
nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

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Page 1: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought


Page 2: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

❖ library of contemporary resources. online training resources. high ed. subscriptions.

lynda.com. general reading library. new tech webinars. digital recordings of featured speakers .

❖ instructor cohorts to investigate and discuss perspectives relating to teaching strategies that

enrich the learning needs of 21st century students

❖ hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics

❖ fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought patterns, classroom tools,

resources and the inspiration to continue valued leadership

❖ resource desk manual of strategies, curricular support and classroom resources

❖ ______ hours of collaborative and/or reflective work each week

❖ certificate - continuing education units - university credits - professional growth and

development increments

Page 3: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Teaching & Learning Academy

Module One Student Perspectives

Module TwoThinking Perspectives

Module ThreeLearning Perspectives

Module FourClassroom Perspectives

Module FiveCurriculum Perspectives

Module SixInstructor Perspectives

Page 4: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Student Equity

Achievement Gap

Learning Disabilities

What Success Looks Like for 21st Century Students

Guided Pathways

Module One - Student PerspectivesDemographic TrendsEconomic ComponentsMotivators/DistractorsStudent Centered LearningSymphonic Diversity Dependency/Independence

Page 5: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Module One - Student Perspectives

Resource Collection2008. 21st century students deserve a 21st century education: Same old school, very new learning models. IBM Online

Guided Pathways Resource Centerhttps://www.pathwaysresources.org/

Joshnstone, R. (2015). Guided pathways demystified. NCII http://ncii-improve.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/PWs-Demystified-Johnstone-111615.pdf

California Community Colleges Student Equity Resources from chancellor’s office extranet.cccco.edu/Divisions/StudentServices/StudentEquity.aspxurces

Academic Senate for CA CC. (2014). The challenges of student equity plans. https://www.asccc.org/content/challenges-student-equity-plans

Online Student Equity, CA CC, CVC Online Ed. Inititative


White Like Me – Color Blind - Challenging the Culture of Cruelty…Wise.


Dr. Howard at UCLA

Dr. Luke Wood at San Diego State

Mark Greehall, Dean

Tim Wise

Page 6: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Learning Theory & Principles

Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain

Cognition & Meta Cognition

Brain Research & Learning Concepts

Affective Domain & the Brain

Student Engagement & Self-Efficacy

Student Entitlement

Module Two - Thinking PerspectivesCognitive DevelopmentBrain Function Emotional IntelligenceAffective DomainPassivity - Engagement“Habits of the Mind” - Mindset

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Module Two - Thinking Perspectives

Resource CollectionEngagement [Eradicating Learned Passivity-

Elizabeth Jimenez, California Assoc. for Bilingual

Ed. Professional Development Services]

Fullan, M. (2015) Motion Leadership.

Elizabeth Jiménez




Silverstein, C. (2012). “Changing perspective: A

new look at old problems.” Retrieved at



Page 8: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Philosophy & Definitions

Student Equity

Achievement Gap

Learning Disabilities

Types of Learning Discussion Groups, Collaborative, Integrative

What Success Looks Like for 21st Century Students

Module Three - Learning PerspectivesTheory to PracticeDifferentiationProblem-Based LearningProject-Based LearningScaffolding and Group WorkDevelopmental and Accelerated LearningCredentialing

Page 9: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Module Three - Learning Perspectives

Resource CollectionAbernathy, D.J. Leading-edge learning: Two

views.53, 3, 40-42/

Beers, S. (2013). “Preparing students for their

futures: 21st century skills and the common core.”


California Department of Education. Commission

on Teacher Credentialing.

Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and

practice of the learning organization. Doubleday.Four C’s of 21st Century Instruction

Page 10: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Methods of Delivery

Instructional Challenges

Pedagogy Strategies

Accessibility Techniques

Disruptive & Threatening Students

Technology Challenges and Solutions

Module Four - Classroom PerspectivesFace-to-Face, Online, Hybrid, FlippedManagementChallenges, Facilities, etc.ResourcesTechnology - Course Management SystemsLearning vs. Instruction

Page 11: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Module Four - Classroom Perspectives

Resource CollectionFlipped Classroom

“Inside the Flipped Classroom”




Jenk, M. S., Springer, J. M. (2002) A view of the

research on the efficacy of computer assisted

instruction (CAI). Idaho State U.

Shatluck, J., Dubins, B., Ziberman, D. (2011).

Maryland online’ inter-institutional project.

Kasowitz-Scheer, A., Pasqualoni, M. (2012).

Information literacy instruction in higher

education: Trends and issues, Paper 34. ERIC

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Formative vs. Summative Assessment



Grading Options & Alternatives

Module Five - Curriculum PerspectivesActive LearningCommon CoreAssessment TechniquesStudent Learning OutcomesHidden CurriculumEffective GradingCredentialingReal World Learning

Page 13: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Module Five - Curriculum Perspectives

Resource CollectionWalvoord, B., Anderson, V. (2009).

Effective Grading (2 ed). Jossey-Bass.

Ball, G., Wyatt, J. (2012). 20/20 vision: A strategy

doubling America’s academic achievement.

Vanderbilt U.

