§m ,«s#s;i.e m f ftfriSJ*-"**. ***•*. j- iH «.-''-• •ess rae III Ji -jv,: Us :••+ > •:•• Clinton ©otttiwJ ****• ill ' of all in Lctvening Power—U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9, : ; :«i J. B. & H. B. SYKES, KtUlot-Biuil I' ubllalicra . WEDNESDAY, eU'.PT. 9, 1S9I NEWS OF THE WEEK. BRIEF NOTES CHRONICLING ALL EVENTS OF INTEREST. ABSOLUTELY PURE llappcnluga of the l_»st Seven Da.va, I'ut iu Small 8p»c« and Arr»uged with SpecliU Ke||*rtl ' o r , h e Convenlenc* ol ! the Roader Who Has Little Time j tu Spitro. William Habn, uncle of Robert Wleland, ! the wealthy ex-brewer ef Sau IfTttuclseo, arrived at Dayton, O., aud viewed the body of the man who committed uuiclde-. He exclaimed: "This is not Robert Wie- laud of Sau Franei&oo." If the story of the deceased that be had a sister, a widow in* Rochester, N. Y., proves to be untrue there will be no clue to his identity left. The maiu vxirtion of the brouie statue oarHeury W. Grady, the Southern author, journalist and orator, was successfully I cast at the Ames foundry, Chicapee, Mass. The statue will soon be com- I ploted and shipped to Atlanta. It will | be one and a hall times life siie. The work has been delayed BO that the original date for uuveiling thte st-atue, Sept. 10, will have to be changed. About three thousand cloak.mafc.ers met in Cooper Vuion in New York and protested against the use to which the EUircm Hirsch Jewish benefit fund of tl5,000,000 was being put. The speakers asserted that the fund was controlled by contractors and treatod the beneficiaries unfairly. A cablegram from London to Shn Francisco conveys the information that the British steel ship Carr Rock, owned in Glasgow, and bound from Dun- dee to this port with a cargo of Scottish coal, .was totally destroyed by fire. Nothing is said about the origin of the fire or the safety of the crew. * Mrs. Eliza Eimonton, mother of the late James W, Simonton, who was for several years general agent of the New York As- sociated Press, diod at the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. W. J. Lyon, in New York. Mrs. Simonton was 90 years of age. The national irrigation congress, which is to be held in Salt Lake City, Sept. 15, 16, and 17, promises to be very success- ful. Thousands of delegates will be In attendance The railroads have reduced the ra\es for everybody ODe half, and the hotels vrtll also make reduced rates. George 'Wingblade, a middle aged Ger- man mechanic, of Seymour, Conn., ^hot his wife in the mouth, inflicting serious injuries. He then shot and killed himself. Wingblade recently lost his po- sition, and this preyed on his mind and caused him to commit the crime, William Ryan, a mechanic, out his throat at Seymour, Conn. Despondency was the cause. Baron Hirsch, the Jewish philanthro- pist, has signed a notorial deed empower- ing his representatives to expend £3,000,- 000 for the purchase of land and the loca- tion of colonies in the Argentine Republic Hon. Walter Gresham of Galveston, Tex., was enthusiastically endorsed at a meeting of citiiens for appointment to the position made vacant by the death 01 W. L. Bragg of the inter state commerce commission. General Eburd Grubb, United States minister to Spain, has arrived in New York from Havre on the steamer La Tcur&ine. He was met at quarantine by a large delegation of G. A. R. members from New Jersey. Bernard de Yough, a well known San Francisco diamond broker, died of Blight's disease at the home of his 6on in >>ew York. He was 78 years old. As the admiral's launch was being Ijoisted on board the United States ship Chicago, the flagship of the squadron, at Portland, Me., a metal hook broke and the boat fell upon Harry Oak, the carpenter's mate, who was arranging the cradle. He died almost Instantly from the Injuries received. Judge Wheeler of the United State* circuit court at Brattleboro, Vt., has Just rendered a decision returning the two Chinamen arrested under the exclusion act to Canada, from which Dominion they held passports. The United States commission had ordered them returned to China 8«oretary Foster and Congressman Con- ner arrived at Newport, R. I„ on the rev- enue cutter Grant from New York. They went on a fishing cruise on the steam yaoht Peerless. Casualties and Crime*. Superintendent of the Poor Grimes fit Syracuse, N. Y., tendered his resignation to the board of supervisors. The resig- nation was the result of disclosures of ir- regularities in his accounts. A shortage of several hundred dollars was found which Mrs. Grimes promises to maka good. Engine No. P0 of the New Haven road, drawing nine loaded care, ran Into an open switch at the Fair-street crosslnR, New Haven, Conn. The engine WM very badly damaged and tho engineer, E. B. Jones, had his leg so badly In- jured that It had to be amputated and he now lies in a precarious condition. Mrs. Tiffany, wife of C. T. Tlflarjy of South Manchester, N. H., committed «ul- gtfYtj by cutting her throat with a raror. several days. The cause U *Ald to hAve William Zealy, was burned to death at Jone-sville, Ala. While standing in front of a grate her clothes caught tire. Her fa- ther and mother were both fatally burned iu their effort.-, to save their daughter. A Loudon dispatch says: The board of trade returns for the mouth of August, 1891, as compared with those for the cor- responding mouth of last year, show that imports increase £l,4'i0,000 and that ex- ports decr-xjuw £_,15O,0OO. . Kor«lgu Kewt. The gale In Ireland, Wales and Scot- land continued for two days. All steam- ers crossing the channel were delayed. The Welsh rivers are overflowing and much damage has been done to property. A lady in St. Catherines, Ontario, -whose relatives reside In England near those of the man IHrohall, who was executed in Woodstock last fall, has re- ceived a letter stating that Blrohall's widow was quitely married at a place called Red Bauk there within six weeks after her arrival home from Canada The Paris Gaulols proposes that the French government, acting In concert with the government* of other powers' In- terests, shall send an ultimatum to China in regard to the recent outrages upon for- eigners In that country. THE REPUBLICANS MEET POLITICIANS HAVING A LIVELY TIME AT ROGH-STER. General 'Wadsworth U«fu_..> to With- draw from the Contest lor Governor In furor of Mr. F-snaett—The Cotleo- tor'i JTrleuds Confident That He will be Nominated—Ke*olutlon* to he In- troduced—Talk of u "Dark Bona." D«atroTed by Fire. Fire started In Sklbb's restaurant at Dalles, Ore., and spread with great rapid- ity. Sixteen blocks were burned over. Estimated loss $760,000 to $1,000,000. The blow to the town 1B a heavy one. The fire at Willows, Cal., caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp, de- stroy«l Willoughby's hotel, the Union hotel, the Crawford House, Hochhelmer & Co.'s general merchandise store, the express and telegraph offices and a num- ber of other places. Loss, $150,000; partly Insured The Fort Erie Beach hotel, a large wooden structure on the Canadian side of ;the river opposite Buffalo, was burned together with most of its contents. An adjoining cottage was also burned. The total loss will reach between $15,000 and $20,000, on wbioh there was but small in- surance. A fire In the tobacco warehouse of Stratton & Storms at S65 Third avenue, Now York, causod a damage to stock and building of $25,000. The house, barn and outbuildings oa the Ellas Perkins estate at Portsmouth were burned to the ground. Loss, $30,000; partly Insured. Wathlnpton N»te«. The president has appointed the follow- ing postmasters: Edwin H. Pierce, Bran- don, Vt., and Annie Larabea, Oyster Bay, N.Y. Senor Lazcano, the Chilian minister, has officially informed the state department that he will bo absent from Washing- ton for some time and In his absence he has designated Senor Jorge A. Bureanga, secretary of the legation, as oharge d'af- fairs. The treasury department at Washing- ton, upon the request of Minister Romero, has granted permission for the Mexican military band to enter the United States and proceed to Portland, Ore., where the famous band will take part in the Oregon state exhibition. A TICKET NOMINATED. Tho Prohibition Convention Drawn to a Close at Albany. ALBA5T, Sept. 4.—At yesterday after- noon's session of tho state Prohibition convention the committee appointed to nominate a ticket reported as follows: For governor, J. W. Bruce, Canastota, Madleon county; for lieutenant governor, G. W. Halleck, Orient, Suffolk county; secretary of state, William E. Booth, Genesee, Livingston county; state treas- urer, Francis W. Crawford, Mount Ver- non, Westchester; for attorney general, S. E. Crosser, Buffalo; comptroller, W. E. Smith, Poughkeeps; for state engineer, Professor H. B. Forbes, Canton, St. Law- rence county. It was decided to vote upon tho nomi- nations separately and the name of Yv\ T. Wardwell of Now York, treasurer of the Standard Oil company, was presented for governor. His name was withdrawn at his own request. THE TICKKT KKDOR8ED. The report of the committee was adopted as above and tho tioket endorsed amid hearty applause. A motion to confer with the Farmers' Alliance was referred to the state com- mittee. The nominee for governor was escorted to the platform amid the greatest enthu- siasm and made a brief address. He was a Prohibitionist because he believed in home and God. He believed that the party could be successful if all were faith ful to it. He thanked the convention for the honor and promised to devote bi» Mme to the campaign. Candidate Halleok for lieutenant gov- •rtior, Booth for secretary of 9tate, Crnw- •IS^d forjstote ^JX**,?";IJ 5BJJ& for comp- trolierrTnSl'?orl>e«'fo? iTatS 'SffSIties"r', all I been hereditary Insanity.; William Croman, who was stabbed by Edward Straltllfl about a -week, ago at CarlinU, Pa, during a quarrel, has since died. Straltllfl will be. tried 'or murder. A Denver dispatch says: It 1* now stated thAt tho Rio Grande train robbers secured $13,000 f rorn the express car Instead of $3,000 as reported. All telegraph wires between the point where the train was held up and Pueblo were cut. As soon as the blood honnde were released they made straight for the monntAlDS. A fatal accident happened near Well- ington,' N. Y., In PollocX's Grove. J. B. Newton, pastor of the Kreo Methodlat church nt Alton, while amlstinK to take down the large tent In which they hod be«n holdlnn public services, wo* »lruok on the head by one of the center pol«* nnd instantly kllli-d. Alfred L Travis committed suicide at WHliamsporl, N, Y.,by Arat taking poison and then drowning hlm»elf in the river. .ln«t b*for« the tragedy he mailed a letter to a frifnd informing him of his intAn- (!r.-.i The body »M recovered. A colorr-d desperado named P. Crusen att»rnpt<M tho life of his ml«tre«A. Mary Htitler, also colored, ft t Trentrm, N J. The conplo had <IUagre*vl and Onio«o wantM to get lha woman to take A walk And cMtle the matter. On hot rpfu»Al he drew a raror And cut her several times about the throat and far*. Onieen hat Sydney Old, alias Samuel 0*"«ns, for merly secretary to KWhor, RenKick A Co., of thu dry dock and jetty company of Ne^ CASUP on-Tyne, was Arrested at Detroit, Mich., onhehargeof emlM>*tllng $.V\(YV) from hl« employers He was taken to New York and bald to awatl the arrival of eitradit|,">n papers Old arrival here July 6 aod went west two days later An expU»lon occurred in the locVsmith shop f>f ,tohn Preen in pAlerson, N J., whieh totally wrecked the building A fire followed the explosion and com- pletely doatr^yed Rreen's residence ad- joining. Sereral building! In the vleln Ity were badly damaged by the fire llrceu'ino*^ Is $A,fiOrt. Charlea Snyder of Miles City, Mont., fatally cut Lily Ihinlley -»lth a large k n i f e bo<"an<.e she refused to marry him The murderer flr.l A posee in In puronll and a lynching Is feared. The trestle at the east end of the bridge over the Red river, AlxMit a mile from flay City, Ky., cm the Kentucky Union railroad, (ell forty feet., carrying the en- g i n e Tvnd seven ears. Fireman Therms* Hall was killed And K.nglneor llAnnA WAS badly efAlded. Susie '/-oaly, tho 7y*pc old dAushter of •poke briefly and were applauded. Votes of thank* were tendered to th« manager of the hAlL, William Whitney, and the Silver Lake quartette. The delegstes from the Twsnty-thlrd district, comprising Herkimer, Otsego And MAdUon counties, met And nominated PrinelpAl John Greene of Hamilton, N. Y., for senator. ROCHKSTKH, Sept. 9.—Tho Fassett boom, which assumed such great proportions yesterday forenoon.suddenly diminished as evening came on. It had been a matter o( speculation all day whether the name of any other candidate would be presented to the convention. A general belief prevailed for sr time that Mr. White's name~would not be put before the convention, but his friends In- sisted that it would, and that a test of his strength would bo made If only out of compliment to him. An attempt was made early in the afternoon to persuade General Wadsworth to withdraw from the contest for the governorship and accept the second place on the ticket with Fassett, but he stated positively that his name must go beiore the convention for the governorship. Mr. Fassett's friends then turned their attention to Einstein as the most likely candidate for lieutenant governor. The action of General Wadsworth was the first check to the Fassett boom because as yet It had been carrying everything before It with such confidence that Fassett's friends had discussed the possibility of nominating him by acclamation. NOT BASILT DISCOtTBAOKD. However they were not greatly discour- aged by this and they endeavtred to keep up the Fassett enthusiasm In spite of the failure of the combination with Wads- worth. Before the arrival of the Becker delegation from Buffalo, State Senator Laughlln, Mr. Becker's righthand man, settled finally the question of Mj. Fas- sett's nomination hy acclamation. He said that the talk ol Becker as a candi- date for lieutenant governor was without authority—that Broker was In the contest for governor and would remain. A number of conferences were neld dur- ing the day to conaldar the selection of permanent chairman. The honor had been ofjercd to Senator Frank Biscock, but he declined It. Then the list of dele- gates was canvassed and four names picked out—those cjf Jamee W. Husted, General James M- Varnum, Congressman Zerro Payne and State Senator George Sloan. Lata rn the afternoon K was an- nounced that General Vamum.would be chosen. WHAT MB. PLATT 8AV8. Mr. Piatt said yesterday afternoon: "There is now little doubt of M». Fassett's nomination. It seeras conceded. Mr. Wadsworth won't take the lieutenant- governorship. Mr. Becker can have i t If he wants It. It is not settled that Mr. Einstein will be comptroller. John W. Vrooman can have the %BdDtaryship of state If h e wants it. William A Suther- land will probably be attorney general and M. Hedgee will probably be nomin- ated for treasurer. I don't kiow what the platform will be about the high license question. No one oan tell yet. The ad- ministration will, of course, be heartily indorsed. Blaine and reciprocity will re- ceive commendation. I don't know that the electrocution question will come up In the convention." Ex-8«nator Glbbe said that he was for Fassett. "The party Is united," he added, "and determined to win. I think Mi. Piatt's only object Is to secure the nomina- tion of a ticket that will succeed at the polls. With a man like Fassett at the head of the ticket there will be no chance for suspicion that the candidate will be traded for tbe legislature. Fassett Is a good man and can be elected." BACK08' RESOLUTION. Henry Clinton Backus of New York has prepared a resolution advocating the re- peal of part of the olectrio execution law which he expects to Introduce In the con- vention. He wants that part of the law repealed which Is Intended to prohibit the publication of the details of the execution and he wants the selection of tbe wit- nesses put in other hands than those of tho warden. He says he does not know the sentiment of the delegates on tho sub- ject. Congressman Bailer has redrafted the resolution regardtpg the Russian Jews. William A. Sutherland, chairman of th« Rochester delegation, will introduce it in tho following form: ABOUT ran nrjsmAJj Jirws. That tho cruelties to And persecutions of olasscs, eccts and persont, AS lustancod by the inhuman and barbArous trefttment of the Jews In RnsslA aro abhorent to tho sentiments '^bl«rr»b»»^T««amaatrao^lhl»,,nftti9n^s^L«*: t'to vSS'' Becker enthusiasm filtered through tko crowd iu the hotel rotuuda. The town has been flooded with posters, reading; "Delegates, listen. Nominate Fa»»ott and Becker. Voters will st>e thom elected. Demo- cratic protectionists." IS TUK SLATK llKOKKNf At 6 o'clock last evening tho Fassett boom was booming with great vigor. At 7 o'clock a sudden frost sented it. At 7:30 delegates were shaking their heads aud In-ginning to think of dark horse. The slate seems to be broken, was the com- ment heart! iu the rotunda of the Powers hotel. The early evening trains had brought In more than a hundred delegates. Tho majority of them wore Becker men, but they w « * all anti-Fasaett. They did not wait for supper, hut went to work among the delegates. The tide of antl- Fassett feeling that set in was so strong that It was whispered about at first that there was likely to be a fight In the con- vention, and this feeling grew strouger as the hours went by, until before the meet- ing of the state committee at 8 o'olock there was a general shaking of heads, and tho talk of a dark horse began to spread through the hotel rotundas. The following Is believed to be an abso- lutely correct list of tho members of the new committee to be appointed: First district, George Cromwell*; Second district, I. Fisher; Third district, Charles T. Dunwell; Fourth district, D^unis Hur- ley; Fifth district, Francis F. Williams; Sixth district, William H. Corsa; Seventh district .Cornelius Vaucotti Eighth district, John Collins*; Ninth dlstriot, G.HtlUard«; Tenth district, John E. Mulhollajid; Eleventh district. 