Non-local Students/ Exchange Students Orientation Camp 2018 非本地生/交流生 迎新營2018 Thursday 30 and Friday 31 August 2018 International Development Office

Non-local Students/ Exchange Students Orientation Camp 2018

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Non-local Students/ Exchange StudentsOrientation Camp 2018


Thursday 30 and Friday 31 August 2018

International Development Office

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Module 2Living in Hong Kong



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1. Laws & Regulations 法律條文2. Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例3. Legal Tender 貨幣資料4. Bank Account 銀行帳戶5. Payment 付款6. Water & Electricity 水電7. Food Hygiene & Safety 食品衛生及安全8. Languages 語言9. Communications 通訊10. Climate 氣候11. Public Transport 公共交通12. Exploring and Socialising 探索及社交活动13. If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦14. In Case of Emergency 緊急情況

Living in Hong Kong 活在香港


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Laws & Regulations 法律條文


DOs 可以

DON’Ts 不可以

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You must register for an Identity Card (HKID Card) within 30 days of arrival at any Registration of Persons Office. 你須在抵港30天之內,前往入境處轄下任何一間人事登記處登記領取身份證。

No fee is payable when you first register for an identity card. 首次登記身份證費用全免。

You can make an appointment through: 你需事先與人事登記處預約後,再前往登記領取。預約方式如下:2598 0888 or www.gov.hk/icbooking

When you register for an HKID Card, you must produce your valid travel document, passport, visa/entry permit. 你申請登記領取香港身份證時,必須出示你的旅行證件,例如往來港澳通行證,簽證/進入許可等。

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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You must carry your HKID Card with you at all times 香港身份證應該隨身攜帶

Hong Kong police have the right to stop you and request your proof of identity at any time 警員有權要求你出示身份證明

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


Source: Immigration Department, HKSAR

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You need to complete your study within the normal programme duration 你應在通常修讀期限內完成學業

Higher Diploma (2 years) & Degree (4 years) 通常修讀期限:高級文憑(2年)、學士學位(4年)

You are not allowed to change your programme of study or institution without prior approval from the Immigration Department of Hong Kong. 在未得到香港入境事務處事先批准之前,你不可自行轉專業/院校。

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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For students from Mainland, Macao and Taiwan, if you cannot complete your programme within the normal duration, consideration may be given to extend your stay for up to one year so as to complete the programme.


Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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You must abide by the Hong Kong Laws and are responsible for your own actions 你應遵守香港法律並對自己的行為負責!

If the law is violated, you will be prosecuted and escorted out of HK. 如有違反,會被檢控及遣離香港 。

Non-local students are NOT allowed to take up any employment, whether paid or unpaid; or establish or join in any business, except under exceptional circumstances 除特殊情況外,非本地學生不得接受有薪或無薪的僱傭工作,或在香港開辦或參與任何業務。

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Degree students 學士學位學生

whose study period is not less than one academic year may take up internship subject to : 修業期不少於一個學年的學生可從事實習,但須符合以下條件:

the internships must be study/curriculum-related and be arranged or endorsed by the institutions they are studying in; and 實習工作必須為強制性及與學科/課程有關,而且須經學生就讀的院校安排或批准;以及

the duration of the internship is up to one academic year, or one-third of the normal duration of the relevant full-time academic programme, whichever is the shorter. 實習工作為期 最長一個學年,或有關課程正常修業期的三分之一時間,兩者之中以較短者為准。


Laws & Regulations 法律條文

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Degree students 學士學位學生

whose study period is not less than one academic year may, during the currency of their limit of stay, take up: 修讀修業期不少於一個學年的學生可於其有效獲准逗留期限內:

part-time on-campus employment of not more than 20 hours per week throughout the year; 在有關學年的整段期間於校園擔任兼職工作,每星期不超過20小時;以及

employment during the summer months from 1 June to 31 August (both dates inclusive) without any limit in relation to work hours and location. 在暑假期間由六月一日至八月三十一日(首尾兩天包括在內)接受聘用,工作時數和地點沒有限制。

