station (Jordanville) and there are no shops or cafes close by. The biggest downside is that there is no available storage there for the DSV. Committee member, Stefan Bock is doing an amazing job. He is taking away our equipment and shop items to store and bringing everything back for our Ashwood meetings. That’s a lot of toing and froing! Also, Robert Griffiths kindly took the library books home and will bring them back for the next meeting. Our grateful thanks to both. Stefan was honoured with Life Membership to the DSV for his ongoing involvement. He flies quietly under the radar, yet contributes so much. At the AGM meeting in April, the entire DSV Committee was reelected and I thank everyone for their continued dedication to the DSV. While no one new volunteered to stand for the Committee, we are to receive some additional support. Heather and I have presented to a number of different groups, which is always rewarding. In “spreading the word”, new people learn about the DSV too. Heather and I both run dowsing workshops from time to time so if you’d like to learn more about dowsing please contact either of us. Looking forward to seeing you on 17 June at our temporary new hall which is on Electra Avenue (running off Huntingdale Road, between High Street and the Jordanville station). We’ll put some balloons up outside to indicate our location, MEL 61 A11. Lyn Wood, President NEXT MEETING Time & Date: 1.45 pm for 2.00 pm start, Sunday 17 June 2018 Place: Ashwood Hall (Large Hall) 21a Electra Avenue, Ashwood Runs off Huntingdale Rd, near Jordanville Station) Melways: 61 A11 Plenty of easy parking. OUR NEXT MEETING DSV President, Lyn Wood, is presenting at the next DSV meeting on Sunday 17 June 2018. Lyn will speak about “Dowsing Properties” and how she was first introduced to dowsing. She feels very privileged to have learned directly from George Williams who founded the DSV. DSV President, Lyn Wood

No.!109!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXTRACT!!!!!June!2018! - The Dowsing ... Newsletter No 109 June...Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Newsletter JUNE 2018 - 3 - doingwith!your!own!dowsing.!Please!write!

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Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Newsletter JUNE 2018 - 1 -

NEWSLETTER of the Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc.  

No.  109                                        EXTRACT          June  2018  

PO  Box  2635,  Mount  Waverley,  Victoria,  3149      Web  address:  www.dsv.org.au   Registration:  A0035189A                                                                      

DSV  philosophy:  Through  awakening  consciousness,  we  are  empowered  with  knowledge  and  skills  to  unconditionally  serve  others.    

NEXT  MEETING  Sunday  17  June  2018  


Our  last  meeting  was  held  at  our  temporary  venue,  Ashwood  Hall  in  the  suburb  of  Ashwood,  while  our  usual  hall  is  being  extensively  renovated.  Hopefully  we  can  return  to  the  Mount  Waverley  Community  Centre  for  our  August  meeting.    

The  temporary  venue  was  quite  good  in  that  it  was  ours  to  use  alone.  However,  it’s  a  longer  walk  further  from  the  nearest  station  (Jordanville)  and  there  are  no  shops  or  cafes  close  by.  The  biggest  downside  is  that  there  is  no  available  storage  there  for  the  DSV.  Committee  member,  Stefan  Bock  is  doing  an  amazing  job.  He  is  taking  away  our  equipment  and  shop  items  to  store  and  bringing  everything  back  for  our  Ashwood  meetings.  That’s  a  lot  of  toing  and  froing!  Also,  Robert  Griffiths  kindly  took  the  library  books  home  and  will  bring  them  back  for  the  next  meeting.  Our  grateful  thanks  to  both.  

Stefan  was  honoured  with  Life  Membership  to  the  DSV  for  his  ongoing  involvement.  He  flies  quietly  under  the  radar,  yet  contributes  so  much.  

At  the  AGM  meeting  in  April,  the  entire  DSV  Committee  was  re-­elected  and  I  thank  everyone  for  their  continued  dedication  to  the  DSV.  While  no  one  new  volunteered  to  stand  for  the  Committee,  we  are  to  receive  some  additional  support.    

Heather  and  I  have  presented  to  a  number  of  different  groups,  which  is  always  rewarding.  In  “spreading  the  word”,  new  people  learn  about  the  DSV  too.    

Heather  and  I  both  run  dowsing  workshops  from  time  to  time  so  if  you’d  like  to  learn  more  about  dowsing  please  contact  either  of  us.  

Looking  forward  to  seeing  you  on  17  June  at  our  temporary  new  hall  which  is  on  Electra  Avenue  (running  off  Huntingdale  Road,  between  High  Street  and  the  Jordanville  station).  We’ll  put  some  balloons  up  outside  to  indicate  our  location,  MEL  61  A11.    

Lyn  Wood,  President    

NEXT  MEETING  Time  &  Date:  

1.45  pm  for  2.00  pm  start,  Sunday  17  June  2018    Place:  

Ashwood  Hall  (Large  Hall)  21a  Electra  Avenue,  Ashwood  

Runs  off  Huntingdale  Rd,  near  Jordanville  Station)    Melways:  61  A11  

Plenty  of  easy  parking.  


DSV  President,  Lyn  Wood,  is  presenting  at  the  next  DSV  meeting  on  Sunday  17  June  2018.  

Lyn  will  speak  about  “Dowsing  Properties”  and  how  she  was  first  introduced  to  dowsing.  She  feels  very  privileged  to  have  learned  directly  from  George  Williams  who  founded  the  DSV.  

 DSV  President,  Lyn  Wood  

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Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Newsletter JUNE 2018 - 2 -

If  you  are  interested  in  having  a  property  checked  out  and  cleared,  you  can  contact  Lyn  Wood  directly:  

Call  (03)  8759  3182  or  0409  839  581.    

