November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews all over the world begin this new year admitting to sins, asking for forgiveness, and making decisions to not repeat the sins, we use this time for self reflection. This is not always an easy task but is one that if you are true to your efforts, can result in positive change. While traditional New Year’s resolutions are typically about losing weight, working out, doing well in school and so forth, the self proclamation that comes to us during the high holidays is one that can truly have a huge impact on your life and your relationships and can lead to lasting changes. On to another reflection, our UNBELIEVABLE Tea Party hosted by our very own Adrienne Castiglio- ne. For those fortunate enough to attend, there is no doubt you will agree what an amazing job was done by all. I personally want to thank everyone for the tireless hours you put in to ensure success. The detailed thank you note is later in the newsletter. As our first event of the year, I’m pleased to say we had close to 90 people in attendance. This included many current Sisterhood members as well as new and prospective members. For those prospective members who attended, I welcome you and hope that you will join me and the entire Sisterhood Board for future events. For those new and renewing members, I am excited you’ve decided to join us this year and hope you will attend as many events as possible. As all know, attending events is the easiest ways to build lasting relationships at the temple and within the Sisterhood. All member are always willing to open their hearts to new and endearing friendships. Please take advantage of this amazing way to become integrated and build lifelong sisters. We have some great events coming up over the next few months. I look forward to seeing everyone soon. B’shalom, Mindy Shanes President President s Message 1 Author Event: Jailhouse Cuisine 2 Wine & Paint Night 3 Current Membership List 4 New Member Application 5 Membership Tea Thank You 6 Scrip Info 7 Save the Date: Mah Jongg Tournament 7 Save The Date: Woman of The Year 7 Book Club Schedule 8 Camp Mountain High Woman s Weekend 9 Help Wanted 10 Monthly Bagel & Coffee 10 Free Mah Jongg Clinic 10 2016 - 2017 Sisterhood Event 11 Flower Fund 12 Sisterhood Interest Groups 13 October/November Calendar 14 Sisterhood Board 15 Month Date Event Time Location Oct 16 Author Event 3PM TAS Nov 6 Free Mah Jongg Clinic 2-5PM TAS Nov 13 Paint & Wine Night 4PM TAS Dec 15 Woman of the Year 6:30PM TAS Dec 18 Holiday Bazaar TBD TAS Dec 22 Krav maga class TBD TAS Table of Contents Join our Sisterhood Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/templeadatshalomsisterhood/

November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews

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Page 1: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777

Dear Sisters,

Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and

healthy New Year!!

As Jews all over the world begin this new year admitting

to sins, asking for forgiveness, and making decisions to

not repeat the sins, we use this time for self reflection.

This is not always an easy task but is one that if you are

true to your efforts, can result in positive change. While

traditional New Year’s resolutions are typically about losing weight, working out, doing well in school

and so forth, the self proclamation that comes to us during the high holidays is one that can truly

have a huge impact on your life and your relationships and can lead to lasting changes.

On to another reflection, our UNBELIEVABLE Tea Party hosted by our very own Adrienne Castiglio-

ne. For those fortunate enough to attend, there is no doubt you will agree what an amazing job was

done by all. I personally want to thank everyone for the tireless hours you put in to ensure success.

The detailed thank you note is later in the newsletter. As our first event of the year, I’m pleased to say we had close to 90 people in attendance. This included

many current Sisterhood members as well as new and prospective members. For those prospective members who attended, I welcome you and hope that you

will join me and the entire Sisterhood Board for future events. For those new and renewing members, I am excited you’ve decided to join us this year and hope

you will attend as many events as possible.

As all know, attending events is the easiest ways to build lasting relationships at the temple and within the Sisterhood. All member are always willing to open

their hearts to new and endearing friendships. Please take advantage of this amazing way to become integrated and build lifelong sisters.

We have some great events coming up over the next few months. I look forward to seeing everyone soon.