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Higher Diploma students 高級文憑學生

whose study period is not less than 2 academic years, may also apply to take up an internship if the following conditions are met: 修讀修業期不少於2個學年的高級文憑學生,亦可申請從事有關的實習工作,但須符合以下條件:

the internship must be mandatory, study/curriculum-related and be arranged / endorsed by the institutions they are studying in; and 實習工作必須為強制性及與學科/課程有關,而且須經學生就讀的院校安排或批准;及

the duration of the internship is up to 6 months. 實習工作為期最長六個月

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Your Visa will be voided and you will need to return to your home country if your enrolment is terminated due to:如以下情況導致終止學籍,你的簽證將被院校自動取消,並且你必須返回你的原居地:

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


Higher Diploma 高級文憑 Degree 學士學位

Your CGPA < 1.0 at the end of each Academic Year于學年結束時累積平均積點分數低於1.0

• Fail a compulsory module three times

• Your GPA < 1.3 for two consecutive semesters or CGPA < 1.3 at the end of each Academic Year

• Fail 50% or more of the modules attempted in a semester

You have not turned up to scheduled activities for 4 consecutive weeks. 連續4個星期沒有如期參加課程或相關活動

Please refer to your Student Handbook for more information. 有關學院規則,請參閱學生手冊。

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Leave Hong Kong on/before the expiry of stay granted by the HK Immigration Department

須在入境事務處所批准的逗留期限屆滿時/以前離港 。

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Fundamental rights of Hong Kong citizens: freedom of religion, speech, press, internet access and entry & exit; or right for peaceful assembly and public processions in Hong Kong. But while exercising one’s rights, you should also respect other people’s rights


Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Equal Opportunities Commission (Hong Kong) is responsible for promoting equality and diversity, fostering an inclusive society and implementing the following major anti-discrimination ordinances 香港平等機會委員會負責推廣多元、公平、包容開放的社會環境以及執行以下反歧視法例:

Sex Discrimination Ordinance 性別歧視條例 Disability Discrimination Ordinance 殘疾歧視條例 Family Status Discrimination Ordinance 家庭崗位歧視條例 Race Discrimination Ordinance 種族歧視條例

Laws & Regulations 法律條文


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Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例


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Queue Up 排隊

single line 單行排隊

no jumping the queue 不要插隊

Hong Kong people emphasize “order”香港人遵守秩序

Walk on the left; stand on the right – escalator 電梯靠右站立 (左邊留 給趕時間的人)

Exit first – 先下後上

lift, MTR and public transport 適用於電梯、地鐵和其他公交

Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例



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No eating or drinking on public transport 車廂內禁止飲食

Avoid speaking loudly in public areas 公眾地方勿大聲說話

Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例


No Smoking in designated areas (a maximum fine of HK$5,000 ). 室內全面禁煙 (最高罰款5,000元)

No littering or spitting (a fine of HK$1,500) 隨地丟垃圾,吐痰罰款1500元

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Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例


When crossing roads, follow traffic lights: violations may lead to fines and prosecution.


Source: Transport Department, HKSAR

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Waste Recycling 垃圾回收

Blue for paper, yellow for aluminum cans and brown for plastic bottles 藍廢紙、黃鋁罐、啡膠樽

Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例


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Most Hong Kong people 多數香港人會: are used to code-mixing 中英文夾雜說話 have an English name 有一個英文名字

Hong Kong style Chinese can be different from Mainland China 香港式的中文與內地略有不同

Hong Kong Norms 香港慣例


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Legal Tender 法定貨幣


Hong Kong dollar (HK$) linked to the US dollar (HK$7.80 to US$ 1). 跟美元掛鉤的匯率保持在$7.8港元兌換$1美元的水平。

Banknotes issued by 3 private banks 香港的紙幣分別由三家銀行發行

HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank & Bank of China. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司、渣打銀行、中國銀行(香港)有限公司

$10; $20; $50; $100; $500; & $1,000. 紙幣面額包括10元、20元、50元、100元、500元和1000元。

Coins issued by the Government 硬幣由政府發行 $10, $5, $2, $1, 50 cents, 20 cents & 10 cents.


