Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87 J 20 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP January 1, 2021 We begin 2021 with much hope and trust in our Lord's grace over this time in history. The 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal Foundation theme is "Love Your Neighbor'' . Most of us are familiar with Luke's Gospel and the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus teaches us that our neighbor is anyone, anywhere who is in need of help. The story begins with the Greatest Commandment, as Jesus answers the question of a man as to how we receive eternal life. The man replies to Jesus that he knows we "must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind and, you must love your neighbor as yourself." The man then asks, "who is my neighbor?" As Jesus often did, he answered with a parable. The parable of the Good Samaritan. The story teaches us that our neighbor is anyone, anywhere who is in need of help. The answer does not mean the people physically next door or who live in one' s own town . To love our neighbor is the virtue of showing charity. So then, to love our neighbor is to love God. To act with charity to others is the mission of all Christians - and the Church. Your generosity to the ACA assists the Archdiocese of Santa Fe with its charitable impact Jesus asks of each of us. You participate in this charity with your giving. Each of our ministries is redesigning outreach to the neighbors amongst us beyond our church walls. The Coronavirus has permitted us to discover ways to evangelize and love through many remote access platforms. Our youth are strengthened in their faith with on-line Socials, how-to videos to make a home holier, and leading rosary recitation. Our Hispanic Ministry has its own YouTube channel now to engage in evangelization with social distancing. The incarcerated are being provided pre-recorded DVD Gospel messages through prison chaplains and coordinators. Catechetical leaders gather online to develop best practices and protocols for Catechesis. RCIA and Sacramental preparations and formations continue with Lectionary-based studies. Our Ministry Resource Center has developed new and safe protocols for receiving, returning, and quarantining materials before they are re-distributed. Our nursing home residents and their families are nurtured with on-line presence and listening. Our Native American populations are discovering ways to gather and pray remotely with the assistance of our Native American ministry. We continue to discover resources to provide materials for small gatherings and non-gatherings to nurture the Faithful. We all look forward to the day when we can return to large gatherings with joyful hearts, hugs, and song. In the meantime, the Lord is challenging us to each "Love Your Neighbor'' by being present to anyone, anywhere who needs us the best we can. We can all do our part. I ask you to please give generously to the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021. Sincerely yours in the Lord, Archbishop of Santa Fe

OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP...conocemos el Evangelic de Lucas y la parabola del Buen Samaritano. Jesus nos ensena que nuestro pr6jimo es cualquier persona que Jesus nos ensena que nuestro

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Page 1: OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP...conocemos el Evangelic de Lucas y la parabola del Buen Samaritano. Jesus nos ensena que nuestro pr6jimo es cualquier persona que Jesus nos ensena que nuestro

Archdiocese of Santa Fe 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87 J 20

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


January 1, 2021

We begin 2021 with much hope and trust in our Lord's grace over this time in history. The 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal Foundation theme is "Love Your Neighbor'' . Most of us are familiar with Luke's Gospel and the parable of the Good Samaritan. Jesus teaches us that our neighbor is anyone, anywhere who is in need of help.

The story begins with the Greatest Commandment, as Jesus answers the question of a man as to how we receive eternal life. The man replies to Jesus that he knows we "must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind and, you must love your neighbor as yourself." The man then asks, "who is my neighbor?"

As Jesus often did, he answered with a parable. The parable of the Good Samaritan. The story teaches us that our neighbor is anyone, anywhere who is in need of help. The answer does not mean the people physically next door or who live in one' s own town. To love our neighbor is the virtue of showing charity. So then, to love our neighbor is to love God. To act with charity to others is the mission of all Christians - and the Church.

Your generosity to the ACA assists the Archdiocese of Santa Fe with its charitable impact Jesus asks of each of us. You participate in this charity with your giving. Each of our ministries is redesigning outreach to the neighbors amongst us beyond our church walls. The Coronavirus has permitted us to discover ways to evangelize and love through many remote access platforms.

Our youth are strengthened in their faith with on-line Socials, how-to videos to make a home holier, and leading rosary recitation . Our Hispanic Ministry has its own YouTube channel now to engage in evangelization with social distancing. The incarcerated are being provided pre-recorded DVD Gospel messages through prison chaplains and coordinators. Catechetical leaders gather online to develop best practices and protocols for Catechesis. RCIA and Sacramental preparations and formations continue with Lectionary-based studies.

Our Ministry Resource Center has developed new and safe protocols for receiving, returning, and quarantining materials before they are re-distributed. Our nursing home residents and their families are nurtured with on-line presence and listening. Our Native American populations are discovering ways to gather and pray remotely with the assistance of our Native American ministry. We continue to discover resources to provide materials for small gatherings and non-gatherings to nurture the Faithful.