8h«rldan Shook*,; Twelfth dlstriot, William Brookfield; thir- teenth district, Frank Raymond*; Four- teenth dlstriot, James W. Husted*; Fif- teenth district, B. B.. Odell*; Sixteenth district, Louis F, Payu*\ Seventeenth difc trict, William M. Hayes*; Eighteenth dis- trict, J. A. Quaoienbush*; Nineteenth district, George CampbeU*; Twentieth district, JotuT Kellogg*; Twepty-nrut district, JobS* M. Weaver*; Twenty- second district, William L. Proctor; Twenty-third district, John C. Davies. Twenty-fourth district, Hobart Brum"; Twenty-fifth district, Francis Hendricks; Twenty-sixth dlstriot, Georgn W. Dunn; Twenty-seventh dlstriot-, John H. Camp; Twenty-eighth district, Edward L. Adams; Twenty-ninth district, W. L. Parkhuret*; Thirtieth district, George W. Aldridge»i Thirty-first district, M. P. Phillips; Thirty-second district, J. N. 8cateherd< Thirty-third district, George Urban*-, Thirty-fourth district, Orsinl E. J ones*. Note—-Star, re-elected. rASSETT'S CBANCEs. Senator Frank HISCOCJE said that Mr. Fassett would probably be nominated for governor on the first ballot. He could not "say who would be nominated for lieu- tenant governor. Mr. Vrooman has Inti- mated that he will accept the nomination of secretary of state. The controllershlp lies between Mr. Einstein aod MT. Beeker, but Mr. Einstein Is willing to actept the nomination now while Mr. Becker's friends say that be will not take It. Ira M. Hedges is booked for treasurer and A. Sutherland for attorney general and the probable choloe for engineer and sur- veyor la G. H. P. Cernell. CHEKBINQ TOB BHCSBB. At 9 ryelook last evening on the arrival pf the Republican league from Buffalo they marched up to the Powers hotel headed by a brass band and took posses- sion of the hotel reading room. A big sign was attached above the door and tben, while tbe crowd in the rotunda surged towaid the open doorway, one ot the delegation sprang on the table in tbe center of the room and led the assemblage In a wild shout for Booker. From that moment there was no peace for any one in the neighborhood of the Buffalo headquarters. The Beckeritea yelled for their candidate, WILL STICK TO THE END. At intervals the crowd Invaded the hotel corridor or the adjacent streets. The Ubi- qullsus brass band marched ahead, and sounded noxes ot triumph while the Beaker men following raised their voice to the utmost with ahoute of joy or de- fiance. It was a strange feature for a Re- publican state convention. The uproar suggested a national convention and a b i g contest. But tbe brass band and the shouting mob did not make the impres- sion that the Buffalo delegate had made early In the evening, and that impression had begun to die away about 9 o'clock. "We will vote for Becker to tbe end," said Congressman Faronhar of Buffalo, "but If the New York delegation decides to vote solidly for Fassett that means bis nomination." All of the Becker men are not so confi- dent as Mr. Farquhar that their candidate will stlok to the end. IT WAS LABORERS' DAY. GOVERNOR HILL TALKS TO THE TOILERS OF BUFFALO. Over 4,000 F«opl« T»ko VatX in th« Orttud P»mile Munj BURIUOM Pt»c«» OlOted to Allow Their Ku.ployea to Tttkv Y*Tt Iu the DeiuoufttriiUot.-~C«'l«- bratluu* lu Other flaoea. FA83ETT'S PROBABLE SUG0E83OR, BCVKALO, Sept. 7.—The clcbration of Ihe fourth annual ob»orv«nee of Labor day began hero at an early hour this morning by the firing of a salute at Fort Porter lu honor of Governor Hill, the orator of the day, as his train entered the etty. The train bearing the distinguished guest arrived at the Union depot at about »:80 and the governor v r « m e t b y a large delegation ot Buffalo's laboring men, a reception committee' from the. different labor organizations. Mayor Bishop ex- Cougressman Farquhar and a number of other gentlemen prominent In political and social circles. After the governor had nearly lost his right arm by shaking hands with old ac- quaintances and those who had gathered at tho depot to welcome him to the olty, he looked arms with Mayor Bishop and was escorted to the mayor's carriage which was In waiting and driven to the Iroquois, where the best room In the house had been placed at his disposal during his stay In the olty. UKKD Bit RBCBPTtOX. The reception with wbioh the governor met at so early an hour at the hands of Rnffalo people WM indeed very gratifying to his honor—so rnuoh so thaVafter" being comfortably located la his room at the Iroquois and sufficient time had elapsed to allow him t o g e t a new hold on his breath &ni| recover from hla handshaking ex- perience at the depot, that be made tne re- mark that never before In the history of his public life had he been more cordially greeted than by the people of Buffalo and that hardly kpew whether he would be fully abW to show his appreciation of the kindness shown him, but assured all these present that ha should put forth his best effort In that direction and trusted that his efforts would be successful. A large crowd had gathered at the Iroquois, and as everyone present thought It necessary to shake hands with the gov- ernor and thus let him know that he was a welcome visitor to Buffalo on this par- ticular occasion, h e w a s kept so busy that (or a time It looked rnuoh as though he would be compelled to go without his breakfast, but shortly after 8 o'clock he managed to escape from the crowd and was soon seated at one of the tables rn the spacious Iroquois dining room by Ore side of Mayor Bishop and partook of a hearty meal, after which he returned to his roorh and busied himself until 9:30 pleasantly entertaining those who called to greet him and make him feel at home in the third city of the Kmplre stafct. PROMPTLY OS TTSUL The unions formed m line on Niagart) square promptly at 9 o'olock, and at 9;80 the order "Forward march* was given and the long proceseloa moved up Main street, haaded by a platoon of police, two bands of music and the Brooklyn and Buffalo ex- empt firemen. Every union and trades organisation In Buffalo was represented In the parade, there being over 4,000 people in Hue. The procession was fully two miles In length and presented a decidedly praiseworihy appearance as they passed along the rlne of march. The streets were well filled with people and the sons of toll were loudly applauded as they marched through the strwta, showing to the world with a great degree of pride the strength of the organised labor of Buffalo. The procession passed In review of Governor HU1, Mayor Bishop and a number of other prominent gentro- tnen at The Jroq«ois at preolsoiV KhSt) o'clock this forenoon. The splendid ap- pearance of those lu line excited the ad- miration of the governor, who passed many pleasant and coraplinientary re- tnarks about the different divisions as they passed along. At Rochester. ROCHESTER, 8ept. 8.—Labor Day was celebrated here yesterday mere generally than It has ever been before. Many of tna shoe factories, olothlng faotorWs, mills and other factories suspended work. The streets were paraded by donenj ot bands of music, largo and small There ww« Labor Day picnics at Glen Haven, Ontario Bcaoh, Manttoo Beach, Sea Breeie, Bay View, Congress park, Avon and at New- port-on-the-Lake. ^^i' mmm>*mmwim*>'w*wm •p'»m«iw»wi>iawwis»nimMlti SHME HS3E5SS Labor Dfcy it Fraailln Iron W«k». FHAJXKUN IRON WORKS, Sept. 9.~ The largest and moat enjoyable enter- tainment of the season was held at Brltcher'g Grove on Labor Day, by v the employees of the Franklin Iron Manu- facturing Company and their friends. TUB weather was all that oould be de- sired. Early in the forenoon 178 men formed iu line, and headed b y t h e Clinton drum corps and under the couimaud of the distinguished aud pop- ular grand marshal, F. D. Fitzpatrick, marched to the grove, followed by several hundred ladles and children. After a few hours of eujoyment Bpent In danolng aud exchanging happy greetlugs, and when the joyful orowd numbered about 1200, the*battle began. The defense comprised 100 ohlckens, 76 poundg of fish, 35 lobsters, 500 ears of corn, all placed In order by the good ladles. At 2 V. Si., Col. Charles Deer- ttlnger, ably assisted by Wllber Jack- son and Will Howard, opened fire on the crowd with 7 barrels of hot baked clams. At 5 P. JL, Marshal Fitipatrlok and his splendid forces had oleared the ground. The occasion w a s a t onoe cel- ebrated with a horse trot at whloh Dark Cloud, owDed by Mr. Muoger, came under the wire first, Split-the- wlnd, owned by J. Wessledine, second, and W. Mott's Nighthawk third, all winning handsome prizes. Loud cheers rent the'air when G. Timian caught the wild greased pig. The boys, never idle on such occasions, entertained the assemblage with a sack raoe, which was won by Will Calue, with Rosco Goodwin a fair second. Prlndle won the prize lu the second saok raoe. The younger folks enjoyed themselves throughout t h e d a y In dancing Too niuoh credit cannot be given to President F. D. Fitzpatrlok, w h o Is always at home on suoh occasions and delighU to S£e everyone happy, and al- so the secretary, Dan Mara, who were aided by the committee, F. H. Thomas, Jacob Fry and Frank Resile. No small degree of credit Is due to the committee on refreshments, Hugh Lar- kin, Dan Mara, Thos. Fitxpatrlok, Pat. OToole and E. J. Boon, who well know what and how to eat. D. Mc- Loughlin- was one of the first to plan the grounds. But glory like tbiB could not be accomplished without funds, so R. Cunningham, William Bennett and Thomas Templeton were selected for this all-Important purpose, and it is readily seen how well they performed their part. The Franklin Iron Manu- facturing Company, desirous of having their employees enjoy a perfect day's pastime, generously donated $100 to the cause, and well they might, for they have just blown ont the furnace for repairs, after one of the most successful blasts known in the United States, con- tinuing prosperously since Mgy 11, 1878, when it was lighted by tnb ven- erable Hugh Larkin, now deceased, and during that time turned out near- ly 900,000 tons of iron. Among the distinguished guests on the grounds were Alderman O. J. Burns, J. Mahanney, Charles Dawes, T. G. Donovan and many others. A. more orderly and happy assemblage never before convened, and it will be long remembered with pleasure b y t h e people of Franklin Iron Works. In the next issue of THK COURIER we will give a sketch of the iuiprov«- ments going on here. SODOM. T sa»M»,&»tasi nm|iasp3 lCTffl»«M * iota, £U J»*«t. lei SBOkafaM j a t f a a m tJBhJLiHiVlBl ta tai M^awbBtciVra) WafaN tWJfanilWaladtaa Watches, Clocks and Jewelry For the Fall Trade. THE OLD CLINTON JEWELRY STORE STILL IN THE FIELD With a full line of .the above merchandise. Low prices and first-class goods, our motto. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches a specialty. Every watch and every article guaran- teed as represented; REPAIRING DEPARTMENT. My personal attention will be given to the re- pairing of every description of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Having recently purchased one of the latest improved' Whitcomb lathes of the Ameri- can Watch Tool Co., of Waltham, I am prepared to do even better work than ever before in fine watch repairing. ^AllwQrh.fidlyivariianted._^__ Feeling thankful for th& liberal patronage of the years that are past we hope, by faithful attention to every duty, to merit a continuance of thb same in the future. J.MAR8H. Prohibition Nominations. The Prohibitionists lead in State Conventions. The State ticket is as follows: For Governor—F. W. Bruce, Canastota, For Lieutenant Governor —George W. Halleck, Orient. For Secretary of State—Wlllam E. Booth, Geneseo. For State Treasurer—Fran- cis E. Crawford, Mi. Vernon. For Controller—William W. Smith Pough- keepale. For State Engineer and Sur- veyor— H. P. Forbes, Canton. For Attorney General—E. Crosser, Buffalo. *-+-* - Special Kotioe. Having commenced business for my- self 1 will attend promptly to any orders for work in the line of tinnlng.jobblng, stove repairing, plumbing, etc. 1 have on hand a good assortment o f t i n a n d hardware. All work entrusted t o m y care will be satisfactorily attended to. Remember the place, N o . 6 Onyan block, Williams street. JAMBS CLARK. Forlaroo back, side or cbest.usoShlloh's Potous Plaster. Price 25 cents. At Roots' A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottlo of Sblloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price. 50 cents. At Roots'. Three Houses to Let Ono on Factory street a-ad tiro on MoBride Are.* all nearly new and In pood condition, with good col- lars, cistern and supplied with Tillage water. Rents reasonable. Possession April 1st. THOMAS V. MCBRIDZ. : 1 [. -POP Sale. Th8 house' On Pro«p*ct jtreot, Clinton, N. T^ BOW occupied by U. li. Wood. Ksq., rood barn and carrihjre house, hen yard, garden spot and flno grove of trees. LonK time given. Address for terms, C. C. BANGS, Carlisle, Pa; For Sale or to Let The Bang, homestead, on Uttca stroot, Clinton. Good fruit and garden spot. Enqalre of FBANC18 TASKKR. Clinton, or C. C. BANGS. Carlisle, Pa. At tnblUhed to defeat and rcpnirnan Providing tho Collector H Noralnntod ot the Rochester Convention. NKW YORK, Sept. 9.—A. dispatch to The Mall and Express from Rochester says: Should Collector Fas»«fct De nprni- natcd for governor by the republican state convention, State Senator Francis Hendrloks vdll, in all probability, b e h U inocOMor In the New York customs honpo, Mr. Faasett telle an Express man that should be be nominated today bo will at once r«ttro from the colleotorshtp. Had Mr. Hendrlcka not been In Europe at the time of Erhftrdt'a resignation he would have b«en made collector Instead of Mr. Fassett. President Harrison la, therefore, likely to call on Mr. Hendrloks now to take the placo M Passott'a saocessor, and It Is understood thAt ho will accept, though be Is by no means eager for It. A DKMA1TD TOR HKKDRICK8. Thora has been a nenoral demand that Mr. Hendricks should be made chairman of tho irtato committee to suoce«d General Knapp, and soma weoks ago ho reluotant- p^Trsemssrjte* -to'tads*jiMa pUee^ At Brooklyn. BROOKI/TN, Sept. 8.—Brooklyn's sons ot toil celebrated their holiday In an impos- ing fashion. Early In the day vast crowds began to assemble at the Scdford avenue fountain where the procession formed. Mlohael J. Drlscoll was the grand marshal of th9 Central union branch of the parade, The procession moved to Rldgwood park. Where the paraders and their families Joined in a big demonstration. THE HURRICANE AT HALIFAX. Th<» Damag-a MnVh Oreat*T Than at First R«port*<t. lUurxx, N. 9., Sopt. 9.-Further dam- age by Monday night's hnrrlcano la re- portod. Tho HnltfAj half of the Inter- colonial railway bridge aero** Halifax harbor, connecting Halifax with Dart- mouth, was blown down and la now float log In the harbor. It was a o,u.ftrtar of a mile In length aod waa built tan year* ago at a coat of 110(1,000. | Tbe West India steamer Alpha brok«! from her dook and badly damaged lb« schooner Carrie A. The, schooner Ann|< fiimw^n wna driven aphortv The sohoooel 3. W. Crowley, wiOi t^OOO w o r t h of lira stock aboard, wan e«nk at hei wharf, ana UIQ echoonen< Balvhdor and Fannie ww ttranrVd on th, Dartmouth sldo of th* harl>or. Fow report* brers yet V>e-on r«- O»1TM from »)<M,« tho COV'-, but the t*le/ CTaph Mates that the wharves nt Pilot Landing were waahed away. clpk*, for the succeM of which theJVwablteao. ]n view of the vacanov of toewReclS?-' ship that will be madeVr TasseH'a notn- roMlon. how»r*jf tbe party ie Hkojy to be compelled to look elaewrnwe 4or to eeaa- paljrn. inana«tr-T. Tbe change in Ao program for chair- man leaves the matter open for the proe- eot. &x-Senator Flott wo«ld like to have Qcnor*! Hunted take it, but the, Wast- chectar wan aeiyi he oannot do It. Railway fftstal Cl«r1>». •Pt'ATRftfow*, N. y., S«r>t.. o.—Tho an- nual oonvsutloti of tho National Associa- tion of Railway Postal Clerks began at Alexandria T\ay yesterday with an attend- ance of about TOO. Postmaster ftarkor tit Alexandria delivered an nddreaa of wol- c.oma, to whloh Postrnastor Hixury of Hew ItnTcu responded on fV>h»lf of the nsooela- tlon. Th« meeting will continue fonr dara. Kseaped from Ring Sing. Ri»o BlKO, N . Y , pent.. t> -I/ouls 1>» Inoa, aged ,V>, an Italian life man In Blnq Ring prleoo, excapod from that Institution yesterday. He waa not locked up with bis fellow prisoner* and slowsdi hlmpell aw-»y. Il« wo* not nilased until 10 o'clocV la*rt n i g h t Peine* was sentenced tor th< murder•Of'a fellow Italian In N e w YOT« orrftov. IR, lft$& Kn* That Can. Kal American TerV. CorjrsnAOKfl, &«pt. ft - The United fjt«»es minister to Denmark, Oeneral Carr, has received notice of tho removal of the prohibition plao«M npon the Impor- tation of American pork Into Denmark which has been enforced since March, lfcfl!V Henceforth, It. I* announced, thai duly Inspected American pork will be, ad- mitted into the country. party haa ever exlpted and continued, and whloh through It* efforts haTe been seoured to •ecraro k> pcreoos of all degree* within the boundaries of lhe*e United State* and IU tar- rltorlea. That the national government should lend Ita aid by communication. Instruction* and hy all l'neans properly at it* disposal, to secure to the oppressed and down trodden of forolfm na- tion* tho larje«t po*(dhle measure of freedom In the pursuit of life, Mherty and happlnr** aod ecjn si protection andor the law. That a copy of this declaration b* transmit- ted to the president of the United Htataa. A VKRSOSAL OOJJtBST. K. b. Adams of the Elmlra Advertiser says that the contest In Chemung county In poraonal and t» agalnat Mr. Faascti. "Tho delegation, headed by Mr. Faanett," he said, "waa elected at a regular conven- tion held at tho appointed time aod con- ducted with great care. The members of the county committed offered tioket* of admiaalon to the contesting party before the convention, but lhe.y were declined. The contest Is in part a Domocratlo move- ment The contestant* care lens about Ita effect in convention than about It* looal In flu anon." Of the other content—that from fleneca, A. M. Pattemon of Waterloo says: "Th* flweet faction carried only three of the ten towns In the oounty, but It claim* three more -Waterloo, Varlek and Kay- ette.. The Patterson delegates for Varlek were elected hy a vote of 7& to 7V Th* Waterloo cancus which elected our dele gates was called by the town committee, whloh wan declared legal by .Indge Adams of the Bivprcmn court ot an appeal under the new election law. At the Fayette cancna, the oflleers were under Rweet'a control, voters were denied ndmlaalon and motions were declared carried on the aye* only." MR. nKOK.K«'» SOOMnRfl.. The lleeVcr force* came In from Buffalo at about .*. o'olock last evening. Thoy did Dot muster so many as hnd bean axpected. They had promised a delegation of 000 on »0 At Xuhvllle. NASHTIIXR, Bcpt. 8.