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24Source: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Legal Tender 法定貨幣2018 New Series Hong Kong Banknotes


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Major banks in Hong Kong: 香港主要銀行包括: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd. 中國銀行 Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. 恒生銀行 Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking

Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) 香港上海滙豐銀行 Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd. 渣打銀行 The Bank of East Asia, Ltd. 東亞銀行 CitiBank Hong Kong Ltd. 花旗銀行

It is recommended that you open a local bank account for convenient financial services, e.g. money transfer from family, payment of tuition fees by bank transfer 建議開設一個本港銀行帳戶, 方便日後理財(例如家人可匯生活費給你, 銀行轉賬交學費等)

Bank Account 銀行賬戶


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Choose a local bank with branches in your home country/region; or close to your campus / accommodation for convenient services. 請選擇一間在你的原居地有分行,或靠近你的院校/住所的本地銀行,方便理財 。

Bring your Hong Kong identity card, student card, passport, visa/entry permit and proof of residence (home country/region and Hong Kong) for account opening. 通常銀行在開設帳戶時會要求你提供香港身份證、學生證、中國居民身份證、護照/往來港澳通行證、簽證/進入許可證、地址證明(原居地及香港)。

For details please enquire with the bank. 詳情請向銀行櫃檯職員查詢 。

Bank Account 銀行賬戶


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Recommended acceptable Address Proof (any of the following) in home country and Hong Kong:• Utility, rates or tax bills 水費、電費或稅金單• Bank or credit card statements 銀行或信用卡月結單• Letters/correspondence issued by government , other public

bodies, banks or insurance companies 政府、事業單位、銀行或保險公司發出的信件或文件

• Mobile phone or pay TV statements 手機或收費電視月結單• Rental agreements showing the address and having your name as

one of the contracting parties 顯示你是租戶的租約• Identity Card, passport or driving licence with your photo on it,

which shows your address in the home country 印有你居住地址的身份證、護照或駕車執照

• A land search report on the address which confirms that you are the owner of the property 物業查冊、房產證

• Address proof of an immediate family member plus a written confirmation from the immediate family member that you are living at that address 家人的住址證明及聲明書

• Confirmation letter or correspondence received from VTC**

Bank Account 銀行賬戶


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• Documents required for bank account opening may vary between banks. 不同銀行的申請開戶文件可能有異

• Address proof must be recent (i.e. issued within 3 months) 住址證明必須為最近3個月內

• If documents are not in English/Chinese, you will need a translated English version translated by a legal/authorisedtranslator. 如文件非英文/中文書寫, 必須提交英文翻譯本

• There are additional requirements for applicants aged under 18 十八歲以下申請人有額外要求

Bank Account 銀行賬戶


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Make sure you completely understand the charging mechanism of the type of bank account before you choose it. 在開設銀行帳戶前,請確保你已經完全理解它的收費模式。

Apply for an Automated Teller Machine Card (ATM Card) from your bank. 向銀行申請一張可在ATM櫃員機上提款的銀行卡。

ATM machines can be found everywhere and provide 24-hour cash withdrawals with your ATM or credit card. 自動櫃員機隨處可見,並提供24小時服務的銀行卡或信用卡的現金提取服務。

Bank Account 銀行賬戶


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EPS An electronic payment service 是一種電子支付服務 Directly debited from your bank account for the payment amount. 直

接從銀行戶口扣款 The salesperson swipes your ATM card and asks you to enter your pin

number, then the transaction is complete. 店員會先刷你的銀行提款卡,你在付款機輸入銀行提款卡密碼後,交易便完成

Payment 付款


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Payment 付款


Octopus: one of the most convenient payment methods 八達通:其中一種最便利的付款方式

Stored value electronic card widely used in Hong Kong for public transport and purchases in convenience stores & shops. 八達通”卡是一張電子儲值卡,適用於交通工具、便利店、商戶購物、自助販賣機、康樂設施等。

Available for sale at any MTR Customer Service Centre. $150/card ($100 stored value and $50 refundable deposit). Octopus can be reloaded. 可於任何一個港鐵站客服中心購買,每張150元(100元為面值, 50元為可退回之按金),可以在全港數千個地點增值。

