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Lecturer in Physical Science (PHYSICAL SCIENCE)

SNGK B. Ed College SNGK B. Ed College

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Submitted on: 11/09/2015

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1 Introduction 1

2 Online Learning 2

3 How will I learn? 4

4 Blog 4

5 Types of Blog 5

6Instructional, Educational Blogs for Learning

Physical Science7

7 Benefits and Limitations of Blogging 9

8 The Benefits of Online Learning 9

9 Advantages of Online Learning 11

10 Disadvantages of Online Learning 13

11 Conclusion 15

12 Reference 16

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Educational technology is the effective use of technological tools in learning.

As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and

networking hardware, as well as considering underlying theoretical perspectives

for their effective application. Educational technology is not restricted to high

technology. Nonetheless, electronic educational technology, also called e-learning,

has become an important part of society today. Educational technology includes

numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming

video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or video

tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local

intranet/extranet and web-based learning. 

Online learning or e-learning offers a number of advantages for people and

companies looking to develop a new content program or curricula none bigger than

the ability to offer that training anywhere, anytime. Technology has become the

key to a new world of education. Online learning has become one of the most

popular ways of gaining access to an education especially to growing demand of an

adult population that is trying going back to school.

Teaching and learning are never static processes, and in the sciences we are

Increasingly mindful of the constructivist learning paradigm. We accept that

Science education needs to change from teacher-centered teaching to student

centered learning, from passive learning to active learning and towards a blended

learning situation that relies heavily on research-led teaching. Lately we have been


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asking how the newest developments on the Web can be used to achieve these


Online learning makes vital contribution to the learning of physical science. This

assignment deals with the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these

benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online



“E –Learning means the delivery of learning with the assistance of interactive,

electronic technology whether offline or online.”E –learning can be asynchronous

(meaning learners are experiencing the learning at different times) or synchronous

(meaning learners are experiencing the learning at the same time). On-line learning

today provides a quality alternative to on-the-ground courses. It offers students

greater flexibility as to time and place as most courses are offered asynchronously,

meaning students can take them at any time of the day or night.

Online learning is a way of studying for an

internationally recognized qualification

without needing to attend classes on campus.

Online learning is giving people new choices

and newfound flexibility with their personal

learning and development.


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The reality is that because of

technology the world we live today

is much Different than the one our

kids live just 20 years ago. Our

generation went from the time of

the ‘Eight Track, leap to the times of the Walkman, CD player, VHS and DVD.’ Etc

But today’s world is belongs to the ‘I Pod, text messaging, Wiki’s, Face book and

Blogs’ Generation. These speedy changes have forced everyone, peoples or

institutions to make immediate changes. Education institutions are too trying to

pull alongside to these changing technological time. Consequently, these

Institutions have not only changed their programs, curriculums, and offers; re-toll

their faculty, etc., in order to facilitate access to a good education. Online learning

offers new educational possibilities to all potential students: “If you can’t go to

school, we’ll send the school to you.” (Dwyer, Beriberi, and Doer,).

Nowadays, online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. Many

traditional universities started to share their courses online for free. It represents an

easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge in almost every field, from law

and accounting, to human sciences, such as psychology and sociology or history. It

also provides different opportunities to study science subjects like physics

chemistry etc. Online learning is a great alternative to traditional universities,

especially for people who can’t afford the time and money to take real courses.


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Online programmers deliver programmed content and opportunities to interact

with other students in a number of ways. Using variety of platforms to deliver

content and allow interacting with other students. Platforms may include one or

more of the following:

virtual learning environment, e.g. Moodle, Learn

or Blackboard Collaborate



discussion boards and forums

video streaming services, e.g. YouTube or Mimeo

virtual worlds, e.g. Second Life


Wikipedia defines a blog as a, “A weblog (usually shortened to blog, but

occasionally spelled web log or weblog) is a web based publication consisting

primarily of periodic articles; most often in reverse chronological order.”

Blogging is the posting of journal like pages to a website. While these pages

can contain photos or media, they are primarily focused on the easy ability to post

written thoughts to a website. The postings are organized chronologically.

Teachers and educators have use blogs to allow for what is commonly called “peer


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review,” meaning that students can post writings or assignments to the web the

other students can respond or encourage through the comment feature.

In a broader and more educational system, blogs are about communicating. We

observe our experience reflect on it, and then write about it. Other people read our

reflections, respond from their perspectives by commenting or writing their own

blog article. We read their perspectives, often

learn something through their eyes, and write

some more.


There are so many different types of blogs

being popular these days. It is important to note

that blogs are not only different from one

another on the basis of type of content they

have but they also differ from one another on

the basis of the manner in which content is

presented on them. To this point, various types of blogs are mainly categorized on

the basis of the genre they belong to such as personal blogs, business blogs,

political blogs, news blogs, and non-profit blogs and so on.

