No Matter Who You Are, You Are Welcome Here The Heartbeat Louisville, Kentucky St. Andrew United Church of Christ September 2013, Issue 54, No. 8 St. Andrew United Church of Christ 2608 Browns Lane • Louisville, Kentucky 40220 Phone: (502) 452-1777 Fax: (502) 452-6406 Website: www.saintandrewucc.org Sunday School: 9:15 AM Worship Service: 10:30 AM Office Hours: 9 AM – 1 PM, Monday – Friday Church Staff Dr. Jimmy Watson Pastor J.R. Cannaday Minister of Music Mary Rose Linker Church Secretary/Editor Joe Louden Custodian Donna Wenzel Parish Nurse Cheryl Willett President Dr. Watson’s Corner Offered by Art Raderer, Reprinted from Upper Room Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. Luke 12:15 (NRSV) The finance committee meeting had not gone well. The church did not have enough money, and we had to vote on which programs to cut. So we had some bitter discussions. I got home late at night, worn out, and was surprised to see my five-year-old son, David, still up. “Dad, where have you been?” I ex- plained that we all earn money, save a little, spend a lot, and give some to the Lord. And it seemed that people were not giving enough to the Lord, and the church was in some difficulty. David did not seem to understand. But he was, after all, only five, so I went over it again: We earn money, save money, spend money, and give some to the Lord. David still did not understand. Gently, I went over it again; but he still looked puzzled. Finally he said, “Dad, I thought it was all the Lord’s money!” David’s response completely changed the way I look at money and possessions. I started giving more and worrying less. Today none of my possessions means anything to me. All that matters are my family and friends, the church, and God — nothing else! This change in me has made my life easier and simpler. Inside this issue: REPRINTED FROM UCC.ORG DAILY DEVOTIONAL By Dr. Jimmy Watson "After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made." - Genesis 8:6 I can only imagine how exhilarating that moment must have been. Noah has been cooped up in a big boat with a lot of smelly animals (and people) for a very long time. It's raining cats and dogs outside, while the camels and geese and mongooses et al. are assaulting Noah's five senses in ways that only a pig farmer from the Midwest could appreciate. Suddenly the rain stops and Noah bolts through the pens and roped-up animals, avoiding bites and scratches as best he can, and finds his way to a small portal where he sticks his head out, basks in the sunlight, eyes closed, chin raised, breathing deeply the fresh air. This is a moment that erases the boundaries be- tween the physical and spiritual. God's ruach, God's breath, is present with Noah like never before. As I write this we are having new windows installed in our home. The old win- dows were either nailed shut or stuck due to occasional paint jobs through the years. In the five years I have lived here, not once have I been able to open a window and breathe air that has not already been "conditioned" by a large ma- chine that resides in my basement. Today I open my windows, even as the tem- perature escalates beyond 90 degrees, and reclaim my status as a child of nature and as a child of God. Today I experience the freshness of God. Open your windows today, both of home and soul. Take a long, deep breath. The storm is over. Dry land is on your horizon. Prayer God of rain and dry land, may your wind lead us home, may your breath fill our lungs with pleasant odors, and may your spirit offer us a new and hopeful fu- ture. Amen. Living the Questions, Stewardship Page 2 Mission 4/1, Thanks Parish Nurse, Library News Page 3 St. Andrew Events Page 4 Birthdays/Anniversaries, Thanks Page 5 Memorials/Honoraria The Patchwork Lady Page 6 Daily Lectionary Page 7 Next Heartbeat Deadline Back

NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat · NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat ... The old win- dows were either ... Forevers” by Katherine

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Page 1: NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat · NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat ... The old win- dows were either ... Forevers” by Katherine


The Heartbeat

Louisville,�Kentucky� St.�Andrew�United�Church�of�Christ�������� September�2013,�Issue�54,�No.�8�

St. Andrew United Church of Christ 2608 Browns Lane • Louisville, Kentucky 40220

Phone: (502) 452-1777 Fax: (502) 452-6406

Website: www.saintandrewucc.org

Sunday School: 9:15 AM Worship Service: 10:30 AM

Office Hours: 9 AM – 1 PM, Monday – Friday

Church Staff

Dr. Jimmy Watson Pastor

J.R. Cannaday Minister of Music

Mary Rose Linker Church Secretary/Editor

Joe Louden Custodian

Donna Wenzel Parish Nurse

Cheryl Willett President

Dr. Watson’s Corner Offered by Art Raderer, Reprinted from Upper Room

Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. Luke 12:15 (NRSV)

