F ——n |;BULLETIN L dWW M «!• dU «t Uw if f OU«to .«»»» M koM ftr tb* 1W< ----------- - ;S ^o.j2 0ghai !■ CorridoT® iiNGHXl. April 28-<ff) f aoslnlf Blowjy-lo^y. tetlsnen, the t ,W l ^parin* to set und® for « 8 Chinese, land M were com liiffT in'Jen^ « domination. Airplanes ‘^took o u t r e f u g e e s o v ? r Uner Pred^t .'U ^ u be the U«t u n £ u b. M wme time. uUed down this aneisoon. ^ »we 300 •vKMeea. IM of H jjH j Anertcan. Sui Frai 1.900 Bt«r, ^ ^ embukmUoi Ji -S ' btW*” ^b**( M no* here come wh#t mw- ented* on « rS iil U. S. n»vy crtJt dur. M Utenjoon took * te* *t«8' which ^e« down C.W- pier S »hlp Refuse. Nftvy » t^ ,oon, ^4, i lh»t may be the iMt boet r BiTd cnJt moored down the ,t«l out ef ranee of c o n u n i^ , bttrj.p i lun*. may ton^t or ^ new, one naval officer aaid. ----------------- P la n s ^sSW ^-'T 'F o T ® WtU more moekly by air.. Itta American Northwest air- * A it* i ind Pan-American aUll are ,aocDm. SSndHongKonB-BrttUh fly- MU are soln* to Hoof Ifeiro dally. An are booked day ^ Ch. tmUl n a l week. w « •»«' ..rS/SSSfnU U “ • ■ S .S rif's5‘ jfs5.s="» tflok soochow. about 60 mllet li Shanjhal. early yeater- li® THelr advance may be alowed ; , becauM they, atin bave nol dent force* ferried, ftcroe* tbe Tliere aw t« to handle the Tarlouadrlvei «««? 1 are developter. t AMOcUtod- Presi office here “ ree yean r heard in a round about way N Ila Nanklnf oomfpondent, -Tumlnst our Topplnf. New Toit. wm <1^, ^ sed to hU hotue by tbe rod* *vl«Uon la n a not allowed any TWtor*., jlS.nylnfl t reporU tal4 tbt m trlctto' ed more aeven than tbose.’lm- ^ k I OD Other roreUneii In the g Jh o ^ « ____grrer»«y««^ an days a isougn an error c o o u n tm u t Hr»rw M<ue n ef Pultav across tb* river ..Ohanghal-a bualneas dlaWet , b«n reported. Several com- W nenllla, -wer. captured ' itlnlerprfUUan of a cable from I** S Auodated Preu bureaa tn *■ Ihal rw lted tn the error. The ** nJshU read: “Orwip itds captured « acroM Whanspoo river from jj, Iddll lEhaL"} . - of airport * * * * OAA oomn ^ for tbe le u m a n S a y s favy “Ready” K rl 'oAidPeoplejS^ iSinNOTON, April 28 w — Benrlne dent Truman declared today tns tbe eT< the navy u amply prepared to they repn n al) Americans from Shang- drew Jam son. Lions • PrMldent_told a newi_con- berjf Ce w lie unacrildba Uieir were echools; E l» the navy had run oul on *nd Mrs. >cnn elvllUiu at Shanehal, now *nd Prol U-ned by Chinese communUta. They will raklns solemnly, he aald there I foiindailon In fac* for any . report. V |\fp f naix Mr. lYuman went on. nd hai been'readr*’it a^toies Ill(][11 ke oui Amerlcani In tha dty. ^ Ilncr President WiUon, the R v ifni luild. lefl Shanfhol wllh " J ntlM anrt the Presldftit Pierce NAMPA msldeni Van Duren are sUU ney Franl »blc for further evacuations. further Ir f Presldenl WUaoo aalled from o f~ th e -« i»hsi today. voters al f na^T, he added, baa been tion and ( •ble M all UmM lo help these be brougl nerclsi liners remove Americana dayi. “ I'tin ready to do ao. One mi combat a l ^ Zleere. bu *■ thrre are. the President IT- m eral p< ^PortCT asked If a pretert~WM them that !-fnadt-to"ihB"ChlnesB"cuuuuu- s~3stt~ser “«au4e of tbe Invasion by to vote, ^unui (wwicTi of Ambaaador J. Major t lion Siuirt'a realdence. ot alot mi e muident aald he had had do cd tn an i ^»lnt^.ftom.-tb»-«abMaad«r ^ ' '- tt »hat might be don*. OCV* oshone Greets ^ NewWater Tank OSRONE, Aprtl ae — A new Icng. swe f ‘»nic hw fciTlved here and wlU Kathy P goaded aa soon aa enslaeera of weS atm. Di«e tto k and Brldja eom- ' They a; . Mttnphta. MTlve to aopevla* thea de* ■"'w*. Excav»iioiu for ereeUon the tank have beea. oomplated. huLthey '"ne lo Mayor Myrtle BatdetU much, f ‘"nk replicw one which un- “We ee -«ably tumbled tn a maa* of moetal te « «eel ot) Nov. 18. IMS. Tb* tk* aewn “ nk fell *h!le belnt refilled tolden-hi -«• Memphis ccncero had {rmh her « and repaired ll. "We thoi “*»««mne.BerrTei7.is*=‘ progrtfct* ’^ t e n a m v l»aa taihmged 10 hOBpltal We w»ter tyttm ta ^>ehiBon "But « ■^m rtU te test*. ■ ' aent'Tb* _______A Jteilonal Newi! OffkUl .Ctt7 . Coutr Solo M Tifj WASHft !f)-N ortl Democrats ^•rs— ,rr-4 fight on t: S day over I ' warning tl ' who refUB{ 'H&rt:ey~acl of White The chamt debaU on t law. Theflrevoi after Bepres< K n fonnally askc bill, which w randaeo am y port of TafUHarUey ioa official* have an- » cbarfe thal be waa ' Truman had le fer the BlUlon-dallar th awept an Oakland. ^ cr. The am y aald Ibe dler. from Dlnuba. CaUf, itrr an the pier when the led and admitted to > of 1®“ atement (hat be llchled •'t. wrappla* oo Ihe pier. oboto) __________________ remarks wfc fall to so ai IS D e t a i le d iM H frfe r-Age’ D ayp^;^ NO, April » —Represent- Hebert. *1 tervlee clubs and other or- cm slates ri IS were aanUted Wednea- election our met Moulton, atate d h ^ - had been a*: ronauUca. In plonnlns de- boase on lh lhe alr-age day alated at any effect rt tier* May U. The meet- patronage, held in Mayor J. Wealey Gi rfncrr— 'His ansv swlnj the progress of Ida- Uve." Hebei •uUcs, Moulton aald there aad cheers - year-«round alrpoft* In aide, npared with deht In 1933. Democrat e nine timw as many 11- Maaaachuse lots and alx times m many that Hebei )Ianfc* now as there were DenocrmUo trs 080. be dedared. sute* right Not an Alnbow E to lh* purpoa* of tbe afr- oennack w Moulton sUtod commercial . t>j, Is 60 yeara aheSa of pri- n«, which h* descrlbeji'ta rvnoenUe t •tm*’ and explatnej»j^- ^ openi: are being held tbrouihout eUmulate Jotereal in,pri- a j.m eniiajwliaa-tbB alr- are not alrshowa bnt en- grouted thj ucaUonal In nature. mooib e locol air-a*o day. 100 m j for vl and lOO buslnesa and pro* most conte people from the area erer known V the Oooding airport wtU Before U fllghta In eommerelal air- Truman's E»plie Air lines, as well *dmlnUtr*l a la. private aircraft, possible au] Totir. Slated by holdln( dlUon there WlU be tour* rt-.faclULle*_lncludlng_«W tununlcaUon sUUon. Eventa l««here’wUl rt»rt-at t.ii I tor tbe buslneaa and pro- *""* : men and women at 1 pA. lallflcd for an Invitation the nuflt not,have ridden In aa J U Ty previously. " x* displayed are an air force Im »p carrlcr and a naUonal *** IghUr plane. - - « on the eommittee arrang- I rfv c Event, and the oTKanlraUoni preaenl are Chairman An- nnpst'] mea. Rotiry dub: TW Mn-- e o S r t^ ns dub: M. H. Met*. Cham- jj, , Commerce: Leigh Ingers^. .Ming. Tht Bari Qray, naUonal (tuarfl. ^ jji^uoi s. Helen E. Bmlth. Duslnea broi pofeaslonol Women’s club. irrijiUon 111 meel tonigbL The coinp ----------------- ----------- • caused dar i Intimidation “^“ lE uiry Continued Nampa Police S?i."S; fssrjSK'-si« ibt tb trW «thto . ta m Qa»uonM Wo'- g jj' “ prf«=. .to titim th o -tn Hed_te_a man who warned T"." V j»t they irould'be auBJecrtn- SrtS-lf-tb.y-*Uempt«l rlaiueherawasthelleenalM iTi.rhinwn, which w«s defeat- BeUwwd 1 adylaoTT ballot.___________ Still Are Searchii re^hw stotryto^ «««^ ■re forward, acroe of the re«« «per»tely. to their share of «o. XDOO fu n d for the^ fuj^ ^ 5 ^ b t ll wOl ammml to SSHfSsiil ■haired a-year-old’a body up ,er tomb ctMled in hts arm*, »ogbt tl would b o ^ *1^ S f w ’L ”^^4t-to^cbndim 'i ■^we deddedW e people who'after Ka hi Booey-to- tb*-re*ooai*l - « mi Twr ons in ' ^ If Over ® -H Blast f l tlfNGTON. AprU 28 I H irthem and southern Its £ot jnto a verlMl : H || 1 the house floor to- r President Truman's : that party members . [use to vote for Taft- act-rei«Sl'Wlll fain«it " jH IH e House srace. HHB amber waa tn the midtl of ' in the union-hated labor iVMd Asks Debate ^ H ll svorka began popping right >resenlaUve Wood. D , asked the house to take hU h would keep most ol tbe tley acU' as a suhsututa dmlnUtraUon repeal meaa- had told'hU new* confer* i OemocraUo votes In ran- Talt-HarUey repeal wUl be pirty loyally.‘me adml^ bill would repeal Uie 1^'H return to a modified verdon Wagner labor reiatlona ImpUeaUen PUId tpUcation of Mr. Tranan'a was that DemocraU who 0 along with the adminla- .f a new labor law wUl have say'about who geU federal intitlvB' Hobert,~DiF-l*T “5 Y d floor “to advise my. Demo- ,g- ^ ^lleagues" that Presldenl 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote# for th* ad- Uon'a labor blU. *-ho aupported tbe Kjim- n p is righta Ilcket in last falls |r U campaign, said Mr. Ttuman J a»k«l wheUicr vote* in the -rj 1 Uie Ubor bllU would have H () eet OQ tba distribution of * GOPera ApplMd f mswer was In the afflrma- ebert aaid to loud applause WASH eer* from tbe Republican :r»Uo Leader McCormack. uUUUea lusetta, jumpod up to *ay polntzner ebot and others «n tbe Mr.TT lUo aide who Bupported the fereace I Ighta Ucket ore “sllUng by tor of th' Jt- on the DcmocraUo side. Obiervw bert had had his way. Mo- »ppoU)tn k went oa. “we would not tary. DemoenUo maijoilty to UUi ' Cloao 1 tod we vH)uld not W * a expectod aUovIW dent H* aetually the nei lenly^aupportod a epUnter I^Uanpllble Cendnet* aenUUvo Rankin. D., Miss.. ^ oeacn Uiat “this attempt to brow- anbera of congress Into voU taiicea w • vldoua legUlaUon U Uie ago and MtempUble conduct I bave the Job. e the debate tunied to Mr. ^ “^^Id I i-s Ideas oa party loyally^ »»<1 itraUon mea -ought to woo wffuU'' I eupporlOT of the Wood4>m w l^ • ding out U» proipecl of ns the MlmJalstnUon's bUl amtlln gl: « m .l»r n w * . Th. bm » ~ n t« J.D..Ulch_ct»lnwuioItlic ^ tb mth?b 'Y Selected ne aa , , prognoB Irrigation — tislrict Trial S EBT. April H -Ill.tH tl jpmea ■hm-Wedneaday-wlUi. - D, IL Sutphen. Oooding. pre- The entire day was coMUmed ^ imol.JuSfchtu-.dtn brought agalaat Uie Minidoka P“ W « ion dtatrict by E. N. Phllllp*. ” *'• ompany t* alleged to have damage lo oxjp. by otatrucU , IrrlgaUon ditch. first venire ot prospecUve .was exhausted when many “ “ ‘.Ji ihallenged aod e«u*ed when .dmltled they were taxpayer* lemben of the irrigation dls- Price 8eai»,'dty derk. was ut to get a spedal venire. Oul * e men brought to court, five , •xeuaed «fler examlnaUon by «« ey» for defendant and eom- nt. . ' I In the day tho Jury wo* eom- oone. , Be*t«l wer.- Mr*. LUbert ^ Mrv Prtmk Jones. Dennis I' Alv» reaneU. Jsck Phoenix, Cooper. August KuhL Leo numer Aldo Perotto. Cloy Hawkins nitJicU tt'Omlihi" ■, acUcm asks tS.Ul.t* on one «nd nny tary M njham. project manager, rep- you^ to a-tHe lrriataain n i m etr - At ^ •* la me caae are BhennM a ld ^ »d for the dUtrlet and. a T. d ls ^ for PhlUlp*. . -------------------------------------- ... ------- c jtescuers with T ine for Work ^ that. When Kxaeone jDU- • xlrtnk; yoo cant tam r ”“ A and Blve the drtnk away," icer aald be and his partner. Herpel, who also worted en xn- ■CTCue two and a half weeks fo^e would pul their share of th* thlry baek in thetr builnauk lauci nm is tt." he aald. oust rtraetor BayinoDd • HID. who ^ Tlsed the rescue, sllll U work- ^ j nUi Baa-Marlno Mayor Clark <,f u to tdcnUfy the W to 75. men <jjg fooghl to save ICalhy andiet aow: forwtila to-rtpay them.-'niey It might take two or throe r^Tw5T«a"ComTTiBrhmir -*5 b k a ^ T e n i n 'l h e ifell Aprtl S M rM« 1. CaUaa U ^----- ■kl : _______ •' \V\l//V//^ WIN F A IM , IDAHO. THUKSDA' Freed From livinj Dl Maktiaiiak,-l>Mra*d, Uttcrcd..and-alM \%ilIcrsHU5^l5TiirwiWi«-frora- klTis homo In which hli mother .eaW * o s t The M-year-old former coflege »U ) back." (AP wlfephete) uman Has Bea [opesGJder ‘WiU Accept’!-^ .SBmaTON. Aprn: M W l- lea exucuttve. wtU accept ap- ment aaweretaiy of tbe army. ' r tfaB Balelgh (N. O.) New# and - rver.,UuBder conslderaUoa for m tment M«ciet«7 of th* M Irland* of-Danl*!* **M he-t» *^.5 ^ 5 :tod 10 aoeept th* port next few J h.. baa ollma to DuJ.K acrltilnr C itderu w-voTcapa-- n«n Mr. Truman eald h* had Keogh d wiUi him'tbre* or four;day* quesUon nnd he hoped h* would accept unUl af lob . his coni 'Eemlnded of DenW ' Id that a lilgh defense official the unj sold T«»lerday Uiat Uib uUllUe* ment wl am-o would take over Uio jw t ^ in .flO daya-a statement that w»- er later denled-Mr. Truman if^nf aigly observed that Uio ao- wo*™., iccment wasn’t made by him. McE _Uic.Bam8_tkn.e..,t?3e^^^dent tiere was no foundaUon In or h^lsi for fears that tho marine oarp* —“ «- U be elknlnaled and-the navy’a irm absorbed by Uie air force. Bapa "Cohimn*" ) aald that report wa* like the <*“• TitBtlcaUona people read In lhe °reM rtef Interjeclod that the Jc VB .«>,«ntinni were raiocd tty John . BuUlvon when he reidgned as A etorr of lh* navy earlier this . le President said he did nol r eullIvahVieiter-tO-SecretaiT: -was-no Defense Johnson, prolestiog man T n et eanoelUUon of. Uie navy's ^ is to build a-wper airplane Car- BUUiDenl.B«le**ed No a oincldontally. Chairman Vto- far the D.. Oa,. released a sUtement gironk a Secretary Johnaon denying ; Uiere are any plwis afoot to infer marine and naval' avia- «en ai to other servlets. ' IMS; F ho nUtement. addressed to Vto- jp, u,j aald’ ,1 : ha>-e been, hearing rumor* ut • the U«nafer of Uie marine laier r naval aviation to some other pran nch of UiB service. In tha 1. Dnder Uie Uw IhU cannot be cept th e. ........................^ »ervlc« -Not COBlODpUUd" postofJ I. It ha* not been mider eon- npent 1 iplallon, and from time to Ume he U nerou* sutemenu have t>een malU I So by mo to that effect., J. There are no *uch *tudle* be- Amerii ouTled on in wb niXUiiial miU- 15371 r establishment. Further. I want Kfnte > -red. X ahould ask permisalon to xi *ua4 the matter before the com- --------- of botb bouso* of caagresa." ^ —c B m A - « s v i s w ^ n u t > — 4;^ yAgI»OT^.^prfl^ T^— *• ^ h Pr«*ldeni Tmmaa today about F I ■inwlIrT-'"-*^*"*! *"^ ~ nanded a "ce«npleto review--tr Tnfll * « » of Amerlean China** policy, No Hoax B .™ ti»tM . rf th. n. ». .ir Bt«o reveal there may be ‘wme- ^ hlng- to tbe reported flytog ?“ aucera to Uio naUon during Ui* ^ gJ u t two year*. ,w dealln A report wwa rdeawd by »ba It forte saying Uiat 40 per cent i the r«porta sUa could not be . ila m ta se d . Inveallgatow ran lown 3«0 rtporU, founa'30~pCT. trt.hn * a t w m -ronveaOonal aerial >ble«ta“\o d ancUw 30 per e*« ^ w ra rartnmcoUcal phenomena.*- . jnrlhe.fullstoiy. •eepa£*^_ - ■■■*[ It 1 ___ Mini. It i.Y, APBIL.28,1949 H -i WASI actlnffii -The F advance S^fH Sta 1 \ - Bois; tl Inckcd ( u.s.s( In a I Republl publicai his prec He Ul prcpara showdo lives in wele*»,.«lU.ln.*.BrooUjii._ -TT’e P i“»“tomb*Ul«-eobl*lo-ia-a- reply to. 1 him-when. World war II alMnd a itodent toM poUe* n-d Uk* PuW^' • * » s.rto irded Hermit Kt] mts Attorney — .jy sforei Queries ' - J Quent 1* -TORK. April 28 Wv-Brook* tarded hermit, who *at out w n In a ttoy sealed ^ b y - . ®*“ 'tnU to aee a Uwyer before draft sUtua wlUi , Mtoraey J. Vincent Keogh .rf raioottiai ra x aceata §oughl-t<-<iue** nortaot tw fuglUte to tt th* world jppaitStfaOuM to regular fw De, to-my-lawiar.':. ............." _ lh tajd no further effort to m the patient would be made ifter pcychlatrisU report on Sshtk atlU waoU to go baek to ly eell la hU mother** ten*- ^ there pollco found him Tw*- A *eo Ight, fUtby.- ahoeles* and to a poo.C le U ever found sane and re- Lumbei Brooklyn Alty.-Oen.-Mllej cmpon IJonald aald. 'IfaS a pretty Twto J guess hell go back to Uiere rome. 1 own vulltion:*-------------- -- demurt _lsa-pound-rtduje..aayfl. bt ordero 0 use for the ouUlde world. Ths >e district attorney says ll was tbrougt Ime for him to live to Uie an. Roi Uie con ------------------- flclent antz‘Called’ Ls Postmaster fonl W. rrant*. Twto Pall*. The iomln*te<1 -by-President.ItUr g ;,^ J Thnraday to be poaUnaster of real poetoffloe, aocor^lng to U» Molier, UtodPreaa. Andert appointment hu been made 1* local poatofflce atoce M. A. ^ ' k reUred on June SO, The ver, Jam ea O. Leighton^ charge acUng poatmaster alnce July t. He-waa one of 10 applicant* le poatmaater vacancy. All ex- recdw three of the appllcanu were bejlevi raJta ™t tb .junln.u0i»., mU haa had 29 years of service le postal department. All ex- jjjfnjd threo and one-half year* of hU ^he :« has been to tha Twto PalU ~,m r ifflce. tho other'period being „ ^ : at Balt Lake Oily. At present. „oo.o{ s aaslstaat supertolendent of juy: 1here. the pl tal* haa been acUve to toe rlcan Leglop alnw 11 wa* orgM- -Offlce9._He.has_be«i^ye.in PreaM Seoul work fer 34 yean and UaJ.-< rwto r*JU dUtrict for U yean.ltog w eople—Jeopardi [n Idaho dlvtdoal* who )eopardlt* to* paicn o ptwluce toduiuy fcr *elflih g» “ ( were blaatedby.th* Twin falls ty Parm Bureau al lU meeting Thi day night. ot th « Clover towaahlp Parm Bureau pram: Oiued a resoluUoa to Uie eoun- aod : nw p calling fcr ftrengUienlng use 1 M department of agriculture to todr tog with todlvlduals who mU- group etest pTDdoce, particularly j»- hold JIO tnchifled to tbe resohtUon as tb ►-a-demaad fdr a&.andlt'Al.Uu A nei 10-advtrtislog Tirtnrntmnn u d pout mmdidatlOB-thal tbe comml*- nixed be ElTcn the assignment of of otl of .Uie Idsho Aft aaproduce-ouUideUilsitatc.- ty.fi . w u fd t tbat tb«.s*«d w u a ^ Mart ______ InlCTtwl Haho ComiUM .ul uss ‘Ac Faiths Bid, T SHINGTON^April 28 (/P>—Presl in good fafth in. their new move President- told a news eonferer ced in good faith, the United Stt ate GOPs As End Taylor’s ISE, April 28 (U.R>— Atty-Gen. R( ■on_ReDublicanB to dp_ y jm t^ t i courage to do—put an end to Sen. Glen Taylor, a letter to Chairman Tom Sahlbei bllcan league, Smylio said the nat »na in this state to keep Taylor < resent term expires, urged strict party discipline and lost echelon of the GOP down th iration for the political ■ down of 19B0. Sahlberg in Pocatello. V^IU “Sa- 1a meeUng flf the Young Re- aa'a ejtecutlvo committee to on May 18. Ha eald he would------Wj ay from tho city that day but « planned to attend the na- _ . Young I.epubUcao meeUng It I ^ e Olty June 33-58. Iho Republicanism tin » 8 respoaslbUity to the natton t ^ ^ iM."-8mj^-wroto. “In thU tm pj^ the *pUt personality of tho craUo party. wlUi lU oooao- ^ ^ u S t , lack of abUlty to govern. wUl tato aharper focua Uian any- } eUe in the country. - nator Taylort avowed caadl- for the Democtatlo n o m inal a thla em&«Uy clear. Tb* ^ xnuo par^^WnotHaTt tbe caa tt to him hU ambtUoo. uUon Ibea must look to oetiri bllcani to.im t a period inaaje At ^aer xw^3^mmn3uua Tdan"'t 1“ of Toung AepubUoaai. f n u Tt .; _ the fin emurrfer and j^ b otice Filed in 5SS 1200,000 S u it £ i lecond acUon haa'been taken !n g ».000 “accounting:” suit filed by tonsil lo^ldere of tha Great West ber - corporation against two aratioa offlccrfc Harry W .Banr, ___ - i Palls, and R, C, Camoesl. Je- !. Piled Uto W edoe^y ^wm^a ?*Sf%specUon. .• ttiTco iT* demurrer, nled by BarTy «c. ugh his attorneys. Parry. Keen- tobertaon and Daly. obJecU that »mplatot falls to atoto facts auf- iT lfl at to consUtute- a cause of ac- , Tlie motion for order of In- A Uon fU«d by Bany. aska that m e A) le' defendant* move for an ord« Ittspeetloa and right to make T e* of the book* and recortla of . X ” *^ i!^UK s are H. B. Wy W WAJ •. Eamseyer. E. S. Harper. PrM ’Hi* 3icrtrearl-Ramaey,-OertTude-t aiOT n. O. D. McCailley, Arwld tt wUl ler,-Nel* M.-MolUr-and Jrank.O . 1 .^ ;er*on. Barry la eecreta^-lrw - w ^ • of the corporeUon while Ca- U(^ *1 U president and general man- At 1 monUi tie compUtot. filed April IB, ^tes rse* more than *300.000 to c o ^ Jon fund* are unaccounted for eomm records are tocompleto and to- - arato: that Bairy aAd C^oezt W l. jved a eum. amount unknown. wUJ u eved by the pUtoUffs to be In ex- engtoi I of 1500,000 from Uie aale of man ,ber. and U ut all the sum wa* to comm lesslon and under control of the Sf^Snllffa further alleged the to lu s3S°i.;'s.™bS'’.ES2; a , 3.000. p*®*- aybom and Raybom represent SdCTt Tmmim today a^ i n t ^ o*er ftnm . >vm,tniiiiilnn. He aald P lan- tloo Will be dealgnatod *• chairman:! awjc U a n g P ro d u c e teal for a aUto Inapectlon “iwrv-i is-Umea when a fedexalctmar- Bam in* program waa aot funcUon- a * dealere came to for a *hare eotmi Ul* ertUcUm to regard to Uie A nlacQous use of braaded bags maki d todUference by dealer* to toe and ) being made of bags cawylng g ^ sir names. It waa felt by the vto «p Uiere U a need for .power* to com td poUtoea tbal fall to meet:* Don id* remtiremcnt unUl auch Um* Buto Ul* potatoe* do-make the'trad*. ^ need for fenerwl tm provcm at.rf .-ACA tsto"P*cks !0 thli area iru recce- *fow »d by the sronp to oqual packi deali other areaa In Idaho. and After lenttto dlacuasioo by conn- totei fann~gel««rt*i~r*prtlCTtlgg~™a o sn ■Mib,!.. h 1 ^ fiiaao.'iT im itB M FI c r ED] irMS «r ClrtaUtSeat _ ,Bd «Bll»l t w jt in ) i t S l o c i [rumaiL resident Truman aald today he bel .oves toward lifting ot the Berlin :rence that If he didn’t think th< States would..not_J«_ continuing t 1 _L have n sked to ra^ Thea ’s Teniue . Robert E. Smylle today , .ho said the Democrats SinUter to the poUt!cimreer-of ------ Itie 1 Iberg of the Idaho Young nation .was looking to Ke- or out of the senate after what « now U md organization from the I through tho precincts in --------------------------------------- Ilia J Iub Speaker !ays^^0?AJsz Socialism Bid le federal govenuneofa aUempt whlch l rorce the eatablishmaot of a LaU imbla vaUey administration w u to Waj sed -niunday u "a direct at- tajy a pt-~and cne of several lUp* bf- Amcrlc taken or oonlempUUd — .to Um M age our form of government to <i1» allsm.” . ^ to hai tw itattanant wu m^„.i>y m«at ' ]04 DttwtUer. lo ^ builniBnw tt gtai of OT^ a* wmt- Dbani of th* Twto pan* towanji ■atnm'i itanfOlarieadooatttaaAmerl- luaadi LdteahaiL. ' , -------- -—:— BMoai Ziak .. • ' An «tM lkr. «b» pototatf .«ut finart - 1» VW’ tiBglBt TaU» i u SS itu l2'’ni2ie?*w Ifltindttce^ D ig J. BoUw. *ecrotaiy ot the T ra «ram ehalrmaa fcr the d4^ 3etweilerdeclaro(^toatpl^ call T ' the estabUshmeat of nke au- f iriUe* In tbe natloa.'^Theae nia* UioriUe* would bo headed by thrte BDl n each—“twenty-aeven man re- ataat, Hislbte only to the Prealdent a ^ ^ a a power and authority above the pUrt' ffta of the und.- . -~K*-C*Mt-Wgbt:^-.-— ^ Oetwdltf declarad UM te t-U u t j,o ta a admlniitrattoBa would b* above rw rcottrtrwu-BTldnioa4*te-*-T*- (C -tla«rf 1 P ^ It. CiNwa O p]pt' lay 3 Is Set ' S As Plant Site Hearing Date WA8HIHQrKW-AprIl-»„l« ■- S 5 1* jotat cooiTMrtonal ^ a ti^ jsjar a * r ecrmniltoe aaDOuncod t ^ Han wUl oobducfkBOther-heartaf Uay. ,nti- cnuiecMon of.,ajlte..f<Jr ^ .n e w _ a n •stem atomic energy reactor »U- ' m. fiA At a previous hearing earlier thU ean onto, wltoeasca from MonUna otested toe adecUon of a alte at uid rco, Ida, by the atomlo energy ^ mmlaston. Pr Esftoeen t« TeaUfy held Wltoe**e* at next week's beartag Buh HI todude offldals 'of the DetroiL o m i^eertog firm of Smith, Hlnch- bffle an and OrylU, employed by toe Tt ■mmlsslao lu t w lner'to turvey flowi laslble kicaUona for the fUUon. There w u teallmony that prior n , last November, port Pedc. McoL. Kj sd been a Iea(Ung choice u a caUon for tb t new atomic cneriy tant. 'Evldenee WlUibeU’ Tha indudlsg Oov. Broc shn W. Bonner protested Uiat toe New Bgittecra had not considered aQ Bi ralUble evidence tn pickln* Arco Han Fer gorfl»ecg.----------------------- ^ ----- «»t 'BreBtaii eoat'tjf the'Te»etor-*ta-^ :on U expected to be about 1500.- Beet Kjm. . . , ^ T«n c e -In ^ iis tr ^ a utHm trart artaik tho meloUon et.-: ubmltted by the Ctorer.Tra Bo- - M «au-*uadoptod-by tbe Twta PalU aaa ounty Parm Bnreaa. - A committee w u appoiatad to a more thorough Investigation Itta mil resmit a detailed report-to toe WW Toop at lu next meeUn*. Mel- _u Don .Olbb*. .Kimberly. ;aad-J**» Fhl Jutminer of Murtaugh. ________Ben'7ahsra. Twto Palla_sssBaj_.^ iealen meeUng to Burley May 8. md said growBw should ibow. mcryjPet nterert ta the potato admfiilstJaUoa^C OTtDJtte«-arrt--ebtah^-«aet>-<»luM IM lauo^eim atten; --------------- • IT IO N J ffllsasi bideJII -Says,; I lelieves the BtissIimB ara 1; lin blockade. ' •: • „ J he RuBstim feeler® w w ig converaAtionH on the now r ^ e d the «t»ge X nal de^on with Ruada •olJlniT the next move;' , , SoTleU mn expocMd t o ngr • J :a the ouetUons nlsM 19 tbe ^ ^ w e n on w ietto t ^ fOTKllHon for a i d t n g w - ide U western agmoient to a- - — tha I western power* alrea^ hata I known their wUUntn*« .fr. \ ftich •m eeU ar, «Wi, B«riia Uoos are reatered^to -M n o A ........ at tm y are trytng to 1^ twm . U tba point that insUt on auspendtof .tfta e^, . - J aUoD of noo-ooounonln vest~ ; vuprasantadtoBofletDep^ S ,^*lSStar^akOb.A..-«*int : ew York yaatsday ,hy Amar-, ._ h laatodaomlantoi. . • .; U tn tbe day J*anp. nlBn»4.; ?aahlnatoo to report to. See*. of e u u AoheaoB aod ,rtb » rlean policy , roaksra aad .avalk aajteovletatoTB.— » three power noU U raportaa ■ava. aaked tba Borlet g o r ^ - ' t to dadara otfteUOrffMter ' teidi-flrmly-envttgySStii" ~ iftpnpeNX faltM wrVjiferite' I'acawy iB'a HoHoir^-MteWb. - Fakw« B iiU R e sid e n t ' IDHL. April 38->^AT^ a Oei^ : at. BO. died at.4:U a. ai. .7Sniia^ - ' at the Twto Pani qoanty : a whera b t had baen b k e s Wa4>-.. dayf^r.remo^.ofipar^datt- , ewhlolibadli>d*«dialil*,ttw)at.*r- ~ nieUna sald'^adnaaday. DtgbK. - ^ a 60« ) ehano* to raeofOV.J. ’■ • anowtos^alr to-«Bter=iad=w6= = !U neck tlasoea. Bis wlsdplpe,bad bt aUt frem tba outatde nr*lB*'. tloQ «< tabe through wbkb-taa' dd braatb whlla. tha obafenietlaB: arettorad. . . Kr. Oonstaot w u bom Bapt 17. ». ta Bpaicer. la. Ba-«ama.4o.- er ta 1823 at HasUngs. Mtfv: % . . ad ta Buhl wllb hti family ustil u rv h e a ba-BOTod 4o.OaltfORuL : I retmned to Buhl seven yeara agS~~ *- H-rsaUM^t-flee-Potdar^atmt.------ - IZ « ate. Aveiy Pteteber .Oonstaat, i . - in Pranolaco, Oallt; his tastber,' ' ra. Florence A. Ooostant.;BnM, Jd OIU broUier, & A. -OoostMt, ; ohL Prlvato graveald* aerrioea-wffl ba !ld at S p. BL Satnrday .ta tba .. - uhl cemetery wlto the Ber. >Caa ■ -. teenlofl.of Ul* PrwhyterUaehtmib ■fldatlng. " ^— r=— “ The family requeita- that BO }wers be aent to tbe aerrlea. Jaseb a ll S co res ; By Vimed Tnm . ■ NATIONAL LBAODI , . „ J roeWyn_________ OO J. ^ BwTork_________ loooiooo-a- Btanea aad Oampaaenar Jooafb- anaen, PatJKsiroedy,-T»aitea»^rTT ^ ottOD - jOOMO^'M,~a. - Blekford and Uaat: .ISicapnx' 1 2 rtnkJa. am stanty^.X ^ta.^^;:-“ - Indnnatt ----- 000 100 Mtiacbkf ana4tt0nlkiaiar»N H t -;a a ad g « a g l ^ . . y . \ - . : . ' ; r . . •.■• •• ■■r.-Ma AioiaoAir u Aam *w TO* _ J 0 l 2J OOW tt penrlar. W O w jm tA ltW iiW W eiW

ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

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Page 1: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

F — — n|;B U L L E T IN

L dWW M «!• dU «t Uw i f f O U «to .« » » »

M koM f t r tb* 1W<

----------- -


0 g h a i ! ■ C o r r i d o T ®

iiNGHXl. April 28-<ff)

f aoslnlf B lo w jy - lo ^ y .te t ls n e n , th e t , W l^ p a r in * to s e t und® f o r « 8 C h in e s e , l a n d

M w ere c o m l i i f f T i n 'J e n ^« d o m in a tio n . A ir p la n e s ‘ took o u t r e f u g e e s o v ? r

Uner P r e d ^ t. ' U ^ u be the U«t u n £ ub . M wm e tim e. uU ed down

this aneisoon .^ »w e 300 •vKMeea. IM of H j j H j Anertcan. S u i Frai

1.900 B t«r, ^ embukmUoi

Ji -S ' btW*” ^b**(M no* here come wh#t m w - ented* on « r S i i l U. S . n»vy c rtJ t du r.M Utenjoon took * te * * t« 8 ' which^ e « down C .W - pierS »hlp Refuse. Nftvy » t ^ ,o o n , ^ 4 , i lh»t may be th e iM t boet

r BiTd c n J t moored down the ,t« l out ef ranee of c o n u n i ^ , b ttrj.p ilun*. may t o n ^ t or ^

new, one naval officer aaid. -----------------

P l a n s

^ s S W ^ - 'T 'FoT® WtU more moekly by air..Itta American Northwest a ir- * A i t * i ind Pan-Am erican aUll are

,aocD m .S S ndH ongK onB -B rttU h fly-M U are soln* to H oofIfeiro dally. A n are booked day ^ Ch.tmUl n a l week. w « •» « '

. . r S / S S S f n U U “ • ■ S . S

rif's5‘jfs5.s="»tflok soochow. about 60 mllet l i Shanjhal. early yeater- li®

THelr advance may be alowed ;, becauM they, a tin bave nol dent force* ferried, ftcroe* tbe Tliere aw t « to handle th e Tarlouadrlvei « « « ?1 are developter.t AMOcUtod- P resi office here “ ree yean r heard in a round about way N

Ila Nanklnf oom fpondent, -T u m ln s t our Topplnf. New T o it . wm <1 , ^ sed to hU hotue by tbe rod* *vl«Uon la n a not allowed a n y TWtor*., j lS .n y ln f l t reporU ta l4 t b t m tr lc t to ' ed more aeven th a n tbose.’lm - ^ k I OD Other roreU neii In the g J h o ^ «

____grrer»«y««^ • a n days aisougn an error coountm ut Hr»rw M<ue n ef P u ltav across tb* river..Ohanghal-a bualneas dlaWet ,b«n reported. Several com- “

W n e n l l la , -wer. captured '

itlnlerprfUUan of a cable from I** SAuodated P re u bureaa tn *■ Ihal r w l te d tn th e error. The ** nJshU

read: “Orwip i td s captured « acroM W hanspoo river from jj , IddlllEhaL"} . - of airport

* * * * OAA oomn^ for tbe le

u m a n S a y s

favy “Ready” K r l'o A idP eop le jS ^iSinNOTON, April 28 w — Benrlnedent Trum an declared today tns tbe eT<the navy u am ply prepared to they repnn al) Americans from Shang- drew Jam

son. Lions• PrMldent_told a newi_con- b e r j f Cew lie unacrildba Uieir were echools; El» the navy had run ou l on *nd Mrs.>cnn elvllUiu a t Shanehal, now *nd ProlU-ned by Chinese communUta. They willraklns solemnly, he aald there —I foiindailon In fac* for any .report. V | \ f pf n a ix Mr. lY um an went on. ’

nd hai been'readr*’i t a ^ to i e s Ill(][11 ke oui Amerlcani In tha dty . Ilncr President WiUon, the R v

ifn i luild. le fl S hanfhol wllh " J •ntlM anrt the P resldftit Pierce NAMPAm sld en i Van Duren are sUU ney Franl»blc for fu rther evacuations. further Irf Presldenl WUaoo aalled from o f ~ th e - «i»hsi today. voters a lf na^T, he added, baa been tion and (•ble M all UmM lo help these be brouglnerclsi liners remove Americana dayi.“ I'tin ready to do ao. O ne mi

combat a l ^ Zleere. bu

*■ thrre are. the President IT- m e r a l p<

^PortCT asked If a pretert~WM them that !-fnadt-to"ihB"ChlnesB"cuuuuu- s~3stt~ser

“«au4e of tbe Invasion by to vote, ^unui (wwicTi o f Am baaador J . M ajor t lion S iu irt'a realdence. o t alot mie m u id en t aald he had had do cd tn an i ^» ln t^ .fto m .-tb » -« a b M aa d « r ' '-tt

»hat might be don*. O C V *

oshone Greets New Water TankOSRONE, Aprtl ae — A new Icng. swef ‘»nic h w fciTlved here and wlU K athy Pgoaded aa soon aa enslaeera o f weS atm.Di«e t t o k and B rld ja eom- ' T hey a;. Mttnphta. MTlve to aopevla* th e a de*■"'w*. Excav»iioiu for ereeUon the

tank have beea . oomplated. h u L th e y'"ne lo Mayor M yrtle BatdetU much, f ‘"nk rep licw one which un- “We ee-«ably tumbled tn a maa* of moetal te« «eel ot) Nov. 18. IMS. Tb* tk* aewn“ nk fell *h!le be ln t refilled tolden-hi- « • Memphis ccncero had {rmh her« and repaired ll. "We thoi “*»««mne.BerrTei7.is*=‘ progrtfct*’ t e n a m v l»aa taihmged 10 hOBpltal We w»ter ty t tm ta ^>ehiBon "B u t « ■ ^ m r tU te test*. ■ ' aent'T b*

_______A J t e i l o n a l N ew i!

OffkUl .Ctt7 . Coutr

Solo■ M Tifj

W ASHft! f ) - N o r t lDemocrats

^ • r s — ,rr-4 fig h t on t: S — day over I

' w arning tl ' who refUB{

'H&rt:ey~acl of W hite

The chamt debaU on t law.

Theflrevoi after Bepres<

K n fonnally askc bill, which w

randaeo a m y p o rt of TafUHarUey ioa official* have an-

» cbarfe th a l b e waa ' Truman hadle fer the BlUlon-dallarth awept an Oakland. ^cr. The a m y aald Ibedler. from Dlnuba. CaUf,i trr an the pier when theled and admitted to > of 1®“atem ent (hat be llchled • 't .

wrappla* oo Ihe pier. J ®oboto)__________________ remarks wfc

fall to so ai

IS D e ta ile diM H f r f er-Age’ D a y p ^ ; ^NO, April » —Represent- Hebert. *1 tervlee clubs and other o r- cm slates ri IS were aanUted Wednea- election our m et Moulton, a tate d h ^ - had been a*: ronauUca. In plonnlns de- boase on lh lhe alr-age day alated a t any effect r t tier* May U . T h e m eet- patronage, held in Mayor J . Wealey Gir fn c r r — 'H is ansvswlnj the progress of Id a- Uve." Hebei •uUcs, Moulton aald there aad cheers - year-«round alrpoft* In aide, npared w ith d e h t In 1933. Democrat e nine tim w a s many 11- Maaaachuse lots and alx tim es m many th a t Hebei )Ianfc* now as th e re were DenocrmUo trs 080. be dedared . su te* right N ot an Alnbow

E to lh* purpoa* of tbe a fr- oennack w Moulton sUtod commercial . t>j, Is 60 yeara aheSa of p ri- n«, which h* descrlbeji'ta rvnoenU e t •tm *’ and e x p la tn e j» j^ - ^ openi: a re being held tb rou ihou t eUmulate Jotereal in ,p r i-

a j . m eniiajwliaa-tbB a lr- are n o t alrshowa bn t e n - grouted thj

ucaUonal In na tu re . mooibe locol air-a*o day. 100 m j for vl and lOO buslnesa and pro* most conte

people from th e a rea erer known V th e Oooding airport wtU Before U fllghta In eommerelal a ir - Truman's E » p lie Air lin e s , as well *dmlnUtr*l

a l a . private a ircraft, possible au] T otir. Slated by holdln(

dlUon there WlU be tour* rt-.faclULle*_lncludlng_«W tununlcaUon sUUon. Eventa l« « h e re ’ wUl r t» r t-a t t . i i I tor tbe buslneaa and pro- * " " *: men and women a t 1 p A .lallflcd for an Invitation thenuflt not,have ridden In a a J U T y

previously. " x * displayed are an a ir force I m

» p carrlcr and a naUonal * * * IghUr plane. - - « on the eommittee arrang- I rfv c Event, and the oTKanlraUoni preaenl are Chairm an An- n n p s t '] mea. R otiry d u b : TW Mn-- e o S r t ^ ns d u b : M. H. Met*. Cham- jj, , Commerce: Leigh In g e rs^ . .Ming. Tht Bari Qray, naUonal (tuarfl. ^ j j i^ u o i

s. Helen E. Bmlth. D uslnea broi pofeaslonol Women’s club. irrijiU on 111 meel tonigbL The coinp ----------------- ----------- • caused dar

i Intimidation “^“ lE uiry Continued Nampa Police S?i."S;

f s s r jS K '- s i«i b t tb trW « t h t o . t a

m Qa»uonM W o ' - g j j ' “

p r f« = . . t o t i t im t h o - t n H ed_te_a m an who warned T"." V j»t they irould 'be auBJecrtn- S r t S - l f - t b . y - * U e m p t « l

r la iu eh e ra w as th e lle en a lMiTi.rhinwn, which w«s defeat- BeUwwd 1 adylaoTT ballot.___________

S till Are S earch ii

r e ^ h w s t o t r y t o ^ « « « ^

■re forward, acroe of the re««« per» te ly . to th e ir share of « o .XDOO fund for t h e ^ fu j^ ^5 ^ b t ll wOl ammml to

S S H f S s i i l■haired a-year-old’a body up ,er tom b ctM led in hts arm*,» o g b t t l would b o ^ *1^ S f w ’L ” ^ ^ 4 t - t o ^ c b n d i m ' i

■ we de d d ed W e people w h o 'a fte r Ka h i B o o e y - to - tb*-re*ooai* l - « m i

T w r

ons in ' If Over ® -H Blast f l

tlfN G TO N . AprU 28 I H ir th e m and southern Its £ o t jn to a verlMl : H | | 1 th e ho u se floor to- r P re s id e n t T rum an 's : t h a t p a r ty m em bers .[use to v o te for T aft- act-re i«S l'W lll f a in « i t " j H I H

e H ouse s ra c e . H H Bamber waa tn the m idtl of ' in th e union-hated labor

iVMd Asks Debate ^ H l lsvorka began popping right >resenlaUve Wood. D , asked th e house to take hU h w ould keep most ol tbe tley acU ' as a suhsututa dmlnUtraUon repeal meaa-

had to ld 'h U new* confer* i OemocraUo votes In ran- Talt-H arU ey repeal wUl bep ir ty lo y a lly .‘m e a d m l^ bill would repeal Uie 1^'H return to a modified verdon

W agner labor reiatlona

ImpUeaUen PUId tpUcation of Mr. T ranan 'a was th a t DemocraU who

0 along w ith the adminla- .f a new labor law wUl have say 'about who geU federal

in ti tlv B ' H obert,~D iF-l*T “ 5 Y dfloor “to advise my. Demo- ,g- ^

^lleagues" th a t Presldenl 'h a J placed a patronage

» lag“ on vote# for th* ad- Uon'a labor blU.

*-ho aupported tbe K jim - n p is righta Ilcket in la st fa lls | r Ucampaign, sa id Mr. T tumanJ a»k«l wheUicr vote* in the - r j1 Uie U bor bllU would have H ( ) eet OQ tb a distribution of *

GOPera ApplM d fmswer was In the afflrm a- ebert aaid to loud applause WASH eer* from tb e Republican

:r»Uo Leader McCormack. uUUUealusetta, jumpod up to *ay polntznere b o t and others «n tbe M r.T TlUo aide who Bupported the fereace IIghta Ucket ore “sllUng by to r of th 'Jt- on th e DcmocraUo side. Obiervwbert h a d had his way. Mo- »ppoU)tnk w en t oa. “we would no t tary.Dem oenUo maijoilty to UUi ' Cloao 1tod we vH)uld not W * a expectoda U o v I W d e n t H* aetually th e ne i lenly^aupportod a epUnter

I^U an p llb le Cendnet*aenUUvo Rankin. D., Miss.. ^ o eacn U iat “th is attem pt to brow-

anbera of congress Into voU taiicea w• v ldoua legUlaUon U Uie ago a n dMtempUble conduct I bave the Job.

e th e debate tunied to Mr. ^ “ ^Id Ii-s Ideas o a party loyally^ »»<1itraUon m ea -ought to woo w ffu U ''I eupporlOT o f the Wood4>m w l ^ • ding o u t U » proipecl ofns th e M lmJalstnUon's bUl amtlln gl:« m .l» r n w * . T h . bm » ~ n t «

J .D ..U lc h _ c t» ln w u io I t l ic ^ t b

m t h ? b

' Y Selected n e aa, , prognoB

Irrigation — tislrict Trial SEBT. A p r i l H - I l l . t H t l jpm ea ■hm-Wedneaday-wlUi. -D, IL Sutphen . Oooding. pre-The e n tire day was coMUmed ^i m o l . J u S f c h t u - . d t n brought agalaa t Uie Minidoka P“ W « ion d ta tric t by E. N. Phllllp*. ” *'• ompany t* alleged to have dam age lo o x jp . by otatrucU

, IrrlgaUon ditch. f irs t venire ot prospecUve ‘

.was exhausted when many “ “ ‘ . J i ihallenged a o d e«u*ed when .dmltled they were taxpayer* lem ben of th e irrigation dls- Price 8 e a i» , 'd ty derk. was ™ ut to g e t a spedal venire. O ul * e m en brought to court, five ,•xeuaed «fler examlnaUon by «« ey» for defendant and eom- nt. . 'I In th e day th o Jury wo* eom- oone., B e* t« l w er.- Mr*. LUbert ^ M rv Prtm k Jones. Dennis I 'Alv» reaneU . Jsck Phoenix,Cooper. August KuhL Leo num er Aldo Perotto. Cloy Hawkins

nitJicU t t 'O m lih i" ■ ■ ,acUcm asks tS.Ul.t* on one «nd nny ta ry M

n jh am . projec t manager, rep- you^ to a - tH e l r r i a t a ain n im etr-At^•* la m e caae are BhennM a l d ^ » d for th e dUtrlet and. a T . d l s ^ for PhlUlp*. .-------------------------------------- . . . ------- c

j te scuersw ith T

ine for Work ^th a t. When Kxaeone

jDU- • xlrtnk; yoo c a n t ta m r ” “A and Blve th e drtnk away," icer aald be and h is partner.Herpel, who also worted en xn- ■CTCue two and a half weeks fo ^ e would pu l the ir share of th* thlry baek in the tr builnauk laucin m is tt." he aald. oustrtrae tor BayinoDd • HID. who ^ Tlsed th e rescue, sllll U work- ^ j nUi B aa-M arlno Mayor Clark <,f u to tdcnUfy th e W to 75. men <jjg fooghl to save ICalhy a n d ie t aow: forw tila to -r tp a y them .-'n iey It m ig h t take two or throe

r^ T w 5 T « a " C o m T T iB rh m ir - * 5 b k a ^ T e n i n ' l h e ifell Aprtl S

M rM « 1. CaUaa U ^-----■kl : _______

•' \V\l//V//^


F re e d F rom liv in j

Dl Maktiaiiak,-l>Mra*d, Uttcrcd..and-alM\% il I c r s H U 5 ^ l 5 T i i r w i W i« - f r o r a - klTis homo In which h li m other .e aW * o s t The M -year-old form er coflege »U ) back." (AP wlfephete)

u m a n H as Bea [o p e s G J d e r ‘W iU A ccept’ ! - ^.S B m aT O N . Aprn: M W l -

lea exucuttve. wtU accept ap- m e n t a aw eretaiy of tbe arm y. '

r tfaB Balelgh (N. O.) New# and -rver.,U uB der conslderaUoa for mtment M «ciet«7 of th*M Irland* of -Danl*!* **M he-t» * .5 ^ 5 :tod 10 aoeept th* port n e x t few

J h . . b a a o l lm a to D u J .Kacrltilnr C i td e r u w -voT capa-- “n«n Mr. Truman eald h* had Keogh d wiUi h im 'tbre* o r four;day* quesUon nnd he hoped h* would accept unUl af lob . • his coni

'Eem lnded of DenW 'Id th a t a lilgh defense official the u n j so ld T«»lerday Uiat Uib uUllUe* m ent wl am-o would take over Uio j w t ^ in .flO d a y a -a statem ent th a t w » - e r la te r den led -M r. T rum an if^nf aigly observed th a t Uio a o - wo*™., iccm ent wasn’t made by him . McE_Uic.Bam 8_tkn.e..,t?3e^^^dent

t i e r e was no foundaUon In or h^lsif o r fears th a t tho marine oarp* —“ « - U be elknlnaled and-the navy’a irm absorbed by Uie air force.

Bapa "Cohimn*") aald th a t report wa* like th e <*“• TitBtlcaUona people read In lhe

° re M rte f Interjeclod th a t the J c V B .«>,«ntinni were raiocd tty Jo h n . BuUlvon when he reidgned as Ae to rr of lh* navy earlier this .

le President said h e did nol r eullIvahV ieiter-tO -SecretaiT : -was-no Defense Johnson, prolestiog m an T

n e t eanoelUUon of. Uie navy 's ^ is to build a-w per airplane Car-

BUUiDenl.B«le**ed No aoincldontally. Chairman Vto- far the

D .. Oa,. released a sU tem ent gironk a Secretary Johnaon denying ; Uiere are any plwis afoot toinfer marine and naval' avia- « e n ai

to o ther servlets. ' IMS; Fho nUtement. addressed to Vto- jp , u ,j

aald’ ,1 : ha>-e been, hearing rumor*u t • the U«nafer of Uie m arine la ier r

n aval aviation to some other prannch of UiB service. In tha1. D nder Uie Uw IhU cannot be cept the. ........................ »ervlc«

-N ot COBlODpUUd" postofJI. I t ha* no t been mider eon- npent 1iplallon, and from time to Ume he Unerou* su te m e n u have t>een malU I So by mo to th a t effec t.,J . T h ere are no *uch *tudle* be- AmeriiouT led on in wb niXUiiial miU- 15 3 7 1

r establishm ent. Further. I w an t Kfnte >

-red . X ahould ask permisalon to x i*ua4 th e m atter before the com- ---------

of botb bouso* of caagresa." ^

—c B m A - « s v i s w ^ n u t > — 4 ; ^y A g I » O T ^ . ^ p r f l ^ T ^ — * • ^

h Pr«*ldeni T m m aa today about FI ■ inw lIrT -'"-*^*"* ! *"^ ~nanded a "ce«npleto re v ie w -- tr Tnfll * « » o f Amerlean China** policy,

No HoaxB . ™ t i » t M . r f t h . n . » . . i r

Bt«o reveal there may be ‘ w m e- ^ h ln g - to tb e reported flytog ?“ aucera to Uio naUon during Ui* ^ g J u t two year*. ,w dealln

A report wwa rdeaw d by »ba I t fo rte saying Uiat 40 per cent i th e r«porta sUa could n o t be . i l a m t a s e d . Inveallgatow ran lown 3«0 rtporU, founa'30~pCT. trt.hn * a t w m -ronveaOonal aerial ™ >ble«ta“\ o d an cU w 30 per e * « ^ w ra rartnmcoUcal phenomena.*-. j n r lh e .f u l l s to iy . • e e p a £ * ^ _

- ■■■*[ I t 1

___ Mini. It

i.Y , A P B IL .28 ,1949

H - i

WASI actlnffii -T he F advance

S ^ f H S t a

1\ - B o i s ;

tlInckcd (u . s . s (

In a I Republl publicai his prec

He Ul

prcpara showdo lives in

w ele*»,.«lU .ln.*.B rooU jii._ -TT’e Pi“» “tom b*U l«-eobl* lo-ia-a- reply to .1 h im -w hen . World w ar I I alMnd a itodent toM poUe* n -d Uk* PuW'• * » s.rto

irded Hermit K t] mts Attorney —.jy sforei Queries

' - J Quent 1*-TORK. A pril 28 Wv-Brook* tarded he rm it, who *at out w n In a ttoy sealed ^ b y - . ®*“ 'tn U to aee a Uwyer before

d ra f t sU tua wlUi

, M to raey J . V incent Keogh

. r f r a io o t t ia ir a x a ce ata §oughl-t<-<iue** nortaot tw fug lU te t o t t th* world jppa itS tfaO uM to regu lar fw

De,to -m y - la w ia r . ': . ............." _lh ta jd n o further effort to m the p a t ie n t would be made if te r pcychlatrisU report on

S sh tk atlU waoU to go baek to ly eell l a hU mother** ten*- ^ th e re pollco found him Tw*- A *eo Ight, fUtby.- ahoeles* and to a poo.C

le U ever found sane and re- Lumbei Brooklyn Alty.-Oen.-Mllej cm pon

IJonald aald. 'I faS a pretty Twto J guess h e l l go back to Uiere rome. 1

own vulltion:*-------------- -- demurt_ lsa -p o u n d -r td u je ..aa y fl . b t ordero0 use for the ouUlde world. Ths >e d istric t attorney says ll was tbrougt Ime for h im to live to Uie an. Roi

Uie con■ ------------------- flclent

an tz ‘Called’Ls Postmasterfon l W. rra n t* . Twto Pall*. Theiom ln*te<1 -by-Pre s id en t.ItU r g ; , ^ J Thnraday to be poaUnaster ofreal poetoffloe, aocor^lng to U» Molier,U todP reaa . Andert appo in tm en t h u been made

1* local poatofflce atoce M. A. ^ 'k reU red on June SO, Thever, J a m e a O. L e i g h to n ^ charge acUng poatm aster alnce July t.H e-w aa one of 10 applicant*

le poatm aater vacancy. All ex- recdwthree of the appllcanu were bejleviraJta ™ t tb .ju n ln .u 0i» . ,mU haa h a d 29 years of servicele postal departm ent. All ex- jjjfnjdthreo a n d one-half year* of hU ^he:« h as been to th a Twto PalU ~ ,m rifflce. th o o the r'period being „ ^: a t Balt L ake Oily. At present. „oo.o{s aasls taa t supertolendent of juy:1 here. the p l ta l* haa been acUve to toerlcan Leglop alnw 11 wa* orgM-

-Offlce9._ H e .h a s _ b e « i^ y e .in PreaMSeoul w ork fer 34 yean and UaJ.-<

rw to r* JU dU trict for U ye an .ltog w

eople—Jeopardi [n Idahodlvtdoal* who )eopardlt* to* paicn o ptw luce todu iuy fcr *elflih g» “ ( were b laa tedby .th* Twin falls ty Parm B ureau a l lU meeting Thi day n ig h t. ot th« Clover towaahlp Parm Bureau pram: Oiued a resoluUoa to Uie eoun- aod : n w p calling fcr ftrengUienlng use 1 M departm en t of agriculture to to d r tog w ith todlvlduals who mU- group e te s t pTDdoce, particularly j» - hold

JIO tnchifled to tbe resohtUon as tb ►-a-demaad fdr a&.andlt'A l.Uu A nei 10-a d v tr tis lo g Tirtnrntmnn u d p o u t m m didatlO B -thal tbe comml*- nixed

be ElTcn th e assignment of of otl of .Uie Idsho Aft

aap ro d u ce -o u U id e U ils ita tc .- ty .f i . w u f d t tb a t tb«.s*«d w u a ^ M art


InlCTtwl H aho ComiUM


u ss ‘A c F a ith s Bid, T

SH IN G T O N ^A pril 28 (/P>—Presl in good fa f th in . th e i r new move P re sid en t- to ld a n ew s eonferer

ced in good fa i th , th e U n ited S tt

ate GOPs As End Taylor’sISE , A pril 28 (U.R>— A tty -G en . R( ■on_ReDublicanB to dp_ y j m t ^ t

i cou rage to do— p u t a n end to Sen. G len T ay lo r, a le t te r to C h a irm an T om Sahlbei bllcan league, Sm ylio sa id th e nat » n a in t h i s s ta te to k eep Taylor < resen t te rm ex p ire s , urged s t r ic t p a r ty d iscip line and

lost echelon o f th e G O P down th ira tion fo r th e p o litic a l ■ down o f 19B0. S a h lb e rg in Pocatello . V ^ I U

“Sa-1 a meeUng flf th e Young R e-aa'a ejtecutlvo com m ittee to •on May 18. H a eald h e w ould------W jay from tho city th a t day b u t « planned to a ttend th e n a - _ .

