a > 7 < r1 w L cr r > j t A R J > v t- J r j7 L > OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY AUGUST 16 19Q9 t I t tL r f i t 2 < j x Y THE AIR DOME or pnr x- R μ tir > Moving Pictures w and Music JI Y o The Brsl of EntertaInment Furnish- ed by Home People j i NEW PICTURES EVERY DAY 1 r lh THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT 1ronram for this Evening r DICK MAY THE DUTCHMAN A ROAD TO LAVE Full Reel THE DRUNKARDS DREAM- A WOODENHEADED VETERAN r THE EAVESDROPER THE SUICIDE CLUB r f fi Admission 10 and 20 cents I Doors upcn nt 730 p m I W TUCKER PROPRIETOR ICE ICE Bay Ice From Red Wagons- They say but If you will examine carefully the ice which melts so rap- tly you will note that there seems to be holes In it that the center Is what is called snow ice which being por ous allows It to melt quickly Crystal < Ice The kind we turn out Is as clear and perfect as It Is possible to make Ice and Is the most economical Ice to use Ask the man on the Roil Wagon to stop and soe you FLORIDA PACKING ICE COMPANY Phiie 5 Phone 5 OCALA PRESSIKG CLUB- W F MARLOW Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods press- ed ¬ and cleaned on short notice and delivered promptly All transient work not galled for In 30 days will be sold for charges RATE ONE DOLLAR A MONTH o IG I Jl- f lOc All 25e6oc Dmc u THE BEST PROTECTION- Not a single phone has burned In a house in Ocala A telephone Is better than Insurance In case of burglars or fire you need quick action You get that day or night with a telephone Residence rates fG per quarter in ad- vance ¬ Ocala Telephone Co r HOUSE FOR RENT Thc A R Toph residence near the heights on South Third street Good roomy house large lot stables etc Apply to F W Ditto or Guy Toph it Montezuma SEABOARD AIR LINE EXCURSION TO FERNANDINA- On i Monday August 23rd the Sea- board ¬ will run an excursion from Ocala to Fernandlna and return for 1 for the round trip Train will Ta leave Ocala at G a m and returning will leave Fernandlna at 6 p m A Pullman chair car will be attached and reservations In same can be had by applying to the city ticket agents office H C Raysor t w City Ticket Agent Ocala Fla CASTOR IA for Infanta and Children flu Kind YM Hal Always Bought- Bears the- Signature d of k I have for sale n fine paying moving picture and vaudeville show In Jack- sonville ¬ a money maker and a bargain Owner has other business that com- pels ¬ him to leave city Address or wire Jasper R Walker Jacksonville- Fla Do not forget that you can find any ¬ thing you want In crockery and glass- ware ¬ at the Ocala News Co In buying a cough medicine dont be afraid to get Chamberlains Cough Remedy There Is no danger from it and relief Is sure to follow Especial- ly ¬ recommended for coughs colds and whooping cough- INCREASE YOUR LIGHTS I have just received a lot of the celebrated Halophane glass shades for electric lights These shades Increase your light rower 75 per cent Try r them H W Tucker the electric sup- ply ¬ The man prescription department Is the F main stay of any drugstore Accuracy reliability promptness and pure drugs have made this department of our business one of the largest In the 4l country Send us your orescrlptions Tydings t z o- HARNESS MENDED x Harnessof all kinds mondedor new parts madc wKcre desjrcd Also saw tiling donevApply to JT Simmons at riTMBpklna Jk1 CoWa stables + r Y 4- i OCALAOCCURREICES 1 K of P meet this evening Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening Masons meet Thursday evening- Red Men meet Thursday night Rebekahs meet Friday evening Filing cases at the Ocala News Co Waukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards Little Hugh Chace Is much better today Picture puzzle post cards at the Ocala House Miss Freddie Foy left yesterday Tor- a vacation at Daytona Beach Call anti sep the new books at the the Ocala > > ws Co Mrs Tom Jones went up to Irvine yesterday to visit friends 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c Mr alter McCredie has returned from a two weeks visit to Georgia FOR SALEFine walnut roller top desk cheap Apply to Dr J W Hood Dr Carawll contlnuc to Improve- and hopes to be out in a few days Have you teen the picture puzzle post cards at the Ocala News Co- Ir W F Pulliam of Reddick is a guest of the Montezuma RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottle- at the Postoffice Drugstore- Mr Royal Cook of Gainesville is a guest of the Montezuma Do you smoke Then try that XI manic smoker at the Court Pharmacy Mr A F Roux of Plant City is a guest of the Ocala house Bathing caps Just received at the Court Pharmacy- Mr C R Reinhardt of Jacksonville- is a guest of the Ocala House FOR RENT A large pasture close- In Apply at this office I Mr Henry Stranz of Plant City IF at the Ocala House 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c Mr J W Rollins of Jacksonville is at the Montezuma A new shipment of peroxide cream just in nt the Court Pharmacy Mr W L Lowry of Homopassa is a guest of the Montezuma FOR HIVN Furnished rooms two blocks from square modern convon- ionoosj24 Wnttiln street Mr W T Gary and family will leave Wednesday for Rnbiin Gap On whore they will remain for a month WANTED or 5rori cottar in healthy neichborhood Apply to X X X Star office MOATS R A Falana rind J II Pltl of Pimmlion were guests