Defined below are some of the main kinds of blogs. Let us take a look:


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among the different blogs type, the personal blogs belong to the largest

category of blogs which comprises of blogs relating to personal topics

such as music, travel, family health, and politics and so on.


Business types of blogs are related to professional category and they

usually belong to professionals ranging from real estate professionals to

lawyers and stock brokers and even doctors.


Word Press is a very popular blog which is popular among the teachers

and student’s communities for educational purposes such as facilitating

collaborate among different groups regarding classroom projects.


There are dedicated sports blogs on the internet where so many teams,

athletes, and fans make use of blogs to express and share their passion for

different kinds of sports.


There are many people who prefer to keep their blogs private and thus share

photos and other personal information within close friends and families



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Micro blogging

Micro blogging is the practice of posting small pieces of digital content

which could be text, pictures, links, short videos, or other media—on the

Internet. Examples of these include Twitter, Face book, Tumblers, and by far

the largest WeiBo.


The web log dealing with education is called educational blog.

Educational blogging is blogging by students, teachers, administrators,

industry experts, and other entities that focus primarily on the educational

process and educational interests.



Blog on physical science and physical science education develops postings will

fall into two categories. The first category will be for reviews of papers found in

academic journals or on the web that relate to issues pertaining to blogs, wikis and

their use in education – in particular, physical science education. The second

category will constitute an annotated list of weblogs. The life of blogs, even that of

team blogs is always dependent on participation. Many blogs come to a dead end,


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due to either waning interest by the blogger or because they have moved on to

other blogs or other forms of communication and participation. The challenge for

the educator is to maintain interest and relevance within the blog. It is hoped that

the blog will also provide a platform for the interchange of information and ideas

on physical science and physical science education.

Just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, each student has an individual style

of learning. Not all students in a classroom learn a subject in the same way or share

the same level of ability. Differentiated

instruction is a method of designing and

delivering instruction to best reach each

student. Blogs can be used as an instructional

medium in many different ways. They are

often used to complement other technologies in distance learning or face-to-face

training and education. Blogs can be used instructionally as a group journal where

all members can post their work or each individual in a group can have his/her own

blog with each linked from a single webpage. Instructors can also use blogs to

facilitate group work as a stand-alone course delivery method. As a stand-alone

delivery method, blogs can involve outside experts or instructors in the process.

Due to the accessibility and the asynchronous delivery, experts and outside

instructors can easily participate. Several researchers have given lists of various

ways blogs can be used in instruction. For instance, Hoffman (2006) suggested

several uses for blogs in college courses – instructors can use the blog as an online

course management tool or they can post a weekly topic and have each student

respond to the topic; instructors or students can post articles relevant to the course

or students can post


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their thoughts with regard to assigned articles. The blog can be used as a class

discussion vehicle for course readings and lectures as well as being a place to post

students assignments .Students can be provided a virtual meeting.



Offers rich opportunities to interact with diverse audiences.

Allows readers of the blog to post comments of their own.

Can encourage shy students to express themselves.

The material can be shared outside the class.

Offer communication anywhere any time.

Quick to update with new content.


Can be time consuming to keep the blog updated.

May create competition between students.

Blogs formats can make following a discussion difficult.

Due to its casual nature, blogs may encourage sloppy writing habits.

The Benefits of Online Learning

Students all together in a classroom or scattered all

over the country in different time zones, they can still tap

into the same course materials, and at a time that’s


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convenient to them. Small wonder, then, why online and e-learning has caught on

with schools and universities,

retail chains, top corporations, and among professional trainers. Teachers can

optimize the timeliness and focus of the curriculum, students can better fit learning

time into their schedules, and companies end up spending less on training their


But those are just some of the benefits of online learning. Here are some others:

Simple, Flexible Logistics : After location, time is the greatest limitation on

learning. That goes for both the instructors and the students, each of whom has

to be both available and in alignment with the other for face-to-face instruction.

By removing that requirement, everyone involved can participate at a time, and

for a duration, that suits his or her schedules.

Immediate Results and Feedback : Anyone who has graded papers knows it

can get tedious, and it’s time-consuming. Many of the most popular

standardized tests, in fact, still rely on evaluation techniques that slow results.

Most online learning technologies integrate online quizzes and other tools to

more rapidly evaluate the pace of learning.

Better Retention : With clever design, user experience, and multimedia, online

instruction can prove to be a richer and more effective learning experience than

traditional methods and channels.


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Greater Access to Expertise : In any country, there are only a handful of cities

that can claim among their residents the experts in every field of study. Take

away the limitations of geography, and expertise is free to travel almost

anywhere. This transformation allows information on highly specialized

subjects to reach more people, paving the way for advances in fields

from telemedicine to non-profit charities.