Young I.epubUcao meeUng It I ^ e O lty June 33-58.Iho Republicanism t i n »8 respoaslbUity to th e n a tto n t ^ ^ iM ." -8 m j^ -w ro to . “I n thU t m p j ^

the *pUt personality of tho craUo party . wlUi lU oooao- ^ ^ u S t , lack of abUlty to govern. wUl ta to aharper focua U ian a n y - ™

} eUe in th e country. - n a to r T a y lo r t avowed c aa d l- for th e Dem octatlo n o m i n a l a th la em & «U y c lear. T b* ^x n u o p a r ^ ^ W n o t H a T t tb e c aa t t to h im h U ambtUoo. uU on Ibea m ust look t o oetiribllcani to .im t a period in a a j e

At ^ a e r x w ^ 3 ^ m m n 3 u u a Tdan"'t 1“ of T oung A epubU oaai. f n u T t

.; _ th e fin

emurrfer and j^ b otice Filed in 5SS1 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 S u i t £ ilecond acUon haa 'been ta k en !n g».000 “accounting:” su it filed by to n s i l l o ^ l d e r e o f th a G re at W est ber - corporation again st twoara tioa offlccrfc H arry W . B a n r , ___ -i Palls, and R , C , Camoesl. Je - !. Piled U to W e d o e ^ y ^w m ^a

?*Sf%specUon. .• ttiTcoiT* dem urrer, n led by BarTy «c. ugh his attorneys. P a rry . K een- tobertaon and Daly. obJecU th a t » m p la to t falls to atoto fac ts auf- i T l f l a t to consUtute- a cause of ac- , T lie motion for o rder of In - A Uon fU«d by B a n y . aska th a t m e A ) le' defendant* move for an o r d « Ittspeetloa and r ig h t to m ake T e* of th e book* and recortla of . X

” * ^ i! ^ U K s a re H . B. Wy W WAJ •. Eam seyer. E . S . H arper. P rM ’Hi*3 ic rtre a r l-R a m ae y ,-O e rtT u d e- t a iO T n. O. D. McCailley, A rw ld tt wUl ler,-Nel* M .-M olUr-and J r a n k .O . 1 . ^ ;er*on. Barry la e e c r e ta ^ - l r w - w ^ • of the corporeUon w hile C a- U (^ *1 U president and general m a n - At 1

monUitie compUtot. filed April IB, ^ t e s rse* more th a n *300.000 to c o ^Jon fund* are unaccounted for eomm

records a re tocompleto and to - - arato: th a t B a iry aAd C ^ o e z t W l. jved a eum. am ount unknow n. wUJ u eved by th e pU toUffs to be In ex- engtoi I of 1500,000 from Uie aale of man ,ber. and U u t all th e sum wa* to comm lesslon and under control of the

S f ^ S n l l f f a fu rther alleged the to l u

s3S°i.;'s.™bS'’.ES2; a ,3.000. p*®*-a ybom and R aybom represent

SdCTt T m m im today a^ i n t ^ o*er

f tn m . >vm,tniiiiilnn. He aald P la n - tloo Will be dealgnatod * • c hairm an :! a w jc

U a n g — P r o d u c e

tea l fo r a aU to Inapectlon “iwrv-i is-U m ea when a fedexalctmar- Ba m

in * program waa a o t funcUon-

a * dealere came to for a *hare eotmi Ul* ertUcUm to regard to Uie A

n lacQ ous use of b raaded bags maki d todUference by dealer* to toe and ) being m ade of bags caw ylng g ^ sir nam es. I t waa fe lt by the vto « p Uiere U a need for .power* to com td poU toea tb a l fall to m e e t:* Don id* rem tirem cnt unUl auch Um* Buto Ul* potatoe* do-m ake t h e 'trad * . ^ need fo r fenerwl tm p r o v c m a t .r f .-ACA tsto"P*cks !0 th l i a rea i r u recce - *fow »d by th e sronp to oqual pack i deali other areaa In Idaho . andAfter l e n t t to dlacuasioo by conn- toteifann~gel««rt*i~r*prtlCTtlgg~™a o s n

■Mib,!.. h 1 ^ f i i a a o . ' i T i m i t B M

F Ic

r ED]

irMS «r ClrtaUtSeat _, Bd «Bll»l t w

j t i n

) i t S l o c i

[rum aiLresident T ru m an aald today h e bel .oves tow ard lif t in g o t th e B erlin :rence th a t If he didn’t th in k th< S ta te s w ould..not_J«_ con tinu ing

t 1 _L h av e nsked tor a ^ T h e a’s Teniue

. R obert E . Sm ylle today , .ho said th e D em ocrats S inU terto th e p o U t ! c im r e e r - o f ------

I t ie 1Iberg of th e Idaho Young nation .was looking to Ke- or o u t of th e senate a f te r w hat

« now U m d organization from th e I th rough th o p recincts in o « --------------------------------------- I l ia J

Iub Speaker !ays^^0?AJsz Socialism Bidle federal govenuneofa aUempt w hlch l rorce the eatablishmaot o f a L aU imbla vaUey administration w u to Waj sed -niunday u "a direct a t- ta jy a pt-~and cne of several lUp* bf- Amcrlc taken or oonlempUUd — . to Um M

age our form of government to <i1» allsm.” . ^ to h a itw ita ttanant w u m ^ „ . i> y m « a t ' ]04 DttwtUer. l o ^ b u iln iB n w t t gtai

of O T ^ a* w m t-Dbani of th* Twto pan* towanji ■atnm'i i ta n fO la r ie a d o o a ttta a A m e rl- lu a a d iLdteahaiL . ' , -------- -— : —

BM oai Z iak .. • ' A n « tM lk r. « b » pototatf .«ut f i n a r t

- 1» VW ’ tiBglBt

TaU» i u S S i t u

l2 '’n i2 i e ? * w If l t in d t tc e ^ D i g J . B oU w . *ecrotaiy o t the T r a

«ram ehalrm aa fc r th e d4^3e tw e ile rd e c la ro (^ to a tp l^ call T' the estabUshmeat of nke au- f iriUe* In tbe natloa.'^Theae nia* UioriUe* would bo headed by thrte BDl n each—“twenty-aeven man re- ataat, Hislbte only to the Prealdent a ^ ^ a a power and authority above the pU rt' ffta of the und .- . - ~ K * - C * M t- W g b t : ^ - . - — ^ Oetwdltf declarad UM te t-U u t j ,o ta a admlniitrattoBa would b* above rw rcottrtrwu-BTldnioa4*te-*-T*-

(C -tla«rf 1 P ^ It. CiNwa O p ]p t '

lay 3 Is Set ' S As Plant Site Hearing Date

WA8HIHQrKW-AprIl-»„l« ■- S 5 1* jo ta t cooiTMrtonal ^ a t i ^ js ja r a * r ecrmniltoe aaDOuncod t ^ H a n wUl oobducfkBOther-heartaf Uay. ,n t i - cnuiecMon of.,ajlte..f<Jr ^ . n e w _ a n•stem atomic energy reactor »U - 'm. fiAAt a previous hearing earlier thU e a n onto, wltoeasca from M onU na otested toe adecUon of a alte a t u id rco, Id a , by th e atomlo energy ^ mmlaston. P r

E sf to ee n t« TeaUfy heldWltoe**e* a t n e x t week's beartag Buh HI todude o fflda ls 'o f th e DetroiL o m i^ e e r to g firm of Sm ith, Hlnch- bffle an and OrylU, employed by toe T t ■mmlsslao l u t w ln e r 'to turvey flowi laslble kicaUona for the fUUon.There w u teallmony th a t prior n , la s t November, p o r t Pedc. McoL. K j sd been a Iea(Ung choice u a caUon for t b t new atomic cneriy tant.

'Evldenee WlUibeU’T ha indudlsg Oov. Brocshn W. Bonner protested Uiat toe New Bgittecra had no t considered aQ Bi ralUble evidence tn pickln* Arco H anFer gorfl»ecg.----------------------- ----- « » t'BreBtaii eoat'tjf the'Te»etor-*ta-^ —:on U expected to be about 1500.- Beet Kjm. . . , ^


c e - I n ^ i i s t r ^ a

u tH m tra r t arta ik th o m eloU on et.-: ubmltted by th e C to re r .T r a Bo- - M «au -*uadop tod -by tbe Twta PalU a aa ounty Parm Bnreaa. -

A committee w u appoiatad to a more thorough Investigation I t ta

mil resm it a detailed report-to toe WW Toop a t l u nex t meeUn*. Mel- _ u

Don .Olbb*. .Kimberly. ;a ad -J* * » F h lJutminer of M urtaugh. ________B «B e n '7 a h sra . Tw to P a lla _ s s sB a j_ .^

iea len meeUng to Burley May 8. m d said growBw should ibow. m c ry jP e t n te re rt ta th e potato adm fiils tJaU oa^C OTtDJtte«-arrt--ebtah^-«aet>-<»luM IMlau o ^ e i m atten ;---------------


f f l l s a s ibideJII-Says,; I

le lieves t h e BtissIimB a r a 1 ; lin b lockade . ' •: • „ J h e RuBstim feeler® w w ig converaAtionH o n th e

now r ^ e d th e « t»ge X nal d e ^ o n w ith R u a d a ■ •olJlniT th e n e x t m ove;' , ,SoTleU m n expocMd t o n g r • J

:a the ouetUons nlsM 19 tbe ^ ^ w e n on w ie t to t ^fOTKllHon for a i d t n g w - ide U western agmoient to a- - —


I western power* a lrea^ hata I known their wUUntn*« .f r . \

ftich •m eeU ar, «Wi, B«riiaUoos are reatered^to -M n o A ........a t tm y are trytng to 1 tw m .U tba point thatinsUt on auspendtof .tfta e^, . - J aUoD of noo-ooounonln vest~

;v u p ra san tad toB ofle tD ep^ S

,^ * lS S ta r^ a k O b .A ..-« * in t : ew York yaatsday ,hy Amar-, ._

h laatodaomlantoi. . • .;U tn tbe day J*anp. n lB n » 4 .; ?aahlnatoo to report to . S ee* . of e u u AoheaoB aod , r t b »

rlean policy , roaksra aad .avalk aajteovletatoTB.—» three power noU U raportaa ■ava. aaked tba Borlet g o r ^ - ' t to dadara otfteU O rffM ter 't e id i - f l r m ly - e n v t tg y S S t i i " ~iftpnpeNX fa ltM w rV jife r ite ' I'acaw y iB 'a HoHoir^-MteWb. -

F a k w « B i i U R e s i d e n t 'IDHL. April 38->^AT^ a Oei^ : at. BO. died at.4:U a. a i. .7 S n iia ^ - ' a t the Twto Pani qoanty : a whera b t had baen b k e s Wa4>-.. d a y f ^ r . r e m o ^ .o f ip a r^ d a t t - , ewhlolibadli>d*«dialil*,ttw)at.*r- ~ nieUna sald'^adnaaday. DtgbK. - ^ a 60« ) ehano* to raeofOV.J. ’■

• anowtos^alr to-«Bter=iad=w6= = !U neck tlasoea. Bis wlsdplpe,badb t aUt frem tba outatde nr*lB*'. tloQ «< tabe through wbkb-taa' dd braatb whlla. tha obafenietlaB: arettorad. . . •Kr. Oonstaot w u bom Bapt 17.». ta Bpaicer. la. B a-«am a.4o. -

er ta 1823 a t HasUngs. Mtfv: % . . ad ta Buhl wllb hti family u stil u rv h e a ba-BOTod 4o.OaltfORuL :I retmned to Buhl seven yeara agS~~ *- H-rsaUM^t-flee-Potdar^atmt.------ - IZ

« ate . Aveiy Pteteber .Oonstaat, i . - in Pranolaco, Oallt; his tastber,' ' ra. Florence A. Ooostant.;BnM, •Jd OIU broUier, & A. -OoostMt, ;ohLPrlvato graveald* aerrioea-wffl ba !ld a t S p. BL Satnrday .ta tba .. - uhl cemetery wlto the Ber. >Caa ■ - . teenlofl.of Ul* PrwhyterUaehtmib ■fldatlng. " — — — r=— “The family requeita- that BO }wers be aent to tbe aerrlea.

J a s e b a l l S c o r e s ;By Vimed Tnm . ■


roeWyn_________ OO J . ^BwTork_________ lo o o io o o -a -Btanea aad Oampaaenar Jooafb- anaen, PatJKsiroedy,-T»aitea»^rTT ^

ottOD - jOOMO^'M ,~a. -

Blekford and Uaat: . IS ic a p n x ' 1 2 rtnkJa. a m s t a n t y ^ . X ^ t a .^ ^ ; : - “ -

Indnnatt -----000 100

Mtiacbkf a n a 4 tt0nlkiaia r» N H t -;a aad g « ag l^ . .y . \ - . : . ' ; r . . •.■• •• ■■r.-Ma

A io iao A ir u A a m*w T O * _ J 0 l 2 J O O W t t

penrlar. W O w jm tA ltW iiW W e iW

Page 2: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

'Anny Cracks UraniiuiiSale

i=iJLLRuigin Reich' • .. KIAWKFDRT. April » <a»-'n>e

• r m r reportwl tocUy U » t Aroeri^wn • c n t i BCkshed » rlnc which

r — - -WM t o t n r ta pWdl# »3.000.000 worth o f o ru ilum nw n p r t « r Oerman-

. - --xtoekpllM on th e black, inancet^ ~NIne O ernuuu were arreated a t

Z H n iuU d t Iw t.Prldajr while trylo« i i = : t o ^ * 4n:to*-ur*aium .-*nnjf o rn cu ii

U a j . 'H . f l."H art,'^ t)lJc reliUon* offleer fo r local arm y headquartera. u l d the uranium waa believed to have 'Ijeen hidden from atoekplle*

-------- n se d -l^ O tn n a n y -fo r-a to ra -b o p ibrtsesreh .

Wrapped In Papen A m y a<ent< said the Oermaiia

v t n carrying 3J00 jram * of ihc..........rae tal wrapped In newipapera In a• " b f c t tw d lultcaae when American

- - ■ "iLgenti ie!*(sd“ it."We have been invcAllsatlns the

r tn g for Mme Ume." an aitent «sld.Wanted J3.W0.W0

Re eald the band wa* arwMcd w hen It* membera tried lo »ell the u ranium _to_A m rriran rrlmlnal In..

------ TVeSUrawi for 10.000,000 mark*<>3 MO,000.)

“W l ean 'l pu t a dcniiUe value on ll~probably the nu.yinn^ *-ould o ffe r « lot more llinn l0.0OO.DOO m arks for It.” the agent (aid. He eald U. S. Investisauirii bad nu

. evidence th a l lhe tifanlum k u ' destined for the BUMian wne.

_ ^ I a y _ _ B ^ ^ S a c k e t t , _ |

81, Dies at His Home Near F iler'

FILTO, April 39—Jay 0. Saekett. 1 81. diMl a t hla home on roule one. ] W e r . a t »:S0 a. m .'Thuraday. 1

He wai bom m . e, 1S65. He mar* < rled Beule Orlffln In 1910. He a t- t«nded the Methodist church and waa a member ot th e MaAonlc lodce, •

. . . .P u t o n . lU: Mr. Backett had been a buyer and eeller of regU terrt hor»« *11 h ll life. repreaentJnB a firm tn

-------Homewoodi III . ........ - ............... ... j

he ha< resided alnca. He also ahoW' < ed honea a t the oounty fair for ] 7MW. I

Ela first wife p reened him In » d eath In 1KT7 and two daushU rs I p r m d id him Id death. i

SurrlTlnff him are his widow, U ra. i B e« la Orlffln Saekett, Filer: four ohUdren. lU ymond L. Saekett and « O rrllle aackett, both n io r ; U w - t

. rroce J . flackett. Ohlcaco, III., and 1 j ^ ^ ^ S K k e tt, Pax ton^ni.: l^ fra n d * a

'! ' and om alstar. Mra. jennU Camp* / ' beU. Pine Bluff, Ark.

T he body reiU a t th e White mor« 3tuarjf pendln i funeral a m n je - b

) m enu . 6

i Mrs. Duerig Paid 5 I Honor Here ■■

'■ ~&anBeinfiJdl of the Olorer U itheran ?i« h u r th efflclatlnc. n

eo to lit wa* Mra. R uue ll Potter. ^Pallbearers wer^ O . T . D uertj. L. o'

O. Dueri*. O. r. puerl* . R, M. Ih ie.T lr Jack Duerl« and William fille r. /

B uriat waa made In the Twtn PalU I I cemetery.

The HospitalB se rtan e y beda only ware avaU* m

-ab le 'I ttursday a t the Twin Faila Bi eounty hospltaL .VlalUns hours' a re Ci tn m 3 to 4 and 1 to 8 p m , _

■ A D M rm i) RTU n . Clarence Schncldir. M n. th

EH ln* Calkin, Charles E. McOon- hi Del. Mr*, ‘nw m as Loy and Mrs. ea Calvin U Breeding, a ll Twin FalU; 80 O tn M Hays and M n .'V lrlan Hoi- *r le r. Pller: Howard Folmer. fUch- Pr

, , field : Perey Ann Adams, Duhl: Mra. P Z a r l Johnson. Hazelton. and M n.

_ J * e lc TW etttn. Klmbetly.' DISMISSED

RiOph Foater. Mrs. Bernard Dob- bfna. Robert Eskridge, Mrs. John Ja Paylor. Mrs. Jimmy Rhodes and « n eli a n d Mra. Olenn Hoptrood and »o

— daugh ter, all T irtn Pnllji: Blllle he EUyaT-JeroiriJ; ahd M riT K om Sn a t

ftm netCT and dauehter. Hansen, br

Weather pM a d e Valley—MoiUy cIobiIt sod

a UUle ecwler today wllh h ljh r il ^MnpefatBre n»»r. 7S. Shawrrs and ooeler tonight wHh loweat tern, p e n la r e 40 to 4&. Friday pvU y U,

- ^ I« « d y aad ooolrr. M edrrato wtudi today, fnah ta stroigr m m i r winds r ,

______ topfM

«;» Tep." --------- f! I’ fo.


■ o s l r a -----------------.>_, ; i ce,

' ^jTTTi'ih-------------------- i l V. I ,i “ t '

r S ^ z F - r - ; | s £•» ....................... . trie

_____S IA G E ilE S N A K E -H IV K R S

“ aU s'(lM ’^ U ^ n ? “f ^ r ^ Pw ater going e r g the fa lli).

I ' D E E P A c i ^ S A I J S CO. j

B s * ™ ™® -

K eep th e W hite Flag I , 0/ Sa/e*-

1 jl» n

s Kn- ll _

I .. . A ^LJ'* Now 33 davs without a 5; tra ff ic d e a th in oiir Magic » Valiev.

. Opert Hearings in ; Spy Cases Given- —DefensfrofSolons« WASHINOTON. April 38 (U.R) -

Three member* of the house un- American ftcUvltlta commlttfc lodny

1 defended the »1"b of open hearings ° in rpy cases as a ser\-lce lo the

* Tlieir comment was directed a t impUeil crttlclsm on a report of a

j apeclal New Y ork grand Juo'. which ’ said recently auch practlce.s served f lo warn »u*i>ecta to run for covcr.’ Rep. Rlchnrd Nixon. R.. Calif.., a commlitce member, snld In rr|ily

th a t wllhout Uie commlitee'.i oi>en hearlnw on th e chnrges of ex- communist W hItukerC hum bcn. llie case afrnlnst AlRcr lllw miKht never

- h fcv rT Jie tnnK nnS T io iirr .-------- —Rep. Morgan M. Moulder. D.. Mo.,

aald he agreea tha t "three-rhig , clraisr/i sJwiild be avoided."

Hearings on the commltlee to fa r this session have been dosed. But Rep. Harold Velde. R., III., aald he will dem and they be opened to the public.

Auctioneer Cites Livestock Prices

FILER. April 28—Col. and M n. Earl O, W ttlU r have returiied from ■ a two-week tr tp on w hidt he wna an i auctioneer a t fou r calUe sa lu , the i P ac lflo O o u tA n g u a aa l» a tK lam ath I Palls, Ori., tho Northwest Ouemsey 1 MUe a t Portland , the IdahoP uenuey • Breeders aosoclaHon aale a t BoIm and the Brookover dispersal sale a t ' Boise. <

Colonel W alte r said the lop prices < a t the A nfua aale were tU iO for a ' bull and 11,000 each for two females. 1 T he average price waa H70. H m ry * and Stevens. Ooodlng breeders, sold « a bull fo r |1,070. The nale wne held > April 18. I

At the Idaho O uem sey sale April ‘ 38. the top price of tl.OW was ' brought by a he ifer bred and con- etfned by Palea and Cleveland. | Ooodlnc. Colooel W alter said the 8SS8 average p rice waa the hlghe.it In the history o f the assoclaUon.

A t th e Po rtland Ouemsey sale. ^ ^ p rteea ^ r e »U 00 for a c ^ .i tn d f

W t w o e o i n i a n d ^ C M for ■ 7-m onth-old ealf. SoM were 64 head 1fr«*n 3-day-old calves to 10-year- rold COWI. c


California Potato SSales Plan Urged I

• W ASHINQTON. AprU 38 OJ.tD- ? The agriculture department has _ recommended adoption of a federal , m arketing program l» reaulata,- by .J Brade and alie. the -hand ling of C allfom la early potatoes. i

TTif r^yriift*tnT ._prrfKTtffi__by -Jgrowen to i ta b l l l u markeUni: (if the ir crop, a-ould apply lo potaioc.-i harvested from April 1 to July 15 each year. Before the proBmm can go Into effect, ih e department m ust “ announce lu fina l decision on ih r ® p r tp w a l and ll m tift be approved by crow en In a referendum.

BurglarizedBURLED-. April S8 ~ A suede ^

Jacket. |«3.75 In cash and a '.-InKh Jelectric drill »Trt> Uken from Hob- f,i>on> sen-lce m«Uon ju s i es.it of ‘ here, police reported. The ser>-lce i aUtltm . owned by s . l . Hobion.TtrA* i ,broken in to early Wertnetvlay mom- *' ing or la tr Tue.vlay night. B itry wa.1 gained by prj-lng a door lock.

Masric Valley S’ Funerals *

--------- - ■— -----------------------J JlW 10SH 0N E-.r«m eral service* for

. - n K'l'tallvely Il^or 3;50 p. m. P a tu rd ty a t the Bur- ®de tl morluarv. h

F A m n n X ) _ ru n rra l w m ces i « ^ r Howard B, rec k will rrnrtuct- 8 M a t 3 p. m. T hurvinr. SUy S, p In Uie Com munity ehiirrh h»rr b r ^ Uie Rev. U s llc Cook Inlem irnl t r jli bt, made in Uie Mountain View j / remetrry no rth of Holilifr. •<

F u S rtN p 'A l X & - ^ r y - r o r e e t . ;S

iiirflrlb BJn. S u n a a j n i t ^ * WMill' ^ w iny i^ T .-C lia flc l-hy -thc n L .^ » . . >1

p . O T ooIr. Snn ’Kx; «1|| 5 tx- held «i 2 p m , Monday at the /. White rhapri and the American Le- I > flon »n i eonrtuci m llltarv rllai a t I ^ Uie gravMide In T * ln P^lli rem e. I

_____ ' ' " • ^

CHANGE of SO n a n d A f t r r S u rid

R u iw cs f o r A ix o w ill Im v e a t 6 A .M .

Bcfrinninp Monrinv. Mrv 2. n I opfrB tion fro m FnirfiH d to IS tu m . exccp t Sunday.

JE R O M E D E PO T i« chanced t iv e im m ed ia tp l.v .


>» All-Day Meet Of Adventisti Set Saturda

Seven ‘ Seventh - D ay Adrenchurches of M aslo VaUey wUl represented In an a ll-day yo meeUng In Tw in Falls Saturday.

The regional ga thering will sponsored by th e Ma«la Valley \ alonary Volunteer aasoclaUos- i »U1 bring together more th a n

. youths of th e -c h u rch from -Jen> Flier, aoodinerBuhl,-BaseIU m V R e rt and TU'ln P a lb . _

“ Services beglnnUig a t 9:30 a. IC w ith the S abba th school, wlli be h

In tho T a in Falls LDS U bcm a__J Elder A. J . W em er, BqCe, j o

leader for th e I d ih o A'dvenilat o ference. will add ress th e congrc tlon a t the J l a . m . worahlp hc

- DcKlnnlMtc a t 3:30 p. m . apeclal yoi t services will be held.

One fea ture of th e dny will be I f i oburvance o f-th e -jo o th -an n lv a n

of the founding of lh a Beventh-I Adventist publishing work, wh dl'tribulea rellKious and health

, . e rature p rinted in 100 langitage* i '5‘ co.itlnB more th a n 113.000,000 a yt

..Spcclal muMo for_all th e aervl win be fuml.ih#d by a tu d en ta 'fr the Oem s t a t e academy. Oaldw

^ under the direc tion of th e iHuslo < pnrtm cnl headed by Profeasor H.

‘ f* Work. A necular musical progr: will be Riven a t 7:30 p, m,

If.. Plan?) will be mnde by Mlasloni >)y Voiuiitccr Irnder/i fo r lancer mlsslc en ary acUvltlea by youlh.i along t X- lines of Uie " sh a re your fa ith " mtr he m ent In which A dventist you th i tr cnILited. Kobby club Ideas will- ffiKMi.-wed.-tranremnrtrThtitogTapi0.. wood worklhg and iW m p collectli ng '

«, Nation’s First Oil .1. Well Still ExisI

CUBA. N. y . , A bronze ta let. reading "Ita history forma t first chap ter In th e development the petroleum Industry In Americi m arks the site of the famous Sene

rj oil ipring on nearby Cuba reserv 3 Uon. *1 . The spring, w here petroleum Jh m was discovered lh~ North AM<rt<inIB m any olher weUs have been drill i l In the townahlp w here the aprli •y Is located, none haa over produo ry oil.M T he world’a f l n l "duster.” In fn

was drilled tn 1857 on Uio bord of tho spring ' Itself, th e sU te eoi

es servaUon departm en t says, a ' W hen B ro the r Joseph de s. Roclio d’Alllon, a Franciscan f ri y from Qucbec. v la lt« l the spring Id July, 1837, h e found the Indlai (] using th e o il fo r m edicinal pu

poses. A cen tu ry la te r t t had b U come a common drug store produc ^ sold aa “Seneca otl."

Clark May Take ‘ Over Reich Rult. W ASHINGTON, April 38 (U.R>—Ir d fanned pentagon aourcee predlctt■ Clark ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ B n B l t u s Cle ■ ■ ^ ^ H ^ H B ^ M V n o r Oei

■- Defense Secre tary Lotil* Johnso d Is expected to nam e a new cotr- muntler In O en n an y soon, so thi

Cljvy cnn get home w ithin 30 day t>ecauBe of h is hen lth . Clay prot ably will reUrc from acUve du ty o hlA rolum .

1 Clark has been com m ander ( the sixth a rm y w ith headqunrle: n l Snn Francisco since June IB. lOf

~ Before tha t, h e wna U. S. high con\* mliwloner In A ustria and command

e r of American occupation forcty th rre.---------------------- ----f __________________

; Rough-Winter Is -; Boon for Coyotes, BALT LAKE CITY. 0).P.)-Ifs bee , a hard w in ter b u t a good one fn p coyotes.

T ake It from a repcrr.ent.'jUve c ' the U. H. fish and wildlife sen ’lci

who Ju.ll cam e o u t of hlbernallo; hlnuell from his office here.

A warm "A rcuc circle" Iur kep coyotes warm while everyone el^

' shivered In subzero temperaturei* H undreds of deer frore and starve■ In r.nowblocked w estern canyoni [ a iring the coyote fro ien venlsof

* Monal trapp«nrT rom coyote haunu

Pleads GuiltyJoe Oould. Neoiiho. Mo., pleado

BUUty T hursday in JuiUCe court I driving a m olor vehlcla with a fIc Ullous rvglslratlon. H ts 1830 coup was held in p lace of blond unll Judirment is Riven.

Oould was arrested a t B:4S p. w , Tiie.iday while driving the coupe oi

ShoOione »trcc i en»i. T tie vehlel had a flcUUous O klahom a regUtra

! J M n r R a r p f d *

^ C E R A M IC S - ; L E S S O y S I


, CIs.M i -aitiirr,fK>ni..#a<l-Are._i I 5 nlngs now in proEre.<v«. j' I ^ rhnne for fa ll Infortnalloo. y I 5 Yoii-r# invited fo w Uit dis- 5

; j ^ play a t the studio. >]


SCHEDULEjriday . May l « l

a t 7 A.M. fjftily inKt«'ad of .M.

n F a irf ie ld ru n will Kpjrin D IShoshono d a ily and re­

ed to Wood s O f c , offpc-


• ■ - ■ 4 " ------------

Bt S u rre n d e re3t8-JayWlU be


,u ] ^>y H is . ts- aod

300 feroma,

I n . 'held



) hour,I youth

bo the nnnxy- th-D ay

IUl lit* we and a year. / e rvleet

aio de- H . A.


lonarylaslon-ig th t I ^move- -•th are ') J - M M i t JiA I *

J ta < U 6 jfa ,a E M |.iy £ r in e L J !e" H " ' ' in Le« AareiM a ik f he r ■ttrreafl

a«Dlctiee for the kldnap-bcaUng

n She has been free en 818,000 bot In by UeuL FrantM Sloznfeld.

I Twin Fallsu th e I —

Certlfleate lim ed A cerUflcate for Uie trode nw

of KelUi-s markel waa Issued We ierva> nesdsy n t Uis office o f the cour

, clerk U) KelUi Bbenole, Pller. for liirtJ-A «rocenr and p e n t , bualnta;w n n i 8«,-„-jj5-ri. ■IriUed A son was bom M onday to h spring and Mrs. Darrel Stubbs, Rochest. duced N. Y. Mrs. Slubbs U the form

Eva Stokei. daughUrr of "Mr. ai I fact, M n . H. H. Stokes. Tw in Falla,)order --------

con- Trash B a n tCity firemen were called a t 10:

le la t . m. Thursday to an aUey In ba fr ia r of 631 Ash street where a fire h:

ng In been started In trash by two bo; idlana There was no damage, acco rd ing '

pur- Plre Chief E. H. Freelove. d b e - __________________

Two Youths Hurt When Car Leaves

u i e Road, Hits TreTwo youths received m ino r 1

,, Juries. Including cuU and scra tch ii » iii I*’VT«« ro***-

off a road sign and h ll a tree abo 1:30 a jn , Thursday en U. S . hlg:

rnunn ‘“ I Tw‘n ™c o ^ Cllve Johnson. 18. Tw tn Falls, JJ, , passenger In tbo ear. waa tAken

th e Twin PalU county hoaplt [>rob- treated to r cu ts bj

bruises and then released. T ^ e d rl' er. John Keegan, Kimberly, w. taken home and treated fo r cu

triers scratchei.1047 Tl’® accident occurred aa th e C; „ ,n \- was traveling weit Into Tw m F a l ,&nd- aecordmg Ui an InresUgaUng p: orccs trolman. The cnr w ent gm dua l

o lf the right side of th e ro ad I aboul 3M feet before hltU ng U

J • post and the tree, he anid.

tes Annual‘May Day’ ,“™ I^rties Set Hen

The annual May day p a rty spot ' t of Bored by Uie Pre-School PTA wl r ’Ice. be held Friday wiUi U ncoin. Blck atlon and Washington schools parU clpa

Jng.kept All moUier. with chUdren* w> else u ili enter *chool in Beptem brr ai

•ures. invited to bring Uielr ch ild ren i if ''ed the ir school from 3 to 4 p.m. yons. Refreshments Ml] be served an ilNMi. May baskets will be prcficnted i

-tjw rtilWfen. The-ehildren w «| tU unta. the rooms m d meel f l n t grat:







I SAVINGSl^ —vn-iwatir-ltcms ~

2 5 to 5 0 %Complete stork of nam* brand raerehsndlse new

g cm hand,

You.'U Find U P a ys to Deal W ith

DONE tk« BWr. Don C ry d e r

'TlMES-NETra, 1

g to Serve Term

H p p $


I of h e r form er m aoagcr. Nlek Gtazuu »nd (alnee Oct. 22). She l i b d sg alft

(AP wtrepbolo)

1 News m Brief' F ire In Home

wne pjrem en were called a t 8:M /ed- W ednesday to a residence a t in ty Pou rth ovcnuo weal. The 3r a BiATted around th e itoveplpe ^ oha tred th e eelllng, oauslng daa

• - -estimated - a t -1100. The owne George Spencer.

VlsJU E m p le y ri i^ O ff ic e W. J . Adams, business m am

^ Idaho sla te empIo}‘m rn t ser Bolfe. who Ll Interviewing per nei of employment offices throi

Q.(( ou t th e sta te , vl&lted the local flee Wednesday.

OM Properly; to A decree e.iljibllshlng UUe to c

munlty property of Nellie La H llott,-who died Ja n . 31, wo* i

■ Wednesday with th e county c: T he property. Including real ei in the Blekel addlUon. Twin ?

q waa awarded to the husb. ' Charies Elliott, Tw in Falls. -

e e Birth*In- A son waa bom Thuraday a t

hes. Twin Falla eounty hMpltal tohey and M n. Erllng Calkin. Twin Fired A daughter waa bom Thurada]K>ul Mr, and Mra. Earl Johnson. Hag h - ton. D aughters were bom WedialU. day to Mr. and M n . WilliamI, a Vest. Wendell, and Mr. and 'I to S tu a r t L Young. Buhl, A sonlital bom Wednesday to Mr. and 1and Bill .Murphy, CasUeford.rlv . -----------------------------

:uts New Store Hours Told at Goodii

OOODINO, April 38—New sl P®' hour-1 were set by Ooodlng tt ““ y chant.1 In m eet'jiga called Wedr ■‘0* day and T hursday ,by th e U

chants' bureau. Oroceiy Rorea remain open fmm 8 a. m. to 8 p,

——- Staturdays atorea '' May oj>en between 0 a. m, and I

m. Saturdaj-s, n p PrevloiiAly. the e to m had kept L-C snm^ hours on Baturday as on ol on- week days. The new schedule u irUl effect Saturday and wUl conUi Jtel Uirough Uie summer.'a t- In Olher business, the merclia

voted to a.wlsi with window dlspI rho for natlon'U music 'week, and a re land Burreiui reported on plans

to the a ir-ig e day slated May 14 a t airport.

m d -------------------- ---------------------------to

u i t . ide

f / yk and gmt thmn

4 t im e s

a s fa s t , , ,

- " f illip

ond y o u r b « « f rfo fle r

“ S iO ' B ’ wfc«r» y o u '( 'f y ~

w mS A L T L A K S

IV, h evn

D t M V E Hfcown

' M " A U THt lASr*'

T-tn foB. Airport. Cell irOO Or, M «* cwkarfTvd t w )

v -J


I T ru m a n Says ■ .R e d s L R le a l H In C d o d F a iB M a ir lif t In supplying B erlin haj E g r a come a a;mbot of w estern powi

over Oennany. g f e ’j a. In tiy lns to d a w ou t the li H S deal th e Russians are nevtrth

anxious to salvage some advar for Ihemielvu.

c H ------7 f " ^ b l e . “ they w oU Jd-iaI f l B r ■enarl'TiP'the-wtetem O arm as

em m ent project. A t th e u m e they are expected to claim e

2 & V for a great nev peace m ore aa i eult of th# easing of tenalons

Statesmen o t m any na tlo tu p r e ^ liope Uiat the eas t and

■ w j i may be on the verge of negoUai . which, with careful and pa

handUng. might bring th e cold to. an «*n/i' ' k d lx p a l^ from Associated 1 Correspondent Eddy O U aore Moecow said diplomats there sidered Russia and- the th ree t

"In- - e m powers may have m ade n j Vr:--2 toward a new stage of muttial i


^ Students Get Bid i To Drama Sessii

. Dramatics students a t Tw in F 1 CasUeford, Kimberly. Buhl. f'fStSi schools have been Invil l iM to a ttend Uie third naU onal dra bt (all tie arts conference to be held

4 8 - to * - l» -« k - In d le n * -u n lv e r Bloomington, Ind.

iltBed The five schooU are member the NaUonal Thespian society wl li sponsoring the conference In

' ~1 openUon with the In d ian a uni illy theater.

More Uian IW ) delegates, Inc , . 1 Ing high ichool a tudenta and t

dramaUcs directors, havo been vlted from a aelected I b t o f sch

. Unlled S tates and t«rrltoa ( w o Outstanding penonnllUea o t sl M and guest ipilamag^ . . . -

Subversive Units Enroll 1,000,0

nej^ce WASHINQTOf^, ApiH M (UJ 3er*on- About l.OOOWl Americana belonj rough- communist or other subversive eal o f. ganlzaUons. JusUce departm ent

flclals estimated today.These officials said no exact mi

bershlp figures are available for0 com- 100 groupa the dep artm en t regi lAvina aa 'subversive," or opposed to Jl filed principles of a dem ocratic govt

clerk, menu B ut Uiey estim ated the t estate membenhlp of the organlcntloni

. Falla, ••around 1,000.000 or more." tsband, Tho Communist 'p a rty of

UnlUd 8Ul«s, w ith about 70 dues-payen. has th e la rgest kn< membenhlp of any of th e group

a t the ___________________

“7“; Grocer Asks Pay SZ!: For Bill of $'im n . Judgmenl of 84BJ>4 plus Inte1 Mrs. and co iu o f the su it a re aaked 1 m was civil complaint filed Thursday 1 M n. JusUce court by W. W. Turley,

Sidney street, against MjtUb Ch man. Twln-Falls,

MjrUe Chapman owes Tui 0 848.04 for groceries and m eats 1 • and deUvered during .October, 1 l H 2 f vember and December, 1M8. acco

„ ® Ing to the comiilalnu J . H . par represenu Turley,

ednes- ' ' . ~Mer- —

ta WUl■ ■■ '■I I III III I,!& n n

d s

p t Uie H Sotherukea ■ ■



Vi fer H g b .a t Uie


_______________ Goar^ yoor c Jxrm and

- — - - w i t J r i h u 3 M ;p ilfsn y I

W deo<!onnt, I l b a n tsh a' odor, c&acks per»|>ir«tj

It's tn sirin anif fi

G<Tta yoo c fle rtrre pro

hoo n longer. S u y s orr ri#^it down to i ln hoda

S m e 03 mtich tu youG a T * u y C nam Da

Ceote B , pboiie, o t ck

TROLINGIJ p h a r m /

Seen Todt1 “ ~ P e t r 'O T O a “ B i « y i n i r i m l

a i t h tiiubarb having sU lks slxnit tU I - J L l feet toni*-.-. . W omaa »rinn---------- *ha-UU»-*bouts«b«lft*Je«M« ... k . tou'a to n rid ing down i t r

, ^ 7 , : baUitub being moved on h truck , -. . Orew dlarupUng tn f ro s t of postofflce In eatly

be losing ing hour* aa Jaikham m er u trthcless cu t narrow troogh through IvanUge „ e n t apparently fo r wiring t

trafflo signals . . . Boy esU la e - i f f e re inrconB-w hiie-w M flairto-

u s gOTi « . . Jem ita B(an*b«rr7.havlitg me Ume time keeping check oti p e t' ci n credit Ted Davis and S U te P a ti aa a r« - M. J . Bays, Jr^ having t>ria

ons over ference . . . Don S tafford hea_ _ _ _ _ _ nw Twin Wiiltiilotu ex- company bualneas , . . C ity | m d west men looking over new po tr oUaUons . . • And ovexijeard: “The m a

paUent pu t the w reath on hla g rai mid war Uie odb who m achlnegunned 1

^ea th ." ................ed Press ----------------------^7—

Tcoi” Suspected Spy " S Handbag Term

“Filled” by Nc.......- -WABHINaTON,.A0ril-38-«J The government charged toda;

) IU JudlUi Coplon' was carry ing sc reports, o r not-

I S l O n such repo rts-lnc lud lng one In PaUs “planted" by FB I 1ll and when she was arrested tn New liav lU d lastm onU i. d ram s- Prosecutor Raymond P . Wl

rid June made th a t charge in h is ot Jveniltyr •Utemwifc-to-Uto-Jury-of-elgb

and four women who are ib e n of 37-year-old B am ard < y which honor g raduate fo r espltmage.9 In co- He began the govemment'c unlver- after Federal Judge Alfred L . I

denied tw o defense moUons to Includ- the charges ou t of court,

id their Coplon a suspended JusUce di ,een In- h ient analyst, U accused of schools ins Russia "top secret PI

Tltorles. porl*" on espionage and cot }f stage, espionage acUvlUes. t ipeak- W hesrty Uild the Jurj- Uiat

Mlsi Coplon was arrested h e r WM - o w n m e d ' w ith ' in fom

te taken from FB I file*. O ne Iter a handw ritten memorandum

k A A A “ -planted* FB I raport ahi I l I H I l seen Uie morning before be

m -

Trial of Larceny Case Is Dela;

for the The date of tria l for Dewe; regards wards atid D onalld Bonawltz, to the n ie r , charged w ith petit larcao

govem- t>een vacated unUl a la ter til ie total order th a t Earl Z. W alker, ct tlon* a t for the men, m ay atudy the

further. T he case originally wi of the for trial a t 10 a. m. T hursday It

70,000 Uce court.known u ij alleged Edwards and 1

roups. WlU iioie a collie dog bellngl Harold Stokeaberry, Filer. The pleaded n o t gullly to Uie charg'

I V carh po.itcd 1150 bond. T lie C

S 4 8 ______________

$150PaySougItdny In Peerless ProducU. Inc., Ch ley. 103 >oeks Judgment of tlSO ■ ChaD- in 'eresl and cosU of the suit

dvll complaint filed T h u n d i Turley Justice court against Ray B.

its sold Twin Falb . er, Nn- The am ount Is for aaletb accord- shipped Nov. 7, 1M7, to Slnu Bames cording to . the complaint. .

Bames rep resenu Uie compac



_ 'T U S S Y V ^ „C«AM MOMKAHr ~

^ p n

and twceftrew

FT ^ranT creaa h a peisp!nt}«airetjon moii«'uia .

n>) fihnkst fabncs.

pTotectioo For ‘ onwtwy-atnoodi I

I h i n . j roo ,pm i: I

t clip tb . .Kmpca j — * '

SER'S i i im ACY !


Several Kafl, ^ ^ R e s c u e r s r S t iH S

X . ”*"' "Wa*,'“ »«* ta Tui?* t h » ■

.U ol o r h i s S i« u i « i o , , 0 , ^ 1 ’ “ I oiJtt ! « ,

■ 5sfs..'s.sr^»a


r c. . Y o r k

had kept him f« o J S ' W hearty "I've hnd several o f fm ^ opening probably Uke a raeehaBk-iul

gbt-m «i- a a ld .- fM a ,b e -H - I^ ^ 5 ^» trying from Uie rescue f u n d i t t

college my own business.-

,Fred~XAii^li ¥“S t Claimed by DaPDI re - Oeorge Donning Tanchta £ counter- counly where he m e S iS

was bom h e n May 3 1 ,^ a l when married May Finch Dee-tter ptirse in S h a ih o a e ._________7irtiiftHozl Alien irsit.iteni w as in deaUi by his pareotTSi n b w d vived by hU widow, t n 'U r t e h a d O u, Alien, ADisoilira. CUt h e r a r - Max Allen, Mlssouls.

two ilaten, Mn. Usiy « Wash., and Mrs. Msbtl Uoot

y . t tm i . .I j O ther survivort Includi t» o v o / 1 broUien, Andrew AUtn. a**» y e ( l Jam es R. Allen, Kuna-M»ey E d - hnlf-sL-itera, Mrs. HsUli p .tt, bo th Angeles, and Mrs. Killtoy , h a s W hitewater, Colo. ..tim e la P u n m l urvlcts sre’Mi tatcounsel ]y for 3:30 pm . SiUatUri

h e case Burdelt m ortuan. ' ■' was se t ___________ -J.

Merchants Slals S Sale Day Retiirge and "Buasel benefit daji* «9k I dog Is ^ ved UiU year by Uu Vdi

bureau of Uie Twla FsUi tbi of Commerce, AlKda».dri|

, ... aald 'n iund iy . A ctaata* r h l - been appointed to wortCBilt 5 “ * '' Ull*. - •inilcago. Member* of Uie coBstli M p lus Wilber Blermann,- cbiftnagl lU In a cai„_ w all Hartl*, Heanu tl sdny in lenaen and Al Newton.}. Sims, . p iu is for this year in k

worked out by the wtimUlwl bboards year was the fln t Ubm « ms. a c- sale days were held.

J . H . ------------- ' ■ '•lany. READ TTMES-KTWa ffiUfn!

If p r i c e sa le l

)ave on damly, ' f r a g r o jU


{EAM.) E O D O R A N t

m pI ' | . , - ~ . - ' J W -

Page 3: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

APRIL 28, 1949

for 8 in (Eatlle

^erePushede « ) p « U » ' between 1 deputy fUUi TeU rl- , ■

tl** ^ « H m m will be ln*U tut- - .B« j S 5 S ^ . K T , r t n I « l . 8■ **j5w be«ulo*l*. •ccoidln*£ ; £ : cotton. «m ll*rU n. ' | | Q | : >

tb i t ttte cow pop-irfW » B iiinEJ !w -» W .-O o tto o Ml<l. ID ^ B U i

eow s-m tu l be

* i i« f t MMtb«t tlse TcteriDAriuu

tMllng pTOBnm. h e ;•,

5 , to this Job end It U nec- ■ ^ u i t u a tlM b« completed reriv i-n ; J-UtfU or le u r w « lu . : , 'I ^ p e rsU o n - ot tit d#lxymen

dairymen-produfl^ng ? . i . > , i f S S r U M ied In » p e « < ^ \ . „ . . - f l Cotton aUU d. Tbe

S S K i U ” px«l»"'n«^ teu riM tlo n plenls o r to bo gheiir

T»w Ja of prim w y Im-

’'“ “ ■ 'ra 'C iiii'Spreiff^ ' sSwMfl of cattle con resu lt _ l

ot the Indlvldiul - , . , . , S S f S S : tr e e *n W « l « l

* S t , |4 This IhlecUon o c c u r # ___

•£ffi?u''!.W."?S Blocl ; t f ' a “’c .% n?= : Co

fTjn u itlr herdsTHeTOIBlf^ n u t m minllk o rd l- m any c

S S J t o e t (I) an annual d ^ « « t r 3 rf tubereulosU test be pre-

S2 >t th# city han a l tb e tim e b lo n d eS u ,, cltT Ucenae U procured. (3> The tp

? . ‘ , j S ! r i “ b . <™, u .aBAU tor Inspection. . T he sl

UmMed to 1 » Uie Bernr u tesUmony durtn* th is th ree *»“ “ >«« K ~ r ta J wm be limited to teaU S S S l o s l a ^ H ^ 'r e r . I J b W Witirjmaa desire eaU berd ta e - , ■lions tor Bangs disease, th is - p f ^ be done. Cotton said. AHbf *nd TMctnatlons a re free. -

f S to the best I n l ^ -of to e I qw a« i M id -th e -ten e ra l public * ' "I iH coop^U on poesSble be ex - NEV7itd to th # ' Tetertnarlans, h e n e th O.■d. a im ed aj

______________ — New TotO TAHNSTIBIT ' ^

K tB U im , AprU 35 -M r. a n d Royallx K .r.M arshan , LdJl.TJUh. a re K arta rdill ef Mr. and Mra. La(ey)M ar> e r pralc" B arasao



FURD i f p l s r ' t f u r «1

n a w . a d v a i

2 DAF R I D A Y a


WeTl store yp•-.Tak# 10 m onthi to poy,ji

------ n>#f*-oT*^i»o-*Hi>gi4o4hUjjffiw hatcondjlion, w«’U m o k t yo


• ITORAGE'■ S<^frt><Mcn>«T summ er h e a t , Th*

« o th i. Are, durt. fh eft, fwMy P « lasuftd . thfl

c . ^


Buhl Man Build

lirr HoTUd. Dabl.' standa brsldn a car It for h ll ton. Kebert. I t .w rithx VA ] xrwer msUr. Tba Bomber on ihe ta r rd ipent'tw a ytar* la b n lld lss lh«_mJn tphsUitred by Mr*. Oene Thomet*. <Pi itan entrartix)

ckade Protest Presi ^nfab Is Urged Nom * p n i » j o S S SS m M ,r on .oitraie on Msy day for th e Im - ®e llftlnj of the allied counter-le of the Bovlet tone. ' ' A'

“dfmonstiale for the im m e- *#“>' *• Uilng of tlie economic block- iliu t the eastern soae and Iorade Wllh .11 eountrl«." ,sUlement did not menUon j u n ^ u ,

rlln blecksde Imposed by tlje _ Z -------ni oc ea.'t-wwl talks th a t i------------rwuK In a mung of the block-d-cotmter-blockade. _ j - _ ••

Chief of Army P oms Law Firm .T YORK. April » flW >-Kcn.□. Rojall, who recently^ re- as army seoetaiy. Joined th e AMI

'ork Uw firm of Dwight, H ar- ,lesel-and Caskey today. . Jill Wli graduated from the rd Isw school and Is a fo rm - p«inu, sldent of the North C arolina Purisoclatlon. I


C O /rfyflff will Se In otir sfore wifl ance ityjti to cbooM from

lY S O N Ii n d S A T U I


r j r a r c o » t F R E E u n t i l n e x t w '" t '

. ' » N o c o i

f f . r — .Im p ly b'n 'na in y o u r e lJ A fo u o $ 5 0 o l lo w o n c * o n a n y n*w

3 U R P R E C I O U S F U R S T O ~ n

• H O U A N O e m N G ----------- »t a«ocaii. yet eolls no» m o w ^ Il9 tv * 1 fiflfl or«BnoTy eJeonlog. ^ o f new

to im Q

' T

Ids Car Mw c h f iKH H ' serrloee t... ooDdUCted

. ftudltortui. ■ The op

car ho built as a birthday 00 pennds and has a one- •ar b Robcrt'a ptw ent age. mlnlaCnre yehlcle. The » » t . _ , . (Pheto by U ngbeiU Wlne>

isident Names 0 . 2 Navy Boss

3HINOTON. April J8 U P)-

—10 be vice chlcf of naval

luni. the navy's No. 3 Job.6 relieves Vice Adm. Arthur Udford. who became com- :r in chief of the Pacific fleet

VISITS KI8TCR nviE W . April 38-B ob Chand- ent several dap i In Boise nil sister. Dorothy Chandler.

Claaaes in


WUl be held

April 27 & 29AT THB


1:00 P.M. T IL 10:00 P J i inis. Brushea and Patterns Pumlshed—FRIOB tlX»





Interc o rry ii>0 c h o r o *

«o ti"n o m o W e r ln

«w tur eoat in ilbck

usToirr.T- ”

A K ffA ISIN O . . .p « rtfu n i« rt .iva yoo r owtmodad eo<*i«w look .'

i n

g t z ^ -



lal Honor Paid James S. WilsonBK ELD , i l « . a S - n m . t . l w io r 3ame« S. Wilson were The m cted Tuiaday.ln th o lUchlleW Adamson, ^ u m by Dlshop W . T . Flavel. Mothers i

opening ,pr«)^r was oftered by remar

---- I--------------------- (


■ » I B rin tr b eau ty inlo you; I and" stool se t. U pholst

• w ashab le . lonK ,wcftrit•x .nsw eB t'^H PSiW lbM . ■


I . From 6 ; i

■■ A good ivssortmcnt lovely m fihogany fini f o r a dded atoraRC npt

-----------— to - B i i 7 T o o in .“ '

AUMe• _Cok>rful, utility , Smokcr-ty

T ray t y p « ---------U m ljT>«..... ..........

Directly in back of bU

LLS, IDAHO________ _* Stevens and th e obituary Uio clod T Bishop n a v e l . O ladya Pali bei ind Carol Houael s a n g - a Acel) J< lowed by rem arka by Pres, roy Sni mwin who also aang a aolo. ja m e i V

^*’ c a * r e ^ ' T ^ Blnglnii H U e i u n g a selecuon. Allowed m an-tra

xiks bf B lsho;N rU T el and in the X

E R S ^


C o m fo r ta b le — r-.-.FQm ouB


' 2 pc. Set

u r liv ing room w ith a “ Krochlci itercd in lovely ta p e s try , velour ing , w o n d e r^ fab ric “B d ta t lc x"

[I .


• M a f r a z l n a I 'R ack s I ; V

• C offee T ab les

• E ndb T ab les - •

;95 „ 2 9 .9 5

t o f tab le s s ty le d .in . nish. G enerous s h e lv e s .. . I ; pnce. A s m a r t ad d itio n __ I

F u n c t l o n n l

etal SMOKERSy p e a s h t ra y a . E a s ily cleancd

__________________ TJtO

^ .8 .9 5 , 6JI5. 9J50

T a k e a d v a n t a g e

e o n v e n i e n l B u d g e i

1 0 % d o w n , 2 4 m e


. 1^^ _________

to re , — •

loslnf prayer .by Isaac MUJer. I ^ a } i o '

*JenWM. Earl Uaderly, L e- ■ G r oanapp, Newell ErlckKO and BOISE.I Wllsoo. )r. ^ u a l c- ------ -----------scato'CBs eitimated there a « about IM ba held htrailing bloodlwunda In service D r . . 8be United Blatca.____________ V iu iu H


I d e a l S u g g e s t i o

m d S T O O L

H 7 9 .9 5

ilcr” chair ur and the '/•■x" in th e . . ................................ W M

B e a u t i f i d

M irro rs In a v a rie tj la so Bultible fo r at

" l ^ i x p e r t l y F i i

A p e rfc c t enclosure m ahogany finished open shelves.

I / '

[ ' y r2

1 1 ^ ^


• o f o u r

j e t term s.^

n o n th * io

A select gl {shed in pc E nd Tablej

----------- ----------------- St«p-Tabloing finish.

A o f nne tahle iEaperiany s a a i t la tha h ren * yonr fav u lte Umpa are also avaQahle


h o ’s O s t e o p a t h i c g S S S Iroup Plans Confab[SB. April 38 MV-Tllo 44U» ___a w « n t lo n c 3 u » Idaho OBW"CHtMpat^~asoc!aUoa~vUl B errh iId hSS May 30 to a . _ gurer^. atephen M. JMgh. Sverett, here /o, prtaldent.of the Anierl_cap Qwud»


ions for Mother’i

1 Venetian MIRII5 .9 5 to ^

Ic ty o f sizes and sh ap es .V e n e tia r a n y room .

•'inished BOOKC1 6 .9 5 to ;

lure f o r y o u r precious vo lum es. 1 hed bookcases s ty le d -w ith glasi

;b n ‘DE;T

Contemporarj19 .9

t g ro u p o f m odem ta b le s f o r you J po p u lar L im ed O ak. . C offee .tab bles w ith usefu l shelves t o m ag a

»T A thB .sm art new C o m e r T.ah .

' L a r g e S

P riced r r o m ~ 3 j 9 5 " l f l

fle and floor lamps, featartng tcldce i ray floor lamp with black onyx b a ^ l ihle in onr coeodet* fo r s l tm depattmi


•palhlo Mw eHUnh,

B z n n n m m s

^ i « n e tlma > J

W W ® I

■’s D ay ' '

RORS49 .5 0

t l a n < u t th a t ••

CA^S3 4 .9 5

‘•■WWnnt and*^ “ nss d o o rs Of

7 TABLES i9 5 to 2 9 .9 5 1o u r living room . F l a i . : -d ibles w ith ^ tope , . : ^ railnes, U m p TiiKlea, - - r - ~ r= !T a b le s , tn to t f a tc h - V ^

"S c l c c l lo i i u f • ' " ^

^ 9 . 5 o J ^ |

mnt. ■ . -Ill - ' ^ M l-| ii! l! ' "

Page 4: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

PAGB rO tJB • '

„ « a V . ”2 f O T i « ‘ t r i o v

■ “ ' a i H*!^-PiT*B l.« IN ABTAl= ^ M r u i k f ;iT ia* -c» M ti. Hi»*<*t

- g-^„-St,g= = g : ^ s ' s i.if iS u -j - 1 ^ . ~

----------— " ' ' — ~|»T ih« T**' — ' —

All ortfc^ rrc^l'"! l»7 " t '*”»•=« '■' W '* -* '

. - .v .« llxrrta I'T CMgUt l^«. I*» *~*‘°° • N A r i o s l L B m i H ^ A ^ ^- W'7T-iioLLJn*T CO. r>c.

«ri Uarkrt S«« Fra ttbf. C«

A P R O n R A M - O R E I .S I t m a y b c Ih ftl t t te R e p u b lic a n j

to a lu m ln B p o ln l th c o th e r m o nclcactlr-ClQfli-ConI.?rciice o I . { ^ P £W a a h ln ff to n .. T h e y w ere po licy to w a rd th c n d m ln ls tr a ll t le g ls ta tto :! proF nin w h en S e n a to r

. w ith som e b lu n t w o rd s of ad v ice I t c o n s c rv a t ire collcaK uea.

H e is s a id to h a v e to ld th e m ' sh o u ld s u p p o r t a so u n d soc ial w

c ra m o r r i s k p o lit ic a l su ic ide . " Ii------ r h e " l t e ^ l I c a i r p 5 t t y - 8 - l n t c r t 8 t * l

fa re o l t h e low Incom e p eop le o f U h e r e p o r te d ly s a id , " th e r e aoon wi R e p u b lic a n p a r ty ."

T h a t s o r t o f a d v ice to R e p u b lh• n e w . B u t J ie re I t w a s n 't so m u c h •i s a id a s w h o a a ld I t . M r. T a f f a o p l i Z ( t r e a t w e ig h t a m o n g R e p u b lic an * 1 ' A n d I t Is In c o n ffre is t h a t th e

re c o rd Is r e a l ly m a d e . A g ro u p o: le g is la to r s c o n a la te n t ly Ig n o re s l ib e ra l d o m e s tic p la n k a o f th e O O F

: : -unquaBtlonably th* ■ tftn d -p f ttt* n------ r io t io ~a o * l t a ~ t f e t p i n r » t » g i n o

W h ite H o u se f o r t h e l a s t IS y e a n B om e p e o p le s e e m to t h in k th i

g a in e d h is p a rty * ! le a d e rs h ip in b y « n b o d y ln g aU th e re a c t lo n a i o t t t e o ld g u a rd . T h fc t is n o t e o n i« f tc b e d h l8 p r e s e n t p o e ltlo n be< h ig h ly in te l l i g e n t , h o n e s t, a n mi la w a n d la w -m a k in g , a n d a m a n c a p a c i ty fo r w o rk . H e U a lao u n e jr t re to e ly In d e p e n d e n t , a n d olnw a b le t a h U o p in io n * . T h eM la a t q n o t o r d in a r i ly e n d e a r in g to p o l l t e t* . B u t M r. T a f t la r e sp e c te d l e g r i ty e r e n b y h la c o llea g u es w w i th h im .

l h e O h k ) a n a to r ia w ell to tl • e r e r a l U n e a . H e ia n ib e r a l" o n c » * tr o n g a d v o c a te o f f e d e ra l a id u d e d u c a t io n a n d o f v o lu n ta r y h

» iu ie e . l i w a* th e d e c is io n o t o th e r o p p o s e th e s e m e a s u r a s t h a t c&lli V a m l n g t o th e m .

