October 27, 2019 The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Sunday St. Joseph Catholic Church, 7240 W. 57th St., Summit, Illinois “Salvation is not by works, but by God’s grace through Christ. Eternal life can only be the gracious gift of God that we say yes to.”

October 27, 2019 512045 - St. Joseph Catholic Churchstjosephparishsummit.org/uploads/3/4/0/5/34059084/... · 2019-10-27 · Esta semana, celebramos el trigésimo domingo del tiempo

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Page 1: October 27, 2019 512045 - St. Joseph Catholic Churchstjosephparishsummit.org/uploads/3/4/0/5/34059084/... · 2019-10-27 · Esta semana, celebramos el trigésimo domingo del tiempo

October 27, 2019

The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Sunday

St. Joseph Catholic

Church, 7240 W. 57th St.,

Summit, Illinois

“Salvation is not by works, but by God’s grace through Christ. Eternal life can only be the

gracious gift of God that we say yes to.”

Page 2: October 27, 2019 512045 - St. Joseph Catholic Churchstjosephparishsummit.org/uploads/3/4/0/5/34059084/... · 2019-10-27 · Esta semana, celebramos el trigésimo domingo del tiempo

Esta semana, celebramos el trigésimo domingo del tiempo ordinario. (Estamos llegando rápidamente al final de nuestro año litúrgico). Inmediatamente después de la parábola de la viuda persistente y el juez injusto, que escuchamos la semana pasada, nuestro Señor cuenta otra parábola. En el Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos de Lucas 18: 9-14, donde Jesús cuenta la parábola del fariseo y el recaudador de impuestos. El fariseo, en el Evangelio de hoy, se alaba a sí mismo ante Dios de que es una buena persona, mejor que el recaudador de impuestos. La mayoría de los cristianos son como el fariseo en el Evangelio de hoy. La mayoría de los católicos creen que "ser una buena persona te llevará al cielo". Hay muchas personas que no practican su fe cristiana, pero creen

que irán al cielo porque son una buena persona. ¿Cuántas veces escuchamos a la gente decir algo como esto? “Soy amable con la gente. No engaño a mi cónyuge. No engaño demasiado en mis impuestos. No hago todas estas cosas terribles. No asesino a nadie. No soy Hitler No estoy haciendo cosas malas. Soy buena persona. Dios lo entenderá, y si lo encuentro en el más allá, entonces creo que todo debería estar bien”. ¿Suena familiar? ¿No suena eso como el fariseo en el Evangelio de hoy? No somos muy diferentes a él.

Al igual que el fariseo, tratamos de justificarnos diciendo que somos una buena persona. ¿Yqué nos hace una buena persona? ¿Es una buena persona alguien que no engaña a su esposa, que no asesina personas? La mayoría responderá que sí. Siguiente ejemplo: ¿una buena persona dona el 10% de sus ingresos a organizaciones benéficas? Ahora, la mayoría de la gente comenzará a retorcerse. "Bueno, creo que puedes ser una buena persona sin hacer eso". Siguiente ejemplo: ¿alguna vez una buena persona bebe demasiado de vez en cuando y tal vez conduce a casa? No están borrachos, pero ya sabes, no están muy seguros. Algunas personas dicen: "Bueno, no. Las buenas personas no hacen eso ". Otros dirán:" Bueno, tal vez eso está bien", porque lo hacen.

La mayoría de los católicos y cristianos creen en Dios, pero no en el dios del teísmo clásico, el cristianismo o la religión, sino, creen más bien en una deidad terapéutica moralista. Lo que eso significa es que Dios es deísta. Él hizo el mundo, pero no le importa mucho. Él no está realmente involucrado en eso. Si Dios está involucrado, está involucrado de una manera terapéutica. Él existe para que yo prospere, y Dios está allí para ayudarme. Dios es básicamente una máquina expendedora cósmica. Rezo, estoy en problemas, Él me ayuda, pero aparte de eso, no está demasiado involucrado y no es moralista. Dios no tiene un estándar moral muy rígido, pero quiere que sea una persona amable, amable y generalmente buena.

Para el fariseo y la mayoría de las personas de fe, así es como vemos a Dios y creemos en la idea restante de que, si soy una buena persona, iré al cielo. Mientras sea amable con otras personas, iré al cielo. Lo siento, pero esto está mal. No puedes ganar tu salvación. No hay nada que podamos hacer para ganar la vida eterna con Dios mismo. La salvación no es por obras, sino por la gracia de Dios a través de Cristo. La vida eterna solo puede ser el don de gracia de Dios al que le decimos que sí.

