Distribution A: Approved for public release; Distribution is unlimited Office of Naval Research Global Commander Blake McBride, USN Associate Director, Meteorology/Oceanography and Arctic Technologies

Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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Page 1: Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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Office of Naval Research –


Commander Blake McBride, USN

Associate Director,

Meteorology/Oceanography and

Arctic Technologies

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ONR Global Mission

Discovering the Best Science

• Innovative fundamental research

• Help shape future Naval investments and strategies

• Leveraging great minds globally with positive engagement

• Supporting the Sailors & Marines of today and tomorrow

Science & Technology Collaborations

• Advancement of mutual beneficial science

• Supports Theater Security Cooperation goals

• Relevance to USN/USMC programs is a key factor

Maintain Global Technical Awareness

• Support preventing technological surprise

• Fundamental research is most transparent

• Contributing open source data to Global Technology Awareness

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ONRG Associate Directors



Technical Director

Executive Officer



Commanding Officer



Page 4: Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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Page 5: Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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ONR Global

International Science Tools

Collaborative Support Program (CSP)

– Support international workshops, conferences, etc…

Liaison Visits

– ONRG technical staff visit international institutions to develop access and discover cutting edge S&T

Visiting Scientist Program (VSP)

– Support travel of foreign scientists to the U.S. to socialize new S&T ideas with researchers

Naval International Cooperative Opportunities Programs (NICOP)

– Support innovative, international S&T

– Research Grant


Liaison Visit




ONRG provides seed

funding for innovative


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ONR Global Recent NICOPs

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Tsunami Ionospheric warning and Ionospheric

seismology [NICOP # N13-XX)

Grant Country: France

International Researcher: Pr. Philippe Lognonne

ONR Program Manager: Dr. Scott Budzien, Code 322

ONRG Associate Director: CDR Blake McBride



($k) FY14 ($k) FY15($k) FY16($k)

US Int’l US Int’l US Int’l US Int’l


NICOP 35 25 25 25

U.S. (ONR,

NRL, other) 248 0 213 0 73.9 0 36

foreign 0 189 0 126.4 0 63.5 63.5

Total Funding

for Project 248 224 213 151.3 72.9 88.5 36 88.5



1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic

uplift can be retrieved from the

ionospheric data

2. To demonstrate that the coupling physics

and coupling parameters can be inverted

from the joint data set of surface drivers

(e.g., tsunami or seismic signals) and

ionospheric perturbations. Scintillation in the ionosphere caused by major earthquakes can be connected through

modeling methods to produce techniques for early detection of tsunamis.

Page 8: Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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A Coastal South Asian Aerosol and

Satellite Verification Assessment

S&T Research Goals

• Conduct observations and analysis of aerosol

parameters on Bhola Island in Bangladesh to

improve aerosol forecasting in the Indian

Subcontinent region.


• Grant Country: Bangladesh

• NRL Primary Investigator: Dr. Jeffrey S. Reid

• International Researcher: Dr. Abdus Salam, University

of Dhaka

• ONRG Associate Director: CDR Blake McBride


FY13 FY14 FY15

US Int'l US Int'l US Int'l

ONRG NICOP $38.6K 0 0

ONRHQ 0 0 0 0 0 0

Other (NRL,

NASA) $33K 0 $8K 0 $8K 0

Bangladesh 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Funding for

Project $33K $38.6K $8K 0 $8K 0

Figure: An (a) afternoon and (b) following

morning MODIS true color image of

Bangladesh during a severe air pollution

event in the January 20-21, 2011 timeframe.

Note increase in regional haze over the

littoral zones with reduced fidelity of delta

features. Ed dos indicate satellite detected


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S&T Research Goals

• Support the ONR DRI on Sea State and Boundary Layer

Physics of the Emerging Arctic Ocean by focusing on the

improvement of wave scattering methodologies used in

integrated Arctic system models.

• Study will develop techniques to embed two-dimensional

wave-ice interactions into contemporary Arctic ice/ocean



• Grant Country: Norway

• ONR Program Manager: Dr. Martin Jeffries, Code 32

• International Researcher: Dr. Timothy Williams,

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center


• ONRG Associate Director: CDR Blake McBride


FY13 ($K) FY14 ($K)

US Int'l US Int'l


ONRHQ 186.14 161.43 268.13 170.83

U.S Other (NRL, NASA) 0 0 0 0

International 0 0 0 0

Total Funding for Project 186.14 222.51 268.13 228.17

Figure: Advection and attenuation of ocean waves as they travel into the ice and the resultant

ice breaking. The top left, top right and lower left figures show Hs, the significant wave height,

at three subsequent time intervals (about 2.2 h apart). The solid black lines represent the ice

edge and the dashed lines the proposed edge of the MIZ. The bottom right figure shows the

maximum floe size after all the waves have traveled into the ice.

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ONR Global

Success Stories

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ONR - ONR GlobalInnovation

• Graphene is a single-atom-thick sheet of carbon

atoms arrayed in a honeycomb pattern.

• Strongest material ever discovered, yet flexible and

conducts electricity better than silicon. Heat resistant.

• Can serve as platform for observing fundamental

particle behavior.

History of Development• Research team led by Dr. Andre Geim, University of

Manchester, who conducted the first significant experiments on


• Dr. Chagaan Baatar (ONR, Code 31) and Dr. John Zimmerman

(ONRG Associate Director) arranged a NICOP in 2007 to fund

Dr. Geim’s development of graphene-based transistors.

