CITY L'BRA ?f Annual Report of the TOWN OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF Colebrook, N. H. PHLFT For the Year Ending January 31 1925

of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

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Page 1: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


?f Annual Report

of the



Colebrook, N. H.


For the Year Ending January 31


Page 2: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00
Page 3: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00



Leon D. Ripley

Town Clerk.

Charles O. Stevens


Fred H. GouldWalter I. Gray George W. Martin


John D. Corley


Guy B. Trask Curtis C. Cummings


Charles O. Stevens

Highivay Agents

George B. Frizzell

Otis A. Bryan Ezra Woodrow


Allen A. Forbes

Fred H. Gould Winfield E. Fuller

Trustees of Trust Funds.

Thomas F. Johnson

John D. Annis W. Earl Fuller

Library Trustees.

Thomas F. Johnson Darwin Lombard

Page 4: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

State of New HampshireWarrant for Annual Town Meeting Year 1925

To the inhabitants in the town of Colebrook, in the

County of Coos, in said state, qualified to vote in townaffairs


You are hereby notified to meet at the town house

in said Colebrook, on Tuesday, the 10th day of Marchnext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the fol-

lowing subjects :

1. To choose by ballot and major vote a Town Clerk

for the year ensuing.

2. To choose by ballot and major vote one Select-

man for the three years next ensuing.

3. To choose by ballot and major vote one Trustee

of Trust funds for the three years next ensuing.

4. To choose by ballot and major vote three High-way Agents for the year next ensuing

5. To choose by ballot and major vote all other

necessary town officers and, agents for the year next en-


6 To raise such sums of money as may be neces-

sary for the support of the poor.

7 To raise such sums of money as may be neces-

sary for the building and repairs of highways and bridges.

8 To see what sum of money the town will raise

for Town Library.

9. To see what sum of money the town will raise

for town charges.

10 To see what sum of money the town will raise for

police service

11 To see what sum of money the town will vote to

raise for the observance of Memorial Day and care of

monument lots.

12 To see what sum of money the town will vote to

raise to build a sewer on the upper end of Spring street,

to connect with the Parsons Street sewer.

13. To see what sum of money the town will raise to

build an Asphalt road on Main street from the Mohawkbridge to the Beaver Brook bridge.

14. To see what sum of money the town will raise to

resurface Colby street.

Page 5: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

15. To see what sum of money the town will vote toraise for the care of the village cemetery.

16. To see what sum of money the town will vote toraise and give to Abraham Washburn, provided he willbuild a suitable Dyke.

17. To see if the town will vote to discontinue thehighway leading from the road on South Hill just beyondthe buildings of Fred Covell to the Paul Place, so called.

18. To see if the town will vote to discontinue thehighway leading from the turn on the Frank Keazer placein a North-Westerly direction to the John Haney road,

so called.

19 To see if the town will vote to discontinue theroad leading from the school house near Leslie W. Hurl-berts farm, in a North-westerly direction to the Stew-artstown town line.

20. To see if the town will vote to discontinue thehighway leading from Albert Corbett's buildings to thebuildings of Willard Goodwin.

21. To see if the town will vote to discontinue the

road leading from Charles Hodge's buildings to the Mo-hawk road near Battle Bridge

22. To see what sum of money the town will vote to

raise for the purpose of building a new sidewalk on the

North side of pleasant street, beginning at the corner of

Pleasant and Academy Street and running East.

23. To transact any other business which may legally

come before the meeting.

24. To hear the report of Agents, Auditors, Com-mittees and Officers heretofore chosen and to pass anymotion relating thereto.

Given under our hands and seal this 21st day of Feb-

ruary 1925.

Fred H. Gould Selectmen

Walter Gray of

Geo W. Martin Colebrook

A true copy attest:

Fred H. Gould Selectmen

Walter Gray of

Geo W Martin Colebrook

Page 6: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

Budget of the town of

Actual Revenue of the previous year and

Estimated Revenue for the year ensuing

1924 1925

FROM STATEInsurance tax

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Colebrook, New HampshireActual Expenditures of the previous year andEstimated Expenditures for the year ensuing

1924 1925GENERAL GOVERNMENTTown Officers' salaries 1,278.00 1,278.00Town Officers' expenses 503.92 500.00Municipal Court expenses 225.00 225.00Care and supplies for Town Hall 1,568.42 550.00
























Payments to School Districts 30,586.94 28,500,00

Police department

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8 polls at $3.00

995 polls at $5.00

Tax on bank stock, $690.28

Real estate $ 1,481,993.