of the Mon- tezuma yesterday Phone the Court Pharmacy Wo send for fill root deliver your pro- scriptions ¬ promptly rSHf1 P M los Ploy anti W F DeWItt of Fort McOoy are guests of the Montezuma Have you seen the new visible Fay- Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co goncral agents Mrs A J Brigance loaves tonight- for Atlanta to spend two months with her sister COOK WANTED An experienced rook wanted Apply to Judge or Miss Bell nt the courthouse- Miss Mary Platt and Miss Annie Laurie Perry came up today from the lake Mr T R Lannier of Tavares was In town yesterday and today n guest of the Montezuma FOR RENT One FaySh les type- writer in good condition Apply at the Star office Three cents will fan you for ter hours Get one of thosn Inch Wes tlnJhous i ins from H W Tucker- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each J730 per dozen R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired Are you troubled with dandruff Then try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic at the Court Pharmacy WE ARE Eagerly Watching lor- an Opportunity of SERVING YOU If You Live to Eat or Eat to Live WE CAN SERVE YOU I Our Store is full of Staple and Fancy- GROCERIES 0 K GROCERY 2 Pbraes 174 L HARVEY CLARK Frtprkfor < l i 3 y s 1 FENOLEK- ILLS j Mosquitoes Bedbugs t Roadie Moths Wa terbng Ants Pleas Destroys germs a nd sterilizes the eggs of all insects CLEANS Fnrniiiiro Carpels- llti Curtains Etc positively harmless to the good- 8DISINFEcrS thoroughly and an absolute pre ventitive of all con- tagious ¬ diseases to mail and beast KEY NilE TO HEALTH TEAPOTGR- OCERY HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue nhe of the most modern and convenient residences in the city Apply to 139 Fort King av- enue ¬ MAKING A LONG TEAM TRIP Messrs J W C Hopkins and W H Townsend arrived in Ocala today in their covered wagon from Eau Gallic on the cast coast They are on their way to West Florida and will stop over In Ocala for a few days They ay the roads were not as bad as they ex ¬ pected to find them and the water did not come over the hubs of the wheels- a single time AT THE AIR DOME I A special treat was given the visit ¬ ors to the open air theater Saturday night in the entrancing music given by Mr and Mrs Tucker on the cornet and piano Both are artists with the in ¬ struments and united they make n combination not to be excelled Dick May the littke joker was at his best and airthp pictures were excellent There will be a mighty fine show to ¬ night and if the weather clerk doesnt tip the tank over at the wrong time you want to be there to see it CONVENTION IN JACKSONVILLE- On 11 November 15th and Ifith the Mississippi to Atlantic Island Water- ways Convention will be held in Jack- sonville ¬ Representatives from all the Southern boards of trade and commer ¬ cial bodies arc urged to be there I I DONT NEED GLASSES Many people do not need glasses but most people do I You may be one of the majority There are two ways of finding out Oneawait for time anti disease to I drive you to it- TwoConsplt us about it We Can Tell You wheihor or not you need them DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to lOa m and 130 I to430 p m Optical ofliro and lab ¬ oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block LOOSE LEAF LEDGER AND BILLS I Let the Star office print and perfor- ate ¬ your loose leaf sheets for your in ¬ voice ledgers and bill head systems We are prepared to do the work FOUND Thc best rooming house in Jacksonville to be the Acme lintel owned by F V Dunn from Boston and managed by Col V J Shipman- All outside rooms clean beds largo rooms All cars from depot pass our hotel corner Bay and Julia streets Call and see the colonel- If the glare of the sun hurts your eyes get a pair of smoked glasses from us for 25c The Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Mr J W Sylvester who is spend- ing ¬ a few weeks at the lake came up this morning for some shopping and returned on the afternoon train Mrs Jessie Haycraft with her sister from Inverness and daughter Miss Ethel have boon spending a short time at Pablo Beach Miss Ethel will return home in a day or two and go to In- verness ¬ with her aunt while Mr Haycraft will go to the eastern mar kets where she will buy a handsome new fall line of millinery for the firm of Haycraft DeCamp- A card from Mr and Mrs C A Brown at Bakersfield Calif states that they are doing well in the west and that Mr C L Moore and Mr R L Knox of this city are there have good positions and are greatly pleased with that suction HOUSE TO RENT After Sept 1st one of the most modern and convenient residences In the city Apply to Mr William An ¬ derson 139 Fort King avenue There is no better stock of fins writing papers in the city than wr carry Come in and look it over If you want something really nice Ty- dirgs Co Mrs E D Blaine and little daugh- ters ¬ Theresa and Elizabeth left today for Atalnta to spend several weeks with relatives Accuracy a characteristic is the motto of the Court Pharmacys pre ¬ scription department Phone us We send for fill and deliver your pre- scriptions ¬ promptl- yWANTEDPosition as bookkeeper typewriter and general office man Reference former employer O W Reagan Brooksville Fla W C Gal bralth Williston Fla If you are looking for prompt and efficient