• NICOP built on work which Dr. Baatar had previously

supported with Dr. Geim.


• Dr. Geim won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010 for

his research on graphene.

• Research accelerated to the point where laboratories

can mass-produce graphene sheets.

• Could revolutionize the electronics, aerospace and

automotive industries.

Page 12: Office of Naval Research Global - arctic.ucalgary.ca · 1. To demonstrate that a tsunami oceanic uplift can be retrieved from the ionospheric data 2. To demonstrate that the coupling

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Gene Therapy Restores Sight in Mice

ONR - ONR Global


• Retinitis pigmentosa causes tunnel vision and night


• Affects rods, light-sensitive cells concentrated in outer

retina that enable night and peripheral vision.

• Using virus already approved for human gene

therapy, researchers inserted a gene into cone-cell


History of Development• Research team led by Dr. Botond Roska, Friedrich Miescher

Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.

• ONRG Associate Director, Dr. James Frank, supported Dr.

Roska’s original research with a 3-year NICOP for FY2006-09.

• Support from ONR,Code 34, Drs. Joel Davis and Thomas


• Roska’s work restored sight to blind mice in 2010.


• This technology is a powerful tool for visual circuit

analysis to enable new algorithms and architectures

for visual navigation and automatic target recognition.

• Next step is expected to be human trials.

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The Arctic

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Antrarctic Max vs Arctic Min Trends

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Sea Ice Decline


2011 Arctic Ice extent

~ 2007’s record low

2011 Arctic Ice volume

= Record Low

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Arctic Sea Ice Volume

[Source: NISIDC, Univ Washington APL]

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2012 Arctic Ice extent


Arctic Sea Ice Extent

[Source: NISIDC, NASA]

2012 Arctic CycloneMODIS Photo: 6 Aug 2012

Sea Ice Decline

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Sea Ice Extent - Comparison

17[Source: NISIDC]

2007 – Dark Grey

2012 – White

2012 – Sea Ice Extent

- 1979-2000 Median

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A younger, thinner ice cover

Sea Ice Age and Thickness

18[Source: NSIDC, Univ of Colorado]

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Future of the

Northern Sea Route (NSR)

19[Source: YAMAL LNG]

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Two Arctics



“High North”

Tromsø, Norway

Barrow, Alaska

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More Interagency Collaboration

Earth System Prediction Capability

ONR Initiatives

Arctic & Global Prediction Program

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Program Focus Areas1. Develop fully-coupled ocean-wave-ice-atmosphere models with sufficient resolution to represent processes,

and which assimilate in situ and remotely-sensed observations, to improve forecasting and prediction of the

Arctic operational environment.

2. Improve understanding of the Arctic environment and processes to enable more accurate representation in

models, leading to improved forecasts and predictions.

3. Develop an observing system to make sustained observations that can provide long-term monitoring, further

scientific understanding and constrain the models.

Arctic & Global Prediction Program

Department Research Initiatives (DRIs)1. “Emerging Dynamics of the Marginal Ice Zone”

• A 5-year Department Research Initiative (DRI), FY12-FY16.

• Main field experiment in spring-summer-early autumn 2014 in the Beaufort Sea.

• Deploy acoustic navigation and communication array, under-ice gliders and floats,

ice-tethered profilers, ice mass balance buoys, wave buoys on ice and in open water.

• Anticipate use of ice camp, aircraft and vessel[s]

(opportunity, shared charter, not dedicated).

2. “Sea State and Boundary Layer Physics of the Emerging Arctic Ocean”

• A 5-year, $9M Department Research Initiative (DRI), FY13-FY17.

• Call for planning letters released mid-February 2012.

• Main field experiment in spring-summer-early autumn 2015 in the Beaufort

and Chukchi seas.

• Anticipate needing a vessel[s] for deployment of moorings, and wave buoys

in open water and in marginal ice zone.

Bering Sea (Source: I.L. Jones,

Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland)

Source: Tim Haskell, IRL, NZ

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The objectives of the Sea State DRI are:

1. Develop a sea state climatology, identify factors affecting the spatial and

temporal variability of sea state, and improve forecasting of waves on the

open ocean and in the marginal ice zone;

2. Develop a climatology of and improve theory of wave attenuation/scattering in

the sea ice cover;

3. Use wave scattering theory directly in integrated Arctic system models, and

indirectly to define an ice rheology for use in Arctic system models; and

4. Understand the physics of heat and mass transfer from the ocean to the

atmosphere, and the seasonal variability of fluxes during summer ice retreat

and autumn ice advance.

Arctic & Global Prediction Program

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• Predict and Monitor Topside Ice Accumulation

• Cold Climate Coatings

• Mitigate Effects of Sea Ice Impacts & Ice


• Cold Climate Energy Storage & Alternate Fuels

• Safety of Navigation

• Launch & Recovery

• Environmental Regulation Compliance

Challenges: Areas of Interest

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– Explore Opportunities

• Collaborative Support Program (CSP)

• Visiting Scientist Program (VSP)

• Naval International Cooperative Opportunities Programs (NICOP)

– Scientific/Engineering “Best Practices”

• Examples:

– Materials (SLIPS – “Ice Teflon”)

– Logistics (fuel transport)…

– Polar Tele-connections

• Examples: Sea ice growth rates, Patterns/Oscillations…

– Planning – Optimized Field Opportunities

• MIZ DRI (2014), Sea State DRI (2015), AODS, etc…


[email protected]