3t NOTIFICATION Dear Parents and Carers, On Thursday 8 th November we held a grand opening of our new and outstanding EYFS Outdoor Area... The area was officially opened by Michael D’Souza. This follows months of hard work by OuterSpace. This has meant that the emergency gates in Badminton close will no longer be used to enter the playground. Please see below a letter which has already been sent out to parents/carers. Our pupils look forward to enjoying this new fantastic space. Mrs D. Byron Headteacher POLITE NOTICE Lovely neighbour in Walton Road has asked parents from Marlborough School if they could be extra vigilant when dropping off their children, as his elderly wife has dementia and tends to walk in the road. Please be aware and take care.

NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

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Page 1: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a


NOTIFICATION Dear Parents and Carers,

On Thursday 8th November we held a grand opening of our new and outstanding EYFS Outdoor Area... The area was officially opened by Michael D’Souza. This follows months of hard work by

OuterSpace. This has meant that the emergency gates in Badminton close will no longer be used to enter the playground. Please see below a letter which has already been sent out to parents/carers.

Our pupils look forward to enjoying this new fantastic space.

Mrs D. Byron Headteacher

POLITE NOTICE Lovely neighbour in Walton Road has asked

parents from Marlborough School if they could be extra vigilant when dropping off their children, as his elderly wife has dementia and tends to walk in

the road. Please be aware and take care.

Page 2: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Congratulations to all the children who have achieved core skills recognition in the first weeks of the academic year



Lennon Cameron & Rudra Ali & Edward

Franklin Liyaa & Lukas Louie & Matthew

Jackson Noah Matteo Luis & Larisha

Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen

Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska

Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed

Hockney Abiraam Mariam

Gaudi Saki & Paavana Patrisia & Ella-Rose

Dali Arash & Naomi Milly & Azhra

King Anay & Ariana Kabir & Luckshi

Churchill Kashvi & Iga Josef & Kashvi

Gandhi Samuel Umar

Mandela Amar & Elyas Anton & Zahrah

Pankhurst Nikita Juwayriah

Lincoln Ali & Ilyas Anika & Krisha

Lama Anas & Anas Gracie & Ruthi

Potter Alisha Anurita

Blyton Eva Prisha

Austen Adhya & Hudeyfa Grace Hill & Leon

Dickens Thushara & Fatima Elliott & Charlie

Shakespeare Zain & Aysel Kowcer & Rehan

Zephaniah Miriam & Tailan Inaaya & Ruwayda


Page 3: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

On the 27th September, Year 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from Peter at A-Life. Peter came to our school to deliver not only one but two workshops to support the children's learning in our Science unit

'Animals including Humans'. The day began with a Healthy Living Workshop where the children, support by some super Year 4 helpers, completed a range of hands on, practical activity consolidating their learning

about the importance of hygiene, exercise and eating the right amounts and types of food. In the afternoon, Peter then took them on a fun fitness adventure. Here, the children lived through an exciting, adventure

story which involved practical exercise activities to match the story being told. It was a fantastic experience and the children truly benefited from the day.

Here are some quotes from the children...

"The workshop was very nice because I learnt some new things about fruits and vegetables. I didn't know that mangoes grew on trees!" Amelia, 2 Dali

"I learnt that food goes through your digestive system." Tavia, 2 Gaudi

"I was surprised to find out that orange juice has more sugar than coke!" Lily, 2 Gaudi

"I learnt how much sugar sweet things really have and I was shocked!" Henry, 2 Dali

"I will make sure I am exercising every day!" Shamla, 2 Hockney

A-Life Healthy Workshop

Class 2 Gaudi

Today, Mr.-A from A-Lice came and spoke to us about keeping healthy. I enjoyed seeing how many sugar and

salt they had. I liked it because you got to see who has the most and least.

I learnt how to keep fit by doing lots of running and jumping. My favorite exercise was running like a

helicopter. I liked it because it was fun running around.