The finance committee meeting had not gone well. The church did not have enough money, and we had to vote on which programs to cut. So we had some bitter discussions. I got home late at night, worn out, and was surprised to see my five-year-old son, David, still up. “Dad, where have you been?” I ex-plained that we all earn money, save a little, spend a lot, and give some to the Lord. And it seemed that people were not giving enough to the Lord, and the church was in some difficulty. David did not seem to understand. But he was, after all, only five, so I went over it again: We earn money, save money, spend money, and give some to the Lord. David still did not understand. Gently, I went over it again; but he still looked puzzled. Finally he said, “Dad, I thought it was all the Lord’s money!” David’s response completely changed the way I look at money and possessions. I started giving more and worrying less. Today none of my possessions means anything to me. All that matters are my family and friends, the church, and God — nothing else! This change in me has made my life easier and simpler.

Inside this issue:


"After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made." -

Genesis 8:6

I can only imagine how exhilarating that moment must have been. Noah has

been cooped up in a big boat with a lot of smelly animals (and people) for a

very long time. It's raining cats and dogs outside, while the camels and geese

and mongooses et al. are assaulting Noah's five senses in ways that only a pig

farmer from the Midwest could appreciate.

Suddenly the rain stops and Noah bolts through the pens and roped-up animals,

avoiding bites and scratches as best he can, and finds his way to a small portal

where he sticks his head out, basks in the sunlight, eyes closed, chin raised,

breathing deeply the fresh air. This is a moment that erases the boundaries be-

tween the physical and spiritual. God's ruach, God's breath, is present with

Noah like never before.

As I write this we are having new windows installed in our home. The old win-

dows were either nailed shut or stuck due to occasional paint jobs through the

years. In the five years I have lived here, not once have I been able to open a

window and breathe air that has not already been "conditioned" by a large ma-

chine that resides in my basement. Today I open my windows, even as the tem-

perature escalates beyond 90 degrees, and reclaim my status as a child of nature

and as a child of God. Today I experience the freshness of God.

Open your windows today, both of home and soul. Take a long, deep breath.

The storm is over. Dry land is on your horizon.

Prayer God of rain and dry land, may your wind lead us home, may your breath fill our

lungs with pleasant odors, and may your spirit offer us a new and hopeful fu-

ture. Amen.

Living the Questions, Stewardship Page 2

Mission 4/1, Thanks

Parish Nurse, Library News Page 3

St. Andrew Events Page 4

Birthdays/Anniversaries, Thanks Page 5


The Patchwork Lady Page 6

Daily Lectionary Page 7

Next Heartbeat Deadline Back

Page 2: NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat · NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat ... The old win- dows were either ... Forevers” by Katherine


AN INVITATION “Living the Questions”, a new seven-week

DVD Series, which conveys the richness of

the Christian tradition and invites Christians

of all persuasions to begin a spiritual journey

will be offered again in September and Octo-

ber. This new series of one hour sessions will

offer opportunities to learn what other

churches are doing and to think about where

we are on our Christian journey. Just listen-

ing to these men and women, many of whom

have dedicated their lives to various religious

disciplines including research, church leader-

ship, college teaching, religious music, and

caring for the “least of these”, is inspiring.

Please join us.

Everyone is welcome (members and

friends) to these sessions beginning Thurs-

day, September 12th. Look for a sign-up

sheet in the Welcome Center in August &

September. All sessions begin at 10 AM

and last one hour. All are on Thursdays.

September 12: A Kingdom Without Walls

September 19:Social Justice: Realizing God’s Vision

September 26: Incarnation: Divinely Human

October 3: Prayer: Intimacy With God

October 10: Compassion: The Heart of Jesus’


October 17: Creative Transformation

October 24: Embracing Mystery

Look for the Sign-up sheet for

“Living the Questions”

in the Gathering Area.