We all look forward to the day when we can return to large gatherings with joyful hearts, hugs, and song. In the meantime, the Lord is challenging us to each "Love Your Neighbor'' by being present to anyone, anywhere who needs us the best we can. We can all do our part.

I ask you to please give generously to the Annual Catholic Appeal 2021.

Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Jl!:~::,;~,::;1~ Archbishop of Santa Fe

Page 2: OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP...conocemos el Evangelic de Lucas y la parabola del Buen Samaritano. Jesus nos ensena que nuestro pr6jimo es cualquier persona que Jesus nos ensena que nuestro

An.:hdincese of Santa Fe -WOO St . .losL'ph Place NW .-\lbuqucrquc. NM 87 l20

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


1 de enero de 2021

Comenzamos el ano 2021 con esperanza y confianza en la gracia de nuestro Senor sobre este tiempo en la historia. El tema de la Fundaci6n de la Campana Cat61ica Anual 2021 (ACA por sus siglas en ingles) es "Arna a tu pr6jimo" . La mayorfa conocemos el Evangelic de Lucas y la parabola del Buen Samaritano. Jesus nos ensena que nuestro pr6jimo es cualquier persona que necesite ayuda, en cualquier lugar.

La historia comienza con el mas grande mandamiento, cuando Jesus responde a la pregunta de un hombre sobre c6mo obtener la vida eterna . El hombre responde a Jesus que sabe que debemos "amar al Senor tu Dios con todo tu coraz6n, y con toda tu alma, y con todas tus fuerzas, y con toda tu mente y, amar a tu pr6jimo como a ti mismo" . El hombre entonces pregunta, "Lquien es mi pr6jimo?"

Como lo hacfa a menudo, Jesus respondi6 con una parabola. La del Buen Samaritano. La historia nos ensena que nuestro pr6jimo es cualquier persona, en cualquier lugar, que necesite ayuda. La respuesta nose refiere solamente a la gente ffsicamente cercana o que vive en nuestro entorno. Amar a nuestro pr6jimo es la virtud de mostrar caridad . Entonces, a mar a nuestro pr6jimo es amar a Dios. Actuar con caridad hacia los demas es la misi6n de todos los cristianos - y de la Iglesia .

Su generosidad hacia la ACA ayuda a la Arquidi6cesis de Santa Fe con el impacto caritativo que Jesus nos pide a cada uno. Usted participa en esta caridad con su donaci6n. Cada uno de los ministerios en la arquidi6cesis esta redisenando esfuerzos para acercarnos al pr6jimo entre nosotros, mas alla de las pared es de nuestra iglesia. El Coronavirus nos ha permitido descubrir formas de evangelizar ya mar a traves de muchas plataformas de acceso remoto.

Los j6venes se fortalecen en su fe con las actividades sociales en lfnea y videos para hacer de nuestros hogares un lugar mas santo. El Ministerio Hispano tiene ahora su propio canal en YouTube para acercarse mas a quienes lo necesitan en medio del distanciamiento social. Los encarcelados reciben mensajes espirituales pregrabados a traves de los capellanes y coordinadores de la prisi6n . Los If deres catequistas se reunen en lfnea para desarrollar las mejores practicas y protocolos para la catequesis. Los programas de preparaci6n y formaci6n sacramental y de RICA continuan con estudios basados en el Leccionario.

El Centro de Recursos para el Ministerio ha desarrollado nuevos y seguros protocolos para recibir, devolver y poner en cuarentena los materiales antes de que sean redistribuidos. Residentes en asilos y sus familias se nutren con la presencia y la escucha de opciones en lfnea. Las poblaciones nativo-americanas descubren formas de reunirse y rezar a distancia con la ayuda del Ministerio Nativo-Americano. Seguimos descubriendo y diseminando recursos y materiales para nutrir la fe de los fieles, ya sea a traves de reuniones de grupos pequenos o del estudio individual.

Todos esperamos que llegue el dfa en que podamos volver a las grandes reuniones, con corazones alegres, abrazos y cantos. Mientras tanto, el Senor nos desaffa a cada uno: "Arna a tu pr6jimo" estando presente, lo mejor que podamos, para cualquier persona, en cualquier lugar que nos necesite. Todos podemos hacer nuestra pa rte.

Les pido su generosidad al ofrecer sus donativos a la Campana Cat61ica Anual de este ano 2021.

e suyo en el Senor,

(!,./.)~ El Rev Arzobispo de Santa Fe