U r . T V ^ 'a s u p p o r t « r th e aoi------p f o g n u n w U l m a k e h im g u llly o

- o f " m e to o ” I n so m ft-H cpubU can i d i f f e r s w i th t h e a d m in is t r a t io n t t o a c o m m o n g o a l. H e * a y i h e v *he»e m e o a u r e t^ e n a c t td In a w a y a ld e r a b le s t a t e a n d lo c a l c o n tro l , d e s ire d r e s u l t s w ith o u t h a m p e r l te rp r t-^ j o r in i t ia t iv e ... I t h u b e e n s a id t h a t M r. T a f t a ‘K b e r a l r e v o lt " t h a t h a s *p l w id e o p e n . B o t t h e p a r ty h i co i

— T O T iy ^ sp lltrA ”n b e r a l re v o lt a g a u le n t le a d e r s h ip a t th e b e g in n in g e n t s e s s io n fa ile d d ism ally b e c a i

• leade rB hJp . N o w th e llb e ra la h - T a f t o n th e i r * lde . a t le a a t o n c« I t o u g h t to m a k e q u ite a d if fe r*

T h e y o u n R c r a n d m o re p ro g re ; l lc a n s In c o n g re s? sh o u ld h a v e s p e a k w llh a a tro n g e r vo ice. T id e a t h a t a l l D e m o c ra tic p ropoe le g is la t io n m u s t b e o p p o s l , f la ' r o co u n tc r-p ro p o .'^ a li. h a a le d g o v e rn m e n t . I t ha.< se rio u sly v R e p u b llc iv n p a r ly a n d e n d a n g e r p a r t y sy s te m ._ T h e O O P e a n . u M r. T a f t • o m e tl i l n R f o r t h e “ low in co m e p o u t b e c o m in g a c a rb o n copy o f t

• H e h a a a h o w n h o w I t c a n be d o i w ill h a p p e n If i t Is n o t done.

I u n d t h e w h o le c o u n try wll! b e 4 t h e e n d If h ts a d v U e te h e ed e d J oongrcM T nen .

, T H E CONTRACT IS SKA fte r a ll th e ^ e m a n y ye ara o f

a n e w h a ^ p iU l fo r T w in r a i l s cov to r e a l iz e t h n t a c o n tra c t fo r a u t h a s f in n l ly b e en s ig n e d .

I I m e a n s l h a l w orn , will g e t i p n c e a n d t h a t by th e tim e a n o tl a r o u n d th e ho.«pltft) w ill b eco m

In th e w a y o f pu b lic im p ro v rm e ' - t J i r r c n a s ^ m ' n CTf-atn- n o pa. T

; w i th o u r inaclpqviHTp~fio^pinir7: I o n l i ' to o w ell t h a t th e p rc .'^ n t ir , b e e n o p e r a t in g u n d e r g re a t h a i

■ ' thU - w t i n n n f ' TfI.ihn Jm s hCCn t s n o l h a v in g a se rio u s e p id em ic SI - u n fa v o ra b le condition .^ .«■ ■ Alth ough thcic W.U br .i df f ; ■J---- hundred- thmt-vinti ■ dpliars •I I a m o u n t o f m o n e y a v a ila b le fro i !■ f i r d b o n d Issu e a n d th e a c tu a

• f in is h e d h o sp t: .i! , th a t L' an obi: th e p e o p le o f T s-m FalL» a n d vie h e -^ iu tc tp fu lf ill ,

I C o m p leU o n o f th<» h o sp ita l. 1 l a t e . ' l o f m o d e m e q u ip m e n t t h r t s u c h v ita ] Im portA nce tc thL>; cor l h e a n U c lp a te d d e fs n i jh o u id 1 o f n o .«ierious c o n cc rr ,. T lie p e o p h p e ro a '? a r id p r o g r t s s i r e 'City o f oi u p t h e d lf f e r e i ic e w h rn th e t i n

M f a n l im e , -•»<-rekoK1 1. t h a t w c a r e n o w pa .v ln (; a n o th e I .. s t o n e i n o u r h is to ry o f p rog rew - f o u r g r e a l « t t o b s ta c le s Is b e in g r g W lxeu th e b o s p iu i t j c o m p le te

r f io u ld b c c o m e lh e m e d ica l ccnt< c e n t r a l i d i h o .


S l w r n :l a / 'x ln k 1, i*T». puu ot«r *«Mr n*hi----------------------»n»T«W ol n«Uoo»l oe,v*NC* *>•

-------------- - PHOENUC. Artl.—' iifliwi nefoUiW. V b iu ^ u c------- lta dlipuU w ith C»ll

* i*q i u ie u r w M t y i M t «■■ tu bw aui* defeat would

:— ~ m o r* - th « » --a t0 0 » 0 .--------------1 5 m crops and caltJe ann i--------------^ ’ tuna to b«r#. blei

• i-P» d e w it— — - — * f-** Thi* eon*lder»tlo— -----------Ariinna'* eonCtntWn----------------------JesnUy enUtled lo

IJOO.OOO *cre fe tt oI. c. Uie -l»w of the riv<

m U n or Idaho. In • M flU of COOtn-------------- u tlo n through the I

" . For, lechnlcalitieac*Uf. eoxne wlU determine--------------------- - 500,000 /erllle andc p around Phoenix, r

basic and liuu ry footI p a r t y c a m c rev rri u> thd au iu a r n l n g a l t h c excite the eurio»itys t n a t o r s In ,

i s s l n s t h s l r 5 „ „ v , v » i _ * . / t lo n S so c ia l gomjR-hai wisUuUy. < ) r T a f t a ro s e .conwnilous w ater * f o r h i s m o r e economic style and g:

lhan 10,000,000. But I prlve aboul one-thlrc

II t h a t th e y and livelihood, w e l fa re n r o - w ith Caiiromia.a r l « , r H onv ^ 'I f y o u d c riy ^rtH m a. ll I*' i n t h e - w e l - ,r is to ean y expiwrit h i s n a t io n ," cover-wagoned fromw on‘t b e a n y ocean, when the Cc w on I. o e a n y

Tlierefore. the el lc a n s Is n o t Ptioenlx. which drrlV': h w h a t w a s bird thn l a ro « to Uf

s t h e m o r e of the two » u t« » imi) P p l a t l o n n s . to Uie aupreme eo<•r*. hftw * h a d irtbunal haa no mi l O c n r t - l lH l i e -lTI. Arizona will n« l ph n t M r T a f t «P protrmcled kh h a t M r . T a n California. I t dlQ t n e i e n a t e pcndmij tne**urt»a r y t r a d i t i o n ror coM trucua i dr r e c t H e h a s niuedueta th a t willdWHiiia* hi* Iti Oolorado to a* to

“ fccf. feel, which meia u t n o n t y o n number or acrea lo

w ith a g r e a t of r a te r In any man in p r e d i c ta b le ,n o a t u n a n a k - p a m p h l e t —i n i a u 'a l l tU s » r»

m e a l ic l lo w -1 r o r hlfl i n - lion fair lo boU» uial w h o {U aagrec v m i s u k i in the

brochure aaya;♦»,- *U ie n g n t o n , '»hoi«uo th e r s . H e i s -old man *c«noo)ici

5 f o r h o u s in g th u union.* h e a l t h I n s u r - paragr*

.tretsed earUer - e r s e n a to r * t o w ithout Uib « t i » w l ie d f o r t h h la

D irrsB B N O K -'n

^ T w ItivolTcd th a t they io f t h e c r im e - j j ^nyUilnf shou

I e y e a . B u t h e ot •ouOwm caUfo:o n t h e r o u t e «Teclt the economy

sr^„°'u.“"pSy to g iv e c o n - J^lt by th« econom: I, a n d g e t t h e T herf ti quite a r i n g f re e o n - oi thia artleJe. belw

omy. and the 'b e

f t h a s a t a r t e dp u t t h e O O P H sarT A O B -T h i ongT M S 1* a l - emotional, polltlca]

-wrUans. Ihen proCT f* ,! child of Uils "Show

g o f t h c p w s - the rrsa u s e I t la c k e d »outhem California h a v e S e n a to r in tha world withc e r t a i n iaauea. eJoitly. youU »m w r i r a iw w ca.re n c e . wiu,•e ssive B e p u b - earpel of bank nol

TTie o ld O O P CailfofTJla-ArUotia oeal* o f so c ia l - K u u r jiU y a n d w i t h _________

V I E W Sw e a k e n e d th e c r r t t h . tw o -

Porreatal v a a tn 1 t au ffgest* . do p m tr a t lo a —or whi

p e c ^ le “ w l lh - o f a m an who haat h t n e w a ™ i..

on e , a n d w h a l hnvins broadca , B o th p a r t i e s a man sK-k in f b e t t e r o f f in »>ckrr than a man 1 b j h u i c i i o .

dor* nol appear----------- ifrvicf hy hl» broai r v v t » ' f*TfJi<!t:it oI C N K l ) . ' to do a )ob on inJf ir j- ln R to CPt nRiithanfl m o i: D u n ty . I f s h a rd • '• fm h in s he ha* u c h a s t r u c tu r e

1 d r if - jp procT»m ; u n d e r w a y a ; ' T^.f r r^ ;c n rx>::r j t h p r y e a r ro iUm e a r e a l i ty . <k^r,V 'ifif''H tn^ '

, f n u » o r w h ic h “T h o s e f a m m a r7acnT!lCS k n o w ' st*. Tr-,;n . r. h» in .'^ tltu tlo n ha.-! Prarsioii h v rt.-.’

a n d l c a p s - t h n l . . n - io T L in ia lc .L 'iIc u n d r r the.'^e 1 cniied 6 u im of <

I tha i abcnit Uic ai

b e tw e e n - lh e • vou. w» tjo o m an a u th o r - ' v.- .-j-. acuviyei c^ lAl c o s t o f th c t Commeree.jl i g n i lo n w h ic h ' ‘ HI c in l ly w ill n o : r l l^ r r : ; ■' rlA-’-'lc^

W chlff ;iin c lu d in g t h f 1 “ he in a -i tn o i

n jU B h o u t . U 01o m m u n l ly i h n i to i V M

be a p ro b le m i )le o f lhL< p r o s - , ^o n n t w H l m a k e - t line c o m e s . r «•tc e tn -k n o w lJH * '- -ler t r r e a t-m lle * ! „^ i h a t . o n e P i . •L-i'se w om t^ .

r e m o v e d s-st-.-. • t..*- c»i>;.te d . T w in P a lls .te r o f a ll .«outh 1* Hrr-.;

_ 1 ” *-


IRLIGIGTiukm »>• 0 T«i oalUonla'a

jonoMlBf t t a callforoU-Amooa <tU- u b ta to U » OolonM rtrw. a ocm.I oooemi. Ia thU nnal eolutas ot t t a Ui« OM lar Arlcona.)

1.—A rliona atubbomly rtlu K a .to o r fubm ll to th e fuprtm e c ou rt

:a ltrom ia over addlUonal rlghta to It waler ho le”—the Cotorado r tr e r— . u ld 'm ean th a t « r e u now 'produeinff''fWVKVVt nmr th nf

would bleak. prehU lorle

aU m funnounU r 'non - n n a t -- i t - to the disputed t of w ater tmder river," aa w ritten DtracU aod legU- 10ca u ld e . th e ou t- Ine wheUier about Id irrlsated acre* b r TMk«

now I producing foocla for anim als and hum ans, ahall ,IU3 of nearby Indian, ruin* w hich Ity of ea*U m touriata and eecker*

, Arliona'* »pokcsnitn point o u l ly, CaUfomia'* failure to obU ln th e r would merely cram p th a t u la te’* a growth, w ith lta population of more u t for A rlrona to loM out »-ould de- h lrd of lU 6M.OOO people of a ll hope

.ft. Arliohlans Insist, this D avid- 1* m erely-a queiUon of expanalon. In a m a tte r of KirTlval. aa w ater

w rr* -who-crawl ed-and-pk>dde<l-»nd-jm the Mls.%la.ilppl rl»er to the Pacific

Colorado river and Ita u lbu ta rlea from a (unny death.

eatUemen and farmer# a round ■rive* lta nam e from lhe mylhological ) life Irotn M hfs. mu*l f igh t aa th e ir wRh-Ondlan* and even rival A m erl- t t waler holes In the burning desert.

,u«ly. A rtw n* will not—cannot-i-sub- s y . which ha* general lnt«re»l t>ec*uee Importance In th e naUonal ecooomy. eourl of the United SUtea. T h a t member from ihl* *ecUon of th a

. Imllctal ne lsh t w u Juw iea w m ia n ilnBtoh, . * -It perm it ll* exUlence to beoorae tied eo u n proceedings th a t m ight bene-

; demand* Immediate .enaeUneni ot t t Uhe M acFarland-H ayden bill)

o f dam*, pumping aU tleaa a n d will divert enough water f r « a tho to give th a t llfe-or-death. 1.300.000 mean* »«fflclent w awr to cover lh a l 10 a dep th of one fooL T hat'a a lot

lan 'a drink.

n . a clever and atlracUve pw nphlet, lU voice a poignant appeal to th e ir nenta to focgel their difference*, ipeal lo W ashington and aeek a nolu- sla le i, A fler noUng th a t both have a i ie far w est and Uie nation, the

. w e>f m arried. I t may oe may not ilCtm wedding.' b u t It l* certain U iat nic*’ hae been th e main fac tor in

Lgraphs em phaalie the polnl I have — namely, th a t Callfomla can live « water, h u t tliat ArUona cannot.

—* T ^ eoot>omle* ot aouthem C allf- conoralei o f ArUona have become ao ty are ln*ep*rable tnl^rtwlnrd, houlfl happen to destroy the eco ro m j Ufornla. U»e e ffw u wouM probably imy of c en tral AHtoiia: and Jf tho xal .AriK>oa_w»rB to be destroyed, in i n . Uie e tfe cu would c rru ln ly bo lomy of sou thern Callfomla." t a difference, bearing ou l lhe the*li «tween th e •'wreck ' of a *iaie * econ- •be felt" reaction lh* t might afflict

The document, which will have ne cal or legal elfeei cm embatUed Calif- xicMd* to d*aenba.tb« harlta«a.oC.th< -lOKJun w adding;" \rrsu ll of th e economic m arna«c o:

m la and A rto n a . . . Uie rlchPM bab; r lth a glorlou* fu tiu t. II you'll lool «« tha t tht* child of fortune wean panU of erm ine, play* with a goldet 1th prrcloiui ulone. an(T>Tawla 00 1 note* and coin*.plcal of lhe rlrh hrritage . the jihcnom id unlim iied fu ture of ilie #outhen m a area." To which California aay*

S O F O T H E R S.' AN OFTICIAL FALLS II.L d no t p rin t the fact lh a t Jame* V m a ho*pllAr *ufferlng from n e rro i w haterrr f o m cIioom to call the lUnet ha* w orted ao drsperatelr a l a m an h a t he 1* all In. But Dre* P ra ra a

the radio, and now defend* himsel dca*i it-In hi» m ind from exhaujUon I.' n

:an sifk in hU mind frorii ferer o r fror *uU. Pm eflgh ter* and evm eolumnljt n once in a »h llr . But Mr. Prar»o •ar to have dnne any great publl iroartcaal.It of the Cr.i-.ed U aitem ptinI interr.*:ior.»l rr!«;:ora. If on* of h' 1 in n«tJora : drfen.'e literally glvt ha* :o the and f»U* by the wa> nl in the ho»p:'jtl. hir.^j Mr. Pea».m- ther A m e rira n -ih a t mavSe the who: n !« ctvicpyed rtfn-; fiacU y fa ir Ki'.:rr pf the L 'r.ltrt l* r o t *acre<

s» ^ . B ut It u u-.r bM-. Judcm ent < n ;» a l v a.-.^ ;! ‘j Jur. A rrrrtrar rv W al1«*'i M v.-e tha t Mr T rum a

rk-hRnrted •.r.-.:n;*!:or. ef Mr, T* i-'M i a c u *'ar!;T;£_i;;i r r x r a a o i i - i

' h i ' ,-»u.se 'lrTrT“rr.t Mr “pri-x^V M u-' rf» e rt th f NcrsDjlan of M

: ;.r . / !«o m rr ousl-.t to !/■;;> th r :! :r.-»x-rr.i :»fitu»cr (vi ;h r rrr.'irfrn ; ._,v -r.* -uof Anirr.ca on Mr. Pr»r»<w » ude. Isn t tiS f or IV7— Nr wv

COMICS ORf Co n r ; -wsr.T v T.-^ryv^zr tT.j T-.iTinn I chairm an ::.r l S'.Alr.i Cha.i■ee. a Mr F CotU.-j. of O a a h

M r co;;-.-< K.-i-.r-f c n-.b»; t;

ti'^ -o r * pricr'.-. M! Juvrr.'.:r r>^ha-'-r ;r Ott.i-'ij io « »h*l he :j> ;aH:.ie »N'ut whi

w! rcm ir ixok* Iher ear.n

would talie more" InU're*! lifou^cl purcha-vf a fcvxl b.-ok a; a pr. 0; cocnlc hook* “ He p rc^ » ef to tr j!

»r» ::ab> at TT-rrr TC--;v3;rr:T r<TT!!f LWk.> “f i . Hr Mf<>

.................... .................f . o! .-.rirnuric i n \ » ! . . T r > y fa

r * '* " ■ a V ;V ™ t e :'^C aV j.12" Ml ki>;*;n »oi; r.srd::.'-. J - i't ui make »-j:

;:::.r & r m door -R-h.e U -■-r/ M;rk.rr M '- - ' V

Mr. C.'tUr-*.—ror*J»nfi O tu i.mian. _. . . ^ ^ .

l l \


Sh o t s^ J

ELUflIV*The Tw ta Palla Chamber of Cocn-

S mere* received a porUoo of a W tom from lhe Sod* Spring* Bun.

^ -U r and M n. Al H o p m * and"M M /.«n« ''»m r!U y-O iM m eU -U fl-fo»H s h u h o n e Saturday evening to a t -■ tend Uie Eas»er fumlso •enrfeee a t■ Shoehone falls.'*■ _ A scraw W n rte a c c o m ^ ^ e H the Item read: ”A word to the wIm H U «ufflcientrH Wb presume the anon>'moua w riterm means Twin ra ils should pubUclxafe i ShMhone falls a b it more, o r maybeb I to be on guard to prevent aeaMao*V frv n vwlplng the falls.* Then there'* Uie name* angle.

I f Twin Jerome and Ooodlns• n are located In counUe* of th e sam ech name, why t a l Sbo*hone locateda t either In Shoshone county o t » -

named Uncotn to }lb* w ith th e. . oountynam eJ^..-----------------------------

RO H in a DETT.^ Mr. and Mra. Frederick W.

Cowell were *U11 married In J . Denver a fte r both filed «»IU for ^ divorce and a hiry decided e « h ^ had been rnlHy of enielly to Uie ,,, other, thn* rtiUng ool a divorce.

Two pofllUve* equal one negative?

_ l f lo u have .more work lhan you ?,?■ Think you can -db-wltiTtwo-JiftnBs; H .. grit your teeth and double up your

f b u . says Our Busy Llltle Dee. ind • • •S a MIXED IIEADSTlelr Dear Pot.w:•ri. In your last column you had a r srt. Item about woodpeckers and squir­

rels heckling Sen. Olcn Taylor and anoUier Item about OOP -shea . The Tnylor Hem wa* headed T h i

“ • Real McCoy" while the one aboui the OOP «hc'* carried the headlni -No Quliler*.- . ^ ^

“ A rt you quit* lure y.ou d ldn ia m h ,r« «v« b m il ln p irilTKH-iin^ __

No. Pot S hou It not quite sure

'**' OUB BULLETIN BOABDAnne. Bmhl-Thajik* for your con

5?! trlbutlon. btil w t c a n t it. T h ™ only sort of poetry we can handl

1* Uie M n Uiat verses on no l belnj poctrj'. If you folio* u*. Anywuj your poem Is nice.

.let, 18 THIS A PUNTle ir n f» r Po t SbeU:ce*. We mlifat refer Mr. I. M .jIu- Bqaawklng to M experience I oncwIf a had with qsack gra**.th e Contdn't get rid ot It. *e I h it

«p«n Ihe Ide* of getting oomeno t dock*. Too know. Ihey e l e « dJia t lha t r to ff op and kept I t th a t way.

in W hen I mored away u d aold the duck*. Uiey were still qnaeklsg.

lave O J>Ja.live , (GoodlagJ

CR lN niN ’ THE OLD AX* kllf- Dear Po l ShoU;I ao Although the to«m Is ovjr o»

ganucd. may I propose Uie form* jm y lion of Just one more club—Ujb Bli «bly le r BIddlee? There-*e«ms lo be- ih o need for such a group, particular: . to In view of the recent gripes,

be The membership would bo con p o ^ of (I) tho.^ who ha te Twi

lesla FalU and lta u n frlea d lln e^ ' C ron- those who travel in pock* and h a fh c t any woman who has a husband 1

boy friend. (S) those who ha le th* blll-{»ytng huabands and never lo

no an opportunity to spike him. sa s llf- <4» **«»e who haU ihemeelre* a j

I An appropriate slogan would 'r of "Whose repuutlon can we ruin t f Baby week?'"

OahUa K aroegy

I 'd ^ FAMOt'8 LAST U N IXI a . Don't yon think d a r t bl«

Ktake* her look Iblaner?-10m - OCNTLE.MAN IN 'H I Ihe ro F O U B '5 BOW lay*:

•s s : \ ^ C O ! W S mnan - IL»on * ------

; DISC HITSirvon I O! the W eekUbllc '

1—C ra ltln t Down thr R lrer; p tlng Powdrr Voor Face w llh Snn-■f hi* i »hloe—Blue Barron .. . ___1

£1T” I t—-A - Too're Adorable: W hea*» Somellmr—Perry Como ..... '

;» _ p in Slrlped Paou: M idnight . S^Toade—T f* Beneke>cTeC. I

n t of . 4 -F o r rv r r and Errr: Tow. Y o« irar.* too Are the On«^i.-naa : r u„ Moriren . __________

i.-jOT 5—O nt la PlonrrrtnwT); TooHi l _of ____B e-Som I 'm G oncrr _.

. . . . . —S oo of lha P io n w . -

' w . ' t —nrlnx Toor Roan tn Her now; j I WHh I Had a (ilr lJ-U r

, I Ton. Molher—Ertsv Amcld .

‘ - “ ^ •^ 7 = .H T 5 rB 5 i5 7 in ‘5TV i;TK irr - Come O y in ' I* M»— .'^mokry

__________---------------------- -___ _____Ci7 .0 t« Me; Sht

r inn il ' n r r Cwwboy Pal—Montana ha.-n-.. pitm aa.“-.a. ! .: the ■ S P E C IA L G R O U P

-''M'r. i^ H E rr M t;s ic .r.ah» . RtCORDS . ------

: ORDER BT“MAIL ■ ar-nM cnip ihl* ad. c.*iert l.'ie a v e r- , aad tend «r-“i t w rr

• Tn;ttanre. Irel=d* Irr pQr«l pr.,-e ,^ e and laroracce

^■*5* i .'■jit Tour Conicntcnt . iJc co ril Store"

C l a u d e B r o w n.Mid- .............. _

• j S ' M u s i c C o .t u MXIN .NVEME tAST__

• ^ ' V V \-vyvV V W C T K V \V \> 'Y gro


| “W A SH IN (JT O ]S


a rt* n o n th i alnce PrM ldent Tru- S a .e n t to tb .of Mr* WaUgren to b . cbatrm an oJ the naUooal aecurlty 'reaourc* “ • boanL T h c senaw^ ^ H M ^ H j j H a r m e d aervlcei

- ecmmlttee. by 1• m ajority of one ^ to keep thi- . ^ K ^ 8 l ^ K . W j U m & J i a s l n f ! ;i ' ^ ^ B a ^ ^ B t l n n In ',th a com*- means th a t thi t ^ H I ^ H ^ H f u l l K o a te canrw

^ ^ I ^ ^ H P B p a a s on I tg T h is bas stlrrei« ' ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ H t H ' e ~ P r e s t d e n i '

rtM nlm eni. H T haa go l hla M l.« aouil tUibborsMss up and . to effeci• h* baa toU Uuse wbo Inquire t h . « h« hasn 't the sUgbtest Intention 0

vtUMlrawinf t h . W allgren nontlna ». Ucm. m fact, be win leave It befor < tba *enate until Uie paper It I le w ritun on rota away, d -nM P reddent feels, according t *- h ll close associate*. U iat Uie actio te of the armed serrlcca commllU _ .11 n o t . r o ^ y u n f tg b u t P s h a K M

eonsUtutlonaJ. W ben th e E w pre vide* th a t a nom ination shall c

- eooflnned by Uie senate, t l raear I lhe whole seaate and n o t merely■ handful of men on onc cocnmltlei

’ 11 teems to me Uiat th is complair has genuine mcrli. W hatever o r

■ may think of the W allgten appolniment. and 1 happen to Uilnk v o iiiu» .o t-lt.-U ie.w hQle .sena t e j a a _

^ consUtuUonal right to approve 1 reject IL Instead, s t t BepubUcai on the armed servtcee cocnmllle plus one Democrat. Sen. H arry : Byrd. VlTftnla. have a e t up a re i block to hold lhe nom ination bac

In recenl years w* have heai f : Uie executive den o u n ce over wx

ever again for encroaching on U ’■ legislative branch of govem rm er

But In Uie m atter of presldenU appolntmenU ll begin, to look :

* though the congress were dele mined by-one means o r ano ther s a b o W th* PresldenVa .a jpo ln ll

'Aiiolher Instance Is th e appoln ^ ment of John Carson to be a m «i

ber of Uie Tedenl trad e comml rion. Beforo Carton couW presc

_ hU vlewi to a senate cotnmlllee. S l wen-planned smear cam paign w I}® directed agalnrt him wlUi the eo

nlvance ef c e ru in senators.

The nailonal security resourc board ha* been wlUiout a full-Ui chairman for nearly four monU since the m lgnaU on of A rthur

*• nm . who waa lhe firs t head of I* board. John Sleelman. one of i

Presldenl'* adrtsers. haa been a<It lng chairman bu t he has been al

to glv* comparatively little time Uie Job.

y* During this period the sU ff ‘d th» beard haa pretty well deterU *• aUd. Most of Uie top ofnclal* nam

by Hill have resigned and Uiey ha not been replaced.

KenneUi D. Johnson has resign as' genersl counsel. Vico Clialrm Reginald OlUmor haa resigned,

or* has E. T. O rether. director of t economic management divlajon. w has gone back to Uie University

> -• caiironfli i s 'd e a n o f Ih t ' grnduj - rv achool of business.

«»• H i . Inquiring reporter Is ttiW tl ^ n the board's remaining JJO cnplo; (3) —thi* includes stenographers * •ate m essenRers-sre still working

o r planning and co-ordinating otl 'e l r govemment departm ents lo r a 1 loae mobllltaUon plan. B u l wlUiout s and -------------------------------------— -----U ld -



[S CHILDS. b i c t l n l ^ ^ n b l l I t tb> Km>. II m u t

S;; S b a d b e S as*>claled Wim W a U g « ,ee« w hen he was govopof of t t e

ft o f WashlngtmL ‘n M -^ m e o . 0 « r i . j a n d

th e about slr-weeks. rt&. cOTlractt ran oul and they depart-

c h nlaiterer* ' union before be

n o t offlelala of Uie board d j ^ t l y m - happy In his role as |SO-a-day « •

^ f o r m e r - W a l lg r e a a s w c l^ J Q b i^ D aT lT U sUU wlUi the board. H e li S ! S d to be working on task force a w ■ect. onanliational^prtfblem i.

f * S o n . rtaaon for th e naenU nm n S fe lt a t Oia While House U Uie be S i - Uef th a t who aet ou t to blocl

w L S ^ J t ^ r a t e l y ^ « - « ^ b atha. Importance of the Job. 1 t ta was buU tbp to Uemendoua propor

tlons and Uien Wallgren was pu ^ alongside it and failed to meaanr

u n - . . I iL JU i^i U L i.~rttaUy Important aaslgnment—ev ^ v

. .S t lng an over-aU plaa for mobUliaUoi _ Integrating business, government aft

L . every element .lor possible w a r -o It U a $14,000 a year stncCTre.

U it U Uie former, then Wall a im p e n 's quallflcaUons arc dubious. 0 one ccrulnly they have not been m ad lin t- clear. U It U the la tter. Uien th very job had b e iu r be a b o lIa h ^ -B u U _ a ih c _ K il6 M -.» # _ ?y a ^ I t a d w r I > or falling to pass 00 Iho^waHgre: cans nomination.

TRAFFIC FEMES)ftck. Tlou*ton C. Snyder and P raneord M. RU.1C each paid a IIO fine ana n d *3 court cosU Wednesday for speedth e ms. Mrs. T. H. Bunke M i Hr

len t. J . S. Peldhusen each paid tS fcnUal Improper parking.S as Paying 11 each for o\-erllme parkste r- Jng were H. C. Snyder. S . E . Maltr to hews. Don Smock. B etty Undscnlive L tnni. Bob Crandall, Loren B um-----H « a x - L t o r M < " ^ '’in - J« * ln * ,-a «3 ln t- le ra l Office Supply company. C. J i « n - York. Mrs. Dixie Newbry. Pay Cc m b - and WUma Boch. o c n t --------- ---------------------------------------

_____________________ i _ _

\ f i o m w l i e i

able ,« to ■ fW a wkBe »t koked IBie we'c

: lu v . I . pwt w paikhtf !! ° ' ! F . * . - o A l i . h t o n . - l « l - J l ~ i m r t >0CM of U k store owBera-wcr. have U kjof op aU o< t ie apae . aloni

X aia SlrK t.Partner* eoming in to *hop nerei

i Co foimd a plaea to park, and Ktn* f t S e time* had to log stuff a ha lf mil. . w ho or *0. Some aU rled to do Uielr boy ly of in£ in other towns. rinB lly ..a lo r

owners and farmers had a pet togother—with tbe re*u)t Uiat tb

, th a t empty IWkl near .,tha.jl*po*..waJloycs fixed op for aU-day jfliftera.

Kow farmer* g r t lhe lr *hepptn|

t any '

J l B O B H O P E^ a hTBTeport t o l i t t l e Rock.

. Tea itr. oor two-a-day tour |cn u t ca asd for oor fliat ot M

' day wa ptayed Bhievepdrt. i a . Sitad, F"'i— trtnn New Orlaan* vbere ^1 aa (topped onwbo last tour.pen We bad a Bar.tato toif eacapc. lack ca wa -got lyed wheela off . lUal ground, lha p o a a v ^ ^ ^ ^ Hart- trom New Orleans

amed 't o ta to -UD- A rt, f a r o a r ^ ^ ^ ^ H « - erealng a iiov t h e ^ B H R I

r tr it th ing w a d idfobn m a — h re a th a —tn ---------------------

” Uiat w ondertuny c lear A rta n su 1 “ Wl Immediately U guya to U s Brow;

band .p a o e d o u t tn a n expocure.No kidding, tb e a tr to Lit

Rock U te rrif ic . I t 'a almoet aa go aa tho e ta lf Uie Loe Angeles ber o f Com merce keepe peomlsi

Little no ck b a a a lo t & big n *’• road repair ahopa and whUe 1 1

there a trem endous locomotive cai ^ staggering In to th e riiop. gave

th e n collapsed o o J__ , ft«nr <>»> of tM

It got etuck o a th e track wl Sidney O reenatree t was com]

U tU e Rock m igh t be called 1 njace where o ld engine* come to (

W hile I looked on, Uiey worl over one b e a t up locomotive. P

S*" ally Uie fo rem an turned to assistant a n d aald: “Pm afraid are going to lose her. bill t t n

y ^ not be too la to to aave Uie axl

F d ld n 't aeem lo gel m y usual qo of laughta fro m th e audience. Tl

_ I found o u t w bo lives in Arkan S . . . Bob B u m 's rclaUvea.

^ d Blaine’s GOP’s Mee» e d - H A IU y . A pril 38—T b . Bl* M” - County R ^ b l l c a n Central c(

I lo r mlttee m e t In th e courtroom I week for I t . regu la r mcoUily me

ja rk - ing. Among o th e r busineaa tra M at- acted. A ahton O'DonneU.'BeUei idsey reeelved Uie endorsement of lums. group for th e highway fores

p«innp-i>Tt npw trh r th a r eglgnat C. R. of Z dw erd-M eC lure, also BelJei

Cox Plans were m ade to have a spe* from Boise a t tb e June .aee tt

a c r e 1 t i t - i j y J o e M a r s h

How We Licked 1 0 Parking Problemwt'i comfort>bl7. u d th . n .Un. d iM > t.h .T .» b .tt« p U .lto p «idiag than Ui«r h a d bcfora. J«« t tookwere little friend ly eo-operatiootom alJong overrbody happy .

F roa wher* I alt. weat diffe:evcr eaeea eaa b« Irooad eat by J«ome- . taBdag IMbcb eT«r-«ayb* withmlU cop of eaff*« e r gUa*.«f beef- aiboy. *e«lsg the eUwrperMMi's side efJstore Ncrt tla e yow have a problea* 1t:et. "a litlle^are iiea toae ttH w hya

t Um try jaat tha lf

----- ^ 0 ( 6 ^ping ^

pyrtgU JM9. Uaiud S m m B ro w s Z w a ie i

I "You can serve any of t

I — anv time, when you c

I /, "Buy ytxjr foods frorei

, y o u r^ lf, when prices

keep them fresh until

^ "Freeze some of those \

b ---- —caught; -t+ienjcnioy+hsl

B flavor m onths later. Ea

I4-.- in J.anuary.—r ^ n . 2 D.J

"W ith a home-freezer

can irvrlude year-roun<

"Ask your dealer to


models — chest,' upri(

- S'S?™ ”'

D«l.d A»tU I.

0 ' " W T o r ^ r S a

™ “S ig lS“ Ss SM SrA *"*;™ S f

a : ,j r o i f ^ ^ s r i n S B R a: waa « u u .d C-X.H “ 5 ; ^ " ' •» ,»• a

SS S & .fc tK .’i ' , ; ® '1 t l , ; p *

1 1 , .o dJe . ppbu.i» Aprfl


i N V o u R r mI UlU

llevue, .t thereman — latlon. —llevue. '> ^■■ 1 , ■ « & - - - m

/ / / . / j ,1

— ,

~ ford

lh— ^ PARTS ,

For O nly Z .9 5 | * ! * « • • •

T . ^ & “S ^ ,. a . J . » o W

^ r - c ^ '

S :

- OTiON Mcriom wcTk* n«m •< N-ot*

1 1

these dishes at hom*—

J own • home freeier. ■ ■

cen, or freez e them

s are low tn d I will

il you w a n t tfiem.

! wonderful trout you I lat-'right ofi-theJlQ Q !^ IEat fresh strawberries

, cob in J une.

bft your, .daiiy menus _

nd varie ty .

. s h o w y o u t h e n e w

r i g h t , o r w a l k - in W p e

Page 5: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

P AT, APRIL 28, 1949

nte-Sons Hi[panquetHeld JSMBy FFA Unit | p |

—nWBL April 3 # -T h o > u H in ,5 J l 5 Amerloi chap te r p « -

lODs banquet w u held re- the Legion hall w ith nearly

*M lUcDiUDce.L5r£e BUtL chapter Tie# p red - i ^ ^ t o a s to i u t c r and tb e open . - * ^ M i y was prceented b r o ttl- - 0 ^ 1

SS ^ 9Jti Twelcomlny-*dilr»-bT “ S ^B o lW ltW . coramunlly .ln « .

led by W. B. K lrcher.* Special GneiU

J S jacobe. Ooodlng. advUer of T ^ A ehnpUr; LeRoy O launer, n B ^ B *,MaA of UiB chapter. Good* l y f f W r ^ ^ l d Harris, BoU eonscrva- I j a B g £ht:_Mcryl Chambers, president ‘S ' ^ A “ d h e r paren ta. Mr. B M j u r s . Ted Chambers, and Mrs. B g B g ^ Dunn. 7 ^ advised.

vcre ecoxUey S . R l d ^ - | | ^ B I^ U -su p e rT la o r of vocational

^ o f lhe FPA: R alph D unn, B.^ v io T ik i . Ken Breendle, Ed X W. S. K lrcher a n d th e Rer.^ J. Walker, who gave th e In-

'* ^ 'n o n » m T T)t*nt» ■fOia*\nt the banquet, officers ThU hi

honorary chap te r farm er a t BUts t In the form of a gold p in "•

^ adrtsexa. C arter L u the r and . uold HftTTl*. Thcrie m en were A H r l ^ by th# boys lo r ou tstandlns jg f , : : : h ad given th e chap-

p resident o f the ~ v l STeomparcd th e work of th e two ^

. G aHlshllihUng the a ffa ir w as the ^aenUtlon of the Vroi^t30»id OTool# was awarded (10 by ^

CooperaUve cream ery j? fW t plac*. dairy p « je c t . Oio- « a nrnda the presentaUon. n e 0. J . Marshall of ita f «M for poUto ^ Je c tA . w hich u m j, , ,^ Into ^ P ^ s tS i5 f » on lum 1

S i ’t M . ^ p h presented ^ y / n g ^

R^iaMawarchouse SRve |100 for MD projects dKrtdod 0 “^: y w “ uirtBHoUlfleld.ilrBt: D ale Moore and T W su mID* Bujta. Ued for second: and _ _ BM, KdUi and Dale r i f e , Ued for

Tbi rrank Thomas and ^ U v « -« k award of a H ere^ rd steer was ^ l * d to N o r m ^ ^ l c .

t o S a t w - ^ k . briefly on U,e

W U ^ ^ u d s ’lSa w J ’ei^pVJ’n ^■ LyU Wiseman, who a lw lold cf 3 7 3 ^ ^ U I trtp to Uie convention In K a n m tj. -mu wu Wl f irs t tr tp <mt of

Clark, sta te w in n e r ^ the w'l^We in BTowlng eonte*t sponsored by ■

K?o,« local rPA chapter and ejcpUlned “ » « f "^perpose ef TocaUonal agrtcul-

SirlnB tho program, muslc^'was ’ muhfd by Laveme T ho W m n , • P f^ l 'd J » la n ; a solo, accompanied by d ^ aw iw t-a k irts ro tB er n u m t^ is were *upply-toirkilln solo by Robert n s h e r . fu lta r Hewa«lo by Harold Esslck and a h a r- w I d s ta Mica Mio -by Raymond B etty . p ianl wr Tbe b.anquct waa w rved by Uie aenean Legion auxiliary. oriRinaii,

_______________ — metals 1

tioodmobile Sets Elmore Schedule Advi

CaU be In Olenns r e t r y th e la tte r RU PH rt of May. and In M ounU ln Homo stronir. E • f ln t of June, to secure about » l« r of plnU of blood in each area for wiui coi

( blood bank a t Boise, according counly i Morris J. Decker, blood bank day.

lim an for th is clly. Miss 1 ircttT explained th a l Uie earlier for Idab nouneement th a t th e mobile blood M m tani it-wcMld be here ^ I s week came Tuesdi roujth a mlsundem U ndlng la a gener T»*[»ndcnee with R ed Croas of- present* inli In Boise. staUon Inal plan* for securing • blood She w *n donors in this a re a as well by Mrs;

Mouatidn Horns wlU be nu d e a raetUnf of Bed Oroei offldaU BOD BoUe this rriday . accocdlnf to rA IR '

td Pearl, eounty chairm an . Mrs. H l«!!ixmne to Uie plea for donors guest« 3 > bcrn Rtwd. and a ll persons 1 ^ 0 t>(ltchel fe MSned'blood donor cards were alnded today th a t they will re­re cards (everal days In a d rasee TAIR Ui« Urns they will repo rt for their H lntao od donaUon.._ . . ____ _ few day

c r ' ' — -------

i B IE IiP E P W H


[nge Sign Directs'

hnxe billboard slm has been erected ne I to direct trafllo tbrotich seenle Hageni

led Supply Nexl"Teftilkers-----dns Release W ASim

W nXIA M t LOWELL n ^ n o f t 'd rIINOTON, April SB VP)— gnowllUonal 63.000 ions of a And notfertilizer e.ucuttal miiy be my old0 for civilian use Uila folL { t Uio Ht rm y U preparing lo sell one u u NnUor 'our nllroRen plants which g r a p h i c 31 making anhydrous am - inhere the , for shipment overseas. overyUilcg or_3idln8a._I)„.M d..,.jji4ilo njosl. odBy a letter from Uie arm y - j t w tn t can dispose o( the fertilizer th e Unli .t the .Ohio river ordnance tlons hsi Henderson, Ky„ during the pu iillng c irUng July 1, chenopodl

RcqulrHnenla Cot noa. Theirm y snld fertJUter require- has. In ffo r occupied countries hsd ita foodduced for next year, m aking rlculturalMsal possible. of th e ptIS the fiscal year the four research, produced 483,000 tons ot nf- T he quI^ u c t foot” andleeds for Uie oocuplecl coun* purpose vre now ejllmalcd a t only you can 1tons IneluOlng slilpments to tt as a |

leaves a surplus capacity of flns. The Henderson p lan t la of1 of produclwt 83.000 Ions. culUvated

LUled for DUpocalHenderson plu il Is now oper- oulnoair Uie snny by private eon- ^ .. „ iu ili. The aitny snys ll has been n thrivetor disposal but.no B,»tlmal« Qjuiudes.m made of Its value and no Andes ac ' s lep hes been taken for Its

Simplot. Boise. Ida., la s t fall “* CallforI .fo r an allotment of anliy- w h a t t immonlum from Uie domesUctout-wae-refused.---------- -------- Khlle~W«•anted Uie material so th a t he ta r t operaUon a t the fertilizer ivhlch he recenUy esUbllslied ,0 t Lake Clly, In a building " Jly occupied by the Jwlunlte j

p lant, a uovemmenl spon- „ sre facility. „ o u n d lr

--------------------------- • baking, "b

iisor Conducts amp_Fire Meetse b t , April 18 — Ann Arm - from the, Bpokane. W ish, regional a d . tuberculoK the Camp Plre Olrl.i. m et good sal;ommlUees ot the Minidoka Tbe pi ’ councU Monday and Tues.

1 Atmslrong Is a field worker aho, Washington. Oregon and

iday aftetnoon she a ttended e n i board meeUng and Inter Ited a radio propram over n KBlO In Burley, was honored s i a tea given

s; Z. H. Elmore, .

.CX n DAKOTANB VIBTT RVIEW, April 38—Mr. and H trm sn Voss have as the ir I M r. and Mrs. W. J. Plngman, ell, g J . _________ _

OOKS TO UTAH B T irW . April J6-M r». Re«»e D la home after spending a aya a t a Salt Lake City cUnlc.


______________ 1

s Traffic Throng

1 near tbe highway jcmetloa eommt [crman valley. Chambers e t In the

X t to Shmoosj PI Best~2tai8wer~forHARMAN W. NICUOL8 Onlted

IHINQTON. April 38 “ y; T in■elnr an old chenopodlum

drinker myself, I w ouldn’t

not knowlrig, I w ent to visit

.ral o rg a n k ti^ n on the tr a i l D U S r problem. A ^ eonslderable r p eh. I ean ^ t 'em righ t. i .qulnoa, also known a s “gooae-

and "Incan arrow" is an all* nirtke se vegelable. I f s a p e re n n ia l 10.000 an e a l It. d rink It o r swallow u o rth l a pin for medlelns. »nd pidn 't know U before, bu t th e Tho IS tn tho Lake TlUcaca region n lfh t TU. Bolivia and Chile fiave Uie A Ited It for uncounted cen- ed oul

Thenoa Is pronounced ' ‘ksy-no- which vlUi Uie accent on th e “key.“ miles rives a t 13.000 to 18.000-foo t nipled les. I t U a naUve of Uie lo fty Wlsco: I and If we tried to grow It northi we'd hav i to try to p la n t *the M anlt on our highest sum m it, which . Ilfomla's Mt, WhlUiey. C p rftt th a 0 . JJ. Is InUircsUul In Is P ' ' *e ^ . They usually ore snowy ____■w«en“8iiu5WdTina“U 8 » 'T 5 it - -------1

HOI1 seeds are the base of m nny coast I foods In the Andean hiRh- fo r a and serve the same purpose os pcnrci or rice and oome In handy for Mond

or porridge. They also aro The d Into flour fo r cake or b read - selton 8, VoQ m ight even compare It th e R ckwheat flour, as w e know It O kto- 1 a lenUI-llke flavor added. emplc ! natives apparently like, I t In were orm. T hey .brew a tea--st*cped c o n l Uie aeed and sip I t fo r reUef for w euloals. The green leaves make tro l t salad. Bras*

) p lan t has been grown In th s th a s«


Brand Ni


RECOJA U A r e S t ( m d a r (



..............WHILE THE’!



DOVModels as low a s ............,


120 Sccond ATcnne Sou th


Igh Scenic Hagemi

mneree a t nagerman. B aht, Filer, Twin F th e project- (Coad photo—sta ff engravln.

Plant GivesU nion 1

nrMDst-Needs‘hS!:funds U

ted jgiAles, but. only as .a curios, bulldlns Tho U. N. has gotten over-being ■ous. I t ’s aim la promoting the • wth of the qulnoa U practical. accoi vants to expand the crop where *grows the best—In the Andes.;re It may Improve the d ie t of the fIvo irtbcs. Once th a t end Is ' ileved. It could become an lm- ta n t export commodity to oUier as around Uie. woild w hich a n >rt of food.)h. yes. To g«t back to th e drlnk-

bailngsa. ------ - ------------ - ITie“ lndlsns ' liTU ie“ AhOea"Uke r-setd-and ferm ent I fw ith m illet Imake a kind of beer.}oyl W ell hsvs a couple more noas and Uien w ell co.

lus Driver Strike Ties up Big Area

iUNNEAPOUB. April 38 (U»—A ike spread paralysis today over 000 mlle.t of bus Une operated by rthlond Greyhound In e ight sU tes d port of Canada, rho sUlke began a t m idnight last Ih t when aboul UOO members of0 ATL Motor Coach union walk,

out.The walkout Ued up 430 buses llch travel sn estimated 3,000.000 lies per month. Service was dls- pted In MlnnesoU, the Dakotas. Isconsln, lows, northern Illinois, irthem Michigan. M ontana and snltoba, Can. .

learch Is Halted -For-M issing^ir -HONOLULO. April 38 (UJO-The , , a s t guard today abandoned scorch r a couple believed lo have dlsap- nrcd in a canoe off Walklkl beach ondny. ‘T he m lulng oouple Is Jo L. Bra- Iton. 23, a Ulephono operaU r a t e Roj'al Ha«-allan hotel from Ada.»)■. and Donald Adams. 3S. an nploye a t the Moana hotel. Tliey ere last-seen paddling low&rfi a m l jre f . . . _ .. .TWO coast guard planes a n d a p a .01 boat began a search a fte r Miss raaelton's handbag was found on la m w a ll near Moana Tuesday.

IDAY I: i A LNew

; r a p h

^ R D Sa r d B r a n d *




y g P

WN$ 1 2 .9 5

rALTRIG SERVICE^ | I — - Phone 192ST ~ |

LLS, IDAHO________ ^

nan yalley CVi

" ^WASli

> <i»y K>■'ij'’ admlnls'

' P«Po«®<laws Uu

sonnel |

wrote ' i m B ic 'ior a

' "The.;r '..-T 7 r ^ q j........ . . full aul

•..— >• fire aa ............... ; \ Interpn

’ ................ ..... !•.*>'a mined

, ' , (nol dl...............— L... <x

hut SUt-'.I-.:'' ' ■ • BCl *t

gives thority as It t


FalU and Burley eoopemted _^ __________ _ Re?t io s RAISED C

IL. April M — T h e rarm em raised »105 a t th e recent .

to be used to he lp improve the"*• In I

councloidlng to m en In th e field, msrgl: salesmen e am $10,000 or more voles, ir th an do m em bers of atvy profession.____________________ REAI

M o t t w '* B a y U S»»doy , I

R e m e m b e r

MOTHICich Bll* Styt; Htppy Mom

S a y it with Wfiltn FAIRHILL GHOCOUl

rot/ND '

Rich, tu t!

creams, d l


h m tm b tr M im a B i t

B o U i e r D a y ’ s , F O i

CARDS . c 'Z 5u25*

F l o w s r M i t t C O IE liz lbe thA nle ii. . - I -



TISSUESt e 2 " > 3 5 °

tux SOAPr t A i ^ <

^ f a i . ‘ « 7 . 2 9 * _

l E i n E C T

I IJ TUMBI»E»S“ |“5 W fffc f l t f t - W i p o n | -


Flaunts Jw®iabor Laws,; Solon Avows

a n N Q T O N , April 2# W7 — th e Cha ■senutlve Tolletson. R.. Wash., W ood’s 1 1 upon Uie admlnUlraUon to - ing Wed: 10 amend Its Columbia-valley bers hs nlstratlon bill to apply to th e nual spi leed agency Uie same labor a t noon U iat private Industry m ust o b . w ilsor

chargehove studied the adm lnlstra., reported I CVA bill and tlnd lhe p e r- city clei ;l provLtlons In vlolaUon o t ex- vlous v«

E lilB_M !lnln_bM lc.ri0^ sbor ll concerned;” Tollefson T h e 1 s SeereUry Krug of Uio In . *11 foui r departm ent. sou th Lltie^ admlnlsUaUon's bill gives w d Ihi Columbia valley.admlalaUaUQa _v l* U s authorlly to hire, promote and Russell S3 It sees fit. subject to Its own had ass -preUUon of w hat It d c U r. |n>m t rd to be ‘m erit and efficiency.' po rt to he bill fu rther only authorires (o r the

directs) Uie sdmlnljilraUon to collocUvely wlUi lUiemployccs f > _ , l '

subject U) the provisions of the which, as I have pointed ou t. - » Uie admlnUtraUon full a u - 111«y-to-hlr*(-flre-«nd-promo»» -t sees fit. In reality Uie labor a u ^Islons of this bill prohibit eol- 0,ve bargaining ugreementa w hloh J® «»»Id coiilnln preferential h iring. w>“ “y in^ shop or closed shop provl-

exburg’s Vote Is Close for 3 Posts fS?

EXBURO, AprU 38 (AV-A can-,I of voles

» council races hanging In the ilces a uice. <iuerui\ th e unofficial count, w inning ncllmen In the three w ards had tglns of from Uiree to seven

” ■ ---------------------------- hospltAD T IMES-NEWa WANT APB. twaUi

. May «•_

m U D»y


Sty centers * I Iw ith n u ts, J I Lchews. Mmi

j M I L K 0 1

i l l f o l d ?9 R M O M fc. 3 - I D .

tiers . . ' „ „ I ,.—

^ i LIBI “ H E A L T *

% M«'im iim ii# -

K s r i M i w

' H e e n f e r i y i O c — HEINZSTR A M D

Baby Foods

H F i i i m S D P r o s i T O M aGlTO*rin-

Z X .V U l IV R 91*1100 ■*l l o i l W K X U c ’b c c . a t "

50* Formula J E V ^ HTCHER— -NORI

s s s s a ^ J t O• 2 J 5 , 2 . 5 0 , >3

w | i q . 5 M r i w » l

-.... V— ----------• ' \ A_____________________

rome Chamber W a lembers Aid in . nn, C!ean-Up of City “ROME, April 38-D resM d to . J j • working eloUies. m em ben ofChamber,of Commerce met a t w wd’s cafe'for their regular m eet- w H IW Wednesday noon. About 60 mera-

hsd parUclpated In th e an - wlthtMspring clean-up which ended t p e ^

oon wlUi a dutch lunch, WaUllson Churchman, who w u to MWimive ef Uis clean.up campalon. speechrted Uiat Uiey had found the le a d «cleaner UiW year Uian Ui p re- said h«

s year*. During^ e ^ nwroJrw^U U iejiij

m d .M .m tn h id_w orked.____tie VftHoUi crews h a d covered who w four secUons of Uie city and city s{ h Uncoin, the warehouse district

lhe vel'i housing project. In tl*U an tcslled_by_ ftcd , Abwm*, .« ld t seU Farls and Earl Brasafleld thel>i< assessed tS3 during the morning ence Ij

n businessmen falling to re> point" I to work. ThU was tued to pay his - t : the noon lunch. pact.

ullitt Sees War K IiLChinaJtarmoiln ^ B m ^ f ^ r a v ^ r o K d o r « Rusila, told the Texas legislature lay Uiat by allowing R u u la to iquer. China “we are making cer- n_Uie coming of a th ird world

added Ujat Uie “ecnfJdence of Mrs.^lerlcans In Uie atomic bomb Is “£* i*{inning to resemble tho confl- ^ *rice of Uie rre n ch In Uie Maglnot »!»*«■

Qullltt spoke lo a Joint session ot B senators and represenUtlves. y k ii T odsv, using his Chinese accomp- ei iislnSiinU. Binunrwrp Tjf' crlrig China," Bullitt said.

TAKEN TO HOBNTAL _ ^OAKLEV, April 38-M r>. 0>VtA f 3 artlndalo was taken to th e Burleyaplt*l UUs week fo r medical j f f lea taen t. **—

T W IN F A L L Sm MAIN N. r a o

MAGNESiOF. PlntBotU* (Umitl).,

b. Epsom Saill u r -------------- -----------------------------

EEByflY,TH WAP (U niors)...,.^

»Mte»>«4w»»aato«TM«aT* W« ,to lM*

GoUTlmtl fh * M o M -U njFO -IO S fF O O l iH lllll eeiTEI SET .

IgO K MinifirlttMIRIIOR..


W i mn t W n k f i d t

^ >2.(9 BKk

Wm fTf":nfloUSER-------K25«: ‘

r r r — lI k e I s M B i

r - i s s I l L ’ .srK

w T o w K , A g « 2 w S S - a B

er w u to deUm. WaliMt later Hhe wmflij flT« • ; « !

I the prepared ipw qh-W U lm ^ e^R jissUn prepaiM

»U set might “prow a * tBmlM, •

anilgeant and ag iren ln p o m i 1 which »gT»«iw>> I t lB>P^*il>: fpe*]di«-ti Umthe four su ro p e« » .in » • » to * , ompany WallMe on - tta to o r- :hele au la . Ita lltn aoelalUt r, a n d ^ . Lerter-Butehtasoo..... } inbd- of Uw BrlUsh psrtlamaiU ; Irt. Miml Luadan. ^orwiy^ vA - . j I. eonja BrantlDf. BirMiD..«uoto appear witb WkQiM doriac . ■ trip, described hi:, a -WalUe*

tesman aa a “peace to # r ; _ ' AD.TPnB.NKWS i w r f - j j p e .

w n rt W M 4 • . • . .

aONE N ' ■

m a

g l l S

3 1 2 4 1 1

^ WAXED ' i PA PER . .1 _

- 5 0

M ATCH^ ~ ^aoto intn.aSTij.: J

CILUTITS S ___Sha w C r i ^ 27 * ^ 3 ^ I

SQUIBB^ i P iniiMrai On ~ Ti


Page 6: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

^■Red Gueiillas t Kfll Widow of S ' E sp ino Chief ,i ^ ‘ M A iniiA. April M flW - Com- i

munlsl*led gu trrlllu •mbiuhed and ' k l lM Mw. Menuel «««*«»•

• ' o t U u n n t prMldent of th# Phlllp-p iaa «puW le, »nd 13 other j>er*on»

'' * today ia tb i him 75 m llu n c rth o( r

' r - JWi» rti-Umi tlw IflClUdtd Mr*-. ' : Q u n o o ’« e ld u t d .w h te r, M *rta ]

; >Wlp* BUencamlno n i . »n o«lel»l" tn t h t PlUplro f«*U n offlee M d- n c e s U ; *eerel*rr t t . tho n ilp ln o '■ letnU on In Reme. -

— —--------------- Oot‘Z ^ lUdden (lullUde of machine*

r r m buHeU wiped out nearly h»U ; a tix -car cavaluda which tha 81> i ' year<oId Ura. Queion wai leading |

to Uia laauguraUon of a hoapltal a t h r r late hiuband’a birthplace of i

• Baler. - * . . . .T h e re * c « is known aurvlTori. ^

andand three of thf tn'Sfre'woQridedr_______Mair^Oen. Rafael Jalandoni. fonner

n ilp tn o chief of *Uff. wa* tho only occupant of Mr*. Queton'e car to aicape alive. Wounded, he regained

• eonsclouRieu later and found htin*, aelf under Mr*. Queion’* body.

- V Allaek U BoddmThe attack came *o auddenlj- th a t

- the eacort of conitabulary troopa failed to return the fire and the i oatasalns ucapcd. II wa* U ieorlud *

' th a t the gumllla* mny have l>e- ..' Jleved Pre»ldent Bpldlo Qulrlno waa I

among thoie In the cnvMcado. •< They »tnick In the hllla near

-------- Bong»bon7-N uoTaelj*-provlno».-ln -; the hcArt 'of country orcrrun by

members of the outlawed Hukbtvln-• hap W tW dent peftjant) movement

T ho Huk*. a* they are known. haTt been Urrorlilng the Luron r

•• eountryalde since nhorUy a fte r the t liberation of the Plilllpplneii from r

; the JopaneM, They are *»tpport<d v . : ty th e communUU and their leader, t I Lula M. Tarlae, 1* an avowed com- <

; mtmUt. ^—— — *

i jC M E d fe r s ; “^ S g ^ P a c k a g e " j

For Overseas »• IB addlUoa to the prerlouBly re- r- ported gift packages availab le 'fo r a• acndlng orersea*. OARE announcea 1• th a t a Tegetoble teed package, en- r■ doraod by th* laeretary of agrlcuU i

ture. 1* offered for M. BDtllTery U guaranteed In A uitrla. i

’i Belgium. Cicchoilovokln. F in land , f. Hungary, Italy, France, Greece. The s: iretherland, Poland, and the Amerl- E' can, BrltUh and French zones of i• G erm any and of Berlin. f

- ■ Seedt are not being deUTcred In t ' G reat Britain becauai authorltle* I:

there consider the present n p p ly f «dequat«.