Gardner, L.F. (2011). Designing a college

curriculum. The National Academy fro Academic

Leadership, Rutgers U.

Yamagata-Noji, A. (2013). Common core


Pacheco, R. (2013). Assessing and planning for

institutional effectiveness. “Turning data into

meaningful action. BRIC

Page 14: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Know your strengths – treasure your weaknesses

Power of Priorities

Who Me?

Module Six - Instructor PerspectivesKnow YourselfLife Work BalanceWords Make a DifferenceProfessional LeadershipHealth & WellnessKnow Your District, Institution, Department

Page 15: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Module Six - Instructor Perspectives

Resource Collection

Cashman, K. (1999). Leadership from the

inside out: Becoming a leader for life. Executive

Excellence Pub.

Dimock, V. B. (2011). Leading change from the

classroom: Teachers as leaders.

Hodell, C. (2006). ISD (Instructional Systems

Development) from the ground up: A no-

nonsense approach to instructional design.


Southwest Ed. Development Laboratory (SEDL)


Defining Work-Life Balance in a Digital World www.govloop.com

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Module Seven - Understanding

Learning Styles Resources

Engr, J. (2005). “Understanding student differences.”

Education, 94(1), 57-72

Felder, R. & Brent, R. (2014). National effective

teaching institute (NETI) – Yearly Institute. Resources in

science and engineering education. Retrieved from


Mumford, Alan (1997). "Putting learning styles to work".

Action learning at work. Aldershot, Hampshire;

Brookfield, VT: Gower. pp. 121–135. ISBN 0566078902.

OCLC 35777384.

Pashler, H., McDaniel, M. Rohrer, D. & Bjork, R. (2009).

“Learning styles: Concepts and evidence.”

Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9 /3.

Association for Psychological Science.

Shearer, B. (2015). Multiple Intelligences Self-

Assessment. Retrieved from Learning Styles

Questionnaire (Learning Styles and Strategies). NC

State University. Retrieved from


Wikipedia (2015). Learning styles. [Compilation and

Overview] Retrieved from


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• CA Association for Bilingual Education Professional Development Services

16033 E. San Bernardino Rd., Covina, CA 91722 – 626.814.4441

• Yamagata-Noji, A. (2013). Tracking pathways to success – Usinger

• Poulton, Norris (2008). A guide for planning for change.

• Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Professional Development Site…

online professional development opportunities http://wiche.edu/eLearningProDev

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The Site

Page 19: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Custom Guide Online Learning Click for Resource

Printable Quick References to use, distribute, and share

Atomic Learning

Click for Resource




Page 20: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

▪ Equal voice in planning, development, implementation and ongoing operation

▪ Dynamic collection development of useful resources – updated systematically

▪ Leadership and funding support

▪ Instructor Leader Resources and Opportunities – time to publish? Speak?

▪ Data Bank – Institutional Research Board – Research projects (individual and group)

▪ Website and Learning Management System (Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, etc.)

development (one-on-one assistance)

▪ New Classroom Technology online training or one-on-one assistance

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Page 22: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

by a CC in a cordial ambiance of functional ease that honors reflective professional accomplishment and strengthens profound value for every entity in our district and community


e -



e So




r Su







m D









a centrally located state-of-the-art district-wide professional development center hosted

Page 23: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

media & classroom supplements

online higher ed subscription library

a culture of inquiry

effective team collaboration

research resources & groups

dynamic community programs

art, music, special events

mock classroom/new tech practice room

a library of curriculum resources

leadership library

instructional resources & data

electronic training & workgroups

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servingeducational leaders, instructors, classified staff, employees, managers, administrators

featuringonline and on-shelf books, manuals, handbooks, tutorials,

supplemental curriculum and various forms of educational media

DVD, Video, alternative training materials and resources

Technology stations for one-on-one project assistance, tutorials, etc.

Reflective areas for professionals

Library sections for resources and inspiration

Conference and large meeting room with full potential

hostingregional, district, and small group conferences, training sessions,

work symposiums, professional learning groups, research cohorts, forums, and online tutorials

providinga qualified, enthusiastic coordinator to serve as a resource

in inquiry, data analysis, research, technological projects, facilitator, assistance and/or networking throughout the district and county

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Page 27: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

Building District Strength and Unity

Inspires a unified focus in our educational minds

Draws us to realize new dynamics in an area of effective educational leadership

Motivates greatness and infuses unity


human resource ideals

educators in life choices

student success or building connections skills

new technological entity

time management component

social or career networking possibilities

pedagogical idea or concept

Page 28: nocccd€¦ · enrich the learning needs of 21st century students hybrid course to explore contemporary educational topics fulfill, inspire and equip faculties with cutting edge thought

These slides briefly highlight key ideas that might lead to

the successful coordination of district-wide

professional development programs that

facilitate vibrant educational leadership,

effective classroom instruction and classified training.

The design includes dynamic components of underlying strength that

incorporate unity and essential teamwork with every entity in an institution.

Navigating effectual student success takes a team of

intuitive professionals growing and serving together

from the moment students register to the clean-up after graduation.

The impact:

Imagine the Possibilities

successful lives radiating beautiful hues of education