,' ._ >' . ' ., . '\' ' .. ' ' {; ,..,..- •. . . . •. i ,, ', -. •· ' '•- . ' •' .• 'I . . . 'I - . · ., ' . I' J: .• ' •• .. ' ' ... . " : . . , -<If- .. - . . ' ' . . . ' ., ... '"'•'!If' f' '.:• I <t • . ' . · Volume 26. Np, 411 News. Vol. 46l 5 Cet-tS J.>er COJlY - . White Oaks Pioneer· For Woman ' ' . ' . . Obs•rv" 82nd-llirthday Charged In Slaying ·With 26 .. Mile Hike Mrs. Mafy Elizabeth nort1r1n. · · 29, Tlnnte, charged with the Anlrli.I · JJy DORPTI!Y' QTJCK $laying of her · husband, One ·morning recently, on th<· Manuel· Horton, 51, was released •CX'cnslon ot bl!i 82nd ·birthday Monclay from the Carrizozo·· jail David weU known when bondsmen furnished the pioneer, 'ot White Oaks; «Jeeld,ecl bond required. It Is not ex· to take care ot several busfn.ess pected the case will comf' to trial matters at Carrl2ozo, county seat until the September te• r of :>Is· ot Uncoln pounty, trtct Court In view ot the crJttcal 13 mlles from hi$ home. lllness of .Judge W. T. 'Walking down the mountain. who ls contlned to? an El Paso .... , ..... _...,. .• ..: the elderly man (known attec hospltlll. Friends and relatives ot· tlonately .jli Jo.clf) .stoppfld to the Tinnie woman refused to re· look at the cemetery tor ·which veal Mrs. Horton's plans pending he has ·Qeen the custodian more the beginning ot hPr trlnl. The than •ha:Jt century. Down past News·Outl.ook learned from re· the T<»Vnserid place and on t-. liable sources that threats are re· tlie Spji!ncer water hole, Jack ported as having been made sauntered wnlle rellshlng the against the defendant. . ... . . . ·. ' I .. . •' . . •, ' .AND/CARRIZ0ZO OUTLOOK ' ' . . . . The Only Prioi¢ld in Lincoln. County· -. ' ' . - '" . . .. ' •. . Nf;W l<)-lday, May 9, CARRIZOZO. HIGK SCHOOL ... GRADUATES . . .._' .. ' . . ..... ____ .,._._ ---- - ' ' · • Outlook, Volume 43, No. 1, - . Spencert Atwood Demo Winners First Senator? Tuesday's priJnary electton gave Truman A. Spencer Jr., Car• rlzozo, native ot Uncoln Count,. and grandson ot the William C. McDonald, the state'1 gov. ernor alter territorial an easy vcltory Jn the Democratic nomination fur the first aenator to the state legislature from thJa county. Clyde' Atwood bad an overwhelming majority ln the race for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. Bracen Fresquez 11 the successful DemoqraUc . for county tax asaeasor. Qeorp CC>Ql .Wet!t .smell of· the tllt. Til Hospltallzatlon for the .'lnP 1 0 mnlce th• trJp .doubly worthwhile. woman. whlcl1 was reeommend • .od he .&topped every time he saw n by Dr. J. E. Robinson, Carrizozo, hnge 'rQC.k that might ruin an at !not week's preliminary bear· auto :tlrt>, ll.n!J 1hrew lt out ot the Jng, was Inter deemed unneccs· road wblcll for so many years hat sary when Mrs. Horton's condiUon been lett to Weftr away undln· appeared Improved. It was re: turbcd. The day was growing ported the defendant preferred to warm when the Wbfte Oaks octo· remain In jaU rather than be .cenarhm entered the county cent eonflned to the hospital under .a little pallt noon. Three ·houl'fl c:runrd, and when further cxaml· were sub!lequcntly spent as he nation dlocloscd Improvement In walked from one business place her condition, lt WllB decided to TRUMAN A. SPENCER. JR. . Fuchs .had an easy victory tn the Republlcan nomination race for District a county commluloner, whUe John Mnckey took a aub• stanUnl lend over Juan Zamora for the Republican probate JUdjfe nomination. 'fom Campbell was the Democratic vfctor In Uncoln . County tor district attorney, with C. C. Chase Jr. tho winner In the R!!publlcan race tor that office. Granville Wchardson, Incumbent, won out over s. D. Herrer11 u the Republican cnndldate' tor commissioner, Dlatrict L ,. D. I. JACKSON 'lllow her to rcmaln In jall untn bond was mode. Last week's prollmtnnrv henr· tng WllB stalemated when the tendnnt'o attorney, 0. T. W11tts. Wolter BrlniMtool Betty Drewattr Angelina Sf,ndoval Ro!lWcll. refuted to proceed with Hughes Addresses Local Stol•n Car Found hln dcfenoo ot the case bec.nuse he eoula not cccure a copy or the High School Graduates Wrecked Neat Corona otalt'mcnt alleged to have been I Alta !.!It Crumley Photo by BlakelY Studio. Capftan Service Club To Initiate 29 Members Truman A: Spencer Jr., prom!· nent rancher and llteloni real· dent of L1ncoln County, Ia the winner ot the Democratic noml· nation tor Uncoln County's flrat senator. Spencer campaigned on a Pllltform of nlnccro and lmpar· tlal representation for nil the residents »f thfl county. mnde by Mrn. norton to Stnte p 0 I. nuab lluaheD. director ot The nhcrltra oftlco rtported tho Pntrono and trJenda of Capitan lice captnln Erne.at Tafoya, Ala· public rolatlonn at Ulghlands cor belonging to Jade Drandcn· lllgh Sctlool oro Invited to the ----------- moaordo. Tntoyo explnlncd the Unlvcrolty, addrcxed the 1002 bur!J, son·ln·law of 'Mr. ani! Mrs. ceremony Wcdnmtay, May 14, at Girl Scouts To Hold Tea At press Ume, Everett Gran· thnm, Albuquerque, was Jn the lend over hla opponent, Lakt F.rnzler, Roswell, for the gubema· torlal nomination on thtt Dtmo• crntlc ticket. Some aources teport It lo considered likely the vote will be contested. Jncumbent Re· publican Governor Edw.tn L. Me· chcm hnd no oppoaJtJon In the !ltntement wns "In Alamogordo." f'..rllduntb\g clntlB ot Corrllow Elbert Drown, Canlzczo and 3:15 P. M., whtcll wtU admit 29 Watto a leo obJected to tho nb· lUSh Scllool nt commencement Ancho, and wblch bad been ro· glrla and boys to the de· At Sp•ncer Home In the raco tor u. 8. MnatQr, ln• ·rnoo ot a qualified cnurt ro. exewJsea held loot nJght ('VtltUB· pcrted by hlm aa atolen .Aprll 29, greca of memberahlp ln the Capt• b t D 1 Ch bad a prJ mary. D T day). JUs oublcct Will "Com· wrut found badly Wl'ftked tho tan Scrvlco Club. Tho local Girl Scouts are hold· cum en enn 1 avu mendng to Llvo.'' followJnrr day about thrcQ mllca The candidates ror degreee Ina a Mother's Dny SJlver Tea substantial majority over hit op• · . north of Corona. Thrto minora ro. havo rcndored worthwhtlc aervtco Sunday afternoon, Mny u, trom poncnt, Dean MUler, for the Dtm• 1UCDt hnd been mode tor one well Jmown tor hln In· pcrted to bo trom l'ucblo, C{)lO., to tho cchool. Factors tor galntng 3 to .o'clock, at tho Truman A. ocrnttc nomination, wblle Pattlek $1.000 prop· token Into custody at 1/nQahn ln momberahlp a.ro superior citizen· Spencer Sr. ranch. Mrs. Spencer .J. llurley wu leading hll oppo· •• ... .... ".. connection with tbt c.:we, wero ehlp, high achola.rshlp, perfect wlll be assisted by Mesdames nents. Wealoy Quinn ancS .John .'!!ro rcr. omS bond Drought turned over to the 3Uvcnllo au· attendanee, membership In alec Iratel English and Ace Baty In Knorr, more than two to ont. In Sto ":J,. "'n.d "D.,..,.. .. """•';"'ll.lo·. all or lOghlondn tt.o ycnro ago to dJ thor1Uca at clUb D.., ban" "'"b acUvl"""' "ti- DUJlf!:Vlaltii tho Scouta who have tho Republican race for u. I!J. .... .. ..h ... m ... roo ·thtt t!lnd, he becamo pubUa · · · · 'J ..., ·. ..., •• h rcprt•cntaUve, llomet lletklhlrt Unoo!n County. rcloth:mo Ja.at tall. Jtn lt wu rcpnrtt4 the dr, parkell t!clp-Uon In tbe ath!cUt! provam PI!!Jonally plannca t 0 program. nnd Ed Guthmann were ahea4 c;pem ioveral yearn as a mWllc alongside tho BrO"..vn homo hero artd othtr -.chool servfcea. Tlie refreshments wlll bo pre· with non Meyer a close thf.rd. Re· Methodists To Observe director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school superln· Pared, ae well as scl'\'ed by the publican Manuel Chavez w11 to another dii.Pt>Slllg ot mattcre · .crhoo!IJ befcro joining Ua> foe· the slovc eompnrtmcnt. An Iron· tcndcmt, will pre.aent the Gamma troops members 01 part of their nhend or hts opponent, Flilbtrto · that bJd accumulated over tho Mother's Day Sunday ully nt the coJJeec In Lan Wgno. lc twtat to tho affair Derrri!C and C awnrdt to J!Mt Don badge work. Mnestna, for lieutenant govtmot, winter month-. When he wan M'othcr's Day will bo olr..el'\'cd Prior to hln ruldcnee ln tho when Drown railroad employe at Womack, p:a!dcnt ot tho Na· Each Scout ta Inviting her while Republican Vlrifnla Grq ready tor tho return hlke of 13 nt tho carrlw:o Trinity Mctho· St>utbwczt he Wtlll 0 music the Ancho otoUon. obligingly do· tlonal Honor Soel()ty. \Vomaek mother and one other mother as hod 0 lead of almost 10 , 000 vote. mllrs,.avtral tdends offered him dlDt Church during Sunday mom· cchaol admlnlstr&• noted aome gan to tho youth.a, will filvo ownrch to loy MJller, her guests for tho cvonf. over her opposition, Mra. HaeM a rldc, but to all he rcpltcd, tng's r>ervtcco. Membt!:s of tho tor for a numbc: ot y(!an In In· and a friend of tho Brown fnm· who wns chosen queen of cour· State Game Warden Fullerton. G. W. Evnna led hr. I'll walk. Any man ean come Womcn'o Society of ChrlnUan dlqna. lly, Y.."'tklng at Luna, also gave tecy, and Odell llfckman, 10· opponent, John COury, \Vfth a downhlll, but ft take. a good one Service are In charge of tho pro· 1m clJ b tho trio gW>llne na they motored lccted king of courtesy. Tho klng $ftaftkS At G• A M·- substantlal majority tor' tan!! to walk baclc up. Besides. I wanJ grnm. while the local girt and ted a topnotch · lowman, up Ulghway 54. N'clther one at and queen Will presc?t tho fol· r-- r"" -.- commlsloner, and E. s. walker to throw tho rocks out of the boy scout troops and their trod· Is In demantl no mnltcr of tho ml!n liad an opportunity to lowing awatda. Elliott Darker, Santa Fe, stnte polled over 3,000 vote.a more than other itdtt of th«! road." era will ncslat. nav. n. E. Dick· monle.1 and otter dinner npcaker. ohsCJVO tho car at rang£!, Junior Alpha Dcgrto- Mickey game warden. addreued lnst Horace Owena In tho Democratic Mr• .taclcsllr• i!l probably one of eru:on's £etmon Is entitled "Our As 0 mWllclo.n, he hrul been In· Guck. Pot Uuey, Thomu Uttt!r· week's meeting ot the White nomlnntlon ton that otllce. " . thtt mOlt t!otertalnlng ll t 0 r y Mothero Rclovcd." 1 rortlf!fate lint Schedule For bnek and Stove Yarbrough. Mountain Game Protective AssO· Jimmy Lamb Jed Dan Sedfllo I ' I tt!Um fn the alate. His tAJCD The oldest mother present w1U u 00 n a an mtU <.'1 Vll --···' Junior Rota Dt>grc-c - Agnes elation at the Navajo Lodue· In and Lester Davia In the Demo· . 1 ). whlcll bave tucJnated be 111 rehmcmbcrcd wlth ... filit'J(I 1 ts 1 " 0 an pnm or tho state. Wefl Child Clinics Set ... Vera Shaul Ruidoso. Barker spoke on the nub· erntlc race for six-year term of ( alnee their grandparents' tfml!, w t c youngest moUJet n tenu· ther portJon9 or U1o com· r u jccta of wtldllttt and tho stm!klng corporation commlutoner, and 11 arc the true advMttures In hill Jng. A wblte wflJ be pro· meneement program Jneluck!J the Tho Llncoln Coomty Ucllltb De· Alpha Degree - Ethelyn Phtl· and rostocldng of otreamn with tor the four-year term. Demo· ' own Ute. cented enclt womblpper whose pl'OCCll!llonnl and ree<>£Sional by pnrtment tho tollow· Ups. Arthur Snlaa and Eddy Wo· fish. Other speakers Included craUc candidate John Dloclc roUed 11 · In 1818; gold was dlacovcred ln mother Is no longer alive. and a Mrs. T. E. KeJJey: lnvotiltlon by lng lcltedule fm \Vell chlld ciJnia mack. · C'nrl DeBord nnd Dill Hart. both up 0 tremendous lead. Euatnt I) l f. J . the Jlcarllll Mountatna ant1 later red tlow(!r to those who I o nov. 0 eo r g e noennJghatW:!n; In th1a county; Ilotn Degree - Donna Cloud, of Ruidoso. Lujan appeared certain for the the town ot White Oaks wu moth12ra art! atlll Uvlng. "Star Spangle-d Dnrlner" by con· Cardw2o. henlth department, Dlck Cox. lmynette Edington, The 115Sl>elatlon adopted n reno· Democratic nomination u JUIUce founded. It wu a aubata.nUalltt· The chlldren'a cholt wtll be gregnUon; "-'llleome ad d r e sa, flrit Tburatiay In eaeh month: ·Wally Ferguson, Charles Ftancl5, Iutton urging the legllllnture to of the Suproml'f Court over LyntU tlttmMlt of two•atory brlclc and beard IU part of the musiMl Pto· R!cha.rd Lopez; anluatmy &d· Corona. i)'mnaslwn. ac-oond Tucs· Garth llyde, Kenney Morris and cnnct JegllllaUon calling tot n Sltarda. Complete retuma on th .. stone building& The lurn of gold gram. A SJU!Cinl scntlre tbflll year drel>3. ElnJne lntroouc· dny of the month; Rutdc.o, lugh AnnecN Yarbrough. waiting period of three dn)'ll alter state and federal oUJcea wUt be drew and adventur· 1B the nurael)' which hu been tlon of Supt. L. Z. Mn· c.wnomJcs romn, aeoomJ Deltn Dt:gree - Ltoyd Cooper, stocking or restocldng In order to published In next wcek'a paper. era, u wiill aa conscientious set· provided for the smaU chUdten. nlrc; pocm, '7he Houce by the Thuwtey In ench month Cnone Pntsy Jo,ncs, Johnny Wcm!lr and enable the fJsh to become loeated tlm to try thelr t'crtunes In the The Scouts and their leaden Side of tho !Wad... \Volta lliln. will be held tl;ero durbg tbe .Archie Wilham. Jn their new habitAt. Girl Crf·· t'--Hu lnf•-ed Ill D.lHilOUJ mOl!ntalfl!J ctthe &mtfl· Will arrange transp!lrtatlun for lnstool; vnJetUctcry- n d dress. montb of ?.fuyJ: Capitan, clty Oamlfln an_dJ C Award- .. , _.., west. Some ot the In the any pmofl who deslru lt. Trans· &bertn Key: pr(;zenfliUon cf haJJ, the third Thutday of the Crody Hnrllln, Dnnni!Y Morrla La t Mutfn I Fall From Truc:k an!a l?lelded .fortunes for the portnUon may be arrs.nged by awnrdD, L. 0. Stltcltton, pdncl· montb; ami Hondo, grade school nnd Matoolm Petree. S 9 1 tlmlY proaptd41'L · CAlling 112-J; 23-R, or B3.J. pal; prsentnUon flt tUptomo. dining ranm. every fGltrth Tlturn· The last of the Cnrrl· Mary Lee Moya, 8, stepdauah• JacktOn ume from Tau In c . s ....... _ \V. H. NlcltclD, pru1dent of the dey ln each month. Hondo Man Held On Z020 Woman II Club tor the cur· ter of Esperlon Jauregui, Carrl· El PdO when he heard atwut amzozo navcnfs cchanl board: Sllhool song, con· As ft ca.- rent &eaJon will bo held at tho ZOZO, sutterod Ievere head In· boom at Whlte Oaks, he trav· Hokl Ptom g«!g_nuon: hencdJctlon. Rev. Har· PTA t:o Meet sau ngrge club hollSO Frlday afternoon. Juries n"d lacerattona of tht "' th. ""'o Grande to Snn .. ,._. ri!tP.a<> The sherUra offfce reported Dill May 16. scalp nnd taco when lhe feU An c.acut nlu,.. . ! ::' · 1here b"' stage 'i'he annual juntor-aenlor bm· ,. The carrtzm:o PTA meeta Mon· M<!relgue, Rondo, waa given a l'.lra. R. E. .Lemon Is In charge of TueJdny night from a tructc 0 0 an .... ,uom 1 quet and prom was held April 2S - day night, Mny 12. nt the grade prellmtnazy hearing Wednelday the program which Includes the driven by her step.•ather. At acroa the "rularon Buln to the nt •h" Odd "'"11-- uatL InJured Ga·rl Improving •• r G ...... _ 1 t tt u f "" Ul &, lnl t · the tum of ' .. u ..... aehpnl auditorium. P...ex n ternoon at t€4!n ut.>e before na a a on o n .. w o cera &Or presa time she had not reratnt4 mth . nt ... -"'tk•d a "" hour Rev. R. I. Dickenson delivered Mw Dorothy 'Wltlleti, daugh• Cartluzo, soli JusUcl:! of the Peace W S. Camp· the ensuing year. "o"•elounnnss, Th"llttl• ""'•1 wu e un ..... ,., e ..... " """' the •-v""'·tfon wit'- the h""enlc• .... ""·. a"'d ".'- w, .. .,., ....... th. .. . ' " .... '" "' "' ""&6 day tor $2 u a f1rcrnan tn th(! m """ 11 ""' &..._.... "'4 .... uu •• ...., •• "' Will talk on tlte subject of soU bell rm a ot aJUUlt with riding In the back of the truclc Old Abe mine. That wlow road to tton hY Rev. H<Uuit ers of near Carrlzllzo. Ia ahowing conservatlan. Mrs. Werner will attempt to murder flied Lrncofn Band Entertains wtth her when the accldent ' wnlth dld not d11C0utage hltn Ray. Several ofJ.hc gave considerable Improvement after make a report on her trJp to the by Rose Crane, Ttnnlt!. It fs re· HI rJ I Socf oceurrl!d about 8:3(). The acreama th()Uglt drhlklng water sold talks. The dhiiier, prcpnred, by lta\'tng been crltJcally Injured stnte PTA meettng ln Santa Fe. ported that the attack Ia alleged Sto CG ety ot tho latter tho atten• tor 40 centl • . barrel. In mothers of the junior April Z'l, when the car site waa to hnve taken place late Tuesday The Lincoln county Historical tloti ot Jauregui, who stopped the ,. t.. Q e A. A served by members ot the driving overturned on the road In Atoml · •-t nlgllt betwel!n ltondo ant\ Ttnnle. Soclety waa tontertaln!!d at a re· truck 1 k d th 1 J a d the high achool freshman claM. to her parents• ranch nenr Carrl· , C 1 •• Sherlft s. M. Orttt Mid the c!!nt m!!etlng by the boys' band J:: bos;lt:l.r n '" · '\VUdcat tebfng Company. They Sandy Martin and his !iwlnr.l zozo. tt waa tl?ported the vehicle Pte. Jose A. Sandoval, Picacho, woman wu to Uto at Lincoln. Also partlclpaUng fn a :cqulrtid . t_ he .. North and . south Kings tumllhe4 t1w W struck a sort shoulder causing U. S. Matlnes, WIU one of eight hospital where ahe waa exam• tho program were MIMes Eth· Wlns In •-k Mf h1 h thy dnnclng In the school gymna• hct to Jose control ollt. At press Nt!W Mexico marines who Pal'• lned'.nnd released. elyn Phllllpa and Raynette Ed· ••- a alum which Wat attractively dec· tfme, thq CB.trltOzo gtrl had not In the ntomtc teat§ lut At preY Ume, Mc'teJruo was lngton who gavo a vocal duct. Dobby Hicks, carrlzo'zo lifab years. Jaek. who was st!cretal')'· orated to form a Colonial back· yet regained full · week near Lat Mev. being held ln the local Jall Jn Ueu Plano solos were pertotmed by School student brought honor• to (}. tteuurer and firtllhclal advisor ground setting. _ Het companion, Mlu dtwat was a paratrooperwltbthe ot $2,500 bond. The ltondo man Mlu Phillips and Min Clara his school and ·hometown lut ·\!, dudnt that time, Sa reported aa . 1obnson, tirrt%oro, who suttered 82nd Airborne DMa!on hom 1946 pleadtd innocent to the eb&rge. Boyd. . weekend at the aate track meet . handling ali Jntakl!'of $375,000. TOD Honors severe brulaes ttnd ahoek,.,wu te• to _1949, and. enlt.ted ln thf m.&• s. w. Hendron, Santa Fe, New J In Albuquerque. Hicks wu f1nlt !' The White Oakt pioneer. who Top ICholaatlc honors were from the hospital thfs In September, 1951. _ lf.d Let Tourlat Bureau, ad• In the mile ruJL with time of awarded week. . ··. .· . · . · ! . GMests FI'Otli .()lfo , came a ti'Uited ff8Ui'e ln · .. clau of C.Uizozo Gift To Schoof 1 'l'he :1.e*tJJ F.antse.• grand· an elght·room grade achoat timers day and pageant ln Lfn· up to entetlng that contest after enterprlle!l. . . .. . . . . .. •. whose four.yearil' . The 1atewell gift to CatrizOio Mrs. catvlti .. Ba,tow. building 4nd the addtUon of two coln thbl sum met were diJcuased. having run In the mile eontttt. H .tatklon avel'ag9 were per cent. ltlgh .SchMII by tnembets ot tts and bet ltu.!bilnd -and two 1maU rooms to the local high .ahool TheW'_ ........ _ h · of. halr•tJ!alng Walter BdnlnstooJ, grad· 1!>52 graduating clau Ja a flag chlldten, Sherry and Gtty, wire bqftdlng hu bHh let to _JJrad• kf nd trul h. _.,, ...... iJ bla eariy White OW . .. en:· uattng znember. wu third. pc>le tot in. ttopt of the buUdflig •. to arrive TuHctay Jtom b\Uf CotlitfUctfon eonrpany, AI• cOO H a . t punc - ) ! Otl .(me oceulon a m ner, -w 0 . . · . · · . Mlst. tAu Grogan and Toledo, Ohio. Sgt. Barlow. wtll' buqUerque, for approximately Ci.• I $cL .... ..a . Wah Low PH!Ita '\ ., . had gone .Ucldet'lly 'b(!rserk. . To Fi'Cital'ftlty ClYde Shults, class ll)onf<lrt, do· ;pend 4 few days before te• $121.000. -The eohltructfon in· . nunge . n May 2 .. ..... 78 43 .... h evtt,Yone to cover wltba oamtnr Pat' Parker ltuld050 physical nated the rope, cement turning eut tor tutute atttp• clttdes a number of 'hnptove• Openlfig datf Air . •• 3 ........ m. 83 !51 . . I I ) i plJtot. 1lck_ J:': education ]unlor one ot 18 puUey, llrid aU othet ex· .ntent. to a.. muon ln Engtand. menta ta the pre.lellt etementart Reterve atwe)"hu been changed " 4 ....... _. 85 51 .. .. !" the st:eet · t wo students at Sftte Lb pentet were home bY the Mu. Dulow and tbHhUdten. 'W1l1 buUdtng. . . • . from :May 5_!Q May 12, accord· :• 5 ............ ! !50 .... 1 kUII!!t, and, In ;a q11fet at!d mu lnltlited Into Phi !fti''rau, Mrt. Paul Wlli<Jti, Carrltom 1 tefiltln Jn Carrl%oto untU tarly . 'rhe n"' -conatructton 11 ex• lng to an _thlt · ' 6 ........... o., M .. .. ! I . ..S4;- 'What you lot tn honorat)i uti anct fia· donated the lar,e tor the .tau WJ1en they plan .fo Jotn the •. to be complttld b1 iro- Week_ from dlltrfot 7 ................ SL . . · .. •••• ,..., ttndft· . ...... .. atreHnt 1n J:n&J•Od. . . 'VImblt 1,. . u-, .. · · AUJtJn. 1'tJC&L - ·a - ....... 47 cr .... ,, ·' ' I ·c .... •• . . " ' , ' " .. .. . 0 ' ' " ' "' - . •-'-· ··-- ' . . -·-- .- . ' . . ...... •· - . - -·- . - - .. '

Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

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Page 1: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

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. · Volume 26. Np, 411 <Cnrdz~g News. Vol. 46l 5 Cet-tS J.>er COJlY • • - .

White Oaks Pioneer· For Woman ' ' . ' . .

Obs•rv" 82nd-llirthday Charged In Slaying ·With 26 .. Mile Hike Mrs. Mafy Elizabeth nort1r1n.

· · 29, Tlnnte, charged with the Anlrli.I · JJy DORPTI!Y' QTJCK ~0 $laying of her · husband,

One ·morning recently, on th<· Manuel· Horton, 51, was released •CX'cnslon ot bl!i 82nd ·birthday Monclay from the Carrizozo·· jail David h· Jnek~n. weU known when bondsmen furnished the pioneer, 'ot White Oaks; «Jeeld,ecl ~.000. bond required. It Is not ex· to take care ot several busfn.ess pected the case will comf' to trial matters at Carrl2ozo, county seat until the September te •• r of :>Is· ot Uncoln pounty, ~pproxlrntltely trtct Court In view ot the crJttcal 13 mlles from hi$ home. lllness of .Judge W. T. Scog~na.

'Walking down the mountain. who ls contlned to? an El Paso h· ....,....._...,. .• ..: • the elderly man (known attec hospltlll. Friends and relatives ot· tlonately .jli Jo.clf) .stoppfld to the Tinnie woman refused to re· look at the cemetery tor ·which veal Mrs. Horton's plans pending he has ·Qeen the custodian more the beginning ot hPr trlnl. The than •ha:Jt • century. Down past News·Outl.ook learned from re· the T<»Vnserid place and on t-. liable sources that threats are re· tlie Spji!ncer water hole, Jack ported as having been made sauntered wnlle rellshlng the against the defendant.

• . ~ ... • . .

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I .. . •' • . . • •,



. The Only Neiv~lialier Prioi¢ld in Lincoln. County· -. ' ' . - '" . . ..

' •. ~- .

~Rm~zo. Nf;W UE~\!0, l<)-lday, May 9, ·l~.


.._' .. '

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____ .,._._ ---- -


• ' · • Outlook, Volume 43, No. 1, -


Spencert Atwood Demo Winners

First Senator? Tuesday's priJnary electton

gave Truman A. Spencer Jr., Car• rlzozo, native ot Uncoln Count,. and grandson ot the la~ William C. McDonald, the state'1 ~lrat gov. ernor alter territorial day~, an easy vcltory Jn the Democratic nomination fur the first aenator to the state legislature from thJa county. Clyde' Atwood bad an overwhelming majority ln the race for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. Bracen Fresquez 11 the successful DemoqraUc ~ndJdata . for county tax asaeasor. Qeorp

CC>Ql .Wet!t .smell of· the tllt. Til Hospltallzatlon for the .'lnP10 mnlce th• trJp .doubly worthwhile. woman. whlcl1 was reeommend • .od he .&topped every time he saw n by Dr. J. E. Robinson, Carrizozo, hnge 'rQC.k that might ruin an at !not week's preliminary bear· auto :tlrt>, ll.n!J 1hrew lt out ot the Jng, was Inter deemed unneccs· road wblcll for so many years hat sary when Mrs. Horton's condiUon been lett to Weftr away undln· appeared Improved. It was re: turbcd. The day was growing ported the defendant preferred to warm when the Wbfte Oaks octo· remain In jaU rather than be .cenarhm entered the county cent eonflned to the hospital under .a little pallt noon. Three ·houl'fl c:runrd, and when further cxaml· were sub!lequcntly spent as he nation dlocloscd Improvement In walked from one business place her condition, lt WllB decided to


. Fuchs .had an easy victory tn the Republlcan nomination race for District a county commluloner, whUe John Mnckey took a aub• stanUnl lend over Juan Zamora for the Republican probate JUdjfe nomination. 'fom Campbell was the Democratic vfctor In Uncoln . County tor district attorney, with C. C. Chase Jr. tho winner In the R!!publlcan race tor that office. Granville Wchardson, Incumbent, won out over s. D. Herrer11 u the Republican cnndldate' tor c:oun~ commissioner, Dlatrict L

• ,.


'lllow her to rcmaln In jall untn bond was mode.

Last week's prollmtnnrv henr· tng WllB stalemated when the 4~· tendnnt'o attorney, 0. T. W11tts.

Wolter BrlniMtool

Betty Drewattr Angelina Sf,ndoval

Ro!lWcll. refuted to proceed with Hughes Addresses Local Stol•n Car Found hln dcfenoo ot the case bec.nuse he eoula not cccure a copy or the High School Graduates Wrecked Neat Corona otalt'mcnt alleged to have been


Alta !.!It Crumley

Photo by BlakelY Studio.