¿No va la gente "buena" al cielo? Como nadie es bueno en comparación con Dios, la respuesta es no. Bíblicamente hablando, la mayoría de las personas no son "buenas". De hecho, en comparación con los estándares de santidad de Dios, nadie es "bueno". En un grado u otro, todos "estamos a la altura de la gloria de Dios" (Romanos 3: 23) En nuestra propia naturaleza estamos "caídos", en rebelión contra Dios e incapaces de salvarnos a nosotros mismos. Esta es la realización y la confesión del recaudador de impuestos en el Evangelio de hoy. “Se golpeó el pecho y oró: 'Oh Dios, ten piedad de mí, pecador”. Nuestro Señor alabó al recaudador de impuestos, no al fariseo. “Te digo que este último se fue a su casa justificado, no el primero”. Aquellos que entran al cielo no lo hacen por mérito, sino por la gracia de Dios otorgada por Jesucristo. No podemos abrirnos camino al cielo o afirmar que no tenemos pecado (1 Juan 1: 8). En cambio, debemos someternos humildemente a Dios, apartarnos de nuestro comportamiento incorrecto y recurrir a Cristo para salvación.

El 1 de noviembre, Día de Todos los Santos, es un Día Santo de Obligación. Los tiempos de misa en el Día de Todos los Santos son: 8:30 am (inglés) 6:00 pm (inglés/español) 7:30 pm (polaco). El 2 de noviembre, Día de Todos los Santos, tendremos misa a las 8:30 am (inglés) y 11:00 am (polaco con escuela polaca). La misa regular de las 5:00 pm del sábado por la noche cuenta para el domingo, no para el día de todas las almas. Por favor ore por las Almas en el Purgatorio durante todo noviembre. ¡Que la Santísima Virgen María, Madre de Buena Ayuda, nos ayude con su cuidado materno y que San José ore por nosotros!

Informes del Padre Bob

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“If He asks much of you, it is because He knows you can give much.”

Pope St. John Paul II

Page 4: October 27, 2019 512045 - St. Joseph Catholic Churchstjosephparishsummit.org/uploads/3/4/0/5/34059084/... · 2019-10-27 · Esta semana, celebramos el trigésimo domingo del tiempo

This week, we celebrate the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. (We are quickly coming to the end of our Liturgical Year). Immediately following the Parable of the Persistent Widow and Unjust Judge, which we heard last week, our Lord tells another parable. In the Gospel today, we hear from Luke 18: 9-14, and Jesus tells the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. The Pharisee in today’s Gospel, praises himself before God that he is a good person, better than the tax collector. Most Christians are like the Pharisee in the Gospel today. Most Catholics believe that “being a good

person will get you into heaven.” There are many people who do not practice their Christian faith, but believe they will go to heaven because they are a good person. How many times do we hear people say something like this? “I am nice to people. I don’t cheat on my spouse. I don’t cheat on my taxes too much, they’ll say. I don’t do all these terrible things. I don’t murder anybody. I’m not Hitler. I’m not doing bad things. I’m a good person. God will understand that, and if I meet Him in the afterlife, then I think everything should be just fine.” Sound familiar? Doesn’t that sound like the Pharisee in today’s Gospel? We are not too different than him.

Like the Pharisee, we try to justify ourselves by saying we are a good person. What makes us a good person? Is a good person somebody who doesn’t cheat on their wife, doesn’t murder people? Most will respond yes. Next example: does a good person donate 10% of their income to charity? Now, most people will start to twist. “Well, I think you can be a good person without doing that.” Next example: does a good person ever drink a little bit too much every now and then and maybe drive home? They’re not drunk, but you know, they’re not quite sure. Some people say, “Well, no. Good people don’t do that.” Others will say, “Well, maybe that’s okay,” because they do it.

Most Catholics, and Christians, believe in God, but not the God of classical theism, Christianity or religion, but they believe in a moralistic therapeutic deity. What that means is God is deistic. He made the world, but He doesn’t quite care a lot about it. He’s not really involved in it. If God is involved, He’s involved in a therapeutic way. He exists for me to thrive, and God is there to help me. God is basically a cosmic vending machine. I pray, I’m in trouble, He helps me, but other than that, He’s not too involved, and He’s not moralistic. God doesn’t have a very rigid moral standard, but He wants me to be a nice, kind, generally good person.

