n n o o r r t t h h w w o o o o d d s s n n e e w w s s I I n n f f o o r r m m i i n n g g t t h h e e n n o o r r t t h h e e a a s s t t ' ' s s t t r r e e e e a a n n d d t t i i m m b b e e r r b b u u s s i i n n e e s s s s e e s s s s i i n n c c e e 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 F F i i r r e e g g r r o o u u p p s s 7 NCFP 8 RDPE bioENergy 9 NERAF 10 Training opportunities 11 Seasons greetings 2 Welcome 3 Staff news 4 New projects 5 5 B B E E n n 11 Contact us

Northwoods News - Winter 2008/09€¦ · Northwoods is proud to continue to deliver a high standard of ... Operation Procedures (SOP’s) have been produced and 250 copies distributed

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4­Newprojects55 ­­ BBEEnn


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Welcome to theWinter 09 issueof Northwoods NewsThe New Year 2010 is here and with it time to reflect on all thenew and exciting opportunities land based businesses across thenorth east region have benefited from.Northwoods are delivering two aspects of RDPE funding currently,covering forestry related training and a grant programme forbusinesses working in bioenergy supply chains. Read on to findout if you can take advantage of this assistance.With the end of 2009 we started a new exciting project targetingthe woodfuel suppliers in the Northumberland Uplands ‐ NULogs.We are also running the Firegroups in Northumberland andCumbria as well as the Community Flooding Partnership forNorthumberland (NCFP).Northwoods is proud to continue to deliver a high standard oftraining and workshops for the woodfuel sector in the UK. Withthe BEn project RDI addresses the strategic issues of the biomasssupply chain and the North East region is getting known inEurope!The team at Northwoods is ever‐expanding, and this year hasbeen no exception with two new members of staff joining us!Lynne Dunleavy ‐ Project Manager for the NCFP and Darrin Woods,replacing Ethan Bigelow as Project Officer for fire groups.Another big change is going to happen in January 2010 with thecurrent Project Director David Clubb leaving Northwoods andbeing replaced by Ben Tansey, who is well known in the northeast biomass sector.Please read on to find out the exciting things that Northwoodshave achieved over the past couple of months!

About RDIRural DevelopmentLtd is a not-for-profitbusiness which runsa variety of projectsin the sector.

RDI runs twoWoodland Initiatives,one of which isNorthwoods, theother being oursister organisation inYorkshire,Yorwoods.

For furtherinformation aboutRDI and the projectswe run, visit the RDIwebsite (detai ls atthe end of thenewsletter).

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SNew Year is traditionally a time of renewal,and this year Northwoods is joining in byappointing a new Director.DDaavviidd CClluubbbb, our Director since January2007, is heading off in February to work forthe European Environment Agency inCopenhagen. His replacement will beBBeenn TTaannsseeyy who is currently the regionalBusiness Development Manager for WoodEnergy, a biomass installation company.Ben has a proud history of association withNorthwoods, including a very productive spellas a training officer and subsequently aproject officer when he ran the ForestryForward Northumberland programme, theprecursor for our current Landskills trainingprogramme. He also developed the award‐winning Ignite wood fuel training programme.Ben brings with him his strong businessacumen, a great track record of biomassprojects and a strong network of regional andnational contacts to Northwoods. Ben will betaking up his post in January.David said "these last two years have beengreat ‐ Northwoods has grown from strengthto strength and I've personally learnt a lot

about the region and the forestry sector.Although the new job will be very excitingand challenging I will really miss mycolleagues both in the office and in otherorganisations across the region. However, Iknow that Ben will do a fantastic job, and Ilook forward to hearing all about it from mynew post in Denmark!"

taff newsNew Northwoods Projects Director

New projects staffTo find out more about our new project staff and their work visit the relevant projects pages:LLyynnnnee DDuunnlleeaavvyy ‐ Northumberland Coomunity Flooding Partnership (NCFP)DDaarrrriinn WWooooddss ‐ Fire Groups

Ben Tansey ‐ new Northwoods ProjectDirector

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New projectsULogsNorthumberland Uplands Logs (NULogs) is aNorthumberland Uplands Leader‐fundedproject.NULogs has one overarching aim; to increaseand improve access to firewood supply in theuplands area. To achieve this we provide anonline map and database of suppliers to helpincrease uptake of local firewood, and as themain part of the project we will offersupport and training to firewood businesses.If you’re a firewood supplier already or arethinking about getting into firewood supply,we can offer technical advice, businesssupport, funding advice, training, helpsourcing timber and any other help yourbusiness should need. This support is onlyavailable for businesses within the NULeader

area (see here for a map)One of the most established markets forfirewood exists in Sweden, so as part of theproject we will offer a study tour to Swedenat the beginning of March to see bestpractice, and learn from their experience.For customers wanting to source localfirewood we have a map of log suppliers inthe area. One of the aims of the project is toencourage and support firewood businessesto take on board quality assurance measures,for example signing up to an accreditedquality assurance scheme, firewoodproduction training and monitoring. Forcustomers this should give them theconfidence that they will receive the productthey want at a fair price.To find out more, or to register your interestin support, register for the Sweden studytour, please go to www.nulogs.org.uk orcontact John Farquhar on 01670 513 292 [email protected]

