Nocturnal Bruxism Functional vs Parafunctional forces ,

Nocturnal Bruxism Functional vs Parafunctional forcesdentalsleepsymposium.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Bruxism-As-a... · bruxism has been suggested to be part of a sleep arousal

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Nocturnal Bruxism Functional vs Parafunctional forces



¡ Whatweknow?…..Ordowe?










¡  Rughdemonstratesthelackofcausation¡ Michelottistudy




� WHY Interference theory debunked

� WHEN � Stipulation of






�  Redefined from Parasomnia Sateia, M., Hauri, P (2005). The International Classification of Sleep Disorders. Westbrook, IL, American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

�  Purposeless movement

Kato, T. and G. J. Lavigne (2010). "Sleep Bruxism: A Sleep-Related Movement Disorder." Sleep Med Clinics 5(1): 9-35.

bruxism has been suggested to be part of a sleep arousal response. In addition, bruxism appears to be modulated by various neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. More specifically, disturbances in the central dopaminergic system have been linked to bruxism. Further, factors like smoking, alcohol, drugs, diseases and trauma may be involved in the bruxism aetiology. Psychological factors like stress and personality are frequently mentioned in relation to bruxism as well. However, research to these factors comes to equivocal results and needs further attention. Taken all evidence together, bruxism appears to be mainly regulated centrally, not peripherally.

Lobbezoo, F. and M. Naeije (2001). "Bruxism is mainly

regulated centrally, not peripherally." J Oral Rehabil 28(12): 1085-1091.

�  Review Prehn and Simmons �  Review Lavigne and Kato

� Causes of Bruxism?

�  Lack of relationship between occlusion, occlusal changes, and bruxism

�  Lack of relationship between occlusion and pain

Lavigne, G.J., et al., Neurobiological mechanisms involved in sleep bruxism. Crit Rev Oral Biol Med, 2003. 14(1): p. 30-46. Lavigne, G.J., et al., Bruxism physiology and pathology: an overview for clinicians. J Oral Rehabil, 2008. 35(7): p. 476-94. Lobbezoo, F. and M. Naeije, Bruxism is mainly regulated centrally, not peripherally. J Oral Rehabil, 2001. 28(12): p. 1085-91. Lobbezoo, F., et al., Are bruxism and the bite causally related? J Oral Rehabil, 2012: Vol 39 Issue 7, p489-501 Manfredini, D., et al., Temporomandibular disorders assessment: medicolegal considerations in the evidence-based era. J Oral Rehabil, 2010 . Manfredini, D., et al., Occlusal Factors Are Not Related to Self-Reported Bruxism. J Orofac Pain, 2012. 26(3): p. 163-167. Michelotti, A., et al., Effect of occlusal interference on habitual activity of human masseter. J Dent Res, 2005. 84(7): p. 644-8. Michelotti, A., et al., No effect of experimental occlusal interferences on pressure pain thresholds of the masseter and temporalis muscles in healthy women. Eur J Oral Sci, 2006. 114(2): p. 167-70.

�  “The take-home message for clinicians is that it is important to understand the concept of “non-linear" relationships between bruxism and craniofacial pain to avoid oversimplification of diagnosis and management.”

  Svensson, P., F. Jadidi, et al. (2010). Pain and Bruxism. Bruxism: Theory and Practice. D. A. Paesani. New Malden, Surrey, UK, Quintessence. Inc. : 540 p., p. 322

�  Lack of direct relationship � Discussion of Bradford Hill criteria for

causation (dose/response curve) �  Rafael Discussion

General Dentist


Trigeminally Mediated Headache (Sensory)

Trigeminally Mediated (Motor) Disorder

Sleep disorder

Questions re: Headache; TMD; Sleep




Diagnostic questions


Supportive &, occlusal therapy




Model for General Dentistry

Sleep lab, MD

Muscles ignored

Joint ignored

Ligaments insertions ignored



Box of



Interface Trigeminal Nerve Ignored

�  Teeth �  Joints � Muscles �  Ligaments �  Bones �  The Trigeminal Nerve and the ANS

The Nature of Parafunction and

Parafunctional Control Description of Bruxism and it’s CAUSE



�  Discussion of Ligament Trigger �  Forces become pathological with posterior

contact for increased periods of time �  Resting Forces about 2 micro volts or less �  Swallowing Forces �  Forces during mastication: Time and force

factors (bolus concepts) �  Compare to Parafunctional Forces ›  Which Are More Likely To Cause The Destruction

of the Structures of the System?