The vegetable aeed packaRo con- italna enough seed* of 38 aelected nvarletloa to plant a garden up to 50 n

. . . by lao feet. Each seed packet U im arked with the name of the Yege- *

: table aeed 11 contains tn tho lang- iooge of the countriea In which <OARS operates, and with a draw ing |

. ^..'.of th a vegotahlc. i4 - i .O i r a D a r o fa o ffrrln i p-freM CCSv ,t

•ted package a t H . prlnelpally for \the uao of farmers In raising feed tfo r Itveatock. For the prejient. this tpackage ts available tor dlatrlbu- f

' tion on a general relief baala only jto small fanners In lUly, where ,the best conditions exist for cuUU g ration.

OARE advises tha t orders for seed ,i p o d g e s should be placed a t the ,■ . -eorlleat possible date so aa to ln> , ; *ure deUvtry in time for tho p lanr-

lag aea*on,_________________________ _Aid in sending CARK packnRr.i .

may be obtained from the T«‘ln ,■ n i l s chapter, American f^ed Cross. |


. l e g X l a d v e i i t i s e m e n t s ;ORnlNANrK NI), 7>T

AN CRniNANrr o r thk city o r <, . T niN FAU.H. IIIAIIO. WU< T)IK XN- , ( VMTJIENT o r ruHDH (TT' TIIE cfrv


WIIKRCAR. action ni Idiho ,M *. ISO, prn'ldM IS>I lh> Titr rniinrll |OHfci»AM lo lni~l^mni'«T In hv li*"'!, <

■ "wiiKnKAS. iSr,. i. n„- in 1),. ' fund a4<pnulmal<> lIM.OOu.OO nol (

• , ■ ■WJIERKAS. U .111 U I.. Ih, l.,.t in. ,

U r« l .*4 r.1 „M n ty t„ l». 1TKt lun of IICCI,ftO«oo In (1till>.t I*“ o w r ^ “w«r.rnnr. ne it <>ii. ’DAIHED SY n il : MAVOR ASI> Cdl'N. ’CTL o r n iE CITT o r t» is rAi.i.!<, i

_ JOJUIO1 •• TTi.t Cllr ln»-1 lh« turn of limi..

prr MBt Tr«»urT lllllj o{ ih« llnlt».| aul*» ot *'"‘h

! ‘pAWKII 'nV TIIK roUNCII. thU »l)i 'i - **5ir.Kri>'"fiy’ '-?ii('. mayoh. it-i. a ih ;; dar or Arrll. l»«9. ,

«. 0. usin ru iiA C ii. 'Mftrvr. *rsCAL) I

CONETANC* 3. tnSKH. ■Cltr I

H h I X T T E h

M i Mr " Aniraal"M(


B anbury's N S U N D A Y ,

HW e in e rs . B u n s ,

______ a n d P o U lo S a in

1 T n u is p o r la l io n w il... CitT P a rk D r


!•T -■ '

Twin Falls Ra<KLIX KVJ

* " Tnuaw A T ^ td u m i

"■*100 J dbmu Ittlnn ‘'•Im •C»brl.l 1:1S •ElBi.f Dt.w Bporww®..»« »Co«i.l.r,pr «;M >•I» •jT 'liunort*

«lH •Ch4ll.nn ol Tuion * i» J,***''*" lOrM •Bi.kn.id ii«p»nw u iwlliM •!<•»« at Tomorrow ■•". _ . ..

----------S>M C4ll U> 'TM7,T Itoo Momina I Sill •llollfwood DrMikful ’ >1* *l»nn Cl.ii<t Nf««. U*rk>u tiM rr»6k He1.1* •M.nlD AaroBiki l l »7:«* Oh^kwboord P*Hr~ - SiSOSi«4 •Dr«4kfMl Clob . lOlV9 *X*U Sa;s ;.rs.”*cr !!:1; ‘m,ir

lOiM 'Wikom. .Tn.*l«n lliM r» n r Ur I0I4I P .t O’Drki. Ull* U P;MHO *Hr TTO. Sterr HU* •nmlUr's

u'lOT Wdr An.«ld n ^ crfnT’ folliJS (loM**/ riont«r» Ui».*N«**D»

XiSaOUJM 4iI8N«<riU><4 i K ' Art LInkMtn <i*e Word, snISSCS• Ul rniiik D*Vol « :« N w ijjp . t!i« •Th« Bhlr'lf" n '.i if .r 1

‘liOO *rr1>. risKu I 1I0 *Enchin(> f/OO ‘ft l I:I> Dufoiii n• lie •Tbi. I. Yiiur ro t !>:>0 Ilsiib.il

10:W »IUchII.1d li»K>rl.r lliOO flIsnoIC

Maypole ‘Festivi By-Hank-as~A

By HENRY MeLEIrtORE 1Huve you gotten your Maypole |

reutly? Tlie word around thla eoun- 'try these days seema to be prepftred- ;new so 1 don’t aee any good reason 'why the Maypole Isn't a good thlnn ‘

wliat I was taught > 'b u t l t i r a n d s k l n d r j ^ ^ g l * ^

mother. * l f l t e r a ^ i ^ ^ B ® ® ^ 5 .1and aunta to go “ 'y * " ” leaping around a Maypole. Maybe none of th* reat of you m en were j fo rced -by ’’lorced" I mean the , gestapo oouldn’t have been- any tougher than • tho welUmecinlnit ifemale* of our family when Uicy | aald to me. "You will pu t on your launday suit and dance around the iMaypole wllh your dear little g rl ifriend from tho third grade. HlMk-i |better to ha re somo of you little i boys Join the gtrls ia the Maypole i festiniles." ^ ‘

How horribly well I can remember i a all. Being a mlnlater’s son 1 .was i suiiposfd to ael an example of sulnl- i llnesi fo r the rest of Ui# children ■ In the amaU town* In which we lived, and I did. under th rea t of things worse than the Spanish Inquisitors over thought up. X grabbed those

t naner streamers and whirled and twirled, n -llh jd l of the lovely ladles Bf RiK'whb had mwV of in e lr - fn m t - U eth mlMlng. T5rily sliuy boy* were supposed lo have to take p a rt In this horrible business ot rushing i around a pole while the Rlrls. wlUi flowers In their hair, new white ' dre.w .1 on, and ha ir ribbons and sashes to match, really enjoyed It, I

1 knew that by the lime I had flnUhed the.ie Maypole m anlpuls- , tioru there would be a gang of mj: - friends waiting for me Ju.u outride of tho deacon’s yard where Ihl*

TirucMme-rit«*l-wn* .-I’d have to fight every one of them , to preserve my honor a* a 9-year* old mnn-aboul-town and no i the aort of person who could choose to hop around a Maypole w lih a lot ot girls and sissies hnd I no l bern forced to.

Only once Uiat I can remember . did 1 have a rrnlly fine tim e on May day. T h a t wa* when, fo r a reaKin known only lo thcmselvea. lhe gro»-n-ups decided th a t It would be a lovely Idea to hnve some of iis children dress up in crepe pa iw rb lfd cn.numea. The Idea was f ( ^ us lo sine Uie songn of thc bird w r repre­sented as Ihr rent of Uie riarlltig children weni illTZl'lni themselves around Uie Mnvpole.

I was rtre».'r(l up (ui some aort of locnl bird. I suppow. and I had a Hire perch In nne of the big shade tree* orerlooklnr the lown. A t thal. time I was deeply In love with a Kin named May Zlpperer (rrmem- b rr me. M ay?' and ll was my greal R(x>d forlime lo liave my rival In love, J\i!r» Orny. stAnd Jm t uniler-

; n ralh the tree where I wa« i>erfhed,, dressed llkr a buuard or some oUier , atlracllve feathered friend. WTien I

saw my <l'art1y rival w ithin such eajty bniL*Jnn cil«tnnre I let go full force and »ns lurkj-, enough to »praln his slionirter •IlKhlly. There ]s really some point lo Maypole dances If the grown-ups «111 lei vou »lt In a tree Instead nf pettine yourself all tancled up » lili crene par>er and lllUe girts* {lyinK .vishes,


^BERS[pose Club


M o t a i - o r i u m

, M A Y 1IS. D o u jrh n u tslnd Furni.<hp(l _____

rill be FurnLshed ,) rink in j: FountAin

AT 10:30 A.M .

adio Schedulesm v KTFI-AM-PMtOCTCLKS) ( i n s K IL0.H .1 UKG)

sIouraiouBUla sKDO ^JUDAT TBUUDiT.1.1 IfMll.r •’lOO lAWfkk fiaijrn u , . ! S : ! ; ™ f c».p.r ol lh* Air !>«« S<r«i a<lld JI.nrr,,H««i l ‘M «fr»« W*r.»]( I’* ||. >>00 iSupiwr Clskidu ih« MasltUB t i l i Nlft»-rifi«m Sdllln ill »iti> ullailrwod Tbuuf ^ A T ____ 1C .00 ^IBS K « . Tit* UlUn,I Clock Club liOO «r»od W«lt* '1 llRBlor«a; lilO OiulBM UiVt E4.

a s s itir f ■. U n. I >«« I lnau W. U nujppr 0*BI 1 >0« UMI tb* B*>4

, r .S .Noo. I U ,.«n for s 0*r SIIo<r<l* KUaMttI roittt lOO sC«B«rsI KUI. Bmit, DmU. M»rk.U m Itwotd arrtn.

, ‘i ’„d“u u l i r ‘* » !u lH * v 'lts2 ? li lr .• In MMnUhl «>M OIm Cltib1.1 IlMUn' *\y> MJUBiar 0w»U

IiOO irxldl. C««tsr jtTu - u Tite in«d sk.iicB."p i^ 'f lh. Air 1 :fl# Curuin OHlUnrr. N.w. *;I0 lUIII Burn• r I lls CsBiM rn lrli iinM Hour iSiipm- Vlob n,ip. Rur Ixmbirdo

I'ities’ Recalled ApriUs-Waiiiiig

pose th a t all tho lltUe girls and le boys will hnve U> go Uirough the .. torture* th a t 1 did In order lo greetI. spring properly. None of this leiHng n 11 go a t the simple "trB-Ia" busl-

ne.«. You’ve got to gel right smack , oul In puVUc nod ciiakB whst you I Uilnk la a fool of yourwlf before f your parents and spring seem to be ^ satisfied,£ . . .X 'a good.aad.arov.-n.up tuiw--U ? going on 43—and today I shall have y a golf gome with some of Uib olher Jr '’l»yK=-Thtya»Uik».»uii>-.mrPotirUi I ■ f tr ju iy n rec r« E c r-m o rp y m d any I other change I hiippen to have on ■ me and maybe Uien III wlsli th a t > I were a local bird In a tree with I noUiIng more to worry ebout than 9 .belQg ab la.to fait ou t of a tree wllh

the tingle IntcnUoii of hllUng Jules >e Gray so th a l I would no longer :e have a rival fo r Uie heart ot May

have mentioned before,Ig spring Is here and our hesru arey gayer th a n anything because of theu" before-menUoned fact, Ju ti thele Mime. I 'd like Uj lake tha l dashingrl foursome of m ine out to a reallyUl good Maypole dnnce before we sta rtle to play and III bet I wouldn't haveie to pay off every one ot th* three

of them the way I ustxally do. I'm■r n fast m an wlUi Uib Interta'lnlng ofIS those crepe paper strands. I'd kind■- of w ear them out first.n iPUlrltnilnl br MrNi>uiihi firndkit.. Inr.)

rj Red Cross Total S Reported ih G. F.I t - GliENNB-^BHRVr Aprtlre ClOTcnts', Elmwe county Red Crowm treasurer. Thursday announced finalig returns from the recenl Red Crossjl drive In Olenns Ferry, Uie totaltr being *500.63 for Uic city, id Although returns are nol yet com-II, plete for the enUre counly. lolal

to da te Is ll,t33 J0 , as rampved. to a final total ot II.NSJS U it

year. Clement.' said. He eiplalned ]); the final total wilt be largtr. bul

Aim considerably below iMi-year* results.—httKT''MonranrMmmtnln-Ht7mr.-t% In charge of the drive In Um end of Uie counly nnd will [;»v« more

. . funds to turn in soon, according , lo Clement*.

Local collecllons were undw lhe direction of Uie LDS Relief society, with th e commlllee Inclurtlnr Mr», Prank Redtord. Mrs, Etticl Johnson,

* Mr*. Leola ITiurman. Mr>, Alt4 McHenry. Mr*, d v a O rnff. Mn,

„ Dva HarUnsn, Mrs. Louise >08 iiid Mm. Edna Anderson,


HnMlniia flew here from Msrkay lo '* spend a day wiih liL* parents. Mr, '* and- Mr*. Frank Hasting*, of



i ' s n o w s o i T . ' ■

A^ coui5^^So!xF

in POPuiflR conSflf' -------------

■ r — ■ ■ \

. T W IX F A L L ?H IGH s r n o d i , A U D IT O R U JM

.T h tir^ d ftv , A p ril 28

. ...— IT lrieU o l Rale hr _


~ Flying Discs ^ Still Subject

Of InquiriesWABHINOTON, AprU M MV-

Flylng a u c e n can 't ye t be *(«ektd J neatly tway In the cupboard of th i

commonplace.Th* air force a d m ltu d so today,

, ilUiough tt.M ld reaoonable expUna- „ Uon* n tv t been worked ou t for ’ many of th e “saucer" phenomena

, Slates and 30 from overseas, with I lh* following conclusloiu:

Thirty per cen t were "conventional serial ob)ecta,’‘ such a* btrd* andbtiioons. .......................... .................

T hirty per cent were "aitronoml* Ik csl phenomena" such as mel«o<

rites.Forty per. cent were — TT??TT.

>.«« -H aoeen" A ren 't J o k tt'T h e 'laucera' a re not Jokes.*' th i

a ir force said.“NelUier ore they a caust t a

• a larm -to -th rT X ipu la tlon .-M anr-o l , Uia IncldeoU a lrs id y hava u u w en

-meteor*, ballons, falling t to n birds In flight, testing devleet. eu:.

-Some of them still end In ques­tion marks." .

T he InvetUgaUon. begun by In­telligence officers' a t W rlght-Pat- terson field, O., is conUnulng.

fn dlrrountfng th s poMlblJHy thal the enriK was a sightseeing attrac<

— Uon fnr beliig-i from another planet they reasoned Uial ll is difficult U believe Ihat "any technically eslab- Ibhcd race would come here, flaunl IU ability In mysterious ways ovei

I O ’ Wif I'cnraLbul each tim e simply gc I g - iwVy w lifcul"esE 51IifiInrconli-C tr and Not Foreign MUslleaIho Could It be some foreign naUor

rect ha.i sent strnnge in lv l lr j on sortie! ting ‘I''' U- S.. the Invrsllgaton

a.\krd, Tliey conclude U w t Uieory li lack hardly lennble, and very unlikely.

A OcLie. Ida,. buslnes.sman gav* the world lt.i first flying aaucer re-

, ^ port on June 24, 1047. He said whllt flying his prlvato plane he observed nine ssucer-llke objects playing ta i alafflf Uie jB B ged 'au rtm n ct Mmmi

^ ’.‘I Ralnlrr In th e s u ie Of W ashington ,, Succcttllue re i» r ts camo thick

and fust. _•___ _________ _« ; Tlie pursuit of one of the obJecU

L®*} eo,sl nn a irm an’s life.^ilu Sighted in January

In Jam m ry la st year m lllu ry anf vlUi civilian observers sighted a slroni ules o h J^ t over O odm an a ir force ba.^e

Fort Knox, Ky, Four natlonnL guarc planes wero nslced to Investlgatr.

'Hipn. as the a ir force told Uii , story:

’ "Tliree of thc p lanes cloaed In or !v* Uie objecl and reportod It U) be me,

lalllc nnd of U em endous s l« . Cm ,1"® pilot de.wlbed 11 aa ‘round like i '*"■ tear drop, and a t tim es alm ost fluid,

"nie flight leader. Capt. Thom as P Mantell. conUictod th e Godmar

lave an In itial report Uia'Y ” the object w as Iravellng a t ha lf hi; ™ speed at 13 o'clock high (dIrecUy Ir

« ®f front of him <it hl« alU tudel.' ' f d Close* In to He*-

“ T m closing In now to lako i Rood look,' h e radioed.

" 'U ’s going up now and forwarc as fnsl ns I am. th a fs SCO miles p t hour,' Cnptnin M antell recordec

F from his D-51. 'I 'm going up to 20. , 000 feel and If f ’m no closer I'l

. _ abandon th e chase.’- •-nmtrwnB-Uifc TanfTaaio-cont-ic

f“ ? made by M antell wllh Uie Oodinai

"LatCT th n t day hU body wn. ■ tal found In the wreckiiRe of his plimi

near Fort Knox,L arked Oxygen

■•Subsequent InvcallgnUona re Y*** vealed Uial M antell had probabl l»5t blacked ou t a t 20,000 feel from lad

of oxygen nnd hnd died of euffoca Uon.hcforo lh e crash. '

?arg 'T h e m ysterious object ^rtileh th nior chawd lo hbi dcaUt was flra lilentined'M the-piftjiet Vet^UfTHow

end ever. furUier probing* showed th elcvnllun and ailmuUi rending* o Venus and th e obJecl a t s p e ^ l t i lime liiiervaLi did no l coincide,

the " II 1* (5im considered 'unldcnU lets', tied." 'M r » .--------------------------------------------------


‘Wri y lo Mr.

^ T h erc 'a o n ly o n e w ny to ju d g e th e vn lu e o f n d n iry r a t i o n — th c p r o f i t y o u

f m nke o v e r fe«d costs. L « t■’ Lnrro D n iry F e e d h e lp

you m n k e th is p ro fit. L o rro B u p p lie s n u t r i e n t s producinRco».-s m u tt have, helps M ch a n im o l m nk« th e m o st o f h e r in h e ri- tunC«J R en p th e bcnefitJ

---- /fairy m /» n fg h « n n i» dI v in 1912 by feed ing L n rro .

qun lity , s e lec te d Ingred i- '* enta. T b r te d n n d p ro v e d a t

L arro R e sc n rc h F a r m to------- .JiclO J^Q U jnnke.fT iorejJrofit.,

from y o tir ho rd .

L jirro is n o t on lj- * m ilk p ro d u c in g fee d b u t an ex-

■ ce llen t f it tin g n n d fre shen - j log fe*d a s w elL


T s u r K i,A N r—rn o N B M)


Four D i








b-n t

This eould b« the answer to U raUon the drumstick*. This fonr- weeks ago on Ihe Paul RJcbatt

l l (AP wirephoto) ^lie

S Votes Canvassed i ' in G. T.ITeetioi

G LBNNS-FgUtY..April 3B—Cm :Ui vni s ol voUiiB rc.iulLV iii T i i ^ n y

first city elecUon here waa mnde b Iho village board a l a meeUng WeC

nd nesday n ight a t Uie cliy hall, wit riR re.iullfl as reported by elccUon otfl

e lab being oonfUmod...........rd Clarence Moore, prcfcciit boar

chairman, will be sworn In as ll; he city'* flrsl mayor when new offlcU'

lak* office a t a mccUng Mny 1 on Charles Stout, city attorney, will a£ e- minister the oatha, f’® O lher offldaU who wUl « rv o o J: tho first city council will Includ ^ Homer Meats, clerk; Bob Woomi

treasurer, and LeRoy Hull. Morris , Decker, E. F. Clement* and Oeorf lATsen. cotlncllmen,

"*• O ther buslneA* a t Wedneods night's session ww rouUne,

: | D A N C EMeet your friend* every

0 , Sciturdny night a t



n e Music byJOSI! r iK E

re. AND H IS SADDLE PALS3iy _______________________________ick -


nim ed in All the Sp

fiirrEIn I 'rlrrt! ■



Jrum stTcks

I th a t pressing dinner problem—bow U jr-legged, two-tailed chlek wa« bom H « Mtlson farm near Morgantown. VI. Va.

Pocatello Calls an ForHo'spitalBu

POCATELLO. April 38 i ;D - B k ifv T tHll-fae o p ened -Jim e-s -on -thB -p r 6 by Powd 153-bod WOO,000 Bannoc fea. counly hospital, a-lth The counly coBunltalonem calle j f f i . for the bids Wcdnc.iday.

" The flvc-Btory struc tu re will I . of monolithic concrelo v.'lUi a rt

Inforced brick veneer. A »l,000.0( , i bond Issue will finance It. Of t t

'*** $1,000,000 UiUU, 150,000 wlil go lo J, receiving ward o t Downey and $50

000 M-as lo have gone for a almlln ward a t Grace, wlilcli Is now 1

I Caribou county bu l wn* po rt < 1““ * Bannock county before th e annexj

uon election la-M November.

^ A f t e r Y o n r S h o p p J n R Relax and Enjoy Yourself a t th e —

Friday N ite

DANCEMusic by the Sundown

. Rythmn Makers


J j ______________


I KMT tn I CEOtA* n to i fl

® $ S s. mESTO V rOSTEn >N M cCA LU5nS

splendor of Konthern lHah:

¥ M T i

Y S l FRIDAY!over an outdoor •dvtnturta

. . . Mary O’H ara'. g r ta t« t

* tfory of the gti*t new W at!

• m t m i i i i i ! 1iCDBUIil'MEfllllinillllll '& KlWC>«.».i..i-fl08WI-6ASSt«>--------------«■■ BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:50I I F I R S T S H O W 8 :0 0 ' 'I J Adm: Adallt SOr, Child 9e


TmmairDeclareH" Day for Mothet

- ’WASKmOTON, AprU J« -W ) p itt ld e n l Tnim an has proclaim Sunday, Mar B, as “M other'a d t: By oolneldenee, tbe <Ut« U hla oi birthday.

T he President acted under co gresBlonal dlrecUon, fixing th e si ond Sunday o( May In each year i t h t obtervance,

-O ur lofUett aatlonol Ideala at< tn U rge measure from those hi prlnclptee which American mothi teach by example and devoUon Uielr dally Ures," h it proclamaU

—H e 'd lm le d tne nag be dupia] on « ll-go rem m en t buUdlng* a

Americans to do likewise tbe lr homea.____________'

i PAVOUTE8 AT t o w P A M a T W tiq E g

------------A N D --------------

^^BBbSSWm * HHnMnSnBHnVa. MMWBiliWWilSi

^ id S g H B B B l■ Bids-p rw I ----- -------

i i ------Tonight —:aiiod

rr. J S s S l i l if s Inex^f Big Uilal

= i — TOMORROWI ■— - T

I « I N I

s g

h .. ■. Every gatarda

| 9 lnlii Ull! • Hu Dsni lisai KillM tM i« tiM -tk » rB .r» |i« M i li^ ------------ STARTING__ ★ TODAY AT :

I IrmCHMDS I jP G E 'C w l


—• D onbk-B lU Gtm Ibch

e a

9 9 N t v t ^ ^ u l l M t s M S Tfiu b t iH n f A f i V M o S

tfay M orning a t 10 AJtf. — I B enr «7 »«’« wt.nu f b n ^ H

HIHHB1 Bm • B p i lm D r a a t f l l ' SlkE l i ta x T h iH I *

' t a o * 1 1 ^

Page 7: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

^ ^ D e c id e s Lidustr R e m a i n in g i 8 h R ealm »

Aorfl M (ffV-IndU wUl the (edeni rt M m raonw cllh M uch outp

'5 J T ^ cananunJflua m nouae- somOly adjua per M tit ot

in»w U a« domlnJon. cotnpMtd wit w om a • republic, h u k - 101 in Mardi

[ fu S rw lU * b cro*n u “the 105 In Octob B r f Ib i free MsocUUon" of y e « . C t ^ d e n t commonwetlth. Blmullanco

pl&n to drop the prlcea of li

r « l f l r t » fwnlly problem* or meUl L to t* w u developed during Employmenl 2k et her« wnong com- od a

AttmA------- ^ ------- —

“SJffid“'liSX."J£: Nash Ize»Und. Ceylon. P»U»- n -

raw lh Atrlc» a s d In d l., u d \ j » 0 ■ffitro.! minister of n a m p a , Aida. ^ rtalgned t«JiM jjreemont w ai r t« c h ^ ye*- Nmnpa a i « 5 . fUo propciMl wTi iiibnU tcd.OK O eorn VI and then mwle »Mi4i*nt. n»I f t — .............. :— of tho Id&ttet a the domlnloni except In - headquarter# r t l continue to give Indlvldu&l President : KuK« to the British crown. the move.S ?»new conaU tuU on. « p « t - K w h c«n« to be »dopt«d flpon. Ind ia wl ll yea„, „ - ber own p rn ld en t to take t«]!o chwnbt 5 « e of * gorerio r general now tj,e B!ioted by the k l # ' Davli ialc

WanU Tle< K ept will till theit. although (h e lu replacing the poulbtc.StalaUK* cf tii« British king. ------liw w led to keep her Ue«.with ecBimonirealth. These Ue# are OASTTLEP-

economic .and military. McClain and u ^uS im cenJenn jtK rthB 'o th - -lOKiar-Mlm nenbert of the commonwealth Rogue river, Mt and recognise Ind ia 's con- te f merobeishlp In accordance ftoe lerm» o^ thU declaration." l-Bffdingly," the announce- it lald. 'th a TJnlted Kingdom, j-»., Australia. New Zealand, th Africa. Indlfc. Pak istan and Ian hereby d eclan th a t they *to tmlted u free a n d equal ^ ot U « ooqaneowealth of KBS. iTMlT oooperatlnc tn tha l ^ o f peace, liberty and prog-

ha lereem rot m eans th a t In - wlll continueptetennc« In trade and other Hen._________________

og Leads Pair To Drowned Boy

ftJBER, April 38*(/P> — A dog Oetdiy led Mr. and Mn.W aiIace Ittt. Jr.. to a ditch where their ear-old ehfld, Oerald Gregory lett. drowned.berltt Al Walt«r« said the baby n e d In the Galloway d itch near Aw etfB ranch home. He #atd

•itn lly the chUd'ieaa playing tn jard with tha dog aod a pet

aler the dog ran to the door iTlng the bsby'a bottle, W alters L Be led the parents to the ± . about a <iuarter-mlle trom I bouse, and ran barking up and ro the bank.Iia body was found farther down-WD, Flrem m wer* imabl« to . . • Jtn the< iiU d .

tfHTIMES-WgWS-WiU iT J m f t • —

SHOPytf te se /fe m s


p Y M C T BOALOX ^ C iTOOTH PO W D ER ■ _____

^ r ^ 7 9 c | H iL T O irt ' I V E


^ _ 4 3 c | " a


Booaoavf f H m c sL Y81W ----------- 7 7 V ■ MOTHH______ ___ ■ BAYLORB0LY N 06 ■ aweefs,

TOOTH P A ST E ■ McDonal

59c I —---------------------- ^ ^ P R O P S

----------------- w ’n t o e r r u j L f t ^

— w™»»-----1 - ^

rA O Q tn sa I B e au U lHAND CREAM ■ S T

S;;__ - 89CP ^

PFIND eodorants I vbbs

r s i .- 'B sc I▼rt«. m a M U e SiM I C

...............39c I S .'JniE S H . 50. fll>^ U o p J


^ X T . »■ IMl

r i a l O u t p u t IdaKo p s i n M a r c h M n a i3T0N. Aprtl 28producUon dropped Intie fourth stra igh t m on th I V i l l S

■ssx!^“rpss:‘'tput, on Uio board's sea- ustcd index, fell lo 164 .t lhe 1951-30 average. rlU» IM in m r u a r y and th . 1B«. The peak was ^»ber and NoYesnber U at

eouily. U»# board a ^ d . R e l ^ . l c Industrial commodlUes Nlnrt«*n p

jfknd non-ferrous m etals, u irtnim ental It in tsctories aUo show . ^ d lU o n lo hi ther marked roducfion" boUj groui

be judged by — ■ ' K ennlt-H osc

R e s i g n s a s ? S ° o ^m ry y ■* and W alter \

of C. LeaderApril ! t W l - M N u h

« l . j « o r t t . “SiSrSlamber of Commerce ef» ^ ineiudB iia-t-wtnn-ha-wlU-b*com » 0 O 3ey~Blulnanager to Earl MurjJhy , _ wcndell.ho s u « cham t«r. w ho«, ’ J S S r .M are in DoUe. Qlenns Pent Homer Da«rla a n n o u n e Montpelier. '

fiftlem Boisene here Oct. 1,1947. a fte r jcrom e. Mo« manager of the Poca- prulUand, Piber and a short period AnUjony, Sh

lid the local cham ber ------- ---------he vacancy as soon a.i D R . G E_______________ D R- I tAFTEE SALMON

rPORD, A p r i l 3 $ -C h « t Visual Anind E. H. Pepper a re on a rbeD t »ieilm on*fta» iln irtr lp -un -tho -------— ------cr, near Gold Bcaeh. Ore.

An yotf RUPWitajoyan aethf wMttt SPORTSMAN TRUSS I

M iU irT to ...> t• MmI IrvM «Mr«n 11; Now ■ k peotbl* 1 nlMHon wt* nal eomhrt. Ifc* Sportimon he< or iMlol port, to o«wo« <*■ Tk»r» !• no*'' port l< A.nn>l*. Vol. Ofi R CANT SUN Whrt ■ po< nnolm fU»4 I* Bi poihlon. «M« (U • iMraa wtlh tfx M r - ^ Spertuion pfovldM IlM fo> e l r»<ludbb he>*>e> ««*>'•uo«» octMry, odt»« tporti end o»«rrJ«T

C a a tld .r t i n t • t s a i l l i t f i*« SdMtifcsIly Designed • P«1 tonJort

lofSelt-ntUnj • • l l l tU t» r J i• Mulmutn PnlKtlon CuatirrtMi No PtnMol n ttta i TofciHaiw- U t O m t m t m N r | i t Yaw i

• E R R IN E P H A lP e t r i n e H o te l C o rn e



f t t


> H yL A C 7nC ----------

BRUSHES J ------BrtsUed W ith P re lm Mr a ^ e ___ * ^ . 0 0 ' M

T A T l ' o N B R Y I

seoted. I SIm .a t Only----- ^ .

s s & PENCILSr ^ r » » .« K r

- 8 I »


,50 .$ 10.00 ^


LO S cE ool “ sicians Set I isic Events IApril 38 — SouUfem - -

h school musicians will be ty and Saturday tor what d to be the Ut¥«M annual slo fesUval m r to be held. lUons have been received tutlenls which would make LTgeat fesUval erer htld. h school Principal Oeorge

n nnnc«Tt h«nrt«- a dosfntu se a ..a tJ tts t .A U .O lcb e a - .______ ■scores o t oUier vocal and mital group# wUl eompele tn ■0 hundreds of soloists, roup# and IndlvlduaU will1 by a cnmmlttee Including tosch. Paul-M ackllh and R. Logan, all ot tha Unl>: Idaho: Charlw Uwrence er Went*, both of th# Uni- : Washington, and Howardnyslde. W ash, fonner Boise ^ju c to r. r: expected to ba represent- - 1'h CaldwelL Driggs. PUer. ”nickfoot.-xduu>-p*m.-Hai.- - I _leU, American Pails. H aiel- ff f rlul*. Twin Pails. Preaton, I f iV Perry, PoAtello, Emmett.sr. Wilder. Nampa, Sugar- i V jlelse, n ig lv . SheUey, Buhl. IMoreland, Malad, Eden, 1

I, Payette, Plrth. Doon. BU f\Shothone and Ooodlng. \


OPTOMETBJ8TSAnalysU Contact I«nssat u t 114 Habi N. ft '----- T w brT tar-------— ~ - ------- •H -

mo? I-Gi

r j g .5 0W nM . Slnilitl>lt

n . s t mr< Set M iTMt b«Mi« Z ip l

tirllMoiMltMlxMr *h* »ti, pllobU tnm ora lIdM jen j■Wll »Dp w>d»f Ifrtwr.W ^on4W <n<« B i« '

nlort Without Frictica mditioMllyirrt*ed r ”i a - W Ob

IR M A C T [ |m er

m \ }


s: - z




—BtUB AT—^ 1 9 c ^

E S fK B ra B _.3A B Y .IA LC ■ f2 r _ 2 5 c |S nfP EC T A N T ■ ^


S T — 25c p I

lACY i— ------------=-------------------

t i :


f m mOpen ’til 9


V S .

Sirls' and- Mis2 Penim Jeans?

1 7 9I tu r d y a n d r u g g e d — p lu s p le n ty 0 ! ip p e r c lo s in g , tw o f r o n t s w in g poc H xA cts, f i t t e d w n in t , c o p p e r p la te d ir a n g o s t i tc h in g . 8 o z s a n fo r iz e le n im . M isacB’ s iz e s 12 t h r u 20 ffses 7 t h r u 14.


CREPE GOWNS81 n s from 84 to 40 tn well made ^ easy to U under crepe. Tearosa . E _ and Blue.

p . « BTin i»ATTOT and OBAIN

HAND BAGS -low prices.


ANKLETS! W hlU and loU o l cotora In wen ^

m ade-good-w tating_ s o d a ------Jaummer. 81aea 8 to 8 - 8V4 to lOH. . ___________


SPORT SHIRTSPull cut, vtcD m ada ip o rt (tolrt. A reduoed-tn price io maka 11 a very (oed value fc r t v a j d ty * vear.

M en's yAll-Wo__________ST0CKM.4

P an ts

1 4 7 5N E W L O W PB

T e s , P e n n e y ’a h a s g t jx k m a n ja c k ' — n c a t» -w cU -ta i lD re d . th e j* p u t yj T h e y ’r e g ood lo o k in g , h a r d w e a r i c a v a l r y tw ilL S l a s h p o c k e t* , r ip p T r y t o b » t t h e lo w p r ic e 1 84-46.

_______ i


) Friday

B Delight

is e s ', ,— - S a v e ! , 1

2 1 9 . „th a t lo thU Io

of style and co m fo rtl scheU, tw o back p a tch id rivets.;ed' blue r; ' *10. G irls' ^


. 5 0 1 ^

. 0 0

19*^ B a b y W ------- S h o p p i n


. 0 0, J d e n l fo r bal)Ie»—"o

_________ I W onderful fo r m o tdoub:

^ 11 consitray , quoit


M f --------------T

90l JANS

J a c k e t s

1 8 7 5 !RICES

k e tsl And w h a t jack e ts y o u .a t y o u r ve ry b cs ti ring lO O fc '^ure w orsted ( >per fro n t, p lea ted back . j 6 . «

J A IDAHO____________

AO Annji

aad LA81



-W O O L -FE L T ___________


5 L |J-’* Is

[htluny betted fe r o a n y ln r rful pUl box h a U In a wide i t j of Bhades fp r summer '

■»,* Naw B S i f A U ':■■■" '0 '

F U S S Y - R A Y O N ■ * « !

BD50SES —u ..p » » t- .A ll- RAYO

lok like twice « | | 0 low price —

------------------^ ^ you’l l '

Valk e r with .

"9 ®“ 9 Q eY O U S A V E . 7


- w a lk t h c w ,B u n th e m ', l e t t h w n t t o th e r , t o o — llg h tw e ig h t , e a e y -to -h t ublfea a s a s h o p p in g c a r t t S tu rd y i s t r u c t lo n , w o o d e n s e a t R e m o v a b l ly , s h o p p in g b a g , f o ld in g h a n d le ,

o iee, b r o w n .

Irrigal * D A M

' D O tlB L l FILUNO WA(

48” 10 Ounc* ----60” 10 Ounce-----------

B a n h r fctfn ir J


knee BOOTS----------a f a w l t e f o r jpw « e p l i ^ t t l f


RUBBER BOOT SOCKSJu .t th e aock foot h> soft abaotbetrt k: Come ta n a tu ra l td o r In ahoe# siiea. —

J - C B R A N l

COWBOY PANTS "J Bar O U a scrv bemad o saa-ao d wb< It U aee theae today e t P D m rT B . '

^ ------- :

i !

4 ■a n )v tm i7 8p«U J» U a l are tiM lu v e add«<-«Mra-t*-4ba-ttoUlec.a-bllMmi


ey. Team , Loe asebdll Capx^:.0W PRICE FOR YON SATIN CAPS

orful rayon-.satln-bBaeball capal i’ll wear ifc between games, too. A

itu rdy conatrnctlonl T S k . ' undervlw n And what

red, kelly, parple. Comi

NEW LOW 8 1 1 n N i t


' ■ ibMts''«t .tha'lovMf'pr. •

I . :_Bit™nitr— ^ - l o w K r ^ -

O aU r « o )ena kBkUli abecrtent C

<piaB6j. S tock op foe w n


. o ru tb ad cblekBB fe a tfe n


S-Plee* G0 ^ ^ S E R V A - S N A C !a n pwir m" * 8H'w \ 0 u d 4 Bob7. OtaM OOP*

. th la knr n h i t stT ti« pHo

1 toddie!— ................ B trnvcM>hMdle, - ___rdy 8t«el F R O C K SablefootHe. Tur> STAHte.

■ t i n g N e ^ s


_______ yard 75c98c ,

___ :„.„.jrard 1,19-------^« 7MT *»— - •


FrO R T K A M --------------------- ^

KS t a e -rt kntt weave. • ^ k — Pair

w h«t a bM od 2.4_9 J

J i

o k !

» i S s - ( w i d - i b 6 i ^ - - l - 4 f- A - w ; p r i e « l w « B d i V . i J l - T s p ^ n a n i . 6 m I l l

i t c o I o r M o y U , f o i a . ^ ' Im W n . U o M . t o o l ' ' ; . ; I . [ I

V PRICES ■| j jt U o n W H i L f J l

I IIi M d i l M : I : | l

p".j“ • ? = t | I

y j r x M ” . ■, ' S I j i - ' 1 1

imuaer. . .. ' ' I ' | |

Blf Huffy • i I 112 . 0 0 fl

I t L

G I b h M 1113K Age IIItal tray* - | - | |p « b h fo r - • • I ; l l


•aAaaerimaDSl l r a i M n D ' I .-■I

IDOWN. - 1’ fls' 7 [1u s 1

■rnhU* fw ' I : H• a f f n a & m y . I y f l

IDKALIOftn w G A n o K |


o o d d d * ' to rw r . w a ^-^T tO fA rd m rn ssM M

Page 8: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

A nalyst Asks I f R uss Plea

p l l . Isn ’t MirageK I By D E w r r r M a c k e n z ie

; A r r«T»ipi A/fti™ A taiT it ,H '. 1. T h e WMUrn olUcs »re moving e«u- ■ ! UoiwJy (though hoperuUy) to m*ke

- , eui» they • rf nwlng « n a l o»»U ' u d not k mlrasr In the •Iwtilng

Soviet ofrer to lift the O ennsn■ blockMle.

r —f — «Thi.-ltiiigtl«Ti»-t)ave - a ta t r t -their - ~ i vrUltngneu to •bu iaon uie DiOOtSv

. : . i r th> dtmoeraelM tn tu m wtll end ' Ihelr e»unt«r-bIodt*de *nd ««ree to ' » meeting of the council of foreign

. ; Bilnleters to conflder th e »hol#’ Oennin queitloii.

-----f---------- -R ed. Walked O olV • r U w lliB MuKcnvlte who ended

: thfc foreign mlntat^rs eoiincll »ome■ 16 monllu fcgo by w»UtIng oul on'lt.• Th« ire<t«rn power* — A aertca,

•' ! Britain »hd Prftnce—»r« prep«red to ' Rgree. pro\-ld(d thn R uu lans h&va - n o . fu n h er condltioiu up their

— *loove..^niU-cautloii la .ln io lrtd .Iff.: tlie fact Uiat. by «trtklng coliicl.

------rtenco.-thr Soviet offer cotnei Mthe other thre* alllea conclude th* •greem rnt for th s c ittbU ahm ent of * new German republic out of the three «eat«m zone«, with Ruula holdlnc ou t Its e u te m zone.

WarlflCM EirrrMMd ’nii> western nlllrs are aiklng

UiemMlrei: 'C an MoKoVg offer b« k trick to dU rupt the fom u tlon of the O erm aa government ao the

. R uislans can get complcl* control of a unified G erman regime which

, ..would Include the Soviet rone?”; BoUt Oen. Luclua O. Clay, I/. 8.

V. B. Amba.'uiador Robert D. Murphy. •xpr«.%ed warlneM orer th e Soviet offer.

Lest there be any doubt regard­ing the atUtude of thg western al- liea. they have mnde ll crystAl clear th a t they are going ahead w ith tha

------eraatlon of the new antl-commu-Bt(t Oerman republic.

Creeks Flooding „ Wide I. F. Area

_____^a>AHO .P A L L fl ._ A m il-» _ (« -- Otuhlo« vatera or "Sand and Willow

cm ks today were tUll Inundating Urge areai of fa m land Immediate-

. Jy aaat o f here. But the la«t two oool treo lngs h a re eeaed th* eltua*

, t t e i ■UghtlT.. . JL UUton OhrUtanm. wtflnMr . tor the Progrcealv* Irrigation dU«

trlct, said an Inipeetlon thi* mom*' Ing ihowed th a t both creeks have ■ tiplUed o rer th e ir banks a t a num­

ber of point*, causliv tlam ag* to ntwlT Moded v m *. A num ber of

' f a m a In tb e lonA. JUnmoo. Crow- - ley and adjacent dUtrlctJ have been ' nooded.

State Lays Plans ~ For Park Rentals

BOISE. AtVll M CffV-«Ut« LMd Oommliiloner Bdward Woozley to­day tald tentative pita i for renu]

• of portion* of Reybum park near O o w d'Alent were belog fomiu-

J oatad.WMile^ atKl SUU Vtare«t«r Rc«ar

ausoM y were la the area early • - •«^-w eek-looklar-over t h » - p « t -

woouer said so action will be T ~T4WlToo any feaUI* before July ' 1.

II* aald U U planned to allow Boy I ScouU, 4-H club trm p t and akntlar ; crganltaUon* to rent porUona of ^ ! ' the area for m a ll aunt._________ B

J i o R D

I Exchange I .ENGINES

• • • •

- -- Xou g e t^ a t thie al­most Incredibly low price—a rebuilt en-g in e , u s i n g 156 N E W

P A R T S ; ific lu d ln g : 4-

'■ r i n g p i s t o n s , p in s ,

; b e a r in g s , r i n g s , g a s -

’ k e t? , e tc ., a n d n e w o il.

_ I t a lso t n r l i id p a n O M ,

P L E T E T U N E - U r .

** t'lune-up parti w r» i.

' * * • *

■= ... j y p G n - TCR^\f! ■ * T h is low p r ic e a p p l ie s d ^ - i f y b u r -o ld <>nglne is '

e x c h a n g e a b le .

Union' T h e H o i

Moin at Third N.

B ^ ^ a 'ge q g e t

Mexico Ur



f- » ■ ■J _____ ' Bhlp-bearlng drydock,

I M Jo .

• t \ \ j ^' ' ■ ' . T - . / /

W '' ' J T - ' ' •*. I-- I . '• ? l l U \

rhaatom aketeh shows sh lf

Mexico w m U U bnltd a gigaatle n i it«Mn*n w«Md rtO« from the G nif of vie* vm a . Thla. say propenenU of now r e q u l^ fer tha P u uuna canal Pnerte M nlro and Kalina Cruz, ihii drrdocks eqRlppf.d wllh as many u i cradiM, wllh ships lerked Innldp. wc Is tbm u ef Tehuantepae on som* 24 : ih* dock* along a t ]8 mllt* per hoar. MO, whleh spoM on o o n tru t ' w ith th Dr. Modesto C. Bslland. dlrvcUr of Angtles to dMcrlbs tbe pUn and ate

I •' I n


April J8 (flV-The way the police­man told It, It sounded like Uml act Ui«, clown* do In the circiui.

He itoppMl a tazleab b^itUM three glrlj were riding In front wllh tha driver. "

._37ien..M _othfr_glrU _cm er£e4 « from the rear part of the cab. ”

-P ia - lu d aa -tliw l thn liHi-f r « _™ <M) for wUful miKonduct en­dangering life and limb. ti;


RBAD TnoaB-WB w a w a n t a d s . re

; | H 9 i

w m m .

FOR 2 W E ICompletely



I MotoiJ U s e o f S i n c e r e S e r

frges Ship ‘Overl

^ , 'o m te r ,~ ( r a re l i r acroa*'Iilbm ttC ~Ir

W m m' ' '

ihip In rall-trav tllng deck,

nn ltl .trw ck rmllrvad on which »c«an r o f MerJco to th* rae tfle ocean and of the plan, would save mil** lal roBte. A t the termina] point* ef •hip* would stnun inte a n p h lh lo u u UOO railroad whofls. Thas* hug*

would t r s r r i ISZ m l ^ a r r o u the 24 rail*. Elaotrie raotJrs-woold po«b tr. Estim ated cost would be )3M,0e0.>I th e M.000,0»,000 coot ot a oanaL

of Mexico's free ports. U in Um seek American financing.__________

Term Suspended In Battery Case

A IlOO fine. U court cosU and 90-day sentence lo Uie county Jail were m et«d oul Wednesday to Bert Sweet. Jr.. 11« BlxUi avenue oait. who pleaded guilty Tutsday In Jua- Uce court to Uie charge of ba tterr. H 0- h ia - b e e n irrep ted-for beaUng h is wife.

An ordv 'su»^~ d[ng~ execuuon 'ef th e JaU sentence vrat filed Wed­nesday aftarooon placing Sweot on parole fo r tlx montht. Sweet waa rcrprtuentod by John Daly.

■EKS ONLYy I n s t a l l e d

9^.. C U b o r


g u a r a i < j t e e ~


T S , INC.; r v i c e "

Phone 129

rland Route’

I - — Paerto

„yi> W StlOlltU . a C n n ^


n r n s c f B t tp T h o w r ^ w te . ------ -------------:

* Minister Speaks At Kiwanis Meel

BUHU April 38—T he Rev. Ew ffaiiiton Ftte gpote a( (he Buh meetlnK of the KlwanU club held li the R i«nd R r e a u u ra n l 'Wednesda; noon, Htn subject w at T o o l's Gold,'

:* Mr, Huiuon Is a ii evanscllsl cur' r rently npenklng a t the nrst.ChrU - ;; Uan churd i. _ .

r i m


se»nd U « L l« w n "3 i^^ j»ii lertMt. s -■» ‘Jua- [■*';;< - ' ' -Jiwf ^try. ■ ■ T tI n i t J W (k g rg - ;

_______ F o l d i n g R u l o --------ed- M ode for Accurocy ond Weo»

iraa Priced At Cffify . . . .' S*«rdr w<A wWliTMat*.

•I fWih. ivit |olnl> omj Mcftoat>lolM. rrol*uloncl >rp«.

fTV *■’ ' ^

- -

h .y~ ^ ■ ^ D u n l a p W o o d L e v e l

16-ln. long , 2 levelj, riumbt

Priced Aj OnV........ 2»09ProdikM Md* of i«l*<i >mH»4•C aM •■Wl.rvr (itro imJHr*,

•(ell. Sm II ot ( m l

G r a i » S h e a r ste ty , 0«8 .H ond Or>«f0 tcc>ri

Sleet BlodM ___ 1«98 . A -» .*rfv( - » r ••

|H..So»d tvi. Wltt. ft.ta. t>lad«i.hrl>U*r J «t«*l ko*d1«, »KO-i.I flol.V lev.

J N e w H o m

/ / I l ' N o z x l #

^ 1 .7 5 -.CfoVr.-oB, O ...

—1 ^ — w«tf-TW».s-niC—

B B u t S Z r i »trd bfoii.'"**

S o o k # r

liHV \ ^


. Rites Slated I . On May 1 f pr1 W ar FataJit9 T he body of Sgt, Robert R. R( 3 nolds.'who wa* killed tn action Ap 3 10, m s . In Germany, will be retur " ed her^ M ay I from Gaklmnd. Cal ^ for acrvlces a o d burial.

Sergeant J teynold t was bom N< IB,- 1034. In Ainsworth. Nebr.

h attended school* In Nebra&ka a2 moved to Twin FatU In IMB.

lM l“ H r “roov5tr"to Siui t r i u i ^B where b e w as employed In the ata building Industry. Ko w as drail8 In the f irs t l8-year-old draft.B r o r outstanding performanceM duty in m alnU lnlng vital commu■ . leatiooi during the crou lng o L t H R uhr and Rhine rivers, he recelv B the bronze star. He also recelv9 the purplo h e a r t award and t■ good conduct medal.■ Survivor* Include hi* parents, !■ i and Mrs. B. R. Reynolds; f■ brothers, H arold W. Re>Tiold3 a: g JAck M. Reynolds, all Twin Pol — two-alitcra, Meid Dcnntng. .Tw _ FoUj..an(l Mr*. .W .Jl. B « t« . R t

Innd, Calif., and hl» m aternal gran parents. M r. and M n . A. A. Bee with. Tw in PalU.

Rotary will be recited a t 8:16 i f m. Sunday a t the W hlU mortua

chapel by th e Rt. Rev, M^gr. J. arl OToole. Services will be held al Ihl p in . Monday nt (he m if(« ch«( In and the American Legion will co: ay duct m llllary riles a t the grave4l< 1" In Twin P a lis cemetery.

Is- Thomaa Edison wna granted l.O patent* In hla llfeUme.

- i f

^ S e a r s IS

sM w S

g > 1 |


t S


I f l■i IL.£__:_5I

J ■ mL ^

ly i l | |p "


C r » f t« tn a n ..............

>Ukr .»onr U ik nf me■irprndablr ( rariMnan n r lg n and Slrattan pormoMUe llrm.

WIN FALLS, IDAHO' ■ ■ , .............................. I

R e a l E s t a t e T r a n s f e nInfermatlea Pm labtd hr

l« Twin PaOt Ttu* asd^ Trast Ceaipany

y Oj^rB«T»1ii-uiifola » W»»rt- Uhl R ^y. -tioor. to O - r l -AprU D.k.r, IIO, SE3E U « II.

APmi, 11;nllf.. r W i CUrk C. Crtma ta CbtMUcr

-C»litiji-llfl;.SZHr, MtSEOf*li Cuilfotd J. ts rJoTW

Nov. Jl Il«: lot 1. blKk I. TwIb FsH e D ^ : D.I-1* C ,B.rtl*U lo C«t»M.

• nd Wtrnrr. IIO; lot 1», block 41. XlmM.• ^ 1 nZ f,t lyn ' u f 'ticEcO A«n-« 30k. th lp ---------- ----- -----

Danger ‘Passing’ For Envoy’s Ey

e lv rt " tO N D O N T A pH l-S S 'fU Ja-^eni elved eye of United S u ie* Ambaatad

lh e Lewlt DouglM. plereed by a fl hook early ihto monUi. wUl no t

. M r. removed, the ambaasador^a doctc two today. 'and The four doctors who have atU ni

»allB. ed th e ambaaasdor smce th e a « Tw in dent examined hUn-agtln yesterdt R « j- T h ^ reported hUiTWlmprovKl-m . ,n d - U»«’ "no lonUM 'BreTwnsiaeTlng r }«fc. moval of the eye.”

^ '01dat40,50,60?'- 2 —Man. You're Crar

1.097 *airTM.*lM«?a.^

_____ _______

« Y j O N L

p i I L a '

t l

r % vf t O h

J ig - j

— ■ f R f t F T S M H M - -

' — .............> ■

ndable 18-Inch ; LAWN MOWER

107 .50mowlnr iJuit UwT, . p W w r, , n h n , , ,I.n p « - rr m o«rr, p o .f rrd h. 4 Morrtr ■n m gfne . . . prpdaloa ball br»rlng».


— f , .........

f "

^ rStatrWodlmen ’ Aiding in Surv

MOSCOW. AprU 38 (AV-The 1 — J rerdty of Idaho avrleultural

' perlment tUUoa U rtcelvtng Uhll*, from three Idaho wool fnw en

,1- o to *•* If wool alKmld graded aa It U ihom. >

Ttiey are H anr B. Soulen, V r Breckenrldgo. Twla I

and E. A. StalwoTthy and t to m o . Idaho PaUt. -------_ _ —• m*'5 ‘ 'Th® announced h

W . lUckman, head of Uie tmi Ik . If. alty"* departm ent of anim al 1 * -* -« • -bandrT.-ne-#«id-«l*M lficaM oi)

fleece will begin a t Midvale a ■ ■ M ay 8 on soulen’a fk*k wlUi i

r lia r g rading being done a t th 9 Ing time on th e Breckenrldgg

Stalw orthy flock*.

-----------J*ID -0**=-H K tD - -" HBVBCRN. AprU 3 8 -T b e m

f ljh clM8 held 11* annual “kid 1 ^ T uetday wlUi m oUiert te rrln

p icnic lunch a t noon cn the .c law n. • -

;U nd- ' . . —


_____ Anywhere in Maglo VaOsy_ Any Kind of .CeaereUy ’ * Constmctlon' ■ BASEMENTSarw PORCHES—FLOORSr o ^ J D R IV S W A Y 8

FonndatioDs • Large er Sma« S 3 FlIONE• ^ L O N N IE SM ITH

1 0 7 0

. , , , i , . ‘. V

**")B Jf •\f5wA• r a

r i l j t h r o ^

L Y 2 d a


3 w n M o w

ow t4«cision BaU Bearings aring Wispering Action fl-Pneumatic Tires


f e

• ; 3 I E S

mk- _

- Durable GR. for Power I

0 A lnm tnnm B o t to m __

LhTs ' Our fiaovi. iilde* ar* R tra rrtT hfmvT atam ln im . will n r>g». power mower or la i j t ha

nyja vra.

Teyal ex-* f c i i lW ^ < L l*■ lo • wSfttiy-ora-HBii^Hm b*

by amlver. y S M g U s ^ ^ l G ^ i f m ^ ^1 hut. \ i B i f l Slo n -o f

about ia ^ ‘ t <h elm. 1------- \ Tthear- a(fl and V

y a y - f f

N_. . J . S “.dS"£L,'?&S

•ulUbJ* coUateral. * *

D X H R Q 23ian n 1 1 T

■ S S l S d i M

* 1IL W !■*k —

ih Apri^ J t

k Y S LEFT!‘ .’V \r vr a ________

> ^

r e r■■

B 8

■;v ■

'' -'-r”


»ASS CATCHER^^ir L a w n M o w e r *


hand n m a . " t*

* 4 0 3 M A I N

Page 9: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

WlOli M, 1849

K g ^ o l o n s Flag Mrttfcd Many aA?®'

•«> n * 1 1 liutcad 01M ft^njiliar B ills S “"“

f e i S H S - f lS li”S

M tjak w>jiu iru a <li«i»»y-

R g - “ ’ ‘ ‘ ° '” " -Reco■ T ^ n «m e». Uotm race# »nd I V C tUt in t lU rt ^UT ^

^ iP S n o rU l (Uy now * !• l«f»l1 £ . ^ A 1906 •Utut® h id BOISfi2 ^ d l ^ « i - o n thB ho ll. o f ^ t r t

« n lU r t «<hln» to April, of lhe i

? 1 tto im M u it® Ch*Tf ew *- dc:" ^ h u i« W » W C h t U b u u n a- Two h

S S S r o « “ 2 ^

N‘?l?11nuiuftl m eM urw *er* In- L E G A I5 S i m other le*l»l*ture9 Ihta ------------f f l i * UwiMkers oitjr have N o n c i L« «*th on# w ith the comment: , ,5 5 ^ for Uio b o o t" B ut iftw n iu c o u ,jU tc n to be to *ny hurry to ^oTicf ben Uitrc. fuJ voui

8« ? > B m iA U n S ';;;Y „ :gtiu were *llve U te to «i

Mion demanded: “,'h^u \iS to fumitftUon of P c ^ s y j- u.. gy.iirg f e o n « - W O W 5 -« n a -U x l- -

foipldor to erery ro«n In every ,V ' mliil!

g ro -M c & « .= > ... rij™?i w t « u ld cany a clear noUce t. wh.Ua i«*l U behind a po»t. • ‘‘ i'l■Bn»-deIleclon_enj™ ckB and ^ ,« b PtnniylTanla to keep them „.inuit.i:? S l l S j n / the F l«W ile ld s . of ruRTi' 5 ^ behind them.

Berne W «e K llW «M .M ^gat are tome slngulBr JUgccsUon* „ - , jSVere killed or allowed to die: n^ r...r ,

?*Son»or »ald It would make m»r *»»ibo -frcen with envy." Idaho.i«T«r. has pictured a poU to on jof'o,, ,I UttiiM plate* sevei^ times. i:»o.»o.e

W build walU JO feetJl around Indiana nudU t cunp#—J u limit their opemUon* to ..kember, January and m n io r y . im.i.i, i A bill » require a fikull and croM- J." en polfon label on liquor aold

qmoq had a ch* ice to confine ’I enineh and c r« k le to movie ti>. BM to niarchlng troopa and :■ i'-*! Wtt-happy cowboy* on the ifcreen. a death irv a committee room ,u to a bUlM prohibit the caiInK uo»>:pcpeom In theaUr*.

TAKE CABZ O P MOTnXK •',!!fAinviEW. Aprtl a s -M r . and « n. Rut Bohannen and Sandra " V in arrived from Fullerton, Calif., juirkt. . cir* for hU mother. Mr*. J . H.

ihtwien. who U 111 from a heart *x t ________________ ” 5 1 . .

tb^ first-pure'bred-'U oodhoim di 3 S ? ire ihlpped to the UiilUd 8U t« i c u * sf w Enjlind about IMO.____________ ct T»l


wm msa siH O R S E f l i

^ S E E T H A T S H H lI t 'i the to o rb eM tttr Wycrof hide loond oely c'vrr hor*«s'hipa. Woi>

« «pft-M-Wa~WtthBBt •

W P I % ^ I N Ea n t M p h i b « M m M lii

“ ••• So. w h y D ot SlidODly i r e r k aboM •<

" * «< G««miDe W e - t B a o e d M I

Vei u m p l e l e • a a le r t i^ » T w t w MleeUem.e( riaM ta U a i

S x d u t l v d y I n t h i D o w n iU

V a n J E i i ^

f Only Loot Aeroi ecured by Thief StoiD lk a o . Calif.. Aprtl 38 w v - ot money, a bank-entraiice O W D D '

.icher here t o t the Swedbh Moulton, <.. ___ Uca..conic

>a«, Wllh the tla< to It. wa* ............ ■d from a m e u eo a ^ . Uenine from the bank-bulldlng>f the Swedi&h vice consul.iC was to be flown from aluring Uie vl»lt -today of - - - .>heman. Swedish am bauadorDnited s u te * . '11 will be. Tha thief dropped « ■ r in -h is -n n h t.—— ------- --

ord-otSolont— ent From BoiseIS. Aprtl 38 (AV-Tha secretary f i office ll m il lln z ih s hnlliT of the 30th leglalalure. houM and senate Journals are mailed to the lesUlatort, all

nation's taw Ubrulea. the sderal departments and Idaho — lepartmenls.hundred volumes ha re been

I. Tlie houM record required ge» while lawmaker* Iti tho w ere~sblB-to report th e ir -

to l i e pa<e«.