Capftan Service Club To Initiate 29 Members

Truman A: Spencer Jr., prom!· nent rancher and llteloni real· dent of L1ncoln County, Ia the winner ot the Democratic noml· nation tor Uncoln County's flrat senator. Spencer campaigned on a Pllltform of nlnccro and lmpar· tlal representation for nil the residents »f thfl county.

mnde by Mrn. norton to Stnte p0 • I. nuab lluaheD. director ot The nhcrltra oftlco rtported tho Pntrono and trJenda of Capitan lice captnln Erne.at Tafoya, Ala· public rolatlonn at Ulghlands cor belonging to Jade Drandcn· lllgh Sctlool oro Invited to the ----------­moaordo. Tntoyo explnlncd the Unlvcrolty, addrcxed the 1002 bur!J, son·ln·law of 'Mr. ani! Mrs. ceremony Wcdnmtay, May 14, at Girl Scouts To Hold Tea

At press Ume, Everett Gran· thnm, Albuquerque, was Jn the lend over hla opponent, Lakt F.rnzler, Roswell, for the gubema· torlal nomination on thtt Dtmo• crntlc ticket. Some aources teport It lo considered likely the vote will be contested. Jncumbent Re· publican Governor Edw.tn L. Me· chcm hnd no oppoaJtJon In the

!ltntement wns "In Alamogordo." f'..rllduntb\g clntlB ot Corrllow Elbert Drown, Canlzczo and 3:15 P. M., whtcll wtU admit 29 Watto a leo obJected to tho nb· lUSh Scllool nt commencement Ancho, and wblch bad been ro· glrla and boys to the acv~ de· At Sp•ncer Home In the raco tor u. 8. MnatQr, ln• ·rnoo ot a qualified cnurt ro. exewJsea held loot nJght ('VtltUB· pcrted by hlm aa atolen .Aprll 29, greca of memberahlp ln the Capt• b t D 1 Ch bad a

prJ mary.

D T ~ day). JUs oublcct Will "Com· wrut found badly Wl'ftked tho tan Scrvlco Club. Tho local Girl Scouts are hold· cum en enn 1 avu ~~.eriJ~1cr!~:t:!torfe~ n~~~ mendng to Llvo.'' followJnrr day about thrcQ mllca The candidates ror degreee Ina a Mother's Dny SJlver Tea substantial majority over hit op•

· . north of Corona. Thrto minora ro. havo rcndored worthwhtlc aervtco Sunday afternoon, Mny u, trom poncnt, Dean MUler, for the Dtm• 1UCDt hnd been mode tor one Uuch~a. well Jmown tor hln In· pcrted to bo trom l'ucblo, C{)lO., to tho cchool. Factors tor galntng 3 to ~ .o'clock, at tho Truman A. ocrnttc nomination, wblle Pattlek pr~~:::n h:o":1~ $1.000 prop· ~ln°~101 ~P1P0~;tclhmtcomtourmslealt~~althcr. token Into custody at 1/nQahn ln momberahlp a.ro superior citizen· Spencer Sr. ranch. Mrs. Spencer .J. llurley wu leading hll oppo·

•• ... .... " .. ~ connection with tbt c.:we, wero ehlp, high achola.rshlp, perfect wlll be assisted by Mesdames nents. Wealoy Quinn ancS .John .'!!ro 'R~!~0, rcr. :~~~ ~~~~ omS bond ~~rector. Drought t~ turned over to the 3Uvcnllo au· attendanee, membership In alec Iratel English and Ace Baty In Knorr, more than two to ont. In Sto":J,. "'n.d "D.,..,.. .. """•';"'ll.lo·. all or lOghlondn tt.o ycnro ago to dJ thor1Uca at t.urt...~ clUb D.., ban" "'"b acUvl"""' "ti- DUJlf!:Vlaltii tho Scouta who have tho Republican race for u. I!J.

.... .. ..h ... m ... ~ roo ·thtt t!lnd, he becamo pubUa · · -~-t* · · 'J ..., ~ ·. ..., ~ •• h rcprt•cntaUve, llomet lletklhlrt Unoo!n County. rcloth:mo d!~cr Ja.at tall. Jtn lt wu rcpnrtt4 the dr, parkell t!clp-Uon In tbe ath!cUt! provam PI!!Jonally plannca t 0 program. nnd Ed Guthmann were ahea4

~---- c;pem ioveral yearn as a mWllc alongside tho BrO"..vn homo hero artd othtr -.chool servfcea. Tlie refreshments wlll bo pre· with non Meyer a close thf.rd. Re· Methodists To Observe director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school superln· Pared, ae well as scl'\'ed by the publican Manuel Chavez w11

to another dii.Pt>Slllg ot mattcre · .crhoo!IJ befcro joining Ua> foe· the slovc eompnrtmcnt. An Iron· tcndcmt, will pre.aent the Gamma troops members 01 part of their nhend or hts opponent, Flilbtrto · that bJd accumulated over tho Mother's Day Sunday ully nt the coJJeec In Lan Wgno. lc twtat to tho affair ~ Derrri!C and C awnrdt to J!Mt Don badge work. Mnestna, for lieutenant govtmot,

winter month-. When he wan M'othcr's Day will bo olr..el'\'cd Prior to hln ruldcnee ln tho when Drown railroad employe at Womack, p:a!dcnt ot tho Na· Each Scout ta Inviting her while Republican Vlrifnla Grq ready tor tho return hlke of 13 nt tho carrlw:o Trinity Mctho· St>utbwczt he Wtlll 0 music the Ancho otoUon. obligingly do· tlonal Honor Soel()ty. \Vomaek mother and one other mother as hod 0 lead of almost 10,000 vote. mllrs,.avtral tdends offered him dlDt Church during Sunday mom· tc~ch('r a~d cchaol admlnlstr&• noted aome gan to tho youth.a, will filvo ownrch to loy MJller, her guests for tho cvonf. over her opposition, Mra. HaeM a rldc, but to all he rcpltcd, "l~o. tng's r>ervtcco. Membt!:s of tho tor for a numbc: ot y(!an In In· and a friend of tho Brown fnm· who wns chosen queen of cour· State Game Warden Fullerton. G. W. Evnna led hr. I'll walk. Any man ean come Womcn'o Society of ChrlnUan dlqna. lly, Y.."'tklng at Luna, also gave tecy, and Odell llfckman, 10· opponent, John COury, \Vfth a downhlll, but ft take. a good one Service are In charge of tho pro· 1m clJ b tho trio gW>llne na they motored lccted king of courtesy. Tho klng $ftaftkS At G• A M·- substantlal majority tor' tan!! to walk baclc up. Besides. I wanJ grnm. while the local girt and ted a topnotch · lowman, ~ up Ulghway 54. N'clther one at and queen Will presc?t tho fol· r-- r"" -.- commlsloner, and E. s. walker to throw tho rocks out of the boy scout troops and their trod· Is In demantl no mnltcr of ~ro tho ml!n liad an opportunity to lowing duar~o awatda. Elliott Darker, Santa Fe, stnte polled over 3,000 vote.a more than other itdtt of th«! road." era will ncslat. nav. n. E. Dick· monle.1 and otter dinner npcaker. ohsCJVO tho car at clo~o rang£!, Junior Alpha Dcgrto- Mickey game warden. addreued lnst Horace Owena In tho Democratic

Mr • .taclcsllr• i!l probably one of eru:on's £etmon Is entitled "Our As 0 mWllclo.n, he hrul been In· Guck. Pot Uuey, Thomu Uttt!r· week's meeting ot the White nomlnntlon ton that otllce. " . thtt mOlt t!otertalnlng ll t 0 r y Mothero Rclovcd." v~ 1 ~1 rortlf!fate lint PJb~ Schedule For CfU,t~~ttu bnek and Stove Yarbrough. Mountain Game Protective AssO· Jimmy Lamb Jed Dan Sedfllo

I' I tt!Um fn the alate. His tAJCD The oldest mother present w1U u 00 n a an mtU <.'1 ~ Vll --···' Junior Rota Dt>grc-c - Agnes elation at the Navajo Lodue· In and Lester Davia In the Demo·



). whlcll bave tucJnated ~oungsters be111

rehmcmbcrcd wlth ... filit'J(I1ts ~ 1

"0an pnm or tho state. Wefl Child Clinics Set ~~ ... ~ ci"Mf~~cr;; Vera Shaul Ruidoso. Barker spoke on the nub· erntlc race for six-year term of

( alnee their grandparents' tfml!, w t c youngest moUJet n tenu· ther portJon9 or U1o com· r u • • jccta of wtldllttt and tho stm!klng corporation commlutoner, and 11 arc the true advMttures In hill Jng. A wblte OO"~r wflJ be pro· meneement program Jneluck!J the Tho Llncoln Coomty Ucllltb De· Alpha Degree - Ethelyn Phtl· and rostocldng of otreamn with tor the four-year term. Demo· ' own Ute. cented enclt womblpper whose pl'OCCll!llonnl and ree<>£Sional by pnrtment annott~cet tho tollow· Ups. Arthur Snlaa and Eddy Wo· fish. Other speakers Included craUc candidate John Dloclc roUed 11 · In 1818; gold was dlacovcred ln mother Is no longer alive. and a Mrs. T. E. KeJJey: lnvotiltlon by lng lcltedule fm \Vell chlld ciJnia mack. · C'nrl DeBord nnd Dill Hart. both up

0 tremendous lead. Euatnt

I) •


f. J ~ .

the Jlcarllll Mountatna ant1 later red tlow(!r to those who I o nov. 0 eo r g e noennJghatW:!n; In th1a county; Ilotn Degree - Donna Cloud, of Ruidoso. Lujan appeared certain for the the town ot White Oaks wu moth12ra art! atlll Uvlng. "Star Spangle-d Dnrlner" by con· Cardw2o. henlth department, Dlck Cox. lmynette Edington, The 115Sl>elatlon adopted n reno· Democratic nomination u JUIUce founded. It wu a aubata.nUalltt· The chlldren'a cholt wtll be gregnUon; "-'llleome ad d r e sa, flrit Tburatiay In eaeh month: ·Wally Ferguson, Charles Ftancl5, Iutton urging the legllllnture to of the Suproml'f Court over LyntU tlttmMlt of two•atory brlclc and beard IU part of the musiMl Pto· R!cha.rd Lopez; anluatmy &d· Corona. i)'mnaslwn. ac-oond Tucs· Garth llyde, Kenney Morris and cnnct JegllllaUon calling tot n Sltarda. Complete retuma on th .. stone building& The lurn of gold gram. A SJU!Cinl scntlre tbflll year drel>3. ElnJne l.enot~: lntroouc· dny of the month; Rutdc.o, lugh AnnecN Yarbrough. waiting period of three dn)'ll alter state and federal oUJcea wUt be drew d~rada!l and adventur· 1B the nurael)' which hu been tlon of a~niter. Supt. L. Z. Mn· ~hool c.wnomJcs romn, aeoomJ Deltn Dt:gree - Ltoyd Cooper, stocking or restocldng In order to published In next wcek'a paper. era, u wiill aa conscientious set· provided for the smaU chUdten. nlrc; pocm, '7he Houce by the Thuwtey In ench month Cnone Pntsy Jo,ncs, Johnny Wcm!lr and enable the fJsh to become loeated tlm to try thelr t'crtunes In the The Scouts and their leaden Side of tho !Wad. .. \Volta lliln. will be held tl;ero durbg tbe .Archie Wilham. Jn their new habitAt. Girl Crf·· t'--Hu lnf•-ed Ill D.lHilOUJ mOl!ntalfl!J ctthe &mtfl· Will arrange transp!lrtatlun for lnstool; vnJetUctcry- n d dress. montb of ?.fuyJ: Capitan, clty Oamlfln Degr~ an_dJ C Award- ~ .. , _.., west. Some ot the mtn~ In the any pmofl who deslru lt. Trans· &bertn Key: pr(;zenfliUon cf haJJ, the third Thutday of the Crody Hnrllln, Dnnni!Y Morrla La t Mutfn I Fall From Truc:k an!a l?lelded .fortunes for the portnUon may be arrs.nged by awnrdD, L. 0. Stltcltton, pdncl· montb; ami Hondo, grade school nnd Matoolm Petree. S 9 1 tlmlY proaptd41'L · CAlling 112-J; 23-R, or B3.J. pal; prsentnUon flt tUptomo. dining ranm. every fGltrth Tlturn· The last ~cetlng of the Cnrrl· Mary Lee Moya, 8, stepdauah•

JacktOn ume from Tau In c . s ....... _ \V. H. NlcltclD, pru1dent of the dey ln each month. Hondo Man Held On Z020 Woman II Club tor the cur· ter of Esperlon Jauregui, Carrl· El PdO when he heard atwut amzozo navcnfs cchanl board: Sllhool song, con· As ft ca.- rent &eaJon will bo held at tho ZOZO, sutterod Ievere head In· boom at Whlte Oaks, he trav· Hokl Ia~. Ptom g«!g_nuon: hencdJctlon. Rev. Har· PTA t:o Meet sau ngrge club hollSO Frlday afternoon. Juries n"d lacerattona of tht -~-.., "' th. ""'o Grande to Snn .. ,._. ri!tP.a<> The sherUra offfce reported Dill May 16. scalp nnd taco when lhe feU Anc.acut nlu,.. . ! ::' · 1here b"' stage 'i'he annual juntor-aenlor bm· ,. The carrtzm:o PTA meeta Mon· M<!relgue, Rondo, waa given a l'.lra. R. E. .Lemon Is In charge of TueJdny night from a tructc

• 0 0

an .... ,uom 1

quet and prom was held April 2S - day night, Mny 12. nt the grade prellmtnazy hearing Wednelday the program which Includes the driven by her step.•ather. At acroa the "rularon Buln to the nt •h" Odd "'"11-- uatL InJured Ga·rl Improving •• r G ......_ 1 t tt u f "" Ul • &, lnl t · ~ore the tum of ' .. ~!<> u..... aehpnl auditorium. P...ex ~vuner, n ternoon at t€4!n ut.>e before na a a on o n .. w o cera &Or presa time she had not reratnt4 mth . nt ... ~h.· -"'tk•d a "" hour Rev. R. I. Dickenson delivered Mw Dorothy 'Wltlleti, daugh• Cartluzo, soli cons:e:vaUonJs~o JusUcl:! of the Peace W S. Camp· the ensuing year. "o"•elounnnss, Th"llttl• ""'•1 wu

e un ..... ,., e ..... " """' the •-v""'·tfon wit'- the h""enlc• •~ .... ""·. a"'d ".'- w, .. .,., ....... th. .. . ' " .... '" "' "' ""&6 day tor $2 u a f1rcrnan tn th(! m """ 11 ""' &..._.... "'4 .... uu •• ~,,.,.,. ...., •• "' ~u Will talk on tlte subject of soU bell rm a ~hnrge ot aJUUlt with riding In the back of the truclc

Old Abe mine. That wlow road to tton pronoun~d hY Rev. H<Uuit ers of near Carrlzllzo. Ia ahowing conservatlan. Mrs. Werner will attempt to ~mmlt murder flied Lrncofn Band Entertains wtth her nlsto~ when the accldent ' wnlth dld not d11C0utage hltn Ray. Several ofJ.hc student~~~ gave considerable Improvement after make a report on her trJp to the by Rose Crane, Ttnnlt!. It fs re· HI rJ I Socf oceurrl!d about 8:3(). The acreama

ev~n th()Uglt drhlklng water sold talks. The dhiiier, prcpnred, by lta\'tng been crltJcally Injured stnte PTA meettng ln Santa Fe. ported that the attack Ia alleged Sto CG ety ot tho latter attraq~d tho atten• tor 40 centl • . barrel. In ~ mothers of the junior studen~ April Z'l, when the car site waa to hnve taken place late Tuesday The Lincoln county Historical tloti ot Jauregui, who stopped the

,. t.. Q e A. A wM~ served by members ot the driving overturned on the road In Atoml · •-t nlgllt betwel!n ltondo ant\ Ttnnle. Soclety waa tontertaln!!d at a re· truck 1 k d th 1 J a d ~ge ~~era'cldon c::m~- the high achool freshman claM. to her parents• ranch nenr Carrl· , C 1 •• Sherlft s. M. Orttt Mid the c!!nt m!!etlng by the boys' band ruah~d ~;r ~0 J:: bos;lt:l.r n

