On the structural theory of II 1 factors of negatively curved groups IONUT CHIFAN (joint with THOMAS SINCLAIR) Vanderbilt University Workshop “II 1 factors: rigidity, symmetry and classification” IHP, Paris, May, 2011 Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II 1 factors of negatively curved groups

On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

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Page 1: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

On the structural theory of II1 factors ofnegatively curved groups


Vanderbilt University

Workshop “II1 factors: rigidity, symmetry and classification”IHP, Paris, May, 2011

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 2: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


I Cocycles, quasi-cocycles, arrays associated with grouprepresentations π : Γ→ O(H) and the “small cancellation”property

I Structural results for von Neumann algebras arising from suchgroups {LΓ, L∞(X )o Γ}; structure of normalizers for certainsubalgebras, uniqueness of Cartan subalgebra and applicationsto W ∗-superrigidity; some structural results for the orbitequivalence class of such groups

I Brief outline of our approach

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 3: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


Let π : Γ→ O(H) be an orthogonal representation.

DefinitionA cocycle is a map c : Γ→ H satisfying the cocycle identity

c(γ1γ2) = π(γ1)c(γ2) + c(γ1),

for all γ1, γ2 ∈ Γ.

A cocycle is proper if the map γ → ‖c(γ)‖ is proper, i.e.,for all K > 0,

{γ ∈ Γ : ‖c(γ)‖ ≤ K} <∞.

Examples: large classes of amalgamated free products, HNNextensions, etc

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 4: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


DefinitionLet (π,H) be a representation of Γ. A quasi-cocycle is a mapq : Γ→ H satisfying the cocycle identity up to bounded error, i.e.,there exists D ≥ 0 such that

‖q(γ1γ2)− πγ1(q(γ2))− q(γ1)‖ ≤ D,

for all γ1, γ2 ∈ Γ.

Examples: Gromov hyperbolic groups admit properquasi-cocycles into left regular representation (Mineyev, Monod,Shalom ’04)

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 5: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


DefinitionLet (π,H) be a representation of Γ. An array is a map q : Γ→ Hsatisfying the following properties :

1. πγq(γ−1) = −q(γ) (anti-symmetry);

2. supλ∈Γ ‖πγq(λ)− q(γλ)‖ <∞ for all γ ∈ Γ (boundedequivariance);

3. γ → ‖q(γ)‖ is proper.

proper cocycle

⇓proper quasi-cocycle


Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 6: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


I If Γ is a lattice in Sp(n, 1), n ≥ 2 then Γ has no proper (evenunbounded) cocycle into any representation. (Delorme,Guichardet)

I Z2 o SL2(Z) has no proper quasi-cocycle into anyrepresentation (Burger - Monod), but has an array into arepresentation weakly contained in the left regularrepresentation.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 7: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Arrays “prevent” commutation: A group Γ that admits an arrayinto the left regular representation does not have non-amenablesubgroups Λ < Γ with infinite centralizer CΓ(Λ).

Proof.Λ is non-amenable there exist K > 0 and F ⊂ Λ finite s.t. for allξ ∈ `2(Γ) we have ‖ξ‖ ≤ K

∑s∈F ‖πs(ξ)− ξ‖. For all λ ∈ CΓ(Λ):

‖q(λ)‖ ≤ K1

∑s∈F‖πs(q(λ)− q(λ)‖

≤ K1

∑s∈F‖q(sλ)− q(λ)‖+ K 2

1 |F|

= K1

∑s∈F‖q(λs)− q(λ)‖+ K 2

1 |F|

= K1

∑s∈F‖ − πλsq(s−1λ−1) + πλ(q(λ−1))‖+ K 2

1 |F|

= K1

∑s∈F‖ − πs−1q(λ−1)− (q(s−1λ−1))‖+ K 2

1 |F| ≤ 2K 21 |F|

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 8: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Solidity and strong solidity

Definition (Ozawa)

A II1 factor M is called solid if for any diffuse A ⊂ M the relativecommutant A′ ∩M is amenable.