The Most Up-to-Date Content at Much Lower Cost : The sticker

shock associated with the textbook market is not news to anyone who has

enrolled in even a single college course. And yet, despite the cost, our

knowledge of most subjects continues to grow and evolve, making $200

textbooks unreliable with a few years and eventually of no use at all. The remote

delivery of curriculum allows instructors to keep materials up-to-date, and the

lower costs over time remove what for some are insurmountable obstacles to

furthering their education.

Advantages of online learning

Convenience and flexibility

1. Schedule Flexibility: Students can access their course at any time, from

anywhere they can log on, in most cases. This means that parents, working

students, and professionals on the move have the option of attending classes no

matter their work schedule. Students only need a computer and Internet access to

take online classes.


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Ease of accessibility: Courseware can be accessible for students when they need it.

Students can review lectures, discussions, explanations, and comments. Individuals

can also share notes with each other to help facilitate community learning.

2. Range of options: Students may be able to choose from a wider breadth of

degree programs.

3. Students control study time: One of the benefits of online education is that

students may not have to sit for long periods of time. Lessons can be paused

when needed, and notes read at will.  

Student enrichment

1. Chance for interaction: Online courses may be less intimidating than the brick-

and-mortar classroom setting, and could help to increase student interaction. By

allowing everyone to have a voice, shared ideas grow diverse as well.. In a

traditional classroom, the conversation could have moved past the point where

the student may be willing to comment.

2. Online communications: Instructors can be more approachable in the online

setting. Students may feel more comfortable talking openly with their teachers

through online chats, emails, and newsgroup discussions rather than face-to-face.

Online correspondence also cuts out having to wait for office hours that may not

be convenient for either party.

Cost-effective choices

1. Money saving option: Students may be able to save money by not having to

physically attend classes. Online courses may help individuals cut down or

eliminate costs of transportation, babysitting, and other expenses incurred by

attending classes in a traditional setting.


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2. No more expensive textbooks Some web-based classes may not require

physical textbooks, as reading materials may be available either through the

school's own library or their partnerships with e-libraries and other digital

publishers. E-textbooks might offer substantial savings for students, adding up to

hundreds of dollars a year.

3. Quicker (and cheaper) turnaround of finished product.

Opportunities for convenience, cost-effectiveness, and student enrichment are

just some of the variables that have contributed to online learning's

growth. Distance education has gained steam in these areas, and advocates are

Continuously looking to improve upon these as well as other facets of the


Disadvantages of Online Education

1. Limited bandwidth means slower performance for sound, video, and large

Graphics. Know the bandwidth available to your audience and what

reasonable “Wait” time for them is before you commit to the Net. On

average, most mobile end users are still running on a 28.8 kpbs connection.

2. Someone must provide web server access, control usage, and bill users (if

Applicable): The Net doesn’t magically solve all of your resource issues.

Plan on having someone oversee some of these issues.

3. Time required for downloading applications - Again, be very, very aware

of Download times and we still recommend looking at delivery options

considering a 28.8 kpbs modem if you are delivering training to an external


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audience or over the Internet. Your training might be great, but if your

audience isn’t patient enough to Wait for it to download, it doesn’t matter.

4. Student assessment and feedback is limited - The Internet provides a

wonderful means to get all kinds of information back and forth to your

audience, but it also makes it harder to assess some types of student feedback

and information.

5. Many, if not most, of today's web-based training programs are too static,

with little if any interactivity - This is probably due to the bandwidth

limitation, but if we deliver poor, page-turning training, we can’t expect

stellar results from our learners.

6. Cannot design and develop robust multimedia courses - The bandwidth

Limitations of the Net constrain what can be delivered effectively.

7. Are computers replacing human contact? - The Net is not right for all


8. Newness - It may take longer designing and developing WBT courses, the

first time around. Because of its recent emergence to the training arena, new

technologies always require time, experience, and money in order to take full

advantage of its capabilities. The great thing, however, is you’ll learn new

skills and knowledge with each new course.


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Online learning should be seen as a complement and extension of classical

forms of learning. As a valuable e-learning tool, blogging can be used in a number

of ways to engage students in discussion, exploration, and discovery. It is

appropriate for both hybrid and fully online courses. Online learning is necessary

for humans due to it relieves and accelerates a method to deepen themselves skills.

Not even the best online course can fully replace the personal contact with a

teacher, or the human relationships that develop in a group. So, traditional classes

shouldn’t be replaced with online learning.


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Thomas Jeffers University. (2008). Educational Benefits of Online


Williams, J.B. and Jacobs, J. (2004). Exploring the use of blogs as learning

spaces in the higher education sector.

WWW.google .com