Donna Block, Vice PresidentDonna Block, Vice PresidentDonna Block, Vice PresidentDonna Block, Vice President

David Aikens, SecretaryDavid Aikens, SecretaryDavid Aikens, SecretaryDavid Aikens, Secretary

Bob RosenbaumBob RosenbaumBob RosenbaumBob Rosenbaum Al LauferAl LauferAl LauferAl Laufer

Gerri RiffeGerri RiffeGerri RiffeGerri Riffe Jennifer IrvingJennifer IrvingJennifer IrvingJennifer Irving

Sharmille SawyerSharmille SawyerSharmille SawyerSharmille Sawyer Suzanne SchwartzSuzanne SchwartzSuzanne SchwartzSuzanne Schwartz

STEWARDSHIP: Neighbors in Need

Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the UCC that

supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United

States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian

Ministry(CAIM). Two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC's Justice

and Witness Ministries(JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives,

advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.

Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to churches and organizations doing

justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work

ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to ad-

dress systemic injustice. Funding is provided through donations to the

Neighbors in Need offering.

We will collect the NIN offering on October 6, 2013.

Mission 4/1 Earth

The St Andrew final total: (drum roll) 1,056 hours working on enhancing our local environment. 42 trees planted in Louisville area 62 1/2 trees/sapplings bought for Romania 3 letters advocating for a healthy environment.

We worked well together cleaning up our church, yards, neighborhoods and parks. We planted trees from our backyards, our church yard all the way to east-ern Europe.

I thank the friends and members of St. Andrew for working to improve this one earth, and I highlight the extra work of our St. Andrew Christian education team in sponsoring this special national church wide project. May our Mission 4/1 Earth continue. —-Walter S. Snowa

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From the Parish Nurse… Coping with Change

Change is usually easier to accept if you feel confident

that you can adapt to new experiences. Here are some

tips for coping with change:

• Anticipate change. Take steps to avoid becoming rigid

and afraid of new experiences. Throughout life, keep

making friends, exploring new interests and activities,

and accepting new challenges.

• Take care of your health. If you're facing a big

change, take extra care to eat a healthy diet, exercise

regularly, get enough sleep and limit alcohol consump-


• Learn to relax. You might find it helpful to take a

yoga class or listen to relaxation tapes, which are avail-

able at most bookstores and public libraries. Or set aside

a few minutes daily to visualize yourself remaining calm

and happy

• Stay positive. Try not to jump to conclusions about the

change you're facing. Negative thoughts can block your

creativity and problem-solving skills. Positive thoughts

build bridges to possibilities and opportunities.

• Gather information. Often, the most stressful thing

about change is the uncertainty it brings. To ease anxiety,

learn as much as you can about what you're facing.

• Limit or "pace" your changes. Try not to make a big

change before you've adjusted to a prior change. If you

are already stressed, try to postpone making big deci-


• Consider joining a support group. If a change feels

too big to handle alone, consider joining a support group

for people who are going through a similar experience.

You might join a group for stepparents, newcomers to a

community or people who care for an older adult.

• Consider seeing a professional counselor. Don't be

afraid to ask for help. Even strong people need support

and guidance when faced with tough


News from the Library…

A new addition to the library is “Behind the Beautiful

Forevers” by Katherine Boo who is an American Pulitzer

Prize journalist and a National Book Award winner.

This nonfiction book is a true story about the poor in

Mumbai, India. The author embedded herself in a slum

area, and all the people and incidents are real. It is stag-

gering to realize the distance between the rich and poor

in India and how much those in poverty have to draw

upon their inner strength just to meet each day.

One Last Call!

The Library is cleaning house. These books have not

been returned. If you or your children have checked out

books more than a month ago, please have a look at

home. All overdue books not returned in several weeks

will be removed from the library data base. We will as-

sume they are lost. Thanks for your help.

Children’s Books

Author Title

Berenstain Too Much Birthday

Handford Find Waldo Now

Handford Where’s Waldo

Handford The Great Waldo Search

Handford Where’s Waldo in Hollywood

Seuss How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Silverstein Falling Up

Ury More Scary Stories...