(VL ADVERTISEM ENTSt o r Brr.ciAb scnooi. meet-

INC AND Et-ECTJON . A Dl«lrlfl Ho. 411. T-li.luflCr. U<h». Scr. IS iiritKHY oivr.H. Th.i •m»«llnr ind •l.tllcn of lh« q»»!l- au n o( l>» atx’T* n«>>i«d Bchuol „.III h. h.U) OR lh. .liUi lUj of "111. Wt-Mi. «i>. e-«l«L g,

I t tli> l.lncoln iTtd lllcktl tch.ulIn »hl •( ohkh mMllns >

bf dtUmlnH br >

•bill U auUKiIlt*! to iTitk* a>om< »mo«nt Bol Mrtwllnf niB* t—

Ib. In >ddliu,n U> >84 *bat« Ibt ' -----,lch. •• vitxMkI br U».'th< U<»r<l ilMi >n»r m*'‘» ■lltwot »iKh .Ite-■h'A^r'l*»'Tl"«rd of TfuUM* of ..Irlct lb>ll b« .uthorlw.1 lo moh* nul to Mf€*! on. ' l l mill, fur lh«1 sl .»uicluilus„aauLsiilus.*i>il/at.nS.’Sw"i.‘Sv'srr.Tr . . .M BMoMd tiluiUon ef »M Uto- „r tbt ;r«tdli>f 7o«r wm IU..K - ......... J

” »*; II ti.r Ih. .Muln^ tl.cil »fht«l r»«r <;

U>* BMr^et T n > t^ ~aabt without tlrctlon <riU T.U.lu i. and Count? Avpof’ o"'’’*''^, nr>l flK.l rMT t n ntlmil*! «(4.00.IUr«l1«B«M»J r»<^l» • « so"**'S. IrriM for -Wtb •oth-riiail.o !•Mk«1. «n,l »ht- h -111 r*U. .prroi. r nln. BllU.f I'Uritound* *Bd CrmnMlun. ont mill.lb. 4U4jUi£AUuni ul roUcI * __

Kt n«lot» of th. SUI. i f I<Uho. xHtaU of Ih. dUUkl .1 th. Um.Kloiw^*onir%f lht'°tono«lBi quillflra. p —r.rtn u or cu«rdUi>. of^B 'hIM or

.**/h"'eWlV ot**<hlMrt« •B4**plr.iit« inlUn. Ih tm f ar. rMMnU «t ta.( al U>. Umt ot iImUob: «tt A pction oho r«r> U ia •Itkli Uit I. and Iht

pol* U« *'u’ not a Ui-I Ul. .UcUon -111 U br t« r .t Bat? dar of April. IMI. . __

GI.EK r.no iT C .Bf CIbm a Sfliool niiirlct No. 411 rola rallt CounU.

rouRLIEE p

m EI I

I D E S I IY E S .r . t r y in g o n th c M u n tx in g w o r t sh o e s th e f l r r t t im o i i o n e p lcas- i B t B u rpriae a f t e r ■«- o th e r . M n t . t h c r e 'B th 8 g r a n d inoccoeiD com -

. ? o r t o f k id -e o f t u p p e n ^ a n d b a m b o o - f lex ib le

so le* . T h c n th e d is e o v - e r y ^ t th c v d r y o u t s o f t a f t e r Boakinff. A tn i th e y e o s t le s s f o r th e y

L w e a r s o m u c h k m g c rw

w a p l^ ttylea.

: t a l r t S h o * S e p 't .

g e l e n s- - - - - -

onautic Chief j a k -a je *■

tops at Gooding□ m o . April 38 (/F) — Chet clUes In n, sU te director of a e n n a u - Hohns wl M ic rrttL h e n . wlUi. Oooding A bwl.

M m tDUR


PRINTS,]Now. all Uio« beauti/uUy tiniiUed. r ally advertised p r to ti you've seen at mired, reduced to make for added aavlnm on all your summer cotton Prints. Plain tones, too, SB' wide.


- f M M

A 0 1 7 0 T om »l*e cases, mi L 'A O u d muilln sheets. Re


ROBE BLTwo popular slMs, lOiM and 73»a btadtoea ta b right Indlaa.ilfialfM.-. car robes, picnic blankets, basebi Regular 4.4B, i iS . now eaciu--------

^ m n mFamous “Ko

-------- FRENCHBeautiful W ashable Freach Crepe . for blouea*. lingerie, etc. jCholce b«lRP. white. U n. grey. navy, blacfreen. 40* wide, regularly »8e. now_


DRAPERYstill a bl£ group of monks cloths. ; pebble clolh.t. prtnted »Hp cover snd short len ith s of many more drapery and slipcover m aierlsb. R ly 1.19 to 2S»----------------— ---------

p B M MChildren’s Summ

" S A N D A L SChoose from Bun T aa, brown or r lookms. long wearlnf Iwo-straj Wa1«T>rt>oT. ho-m ark «!1H. S \u s

W o m en ’s C e n lh c r w h lu lea



Vai. , L . ......

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN PAIleaders on plans for Uib city's shown lot le educaUon dsy program May glm» alri

in i and iu lu » aald the program wtll I*** P « t K those held to oUier Idaho

In an effort to acquaint Ida- -Onlau s w ith aviation. greaslon.n t . 100. area teacliere. will be. ta ^ .th e li


e^ r c a l e “ ' ^ ^ ^ “ ■

, PLAINSt}. naUon* ^ m

= = 44c£ R 8 _________________________________

T>pe 1 2 8 ^ ^ ^

Double Bed SHEETS^ Z u l l J l X l t l l t ^ ! L 4 S f c d ? y 5 1 ? ^ — -slieeU, regularly priced to sell a l 3.79. now save 63e on each onet - Flne 128 count 2 2 7

i, m alch above 138 lype A '7 e»Regular 6 9 c .............. ........... ^


;LANKETS■nm. aauen 0 7Q s.-Jfleal.Jor , • -isebaU robe*.

Sogo” Quality

H CREPEpe . . . Ideal3lc« Of red, * /black. Kelly /ow__ TARD f l ^

'L s ^

. 1 * 0 0hs. prtntcd H i ,-er fabrics. H ire wanted . Regular- ____VABD

■ B M nimer

or red In fooditrap sandals. ^ Ji i t f i s< « 'ta T.

leather sandal*, with wedele heeLv .traps, aises to 8. g 0 g


1 1

XLS, tDAHOoe»l avlaU oa (acUlUes and PIrplane rides i n th e mom* faIB V about 100 buslnessffltn. will sk a n s h

rt to th e aftem ooa program, jsll Blew— ' first'case I especially ttalnM l In u - t t u . r a l r I. bloodhound* seldom a t- plls areilr quarry._______________ U l<


S p r i n g

Here's value! Spring 12.90, in 8 good range i printed rayons and shee

Y ou'll w ant seTer*l"when you m tlfu l dressM to this gnnd select from prtnU and plato tones, oi piece Jtylcs. sheer* and heavier Size selections are very lood. rc

• • • to IBJB.

Tho Top style* from’ our sprlni Y ou'll find more than one of Uii m ery dresses yoini want becauM

*0 gay u d fresh looking.______ fQr-bMt selMl>on._Valu*i to K

duced to only ^— ----------—r -


fil* 'leuouTlJove..il.»J<lw ^udieLPi! resist. Pick cmt several from thli of re fu U r dresses ta 1J8. Sites B to


DRESSfeSG ay little washable* th a t sUy b righ t »nd Ireah thn l repeated U u n d srtn n . » Square fsb- rles, c lorer t r ta m ln n . slses 7 t s 11.

1 - . n o ' . .V i l i i e a - ; 0 0 to 2 .08

W 1^ . The n

I f ♦‘ It**'— I f — T B H lB k dry.Bt I

c iin .D R E N 'B c a e r t

PAJAMASsite* «-5-8 only. Ons and two-piece myle*. Regular I.W,J « quality. ^

Cm i-P.Il»JlLCfiTTO N _____

. ANKLETS6iM« 8 to 6H cnly. Whlu. pink, dark tone*. Value* -f to n c pair. Now-----X U tp r .

. ____w t TTT nrwTM

ZIPPER JEANSr iir io u s brand Upper ilds" opening In slaes 34 ^ 2 ^


g e l e

>OTttfl'AB*'8ICK t o SVIBW. A p r i l 3« — J ir ry TOJtR. I h u th e m um pa u u ! Han- Raleigh I ewart h a s Uie thesaJe*. lo r U>e hls parei as«s of contagious dlM ass a t Davis, klnlew ichool this year. Pu­re U klng th e ir achievement Tulane his week. In IB84.

- ............. .^ . E A i



DRESeg dresses, regularly to . e of sizes. Plain tones, eers . . . save now.

i-s«'tKfl-B«au= ^ r " J | Q ' C•cUon. Choose ^ W ^ ^

one and tw o * . v .er lype fabric*. U T regular values

ring collection*. Q ^Uiese gay su m - M ^ 7 K 7.ute Uiey are »o • > - / % . 1*. Come earlyI W.lC^now re- A _______ _

IMEE COTTONFROCKS -price >-ou ca n t Q Q ____JJiU big group ^ > 0 0 I


SHIRTSJu s t Uie th ing to wear on I clum m er outings, lo n g «»d I ishort .sleeve styles, aanfijrleed jgtngham checks. 1 i

S M 4 . 9 8 1 1


LOOfo NjI most beautU ul slip we’re seen a t near I le of 100% Cohmma M ultU lllm m t Nylon i •ahllliy in d .lo n g .T ttrliig J iu a litJ .s -sn 9 i' 0. (Q uanU ^ U lim ited n h u rry to aroJ<

• 100* K Y IO N OBXP* PA• 100% rm X 3H LACS t r e• J00% NYLON BEAMS• rO R 100% D U RA BIL nT

m s 5


JtR . April 3*-M r. and U r*. lh Davis were rM «nt guesU e t •ren ts . Mr. snd Mrs. O. C..

ane unlvsrslty wa»~^labUshed U 9 «»


I E N D E V E N T —


4 - 8 8 i

; 8 . .

F a m o u s P H O E N IX N y lo n

H O S I E R Y 'I DlsconUnued colors to th is fam - I ous hosiery . ; . brokao a l«« tn

some colors. Regular lAO anilsUicUy t i n t quality nyl<» ■

stocking^ DOw-only------------------- .-— r S K E S - S ^ to 1 1 ---------------


ylon SL‘s r Ulll low price, PLUS the added on wlUi lU eaiy wash-ablllty, quick moloe_ot-plnk t f w y t e J a i t o i M ___ . iToJd aU appoiitom O . . •



kTowel;^ feS A T H TOWEIS

ParoouJ Brands . . broken stock I t and M X ao sizes. fUsorted paj A Jacquard details. Some are <Uk

Unued oolort, mill ever runs, t B n are from our big stock of qui

towels. V alun 1.3B to 1-BB, •

FACE & BATHSimilar to abore. regtUar v eludes a big group « I med weight, p la id .bam towelJ

B M j p r ~ weU U BfP leu i t ocic towel soft shsdes,..,

H t ----------ffSSH-CLOMany of these maU of towels. oU ien a rt trast tones. ruQ 1 values 39c to 4Ae ea<

,BsT»-*t______ —

^ TEA t o w e :^ 9 H B i > Cloeeout o f towels T

PUln w hile buck, plaid kitchen toweli Slock up now _ _

''ainous f o r f i n

" 7 ::

5E"p. Xk ^b O T E O P A O t a b . : ? : a i

P H M O W N ■. » V

BhAT»lt... '•''C

s l

. .. . ' L i : . ,

1 . 0 7I

APSf M Ha4eT*■ ^ ^ ^ B e D . a k M l I


Saleek (owsls In Wg S X 41 pastel colors. Mrlpe and

1 8 8 *.a SIZESr ralues 69c to IJS . ID>ledium— "j^ — 'm---------— ~

y, "

OTHS-— — - — -I tch the above two slsts . i ire bioken stock In ooa- - I U X 13 aUei. -regular each.__________ 9 9 ^ IK

ELS “ ~ r .I-t««ulariy pricedk. oolored ta d « » and.............|J ,-

_____ 22c= s = = s = = = £ = ^

ne thingsI^M

Page 10: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

K i^alley SchoolI ^JMatters-Told,.

To Rotariansp f B O I u iT . Aprfl » - R l« ht’ -- iUidenU fifom Burley, 0*klry. Declo.

M alU , knd Albion w en guesU Tues**— lU y oocn of Um BurUj R oU rr dub

’* • 1 thdc-J^tudenf* meet-to ch»rs6 or tC o . H«U.-Ac!oi^ -

r 5 KlelMn. WlU*rd BupiitT. »nd Dr.R . S. Baedley.

;!-■ • ; t*hU dIscusalQa on “How, We O ia I

th*-yo tm j«r Ii • « U (m .“ T eaehen «aa represenu- I - . ■ t t r e ctudenta from n r lo u t tchoola I n **rUclnallnff were: ‘II w a M m , . r . . Maria WIckel Mia J ; :■ lA iry Tracey. Albion: Mre. Barbar* \

Harper and Keith T ty lo if - " IC tlU ; U n . Ba Darrlngtoa, Jean

i i 'K o n a n and Cora Saxton. Declo:y BBrman Bedke. BarbaTB Matthew* {L -ij am] sifflbaQ Harper, Oakley: OUes j S "'D um m er. John nunUngton andP ' Z)orothy Rcld, Barley. - {f B u l l H Cbote* If. w e r* eh o a en * the btaU jt '• e t acholarahlp and atudent actlvl- ,— -Polata .brm uht out hy - th i .1

' atudenta for betterment of t h t |schools were: I

•• H ie need for proper faclUtlej for 'tndlTldual needi In acU nU u. mora I

!' derglopment tn miule. dramatlca |■ : «od tntra-xchool aetirJUM.-. expam* J: : Hon of public library facilities for t

o u U a ^ j aehool* and prorldlti* ';; (wlmmlnK pools, tcnn li courta, akat- t■■ tn t rlnka, and ball ground* for tn |, aobool aod out-of-achool periods. I

Btudcnta from rural schools aaked I• : ta r Improvement of roads In the ir 2

' • r r i r a a r ’AtHTeuereTmMaov-sfflouu-- - f.I 'a b lp In schools todaj. the xtudenta I

saJd. 1 II T hey alao asked tha t parents ac- I

ecsnpany thetr young people to IK hool acUvlUes. ahow more Interest ■

• tD Mbool developments, and n p -I I' po rt the athleUc, mutleal. and |I— : dramaUe activjtiea of-the achoots. |

!| O ther Need* CIU* (' AH the atudents thought th a t —

M.boys were well tak tn care of Jn , ,;rf tth l» tle actlrtUe*. but *uggeat«d ^! I B o re cucb actlrmea for glrla. T h ttv ';; i to u ld bo doaer co o p ^ tio n between

I Bod yotmger ttudenla should p«r> . — L tJdpa t* Ja •cUvltlea.they contended.

I H ie students also aaked th a t parents ;; b« lnt4r«at«d In higher education for ,! ttoalr children. «nd tha t prlndpaU

i— -r-«ad {techera hat* more faith In « ;; th e atudents. thua furthering cch >; operaUon between the two groupa. . • 1( They aufgealed the formaUon of * «> ::.«o];ncll of students from all achooU

Id the county In order th a t students '>'1 j t> eeou iiix iun fifQ nn3 in ihd iT i9 iiir '®*'

:: Bob ChadweU. SeatUa, was a r t ' r „ soest of Charlea Balch. The next

ineeUng will be Uie annual Rotary , | Anna party, WIUj Mr*. Peart Craner '• lo charte. Tbe party will be held .. Tueaday a t 1 p. m. In Uie NaUonal '-h o te l I

•-------------------- -------- Ini

Woodmen Circle K Sets Area Meet;?

.,:-_K «C A -raL L O . April K W - 'H i e K ,- 7 Supreme Porcst woodmen c lrde •— « « lu -b eld -lt» u t* h .n iiih o conw iU on eh'

tomorrow and Saturday in Pocat«llo. m M n . PJortmce Jensen. Omaha, me

u U o a a l Idee president, U expectod “ — t n t a a e : ------------------------------------- ^

A n annivaraaiy ««remaay and eaimestorlal aerrlce will condude Prl- (taday * acUrtUea. insUUaUon o f a u t* •

f . . o fflcen wOl be conducted'B aturday. ja j

i« A D T o a a - w c w s w a k t A oe. ou


' - I r . IL Uw i «.W kid m d •kvi).

(I) r«r tb* rsniblilni af Daar Bud- > M n (P«Bk Belul fet ibi niib flcSeoU

,;f to to r HUh School. Uiu^l#. Ulck.L usd WwUutai) 6«>»»1 Duildlns*. ClW of M< tVI* r tiu . Idaho. Qr

iM laii «l tb* nith Botnl BaiUliix. T» bls

^ rtllit Ib njK t >t>r ar >:i kl4>. >b4 I* Op| wmh« rorMlltlM. KUl

BIdt far th* n -fla . thall W. aa»oi.

•ar*0> Cnnpanr. all to U madi pajat.1* be• «• tb* iDdrprodant Schnal Plilrkl No. 411.

C a> UM Bt Bot l«u than fl.. fw rn t 7s«1 ef tb* IdUI amoast of Ux bM.

Urt th* rooftw ibaH haT* . Ruu lea M Iteb* araUMton IImbm t* *fr*«t atr

. what »WIbc • bid.Ke (Uim nar •llbdimw kit bU atUr

batir e*t fnr lh* ep*Qlna tbrranf nr lUf• W ot* tb* *>ard of U* roaUMt DaUaa ihi . tb* uM *«ard of th* nmLrarl h d«la»dtor a »«rM aicMdlM I»*al7 dan.

riaM asd apKlfkatloaa asd fom aS tO ^ B tr x t Dma*nta mi7 b* •aaBijnad at tal M oTfU* e< t>x School Soprrlalandiel er .Hi.M tb* offl** of U» ARhlUct. rraak IL ^ Pmndle* aad HoImM 0. Uah. AMoflaU.

f e s s - r ' - - " - ' - ' ' ' - - ' " - -OLEM *. -niAIU I

SlT»1a Tall*. Idaho. f «*IMil Ayrtl t*. Mar «. W>.________ ^

I f t c J a m S T in a S i t i r l t : '6SS -nilra' A _ «Mi m«BB a a d won »a JO worth a l t r a

E C O N O M Y D(Ampla for a 'f a n

---------------------------------2 - C u p i S p l i t P c Mi T T r m CftTTota (S

-- Ch**B anani

/C.AJI.S n tfd fd ^tnp toWUJ aend one bar of 6« r.i to these aretwo Swan w ap ^ )« i you bring n*.



- - 6 2 8 i I a l i r A v € . - S ^

■ B»AGBTEN ____________

Audubon i

Bbotrn •bora u e membera of tb* Ai Florence P anon as iponM r. A branch tb* new d iap ter U bellered 'to be t l (Fhate by Hoghetle W lnegu—«taf( e

“Slinky,” the Gra — Alters Course


ever had an idea Mid txled to tu rn >o It Into money, th e story of Dick ^ Jame* may Intareafc you. “

He tought a .piece of cdU wire to w a l k d o « n > i « i M H ^ ^ B itaira. N o w rtnakes him ^^eUentrttrtngr ' ^

Jam es, a ^pear-o ld f o n n e r ^ H |R |K 2 / x na rlne e n g i n e e r . ^ B a K S S a ^ :■ the Inventor o f ^ H B D S n l 'slinky." a r v r o t u * ^ ^ ^ ^ B ^ H H - P l e n a r y n e w ^ ^ ^ K B r a ** nechanlcal toy.

eilnky u n o lb - ^ H y W £ ;^ H lng bu t a 7 S - t o o t | B 9 K 2 ^ H 3lece of high car- “D on dockspringiteel wire arranged tn 93 colls. He " looks Uke an oM-(ashloned bed- iprlng pressed flat—eo th* eotla »uch . rtl

B u t eilnky can do thInRi. A *S :hlld can take him tn h is hands Uld plav the colls baek nnd forth s i Ik« a .silent accordtan. P u t Slinky de m th e top of a stalrcaM and flip us jE ~ tap -w n-O T B rr«nd-flltnky-w iii »I1 and lincoU hts way down the nv lUlr* Ilka a rhythmic snake. ’

"He changed my whole life." fiatd th runes, who h u sold 3.S00.000 co Slinky* and expects lo m arket an- im Ither 1,000,000 Uila year.

Simple u th i gadget u . I t took •>.' rame* aereral y e an of ha rd work y: « m aki I t - a luocus. ..

Grange Officials =1 “ Opposed to CVA f

CEOAR DRAW. April 3 ft-H . J . ' fun ZanK. masUr. a n d Mrs. Lonnie aoore. secretary- of th e Cedar Draw po 3range have slRued a rcsoluUon bit- “y «rly oppoalng the propo.<«d Colum- lta Talley authority. The resolution "* las been aent to the Idaho congrei. llonal delegation. ca

T ext of Uie-rcsoluUon Is;"We. the Cedar Dmw G mnjte No,

M. do hereby go on record as beln* “ >ppo»ed U) the OVA or *ny olher authority which tAkei away Indlrtd- la] o r *u t« rlfihtit.

"Such authoriUfts have proved to M not self-supporting, dictatorial, irbllm ry anrt Incffldent, and If nimajTcd by Improper persons eould ead to oommunUm. They unell itrongly of Ruula 's planned eeon- >my. We are upending billions fljh l- nK RUMla In a cold war. W hy adopt * c w (Kiliclea «e an* fiRhllnp?

">Ve a rr tuiklnj our concrr.vjjien a iicruunlM any and all bllU tha t *kc away Individual o t. lU tes’ ■Ights.

“Eternal vlgllanc* to th e price of Ibertyl-

F lSniN Q rN ORECON FAIRVIBW. Aprtl 29—O lto Hahn,

•alrvlew. and Le«Ue Davli. Twin ■aUs. went to Oold Bench. Ore.. on

deep aea fishing trip.

W V E S — 1 -aV*. w .. TMn Pall*, euhmllied

BCSIl**.— . . . — ............................ —

D IN N ER amlly of 4)

r B B D H ------------------ :-----------------------u ---------------------------------------------—S hredded) hi JeHo Sabid


______$1 .0 0arm * abronrt HOB H O pr

rea* throiiKh C.A .R£ lor o r r y ,



P h . 9 8 1 - W

I Society Organiz

•• y -

* Aitdoboa loelety formed re e a tly M .neb of a nsitJanal orgMitiaUon for tbi 9 t b a 'f l n t o n a n h e d 'J a 'Mactp'Vane] If engT»r1ng)

rawling Wire^;e of-Man’s Life

BM k tn IMS b* was working tn a Philadelphia shipyard. He b ^ a n fooling w ith acme round el»sUc wire used to miffpend metere th a t regis­tered th e horsepower output o f ahlp macnlnery.

" rh e coll* of round wire wouldn't sU nd up ." he said. '6 0 lust for fun I h a d th e company make up

• »-ooupU-<>f-dOMO-«am pl**-oI-llat- wlre.

" I t w a a n t until the next year th a t I learned I could make the colls w alk dow iutalrs. My aon, Tom.

. and o U u r kid.i In the neighborhood were fascinated.

“I gave one coll to a boy In bed w ith th e mumps. HU parent* said he had ao much fun with tt I should seU th* coll* a* toys. And my «l(c Betty, w ho'd thought I was foolish to *pend two years, tinkering with wire springs, agreed."

B u l Jam es found then how much re#l*t*ace there Is In tha world- agaitnst a new Idea.

"The toy people wonted no parTof Sllnky.“ h e Inushod. "Finally one departm ent store agreed to let me use one end of a counter for an CTentnff'tr T d QunoiutritA Hi# By myself.

" I b rought along 400 colU and sold them In an hour and a half," T hat convinced them . Tliey rbvc me an Immediate order for 6,000."

Jam ea b a d to borrow monty to buy the.coll* from a factory tha t mods them to h i* speclfleallons. A month later—he- qu it hi* *3,000 a year m arine englnccrtng Job.

“I t was ft hard gamble." he said.

give up a n engineering career over a toy.

Slinky mushroomed so fast tha t other oompanle.1 began making the colls, figuring a pa ten t application by Jam es wouldn’t bo cranted.

"But I go t the pfttenl." he grinned, "and th a t Ironed out evto'thlng."

Now Jam es Is manufacturing the colls blm aelf and . t*-arranglng to have th em made and sold In four foreign counirira,

" 7 ~ r w v /___________Q ^ p to p w w f _

TW* drKphtfal Heoilorani k«>«( ooe* I Btnlthte p«nph«t]<

a o n mol(>mre. Give* longttr I

gentle >0 skin and rloikbj;. £

ripjuiiy-mionlhJoRTi 10 the I

•cd )an of Tuwj- Craw D*o<

C .^ ^ ^ D E R S

---------------------------7 ---------- ---------------

izedatB uhl

M tb* B a h l L taeeln iebo<d witb Mr*, th e atttdy a n d prearrrallec of wildlife,

aner. TU p re sT d a t ts-Lewls Andrew*.

Mayor Asks CVA !~ . ProYisioiiXhange^ SEATTLE. April 38 (/P)—T h e Co- tn lum bla'valley auUiorlty bill now be-

;an fore congress should contain » pro- rlre vision giving states the right to buy [Is- f e ^ e n lly b u ilt power plant* from hip th e governm ent. Mayor WllUam P.

Devin said.In t T lie m ayor said he had w rttt«i fo r B«P- H enry Jackson. Everett, urg- up lng th a t such a clau.w be written

[ l i t ln tn ,thn.m rnsute-na_:j>M lP-J«?.^> concept of federal government.’* .

ear H e anld he saw a "rest danger” the In Rlvtnfc eongreas control of lueh )m. reiources as hydro-electrlo power." x>d w hich c an be easily diverted to oth<

e r area.-'."3«d '

u!d Mart Steady, but § Prices Are Lower

T h e m arke t wo* steady b u t price* averaged t t lower for Uie sale of

leh QM head of catUe a t Uib weekly rid- auction h d d ' by the Twin PalU

Ltvestoclc.Commisslon company, ac- . of cording to Chris Callen. co-o«-ner. me T op at«era brought from (33 to me »23.25 pe r hundrednclght. medium an ateer* »20 to t33. dairy type steers S y ' ■nirStr0&«H7X6JSTitirenri33 to‘K320:

m edium heifers tlS to 131, good »ld cows 117 to $18J»0. medium cowa la t SIO to t l7 , canners and c u ttcn 113 an down.

T o p re a l brought 130 and top bull* ,uy sold fo r *33.

Ato Conditioning

' t ____SERV IC E —AND

,a t REPAIRSiie • o n and Service Motors on • Replace Plltere

SH O TW ELL'Sf- u n u r r s e r v ic e c o .

p h o n e 37S71“

W now at half


tussy' -eam DEODORAlVr

I j o o d ste ty m4'«we*C

ratloB o d o r, eheck* penpir*-

:"r Uftiog protection, li «jtr* _____ _

fi. Deliciously frapunl-Mnv^

he bottom of the jar. Grt j4n

>««donei at baif-pnoe-oowl


R o t a r y C l i i h ’ s

V C h a r t e r i V i g h t

’ P r o g i ’a m T o l t

^ —k z t o h d m ; A p r i i - w - o u y - o i!don. Logon. U tah , past dUtrict got em or. gf Rotary IntemaUonal. wl be principal speaker a t charte

U n igh t cercmonlee for the Eetchusi I Sun Va]le7 'B o ta ry -dub .-T he ever y U- scheduled for 8 p. m . Soturd*

a t Sun VaUey lodge.T he D tah -tdaho district'* 38 clul

, each 'bavebee tnnv lK d 'to send ttpn r 'a£ iiuuverto -ihe-en»rt«r-pre*«nU £ . u o ti^ 'n w .M K -c iu b .u tp o u o re a '.t V- the -H ftueydubrD et*n*^oru ie 'p rc ' gram were announced by L an

LoPrise and Ed Rerehner, choltme■ o t th e event.

- M a * le r ‘ or-cercmonI6 Tw in-be U; Bev. P a tb e r L. M . Dougherty. Hoi: ey. Members of Uu new club v i bo totrodncod by ArUiur W. -Ei

. sign, prealdent o f Ute Bailey dul_ The .8 eneraI-W ticom e-w IlI-be. ei. tended by O eotse Venable, maycI o f E e teh isa . T he president of ti:I new d u b . H al WaUlngtab, will rtI cpond to greetings from represeiI U ttrea o f tbe dUtrlct clubs.R Official* wtio will porUclpote aj4 Gordon Baxter, Ojden. Dtab, dli■ tr ic t govenjor, p ^ n U n g the chii I te r: Blabop Prank Rhea. Bot* I post d is tric t governor, offertng U g InvocaUon. and Uie Rev. E. Leil. I JtoUs, 'IV Jn Fnlla, Ineomlng Olstru !■ gorem or. giving Uib benedlcUon.i Two comedy sk lu wlU be pre*enlB ed by Carl Helm, who will be aideI !n one by P rank Sabala. Prank MojI risoQ a n d Ear! Perguson. PoUowlnI th e program . Uiere win be danclnI la ^ e p uq jip pTOTTi._____________

I AntareUca 1* almost a* large j a SouUi America.

- Coo t-

" ' K T " 'm k - -...lit -

rA I S & iJ M D L .


T. \ v i 8 n n i ■" m 1


•d i n r n p K | | ^ / «


FOOT COMFCEasy to stay on a comfort (o< h o t summ er day*. Ju s t chooa rcn lllaled or woven *hoe—I your fert. Loafer or lace style as Uluairated above and beloi

er , ■ - S


“ CffifcertGiveflrbjr t Band at Fairfidil l , pA inP iE L D cA pn i 3 # -T h o p a l , - Held beginner* & nfl*-w hloh-w i

hlc li school auditorium before i s j s e ' nudlmce." D lr e « « d = l^ a r* .

IOT- Bowman. Uie band played U se le tlona. M emben of tb e b and , 1

r te r iQstnmient, are:“n>- Clarinet*. John A rmltage. Doi

aid K ra h n ,-H a ro ld -L e e ^ W a lla "lay Baling. J r , WllU* Packh am , O tor

RoU». David Renfrew, • OUnb lub* K n ihn . KttUileen Kem*, K orea L ai pre- son a n d -O a r m a ;;B a M w ^ -a iroe

orry word*. Jay Lee, Patsy O U tU , Doi men old Humphrey* and M arilyn P ink

Uie -• suxoptiones,-B llt-B auscherrC 8i m i - P a y .- P « Jo n e s,-E lra Pay . f i lm wm Punk. Solly Soling and Ja ck Bali

w in: olto horns, A rthur T u rn e r ai jlub. Roee Marie ElUs: french h o m , Po . ex-- Jo Frost«n*on; Uiba, D on T hu rbe ayor baritones: Bob Baldwin. 'O o r th e H am den ond KenneUi R uby ;.tron re - bones, K ent Wokeralen, H arry JobJ

sen- son and Lee Thurber: cnore d n u r Douglas Hallowell and Joeephb Lam.ion, and bas* d ru m .' Bhlrli

" ! la n d c n .__________________

Inquest Called S; In Highway DeatlI. AMERICAN PALLS, April 38 m e n t- Coroner H. L, Davl* scheduled s Ided Inquest today In coimecUon w ith U Jor- deaUi of WUllam W, Wall. 70. r ing W all died yesterday of In ju rt clng received Sundoy n igh t w hen h e wi____ m nir» hy " " Kntnmnhltf. T hn gee

dent occurrcd when W all *tepp< 8 a* from behind another car to croe*

highway._____________________ ___


s m


?ORTfooting througb m*e a "Pedwln*^ th e y atr-cool

f,; $8.95

bfr Mle-^^madt w AIm) avallnbk with

^ — m aiajs Tvii; n

V m jjjjg jjm

L ..................................................... .........,

r ^ ChiM A ttito’s ^ FromWarffi ; s “Shanghai Cit3^ ^^SEATZUC. AprU

cheeka itreoked wim t to n . a-ye I I - o ld A drtanne Ptnder arrived I

^ nlcbt- by N oitliwett alrllnea pb from war-bdeaguered Shongboi

T h a dauBhtw of Mr.' anri' U Storla Alwyne Plnder, who remained llQton C t i l ^ tbe young evacuee wo* » L aw - h e re to Plnder’* unde and ati imotji nnd Mr*. Albert Orosse, J e a t

-L o ts m ilita ry <*ooh, Moj; Richard 3yaderJ«*tnfa-H iil>hta,rJJ(1-;t4I

D on- lunged for th e orm* o( Mrs. Rt >lnka. Cbow, owner of a Chinese re*taun

h e re . H er te o n *torted to disapp Oanrf aa-M n.-C hog-ta3k<d-to4xr.— OXBTTi A drU hne knows only a few v o Bald- o f O blneae 'oad *peak* 'no SngU

O n b e r S3-hour a ir trip -*he a p o l j fo r b e r m other and tax her "omo



tsi■omty p—iy n w ita tBUtiw u d faoni

9 wa* <Jn«t« far Doa

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0 E 5Leimm..

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» lth crppe nole |« J} _________i; T iU g ^ 'W ln a .

i f . 2 ? •*». ho

Ity■> - S h . „ 6 ^ 7 '

plane ---------------------■1. . . M O V E T O r» « « .


'e— "



lubber Mile » n QQ Pan « r W in* ________ d tJ * 7 0



Inch Heovy Rubber f fC QR a * -T o n o r Brown —

Page 11: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

w -^ T , A P R I L M , 1 9 0

( j u r e 3 T O i s (

, To™HaU . t o j^gi-am E n d s

------ 5 i« r t— KlTenlurtf— *od cooUnuwt K***1 ,^ 8 DfOdueer. preMnled adi.iiMlon i• P’S S iJ .m to th e -Ku-n H.U exan.to«itlor

-w,.w»s m*«5e Iw t amnmer the l « i »c L - r t U i # h e m d hi* wlte em pb srad

; S 7 fim ou* chateaux.

C*xlo, tho Rlvler«, » '«

• 5 t«u l chlnft **■ lllnw w#re a j KftSfrS.twork- <.up«m. «• -lour of P a rts" »U pomi* _ —

•^.S.TuSn; Peopl R et,

■rf rainy ph# « 8 of French life. " f f i y « « D te d « a o p l l m l j t l c

SSS ll,,

jm ed -B ritisIi S o l d i e r s S e i z e

Canal’s L o c k s : S : :» a i ! ‘s s ”* s "S .;.^ ^ 1 control lock* to wwt n tedi, Mr«y f’-"'" nnw lnn t rooM . Immedli? w l h»Uc<J bftrue* p ljlna lhe aHlTou5Hn

w llh Rippllea broush t In h w »lrea<:iliUJt. BirmenU i

z V c ff lc e r . b « k « l down *nd 000 worU,Sh o rd f I th e cuiftU to thn were no,»

f t r s t . ’g isu 'ss« ! in and ordered the Ruul*n» Mr*. Mltid Breopeontw’ of —

Wamf t i BrlU»h. who had. ttk e n over /- i ■ Joet*. ihen w ithdrew . B ut Brl«. \_^0 Jt B«n*on. deputy BrlU*h com. - •v^rEJ6E^ adiiii here, eald they would nol , SeB-to-t»Tlet'tra«lc-re#triellon* jnv-fo ^ f i tte Brtll^h ieotor. M ^rUilng[tH British m ll lU rr fo w n m e n l ari »n nlltrnatum to the Soviets »

(top tot«rfcrrlnB with canal _ X o r lose eentrol -of th e locks ^ .e hw ic ih w aj^r uanaporttbe Sorlel teclor.a w. P:etcher. BrIUsh water ^0 P»t chief. t«ld Ool. Bort* K*l.X l e t Chlel of BUff. th a t Bril.I troMS would take over the loekf

IB lhe canala w ni perroltled.T n ffle BCTUined He attni

UIC a im ddrn flareup «hlch andr«us«d the une of anned force. tiei^Oen. P . A. Kvrushnln. Sorlet barklaport commander, ordered hi* n , .a ID perm it a ll w nler traffic to ]m fcr the reflt of today otdy. rertva htn(w hnin u td a conference «-ould _brid a l a "h igher level" to d i- _Btoe Ihl statua of the locki. l / i | n p IWfr Jon(t-j«tandlns airreenjenlte t tl>e four oocupatlon poven, (f 0 , « BcTleW were *tven adrntolJtr*.X oaitrcl of varloUB tmn*porta- RUpEIlB iTitrm.i imch aa the canals and fS jJOO dairntcd rBllwaya In Berlin. oo Bfrt. 1Tedar for the second s tra lsh t d a r mile aout«ltn« exercising th a t oontrol i t Mrs. La]i.ctnM lo c k ra lo n m l barEev.at muI ireehI Spiuidau, Ploetsensee a n d conUoLirtotttnbur* toek i. . B ekeei

5 Are Injured as Train Is Derailed

RRT WAYrra; Ind.. Aprfl 3$ WB <*il«f. thefc ileeptnc car* and th e diner of *ere uaeiI Pennsylvania railroad'* Broad- If U>®17 Limited were deraUed here to- aald, Uwf^uid police reported 38 penona »*'red.brd. none aerlBifijy.___________________U of Qi'a derailed ears of th e fast Vi» Tork-CbScago t m » r«mataed PA m v:WiL M rt. Eddnw aeddeol oocurrod a t Plqua F rank-H< three mllea ea r t of th e Tart home ofMB* depot a t B:»o «L m . Cffr. Hylton. ICMTlTanla offlcUla »aW the train -----—=■umsblf hnd n o t bcffnn to alow - . ’luiii) >« the stop w hen the diner, a S S g BiMe-umt car In Ihe.cen ter of the a n WUn, and the following six cart left S S *• ^ k x . g a lM H A PenniyTranla spokesman Mid x U i u• «*<i'e of th e dera ilm ent had ao l» dftm nlned. § 9 | D

iusiness Activity,Shows West Gain ^

BAK rRANCISCO, April 38 AJJ{>- Htrm busintM a c lin ty hoas.ftTe f cenl durlnir M arch over a year 9. lhe Son Knmclaco Chamber ot J ^ t r c e reported loday. n t lnerea.<e came about dntplte

unemployment and fall- t a epa rtnm t a tore salea and real i*U trnn.>«etlons, i h e ' chamber |

^ . 0 Ifd w f,item cltlM w llh a 3fl B i t ’ cent r ile in financial tranw c- *“ Other clUe*: San Prancljieo K M ptr cCTji: Loe AngelM three per

DotAe ntoo pe r cent; Oakland. I in T n E " tn ra rh , Spokane and Balt Lake 'T- ' 1* per ccnt.

Unanimous Ballot .__OR‘s School Levy__

?TOL, April 36 :=T w en^& ree" -* W - m r r Tinaniin6H*I}’’Tnr' a ^ n v i l•'W in u x levy; for the etneral K t t f t■a 0. the el(L<u A achool dlslrlel I h p 1 .{' ar.ri K one mill lery for the l U j H ■Ttroiinrt nnd rm naiO um fund

_______ _. . . . .

ftuPTunCORRECT F IT T IN G f *n A k r o n - t r a i n e d « i -

» « t i r e a y o n o f c o m - f Z . ^ « t a n d m l i a f a e t lo n . r s ^ m i -

_ r a iT A T T ^ ^ ^ 5 2" T T IN O BOOM


seans TaKe All Ar ams ‘in Case’ A sPApril 3B {OB—Three young YO:graduates today went Inlo

■nd day of aUle bar ex- a while the aupreme court landing beal to atudy U ulr request lo r *»r^ OUl .U lo lhe oar without an Wi^neaday

on. The twli>T^ohn W. Ounn. Samuel . f ” "', , Jr.. and Sumner Delana. ,<TBl'plled 10 lhe court for

under a law pawed by '"1!** teglalaiure. ThLi law ex- , Coaat gu aduatea of U»e Unlveralty “f*'® ‘ Uw xhool from the ba r Uno t^ubli

aho su ite B ^ u m l a l l o n l.tbelr:petlUon,:xuiitenfth)Z: i, aa unconalltuUonal because :hed on the prerogatives ol

« decided to Uke th a b a r . .Ions anyway—aa Inaurance , possible turndown b r 'th a c o u rt .

lie Asked to turn GarmefitaI making Red C rou gar* t home ara r tquu lad to hem Immediately aa the ip le r m tul make a ship- completed garments by Msy ing to Mra. William Mlddle- n teer special aerrlce chair-

rments ahould be tu n e d to e r headquarters, are aUll 700,000 homeleaa

I Ihe near eaat and United iauppilea are not arriving I

lent quontiUea to m eel the Irs. Middleton aald.Hate aMlstanea la needed ’r 'Q ie' American Re'd^roiCi'ady released thousands ofs and made avaUablo 4600,-tit of auppilea. Included).000 chapter produced gar-ff,QP{) b lankeu 'and 110.000

wool and eollon mnlerlol.Idleton added.

ning of Dog omeg Too LateSR. April 38 t>T,-K family ig vesurilay canlcd a w am - irerila of B sfn iirchnd U ial ig was wrong, but the w am - f! too late,I Qrenory Averett, 1 year

plnylng In the yard near IP of hn parenia.. Mr. and ilkce.A verctL J r - w l l h .the,)-ouns spaniel and a pe t

f AI Walters said th s child d off and fell Into an ir- dltch. T hs doc ran to the

’~D lg~MPCSB T a r rying—th e -----«tUe.jnc ted the altentlon of p a r- >d led ihtm to the ditch ne ran up and dou-n the Tktog. the sheriff aald. m il'a body waa found down-

nrem en were unable to itm.

ert Fire Does !,500 in Damage31T. April 38 — Zatlmated lamage rewilled from a fire . £ d L.aRue'a farm, one-half u th -o f Rupert Wedneaday. aRus waa burning weeds oh T^R) the ftr« got ou t of

« n 135 and 140 tons of loagtag lo Prank Jouglard. t shed asd a hay derrick MRipIelely destroyed. The « not Insured.dtog to Roy OoweU. fire ie old fire truck and pum per ned, to fight the fire. Even Jly truck tiad been used, he « h a j eoukl no t hava beea

.vxcw . April S5—M r. u d ddle W avta and fam ily and Hylton spent a day a t tho of H r. and U ra. WUUam


lediate i'ULCANIZING I

SERVICE \____ ----------------------------------- _



' T

I wIVui 'b

Plane Downed!“ se"YORK. April 38 m - F o u r * "a crippled UB. a ir force Th® P‘«

t plane made an emergency Mid appi beside a coast guard cutter * C-47, th . In the AUanllc oeetin . — lay and all were rescued, twto-englne ua napon . en _^im the Aaorea lalanda to i OAKLE I. Newfoundland, b e l l y - »on of M; jealde lha c u tler 6eba«o eiO >> * ■umeaat ofnew foundU nd. !

guard area headquartera erallon.Id the plane developed en-luble. and th e pUol flew to READ T.

/ i -V

/ /



times-k ew s, t w in fa i

itt?r."onitaU onary r tK « * » n d ' f A f l r t er aUUon duly a l 'o c ea n a U - D ^U U U ;

Sebago ateamed tow ard Ar« Exi. w ith the rescued men. WASH!plane, which the ooast gu a rd About 8.(

apparently was doomed, waa ou t of eir, the aame model as a DC-9. ^ i ^ c

_________________ which csIIA8 E l t litlE O IltY ■ “

KLEY. April Jft—T o m . C lark. ) , „ p o rf Mr. and Mr*. John A. C lark, very largnaitent In the LDS hoapllal n U e b.U Lake-Olty-for a n -e y e o tn eolncldecn. of the le

' ' e ral t«i5 TIMES-NE\Va WANT A PS . cltdiL cb

^ K ’S_ ......-

TO "i r —

W, v Y

Sh V ^ vW b.

H | H b

lLLS. IDAHO_________

KOOO Vehicles c c e e d J u n k A g e SfnNQTON, AprU 38 tflt— two mo: 9.000.000 cars, or alinotl one uon to 1 each five now on the road. „p durlt yond the age-13 yearft-M cara normally are scrapped,

“ elumHU Vway.°accordliig-jried Ihal there la "lUll a H u tjl »rge m arket for new can." « “h- »brlghi nole for auto makers o^ate ‘e d -w lth Ihe effectlve-date P” “»- • •econd relaxation of tha fed-tserve board's Installment The d;bntrols In two months. From the larg

5 ..... r A /A O U SFO lO


------- . -of—

______Famous ^


COAAt Drastib Re

you will find in thia gi

[Jicite’ Quality and Woi of ownership. Famous i a guarantee to you tha terial exist.


s u rValues td 39.95............Values to 55.00............Values to 69.95............Values to 85.00............


Values to 59.95............Values to 69.95............Values to 85.00............


-«D.-d»»ler»-ias>T a llow -buy- 1 0 * 0 1 1 m onth* lo pay for eara o r . . . —

commerce departm ent survey n i i .led It m ay taka upwards of nore y e a n for auto produc- ■ | H |0 fill th e backlog demand bu ilt V V l u-lng th e war.

ATTBNDa PROM P a g r iUNODALE. April 3*-DeoB fon.iT s.

haa relum ed from Logan, and uiid where ahe attended th e UU h

Agricultural coUfgo Junior ,o rk

- - - - - - a : sand •lIRi1 devllflUi or g lan l oclopus la ttatlaUei irgeat moUusk.

LFAMOUSJjAM ^.................

I f f i E /

N a m e ________________________



jroup of Sjiits a,nd [ s n a m e S ~ ^ h i c h “ i t i ' ^

jrkm anship.-Pride - 1 named brands are lat no inferior ma-


TS.......for only—31.88....... fo r only—41.88.......for only—51.88........for only—61.88

.......fo r only—4 i . ^

....'....for only—51.88

........for only—61.88


x > -T a a 3 -M x w « -W A N x a p e . /w » tm

etUpNigyII. .OtirnlDK V atiac*!, •w ellen {

r - - -UlKddtr Trout>I«. niak* roa tMl old ( B

; V i t . ^ M i ' a n V & « L . ,liiff '^M iliK ^T a^E X I f d r u n K I F liUeUoB cr moaay back suaranttad. I





:r s o l d ^ M

T j F o i O p I , ' : Iloviri* S D e U t e r y

Service - '- ■- I I

P h o n * '2X9- ■ i ;•. T v t s M k i •,


^ -

Page 12: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

K o E S C h a p t e r t o '

E : f i o l d O b s e r v a n c e

p ' O f M o t h e r ' s D a y .. I t o t a f the meetlM of the^ Order

h. • Oin MmnnlB t«npl». O'®. < • r - S t i S ^ Gertrude t - noonced U u t the M»y 10 meeUnj , • VUI be B.MoUier*' d«y obKrr«aee. '

P « o w lW tth o re riU r ^ n e M ^ ^— iJoo-in ltU tlon-W M -ne'd for Jo ra

- Petersen. Ouf#t5 w en pf«»«nt from ^

I b t ch«ptcr room wm decor«Kd ^w ith bMkeU of «PP'e l>los»omJ m d j

\Catherine Potter m d Mrs. Clnrice .j Potter. oo-chiUnnen; Wrs- B ew ior j Hyde. Mr*. Grace Thompeon. Mrt.

^ T T iiic * - Emoelr.- Mrs. J ___Mrn. ^ r l h a C w lw a and Mr*. BCM ^

The refreahment Uble* were een- j, tered with iprUig flo*er*. t ^ p s and <Uffodlto, and with pasUl Wpera.

________________ ? ■ - * , * , _________ C

W . E . S i e f f o r d s 5

• O b s e r v e G o l d e n ^

A n n i v e r s a r y D a y jPTLER, April M — The golden _

_*nnlscraarjr.. o t . M r^. and M n W. E. Slefford was obserred • t the ir home Tuesday with “open bouse.”

•niB lace covered tea table wm centered * lih a wcoke trimmed In gold flanked with

___ white taptni.Preddlnf a t th s Uble during the

•ttemooQ r e c e p ^ ^ ” L*Bhearer' ^ O M r^ '^fc Johnaon "aha fU C ^

Raymond Them at. During the even- - Ing M rs. IL. G. Doud and M n.

U oyd NlchoUon poured. kU n . Blel/ord. formerly LoretU -

D idro. WM bom a t R td Oak. and her huiband'a birthplace ii OrUweir.-Ta;*''

They were married April 3t. 1W9.■ •-■I MkiTSvUle. Kana.. and mored

to Idaho In February, 1919, to the t t n n two mllei e u t and one mile

• m t h of Flier oo highway n where they are lUll residing.

•----They hate two daughten. Mr«. u, :------ 7W da"B i« ley . lU n u s " O lty rM o ,- „

' aod Mnt. Arvld Johnson. Jerocne; u three grandchildren. Mr*. Maxine o MeAule;/, Jerom*. Leo Johnson. -

. Jerome, and M n . Jame* Klppler, ' K a n s u Clly. Kani.. and two g m t -

____gTMdchndrcrt: ni« « « ^

J g y - C - E t t e ' s P l a n J.

. C o r d s T o u r n e y £Jg tO M R April 3g -F lna3 a rrange r .

m enu for t f in a y -C -E l t e bridge tournam ent made when tha gi wayi and roeana.ooaimltlee m e t a l hi th e home of Mra. W arren Kaya. The hi toum am m t wUI be held May I and >n

] « a t th e Owl ibanquet rootna. Dee* B I se rt win be aerred a t 8 p . m . and &<

the- public U inrlted. Prizea will be awarded each evening w llh a final r play-off to follow. r

I O ther mem ben of the committee Include M n. B erm an .Hall. Mrs. Max Poulter and M n . W. X. Borta.

* ♦ • ^

G i v e s S h o w e r jI FILER. AprU 38 - Mra. Ralph ol

Plank WM honored a t a plok and____ hlHB ahower-glTea-by M rs. Joe-T ay- ■»

lor. Mra. 3. O. Oox and Mrs. R. A. mJunkR-, Twin Falls. T he party w ai ^held a t the Taylor home. a,

♦ ♦ ¥ B. . HONOn DINNER GUESTSKIMBSRLY. AprU 38—Mr. and p,

Mrs. Eramet Bauer and Mrs. and p, Mrs. Ralph Assendrup. Murtaugh.ware dinner guesta of Mr. and Mra. jfLouis Ilranac Sunday. , q

' . M o r i o n M a r t i n -

P a t t e r n ^

TO CO ^_ We know w h e r e It's golitfl ^ y » r y w b ^ ywi g c ^ th ls young gay

16, I*, ao. Eke 18 t a i n J 7;8 yardi 3S-tO«h; S y i r t conL-x^t.

This ea ty - to -u ^ pa ttern glrns . p e rtfc t fU. O anpJeu, illustrated aew ~- c h a r t show* you r r r r r “

Send tw e n ty n re e m u to eoln* Ufor this pattern to T'jTiP'.-Newi. pa t-te m d rp aru n m t. P . O. Box 87«. Chicago to, 111. P n n t p l.in ly your cam e, a d d n n . son*. ityleBum b^,

N o t! a new M sru n . Ma.-tln : faah ler book U ready- On JU pa«es tea a re the mort beastu'ul Kummer He atylea. dcals&od -io t-m to Chmake your fashloo <lolUr» ko fur- bel th e r than ere rl P h a s trr* pattern tht priijted ta the book, a child’s beach In

, « * » :«a ^ o f _ t a w e l t . B e n d .m u M ao^ to ,* «

H ^ A G E TWELVE . i

; ___V .... ............................ .

C e d a r D r a w C l u b

S l a t e s ' L u n c h e o n- CEDAR DRAW. April 3 » - A t the regular meeting of the Cedar .Draw Community club, plans were made for the M other'a day luncheon sUted for 1 p . Dl. W ednesday a t th e echoolhouH. Each mem ber U asked to bring a covered dUh and tabls aervlce for, two.

An Invitation was received from the Syrlnga .Home Improvement « lu b ,-F U er,.to .a lt«nd .a .tea .a t.a :30 _ p. m. Tuesday a t the Filer O r w a

In charge of the program for the Mothers’ day, luncheon wlU be Mrs. •AtJolphHrach4eek.-Mi».“T c d 'H lc k i ; : M n . ■E m ifletr:Baiietr«afl~V »U eB Cr«wfonJrHoneBBW“ w iU -be Mrs. Ted Hlcki and M n . W. H. Aakew. Mra. Don Hicks, Mrs. Bemlece OrindstAff. Mrs. Howard K asler and Mil.'. R o b c rt,W .--2 im g -w U l-b e -lo - charge of th e decorations.

A le tte r was 'rea'd from Mrs; W. ' R. lUedeU who Is receiving medl- cal atUmUon a t Bavannah. Mo.

Mrs. Wesley VnnZante. program C h a ln n a n .jie ^ .! e d th e _ ro l l^ l_ o n _ garden hlnU . Two piano solo num - b e n were played by Barbnm Reed. Two conlesU were held a fte r which a p lant and bulb exchange was held, i

Mrs. Irven Crisp assisted by M n . / Clifford Rum felt served refresh- menla.

C a l e n d a r------- I I

FAIRVIEW — Mrs. O. A. Roland Swill en tertain the HUWay K cnslng- oton club a t her home on Friday. 1

fEvening guild of the Church of

the Ascension wlU meet- a t 8 p . m. yiUxto>.at th a ham*. of-Mra>-Joaeph .1W. Marahall. I

W « « LTht B naress c n ift workshop will c

be held a t 8 p. m. Friday a t theTWCA rooms. PlaaUcs will be on t hand, l h e public is Invited.

The auxiliary of Btradley chap- ( ter, DAV, WlU hold lU social m eet­ing Friday a t th e DAV building. PoUuck luncheon will be served a t noon.

. • * * • »FILER-ChaplCT AH. PEO BlsUr- Ij

hPOd wll) ■ nn-hrmt^ (1a n d -m eeting Monday w ith Mrs. ’ MorrU Carlson. Mrs. Lynnvllle Brown will p resent a program on “lh e T heater." I

« « «Mrs. X . L . Dessenberger, president C

of the Twtn FalU Council o f Church ^ Women, ansouncea th a t an exccu- a Uve board meeUng wUl be held a t » 3:30 p jn . Friday In the M ethodUt church parlor*. AH board m em ben i are arged to attend. t

_____ J t __ • ♦ _~ lhe 'm on th ly aoclil fo r'hu sbands b

givm by th e finaress club will be e held a t 8 p . m: Baturday a t the Id a- a ho Power auditorium. Those a ttend - t Ing are asked to phone M n . Fred e Bishop. 3079-M. before Baturday tl noon for /eeervaUons. o

« « «

P r o g r a m I s H e l d

F o r T w o W o r d s ;HKTBURN. Apsll 38—t h e cloelcg

social e r s i t fc r th e two LDB wards was held M onday evening a t the I church with the f irs t ward in charge ‘ of the program.

Headings were presented by F rank R avost«fa.-aaudlne SU m pM n-w ifl “ Max Sheen. Ramona Lee and Kay n Moon sang' vocal selecUons. A a o n r V and dance num ber was given by a Bonnie Baird and Virginia Wilcox.

Talks were gtven by H m er Helner. h Paul Wilcox. J. Wesley Anderson and F Paul WlUUms. T h e Bee Hive glrU, under the dlrecUon of Elsa Me* t InUr* and Barah Wilcox, gave a J song and dance number. R ial Owens, a Buriey, presented a sp a n lih dance.

Dancing, and refreshm enu were « >n)npiri nnrtor th« « f »h«KPcond ward. John Stone's orcheatra I furnished th e musle. t

• f ¥ *

M a r r y i n E l k o SCASTLEFORD. April 3B - Mr*.

Oayl# Haley and Trum an Clark were married tn Elko. Nev.. M arch 11 by a bUhop of the I J )S church. They a re maxing their home on C lark's ranch In the Ro.->eworth area. f

* ♦ * r

D i n n e r G u e s t s vCEDAR DRAW. April a « -D ln n e r e

guasts of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hicks a w«e» Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lehmen and Mr. and Mrs. E J. Kendrick. Th« Dalle*. Ore.

_____ * ♦rETK METHODIST SKM ORS L BUHL. Aprtl as — The WSCS of ^

lha MethodUt ehureh en teru in ed P In honor of the Methodl.n sen lon L a l the C ajl H arder countrj- home. \ Afser dinner, game* were played. :s<

Care of YoiB y A N G E U

Ohlldtrn. and planU. make hidden lo growth so quleUy and to alowly-*< th a t K J s almoat aecrei. Only Uta ] ^ ■xpericnced gardaner taow* w hm t ^ his p lan t U growing unriertround. I “ making ro o u th a t will In t ime bring | ^

rienced sy* of the teacher 'and ih* children's a p ^ a l t s t sees how m o rh ' grtnrtJj dEndreo" make T BaV ls In- ' ^ vlslbla be th* family and friend* al ^large. --------

"It seen* to me th a t a ll I do d«) ,, after day and year after year is to „ correct and repeat ths correction of ^ Timmy's m annera. Here he Is. aln*

had- to Ull him to U ke Kttaller n m outhfuk .usa hi^nspkln . a n d d r in k « slowly la«tead of culplnc his milk, ti rm about reartj- to give up. You’d ti Lhlnk r d never u u g h t him anyth ing « lo.se* him about the house. W alks tr « front of people. Flops hUn*etf into rt I chair w llhoul ever a look in any- sody's dlrecUon. Talks w ith his lij nouth full. Whistle* tn the house, n Sangs the doon . R olu on the Hoor | or r ith Borer In hU best dolhcA. O. re ne.-

Take h eart and keep n s h t on ar eachlns. bu t gently and pat^r.U y. • gr le is leam inc. He Ui Rro^-lng Iruiide.' In Thiklren always d rre iop Inner pcnrrr - wfore s.'iowing It ouUlde. One o f , hew da>-i a fnend «H1 aay. "How : ^ a t h i world do you gel Timm y to be i m o po liter- W hen b a waa,e*<T lart-i*^ itirht to pUy wtUi BnbUie h r had ' >crlect.<BaoDersi stood uatU I w a s |p .

■I I ________________

B e t r o t h e d




s; -



i . * . .

J M i s s S e a r s a n d

T w i n F a l l s M a n

- ' T o - W e d M a i ? 2 £Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sears

•J Eureka. Callf.. announce th e 'eo. d RBcement and approaching m arriagi . of the ir dnujthier, Jeannlne, to Ro­

land W hlUhead. aon o t Mr. anc Mrs. Roland W hitehead. Twin PalU

t Miss Sears U a member o l thli I. year’s graduaUfig claaa of the Tw tltl- MfK «fViivil W hltJ-hxrt wr»A.

uated with the class of 1M7. Hi Is employed by the Nordling P a r t

11 company. . .e T he wedding U set for May 28 ai a the LDS church tn Tw in FaUs.