Reza Haider – 2 Gaudi

Page 4: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

When I went to the River Thames, the

experience was amazing. There were

many parts to look at. There were

bridges and buildings towering over the

river, it was a great sight. The river was

rushing by and I could hear the water

screaming down the river path. This trip

was definitely worth the wait. The sight

was very majestic even if the water was

dirty. When we were drawing the river it

took very long as the river had many

parts. I loved this trip and wish we could

be there longer.


5 Austen

I found the trip interesting and exciting because there were lots of things to

learn. We learnt a lot of amazing, wonderful facts about the River Thames. I

liked this trip a lot because we got to sketch as well as learn. I found this

trip very fun because of the river cruise we went on. The river cruise was

perfectly normal but the fun thing was we got to be with our friends.

Overall I think our whole year group loved it.


On Thursday, Year 5 went on a trip to the River Thames.

The thing I enjoyed was the amazing boat trip! On our trip

we went to London and we sketched the River Thames in

our Art books. The thing I learnt on the trip was that

London Bridge was the bridge with the towers was called

the Tower Bridge.


5 Austen

Our Trip to River Thames “On 27th September 2018, Year 5 had gone to the famous, River Thames in Central London. It was one of the best, educational trip ever!” the trip included the extraordinary river cruise which gave us information on the famous monuments we passed. “The cool breeze just swept my hair from right to left, when the boat started…” “This helped a lot in everyone’s learning and it gave us some excellent knowledge….” Harshita

5 Austen

On our class trip to the River Thames I enjoyed sketching the

River because there was a wonderful view in-front of us. I

also enjoyed when we went on the boat because it was a

fantastic experience. I also loved learning new facts about the

Thames and London. My most favourite experience was going

to London for the first time. This was one of the best

experiences ever. Thank you Year % Teachers!

Youcef Bouda

5 Austen


Page 5: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

River Thames

When I went to the River Thames, the experience was amazing. There were many parts to look at. There was bridges and buildings towering over the river, it was a great sight. The river was rushing by and I could hear the water screaming down the river path. This trip was definitely worth the wait. The sight was very majestic even if the water was dirty. When we were drawing the river it took very long as the river had many parts. I loved this trip and wish we could be there longer. Leon 5 Austen

River Thames

When I went to the River Thames, the experience was amazing. There were many parts to look at. There was bridges and buildings towering over the river, it was a great sight. The river was rushing by and I could hear the water screaming down the river path. This trip was definitely worth the wait. The sight was very majestic even if the water was dirty. When we were drawing the river it took very long as the river had many parts. I loved this trip and wish we could be there longer. Leon 5 Austen

On September 27th, Year 5 went to the River Thames. It

was a very long journey, but we made it right on time.

When we got out of the train we saw the London Eye.

The London Eye was so close to me that I couldn’t

measure how big it was.

It was my birthday on that day, I was so excited, that I

was bursting around with happiness. We sat near the

London Eye and drew what we saw. I drew the boat

waiting to move, but it was too late! But I still saw

other boats.

I was so hungry by lunch time, after we had our lunch

we waited to go on the boat. There were two lines, one

for the River Cruise and one for the London Eye.

When we went on the boat we saw London Bridge.

London Bridge does not have a tower, this is Tower

Bridge. Big Ben is not a tower but it is a bell.

Waving at people on the bridge will give you 5 years of

good luck. So I tried to get their attention. Shakespeare

Globe is the only building with a thatched roof in

London, due to the fire risk associated with the



5 Blyton

My trip to the River Thames was so much fun! I learnt lots of new things and

have lots of memories with my friends. One of the memories was when we

were drawing the landscape and Sadie drew a Titanic scene where they were

on the edge of the boat. I burst out laughing and fell on the floor on board the

River Cruise boat. The tour guide told us lots of facts. I remember that Vicky

said “If you wave at people on the bridges you get 5 years of good luck!

Page 6: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

On Sunday 30th of September, Marlborough won the Korfball Tournament for Year 4, 5 and 6 children in Harrow. This means that, at the moment, Marlborough is at the top of the Harrow League. A massive thank you to all of the parents and ex-Marlborough students who came to

support our team.