For the Pharisee and most people of faith, this is how we see God and believe in ensuing idea that if I’m a good person, I’ll go to heaven. As long as I’m nice to other people, I’m going to go to heaven. Sorry, but this is wrong. You can’t earn your salvation. There’s nothing we can do to earn eternal life with God Himself. Salvation is not by works, but by God’s grace through Christ. Eternal life can only be the gracious gift of God that we say yes to.

Don’t “good” people go to heaven? Since no one is good compared to God, the answer is no. Biblically speaking, most people are not “good.” In fact, when compared to God’s standards of holiness, no one is “good.” To one degree or another, we all “fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). In our very nature we are “fallen,” in rebellion against God and incapable of saving ourselves. This is the realization and confession of the tax collector in today’s Gospel. “He beat his breast and prayed, 'O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” Our Lord praised the tax collector, not the Pharisee. “I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former.” Those who enter heaven do so not on the basis of merit, but on the basis of God’s grace as bestowed by Jesus Christ. We can’t work our way to heaven or claim to be without sin (1 John 1:8). Instead, we must humbly submit to God, turn from our wrong behavior, and turn to Christ for salvation.

November 1, All Saints Day, is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass Times on All Saints Day are: 8:30 am (English) 6:00pm (English/Spanish) 7:30 pm (Polish). On November 2, All Souls Day, we will have Mass at 8:30 am (English) and 11:00 am (Polish with Polish School). The regular 5:00 pm Saturday evening Mass counts for Sunday, not All Soul’s Day. Please pray for the Souls in Purgatory throughout November. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Good Help, help us with her maternal care and may St. Joseph pray for us! Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus!

Fr. Bob’s Briefs

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Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament +

Every First Friday of the Month +

November 1 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Chapel Prayer for Vocations to Priesthood

November 1: All Saints Day

November 2: All Souls Day

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At our school Mass this past Wednesday Father Bob asked our children WHY DO WE PRAY? As principal I was very pleased and proud with how quickly their hands shot up along with their responses. Some of the answers shared with Father Bob were: To tell God we’re sorry; to thank God; to show praise for God; and my favorite: to talk with God. Missing from the list was; asking God for something. I was somewhat surprised, a little pleased, and a little guilty. I thought of how often I pray to ask God for something. Maybe I can learn from our children. Halloween Party - It is so wonderful to be a part of St. Joseph School. Last Saturday, our Parent Club hosted its Halloween Party for our school families. I wish to thank our Parent Club for putting on such a wonderful event. The decorations were beautiful and it was truly a fun time. A special thank you goes to the parents who helped with decorating and serving refreshments. I’d also like to thank Ms. Soto for taking the lead and chairing the event. Queen of Hearts Raffle – We began our new game this past Tuesday. The winner of our first drawing was Louise Matusiak whose card #52 revealed a ‘JOKER’. Our winner received $100.00 for uncovering one of the JOKERS. A BIG THANK YOU to Mrs. Matusiak for donating her winnings back to our school. We begin our jackpot this week at $1,240.00. Tickets are available at the rectory, school office, Fergie and Foz, Lilly’s, Lolly’s, and in the Narthex following the Masses. Fannie May – Our school will be selling Fannie May Candy. Order forms are available in the school and rectory office. All orders must be turned into the rectory or school office no later than Friday, November 15th. This will assure all orders can be delivered by the week of December 9th, in time for Christmas. Checks should be made out to St. Joseph School. Chess News – Last Friday our Chess Team attended a tournament at Noonan Academy. Representing St. Joseph in the 6 – 8 division was: Alisha Momusse – 7th, 4 – 5 division we were represented by: Josue Garcia – 5th, Joaquin Hong – 5th, Adele Salim – 5th, Matthew Schaffer – 5th, Jesus Gore – 4th, Marcus Momusse – 4th and Jesse Pulido – 4th; at the 2 -3 division were: Nathan Schaffer – 3rd, Dariya Mallory – 3rd, Oscar Caccavallo – 2nd, Arianna Dinon – 2nd and Anaya Napoles – 2nd; in the K – 1 division we were represented by Emilia Caccovallo – 1st and Lucas Napoles – Preschool. We had a number of trophy winners: at the 4 – 5 division, Jesus Gore finished in fourth place, Jesse Pulido Finished in third, Josue Garcia finished in second and Marcus Momusse was the division Champion. Actually Jesse, Jesus, and Marcus all had perfect scores. Their finishes were determined by tie-breakers. At the 2 – 3 division Nathan Schaffer finished in fourth place. As a team, our 4th and 5th grade team finished in FIRST PLACE and our 2nd grade team finished in SECOND PLACE. WAY TO GO KNIGHTS! Have a great week! God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal

St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service.