559 Horses 57,095.

4 mules 200.

1609 cows 91,730.

102 neat stock 4,340.

478 sheep 5,566.

8 hogs 94.

Fowls 285.

Vehicles 750.

Portable Mills 800.

Wood, lumber, etc. 6,860.

Gasoline Pumps 2,270.

Stock in trade 151,711.

Ice 1,600.

Mills and machinery 5,300.

Aqueducts 51,000.

$ 1,861,594.

Club House and Hospital exempt from

town tax 21,000.

Total Valuation 1,882,594.

Valuation of town district 651,360.

Valuation of special district 1,210,234.

Valuation of fire precinct $1,035,096.

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State tax $ 4,140.00

County tax 6,419.26

Support of poor 1,000.00

Highways and bridges 14,000.00

Public library 100.00

Town charges 5,000.00

Police Service 700.00

Memorial Day 125.00

Sewer on Pleasant St 4,000.00

Sidewalk, Colby St. 975.00

Seats for Town Hall 1,000.00

Forbes Cemetery 150.00

School, Special District 19,761.11

Town District 7,854.63

Fire Precinct 2,600.00

$. on each $5. Poll 1,990.00

Add less than 5 per cent 2,859.46

Total Amount of Warrant 72,674.46



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Cash in the hands of the Treasurer $8,828.50

Due from the State for bounties 60.00

Due from County Pauper Bill 13.60

Due for Sidewalk Construction 90.62

Total Assets 8,992.72

Net Debt 43,019.33


Net Debt Jan. 31, 1924 $38,979.07

Net Debt Jan. 31, 1925 43,019.33

Increase 4,040.26

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597 F. W. Dinsmore $ 25

319 E. E. Twombly 4 -""

322 Wm. B. Locke -°"

323 A. H. Graham •%%

324 G. J. Buckley-f»

326 Frederick Thompson -^327 W. Stanley Emery -£°

335 Irving W. Brackett 49.8U

337 Leavitt Gould & Hurlbert *' *»

338 Robert Blakely {"•""

340 State Board of Charaties «•«"

344 John GouldJjJ-JgJ

346 Maud E. Pope 1°"-^

347 Martha Loomis onn'nn349 M. J. Kelsea & Son ^OO.OO

350 Fred H. Gould 50.00

354 Fred H. Gould W-JJj357 Dovers Children's Home "•""

359 Lombard Bros. 107c360 Colebrook Sentinel innr»o362 Colebrook Library lUU.uu


Duo Special District8,000.00


Colebrook Academy $ l.JJJQ. B. Davis 1-000

Excelsior Lodge No. 73 1>0UU

John Gould i- 2,000

True J. Gilman 2.000

Maud D, Pore 4,000

Phoebe A. Piper 4,000

M. J. Kelsea & Son 4,000

John Cross 1'JJUU

Eliza E. Haines . J.0MFarmers Guaranty Savings Bank b,uuu

Annie L. Keazer 5,000

George Knapp 1 >00"

J. L. Loomis Est. owWalter Drew Est. 2,000

Ella Abbott .


Colebrook Guaranty Savings Bank d,UW


Gathercole 400

Blakely _1°^500 -00


Page 12: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


from local taxesProperty taxes committed to collector $68,903.18

Less abatements 33.41

1 Property taxes collected 68,869.77

2 Poll taxes collected 2,895.00

3 Taxes collected for 1923 45.00

4 National Bank Stock taxes 690.28

Taxes actually collected 72,500.05

FROM THE STATE6 For highways:

a State Aid maintenance 102.83

b State Aid Construction 1,144.61

c Trunk Line Maintenance 2,520.60

6 Interest and Dividend Tax 270.92

7 Insurance Tax 8.25

8 Railroad Tax 474.11

9 Savings Bank Tax 3,490.86

13 Bounties 340.60


17 Business License and Permits 544.08

18 Fines Municipal Court 321.48

19 Rent Town Hall b78.75

20 Interest received on taxes 159.37

24 a Highway 259.36

b Sidewalks 869.95

c Rent Pole Yard, Coos Telephone Co. 12.00

26 Automobile Registration permits 3,866.99

27 Candidates filing fees 9.00

28 Temporary Loans 23,000.00

29 Long Term Notes

a Annie Keazer 3,000.00

b George Knapp 1,000.00

33 Refund Colebrook Sentinel overcharge 30.00

Total receipts during year 114,627.71

Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1924 8,852.43


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Payments.General Government


1. Town officers salaries $ 1,278.002. Town officers expenses 503.924. Municipal Court 225.00

5. Town Hall and clock 1,568.42

Protection of persons and property6. Police 713.55

7. Fire Department 673.00

9. Bounties 340.6010. Damage by dogs 10.00

Health12. Vital Statistics 45.95

Highways and bridges

14. State aid maintenance 972.63

15. Trunk line maintenance 6,491.98

16. Town maintenance 8,897.41

17. Street lights 1,503.85

18. General expenses 2,187 65


19. Town libraries 100.00


20. Town poor 1,874.17

Patriotic purposes

22. Memorial Day 122.44

Public services enterprises

27. Cemetery 1,200.00



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1 Town Officers' Salary-

Leon D. Ripley Moderator $11.00

Allen A. Forbes Supervisor 27.00

Fred H. Gould Supervisor 12.00

Chas. O. Stevens Supervisor 42.00

Chas. O. Stevens Dog Constable 15.00

Chas. O. Stevens Town Clerk 55.00

Chas. O. Stevens Tax Collector 466.00

Walter I. Gray Selectman 150.00

George W. Martin Selectman 250.00

Fred H. Gould Selectman 200.00


2 Town Officers Expenses

Rubber Stamp .90

Colebrook Sentinel, Reports 1923 130.00

J. P. Melzer, Dog Licence Book 3.60

W. P. Falmer, N. H. Assessors 2.00

A. H. Martin, Printing Check Lists 43.15

L. D. Ripley, Retainer and Legal Advice 59.75

Walter I. Gray, Expenses 40.00

Lombard Bros., Rent 95.00

Clerical Work, 100.00

George W. Martin, incidentals 5.00

Colebrook Sentinel, Printing 13.75

E. C. Eastman, Supplies 10.77

Fred H. Gould 50.00


4 Municipal Court

Lombard Bros. Rent 25.00

Chas. O. Stevens, Justice 200.00


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5 Town Hall and Clock

J. H. Finley, express on seats $ 83.47

O. Hooper and Sons, seats 910.53

M. P. Gallagher, tuning piano 5.00

Mrs. Chas. Rines, care of hall 12.30

A. J. Wiswel), labor and supplies 56.38

B. A. Gould care of town clock 30.00

W. F. Allen Co., lights 58.15

Colebrook Hardware Co., Supplies 40.99

W. E. Stevens, wood 85.50

E. A Traverse, wood 10.00

R A. Hicks, wood 11.10

Geo. W. Martin, insurance 25.50

B. H. Kelsea, insurance 59.50

A. A. Jordan, janitor 130.20

Irving Brackett, janitor

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S. I. Bailey, 1 Bob Cat