service send us your pre- scriptions ¬ or phone us and we wIn send for them Nothing but the best I used at the Postofflce Drugstore r a r AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS Chicago Aug Automobiles have killed fiftyone persons and injured 101S in Chicago during the first sev- en ¬ months of this year according to fissures given out by the police bureau today S s- It is only a matter of time before name is placed on the list of auto tragedies if an end is not put to the nrklkess speed that is becoming too prevalent on the streets Saturday night an auto handled by- a young man who has no excuse for such recklessness went up Oklawaha and down Fort King at a rate of not less than 2S miles an hour There was nn reason for such an outburst of ppfd It wa a violation of city ord- inance ¬ and state law and an exhibition nf recklessness that was little short ff a crime for there wore scores of ti ole on the avenues at the time It ic not the only case of the kind that has occurred recently and if the prac ¬ tice is kept up certain as it is to in- crease ¬ it will not bo long before some valuable life pays for the criminal recklessness of a speedmad fool It is the duty of the city and state officers to at once sternly check this pernicious practice If they do not they will to a great extent be respon- sible ¬ for any accident that may occur This may seem like strong language- to the autoist who thinks the possess- ion ¬ of a factmoving machine gives iiim the right to drive it with express train speed through the streets of the city It will not seem so to the peo ¬ ple who may be called at any moment- to mourn a relative or friend killed or crippled for no better reason than to gratify a crazy whim WILL SOON BEGIN BUILDING- The right of way of the Ocala Southwestern railway charter for which is being advertised in the Star has been bought the rails and ties are on the way and actual construc ¬ tion will commence at once This road will connect the big mills at Martel the other business enroute and Ocala with the Seaboards Early Bird and Dunnellon extension coming through from the Seaboard at Dunnellon to the Seaboard at Ocala making a very im ¬ portant traffic link Florida cannot have too many railroads and it looks like Ocala would bo a great railroad center at some day in the not so very distant future With this road the coquetting of the Tampa and Jackson- ville ¬ the carryingon of the Tampa Northern and the flirting of the Ocala Board of Trade with the Rentz road it looks like there might be a plenty some day out of which it will be mighty funny if wo cant work a rea- sonable ¬ freight rate THAT SUNNY JIM TRAIN The Star has always contended that the Sunny Jim train was more of an advantage than a disadvantage fo Ocala A Star reporter asked one of the members of the train crew yester- day how a weeks run of the train t showed up He said that on leaving Ocala each morning there would be say haJf a dozen passengers and on the return trip there would be many inrue about 75 Saturday nights Thus the train in bringing in many moro people than it carrion out These peo- ple ¬ stay OV T for various periods and leave the city on different trains He had never seen any Ocala people or people from near here returning from Tampa with parcels bought in that iity ORLANDO HEREFOR THREE DAYS The Orlando baseball team is here for three amt f this week today to ¬ morrow and Wednesday Orlando has- a strong team and has already beaten Ocala five games out of eight She will play three ngmes with the strong Oak Hill Gainesville team the latter part of the week and oubtlcss have a better lineup than ever Ocalas team has been sticngthoned since the Palatka games by the addition of two men and lovers of the game arc ex- porting ¬ some fine baseball The games will bo called at 34 oclock instead of 4 as formerly GONE TO BUY GOODS- Mr G W Martin of the Ocala News Co left yesterday for Atlanta where- he will meet two ofthe traveling men who represent the houses from whom- he buys his holiday goods who will have on display in that city an Im ¬ mense line of samples SOLD A JACKSON CAR Messrs Mclver t MacKay sold a handsome Jackson tourahout car to Mr J II Cash of Jacksonville who took the machine today and will drive- it through the country to Jackson ¬ ville Look over our tine of toilet prep- arations ¬ WP are quite proud of the fine stock Perfumes powders and soaps of the liner grades Tydings Company PIANO TUNING- Ten years experience References my music teacher in Ocala any nusie house in Jacksonville Phone- s t A1 TjjnsfoTtl city 1Rtf ROt- ftc1 1 r1 n P- M7J t- ui i t 196 The Proof is in the BREA- DIf If are not using tnow its a good time to begin We- t sell i exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CAR I 1J Y s c 1 rt S M J f BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN C Ji if l C i 7f- C < t- t 3- 4W t1rW > r r J < 1 0 < 7 C < 1 r- t1 > j d C z- t1 1 1 t < Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened tythe- Latest tCi ryit t fi 7 qJ t > < v 4 Methods t < < f i r ti- t f r w 1ili- t G T i > y < We have just receivedone of the famous Ideal f > Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built k13 r for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which J does the work perfectly If you will favor us