5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit 708-458-2927

Mr. Lawrence Manetti, Principal



De La Salle Institute De La Salle Institute, 3434 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, will host an open house from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 23. For more information, visit their website at dls.org, or call (312) 842-7355. St. Laurence St. Laurence High School, 5556 W. 77th St., Burbank, will hold a fall open houses from 10 a.m. to noon Sunday, Nov. 3. For more information, visit stlaurence.com, or contact Joe Spano, director of admissions at (708) 458-6900, Ext. 252 or [email protected] Trinity Trinity High School, 7574 W. Division St., River Forest, will be hosting a fall open house at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 (the last tour leaves at 7:30 p.m.). For more information on upcoming admissions events, visit Trinity’s website at Trinityhs.org/beablazer or contact Mary Beth Lavezzorio, director of admissions, at (708)453-8343 or [email protected]. Marist Marist High School, 4200 W. 115th St., Chicago, invites grammar school students and parents to its open house event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Sunday, October 27, The open house gives grade school students and their families the chance to tour the school—including the new 28,000-square-foot science center, meet with teachers, coaches, and students, and review the academic, athletic, and co-curricular programs available at Marist.

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TRAINING - 2019/2020 Lector Workshop in Spanish: Monday, Oct. 28 6 to 10 p.m. St. Turibius 5646 S. Karlov Ave., Chicago Registration: (773) 581-2730, Ext. 110 (Kathy DeStefano) Fall Minister of Care: Thursdays, Oct. 10, 17, 24 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi 15050 S. Wolf Road - Orland Park Registration: (708) 460-0042 (Sr. Gael) Eucharistic Minister Training: Saturday, Oct. 19 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. St. Julie Billiart 7399 W. 159th St., Tinley Park Registration: (708) 370-3674 (Cooky) Eucharistic Minister Training: Wednesdays, Nov. 13 and Nov. 20 7 to 9 p.m. Incarnation Parish 5757 W. 127th St. Palos Heights, IL




DONATE The Ladies of the Rosary will be hosting their annual winter clothing drive throughout the month of OCTOBER.

ALL WINTER CLOTHING IS APPRECIATED! In addition to winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, heavy sweaters, snow pants, etc. would be appreciated. There will be boxes in the vestibule of the church marked for donations. All donated winter clothing will be forwarded to Catholic Charities.




Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful through the mercy of God rest in peace!


Orders & Money Needed By: Nov. 4

Orders Delivered By: 2 to 4 weeks after order put in (Approx. 2nd week

December) Catalogs available in the school office,

5641 S. 73rd Ave., Or the rectory office, 7240 W. 57th St.

You can also shop online at Yankeecandlefundraising.com

(Use St. Joseph School number: 999995189)

Thank you for supporting



AND LECTORS We need Eucharistic Ministers for the 5 p.m. Saturday Mass and the 7:30 a.m and 9:30 a.m. Sunday Masses. We have a very limited number at each Mass. Can you help out? We are down to 4 lectors to serve at the 5 p.m., 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses. We obviously are searching for more lectors. Will you step up? There are training workshops for both Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors. For more information about lecturing, talk to Jerry Bambera. For more information about Eucharistic Ministers or Lectoring, call the rectory office at 709-458-0501.

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Weekly Collection Report

Weekly Parish Budget $ 9,500.00 Sunday Collection Oct. 20, 2019 $ 5,189.00 Building Fund, Oct. 20, 2019 $ 2,117.87 Thank you for your generosity Gracias por tu generosidad Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 28 8:30 a.m. Terri/Good Health/Rita Raso Tuesday, October 29 8:30 a.m. †John Scollard/3rd Anniversary/Scollard Family Wednesday, October 30 8:30 a.m. Fr. Bob/Health & Blessings/Jackie Hojnacki Thursday, October 31 NO MASS Friday, November 1—All Saints Day 8:30 a.m. †Leonard Wesolowski/Anniversary/Family No First Friday Confessions 6:00 p.m. English/Spanish Mass 7:30 p.m. Polish Mass Saturday, November 2—All Souls Day 8:30 a.m. Terri/Good Health/Rita Raso 11:00 a.m. Polish School Mass 5:00 p.m. † Julia & Sebastian Bargielski/Family †Clarence Donarski/Darlene & Family †Albert Francis/Family †Erich & Sabina Herde/Keller Family †Clem Hojnacki/Jackie Hojnacki †Elmer & Mary Keller/Luis Patinos †Frank Kuncic/Wife †Anna Ligenza/Family †Miguel & Rosita Narea/Terry & Esther Collins †Peggy Neligan †Ed & Geneva Niedzielko/Family †Ellie Wesolowski/Family †Richard Worley/Ann Worley Sunday, November 3 7:30 a.m. †Joseph and Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz and Joseph P. Kurcz †Tadeusz Sliwa/Frank & Lettie 9:30 a.m. †Kenneth Bradshaw/Nancy & Miles Wesolowski †Jesus Gonzalez †Gabriela Hernandez/51st Birthday/Family †Josefina Ortega/Grandsons & Daughters †Katarzyna Sobczak/1st Anniv/Gabriela Hernandez †Ellie Wesolowski/Family 11:00 a.m. †Angel, Socorro & Rodolfo Prieto †Juana Guzman and Maria Avalos †Mario Cantoran 12:30 p.m. †Wieslaw Kowal I zmarlych z rodziny Kowal †Irena Mietus †Maria Topor †Za Dusze S.P. Stanislaw i Katarzyna Gal