* • *

■ O f f i c e r s i S e f e c t e d

j B y B e l l e v u e C l u bBELLEVUE, April 28 — O fflcen

were elected a t Uie buslnesa meet- . Ing of the Bellevue Civic club Mon- Q rtay, evening. Mr*. Everett O’Donnei: , waa selected, president, Mr*. Halbcrl e H atch, vlee president: Mra. Albert n Pav»e . .secretary, and Mra. RuU

Bergln. treasurer.Mra. Oscar Schaufelberger. Mrs

,• OorUi Sims and Mrs. O l^ innell wll' ^ cooperate wlUi teaehen In selecUnt . a girl to represent Bellevue h ig l ,t achool a t OlrU' SU te. Moscow, it T he group voted to cooperate w itl s Hailey and have a BeHevu* en try itr

tho Fourth of July parade.During ■ th* program preaentet

i b y M n . Oeorg* Merrick.- Mrs. Lawr- e ence Heagle gave a word and plcturt . account of her reccnt tr ip to tht

ll excerpts from writings coneemlnr r the flow en of Hawaii as th e slldw

on th e subJecU were shown.Two selecUons were sung by Ro­

b e rt McKercher. accompanied by h!i moUier, Mra. Willis McKercher.

M n . Delbert films. M n . OarUi aim s, M n . HetU O'Donnell and Mrs

' L e g i o n A u x i l i a r y

k S e t s F i l e r A f f a i rS FILER. A p m 'T S '^ 'D u r in g th t r meeting of the n ie r American Le- r w on auxlllaiy plans were made foi y a W ar Mothers party to be Klven ^ May IB a t Uie American I.rglor '. hall for all war mothers In the 1 Flier community.1, J e u ls Grace D tKloU was selected• to attend O Irli' S tate a t Moscow, a June IS-IB, represenUng th* auxlll> I, ary.r. A rummage and ctMked food aale e will be helzl'liflyTO 'ftnd a m r t h t a hall-to-raU a-pTM —ds for-axp*na*i a t e a irU ’ SU te. Bulba were ex.

changed.Mrs. T . D. Connor and Mrs.

Blanch* Brumet served re f r^ h - mcntji.

1. ♦ * •

; J e r o m e P a r t yy JEROME. A p r i l » — Kenneth s MeUer enteruined a group of hu

frlrnds on his l l t h birthday an ­niversary. Oamp* were plsyed niid

iaj%^ed by—his moUieri Mrs. Kenneth MeUer. Each guest r r .

r celred a favor and laU r attended t a theater.1 • * •

E n t e r t a i n s C l u bKIMBER1>Y. April 3»-M rs. R . C

Larsen entertained the F ridaj f N ight Bride* club a t her home. i Prites were won by Mra. W arren s Larsen. M n. Clell McDowell and

Mrs. Champ Oray. A luncheon wm isen'ed a t the close of pUy.

3ur Children3L 0 PA T R I

1 seated, moved about th* room so r . sofUl'. watched to see w hat he oould

• do to b* a perfcct guest, t was , I asham ed of BobbS* besld* him. How

I do you doD o n t say. "TVeU he mu.il h a \f

Is anything biit—" amlle and say. , , “U ia n k you. I f s good to hear th a t '•yun-M k* tdm .-W * thJnk he U a . p retty good boy u k e n a l l jn ail."

You can be sure, th a t "When Bob­ble rrlu m s the rail he will be as

I iy>liie as can he snd a crcdU to his J mother. Teachmc unk* in when It U ‘ repf«led o ft« i enough. You can be » I sure of tXM rhiwiri-n Tr^«LC.

r Ing etamp:r<. dlvounUng ' e ip ert-• « » e « : but «1I Ihf tim e-the Idea* a r r• U kins ho;c. t.iSing root, mslde ar>d I tindrm eath . snd t>ie day comes : when the tearhlnc bring* retu rns ‘ [ tn outward beharinr Prore ih e rt on ' you can tr r Lhe irro«th.

ThU patiem of prouth In knouTi to Oie teacher in vl-.ool. One le.vwm

.tw o IcBoro. a ta ln and piledi one on anntfier a ithou t npparent re* ili—a n d then oae day the resu lt •uhrws. the Irw irji and the drll!.< and the lejis «re )u.ti:ied. The

• grom-Ui u made Be «t!H. trsch. wmt ' In f ilth , and the chUdfm will grow.

i t>r. run a>< i w M r w l tr.ts- t. • <-rr.

, idilr— «ii Ltm. Ttrnf%.Nc*ft.I P. Q. B<b n , e. hww Xork I t. K.T.

. 'V

W o m e n o f J e r o m e

■ I n v i t e d t o A t t e n d

I S p r i n g F e s t i v a

l l extended* to a ll women ot Jeromi and vicinity lo a ttend Uie s p ^ i feaUval a t 3 p jn . May 3 a l th e Jer ome O range haU.

■ T ThU event »1U Include .the Pit* BS> la n t Plains Nelghborltood club. LDl ■ 7 ’ second w ar t Relief society. W ait E i iie ld -c lu b .-Canyonald r .club._H M '■'3 Women's club. Eldorado Height

.t -tt- civic club. Barrymore Civic clol .V# Friendship club and the Jerom<

xavlc. c luL G eneral chalrm M _fo m * -a r« n t-U JM cfr .W etgCT-_,..;.- u ’n « _ p rD n n im i.c m T ln X J> « ! .-Sthem e "Harmony Around in World," will Include songs, talk

■ A and displays from various coun tries. ^

■ Countries to b e ' represented'^-^■ France. Mr*. Ivan W eight; fjanadi H M n . John Overfleld; SooUand, Mn

Nell McKay, Austria. M'S. Williams; Australia. Mrs. Olen .CIal

" borne; England. Mrs. William Hard - ' in e lfr~ M e«lco.— Mrs.—Ed—Adam* ■Mf) Japan . Mra. Wllford Dick. Mrs. Al

bert Bmne and Mra. Sam Wayment Germany. Mrs. EUle Bonnlchson Ireland. Mary Schemel; India. Mn Claude Bernard and Mrs. WlllUn

» Snyder: *Chlna. Mra. Dudley Stroui ' and Mr*. Armln U si; Holland. Mn O O Beem. a n d ,oU ica^.who.;nrZ O bringing dUplays from the variou eara. ooimtries.eo- The m ls treu of ceremonies wU

-iBKe be Mra. M urray Jensen, preslden R o- of the Jerom e Civic club. Refresh and ^ served.

■ S a * *

^ T h e t a R h o s . : F e t e . i

■ C o r o l y r r H n n c o c k

^ A t S p e c i a l M e e t* KETCHUM. April 38 — "Apri

Showera” was carried out In decora Uons. programs and refreshments a

J the special meeUng of the Ketchun -* T h e u Rho club*to honor Carolyi ,L . Hancock. Now Meadows, chalmiai

J D of the T h eU Rlio board of eontro leen of Uie sU te.iM t- Tlie gift p rescn la tloa toJ2ie hon Ion - ored guest w m given by T ina Ka: inell Hoffman.b e rt During- tho program - th# -them !bert “ ng was suisg by Carol McCoy fol tu th lowed by a clarine t trio selectloi

played by P a tty Lounberry. F raud Mr*. *nd Mary Falrm an. The offlcen o

the club executed their new dri! :Ung w hlch'^'as'W ritten'ftntt'aiTfliigEff'b high Francis Falrm an.

A large cake earr>’lng • out th w ith “April Showera" moUf centered th y ,tn refre.shment Ubl*. T he hall wa

decorated wlUi two uptum ed para soU., "Showery flgurea decorated th h a U - .^ w a rs -u s s d In tha decora

tu re Willows, daffodilth e Ml'S crocus.

Preceding the meeting Uie pre nlnjf sen t and past advUory offlccra en lldes te ru ined a t a no -host dinner a t th

Alpine. Miss Hancock and Mn T»o. Audrey Fom lun , p w t presldeni

S ? .! A c c o u n t o f T r i p

G i v e n o t M e e t i n cPAUL. April 37-M r*. Harvey Hoi

t linger gave an account of her tri and vUlt to RuUi chapter In Poca

] j r * tello a t th e meeUng of Uie E-Dah HQ_chaptcr o l- th * -O rd a r- o f - th

“ 0 E astern S ta r In Uie Paul Mason! temple.

, f '" Landm arks were read by Ralpl ' .'U Marsh. Mrs. W olter Marah, worth " J’" mntron. [ircslded.

RefreOimcnU were ser>fd by Mi . and Mra. Ralph Benedict and Mn

Je.sse Braga. H usbands ot S tars am Masons were Invited to the luncheoi a fte r whleh pinochle and bridj

. were playr<l. • f"“ 'J ._Pl!Ud_Clnrk.wQa-lxIgh-seore-prii

and Eller W atlf e received low seor lOTM -ia-hlhocTne.- I n bridge Mn

**• Dor* Llnd.-iay won high and Mn FJoyd Clark received low.

It WM announced th a t the nex » “ * meeting will be held on May 4 li

honor of Uie phsi matrons ani patrons.

« « ¥

I n i t i a t i o n R i t e s

“ a R e c e i v e M e m b e ih e r, O LB4N8 FERRY, April 38—Mn

r r . Kay Wesllng wm Initialed M a nei Ided member of the UuJy Trainmen'

lodge a t a business session heli Monday n igh t a l Uie city hall. Mn Marlon Janniisek presided a t Ui>

J seMlon, a fte r which tlje group wtn JJ lo the home of Mrs. Vera Sumne

Idar pinochle games.Shoot-the-m oon and high prise

wer* won by Mrs. France* Christian n j son: second high lo Mr*. Mary Ugh

^ and low to Mrs. Delphlne Pike. Mn Vl Rockwell and Mra. Nrllle Wheele as.sLsted the hosiess In sen'lng i

■“ 1 midnight luncheon.« «

F e t e s B i r t h d a yRTCHFIKLD. Aprtl 3ft-A dlmic;

___) -a-s served In htmor of the 18Ugg birthday anniversary of Paullm

Bilterll. .W endell, nt the home o Mr. and Mrs. Hal R ou , a . Out-«(.

?ow Mr. and Mr*. BUn.ton Rosa and children. Shoshons.

,a»T • ♦ •

^ E n i u n u i n r C l u b rj ja i JEROME, April 38—Mrs. .VlclOl , B OameeEl. Mr*. Fkryd Bnead a n d « n

O llbert ’Tilley were guesu when M n lob. Dudley L. Btroud entertained hn

a , bridge cliib. P r im were awarded U hi,, Mr*, Don Snow and Mrs. Ru*.scl:

" “ . , .

; ; : i | - l 0 H 9 P S - D o u 9 l i t ^ r -Prt- F A IR F in jJ . AprU 38-M ra . Cllf-a r r ford Hammond honored her rtatish;>r>d ter. Shirley Jean , with a blrthds}nes parly on h e r 12th birlhdsy annlver-m s tary. Following gumej. refresh-on m enu were ser»-ed l>y Mra. Holmes

« * «

son V i s i t K e m p t o n sled CASTLEFORD. Aprtl 2«—Mr. ande n t Mr*. Lee Shaver were e»-enWg din-SUll ner and overnight gite«l* a l thfII!" home of Mr and Mrs Alvin Kemp-iTie ton. their son-in-law and daughter,•all Albion.ow. « w « ,

LrVCHEON BFRITD • BUHL. A pnl 28—Luncheon was

1 ^ served to meml>eni of the Hi-Lo ins' club a t .U ie h « n e ef Mrs. Jack ■rT. Mow. nnrtge was played flurtng „ ; ' | t h e afternoon. Mrs. R a \ WUker- <.t!|*o& bad th* winning *core»


I M u r t a u g h B r i d e

I h h h ^





UHI t .Irs.OQol-■d.

M* (Fas p b o to -« ta fr csgmTtng)

" H o n o r s H u s b a n dud CEDAR DRAW. April 38-M l :re. C.iri Hendrtx honored h e r h tubat tK with a surprise b irthday part a a ' 'W hd6|lte-WH- p liiy ed ~ w im -T u li

goiag to Frank Straw ser. M n . Hov rill ard Reed and Mr. aod M rs. Lonn •nt Woore.I). Mrs. tlm drlx served th e refresl

menu.♦ ¥ *

t ; i _ E i a h t h - B i r t h d a y^ uJV U ftiroa>.,A PjrJL 3«_=_C ftrH ^ Rowe w u an honored guest a t . pariy Riven by h is m other, Mr J f Cleon Rowe, for th e second grat

In celebraUon of hU e igh th blrthdi annlvenary.

Following g a m e s , refreshm enim _____________________ynanrol

: Sunnyol-

'i SUMMErill■by - • - -

s The Cam:IripM-ih-ih* ------------- -- - - ----- ----oio1 I t’s the p rettiest. Tittle men;

as a calliope tune . . . wlUi open-backed jilriness. And.

J comforuble . . . w llh a gracsmocUi Oold (Redl Cross lit.

nd!on WHITE SIZES 4 TO 9'*® AAA TO Blia - ______________ ________


» r ' \

n's V v S B E I^ reld B t T ^

he >

n -;ht


Youll bag your lim a o tills fa?thlnn-hurd sand

pj u n n e d leaUier wlUi itsj( . form. TTie loe a lrap adjn . m whit* and Honey Orr

or ___n . - - ~ Gra.

Many O th e r /ell 1

I Sl.vIcK a n d I

'f* i . - h^ F ro m . . . '* ^ 1»Tr- I

“ 3 . 4 9 . 6 . 9 5

n-1 ne ia BErk

;! I.si MAIN- A V E N T E '


e M a r t h a S t a l e y

^ W e d s F i l e r M a n

. ? S I n E l k o N u p t i a l sMUBTAUOH. April 38-M r. am

K : Mrs. Leater, S ta le r uuiounee thi I k marriage of tb e lr daughter, H artlu■ i to Robert D anlcli, jr., son o f a n «K Mrs. Robert DanleU. sr., Pller, a

an early-Sunday morning deremon: performed by jrudge Oeorge ^ u ^

B i a t hU home tn Elko. Nev.. M uch e P v The bride choae an orchid dr*a

w llh~ pm t“ titm "*ndrw hlte-ace*B torles. She worn a c o n ^ e of gat' deniM and ca rn a tio n s ., A* a tokei of scnUmcnt she carried an lmporte<h«ndm»><» ti.wrt^erehiwf. .belooglnj

^ to l ie r moUjef’."— —

of Burley high school and U em V ployed a t Uic Tw in Falla''bosplUl

DanleU graduated from the File, hlgh-achool-and-aerved-four -ytar;

» jrtUl the a m y ,■ ' P^jUowing a wedding ir lp to C dl

fomla the couple are a t home It Twin FalU where the bridegroom I employed by th e Twin PalU Can*

e. _company—............................\ Mra D aaftU was honored a t i____ shower a t th e home of Mra. & r

Seara wlU) M rs. R. B. BUles as as , J - sU tanl hoBleaa. Membera / of • th IU Friendship circle attended.Mrs. Games were played with pH u Sand going to Mrs. Robert DanleU, sr, a rty . n ier. aod I t o . Robert Brennen r is e r TwtirFaUsr-HiBeh-gqest-prcsent gsTi low - the bride her favorite recipe, n n le ' ' « « *

S k e t c h F l o w e r sDuring Uie meeUng of the Mari

DsvU A rt elub Tuesday a l the homi > / . . .Ql.Aln!_CJl., -SnUth, .Mrs._^I.Ui y sssUUd by Mnr. I. O ; Ooodiog. con. iM ll ilucM.Uie_floxcr RmnBcnp.t«_f« at a sketching. Mrs. fim lth U Uie newlj Mrs. elected president, rade CTara W alton, chairm an of Un v lay actlvlUes committee, reported pro

grcss on d ifferent lines of work fo: lenU the year. The afternoon was span'

In sewing and a r t work.________

Values in ER CASUA

aiy-go-roimd. everl As gay 1th lU breexy cut ouU and nd. of cour^t, wonderfully raceful wedge heel and th a l nt. Hurry Iti to see ll. soon.

$ 8 .9 5 _

sI of wmpllments and comfort In ndal ef Cobblers-quallty cusUim- lu feaUierwelghl. cushlon-y pUt- sdjustg toym irow n special widthi ^rram.


BECKS SH O ES151 Main Ave. W ., Twin Fnlla


A iC T im flT -

' c m r ...................................... ;

Please Bend Me . ........... Palrisl ofSTYLE___________ O O I/^

W c Pat/ POStOQC (

C K S“ T h e F r ia id l

w .

" " ’------------------------- --

■ ' / '

H e y b u m J u n i o r s

1 P l a n F r i d a y P r o i- l i e HBYBURH. A pril 3S>r‘n u H ■* • bum jun io r p r tu n wlU be held I end day a t th e h ig h achool audltorii the using th e them e. *T here’s a Btz

rtha. EoUL" ..a n d Special floor ahow numbers r, a t dancing aod m usio 'iHU be p oony sented.Khar Mr. a n d U n . B oss TUrcbUd, ] eh 8. and .M n . F ra n k W atson, Mr. i drcis Mrs. H arry Johnson , a n d Mrs. Fli

gar* nniesses.oken Committees a n d chairm en for v ted formal event a r e Beverly Hackl iglng refreshmanU; -L y n n e - C roft,- fl

•how i.O uana-B andy.-program sr* luate. anwu .T>w>i 4 t^ r a t l o n i i - - em- ll i e publle la Invited.

S t e • • »

'• “ * G r o u p - E x c h a n g e !

S ' R e c i p e s " a t ' M e lim ts Recipes were exchanged by me :anal b e n of th e 1330 club, a t the ho

o l Mnu A rt Dejr. M ra. Ruby WlUc a t a son w aa-accep ted aa a new me & r l ber.

I as- ’Ths m eeting was conducted . the M n . Mlnnla B row n, presldenL h

Lou B em t received th e whlU < ihtes phanL, sr„ Game* were played In wh men. p rliei were won by Mr " Mnn> gare- Bridges-and-naW T ffiiU r Roan.

M n. W . B . M cB argue assls ’ ths hostess In se rv ing refreshmet

The nex t meeUng will be held S the home of M rs. Inex Kite, : ir..... W ashington s tr e e t n o rth .“ S ■ ♦ • •

- E l e c t - G f f i c e r s -i_for F nX R , April 28— Officers w lewly " e le cW to a ine tU ng o f tS e 'C a r

lun Blue Birds held a t Uib Viet Uie school. Leona S tu rg ill w u cho

pro- presldeni: Phyllis Lux. vice p n E for dent, and J e an e tte B rann . repon ipant Mr*. K em T h u rm an is group lei

t l ^



H I ^ S . V - — \ '

5 ^ SPE C IA L P K IC E ..............

F o r t u n e t


You'll love IhU sum m ery 0M« ual fo r wear w llh moet any ensemble, for d rras o r play. In W hite. R « l and Ctmimer Tta.

“ I S S * " * 6 . 9 5 J



......- ........ C .O J _________ CASH____

.........-■ "BTATE..............


pc on Prepaid O rders

S H ('id ly S h o e S to r e '*

_ ^ ^ 0 8 S ^ A P B n , ^

s , A n n i v e r s a r y - . r

and "Al the End of th*

s e t i . \ “ - ’ *» ih»- C l Each member U to h rtS ? * '!mem- u a gucit ^ *hom e M n . Bob CraBft Mri. swlUcer. nilres and Mrs. M. b ^ i z *mem* rcfrcshmenu. v«uia»|

" m l D e s s e r t L u n d ilim its

id . t r , • , ■. 3 '» B r i d g e D i n n e i

. BUHL, Aprtl M -A hrid»A was served to the mnahm

J - ■

Icujry * * *tiosen FETES OREGON YISTTn presl- PILER, April i io rter. llngham gsve a brid* puh lead- day *venlng for Mn. M. i f

Portland, Ore.



F o r i u n e i

FROLICColor s-foot far sampar. i

k casual for wear wllh ttej'thing from iporiswearJ» casual dress; In'W W te.-w

f U m \ Ucolor, Tan and Anetii Oreen.


s t o r e hodbs

- - ■ p i s g to j j t L

--------- F ridu r S:3"

, to 9 : » P * .

o e |

Page 13: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

ioWBOYTfetro, Bell ( [aine Durini

-)CATELLO, April 28—T he Tw in F ^ r t i n acrosa th e p late In tho top ^ J jin -herc_W cdneflday :n iR h t. Th l?B r i ^ t e r ;th e second n lght:b£ pin; K jfloyS 'an tf 1 2 - fo r th B ■ '—

S ^ B u e k r-* - fe ^ plo>-«nd K n . -C barU e.P ickett, ^ . ' , jiichaclson and John J j O t

BOISEKen P«t«rMn. rooki# refuR cs o

2 _ ^ U » t..tU fld _ to _ M « i4 8 c r

J l J r t t i r e f n ^ * ^ l S i lookM B l U u

^ ^ iU j7 T ^ 'B « n 'p r o lM te d^ * D i l sot 0>« thumb from l i G C SS T i W PelleUer u he prrtw l-

b a l t ^"iSihed and went to the ahow. - A P lU ^S B f ^ l e e escort. Aa Metro <Outch> Tl S 'S r r h e threw a b « ,^ f ta tl^ glW ^^ ni.TiM iieVl’ 1 ■ Bnep»rd ol

the p u t« in tho top of S tP e te r a o a . 'Buck and Jes- »*>■>

In o rfer. PJckett ruined u e w k n xked PeWnon »croM f “ "- ■

K / n y to cenUffleld. ', C ^ came bMk to knot the

rt IB their h iJ f of th# frtme

* r 3 H , S 4 s . «:•?5 S - S « :irf toe frwno with s «U«Ie to _ Xanter. foU oro l by » double by S i c r t h

M f jn n ^ ^ Eddie MoorBated .long ond whichOBbb took o « r on the b u e - „p ,

^ m e d the InnlD* with • iln- ^ Cobb and MlchieUon.« QudlnnU lod 6-J so ln j Into^ t h . Twin r« Ili tied It up „j Wd J o w n -WM h it by the more ntlert£f and Pickett ind Cherles popped to 1ia»B, pi»'lng center for Metro, tr jf jW f « twu-iuu».“ ~ ~ -covtKfl-nr*flUU# went ahead a«ate wlto Maeliado coBl run In the bottom ot the wild and MBih tnd Twin FalU tied It t«a1n asalnCk tijhlh. The wlnnlns Cowboy Manager Tcone In Uie final frame. out to end '

fiT Menna, PocateUo left-le, took batting honors with „„„ nJi-UN , triples in flvo Um» a t bat.KUo has named veteran Jim ciuiirini if iebmy to a u r t for the Twin r t t i t »b jI dub Tliursday niglit, Esktn- J ,5 c7 had an B-8 w o rd for the Fn„„,r :h jItop Ust season. i*> }

Wl.** TALlil POCATEt-LO I “ !I niU >S )< o a I'KiUllo lb k o • P J

i i i i » R v - ’n,I> < 2 1 1 Lowt IV 4 2 i 0 11iai*-CD<‘<(

" i i i i 4 ^ R u i

“•':!!!&% !!!! Gives sr,s1rE B r o am . ---------------M « . l l W ^ y o ,

■riunos. tlaclL Jmn. rkkMI, Outfielder 2raki UerfiB. lUlrr. ^ R K k . iv.ii i»vpnth«, Rl.fr. J. lU rnm kl 1. Wlllkir.. “ '® . tlm B .,e.^.kl, |D -D«k,■:«. tB -Jm ni. Hckdt. Ukhttiim. Uio Brooklyn. fl.rrxwtlil. M«rs>n. ItDI— Uifm hnrk I .. PVV.,u Harin t. r«kS.H.•mil lo wiiiitrm t« U . . . D«.t. u, Ezra (Pat)1* i.lf drive Uiat rlf : “ i.“ ’7 S ; s ” ' * ' “ '»iL to-i^miih ig, KurliT •. w.nkitr I. ccnlerflcld IS»u» i. CinlUi «. Hr—Komn k»»; lolir.r .nd kr Smith. Il.lk PIRATES’ If t i i i . i r r r i ' ' ST. LODI

---------:__ :_______ bUTRh ahort

■Bout BoxinK ird Presented r Albion Troopx r ,7 i4

of the Albion Boy Scout oer-iij gu,],^ .^nv ,red by Ui* LDS church. n^t 9 «pry member of the troop^ t « in Uje flehU under the cUBS TRH*■Ka of Ocoutmaater Billy H a y cHfCAOO,

of the matches were; Ted >« fleffai^d O arth Spier. Oer- m nifd inlo^«ner defeated Don Scolt: cW e«o Cul * A ^m a defeated KelUi O ny n ,n f % i e Ci2^PTtderlekaon TKO’d Jeue to r m

J«y p n „ defeated Bob K - h« - tJ rrry Bailey defeated *

Barker. Lamar Hager defeated BRAVES EO IV Merrill Qray de- PHOulDEl; Kay Powell. Vadell Mahoney W arren Sp« non Peteraon, Alton Lee BrsTes gain.r?M oruMn a

boul p l t t r t Alton U e bunched^ th n jgim -oam teiiB and Poa 5M»m:^an>«r


Filer N

iilii^ GriSmcB—

= ^ T 1 0 N . AprU 8 8 -C c ^ h Bar^y Fie, rontlnued to aend h li Brown cnmbli

College .of Educa- to only five 1- 1 ™ « fd lected nine w

«>jmns aewiona here Wed- of Reynolda.HuIm. Rarbom , I

• Une poalUon lo quar- aocked two-ha Cm , , ner got a dOU

“ Impressed by the ahow-which u out lo de- . riLEB i

: i ' '« 'b " l l champlanihlp of ^ .Tnnunuin Collegiate AUi- pp-” / i-Jb 4 W tr r a i , . T h . P .i ,U im u t t . i i u J T . . ^ « ^ l r tti tif fonnaUon off a J

- " ______ W.rbtf r<-« 1

; J ^ ' J U A . ^prfl 3* l/T) — p I f t ^ w d Samuel announced - - - „ Army-Nary fooU»Il _ , , n '

^ T ,M M L a 8 .1 M 8

~ta kF pOusted Fn Lg Sixth IrF n l l f i ^ w b o y s c h a r jte d f ro m beh jp o f t h e n in th to n ip th e P o c n te ^ o - A dn p u t th » G o w l» y a on to p o la y .-T fa f l tw Q .tc a m a so c k ed a - ^ i<

ite OK’s Pla rm Bird Ref■E, A pril 28 j/F V -A p ro tra m o o n Id a h o - fa n n s w a a a p p ro v e d tod

n e c o m m isa io n . T h e p ro p ra m wou , th e com m

iu g s N ip s , s i - o ' i n ■ ‘ '‘V rbird refuge

hers'D uelLAkE c m * , April 30 (,D re.M of hU Ihers' duel between Jolm *f*'TIcmey of the Salt Uike Zxte i -and • m gnagei'.'I.arry , Slgni woiof the Billings MuxUnRi game denur

Ul a l-IM'jctmLlOr-fillCP-- -Itiugc-atca.k tonlShX farmer wonllings win evened Uie PI- of himilng <«gue aeries a t one game In the po.ile rubber conleat Is ael for gunnrrs won■ n'Bht- The comr I Huxter TIcmey iHued proRrnm wo U to three handed out by conirolllng i Tlemey struck out nine land. Tlie gr

e new Muaiang mentor onforcemcnt*• , afforded lhherwlae thing* were a t a lators of lh except for the first of Uio en the vl«lior(i tallied,icclnrlnl drew one of those PfOR'

get on first. Jlm -Peccla “ o" betweeihim to necond, and then Proi>erly ow

ore smashed one over aee-;h Jim Noverlnl brought hunted ina quick stab. Bul the Dee Bolw, commthen threw wild to first would h

:lartnl went all Uie way e m l-a id r—m aacond. * > Maurice 1 te threai«ie(l Jfi the ninthno Machado drew a paw program wla n u opened. G ran t Culll- fully In othemptefl. a aocriflce but elo” *»ld. ,) first. Frank Means Uientirow to Shepard, who had Tlie comiiif s t l n afralU m plT o ia lch ' terly niMtincoming back. The peg was of a long-rMachado took off for we- game depnr1 only lo be thrown out, wildlife comTommy TJiompson popped Uon. The pJ the frame, pcrlodTrf yeaiM r n T n r T I A tr •.fcho '.ijiii i :lik* . ' h , . regulations t

4 « s oImxIukIo lb s 0 : 1 Uie commla r I 1 « 0 Cuiiiraor. If 4 I 1 « TJicy are ex|' i 0 ! J t 0 , u •" '‘ f

0 0 0 cjo'UuiSlifl. ------

. i l i i i E i ' J H i i p E

- .....

m Homer !S G ia n ts g p p . j k l y i i W in3BK. April 38 W>-Rookle

Pet« Milne's plnch-hlt t^ i.. r.iw

lh Inning gare lhe New i J ’?*" rrtj an tl-B victory over Jyn Dodgers and moved ak *:; Into the league lead. „ _ . blew, off rtUef pllcher cr;^.i7,a _) McOloihln, waa a lino iMroU .........eluded cenierfJelder Duked rolled p a it him io the lu.,‘ , '

waU. ................-_____ - WMhlutuB _

nOJEK nURTJIB. Aprtl 28 I/Ph-P1tt3.Jrtstop Stan Rojek waa York ... ....he head by a pitched ball ............itll Inning of the conlcst "ir night between lhe Pl- chirM» ' __St. Loula. The Buca came ............' CMt.dJl’shl.” ' alked about JS steps. UienKen Johnaon. flfUi Sl, PACtric

ar, waa on lhe mound atRoJek had been hll by noiir-..-i T!!.

nley In Uie flfUi frame.Ol hurt thrn. u : ' * ; , , ! . . : :

rp u r n s f*" rr.n;ii™":O. April 3t (-rr-Clncln- ____inny Vander Meer de- naTi

apcll of wUdnr/J that0 a alx-run rally for Uie ............;uba In Uis fourUi In- 'u inJr, n.m .Cuba breesed home from KrUHhiii, r . a an 8-3 v lc i ^ ; ^ f o r e aturriout of 33J23. ci„ ib«.ii .

--------- Chi'^.r' . . -» G E n i l l -S V.nJrt Mfef.ELPinA, April a I.I-, - **'"Spahn of Lhe no.«loii ' _ined hl.t flrat victor}' of rhii.^.ipsi..tiS he blanked Uie'Phil- ^

decision. The Braves si. i^ * . ~iree of their six hlLs off , ‘’“I*'"" 'ms'-Jw^.aH-'ar tta ir-nm a “~ g ‘. - " " r !r T)nd inning. amrr

Vine Stops »if ord 6-3 S .; . - -■ p-il M—The Filer Wllfl- n rrl .tg ■ r.y i

■d to a 6-3 victory over p ^ i c n ---------iT d - M a ^ J h r a u S c d T , moon. i^iuImnlken a n d Harold blned to Umll Ca.iUeford WMbimwn ..

hlU. The WildcnU col- tafelJes cff the hurling

'M llla and E AUivmbaae b iti Jo rn i£ r..C O T i _BOTn,. AprtjOUble lo r the Wftlvaa. . c a d e scbOOJa

______ ______________Deep Creek kR I. CARTLsroRO « partlclpailng '

ik 1 « e P '" " -1 I jltii«ks.m I 5 J crroe and Dee]

I 0 fljllamllton rf s 0 D flCC LINVI a a,C«>i.Tii rt 5 " U ®• tr-o'KHt>i If J 1 :1 t I'Cwnrr :k : 1 1 Reaat‘ , ; -TOUCK. _ J „ ,c K T T I’ * * oao l i t S Polnu Easi

SONEERromnning Mb e h in d a n d p u n h c d th o a te llo C a rd s by a c lose p -o f th Q -p lo n c e r iw tn if l- 'B H f f i

a n i o r — «

if uges S1 o f e s tab liB h in tr b i r d - m S t to d a y b y th o s t a t e f i s h B 8 W vou ld b e v o lu n ta r y a n d H H U n m is s io n f e l t i t w o u ld 1C f a r m e r a d d e d p r o - B I I H I a g a in s t c a r e le s s h u n t-

ic tlc e s " b y 'g u n n e V s . lan seta up an upland gamo uge primarily around the B B IH H dwelling and olher bulld< S 3 B B F

ivldfng he la agreeable Co k 'm S S I t. least two-Uilrda of the lls land be opened to h u n t- n f f l m

Excloalve Hunting S t|Q B |Hwould. be prmlded fcy Uhe piirlnienl setting .aside the Teddy .t«a. a ^ a safety lonn, *Di*- ■ Managar would have the advantage awlnglng ng during the season w ith- been dn po.iied area while outside major lewould not. --------------ommls.iloners aald auch a would help the fanner In —

tig lhe area hunted on hlsj f \ W | e game departmenl said Sts lent protecUon would be f n i

lhe fnrTner against vlo- I A I ' the safety tone. ^ -Iatb for CewperaUon ®AKDProgram provides coopera- ween the deparUnont and

owners for enlarging th e „ fi which game birds could bo |V“" '? to Ul, .U lc . R. a . 001,. mmlislon chairman, said. .1 ^ i|ndertoken wlUi fed- q}’

X Lundy, bird iup«n-lsor lepiirlment^ will se t up the

which operated «ucce.w T > other states, the commla- I ) O S (

»aC>Range P rofnua 1 ♦ 1 , 1miiilM|ontrs..aLUielc.auiLr-. / ^ X l l l eUng, began consideration ig-mnge program for thepnrUJienl to Include both O I C Urontrol and new conslruc- >c program la lo cover a DOSTOIyears. second tlr

ime hunting seaaons and P^'ens drorva also will be decided by Same We<mla-iion a t Uiis meeUng. mighty h(expected to be aimounced »«<• Sox i

1 week.. Phlladelpl-_________________ happy fan


WONEEJl-UtACOS------------- - ^ ^ - 5W I. Pet. CD

L I .8 ________ 1 a I.M* prosperityC l tr -------------- 1 1 ,Ko 1 In Uie u-------- ---------••••{ { Im I lined a t:.— ---------- J , rtgh t fleli---- --------------- 1 1 MO 1 glanced o

i 5 « “ '*•7>.r.a.7-. (Wk.d.1. BROWNS

. t 5.11 U k . w tr DCTROI n«-fo<>MiMi)> .1 oa4 « ( 1 banrirr, Ki

he tiu iy -a l IW )E>krnb.rrrl »l ■ Po«Ulle m u p j^ j

■'--------- I n j a InnliIHKRICAN LEACUI

............. ..........*' I- .« ! BOITDRE/------------ ------ a i .714 1 OLEVEL-------------— -t , ' ‘oJ si? O ereland. ........a s !s«o I S Ung epre

............ — .4 4 .»« S ', Chicago V-------------- ----i I -n j f hlU. inclu

— ■ ’ •*“ * triple andUT10NAL LIACUS 11 to 3 rO)

W. U r»t. OB------------------ 1 » .m N ATS'N U......................J : u W ASHir

< j m i j The w aai-------------------1 4 >00 I toT three i^ — ---------- \ ‘ .‘jJ }4 n in th Innl. ..............._ i T iwo I i ^ g runt n c COACT ijBACtJ* w ednw daj.............It ' n . i d ped a seva............ la IS. ,sti '4 W MhlngtoT r i Z 11 11 !ata IS

i I i„ SCI LATIONAL I.SACr* ^ M e e t............ «o « :i ooe— s i l l ’ A compt

— * team reprrM,"”; i i J c2mM«fu k" : Central Idi,.n. W'ri>b. il.oMS. La 'Io .n4 be held atCoop«r. Idaho Pow...... - - U J }| ^ In Twin Pw f.^LlTtij, Huckh.nJi. Knflit. EIoo’ aald.MufD.ti Ksih .i<4 Managers

BM_. ( B.'l .Z .r-ooo OM e« —8 » 0 to co n u ct a tUll.H: n«b*rti. FImin.n. In 7^4'lQ I

t.rfI c - JolintoB a n d .C m tk la ^MRHiCAN LEACt;i ' ^ l l r K c S

R n r. W j i H O101 io« oAs M o-a la i

I Mn... N.»hoa>n *>4 Rob-

r.rtw'l.' Ow” * WIjkt!* Croi* , HI

[.rr*.. _________mir ‘ mnSir. JUUoa Biid "TiCT |j|l|,.... ... oia «e« «ii • —a t i lulj. . . . . DM OOO MS 1—4 11 0

r.r< .>a lUrn. Houk ;O. w.ir*>. I

School Track i lprtl 2 S -A track meet for WyS in fJ U 'b e heM“ a t the ~ " flfflt achotU^Wicy Schoo’.* HIg wUl Be Byrtnca. Su- II tf Draw, FalTTlrw, Lu- 1 Deep Creek.

N * TROCH .fteWT A t

' 2 DRIVEeaaonab li RatesICES FOR RENT— I B j P j j a r MOVtt. 8ERTTCC East - photti a n )

N <' ■


I LOOP IGets the Thu

ddy BeH, Cowboy second baaeman. whoagw .C iuuU ^»(r» .4 ro«a4 ^pM *t« )l» -ca iring the bat th a l e«nBetle<nor a bomenii

dracribed by New York Yankee farm a r league proapecL (Staff photo-engraTlng

imloops Season ] ) Lure HundredsJDPOINT. A p r i l 38 — and otie ( •re Jumping o u t^ e r e , " ssld' world rtcc •arsons. ^ ------------------- The fUl

calendar-conscious fijher- a t th ls -h i n theso parts could txnnslAte bows." Chamber of Commerce tecre- Cli announcement.--------------------------Parsons

t t h m " m eant the deep blue this- amal. > of scenic L4iko Pend Oreille, peeled for ** are kamloopa rainbow irout. cruisers, c ------------------------------------------ bo on the

«ox Wallop hletics-on___

-g • T T « O oip h e n s ’ H itsTON, April 38 (/l>-For Uie 1 lime thla neoson Veni Sle-drove In five runa In a alng lt *«"ioopa.Wednesday. He waUoped two . . t home runa to lead Boaton'sox U) a lO-fl victory over Uie Pfoduciue elphla AthleUci before 13,877fans. Bow

■hena' f irs t four-bnRger waa a u? »,ng «ma.ih whioh cleared wall Of:reen Jn le ft field and scored f?” ” ®ates ahead of him In the flrsl ,“ 'a t a ns

In the Jakt gare atarUng pllcher Ellla M tch him f_* thffe:rnQ _lead.but_U ieI rlghlhander couldn't aUind ™*n7 *ectn ty and gavo up four runa day. P a w6 U ilrt when ' a f t Wright pe«onally.a Uiree-nm hom er Into Uie r ^ — ^ —field aUnda. Wrlght'a blast rk * 1 id off Uie foul pole into Uie r l l O t

— 17-14?NB OUTLAST DETROIT ^ VR o r r . April 38 « > -R lg h t . W i t T iL ^ J .D r e w s ^ a id e d to lome. *****y-sTugglng‘by Bob l i n g e r .m l Lehner. pu t the St. Loula .n r .fw w c

it the Delrolt Tigers 4 to 3 p u a u ou t_____ Wedneaday

REAU INJURED S ? le ? l* ^ ? ITELAND. April 38 ffl^-Tlie Ui Uie citjmd Indians w ent on a bat- burj too jpree today, pounding five p i io t r to u l0 Whll« Sox p iuhers for 13 Ferry had ncludlng two home runs, a Mven runa and a p a ir of doumea for an Uj« *txUi.1 KWip. , DllB, col

NIP YANKS llmi’tMiHINOTON, April 28 (ff - J ?Vaahlngwn Senators rallied dh.s» comm ■ee runs wiUi two oul In the GI.ENI Inning, then acored the win- n in». fr -un in the 10th to defeat *'>ew Tor* Yankees 4-1 here aday nlghL The r lc to a snap- w ..u .i seven-game losing alreak for J^kn.on m igton and also broke a 20-ln- corelew aUrtch. u

Loop Slates 'it for Sundayimpulaory meeting for alleprmentaUvea In the Soulh _

Idaho baseball leacue will •a t I p, m, Sunday in U-.e D O n k e ;

Power company auditorium OLENNS1 PaUs, Prealdent \Y111 Uc- bers o t t»aid. aofUtall.teagrrs ana repreaentaUvei un- keya, wlUattend th r aeaalon are naked in a corned] ac t Secretary E m it Mallow, in the d tya Pall* afler 8 p. m. a l eommander

T i r ^ s i^ 9 TRACTOR

I I T R ' A C T 0 R

II II I — IMMEDIATE-(I I I O n y o u r t i r e s — H e r e c i i i • DRAINING & R i

111111 VULCANIZING— ,1 ^ 1 ' Co tto mer SaUafacUeii

j a « £ 4 ]0 M ain 'A t«. S .


.EADlimb i"'V T r -W X 'K y '7 n P ^ - r ,--*• H


R u pF rid ayschools

H | | ^ h K | o B a c■ m ^ E l a

f S OODE.wT- < ' H 01

' W' w <')____ to even

wllh a i:0 waa eaated alo ttr w llh in Uie lh «BM-W«Hlne«<lan-U-ahewfi- <l)d-tho- an opening night. Dell h as Tlie vl ayatem efflelals aa a top tonight 1

>g) up Thun The hi

In the U

Expected s Sunday fC'ii'’

of them might se t » new Haroldcord ■ BUadcr iahing season opens Sunday Jack W home of world reconl ra in - alngle-to

ager HbiJlIj'a Blggeat Crowd walk to fIS said th s blggeal crowd In ny Moo;nil .-Ily-. hl.tnfy ttink «»- tWO*bttBBor the opening day. Cntiln and Bancanoea and rowboato will —the sec

le big lake. A dance, ban- to r a - to; oUier festlvlUea have been th e aeorl

III th*t‘s up to Uie flah. double p•ears ago Wea U am let of bu l Itob•Alene bftllled a 37-pound wa ked a1 w ' th e -fimah;~~Thlg-Blg -taWe*,— relUe beauty .topped tho The Si world’s champions an Usted DlnUi. b and Slream m agadno. The to u r luii rccord holders of tho paal

rs also were Pend Orelllo Ni.«>ri :I. .Ilofirh tl

Pooreat In IMS ‘ear the fishing waa no t ao Lob^k ii>-e. Some big fish werc MurrUulUt none of world record S*"'*'*Jl ...,1 -• .. ..... lUr.lnW .me disgruntled anaiera sug- auimpf «th a t the huge kamloops s»ou i>Jive le ft the lake during J"**"”"*looda. Parsons m ain ta ins ,.!lchlrr*tlew record breaker U aUll u . ike walUng for aomeone to m.men will be on hand from KhIi eUon«~of~the coiintTy S u n ^ -<>ri»n-r:-jons aald. to te s t Uila theory w i'i-oT uly. John.on. I

_ MoftK St

its Nip Bliss Wyoi4 in Ointest Oper ll 34 Errors uSPiSta ygiU lY . April 38 — 'fi^ h ln g ^ nilis'iLhW s u i if u i i ferry ,j.omlUastod BUM n -M here oay n igh t In a game ^ t «ra make S« erron . Tho ,■as played under th e Ughta J ______ty park.jok a fl-0 lead before the r ^ “ ild find the range, a ien n s i two big Innings good for If In the flfUi and five In

« I le c t« d ..l3 .J i lta _ fl tI .-U ie -------if Byers, while E. Robblna Uie Plloui to five hiU. ■ ■ 'erry made 18 errora and m ltted 18 mlacucK.MNH r E M r IT, BUB« li

.b r h BIU. *b r kb I a t A r^sa * I I

. S I I D *L ^.r . r 'a 1e 4 I I r p t \ 0b i t e Llcrr4 . a 4 1

' 1 1 Hsa IT a TcuW a< t t i t

i r ~ ~ .~ Z Z I Z ! jo ' tf s wt7McrsMm. 6*1»Ab." Brm.

n.en. An^men 4. Uontconi.rT

iy Softball B5 FZRRY. April 3S—Mem- | V Uie Olenna F«rry VFW . I H earn, aatrlda traloed don-: play a trarellng team dy game a l S p. m. FVlday y park . Alra. OUbert. post a. aaked all poat mem-

f o n e f lt TIRES I

T I R E - S - ! ; ■

H-SERVICE Jo r on thc f a m . '

:G FILLIN G • ' ■-A L L S IZ E S

n Gaaraoleed

O ltft I--------Phon* 7 5 ------------------ | H



i f i

ivalry DuriiijJPERT, April 28—Burley and Ru ly afternoon during tho annua l B: lls appear to be the s tro n g e s t teai h e r schools tak ing p a r t in th e an -------------------------------------- F ile r.

;ds Boiuice US ickJo-Slap— SiJ-

• 1 X- p o in ts .

e c tn c s l3 .6?KN, April SB OPh-Ttte Ogden In terest

came back from Tueaday perform aiI humiliating defeat a t the Jack Clnr

of the ,G reat Falla Electrics Bobcats' 1'11 tho opening Pioneer aeries the Rup<:ome nplcce Wednesday n ight wlUi 31 Ii , 13-8 triumph. Runs bunchedthird.aljtUi and elghUi frames -C lark clo-trlck:---------------- --------------- U irh tgh ji

vlaiwra won Uie opener U st repeat Uiit lS-3. T lie rubber game comei took seooursday night. hurdles.huaUliig Reds tallied aU runa A daah

r third Inning to send atarter Bob Burgto Uic ahowers, then added BurgenerIn the flfUi, and two In the m an a aplus a couple of single tallies, bolds the

lhe big ihlrd, Prank Sa&tora hurdlca M >e husUIng Reds started wlUic. Then winning moundaman Most olI Flynn singled and Bob th o m eet;r sacrificed them both along, era IndueW adsworth rapped anoUier H lgh-hito -load-the aacka, and M an- se t In 19<

H am Schulte drew another Rupert, H0 force In tha flrat run. John- ome, 4:S6 oore amackcd a resounding M .l. I041 »BKcr., Aiid.Lamont. Joh iuoa tBchura, antora drew gddlUonal walks 3:40. 1841 aecond In th a t inning for San- pert, 33.1, to account for the rest of KaU ai orlng. ISMS; 330. tho flfUi. Flynn h it Into a ahotput, ''1 play w ith the bases loaded; SH Inchej lob SU'ader and . Wadsworth dale, Oak: 1 and Schulte singled for the dlacua, 1----------------- ---------------------- — JHSKes,-l!Buds uncorked a rally In tha H lghjurbu t Ogden nipped tt a lte r fM t. 6% l

u iinen reached home. berry, O oHjnBK 11. GREAT FALL* * J940; brw

. - ‘“ . 5 5 M ' " t . I</ » s J 0 w.d.»«nh. R upert (

" f 2 S J . 1 '.. f f ! * B llderbat *if o o e w - r ^ i f " 2 i 0 »« lb 1 S a * lb a J J 1 amlUi, Ui rf : e a e ron) tb a t o s Oeor«o

" - 11 i { I J M J “ M l <*lri• 1 4 1 a ri7Bi) p « I 1 a luuica fo r <m p 1 4 a 1---------------------------- ea and t

‘ »-----------------------------win s to r t » 0---------------------------- ‘h e nnali

--------- --------- 1 p . m.rl.H 1f>r Seh.tnleiff In Ilk; vI'"'=~z--:: St:-St^i -Locai—.Tlituk«r, BaBtora T.~rtirBB I. m: , " s , i ^ ‘. - ' s . j ; , r i a t e s : T o MStnmpf. CboukpU.. . meeU

oming’s-Fishing ins SaturdayTENNE. W yo, April 38 w > - Member and Idaho aportamen are ex> new rulea -to-3ollJ'wlUi~W yooiIng-mi; aiat plana J thla week-end Id ruahlnf to of th e aas

out season on inu iy w at^a. E o E " ^ t of the atreams iln the west* cuse unlv a t o! Wyomlilg wlU opes Maiy fall, U li ____________________________ thla sprin

b K I I I jB o n . ' n W k “ < \

I Sure ir

B . . .

_tUCBiU'S7CR0WICPURDEi Setgram-DWrnan C


F t = ^ o = R e i i e w ^

ig Big^evenR u p e r t a r e e x p ec tcd lo r e n e w thI B i g S e v e n c o n fe re n co t r a c k ancte a m s In t h e c o n f e r e n c c . ..................a n n u a l m e e t w ill b e 'B u h l , J e ro m j

. ■ R u p e r t a n d B u rle y ------------tit n c c k a n d nc ck in th e ghI c a a t^ c n d tr a c k m e e t 3 C X

r e c e n tly w i th .B urley , . ■» f i? “ S l i t o n to p “ by "two J .8. B u h l h n s n la rg e te am bio o f s c o r in g needed

res t WlU be lonistd on the IDAHCm ances of Burley’s standout, Idaho FtSlnrk. Clark scored all of the o f . two«lts' 10 polnta lost Saturday In Jim Bextu p e rt relaya In competiUon even UiII Idaho high achools. - w ith th(

- Conlil Repeat victory,k copped th e polevault and so lsa ' ghJompnte-wlD-he-faTOTed-to 1 j5 ro riri , Ul the events Friday. He alao n o ttia second in the low and high fo r th# i

a sh between Clark and Bulil'a in f* b « ”lurgener may be In Uie offing. n U ii whiner u Buhl’a top hlgh-hurdle icqI u .,a a d polcvaulter. Burgener n t o e ^

Uio record ot-18.tto.U ia-hl8h- ^ m m» M t In 1948 a t U18 meet. R u i S .

Meet Beeorda t o f Uie sUndlng reconls a le et appear aafe..Record hold- j , „ ^ o

v h ^ e a , Burgener Buhl. IM choice*-!1940: lOO.yard d a ^ . Oonlta.

t, 10.1, IMT: mile, Neaye*. Jer- I*}?,*1:58.7, 1947: 440. Fuller. Buhl, 2 ? i1947; medlBy. relay. Oooding “ i l r nra. C u te r .. Sawyer. Rogen). ,H47: low-hurdlea, Conlln, Ru- ™ °* *u . l . 1H7. Q,’ nUle. Ooff. Rupert. 3:M.B, BoIi i330. Conlln, Rupert. 33. 1»47: g*""* -It. VanEvery, Rupert, 43 feet, S lSK .*^ches, 1948; polevault. U artin- VolnUn.. 3aUey, U feet, 4 Inches. 1»47|,_ T .jilo r, J j j j j j j r

ijum p. Fanner, Rupert, 8 i1% Inches, 1M7: Jivella, OkeU Oooding, 18S feel. 3H Inches, " broadjum p, DePalrao, Rupert, ToUi> !t. 8 inchea. 1D4J; 880 relay, *t (Snapp. Uewellyn, Conlln, n i b ack ). 8:88, 1948. and tnlle

R upert, (BelUston. Olb«on., U ae o la ).J :M ,lM l. i ■ -r*B Hayi, Rupert co « h and ¥ > ...• d irector, announced prellml- J j O U fo r Uie 100 and 330-yard daah- -« r i i

d th s high and low hurdles V f t l a r t a t U:SO p. m. Friday with n a il in ,aU ovenU a t a ^ f at

- w*ek*i

la l^ ftte lle rs^ ^ Meet Tonight "S'SeeU nf for aU tnemSen of the aad BtFaUa City SofUiaU aasoclatlon ^ ^ tielr aponsora wUl be held a tn. today in the basement of a i f ^porter, Prealdent Jack BmlUi s a t i ^

Ib en are acheduled to d lso a i ^Ilea fo r.U ie co o ta ia ea K a and.

aaaociation. ,w i i„ c i

Scniffner, c a p t a l n ^ 'S j r v uUversltys fooUiall team last s leading t b t baaebaU nine * aring. ________________

H H Ib Iin any Language

ftOED VHSXDT. m Proof. l i ^ ^in Cotpentloa, CtuytUc B vlU ^ lli« Yerfi

1-Meet—th e ir t r a c k r iv a lry h e ra n d f ie ld - m e e t - T h e .two

me, G ooding, O akley

xton-Hurls-----^Idaho Jb'alis- 4 feats Boise - |KO FAUfi. April U O P i-n t f Falla Russets took adnntag* ' < o-hlt pitching by aouUipaw I lexton Wednesday night to Uielr Pioneer league aerJea - f- ihD Boise Pilots with a S>1 ', ' . - e won the b p e n e r^ t 'n j^ g ^ ' ■, ' T ’near-reeord croWi on tr

ms turned out lo th».«o)d e night's contost. on allowed the PQota nolh>It experience tn the third tn» then the vlsltort managwl to their' alngle tally. He fannaif Jid got a two-bafger blnueU lce"lt a " * re i t" n ]» r ro f tb * ------X.he th ird , J im Olorras-walfcsd » Johnson n t . a olngl8. T ben :' Socnlc h it Into a - f t e ld n ^ ' • »-The Ruaeeta got Johnson a t I l o j r h a t jn a J n t c n d e d ju ib a — . tialf o t a tw in kU ltaf. B a t lolfs throw to fira t was wild

RusseU h»d 'tallied aU tbelr J tbB im t'o f tbB aamaTTMtifc" ~ IDABO PA L U I, s o x a i | '

ob h e B Idab* ruto ab k • ■s J i s ! -

> lb 4 0 I e Kill tl 4 t i t

rl s 0 < 0 s u m tlS U e x^ If t l lO S a M a vP ' S O # J ' ' ,i n t i l l Ttuit ■ m T F I . ' d m l for Jehaam Is tlk . - : '

-W j • « ^-OtorTM, Banaa,

•ise to Play illey Schools ^le BolN high iciiool.Bram . ■Inrade Magis thla <:*end for four bawbaO '5*.' ' , ■

>on atartlng a t 3 p. a . IT)* game wUi match tb t B ra m ' . Buhl and tha noond, Bolta Pller.er will entortaln th t Big snference achool a t 9 a. m, rday a t Filer and Jeroma wm hoat to tb t BraTM ak a

. Sattirday.tsa was tditdnltd 1o“ J5 I^ ~T - . PaUs P rid a7 ..buL tii845^ _ .caaceled-'bocauat-atwraj- - • ^ttrtHf^fBgnlH-^aayef^ a r e luled to ' partldpata tn a 5 feeUval la Botie,

. :

_ _

e ......... '

spw L I t t

. ------------

Page 14: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

PlX r o B T E B n

Market. . . ‘i-

^ " " - S t o c k s^ I M ARKETS A f A G L A N C ^ - j

- I

" IS

r f l S -g fI Stock Averages S

Potatoes-OnionT] i |

^ S l i

SSH B cllr

lii.-_- ' ________ - pi;r»J

. Butter and Eggs ™• ( MirA<-n k^'i ,

CHICAGO, Ar’i: :• ...» ,oi.

H * !

B i s !' 4

ts and Fi • • * •

L iv es to c k

S S ffilS I


m m m imi :■

™ s i

s i i i i i i r

rf'?; ?i!

m rn m M

S I S S I E S : S


" T 1

«r. , ------- ! ' ! y - * f “ cI l"r*n . . . ' ". ~ - Z i i L ^ ; i i t

'< 'n --------------- ----~lifl2I'i5ooTwo J,«1.r« <io«ii'i ■■”

ir rrno fu"'' 11-IS

•« •rM'iTi.i „„i „r » , ,» „ s"

:" 'c*‘ ’ — •' *‘ “-t '"•*'

inance« * « « G ra in

f g f g j g l g

I p p ia

t i a i imssMm“s i r i r ; " '" '"’

I'JiiiiniI ■ i i i i i i ii^

f t i I is; ii;:; u:;: ;;=:?C"sr.iBjar» f i l l Ji l lM f cSi5SSs«y

Potato and Onion I Futures

Graduation Event Schedule Is Told

“rhrld «i 11,e hlKh .^ lo o l auilllanm :i •I 9 ». m. M«v :o. DuccaburcA tr , w m p f. will br hplcl s t 7 *. m. May .

Mlnlfr iinrt Ilrrn irr DabrVyk, hnve '

:r;;;n ■H E A ffT lM tS -K nV .I WANT AIS5"1

s Markets | '

fc|‘|i;^^;|E .EEr § ■- 'T*^7f» r - - 7"* "“ ',' , " ^ ^

te n Ib it.A. .u ,» .. ________*3.i:r<►'('» <lol.n [


-*'k' " ! I 'r


~\ Seven People Seek Permits For Building

Seven nppllcaUoiu for buUdlnff

=LV'S™c<rirs..r..'s-W —WBRf-E.-6Uny #e«k«-pCTinlsBlon to

bulia a 6 by 13 fool addition to be used B* B bathroom for n dwflUnic

MM a l 320 Quincy i t r e e t EiUmatcd cost « . . bl WOO.? “ i T h e C harier pinrot

iitonige vault n t an offlec a t 30S Wall street. Estlmnl*d eost of the

“ p la n , u> moreft dwelllHK from Co»y Nook comer

i n to Ihe Carrlco-W Mbers • admuon I 10 where th e houne will bc Ml on a . . concrrte foundation and a new roof

^ be addctl. Brtlm ated co.1 Ib »1,-

A 13 by 24 foot addlUoR to a Iv l dwelllne >11 lhe Regan addlUon U

planned hy Don Mellne a t the esU-

Mrs. R. D. S h inn wekn a permit to erect a 13 by 30 foul Rarose U> be

s) used BB^temporo^

E>nu A. H ossan planA lo build a i."'i 12 by 20 fool basem ent floor and

line n b.-iMrment «'«ll « t the « J l- *''* m ntrd ccmi of (200 a t 143 Elm Klreel. ^ Comellu* Bob aecka permission to

build A 24 foot B(|unre foundation

eAtlmnted coiit of KOO.

r ClulrSpeakei^ Says CVA Is Socialism Bid

cetil ense Invo lv ln / the TVA before the nntlon 'i suprem e eourt. The e o u n nilert, he aald: lh a l court

*\‘f memlier.i liud no rlRhl. under tho Rclup. w Inquire Into Uie workhiKS

a of Uie authority or lo Inquire into

oil- w “ he U U ^ l^ Detweiler. Dr.', Jo.wph W, Mamhall. elub presldfnl 6 announced Mlectlon of Dr. Orrln ' P . Fuller a j KlwanLi “man of Uie , n io ii tir for hi* club work. The

pre.iklent selccLi one club member each month an belnn ouliitandlnr In

*'J Prfttik Cm ne wn* IntroducMl a* a M... new member by Juiiaau Bhlnn, vlca

II «n* nnnnuiicfxl Ihn l nirnibrrs ■ : nf thp T»'<n Pnlln b w b n ll club sa; would bo gue*t* of Uic club nexl

Tliurwlny wlUi Jo« Clemenls In

Rent Lids Ended S For Ada ^unty,

Panel Chief Saysno iS K , April 38 (U.»—R enl control

wnA ctidcd totlay In Ada county, Trnnk Brklim, chalnnan of the

BoUe rent advLiory board, announc- rd th a t N ailonal HouMns Expediter

county ft.1 of loday.

i8ekin.\ polnled ou t lha l undrr Uie new ren t control law. the locnl board can recommend reatornllon of rcnl controls a t any lim e It finds the rent situation -Should become acute and ren ta ls Mioulrt spira l to th r polnl “ • w here tenants could nol altord a

Elmore county, which is mjdcT Uic “ • Incm -bonrdV Jurbtllctlon, snw Its il: ren t coiitrob lifted some months

xKO. D u tth e y arc rtlll In effect In' O lrnns T e r r y n lK J- in “ Mountain- Home. Cunyon county ren t conlrol

•Ir niM rem ains In forc« nnd (he Biune

;■ Grange Offers to Serve at Meeting

■ T he Ttt-ln F a lb O ranse a t ltJ< weekly meeilnK Wednesday night vrtert to ^ ffe r a^b^beclle supper lo

t t l e r May 9, Members also voted to

dtest pres-Mife cookem Uils j-fsr. re- UCiklliis lhe projec t a t iaal year.

