October Best of the Month

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  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    October Best of the Month

    Congratulations to Sarah Phipps!

    Sarah is the NIC and overall Best of the Month for October 2015. Photo ditor

    !oug "o#e no$inated Sarah for her coverage fro$ the %rst t&o da's of theOS( "o$eco$ing Parade)

    *Saturda' the crash ha++ened &hile she &as on her &a' to cover the ga$e.She and Nate drove straight there on ca+tured i$+ortant ele$ents of thescene. ,hen +rior to the start of the ga$e- Sarah ca+tured the $ood of thestadiu$ &hen she got +hotos of Coach und' and the +la'ers huddledtogether in +ra'er. ,hen as if that &asn/t enough- she sto++ed at the sceneof the fatalities to get a +hoto of the $e$orial that &as starting to build u+.

    *,he net da'- Sunda'- Sarah &as at a +ra'er service at Bethan' "igh

    School football stadiu$ at +.$. for the +la'er &ho bro#e his nec# rida'night for s+orts- at &hat surel' &ould have been a +otentiall' +age one stor'if not for the crash- &hen &e learned of a candlelight vigil on the OS(ca$+us ha++ening at 3 +.$. 4hile I &as tr'ing to %nd so$eone &ho couldgo- Sarah contacted $e to as# if she should go. 4e both decided that it&ould be &orth the ti$e visuall' if she could $a#e it. So she ho++ed in hercar at Bethan' "igh School and drove straight to OS( for the vigil s#i++ingdinner to $a#e it there on ti$e. ,he eort did +rove &orth' of outstanding+hotos and carried the Page 1 Monda' +a+er- +roviding another ecellent+ac#age for our readers.

    *4ithout her eort- &e didn/t have $uch for art- $ainl' 6ust +hotos of thevicti$s. Not onl' did she +roduce great +hotos fro$ an e$otionall' chargedevent- &hich is hard- but she &as able to console the student ta#ing +hotofor the O/Coll'- &ho &as having a hard ti$e. ,raged' is never fun or eas' tocover- but Sarah ca$e through &ith a set of ecellent +hotos that reall'hel+ed our readers feel the grief of the Co&bo' Nation.7

  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    Best Beat or Breaking News StoryFrom: Robby TrammellNominee: Rany llisPla' 8 our #illed- 99 in6ured as car sla$s into OS( +arade cro&d: Still&ater&o$an- 25- arrested on co$+laint of driving under the in;uence htt+)??archive.ne&so#.co$?olive?a+a?o#laho$an?Shared@ie&.Article.as+href!ODE22015E210E225FidAr00100Fs#1B5B2C

    Best B"siness Story or B"siness Feat"reFrom: #on MecoyNominee: Brianna BaileyBrianna +roduced an eclusive hu$dinger of a stor' that had +eo+le tal#ing

    ) ,he for$er CO of Coolgreens accused of stealingthe restaurantGs reci+es to start his o&n rival business. And the' had video of hi$ brea#ing into the store- to boot. Hust a delicious dish.!ate) Oct. 15- 2015htt+)??&&&.o#laho$an.co$?article?5955FheadlineSaladE20da'sE20overE20forE20CoolgreensE20COE20

    Best Sports StoryFrom: Mike ShermanNominee: $ason %erseyJic#e' !ion is a shell of his for$er self- his bod' devastated b' AKS. In this

    tribute to the for$er O( football great- a stor' that bro#e the bad ne&s toour readers about !ionGs disease- Hason starts b' ta#ing the$ bac# to &henhe +h'sicall' &as a $an in full. ,hroughout the stor'- Hason illustrates ho&!ion has re$ained li#e&ise s+irituall'. A strong stor' re&itten &ellhtt+)??ne&so#.co$?article?5950L3

    Best Feat"re StoryFrom: Mike ShermanNominee: %yle FrericksonS+ea#ing of stories that a++eal to casual s+orts readers- D'le tells the talebehind an OS( football tradition- BulletGs run after an O#laho$a State

    touchdo&n and the accident that Co&bo' fans &itnessed. ,he stor' &asti$ed for the &ee# of OS(Gs ho$eco$ing.htt+)??ne&so#.co$?article?59593L

    Best Pro&ect'nterprise'(n)#epth StoryFrom: #on MecoyNominee: Brianna Bailey


  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    Brianna &as the lead &riter on our S#ills a+ +ac#age that ea$ined the+roble$s O#laho$a co$+anies are e+eriencing in %nding uali%eda++licants to %ll 6obs. Over a +eriod of several &ee#s- Brianna did theleg&or# that allo&ed her to e+lain the issue- evaluate several +roble$s andloo# at so$e +otential solutions. Brianna also co=led a successful +ublic

    foru$ on the to+ic that dre& an over;o& cro&d of business +eo+le-+olic'$a#ers- educators and &or#force s+ecialists.!ate) Oct. 11- 2015htt+)??ne&so#.co$?shortage=of=s#illed=&or#ers=in=o#laho$a=is=unsettling?article?5952