COMMUNION MINISTERS Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 5:00 PM. J. Bambera, A. Flores, G. Kujawa, R. Podrebarac Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, R. Kosowski 9:30 AM S. Elizalde, S. Maloy, D. Yanez, G. Zaja 11:00 AM Maria Anzaldua, Olivia DeLaTorre, Lula Hermosillo Lety Jimenez ********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 5:00 p.m. Saul Garcia, Julian Patino, Ysabel Serrano Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019 7:30 a.m. Jayden Chavez, Giovanni Garcia, Jowita Wisniewski 9:30 a.m. Szymon Hornik, Alisha Momusse, Marco Yanez 11:00 AM Sofia Flores, Alexandra Garcia, Lupita Garcia ********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 5:00 PM J. Bambera Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019 7:30 AM E. Dominguez 9:30 AM D. Yanez 11:00 AM Ricardo Castro - First Reading Juanita Castro - Second Reading

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7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501

(708) 458-0501 [email protected]

stjosephparishsummit.org www.facebook.com/stjosephsummit


9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

BULLETIN DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Wednesday

2 Weeks Prior

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik

Weekend Celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac

Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Children’s Choir Director/Pianist: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray

Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski Facilities Director: Mr. Vincent Slisz


Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH



Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM

WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

(8:30 AM Wednesday—School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti Business Manager: Mrs. Kim Osowiec 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 www.stjosephsummit.com www.facebook.com, then search for St. Joseph School Pk-8-Summit (Official page) ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Coordinator: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-2927 HENRYK SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office to make arrangements.

Alicia Anderson Carrie Bellini John Bellini Jack Bicigo Kimberly Boll Rosemary Boncuore Bruce Bryers—US Military Margaret Caron Amal Centers Judy Centers Stanley A. Dabrowski Dylan Davis *Lynn L. Diaz Rita Dombrowski Allyse Donarski Jim Donarski Susan Dotson Robert Erklin Helen Frank Alice Gomorczyk Dan and Ann Green Silvia C. Herrera Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester Janeczko Millie Jercha Donald Johnstone *Daniel J. Keller *Sarah A. Keller Doug Kudwa Ted Kuldanek Hank Lampke Ken R. Lubawski Monique O. Lubawski Steven H. Lubawski Susanna Lubawski

Socorro “Coco” Martinez Robert J. Mercurio Margaret Metoyer Janet Nelson Val Nolan Ed and Alice Nowak Elaine M. Pawlak Michael A. Pawlak Cassandra K. Peterson Iris Eliza Peterson Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Robert Regep Paul Rinaldi Carmen Rodriguez Terry J. Scott Eileen Sheedy Abigail M. Swaekauski Aurora Rose Swaekauski Kathy A. Swaekauski Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Tim R. Swaekauski Pat Tichacek Josephine Tipner Anthony ‘Spike’ Van Moffert Carol Van Raalte Margaret Rolla Maria Villagomez Fred Weicker Lesley A. Werner Arlene Wilder Pamela Wojdyla Patrick J. Woods Sheryl M. Woods

52 Pick-Up News You’re A Winner! Congratulations!

October 27, 2019

Yellow Ticket ELENA TORRES

Ticket #0218

October 27, 2019 Green Ticket

BOB PULIDO Ticket# 1785

Congratulations to the $125 winners of the

52 Pick-Up Raffle! Tickets are available. Come by and pick one up from the rectory

or school.