—Labor Day In this city was cclebraeed with more enthusiasm than bas ever been seen htsco bofore. Fully 80,009 people were on the atreeta to witness the parade-, whloh waa composed of all the labor unions of thla vicinity. All th* Went Side p*rk speeches wars made by prominent labor adrooatea and polltlelans. Saved by Transfusion. Transfusion haa saved the H'o of Benja- min Clayton, who was admitted to the Pennsylvania hospital Sunday night suf- fering from a stab in the ; left foroarm. When admitted to tho hospital he waa In a Very weak condition from low of blood, and tho operation of tying tho blood vea- sel* with ligature* and closing the wound prostrated him so completely that ho failed to rcapond to hypodormlo stimulant*, and a* a last reaonrco to aave hi* life Dr. Scott determined upon transfusion. A solution consisting of sixteen grain* of carbonate of lodaand ninety-eight grains of common lalt, dissolved in a quart of distilled water and heated t o a temperature of 109 deg*., was prepared and Injected Into one of th» rein* of the forearm. Owing lo the smallnaaa of the vein the solution did not flow well, and the patient, notwithstanding hypodermla Injection* of Mh»r and whisky, continued to sink rapid- ly. A second' attempt at transfusion waa made, th* solution being Injected Into a vein of the left foot, and »s» alpicvst Imme- diate change In hi* condition wa» notlood, and at 6 o'elook on Monday morning the krists ha* passed, and from that time on bl« improvemsnl waa rapid, and be la now troll enough to leave the hoapitah—Phila- delphia Beoord. At Troy. TROT, K. T., Sept. a—Labor Day was Celebrated here yesterday. The parade of labor organisations was the largest ever was held a* Reniealaer r^rXlrTin'FSfWfo boon, whloh was Rddreaacd by Lieutenant Governor Jones, on th« »rt*on Vabot problem. _______ A t fVyxeenri. STRACCSH. Bept. i—"Teaterd-y there waa a long parade of the labor organltatlona, which waa viewed by thousand*. In the, afternoon the sUt«t* pr**ent«d a deserted •ppearance, the worklngme* sod every- body elae tevklng advantage of th* fine Weather to rWI the lake and *t>«v resort*. At Hew Tot*. Hiw YoRic, Sept. &,—I>»bor Day waa generally observed hore. There were twe naradeo, hr the Central Iysbor union and the Central Labor federation. The variout unions In the former were arranged In two brigade* of tKre* division* each. Appro- priate mot tee* were carried in eaoh. THE FAMMIM' LRAQU* MttTIHOs At a meeting of the employees of the Franklin Iron Manufacturing Co., held Tuesday evening, Sept. 8, 1891, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. Whereas, The Franklin Iron Manu- facturing Co. has donated to its em- ployes and friends the handsome sum of one hundred dollars towards cele- brating Labor Day, Resolved, That we heartily extend to the officers of the Franklin Iron Manufacturing C o . o u r united thanks, for their generous offering and good will displayed toward the success of our celebration, and Resolved, That we congratulate our- selves on being the employes of a company guided and controlled by such honorable and generous officers. And whereas, Division No. 1, of the A. O. H., of Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., donated t o u s the use of their dancing platform, to accomodate ua o n Labor Day, Resolved, That we tender to the A. 0. H., of Clinton, our heartfelt thanks for their - kindness and generosity toward us. Resolved, That in return for their generosity, we, when opportunity presents itself, patronize and assist that charitable, patriotic and honorable order, and wish them success in their great work. And Resolved, That a copy of these reso- lutions be sent to the secretary of DW. No. 1, of the A. O. H., of Clin- ton. And whereas, The ladles of Franklin Iron Works, by their effort*, greatly aided us in the success of our Clam Bake and Picnic, Resolved, That we tender to the ladles of Franklin Iron Works our sin- cere gratitude for the able manner In whloh they so kindly and Indefatigably labored in preparing and serving re- freshments, and thereby contributing to the entertainment of our many guests at the Clam Bake. hereas, Mr. Frederick Sappe very Ri'nW , ^»im*e>*H*«v*ui^?^£of mineral water for use at the Clam TJIEeTpj Resolved, That we Under to Mr. Snppe our sincere thanks for hU kind- ness and the manly expression of hi* goodwill towards ua. And whereaa, Mr. F. D. FUiPatrlck labored very zealously toward the suc- cess of onr Clam Bake, therefore, Resolved, That we extend to FItzPatrlok our sincoro gratitude, tho Interest taken by him In our tlvltles. Franklin Iron Works, Sept. a 8. W. PKCKHAM, DAMKI, MARA, T. B. TRMTI,K, JAMKSHANP, PATRICK OTOOI-W, Committee. Beady Hade Hop Sacks FAKE'S. OHUOKISY. SKPT. 7.—T. F. Jones sold his black mare to Undertaker Thomas Yates, of Westmoreland. The summer boarders are leaving for their homes. Five went last week, two will go to-night and the balance i n a few days. They all seem to be charm- ed with the country and will return next season. Hop picking is the principal occupa- tion at present in this section. The Ladles Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies m a y u s e t h e liquid frnlt laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their fa- vorite remedy. It is pleasing t o t h e eye a n d t o t h e taste, gentle, yet. effect- ual In acting o n t h e kidneys, liver and bowels. The place on TJtlca rtreet.Gllnton^ormerlr known as tbe Stuart placo, 1 acre* of land, sereral -no buildlo. lots, laruH new barn and stable, 1 strong- hen bouses and severs! hen yards. 1&0 bearing grape vines, dltreront varieties, large house with maimer kitchen, launiirr snd wood house. Long time given. Address, C. C. BANGS, Carlisle, Pa. FOR SALE. .Tro or three good bonding lots on "Water Street, In Clinton, near depot. For p&rllcalars Inoslre ot —i_Li„--- E. 8. W_ IAJ18. N OTICE.—Pursuant to an order of William H. Bright, Kso... Surrogatoof the County of Onei- da, notice Is hereby glren to all persons baring claims against the estate ot Eunice H. Clove*, de- ceased, fate ot tbe town of Marshall, tn ssld conntr. to prosont tho samu with tbe voucher* thereof, to Charles A. Hover, administrator of said estate, at. his residence In tno town of Marshall, lo said coun- ty,on or before the 10th day of March next. Dated August 26,1891. 0HARIJC8 A. nOVBt, Administrator. S UPREME COURT. Onalda County.-Froderlck R. Drullard sjralnst Julia A. Adams, John Q. Ad- am*, Andrew vr^Mllls, Villa J. Adams,_The. Utlc* National Baci. .. Adams. Joshua Mather, Charles W. rhey Demooratlo IHrtrict Convention. Tbe Second Assembly District Dem- ocrats met in convention at Scollard Opera House on Friday afternoon. The convention was called to order by H. 8. Kellogg, ohalrman of the district committee, Eugene B. Woolworth of Clinton was made temporary chair- man. Fred King of Augusta and Frank B. Breen of Rome were chosen secretaries. The officers were sworn in by B. 8. Williams, notary public. The delegates chosen for State Con- tention were Hon. John D. McMahon, Rome; Hon. JamesL. Dempsey, Kirk- land, and Charles P. Scovil, Vernon. To the judicial convention: William J. Shields, Klrkland; E. L. Williams, Rome, and Louis P. Fuess, Sangerfleld. Speeches were made by William J. Shields, John D. MoMahon, H. 8. Pat- ten a n d 0 . M.Felton. . • « Annex TO MOTHtTts.—Areyo* disturbed at night and broke* of yourrtst by a slek child lutering and crying with pain of Cutting TeethT If so send at one* an* get aboUUOf "Mr*. Wlnslow's Sooth- lag Syrup"fer CklldrenTeething. Its v»luel»ln- e*}eu„ef*. It win relieve the poor little •offerer l_W**»___>_«_____e< upon It. mothers;there Is ae mlT_ki aKuTTC^If^wim^HsWtorand War- rhesa, regulate* th* gtonscK %ns n*vffl WladColIe, softeasthe GUKIS, redace* In tlon, a»d gives toae and *aergy to the whole system, "Mrs. Wfnslew's Seething Syrup" fsr children te«tMng Is pleasant to the taste and Is th Mr. for fee- City Air.i.S'iMS.S *>^,l!A. UUflllUll .-lltlli,.-,, V-iSUSU"'"! Tl . Mather,The First National Bsnk of Utlca, Frank Blake, as executor of Peter Blake, deceased, Lewi* U. I.nke, William H. Karl and Ambrose E.Gorton. To the aboye named defendants: You are her«by summoned to answer Iho complaint In this action aod to serve a copy ot j our-answer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty dsys after tho service of tbls summons, exclusive ef the day of service, and la caso of your failure to appear, or answer, Judg- ment will Vo taken against you by default tot the relief demanded In the complaint, Dstcd Utlc*. N. Y., Jnne », 18ni. L.YN0TT B. ROOrrplslnUflfs Attorney. No. IB Genesee Btreet, Utlca, N. Y. To Lewis D. Luke, Ese,., defendant: The forego- ing summons Is served upon you by publication pur- suant to an order of Hon Milton H. Mrrwln, one of the Justices of tho Supreme Court of the stale of New York, dated the 29th day of Augu si, 1891, and on the 26th day ot June, 1891, filed with the cora- & lalnt tn the office of too Clerk of the County of nelda. The amended complaint herein vraa filed in said ' 77th day of Aug-ast, 1S91. Clerk's Office on the .. Dated 8eptimber l»t. 1S91. LYNOTT B. BOOT, _ No. l_l Oenesee street, Utlca, OT, Plaintiff* Attorney. lmroa. 0 { otl r Jala coio tlVn of o»* of th* oldest and best female p aed nurse* la tit*United SUtes. and Is f< all druggist* thro'Owttha world, tents*bottle. Kesur* a ' lovr* ftooTanso svaor.' eprescrlp- pfeyitctaos 5r sale by Id. rrloe t»s«tr-nTe t*k for "Mas. Wixs- i take no other kind. '(IHR PEOPLE OF TB.K 8TATB OF NEW YORK JL to William Karnes, Benjamin F.Bradley, Fran- cis A. Karnes, Rodman B. Kaymeod, Raymond Bradley, J. Augustus Karnes, Hanson C. Raymond, Harry BradlOT. Isabell Karnes, a minor, Chsrles Raymond, Charles Bradley, David Karnes, a minor, Samuel W. Raymond, Alias Everett, Mary A. Kirk, land, Ruth Raymond, Mary A. Wbaley.Mary Kames, Sara Raymond, Catbarino B. Raymond, Thompson K. Barnes, William D. Raymond, Joseph Arthur Hamilton, Chsrlcs Hokart Uamllton.Mary Leonard. Charles Hlnman, Joseph Illnman, Kits Leonard, the Presbyterian Church of Verona and Sunday School connected therewith. Kate I-eonard, the Truitees of Verona Cemetery Association, Raymond Birder, a minor, tke Board of Ilome Missions of the rres- byterlan Church of the United 8tatei of Amerles, Sarah Bradley, the Board of Education of the Pres- byterian Church In the United 8t*te* ot America the American Bible Society, KlrertOh C. 8Urk snd Charles P. Frtsbee,heirs at law, legatee*, dlrlseei, execuurs aud next of kin qt Harriet J, Kames, 1st* of the town of Verona, In the county of Oneida snd state of New York, deceased. Wboreas, AlTerton O, 8t*rk, of Oneida, N. Y„ snd Charles P. Frlsbee, of th* town of Verona, tn •*!« - " """ned th* Surrogate's Court strumentla -writing bearing dste th* December, 18*3, which relates or purport* to relsl* ,-embcr, 1890, which relates or purports to reli to real and personal proporty, duly admitted lo probste as and for the last will and testament of on th* forenoon trnln and VO0 mora M- N o'clock la«t nl«ht. There were only COO nion In the first delegation. They marched IVCMVHI a hr^Aa Viand and A rlrnm corp* from the stAllon lo the t'owera hot<vl, car- rying enncs and wearing MR white l>nd rcllh llocker'a picture printed on Ihonv They also carried A very small transpaf- rne.y with mottoes on It appropriate to _1% cAnrtldacy of IlecVot. The delegation w 1 ** met with the ret her eVieArleae announcement, the! tno political gosalp dlsc\isaln(t Mr. rtecVer"* ohAnee* had got down to the point ot regArdlng him Bvallahle for comptroller. They amlled confidently and taking oft their coatA, went to work with A will. Th« llecVer he»do.nArt*n> wore wtAbllahcd ls-it night et the Towers hotel, from whloh Nobody Was >t.it> PKKN YAX,Sept..r\ -A collisionooenrred Atxmt 11 o'clock IASI night on the FAII HroeA Coal Company rnllvray, neftr Oret- den Station, N. Y., between the MACIV nsreher excursion l.raln and A fr»tg;M train The pftaaengeri war* badly ahagAn up, V>nt n o b o d y WAA hnrt. rtewAre of Ointment* for Catarrh that Contain Werenry, enry will mrMJ destroy the sense of nmell ipletely derftnge the whole aystem when ng It through the mucous surfaces., finch Art-leAVi should never lie used evecpt on prcecrlp- tlone'TroTO re.nutA.We. physician*, a* the damage they will do Is ten fold lo the R-ood yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's CArAiTh Cure, manufactured by F. J. (Tieney * (V>., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, find Is taken Internftlly, and sctA dltrclly upon the blood And mucona surfaces of the system. In buying HAH'S Catarrh (Mm be anre you get the genuine. It. Is tAkon Internally end niftde In Toledo. Ohio, hy P. J, Cheney A Oo. l»-"80ld hy dmgglsiA, TS oe.ntA. T*Jk OT«* Plans »f Aeetom . P»IIH*_1 Qwesttn-a. A l d U K T , aVept. *.—A oo»v**tV«n of *b*1 iNtnnora' I/eAgnA, orgawnliM *i tyr*****. aVpi. 6. ISM, WAA held at kV« fM.iV>-> hetai, y**H*rd»j tor the ror»*** ef ctiiUaWf *. bUn ef iwsUon on pollMaal aueatlooa apt**> Ulnlng U laUrrsIs of AgrlemMt--* In -u) coming canvAea for IXa eAeeUen ef •»**+ una loexal officer*. Ab«nt »0 le*(piM war* r»pr*»e_ted *JI<1 a camber of r*«ret« wee* reoelTed. Henry 1_ AVell o*11*l th* •»»- fererjoA to orvlsr and the Hen. Theodora Y*JvV«lK*nbnrg we* then roA4e chali- rr>»n. Mr. Vanvalkenhunt triad* A f*w remark* uoon the objeotof the convention and the followlna; committee wa* Ap- pointed to look After the Inter**** of Uv* Wm*r* at tha nAxt leaWalnre. Hon. la D. Collin*, Arb*.ny; .r. H, Cr*n-' dell, CfheYiAngo; Hon. W. K. D a v i s , ^v"A«h- lnjfton: R.. D . ChApmMv, Oaiviago; J. \Y*tej- r ^ Wo*t ' Iv^o ^i.• , H - "•?•*! R *'' im ; W- HAvllAnd, W(«rr«T»| U. 11. Ambler, OolumM-S Kn.0* Mnnaou. I>elAWAr<s natiry B. Aboil, AJ.ba.ny; C. H. NIrer, IWiMehAnv Th* jvreelcTentA ol all tha county l*ft_-n>v» ax* Inc.lnied on Ibl* com- Biltvo*. A re»oViM»t» wa* referred, de- tnAndlntt tha repeAl ot a portion «< t » * Aweridcrt hlghwr»y law?. A plaifon* w-a* than reipovtAd And ftdorrted. Th* pUltorm of 1W0 WM ens bodied In li, And It OAII* for free <«o(n*«*t U opp«*«d to scheme* for the erection of trrAAt pAr*t» and Vralld(ri| of hl^h-sTAT*, and -will not auppott any cAndldAt** for ofVVX W/Xo tAVOT th* AATllA. The pro»*nt »tAt< commlltes WM <V»U tinned i(sr the ensuing year, and the, *t»ta oonvanllon W M tvdjonrtind, *tihj«<* to tJi» CAII ot the *t«tA ootninltt**. §yiVuP 8 fR^s <i«*< Look*. flood looks are more than »Vln deep, dcpjndlnR upon a he»lthr condition of th* vltAl organs. If tho lilvcr Inactive you have a Billon* I/>ok. If rotir Stomach be disordered you havo a Dyspeptic I/>ok and II your Kldncya be affoctcd yoo hftTO » Pinched I-ook. Kltvtrlc Bitter* It th« great sltetaiire and ionic act* directly on thcte, vllal organs. Core* Pimple*, lilotchwi, Bolla and p}rt* ». (rood ooro- ploilon. Bold at J. T. Wataon A Son'a brng Store, 60c. pet bottle. B4 -*.. ttn*,r*ntcc4 Onre for I.* Or1pt>». We aulhorlM our advettlaed druggist U> f«ell you l>r. King,'* New DlacoTcry for Oonmniptton, Cough* and Colda, upon thla rorjdlHon. If yoo ars afflicted with L* Orlppe and will UN thl* remedy »c oordlng to-dlrectlona, glrlng It a fair trial, and experience tv> benefit, you may return the bottle and hare your money refunded. We make ihla offer bccauM of the. won- derful lUcecM of Df. Klng'a New Dlaoorery during last aesaon's epidemic. Have heard of no case In which It failed. Trv it. Trial bottle* free at J. T. Wauon *. fton'a llrug store. 1/trge sir* BOc. and fl.00. DA CLAIRVOYANT RXAM1NATI0N8. Th<» *tic«ew< _tt*M»dlftf Dr. Bnfter- fleld'a method of prMtlce, la proof tl»At It I* fonnded on A. law of onr being UIAI ninrt be K-oogTilf^d. We tre.»t the wor*t forma of aorofnliseonsnmptlon, A»1.hm,>, dl(M»A«e* of th« heftrt^ liver, kldnera, or other orgrvnlo di»e.t\J>o* eohaldored In- ontAhle. «AfrR* Hotel, DUeA, Thnti- d«.t and FrldAy, Oc.U 8 And 9. Dn. R. P. Brm*iun*r,r>. Bolh tho method find raulta ^rhen ftyrnp of Fign U t*kcn; It is pleasant And r*fre*hing to the twrtA, ^nd t\cU eently yet promptly on tho Kidney*, Liter and Bowel*, cleanM* t h o Ry»- t«m efTcctiialir, di*i>o.1fi colds, he»d- •ch«s and foverg nnd cures lmbitusl constipation. Byrnp of Figs ia tho only remedy or its kind eyor pro- duced, plesaing to tho fasto and ac- ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial In ita elTecta, prepared only .from tho most healthy and agreeable substancea, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it th» most popular remedy known. Hyrup of Figs h for aalo In fiOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug- gisrfa Any reliable dniggTat vrbo may not hare it on hand will pro- enre it promptly f o r a n y o n e w b o wr*h«» to try It. Do not «coept any nuhsUtntA, , CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. imt r*A*oi9oo, c*t, ifwrntu, KT. .. • *tw roue, *j.r, said deceased t Tou,*nd each of vo 5 !}, *re therefore ctted to sp- *f In th* Surrogate's Court of our satd county of U " tlty of Utlca, In said county . the JSth day of October, 1*91, at M o'clock In the pear In th»8ui Ouelda. at the 8»rro|tat«'» Office la tho Court House In the city of Utlca, in said county of Oneida, on forenoon of that day, *nd utend the probate of st,lf r— * hey then snd thore st for th*m In any of the shove named they then snd trior cause irhy a special gusrdl.in sheuld not he the said -Willi snd th .. persons are Inf snts, that they then snd pointed to appear, Iht proceeding for the probate of said will. In testimony whereof, we hare caused the seal of said 8urrot*t*'s Court to be hereunto anixed. Witness, Hon. WllH»<n II, BrUht, [ i . a.) 8nrro«t»t* of our said county of Onei- da, st Utlca, this Mh day of Petlem- ber.isy, J. p. t. BTOrTR, Clerk of the Bnrro_at«'» Court S UPHaMB COURT-Oneld* Oounty.-Jsraes I. Seotlard. plaintiff, aralnst Osvld Allen and Ann Allen,his wife, Tha tJtlc*, dlaton A Blnthamton la I. Northrup, Har ' Compsrny, I.ylt* -I ,, Oeorc* B. Northrup, Allen,Charles M. Swilth, lndlrldually execolor of lh« list ~ Rsllro»d Randall. Northrup, Harriet H. orthrup, Qeorre Allen, Irs h, lndlrldually and sa sol* 111 and testament of I/>fsn 8mUh,dece»se<l, Th* Ne-W York, OnUrlO * Western Railway Company. The Fre«1dont, M«n»«en an* Company of the I>«lawar« A Hudson C*nal Com- pany, defendant*. In pursuance *od by rlrto* ef » Judgment of fere- elo«nr* snd asla granted In the abere entitled sc- tleo hy the Supreme Court of the stato of Ksw York *t» special term thereof held st lb* Ceurt House tn the etty of l.'tloa. In e*ld county and el*t* of l»ew York, on th* MtH day of June,, lfstl, *n n4 duly snt'eredtn ths Clerk's Ofuce of Onewi* Oounty th* stb day of 8ept*BTber. lWl.l.th* nnderslgeed, An- drew W. Mills, ratere* In ssld Judgment named snd • ' - will sell St BtibfU s«e- ot Oneld* Ootinly th* -nee, " for that purpose appointed, will sell st ptiM Ho« as tne law direct* to the highest bidder st to* tloa - Clinton House In County, Ngw York, on 8 th* rlll«*-o of Cllaton, Oneida ,„,on 8etnrdar, th* Tth day of Ne- Tembe'r, 1SS1, st II o'fleck I* the forenoon ofthsl , is?l" day the premise* In said Judgment set forth, and which are dewrlbed as follow- -•>lof .to wit; All th*t tract er pare*! of land situate In tha to»n of Marshall, aforesaid, and bounded and deeerteed as follows- he«lnntn« In lha eentr* of th* Ortstany CreeX at the south-east corner ot th* l»»d new owned hy 7.. T. Rarbar **d at th* north*»H corner ot the land now to b* eenv«y*d| theec* up 'he centre of said ereek to the lands «owjfiwo*d kr n«ild Bmall; thenc* weitarlf along the l « d of said RfnsUto the c.hen.nfro 0«B«1I thenc* across sals eaual toth* nerlh-e*st corn*r of lands owned ky A. II Randall: thenc* westerly along said Randall'* north line i« rods loth* centre of th» plank re»d: thence ?1 dagrees east rods In lbs said ceulr*; thene* »l degrees w e s t » rods- th*neo north 10 de^ •e»s e*etSM rods to lands sold to the party ct is first P»rt by Charl** W. KlmbAll I t b e i l . ""rti '< degrees west to a stake on Michael (Joien'i K r*>< degTefa east line; thence along; in a* eea e*M 4 ehatna and said Qulnn's Sa* aorth t de- Blinks to s et*k«, a eom»f Rlshop's f^artut Iheec* stong e»td south Hej ain R3 degrees SO rolnut«« east to Hrids rurchefM of William ntfon and wife hy the t>»rty ef the t"\ y.: .v ..— —.%.___ -<___ ..i^ Riahnp's tins te . »Oh an* *lf» hy the jiarty, thenc* northerly along sa|d Meh... ' of said rtron'sletj tkeeee erth.weal comer of said wren's \"U Hjeuce ,rtf along s«ld Riehop's socth line to |h« Ch»e- Cshsi- lh«t»c« »ero*s satd e*n*l and sleng J !• •t's south line to th* p»*e* of beginning, ri- ng *nd r»««rvlng * Meo* of land now i « ' M in erJnrded by Thoma«C*ni, containing » »er»v 8*ld premises to be emtvered by this lostruwesj ^utAlns shout «t sere*, snd being- »!! the land, i""' --rchas--' •' Dtxen, Joseph fttebMna, (Siarla. W, Klmb«!l. ;. Tedd end H*»'y MeK*war. ES»4«S a i a t o n , a e j t e ^ b * ^ \fMui^ „^ rP .. KV.R. WlM-IAata. „_ Clinton, On*lda Oounlf, M.T. ^i£m^wm*'i<> •• ' •-''•,- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Clinton Courier... · 2009. 2. 10. · §m ,«s#s;i.e m f ftfriSJ*-"**. ***•*. j-iH «.-''-• •ess rae III Ji -jv,: Us • :••+