Eligible students can also apply for a Personalised Student Octopus Card to enjoy concessionary fares. For details please enquire with the Student Development Office (SDO) or Campus Secretariat (CS)/Registry. 合資格學生可以申請“學生八達通”享受乘車優惠,詳情向學生發展處、學院秘書處或教務處查詢 。

Source: Octopus

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A series of rigorous water treatment processes in Hong Kong ensures that the drinking water quality complies with the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality. 香港对饮用水的处理十分严格,确保饮用水质量符合世界卫生组织的《饮用水水质准则》。

The water that comes out of your taps is amongst the safest in the world, as long as the plumbing in your property is properly maintained. 只要您住宅的水管保养妥善,饮用自来水是世界公认十分安全的。

Water 水


Source: Water Supplies Department, HKSAR

If you have doubts about the maintenance of the water pipes and water storage in your building, you may choose to boil water and/or use a filter. 如果您对住宅水管和储水缸的保养有疑问,可以选择饮用已煮沸的水和/或经过滤器的水。

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Electricity 電

Standard electrical voltage is 220 volts AC, 50HZ. 香港使用的電壓是220伏特/50赫茲

The majority of electrical outlets in Hong Kong take a three-pronged UK-type plug. 以英式三腳插座為主

Electricity 電


Source:Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR

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All foods in Hong Kong are under a strict health and safety control system. 香港所有食物都經過嚴謹的檢驗,確保安全。

Restaurants and student canteens must be licensed. 食肆/餐廳都領有牌照。

Student canteens are cheaper than outside restaurants; microwave ovens are available on campus. 學校餐廳會比較便宜,並提供微波爐。

Food Hygiene & Safety


34Open Rice


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88% of people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese. 88%的香港人說廣東話/粵語

Most young people understand and speak English. 多數人能夠講英文

More young people understand and speak Putonghua (Mandarin) now. 現在越來越多的人會說普通話

The 3 largest ethnic groups are Indonesian, Filipino & Indian. 於香港人數最多的三種外籍人士分別來自印尼,菲律賓和印度

Languages 語言


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Hong Kong country code is 852; There is no postal code system. 香港區號是852. 郵政編號並不適用香港

Mobile phone:手機 SIM cards, if you choose not to use the SIM

provided by IDO, can be bought in convenience stores or from service providers. 以如你選擇不用國際發展處提供的本地行動電話卡(SIM卡),你可在便利店或電訊營運商另外購買

Plenty of SIM card options 電話卡有多種選擇: Local Call, Local Call + IDD, 1 card with local-

number + Mainland-number, Local Call + Data, etc. 本地、本地連國際直撥IDD、一卡兩號、通話連上網等 。

Communications 通信


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Mobile and data services. 手提電話及上網服務

Monthly charge plans are normally cheaper than pre-paid SIM cards. 手提電話及上網服務公司通常會提供組合套餐月費計畫,價錢比買充值卡優惠 。

The contract may have an extra charge for early termination. 需要簽定合約,簽定前請注意合約內容,提前取消服務一般要繳付罰款。

Wi-Fi 無線寬頻上網

Free Wi-Fi services provided by “Wi-Fi.HK” are available in many hotspots across Hong Kong. 由“Wi-Fi.HK”提供的免費Wi-Fi無線寬頻上網服務遍佈全港不同的地方

All Hong Kong’s government premises. 政府場地均提供免費Wi-Fi無線寬頻上網

Some designated locations on campus. 部分分校指定地點設有免費Wi-Fi

Free internet and Wi-Fi are available in student halls 宿舍設有免費寬頻上網及Wi-Fi

Communications 通訊


Source: Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, HKSAR


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Hong Kong’s climate is sub-tropical


Temperatures: about 10°C in winter (January to March) and often exceed 31°C in summer (July to September). 冬季(1至3月)氣溫又可能跌至10攝氏度以下,但夏季(7至9月)常會超過31攝氏度。

Rainy season: between April and September, which can bring about very uncomfortable humid weather. 雨季為每年的4月至9月,期間會帶來異常潮濕的天氣。