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BBiomass energy register for sustainable sitedevelopment for European regions

For updates and news from the project visit:www.northwoods.org.uk/ben or www.ben‐project.eu

Contact person: KKaassiiaa ZZiieelleewwsskkaa

En(Biomass Energy)BEn, our bio‐energy mapping project for theNorth East, which aims to support theregional biomass supply chain just finishedone year. From its start in November 2008 wehave been working intensively on varioustasks.We started with the identification of biomassnetworks and actors in the region andintroduction of BEn project to them. In theprocess of preparatory work for thedevelopment of the regional biomass masterplan we carried out a regional SWOT analysisfor the biomass sector in the North East anddesigned a template document for the masterplan.The data availibility for the BEn register hasbeen investigated and a provisional structure

of the data has been developed together withthe international project partners.In the next months we will focus on datacollection for the mapping tool, on thedevelopment of the bioenergy guides andconcept for the regional biomass master plan.The BEn mapping tool is currently indevelopment and we hope to present aprototype to our stakeholders soon.

We have also just lauched an interactive mappresenting the biomass stakeholders in theNorth East region. The map is free to publicsector and biomass related networks. Allbiomass suppliers, installers, consultants andsupport organisations are welcome toregister their interest with us for a smallannual fee. Follow up this topic on


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FWith the departure of EthanBigelow for pastures new, weare fortunate to replace himwith Darrin Woods, our newwildfire project officer.Darrin is a native of NewZealand and has extensivewildfire experience, at both apractical and research level,which is already proving to bevery useful not only toourselves but the widerwildfire ‘community’ in theUK.Darrin has written a fewwords about himself ...."I have had extensiveinvolvement in the rural firescene, primarily through myemployment with NewZealand's Department ofConservation in a firemanagement capacity, butalso through work as a fire

research technician in NZ,Canada and the UK.My previous employment inthe UK was for the Game andWildlife Conservation Trust,based in County Durham butworking primarily atOtterburn in Northumberland.A component of this workinvolved research into thesustainability of moorlandburning. So I am familiarwith the north of England andsome of the rural firemanagement issues that it isfacing."As for progress with the groupitself, the wet summers ofrecent years has suppressedthe number of incidents and,to a certain extent, itsrelevance on many people’s‘radars’. However, with theongoing threat of climatechange it remains a very realrisk for much of uplandNorthumberland and wecannot allow ourpreparedness to slip,otherwise we risk returning tothe situation of a few yearsback. Hence the group has

ire groups ‐Northumberland and Cumbriacontinued with many of itsactivities such as preparingand revising fire plans,training and monitoring firerisk. A set of StandardOperation Procedures (SOP’s)have been produced and 250copies distributed to landmanagers around the county.The SOP comes in a handyring bound A6 bookletsuitable for retention in avehicle cab for immediateuse. We have limited copiesremaining but if you wouldlike a supply please contact

Darrin [email protected] / 07827 913849.

In conjunction with CheviotFutures we are planning amajor wildfire exercise forspring 2010 in order to testthe communication andtechnical skills of the groupand its partners. More detailson our website nearer thetime.We are now working withpartners in County Durham toinvestigate the feasibility ofcreating a wildfire group inthe county.

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NCFPNorthumberland Community FloodingPartnershipThe Northumberland Community FloodingPartnership was set up in the spring of 2009,as a reaction to the floods of 2008.The project helps remote rural communitiesat high risk of flooding, giving them supportto form active community flood groups.They are given flood planning advice andtraining on all aspects of flood resilience forbefore, during and after a flood. Theproject supports the groups in formingworking relationships with the variousbodies that help them resolve the causes ofsome of their flooding issues.Lynne Dunleavy was appointed ProjectManager for the scheme and started workingwith the communities in Aug 2009.Lynne graduated with a BSc degee inGeography and Landscape Studies(collegiate) from Southampton University.She has a wide range of experience workingin the rural sector including 11 yearsworking for the CountyrsideCommission/Countryside Agency where sheworked on a variety of land based initiativessuch as the Norfolk Arable Land ManagementInitiative, Countryside Character, AONB's and

Community Forests. Lynne became theProgramme Manager in the CountrysideAgency's East of England region for theirActive and Empowered Communities work,this included running schemes such as theCommunity Services Grants, Parish PlanningGrants, Parish and Strategic Transport Grants,Village Design Statements and Local HeritageInitiatives.

Currently 9 communities are engaged withthe project and work is underway to start tocontact a further 7 in the New Year. The firstcommunity flood action plan should be indraft form in January 2010. A programme oftraining for the groups is being developedlinking the groups to existing and newtraining.