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Clinton Courier... · 2009. 2. 10. · §m ,«s#s;i.e m f ftfriSJ*-"**. ***•*. j-iH «.-''-• •ess rae III Ji -jv,: Us • :••+

sectm laquossie


f ftfriSJ- bull j -

iH laquo - - bull

bulless rae


Ji -jv

Us bull bull bull + gt bullbullbull

Clinton copyotttiwJ bull

i l l

o f all i n L c t v e n i n g P o w e r mdash U S G o v t R e p o r t A u g 17 1SS9


J B amp H B SYKES K t U l o t - B i u i l I u b l l a l i c r a

W E D N E S D A Y eUPT 9 1S9I



EVENTS OF INTEREST ABSOLUTELY PURE l lappcnluga of the l_raquost Seven Dava

Iut iu Small 8praquoclaquo and Arrraquouged with

SpecliU Ke||rtl o r h e Convenlenc ol

the Roader Who Has Litt le Time j

tu Spitro

Wi l l iam Habn uncle of Robert Wle land the wealthy ex-brewer ef Sau IfTttuclseo arrived at Dayton O aud v iewed the body of the man w h o commit ted uuiclde- He exc la imed This is not Robert Wie-laud of Sau Franeiampoo If the story of the deceased that be had a sister a widow in Rochester N Y proves to be untrue there wil l be no clue to his identity left

T h e maiu vxirtion of the brouie s ta tue oarHeury W Grady the Southern author journalist and orator was successful ly I cast at the A m e s foundry Chicapee Mass The s ta tue wi l l soon be com- I ploted and shipped to Atlanta It wi l l | be one and a hal l t imes life s i i e T h e work has been delayed BO that the original date for uuve i l ing thte st-atue Sept 10 wi l l have to be changed

About three thousand cloakmafcers met in Cooper Vuion in N e w Y o r k and protested against the use to w h i c h the EUircm Hirsch J e w i s h benefit fund of tl5000000 w a s being put T h e speakers asserted that the fund was controlled by contractors and treatod the beneficiaries unfairly

A cablegram from London to Shn Francisco conveys the information that the Bri t i sh steel ship Carr Rock owned in Glasgow and bound from Dunshydee to this port w i t h a cargo of Scott i sh coal was tota l ly destroyed by fire N o t h i n g i s sa id about the origin of the fire or the safety of the crew Mrs E l i za Eimonton mother of the late J a m e s W S imonton w h o w a s for several years general agent of the N e w York Asshysociated Press diod at the residence of her granddaughter Mrs W J Lyon in New York Mrs S imonton was 90 years of age

The nat ional irrigation congress w h i c h is to be he ld in Salt Lake City Sept 15 16 and 17 promises to be very successshyful T h o u s a n d s of de legates wi l l be In a t t e n d a n c e The railroads have reduced the ra es for everybody ODe half and the hotels vrtll also m a k e reduced rates

George Wingblade a midd le aged Gershyman mechanic of Seymour Conn ^hot his wi fe in the m o u t h inflicting serious injuries H e then shot and k i l l ed himself W i n g b l a d e recently lost his poshysit ion and this preyed on h i s m i n d and caused h i m to c o m m i t the crime

W i l l i a m Ryan a mechanic out his throat at Seymour Conn Despondency w a s the cause

Baron Hirsch the J e w i s h phi lanthroshypist has s igned a notorial deed empowershying his representatives to expend pound3000-000 for the purchase of land and t h e locashyt ion of colonies in the Argent ine R e p u b l i c

Hon W a l t e r Gresham of Galveston Tex was enthusiast ica l ly endorsed at a meet ing of c i t i i ens for appointment t o the posit ion m a d e vacant by the death 01 W L B r a g g of the inter s tate commerce commiss ion

General Eburd Grubb Uni t ed States minis ter to Spain has arrived in New York from Havre on the steamer La Tcurampine He w a s met at quarantine by a large de legat ion of G A R members from New Jersey

Bernard de Y o u g h a we l l k n o w n San Francisco d iamond broker died of B l i g h t s disease at the h o m e of h is 6on i n gtgtew York H e w a s 78 years old

A s the admiral s launch w a s be ing Ijoisted on board the U n i t e d States sh ip Chicago the flagship of the squadron at Port land Me a metal hook broke and the boat fell upon Harry Oak the carpenters mate w h o was arranging the cradle He died a l m o s t Instantly from the Injuries received

J u d g e Whee ler of the U n i t e d State circuit court a t Bratt leboro Vt has Just rendered a decis ion re turning the t w o Chinamen arrested under the exc lus ion act to Canada from which Dominion they held passports T h e U n i t e d States commiss ion had ordered them returned to C h i n a

8laquooretary Foster and Congressman Conshyner arrived at Newport R Ibdquo on the revshyenue cutter Grant from N e w York They went on a fishing cruise on the s team yaoht Peerless

Casualt ies and Crime

Super intendent of the Poor Grimes fit Syracuse N Y tendered his resignation to the board of supervisors The resigshynat ion was the resul t of disc losures of irshyregularit ies in his accounts A shortage of several hundred dollars was found which Mrs Grimes promises to maka good

Eng ine No P0 of the New Haven road d r a w i n g nine loaded care ran Into an open swi tch at the Fair-street crosslnR N e w Haven Conn The engine W M very badly damaged and tho engineer E B Jones had his leg so badly Inshyjured that It had to be amputated and he now l ies in a precarious condition