with j 7L your patronage we guarantee to give you back the I Mower in better condition than the day you bought V 1 it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced t workman with a fileor an emery wheeL 7 6 l Next time your Mower welds sharpening f a bring it inor notify us and we will > i make it cut so nicely it will surprise you < MARION HARDWARE CO > i I CAUGHT TWO PRISONERS I Sheriff George Carter of Inverness came up today to get two negro pris- oners I arrested at Roddick this morn ¬ ing by one of Sheriff Galloways dep- uties and brought down on the after- noon il train The men Lewis John- son ¬ and John Reed are wanted in Citrus county one for shooting a man and the other for stabbing a woman I I Mr Carter took the men back with him LIGHTNING STRUCK IN OCALA Saturday afternoon about 3 oclock- a bolt of lightning struck a tree in the yard of Mr J A Bouviers home on Daugherty street stunned two of the children who were playing on the porch close by and knocked some dishes off the table inside the house The shock was felt by a number of persons in that vicinity About 25 phones of the Ocala Telephone Co were put out of commission for a short time FALL MILLINERYTO ARRIVE SOON The ladies of Ocala arc reminded- that our fall line of millinery will soon bi coming in Announcement of the first arrivals will be made in a very short time Haycraft and DeCamp MINES ARE CLOSING DOWN Mr Thomas Sexton of the Holder Phosphate Company was in town to ¬ day Mr Sexton has just closed down two of his companys mines indef- initely ¬ Mr W A Ilondricks returned yes ¬ terday from several weeks vacttion which he client in Jacksonville Tam- pa ¬ and Nowborry and can now be j found at Keatings cash box Take Kodol at the times when you feel what you have eaten is not digest- ing ¬ Kodol digests what you eat so you can eat sufficiently of any good wholesome food if you will Just let Kodol digest it Sold by all druggists- Mr and Mrs R S Hall leave to ¬ morrow for Chicago Mr Hall going on business and Mrs Hall accompanying him for the pleasures of the trip Miss Helma Folks of Juliette who was operated on in the hospital a few days ago for appendicitis is doing very nicely- Mr R E Cole who has been spelli- ng ¬ his vacation in New York City and nearby points of interests is expected home tomorrow There is no game law against any- one hunting for PLANKS CHILL TONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬ laria chills and fever Price 25 cents per bottle Ask your dealer hell probably know Mr J B King of Hernando who was operated on at the hospital a few days since is doing well and will soon be able to return home Your complexion as well as yow temper Is rendered miserable by a disordered liver By taking Cham ¬ berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets- you can improve both TEACHERS EXAMINATOIN- The state uniform examination for teachers certificates will begin at 9 a m on September 7 1909 The work for white applicants will be conducted at the Ocala High School building and that for the colored at Howard Acad- emy ¬ Each applicant will pay a fee of one dollar at time of beginning and will supply himself with legal cap pa ¬ per pens and ink Any other infor ¬ mation pertaining to the examination- will be cheerfully furnished by- J H Brinson Superintendent- I have a late model No 5 Under ¬ wood typewriter which has not been used over ninety days and will sell for J60 cash or on terms Felix H Sisk Ocala House For indigestion and all stomach trouble take Foleys Orino Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and wil pos- itively ¬ cure habitual constipation Sold by all dealers Rear in mind we carry a full line of Staffords and Carters inks also fountain pens from 1 up at the Ocala News Company- We are showing the best 25c box of writing paper that we have ever had and if you want the entire value of your quarter dont fail to buy this from the Postoffice Drugstore f w 4- jISftTIRs w BOLTED ONT- toeaiTreEquipment BOLTEDON CLINCHER QD CLINCHER t WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES OCALA IRON WORKS OCALA FLA ti- d y J i Hudson 20 f The sensation in motor cars for ChalmersDetroit There is no need to say anything for this car- t Write T S ABERNETHY 7 Orlando Florida lr r lIB t INDSOR HOTELJACKS- ONVILLES FINEST AND FLORIDAS LARGEST and BEST YEAR ROUND MOTEL Rates 3 per Day and Upwards AHerfcai flu THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor > v T 1 a > SPECIAL SUMMER COURSE AT THE- Nos I t 6091113 Franklin Street Tampa Fla j Will prepare you for a position aa Bookkeeper Assistant Bookkeeper > Stenographer Bank Clerk or Telegrapher Many of Marion countys bright t- rst young men and women are graduates of this institution and are holding f high and responsible positions A special rate of 10500 for a complete course tuition books and board and lodging four months Forty 40 dollars for tuitjn alone Enter any time Catalogue and pen specimens free = L M Ration Master Accls rres Tanpa Fla Co r For SPRAINS BRUISES AND WOUNDS- USE I > r t < = rJ1f2 9 0- r1 > 1oc Z x t 2 i Get the Genuine Three Sizes 25c 50c tad 100 4 v BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO ST LOUIS MO SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY ALL DIUGG18TS to Vf f r 1 etc YN + it J 1f +i Ic- wft1 1 t r

Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-16 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03246/00312.pdfOCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY AUGUST 16 19Q9 t I t ftL i tr 2

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-08-16 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03246/00312.pdfOCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY AUGUST 16 19Q9 t I t ftL i tr 2

a > 7< r1w L cr


>jt A R J

> v t-


f i t 2 < j




pnr x-

Rµ tir > Moving Picturesw and MusicJI


The Brsl of EntertaInment Furnish-ed by Home Peoplej


1ronram for this Eveningr DICK MAY THE DUTCHMAN






fiAdmission 10 and 20 cents

I Doors upcn nt 730 p m


ICE ICEBay Ice From Red Wagons-

They say but If you will examinecarefully the ice which melts so rap-

tly you will note that there seems tobe holes In it that the center Is whatis called snow ice which being porous allows It to melt quickly


IceThe kind we turn out Is as clear

and perfect as It Is possible to makeIce and Is the most economical Iceto use Ask the man on the RoilWagon to stop and soe you


ICE COMPANYPhiie 5 Phone 5


W F MARLOW Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goods press-ed


and cleaned on short notice anddelivered promptly All transientwork not galled for In 30 days willbe sold for charges


o IG I Jl-

flOc All25e6oc Dmc u


Not a single phone has burned In ahouse in Ocala A telephone Is betterthan Insurance In case of burglars orfire you need quick action You getthat day or night with a telephoneResidence rates fG per quarter in ad-vance


Ocala Telephone Cor


Thc A R Toph residence near theheights on South Third street Goodroomy house large lot stables etcApply to F W Ditto or Guy Toph itMontezuma


OniMonday August 23rd the Sea-


will run an excursion fromOcala to Fernandlna and return for

1 for the round trip Train willTa leave Ocala at G a m and returning

will leave Fernandlna at 6 p m APullman chair car will be attachedand reservations In same can be hadby applying to the city ticket agentsoffice H C Raysor

t wCity Ticket Agent Ocala Fla

CASTOR IAfor Infanta and Children

flu Kind YM Hal Always Bought-

Bears the-

Signature dof kI have for sale n fine paying moving

picture and vaudeville show In Jack-sonville


a money maker and a bargainOwner has other business that com-pels


him to leave city Address orwire Jasper R Walker Jacksonville-Fla

Do not forget that you can find any ¬

thing you want In crockery and glass-ware


at the Ocala News Co

In buying a cough medicine dontbe afraid to get Chamberlains CoughRemedy There Is no danger from itand relief Is sure to follow Especial-ly


recommended for coughs colds andwhooping cough-


I have just received a lot of thecelebrated Halophane glass shades forelectric lights These shades Increaseyour light rower 75 per cent Try

r them H W Tucker the electric sup-ply




prescription department Is the

F main stay of any drugstore Accuracyreliability promptness and pure drugshave made this department of ourbusiness one of the largest In the

4l country Send us your orescrlptionsTydings t z o-


x Harnessof all kinds mondedor newparts madc wKcre desjrcd Also sawtiling donevApply to JT Simmons at

riTMBpklna Jk1 CoWa stables

+ r Y 4-



K of P meet this evening

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening

Masons meet Thursday evening-

Red Men meet Thursday night

Rebekahs meet Friday evening

Filing cases at the Ocala News Co

Waukesha Ginger Ale at Ballards

Little Hugh Chace Is much bettertoday

Picture puzzle post cards at theOcala House

Miss Freddie Foy left yesterday Tor-a vacation at Daytona Beach

Call anti sep the new books at thethe Ocala > > ws Co

Mrs Tom Jones went up to Irvineyesterday to visit friends

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever Price 25c

Mr alter McCredie has returnedfrom a two weeks visit to Georgia

FOR SALEFine walnut roller topdesk cheap Apply to Dr J W Hood

Dr Carawll contlnuc to Improve-and hopes to be out in a few days

Have you teen the picture puzzlepost cards at the Ocala News Co-

Ir W F Pulliam of Reddick is aguest of the Montezuma

RoseViolet Talcum 25c the bottle-at the Postoffice Drugstore-

Mr Royal Cook of Gainesville is aguest of the Montezuma

Do you smoke Then try that XImanic smoker at the Court Pharmacy

Mr A F Roux of Plant City is aguest of the Ocala house

Bathing caps Just received at theCourt Pharmacy-

Mr C R Reinhardt of Jacksonville-is a guest of the Ocala House

FOR RENT A large pasture close-In Apply at this office


Mr Henry Stranz of Plant City IF

at the Ocala House

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever Price 25c

Mr J W Rollins of Jacksonville isat the Montezuma

A new shipment of peroxide creamjust in nt the Court Pharmacy

Mr W L Lowry of Homopassa is aguest of the Montezuma

FOR HIVN Furnished rooms twoblocks from square modern convon-ionoosj24 Wnttiln street