'" · '\VUdcat tebfng Company. They Sandy Martin and his !iwlnr.l zozo. tt waa tl?ported the vehicle Pte. Jose A. Sandoval, Picacho, woman wu tak~n to Uto at Lincoln. Also partlclpaUng fn a:cqulrtid . t_ he .. North and . south Kings tumllhe4 t1w ~DUlSe W struck a sort shoulder causing U. S. Matlnes, WIU one of eight hospital where ahe waa exam• tho program were MIMes Eth· Wlns In •-k

Mf h1 h thy dnnclng In the school gymna• hct to Jose control ollt. At press Nt!W Mexico marines who Pal'• lned'.nnd released. elyn Phllllpa and Raynette Ed· ••-a ~=es::~~ork ~:r ~e en~ ~· alum which Wat attractively dec· tfme, thq CB.trltOzo gtrl had not UcJJ)at~d In the ntomtc teat§ lut At preY Ume, Mc'teJruo was lngton who gavo a vocal duct. Dobby Hicks, carrlzo'zo lifab

• years. Jaek. who was st!cretal')'· orated to form a Colonial back· yet regained full oon~clotllness. · week near Lat Vegas,~ Mev. San~ being held ln the local Jall Jn Ueu Plano solos were pertotmed by School student brought honor• to (}. tteuurer and firtllhclal advisor ground setting. _ Het companion, Mlu ~mll.y dtwat was a paratrooperwltbthe ot $2,500 bond. The ltondo man Mlu Phillips and Min Clara his school and ·hometown lut ·\!, dudnt that time, Sa reported aa . 1obnson, tirrt%oro, who suttered 82nd Airborne DMa!on hom 1946 pleadtd innocent to the eb&rge. Boyd. . weekend at the aate track meet . handling ali Jntakl!'of $375,000. TOD Honors severe brulaes ttnd ahoek,.,wu te• to _1949, and. enlt.ted ln thf m.&• • s. w. Hendron, Santa Fe, New J In Albuquerque. Hicks wu f1nlt !' • The White Oakt pioneer. who Top ICholaatlc honors were Jea~ from the hospital thfs rlh~ In September, 1951. _ lf.d Let M~co Stat~ Tourlat Bureau, ad• In the mile ruJL with time of

:afh~"~r:'~~e.:{~:O!:t~tl~ awarded :?frn~~e~t 4~eEI~~; week. ~.. . ··. . · . · . · ! . GMests FI'Otli .()lfo an~~t~Jd ffir:~~·w~'::r ~::;,~i!~ %~m~:r!~u~e of~: ~~:~r~e d:~~ ~~~~~~d n~~r /!~ , came a ti'Uited ff8Ui'e ln · .· .. clau of C.Uizozo Gift To Schoof 1 'l'he :1.e*tJJ F.antse.• grand· an elght·room grade achoat timers day and pageant ln Lfn· up to entetlng that contest after

bualfi~ enterprlle!l. . . .. . . . . .. •. whose four.yearil' . The 1atewell gift to CatrizOio dau~htel', Mrs. catvlti .. Ba,tow. building 4nd the addtUon of two coln thbl sum met were diJcuased. having run In the mile eontttt. • H .tatklon expefle.ncedca:~nwnbei' avel'ag9 were over~. per cent. ltlgh .SchMII by tnembets ot tts and bet ltu.!bilnd -and two 1maU rooms to the local high .ahool ofM~g~lle:C~ey :~~~a~~~~~ TheW'_ ........ _ h · of. halr•tJ!alng lnclaen~urtnr Walter BdnlnstooJ, ~nother grad· 1!>52 graduating clau Ja a flag chlldten, Sherry and Gtty, wire bqftdlng hu bHh let to _JJrad• kf nd trul h. _.,,...... iJ bla eariy White OW ~~-- . . . en:· uattng znember. wu third. pc>le tot in. ttopt of the buUdflig •. ~ed to arrive TuHctay Jtom b\Uf CotlitfUctfon eonrpany, AI• cOO H a . t punc - T•m~ ) ! Otl .(me oceulon a m ner, -w 0 . . · . · · . Mlst. BetU~ tAu Grogan and Toledo, Ohio. Sgt. Barlow. wtll' buqUerque, for approximately Ci.• I $cL .... ..a . Wah Low PH!Ita '\ ., . had gone .Ucldet'lly 'b(!rserk. . -~ To Fi'Cital'ftlty ClYde Shults, class ll)onf<lrt, do· ;pend 4 few days h~Ue- before te• $121.000. -The eohltructfon in· . nunge . n ~ur. May 2 .. ._~ ..... 78 43 .... h evtt,Yone to cover wltba oamtnr Pat' Parker ltuld050 physical nated the ne~ rope, cement turning eut tor tutute atttp• clttdes a number of 'hnptove• Openlfig datf f~r th~ Air For~e . •• 3 ........ m. 83 !51 ~·•

. .



)i plJtot. 1lck_ ~lkedt:owlY J:': education ]unlor ~. one ot 18 ~nd puUey, llrid aU othet ex· .ntent. to a.. muon ln Engtand. menta ta the pre.lellt etementart Reterve atwe)"hu been changed " 4 ....... _. 85 51 .. .. !" the st:eet t~ril · t wo ~··td students at Sftte COU~ Lb pentet were home bY the ~ora, Mu. Dulow and tbHhUdten. 'W1l1 buUdtng. . . • . from :May 5_!Q May 12, accord· :• 5 ............ ! !50 .. .. 1 kUII!!t, and, In ;a q11fet at!d mu lnltlited Into Phi !fti''rau, Mrt. Paul Wlli<Jti, Carrltom1 tefiltln Jn Carrl%oto untU tarly . 'rhe n"' -conatructton 11 ex• lng to an announcc~nent _thlt · ' 6 ~ ........... o., • M .. ..

! I . ..S4;- 'What you lot tn honorat)i uti anct -~ fia· donated the lar,e ~~ tor the .tau WJ1en they plan .fo Jotn the ~ed •. to be complttld b1 iro- Week_ from dlltrfot hi!a,d~uafterl .~ ~: 7 ................ SL ----~- ~-··--. . · .. • •••• ,..., ttndft· . • ...... po~e. .. atreHnt 1n J:n&J•Od. . • . 'VImblt 1,. . u-, .. · · AUJtJn. 1'tJC&L - ·a - ....... 47 cr .... \~,


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Page 2: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

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ttE ·•· .oUTU>O · F;r:ld:a:y~,~M~ay~9~·~1~95~2--~------;r~-.---~~~~~•"a~1u~;~,e~---·~r~r:·:,~~·~-~~ ....... z~2-;~•Ncre'.Mi~---~,~~,~~E~t~·w~ ... ~1~PR~·c~~ •• ._~~-~·W8~-~--~~--.. -- .... ~--~--~~ ..... -~· .. -..,.. .... ..,..~~~ ........ ~~--~--........ ~~~-----~--.-~~ .... ..,.. ........ ~--~--~-' .. 1, .. __...lfEws·l · ;,M;;r ~k~·s ~AN.....anuEN'· '· _,I __ ,- ' < · · SURPRicl!!' iJIR-_ ,,·,H·-a·v· --- .,.-..TY·-_- FOR VER.NA R.UTH PEnY ~:s -:c:~:o;~~~OB: I n~~~n't~~ ~:ud~i~er~rif/'~i~m ... ·. . . . . . •. . ~-- . . . . . ' " . . ~-. ;,.. ~' ~· ""! •. Ill''. '!:')..... ~~"'>:;;~....,'--.· :-?.,..,;"'' ~' ·, ·.,""'·"'", ~ .• ·,..,' .!7:_,'7;; ""'. -:-·:,.,;'.-:',"" •.• ·;·_~ '"',_""~~··~---~:' ,·::·• .:~, -: .. ~---.:.-.. -:-:~-~ •.

Pv LIJHED EVERY FRIDAY arm." "He's the best darn aoldh:r' . cj . .·:_.'_:_•.·-",;.~ : __ .•,. / •. ·,- 1, • • - 1n the AJ11lY," said GCI!, ,:Mark ~1 •• :. · · _ , ..... ,_.,_,,.., : - .•. , · · •·

Clark, on the road to Rome in • ,,_.. '· · · · · ·· .. •• , _'. i ·-~- r . ..

L. KJancud. E<Utor aDd Publlabos

Entered aa 8ccona class mat· ter July 30, 1926. at the Pont oitice at carrizozo, New Mt.!xlco uncter the Act of March 3, 1879

Subscription: In Lincoln Count} $2 Per Year; SIX Montlw $1,25;

Outside Lincoln County, $2.50 Per Year

Six Months, $1.50

Subscriptions Payable In Advance


1944. Don't miss a dramatJc vro. file of Gen. Gruenther; who ls the Army's youngest tour-star . gen· era I. Read It In the new American Wccldy, that great magazine dis· trlbuted with next Stmday•s Los Angeles Examiner.

Buy U. S. Detcnse Bonds. . ' •

. . ..... -·-- .. ~


Refrigeration •

Tires and Tubes

Road Service Phone 55

BUSTEft BOONE & TOM O'ftE}t.ft nea. Phone 82 a ... Phon• 143·B

By ELMA T. ROGERS Barnum & Ball<>y brag about. ••••••••••

t hi' grl'ntest show on c•nrth. bu: they nl'Vl'r nnw 11w "Gay N In~" 1il'n" plaY put on nt Hondo by ou• lm•al tnlPnt MrR. Titsworth wan'~ to toke thl11 m!'ana of thnnltln:· I'Vl'ryonl' of t h1• rruJt 11 ncl u 11 wh• II Piped mnk1• lt I hl' bUC'I'I'Iill II WM•.

Now what rlu nil you good pN• pll' think nbout giving II )unlo· rt.tlt>o tort hi' bl'nl'flt of t hi' h11 nrl" Tollt It ovl'r with )'CH}I lril•nrl anrl let Mr11 Frank Tll!rworll· hnow whot you thlnlt about 11




IN THE MATI'ER OF ) THE ESTATE OF J No. 772 .\ l,Bl•:RT J. IMHOFF, ) Dc•rNwl'd. )



• • Shown above are the ~ests qt the surprise blrtllday party wbtch

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon l'et_tr heltl recentl~lor t.t\elr dau_ghter, Verna Ruth Potty, nt tho Jpcnl tiro hall, Amllstfng tne honoree's par(lnti were h11r uncle and ilunt, Mr, and Mr~J. Ralpll 'Petty, Carrlzw:o. ani\ Mr. and Mrs. James Duncan. Her grandmothqr, Urs. I. F. Petty, came tc'om Truth or Cqnsc:quencoa to help celebrate th\l gran~daughter'• blrtMay, . ·

The high apot Qt the evening's presentation of many lovely gltts occurred when Verna's admirers added an unusual· tine ot aome horny tQndD and two lizards. Undoubtedly, her 1mall brother, Mike, appre-:-· · elated th,nt lflft more than dtd Verna.

q Pnncln,r:: wn11 enjo)'ed throuabput thi evenJna followed by refrC$h·

' . ( •,

. . '

•, .. ., '

ment& of cake, lee cream and punch. , The tee~·aged guests Included Richard Lopez, Peggy Cathey, Dods

Parsons, Betty Moore, Margo Duncan, Johnnie Enl{cr, Orville Wilson, Dorothy Moore, Richard Means. Ann Gallacher, Glenn Barn1,1m, Leroy N!)Well, Jete :Morriss, Robert Vega, Sport Harke~. Edd!Jl Holguln, Leroy Sidwell, Pre!lton Lindsey, Nate Palomarez. Emily Ann Johnson, Carol Queen, Betty Brewstl!r, Connie Ham, Nancy King, Elva Iwig, Eugenia Ortiz. Adela Samora, Dorothy Anr Withers, Barbara Mixon, Sammy Stldham, Bobby Hlclcs, Ina Verle Withers, Tommy Barnett and Gwen· dolyn Martln. ·

• Phat'o by Blaltely Studio, Carrizo~ .

Buy United States Defense Bonds

I /


W!•ll. W<>ll. !If IIJ!Jf <.-\-'(' hiiVI' •.

1~.,0(] one on lill'n llrutlli•y lit dulled nil up orll' :lay this pall• wN.>It nntl wPnl out to tnllt Ull li'W votl'll u nd t lwrt• Wlllm't n n~ nnl' who knl'w him without hl• worlt clothl'o on, You'll hrt\'l' ''' hi' yourtJ!'It, GIPn. 110 wfl wll•

Mvrtlc· Grove lmhotl, John E. lm· h•;tr Jo:Jzfl' B. Imhoff, Dlrtln lm· hnrt Smith. Will C. Imhoff, and !:tina ,I l .. owiDl'<', Of1d lo nil un· loww n Jwlm of Albert J. lmhotr,

Mexico, an the day, time and place tor hearing objections, .ft any there be, to the flnnl account and report; that at the snld time

L'EGALS Chavez, Prob~te Judge of Lincoln County, New Mexico, has set Tuesday, the Mth day of June, 1002, at the hour .JJf 10:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court Room of the Probate Court at Carrizozo, Lin· coin County, New Mexlco, as th~ day, Ume and place for hearing objections. It any there be, to the final report at~d (Iecount; that nt the snJd tlme and place the Pro· bate Court will consider said Final Report and Account and wlll proceed to determine the belrahlp of said Lola B. O'Brien, deceased./ the ownershlp ot her Estate, ahd tho Interest of ench resp~lve Claimant th~rcto or therein, and the persons entitled to distribution thereof.

- ........ .,.,.. ___ ___, ________ _

It now you Ill' XI tlmt'. F.lma Rnrwru. nun TommiP

lllrh Frt'llrJUl'l o nd tlwlr rnultwr Mra. Trl£>ntn 'Frrr:rJUP"/. wt•nt to Ei PallO thin rmnt Wl't'k 111 tnh<' Mrn Frf'tiQUN. to hi'T tlm·tor. Shl' h!t'' nut bcon wt•ll thin wlntt>r

We Ill'(' nl'Orl!'' nnd Or:al llutl• huZllnlt around In onotlwr ON' •·..r and (;c•onr" 11ny·q thin on!' hw lnuuranrl' on It Thl')' IP!l thl• JMIII \lll'l'lt for Orll'!l!lll, TPXn!l, tr· \ w.lt GNlfl!l''n.dntl.