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16 Town Maintenance

George B. Frizzell, Agent $3,480.39

Ezra Woodrow, Agent 3,540.28

Otis A. Bryan, Agent 1,876.74

$ 8,897.41

18 General Highway Expense

E. Gould, Snow Roads 126.45

T. Cascadden, Water Trough 3.00

Kitteridge Bridge Co. Road Machine blades 17.50

M. C. R. R. Freight on Road Machine 29.41

Road Machine 471.00

F. P. Blais, repairing Road Machine 5.35

F. H. Gould paid Raymond E Day 6.00

F. H. Gould, freight and express 2.01

M. S. Raymond, barn rent 10.00

N. E. Road Machine Co., culverts 189.00

Columbia for mixture for Colby Street 66.10

Express on Road Machine blade 2.12

2 Road Machine blades 21.00

Fred Jordan, Abutment Chas. Hodge Bridge 499.75

Elwin Pinckney damage to Truck 10.00

L G & H. paid Ira Kimball 4.00

Fred Jordan, bridges 389.07

N. E. Parks, one half sidewalk 38.15

Colebrook Water Co., water troughs 20.00

Herman Cross, work on road 105.00

Guy B. Trask, plank 86.40

F. L. Blake, gravel spreader 40.00

John Cross, labor and cedar 13.00

Chas. Stevens & Son, labor . 2.45

Laura Carlton damage 5.00

$ 2,187 65

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20. Town Poor

W. W. Ker M. D., Mrs. Henry Cummings $300;00

E. E Twombly M.D. " " " 15.00

Coos County, board of Leroy Merrill 520.00

Coos County, board of Ed. Shallow 284,00

W. W. Ker, M D. Fred Frizzell 24.00

L. G. & H. for James Howland 47.75

Paid for Dudley Willey's Children 409.74

Paid for Homer Phillip's Children 273.68

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Town Hall $ 12,000.Town Hall equipment 1,000.

Library, furniture and equipment 2,000.

Fire department, land and buildings 1,000.

Fire department, equipment 3,000.Highway department, land and buildings 2,000.

Highway department, equipment 2,000.Sewer system 15,000.



Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1924 8,852.43

Received from all sources 114,627.71


Paid orders drawn by Selectmen 114,651.64

Balance in my hands 8,828.50

JOHN D. CORLEY, Treasurer


During the year of 1924 I have recorded 17 marriages

53 births and 46 deaths.

Licenses have been paid tome on 158 dogs amounting to


I have issued 368 automobile registration permits, for

which I have received $3,866.99

I have paid into the Treasurers hands and hold his re-

ceipts for $4,191.39 for the above items.

CHAS. O. STEVENS, Town Clerk

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Page 21: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00




J. D. CORLEYClerk and Treasurer




Hose tower and lot, $ 575.00

One 40-gallon chemical tank and wagon; 400.00

2,100 feet of hose, 1,800.00

Hook and ladder wagon and ladders, 275.00

Two hose carts, 100.00

Two hand chemicals, 50.00

Miscellaneous equipment and supplies, 300.00


Page 22: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


For the Year Ending January 31, 1925.Receipts.

Balance on hand, $ 69.39Town order, 500.00Town order, 500.00Town order, 300.00Town order, 300.00Town of Canaan, Vt., on account

of services of firemen and sup-plies used at Canaan and Beech-er Falls fires, 439.00