Mr W T Gary and family willleave Wednesday for Rnbiin Gap Onwhore they will remain for a month

WANTED or 5rori cottar inhealthy neichborhood Apply to X XX Star office

MOATS R A Falana rind J II Pltlof Pimmlion were guests of the Mon-tezuma yesterday

Phone the Court Pharmacy Wosend for fill root deliver your pro-scriptions



rSHf1 P M los Ploy anti W FDeWItt of Fort McOoy are guests ofthe Montezuma

Have you seen the new visible Fay-Sholes typewriter R C Davis Cogoncral agents

Mrs A J Brigance loaves tonight-for Atlanta to spend two months withher sister

COOK WANTED An experiencedrook wanted Apply to Judge or MissBell nt the courthouse-

Miss Mary Platt and Miss AnnieLaurie Perry came up today from thelake

Mr T R Lannier of Tavares wasIn town yesterday and today n guestof the Montezuma

FOR RENT One FaySh les type-writer in good condition Apply at theStar office

Three cents will fan you for terhours Get one of thosn Inch WestlnJhous i ins from H W Tucker-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach J730 per dozen

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

Are you troubled with dandruffThen try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonicat the Court Pharmacy


Eagerly Watching lor-an Opportunity of


If You Live to Eator

Eat to Live


Our Store is full ofStaple and Fancy-


0 K GROCERY2 Pbraes 174


HARVEY CLARK Frtprkfor<l


3 y s



Mosquitoes Bedbugst Roadie Moths Wa

terbng Ants PleasDestroys germs a n dsterilizes the eggs ofall insects

CLEANS Fnrniiiiro Carpels-llti Curtains Etcpositively harmless tothe good-

8DISINFEcrS thoroughlyand an absolute preventitive of all con-


diseases tomail and beast




On Fort King avenue nhe of the mostmodern and convenient residences inthe city Apply to 139 Fort King av-enue



Messrs J W C Hopkins and W HTownsend arrived in Ocala today intheir covered wagon from Eau Gallicon the cast coast They are on theirway to West Florida and will stop overIn Ocala for a few days They aythe roads were not as bad as they ex ¬

pected to find them and the water didnot come over the hubs of the wheels-a single time


A special treat was given the visit ¬

ors to the open air theater Saturdaynight in the entrancing music given byMr and Mrs Tucker on the cornet andpiano Both are artists with the in ¬

struments and united they make ncombination not to be excelled DickMay the littke joker was at his bestand airthp pictures were excellent

There will be a mighty fine show to ¬

night and if the weather clerk doesnttip the tank over at the wrong timeyou want to be there to see it



November 15th and Ifith theMississippi to Atlantic Island Water-ways Convention will be held in Jack-sonville


Representatives from all theSouthern boards of trade and commer ¬

cial bodies arc urged to be thereI


DONT NEED GLASSESMany people do not need glasses but

most people doI You may be one of the majorityThere are two ways of finding out

Oneawait for time anti disease to I

drive you to it-

TwoConsplt us about itWe Can Tell You wheihor or not you

need them DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to lOa m and 130 I

to430 p m Optical ofliro and lab ¬

oratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Let the Star office print and perfor-ate


your loose leaf sheets for your in ¬

voice ledgers and bill head systemsWe are prepared to do the work

FOUND Thc best rooming house inJacksonville to be the Acme lintelowned by F V Dunn from Bostonand managed by Col V J Shipman-All outside rooms clean beds largorooms All cars from depot pass ourhotel corner Bay and Julia streetsCall and see the colonel-

If the glare of the sun hurts youreyes get a pair of smoked glassesfrom us for 25c The Postoffice Drug-store


Mr J W Sylvester who is spend-ing


a few weeks at the lake came upthis morning for some shopping andreturned on the afternoon train

Mrs Jessie Haycraft with her sisterfrom Inverness and daughter MissEthel have boon spending a short timeat Pablo Beach Miss Ethel will returnhome in a day or two and go to In-verness


with her aunt while MrHaycraft will go to the eastern markets where she will buy a handsomenew fall line of millinery for the firmof Haycraft DeCamp-

A card from Mr and Mrs C ABrown at Bakersfield Calif statesthat they are doing well in the westand that Mr C L Moore and Mr RL Knox of this city are there havegood positions and are greatly pleasedwith that suction