We nrfl hlr. tlrnc• In Tlnrll' nn\' nn we n•relvt• our Fmlllty rw.o' pnp£>rt1 lltt' nnm" rlnr ttwy nrc· dnt('d. ThnnJ.on to HIP puhllnhN )'ttU l'On grt )'OUT C'hl') TIJ:ht !Jil

tlnw. Forgot to mPnt I on 1111' Cfl""

Club quortl'l or thl' "Ony NlnP !ll'fl .. Jl'r(l<f rll'n t t ru rlntwrt l.n nl' JuP Doohy n 11tl IIIII ~hrt'<'<'O!~tni with thl'lr ic'l' <'TI'Orn pontr. nrih ullrk rnnd~· c·un t n \\ c•rP u !llr,ht fm ultl nno to r~>m~>mhPr nnd tltl'~ :11<1 n wnndPrful Juh, Thanltn

• fr•r,•n!Wd, nn1l to all unlmown f!Nnrmo l'latmlnr. uny lien upon ,,, rluht. tii!P. or lnlt>tt>.!ll Jn or to llw t•otntl' of nnld decedent, < mJ-:I-:rr~ns:

N<Yrlef: IS m:nF.BY GIVEN !hnt f~lnn 1. I..ovclnet' hag file-d liN llnnl lll'<'tltmt and r{'rmrt 1111 .\tlrnlnlrilratrlx of thl' F.!ltnte or .\llwrt J. Imhoff. Drr£>n.!ll'd, to­lWI lwr wll h lwr pl'lltlon praying fur lwr disf'hllfl'!<'i that llw lion· , :t ,, hlr> 1-:lflrdo C'hnVPZ, Probat<> J udg1• c,f I.Jm•oin County, New M~>lll«·u. hnu 111'1 TU{'t:dny. th(l 17th •IIY ,,, JunP. 19;"12, nt lhl' hour of Jill)() u'('lodt A. M. nt tho Court !Inurn of tlw J>robat(l C"ourt at Cal'· rlmzn. l.ln('oln County, Ne-w

and place the Probate court will Uf THE PROlATE COUilT ('onnlder oala !lnnl accQunt and cS:T


rl."port and will proeeed to deter· OF LINCOLN. > aa. mine the helrDhlp of nald Albert IN THE MA1TER OF ) J. lmhoJt, dcceancd, the owner· THE LAST WILL AND )· 11hlp of hiD estate. the Interest of TESTAMENT OF LOLA > No. '17~ each renpcctlve claimant thereto D. O'BRIEN, Decease<!. >. or therein, nnd the ·pernorw en· NOTICE.OF HEAIUNG UPON titled to diolrlbutlon thereot FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNT

The name and nddren!l ot the OF ANCILLJ\RY INI)EPENDENT attorney tor tho Administratrix EXECUTOR. Is BRENTON & JJALL. C'nrrl7mo, STATE OF} NEW MEXICO, TO: Ne\~ Mexico. Vrnnk L. O'Brlen and to all un·

tN WITNESS-"' WIIEREOF, 1 known helu of Lola B. O'Brlen, have hereunto eet my hand and deceased, and to all unknown rJl'al ot the Probate Court on this persons c:lalmlng any lien upon the lGth day of April, 1002. or rfght, title, pr Interest In ot to

J. G. MOORE, Probate Clerk. the estate ot aald decedent, GREETJNGS:

By J'rnlc Baroz, Deputy. NOTICE IS UEllEBY GIVEN IP. C. SEAL) A 25M ~9·10 that Frank li. O'Brien haa tiled

----------------------- hls Final Report and Account •• Anclllary Independent Executor ot the ~iff·rrt,I.o!a n. O'Brien, deceased, tr/Mtlltr wlth bla petl• don prnyliig:[>,to.? bls dlscbaree: that 'the llonorable E 1 e r do

---Mrn, Sam lt£lmi'Pn c•f ~uh•.•·• , \\MI IIUN' ruttlnr. n runt)· 111 thr t.t)IIUf(> dan<'!' Oil Wl'll ilQ .til lh

uth!'rn In thl' "li•t> llilni'!INI'' Phow. Frod Ruml'm wan wan•IPT lnll around whll!' Rl'rnplu nnd hln trur;ty "Jiorr lRcr'' '"" f'tl ttw d . .; Wilbur and l'nultrH' !llt;Knl!~h' W!'tl' n dnndnr. trnm

F(lrmln TruJillo ul thr Stat!' UJnhwny DPJiartmrnt lu 11pnrt1ng n n(lw Ford cJump uurll thi:'JW dn)'ll MnybP Snntn f'!' hnown nl Jnnt nboul Uti:' !'XIIllrnFF of thin I'OUnty.

. ,

to ueu ·d•monatratlon whlf• aafe fa on •


Snm ('owllnu Don McNt>IU nnd Snl!'tJmnn

Sam Cowllnc. ntarn of Phllro'!'l "Drcakfnnt Club" rndlo proarnm. hovo trf!e aitt.11 for runtoml'fD 1.ln ltlnQ' tho llnrkry Lumber <'om­pony durlna the Phtleo nnl£1 nmv In progt(l!:ll. n('ft)rdlna to one of th(l company'n offll'lnl11.

Llnc{)l(l County lana of th<' l'hlleo radio ohow nre followlnu tho amunlnn ('ontt>nl betW{I(ln thr twu staro h{'nrd t>VNY mornlna on "Drcnkfant Club."

Information r"anrdlnu thl:' fr£-1:' glftn from thl.l radio !ltntn m~zy be obtnlncd fmm thl' Unrltey Lum · bN Company.

Legals -c ------._...~~--~- ----'""'"-

• •

PACKED with Luxury Ftofuret HOTICE TO CltEDITOM

NoUco Is hert>by alven t'tfilt tho PHILCO J 125. YC$j tho acnsatlonal new undcrslunM hno been duty ap- Dairy lli:U', 11nd Che(:!M5 KcePM• ~nd In

• pointed nnd qunllfled ns nnl:'ll· · additlcm hugo Zero ZQnef~:r.et.apacloua lacy rutecutrlx ot the Laot Wlll Chillcrt>ta~-cr,AdjustabloSbetvee,.Twin nnd.· Testnmont ot v. <'. Earle)'. Crisnn"• MW nKcy Latio" colo~ styq. d"""nscd, In Cntuw No. '793 In tho ....--""" Amathti t~¥.tta \'alue oft'~ all elaee •••

tnmUllR $USl1\0ll Of1tSU


~ ../

2 Shet>~•• fer EGG~, FAUlT ~ .,/

2 Sltelvu tor aonLEs, ~ • Excludv•



Htw tt.sa PHtLCO MObi!LS

· Probnto Court or I.lncoln County, . d l · bU. 1~ N. M. Clnlms nr.nlnnt stlld Ide· "• 9 an ·1 cu. ft. ••• w ·~Ale ... oll. ••s·v·t· 1-1-M·s· conned person'& enttilo munt be an filed wlthtn thO ttmo allowed by . . . ... ~- . Jnw. or tht'Y \vlll ho bnrtt>d. At· H'• 'lc L.. ._, \ : c· . . .. torneys for snJcl ('Xt't'Utrb urC . a· ·r .. e·y ·u· .· ·m· < ·e··. ,. . _. o· Shlpley nnd Shipley. Box '1'51, · . . .· , · _ •

with ,,


• •





Tho l\flmO and address of the Attorney tor tho Anclllary Inde· pend~,ht Executor fs BRENTON & IIALL. Carrizozo, New Mexico.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Probate ~urt on thl!l the 24th day of April, 1952.

1a G. MOORE, Probate Clerk. Dy fsl 1o~Ie DtiMZ. Deputy.

IP. C. SEAL) M 2·9·16·23

~ ......... ,BJI~ . WlfV&T ... -•••




Candy Sationory




~oil and's Drug Store Eatabllllhcd 1000

Phone ~0

Big· Extras ·tine in its Pielcll

IX-r.A AlbiNO COMFORt · "* lmpto-ml kneo-Adlell ttiU. staEHOnl AND COMFORt ef rt•l.et Onlslril Cfrislr'tlctfen

IXi'lA $MdOniNUS et tsoWII! !2'4'"

.AttM!Itllc T~mlc$1en · A complete power team with cxttn•powerfut Vah'e·ill· Htlld, ensitte-, and Auwmatic

. Choke.QPIIilllalooDcl.Uxo ~"""'"" mlldcls at extta 005t. ·

EXTI4 tll$T14f '" ~

ef A!lleflcll't M•st 1'o;11ltir c.-

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Alnmoaordo. N. M. · · . · · · · • · ·

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Page 3: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

i' ' ' ' ., . " ., . '

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··- .. ~;COilONA .. ' atm~q

~·~~~+~·'· n ~o':nf~!i~· . Estancia· bJS1~~t~t;~~;~~~~~~~~~ ~~t ~ . ·. ., .. · . ., Mrs. 3, wtt(a · at

I ' =·~e,~~a~r~~~~ th~ ~~ J()l\n o!r!::: ~~~~~~n~"~the.rs. ~!oo:.:;.~~w'Wome :n~~n~ •. f.i • ntl)n.l!e ~u!!!led the cb~ngln~ Rev, and ~s. D. H. l'eeples en· t~ecorat!!d fn tb.e claq col·

t . ·~ metb.od~J A:!~· te.at:blnl{. gave som~ tertainecl the Jl.mlhCII'$ an4 senioarrs ~rs. 1 Rgefthreslldma~ncets ... w0· !!e.. a1e0r.tv ... e··~~ ·

. r\iles of (}~pUl\e usel:labout 100 with a party at t e . P 1• ,.,.ur n e •• ~· ··• ;y .. Ytlml !!.89 •.. an~ . compared ~u~ sonage Thursday . . • decorated·taJ>le.



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.. •


rope!s ~b.w\ sY$tem W}th ours, Mrs. JI. H. Slack, . Mrs. DorQthy WeUs, a !onner ~!ISing tM educationl\1 Mvan· was here thiS week · at Fort Stanton ltospl(al, tag~ of ,.\medcan boys BJld .girls .. · :Pa'Ul Po.rter, and In CaPitan la$t weekeul:l. tQ<lay~ . . . · Floyd :P.r9ctor, and Dorothy Js now nurslna- · at · l>lplomas were presentea to 18 With Mrs. Slack waJJ 'l'. B. sanitarium located tn l.«k· .

. senJors ,by tlle president of . the Carl Porter of Nevada. port, N, Y, t>

. IJ~. !>:C ~~qcation, Wfllfs z.ove. G. c1• Bcrown1. ·::0 t~~!~:' A ~~~:~;R!rmiJ!el~t_.grun~

11.\ce Jl'., Cotona. · was n arr 2: ... • metc:i baRquet . Among ~e numy Visitors at urdllY untll Monday ot th{s week Wednesday evening, May at commencement . were Mr. and . medical treatment. cate. 'l'he progr•m wlU ~. V. C. Swiger of Jal; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Minor have feature an open torum. Ple~ MJ'8. Donald Benyman and carl wl~h them tbls week their son, make your reservatton11 Is early

Marshall, from Long Beach. Callf. · · possible, . · . · Marshall expects to be fn Corona The tnatallatlon meeting of the until about the first of Septem· Capitan Woman's Club has been LEGALS

. .., ber. Also Shirley Minor. of ·· post.{Joned from May 16 to Flrlday, JH ?:BE PROBATE COUJIT Antonio, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. May 23 due to the closing school

STATE OF NEW MEXICO, ) Bob Miles of L11s Cruces are here actlvltl~s. · COUNTY. OF LIN'X)LN. > ss. vlsltlng . this w~e~. Shirley and It Is reported tho.t . F~:~::I IN THE ;MA'ri'ER OF· > · Miles <Imogene> art~ ctaugh· Hall Jr has entered the h THE ESTATE Of' JOff.N > No. 709 ters ot Mr. and Mrs. Minor. in Car;lzozo for treatment

:.. HENRY SNELL, ) Miss Leota Agee, music teacher injured ankle suffered at D«:ceaeed. ) In Corona schOol the past year, rodeo In Alamogordo.

NOTICEt OF HEARING UPON wlU teach at Pecos, Texas.. next The seniors left Sunday morn· FINAL :w.:;roRT AND ACCOUNt' year. Mlss Agee has a PO:iltlon as lng with their clll!ls liponaor,

OF ADMINISTRATOR organist In the Baptist church f.it Frank Taylor, and his wife on STATE OF NEW MEXICO, TO: Pecos this summer. their ~enJor trip which wm take

• T()m Snell, Walter Snell, Alice Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Waldon and them as tar aJ Colorado Sprlng:t, · May, Bernard Snell, Uzzle May children, and :tvfr. and Mrs. Roy Colo. They expect to be eone a Snell, Kirk Dickey, Ol)ve Porter. .Jeter were In Clovis the past week. • Bernice Jones and to all un· weekend, and attended the Clovis Qaccalaurente services tor the known heirs oi John Henry Snell,

1 Mounted Patrol's matched :roping 1952 graduating cla!:IS of C•pltan

deceai1ed, and >to all unknoWlll contests. Flr&t plo.ce wJnner was Itlgh School will be held sundaY peraons clalmlni any lien upon B. F. Pierce of Clovis. ' nlght May 11, at the high school or Tight, tltlel or Interest In or to Mr. and Mrs. Ollle Parker of gym ~t 8 o'clock, the · eatate of said decedent. Merced, Calif.. are here vlsltlng Commenceml!nt exerolfil!l wm GREETINGS: hln slater, Mrs. Alex Jenkins. be held at the high achool on . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Parker Is rondmaster tor the s. Fddny, May 16, at 8 p, M • that Wo.lter Snell han tlled hiB between San Franclsc'! and Fres· Have Y9U made your reservil· Final Report and Accounf"as Ad· no, Cnllt. G tl'o• tiona lor the senior girls' banquet mlnlltrator of the Estate of John Mr. and Mrs. G. · ~· .. rman to be held Saturday, May 10. Henry Snell, deceased, together and son. Johnny, have moved to This banquet ls sponsored by the with hls petition praying for hls Fnnnlncrton. Furman wan tor· Capitan Woman's Club, and you clleeharge; that the Honorable merly employed by the Helm ana are urged to attend. Elerdo•Chavez, Probate Judge ot French mlnes, and also by the Lincoln County, New Mexico. General Chemical Company of hal aet Tuesdof the 24th day ot Deming, In the lntereot of the Jun~. 1952, at the hour of 2:00 Eagle NCBt mines ln tht'l Gntunns o'clock P.M. at the Court Room of Mountaln!l. the l'lobate Court at carrlzow. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Criswell and Lincoln county, New Mexico, Ill! daucrhter have moved to Por· tho day. ttme nnd place for hear· talea. Mr. Criswell wao sixth Jng objections u any there be, to arade teacher In Corona r:chool the F,tnal Report and Account: thls past year. lie plann to etud~

.,that: •t the said time and place this summer, and attend a Bap the Probate Court wlll consider tlst seminary this f11ll, after aaJd J1nal Report nnd Account which he hopes to be n.esl~lcd a nnd wm proceed to determine the church. The Crlswells wll be helrablp of sald l'ohn Henry snell, areatly ml&!ied at Corona, au well Ueceued, the owne.mhlp of his other teachers who wm not be

Senion To Denver Denver was chosen as the alte

for the trip which ls made an· nuaJJy by members ot the CarrJ· zozo IUgh School graduatlnll eln!!l. A number of lnterestlnr polnta will be viewed en rou,te,.l nnd, ln Denver, the class plam to vfsit several government and prl· vate bustne~ bulldlngs as well OD spots ot tourist attraction.

Mt. and Mrs. ClYde Shult.t and MfB!S Bottle Lou Grogan will ac· company the atudenta..

Estate, and. the JnterC.!t ot .each back next year. re!Jl)eCtlva Claimant tlrereto or Mr. nnd Mro. Thurmnn NnUon Honors Graduates · th J tl th tlU d have moved to their farm at Por· to c~:~tlon Ut~=ns en c tal ca. Nation was filth grade Tho 1952 grtuiu&t8 ot c.JtW:~ml

The: Hllmc and ·ltddt~ or the teacher and Mrs. NnUon fourth IDgh SChool were honored •t • Attomeya t r tho Administrator arade teacher In Corona school brenkfMt last Sunday rnorntn1 Is DRENTON- liALL. Crurlzozo thl!J yenr. He plano to buy and bY the local Woman'• Club at lt.l New Mexico " ' cell cattle, nnd Mro. Nation may clubbQute. Mrs. .Jane Shafer wa1

IN WlTliEss WHEREO~ r t~nch ncar Portnleo next year. Jn charge of thtr evtmt. have hmunto aet my hand ~d G. F. Tom of Chleago, who has 111!£11 ot the Probflte Court on thiD been In Cor9na for the put two Alaska Is more than twice u the :Uth clay of Aprll. 1002. or three months ln the Interest Jargc u 'texas.