A rcpor* on construcUon of Uie d- ra n n m e kllchen wns Riven. Also re-

«1 Uie -bean week" ce'lrbmUon.10 The prosram eonnhted of two

vocal solos hv Mr.i. Trrr)' Sullivan be nnd f. hiitrorou.i m iulcsl rewllnit by in LjiUium accompiinled by

>y shown by Mra Arclilr Poe.

I.' nnd Mrs M. 7.. Slansbury nnd Mrk.

'• (Contract Signed“ s?;V* for plumbinR, hrntinif and__ vpiiiilnllnR nf the E<ti.yin elemriitarj-

T h r contrncl tol'nl.^ WP.mK) TnUl

-1 srhMiuled to be flntshrd by Srptem-

r '- - T - . :J F e n d e r s D a m a g e d

FVnilrr^ on enrs driven by nienna \ H n»ir'lrr. 17, 173 Adnnl^ fireet, snd

1' ticen ;n a colliilon r t 12..S.S pjn, in •• I L’jr.,''* ” block • of Second avetiu>'* rrffTTTTT — . . . . —

[cashFOR DEAD &


' I PH O N E rO L L K C T <><KHiiiiR 47 R uixtI S5

’• 1 \v in F n lls ni,4



Bunch of Idaho Acts to Become

y Law on May 3Iff B O ISE .'A pril 38 (UJ3—A flock ■ kn new sta t« Uws goes into effect c re May 3. a n d they will affec t almo i t every type of busines*. e n ttrp rl

and profession, to T he ncw l*w srpass« l-by-the-30 i » IcKialftturj. were listed today by U >z Idalio S ta te Cliimber oC'Commcfc »t T hey WlU make changes In tl

em ploym ent security act, with boi a empioyct^ a n d .empleyM.,eonccme

)S Into e frec tr About IB new Inw* wc: le li.ited u n d e r U>c ••edueallon” »

Uon.fe - P iv*-new -l*w » offacUns-affrlou er ture a lso will become effecUve Ut m day.a T hey Include an Ice cream bl 5f provision fo r llnmiclng soil conse I* vatlon d is tric ts , l!cen.ilnr and boni

ins of welKlunasttfs and provlsli• for w arehotise receipts.U oU ier Item s In Uie new laws a ffe I- Insurance, m olor vehicles, com p a

ll suRince. labor, Ilvestoclc. dalryin>e packing, public lands, public oasIsn> anee. public healUi snd revenue orIt taxation.

I T. F. Students to0 Play for Festiva" SU K Jentfllrom theT*ln I^ l^ sh lj

achool mu*lc departm ent will a tend th e Slate music festival i DoUe P riday . Oroupa partlclpatlr

capelin ch o ir: orchestra, solol.'ts a r nnatl cDScmblc-i.

R obert Wilson Is clioir InslrucU; Charles RAUrllffc Is band lnjitruct4 cappeUa choir, orchestra, solols

1 and ro iall on*«inblrs.E T he co nce rt bnnd will piny n t I:(

p jn . PVldny ond lhe nmrchlnu bar will piny a t 7:30 pjn, T lir orchc.sli will a p p ea r n t 8:30 n.m, Saturda

‘® tho cJiolr III 7:30 p,m, ond the wir Instrum ent solotits will play durir

'» 'Ih-e dtu-.Approximately IRO stuilciilJi w]

itttm d th e fc.iUml from 'hrre.

I Trailer, Building ' Damaged by Rn;r BU7U,,. April 28 -A irnilcr liouj n was biidly dnmiiKcd by fire nnd son

damuRe wns rrportrd to the roi a of the B uh l hlRli scliool iiiirlcultun a bulldInK shortly nf(er noon todn _ . _A_crrw Wll.-. tloInK ,^omr wrldlng n s th r triOIrr IIOUAC iiwnccFby Mr b Jerry Ncfr+icr when ih r fire s ta rln I Plrem en nnswi-rrd the nlfirm j n 13:05 p. m.

ClassifiedW A NT AD RATES

^ ltU*«j oa OD<t-t rM>or4|

" ii"=====;:,'^,s^, fnr •ii.iBpI*. u< U6It b.Io>iI 1 W » t M .t. I U .r ,-'

:'P 3rnfnr• t}Bl*M rour crxSit bu bMt nut> J IUh«l, o .b au«l rout «rd«, ^ OCADLtNES for CUulll^ . . I , ,, WmU iArt. II >, n>.I SuaiSaj. I:M p, a>. a*lur<Ur^ TbU piip«f TM«rTn tb« rirht (o *(111

■ ml r«j«rl kar cluiflad >d»rtiilnc, e Ad>~ .I iktlr confUltalUt• tnd tio fnfarresdoB (ta~t< i Ixb Ib “ .f«mfd .o Ih. .d .tr tlm .1 E ^ r» (hsuld b« rcSriJnminSfU ^’ T tr.-No «th>*«BM» iri:i M !ot

Oiof. Uiao on* IntortKI Initnloik


IH E H 1 S 1 5 S• f r = r i t p ' - =I S P lJ n iA L NOTICES

f> H-IIOUK lrlt«r duphriiion Mr.tc*, Rm

t ■’■'•M'lcii S.IU..U., n o n , m u

' l i E S S S

i i i l l t i i l

, __L-> .......... .. " i-h.,n, :-.r. ". I'E K SO N A llS------------

1 . li.rr m e «■ — '• L O ST AND FOlfND-------

- - 7 ^ r.r., ,' nrT?i—------S T P

. ■ " ' ^ B K A m T s n o F s ----------

" “s W uX t 'k ) # ^ ^V A N T K P -"u urr.’;"“ 'r . x n M > s ^ u -i....,......... ........



oakpRn p U l u

* ««>»>• a ^ 'w t w w . ■ ' ■

3k of P>.aa> lUnmilI on WANTKDi t:»fp«nt*r werk. mw «rmost noJ«»n«. c:.ll T» B r«U«.prise35^,- -CAHKy.Al-LM4

eg 4sSi^Vi..;S’mWAlbolh Wa^ tkd . C«io» wotk.Tjed. ,.U» wood «»lB«. riH>B« 7S.ni. Klab,

were nlnti. ' tZi Sh.«bun» Sltwl'Soiilli, oec- CUllTAlNn CTtTfuIlT w»ih«) BB.! •imeb.

1(1 lx>«i« Dortb ef KVHV. Tbe

jjy jj CUIlTAins wMhjd .n J for nl. “*• inuin rh»r*». la» KBaJ. JJIJ #Ui A'

nur F.UI. I-hon* IC9I.R. bill, WANTKUi y.m •ir r .i.n r Urk tlili.

lser> ■ircirn plowlnz. I'hun* «4gt-nil. Cond- HolU»«r.____________________lalon DAT nuTsrrr for eblWrra. J to • T»»t»

>ir. Ksillr IVron. l l l l Somlk a ra Mil. l'hon« liOl-fL

TKKK worL of sll kludi. Ki»<r(«B«. pen- riprrt cultiB*. No bqlttxrlB tlfB _ ln _ .i..!. L..I, |iiiuiiit-r»f7Mr~~proGtU<rtng, ^ t.n n r i< 6 H . T.-II.-.SU bU^_ . _-.l s l i t - I - -cnd . p a i n t i n g

FA PE R H A N G IN G,-Work numnlwd. Tn* MllaiUa

1-fk. rfm«,B.kU

alhigh, H E L P W A N T E D — FEM AL

IVANTKI): ~i'.>un« wi.m.n or” 'firl I f„.ctil.ln »oflc, WIUt Drug,_______

Ctor. IJ , I'-hnnr 5vJ. Il.iht.7d»ho. ’ * >Ctor WANT »omiB l«UMkM»«r. mnBtntBt

t-nn WA.STK1); KtfkUnl »i,un« wimtn I t‘">'r>.l wurV, Iriiinc riptrkr

»ana ntr«»»ry. wotkinr toodltfciiislra Ari'l> In ftrI.I.n . Inf, «


* ' f "rrm‘.B A”minMr.“"k!ri«.lWlnK»ltii'uvin<l>!"<;r~c Kulii. Monuns.Win WANTKl.',' K.»..rl>r.r.J IrrU.tor, m.rrl.

- t i pI A C C O U N TA N T

i . a t ■ ■


S I r . c . \ n d e r s o n c o .

u J H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E & F E M A L E

AppV ‘" ‘S ^ ?

i l ^ s• lor*'liulMim nn III Id' twIr>1l« OnUft KUtfhtr Oil CornpaBr.

fi! K o. ' ^ ' k i M O ^ IU( - «t»hl toa*lil«r tr»4. for Intnmi proixi

GimCKHV._ mttl. I.frr~»ad IM buiiri^ r^~ rrtr or llrxUKk M -^l'pom M aU -IU

i g M^ I a^ . s . w.




F U R N IS H E D ROOMS— yi.KKI-l.NX tIoM I., l i t s^o..

^ ci.i:aw, BMJ

S “ ^ i j K N i S H E D J ^ T S J

^ A [*T8.

■ 1 N fu E ts ^ is i r i r i ) T lw s e s t

s 'WP'Siijr- (-‘tei'Tt!:™ .MISC. r o n ElEN f -------


^ W A N T E ^ B E N T , LEA


tl)l_ , FAOM LOAN ASSOCUTIONClaUr- lrd ,A r.aai BocUi Pbopi


* * *" Lowfr lUa taiBr."^'RELIANCE CRED'lT CORP

‘‘ ll» ZbJ S irm W«l • PboBi :fan of — ' I ■ II . I —

^ ID A H O F IN A N C E CO________ ^ L Q ^ S _____

Coniplilo fliMBela* trrvIcL

CH IC HIATT, Mgr. Orognd Floor DibIi 4 T n tt Bldj

.U. ______________'»

C. ROY HENDEilSON I W hen In need of a

I d l o a nr - m S E C U R IT IE S CRED IT - r - ,_________________C-QRE._________

'«f Radio Bldg. Phone (



w . c . ROBINSONI P (Acrou from lUdlo DIdc.)

>IWI«. ______________ _________________

tr* « . 'o n l /n uSIU'IL

\ N _ l l i i _________________________

[‘S i S ? — —I a’-! W . 0 . SMITH

rE;fIciHVpiN;’' Sn,7II> IIH

--------------------------------------T--------ONR nEDROOM

llOUr:. U n r loi. Ellutttb noulmi Urs> front ruoB, b«Ui, kllchi bclipln*. Um . flovtrs. hrrr1i«. dllwst»r.—QnitruM-pm* tiSM .—

-ITTTr.jWAn I.^WjTiin l^Tn^reilTnooi

iS ;„.


III C E C IL C. JO N ESIW I Pwtalr. n.Bk < TW.t. Rbl t. Th. »i


i iS S S ?

i S S l S

b .. ................... . . . . .


' ' 1 AND 3 r— n m itO O M HOME

i =M M Sf_ K. J . BACON

i i i M . i .N ,

n, « j « BOOM llOUs£~Hta» u -


— - IIW". uUllir noa

0 ^ 1 . ,_ ^ S !^ - -A C IIE A G 6 -^

; " -la S.^^IM,. MAGIC VALLEY

I i n v e s t m e n t cobp- ----- I M « . ! . A . . N . - 2’

Loatu . R,,I ^


I — rui.r.T MODMN

t^VKI.Y HOME o. W ,.

: - C. A .. R O ^ N S O i^ .-H ^


I 80 ACRES ':

:= m m mT H E BABCOCK AOQin

= ' p tS S i! n ^ I c'.rb?'biiilt*bt‘* iS tfc iS liS !“

F . C. GRAVES A SOU-------j OR

THOS.-E.-SPBEDYnfhtti.d l K h - I . . II, - 7-loorir —"**■ L a V ER N E BALDWIN,____ . . Offers:



n u A I . ESTATE t O » » i a

«a. |~^v {SjggB

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^ » T , A F M L »«■ l a ' t a

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! ^ ‘,T 2 i r u - ^ d » « - ,»■>'»''• ■ .f T S tf? U V E !

'_ _ , _ WANTEUlT W O

l l jI f J IE O T T B A M B S


^ S ^ y i S~ * ^ I uEmsTEli

K E 'V JO H N T O JS R E _ ,“

" A S - i I S . ,>» V » S i ''" ” V “ “ ” i".~r'l1

Phnne 360 J e ro m e oueilsseArrCn-BlX U«rnio

_ ~i -rw rcH ( ^ T O M F A R M W O R K

TILUKO ' ” ^"h”r,'rIIAY BAUHO ■ *— ' WIRE TIED -----------

hat c n o rpinq ,. Butnra 1B<< quxk r ra u ; tint i l

TlUw. W. slM e W |„^ ,ndS!i— l,<xit>4-- I Nnrlhf»iya LaVa.

a t t e n t i o n b e e t GROWiSR'S

m o u n t a i n s t a t e s P o r j IW P . CO.

^h, niK. «■»*'>«■ ” *— C«Jliif

-s e a m a n . . ~ ._ . . ,r OTO-TILLER I______ I

*■*"* . GOOU, V». 0 ...r .IJ I^ o .. di~.iCnHiu um4 Io' pomp,®'' »t*llur>«rr •'.'•■••jkM, Prfc#J rtilil- “ 'I « niYEHh.

. c . B. W A G N E R - " > *IB X«rt n rW « 7 fuhl.

■ W E N O W H A V E ! HIN S T O C K

If* Ibpki' ^ oi.i> lio;cw»M « n.i.4 lU t s i« k « . i i-> ~WE BI*ECIALIZE IH rABM ,----------

icniKinr tailored to yo u b «NEEDS

’ P A U L E Q U IP M E N T & W E L D IN G S H O P ci

ta l u>w n«twr n»»« « M j i


F A C T O R S• ll./.tm .ll .rnl pVow• frrt “ rrrflrrllllmull FonHKV• A.r§rm«ll inil ««lrni«nt J ' S!• I Mollnr

-- • B-AC u i n a lsm n l TW’O •<:_ _ * _ r i^ i M C ^ ‘n*r

* ~ l lj” s7”D^r. JiX .lr n iru• lli, SI m e. Il-Infh .n il , .

: j g ;

• Ifclwh Holint tuintil*. IIV«• 1»-lnc)i C«M on nikI>»T rhTFw

. ic. r . . c . S i JA-tHC. II.IIIC. rons, B-M. ;i»«W

D IK 3 0 5 ^

— r t K ! ? * " ....... f=SIHB m * i S i S t m " ’

• JjpfTlnr (Ilk* «»wl rh»f»• Mnllni (oUi |.„lnl• 'W a iS T ' ' ” " ’ 1 f " ’’i

8IDE3W kS• »'Ur lire !■ ”

• » >»r C*M (looH)

M O L Y N E U X M A C H IN E R Y C O .

tta w if B w rhoi>« I t m■ _____

rABU tlAClilNEBT -

b a y , g r a i n a n d f e e d

^ 'k WtU MaonoM't «»< in -KUatwrli W«r«k«M. J ta

IM WHtkt. Twi» r»lk.

b a b y c n i c K S

^ -----V. I A tT ta v x o ------- ] ~ - -~. w»w.IUn:atir»-^y»iii« B-.W — ----- —

iw tn Whit. - L««hom • BfCE S E

5 K y . ' ^ ”s s ' M iT»i. » M*"'™ HATCUCRT .r»Ui Pkea, CT*.W * CO.— m ^U^ A.^ K. I

n V M o c K i : » O U L T R Y ~ 1 • FU, . », ,.u

grgSF-yJ-i-i. — T751V - riitnu frttt.B*. E«tc«.________ _iUt_£

B ^ u n d Anktea • LA\

K a j ^ i ^ ^ w i a ^ j £ h L 7 d S l ^

E E ^•“ *». Co«TW»«T. haU P*«*j

OiPt.BIl Twin 0 M/j

»U». 0. L Jxii/u.

Phone '38

E S T O C K -P O U L T R Y F O R {Dl lUIIIornli” IIiiUI«Ib iptlnift U FOOT la

ItiBloo. niogi.UMTC^M, ._ r ir t .^ 4 - i

mu bon , »fw)~iDlfc ornjr'***

CItEO Mllkint Shorthorii «)••>. '"'i” ,* i S ? | . : 5 r i " i r . r K r S i ! l : lo is iT jiie

Ki.l‘i> . .ll.i— ..J 10 .ho.. i:.nll< >nj .»..tl<tll ISO J*ACk'SM ,.' Pr. l)r«n II. Affl«k. PhoM

SEV cu.. Ird r.lt. Fn.ti«a M«a. UEIIHV plc»o :Bd e»lt b»lltf. ttMlua wltiU {huUrt.(. IlnUldn t)«rh»ni lolfrt, fmhtli W**l«ni I

wMlii. A!>9 olh<r isflntir can.____________________ MAilSIIALI

r'.cti lo tiiiU i \.\i\.T .1 pgin;n. > liof»». r'i'P«rtr «if P. Rmllh. •*®'^ bUL JUU .III U 1-14 _i^VaV. Ii». Mur V. at 1 p, m. :t mlln OHNAMCN'ntl hlc)l>ir 91 on A. T. Xunkal fl.»<rlnx

~ ~ C<irt>«Ti

— A T ST U D —( nAY1.0lll>~tiMNT jnilN K• Ulllgni. ritooilnua. oUlt< Hk \- ^tiJ hl*ir. V,r/ llnr hlonl liar.. ImM*lIoni f(.r vUIUIIon or ASIf^K'T»rSr"F??lt UORSKS Youii ciioicr. »;» fee ■i I btocV N. rixomolon nu i. (FUI Cornir Foil) Ai*. >d4 DIu< j ,,

3. r. YotTNKr.n _ --------------TWIN VALLS. IDAHO




niOKE 09 COLLECT Dt Bomt U trv in z 'TwIi FilK III J,,„ , ,*»,

ID A H O H ID E • -i:!.';."';;, & TALLOW CO. ■ IC niB

I KlaiVirlr.

>0D T H IN G S T O E A TtlSI> rolorH (orr.. IIM WK.r‘ ........... ... TiNEd^nrlh. fr»h drMMd: Um a«II»«fT 00 JflfRjI* tl.,. Cixn dock .nd P«~ I-l»- I'ouilrj Surptr. Ul <tb •»C«01 —

P E T S n

'■ 1*1, JiMI.r tM'“swt',.in»''l'U'* ELEP■N MI..1.1I r'ippi". »'«

iK K ir i,w \i '.

W ANTLM ) T O OUY ‘» ; i :


inON . BRASJI * *»*«•«nA"AcKIES*‘'RADMTO ----------CLEAN COTTON BAGS IW ------------

' ------------------ F or

M isc . f u r y ~ ,i;

h-kV In h.tn.01. kim ■l.m>n'. A»o,-I..lon. VK.'-> « ! . ^ . j" ; , ’, , /

rv »r« miilnr (rr»l., »-.rnn- »•« ('.n.HI.f

o S ; G . T*iB«rtilI/'n- m *Ui A»»no« 'XmU 101 B. 8<mAN T»"1nrrTflt.~ *i nrRl"»>il • I****-!. rS^M-pT-trmd*.—I'h—.- .3 . , I,

iTHLOPUE ««»». » « : fijf» Ito-Mnrti rnlrlfiKil punr n i l _______lack tujbln. ptimp U t. Ill Fli.t »r^

1 for rflBforelBr. 411 "■» HcjWr* . . ■ ■ TO«.--T%»M CUI-Jt. '_________ _ SALr.f-. kr«dV>i. n".*-flV^kw"m^hr” Vr*«7llTl»f“wo'ni FAIW-My

|< r»nr». Cn!'1»P"t t'frifmlnr. f^»r f.voOT’■ ” ih"r '*.r hT.k.u! ,loU Wk. 'fwr c - u ind n

~i AilillMin l«-INCU



'* Vur.V.

J . E . ^ v n iT P .> .in r ^ . _ r w . .c; ■<-

b u s i n e s s a n d p r o i

d i r e c t

l-EAA>EflS * OTEnS W iloi

rniU F R C lA L FRINTWG T T u J ; prl.tlM .f > im » ^ -h->^UwE l ln m n ^

i / x j n SA SO ISC •

• im i .

V R SITVRE______________ __

: l a s s ifR S A L E OR T RA D E FURNr loboard. cublB ll.hlnf Uoi. M _______^4_«glB^^^Ptkrf (Of

;e d s A N D PL a n t 3 ~ ; 2»Uto«. /Itll m r out. JTvn. ■*

v!r.,?°* ***--------- -

viis or^llinl nuillir puUto M«4.

lh. *, « « i s( tt'Mt i TolnU. CIU- ^

■ Epl>nt>. IruO tr<OT. uparaiiw.

rt. xrmpi rlnn. Lowttt pHcn. ro Nar»«rj. block awl p«w«f »ab-

ALI.~ (tmob^rrr' pliBU. *»«r- •If lur^^ rrl rupbarrr planta. Dla* ____V. °rbunt D15MH r . a . lumrlcs. •ieN TA L";..r,...n». roM ba.b«. rinx thrubi. bulb<. prailM. all •

nunrrr aluck aad plaeu, 6n na WmUrn Not»«r7. bl»ek aaat



C. L. ASHLEY b A>«. W. rbena r«44 (

DORM ANT N U R SE R Y STOCK■>t .Ufpir ot ffull trwa, .ha i.nrnam»nla1 trc«. b«fr» buihw.

rlne .hrMb>. roao. vltui. bvUaa.'tT’'Mir>rrr I'rort*. ha>lni bf«Bt niirtrrr l>u.In~. oelialirb for«0 x .re Ib KlmWrlr. and J|»«« --------nr ;<1ant, .lurac. twmi and

"iBERLY TJU RSERIES rha.rlr. Idah* • Thoi.. KlmtKrl# t t

Krra CtUlof

FE R T tL lZ t-ihdark thMp (•rtlllicT. I« rard *pr«al •All and o«w UwB balldlftf. I'boaa M. M»T«ta.___________________ _______


------- For - .................— - —.jrPHANT BRAND 11-48-0

HAV DEI.IVEUYALSO complett: lin e OF

M rxto FZBTlLirEBS ^;oIt8< i9-:9.;o



rilONE^It^ SIKPXU.YiMBsta CantfTi and B*4 Jl*«» L—


PRAIGIIT NITRO G EN ) r Im m cdlu tc Delivery . N O iV .O N H A N D _ _ ^ .


i " ....rMa Trrt.1. Hun--n'hn*rh.l» 4T.',

ALSO IlOllKWi^UIIir.RS ;|l. A KAHLY'Mrv rCLIVF.nT .Hlan M'rhanI Nlir.vH.Mll.n r".ph.nl"^IIrand _ _ . ’.l l-iW, T . NEW COM B & CO. ■—5 {tFv{Mt)nti* Twin Falla« - 101(l. *r T—

M ISC. FO R SALE1 lUh. 10«i (^1 •“ h; a aa w o Jn

FOOT banack m * l«la..W»ll» P.O.

BUILDING fnr aal*. Falrir r«®< ,. 1110 KIwbTlT B«»a. *

r a s s n s i sNMOWER, prKtltillr »*w. ’"I'l thwg. 8tKrod«r. IIP walniH.

' . r : : . ' : : ; s . " _

i;»(AKTtR mllfcw, I onlU- OoodiHlkm. U»d I Ru>nlh>. ri»KalU5._________________________, . .«Sarp*.l»h l.wBowwff. T W .

. »»frlfln ladk* rtfUUrtd Karpiaki noM .ti(axnn.al rrBX. S«* *1 i:<0lt>on Afrnu. F.a.1.___________CU'MIJ* Wnd aaw. :ik« nr». Cral l^

S P E C IA L ^O N LUM BERWllll.r.__IT^^T.AST(ll

' ' a w o * i'ITK *oV T o a s t ’*" nm iri.A s n «3ot Qii.mr’* ran Not H» Brri"'

------------B -6 -N ----------— . —£ A S H L U M B p CO.^ ^


: O R Y , rl o i j s r - TO j jcu s ' ' - —

LU M B ISi^ * H L A H S ii ~

tt:»/<fG£HA7<W SE H V lCt

l(iN Srt B Cm BIiM. FPga* UM. P ” ■TFEW H nU iS_______________, r a e tu u a a « ^ Fbow. rf TllX" iH«» fa Opp<»tU P O- _ ■AVUUM CL£AN£flS

^»W ^VA7 E ji S U n V ^ E R S I —

T IM E B - N E W S , T W I N F A



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Rec. aiA3 N ov ».B9 I I :


VBlUM to K M - —

44.88 «: TtM ___________________ I FA

W I T U R E . A P P U A N C E ~ A lr M aall rour f«rBll«»a «<>l«»t P1i« >110 MBIKlU m rurolliir^. ___________

ni,l.-ra aulomall. .I«!»r1e n m i. I»II ^tlC-1a. ;i.«i». T-lr. Fall.,____________ ^

SIM.W, Tlia Barxat* Darm. tall I»U PLY»

H t g g . ' C T r a a a ^ ^ i n r s iNDITIOSM. »a.b.r. W».U. i l JaMoiajn. Un,n.,.h. Wllaon.Uat^.,AWAY h-la. unllBlihaJ th^ta. ntrowi.-bahr b ^ . ■ TK» tta»<aU_llara. I

TIlOK .a.lillix yia.h'in., u.«l -.rr ^

JlI r"fHiMa*orr'^'''»n«»n» '"'burnir.

rr^claaVgu - / . _______— ~ OUi,SIJI Ilk. n . . .

HCi r'>.ni . . . - ........-HH. .ar.lonai *«Ikc.ra ami •Iln.ii. Ml. Can ba m s

^hVnt molo'r;rH*.nd‘;^lrrwl'rp::n.;>.J. AAA i^wlni Uacblat «bop. ”

lOlJANV Imp»rla1 kn~ b-.l. J«k. Uck '»*’ “JlahMl. top to by 17 Iffb.*. AUo .Ilowad bmwn antMad krcUr plaa “ ,k IMnch-^hl.K

tdaal for flrVa n~in. It*ilmnra. ItlO 1.1■ ha

M A T m E SS — ANTW-INNER 8PR1N0 nu> al iKa farlnrr and aa>a


E V E R T O N LINCM A T T R E S S F A C T O R Yt :nd A». flouth, Phoaa ll-Tf


. OISTrHCnVE-COLQIiniL , „ t:


M U S G R A V E ’S » » « JM E R C H A N D IS E M A R T ' ;


R A b r O A N D M U S IC ^

W ill T r a n s f e r B e a u t ifu l '***» W A L N U T S P I N E T i»« J

lano .. ...rtr -ho ran r.nllau. pa,. » ” | Itiita 111 i:».«1 r»r m-mlli. j

wniTK nnx i i i ■TWIN FAl.IA ItlAIlO ’

-* 1141 I

W O U L D Y O U L IK E ' A N E W

S P I N E T P IA N O ( In Vour Hom# for 116.00

twr maetta lo arp’r axalut porehaaa

_ lirical____ ________ _____BBC «» WHITE T ~ ^

T av Sallabla Plans Dnlar F«rr »« Ya»f»

C L A U D E B R O W N ,M U S IC C O .

T-lB FalU. Idaho


S P E C I A I , S e r v i c e sk1nkk<slu> rcBoiiiM OirUB Mav Wall

r w i u w -------r . -*’ ‘S i u “ ' r ' c

»rtmptaaMM.^^r^n[i^«lj*.-8aallU7 ___

E E E E - ; ; ; ;

F U R N A C E _______ J*!L


® y IIUF a c to ry - T r a in e d im

E n f f in c e r s im

C. 0 . A N D ERSO N CO.Cnll 2 3 2 J

‘ - i»n

A U T O S F O R S A L E |»|!

.“i“«i™ ^nc’;irt‘.d*':!V ' i " ; jvll

l) ' KTUDEBAKEB ChaiTiploB. 1»»aealppH. F«'«'l»1'» fondltlon. Pliona IIJI

?>M“l»\‘*Cal‘l' lira. Hlnrttlw.n. jJJJM roRJJ t«B trtirk. Ooort rendlliaR.

»u>.rvrh,.n. w i n . .................. ' ) ' ..............T=\ _1»J5



w t : S E L L F O R L E S S „ „

,: F ^ r Y ourB clf^ . ■><.*

II OI.OSUODILE Crmxrmia ,t|i, i l DODGE ]-daer aadan | t i |SEVJ&wrsr.?™,. «sIt a i C V R O L n - a . d . a m l<1 OLDSMOCILE a«tan.lt.IB BIIICK Club aoap. (-(0 PLYXOUTH a-Wirr arf.»n FO M *nim ^aldt?r }iliU rOBO n te rM CHtVaOLET l-d8«. . _JJ roRD aaifana (I)I t PLYHOimi 4-doer Mdaa II CKC\’BO Lrr S-daer

R O E M E R 'S ;— S A L E S & S E R V IC E

« : IM A ^. E«aa-r»«n>a J714-W FAIR TREATMF_ST - WIB PRICtS


----------------------------------- n ____ A

P h o n e

----- - -------- T “ -------------- 0A8U I.A UTOS FOR SA L E

IBllCOnY Cc"»«ry^^t’ l ’. .. . t | j

nc-BOTo; •n»flifl.“Ti*«t»r:— m tiff jjit. Call l l t l J . I or atur. _•LYMOUTII 4-lnor.*adaiiI rood M«. ll<in. I’hotta.OltlRI. *•CIlKVnOLET |.paMaBX« •o a ^ ]tl

» ivndUlom. low mllaua. r*dlo. ____ jutr.JUwUllM. t1l Bl»» UlMa. „ _ 1 * J


W'o H ave Some- - H n c T r n d f ln a ---------- — ^ouK p n ic r j A B t . iN .m a ___ _____to il WILL BE PLEASED WITH OOU COUBTEOUB AND FRIENDLY SEIIVICB

I FOnn Cu.lom Cl«b ooupa. Badlo, hMUr and gnij.ttoalwl F (

I PONTIAC t-docr **Un. 'Radio.h.atar. hrdreoiatia IranamlMlon,A braullfiil car and ptiaad rltbt.

7 MERCUIIY Club «>gp*. B~il«. **"J i . ” i

I MERCURY 4-door aadari. Ratio, t*K Ibaalar. aaat coian. H u had ■wondartol o ra 1S(| I

1« LINCOLN t-daar tadaB. Radio. r tnhaalar. naw tlraa I t t l i

• A lw ays a Good Deal— is4i• - • - • • lit®


TWIN FALLB-----— — ^ 1117

- l l l l


.47 t:H6VU0LrXjU«--d*a..ndI«i^ -1*^* — 4 i . n » «

141 FOA'J aadaa. l-daor. ndl«. baaUr.ipotiiiht. fcsiubt -----------t in s

1(1 MCHCURY 4-d«or ladiBl qtoter ^racenitllloiiad. naw Paint. M l furara. radio, tiMlar. Ura FOI

111 FORD coupa. lla»Ur. B»w tml

TRUCKS147 CIIEVIinI.KT : toB. I4pa«< u ia .

>41 FOHD I Ion alalia .va in uaallaat nOUStlraa praclIealU flaw ____ III4I ]HI

H7 FORD H Mi> pl«li.«p. Biotor.^Ulja •I t chkvTToT ct u~toh"'piikip. t-

SS^l.i‘r ‘! : ! ± L ! r ! l _ i i i i i « «>11 POOliE <k to* plck-a» ___t m —iSLP4I FOKD b"*" *** ***’ '

“a‘w"palnt*’* ,'*, ,*■-■,!!*— *IIW III CHEV^ROttt IM toB ------- t l »

C ash or T erm s it( i i


- - - T H E »»«



SO U TH ERN IDAHO f S)a<ka4 br a m H r«u* !■ tba «UB* - U t oratloa atd «»da> U>« MB>* BtMfW . ^

— ' 'N 0 H T H 5 '! DB~ .......AUTO CO.Jerom i. M th o . J j ;

__________________________ ___ - _«4:

A t O ur Je rom e L otI tll cnBVROLET »ad*». bM ta _ _1*41 C^eT m UCT BtAUak-Wwa^ -----

haalar aad radio, low (allaaxa —lll7 PONTUC Oa«»«tiibla. ba»ta> «>4 1117 nUUSOH t.do*r MdAB. basltf

radio aad o»»rdrita IM11(7 CIlEVItOLET'S-dMr aatA>. baal.IM? nUICK 8Bj>«r 4-do« ••dlB. tBllr

wiulpptd .11(7 IlUICK RoadmaaUr t-4ml aadaa.

.and etanlrlra

ll t i CJieVB^O^^J+M M wrlit! OLDflUOOtLE T( aaiaBMH

haatar and radio S<!IlK FORD t-doar aadaa. baata andIXt NAHII 4-d«ir aadaa -----IKI PLYMOUTU I-dao» aadaa* T”ten FORO l-pa<atajtar cstrpa eI tll CIIEVftOLCT 4-4oo» aadaa ^1(11 I'uni) 1-Ooar aadan

ll l l CIIRYBLER »-paaa*nnr cmv*l l l l DUICK 4-doot aadaa ' Q,IMI UKRVnULBT :-door a^laa ^IMt CHKVROLCT 4-door aadaB n i l ClfZVHOLET Oiulnaa aovpa IlK FORD Moor aada*Ills CHEVROLET 2-dor ladaa IIU FOflO t-door aad.a


i ! ;II4I cfi^ROLCT IH um irtitk witi ii«

l i i i - S S i S . . - — ^A T OUR ED EN LOT

l»»7 CHEVROLET 4-doo. aadaa. baata |>j and radki

I in CTEVBOLET Baatwaaa mw»^ - |M|>ll TOBD l-paaaaaxar aM>«. baalat. ^

S I r f ^

l i l t OnrTroLTT l* e r-e e d e e ------ *•|t!o PLYWDirni |.d««r*aataBli l l CHEVROLET :.dMr aadaa IN

l l l i PLTNODTH 4-door a a f ^ : -W



JM O Jtt. TDIHO ' *Ib o n 11^ a . la i * .&Umdar Thnosb BatBrda*

A i r r o B F O B a X lL g j J


i i s s s s l l r I Z ™ " ■ ■1M» Cbarnlai apart Mdwl u l I S m ^ w d t B ------ -----------------

------ SEVERSON------ ---------;MOTOR SALES . ,

Ml Srt Ar W at ’ [

, Q U A u n rUSED C A R S .................i

“A t “i’U A lG A T ir 'P R IC E S -* ' -7--------GuftTsnteed--------------- f

Magic Valley’s ' j L a rffu t


.7 MERCURr «oaT«t<lUb w M f ;«dla aod baaUr . U W.7 OODOB Sidaer *’ ***

radio and baaUr )II ZXlbOB CaaUa 4«!otri ' T' * ' ’“ T

ll C I J ^ O B II J «. aiaaa. - '.}

II cn E v a o L rr s-dr. iiasB_t u t W OLDSUODILS • — t-T n ■■.10 CHEVROLET t-doof ------- I ISfIIBUiCX 4-4o»r t TTI


11 rotu) — tu tIT rLTUdUTH a o w - *'*•17 FORD' 4-dsor **—II CUEVROLXT Moo* ■ „ ..*W' .


I t Ckomlai U-tam f . D. ~ _ l 1» .II latnatlemal U -M i . . t W I



USB trailer tm wia a ta q .—» n n - -

IT GUO nCK-UP. laaaoaiHa. XT* Hauriaa. Pbwia IITT.W. ■ .» MDOE > 1 ^ ^ j Wiaf e la ia l ^ f " :

11» IIm, W q ^ u io H T jI w

will arrlra April I t . I Mhar


CaaialaU «m titaL Hator ruraataal ’ ''f f i . ”i a £ a s s t - 5 S K ! t ! 5 s - -MTth C«r?T.

PHONE 0294-Jll • ;

■ U S B I> -T m JC ^V A tp B S rH IH I.O T fV lO U X trt-Taa. BahrA |,^I

i i t t cH E yitoL tr. ik *Tm

**** |^ e ^ ^ £ U t .T n n « wllb aladl ' . .

,. TRUCK .SALES. i - & SERVICE 0 0 . ■ ■ fT

S<t lad A>a. Boutb - n«M m • ^

S-A-V.E T -M M f l 1W-H.I.L.E • . ;

. - Y-O-U. " SA-V-E - M ^N .B .Y - i . •

S-E-E D - I^ K ■ F - i - R ^ ; • .

1117 STUDEBAKES Cbaa HW V M « .

IMt miOEBAKXK O iau M «------wtOi-»a«e.—g t ar- aM ■: - — t~r

■“'r f H s r . j f a m . s s cs.

T&ucK- . - CTDcra . . O

f f l s ^ o ! s % a ? s f a f i'S

iB c S S S : S

. ' T-W .M J K A i l r S : - , : ^ i

. 8SXB o r 3. oi*t « w B


Page 16: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

I ' Friday i

1 2 0 0 first qi

I-5 ize4 2 x 3 9 . .

T h e a b o v e s h e e t s a n d h o t e l s . T h e

|» l lB B a B ffS B i8 g 8 ^ S g g S

-gPEG IA L! 300 Rayt

• Regular 1.49 Values! • E very one la F IR S T < "W at-a-set" Rayon, a durabit a^e. Size 4 2 x 8 1 , hcm incd i qualitiee. Cream color only.

Bedding and Dr

\ ^ m A L !

.. , 1 2I Girls’DB

P ? ? " ” - ! 5 S 3 E 5 S « S E i S ?

- t ^ E E O A L L= B z J - ------—2 2 8 1

I PLASTICg Pt*« lc icuffi idM] for br*fl

iS ptJittli.

g Juvenile Shoe Dcp

L l —-t:- ■ _' " " ■ -J " ' ................... -

B p f a c a >

and Satu

r nI I . w i l l

iiality FORT

• • - • - • - • • ♦ « •

s a n d c a s e s a r e i d e a l f o r l e s e a r e r e a l b u y s — b e

r• ----------------- :

mn M^rquiseii

Q V A L IT Y !lie. w aahable finlBh th a t m lnlm lz I sides, double stitchcd, to in eu r r.

drapery D ept. . . D ow m iairt

10' I

^ -S S E S - ISizes 3 ra

1.49 I' S i z n l to H ‘ i

1.79 : IA Factory Closc-ouilCotton sheers, pique Band prints, lovely pas- ^tel colors in cute styles fefor the little girls. ^I^ad and Laiuic Shop h-.

Downstaira ^^ v rfc f-

______________________________ l _

Pairs „ E: SCUFFS ^

uich. iho« (T ^ p k ^

in tj , r r ^ ^ ~~

'p 'l. .. DownxtairB S > l « ^ T S i s j t i 6 S 5 a ^ ^ '

u rd a y,,...

i f lIT be sole ... d ivia

- ~ i ifirst

FORT HA]S i z e 9 0 X 1 0 8 ..........S i z e 9 0 X 9 9 ..........

-------------- S i z e - & l 'T T i e 8 —S i z e 8 1 x - 9 9 .............S i z e 7 2 x 1 0 8 ..........


3 9 c or !3 r h o m e u s e , t o u r i s t c a m b e h e r e e a r l y — t h i s v a l


$ 4nlzGs nhrink-m re wcnritiff H

■ •E


L a d i e s ' C re p e

G O ^

iL ingerie Dep'l

\ M ain F loor »t>

SPECIAL , . . Fl

All Ladies’ ^

. Our Gre

lie e tsI d a t s p e c

d e d a s f o

8 0 0t qualityILL SHEETS........... .................. 1.69.................. ;..........a.69

............ „...h59-----... : .................... :...1.59.......................... ...,1.59


3 f o r l . 0 0i m p s , r o o m i n g h o u s e s v a l u e w o n ’t l ^ t l o n g l

ssit(ti!s r ;s ismss!s!m!si

" * IG r o u p B

Bpe a n d S a t i n M

wm- I 5 . 0 0 j

These a re b ro k en nlzca ofour b e lte r jrow ns, includ- ^ Inff iitylwi by . . .


—and o th e r fam o u s m akes. ^

All f ir s t q u a lity tra rm cn ta ^ -ta ilo red and lace tr im m ed i ty le i In aano rtcd ahadeg. ■

F R ID A Y an d S A T U R D A



• R egular 4A r«xJ QU»lity eotton ribbed brlff. *nd crotch. 6 l i « of vmAll mfdium

M en'$ D e p 'i. . .


^ I f f t-ftr e t-R itrh h


^utest Spi

an dcial pric illows:

I T Y P E 145 y i n s l i g h t


1 ;t w o s i

I 81 X 108

»w j T he ir re su la r it ic s o f ^ an d will in no w ay im P w ea r o f the«e 140

sin t m ain ly o f small oi f e th re a d , . . now is the


Pure SilJ98c

y L arpe aquarea of pure ^ , Bilk in co lorful pat-


i / HAND P A IN T E D ^


\ 49ci J'oft ch iffon .’(quftrM In 1

if real value I

\ y

I T S .................

49c V a lu es ' - if. m-Ilii f lm ie top, Doublf frnnt *Tl »na l«nrt _ .............. ......... .......... J

.. Main Floor f



ecial of S

Pill<c e s I

^ 2 0 — J40 SHEETS Ii t i r r e g u l a r s i

m — Is i z e s o n l y P

- 81 x 9 9 I

j f these sheetB nre sm all P m p a ir f ro m th e usual Io n ? r k ^ .flh ce ta . T he flaw s con- I oil o r soil spo ts o r a h eavy le tim e to buy and save l

^ C IA L ] _________ __

84 BRENTMi>gular 13 8 Values!jery one Ib F IR S T Q U A L IT YdcfiiRn. 45 inchcs wide a n d a re 2^^ (lotted top fo r cu rta in rod . Natu: a l of thene whten you see them .

Bedding and Drapery De

A - IG r o u p ' i : ;

l k _ ^ i r f s . |

M ain Floor Ready-to-wear

Dep’t. ghan d paintw i dci>i;rns—a

. V a OFF t

35*^ s i!

S Ki - 1 , -

Sheets ah

ow C

P | ( A Y ______

lO O R 'Lace P

T Y !2^^ y a rd s long. Roinforccd selva;r' i tu r a l almdf! only. You w ill w an

D ept. . . D o w n sta ln '

i l r a c i A LI MTiite T

I Sport S

I L 9 9^ 'A F am out Nam e f.** brand

• R egular TS8 vali' t \ ■ p - Well made of fine fabr i i —every one bears the la!

of a well-known maker* quality garments — Go parel

^ M ain Ftoor Readi


^ irl08031eii!s HANDKER

i!r' • Regularm e -------------------------

^ ---- -Viriuus ■.............................'3 ' i LlmitlZtoCim f r M e n '$ S l i

id Coses



$ 4II tE o c ii';

. rT a i l o r e d

;h i r t s

dy-io-w ear Dep't,

k 3 0 t i t e = ;

{(2DEFSr r _ •- !

fitomersl 1 4

Page 17: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

^ ^ ~ A v i a t o r

^ S i ^ n s e d m i :Bv Sky Discs

g * y l J ! r t ^ »tr»nw OblecuJ t •ero tt t to In W ialp-

KU .m o r t b u tlooe » •

■g S ^ 5 a ^ T » c - 5 i 5 u i F ^ '*<**7^bd ''o r 'tlm ar«nd -hm i-*

I f ^ t o x e m i a . ^^ L i t e d quMttoned by the

1 ^ 'L — n « t - t a i » « - - - ............

B n t flTtnf Objecu, Arnold wera nice la oum*

'^ i T V ^ W t - e r i w - l O O - l e r tKiTA'i'O

JS J iSS5 Ih tp ed •om elh iiS Uk» f • S T S G a b o m b e r . b u t’h»d a F r* ,

*urfM« I.-- '^ ^ Menwd to periodic- ,

S ,*« r3»“u!ru„K. ^

irtahi** If r^ ^ ^ OV&f the _S f ^ e S d ' C i t j r i

H, U »1K) oonTlnced lh» t other A l l^ J L ^ r e o o r U d In OM »Jty nnd A i *S S S *re rcOated to Uw ny- l o s AN.^iKS. AnBfilM la

b# hM t*U«d with 45J ,qua«^ S ^ e r p U o U wbo h»T9 reported an Amtrl.S P^P 'o >«S l b o u to n * - t e D ih o f th e ^ Unc Angelw eS . W W W lM ly ,^ K i‘^ u ^ ,e,i.S «bd hurt oem the object* KennethI S m » r t« l the f»ct. ., , . to the eoijS M l d o p e r . t » » n « « « ^ t o ^ ^ geles cltj

M Dour* » yc“ m * I n ^ t w ^ e jip^n, j,drtln* wiulpment to the PaelUc jjormftndj atinrert rtateg. "Maybe

ATTEND C O N T O W C * Preildent

r a ® * ? l 7 ^ d ^ T cf. Brown *nd M r - >?«• f; h li demw3 T e went to mode lars M B»pU*t lU to convention m concrete i

from tbe B*pU»t ehureh

IG A L -A D V E B T IS B M E N T B . C a n c i

wnnci TO q P tTpM , § 6 1I W r PBODXT* OODKT O f THE *< •catrnT rorT inH r*LL B .FrA T*or m u r t / S « o r ROr BTBEt DtCEASra.M m b h«T»tT **»»» »>T «>• JOlmiOO.

S in« r»!U n«nk A T nat BqIIiIIu . T»h> Mrs. CfC i,CoB.irof Twii.r«iii,Buu«»M.J». Lee. Mra

toW Aprt ja i m T ^ ' ■WUlluaD.M APrt. ^ ^bkhWUta of t t t l h u u er Qm bUM .

»■ »»■ '. ItEAD.T

^ - 3 ^ \ H o i w e - f r g

KT h e re a r e o th e r sa v ln ffs i too , PAvinRR o f y o o r tim e , thfc j s w c h o p p in g , a n d m a n y o th e r e x p c r n H om e F r e e z e r r e a l ly heW s you P lu s th e f a c t t h a t t h e f o ^ Is . . . a t y o u r r i g h t h a n d . . . w h ci f r ie n d s d r o p in , o r y o u w i h fo s o n fo o d a .




O R Y O U B M O N E V C H E E R l



, Spring Skiii

. • ' . ' f w J t f v •••-■-.

n tp r in r w eather aad p len tr of aaow tr« Taller rtcenUy. Here W ayne Poutsen ( . Bqoaw raUey ti alxnalles oorthw ett s

TinuTSigiS ! l^orH 11 Gone in L. A. 'ConfVNOELES, April 38 yr>-Lo3 VT Is a bis c ity and lt.i area. l i e

ire mUes, Is the Inrgeit o t Tlcari elilM, bul—«> many , * ‘ . have made oft wlUi Los worUiWMl city lim it elKM U ial nono ^

I, or M ■ saya CouncUjnan iia rry u j I Hahn. H ahn pointed o u t .council today th a l Los An- >t-1Ity lim it a lsns have Iwen In A ustralia. New Guinea.Berlin, London irnd on the

,<ty beachhead. 'Be tha f* good adverUslnit ‘s Anjelee." « l d Council It Harold Henn-.Councilman H ahn prewcd land tha t the lim it 5lKn.i be S " ” - ’ irge and firmly embedded In 5® *^ "I" , .0 B .„ CM.'1 6 , .M C ,


cer—Rictures--------- :et a t Murtaugh pAKLETAUOH, Aprtl as - Mra. a«e waa irPemer and.M ra. OU?er W. known oi J. co-chalrmen';;or the can - to Mra. re, have announced th e can - street. I t u will be ahown a t the high by memb I t 2:30 p. m. Ptlday. partm entleltcn aollcttorg are M n . rolman, Mra. OeoTBB Galley, INTI lecll Thornton. Mra. Leroy GLENh Ira. C. Barke*. Mra. MarUn Nlm*. «i , Mra. Clyde M cParUnd. Mra. Ferry acl I P ra tt. Mra. Leon Pickett d a y . to ) •a. HCW7 TolmwL . nnrmal #<_________ ________ teacher* 1

T IM B^N EW S WANT ADS. n e rt yeai

. iT^s a 80*""* I PER D/

, I HOMEg e* e t J^ — - T h a U s - a l

a n d m o re

rePuHms> C T T C I » b u y m e a ti y t K ,

'OODSS o h e re ia


a s t h e ' iso l ln e ' u a e d In e n s e s on3U a a v o m o n e y . - s a lw a y s t h e r e cn i l 'f t r a ln in t ; , f o r o u t o f s e a -


• JT E E D B h O M E ^ ^

R F U L L Y ■ f r e e z e r ^


ling In High Sierj

■____ _

• trom U at w lntei'i heaTy fall, b rou ih t m extent** a “Held J ra p " while Cayl* t t s f Lake Tabo« b CaUXonila'a Plae<

rthwest~IHusic~ 013 nferenee Picks Re lew Executives i.nSm

Telctcmfr n -E . April 38 w — The of spokm t Conference of Mualclana, m nua liFL onfftnlratlon. relected x iieL. need, SeatUe. president In mor^ Ua. Charles Rubyn. Aber- or whotIt. L. MeCullen, Spokane, and Morw cim H amilton. EuB«ne, were before t1 Tlce president*. Tlie rconferenee-lnclDdea looaU-ot by wire

antrlcaa PoderaUon of Mu* ue . PortI In WoshlnBton. Oreson. bers tri'and DrlUsh Cohmibla. .......... once mWalker. Olympia, was named old acqi

iry-treosurer and J c ^ A. Super. Tacoma, serseant-aUarms. Bunge,members elected were Charlea a t the l

>sner. Olympia; Charlea Best, of con:d'Alene, a ad Howard Rich. Morae (

n d . wire be-— New Ye

~lVlinor Fire 'a z r , AprU 3»-LllUe dam - .* <*Pvaa caused by fire of un - T *.) orlfln in a barn belonslnc i J l;r». P . J . Lake, west Main BOIS, I t waa ertln«uUhed quickly incorposmbera of tho Oakley fire de- th e seclent and. Tolunteera. • Queen :

NTEBVIEW8 TEACIIEBa a ^ H .^ENN8 PERRY, April 3 » -n a y and Ho

■uperlotendent of Olenns Uam H. achoola. was in ’Albion Tuea-

to Interview atudenta a t -tha «»1 eebool in . an effort to secure . 8PIU era needed Tor the lota] ichoola EUla byear^_________________________ b^slnes


E FREEZER! ........s -a b B o lu to ly -r iR h t- . . .4L 'fl c o s t l r ) to r i g h t n o w f o r N O T o w n in g a A lm a n a c H cfc rc n co B ook c s t im a n i ly o f f o u r c a t i 2 Iba. o f m e a t p e a t s I n q u a n t i ty , y o u g e t p r c l Bave y o u 15 c cn ta to 20 c e n t s p c t a . . . t h a t 's a s a v in g o f 3 0 ce; b i a s . . . w h e t h e r y o u f re e z e y o u i r f ro z e n , y o n c an s a v e a t l e a a t e is 4 0 c e n t s s 'd a y you c a n e a s i l

d That 40 Cents Pei y for an 8 ’ 6 -E Homi

..............- l i ) -



i r r a ■ YoutlBy

, ALBIO! River otflcera 1 Y « t . attended LDS chi lA~dUcuj children

for «U m akers i

th e ohUdi

w il l E autA*y-~)tell th e c

<t«ken of Rocks est In

7AIRVBem ardldayad a ^ h te r


" j - ■ ■■ ■■ - - .T - . ' ■ ' j

■ - n i

ifh t akiera ea t t a n in aatta a t a rle T arnustw and VJ Caraon ■later eounty. ; __________

a ’i'elegrapfiffi^ - Reliye Memories |*OKANE. April as (av-T he In- . . . |

empire chapter of the Morse 1(troph club elected C. E. Prarler Iipoknne p ru ld en t a t the club'a - I jiU banquet. ‘ Ile m eetins brought togeUier ^ B them SO telegraphers, many k'hom up p e d ou l Uie news tn M code on hand u ta In the days. [ I J rc th e teletype machine. l Ule meeting here wn* connected »lTo«llh elmllar group* in S e a t- — PorUand and Nampa. T he mem- ■ • • . tried th e ir hand a t Uie “bug" nScn s more, ticking ou t freetlng* to 1 acquaintances In other cities. u ^iperlor Court Judge Louis P . i v a Ige. a form er U legrapher. *poke h e banquet on the development I K communlcatlous since Samuel •se Ilrat fought to get a ,telegraph " » betw een W aahlngtcn. D.O. and m*x,, r York City.

apers Filed foi Little Queen MineOISE. April S8 WV-ArUcle* of )rpomUon have been filed with secretary of sU te for th e UtUe

^en m ine of A tlanta, leorporators of th e t350,000 firm H. L. Liston of Yakima, W ash,

1 Harold M. Oreenwald and WU- n H. Launhard t. boUi of Atlanta.

GOES TO W TOM INaIPRJNODALE. Aorll.SB — .S tjv r ■s b aa been In Wyoming o n ' a inea* trip .



B tlng- y o u f o r t y - c c n ta - - .......: a h o m e f re e z e r . T h a im a te s t h a t t h o a v e r - i t p e r d a y .- W h e n y o u ) r t j e i r e d p r ic e s t h a t1 p e r p o u n d . L e t s a a y c e n t s a d a y . A s f o r

o u r o w n o r b u y th e m •l a t 1 0 c e n ts p e r d a y . ' .t s i ly s a v e .

'er Day WUI me Freezer!

X •


th Plans Set ^ y LDS Officials “ r sJN. April 2 8 -n iB L D STU ft Olsen sp- lake prlmaiy teachers and ‘ending

fnm i Elba. Almo. Malta. Uie LDS ublett. Moulton and Albion = ^ 5 ^ I a union meeting In tho g>«5Cw> nurch In Albion r«enU y 5m s-p Ja n r-tO t-aU -p rtm ary f t ---------I In the su k e . , ^ 5 f the coming event* pJanned g

TrallW ldera and Home* ____

• ^ ^ ” m e roSnlng of May IS gdren will meet a l the Pioneer &ent In Almo. gEames, early pioneer, will 5 -hU~«>llnctan-.ot. rtHw;:*pd.ch lld n n Indian and pioneer £ k l lA fter lunch they will "be 3

w a trip through Uie Olty gcs and other polnU of in ter- Bthat vicinity. ' ^

IDES TO POCATELLO SiVffiW. Aprtl SS-Mr». Emil g ^ai. sr> I* spending a few 0 %■Isltlng her son-in-law ,.and g V pr. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. LewU. (flmlly a t Pocatello. g 6G0

TIM^S-NgyyS ViTANT ADS. & a x »

@ Enjoy Ihe whiskey thots

f f l mM M lOOC ro t TW WATOUUN

i T H r " ” ANr llMlraegk lUi *i(iifBjmooAdriak-

- e t t r ^ ^ io io s v m n

riO N A l'D IS T ItllU rtO D U C Tt CO IP

AEMOVf A N T t - n i n i


_____________ FftT tltS ______________


PL E A S E D R IV E C A | l £ F

p t » Lff* Y oti S a v « M o y Bl

TE U . OP TRIP » na i . Aprtl a» -M r. and M n. PAUL,d Darrtnglon told of Uielr Doh Ore<0 Mesa. Art*, and WlUlam a io n bespoke on prayer lo thoee a l- U ge hojpg a sacram ent meeting a t well I* t15S church_ ^________________ M n. Tom

ja c o c c o o t a o o o t x ^ ^

L I N O L E lr m m e d i a t e I n s t d

o f

INOLEUM -an d - (M e ch a n ic s A v a l la l

—You Name Tho TUi - . . . . W on Be Therej.

V I L L A G E F l50 M A IN A V E . S .

3 c c i » » 3 0 o a c » o o K ! o n « l ^ ^


IAN OH (vuY lom i

M t I 6la4yeind)i<i»tUtrididrtak» i— Freffl M f M sy ftnrD i krtad 0 HXr b 'a a l h i j j ^ t r e e l i l l d n V

tPOIATIOM. HIW yO «K .M . % . «S)|

{ - ■'J' ^



O t l O U N O I .

EFUllY .. . . / BcYourOwnI UTAH

. " ............... 1 1 . . . ■ _

BIRTH AVNOUNCBD J' ""JL. Aitfil 3S-M r. and M r*. J t C3reenwell are the parenta o l , -I born nccn lly a t Uie C oU TO «lospltal In Durley. Mra. G reen- ■■■■I* the daughter o t Mr. a n d I i l lrom Pelton, «r. ................ ' ' I W

f d l l o t i o n g ^

I ■ ' E

- c a r p e t in g -mlia b le I

Time H » r e j ~ ..................... . . 1 ^

FLO O RS !P H O N E 1 0 2 2 ^ W .. | . ~ m


L i"

r / C b I I I M - h

ri f ^ K i i i N A - ' wtO;

Sunny Brook r%l

i« r to o p


I t ' s t i ^

f o r S p n

C h a h ^ e H

S e n r ic

U t o c o D e

c ;— ■— ».— — —

^ P fflWE



R A D lA T O IH b ff ^

t o i l ” r ¥ f 1 w T i T e

C o i H N 9 M o I * ; - . V - 1

d R i R ‘ s i ^ C E ;b il»! i | t

t h e W E ^ S lA R G E r t , EXCLUSIVE.-fUBMBlS '

mC A R O T I. t t W J C p W ;

f. .fwn crti*l nifnnur h^,

" i

r i O U A N b E R I Z I N © . : : : "i« w o iU 'i lI n # iic lM n ln g p ,^ . ' . ^ y i r a » t p r a T n ( « » H M - - iJInary eJMnlnj^ . ' . .

R E P A I H I N & / : ;

f E rp t r f F u r t l t n > U * h f * » 9 ;

Il'iw fcS' I a 4 « 'v l

fB ended M w o t t v r t o n t k V f •:a k r ' t t a r a n a r ' d a j r i t ^ ] ‘

B N D -w -B B w a -T O in t-J tn iis . _t o . . . \ 7 - ,'■•■". I

' r m H t u u ^ '■

-V .