After Sept 1st one of the mostmodern and convenient residences Inthe city Apply to Mr William An ¬

derson 139 Fort King avenue

There is no better stock of finswriting papers in the city than wrcarry Come in and look it over Ifyou want something really nice Ty-dirgs Co

Mrs E D Blaine and little daugh-ters


Theresa and Elizabeth left todayfor Atalnta to spend several weekswith relatives

Accuracy a characteristic is themotto of the Court Pharmacys pre ¬

scription department Phone us Wesend for fill and deliver your pre-scriptions



yWANTEDPosition as bookkeepertypewriter and general office manReference former employer O WReagan Brooksville Fla W C Galbralth Williston Fla

If you are looking for prompt andefficient service send us your pre-scriptions


or phone us and we wInsend for them Nothing but the best Iused at the Postofflce Drugstore

ra r


Chicago Aug Automobiles havekilled fiftyone persons and injured101S in Chicago during the first sev-en


months of this year according tofissures given out by the police bureautoday

S s-

It is only a matter of time beforename is placed on the list of autotragedies if an end is not put to thenrklkess speed that is becoming tooprevalent on the streets

Saturday night an auto handled by-a young man who has no excuse forsuch recklessness went up Oklawahaand down Fort King at a rate of notless than 2S miles an hour There wasnn reason for such an outburst ofppfd It wa a violation of city ord-inance


and state law and an exhibitionnf recklessness that was little shortff a crime for there wore scores ofti ole on the avenues at the time Itic not the only case of the kind thathas occurred recently and if the prac ¬

tice is kept up certain as it is to in-


it will not bo long before somevaluable life pays for the criminalrecklessness of a speedmad fool

It is the duty of the city and stateofficers to at once sternly check thispernicious practice If they do notthey will to a great extent be respon-sible


for any accident that may occurThis may seem like strong language-

to the autoist who thinks the possess-ion


of a factmoving machine givesiiim the right to drive it with expresstrain speed through the streets of thecity It will not seem so to the peo ¬

ple who may be called at any moment-to mourn a relative or friend killed orcrippled for no better reason than togratify a crazy whim


The right of way of the OcalaSouthwestern railway charter forwhich is being advertised in the Starhas been bought the rails and tiesare on the way and actual construc ¬

tion will commence at once This roadwill connect the big mills at Martelthe other business enroute and Ocalawith the Seaboards Early Bird andDunnellon extension coming throughfrom the Seaboard at Dunnellon to theSeaboard at Ocala making a very im ¬

portant traffic link Florida cannothave too many railroads and it lookslike Ocala would bo a great railroadcenter at some day in the not so verydistant future With this road thecoquetting of the Tampa and Jackson-ville


the carryingon of the TampaNorthern and the flirting of the OcalaBoard of Trade with the Rentz road itlooks like there might be a plentysome day out of which it will bemighty funny if wo cant work a rea-sonable


freight rate


The Star has always contended thatthe Sunny Jim train was more of anadvantage than a disadvantage foOcala A Star reporter asked one ofthe members of the train crew yester-day how a weeks run of the train

tshowed up He said that on leavingOcala each morning there would besay haJf a dozen passengers and onthe return trip there would be manyinrue about 75 Saturday nights Thusthe train in bringing in many moropeople than it carrion out These peo-


stay OV T for various periods andleave the city on different trains Hehad never seen any Ocala people orpeople from near here returning fromTampa with parcels bought in thatiity


The Orlando baseball team is herefor three amt f this week today to ¬

morrow and Wednesday Orlando has-a strong team and has already beatenOcala five games out of eight Shewill play three ngmes with the strongOak Hill Gainesville team the latterpart of the week and oubtlcss havea better lineup than ever Ocalasteam has been sticngthoned since thePalatka games by the addition of twomen and lovers of the game arc ex-


some fine baseball The gameswill bo called at 34 oclock insteadof 4 as formerly


Mr G W Martin of the Ocala NewsCo left yesterday for Atlanta where-he will meet two ofthe traveling menwho represent the houses from whom-he buys his holiday goods who willhave on display in that city an Im ¬

mense line of samples


Messrs Mclver t MacKay sold ahandsome Jackson tourahout car toMr J II Cash of Jacksonville whotook the machine today and will drive-it through the country to Jackson ¬


Look over our tine of toilet prep-arations


WP are quite proud of thefine stock Perfumes powders andsoaps of the liner grades TydingsCompany