Normal Resting EMG’s

EMG’s During Three Separate Swallows

EMG During Gum Chewing LEFT

� Duration now a factor � Compare microvoltage to function

�  Force vectors biggest advantage ›  Hatori and others ›  Multiple EMG studies

�  Possible untoward effects ›  AOB and Posterior Open Bite Discussion

� Myths ›  Super eruption ›  Joint Loading

�  An appliance is fabricated to disengage the posterior teeth and a second series of EMG readings are taken to record lowered EMG readings. The vector forces of the reduced EMG's recordings demonstrate reduced condylar compression during macro-clenching.

May, B., S. Saha, et al. (2001). "A three-dimensional mathematical model of temporomandibular joint

loading." Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 16(6): 489-495.

EMG of Parafunctional Clench



Chew Left


TA – R 1.5 23.2 15.8 149.1

TA – L 1.9 20.3 28.8 120.5

MM – R 0.9 21.3 8.9 131.0

MM – L 0.8 12.7 14.9 123.2

�  So when teeth/porcelain/veneers fracture: What caused that?

�  When abfractions occur: What caused that? �  When teeth without decay abcess: What

caused that? �  When patients complain of fillings that are high:

When did they meet? Concept: The same forces that threaten the

teeth threaten the other components of the system. We can evaluate all the components to reveal the potential of the force!

�  Therefore: When patients have clicking joint: What caused that?

� When patients have facial pain? What caused that?

� When patients have headache and even migraine? What caused that?

�  The same forces may be significant contributors to their pain patterns

�  FORCES WHICH DESTROY ›  Micro trauma ›  Macro trauma

�  FORCES WHICH ALLOW ADAPTATION ›  Previous Injuries ›  Congenital factors

Data based on 512 reporting dentists, representing 78,711 placed appliances. There were no cases of aspiration verified by radiographic imaging. Blumenfeld, A., S. D. Bender, et al. (2011). "Patterns of Use for an Enhanced Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibitory Splint." Inside Dentistry 7(11).

�  The results showed that unopposed molars were more commonly found in the upper jaw and that unopposed molars showed 4.9 times higher risk of overeruption of >/=2 mm (95% CI 1.5-15.3) than opposed molars during the 12-year observation period. The average overeruption for the unopposed molars was 4.5% (s.d. 7.6), which corresponds to approximately 0.9 mm. The degree of overeruption increased with decreased bone

Lindskog-Stokland, B., K. Hansen, et al. (2012). "Changes in molar position associated with missing opposed and/or adjacent tooth: a 12-year study in women." J Oral Rehabil 39(2): 136-143.

� Can provide improved parafunctional control

�  Still will provide canine rise; but that canine contact may produce forces beyond the patient’s adaptive capacity

�  Tends to be tight; increasing sympathetic tone

� Allows for posterior contact in the primary clench

�  Sleep bruxism is secondary to sleep-related micro-arousals (defined by a rise in

autonomic cardiac and respiratory activity that tends to be repeated 8-14 times per

hour of sleep)

�  Lavigne, G. J., S. Khoury, S. Abe, T. Yamaguchi and K. Raphael (2008). "Bruxism physiology and pathology: an overview for

clinicians." J Oral Rehabil 35(7): 476-494.

�  Sleep bruxism (SB) is reported by 8% of the adult population and is mainly associated with rhythmic masticatory muscle activity (RMMA) characterized by repetitive jaw muscle contractions (3 bursts or more at a frequency of 1 Hz).

Lavigne, G. J., T. Kato, A. Kolta and B. J. Sessle

(2003). "Neurobiological mechanisms involved in sleep bruxism." Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 14(1): 30-46.

�  RMMA exists without bruxism �  RMMA occurs three times more frequent

and with higher amplitude in SB patients �  RMMA involves different muscular pattern

of elevators and depressors than normal function

�  RMMA during sleep may help increase airway patency

Lavigne, G. J., T. Kato, A. Kolta and B. J. Sessle (2003). "Neurobiological mechanisms involved in sleep bruxism." Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 14(1): 30-46.








¡  “Thisreductiontoafewlaws,toonelaw,isnotachoiceoftheindividual,butitisthetyrannicalinstinctofthemind.

¡  .Emerson,R.W.(1904).NaturalHistoryofIntellectandotherpapers.BostonandNewYork,HoughtonandMifflinandCompany.