Mindy Shanes


President’s Message 1

Author Event: Jailhouse Cuisine 2

Wine & Paint Night 3

Current Membership List 4

New Member Application 5

Membership Tea Thank You 6

Scrip Info 7

Save the Date: Mah Jongg Tournament 7

Save The Date: Woman of The Year 7

Book Club Schedule 8

Camp Mountain High Woman’s Weekend 9

Help Wanted 10

Monthly Bagel & Coffee 10

Free Mah Jongg Clinic 10

2016-2017 Sisterhood Event 11

Flower Fund 12

Sisterhood Interest Groups 13

October/November Calendar 14

Sisterhood Board 15

Month Date Event Time Location

Oct 16 Author Event


Nov 6 Free Mah

Jongg Clinic 2-5PM TAS

Nov 13 Paint &

Wine Night 4PM TAS

Dec 15 Woman of the Year

6:30PM TAS

Dec 18 Holiday Bazaar


Dec 22 Krav maga

class TBD TAS

Table o

f Co



Join our Sisterhood Group on Facebook:


Page 3: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


Page 4: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


Vanessa Acheatel Taylor Franklin Jennifer Kovner Adler Lorraine Pontell Anita Szawielenko

Sandy Alpert Ruth Gach Jennifer Kramer Edna Pores Angelica Teal

Sue Alpert Betsy Gardner Florence Krantz Rabbi Deborah Prinz Heather Teixeira

Lisa Altman Marlene Garstang Dianne Krasnow Jill Reich Lorraine Thall

Mona Angel-Ross Stacey Gartstein Ilene Kruger Shari Reitman Gerry Voit

Marie Arbeiter Marcia Gilberg Randee Kuehler Gloria Rickerd Audrey Wachtman

Diane Arocha Sherrill Kinsler Gilford Linda Kurtin Andrea Roberts Gail Walder

Lisa Avent Sue Gilson Evelyn Lamon Karin Robertson Allison Weisman

Joan Bersofsky Rae Glassman Dianne Lapidot Roberta Robinson Sherry Wilkins

Heidi Bilmes Enid Glick Sylvia Lasser Randy Rose Shari Wilson

Barbara Birenbaum Darlene Glovinsky Linda Lee Rose Rosenberg Teresa Wolf

Iris Bitton Lara Gocal Amy Lehrer Naomi Rosenberg Barbara Wood

Robyn Bjornsson Fran Goldstein Ruth Leiderman Ellin Rosenthal Marcie Yellin

Marilyn Bohle Marla Goodman Phyllis Levin Tammy Rozenberg Mona Younes

Ivy Bottle Vicki Gordon Helen Levinsky Helen Sabo Shun-Chun Yu

Margaret Bouchet Julie Goren Judy Linden Jan Sabran-Wolfert Susan Zanca-Burwin

Myra Brand Liz Gould Rosemarie Litoff DiDi Saks Florence Zaslow

Amie Butman Barbara Granowitz Peggy Locke Phyllis Savin Greta Zeitlin

Alissa Castiglione Louise Green Stacey Mandel Debra Savitzky Cheryl Zide

Adrienne Castiglione Barbra Green Barbara Marcus Natalie Schaeffer

Hiromi Clyne Melody Green Marilyn Marder Sherrill Schiffman

Hannah Cohen Jeri "Quan" Greenberg Marlene Markus Judith Schwartzman

Karen Cohen Beverly Greenfield Toni Martin Cindy Schwedock

Rayna Colton Ilene Greenspan Diana Mass Elinor Shack

Yo Constable Ronna Gross Phyllis Mehlman Mindy Shanes

Kitty Cooper Juliet Grossman Lauren Shapiro- Milana Carol Shapiro

Robin Daus Robin Halter Frances V Miller Judy Sheinbein

Robin Doucette Freda Heller Susan Milner Sue Solomon

Dr. Nancy Dunn Merle Hildebrand Sharon Molbegott Laura Spier

Beth Feldman Diane Hillman Sandra Moll Alice Spier

Marlene Fields Karen Ingamells Leslie Morrison Esther St. Hilaire

Susan Fields Nicole Ix Betty Morse Sharon Stanford

Linda Figler Eileen Kaufman Karen Parry Dr. Shari Stegman

Teresa Fischlowitz Barbara Kent Roberta Pessah Dena Stein

Joan Fish Mitzi Koch Maud Pincus Miriam Studley

Cantor Lori Frank Ellye Kovner Janet Pollack Cathleen Sugarman

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Page 6: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