Mrs Tiffany wife of C T Tlflarjy of South Manchester N H commit ted laquoul-gtfYtj by cut t ing her throat w i t h a raror

several days The cause U Ald to hAve

Wi l l iam Zealy w a s burned to death at Jone-sville Ala W h i l e s tanding in front of a grate her c lothes caught tire Her fashyther and mother were both fatally burned iu their effort- to save their daughter

A Loudon d ispatch says The board of trade returns for the m o u t h of A u g u s t 1891 as compared w i t h those for the corshyresponding m o u t h of last year show that imports increase poundl4i0000 and t h a t exshyports decr-xjuw pound_15O0OO

Korlaquolgu Kewt The gale In Ireland W a l e s and Scotshy

land cont inued for two days A l l s teamshyers crossing the channel were delayed The W e l s h rivers are overf lowing and m u c h d a m a g e has been done to property

A lady in St Catherines Ontario -whose re lat ives reside In E n g l a n d near those of the m a n IHrohall w h o was executed in Woods tock last fall has reshyceived a letter s ta t ing that Blrohal l s w i d o w w a s qu i t e ly married at a place called Red B a u k there w i th in s ix weeks after her arrival home from C a n a d a

The P a r i s Gaulols proposes t h a t the French government ac t ing In concert w i t h the government of other powers Inshyterests shal l send an u l t i m a t u m to China in regard to the recent outrages upon forshyeigners In that country



AT R O G H - S T E R

General Wadsworth Ulaquofu_gt to Withshy

draw from the Contest lor Governor

In f u r o r of Mr F-snaettmdashThe Cotleo-

tor i JTrleuds Confident That H e wi l l

b e NominatedmdashKeolut lon to he Inshy

troducedmdashTalk of u Dark B o n a

DlaquoatroTed by Fire

Fire started In Sklbbs res taurant at Dal les Ore and spread w i t h great rapidshyity S i x t e e n b locks w e r e burned over Es t imated loss $760000 t o $1000000 T h e blow to the t o w n 1B a heavy one

The fire at W i l l o w s Cal caused by the explos ion of a kerosene l amp de-s troylaquol W i l l o u g h b y s hote l the U n i o n hotel the Crawford House H o c h h e l m e r amp Cos general merchandise store the express and te l egraph offices and a numshyber of other places Loss $150000 partly I n s u r e d

T h e Fort Er ie B e a c h hote l a large wooden s tructure on the Canadian side of the river opposite Buffalo w a s burned together w i t h mos t of i ts contents A n adjoining co t tage w a s also burned The tota l loss w i l l reach be tween $15000 and $20000 on w b i o h there w a s b u t s m a l l inshysurance

A fire In the tobacco w a r e h o u s e of S tra t ton amp S t o r m s at S65 Third avenue N o w York causod a d a m a g e t o s tock and b u i l d i n g of $25000

T h e house barn and o u t b u i l d i n g s oa the E l las P e r k i n s estate at P o r t s m o u t h were burned to the ground Loss $30000 partly Insured

Wath lnpton Nraquotelaquo

T h e president has appointed the fol lowshying postmasters E d w i n H Pierce Branshydon Vt and A n n i e Larabea Oyster Bay N Y

Senor Lazcano the Chi l ian minister has officially informed the s tate department that he w i l l bo absent from W a s h i n g shyton for s o m e t i m e and In h i s absence he has des ignated Senor Jorge A Bureanga secretary of t h e l egat ion as oharge daf-fairs

T h e treasury department a t W a s h i n g shyton upon the request of Minister Romero has granted permiss ion for the Mexican mil i tary band to enter the U n i t e d States and proceed to Port land Ore where the famous band w i l l t ake part in the Oregon state exhibi t ion


Tho Proh ib i t ion Convention Drawn to a Close at Albany

ALBA5T Sept 4mdashAt yesterday aftershynoons sess ion of tho s ta te Prohibi t ion convent ion the c o m m i t t e e appointed to nominate a t icket reported as fol lows For governor J W Bruce Canastota Madleon county for l i eutenant governor G W Hal l eck Orient Suffolk county secretary of state W i l l i a m E Booth Genesee L iv ings ton county s tate treasshyurer Francis W Crawford M o u n t Vershynon Westches ter for attorney general S E Crosser Buffalo comptrol ler W E S m i t h P o u g h k e e p s for state engineer Professor H B Forbes Canton St Lawshyrence county

It w a s decided to vote upon tho nomishynat ions separately and the n a m e of Yv T W a r d w e l l of N o w York treasurer of the Standard Oil company w a s presented for governor H i s n a m e w a s w i t h d r a w n a t his o w n request

THE TICKKT KKDOR8ED The report of the c o m m i t t e e was adopted

as above and tho t ioket endorsed amid hearty applause

A mot ion to confer w i t h the Farmers A l l i ance w a s referred to the state comshymittee

The n o m i n e e for governor w a s escorted to the plat form amid the greatest enthushysiasm and made a brief address He was a Prohib i t ion i s t because he believed in home and God H e believed that the party could be successful if all were fa i th ful to it He thanked the convent ion for the honor and promised to devote biraquo Mme to the campaign

Candidate Hal leok for l i eutenant g o v -bullrtior Booth for secretary of 9tate Crnw-bullIS^d forjstote ^JXIJ 5BJJamp for comp-trolierrTnSlorlgtelaquofo iTatS SffSItiesr a l l


been heredi tary Insanity W i l l i a m Croman w h o was stabbed by

Edward Straltl lf l about a -week ago at CarlinU P a during a quarrel has since died Straltl lf l wil l be tried or murder

A Denver dispatch says I t 1 now stated thAt tho Rio Grande train robbers secured $13000 f rorn the express car Instead of $3000 as reported All telegraph wires between the point where the train was held up and Pueb lo were cut As soon as the blood honnde were released they made s traight for the monntAlDS

A fatal accident happened near Well shyington N Y In PollocXs Grove J B N e w t o n pastor of the Kreo Methodlat church nt Alton whi le amlstinK to take d o w n the large tent In which they hod belaquon holdlnn public services wo raquolruok on the head by one of the center pollaquo nnd ins tant ly kllli-d

Alfred L Travis commit ted suicide at WHliamspor l N Y b y Arat tak ing poison and then drowning hlmraquoelf in the river lnlaquot bforlaquo the tragedy he mailed a letter to a frifnd informing h im of his intAn-(r-i The body raquo M recovered

A colorr-d desperado named P Crusen attraquornptltM tho life of his mllaquotrelaquoA Mary Htitler also colored ftt Trentrm N J The conplo had ltIUagrevl and Oniolaquoo w a n t M to get lha woman to take A walk And cMtle the matter On hot rpfuraquoAl he drew a raror And cut her several t imes about the throat and far Onieen hat

Sydney Old alias Samuel 0laquons for merly secretary to KWhor RenKick A Co of thu dry dock and jetty company of N e ^ CASUP on-Tyne w a s Arrested at Detroit Mich o n h e h a r g e o f emlMgttllng $V(YV) from hllaquo employers He was taken to New York and bald to awatl the arrival of eitradit|gtn papers Old arrival here July 6 aod went west two days later

An expUraquolon occurred in the locVsmith shop fgtf tohn Preen in pAlerson N J whieh totally wrecked the bui lding A fire followed the explosion and comshypletely doatr^yed Rreens residence adshyjoining Sereral bu i ld ing In the vleln Ity were badly damaged by the fire l lrceuino^ Is $AfiOrt

Charlea Snyder of Miles City Mont fatally cut Lily I h i n l l e y -raquolth a large knife boltanlte she refused to marry h i m The murderer flrl A posee in In puronll and a lynching Is feared

The trestle at the east end of the bridge over the Red river AlxMit a mi l e from f l a y City Ky cm the Kentucky Union railroad (ell forty feet carrying the enshygine Tvnd seven ears Fireman Therms Hall was kil led And Knglneor llAnnA WAS badly efAlded

Susie -oaly tho 7ypc old dAushter of

bullpoke briefly and were applauded Votes of thank were tendered to thlaquo

manager of the hAlL W i l l i a m Whi tney and the Si lver Lake quartette

The d e l e g s t e s from the Twsnty - th l rd district compris ing Herkimer Otsego And MAdUon counties m e t And nominated PrinelpAl John Greene of Hami l ton N Y for senator

ROCHKSTKH Sept 9mdashTho Fasse t t boom which assumed such great proportions yesterday forenoonsuddenly d imin i shed as evening came on It had been a matter o( speculat ion all day whether the n a m e of any other candidate w o u l d be presented to the convention

A general belief prevai led for sr t i m e that Mr Whi te s name~would n o t be put before the convent ion b u t h i s friends Inshys i s ted that it would and that a test of h is s trength w o u l d bo made If only out of compl iment to h im A n a t t e m p t was made early in the afternoon to persuade General Wadsworth to wi thdraw from the contest for the governorship and accept the second place on the t icket w i t h Fasse t t but he stated posit ively that h i s n a m e m u s t go beiore the convent ion for the governorship

Mr Fasset t s friends then t u r n e d their at tent ion to Einste in as the m o s t l ike ly candidate for l i eutenant governor T h e action of General W a d s w o r t h w a s the first check to the Fasse t t b o o m because as yet It had been carrying everyth ing before It wi th such confidence that Fasse t t s friends had discussed the possibi l i ty of nominat ing h i m by acc lamat ion

NOT BASILT DISCOtTBAOKD bull H o w e v e r they were no t great ly discourshyaged by this and they e n d e a v t r e d to keep up the F a s s e t t e n t h u s i a s m In spite of the failure of the combinat ion w i t h W a d s -worth Before the arrival of the Becker de legat ion from Buffalo S ta te Senator Laugh l ln Mr Beckers r i g h t h a n d man set t led finally the quest ion of M j F a s shysett s nominat ion h y acc lamat ion H e said that the ta lk o l Becker as a candishydate for l i eu tenant governor w a s w i t h o u t author i tymdashthat Broker w a s In t h e contes t for governor and w o u l d remain

A number of conferences were neld durshying the day to conaldar t h e se lect ion of permanent chairman T h e honor had been ofjercd to Senator F r a n k Biscock but he decl ined It T h e n the l i s t of deleshygates w a s canvassed and four n a m e s picked outmdashthose cjf J a m e e W Husted General J a m e s M- V a r n u m Congressman Zerro P a y n e and Sta te Senator George S loan Lata rn the afternoon K w a s anshynounced that General V a m u m w o u l d be chosen

WHAT MB PLATT 8AV8 Mr P i a t t said yesterday afternoon

There is now l i t t le doubt of Mraquo Fasset t s nomination I t seeras conceded Mr W a d s w o r t h won t take t h e l i eutenant -governorship Mr Becker can h a v e i t If h e want s It I t is not set t led that Mr Einste in wi l l be comptrol ler J o h n W V r o o m a n can h a v e the BdDtaryship of state If he want s it W i l l i a m A Suthershyland w i l l probably be attorney general and M Hedgee w i l l probably be nominshyated for treasurer I dont k i o w w h a t the platform wi l l be about t h e h i g h l i cense question N o one oan te l l yet T h e adshyminis trat ion wi l l of course be heart i ly indorsed B la ine and reciprocity wi l l reshyceive commendat ion I dont k n o w that the e lectrocution quest ion w i l l come u p In the convention

Ex-8laquonator Glbbe said t h a t h e w a s for Fassett The party Is uni ted h e added and determined to w i n I t h i n k Mi P i a t t s only object Is t o secure the nominashyt ion of a t icket t h a t wi l l succeed at the polls W i t h a man l ike Fasse t t at the head of the t icket there wi l l be no chance for suspicion t h a t the candidate w i l l be traded for tbe legis lature F a s s e t t Is a good man and can be elected


Henry Cl inton B a c k u s of N e w York has prepared a resolut ion advocat ing t h e reshypeal of part of the olectrio execut ion l a w which he expects to Introduce In the conshyvention He w a n t s t h a t part of the law repealed w h i c h Is Intended to prohibit the publicat ion of the deta i l s of the execut ion and he w a n t s the select ion of tbe wit shynesses p u t in other h a n d s t h a n those of tho warden H e says h e does no t k n o w the sent iment of the de legates on tho subshyject

Congressman Bai ler has redrafted the resolution regardtpg the Russ ian J e w s W i l l i a m A Suther land cha irman of thlaquo Rochester de legat ion w i l l introduce it in tho fo l lowing form

ABOUT ran nrjsmAJj Jirws That tho cruelties to And persecutions of

olasscs eccts and persont AS lustancod by the inhuman and barbArous trefttment of the Jews In RnsslA aro abhorent to tho sentiments

^bllaquorrraquobraquoraquo^Tlaquolaquoamaatrao^lhlraquonftti9n^s^Llaquo tto vSS

Becker e n t h u s i a s m filtered t h r o u g h tko crowd iu the hotel rotuuda T h e t o w n has been flooded w i t h posters reading

Delegates listen Nominate Faraquoraquoott and Becker Voters will stgte thom elected Demoshycratic protectionists

IS TUK SLATK llKOKKNf A t 6 oclock last even ing tho F a s s e t t

boom was booming with great vigor A t 7 oclock a sudden frost sented it A t 730 de legates were shaking their heads aud In-ginning to think of dark horse T h e slate seems to be broken w a s the comshyment heart iu the rotunda of the P o w e r s hotel T h e early even ing tra ins had brought In more than a h u n d r e d de legates Tho majority of t h e m wore B e c k e r men b u t they w laquo all anti-Fasaett T h e y d id not w a i t for supper hut w e n t to work a m o n g the delegates T h e t ide of antl-Fasse t t feel ing that set in w a s so s trong that It was whispered about at first t h a t there w a s l ikely to be a fight In the conshyvent ion and th i s feel ing g r e w s trouger as the hours went by unt i l before t h e meet shying of the s tate c o m m i t t e e a t 8 oolock there w a s a general s h a k i n g of heads and tho talk of a dark horse began to spread through the hote l rotundas

T h e fo l lowing Is bel ieved to be an absoshylu te ly correct l ist of tho members of the new c o m m i t t e e to be appointed

F irs t district George Cromwel l Second distr ict I Fisher Third district Charles T D u n w e l l Fourth district D^unis Hurshyley F i f t h district Franc i s F W i l l i a m s S i x t h district W i l l i a m H Corsa S e v e n t h district Cornelius Vaucot t i E i g h t h district J o h n Collins N inth dlstriot GHtlUardlaquo T e n t h district J o h n E Mulhol laj id E l e v e n t h district 8hlaquor ldan Shook T w e l f t h dlstriot W i l l i a m Brookfie ld thirshyt e e n t h district F r a n k R a y m o n d Fourshyt e e n t h dlstriot J a m e s W Hus ted Fifshyt e e n t h district B B Odell S i x t e e n t h district Loui s F Payu S e v e n t e e n t h difc tr ict W i l l i a m M Hayes E i g h t e e n t h disshytr ict J A Q u a o i e n b u s h N i n e t e e n t h district George CampbeU T w e n t i e t h district JotuT Kel logg Twepty-nrut district J o b S M Weaver Twenty-second district W i l l i a m L Proctor T w e n t y - t h i r d distr ict J o h n C Davies T w e n t y - f o u r t h distr ict Hobart Brum Twenty-f i f th district F r a n c i s Hendricks T w e n t y - s i x t h dlstriot Georgn W Dunn Twenty - seventh dlstriot- J o h n H Camp T w e n t y - e i g h t h district E d w a r d L Adams T w e n t y - n i n t h district W L Parkhuret Th ir t i e th district George W Aldridgeraquoi Thirty-f irst distr ict M P Phi l l ips Thirty-second distr ict J N 8cateherdlt Thir ty - th ird district George Urban- Thirty- fourth district Orsinl E J ones Notemdash-Star re-elected

rASSETTS CBANCEs Senator Frank HISCOCJE said t h a t Mr

F a s s e t t w o u l d probably be nominated for governor on the first bal lot He could not say w h o w o u l d be nominated for l ieushyt e n a n t governor Mr Vrooman has Intishym a t e d that he w i l l accept the nominat ion of secretary of s tate T h e control lershlp l ies be tween Mr E ins te in a o d MT Beeker b u t Mr E i n s t e i n Is w i l l i n g to actept t h e n o m i n a t i o n n o w w h i l e Mr Beckers fr iends say that b e wi l l not take It Ira M Hedges is booked for treasurer and A Suther land for attorney general and the probable choloe for eng ineer and surshyveyor la G H P Cernell