Any solid, non-amenable factor M is prime, i.e., M � M1⊗M2,for any M1, M2 diffuse factors.

Definition (Ozawa-Popa)

A II1 factor M is called strongly solid if for any amenablesubalgebra A ⊂ M its normalizing algebra NM(A)′′ is amenable.

Any strongly solid, non-amenable factor M does not haveCartan subalgebra. In particular, it cannot be decomposed asgroup measure space construction M ∼= L∞(X )o Γ.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 9: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


I Popa (’81) - LFS is prime and has no Cartan subalgebras forany S uncountable

I Voiculescu (’96) - LFn, n ≥ 2 have no Cartan subalgebras

I Ge (’98) - LFn, n ≥ 2 is prime

I Ozawa (’03) - LΓ solid, Γ Gromov hyperbolic

I Popa (’06) M solid, M admits“free malleable” deformation

I Peterson (’06) LΓ solid, b : Γ→ `2Γ, proper cocycle

I Ozawa - Popa (’07) LFn, n ≥ 2 strongly solid

I Ozawa - Popa (’08) LΓ strongly solid, Γ a lattice in SO(2, 1),SO(3, 1), or SU(1, 1)

I Ozawa (’08) L(Z2 o SL2(Z)) is solid

I Sinclair (’10) LΓ strongly solid, Γ a lattice in SO(n, 1) orSU(n, 1)

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 10: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be


I Popa (’81) - LFS is prime and has no Cartan subalgebras forany S uncountable

I Voiculescu (’96) - LFn, n ≥ 2 have no Cartan subalgebras

I Ge (’98) - LFn, n ≥ 2 is prime

I Ozawa (’03) - LΓ solid, Γ Gromov hyperbolic

I Popa (’06) - M solid, M admits“free malleable” deformation

I Peterson (’06) - LΓ solid, b : Γ→ `2Γ, proper cocycle

I Ozawa - Popa (’07) - LFn, n ≥ 2 strongly solid

I Ozawa - Popa (’08) - LΓ strongly solid, Γ a lattice inSO(2, 1), SO(3, 1), or SU(1, 1)

I Ozawa (’08) - L(Z2 o SL2(Z)) is solid

I Sinclair (’10) - LΓ strongly solid, Γ a lattice in SO(n, 1) orSU(n, 1)

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 11: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: solidity and strong solidity

Theorem (C - Sinclair, ’11)

Let Γ be an icc, exact group that admits an array into the leftregular representation. Then LΓ is solid.

It recovers some of the earlier results of Ozawa ’03 andPeterson ’06.

Theorem (C - Sinclair, ’11)

Let Γ be an icc, weakly amenable, exact group that admits aproper quasi-cocycle into the left regular representation. Then LΓis strongly solid.

Examples: all hyperbolic groups (by De Canniere-Haagerup,Cowling-Haagerup, Ozawa)

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 12: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: unique prime decomposition

Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11)

Let {Γi}ni=1 be exact, icc groups that admit an array into the leftregular representation. If LΓ1⊗LΓ2⊗ · · · ⊗LΓn

∼= N1⊗N2⊗ · · · ⊗Nm

then n=m and there exist t1 · · · tn = 1 such that after apermutation of indices (LΓi )

ti ∼= Ni for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

This result was proven by Ozawa - Popa ’03 for Γi hyperbolic ora lattice is a rank one, connected, simple, Lie group, and byPeterson ’06, for Γi admitting a proper 1-cocycle into the leftregular representation.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 13: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Theorem (C - Sinclair - Udrea ’11)

Let {Γi}ni=1 be an icc, weakly amenable, exact group that admits aproper quasi-cocycle into the left regular representation. IfA ⊂ LΓ1⊗LΓ2⊗ · · · ⊗LΓn = M is an amenable subalgebra suchthat A′ ∩M is amenable (e.g. A is either a MASA or an irreduciblesubfactor of M) then NM(A)′′ is amenable.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 14: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: unique Cartan subalgebra

Theorem (Ozawa - Popa ’07)

For any Fn y X free, ergodic, p.m.p. weakly compact actionL∞(X ) is the unique Cartan subalgebra of L∞(X )o Fn, up tounitary conjugation.

Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11)

Let Γ be an weakly amenable, exact group that admits a properquasi-cocycle into the left regular representation. For any Γ y Xp.m.p. weakly compact action L∞(X ) is the unique Cartansubalgebra of L∞(X )o Γ, up to unitary conjugation.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 15: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: unique Cartan subalgebra, cont.

Theorem (C - Sinclair - Udrea ’11)

Let Γi be an icc, weakly amenable, exact group that admits aproper quasi-cocycle into the left regular representation. For anyΓ1 × Γ2 × · · · × Γn y X p.m.p. weakly compact action L∞(X ) isthe unique Cartan subalgebra of L∞(X )o (Γ1 × Γ2 × · · · × Γn), upto unitary conjugation.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 16: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: W ∗-superrigidity results

Theorem (Ioana, ’08)

Let Γ be a property (T) group and Γ y X be a profinite, free,ergodic, p.m.p. action. If Λ y Y is any p.m.p. action that is orbitequivalent to Γ y X then the two actions are virtually conjugate.

Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11)

Let Γ be an icc, property (T), hyperbolic group (e.g. Γ a lattice inSp(n, 1) with n ≥ 2). Then any p.m.p. compact action Γ y X isvirtually W ∗-superrigid.

Applying the previous theorems we obtain the same result foractions by products of such groups.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 17: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: Structural results for orbit equivalence classof hyperbolic groups

Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11)

Let Γ be a countable discrete group which is orbit equivalent to ahyperbolic group. If Σ < Γ is an infinite, amenable subgroup, thenits normalizer NΓ(Σ) is amenable.

The method we employ is purely von Neumann algebraic. This theorem recovers and extends upon early results of Adams’94 and Monod-Shalom ’04.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 18: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Main results: unique measure-equivalence decompositionresults for product groups

Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11)

Let Γ = Γ1 × · · · × Γn be a product of countable discrete groupswhich admit arrays in the left regular representation and letΛ = Λ1 × · · · × Λm be a product of arbitrary countable discretegroups. If Γ ∼=ME Λ then n = m and after permuting indices thenΓi∼=ME Λi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

This should be compared with earlier results Monod - Shalom’04 and Sako ’09.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 19: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Ideas behind the proofs of main results

General strategy: combines the full strength from the followingmethods of approach:

I topological (Ozawa) - C ∗-algebraic techniques (exactness,local reflexivity)

I cohomological (Peterson, Popa, Ozawa - Popa, Sinclair) -proper cocycles into good representations; von Neumannalgebraic techniques (Popa’s deformation/rigidity theory,closable derivations, etc)

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 20: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Outline: “small action” by normalizers

Theorem (Ozawa - Popa ’07, Ozawa ’10)

Let Γ be an i.c.c. hyperbolic group and let A ⊂ LΓ = M be adiffuse amenable subalgebra. Then the natural action

NM(A)ad(u)y A is weakly compact:

There exists a net of vectors ηn ∈ L2(A⊗A)+ such that

1. ‖(v ⊗ v)ηn − ηn‖ → 0 for all v ∈ U(A);

2. ‖[u ⊗ u, ηn]‖ → 0, for all u ∈ NM(A);

3. 〈(x ⊗ 1)ηn, ηn〉 = τ(x) = 〈(1⊗ x)ηn, ηn〉, for all x ∈ M.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 21: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Outline: a family of deformations

I. Exponentiate quasi-cocycle q : Γ→ `2(Γ) to obtain a“deformation” on LΓ: Γ y X gaussian action; H = L2(X )⊗ `2(Γ)For t ∈ R consider υt : Γ→ U(L∞(X )) defined by

υt(γ)(x) = exp(itq(γ)(x))

Vt ∈ B(H) unitaries by letting Vt(ξ ⊗ δγ) = (υt(γ)ξ)⊗ δγ

αt(x) = VtxV ∗t ∈ Aut(B(H))

Let P : H → `2(Γ) is the orthogonal projection.