Membership Tea Thank You What a beautiful Membership Tea we had on Sept. 25! Adrienne Castiglione had a wonderful vision of what the day

should be and she made it all happen, with a little help. From the delightful decor, complete with lovely tables and tulle bows, to lots of delicious sandwiches, fruit, desserts, and of course teas, we all enjoyed the afternoon in style. The

Castigliones' backyard setting was perfect, and live harp music added just the right touch.

The Sisterhood Board was happy to welcome new, returning, and prospective members, as well as our ongoing

members. We numbered about 90!

There are many people who made the afternoon special.

If anyone was left off this list, please know we appreciate that you helped make a most memorable event!

Cindy Schwedock and Dianne Lapidot Co-Vice Presidents of Membership

Our thanks to:

Archi Acres Karen Acres

Barbara Birenbaum Mitch Birenbaum

Adrienne Castiglione Alissa Castiglione David Castiglione Jared Castiglione

Nathan Castiglione Seth Castiglione Hannah Cohen

Yolanda Constable Robin Daus

Beth Feldman Phil Feinberg Matt Guinto Freda Heller

Merle Hildebrand Diane Hillman Amy Kanner Mary Klein Mitzy Koch

Ruth Leiderman Lauren Milana Leslie Morrison Gloria Rickerd

Mona Angel Ross Natalie Schaeffer

Mindy Shanes Shari Stegman Angelica Teal Lorraine Thall

Shyrle Turnbull Allison Weisman

Shari Wilson Jorge Zapata

Page 7: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


Sisterhood’s annual mah jongg tournament will be

held on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Please mark your

calendars and save the date for this fun day of mah

jongg, food and prizes! Please note this tournament

is for experienced players who can play four games

in an hour.

You don’t have to be a member of Sisterhood to

participate. Invite all your friends from far and near.

Information will be sent closer to the time of the

event, but please remember to mark your calendars


If you have any questions, please contact me at

[email protected], or 858-451-2228.

Thank you!

Debbie Savitzky, Treasurer

Our scrip program is an easy way to support Sisterhood AT NO COST TO YOU! Scrip is available at hundreds of mer-chants including restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets, department stores, coffee houses, movie theaters, elec-tronics, even online stores like Amazon, QVC and iTunes. To see a full list of participating merchants just log on to www.glsrip.com; at the bottom you will see a quick link to participating retailers. You pay the price of the gift card you are buying, just as you would at CVS or anywhere else. Sisterhood makes money by buying the cards at a dis-count, which can be anywhere between 1.5% and 20%, depending on the retailer. These are stores that you shop at every day, like Target, Walmart, Vons, Starbucks, Macys, Einsteins bagels!

If you want to place an order the easiest way is to first look up the vendors at the website, decide on the merchants you want and the denomination, and email your order to me at [email protected]. I place an order about once a month, and I will email you every month to remind you it’s time to place your next order. It’s really that easy! You don’t pay for the scrip until you pick it up at the Temple office. You will be notified by email that it is ready for pickup.

So please start thinking about back to school clothes and school supplies. Gift cards make great gifts for all kinds of occasions. Please try it out this month and place an order to see how easy it is.

If you have any questions please email me at [email protected], or call me at 858-451-2228. Thank you.

Debbie Savitzky Treasurer

Save the date as we celebrate

our Woman of the Year–

Debbie Savitsky

on December 15th at 6:30PM

at TAS.

Invitations coming out soon.