    Best *atchog StoryFrom: Robby TrammellNominee+s,: Nolan -lay'Rick .reenPla' 8 4rong drug used for Hanuar' eecution- state records sho& htt+)??archive.ne&so#.co$?olive?a+a?o#laho$an?Shared@ie&.Article.as+


    Best -ol"mn'Opinion'First)Person StoryFrom: Matt Price'.len SeeberNominee: %en Raymon"ere are 6ust a fe& co$$ents that Den Ja'$ond received about *(nloc#edears-7 his colu$n fro$ Page 1A of the Oct. 0 +a+er- about a so$e&hats+oo#' e+erience as a teenager gro&ing u+ in rural Penns'lvania)Carol'n "art- best=selling $'ster' novelist and 2019 rand Master of theM'ster' 4riters of A$erica) "As Mary Roberts Rinehart would have said,,"she wrote, "you are the hell of a writer. Found the eerie story fascinating and

    compelling. Best Wishes !arolyn"

    #$ve %ust read your story about the abandoned camp and the possiblyhaunted A&frame. Masterful writing' A touch of Ray Bradbury, indeed.(  #f you were to turn your hand to )ction, even if only based on your owne*periences, you would have readers far beyond the relative few thisnewspaper mar+et can oer. -ac+ing that, even a compilation of your personal essays should do well. #$d buy a copy and recommend it toothers'/( htt+)??ne&so#.co$?+urel'=sub6ective=a=stor'=of=unloc#ed=


    Best /ieoFrom: #a0i MorrisNominee+s,: $acob 1nr"h an Scott *rightBoth consistentl' %led videos on ,hursda' and rida' nights follo&ing highschool football and softball ga$es. ,he' also recorded studio intervie&s


  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    Best #esign'(ll"stration'.raphicFrom: To PenletonNominee: -hris Schoelen

  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    Best Blog'Social Meia 4ortNominee+s,: Ti4any .ibsonNominate by: Ti4any .ibson

  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    4hen the O#laho$a State ho$eco$ing +arade crash ha++ened- ,ian' 6u$+ed online and uic#l' created a live article to +rovide i$$ediateu+dates to readers. She &or#ed throughout the da' until about )0 +.$.Saturda' to +ush out stories and u+date social $edia. In addition to &ritingu+ a +ost herself about the (CO student and u+dating social- she hel+ed the

    video tea$ and re+orters coordinate coverage b' e$ailing the governorGss+o#es$an for brie%ng ti$es. She also &or#ed &ith the video tea$ toca+ture Perisco+e footage to use on Ne&sOD.co$. As the ho$e +age editor-she +ac#aged all of the content together- $anuall' adding stor' lin#s to eacharticle and organiing it on the ho$e +age.

    Special 4ort to (mpro0e 5cc"racyFrom: 5my RaymonNominee: Pat .illilanPat illiland regularl' goes above and be'ond in her role as a co+' editor to$a#e sure stories are clean- accurate and visual ele$ents +ass $uster- as

    &ell."er role entails so $uch related to focusing on custo$ers- even though sheis not interacting &ith the$ directl'.


  • 8/17/2019 October Best of the Month


    Pat hit roadbloc# after roadbloc# and $ade sure that the +hoto never ran. Asscar' as it is- the +oint is that Pat never gave u+ until her concern raised thelevel of attention it needed.She &or#s so hard all the ti$e as that last line of defense- and deservesrecognition as e$+lo'ee of the $onth for her continued dogged eorts.

    Special RecognitionFrom: Mike ShermanNominee: $enni -arlson Henni ans&ered the call for $ore video this fall b' hosting O(J tal#=bac#seg$ents dail'- one each &ith &riters fro$ O(- OS(- ,hunder- high schoolbeats Monda' through ,hursda'.She continued to do Press Jo& video hosting?leading &ith Berr' ,ra$el. Sheserved as the voice and $ain character in a co$$ercial for ,he O#laho$ansho&n several ti$es during ,hunder ga$es. She &rote strong +ro%le of anO#laho$an &ho in his for$er role as a PJ gu' &ith the S+urs acco$+anied

    the NBA Cha$+ionshi+ tro+h' around the &orld. She &rote the stor' &ith;air and originalit'.

     Henni &rote a +ersuasive and authoritative colu$n on a high school coach&ho ordered his tea$ to in6ure an o++osing +la'er and told it in a &a' thatengaged the high school audience and &ell be'ond b' focusing on +eo+le asshe al&a's does. She also &rote a co$+elling colu$n on the stor' behind aviral +hoto of OS( uarterbac# Mason Judol+h and a little bo' in aS+ider$an costu$e- ta#en i$$ediatel' after an OS( ga$e. She did this inaddition to her nor$al &or#load.