Note: in general αt moves elements from LΓ ⊂ B(H) outside LΓ;however it moves elements from C ∗r (Γ) into the extended uniformRoe algebra C ∗u (Γ y X ).

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Page 22: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Outline: a family of deformations


LΓ ⊂ B(H); for every t > 0 the operator mt = P · αt · P is“compact”; it transforms WOT -convergent sequences of LΓ intoSOT -convergent sequences.

properness, quasi-cocycle


The family αt well behaved on C ∗r (Γ) ⊂ LΓ as t → 0

‖(αt(x)− x) · P‖∞ → 0 as t → 0, for all x ∈ C ∗r (Γ).

bounded equivariance is essentially used!

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 23: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Outline: deformation/rigidity arguments a la Ozawa-Popa

Let A ⊂ LΓ = M and assume that N = NM(A)′′ is irreducible.From Ozawa -Popa result let

ηn,t = (Vt ⊗ 1)ηn

ζn,t = (P ⊗ 1)ηn,t

ξn,t = (P⊥ ⊗ 1)ηn,t ∈ L20(X )⊗ `2(Γ)


limn‖ξn,t‖ ≥



Compactness of mt = P · αt · P together with the fact that ηn“converges to the diagonal” is essentially used! traciality of ηn’s isnot necessary in this case.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 24: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

Outline: deformation/rigidity arguments a la Ozawa-Popa

Define a state Φt on P = B(H) ∩ ρ(Mop)′ by lettingΦt(x) = 1

‖Limnξn,t‖2 〈(x ⊗ 1)ξn,t , ξn,t〉 for every x ∈ P.

LemmaFor every ε > 0 and every finite set K ⊂ C ∗r (Γ) withdist‖·‖2

(y , (N)1) ≤ ε for all y ∈ K one can find tε > 0 and a finiteset LK ,ε ⊂ NM(A) such that

〈((yx − xy)⊗ 1)ξn,t , ξn,t〉 ≤ 4ε+ 2∑

v∈LK ,ε

‖[v ⊗ v , ηn]‖,

for all y ∈ K , ‖x‖∞ ≤ 1,tε > t > 0, and n.

Use successively triangle inequality, deformation property andtraciality.

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups

Page 25: On the structural theory of II1 factors of negatively curved …Main results:Structural results for orbit equivalence class of hyperbolic groups Theorem (C - Sinclair ’11) Let be

LemmaFor every ε > 0 and any finite set F0 ⊂ U(N) there exist a finiteset F0 ⊂ F ⊂ M, a c.c.p. map ΨF ,ε : span(F)→ C ∗r (Γ), andtε > 0 such that

‖Φtε(ΨF ,ε(u)∗xΨF ,ε(u))− Φtε(x)‖ ≤ 47ε,

for all u ∈ F0 and ‖x‖∞ ≤ 1.

local reflexivity (implied by exactness) to locally approximate LΓthrough C ∗r (Γ) completely contractively: ∀ finite subset F ⊂ LΓand ε > 0, there exists φ : span{F ∪ F∗} → C ∗r (Γ) c. c.p. , suchthat ‖φ(x)− x‖2 < ε for all x ∈ F . use Haagerup criterion to show that N is amenable.

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Open Problems

ProblemDescribe the class of countable discrete groups which are orbitequivalent to some hyperbolic group.

ProblemIf Γ admits an array into the left regular representation, then doesZ o Γ admit an array into a representation weakly contained in theleft regular?


If Γ is a hyperbolic group, then any free, ergodic p.m.p. actionΓ y X gives rise to a von Neumann algebra with unique Cartansubalgebra. Open even for Γ = Fn with n ≥ 2!

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Thank you for listening!

Ionut Chifan(Vanderbilt University) II1 factors of negatively curved groups