A t 9 ryelook las t even ing on the arrival pf the Republ ican l e a g u e from Buffalo t h e y marched u p to the P o w e r s ho te l headed by a brass band and took possesshys ion of the hote l reading room A b i g s ign w a s at tached above the door and tben w h i l e tbe crowd in the ro tunda surged t o w a i d the open doorway one ot the delegat ion sprang on the table in t b e center of the room and led the assemblage In a wi ld shout for Booker

F r o m t h a t m o m e n t there w a s no peace for any one in t h e neighborhood of t h e Buffalo headquarters T h e Beckeri tea ye l l ed for their candidate


A t intervals t h e crowd Invaded the hote l corridor or the adjacent streets The Ubi-qul lsus brass band marched ahead and sounded noxes ot t r i u m p h w h i l e the Beaker m e n fo l lowing raised their voice t o the u t m o s t w i t h ahoute of joy or deshyfiance I t w a s a strange feature for a R e shypubl ican s ta te convent ion The uproar sugges ted a nat iona l convent ion and a b i g contest B u t tbe brass band and the shout ing m o b did no t m a k e the impresshysion t h a t the Buffalo de legate had m a d e early In the evening and t h a t impress ion had begun to die away a b o u t 9 oclock

We wi l l vote for B e c k e r t o t b e end said Congressman Faronhar of Buffa lo but If the New York de legat ion dec ides to vote solidly for F a s s e t t t h a t m e a n s b i s nomination

Al l of the Becker men are no t so confishydent as Mr Farquhar t h a t their candidate wi l l stlok to the end



Over 4 000 Flaquoopllaquo Traquoko VatX in thlaquo

Orttud P raquo m i l e mdash Munj BURIUOM Ptraquoclaquoraquo

OlOted to A l l o w T h e i r Kuployea to

Tttkv YTt Iu t h e DeiuoufttriiUot-~Claquollaquo-

bratluu lu Other f l a o e a


BCVKALO Sept 7mdashThe clcbration of Ihe fourth annual obraquoorvlaquonee of Labor day began hero a t an early hour t h i s morning by the firing of a sa lute at For t Porter lu honor of Governor Hi l l t h e orator of the day as his tra in entered the etty The tra in bearing the d i s t ingu i shed guest arrived at the U n i o n depot at a b o u t raquo80 and the governor v r laquo met by a large delegation ot Buffa lo s laboring men a reception c o m m i t t e e from the different labor organizat ions Mayor Bishop ex-Cougressman Farquhar and a number of other g e n t l e m e n prominent In pol i t ical and social circles

After the governor had nearly lost h i s right arm by s h a k i n g hands w i t h old acshyquaintances and those w h o had gathered at tho depot to w e l c o m e h i m to t h e olty he looked arms w i t h Mayor B i shop and was escorted to t h e mayors carriage which w a s In w a i t i n g and driven t o the Iroquois where the best room In the h o u s e had been placed at h i s disposal d u r i n g his stay In the olty

UKKD B i t RBCBPTtOX T h e reception w i t h w b i o h the governor

met at so early a n hour a t the h a n d s of Rnffalo people WM indeed very grat i fy ing to his honormdashso rnuoh so thaVafter b e i n g comfortably loca ted l a h i s room a t t h e Iroquois and sufficient t i m e had elapsed to a l low h i m t o g e t a n e w ho ld on his brea th ampni| recover from hla h a n d s h a k i n g exshyperience at t h e depot t h a t b e m a d e t n e reshym a r k t h a t never before In the his tory of his pub l i c life h a d he been more cordial ly greeted t h a n by the people of Buffa lo and that hlaquo hard ly k p e w whether he w o u l d be ful ly abW to s h o w h i s appreciation of the k indness shown h im b u t assured al l t h e s e present t h a t ha s h o u l d p u t forth h i s bes t effort In that direct ion and trusted t h a t h i s efforts w o u l d be successful

A l a r g e crowd h a d gathered a t the Iroquois and as everyone present t h o u g h t It necessary to s h a k e hands w i t h the govshyernor and t h u s le t h i m k n o w that h e w a s a w e l c o m e vis i tor to Buffalo on t h i s parshyt icular occasion h e w a s kept so b u s y t h a t (or a t i m e It looked rnuoh as t h o u g h h e w o u l d be compe l l ed to g o w i t h o u t h i s breakfast b u t short ly after 8 oclock h e m a n a g e d to escape from the crowd and w a s soon seated at one of the tables rn the spacious Iroquois d in ing room by Ore s ide of Mayor B i s h o p and partook of a hearty meal after w h i c h he returned to h i s roorh and bus i ed h imse l f u n t i l 930 p leasant ly enterta in ing those w h o cal led t o greet h i m and m a k e h i m feel a t h o m e i n the th ird c i ty of t h e Kmplre stafct

PROMPTLY O S TTSUL T h e u n i o n s formed m l ine o n Niagart)

square prompt ly at 9 oolock and at 980 the order Forward march w a s g i v e n and the l o n g proceseloa moved u p Main street haaded by a platoon of police t w o bands of mus ic a n d the B r o o k l y n and Buffa lo ex shyempt firemen

E v e r y u n i o n and trades organ i sa t ion In Buffa lo w a s represented In the parade there b e i n g over 4000 people in Hue T h e procession w a s fu l ly t w o mi les In l e n g t h and presented a decidedly pra iseworihy appearance as they passed along the rlne of march

T h e streets were w e l l filled w i t h people and t h e sons of to l l were loudly applauded as they m a r c h e d t h r o u g h t h e s trwta s h o w i n g t o the w o r l d w i t h a great degree of pride t h e s t rength of the organi sed labor of Buffalo T h e procession passed In rev iew of Governor HU1 Mayor Bishop and a n u m b e r of other prominent gentro-tnen at T h e Jroqlaquoois at preolsoiV KhSt) oclock t h i s forenoon The splendid apshypearance of those l u l ine exc i ted t h e adshymirat ion of t h e governor w h o passed m a n y p leasant and coraplinientary re-tnarks about the different div is ions as t h e y passed a long

A t Rochester R O C H E S T E R 8ept 8mdashLabor D a y w a s

celebrated here yesterday mere genera l ly than It has ever been before M a n y of t n a shoe factories o lo th lng faotorWs m i l l s and other factories suspended work T h e streets were paraded by donenj ot bands of music largo and s m a l l There w w laquo Labor Day picnics at Glen Haven Ontario Bcaoh Manttoo Beach Sea Bree ie B a y View Congress park A v o n and a t N e w -port-on-the-Lake

^^i mmmgtmmwimgtwwm bullpraquomlaquoiwraquowigtiawwisraquonimMlti SHME HS3E5SS

L a b o r Dfcy i t F r a a i l l n Iron W laquo k raquo

F H A J X K U N I R O N W O R K S S e p t 9 ~

T h e l a r g e s t a n d m o a t e n j o y a b l e e n t e r shyt a i n m e n t of t h e s e a s o n w a s h e l d a t Br l tcher g G r o v e o n L a b o r D a y b y v t h e e m p l o y e e s of t h e F r a n k l i n I r o n M a n u shyf a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y a n d the ir fr iends T U B w e a t h e r w a s a l l t h a t o o u l d b e deshys ired E a r l y in t h e f o r e n o o n 1 7 8 m e n f o r m e d i u l ine a n d h e a d e d b y t h e C l i n t o n d r u m c o r p s a n d u n d e r t h e c o u i m a u d of t h e d i s t i n g u i s h e d a u d p o p shyu l a r g r a n d m a r s h a l F D F i t z p a t r i c k m a r c h e d t o t h e g r o v e f o l l o w e d b y s e v e r a l h u n d r e d l a d l e s a n d c h i l d r e n A f t e r a f e w h o u r s of e u j o y m e n t Bpent In d a n o l n g a u d e x c h a n g i n g h a p p y g r e e t l u g s a n d w h e n t h e j o y f u l o r o w d n u m b e r e d a b o u t 1200 t h e b a t t l e b e g a n T h e d e f e n s e c o m p r i s e d 100 o h l c k e n s 76 p o u n d g of fish 35 l o b s t e r s 500 e a r s o f c o r n a l l p l a c e d In o r d e r b y t h e g o o d l a d l e s A t 2 V Si C o l C h a r l e s D e e r -ttlnger a b l y a s s i s t e d b y W l l b e r J a c k shys o n a n d W i l l H o w a r d o p e n e d fire o n t h e c r o w d w i t h 7 b a r r e l s of h o t b a k e d c l a m s A t 5 P JL M a r s h a l F i t i p a t r l o k a n d h i s s p l e n d i d forces h a d o l e a r e d t h e g r o u n d T h e o c c a s i o n w a s a t o n o e celshye b r a t e d w i t h a h o r s e t r o t a t w h l o h D a r k C l o u d o w D e d b y Mr M u o g e r c a m e u n d e r t h e wire first S p l i t - t h e -w l n d o w n e d b y J W e s s l e d i n e s e c o n d a n d W M o t t s N i g h t h a w k t h i r d a l l w i n n i n g h a n d s o m e prizes L o u d c h e e r s r e n t t h e a i r w h e n G T i m i a n c a u g h t t h e w i l d g r e a s e d p ig T h e b o y s n e v e r i d l e o n s u c h o c c a s i o n s e n t e r t a i n e d t h e a s s e m b l a g e w i t h a s a c k raoe w h i c h w a s w o n b y W i l l C a l u e w i t h R o s c o G o o d w i n a fair s e c o n d P r l n d l e w o n t h e prize lu t h e s e c o n d s a o k raoe T h e y o u n g e r f o l k s e n j o y e d t h e m s e l v e s

t h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y In d a n c i n g T o o n i u o h c r e d i t c a n n o t b e g i v e n t o

P r e s i d e n t F D F i t z p a t r l o k w h o Is a l w a y s a t h o m e o n s u o h o c c a s i o n s a n d d e l i g h U t o Spounde e v e r y o n e h a p p y a n d alshys o t h e s e c r e t a r y D a n M a r a w h o w e r e a i d e d b y t h e c o m m i t t e e F H T h o m a s J a c o b F r y a n d F r a n k R e s i l e N o s m a l l d e g r e e o f c r e d i t Is d u e t o t h e c o m m i t t e e o n r e f r e s h m e n t s H u g h L a r -k i n D a n M a r a T h o s F i t x p a t r l o k P a t O T o o l e a n d E J B o o n w h o w e l l k n o w w h a t a n d h o w t o ea t D Mc-L o u g h l i n - w a s o n e of t h e first t o p l a n t h e g r o u n d s B u t g l o r y l i k e tbiB c o u l d n o t b e a c c o m p l i s h e d w i t h o u t f u n d s s o R C u n n i n g h a m W i l l i a m B e n n e t t a n d T h o m a s T e m p l e t o n w e r e s e l e c t e d for t h i s a l l - I m p o r t a n t p u r p o s e a n d i t i s r e a d i l y s e e n h o w w e l l t h e y p e r f o r m e d t h e i r part T h e F r a n k l i n I r o n M a n u shyf a c t u r i n g C o m p a n y d e s i r o u s o f h a v i n g t h e i r e m p l o y e e s e n j o y a p e r f e c t d a y s p a s t i m e g e n e r o u s l y d o n a t e d $100 t o t h e c a u s e a n d w e l l t h e y m i g h t for t h e y h a v e j u s t b l o w n o n t t h e f u r n a c e for repa irs a f t e r o n e of t h e m o s t s u c c e s s f u l b l a s t s k n o w n i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s c o n shyt i n u i n g p r o s p e r o u s l y s i n c e M g y 1 1 1878 w h e n i t w a s l i g h t e d b y t n b v e n shye r a b l e H u g h L a r k i n n o w d e c e a s e d a n d d u r i n g t h a t t i m e t u r n e d o u t nearshyly 9 0 0 0 0 0 t o n s of i ron

A m o n g t h e d i s t i n g u i s h e d g u e s t s o n t h e g r o u n d s w e r e A l d e r m a n O J B u r n s J M a h a n n e y C h a r l e s D a w e s T G D o n o v a n a n d m a n y o t h e r s A m o r e o r d e r l y a n d h a p p y a s s e m b l a g e n e v e r b e f o r e c o n v e n e d a n d it w i l l b e l o n g r e m e m b e r e d w i t h p l e a s u r e b y t h e p e o p l e o f F r a n k l i n I r o n W o r k s

I n t h e n e x t i s s u e of T H K C O U R I E R w e w i l l g i v e a s k e t c h o f t h e iu iprovlaquo-m e n t s g o i n g o n h e r e S O D O M

TsaraquoMraquoampraquotasi nm|iasp3 lCTfflraquolaquoM iota poundU Jraquolaquot lei SBOkafaM jatfaam

tJBhJLiHiVlBl t a tai M^awbBtciVra) WafaN tWJfanilWaladtaa

Watches Clocks and Jewelry For the Fall Trade


With a full line of the above merchandise Low prices and first-class goods our motto

Ladies and Gents Gold and Silver Watches a specialty Every watch and every article guaranshyteed as represented

REPAIRING DEPARTMENT My personal attention will be given to the reshy

pairing of every description of Watches Clocks and Jewelry Having recently purchased one of the latest improved Whitcomb lathes of the Amerishycan Watch Tool Co of Waltham I am prepared to do even better work than ever before in fine watch repairing ^AllwQrhfidlyivariianted_^__

Feeling thankful for thamp liberal patronage of the years that are past we hope by faithful attention to every duty to merit a continuance of thb same in the future

JMAR8H P r o h i b i t i o n N o m i n a t i o n s

T h e P r o h i b i t i o n i s t s l e a d in S t a t e C o n v e n t i o n s T h e S t a t e t i c k e t is a s f o l l o w s F o r G o v e r n o r mdash F W B r u c e C a n a s t o t a F o r L i e u t e n a n t G o v e r n o r mdash G e o r g e W H a l l e c k O r i e n t F o r S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e mdash W l l l a m E B o o t h G e n e s e o F o r S t a t e T r e a s u r e r mdash F r a n shyc is E C r a w f o r d Mi V e r n o n F o r C o n t r o l l e r mdash W i l l i a m W S m i t h P o u g h -keepa le F o r S t a t e E n g i n e e r a n d Surshyv e y o r mdash H P F o r b e s C a n t o n F o r A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l mdash E Crosser B u f f a l o

-+- -S p e c i a l Kot ioe

H a v i n g c o m m e n c e d b u s i n e s s for m y shyself 1 wi l l a t t e n d p r o m p t l y t o a n y o r d e r s for w o r k in t h e l i n e of t i n n l n g j o b b l n g s t o v e r e p a i r i n g p l u m b i n g e t c 1 h a v e o n h a n d a g o o d a s s o r t m e n t o f t i n a n d h a r d w a r e A l l w o r k e n t r u s t e d t o m y care w i l l b e s a t i s f a c t o r i l y a t t e n d e d t o R e m e m b e r t h e p l a c e N o 6 O n y a n b l o c k W i l l i a m s s tree t


Forlaroo back side or cbest usoShl lohs Po tous Plaster Pr ice 25 cents A t Roots

A N A S A L I N J E C T O R free with e a c h bottlo of Sbllohs Catarrh R e m e d y Price 50 cents A t Roots

Three Houses to Let Ono on Factory street a-ad tiro on MoBride Are

all nearly new and In pood condition with good colshylars cistern and supplied with Tillage water Rents reasonable Possession April 1st


-POP Sale Th8 house On Prolaquopct jtreot Clinton N T^

BOW occupied by U l i Wood Ksq rood barn and carrihjre house hen yard garden spot and flno grove of trees LonK time given Address for terms

C C BANGS Carlisle Pa

For Sale or to Let The Bang homestead on Uttca stroot Clinton

Good fruit and garden spot Enqalre of FBANC18 TASKKR Clinton or C C BANGS Carlisle Pa

A t

tnblUhed to defeat and rcpnirnan

Provid ing tho Collector H Noralnntod ot the Rochester Convention

N K W Y O R K Sept 9mdashA dispatch to The Mall and Express from Rochester says Should Collector Fasraquolaquofct De nprni-natcd for governor by the r e p u b l i c a n state convention S t a t e Senator F r a n c i s Hendrloks vdll in al l probabi l i ty b e h U inocOMor In the N e w York c u s t o m s honpo

Mr Faasett te l le an Express m a n t h a t should be be nominated today bo w i l l at once rlaquottro from the col leotorshtp H a d Mr Hendrlcka not been In Europe a t the t ime of Erhftrdta res ignat ion he w o u l d have blaquoen m a d e col lector Instead of Mr Fassett Pres ident Harr i son la therefore l ike ly to call on Mr Hendr loks n o w to take the placo M Passotta saocessor and It Is understood thAt ho wi l l accept t h o u g h be Is by no means eager for It