Adult Books

Author Title

Bell Love Wins

Borg Jesus A New Vision

Essex More Bad Girls of the Bible

Giles Tara’s Healing

Guideposts The Book

Miller The Complete Gospels

Page 4: NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat · NoM atterWhoY ouA re,Y ouA reW elcomeH ere The Heartbeat ... The old win- dows were either ... Forevers” by Katherine

Ladies’ Day Out & Ladies’ Day Out & Ladies’ Day Out & Ladies’ Day Out &

Women of St. Andrew Women of St. Andrew Women of St. Andrew Women of St. Andrew

Monday, September 16Monday, September 16Monday, September 16Monday, September 16

Ladies’ Day Out will meet as usual at 10 AM to work on door decorations and tray cards for the nursing home ministry. As always we are look-ing for women to join in this effort. At noon, the Women of St. Andrew and Ladies’ Day Out will meet together for lunch. After lunch, a short meeting will be held to share information and offer opportunities for fellowship and service. All women of the church are invited to attend either or both meetings. Bring a sandwich. Drinks will be provided. REMINDER: The Ladies Day Out mission group always needs calendar pictures and cards to be used for the nursing home ministry and school book project. Please consider do-nating any pictures or calendars, you may not be using. They may be placed in the Women of St. Andrew mailbox or on the shelf in the conference room. Thank you for any donations.



Dicey Ladies Bunco

Let’s Roll! Wednesday, September 25, at 11:30 am. Bring a friend—anyone can play and have fun. Be there for the Bunco Squad!


Our yard Sale will be September 6 & 7, Friday and Saturday. Spread the word

with friends and neighbors.


Every 4th Sunday, a group of movie enthusiasts gather

to discuss a popular movie playing locally. Most of

these are or become award-winning films. The question

is: What does this movie have to say about the faith?

Here’s how it works: A movie is chosen by our coordi-

nator, Diane Snowa. Mid-month, she announces the

film’s title. Interested folks see the film on their own.

Then, we gather together for a lively and stimulating

discussion. Please come and invite others.

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1st Cheryl Willett

9th Susan Bullard Mary Jane Glaser Christy Merideth

10th Sherry Delph

12th Kyle Longton

13th Jill Lowry Cindy Schwartz

16th John Whisler

17th Sharmille Sawyer

22th Rick Caldwell

27th Walter Snowa Judy Webb

28th Donnie Neat Walker Childers

29th Adrian White

1st Bruce & Annie-Laurie McCord

6th Quentin & Paula Sharpenstein

10th Bob & Jean Grubbs

13th David & Karen Letendre

17th Robert & Janice Thomas

20th Mike & Christy Merideth

29th William & Sherry Delph

30th Tony & Terri Schmidt

M em orials & H onorariaM em orials & H onorariaM em orials & H onorariaM em orials & H onoraria

In memory of Marcia Barth, donations to the Leona

Roney Music Fund were made by: Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fischer

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wolford

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Walthall

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kuminka

Walter & Diane Snowa

James G. Tyler

Double Diamond Construction Company

Perry County Democrat Central Commuttee

A donation was made to Current Fund by: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Boeschel

A donation was made to Roof Fund by: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Louden

In Honor of Art and Madelyn Raderer’s birthdays, a

donation was made to the Roof Fund by: Mrs. & Mrs. Joe Louden

In memory of Don Hilliker, a Tuesday Boy, a dona-

tion was made to the Roof Fund by: Art & Madelyn Raderer

In memory of Richard Raderer a donation was made

to the Roof Fund by: Art & Madelyn Raderer

In memory of Marcia Barth, the Music Ministry has pur-

chased and planted a crape myrtle outside the window of

the rehearsal room. Eventually, a stone or plaque will be

placed there designating it as a memorial to Marcia. While we

appreciate any interest in helping to maintain the crape myrtle,

we would like to designate that all care, pruning and mainte-

nance of this plant to be provided by Patty Tench, JR Can-

naday or Rick Caldwell. Thank you for respecting our wishes.

If your birthday or anniversary has been

inadvertently omitted, please contact the office.

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HEARTBEAT Page 6 From the Patchwork Lady...

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2608 Browns Lane

Louisville, KY 40220



No matter who you are, you are welcome here!

September 2013 Heartbeat Issue 54, No. 8

Monday, September 16