1. G. MOORE, Probate Clerk. of the Helm and French mln(!S, Is _______ ..... »Y (s) .Josle Daroz. "Deputy •. In Colorndo thls week on bwlld· AJbuqun""ue for the au ... .-.. .....

<P c. SEAL> M2·!l-16·23 nct!l for the Lindsey Light an ~.. • ... ~ -..'(1

• Cllemlco.J Company of Chlcago, will not return next year. · Dt TIE PiOillTE COIJB't 01' but In ~?Xpected back In altona Mrs. P.tarthn Km- Alltitdlott

r.DrCOLH COU1C'l! noon. Tbls compnny owll!l con· plans to attend Greeley, Colo., STATZ OJ' !fEW MEXICO trolJJng lntenm In• the llclm and college tbiD summer tor eltbt

IN 'l1IE MA'I1'ER OF · ) Fr€?ncb mlnC!J, which are closed weeks, where abe wlll ~lve Mr THE 1SI'A'l'E Oli' LA\V· ) down at prt!!:ent. degree. Her afster MJM RENe!: S. BOEl'T.NEll. ) No. 783 .Tack Payne nad family have Kerr, may take Mta. n~ , ) . moved recently rtom 'Nevnda to place u teacher In

NOTICE OF HEARING UPON Corona. 'Re Is tnldne care ot the school here ni?Xt year. FINAL ACCOUNT ANn REPOm' French and Motst>n mine inter- MWl taught at Eapanl)la

OFl ADMlNISTRATOn, AND eSJttl near Corona. The Pnynea at I ant year and her slsterj Miss NO'riCE OF HEARING ON one Ume Uved In C'nrrltozo. :Mrs. Julin Kerr, will teac:h at Coron~

PE11TION FOR DE:l'El!.MINA· Payna 1!1 a native ot Lincoln agnltl next yet.tr. The Ken atata. T.rON OF tiElRSBIP County. home l1 In Mll'altafppJ.

STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO: . Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Jonen of ' MAIW.Am:l' S. BRADY: Un· Albuquerque_ were bl!l'C durJng ----------~

known helta of Lawrence S. the weekend VlsiUng Mrs. Jones' Boettner: Deceased llnd to au un. parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Me· known helrt gtsat(fd~ent nmJ K.ibben. . .. ... . .. . . all unknown penon!; clnlmtng Roy Beaver of Lubbtl&, T~ any lten upon or right, tftle or was nlsD n visit .In Corona ze • . Jntem;t ~ or to the Estate ~~ty. . d "'*·- ""' "" P 1 wd ])!cedent. IwV. an D.U1!11• u. n. eep es. GREJ:'l'INGS: Wesley Lackey find Misses Jua-

Nai'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, nltn Wllnngbnm and Wanna and purstWrt to an otder r,y tlle Beth Fox made a !fiP to Plain· Probate CoUrt of Lincoln County, view, 'ri?Xnt, th!S Wt!ek. Juanita New J.rextco. that the 25th day of nnd \Vanna Beth ate graduatt:!S of

June, 1002, at 10:00 A. Jot In the Corona High Scllool. They hope Probate Court of Lincoln County, to tin«t work this au~nmer nt New J{exfco, located fn the Town Plafnvtew and both plab to enter of earrJZcno, New Mexico, bas Weyland Colle~ th!!re thl5 tall . been let u the date, time and Mrs. Z e 1 fa Atkinson, her place tor h~arlng upon the Final daughtef!!. loan and Helen Kay, Account and Report of AdmtnJs. and her moth!r, Mrs. . Pll111e ttatot •nci tor hearing upon Petf. Dishman, are vl!Jl\{ng relatlv9 Uon tor the DetennlnaUon of the In Texas thts week. . . .

"lViitD;Itah ••• .-.... , t••u'..UWI

tte.lrahtp Jn the ·11bove entitled Mrs. A. w. ColbauglJ 4nd her ~t~ daughter and son·ln-taw, Mt.

You,. and e.tch of you, are here- and MrS. E. M. Ctouett, Anthony, by furtb!r Jtotltled that at saJd were here visiting sunday. They dnte, ttme IUld pl~ the Probate were on their way to ~t.ta, Colo. Court wtlf ~ fo review anld Mrs. Crossett is a. sister. of from Final AC!Ctltmt and Report and 1t Colbaugh of Delta and .ttarkCOl· the .11attf~ .eball be correct, !t w1Jl baugh of Cedarvale, both tormer

" btl · nppro\Ted, and that the Pro· resldents ot Coron~. .., . . _ bate eourt at said date, ttme and I. It. llurgeu lett Slturda)' tot

· place ~~ Jl~ futth!r to de· Fort W()rtft, J;'ex&st whete he wfll

,,....,.., •••.•

termlne the h!ltlhlp of said de. Join Mrs. BtU•geM and vlslt ,his f!ede.nt. the O'Mletsbfp of his saJd daughter, Mrw. 1oe Quescnbm')'. M .. · · (• ·wr· estate. attd the. tnter~at ot each From F<lrt Worth the lJurg~• . ·. . . · . ......,.. . · peCtl e ·clilrii!Jlt thereto ,ok' wlU go to Arkansas. before re• · ~~r.e'w va. ·ntt the 'f'li!t!Ont erttltled turn.J.rt. g to Corona. Bmges~~, a '" • ••ilt .U, ,.t, ..... •••• to th;dtstributlo~ thereof. · high school teacher here, wtU be , .. ~ . tJae wtk iMftSit ...

T. T. Sitilder~ It., whOse pcjst with us ng!l1n next year. pt •'-• w · · ource address 18 Box 939, R!IS• Mr. aild ~ Carl Carlton are y_.,,. ·..t ~, • • ....... l .. u_u--..-, f• the a:tt .. -m. le~. \lin"' eotoi1" . and.Wlll J!rob• ;t'~at4"iambrl'it'tator. ~ . v•~·~.- . ablY be In MbUgUI!ittUI! next •••.•• o-a •••dttn; ...

· a. · · · cartton l~t anothet hlgb til.'; 1••1, lftdi Hons•J· 1' eoutt, teacher \Vho . w1Jt be ••l• •• ·1...,.;L ., ·

~~;!;ijj;~~~ rolla tii!Xt Yeat "!..·~~ " ,.,., ... !i!'!'i!!~~t •


• • • ,,.

• "

• •

·,; .

. !\ . . ' ··) ' ; .<; .... __,_.,_ .. . - .·'

.. ,_ ., : : ..,_

' . ,,. ' -.,, ;I

1·.·· ' I -~

" '

' . ' ' , , :· I


,-. -- - ~---- -- --· - - ,.._ ·- . . . ' ... ._ .. ·-···;

• ' .-- .. - _,....,._· " I

1 • ••


Ent* Food Matt•• COURTESY CONTEST bY fUUnlt tn one or the cards you'll find at your Food Mart ... tell about an e~· unuaual helpfulneaa_ ot_.!)oqrt~~.Jm _ ttte~ J!~trtof . a .FQI& Mart. ~f'!W9~ee _..._,. _. or tell wpy yoy think a certain

. . Ia conlfatently more cqurteoull and helpful, You'lfhelp tne employee to w!n a cash prl.ze ... and your comment11 may win • beautUul C~er SPaniel! Enter at your FOO<l Mart nQWl


C~Uil IPAMJIU ·~ . -

'Two .. Cockera glven each w~. plus a case or · Ideal Doi Food. Your en· try Jn Food Mart's Cour· tesy Contest may· win ,, one ot these beautiful C~r Spaniels ••• en· ter now!

- ; "' . ' .


lOHN BRQWN A. N. SHEALY carrizozo Alamogotdo

MIRABAL Car~izozo

I.LOYD vrmt. Carrizozo

. At your Food Mart you'll find entry cnr<bi for the courtesy Contest that will tell you how to en• ter. The contest closes at midnight Saturday, May 24, 1!>52. Enter now--en· ter ns often as you wish.

I E . RI·B ROAST U.S. Choice ' Pound 79c

89c ~.~=Jzc~~~P. Pound . . .. . .. .... . . . . . . 49c:


• • Green Onions,

U. S. Choice, Cut Any Thickness Pound

• • 2/lbs. 27c dishes bunch ~5c

15c ••·Or. 'lev·~~.~~~~........ 13c !!~R~.~~. ~RANGES ARIZ. GRAPEFRUIT T:wo Poundll



HI·C 46·0z. Can

2 ·for 49c lb. 19c · NU-MAID OLEO

~ . , I


Hunts Strawberry 16·0z. Jar

Miracle Whip 16·0z. Jar 29c

2 for49c ~~f~ ... ~~~~~~_!_~.~~ ...... -................. 29c ADAMS ORANGE JUICI 27c Q.OL C. .. ~: ........................ --... qo ................. ~····· ••••• -.. ••••••••

!~= ~~~~.~.~~.!~~ .. ~.~.~~~ ........ ~ .. ····· 27c ~~f!.~~-!.~~!!~: ~~·~·· .. ·~ .. m ............. .' 43C ~~S~t_~~ ... ~~~.~~~~ ........... _ ... _ ........ 43c ~~~!~~~~ ... ~~:.~ ... !~ ... ~-~~ .. ~--... 21c TENDERLEAF 0. P. TEA 34· c .C·OL lox ........................................................................... .

Oceaa Spray Crcmb«ry Sauce zoe He. $00 CO. u..--.a.-.... .,.. ............ _ ...................... -·-· .• - ......... .

MEADOWLAKE OLEO 27c X.>. 1 CU. .• -.. .. ,.. _______ .,,_. ______ ............................... ~ ..... 4> ..