I feel myself to be lucky as I represent my school in the Korfball tournament. Korfball is a ball sport,

with similarities to Netball and basketball. We were a team of six students. We played four

matches with different school teams. The score of the first match was 3-3, the score of the second

match was 3-1 to us, the score of the third match was 7-0 to us and the score of the last match was


At the end we gained 7 points and won the tournament. I think our communication and long pass’s

made us win. Then the prize distribution was held and we were awarded with a trophy and medal.

We had a spectacular time with each other.

Agastya 6 Zephaniah


Page 7: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

On Saturday 6th of October Marlborough competed in Barnet Primary Schools Tournament. Our team showed collaboration and perseverance coming up

against strong teams from other schools. A massive thank you to all the parents and staff supporting Marlborough.

Year 2 KS1 Festival Trip to Harrow Leisure Centre Team

Romell Sahithiya Kritika Rio Danya Diana Dan Mustafa Balqis

"The trip to the PE festival was really good because we got to do lots of different sports like basketball and tennis. My favourite part was when we did the egg and spoon race." Sahithiya (2 Gaudi)

Page 8: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Harrow Council’s Sport & Leisure

Development calls out for votes to bag a

share of Tesco’s bag fund

Harrow Council’s Sport and Leisure Development Team is bidding to bag a cash boost from

the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.

Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees

grants of £4,000, £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to

local community projects.

Three groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and

shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should

take away the top grant.

Harrow Council’s Sport and Leisure Development Team is one of the groups on the shortlist.

The ‘Harrow Hunger Games’ is a holiday programme for young people, offering and

promoting activities with wider links to Harrow’s community sporting organisations.

The project will engage with Harrow’s young people in keeping them in S.H.A.P.E - Sporting,

Healthy, Active, Physical & Educated.

Voting is open in all Tesco stores in October and customers will cast their vote using the blue

token given to them (or simply requesting one) at the check-outs in store each time they


Many thanks

Sport and Leisure Development Team

Harrow Hunger Games: PLEASE VOTE

Page 9: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

On the 2nd October a group of Educational Leaders from the Czech Republic visited Marlborough to

get an insight to life at our school

Feedback from one of the visitors

Dear Mrs. Byron

I was part of the Czech teachers’ party that you so kindly allowed to share a day in the life of

Marlborough School earlier this month. My colleague, Lenka Krausova and I were so impressed and

inspired by your school, but most especially by the amazing young prefects that took care of us that

day. They were such articulate and engaging young children and they made our visit even more


I wish you, your staff and your brilliant school nothing but the very best for the future.


Page 10: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

All children received a free book from the

book trust called Little Monkey. We

introduced the book by reading the story

to parents and children helping to

immerse the children into the book. We

all had a lovely morning being involved in

creative activities linked to the story.

Book Trust Day in Reception

Page 11: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Diwali day

On the 1st of November we celebrated

Diwali in Reception. The children were

involved in creative activities making

Rangoli patterns, dressing up in Diwali

clothes and cooking Diwali sweets.

Parents were involved to join the Diwali


Diwali Day at Marlborough

Page 12: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Black History at Marlborough

Marlborough Primary School was buzzing with excitement as all the children enjoyed a range of cross curriculum learning activities to celebrate Black History Month.

The school recognised black history and culture by focusing on the migration of the Windrush generation in fun and exciting lessons in history, English, art and design and geography.

On Monday 8th October 2018, Mr Sterling held an interactive assembly to introduce the topic where children learned the meaning of ‘migration’ by discovering some of the countries members of our own Marlborough community have emigrated from. Countries include Jamaica, Japan, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Australia, Somalia, India, Trinidad, Thailand, Turkey and France to name a few.