Severe weather, e.g. tropical cyclones can affect Hong Kong . 影響香港的惡劣天氣包括熱帶氣旋


Classes/Exams may be postponed/suspended/ cancelled during adverse weather conditions, e.g. specific rainstorm warning signals or Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above 在惡劣天氣條件下:上課 / 考試可能延遲或中止,甚至取消。例如例如8號熱帶氣旋警告(俗稱8號風球)

Climate 氣候


Source: Hong Kong Observatory , HKSAR


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Mass Transit Railway (MTR) 港鐵

Main transport system (subway/underground) covers港鐵網路覆蓋:

all major districts in the territory, and 香港大部分主要地區

stops at the boundary with Mainland China (Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau). 接駁中國內地(羅湖和落馬洲站)

The service hours are from 6 am to midnight. 服務時間一般由早上6時至午夜12時左右

Runs every 2 minutes in rush hour. 繁忙時間大概每2分鐘一班

Public Transport 公共交通


Source: MTR Corporation

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Public Bus 巴士

Routes cover Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. 巴士覆蓋香港島、九龍及新界。

Fares are based on distance travelled. Exact change is required. Octopus cards are accepted. 按站收費,不設找贖, 要帶零錢(或用八達通) 。

For buses without a Stop Announcement System, you should pay close attention to get off at the correct stop. 不是每輛巴士都有電子報站服務,注意認路。

Public Transport 公共交通

40Source: KMB / NWS Holdings

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Green minibuses“專線”綠黃色小巴(綠VAN) Operate on specific routes at fixed prices; Exact payment

is required when getting on; and Octopus card is accepted. 走短程,按固定路線、班次和車費。上車時付費,可使用硬幣或“八達通”儲值卡,不會找零錢給乘客。

Red minibuses“非專線”紅黃色小巴(紅VAN) Operate on routes that are not always fixed; You can get

on and off nearly anywhere along the route. 沒有固定的班次。這種小巴可於非禁區地點停車。

Pay as you alight. The driver can provide change for small notes. 下車時付費,司機備有零錢找贖。

Public Transport 公共交通

41Source: Transport Department, HKSAR

Mini Bus 小巴

Maximum capacity is 16/19 passengers 車上只有16/19個座位

Best for people who can speak some Cantonese and who are familiar with Hong Kong. 小巴比較適合會說一點兒廣東話及熟悉路線人士搭乘 。

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Public Transport 公共交通

42Source: Transport Department, HKSAR

Taxis 的士

Taxi drivers are required to display their Taxi Driver Identity card on the dashboard. 的士司機應該在儀錶盤上貼出司機證件

Taxi fare information is listed on the inside of the taxi. 車廂內都張貼了一張收費表,詳列各項收費

Refer to the meter for the exact charge. 按里程表收費

Always ask for a receipt. This helps you track down lost items or the taxi driver. 向司機索取發票。萬一你丟下東西,你亦可以找到司機。

Red taxis run on Hong Kong Island, Kowloon & the New territories. 市區的士(紅色)服務機場及全港各區,東湧及南大嶼山的道路除外。

Green taxis run in the New territories only. 新界的士(綠色)服務新界及大嶼山指定道路。

Blue taxis run on Lantau Island only. 大嶼山的士(藍色)服務整個大嶼山及機場。

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The Hong Kong Tourism Board has a great app with many guides that you can customise. 香港旅遊發展局的一個手機軟體,你可制定各式各樣的香港旅遊路線

The HK Government has a culture app and hiking website and HK Hiking Trail is a popular app. 香港政府有一個有關文化活動的手機軟件,而HK Hiking Trail亦是一個非常流行的爬山路徑手機軟件

Sassy Hong Kong covers events, bars, restaurants and more and Eventbrite focuses on events. 網站Sassy提供社交聚會、酒吧、餐廳等信息,而Eventbrite有各種類型的活動發佈

Meetup has social groups of likeminded people that you can join. Meetup是一個社交群組,你可找到志同道合的人交流

Exploring and Socialising




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If you are A BIT unwell 若身體不適

You can purchase medicines through registered pharmacies with a special sign “Rx” displayed outside the shops. 可以到有註冊藥劑師的藥房購買藥物, 藥劑師會建議你應吃哪種藥。此類藥房外面亦會懸掛特別標記「Rx」以做識別。

Big chain stores e.g. Watson’s, Mannings provide pharmacist services大型連鎖店例如屈臣氏,萬寧等均提供藥劑師服務。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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Where can I find a doctor?哪裡有醫生?