~!D!!~~~~~a~.~~~-.~~~····-····- 19C ~~~~~ .......... , ...... 10C o-n .......... ~ ...... 1SC

~~~!~~-~.~.~ .... ~.~!._~~!~. aac 14-0r. fkt. ·-~~~-~ .. ~~-~.~.~-~-.... - ... 28c: ~~ .. -!~~~ .............. ~ ........................................... 24c:

• •

,.-. .. . \ '

> •


23c Butter Kem1l Vegetable Salad ""o. """' ,. __ 1.1 -"AA ~ •... -.-

~:~:~t Fan~y Golden C. 5. ~orn 14c: Old English Scratch Cover Pollsb 1·0&. lotUe

PUSS N BOOTS CAT FOOD I·OL Ccn ... , .... • .

BAKERITE SHORTENING 3·tb. Can . ... ... . . . . . .. •· .

~!~K~ Y_~ PEAS·~AR~~t~. . . . . 23c ~!~~y~ .. TOMATO. A~~~.-· .. 2t: ~!~~:s. CUT GU.~N .~~~~ ... 21c: Stoktlys Small Gretn Lima hafts 2· ·7· c: No. 30:1 Cau . • . .

STOKELY$ SI.ICED BESTS 15c No. 303 C<m . . . .. •

~!a~~!!~~~~~~N WHITE_ ~.~RN 21c ~!~~~Js. ... :.~.~PPED . K~~~~ . .. . 14c ~~~ .... ~~NEY PO~ -~~~5. . . 20C !~~~~!~2~~~!~~~.. 3t

!!~~~ ~~ .... !~~~ !~ ... ~-~~~~... .... . . 31c

- ---.,.. .

• •

. Prlc:u Effectl••

May9and 10


~ . )

• • • •. $.1 •


• .j

Page 4: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

,.,. ' <"-

,. '' -· /

.<t·. • . . .. . .. ·' "" . ' I .• , . ,. ' ' • '' I ·, , ' .. ·, ' '" ' .. >I ,• ~

- - L- < • -~----- -·--- ----··---· --·• '"'" """ -> -.--- .. ••• ·- • ,. __ , -- --- ~ ·- • '•• ~ - ~ -- ''----'-----.-·-:.._., -- _,

',• ' ' ' . -"''7'.


· J::verybody seems happy to hav~ school closlng. We have all had a good year, but are tired ttow. ,The children presented a very good program on Wcdnep· 1Jny night, under direction of Mr11. Wedell, and then took off to the hills for the usual close of school picnic on ',rhuraday. After report cards wero distributed on Friday.

:1 many lett tor vaca tlons. The ~ Pa.rker Tosh family wlll vlslt ln

II CaUtornla for l!.evcral weeks. ) The PTA met for tho last meet

'1 Ina ot the ooanon on Wedncsdn> .. =lljllrl spring mcmbcra will bl' Ill'

engaged In repairing th1• 1 school house and teacherage. 1 Voting wns active In Ancho or J Tuesday In the primary l'll'rtlcm 1 Mrs. Reba Bingham, who hn• l not been oo well. Is report('(i

; much Improved. / 1 Mrs, W. J. Balow rl'mulnll In a 1 , ~. llt'rloua t'ondltlon In Carrlzoz• I II: • "'

1 ( 1 hosplt n L · · 1 Recent vlnltors In thl• home 11f I~ J Mr. and Mrs. Walt Wlloon wPr>

' . ·--·--------~- ------ --------- ___ ., ___________ -------~---.,---- ----- --.--

. -·~ -~ ~~q.· ._,. ; -:~'; ' " - -· ~; . "· .

' ' ·- - . ··-····· ·-·~--------- --------- ---- ·-~-- --- --,--"' ·-· -·-·· -----~ ,-.----:---->'•~-- -r- -~- _____ :.____r"" •

... - \ ,• ' ' . ' . ;_. -· ~--!·Oitrti>O~;,, . ' .. '

STANTON ' . 1\'l,siUJ:l• BUll~ nate ~net trlen~ ,. ' ' ' ' . '• • ' ' .: ' ·• MESA LO.Cfllhklftr- · 'fney ~-~rove ta Granu tQ aee 11g United States-Defense· BondS. ·· mm: GUCK ___ - __ .. .,. . Ji:rgl~~<tlJc:U~~d-ROpme. __ ;_·,- ------. -' __ __:_ .--1-,.-'- -·r .- ... ----C- ...... -- --'---- ---- - .. --------------- .---- ----

Twoycnrsagpthlswcelc,l7,(i00 . __ _ .·-. _ ~;C,l!'otUlg~_H~remlt~ ·~liPe141u.TWll,Jp~,tll~~~~~h.·( ' ,_ 1:_ •• • ·,-__

rtcrcs at timber wdtJt up In · ___ 41ltlt. N.rr~. ~la _ . lng · hlUlbant:l! Jobnple, .Sa)'_l ter ot. :Mr. an~ Urs.la.gp M!ll'l', __ · . · - ·- · ! ~ names on· the north Hid;, ot the- __ · __ •in C'a~l~(), I" now she plans: to ~UW {l•·Week anil_ ,Is vJiJtb~~ on the -t~tatl()m ~~a{e- _ ...... ___ __ ........ . carJllan Mountains and .a tinY tQfVJng With the b~ftle .;Scftrre4 then B<!to ;rexa""~!ty./Tllx~s. M~ two · J()V~lY . chll~en M.d Jilu>tl\ofOJtS . _ OU$Mdi.,...UTA~ -. <1 bear cub was te!iCUed to .become .21th Jntal:ltrf .Pivl!lfon op, lion· . Mr11. Utm®n·.<md Miss t.tcGU.l tl\ose ~ran~pa.-ents, -~ betcf-.!l, ~e I)S.trlbutOr' fQt H~~ Jtceor4 ·t:mtt (J. -~• Qo""' . a nat1onnl c~lllbrlty as Smokey, Jn~u, -~h~ .prlncJpal.Tapane/Je boJ)'Ie dre taJdt.nl· _g: at:· ·titJ•dllYtr· l'llf.jl\l ~Foon. t~poUJJ.ld' tM .. ~rnndQhl.ldrcm.t- ne · C14t!Ul!ng~ Hel).aldnw g!Jd Jl~~ng, c:;• J>Cif ,ltm~ _ the tire tlghtlng bear. 1'he fq:flsl~ s~"n..... . . ·_ . . _ They wi · Vll$1 ue Pe. . eLi Fbr· · Mn. E<lw~rd P~Yton spen o . . - -

1 ~ 1 • . ·R· -S•LES· AND. · SERVICI

are not quite so dry this week, Wa Ul\lt, the tJrst Ame~:~can dl· est amt Gr~nd Can)'on. dn:V Ia~ week In 'J'Ularo•• visit· · STAR RAD *'TO .... JWI:c:r~ ..., _ . . .. . .. . .,-... -... 'Jut are rapidlY. -appr01whlm~ .· vision· to see acuonhJ·K{)rea, ar~ Fred ~lvat~_ J:utd·an·auto ac·· hUt tier monter.~r!l; ;J,4vJ.ng~on•· tl4-Solil&JICU.. ·-- · ~ ·-·-······-··- ·· ······ ·· ·- -- ····_·;; · Jl:oiWelL'lf._Jt. · stage where a little ~arelesllnel!s rived In Japan earlY, In cident; last Saturday night. lt • Mr.: and Mrs. :!JliJ· Hunt ot · -··· · · · - ?

with campfires, matches or cf; .niter 19 months of combat. happened on th~ road to J...ln!!oJn. lf()bbs spent Sqn4ay Wlth tbe - _ . _ . _ rtnrcts may result In, the death of Sergeant Lue~aa, a squad lead .. He sutfer~d a fract~red knee and Cecil Thomps()nL . . <tnother portion ot our beautiful cr In Company A of the :1-9th In~ the car was a total loss. Mary Jan~r and G.tme J(a)' Wll· stat'!. Please be extra thought!ul. fantry Regiment, entered .. the Fishing aeas1m opened w.lth aU son have been on the stck U&t. Hope~ arc In the wind that t.he ·Army in January, 1951. He re· the local anglers up bright and Their. mot}ler says they are better

warm weather 1B hem to Htay. training .at F4rt ' All. reported getting the. today, .. · - - · · -- '-- · · - · · · Holmes has come ott Lomu Riley, ,Kan., and arrived Jn the limit, and, as usual, that Mrs. Ralney'B slater, Mrs. N, Grn.nde rlthout his chains: Peg Far East in May, 1951. big one got away~ .. Austford of.- Menipbl!J, Tenn., is PtlncstC'Il Is so busy with K.prlntr Had Pi letter troxp Ann Strange. 'vlsltlng on station and .wtll go to chores; Floy Skinner scans hll> GetUng people lntere£Jted In Many folk$ knew · ber and she Ql()be, Ariz., t() Vi!Jlt relatlv~s. n<>w calf crop every week sParch· The I.lncoln County News a littlE! wishes to be remembered to aU The-new dJetltlan, MJss Jielena 1ng for a few hairless specimens so they can see wllat we are tell· her friends. · . . Houston, of Galvesto~, Texs.s, ar· <Jr pt>rhaps n pair ot Herelordi tng about thelrl and we ~re t~ll· ·or. and Mrs. Heck and familY rived Monday. •qua ling the twins or Dooge Ln· lng everything we hear. · re.turned home Satur!}ay after II. · - --h--

1 ed

\-fay; Mr. Dabney seems to have month In the Elast. They were so The Pilgrim fo.refat ers earn , 'hP Jump on all of u11 wlrh his · w glad to .be back· and Doris l!llYS eady .the worth of the cow-when £•ardPn although Henry Pee· LODGES tpe easterners can have the East. they made the mistake of bring.

Jut:~!=Uop roq~WJ~ 1Q·4f


Sen•ral Merchandise


&roceries, Hardware, Clothing ....

All Ranchers' Needs

' '

,;IPa h~d rrenh spinach Sunday; · . - These "funny ole hills" do some• lng none on the Mayflower. I~ I bPIIPvt> the greatest number of dOMiiiiT CHAPTER thing to you. their first bitter New Englan

0 ..

;~r~~~~k;:sa;vv~~~~!~o~~~cJ11~':n~at~~ No. 29 _ th;;tr~=~:e?::rinBI&:rg~e s~~r; ;~:;:r~f ~";erydl::nd under tw .,.-~~ : 1 Mr and Mrs. E. R Dlnh roon o . . \ ' J Odeasa, Tcxao. and Mrs. H V \ .: ) Dlshroon of Lnn Crurc•u. ! '; t Mr. and Mru A. W Dralu• w1·r<

, i 1 t In Ancho with the Prlcl' Mlll<~r lakP nnd the lookout; Clshlng OJIDEB EASTEJltf ~--o..,._,_ ___ _,·:..,_ _______________ _

~l•asohn OJll'ncd 1wlth lut'lty <'atches _ . JTP · ·

! 1 ' \ for graduation exerclnl'!l In n 1 rona, Their oon. Jim MIIIPT. wa

,'' t one oll the ttraduaten Jlo pinos t

m ' P c•arly r Bt>rs. Meet on the First Thursday In Mr. and Mrs. Elm('r Jluat vis· Each Month

J l'ntcr A & M In J•Jm• I PI! thP Paul Jont>n Sunday, VltiUng Stan Cordially Invited

Mrfl IIPt!!hey, ('01JIIItl or Henry M Fr Sh w M Ga.teway Hotel ,cr , Butchle Snodgrann I'PII!btlltc'cl r a hln Sl'Vl'nlh blrtl11lay nnniH•n11tr

!' t with a party on Monduy Mu> :,

rs. 11nces a w, • • ''Pt•hiPn. who has hl'l'n vl11ltlna In Mrt. Jeanette Lemon, Secretary ·tw county for a fortnight, left W!•clnPsclay of lnnt wel'lt fo: her 'H•me In -Klamath l''allo. Or11. IJN 'allwr. Mr Breece, wan a tcachl•" In Nogal In 1800. The Pccblen ·ook hl'r to White Sanda nnd Ala rnogorclo b('fore a he left.

( About. 32 omall children uuthl'tt•• ' 1 to ploy and enjoy cakP ... oolllt••

1: · 'It'll cream and noft drlnlu Bulc·hl• , ,. rcc~lvcd many lovPiy 11 I t r •

~ GUCIIB Included Mru Wl'fll'll and ; · Phyllis Po lomcrn Tlw PTA family plrnlr undl':

lhl' cllrl'rtlon of Mr. King and Mr Durllnn wan n hur.l' succenn. Tn­hll'n Wl'n• !ll'l up In front of thl' ··apltan lllflh ·School nnd loaded with lnnty dlnhl'll Thl' holllo, Mr. ·•nd Mrn Murphy, Mrn. Mnrlo Walltrr nnd Mrn. Lee Miller. ~NV I'd the hungry children and

' I l ;

I ' ' '

PERSONALS : ' · Mra. Ocorge Smith vlultc·•l ; ' frlt>nds In El Pnno ( I

' ' I . , I

r' I

I ' . '

1 '

l I' •'

' ..

' \ ' !

l ' \ I

J I . \ ' \


• • • MIIIJI Mary AlkP Shrum I•

BJlP~dlnR o month'A vnrntlon wtth ht>rl family hNe. Shv In on Jc•D\'c

. from the FBI burPou In Wtlllh ln¥fon. D c.

• • • Mrn. Ira <ir<>l•r. \\ hu han n•·~c·rio:

alii I Ora and o brot hl'T rroldl n~; here, underwent aurucry rPct'nlly In Turumr~ul .6hc lu n•poriL•tl ao ronvall'nrl ng o.ntlnfactorlly

• • • Roy Shofl'f wnn lnl•~rrrll'<l If'

N>ntl)' of I hr do at h nl A II l'nt ton, 51, llobbn. furmPh nl Fur• Stanton A member of t hr lm·nl Mntonlc lodaE>. the d<>rt•£1nHI lt•f• ht>rO DPJlTO.lllmOII'I)' 22 ) f>Qrn a co

11arPnto A buolnt>JW ··ncll'd tlw al'llvltll'fl of thl' group 'or I hln r.rhool y('ar.

• DONALD JlOIIEftTS TO TOKIO Thf' lll'XI port for Donald Rob·

••rtn In Tohlo. iu the Intent newo llf'dld by Mr. and Mro. Ernent r:utwr•Q. hla pan>ntn Jlln brother. •~<h. now ntntlonPd at Pearl liar. ·ur hupen to Join him there be·

run• lonn Dick hnn rl'CC11ved hlo "t lrlfl of ntorekN•p('t third ('(aaa.

l'lnnnlnn for thl' future? Duy I! S Dotonr:o nonda.





I ' 4 )


J I ,

. '


Tho odor ot amoke, the oraoklo ot burnina wood. Your first thought the telephone •


A ttltphone oall in just one auoh om1eraonoy may well be worth 'h• coot ot tht service tor a litetimo. But your ttl.ephont iB not tor emtrgtncic~, olone.

Whtn you pay your telephone bill, you • re buying ,_yo_rx!lf% ggnvtP.i.enge...t. Ivery ~inute. every hour. it•a th•ro it you w•ni u •• at a ooat ot onl.V ~: t1w oentt a day. ••

Wbat el•t 11 VII Jt\.1 •ct MlO~ telr ao littllt

• ~ ' . ...... , .......... , ....

• ' I

A. F. & A.M. 'Lodge No, 41

Carrizozo, New Mexico Rvgular Meetings 195:.1 on Second

Wednesday In Each Month Wm. H. Nickels, W. M. Roy Shafer, Secretaey ---.,..,.. __________ _;, __


Meeting Dates 2nd and 4th Thursdays of Each Month, 8. P.M.·

Florlce Barnum,. Noble GrancS Julia Sherrill, Secretary

L o. o. r.

CAHIIZOZO LODGE No. 30 . Jnmcn Thompson, Noble Gr~ntl

Ray Evana, Secretory Mcctlni Each Tui!Sdny Night

Wonderfully new

- !I Paio. Texas

I 04 Rooms. All with Tub Bath or Shower

Air Conditfoned

Moderate Rates ... Located In the Heart of the City

Try Our G'effee Shop Famous For Pood •

Comer Staton aad San Antoblo ltretbl .-'

and dlfferentl ,--........._J

I 06. Only · -.32 Down "18 We~kJ to Pay Dalancc. Cash ~rl~c Onl)' 448.'ltt

Also ~u tlla two other C~cla•ma.Uo Ftlildalret-and tht new boLuxc, MMt~ ilnd Standard Modela. too.


Pttr:ed trom 18$.05 .

W• Gl~• S. It H. • .. ·"'

w •• ' l'oodfNISir and hfrl;erator cemlalnatU


-Ia 1M reMtttotetl O...rWoffrW ....

htelteve ....... e

• Nwtillotl•..au•... .. • CYC:tA-MATIC I.IVIJ.COLD I X... .... &..¥.&coW .. ..._ FllOtl ftee_ze_t, ............. ~..u-s.. ... •eMt•tot

• ............. tfr~tori ,...,.,. ........ iUI tt•ll"etl!t .. l. . -

Ntwftl...,i&t .OU...te);YC;)l.f . .u theh• ..... out -fvlll,;q·­P\If' •H fee.il rftlit •t Your fttilill' tiiMI Antl .. you_. tiM th•••-t•OII••f~

· Fdglcfalrt ftillf~~t~ tttl · • All·porc•lt~fiJ ,lntetl« ' • Jtatrt•ut MW.i'•lt\IW i'lit~ ..... • Otle-•pf•c• Stnl Ca~nef • Q~.~t~lcuh ke1'r•1• • kavdlonct loe•;;y $yilnt· ~ -


Z··o---z·--···o------. · ' . ' - . . . :, , , r - ~ ' ' ' _, . , .............


• •

Phone 96 • • L • .-.. •


When ·you ~re ready to buy a -car, you simply call on QJ, arrange t.o borrow the money you need to pay for the cu <leu the .down J!llY~ent> and repay the bank Jn convenient monthly l~tallments. _


With a bank auto loan, you -save money;. you can pla~ your car l~uranco locally, and lbcludc the ·~uranco COJt m your lo~.

Come In and !2nd out about. tho ndvantaae. of a bank !luto loan here. •

• •

Lincoln County Agency '

ClUZ&Ifl STAJ!E lAD: 0!' VAU'""GJIK-

:amzozo. New Ktlldeo




•$71.11 ........ ti.J7'i .... .,


... ..,... liHII llkl· ................ ~, . $Jidtl ........... ·10000 ,.., ,., Hly ............ :. • • $SJ9f•

IASY 111A11 • u- . 1tSt ' ..,., ..



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--·--"'* --~f .... ~, :a•• it 1: Alutztl t ·••:. til PJj a ·vnll - r :t _ tlRP n I•••'iitl rut: 1 's:Jiiltl'lat 1 - r· .n .• , , •. ,- n a r tawa _ t )It'll , a,.., , .... ,,r- · ,;, __ ~--·

• •

-.' ' ... . f" ' ~. ~.








• ... •


Page 5: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school


. '

11111!!!1111--IIII!IIIIIIIII!III!I!IIIIIII!IIIIIIII!I!II!I!IIIII!!III!IIIII!!IIII!IIIIIIIII!IIIII!!III ... !IIIII!!III!IIII!IIII!I-1!!1111!11-~"""""-II!"''J"'!'-""""""~~_,._, ____ -..... _......,......,..........,., .......... .,...,.... .......... ""'""""7'""";~~~~~----. ··,.~'" ,. •'' ' " ' '.. . . . ........ ' .. . . j,