During the assembly, the children also heard the legendary poem ‘Windrush Child’ by John Agard. It is about the workers who left their home in the Caribbean to live and work in Britain following the Second World War seeking to meet Britain's need for workers to fill labour requirements. Many men had died during the war and the workforce was severely depleted. EYFS, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 also received a visit from author Michael De Souza, (BBC Rastamouse) who spent time in their classrooms reading his books and developing a love for literature and storybooks.

Page 13: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

On Friday 12th October a second assembly was delivered by Dr Neil, chairman and founder of Reach Society, a social enterprise which inspires and mentors young people. He explained that generations of Windrush migrants have succeeded in making Britain their home and have become an important part of British life. He also discussed the value of growing up in a multi-racial society and how the principles of tolerance and respect are essential. Information about the whole school writing competition was also shared at the assembly where children were invited to imagine they were a Windrush child and to submit a story or diary entry capturing the child’s wishes, hopes and fears. A staggering amount of high quality pieces of writing was submitted. Look out for the winners’ entries which will be announced and shared in the next newsletter!

Mr Sterling, History Leader, said: "This year was a special year for celebrating Black History in the UK as it was the 70th anniversary of Windrush. As one of the most diverse boroughs in London, we have a multicultural community at Marlborough and I'm glad we were able to deliver a great learning experience at our school where children recognised the contributions of the Windrush generation to British society."

Page 14: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Metropolitan Police Christmas Tree Project

Every year the Metropolitan police launch the Christmas tree project. Last year they

managed to provide over 19000 presents for children in care and received support from

across the country. This year we have decided to get creative and support this good cause.

Many children across the school have submitted their fantastic posters and they were full

of festivity and artistic skills. In this case Zaina from year 2 has won the Harrow borough

poster competition! This is an amazing achievement as so many entries from around

London were submitted. Zaina showed creativity and self-belief when designing her

poster in doodle club, she then showed perseverance when she finished off her design at

home and brought it back to submit for this competition. Zaina’s poster will go onto the

next stage, where she has been invited to Scotland Yard for the senior leaders to pick the

final winner to switch on the lights.

We wish you good luck and a big well done Zaina! You have made us very proud at Marlborough with your creative skills.

Page 15: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

I feel happy because I got a certificate

from the MET police. I went with my

mummy and daddy and my sisters to

Scotland Yard. I went to the top floor

and saw a great view. The best part was

when I tasted the yummy food they

gave us. I am very proud of my design

because it is creative and I won the

poster competition for Harrow.


1 Banksy

Page 16: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

You are invited to a

Date: Wednesday 21st November

Time: 9.00am to 10.30am

Location: Small Hall

Our Speech and Language Therapist, Emma Parsons, will be running a parent

workshop addressing the complex ways that children communicate and

understand language and how to further support your child at home.

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Page 20: NOTIFICATION · Banksy Daksh & Natsuki Divyam & Sabreen Warhol Hareem & Mohammed Krushath & Haska Mitchell Sophia & Maria Shravya & Muhammed ... Globe is the only building with a

Congratulations to all the following children who received a Praise on a Postcard during the first few weeks of the

academic year for showing themselves to be a hardworking, responsible, role model and good learner.



Disney and Dahl Disney and Dahl

Franklin Harishan Franklin Layla

Jackson Jackson Mudasir

Lennon Sukayna Lennon Bethany

Banksy Anvi Banksy Kasper

Warhol Hamda Warhol Noa

Mitchell Alex Mitchell Aminah

Gaudi Ruben Gaudi Ella-Rose

Dali Ethan Dali Naomi

Hockney Ian Hockney Hassan

Gandhi Anna Gandhi Abdu

King Siddharth King Muhammaduzair

Churchill Vedika Churchill Josef

Mandela Pratham Mandela Asmethaa

Pankhurst Helge Pankhurst Blake

Lama Serinah Lama Sara

Lincoln Miki Lincoln Miki

Austen Nisreeu Austen Adam

Potter Hafsa Potter Hudha

Blyton Matilda Blyton Mohamed

Zephaniah Leoni Zephaniah Holly

Dickens Shewa Dickens Vaishnavi

Shakespeare Tyrell Shakespeare Sarah