Town order, 600.00Town of Stewartstown, N. H., on

account of services and supplies

used at fires, 197.75Town order, 900.00Town of Colebrook, on account of

services at fires outside the dis-

trict, 73.00

31. Town of Stewartstown, N. H., onaccount of services and supplies

used at Arthur Knapp fire, 100.00


Page 23: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

30. Geo. B. Frizzell, cleaning streets, 16.00

July 12. G. E. Gosselin, canvas for sodabags, 3.60

12. A. C. Hicks, lumber for campground, 40.97

22. Gilbert Center, painting sigh for

camp ground, 3.00

22. Gilbert Center, painting traffic

guides, 2.00

22. Norman Hunt, labor on campground, 4.00

30. L. M. Brackett, labor and use of

truck, 25.00

30. A. J. Wiswell, supplies and labor

on siren, 6.62

30. A. J. Wiswell, supplies and laborhose house, 9.35

30. A. J. Wiswell, labor on truck andhydrants, 11.50

30. A. J. Wiswell, freight and expresson supplies, 9.89

30. A. J. Wiswell, labor en streets, 10.90

30, A. J. Wiswell, labor at camp ground, 31.90

30. M. C. R. R., balance of freight oncalcium, 8.00

• 30. Dixon Bunnell, labor, 3.00

30. Albium Parkhurst, repairs on truck, 3.00

30. Colebrcok Hardware Co., supplies, 13.10

30. Colebrook Hardware Co., supplies

for camp ground, 142.14

30. Chas. E. Hartshorn, use of seeder, 3.00

Aug. 2. Am. Lafrance Fire Engine Co.,

soda and acid, 18.14

2. J. M. Hardy, soda, 4.76

Sept. 3. Ernest Smith, cleaning streets, 1.50

25. A. H. Martin, camp ground account, 2.50

25. Henry Cummings, shingling hose

house, 13.20

25. Elmer Parkhurst, cleaning streets, 10.00

25. Maurice Raymond, cleaning streets, 5.00

25. Sawyer Coal Co., freight on soda, 3.59

30. Ed. Scott, shingling hose house, 14.00

30. Elmer Parkhurst, cleaning streets, 10.00

0:t. 7. Elmer Parkhurst, cleaning streets, 11.50

7. James Howland, cleaning streets, 1.50

7. Fre^ Bumford, cleaning streets, 1.00

7. D. R. Stickney, poles for campground, 5.00

7. Harry Jondro, repairing seeder, 3.00

22. Colebrook Hardware Co., supplies, 52.00

Page 24: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

22. A. J. Wiswell, labor on hose house, 15.2022. A. J. Wiswell, labor on fire truck, 3.2522. A. J. Wiswell, labor on streets, 5.2522. A. J. Wiswell, labor at camp ground, 5.5022. Elmer Parkhurst, cleaning streets, 18.50

Nov. 6. Elmer Parkhurst, cleaning streets, 18.006. Sawyer Coal Co., freight on soda

and acid, 6.5614. William Dexter, services as fire-

man, 15.0014. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg.

Co., hose, 170.0014. J. M. Hardy, soda and acid, 45.0518. Colebrook Water Co., water rent

at camp ground, 25.0029. Gladys Clark, blowing siren, 21.0029. Wm. F. Allen Co., lights at camp

ground, 6.0029. Wm. F. Allen Co., current for

siren, 27.0029. Wm. F. Allen Co., lights at hose

house, 9.00Dec. 11. Walter French, storage of hand tub, 20.00

11. Colebrook Water Co., hydrantrental, 600.00

Jan. 17. N. J. Boudle, labor, 9.0021. Payroll of firemen, 808.0031. Geo. B. Frizzell, cleaning streets, 25.4031. Colebrook Hardware Co., supplies, 19.0531. Earl P. Wadsworth, postage and

supplies, 2.00

31. Payroll of firemen, Arthur Knappfire, 70.50

31. Wm. F. Allen Co., current for siren, 9.00

31. Wm. F. Allen Co., current for hosehouse, 3.00

31. A. C. Hicks, shingles for hose house, 48.6531. A. J. Wiswell, supplies and labor

on siren, 1.95

31. A. J. Wiswell, freight and expresson supplies, 5.35

31. A. J. Wiswell, labor on fire truck, 7.75

31. A. J. Wiswell, labor on hydrants, 10.00

31. F. P. Covell, housing sprinkler, 12.00

31. The Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg.Co., hose, 255.00

31. Baldwin Auto Co., storage, sup-plies, labor on fire truck, 109.38

31. W. J. Stevens, labor on truck, 3.10

31. Balance on hand, 240.73$3,979.14

Earl P. Wadsworth,

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Cemetery Report 1923 1924

' During the past summer an effort has been made to

improve the appearance of the Colebrook Cemetery. Overfourty grave stones have been reset, a number of lots re-

surfaced, the iron fence set in cement and painted, the

main entrance made more attractive and the main drive-

way graveled. The co-operation of individuals and the

town officials has helped in making this small improvementIt is hoped that the town will vote to raise money to finish

the work that has just begun

Emily Cooper Norris

Secretary of Colebrook Cemetery Association

Treasurers ReportJuly 1, 1924 Received from town for fence $1,200.00

July 2, Maine Central freight 37.85

July 3, Cincinnati Iron Fence Co. 687.15

Aug. 9, M.Raymond moving fence 4.00

Sept. 6, F.Jordan setting fence 471.00

1,200.00 1,200.00

Balance in treasury January I, 1924 $186^48

Cash received during year 271 .50


Paid Orders 296.17

Balance in treasury January 1, 1925 $161.81

Nellie Young, Treasurer

Colebrook Cemetery Association

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Cash Received For Cemetery

Cash received from sale of lots

Mrs. Ira Goodwin

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Page 28: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

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Page 29: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


Page 30: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

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Page 31: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

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Page 32: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1923, and

Ending June 30, 192U.