Medical doctors must be registered to practice in Hong Kong. 所有醫生都必須註冊。

Public health service is much cheaper than the private but the waiting time is very long. 公立醫院的醫療服務收費比私家醫院便宜很多,但輪候服務的時間亦較長。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


Source: Hospital Authority, HKSAR

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If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


Services 服務 Public 公立 Public公立*/Private 私立

Accident & Emergency 急症室

$180 per attendance 每次180元



$120 per day, plus $75 admission fee每天120元、入院費75元

On an individual (service) basis $5,100-6,650 per day or more 逐項收費每天5,100-至6,650元或更多

General out-patient 普通科門診

$50 per attendance每次50元


Specialist out-patient care 專科門診

$135 for first visit, $80 per visit thereafter, $15 per drug item首次診症135元、之後每次診症80元、每種藥物收費15元

$1,190 - $2,210

Dressing or injection專科敷藥及注射

$19 per treatment 每次19元

$100 - $360

24-hour emergency and out-patient 24小時急症服務

Provided by most of the public hospitals大部分公立醫院提供

Provided by some private hospitals只有部分私家醫院會提供

*Low price listed is the cost of public healthcare for non-eligible persons

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Seeing a Doctor 看醫生

Show your HKID Card /passport for registration. 前往醫院或診所看病時,你需出示香港居民身份證 /護照做登記

There is a private clinic near the VTC Student Dormitory (Pokfulam) in Chi Fu Fa Yuen. The nearest public hospital is Queen Mary Hospital.VTC學生宿舍(薄扶林)附近的置富花園商場有私人診所, 離宿舍最近的公立醫院是瑪麗醫院。

For the VTC Student Dormitory (Tsing Yi), the nearest private clinic is in Mayfair Gardens, while the nearest public hospital is Princess Margaret Hospital. VTC學生宿舍(青衣)附近的美景花園商場有私人診所, 離宿舍最近的公立醫院是瑪嘉烈醫院。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?

47Source: Hospital Authority, HKSAR

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If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


Who can help? 誰能幫助你?

During Class 在上課中 Seek help from teachers 尋求在場老師會協助

In Institution 在院校 Contact Campus Secretariat or Registry / Student Development Office 聯繫學院秘書處或學生發展處

In VTC Dormitory 在宿舍 Contact Hall Manager / Dormitory Staff 聯繫舍監或宿舍辦事處

Elsewhere in Hong Kong在香港其他地方

Call emergency hotline-999緊急撥打電話-999

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Insurance 保險

VTC has purchased basic medical insurance for every full-time non-local student (IVE, HKDI & THEi), including hospitalisation & out-patient services. 院校已替每位來自內地和國際的全日制學生購買基本醫療保險,包括住院醫療及門診醫療 。

Effective Date: 1 Sep 2018 to 31 Aug 2019. 保障有效期:2018年9月1日 至2019年8月31日 。

You are strongly advised to purchase additional insurance at your own cost 我們建議學生自行購買額外保險 。

Refer to the insurance service provider, Bank of China Group Insurance website http://www.bocgroup.com/bocg-ins for details. Related information can also be found on the IDO website. 保險計劃詳情請查看投保保險公司 – 中銀集團保險網頁http://www.bocgroup.com/bocg-ins, 有關資料稍候將於國際發展處的網頁內列出。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


Policy No. 保單號碼 --- MD180213605(can be found on your Member Certificate) (查看你的保險證書)

Staff Number or Name 員工編號或姓名 ---Your full name, Surname first then followed by your first name and middle name (refer to your Medical Card)名字的拼音 (查看你的醫療卡)

