Oh Baby! Baby Booties Copyright, Judy Nemish, Double Diamond Knits, www.doublediamondknits.etsy.com *NOTE: pattern not for commercial reproduction, copying or sale - personal use only! SIZES: Newborn, 3 months, 6 months MATERIALS: 1 Ball DK Baby yarn,1 set of 4 needles size 3 1/2 mm, tapestry needle GAUGE: 24 sts and 38 rows to 4” (10cm) over garter st using 3 1/2 mm needles SK2P- slip 1 stitch, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over. CUFF Cast on 15 sts and work in garter st for 5 (5 1/2, 6 1/2)”. Cast off, do not cut yarn. Turn and along one long edge, pick up and k 30 (34, 38)sts. Work in garter st for 10 (12, 14) rows. Cut yarn. INSTEP Next row (RS) place first and last 10 (12, 14) sts on a holder And work 11 (13, 13) rows in garter st on center 10 sts. Cut yarn. Next row (RS) Work 10 (12, 14) sts from right holder, pick up and k 7 (8, 9) sts along side of instep, work center 10 sts on needle, pick up and k 7 (8, 9) sts along other side of instep, work 10 (12, 14) sts from left holder - 44 (50, 56) sts. Knit next row, inc 1 st each side of center 10 sts - 46 (52, 58) sts. Cont in garter st for 10 (12, 14) rows. SOLE Next row (RS) k3 (4, 5), SK2P, K11 (12, 13), K3 tog, k6 (8, 10), SK2P, k11 (12, 13), k3tog, K4 (4, 5) - 38 (44, 50) sts. K 1 row. Next row (RS) k2 (3, 4), SK2P, k9 (10, 11), k3 tog, k4 (6, 8), SK2P, k9 (10, 11), k3tog, K2 (3, 4) - 30 (36, 42) sts. K 1 row Next row (RS) k1 (2, 3), SK2P, k7 (8, 9), k3 tog, k2 (4, 6),SK2P, k7 (8, 9), k3tog, k2 (2, 3)- 22 (28, 34) sts. For size 6 months only: K1 row. Next row k2, SK2P, k7, k3 tog, k4, SK2P, k7, k3tog, k2 - 26 sts. For all sizes K 2 rows. FINISHING Divide sts on two needles and weave sts tog. Sew back seam, reversing seam at cuff. Weave in all ends

Oh Baby! Baby Booties

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Oh Baby! Baby Booties Copyright, Judy Nemish, Double Diamond Knits, www.doublediamondknits.etsy.com

*NOTE: pattern not for commercial reproduction, copying or sale - personal use only!

SIZES: Newborn, 3 months, 6 months MATERIALS: 1 Ball DK Baby yarn,1 set of 4 needles size 3 1/2 mm, tapestry needle GAUGE: 24 sts and 38 rows to 4” (10cm) over garter st using 3 1/2 mm needles SK2P- slip 1 stitch, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over.

CUFF Cast on 15 sts and work in garter st for 5 (5 1/2, 6 1/2)”. Cast off, do not cut yarn. Turn and along one long edge, pick up and k 30 (34, 38)sts. Work in garter st for 10 (12, 14) rows. Cut yarn. INSTEP Next row (RS) place first and last 10 (12, 14) sts on a holder And work 11 (13, 13) rows in garter st on center 10 sts. Cut yarn. Next row (RS) Work 10 (12, 14) sts from right holder, pick up and k 7 (8, 9) sts along side of instep, work center 10 sts on needle, pick up and k 7 (8, 9) sts along other side of instep, work 10 (12, 14) sts from left holder - 44 (50, 56) sts. Knit next row, inc 1 st each side of center 10 sts - 46 (52, 58) sts. Cont in garter st for 10 (12, 14) rows.

SOLE Next row (RS) k3 (4, 5), SK2P, K11 (12, 13), K3 tog, k6 (8, 10), SK2P, k11 (12, 13), k3tog, K4 (4, 5) - 38 (44, 50) sts. K 1 row. Next row (RS) k2 (3, 4), SK2P, k9 (10, 11), k3 tog, k4 (6, 8), SK2P, k9 (10, 11), k3tog, K2 (3, 4) - 30 (36, 42) sts. K 1 row Next row (RS) k1 (2, 3), SK2P, k7 (8, 9), k3 tog, k2 (4, 6),SK2P, k7 (8, 9), k3tog, k2 (2, 3)- 22 (28, 34) sts. For size 6 months only: K1 row. Next row k2, SK2P, k7, k3 tog, k4, SK2P, k7, k3tog, k2 - 26 sts. For all sizes K 2 rows.

FINISHING Divide sts on two needles and weave sts tog. Sew back seam, reversing seam at cuff. Weave in all ends