Thora has been a nenoral d e m a n d that Mr Hendricks should be made cha irman of tho irtato commit tee to suocelaquod General Knapp and soma weoks ago ho reluotant-

p^Trsemssrjte -totads jiMa pUee^

A t B r o o k l y n B R O O K I T N Sept 8 mdashBrooklyns sons ot

toil celebrated the ir hol iday In an imposshying fashion Ear ly In the day v a s t crowds began to assemble a t the Scdford avenue fountain w h e r e t h e procession formed Mlohael J Drlscol l w a s the grand marshal of th9 Central u n i o n branch of the parade The procession m o v e d to R l d g w o o d park Where the paraders and their fami l ies Joined in a b ig demonstrat ion


Thltraquo Damag-a MnVh OreatT Than at First Rlaquoportltt

l U u r x x N 9 Sopt 9 - F u r t h e r damshyage by Monday night s hnrrlcano la re-portod Tho HnltfAj half of the Intershycolonial rai lway bridge aero Hal i fax harbor connect ing Hal i fax with Dartshymouth was blown d o w n and la now f loat log In the harbor It was a ouftrtar of a mile In length aod waa bui l t tan year ago at a coat of 110(1000 |

Tbe West India steamer Alpha broklaquo from her dook and badly damaged lblaquo schooner Carrie A The schooner Ann|lt fiimw^n wna driven aphortv The sohoooel 3 W Crowley wiOi t OOO worth of lira stock aboard wan elaquonk at h e i wharf ana UIQ echoonenlt Balvhdor and Fannie w w ttranrVd on t h D a r t m o u t h sldo of th harlgtor Fow report brers yet Vgte-on rlaquo-Oraquo1TM from raquo)ltMlaquo tho COV- but the tle CTaph Mates that the wharves nt Pilot Land ing were waahed away

clpk for the succeM of which the JVwablteao ]n v i e w of the vacanov of toewReclS- ship that w i l l be m a d e V r TasseHa notn-roMlon howraquorjf tbe party ie Hkojy to be compelled to look elaewrnwe 4or to eeaa-paljrn inanalaquotr-T

Tbe change in A o program for chairshyman leaves the matter open for the proe-eot ampx-Senator F l o t t w o laquo l d l ike to have Qcnor Hunted take it b u t the Wast-chectar w a n aeiyi he oannot do It

R a i l w a y fftstal Cllaquor1gtraquo bullPtATRftfow N y Slaquorgtt omdashTho anshy

nual oonvsutloti of tho National Associashytion of Rai lway Posta l Clerks began at Alexandria Tay yesterday with an attendshyance of about TOO Postmaster ftarkor tit Alexandria delivered an nddreaa of wol-coma to whloh Postrnastor Hixury of Hew ItnTcu responded on fVgthraquolf of the nsooela-tlon Thlaquo meet ing wi l l cont inue fonr dara

Kseaped from Ring Sing Riraquoo BlKO N Y pent tgt -Iouls 1gtraquo

Inoa aged Vgt an Italian life man In Blnq Ring prleoo excapod from that Institution yesterday He waa not locked up with bis fellow prisoner and s lowsdi hlmpell aw-raquoy Illaquo wo not nilased unti l 10 oclocV lart n i g h t P e i n e was sentenced tor thlt murderbullOfa fel low Ital ian In N e w YOTlaquo orrftov IR lft$amp

K n That Can Kal American TerV CorjrsnAOKfl amplaquopt ft - The Uni ted

fjtlaquoraquoes minister to Denmark Oeneral Carr has received notice of tho removal of the prohibit ion plaolaquoM npon the Imporshytation of American pork Into Denmark which has been enforced since March lfcflV Henceforth It I announced thai duly Inspected American pork wil l be adshymit ted into the country

party haa ever exlpted and continued and whloh through It efforts haTe been seoured to bullecraro kgt pcreoos of all degree within the boundaries of lhee United State and IU tar-rltorlea

That the national government should lend Ita aid by communication Instruction and hy all lneans properly at it disposal to secure to the oppressed and down trodden of forolfm nashytion tho larjelaquot po(dhle measure of freedom In the pursuit of life Mherty and happlnr aod ecjn si protection andor the law

That a copy of this declaration b transmitshyted to the president of the United Htataa

A VKRSOSAL OOJJtBST K b A d a m s of the E l m l r a Advert iser

says that the contest In C h e m u n g county In poraonal and traquo agalnat Mr Faasct i Tho delegat ion headed by Mr Faanett he said waa elected a t a regular convenshytion held at tho appointed t i m e a o d conshyducted wi th great care The members of the county commit ted offered t ioket of admiaalon to the contes t ing party before the convention b u t lhey were declined T h e contest Is in part a Domocratlo moveshym e n t The contestant care lens about Ita effect in convent ion than about It looal In flu anon

Of the other contentmdashthat from fleneca A M P a t t e m o n of Water loo says Th flweet faction carried only three of the ten towns In the oounty but It c laim three more -Waterloo Varlek and Kay-ette The Patterson de legates for Varlek were elected hy a vote of 7amp to 7V Th Waterloo cancus which elected our dele gates was called by the town commit t ee whloh wan declared legal by Indge Adams of the Bivprcmn court ot an appeal under the new election law At the F a y e t t e cancna the oflleers were under Rweeta control voters were denied ndmlaalon and motions were declared carried on the aye only

MR nKOKKlaquoraquo SOOMnRfl The lleeVcr force came In from Buffalo

at about oolock last evening Thoy did Dot muster so many as hnd bean axpected They had promised a delegat ion of 000 on

raquo 0

A t X u h v l l l e N A S H T I I X R Bcpt 8mdashLabor D a y In t h i s

c i ty w a s cclebraeed w i t h more e n t h u s i a s m than bas ever been seen htsco bofore F u l l y 80009 people w e r e on the atreeta t o wi tness the parade- whloh waa composed of al l the labor un ions of thla v ic in i ty A l l th Went Side prk speeches wars made by prominent labor adrooatea and pol l t l e lans

Saved by Transfusion Transfusion haa saved the Ho of Benjashy

min Clayton who was admitted to the Pennsylvania hospital Sunday n i g h t sufshyfering from a stab in the left foroarm When admitted to tho hospital he waa In a Very weak condit ion from l o w of blood and tho operation of t y i n g tho blood veashysel with l igature and closing the w o u n d prostrated h i m so complete ly that ho failed to rcapond to hypodormlo st imulant and a a last reaonrco to aave hi life Dr Scot t determined upon transfusion A solution consisting of s ixteen grain of carbonate of l o d a a n d ninety-e ight grains of c o m m o n lalt dissolved in a quart of disti l led water and heated to a temperature of 109 deg was prepared and Injected Into one of thraquo rein of the forearm

Owing lo the smallnaaa of the vein the solution did not flow well and the patient notwi ths tanding hypodermla Injection of Mhraquor and whisky cont inued to sink rapidshyly A second a t tempt at transfusion waa made th solut ion being Injected Into a vein of the left foot and raquosraquo alpicvst Immeshydiate change In hi condition waraquo notlood and at 6 oelook on Monday morning the krists ha passed and from that t ime on bllaquo improvemsnl waa rapid and be la now troll enough to leave the hoapitahmdashPhilashydelphia Beoord

At Troy T R O T K T Sept amdashLabor D a y w a s

Celebrated here yesterday T h e parade of labor organi sa t ions w a s t h e largest ever

was held a Reniea laer r^rXlrTinFSfWfo boon whloh w a s Rddreaacd by Lieutenant Governor Jones on thlaquo raquorton Vabot problem _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A t fVyxeenri S T R A C C S H Bept imdashTeaterd-y there waa

a long parade of the labor organltat lona which waa v i ewed by thousand In the afternoon the s U t laquo t prentlaquod a deserted bullppearance the w o r k l n g m e sod everyshybody elae tevklng advantage of th fine Weather to r W I the lake and tgtlaquov resort

At Hew T o t H i w YoRic Sept ampmdashIgtraquobor Day waa

general ly observed hore There were t w e naradeo h r the Central Iysbor union and the Central Labor federation The var iout un ions In the former were arranged In t w o brigade of tKre division each Approshypriate mot tee were carried in eaoh


A t a m e e t i n g of t h e e m p l o y e e s o f t h e F r a n k l i n I r o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o h e l d T u e s d a y e v e n i n g S e p t 8 1 8 9 1 t h e f o l l o w i n g p r e a m b l e a n d r e s o l u t i o n s w e r e u n a n i m o u s l y a d o p t e d

W h e r e a s T h e F r a n k l i n I r o n M a n u shyf a c t u r i n g Co h a s d o n a t e d t o i t s e m shyp l o y e s a n d f r i e n d s t h e h a n d s o m e s u m of o n e h u n d r e d d o l l a r s t o w a r d s ce l e shyb r a t i n g L a b o r D a y

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e h e a r t i l y e x t e n d t o t h e officers o f t h e F r a n k l i n I r o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o o u r u n i t e d t h a n k s for t h e i r g e n e r o u s o f f er ing a n d g o o d wi l l d i s p l a y e d t o w a r d t h e s u c c e s s of o u r c e l e b r a t i o n a n d

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e c o n g r a t u l a t e ourshys e l v e s o n b e i n g t h e e m p l o y e s of a c o m p a n y g u i d e d a n d c o n t r o l l e d b y s u c h h o n o r a b l e a n d g e n e r o u s officers

A n d w h e r e a s D i v i s i o n N o 1 of t h e A O H of C l i n t o n O n e i d a C o N Y d o n a t e d t o u s t h e u s e of the ir d a n c i n g p l a t f o r m t o a c c o m o d a t e ua o n L a b o r D a y

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e t e n d e r t o t h e A 0 H o f C l i n t o n o u r h e a r t f e l t t h a n k s for t h e i r - k i n d n e s s a n d g e n e r o s i t y t o w a r d u s

R e s o l v e d T h a t in r e t u r n for t h e i r g e n e r o s i t y w e w h e n o p p o r t u n i t y p r e s e n t s itself p a t r o n i z e a n d a s s i s t t h a t c h a r i t a b l e p a t r i o t i c a n d h o n o r a b l e order a n d w i s h t h e m s u c c e s s i n t h e i r g r e a t w o r k A n d

R e s o l v e d T h a t a c o p y o f t h e s e re so shyl u t i o n s b e s e n t t o t h e s e c r e t a r y of D W N o 1 of t h e A O H o f C l i n shyt o n

A n d w h e r e a s T h e l a d l e s o f F r a n k l i n I r o n W o r k s b y the ir effort g r e a t l y a i d e d u s i n t h e s u c c e s s o f o u r C l a m B a k e a n d P i c n i c

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e t e n d e r t o t h e l a d l e s of F r a n k l i n I r o n W o r k s o u r s in shyc e r e g r a t i t u d e for t h e a b l e m a n n e r In w h l o h t h e y s o k i n d l y a n d I n d e f a t i g a b l y l a b o r e d i n p r e p a r i n g a n d s e r v i n g reshyf r e s h m e n t s a n d t h e r e b y c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t of o u r m a n y g u e s t s a t t h e C l a m B a k e

h e r e a s Mr F r e d e r i c k S a p p e very R i n W ^ raquo i m e gt H laquo v u i ^ ^ pound o f m i n e r a l w a t e r for u s e a t t h e C l a m TJIEeTpj

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e U n d e r t o Mr S n p p e o u r s incere t h a n k s for h U k i n d shyn e s s a n d t h e m a n l y e x p r e s s i o n o f h i g o o d w i l l t o w a r d s ua

A n d w h e r e a a Mr F D F U i P a t r l c k l a b o r e d very z e a l o u s l y t o w a r d t h e sucshyce s s of onr C l a m B a k e t h e r e f o r e

R e s o l v e d T h a t w e e x t e n d t o F I t z P a t r l o k o u r s incoro grat i tude t h o Interes t t a k e n b y h i m In o u r t lv l t l e s

F r a n k l i n I r o n W o r k s S e p t a 8 W P K C K H A M




P A T R I C K O T O O I - W

C o m m i t t e e

B e a d y H a d e Hop S a c k s



S K P T 7 mdash T F J o n e s s o l d h i s b l a c k m a r e t o U n d e r t a k e r T h o m a s Y a t e s o f W e s t m o r e l a n d

T h e s u m m e r b o a r d e r s a r e l e a v i n g for t h e i r h o m e s F i v e w e n t l a s t w e e k t w o w i l l g o t o - n i g h t a n d t h e b a l a n c e i n a few d a y s T h e y a l l s e e m t o b e c h a r m shyed w i t h t h e c o u n t r y a n d wi l l r e t u r n n e x t s e a s o n

H o p p i c k i n g is t h e p r i n c i p a l o c c u p a shyt i o n a t p r e s e n t in t h i s s e c t i o n

T h e L a d l e s D e l i g h t e d

T h e p l e a s a n t e f fec t a n d t h e p e r f e c t s a f e t y w i t h w h i c h l a d i e s m a y u s e t h e l i q u i d f r n l t l a x a t i v e S y r u p of F i g s u n d e r a l l c o n d i t i o n s m a k e it t h e i r fashyv o r i t e r e m e d y I t i s p l e a s i n g t o t h e e y e a n d t o t h e t a s t e g e n t l e yet ef fectshyu a l In a c t i n g o n t h e k i d n e y s l i v e r a n d b o w e l s

The place on TJtlca rtreetGllnton^ormerlr known as tbe Stuart placo 1 acre of land sereral -no buildlo lots laruH new barn and stable 1 strong-hen bouses and severs hen yards 1amp0 bearing grape vines dltreront varieties large house with maimer kitchen launiirr snd wood house Long time given Address C C BANGS Carlisle Pa

FOR SALE Tro or three good bonding lots on Water Street

In Clinton near depot For pamprllcalars Inoslre ot mdashi_Libdquo- - -E 8 W_ IAJ18

NOTICEmdashPursuant to an order of William H Bright Kso Surrogatoof the County of Oneishy

da notice Is hereby glren to all persons baring claims against the estate ot Eunice H Clove deshyceased fate ot tbe town of Marshall tn ssld conntr to prosont tho samu with tbe voucher thereof to Charles A Hover administrator of said estate at his residence In tno town of Marshall lo said counshytyon or before the 10th day of March next

Dated August 261891 0HARIJC8 A nOVBt Administrator

SUPREME COURT Onalda County-Froderlck R Drullard sjralnst Julia A Adams John Q Adshy

am Andrew vr^Mllls Villa J Adams_The Utlc National Baci

Adams Joshua Mather Charles W

r h e y

Demooratlo IHrtrict Convention T b e S e c o n d A s s e m b l y D i s t r i c t D e m shy

o c r a t s m e t i n c o n v e n t i o n a t S c o l l a r d O p e r a H o u s e o n F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n T h e c o n v e n t i o n w a s c a l l e d t o o r d e r b y H 8 K e l l o g g o h a l r m a n of t h e d i s t r i c t c o m m i t t e e E u g e n e B W o o l w o r t h o f C l i n t o n w a s m a d e t e m p o r a r y cha i r shym a n F r e d K i n g of A u g u s t a a n d F r a n k B B r e e n of R o m e w e r e c h o s e n s ecre tar i e s T h e officers w e r e s w o r n in b y B 8 W i l l i a m s n o t a r y p u b l i c

T h e d e l e g a t e s c h o s e n for S t a t e C o n shyt e n t i o n w e r e H o n J o h n D M c M a h o n R o m e H o n J a m e s L D e m p s e y Kirk-l a n d a n d C h a r l e s P S c o v i l V e r n o n T o t h e j u d i c i a l c o n v e n t i o n W i l l i a m J S h i e l d s K l r k l a n d E L W i l l i a m s R o m e a n d L o u i s P F u e s s S a n g e r f l e l d

S p e e c h e s w e r e m a d e b y W i l l i a m J S h i e l d s J o h n D M o M a h o n H 8 P a t shyt e n a n d 0 M F e l t o n

bull laquo A n n e x TO MOTHtTtsmdashAreyo disturbed at night

and broke of yourrtst by a slek child lutering and crying with pain of Cutting TeethT If so send at one an get aboUUOf Mr Wlnslows Sooth-lag Syrupfer CklldrenTeething Its vraquoluelraquoln-eeubdquoef It win relieve the poor little bullofferer l_Wraquo___gt_laquo_____elt upon It mothersthere Is ae mlT_ki aKuTTC^If^wim^HsWtorand War-rhesa regulate th gtonscK ns nvffl WladColIe softeasthe GUKIS redace In tlon araquod gives toae and aergy to the whole system Mrs Wfnslews Seething Syrup fsr children telaquotMng Is pleasant to the taste and Is th