From state


$4,763 35

From the selectmen raised by -taxation :

For the support of elementaryschools, $4,069.64

For the payment of high school

and academy tuition, 1,400.00

For the payment of per capita tax, 382.00

Special appropriation, 1,400.00

I or salaries of district officers, 125.00


Page 33: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00




Salaries of district officers, $ 128.00Superintendent's excess salary, 400.00Truant officers and school census, 81.98Expenses of administration, 132.12



Principals' and teachers' salaries, 6,259.73Text-books, 187.47Scholars' supplies, 259.00Flags and appurtenances, 24.00Other expenses of instruction, 44.75

Operation and maintenance of school plant


Janitor service, 189.67Fuel, 571.15Water, light and janitors' supplies, 53.66Minor repairs and expenses, 1,285.55

Auxiliary agencies and special activities


Medical inspection, 189.00Transportation of pupils, 751.64High school and academy tuition, 2,018.05Elementary school tuition, 288.00Other special activities, 44.10

Outlay for construction and equipment


New equipment, 672.67

Debt, interest and other charges


Tax ($2 per capita), 382.00

Total payments for all purposes, $13,962.54


Assets, June 30, 1924.

Liabilities, $64.12

Liabilities, June 30, 1924.

Excess of liabilities over assets, $49.59

Colebrook Sentinel, 14.53

Total liabilities, $64.12

Page 34: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1923, and

Ending June 30, 192A.


From state: $529.75

From the selectmen raised by taxation


For the support of elementaryschools, $7,992.12

For the support of high school, 9,000.00For the salaries of district officers, 38.00For the payment of principal of

debt, 2,000.00For the payment of interest on

debt, 1,047.50For the payment of per capita

tax, 468.00Special appropriation, 400.00

Total amount received fromtaxation, $20,945.62

From sources other than taxation


Dog licenses, $ 159.07Elementary school tuitions, 593.00High school tuitions, 3,749.53Vocational education (Smith-Hughes Act), 401.93

Sale of property, 45.03

Other receipts, 1,270.87

Rebate, insurance, 46.64

Total amount received fromsources other than taxation, $5,914.14

Total receipts from all sources, $27,389.51

Total cash on hand at begin-ning year (July 1, 1923), 1,924.36

Grand total, $29,313.87

Page 35: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00

Summary of school treasurer's report


Cash on hand, July 1, 1922, $ 1,924.36Received from selectmen, 22,215.34Received from other sources, 5,174.17

Total for fiscal vear, July 1,

1923,-June 30, 1924, $29,313.87School board's orders paid, 28,353.71

Cash balance at end of fiscal year, $960.16Net balance, June 30, 1924, $960.16



Salaries of district officers, $ 54.85Superintendent's excess salary, 400.00Truant officers and school census, 21.79Expenses of administration, 152.13



Principals' and teachers' salaries, 16,165.49Text-books, , 876.42Scholars' supplies, 643.39^lags and appurtenances, 12.81

Other expenses of instruction, 59.62

Qpsrption and maintenance of school plant


Janitor service, 1,511.40

Fuel, 618.13

Water, light and janitors' supplies, 367.55Minor repairs and expenses, 567.04

Auxiliary agencies and special activities


Medical inspection, 278.00Other special activities, 199.65

Outlay for ccnstruction and equipment:New equipment, 433.92

Debt, interest and other charges


Payment of principal of debt, 4,523.27

Payment of interest on debt, 935.00

Tax ($2 per capita), 468.00Payments from previous year, 65.25

Total payments for all purposes, $28,353.71

Total cash on hand at end of year (June30, 1S24), 960.16

Grand total, $29,313.87

Page 36: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00


Assets, June 30, 1924.

Cash on hand


Balance, June 30, 1924, $ 960.16Due to district:

From town, 1,200.00From others, 1,492.37

Excess of liabilities over assets, 14,423 94

Grand total, $18,076.97

Liabilities, June 30, 1924.

Accounts owed by district (unpaid bills) :

Accounts owed by district (unpaid bills), $ 76.97Notes outstanding:

Farmers' Guaranty Savings Bank, 9,000.00

Bonds outstanding


Old Colony Trust Co., 9,000 00

Total liabilities, $18,076.97

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Page 40: of TOWN OFFICERS€¦ · Colebrook,NewHampshire ActualExpendituresofthepreviousyearand EstimatedExpendituresfortheyearensuing GENERALGOVERNMENT 1924 1925 TownOfficers'salaries 1,278.00