Please  note  Lyn  has  a  brand  new  email  address:    [email protected]  


We  were  pleased  to  welcome  Keith  Hulstaert  to  present  at  our  DSV  April  2018  meeting,  after  the  AGM.  Keith  has  a  busy  healing  practice  offering  Hypnotherapy  and  Meridian  Tapping.  

He  arrived  dressed  as  though  embarking  to  walk  The  Camino  de  Santiago  in  Spain  again.  (The  term  means  Way  of  St  James  and  refers  to  different  routes  leading  to  north  western  Spain.)    

Many  of  us  agreed,  we  would  need  more  luggage  to  go  away  for  a  weekend,  let  alone  days  on  end,  with  so  many  weather  variables!    

 Keith  Hulstaert,  dressed  as  though  ready  to  trek  The  

Camino  again  

As  Keith  explained,  the  experience  actually  was  a  very  personal.  He  and  his  adult  daughter  intend  walking  The  Camino  together  in  2019  

You  can  find  out  more  details  about  Keith  Hulstaert  and  his  healing  practice  in  nearby  Wantirna  South:  

•  Online:  www.secretpath.com.au  •  Mobile:  0409  546  549  •  Email:    [email protected]    



Thanks  to  DSV  Members,  Kathy  and  Richard,  for  their  fascinating  contribution.  

We  are  on  a  truly  fantastic  journey,  one  that  centres  around  understanding  our  dowsing  gifts.  A  while  back  we  checked  the  forums  page  on  the  British  Dowsers’  website  and  had  quite  a  chuckle.  It  seems  the  most  popular  topic  was  picking  Lottery  numbers.  After  reading  many  posts  it  was  clear  little  success  was  won  with  most  people  giving  up  in  frustration  and  going  back  to  prior  methods  of  selecting  numbers.  Never  shy  of  a  challenge  (truth  be  known,  we  love  them),  we  decided  to  try  ourselves  to  see  if  we  could  win  Tattslotto.  

 It  is  still  early  days  and  this  is  a  work  in  

progress.  Happily  we  are  now  enjoying  more  wins  than  losses.  We  find  that  it’s  a  good  stretching  exercise  to  improve  our  dowsing  and  it’s  also  a  lot  of  fun.                Kathy  and  Richard  



We  are  still  actively  seeking  a  new  Editor  to  take  over  my  role  for  the  DSV  Newsletter.    

 If  you’ve  been  hesitating  but  would  like  to  

get  involved,  rest  assured  a  handover  can  be  as  gentle,  or  as  swift  as  suits.  Naturally,  I’m  more  than  happy  to  assist  if  need  be.  

Of  course,  one  way  you  can  contribute  is  by  submitting  some  details  on  what  you’re  

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Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc. Newsletter JUNE 2018 - 3 -

doing  with  your  own  dowsing.  Please  write  something  for  the  DSV  Newsletter  and  email  me.  Or  you  can  send  me  details  as  dot  points  and  I’ll  prepare  something  for  you.  You  can  include  your  name,  or  not,  that’s  up  to  you.  The  sharing  is  always  encouraging  for  others  and  there’s  often  a  gem  we  can  all  adopt.  Editor,  Heather  Wilks.  Please  contact  me  here:  

[email protected]  


By  Inna  Segal  –  A  Melburnian  who  is  an  international  speaker,  healer,  author  and  pioneer  in  energy  medicine.  

From  my  studies  into  this  area  I  have  learnt  that  the  spirit  in  each  of  us  is  eternal  in  nature,  it  cannot  get  sick,  it  never  dies,  it's  the  part  of  us  that  incarnates  into  the  physical  body  one  life  after  another.  

Bookings: www.consciouslifeevents.com.au  



By  Richard  Clarke.  Thanks  to  DSV  Life  Member  Mick  Moran  for  this  discovery  online.    

Science  claims  that  we  have  five  senses  and  we  experience  the  whole  of  the  world  we  live  in  through  these  five  senses.    


However  in  our  brain  we  have  an  organ  called  the  pineal  gland.  It  is  shaped  liked  a  pine  cone  and  is  located  between  the  eyes,  hence  it  is  commonly  called  the  “Third  Eye”.    

Original  Australians  say  that  we  are  born  with  seven  senses  and  that  the  other  two  are  used  for  connecting  to  the  “other  side”.  

I  am  part  of  a  group  of  people  who,  with  the  permission  of  Original  Elders,  investigates  sacred  sites  in  Australia.  In  our  group  we  are  lucky  to  have  three  people  who  can  sense  these  energies  with  their  bodies.  To  help  us  cross  the  physical  barrier  and  show  these  energies  to  people  who  can’t  sense  them  (like  me)  we  use  three  different  techniques  which  show  these  energies  in  a  distinctive  way.  One  of  the  methods  we  use  to  detect  this  energy  is  dowsing.  


We’re  sure  you’ll  find  many  more  items  of  interest  on  this  site:  http://forgottenorigin.com/  



The  DSV  Library  is  very  popular  with  DSV  Members  as  there  is  such  an  extensive  range  of  interesting  material.  We  offer  an  extensive  range  of  excellent  dowsing  books,  reports  and  other  fascinating  references.  As  a  DSV  member  you  are  entitled  to  borrow  any  of  our  library  items.      


The  DSV  shop  is  well  stocked  with  a  broad  range  of  different  dowsing  instruments,  books,  DVDs  and  some  CDs.  

 This  is  an  Extract  of  the  June  2018  DSV  Newsletter.  You  can  read  the  full  version  by  joining  the  DSV  via  this  site.  


Please  write  the  DSV  Meeting  Dates  in  your  diary  today:  2018  –  Sunday  17  June,  26  August,  14  October,  25  November    2019  –  Sunday  17  February,  28  April  (Other  dates  TBA)