PIANO TUNING-Ten years experience References

my music teacher in Ocala anynusie house in Jacksonville Phone-

st A1 TjjnsfoTtl city 1Rtf

ROt-ftc1 1r1 n P-

M7J t-


t 196

The Proof is in theBREA-

DIfIf are not using

tnow its a goodtime to begin We-

tsell i exclusively inOcala





rtS M J f


Jiif l









t1rW> r r J <1

0 < 7C <1 r-t1> j d Cz-

t1 1 1t <

Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened tythe-Latest

tCi ryit tfi




> <v 4Methods t <

< f i r ti-

tf r w 1ili-

t G T i> y

<We have just receivedone of the famous Ideal f >

Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built k13r

for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers whichJ

does the work perfectly If you will favor us with j 7L

your patronage we guarantee to give you back the


Mower in better condition than the day you bought V

1 it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer theold style way which is usually done by inexpe-rienced


workman with a fileor an emery wheeL 7


l Next time your Mower welds sharpening fa bring it inor notify us and we will

> i make it cut so nicely it will surprise you<





Sheriff George Carter of Invernesscame up today to get two negro pris-oners


arrested at Roddick this morn ¬

ing by one of Sheriff Galloways dep-uties and brought down on the after-noon iltrain The men Lewis John-son


and John Reed are wanted inCitrus county one for shooting a manand the other for stabbing a woman I


Mr Carter took the men back withhim


Saturday afternoon about 3 oclock-a bolt of lightning struck a tree in theyard of Mr J A Bouviers home onDaugherty street stunned two of thechildren who were playing on theporch close by and knocked somedishes off the table inside the houseThe shock was felt by a number ofpersons in that vicinity About 25phones of the Ocala Telephone Cowere put out of commission for a shorttime


The ladies of Ocala arc reminded-that our fall line of millinery will soonbi coming in Announcement of thefirst arrivals will be made in a veryshort time Haycraft and DeCamp


Mr Thomas Sexton of the HolderPhosphate Company was in town to ¬

day Mr Sexton has just closed downtwo of his companys mines indef-initely


Mr W A Ilondricks returned yes ¬

terday from several weeks vacttionwhich he client in Jacksonville Tam-pa


and Nowborry and can now be j

found at Keatings cash box

Take Kodol at the times when youfeel what you have eaten is not digest-ing


Kodol digests what you eat soyou can eat sufficiently of any goodwholesome food if you will Just letKodol digest it Sold by all druggists-

Mr and Mrs R S Hall leave to ¬

morrow for Chicago Mr Hall going onbusiness and Mrs Hall accompanyinghim for the pleasures of the trip

Miss Helma Folks of Juliette whowas operated on in the hospital a fewdays ago for appendicitis is doing verynicely-

Mr R E Cole who has been spelli-ng


his vacation in New York City andnearby points of interests is expectedhome tomorrow

There is no game law against any-one hunting for PLANKS CHILLTONIC Its guaranteed to cure ma ¬

laria chills and fever Price 25 centsper bottle Ask your dealer hellprobably know

Mr J B King of Hernando whowas operated on at the hospital a fewdays since is doing well and will soonbe able to return home

Your complexion as well as yowtemper Is rendered miserable by adisordered liver By taking Cham ¬

berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets-you can improve both


The state uniform examination forteachers certificates will begin at 9

a m on September 7 1909 The workfor white applicants will be conductedat the Ocala High School building andthat for the colored at Howard Acad-emy


Each applicant will pay a feeof one dollar at time of beginning andwill supply himself with legal cap pa ¬

per pens and ink Any other infor ¬

mation pertaining to the examination-will be cheerfully furnished by-

J H Brinson Superintendent-

I have a late model No 5 Under ¬

wood typewriter which has not beenused over ninety days and will sellfor J60 cash or on terms Felix HSisk Ocala House

For indigestion and all stomachtrouble take Foleys Orino Laxative asit stimulates the stomach and liverand regulates the bowels and wil pos-


cure habitual constipation Soldby all dealers

Rear in mind we carry a full line ofStaffords and Carters inks alsofountain pens from 1 up at the OcalaNews Company-

We are showing the best 25c box ofwriting paper that we have ever hadand if you want the entire value ofyour quarter dont fail to buy this fromthe Postoffice Drugstore

















Hudson 20 f

The sensation in motor cars forChalmersDetroit There isno need to say anything for this car-


Orlando Floridalr r lIB t




Rates 3 per Day and Upwards AHerfcai fluTHOMAS M WILSON Proprietor >v

T 1a >





6091113 Franklin Street Tampa Fla j

Will prepare you for a position aa Bookkeeper Assistant Bookkeeper >Stenographer Bank Clerk or Telegrapher Many of Marion countys bright t-

rst young men and women are graduates of this institution and are holding fhigh and responsible positions A special rate of 10500 for a completecourse tuition books and board and lodging four months Forty 40dollars for tuitjn alone Enter any time Catalogue and pen specimens free =

L M Ration Master Accls rres Tanpa Fla




>rt < = rJ1f29 0-

r1 >1oc Z xt 2 i

Get the Genuine Three Sizes 25c 50c tad 100 4v




Vf f

r 1 etc YN +

it J 1f+iIc-


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