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. ;- . . '

• ' ' ·:ttt· • .. - - . '

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. . '. HARKEY.· ~UMBER COMPANY . ~·· ',,.,. ··.. .

. . .. . "

. ·~ ' '

• . '1 ... . \

.·· . LINCOLN .CQU .. TY AGENCY . ' . . . 'f • -


. .. .. ..,.__ r-; . • ' • ~ ,' . . . • • .~ , -~, -, , ., '• '., ., I ·• • • .,. .. ' • • ' '

• FI$JJJH~ T,I\Citl:,E. -"N"'UlU'J.'IOH, . J;:~CTB .. C~~ GJ\$ SUPPLIES'. ' ,. t ' ' . __ Citizens· State Bonk of Vaughn

' • • NU11WAY CLEANERS . ' • • •


<• • •

. . r. .

' I



HAJU:)WAllE ..... · ,

- • Phone 10S,·Ca11'1ZOIIO

, .. -~ ' ... "' \ . ' .... ~




.. Phone 20 · Carrizozo



. • •


. : Mer;nber- Federal Dep;osit -h~s~rancb Corpor~ti~n. . . .

• •

' '

----.. . .-. --· ...... ------ ·-"


zo ' .

-. , . .. -~here Every· Cust<>mer Beco.m' A F'riend . 1

. ~-~-- ------·---·-·----·---~-- . ----- -- .



• I

' '


For years you have looked .~orward t~this day of days!· Now it has come ~N-I~C-K-EL-S-. -B-U-IL .... D .... I_N_G_&_H-·A_R_D_W_A_R_EI_ . .. and you wear your honors with happy hearts. Graduation ••• the w. H. (BILL) NICKELS •

· • · Ca11'lzozo "We Sell Sttmce" CGpltaD first 9reat achievement for each of you! May it lead I to Jives full and happy ••• lives filled to the brim with ioy of great/deeds well done!










.... •





Seniors ..,. v • '




., . 'IIi''

'•: __;; ·.

f t-..- ... '.; • ,· > \

' .. • t, "' ' i ' ' I

Richard Lopez Clyde Shults. Miss Bettie Lou Lnrry Stockton, L. Z. Manlrc, Connie Dean Sponnor Groean, Sponsor Principal · Superintendent

' ~~~

Wnltcr Elaine Lenard Detty Drcwstc:>r .\ngc:>llna Drlnlru;tool Sandoval

Alta Mao Crumley

Andy Daroz


J. P. TURNER, M. D •





Across From Tho. Depot

~----------------------~ .


··--· ..


House of Fine Movies •••

Alva and Jody




Phone 96




-• • • JONNIE'S

PACKAGE .. . . STORE . . .

t " '_., ' ..

. ... .

• •



" . '

• •


Chevron Station

Standard Oil




Where Friends Meet



Fin• Foods • • I

~ I

Nr Conditioned • . "

. ... . .



' •

' .



Dry Goods and Clothing

Ben Franklin Store· ·

Motel Petty





General Insurance

11Just like Home''



. .





' .. .




• "

. "

. ' -. ..

" . -



.. . .





Phone 22




Wearing Apparel for+he

Entire F~mily ·



CACTUS BAlt .. • . Leah and Luther . • '• ' . ··-- . ··-

' . •





Y"Our Friendly For :1 Dealer

Ma~ln H. Roberts, President


Phillips 66 Products Refrigeration Service

Buster Boone Thomes B. O'Rear


Chevrolet & Pontiac:


Dodge end Plymouth Sales and Service

Ferguson Tractors

Grace M. JOtses John .. I!. Wright

• ~-

Sales Service



Phone 30

-The Vidaurrfs Malpaii . Court




W.J.Hadley Monte VIsta S.rv. Statl · on • Lctne Sisters Mrs. Gussl• John1011·

Jess Garrison -MIIIf•'i Do-Nut Shop Jtmmy•s .Shop L. z. Manfre '


Mr. and Mrs. Herman K•ft Lurfy 0. Stocktoft . Mr. and Mn. -~ LOpu

. The Shrum Family

' ' •

.. . . ...

• t, . .

\ . '

-~- . '


. " '· . ·-



.. ---- .. ----- --- "" '





• •


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Page 6: Oaks HIGK SCHOOL Spencert Atwood Demo Winnersarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · director In tho Raton public woo otattc-d wJth a key found JJi I. W. Clark, school

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(Continued from Paie · By MaS. J. E. PHILLIPS Ruth and Max Lane ana small

dauahter of Alamogordo visited your hand? Say, u really , . ·· Mrt. Lane's mother, Mrs. Helen !mow how to handl th gunllt

/ Meeks, and uncle, Robert Hinch· must be a gDod o e. W. at klnd ley, sunday before 1aJt. of pistol Is Jt?" few mo·

Mr. and Mrs. Dyer Forbus and menta,. the man h nded Jackson children of Padilla Ranch also the gun and the threat ot death

d HI h which hung over the town was vlalted at the Meeks an nc · ended. several times .during . · Icy ranch. heyday, residents of the town .

Well, we're quite sure there are were to thank David Jackson tor bears In those hUla (the Capl· squelching attempted theft In the tans>. Henry Rogers turned his mlnes and mills. favorite saddle horse out In the The Wildcat Leasing Comp.any pasture. When the horse didn't' fl J "Om"". ln otter. two or three days. was sold to a New York rm n ~ " ~ 1915 but a few years later the Mrs. Rogers went to loolt tor him. property . was abandoned. The Hhc found him lying dead with 1 t A H H\.lclllpeth Carrizozo great bear tracks all around. ate . hntulled th~ business Tracks made by the bear's hind ~~ -~rn:~ of the mine until Ills fl.'et meaaured 9 Inches long and • dn tr; I 1948 and Jackson served 5 fnches wide. Q'ulte a bear! !l=~ts :Oretaker.

Uttll.' Jonny Amasme IS visit. Alth h the White Oaks cou· lng his grandmother, Mrs. Mar· oug hlld f rln and uncle Edward Per1tl1.'ld. pic nt'Vcr had any c r~n ° ue' says Lln~ln La much nicer their own. they have been oste~ than Las Cruces · parents to three genorntlons o

· the town's residents, During Willie Hernandez, who haA World War II, Jackson corres·

made his home with Mr. anrl ponded with a long Ust ot serv· Mrs. Ramon Ventura for the last Icemen whom he bad known year, has a job at Ruldoso. since their! Infancy. On Memorial

The Uncoln school chllclren 111•• Day. rcaldilnls from all corners of looking forward to n big plcnlr' New M!l.'xlco, as well as from today to celebrate the close of lh!' other atatea, gather to pay their 11chool year. Their program was respcr'tll to those pioneers who

• CLYDE F. ATWOOD WILLfAld G~N BRAI>~Y Clyde F. Atwood, winner ot the. William Glen Bradley II the

Pcmocratlc nomination tor sht:r· RepubUcan candidate tor Uncoln llt ot Lincoln County. County •h&rlft. Bradle,Y had no

oppoaJtJopln the prlm~ry •.

d·~~··~ .. ~ <·.~A.(~.~ ~",..,...,,.,,H•,, ,~., ......... ~;;;;;-~. ~ -it " .• '

- ' ; r, '' . ·'·'

.: ;' ""

.. ' -,

held this weclt. ·· Ill.' at rOat In the old cemetery. emilio Zomora came homc• . ThP old White Oaks Cemetery

rrom Las Cruces State Collpgc• In nino the final rettlng place pt last weekl.'nd and attendl'd thl' Nl'w Mexico's first governur arter lunlor·senlor prom In Capitan rerrltorlaf days-the late Wllttam ! ' Saturday night. c. McDonald. Mrs: Jane Turner

, ) .. ' .

Quite a tcw peopll' were around and Truman A. Spencor Jr., both Lincoln Tuesday for the l'lectlon of Carrizozo, nrc his grandohlh

The mual.'urp reportn a gootl dren, and the latter hill just con· turnout Sunday for the openlnr. eluded a nuccells!ul campniR"n tor of Mark Storm'n art exhibit tho Democmtlc nomination for

Tho Lincoln County Historical the tlrr;t 11ena,tor to be nent to the Roclety hac! thr ground lcvcll.'ll Stall' Senate from Lincoln Coun· on tho tract they purchased rc ty. Complete unof(Jclal reJurns r'ontly and arc now having 11 11how he rl'Cclved the nomination. fence<!. There arc lour families Uvlng

Mn. Maggio Pflnglrten recelvt'd In White Onkb at present. AI· a phone Cilll trom her dnugh!tor. though lhe nchool wan abnn· MrL Wayne Zumwalt, Sherldun. tlont>d throe yt>ars ngo, the post Ore. She anld they had purchased offici.' In still maintained with n winter homo In Tu<>oon. Ariz . dally delivery. The warmhearted nil turnlsht>d and r£>ady to movr honpltallty of the Jaclwono brlncn Into. many gueat11 from tlmo to time

THANKS I wllh to thank the votcro ul

Lincoln ('ounty for their 111pport In the primary election.

but the elderly couple miS!l the dayn when Jnck tnught a Sunday at'hool clao!l of tun.Jovlnn youngotNil. nnd coached the town'o bnr.vbPII tcnm.

"Yet, I've had thl' bent and the fullt'llt life a mnn could have,"


Dracell Frcsquea, vJctgr In the primary election ror county t~tx ab<:Pil!lor. Democratic ticket.

_... ............ --•


To~n Campbell, Incumbent diS· lrlct lllltn'llP)', WhP Willi P.heact b)' a small maf)lln tor renomination on Ullt Ptmocratlo tlcl<ct. • iil"f_J 4 ... JS i • iJN

MANUEl. ORTIZ. ht' declnti.'IJ "I wao lucky to be born during thlo arre." An Cor tho t ,

--~-- ~- --- - 2fl·mtl(l walk to nnd trom Cnrrl· • -


Sundt~y & Mondt~y Nay ll·lll

Pled 1\J!talrt·Vera Ellen

Narforlt Main


•'the Belle Of New York ..



CAirTOOH cmd Nl:'1.at•11:E£L


fuea.-Wed.-Thurs. Ncry 13·1C·l5

Ju.e Klth·Johe Arehw

lD 11RODEo·•




Frldey & Saturdoy .. ., .•. ., tnay Edward&·

a.a.act Clake .. "Street Bandit .. ·

tlua ... Alii•·Nary Koy ..

• .,......,In

'IOZO, "I Ccel !lite thC! young sol· riiPr who walked trom For1 Sinn· ton to Whll(l Onltn In tho onrly daya," 1nJII Jnclt. "Someone aalwd tht> lad how far It Is be· rwet•n the two plact'll, and be re· plll'd, 'I don't rl'mcmbcr how tnr thr map Dayo, but I waUtcd 150 mllca'."

ClassiRecl Ads ----------FOUND-WrlBt wntch. Owner

may hnve name by ldcntltylnQ and pnylnr. for this ad. Phone 135·R, Carrizozo.


('USTOM ASSAY OFFICE C'hemlata and A.uaycrs

Shlppoto Representative~~ r. o. Box 811 El Paso, Texas

wANTED-All kinds used tut• nlturl'. Hlghc1t prices paid. Call GO for appraisal. Jack'l 'Trading Pont, Carrizozo.

Reliable mnn with car wanted to £>all on fnrml'ra In Lincoln County. $25 a day or more pa.• olble. No <>apltal required. WtJte

A. C. MYERS 2-101 L!ulmor St. Denver, colo.

FOR SALE OR TRADE-John Dc-t!re 104S mmlol tn:u:tor, attach• menta lncludln~ one planter, cul• tlvntor, 2·way breaking plow, mowing maeltlne nnd disc. B. lor. dan. Box 22, Carrizozo. .

I.VCJ1.J.I IUMWAlt.T Kotcuy Publli

thODe .. CCarrllelle > <- •••

tADfl'DfG AHD .DICOIATDICI AU Work Oueta\••4

flao•• .lU w liD· I. .-cmr M.nlll T. 1. aun ~ .......

r-.a1M111 ~ ••.•. "

, , ~


J'ames F. <Jlmmy) Lamb, lead· lni In tho Domoeratle raro tor slx-year torm ~rporatlon com mlsaloner.

'' C. C. "CltASE Sit.

1 c. c. Chate Jr .. leading Rtpub· ·~ ·: J llean candidate for.,tho nomina· -«.j Uon bt dlttrtct attorney.


l HOMI:\Oif LEAVE Don Bell, 'MC: 2·c U. S. Navy,

and his wife, the former Mlu Barbara Dellke of Konoaha, Wt.c., wl!ro guutl te«ntly of htJ mother, Mn. Clara Bell. 11le trio

i traveled to Wortham, Tent, to .. ~ v!Jll Don'• ttltothets, luse and ; 1 Alban Bell. &nd thtlr rammet.

. Thl!Y later ·drove to DenniJOn. " Texas, wh~riJM Mnlor Mra. Bl!ll


. visited her s~er. ;Mrs. Ben Bur· got, while hrt aort and daughter· ln·law dro'1.1! on to Grtat Lakes, Ill., tho RAtion of the ymm~ Navy maft 'the couple were mar· rled Zan. 19 of thiJ year at the brlde'a heme ln Wllcomln.

G«lrge (Fox) Fuclu, wlnnet of the RcpubUean nomlnaUon tor eounlJI commluloner, Dlatrlet 3.

Dr. and M'n. J. P. Turne: have returned from a well earned va· caUcn.


l'ltnra CAintiT FoUI'•dtaWer, standard Ol' )lfal ... w .......... ""'"''""'''"'"'""

IAIY liD • •

, pnl)r .......... ~...-.-. ...... u •••• .,. ............ ~ .......... - ........................ : ..... ~..-uri~ .. ,. t.11 ttl


, ..... LIVJHa ~M IVIT& ,, ....

Mac aeJ we wlll buy. tell or trade fot nMilt any ltem of value lnd attet looklfli at· aome ot· om rnrechtndl.M )'o\1 can ~e we don't alwaya get th~. bfAt of the trad• •

Polt . C•dllu

.. ~2':> ~· . .

Eve:rett Grantham, J\lbuquer· que, leading Democratic candl· date fn thf;l gubernatorial race. Because of . the comparatlvoly •m•ll margln • of Grantham's I~Ad over · hl• opponent, Lake Frazier o( Roswell ,it Is ..consld· ered Ukely that the vote will be contested. •

• Hospital Notes

t Jlrthl T4 Mr. and Mrs, Harold w. Da·

yll,· Carrizozo, a daughter, Ot~le Mae, born May IS: welaht 5 pound• 141Ji ounc~s.

To Mr. and Mrs. Tony Samora, Carrizozo, a daughter, born M«Y G, weliht 7 ~oum1a, fi ounooa.

'fq Mr. ani\ Mre. GrAciano Ara· 'CQn, CAI'Jlzoac, a llauahter, born May T, wol&ht 0 poundl, Cl ounces.

~lukl\l FrAnkl• PtUo, Qlauncht • Mrs.

Antonio Samora, Donna Kay Hur· ley, Juan llcrrcra, Mrs. Marie Ve· Ja~qnez. C1Ydt Brewster, Dorothy WUbei'J, Emily Johnson, Mrs. Jus. tina Mancha, .Evelyn Chavez, Mrs. Sarah Bartkus, Mrs. Bertha Otero, Jean McHaraue, Mrs. lln Manlrc, Fellx Quellara, B)'num Jordan, JrfllrY J.eo Moyn, and Joe Herrera, <:arrlzOJOl Lowls Beyan and Mrs. Cleve Brown, Corona: Martha Jnno J.obb, Flotcher Hall lr. and Mra. Qertrudo Morris, Capitan: Mart Vlvlon, Andrews, Texao: Mn. Edith Potter1• Casa Grande, Ariz.: n. M. Mcr;att and 1\fra Thclmn Murphy, Tularosa: Mrs. C. U. Gough, RuldQ!(), nnd 1\farlon J'ames, Wichita ialls, Texas.

Meyer Barnell has returned from o trtp to Cnllfomla to vlalt rclnUvca.

YDU cnn nvolll loaJns tto much as $31 n year through gaaollno evaporation by putting a sun· abode over your storago tanlt and palntin ill white. •

• -

• . , •

••• . , "

~·- -,- -.. ·~-.,~- - - -c-~ -~ •


~ Cooa.C0Ja lelVOI

hoepitallty, and Coko il beet

when ft't Icc cold .•• ript in

the bottle. Buy it by the cue. 24 Iotti.. (Cl$1 $)!! flu• O.totll-'t Vow O.Q!tr

IOTTUO llmll AllfHOI!fY Or tltl COCI.-COU. COMtAKt I)


""Ce~.- lu rlltl ,_...., In•• •d:• 0 lf.t2. 11tl COCA.CO&A CO.VAHY

Receives Apol09y Mw Alma .r..atter, Carrizozo,

hao received a letter ot npology from Mlr.!l Lillian Rogl!l"J. fltate commcree club director, tor on error In her ri'COrd an a member ot tho .Four Hundred Club. The local echool girl rl'CCIVt'd a gold medal and the proml•o of the name lY'illng award given Mlu nctty Moore rcecntly.

Mra. loc Coo (nee &nnlc nun. nolo) hD.D returned to her Aln· mor.ordo home following nurgcry at the hospital thoro. Iter frlend11 arc wlshlnir her n spcody rorov· er,r. •


Your A~ Are


••• ' ,












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S~afer .Motor C0mp8.ny PLoci• 177· . · . , , · N. M. t

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• .. • • •,' ..

• '· . •

, '