Page 8: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


**Oct. 13 The Nightingale Kristin Hannah Nancy Dunn

Nov. 8 A Fall of Marigolds Susan Meissner Freda Heller

Dec. 13 At the Water’s Edge Sara Gruen Susan Fields

Jan. 10 The Invisible Bridge Julie Orringer Joan Bersofsky

Feb. 14 The Shortest Way Home Juliette Fay Judy Linden

Mar. 14 After You Jojo Moyes Edna Poras

**Apr. 13 The Rosie Effect Graeme Simison Rose Rosenberg

May 9 Don’t Ever Get Old Daniel Friedman Judy Schwartzman

June 13 Hissing Cousins Marc Peyser Leslie Morrison

** Meeting on Thursday for that month

Our Sisterhood Book Club is open to all Sisterhood members- There is a one time yearly fee of $10.00 for

all Interest Groups. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 A.M. in the library at Temple. If

interested, please E-Mail Leslie Morrison at [email protected] or call 619-540-2626. It is a great group,

and a wonderful way to meet new friends! Leslie Morrison

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Help Wanted:

Volunteers needed to work in the temple office from 12-4 each day. Any amount of time you can volunteer, is a great help to the temple staff. They need help with

answering the phones and office tasks. If you have some hours each week you can help, please contact Phil Feinberg in the office:

[email protected]

Tikkun House

We need your help...to provide dinner for eight women in transition

at Tikkun House. You can make a difference in these women’s lives.

Please contact Beverly Greenfield to volunteer:

[email protected]. or 858-842-1025.

Monthly bagel and coffee get together for Gannon Gil parents. Come for an hour and meet with Ganon Gil families. Talk with past friends and make new ones! For more information on dates and times, contact

Ruth Liederman at: 619-857-5518 or [email protected]

Want to learn to play Mah Jongg? Sisterhood will be offering a free Mah Jongg clinic in the Social Hall on Sunday, November 6th from 2-5PM. The clinic will offer small group instruc-tion teaching the basics and etiquette of the game of Mah Jongg. To RSVP for the clinic,

please email [email protected] by November 5th to reserve your spot.

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October Lorraine & Peter Pontell October 4

Ellin & Alan Rosenthal October 9

Phyllis & Howard Levin October 19



Linda Figler October 6

Karin Robertson October 7

Lisa Altman October 11

Phyllis Levin October 11

Barbara Birenbaum October 21

Marilyn Marder October 21

Florence Krantz October 22


Barbara Kent November 3

Sandra Moll November 8

Eileen Kaufman November 10

Page 13: November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 November-December 2016 • Nissan-Iyar 5777 Dear Sisters, Shanah Tovah to all! I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year!! As Jews


Here is your opportunity to bond with a small group of sisters while enjoying your favorite activities. Sister-hood Interest Groups (SIGs for short) are individual clubs that meet regularly and allow you to spend qual-ity time doing what you love with like-minded ladies. The cost for dues is just $10 per SIG for the entire year. (Note: many groups, such as Movies, incur costs associated with the activity over and above the cost of dues.)

These SIGs are currently accepting new members:

Movies We see a different movie each month at a nearby theater, and discuss it over lunch or snacks afterward.

Meeting time: Usually the 2nd Sun-day of the Month, with the movie usually starting around 11 AM.

How to join: Contact Marlene Garstang

Home: (858) 673-5600

Email: [email protected]

Book Club Monthly book discussion led by vari-ous members throughout the year.

Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10 AM in Suite A, Temple Adat Shalom

How to join: Contact Leslie Morrison

Home: (858) 485-7428

Cell: (619) 540-2626

Email: [email protected]

Women’s Torah Study An informal study group with lots of interesting discussion! We have two different groups going. There is no charge for this group.

Meeting Time: Group 1: 4th Tuesday of the month at 10 AM; Group 2: 4th Thursday of the month at 10 AM.

How to Join: Contact Gerry Voit

Home: (858)451-3988

Email: [email protected]

Daytimers Each month we do a different, fun activity! It could be going to a museum, to a movie, out to a restaurant, to a play, an exhibit, on a walk at the beach, or to a member's house for an activity such as games, a discussion on a hot topic, or a pot luck lunch, etc. Each month a different member is in charge of planning the activity. We are asking that the members who join this group make a commitment to the third Tuesday of the month. Of course, we understand that sometimes things come up and you can’t attend, but that you make this commitment and not plan other things for that date that you can do at any time. The maximum number for the group is 25.