For further information about the Partnership or groups contact:Lynne DunleavyT: 01670 513929, M: 07787 228014E: [email protected]: www.northwoods.org.uk/northumberland‐community‐flooding‐partnership

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The European Agricultural Fundfor Rural Development: Europeinvesting in rural areas

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in ruralareas: http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rurdev/index_en.htm

One NorthEast: www.onenortheast.co.uk

The RDPE bioeNErgy support programme ispart of the Solutions for Business product,the Government’s package of publiclyfunded business support designed to helpcompanies start and grow, and is fundedthrough the Rural Development Programmefor England.Due to the success of the initial phase ofbioeNErgy the programme has now beenextended to March 2011 giving businesses afurther opportunity to apply for businesssupport. To date over £700,000 has beenallocated by the decision making panel to34 applicants, for a wide variety ofprojects. For example the Unthank Estate,in West Northumberland, has been able todevelop a large scale firewood processing

yard, with the ultimate aim of increasingsupply into firewood markets significantlyover the forthcoming years, utilising timberfrom the estate and other local sources.Interest in the project remains high so if youhave a business idea related to woodfuel andwould benefit from support please get intouch with us to see if you can benefit fromthe scheme, or alternatively see

www.northwoods.org.uk/bioenergyfor guidance notes and an expression ofinterest form.In order to streamline the application processprojects are now considered by the panel on arolling basis.

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Northwoods news feeds!

The North East Rural Affairs Forum (NERAF) isthe link between rural communities andpublic sector delivery bodies. RDI has won thecontract to run the secretariat for this body,and has already carried out a review of itsactivities for 2007‐2009.We are working with the Forum to improve itsoperation, and the way in which itcommunicates with its members and thegeneral public. Although nothing has changed

in its public perception, there's plenty ofactivity going on behind the scenes and weare putting together ideas which willimprove the profile of the Forum, as well asbetter explaining what it provides for theregion.The lead for the NERAF secretariat is Ben,with Pam providing an extremely efficientadmin and organisational role. Contact tel.01670 513292

Northwoods website has RSS feeds! You can now stay informed each time we post a news item!Link our Feeds to your email through the RSS icon located on the main menu bar on ourwebsite or using this link: http://www.northwoods.org.uk/rss.xml

ForStartSupport for new entrants in the forestry sectorForStart: North East is a one year project which offers support to existing businesses to create6 new jobs across the across the North East in the trees and timber industry.Featuring support for new intrants and businesses, ForStart: North East begins in February andprovides specialist support ‐ including financial ‐ for businesses looking to take on newentrants to the sector. The information leaflet about the project can be downloaded from theNorthwoods website (click here)!

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TLandskills North East funding allows us to provide subsidisedtraining courses for a diverse range of subjects. A variety ofcourses were run during 2009 ‐ see below for coursesscheduled for 2010 ‐ keep a look out on our website for morecourses as they are organised!•18 ‐ 21 Jan NPTC CS30 & CS31 Chainsaw Training•01 ‐ 05 Feb NPTC CS30 & CS31 Chainsaw Training•01 ‐ 05 Mar NPTC CS30 & CS31 Refresher Chainsaw Training•19 ‐ 23 Apr NPTC CS32 & CS34 Chainsaw Training•April (date to be confirmed ‐ Forestry First Aid Training


Are you interested in a career in the forestryor timber sector but don't know what itentails?If so, this is the event for you.Work in the Woods Week is a week longcourse of events and information sessionswith the intention of recruiting new entrantsto the trees and timber sector in the NorthEast. The event is aimed at people interestedin starting a career in forestry and will raiseawareness of the forestry industry as apotential career path and help to signpostattendees to the most appropriate next steps(including apprenticeships, employment andLandskills forestry training).

Week in the WoodsSpecific activities during the weeklong eventinclude seeing what it's like to operate a£250,000 timber harvesting machine, visitingone of England's largest timber processingfactories and understanding the importanceof sustainable, multipurpose forestry.The event will also give potential employersthe chance to meet new entrants in a forestryenvironment, to see potential recruits atwork and to recruit these onto the ForStart:North East programme.The event will be based at Chopwell Woodsnear Gateshead and people from across theregion are invited to attend.

The event will take place in late February.The cost will be £25+VAT, and includes transport to and from Newcastle to the venue

(Chopwell Woods), and lunch each day.Don't miss your opportunity! To find out more, call Pam on 01670 513292.


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CSeasons Greetings

Happy New Year 2010The entire Northwoods and RuralDevelopment Initiatives Team wishes all itspartners, supporters, customers andcollaborators a healthy, happy and successfulNew Year 2010!

contact usIf you would like to find out more about the variety ofprojects that Northwoods have on offer please see


Please feel free to contact any member of the Northwoodsteam:DDaavviidd CClluubbbb // BBeenn TTaannsseeyy ‐‐ Project DirectorJJeennnniiffeerr HHeewwiittssoonn ‐ Project Officer (bioeNErgy)JJoohhnn FFaarrqquuhhaarr ‐‐ Project Officer (Biomass)LLyynnnnee DDuunnlleeaavvyy ‐‐ Project Manager (Flooding)DDaarrrriinn WWooooddss ‐ Project Officer (Wildfire)KKaassiiaa ZZiieelleewwsskkaa ‐ Project Officer (BEN)PPaamm BBaakkeerr ‐‐ Assistant Project OfficerEmail Northwoods office: [email protected]

NorthwoodsGreys Yard

The Old StablesMorpeth

NorthumberlandNE61 1QD

T: 01670 513292