Olfactory System

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  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The Chemical Senses

    The olfactory system is one member of the chemical senses. The other two are taste and the

    general chemical sense. Although we won’t cover these in this course, you should at least

    know a bit about them.

    Taste is transduced by receptor cells within taste buds on the tongue (primarily. These cells

    e!press a family of receptor proteins that bind families of molecules representing the standard

    taste categories" salt, bitter, sweet, sour and unami (glutamate. The receptor cells activate

    nerves that pro#ect to the medulla.

    The general chemical sense is transduced by unmyelinated somatosensory afferents present

    in the mouth$ these are what is activated by capsaicin (hot pepper ingredient$ activating these

    receptors on the skin would lead to a sensation of pain and heat. Activating them on the

    tongue leads to the sensation of %hot peppers& and is interpreted as a taste.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System )omeronasal 'rgan

     As * mentioned earlier, all senses process

    communication and environmental stimuli in

    separate channels. This separation is found atvery high cortical levels in the auditory and visual

    system. There is an e!ceptionally clear division of

    labour at the very beginning of the olfactory

    system. 'lfactory receptors are found at two sites

    in the nose" the olfactory epithelium (dorsal nasal

    cavity and the vomeronasal organ (small pits of

    receptor cells on either side of the nasal septum.The vomeronasal organ has receptors that bind

    pheremones chemicals released from the body

    and used to convey messages related to

    reproduction and territory. The pheremonal

    receptors are members of a gene family distinct

    from those for general olfactory stimuli.

    The vomeronasal organ is innervated by its own

    neurons that pro#ect to the accessory olfactory

    bulb$ this in turn has its own targets in the brain

    devoted to olfactory communication, reproduction

    etc. This sense system has not been thoroughly

    studied and we will not deal with it any further in

    this course.

    +ear et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" eceptors -

    'lfactory receptors are located in a layer of support cells$ they

    pro#ect their %dendrites& into the mucosa (where odorants are

    trapped and their a!ons through a thin bone to terminate in

    the olfactory bulb (part of the CS.

    /ifferent receptors respond to different odors and these

    receptors are spatially segregated to some degree on the

    olfactory epithelium.

    +ear et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" eceptors 0

    There are, in the rat, about -111 odorant receptor genes. Each olfactory receptorexpresses only one of these genes. This is the first critical feature of olfactory coding.

    2hen an odorant binds to the olfactory receptor protein it stimulates a 3protein that

    activates adenylate cyclase$ cA45 binds to and opens channels permeable to a67Ca06 and

    Cl channels. The resulting current flow depolari8es the receptor cell (receptor potential

    causing it to spike. *ts a!on terminal in the '+ then releases transmitter (glutamate to

    e!cite the target mitral cells.

    +ear et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" 'lfactory +ulb -

    'lfactory receptor a!ons terminate on mitral cell

    dendrites in a restricted encapsulated structurecalled a glomerulus$ a glomerulus contains the

    dendritic bush of one mitral cell but many

    olfactory receptor a!ons. All the ' a!ons

    ending in one glomerulus contain are from

    receptors e!pressing same olfactory binding


    So each mitral cell codes for one kind of

    odorant molecule. This is the primary basis

    of olfactory coding. 

    +ear et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" 'lfactory +ulb 0

    9eft" 'ptical imaging demonstrates

    different parts of the '+ are activated by

    different odorants.

    ight" :lectrical recording demonstrates

    that the same odorant causes different

    patterns of spiking in different olfactory

    neurons (locust.

    It appears likely that the code for

    odorant identity is spatio-temporal" an

    odorant will activate different butoverlapping populations of '+ neurons

    and the activated cells will have different

    patterns of spiking discharge.

    +ear et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" 'lfactory Corte!

    The '+ has an e!tensive and

    comple! set of pro#ections. 'ne

    ma#or target is the olfactory corte!.

    'lfactory corte! contains pyramidal cells that receive e!citatory

    (glutamate synaptic input from '+ mitral cells. :ach mitral

    cell a!on ends on many 5Cs. The 5Cs pro#ect out of

    olfactory corte!. +ut they also have collaterals that pro#ect

    locally to many other 5Cs (e!citatory glutamate. The

    synapses onto the 5Cs use 4/A receptors and are plastic

    (9T5. 2hy; -. 4any ob#ects emit numerous volatile odorants (banana,

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    opulation !esponse to Odorants

    The olfactory corte! (lateral pallium is situated on the ventral aspect of the telencephalon and

    not readily accessible for recording in vivo.

    *n fish the e>uivalent telencephalic region is called /p and is at the surface.

    ?aksi et al using two photon confocal Ca06 imaging to investigate the response of /p neurons

    to different odorants (8ebrafish. /ifferent subpopulations of /p neurons respond to different

    amino acids presented to the nose of the fish.

    The population response to natural odorants (from whatever 8ebrafish eat or from whatever

    eats 8ebrafish is not known.

    @ow to analy8e such population responses is not known and is a ma#or problem inSystems7Theoretical euroscience.

    ?aksi, 011

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    Temporal !esponse to Odorants

    Stopfer, 011=

    eurons in the locust change their response as the odorant changes or due to changes in the

    concentration of a single odorant. *t would seem that the locust would not be able to

    discriminate changes in concentration versus changes in odorant.

    @owever when the change in response over time (tra#ectory is e!amined the overall shape of

    the response is maintained with changes in concentration. +ut different odorants produce

    different tra#ectories.

    The methods to do this kind of analysis are very sophisticated and still under development

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" 5eripheral Stem Cells

    'lfactory receptor cells are constantly turned over. The source is

    stem cells within the olfactory epithelium. This is a highly

    regulated process and is being used as a model of neuronal stem

    cell biology. The a!ons of new 's penetrate into the '+.

    Special glial cells (ensheathing facilitate this$ ordinary adult glia

    block a!onal regeneration$ so the ensheathing cells are of interestto molecular neuroscientists interested in a!onal regeneration.

    Burther, the new ' a!ons make correct connections in the '+"

    that is, to the glomerulus specified by the receptor type they

    e!press. The mechanism for such specific regeneration is

    unknown and also of intense interest.

    +eites et al.

  • 8/20/2019 Olfactory System


    The 'lfactory System" Central Stem Cells

    Stem cells within the subventricular 8one of thelateral ventricles generate new neurons that

    migrate into the '+ where they mature into a

    type of inhibitory interneuron (granule cell.

    These 3Cs integrate themselves into the '+

    circuitry. The control of migration and synapse

    formation of new neurons in the adult brain is

    an important topic for those interested in

    treatment of stroke etc.

    2hat is the role of newly generated '+ granule


    "n enriched odor environment leads to

    increased survival of ne# granule cells $but

    no increase in proliferation%. This iscorrelated #ith an improvement in olfactory


    Saghatelyan et al.