Password 密碼 ---the 2nd to 7th digits of your passport number中國居民身份證號碼第2至7個位

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You can find the following information in the Online System: 你可以透過網上系統查閱以下資料:

1. Coverage Details 保障內容

2. Panel Doctor List 網絡醫生名單

3. Forms such as Claim Form 表格, 如索賠申請表

4. Claim Summary and Claim History 索賠總計及索賠記錄

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


VTC Insurance Coverage 保險保障範圍

Hospitalisation 住院及手術Out-Patient 門診

Emergency Medical Evacuation to Your Home Country 緊急醫療護送致原居地

Hotline 熱線 (852) 3187 5100Website 網頁 : http://www.bocgroup.com/bocg-ins

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To see a doctor 看醫生

Visit any clinic on the Panel Doctor List and present your medical card. You will need to make a co-payment e.g. HK$20 to see a General Practitioner (GP). 到網絡醫生的診所看病,需出示你的醫療卡,普通科每次須繳自付費港幣20元正。

If you want to visit a doctor not on the Panel Doctor List, you have to pay first and submit a Claim Form to claim for reimbursement. The maximum claim amount per visit is HK$200. 如你想到網絡醫生以外的診所看病,你需要先付費,然後填寫索賠申請表索賠,每次最高賠償金額為HK$200。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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To have surgery in hospital 入醫院做手術

You have to pay first and submit a Claim Form to claim for reimbursement. There is a claim limit for each category of hospitalisation benefit. 你需要先付費,然後填寫索賠申請表索賠,每個住院醫療項目均有最高賠償上限。

Please check with the insurance service provider by calling the Hotline for details before admission to hospital. You may also ask IDO for assistance. 請在入院前,先致電保險公司熱線查詢賠償詳情,或可向國際發展處尋求協助。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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To claim for reimbursement 申請索賠

You can download the Claim Form from the Online Medical Enquiry System or our IDO Website. 你可以從網上醫療記錄查詢系統或國際發展處的網頁下載索賠申請表。

Complete the Claim Form and send the Form and related documents, such as medical certificate, by post to the insurance company. 填妥索賠申請表並把申請表連同有關文件,例如醫生證明郵寄到承保的保險公司。

The insurance company will issue you a cheque for reimbursement of claims. You therefore need to have a bank account in Hong Kong to receive reimbursement. 保險公司會以支票形式向你支付賠償, 所以你必須在香港開設銀行帳戶才可以取得賠償。

If You Are Sick 生病了怎麼辦?


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In Case of Emergency 緊急情況


Emergency 緊急情況Emergency situation


Dial 999 for local Police, ambulance service, fire department and other emergency services.


Source: Hong Kong Police Force, HKSAR Source: Fire Services Department, HKSAR

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In Case of Emergency 緊急情況


Emergency 緊急情況Lost wallet or valuables 財物失竊

Report to police. 立即向警署報案

Lost ATM / credit card 如遺失提款卡,信用卡

Report to your card issuer as quickly as possible. 盡快向銀行辦理報失

Lost Student Octopus 遺失八達通

Call the 24-hour hotline 2266 2266 to report the loss and stop further transactions using the lost card. 立即致電24小時八達通報失熱線2266 2266,以停止接受該八達通的交易

Lost passport 遺失護照

File a report at the nearest police station. Contact your consulate for replacement. 可前往鄰近的警署辦理“報失財物”記錄,然後聯繫中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署或駐香港領館申請辦理補發手續

Lost HKID Card 遺失香港身份證

Report to any Registration of Persons Office and apply for a replacement within 14 days. (Return original if destroyed, damaged or defaced) 你必須在14天內向人事登記辦事處報告及申領新證

Lost Entry Permit 遺失《往來港澳通行證》

Mainland students losing Entry Permit should contact IDO for procedures to apply for a replacement. 內地學生若遺失通行證需向IDO 查詢補領手續

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Thank you 謝謝



Open Rice


MeetupMyObservatoryToilet Rush




http://hiking.gov.hk/eng/longtrail/hktrail/hktrail.htm HK Hiking Trail