Meeting Time: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12:30 PM

How to join: Contact Leslie Morrison

Home: (858) 485-7428

Cell: (619) 540-2626

Email: [email protected]

Mah Jongg There are currently open Mah Jongg groups. Please put your name on the list!

Contact Diane Hillman

Cell: (619) 987-1444

Email: [email protected]

Bunco & Cooking These SIGs are just beginning to form. All

are welcome to join. If you are interested and want more details please contact Diane Hillman. Her contact information is below.

Start a SIG!

Do you have a great idea for a SIG? To start a SIG, contact Diane Hillman, our SIG Chair, and she’ll do whatever she can to get your group up and running!

Contact Diane Hillman

Cell: (619) 987-1444

Email: [email protected]

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November 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 Shabbat

Services 7PM

5 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

6 Free Mah

Jongg Clinic

2-5 PM

7 8 9 10 Sisterhood

Board Meeting


11 Shabbat

Services 7PM

12 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

13 Sisterhood

Wine & Paint

Night 4-6PM

14 15 DayTimers 16 Interfaith


Service 7 PM

17 18 Shabbat

Services 7PM

19 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

20 21 22 23 24 Happy


25 Shabbat

Services 7PM

26 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

27 28 29 30

October 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

2 3 Rosh


4 5 6 7 Shabbat

Services 7PM

8 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

9 10 11 Kol Nidre 12 Yom Kippur 13 Sisterhood

Board Meeting


14 Shabbat

Services 7PM

15 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

16 Sisterhood

Author Event

TAS 3-5:30 PM

17 18 DayTimers 19 20 21 Shabbat

Services 7PM

22 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

23 24 25 26 27 28 Shabbat

Services 7PM

29 Shabbat

Services 10 AM

30 31

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President Mindy Shanes [email protected]

VP Administration open

Historian open

Leadership Development Barbara Birenbaum [email protected]

Newsletter Mindy Shanes [email protected]

Parliamentarian Gloria Rickerd [email protected]

Policies & Procedures/By-laws Robin Doucette [email protected]

Recording Secretary Shari Reitman [email protected]

WRJ Liaison Lauren Milana [email protected]

VP Membership Dianne Lapidot [email protected]

Co-Chair Cindy Schwedock [email protected]

Photography-at-Large Melody Green [email protected]

VP Programming Barbara Birenbaum [email protected]

Co-Chair Merle Hildebrand [email protected]

Hospitality/Food Evelyn Lamon [email protected]

Co-Chair Natalie Schaeffer [email protected]

Publicity Beth Feldman [email protected]

Reservations Tammy Rozenberg [email protected]

VP Special Projects Beverly Greenfield [email protected]

Interest Groups Diane Hillman [email protected]

Social Action Robin Daus [email protected]

VP Ways & Means Leslie Morrison [email protected]

Flower Fund Leslie Morrison [email protected]

Gift Shop Florence Krantz [email protected]

Co-Chair Lauren Milana [email protected]

Mah Jongg Tournament Debbie Savitzky [email protected]

New Years Card Merle Hildebrand [email protected]

Co-Chair Lorraine Thall [email protected]

Raffles Barbra Green [email protected]

Scrip Debra Savitzky [email protected]

Stationery Dena Stein [email protected] Ruth Gach [email protected]

Cards Stacey King [email protected]

Chaplain Mona Angel-Ross [email protected]

Financial Secretary Lorraine Thall [email protected]

Ganon Gil Liaison Ruth Leiderman [email protected]

Immediate Past President Lauren Milana [email protected]

Mosad Shalom Liaison Lorraine Thall [email protected]

Nominating Committee Lauren Milana [email protected]

Outreach Sharon Stanford [email protected]

Sisterhood Shabbat Karen Ingamells [email protected]

Co-Chair Shari Wilson [email protected]

Treasurer Debra Savitzky [email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator Linda Kurtin [email protected]

Floater Margaret Bouchet [email protected]