Mr for


C i t y AiriSiMSS gt^lA UUflllUll - l l t l l i - V-iSUSU Tl MatherThe First National Bsnk of Utlca Frank Blake as executor of Peter Blake deceased Lewi U Inke William H Karl and Ambrose EGorton

To the aboye named defendants You are herlaquoby summoned to answer Iho complaint In this action aod to serve a copy ot j our-answer on the plaintiffs attorney within twenty dsys after tho service of tbls summons exclusive ef the day of service and la caso of your failure to appear or answer Judgshyment will Vo taken against you by default tot the relief demanded In the complaint

Dstcd Utlc N Y Jnne raquo 18ni LYN0TT B ROOrrplslnUflfs Attorney

No IB Genesee Btreet Utlca N Y

To Lewis D Luke Ese defendant The foregoshying summons Is served upon you by publication purshysuant to an order of Hon Milton H Mrrwln one of the Justices of tho Supreme Court of the stale of New York dated the 29th day of Augu si 1891 and on the 26th day ot June 1891 filed with the cora-

amplalnt tn the office of too Clerk of the County of nelda The amended complaint herein vraa filed in said

77th day of Aug-ast 1S91 Clerks Office on the Dated 8eptimber lraquot 1S91

LYNOTT B BOOT _ No l_l Oenesee street Utlca

OT Plaintiff Attorney

lmroa 0 o t lr Jala coio

tlVn of oraquo of th oldest and best female p aed nurse la titUnited SUtes and Is flt all druggist throOwttha world tentsbottle Kesur a lovr ftooTanso svaor

eprescrlp-pfeyitctaos 5r sale by

Id rrloe traquoslaquotr-nTe tk for Mas Wixs-i take no other kind

(IHR PEOPLE OF TBK 8TATB OF NEW YORK JL to William Karnes Benjamin FBradley Franshy

cis A Karnes Rodman B Kaymeod Raymond Bradley J Augustus Karnes Hanson C Raymond Harry BradlOT Isabell Karnes a minor Chsrles Raymond Charles Bradley David Karnes a minor Samuel W Raymond Alias Everett Mary A Kirk land Ruth Raymond Mary A WbaleyMary Kames Sara Raymond Catbarino B Raymond Thompson K Barnes William D Raymond Joseph Arthur Hamilton Chsrlcs Hokart UamlltonMary Leonard Charles Hlnman Joseph Illnman Kits Leonard the Presbyterian Church of Verona and Sunday School connected therewith Kate I-eonard the Truitees of Verona Cemetery Association Raymond Birder a minor tke Board of Ilome Missions of the rres-byterlan Church of the United 8tatei of Amerles Sarah Bradley the Board of Education of the Presshybyterian Church In the United 8tte ot America the American Bible Society KlrertOh C 8Urk snd Charles P Frtsbeeheirs at law legatee dlrlseei execuurs aud next of kin qt Harriet J Kames 1st of the town of Verona In the county of Oneida snd state of New York deceased

Wboreas AlTerton O 8trk of Oneida N Ybdquo snd Charles P Frlsbee of th town of Verona tn bulllaquo

- ned th Surrogates Court

strumentla -writing bearing dste th December 183 which relates or purport to relsl -embcr 1890 which relates or purports to reli to real and personal proporty duly admitted lo probste as and for the last will and testament of

on th forenoon trnln and VO0 mora M- N oclock lalaquot nllaquoht There were only COO nion In the first de legat ion They marched IVCMVHI a hr^Aa Viand and A rlrnm corp from the stAllon l o the towera hotltvl carshyrying enncs and wear ing M R w h i t e lgtnd rcllh llockera picture printed on Ihonv They also carried A very small transpaf-rney with mot toes on It appropriate to _1 cAnrtldacy of IlecVot

The delegat ion w1 m e t w i t h the ret her eVieArleae announcement t h e tno polit ical gosalp dlscisaln(t Mr rtecVer ohAnee had got d o w n to the point ot regArdlng h i m Araquo Bvallahle for comptroller They amlled confidently and tak ing oft their coatA went to work with A wil l Thlaquo llecVer heraquodonArtngt wore wtAbllahcd ls-it n ight et the Towers hotel from whloh

N o b o d y W a s gttitgt

PKKN YAXSeptr -A col l is ionooenrred Atxmt 11 oclock IASI n ight on the F A I I HroeA Coal Company rnllvray neftr Oret-den Sta t ion N Y between the MACIV nsreher excurs ion lraln and A frraquotgM train The pftaaengeri war badly ahagAn up Vgtnt nobody WAA hnrt

r t e w A r e o f O i n t m e n t for C a t a r r h t h a t C o n t a i n W e r e n r y

enry will mrMJ destroy the sense of nmell ipletely derftnge the whole aystem when

ng It through the mucous surfaces finch Art-leAVi should never lie used evecpt on prcecrlp-tloneTroTO renutAWe physician a the damage they will do Is ten fold lo the R-ood yon can possibly derive from them Halls CArAiTh Cure manufactured by F J (Tieney (Vgt Toledo O contains no mercury find Is taken Internftlly and sctA dltrclly upon the blood And mucona surfaces of the system In buying HAHS Catarrh (Mm be anre you get the genuine It Is tAkon Internally end niftde In Toledo Ohio hy P J Cheney A Oo lraquo-80ld hy dmgglsiA TS oentA

TJk O T laquo Plans raquof Aeetom PraquoIIH_1 Qwesttn-a

A ldUKT aVept mdashA ooraquovtVlaquon of b1 iNtnnora IeAgnA orgawnliM i tyr aVpi 6 ISM WAA held at kVlaquo fMiVgt-gt hetai yHrdraquoj tor the rorraquo ef c t i iUaWf b U n ef iwsUon on pollMaal aueatlooa aptgt U l n l n g U l a U r r s I s of AgrlemMt-- In -u) c o m i n g canvAea for IXa eAeeUen ef bullraquo+ una loexal officer Ablaquont raquo0 le(piM war rraquoprraquoe_ted JIlt1 a c a m b e r of rlaquoretlaquo wee reoelTed Henry 1_ AVell o11l th bullraquoraquo-fererjoA to orvlsr and the Hen Theodora YJvVlaquolKnbnrg w e then roA4e chal i -rrgtraquon Mr V a n v a l k e n h u n t triad A fw remark u o o n the objeotof the convent ion and the followlna commit tee wa Apshypointed to look After the Inter of Uv W m r at tha nAxt l e a W a l n r e

Hon la D Collin Arbny r H Crn- dell CfheYiAngo Hon W K Davis ^vAlaquoh-lnjfton R D ChApmMv Oaiviago J Y t e j -

r^ Wot I v ^ o^ibull bull H - bull bull R i m W-HAvllAnd W(laquorrlaquoTraquo| U 11 Ambler

OolumM-S Kn0 Mnnaou IgtelAWArlts nat iry B Aboi l AJbany C H NIrer IWiMehAnv Th jvreelcTentA ol all tha county lft_-ngtvraquo ax Inclnied on Ibl com-Biltvo A reraquooViMraquotraquo wa referred de-tnAndlntt tha repeAl ot a portion laquolt traquo Aweridcrt hlghwrraquoy law

A p l a i f o n w-a than reipovtAd And ftdorrted Th p U l t o r m of 1W0 W M ens bodied In l i And It OAII for free ltlaquoo(nlaquot U opplaquolaquod to scheme for the erection of trrAAt pArtraquo and Vralld(ri| of hl^h-sTAT and -will not auppott any cAndldAt for ofVVX WXo tAVOT t h AATllA

T h e proraquont raquotAtlt c o m m l l t e s W M ltVraquoU t inned i(sr the ensu ing year and the traquota oonvanl lon W M tvdjonrtind tihjlaquolt to tJiraquo CAII ot t h e tlaquotA ootninltt


ltilaquolt L o o k flood looks are more than raquoVln deep

dcpjndlnR upon a heraquo l thr condit ion of th vltAl organs If tho l i lvcr blaquo Inactive you have a Bil lon Igtok If rotir S t o m a c h b e disordered y o u havo a Dyspept i c Igtok and II your Kldncya be affoctcd y o o hftTO raquo Pinched I-ook Kltvtr lc Bitter It thlaquo great s l t e ta i i r e and ionic act directly on thcte vllal organs Core Pimple l i lotchwi Bolla and prt raquo (rood ooro-p l o i l o n Bold at J T Wataon A Sona b r n g Store 60c pet bottle B4

-raquo- ttnrntcc4 O n r e f o r I Or1ptgtraquo

W e aulhor lM our advettlaed druggist Ugt flaquoell y o u lgtr King N e w DlacoTcry for Oonmniptton C o u g h and Colda upon thla rorjdlHon If y o o ars afflicted with L Orlppe and will UN thl remedy raquoc oordlng to-dlrectlona g l r lng It a fair trial and experience tvgt benefit you may return the bottle and hare your money refunded We make ihla offer bccauM of the wonshyderful lUcecM of Df Klnga N e w Dlaoorery during last aesaons epidemic H a v e heard of no case In which It failed Trv it Trial bott le free at J T W a u o n ftona l l r u g store 1trge sir BOc and f l 0 0 DA

C L A I R V O Y A N T R X A M 1 N A T I 0 N 8 Thltraquo ticlaquoewlt _ttMraquodlftf D r B n f t e r -

flelda m e t h o d of p r M t l c e la p r o o f tlraquoAt It I f o n n d e d o n A l a w of o n r b e i n g U I A I n i n r t b e K-oogTilf^d W e treraquot t h e w o r t f o r m a of a o r o f n l i s e o n s n m p t l o n Araquo1hmgt dl(MraquoAlaquoe o f t h laquo heftrt^ l i v e r k l d n e r a o r o t h e r orgrvnlo diraquoetJgto e o h a l d o r e d In-o n t A h l e laquoAfrR H o t e l D U e A T h n t i -dlaquot a n d F r l d A y OcU 8 And 9

D n R P B r m i u n r r gt

B o l h t h o m e t h o d f ind raulta ^rhen ftyrnp o f F i g n U t k c n I t i s p l e a s a n t And r f r e h i n g t o t h e twrtA ^ n d t cU e e n t l y y e t p r o m p t l y o n t h o K i d n e y L i t e r a n d B o w e l c l e a n M t h o Ryraquo-t laquo m efTcct i ia l ir diigto1fi c o l d s h e raquo d -bull c h laquo s a n d foverg n n d c u r e s l m b i t u s l c o n s t i p a t i o n B y r n p o f F i g s ia t h o o n l y r e m e d y or i t s k i n d e y o r p r o shyd u c e d p l e s a i n g t o t h o f a s t o a n d a c shyc e p t a b l e t o t h o s t o m a c h p r o m p t in i t s a c t i o n a n d t r u l y b e n e f i c i a l In ita elTecta p r e p a r e d o n l y f rom t h o m o s t h e a l t h y a n d a g r e e a b l e s u b s t a n c e a ita m a n y e x c e l l e n t q u a l i t i e s c o m m e n d i t t o a l l a n d h a v o m a d o i t t h raquo m o s t p o p u l a r r e m e d y k n o w n

H y r u p o f F i g s h for aa lo I n fiOo a n d $ 1 b o t t l e s b y a l l l e a d i n g d r u g -gisrfa A n y r e l i a b l e d n i g g T a t vrbo m a y n o t h a r e i t o n h a n d w i l l p r o -e n r e i t p r o m p t l y for a n y o n e w b o wrhlaquoraquo to try It Do not laquocoept any nuhsUtntA


ifwrntu KT bull tw roue jr

said deceased t Tound each of vo5 re therefore ctted to sp-f In th Surrogates Court of our satd county of

U tlty of Utlca In said county

the JSth day of October 191 at M oclock In the

pear In thraquo8ui Ouelda at the 8raquorro|tatlaquoraquo Office la tho Court House In the city of Utlca in said county of Oneida on

forenoon of that day nd utend the probate of stlf rmdash

hey then snd thore st

for thm In

any of the shove named they then snd trior

cause irhy a special gusrdlin sheuld not he the said -Willi snd th persons are Inf snts that they then snd pointed to appear Iht proceeding for the probate of said will

In testimony whereof we hare caused the seal of said 8urrotts Court to be hereunto anixed

Witness Hon WllHraquoltn II BrUht [ i a) 8nrrolaquotraquot of our said county of Oneishy

da st Utlca this Mh day of Petlem-berisy J p t BTOrTR

Clerk of the Bnrro_atlaquoraquo Court

SUPHaMB COURT-Oneld Oounty-Jsraes I Seotlard plaintiff aralnst Osvld Allen and Ann

Allenhis wife Tha tJtlc dlaton A Blnthamton la I Northrup Har Compsrny Iylt

-I Oeorc B Northrup AllenCharles M Swilth lndlrldually execolor of lhlaquo list ~

Rsllroraquod Randall

Northrup Harriet H orthrup Qeorre Allen Irs h lndlrldually and sa sol 111 and testament of Igtfsn

8mUhdeceraquoseltl Th Ne-W York OnUrlO Western Railway Company The Frelaquo1dont Mlaquonraquolaquoen an Company of the Igtlaquolawarlaquo A Hudson Cnal Comshypany defendant

In pursuance od by rlrto ef raquo Judgment of fere-elolaquonr snd asla granted In the abere entitled sc-tleo hy the Supreme Court of the stato of Ksw York traquo special term thereof held st lb Ceurt House tn the etty of ltloa In eld county and elt of lraquoew York on th MtH day of June lfstl n n4 duly snteredtn ths Clerks Ofuce of Onewi Oounty th stb day of 8eptBTber lWll th nnderslgeed Anshydrew W Mills ratere In ssld Judgment named snd

bull - will sell St BtibfU slaquoe-

ot Oneld Ootinly th -nee

for that purpose appointed will sell st ptiM Holaquo as tne law direct to the highest bidder st to tloa -Clinton House In County Ngw York on 8

th rllllaquo-o of Cllaton Oneida bdquoon 8etnrdar th Tth day of Ne-

Tember 1SS1 st II ofleck I the forenoon ofthsl isl day the premise In said Judgment set forth and which are dewrlbed as follow-

-bullgtlof to wit

All tht tract er pare of land situate In tha toraquon of Marshall aforesaid and bounded and deeerteed as follows- helaquolnntnlaquo In lha eentr of th Ortstany CreeX at the south-east corner ot th lraquoraquod new owned hy 7 T Rarbar d at th northraquoH corner ot the land now to b eenvlaquoyd| theec up he centre of said ereek to the lands laquoowjfiwod kr nlaquoild Bmall thenc weitarlf along the l laquo d of said RfnsUto the chennfro 0laquoBlaquo1I thenc across sals eaual toth nerlh-est cornr of lands owned ky A II Randall thenc westerly along said Randall north line ilaquo rods loth centre of thraquo plank reraquod thence 1 dagrees east lraquo rods In lbs said ceulr thene raquol degrees w e s t raquo rods- thneo north 10 de

bulleraquos eetSM rods to lands sold to the party ct is first Praquort by Charl W KlmbAll I t b e i l rti lt degrees west to a stake on Michael (Joieni K rgtlt degTefa

east line thence along

in a

eea eM 4 ehatna and said Qulnns Sa aorth t de-Blinks to s etklaquo a eomraquof

Rlshops f artut Iheec stong eraquotd south Hej ain R3 degrees SO rolnutlaquolaquo east to Hrids rurchefM

of William ntfon and wife hy the tgtraquorty ef the t y v mdash mdash mdash___ -lt___ i^ Riahnps tins te

raquoOh an lfraquo hy the jiarty thenc northerly along sa|d Meh

of said rtronsletj tkeeee erthweal comer of said wrens U Hjeuce rtf along slaquold Riehops socth line to |hlaquo Chraquoe-Cshsi- lhlaquotraquoclaquo raquoeros satd enl and sleng J bull bullts south line to th praquoe of beginning ri-ng nd rraquolaquolaquorvlng Meo of land now i laquo M

in erJnrded by ThomalaquoCni containing raquo raquoerraquov 8ld premises to be emtvered by this lostruwesj ^utAlns shout laquot sere snd being- raquo the land i

--rchas-- bull Dtxen Joseph fttebMna (Siarla W Klmblaquol Tedd end Hraquoy MeKwar

ESraquo4laquoS aiaton a e j t e ^ b ^ fMui^ bdquo ^ r P

KVR WlM-IAata bdquo _ Clinton Onlda Oounlf MT

^ipoundm^wmiltgt bullbull bull - bull -

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