• b y e r -


s d l e i ^ l |

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Page 18: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#


PpC-yemlin Loses ^!F ace as Berlin IpBlockadeEails

By T he A »*ri*led f f t n ',r ;

th ^ fS o n U n —pCTh»P»^ iw««t cnublne » h»» »ur/er«l *ln«I"*' Iba tn d of World w U-

iT ■ Tbo »cUoa conflnn* w hal ob* ^

" ‘ E ' ! L ‘r , . ^ b r u . *

-■ - ic* d « ^ m so»yj*tT x*t*«r d riw w ***«P Europe—

• *nd U « « t of 0 ^ !&» been reroaed M ■ gl»nl bluff. A •m e tu in ln* point c*me * lih tno f.

— iiuU ll»U on of th e A m cricM -c««- 'ted Uld Brttlsh-supportec •Irliii. •

- ' r X u r t t r t w ith the . ir llf l w d «■ mchleve ihe lr « ta s of drivln* ihe n

' w ts l from Berlin, lhe R umI»m h»d ct o d S t an . c t KhlcJi m U hl r«- |,

— n i l In w tr; T h e r did no t dare j i take ^ t t rUk.- AmerlcM alrpower took over the i i xo)e th « l #e«po*er held In the Iw t , 1 ecntury. « “ >• enforcer of , i forelfD policy. e V - r*»ored F oko t ' ■ 0«ner« l Lucliis D. Clay and Am-: *w....rtnf Robert Murphy believed in■■ iMfl the R uulans vere bluffing and >|r- -^S u Jd no t resort to force U, keep ,t th e ir blockade on Berlin. They rec- ,

omniended an armored column lo ,

W uh lnatoo and particularly the !. did no t believe the riik was ^(. JuRlfled. ___ . ___ _ «u Clay, then on h li own. orderea | ■i - tb e a irlift tnto opera Uon. ,' i The lif t co»t lives and tn i r i n l ^ , I, Bwntha w u kept r>ln« m<^ly by

•heer e n u ru e . Bul It worked, and


■howdovn. They looked upon H , ■ to pn ire w hether the United B u tea ,

I w u in Surop* to «uy , to »lwwf— v b B tb a- th ey could oeuat o a A m eil- ;• . c i b e l p If they oppowd the R u i-

. "*“ *■ X m p a T O M B e a r tm n th* United SU tce stayed

S w k b ^ dwplt* the ^s a d d u n r . wc«lcn> Europe took

forcM tw n w in k mbedud* n o r* actlTa.

^ tia R u a U n i w«r* f w out on • ;*» tM r p r a t l f e Umb. ^ y

co ly drl»e tb* w ert cu t. b u t wie»k T tD fauu* e a tb* Oerman* who tfd « l w ttb tb* wert. Etbtt n>*nnw oC th rea t and boart w m hurled and KdTwtl*ed th rom hou t Europe.

Thi* Ude of TltupeiaUon h a i toe* c a fCT t

■Xtt tb r tr d ta to d * 1& tb ln r i i r * *««htnn wltboQt n l n t a i *sy a t ^ t b c b o « t« l *odi H » t r t o M ’ 6am baA dow n. n wUl be * crtp-

—a , ^ ttow to BoTlrt prertl*e. W*»- « m wbo feared SoTlet power will now iMtn to th e wert.

.1 a u t s a Europe'* •atelUtcs cannot ha te Dotlo* tb* w eakciln* B ortrt ^ Th* eumulaUT* effect wlU

4------a r t b* dUfIcnll to aaM** for- month*

- •-'' M S ? ——f-Jer n o t only In SerUn but. aU

I E urop* .__________________

Teacher ResignsPA U U AprU i t - H n . K »rl Oet-

ton . fourth srade teacher in the P au l crade schooU, has resumed because o t her lieallh and Mr».

— X «a>*th Fenton, n u p c rt. h as be«si------- « n t) lo y « to f in the poiitJon. Mr*.

ren to o tr a d u a tn i recently from tb*------S o u tn e rm a th o collcire o f Edocatton

-------- irA T b W « srb f« « 3 iT ie r flaor* th J rweek.


LEGAL A b V E W lS E M ^ T S- r«4<rml Wrrk* A*«»-7. rabllt Bolkk

U ft A*mtoiitt.U«. U« DhUk* XntlMW. t i l (I. fl. Cmrt llsoi*. *Mllk 4. WMhlr.rt»s. Arm V. feW..

----------- In' »A piIr«urvnrrrT w »t^ i i iMi^i>trv«PflWklr tiT fur«’uKiu« (Sa m»u.rUk. «b4 p*Tfor»lM « • »"«V (□» Urlr*.w«7. >ii-) Mucnrr R'lxlr* *1 IIm

• U. *. r . O.. n-rlrr. ldi.l-0. I" •Irt'tPB-OIV-I. Aptll l.i l»«t. •»< <p*»lan (U w ) Mnth>n*4 Uxnini >U IW m -

' wni «o*<IU«o. 4.U4 in x . «l. l»«l. A»< «mlal M>t H. m «

I a ^ in a t ie iuiM m- Uw olllet oTIh* DlrUkn er r^blla IlnlMlnci A.tin1nM>«tlnn. Ib>m Kft. MT.‘ L«R>a>T< llalMlns. w.iStwrun D. c. U W . FninKKi:. nm.i-nPgbltolii April SK W. IHI,

T l i l


= ^

Quick Action ^---> iT O .“ ABrtl"3*-A“ f l » ta -a - Hc J S S e d > ‘ John W**eman Jv u e*Un*ut»h*d quickly T u « - day ereo lD t by W « « i m ^ other* who threw olrt on th# J

w u parked. Th* w tit end n w jw p r o t e c O o n d l i t i l r t U M .t^ ,^ . ^ the blaze wm out upon the tr - n «rival of , Uie ^uipment. of^

------------------------------------------------ fUl

New Testing - . Lab Opens to £ DevelopFuel S

DAimMOBZ, Md.. April 3S OJ^h- ^ A giant modem reiearch laboralory y,, for th* developJDcnl of fuel for -drtaBv" *uta»ol)llet ot the future ^ M weU M for the *d*»ncemeBt of , more economical and pom rful g*»p-, line fo r present-day car* .wm dedl- cated here la « nl«ht by the Amer- “ I tan Oil company and tl* U»oclat«. Pan American Heflfilng corporaUon. -

An oUtManfling Jealure of the M laboratory U * "mtchanlcal n o d « ' which more* while lh* car stand* « .till and which can duplicate an^ “ eonflltlon encounUred by, automo- » ' b tlu on the Wihway.

Eren Wind FroTlded RBy ad ju jtln i the.eontroU. th*

’road” can be made to almulat* any de iree cf ascent or descrat. rldlns twlsUsf currei or. straight­away highways. In addlUon. a dyn­amometer jffOTldts t e a d ^ d j or

^^1w m l^-o^ Tmliuc retotlilwi------loertfa. centrifugal force, momen­

tum *nd frteUon u w tU . u the effecU of tempertture, humidity and ba ranetrie pttssnr* ean be m e u - ur»d by dalleaU ImtnnnenU m ounu ed tn thb laberatoiy.

T*rt B«eD lo e ln M O ther feaurei of lh* Uborttory

Include a alngle-crliflder test room for standard *ntl-knoek detennlna- tion and b u le motor fuel retearch. J p i e . labcMtonr eor*r» approxl-

nJIUty «;x)0 square feet and w u la the plaimlng i t a e more lhan three yaar* before the it* rt of actual constrticticB .-U -een b*-<xptoded. to twle* lU p rtten l i i n if added space Is desired.

Filer Residents List Visita, Trips

r a m . Aptu n - u i * . k . p . Bh*i-don. Denver, ts vUlUng * t the boffis of h e r brother. S its Coate*.-M r.-*B d-M r* -*enn* tb -M *dfon lh a w returned frooi a trip to BaU Lake City. M n. Klenon Jacobs re- turned w ith them for a visit.

Janice Ramsey, Marietta Ander- •on and Duane RaoMyer have re- eumed the ir studies *1 Unfleld cot- J*#*. McMinnville, Ore., afler tU ll-

b b f reUtlTM bert. r RaUtlTM tram Kew Ptynoutb Tti-• tt«d M r. and U rt. Xettb Rarrey- recently.- Mr. and Mr*. J. T. P tlen m . Bolt*, i and Mr. and M n. Paige Medford,

Grace, were recent guests a t the t K tnne th Medford home.* Mr. and M n. R. J. Ebenole tpen l ll ■•teral day* with relaU rn In Poca- s tello.

J ; Arco~Infinx-------CamAR CRAW. Apri^.3S-Mr. aad

M n . naro ld AUrtd, accompanied by h ls lin e r, Mrs. Charlotte A. Ood- frey. who U tUlUng here from Cali-

-■ fo m lv tpen t a fn r days yltlU ni le th slr daujgbtcr *nd family. Mr. and d Mr*. Dale Adnmton and baby of «. M enan. T h n reported Ihal eprln« a wotk.J*.lar,t>fhind th* t her*. TH*y a. u ld also tha t bualneit men a t Idaho I* PU I* . aay tha t between 300 tn d m 400 people frent the w l have been J r -ponim fm 'eT try-B ionin-in-aiitM t-

paUon o( wtirklng c t th t atomlo p lan t a t Ateo. ■ ■ . t

B. ____- READ TnOg-NEW fl WANT APB.

i l W W W W W A

i • L I N O L E U M S - • C A R P E T

• T I L E


i Floor Coverings G &G FLOORS

^ m 8b**b*M N. rbeg* n i » I

" w w w w w w

Senior Scout Troop Formed By T. F. JC s

' ' a new aenlbr 8 ^ t tm p '. ipbo- fored by th e Junloc-C ham ber o t Commerce, wa* organU td Tuesday n igh t a t ft m eellng-tn the basement of the Eptaeopal church. H any Moore w u an>olnU d aa .Seou l guide.

Jayce«s serving on the Scout tom - m lU M 'lr ic lu a * “O eo ii* ~ IIr« n a« ^ Robert W arb*rg. NewaU NeUoo. Joe Boater and R alph Barrl*. Mem­ber* of th e new senior troop are Sob RuMell. H arry Moore. Jerr? T ty lo r, Dick nobcrt*. Joe Cypherand - M a y n a r d -C U if - ..........

T be type of u n it to be *et up w u e iscuucd and i l w u decided th a t th e troop would resister u an out* f i t Dick B oberu w u elected sec-r e t« 7 'tR a a u re r . ....................

T h e ’ im tt, divided Into crews in ­cludes a ir crew. Cypher a ad Clark; tn d explorer crewa, Russell. Taylor and Roberta.

T he Episcopal church basement ha* b*«n..selected u . a .tm p o ra iT m eeting place. Any young m an from IB to IB In terested In Joining the u n it I t In rlted to a ttend lhe next m eeting a t 7:30 p. m ..Tut«day. '



FRIJ f ’*

i , _ — = = =




T I M E S - N E W S i T W I

: Paul MIA Ends I__ Seasotfs-Events

PAUU A p r U ^ » ^ ^

' a aeason't meetings tbto week w ith « charte of Mr*. L > w m w

" r The program included number* i f ; by the O uardlna Beehive girl*, five

of whom. Darlene Loveland. Delma R ^ “Lyl»'Bo«worth.-Jo Ann-’Ih o m - M and Joeene Jone*. were g lvo i honorbad tefc .Two skit* » « » P > ^ •ented by the G atherer Beehive glrli.

Soloists were Evan M errill, trun j-w -

<«• mood Bpteler. tajKWhoof. represent-.<»* Boy Seoul troop M . A rtad ln c « w2i r v e n by Mr*. LoU Carter,

trto sang and *Mik w c *

: 5 F U R S Tr t : J l Y ear'ta r* ar* *tot«d e a • « rlor ^ medcTB eold *t«r««« v*8lt la i

W CLEA N IN G , B E PA Il'KIT W ai-iow -> a«B er rale*.. (





r -\^ ra d e <

V A V A IL A B l

B U H l

D U N <— P A 1 R \

ZY3 I B 7 ^

iii>iT*TrTrnmrT Ivw cM czaM m m rM n jf f l


T N F A L L S . I D A H O

Visit RelativesI . PAIRVISW, AprU 3*-Mr-* M i t O t to H atarh*ro-retnm *d from• a two-week tr ip to CallforaU. They \ TlsUed Mr. a a d M n. Sam Crlimore I f t c itv . h a r sister*. Mr*.

i»nm a Held *od C l* » E ubu la 6 « l r I ? m g ip a ~ t tte tra «ughte rt iB d t * » - , Ulc*. M r. and M n . Jerom e Rocslter and Mr. aad H r*. Alvla Eaye*.

- given by^tb* S u U d s Beehive girl* L aad th e junior girls. A eonc by the . M-Men *nd tb e Oleaner Olrl* eom-

* * * p S i^ tS » u w O T serred by the g *U offleert. Mr*. U w reaoe Mellor.r, Averin Oreea. Mr. Hamblen. C leavtt

Maxwell Mrs. Melvla G mwell aad « M n. Je rry Baaner.

q r a g e Sp pnm ltf* to Ch* fteert. «a**t J .Idab*. %IR IN G , R E ftlO D E L IN G kCall IU for bonded lautcBur. k

IR S H O P j

i s J CO F Y O U N G ' S

i\lK A ’L E I N ~

u -


■<* - f ■

4 - H Q n b O r g a h i z e a ^ By Fairriew Girls“ PAIBVJrW. Aprn » - A group of

c lrttm i^*ttbeboo»oIllrs.A rtbur

s- SJ,SSSS.*25‘bS«*Sr-- ________ • 'ex Tliey elected P*tty Tverdy R td -

denL Bercrly Sehroeder. vice pred-

■*" B "iin tf~ 0 «i*ldtoe—Dell<-r*port«r.Other Butaber* are Dixie Le* Rlcb-

he ------- : ^

He ' "" ' ' - 'V ’ ' ■'or.


■ Around the world.

I are famous for top

W henever y,ou'rc t

from the bottle witl

thirstdejires! Gets




■ i^H ig h In F a v o r

's/lien HMriy."tml£ft.“bUitIl't“liT( and a xni ihn'i in i dm ill Iu i b<auKWhfti llnrti—u)d otilrU’ —i» le^iUj uhj! x/r«, iV ful pin nf ih« wh«sl. Bilt4 nt/r

H F o r a G o o d y '^G oB kl

aFr*nch Tooii

Slrowbti Cocoa

* r« m A , 5>f/r;tnd »!1bw to itind in '/

I S p * * r y

fTU»v«, Jo a n Btowart a n d B a rb « i

Ia“ “ —i----rt - Play8,BreseiitjEd

S ALBioir, .April a B - t to eo*

u ^ S * Y o tm t< T toea^.M utual .LnpraT B aent.aiid^

• tloa Toeadar a t tbe LDS chorcb ^ T b e 'p im wUcb'liKUdea'iaiQRctr x |. cast. wer« under tba'dbvcUod' o ur- Mr*. Victor B«rr«U aad U n.'U az: ler, cart.-3a»a-iiTnT*m , ,wM folUnw :b- da a d a t to tbe LDfl recreatloo Itan

R Q U A U T Y . . . ; ^ VI

( ^ 5 ^ H | K w o A t


ld_... or' 'arouad the comer**... O top quality and for real diirst-<| rc thirsty, refresh yourself widi with the Onada Dry shield. £ojo} «t some today!


W m m w t

»r B e c a u s e o f ltd

Iuo»n.3hat? Cetnfuffllihcayouw^c.IrU hen Keiro t*l food wurtO of th&.viiV moit fliwt. /Uror4«/Wof oooniluai•tiriiioMt. w l »oon.i.lt ««» eoly *ho

‘G o o d M o r n in g * * B r e a J ^ a s t ,

Sparry W heot Haort*» i J*l(y Crisp Bacwt urbtrrie* with Minted $VBV*. Ceffa* Mnk ~ 't*r; Crush I iprifi fcwh mini until l«ve* *f 1 cap fcnftuUifd ie«ar for tcrm l hours r r y D i v U U a « l e w e r t i M lU a .••"KinM • Whw ta m • 1* webw"

s: TtraTptiZ*'


f f ® ^


^ u u d a D ty b e re ra g a a

:-q u e o c h in g goodnesa.

S " y o u r ’f i ty « iS T iT O f ~

o y th e m a l l . . . a l l y o u r

) R Y


t o n a v o r T ~ H

— mro‘- a o » - «**» << wii a t — -----boneofihetith tM B S ^--------I v ia l viorwn. EBw « e J o g S p e t i y W b w ) ^ ;ib n t * pcaay a K i t ^ t

il S e n w .. .

are WtU ~,fs bcfprt n l e | . ,

___ __

Page 19: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

^ Y T A P I U I 'S 8 . 10<9

^ r F u i i d Totem | j i e £ _ J a a e d _ ^.Embezzler SSI.rt,(PIA,-W«illT April 28

^ U o a of puWlQ Xundi. p im u .County Pro*eeutor V an a «Ukum

^ jU*d th a , c h trg e i <Uy ouUnj

rfu ioo . A Cub Ipledged h* *111 m ake held i l tbe

i i S r - Hinkle w ld. “Wb a iked the iheme ^ r iw d ld -« .-b u V -» p p * rc n tly o ro u n d w

r ttw n ." party to Ju^ e h a rp d O ra v u In an in - ^ • ^ • aton irttiJ f ra n d larceny a n d _ - - J ^ e U w of in pul>. ]

S ^ V m fo tm erty 'C h ie f• 4* . - - - - — -- not for Um staU .departm B at 1 7 _ . ^S r is d IndiutTlM. th e d e p a r t. 1 ; O F^ttaa w W e h ff ii^ e . aald th a

! "e U KOlns to cooper* J j l f l • wing ovCT recordi w ith Blat«?»Director Eme»t Brabrook to BOIflE. v l=lnf-UlB"«XEcr"fcJJl0Uril~In- i2 ^ OiB accmmU from w hich *»; ilBPproprUUon* were m ade." f f " ” by r ^ S property ur -Dlek" Evereit, aw U U nt to o jpenhlp. Ser u n g lle . aald the m oney . ^ u ^ con«l»ted cf paj-m enU , i f Tftrioui f ln n i to th e »ta(« *,Mi »nd mwU«al Insurance ProblTta fumWi medical a id a a d i" »1p nu payroenU to w orken ta -

J l !? . Ink •• __________ pw perty .^old r3 ie c k w ith flrma ahow- »oetled check* for p a jro m ta Ueh no payment prevloualy h a d P'’

^ S u ^ ’ Orave* wa* a fo n aa rw of the Olympia aobool P*yP"‘y'1 who bad b«en employed by JfM »t eldeDwtment from Feb, J, 1M8, “ Id -the 1

IMB, aft«r whloh h e “ P®" ^TOtlnj for a Tacoma firm . f^7v£2t«H

fjuavM ES n e m oaB . April » - T O e Trwtoraao ®**‘*of the Filer high ichool w en t owned by abwT n»t*lorium fe r th e claas. or *oeliUei

' •................. --- ' od'lheprof}AL A D Y E R T I S E M E N T S

~ ototKAyci wo-,? i« ...,„ D- B»frd 0ffirsiiisf. 5S ?s '‘»>-g ? A ' . 'S S M ’SSfD"2SS forJS

« or TIIK BOND REDEMPTION BURLEY, " S S « f f i S ? O - rO U I. IMlaB l7-4ei «{ Uaha Baltlsiorc.IW. p m lta t u t t i t Oltjr CJMOJ the p u t »

wwnr t tT . t. ta . pr .Ink n« tuv4I knit Btluflw within tli. car- and In lUip

***■tiMttni ¥rM»K7 C«rtl(k»Ui of • ~:tM Buta of Am«riu| >TiA QOlnCAS. ikm la »ew Is Um bond Is* JEROMS

wg.TmntEToaa b e r r K iaoL vco W i n cmr o r Tm H r a iA j . to a . ^ U I mM d ir lsn .1 th* n ia «f iae,«U Ika bo*d lntm*t «nd .<nktu It lU p«T Mlt J tm tm CwUflwU. ■i- tf0 « -8 t« « -B f-A « w 1 e « r '» » « ----------■LM af tka U nt ndcnfUco vid In*

J Bcl tka hnnd r^onpUon *nd lnl«r>.4 la t ^ prr m»i Unlud 8UImrr nil. I •<« tk« 1V«MSi«r • ( m M VJllHW kaifar •vUKrlitd. «srvwn«4 sod

11. . w .m n t on ..Id fcndi I la lh. erdar T«ln lUU Bank

vl^W *-niE UATOR. T ii. Mth 'Apftl. ItIO, V ■ ■ ■

I- -<{S..................

iWtl II. »4I.

■ witk A eup iU lif f* ,V „ i,d 00 ptBC*VJ

ttM Hp

S //t

®* Is Sore !ed at Meeting rp.l6»prU3l>-*n™iouS 1 U’CW u*«l in adTancemenl ^M a t a recent meeUng of ¥ „ S8 .(pon*oredbytheU eih- X I Irch where the pack meet*,lobeat waa nwnrdwl to LOS ANi Olalbom -and Lanrrerco' H frc 'e ene■. and m e *llver arrow to t* lr r . HUtu t and Robert B argi. “ t a llpril Uieme of gardening Po«Unan j-ln-tB rten-m irken-m ade- - j* -« rr« tp iIbi, snd many have »tart«d Commiulor

on a charg.lu lm or plani for ao &U. tlon of m«ig for the Oubi and lhe lr 'In 'iu y - W u r t t ,w ..- S B 1 3 d*«aM,rPpT m lta by deni ih rt# and

^p*ek eommltiee roteUng 'be Ouy Kennedy home aetle of Indian lore lo r M ar **“ *ork for the pacie -blrthduy Jtmi w a, laid *t thi* meet.___________ _ Inspector

■w • >y S OW UJt'

. . I m m m i i t y . ? 5 ? re d 'S «

r Lodges Is ade Qearer r H i. April 08 MV-T a» Edwanti,.“ Ptrw ilaT property owned —■nal organlrailon.1 Is de ter- " ’" Jy Um u»e to which the ^U p u ta n d n e iM ie ly .u p o n ------ ---------

5’ru l'd 'n t Atty.-Oen. j . n . Leg- "each oaM prejenu a scp- >blem and m uit be exam* lew of Uie language of tho ould appear, however, th a t C-b«jroilng_to e m m trm -o f. c, edueatlaial aawclaUon*. lub* or tabor unions would " ' > * 1 ply became of the char-

Ul* organ la ilon . come ie meaning of ta*-f* tm pt

cited an Idaho caw which a: eiempUon depend* w le - "Ul* UM Of Ihe property, H J U upon the owntmhlp. nor

Kter. eharllable o r o ther- Ganllfl* • owner.” , , , ,AW provide* th a t property d J tio n7 iratem al organltaUons m a k ofr eharlUble corporaUon* ,e* ara tax exempt, provld- aolutlc^ r t y ta no t uied 'for bua- “o f aoi

ilBlon wa* nq«c«t*d by E. r«« lly of Mm Mate tax oemoils- lo w s c

WER DEPUTY MBITS RAInr. AprU ^ M r . and Mra.

returned thU we*k from A D A ' 9. where they hav* lived U l I V i eeren m ontha They will

.neka.s lth -ie laU va* b e ra - upert. Mr. Roy 1* a former leriff of Caaila ooimty. ^^ii»w «'

OES TO OREGONIE. April 38--nielm a O tt). dtUOi> Illng her *l*t«r. Ann LoutM O ftA fA ■t NorUiwew OhrlaUan col. ene, Ore.

} g m K k i

J ”*


oeilw n y _ C W W ^ 5 e » ii 'r t3 * ^ ^ ^ ^ E \*6E022iBiei8 1B' ^

— tb* f a j

ss | P | H ^the (ol*«>>****2 iipk \ i f v < 'V

etiroll.Itb Wllbitb bM i J M i p g L ^ V

flM rfu lI O t S W • '“ “ derfu l fl,,

TB P ^ R o o d o „ , i , , b .

< : ; lo d o f u excJiai. p n n u , “CoatroUe«J l

'h e b le n d e /£ t

'* • f f lo td .

z e m p sf ! l ^ f-'»7 * OH<

I T*t

\ 3ros

■e Feet Put Servi red Carrier 1 Ouiet Cell F A in r r

^ service* fANOELES, April IS-i/T) - farmer an >ne postman w hoT tldnT rlnc wtti’Be he 11* trouble I* he didn't ring lhe Comn

Uie Rev.lan WilU»m E. LHlcv. Jr.. Burial wl] » tpied-tod*y-beforr o . - a . plot la th< ilm ter Howard V. Calverlpy north of • Large of deliying and del«n> He died mall. expUliied he 6uffered oltal_vhc

ie Riall man's occupnUonal several irrpore feel,--------------—z r ^ r : smdltlonaluld JU4t get Ured and take not perrai >f the .letters home,” he r« U a t ■ "I never opened any and I Ooodlng. iteiided lo deliver Ihem In The lal< I COUMC of lime." 20. 1888, a:u of bail. U U o' wax irhcre heI jil l to re ji hl^ aching parent*.

tiite r pre'c ton Asld they found near- Survhoi unopened le t im In U lley'a J, -O . Pr

enl. Many apparently con- Pali ch«ck* or blUa. . Calif,-aat--------------------------- four aliU

RES BUBI>X8B TIUT S ? ’’” ' ” H. April » - W . 0 . N uim an ? m-! 1 a recetil bu*lne** U ip to ^ ce City. He wa* accompanied m . aauRlUer. Oerita, and Clyda '• - on leavenarrtl gr** parade ha* been In New «rlean* since 1638. *■ and flrfw

New Vork

SOriEMS __ iR R j y W A T E R

nilo Rain D ropa con* .d e i, rio n i h a rd w a ta r to C O C ko a lo f l, c U a n a in gutlon 1 0 % t_ a tou iA - h u n ta o sp o r d a la r g e n t A p i

illy can p ro d u ce bil- ^n of fa il ic lin g au d s. H M i

nsp . 3

AIN CHII1 h A 0 C $

£1 MAxw


s S 9 1Ju tt the thing for all your H A *uo*dlibet-.U3UScar>Kl*c N w C i«»IJiy //Tuoa.It'»finer. b*ntfta*tia*. S tar. ' • q qK /itT im a now packed a p ,oew, ffiote c o o v e a le a t - D Cwayl No'w you can h iT» ~ th a W -tti tJo ttu n a lo a Utb* «io/ld t t o a io c re u * - -- - M l

■ -—

L-.;_______ w•v 3 E < ^ i« 3 28-(

rv mBiKgeg^v

{ q ^ f if l o r i n , cup o f ' f S

• <’uJJ-bodied ( U io f , I f f l

^ '• ^ b n e i i c o f f iu r * " • ^l l _

« RoM iio#." B*

en rp .tf /> f M B _ ____P«,";ked. fo r utmoat f . '

I Can



1 - ' —(

' .' • CA61• i

— • GOOTt........ Ut X W _ Je«rW lM-ak tm laa


vices Set for ‘•-H ( [owardB.Peci£,Cainas Resident Tvifid^y a

r and nauve of Camiu counly,8 held- A lT p . 'tn : ^Inv-5 Tr«p V ® , ommuiilty church here, with r.r, 1 Uv. Le*lle Cook oJllclaUng, i , , ; I ’. will be made In the family '''';J.,fl"U' J the M ounum v ifw ffm fie ty of -Soldier. ,

died Feb. IB a t a Sou* hot. s rh trc - iio -h a d . b*»n-Ul-ior. J J ‘1 monUM. Until no«-. »noa lo n s-a t-_ th r.- .ccn ie ttty -hn rf l‘9Bic:^__ enniUfd Inlermetii. Tiie body 'a t the Thompson ch*pfl In ng. r iL E n .Ute Mr. Peck waa bom Sept, f i , / ' ,®,'

18, a t Uie old lotrn of Crlrliton * “ '* he tp e a t hi* «nUr« lir«. Hln »

t*. Uirc* brother* and one j l I preceded him tn drsUi. » I

vlvor* Includ# four broihen. n ' Puck. Idaho Falls; W. H. JK m

Palrfleld: C. O. Peel:. W**co. \ \ | -and O . A. Peck. H aiUyi.uid « - - ■tiller*. Edna Peck and Mre. tfice OatklU. iralrfleld; Mr*, f)S. Sm ith. Nampa, and Mn. V ^^<1Ne**, Mishawaka. Ind. A and

er. relative* eoming here for <luneral Are Marjorie Peck, J:»00U*. a n d I'A Clarence Peek. V Vive Irom the navy. ( ’

lUt «J per cent of all eo«l. suit ’tlrfM maker* a re located In X t e t t i'ork.

i MONTE TOUTTOCKTAH^ 2Vi c a n .....38(

JNPS-UNPEELED PANCY- - - - -,PRICOTS,-2y2 c a n .....23<


HEBRIES, No. 2 can ...,29(

ITMAN No. a CarLUEBERRIES ...........SSi

iX W EU i HOUSEOFFEE, lb. c a n ...........57c

'AKZR PUFPBD'HEAT, p k g . .................13c


Baby Food . . 8cBBOO

M I L K 4 5 £ r S 0 c -

WHEAT HEARTSS u r r y 's < 9 A C 28-oz. PkiT. ......... A y ' ’


CORN RAKES 8 o z . . . . 1 5 <

C O R K F U K E S U sz. . . 1 9 «

V iU a n Y -7 U m l t -10 P M l u f i t ..............3 3 t

SHREDDED WHEAT 12 oz. 1 7 <

J U U R M 1 6 0 Z .-------- 2 5 #


S a u s a g e

■ \ ^ c?AN CAMPB

— S A R D I N E ^ ---------------------

tn Tomato o r Muntard



T h e r e ' s A n L G , A .

lUHL • JEROME—Erb Brotherv —City M*M arket —lU-Way

lURLET • RICHPTELE—Economy Grocery —Piper’* < —Shelbr-IM *»-ln- P lk - r r - Pak • DECLO

-S h a w *:A8TLEF0RD . DIETRICH - C A: M rood Servie* . ,:_oi»trtch

iOODINC • FAIRFIEU)- J . O. Pain ter * tS>. —Ray Joc

LLS. IDAHO - . . .

Club a t Cedar PreSE ,w Holds Meeting rr^ DRAW. Aprit se -C edar 1 (OiT and Beef (-H dub met a t Uio Howard Reed home CEDAR elr leader. Carl Hendrix, regular s book* wera distributed to Ornnse i

• I Hour lo ?« ar<> Rl.-liard V»i>-Zai)l«,‘ .- .|t 'w ns i l; O onlon Ueiidrtx, vice' a jalii th i i: Dennl* H ie , sccreUn'.l Tiie ll h Reed, reporter. '.'[loiiwr i

member* - a r t Barbara ,;bv with :arvey Slrong. EUlnt m d u ie r.

Long and O nry Peter*oii. ’n te me lext nirellng 1* tcheduled - la y -i t- tn e H."J.-VMi zante

M B IT IN NAMPA '. April 38 -M r. and Mr*.Beem spent several days \ir„ allvcs a i Numpa.-------------------- ------------------- so r l in j

f r e s hD A IL Y ! .K CKEA.M CAKE . . . llll*. Ohocolala O C ^ H .

Stm w berry ... t t D C ..OrEM VNTa *:»

WA L T E R ’ ^ f t D A K E R Y V

310 Mnlo Ave. E.

[T «10> iJ j iJ iJ iIM > 1^ r il

/ E x t r a - W h i p i i


TANG' c y i H N T

JA R S ..................... ;

Y /\ Pierce*, <8-ot. Cnn iC y A Tomalo

w f 4 Ju i« ■ • ■

4.IAAA1P ic t« w c 6 t L ltU e


P E A SR o y a l G u e s t 'N o . 2 C a n ......................... Zl]

DOG FOOCP n r d , a B u lnnccd « ■ D ie t , P e r C a n _________ A 3

C LEA N SERS w i f t ’s , C le a n s A ny « *■ S u r f a c e , C a n ............ ..... A J l

f S P A R A d u :.S a c ra m e n to , 9 B N o . 1 T a l l C n n ..... ........ .. 3 3

I d e a l f o r P o ta to S a lada , H U N T

N e w P o t

y A I X E y S P H O C R ^ I j

I . S t o r e N e a r Y o u

• FILER .Sarket -F ile r Meal Co. y M arket __________

• RUPERT-D -PoodlandI O rocery —Meacham Pood 8

-D o n * Market

I M arket • TWIN FALLS—J.m w PoodUner

* —Wahl'afPood Ceo•h MarcaaUl* -Turley"* lOA

• 8B05B0.s eMsa* A Son —City Grocery i i &

ssure Cooker 1 Thoma* a

rest Is Planned afU r whlcAR DRAW, April 2» -A t lta Aubrey M ' session, th e Cedar Draw Mabel Bli I gave the O range obllga- R«fre»lu0 Mr. and Mm. W. J. HIrka. membera I IS decided lo 'have an exhibit Bell- and- thU year n l Uie fiUr. Dauer.

Home Ec CQiiimltlee «U1 —r a presMire cooker tesUng Q -iy « Ith detniu to be announced poYted lef'

men will form a baseball team '

XrM rS!!!will havo experienced a

ing crown u n til Mny M.. W e a re buying po- M E8 daily a t th e h ljh o s t 8.



RAY H IR E 'n iO N E IM -W -B U H L

t 'r < f l « b r > t 1 p '_________ /' . j ^


MSO®' y m

i S'Atee&f V—S fjI S :


30C \ Z.

2 3 c |I III

S Seaside ^------ P o r-C an ---------------------■

S08 Siza m

. I

I Del M ont« ' 1

. O S C n , , 1

Green BEiA m Ro-M ay, E x tr a ...............W ' S U n d ard , Cut. No. 2....

D Lunch AAI0 * 1 S w if t’s Prcm ,3 ^ P e r Can .......................

1 I M xed VegeL lbby’i , F in e fo r

* Salads, No; 2 C a n ..........


i C C ^ ' B o t t l eW C arton ......................

rrs_________ __________

t q t o e s

S S S I V E , I N D E P E N D E l

m -

1 sto ta

H R n m p m i M H^ t e r

I M a r k e t ^ * * ^ * B R ^ ^ * * *

- -

J . 0 . H endrix,' jr., Waltar L* and Ray Raedel* in charge . anliatlon. . 8FR1Nlard PotpbU told t«‘o *torles u r i . Dot n'hleh a eklt .wa* prcienteii by — um ed r Moore. Violet Hauler and

^riunenU were *en-ed to 58 era by Mr. and Mr*. ArUiur J . *nd -M r.-and-M ra.-S inm etV

_ O n theli---------------------------- U tah ace

’ 30 adult bloodhoundi are ra- the ir eoo left In England. Young tu

Fofd«Uc*i«w U pp«ia<

Vs. W X S f 0 V*am*.Tb«


® s h o r t t n in g ^ i . ^

y .3 .o £ 9^^ m SARIMe JS---- -------------- ^

---------- W H ITE A N S O'"', : i 8 c H22;^ S S

^ P e r P ack ag e _

J ® ; '®Sierra Pine, P e r Larfffl Bai

OWL TJP : liTs.-

j j g g P . c k . g e ---------

I V ___


paob-nd^ ^ K ^

B e n n k m " , ' ' i ; ' ' "m O D A tH , A pm » r 4 1 r . « D f V 7! >on Mortao and <amU7 biaTv'9d t n a tJU O v-

tb q r a itta d ed t : » getdaff . . Ig aon lT vw ry caletaraUon o t m n ta . U r. and M n . T . X . . . y ;- T h s entlTB-famUr'was t o ^ ~ ToTiBr i im 't iBnn i r n r y w i K- ":: e lr te tu m trip they to ta M - «enlo polnta, aooompanled by on. Qale, student a t B rlgbam ua iven lty .-----------------;■ ------------


ue, tS a r i^ fM d ae o l a > aeaa'ofQ>ttatiS'anMC» "«alu, «*• SeUlUaf ------------- rbe d ivsf v o o tc o ek ooz^...... .............

i n &

''"pom ila r Breakfaat S v A _

KIX - —P . r P k j . „ i 5 * '

S n o - K r e e t nM O ^ i m

^ 3^ 9oc r

b o a H o u sB


B isqakk= =

fE K IN Gn n U tw l S o a p ............. ...... _

y 5 6 c

iJ C I e o n ^ _

l i e

st io a p

riD E___________ » 9 « ..... -

A R C H = = ___ _ l t «

a STOHBS' ~ ^

Page 20: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

^ a a ; r . . _I t! W trs b lt M. Anlmil J»lt7i i B s .1 “ • “ " jf iV rS r."

,f 3S>TMr U. EndUh tchool- K f f f l ™ ’' - -

- . 1{. U lf 41. Conlr*41ot10. Id kddltlOB n . TtrRilMt*

' l i : nSl.r DOWN *• *K lUaat-tlfd-----LOfchin» L 1

~ ~ P " | a i i 1^ p

• [ i r ----------y ' ?3--------------------- u -

■ p r ----------5-------------------------- ' V —

^ aJT ^ sg ^

- p “ ” 55 i r ~ j 8

y?----------- -. 35-------------r.-------------™ ■" 3 T l 3 T J r

— — ^ —

± [ ± y ± i ± i_ APKIL 2S " * • « -


- pain3t/ - ~ A / ( M £ v e e io ceturfI / ^ AIM OF fM \ s ~ A w e a c y ^ ^ i ^

- 1 METTIE COUlo|:^WAND£geg. NOTDWEU. >Y O 'Je«TH 6u fJo ec THAT { I P fice o fROOF AFTCR * .X 7H 6 . - T '

[rtltsRUNNETM _ ^ - ,


/! IS}'''1 \\

-------------^ ^ - g g . .

'T o i l ;rAt h im p iir .r lrd . , . H e ni w o re RinssoH b p fo n > !“



r: i ! n e |^ F je p = ^ a t i

- ' y ^ B h k


- — J m f


'■ ■ l i

•elution er Y«»lerdiy'o f u n t* j . Kzehoir* t. Rtir If

- iv u \„ r - >■’ I. Ulblica] ■ •:]------------------- counlr?*______________ «. Wonl «wa7 ____________ 11 amluUUon rr '*■"'511^“ "^'

n i.lr«w ..................... “

/, -Til* L u l' E ------- — D»ri Ot ,,/ . . _Pom p«ir ‘1

______ ^ n«>»»r OOO- V. I t»ln«r» 1M. Umlji ,•*•

—---- _ tl. Indoor cam*51- Th^pj-jo^ryrM \_

*1. Ill ikvlllUu"’- .

i l lll.israiili)'* n “ ---- '— <1. rr«t»ntljr' “ <7. Kmiiilr.

^ 4»- ConiilKI«llon■ I I I ■mouni

^ .IB

TtSJO IT H O O IT :!)------

B y N E H E R r

■ • t

never fought a m an who

foui• tro


% E ^ ^ W P ^ D S E T , ' sN A tOKELV WIPOvweR,2 £ ? *RW U P APTER THIM KINS IT

OVER ^ l ^ M E SCARl


PV 'tM IS H A & BeeW \ / iN f R C ; SPIK G P SINCE >v (D O N T l

eCADDOCK'O D E F eA T -\\'E M -E ' BUT PD M3U NOTtCE I / ‘ BACI ;V HOW N b R v o u s y I k u r rii> l PCO Pia OpIT I IH ' BEt l A W HENAKIP )■ > M E I, ' ^ / \ \ OCTi; EVEN \ 1 HAVE

f t ' - r x ^


________________TH£ NCWJOKg


> fA . . . . ; j '



" J f y o u WJIIIL y o u r K iirago c lea ^pccinl r u t rn to th is wpi’k—don

C A l t N I V A L 1

r r o ^ s y

‘T e ll y o u r p ap e rs wo hnd th ’ SI 'ound o u t he fee ls Rrent insecii tron jr le f t hook I"

r. V ^ I S FEAR— SH 6 n THROU

J I K B kl l y j J j B a

____ ________ Bj


- y - ' L :


WnJLJAMSfR otjT . r A w e 'v e u v e » > ” lnITBLAM B ^ N .W tT H lT A L t / 1 -B U T T H '0 N 6 9 1 (XJR LIVES /JACK THERE / ANO JU S T L JRRYIW FA<>r < NOW FOUMO A ' RECOIL frtAKS 1 TK JO K E IM fT - J lE iA ii< 3H .'w E L t.v7T H erR efioT y AVG SOME FUM J l SO STUPiO/ / /fTM 7MI5/ ------------------------------ ' '

i i * ' v ^ 8 l 5 y F •

v c I m ...........................

B y G A L B R A I T H

S ’


1 ^

LjB .T^.,eU tM T.<.W . ■ . ,1:k‘aML‘(l, M ra. Jo.nen, wc have ii don’t m iss th o huge Bavin;?!”

B y D I C K T U R N E R

S ^ ^ M |i» - L i

' 1 .. .^ Ii’ S luR ffcr p s y c h o a n a ly z e d a n d ] e c iiritj* Jn t h e p r e s e n c e o f • ^





a v- W A I . T n i R N E Y J


f 5 w D b N T ^ w T wTOOOtS OH HOMKAi ^ U 9 E 1

V FO N 09miXPlAlN|BS PUTU«(fcvsRyrwiNG w . I this wav




I W T ^ l ( M ^ w \

r fiAdVMAV T ITA W t t K BE CIOHT. JW J. \ 6 6 6 WM A<


Y .- A — naiJCK TH ts— "z ?

S Cl^H

' u

B I b E ^ I I

AHCmVHl V O ttt V \^ssft61 TOS 9 0 C « \ . v n i . t M l ,

n -----------------------^ •

S s | | | f l j ;

Q I s E f f l E ^ a t e d

A 1 . - - . — —S i St«EE2I)0 ALt'V rrtJFOay n 8 THC MONSyWONl THE 0 ^'-•flOOB«*It>>W A»-/COMINO *


i | ; A ®

s- B



Y. 2 ^

r '^ •SU K E lH lS .K ID S.

X f e■ - A 'FSH E'STOI MBCrfMS -INHERIT n f i* o r <I,8«O.OOC / \ ^

E i S , I

H !N

u l ^ ! K S k M ^ 9 i m

' h r ^o \ \lia/^->~''R A 1[;’„c

T" r r S A VERy ShPLEDiCT.Ll « r D6V#iElACH M0RWINJ3.T M 3U EffT0N i:S0N-£H aK J



, IP V A J C E A U 12E Y \ /C [ 1 CA "^oo JU S T / - — k / u^n..*-, BCi>CE TH y W R A T \ T \ j N u M B e e , / L A w « y Al



O m A iy » iM H iU (D M i.a < g .o g t« c ^ E 19 J WkM vou MMME...WNATr;“'^ J k C T N S r ^A S K ^ v i n ^ S B ^ S T T / r \ P u M«r/J f j]J

ilE HE CftN.Gt«! VCni'MLIfrT ] f WHfcT A <:HM1<S. A« sooM A5 H e.oers . tw o weEKs.M(U TOWMI r ~ — \l-----------MB'* s o EXCm— STARTIU* Hl« I

f r T i S a -JOB 1WAORROWV W ' " ”' AWTN«WU*AI

i S r A GOO

'i6'fc [ yt9*.|o>N . \ ‘M -«,0 - T m w v to !OO W K >.V \.\. « .^ -

1 T su e s vou 1 ^ - / TMANIC?!V - 'V ^ C A N . WEHAO PELL0W9,• /V. , « . , t \ f7 a l l j r 4 MORE THA

— ~

I ty ^ V E E T O * ^ .

o w e — ^ 0 ¥ « B T i.e .)W Y eH - 'l

w L P , ' BJ^oTHsa

; I L • ^

I E a ' ^ * ®

S ^ B ^ ^ f c ^ w - I b ^ \ -S S S J ^ l M i S l s

~ * n c NEfT MOawiWG—IKHKO

^ T ^ T Y ^ F - ^ 1 ■

M > I VMTCH L S f c L 3 |B $ k r s —

AUSE m • KinWB KJTH »» W t w l l j i ^ S.MOTHSe>. \M AlCOWUCCM) (£ £ 9 m I ClIIOOVEa ]TOBeWEU.OMTHEK>MI I f l (l« DEW /~ 7 TO CECOVSR.V.~ r Keow TWo J ^ ^ ^

f c o v - l^ { T ftV ^ ^ 9 y ^ C lt^ .llA A /.<?? 0 6 'S

vex 'tftKc V oo t i *^0 ^ a g s s ? W l------- WSA J ® s ^ \

JkfflL iIKS, "V JU5T BEMEMBW,- S ^ H B w o , \ BIX ANO t WERE TMQ \?THAN 1 WINNERS. «AECE li i tC / t J 1 0 7 ( 4 0 HE DCeflN^T

> 1 ^ 1


J 7 ^ •■ iT V iP K T w m o M teT ^ - F r ^

issis’ssi'sa [\Ai

\ Ib€»WEW BAI«»AJm'B ^ s IWOLP rew N o MV </ I opJT M ew op-m e-. )

j^flKtPiwrv I l ^ y ^

Ji r t - > i - / i 6U lN lK )a^

^ I - t W AS c M ty \ --------------r . TCYiN- t k n o : k Y AuwaHT.

f c

U ~ i T T i 7 ' ........... I li nilI'M THE CUV THIJ^ a n ■

■ 3 B l ^ , A N 'm i l L S ^ ^ ^ ^ t p ^ j n ^ T R t e D n E L j H

WM0m!i Uk xU

M A 6INE m eeting ' ) / ' W A U ^/ f f g P y j

/ PBSfHecv/.' l /^ ( * i S ^ T ^ I * C W M g

o l V peL W M rtf

^ T S S 5

ha‘< * ^ 3 I $ s i

f* I o t S m A

Page 21: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

EiTwTislii c e R e d

n e n t '

r t e s t s k

r K - ' “ 'Jin .U w u p - «\W,vi

* • c f o . P . A fjjjr [dri» JWl* .-U a^M *lK ^ M S j16n-oo-(n« r 2» * - o«d t0 d ll- ! 7 t u . Mo- ^ : —0 FUU to fiound.fTOT .. —■ BonneTUli________

R 'iU u it iM n . Pocatello ttto r- “ I ^ u c U n i th e cm* tor the

A %eM train® were o»e r.t- L . i iT a lou to f a r M p a tu B ie r I . . _L w WM concerned. • j f , 0 ,

O. Oordon, PocateIl^ i*p- - a - u a s S S t^ ths broUiertooda M d u - ” ,

ths p ro tM lantJ. deiMnd*

Sa-i'!SJS lp‘SS-n S -.tiiHiTiff c ream and lire >“ « ««

m y. tur Hie i t e -montfae-pwtott-------------“S i u l y preceding the hear,

£ io t*«3 included Oy IhV u. »ee- S S t g e r o f the M aho PalU h S b S ^ f w m m ere* and Joe Call. __ ^ r ix r preildent. xDAH'S S m in the pro teita were 0. P . I ^ o T

i^eudlon. repreuDtlDg the mer- thU lun

S ss& S iS rK S S iS !^ S ^ o rb e t t , general chalnnan atepa wl W B ro therhe^ o flU U roadC oo .

*'Fined a t G;F.

flilNNS FERBV. April 3» -Jo h n ahould JS S , . worker w ith th e T7J». rail- peoole.-la-extra g a n f - * l WendeU wm - 8 «>t J^ mQ or 1» daya In Jail b r Pro< broughta Judge L. T . D U on for-fatoxl. wUh t lMod. However, given tbe oppor* U elpatoBlt« to leave tow n. Inatead. he n o t rep

Sm that courM. 990 d o tr r —------------- - «»■ «uii:flO .T O ^ » L A O K W .O T . J. C)WCI« JILEB, A ^ l 3 8 -M r. and M n. 7b # H ,®,AbeUpenl-aeTeral dayi Vim. t« p a niJ iteada .ln -a igcltfoo t._________w fa rfflt


ill j lu W

: 7 ^£ U B


O N L f 15

M % ^L » 1 M X m A V E N U E E A S T

ds Cut Shanghai!

C „ H . I N A ^

U onaliat foree* la Saaagbal (1) a n n so ls t eaptora • ( KBihlng (S), ewtUng

(S) Ib th a MOlb. Itcd I tm m qtdckly Ling (4). appartsU y bypawed S«oebew ng ih e Shanghat-Nanking rati link. M te W hangpoa river (7) were BMved l« rtxe, e igh t mile* north of Shanghai, t» r» p p ed In th e na m w W haanaffU M E i

iho FaUs WiU Ten Ballot on SlotsH O P A U A April M UF>- ,P»lla resldenU *UI likely Tote im m er on w hether they w ant ^ o « lachlnea In tbe eity. -w ■ T h em i i L miUon. i i i n will be taken aoon to au thor- referendum to delerm lne.the ana aa« je n U of> hB voU r*o flthep rf> .

»r«)naU y d o n f c a re for »totnes bu t I believe the m a tu r iou»d t1 bo aubject to a vole of tb».» b e aald. t»»lr w. m achlna revenue U«t year - S u t h t about MO,OOO to the d lT throug^ ab o u t thc aame amount a n - p a J p ' ted (o r thU year tt the law U Mid. ip ta led . A t the-present tim e. - .06 m aehlnea i r i lieenMd fo r VI i i r r e n t <juart«rMpee Walker, CED. lark, rtportod . 81*tb.-T aw -au lM ri«d 'a t i t r '« « » c n vrrTK IS & gen ira t InlUiUva and apendli nd u m ordinance. . a ie tt I


^ W W S i

^ s t i n ^ o u !

1 , I m i m U i fMil I

1“ -<Ti5ir i» < W t1 n » m fo r la rg e c t«B i



i Escape liiie Sp

t n I n p e i iM re[(^tag o ff Mcapa by rail lo Hang- « \fkly awept thi«Bgb ludelendad U/eyew (8). a n d took S u u h a n (I) C;>oui, MeMiwhlto C .8. nav*l forcw "Une1 to the oo ie r m ^ tc s of tha u 'ot» avoid lh a peaatbUlty ef be- Ing.

m antsinS u it S Ask fo r $70,000

M A N OELW . April 38 W V S u- to r ITO,000 dam agta from their , Uorda, Mr. a n d Mrs. Charles W.»ey complained th a t Mr. and c i

pounded o n r p l ^ aawed wood « t unuem ly hours;

]id the hoa« on' the ir washing. Ray 1 ap a tu red I t w ith mud: aprtn- d e « I araenlc In th e ir flower bed and g d I Id tha Her*«y ca t; h e a p ^ piles evl].»melllng tertUlier beneath scho ir windows.u t tha ..H erB e j« .. ,at4y»d...onougtout th e three-year cam- ------jn to evict them , Uielr attorney

V ISIT AT CEPAE DRAW lEDAJlJJRAW . A p r i l TB Bucbo a n d aoft*aad Mra. a -B criinrr 'W endoT er,-*^tah7-w « — ndlng several daya a t the Em*It B auer hom e tk a weeK. [___

ise B^ som etsomH V T he big, ne?5 1 — _ C om m ander

brings you no- ii\i and conver

~~ » gimpKfiedcook- _ l A - b e > u t ^ i d K)

■T—------------- eoo ldng ,«um------------ -------------------- e w M n J o y id J


f s u r m e j m

*«•«« 1c o o K m a A / M f l

I t r im .1 N o r p C o H g Wm t k l _________ —

& H I D R A M f i t I Y ' W m

^N -$T5:S0 PER M(

: C 7 R I €?L IA N C E S T O R E . , .^ JT O N E J

* T T M B S ^ N E W R . T W I N 'F ^ S

Jpokane W ill 4 < yo te Stand on Pinball Game

aPO K AN B.'A prU -M (/P)—PlnbaU ^ aehinea were golng-etronr ln epo - m e on the day appointed fo r th e lt ” inentl. ’ ■Votera In a city elecU oa UisI ouU i-vo ted-to-th row -ou t plnhaU. achlnea and keep slot m achinea. 'ednesday w u to be thb day pin* klb w tre thrown out. > v - .However, l u t m onth 'a vo t« waa d y - a a advlaoty.ballot^g f a « t t J M - Dt tim e enough when th e c ity e o n - Oaslon decW ed^to-pu t th a .m ie a - on on tlie baUot to m ake I t a la- w Mly b inding propoalUon. oftlclala ^Ud.’ to jto ad the Tot« w a» In tand- -----ronly-to-TnldB th a -o m m laaton -tn ^ cUng form ally on th e Issue.•n»e eommlMlon ToKd a fa ln a t -

snowing Uio llctnsea.T tien pinball sUpporUra «treu lat-

d. peUUons calling for m. formal e'cTtnduni 'o a 't h e Isjue : 'O fnclals' - t t sUlI checking »JgnaHirea bu t \ ey «ftld there Is little d o u b t th a t ;iouBh valid nam es h a v e been Iftned to force u io lh e r elocUon.3ie nex t one will be legally bind- ng on Uw commlMion.

0 operate.The Chronicle u l d "U jere ware

trong. IndlcaUona” th a t th e com- lonera wm “inertaae the U k paid ry operators of th e m achines o r aet , h igh licen*e fee."

' Church OfficersC A B T I ^ m

iM ^ '^ d 'A m o s WJUama. trusteeef la y Haley. Jr, and S teve B r a ^ leacons, Mrs. O. B. C onr»d. d e rk ;!d Logan, head u sher: P ra n k Wells. r tM u re r and asalsU nt Sunday tchool superintendent.


L U T H E R B E N N E T TAuf« and T raclor M ecbaolo prom pt, guaranteed eervlee

Now ,located w ith

— R O B E R T S - W B L D I N & —li Mile W est T . F . H oapltat

> A W < ? I

Rangesim s o s m in e w W c a tin g h o u M c r E l e c t r i c R a n g e n o w cook ing caj>at-

\ven\enc9 w ith c r o r y . ookingcon/roZ/ H e re 's

R a n g e — w ith « w iV r____ 'r r r e e u iU tb a iT y T a ^ w - - -

id -b e to ra l_______ _________ l _ . _

> 2 9 ”

M B/

l i Z / c O O K l M O I

f l i e o K W O i s

b r t i i i^ b o u s e ;4crNTH ^—

i c o .E I 6 4

~ T W I N F A L t s " ~

A lls . IDAHO _______

Congressmen’s— mi CVA Views Told

O ^IO N , AprU a # -A t tb e refu - meeting of the Albion Orang^

a week, le tte r-w ere-rea d from wiU i, O len Taylor. Beo.-Bert Miller, „ f ( p .O om ptonW lilt«andR ep .JohQ _ nbom, retarding th e ' OVA blU w pending In coogresa. 'Jenator Taylor sU ted b e w u In « ror o f tho bill's pasaage and w u idlng a copy, of the bill to th a t the ao t a n g em lg h t f>e!eet:Uia.pwta-Uw ^ re-against.fleprcaenlaUve Banbom declared ^ a

wiU fight passage, o f t l « r m ^ rpreeanUtlve White a n d Senator »ai & —d ld - h n r t= « c m m il= ib to i ^ te a althcr vay .A f t c r - t h e - i e g ^ bualneaa m eet- Ch ; a ahort program w m givea wil ider the direction o f U ra . J . B. a t

G a l v a n i z- ^ A L I M ' I T E D

Sizes r - v ‘ - :

A n y Q u a n f j t y W

K R E N G E. 2 1 8 S E C O N D A V E . s .





“Certified” 1^S E F

F i r > t 1 T W O u t o t C e r H t lM llo n


VIGORO-PA■ ^ 5 - ® ® P o r c i


PLANT POODS W ItL O rP l BETTER BETDBNB. Peed you era o r vegeUblea aome additions food and you wtll no te a r u t t

. In the yield, vigor and quality . vegetable and th e bloom of the i

BERRIII n ^ r r t M aijb iJ l Oem. g

BCART. Morrlaon BLAOKC< U rg e eweet NECTAR BEBRI


imeort, mdlsnl m . ---------------------- O R A m -----------

1 yaar OUSHI(»( M T n o ,/ an color* 1

9 yaar PBONT ROOTS,S colors , M g l

BLtEDmCLHZABia, - - - ;......How bbom lng --------------:.%i

« lo li

UIA-atXialdejiLEnds----It* S e ^ n ’8 W o r k

OAKLET,' April J^ 'n ia^ O aasti JTO Uke UZA doaed the aaason'a work ^ lilh a OM-act play, dancing and tfreahmenta In the blgb adioo! [ymnailtmi. -Archer-MlU».-TMMIAluparlntandent. w u In’ diaiga.------ 1

Other MIA oftlcera are ,Boyd flunter and V. Kent Hale, aialit. mts. and Robert WhlUle.'aecrttary. ma.YMNnA offleera « • Mr#._Wln^ low Whlteley, prtsaWeat: MttL ffayne Jamea and Mra. Ralph Poulton, counsalora, and J o a n Bardy. aacret* ^ . __________

ChaU>um ,-Dr.V j*m ea. .KIreher will qwak to the grmip on eanoer kt a later meeting^ ,__________

c e d P i p e) s u p p l y ” ’

■ 2 " - 2 i " - 3 "

W h i l e I t L a s t s !

E L S , I n c ._ ___ TWIN FALLS

I flg JB I I l l I ! l iT ^

r r TOC» 8XKD HtCM OUB SEED.S' EOS. te a tJ»i*B ew liiulneea and when' a podtlos. fnm ijtudy Md e»periene^ t» ^Ung and grewlng helps. ITB NOT A f V PLANTB AEE OUB MAIN LINE BUt

able P I0)Y—and It’s Ti >ES, CABBAGE, I INTfEtc. or h. Fl —(

- | - A U ; K T O iSEEDS

larly and LATE „i i n P O T A


RS--. -Flowe

A X ZinnJag, P ansies, V: goldB, WUt re s is ta n t


w ito-. include Hydra


STAlCCAM — . . ,»Y . Also

Q Peony F^ .. Matkl T n sm orA R ^ boa)^ ftowga c r v»i»

E - j f e ib e S e e

:___ —

- Vr;;

• VISIT IN UTAH . ■ . -O A K L E T rA p rtf» = ^ M r* ;'W n i^ ' 7 c severe, Mra. Oeorge OoDlnt and Mtfc M Margaiette Whittle bava ntomed Ms mm» Salt Laka City afU r-*-b*« ^ v telfirttii rdatltea In Salt Laka 0«i Olty and Ogden. s i]


a m a

---------------“ B R I N G T ^ O t l l



— -oO H T*o»-CT-ro» l»tJi



_______________. Hea»a rbaB»-l

T F E ^ U R I ^

. . .

).BTOBB . . . W I B liw IA tm Dl ! ira '« e acll.y ra ' a e ^ er planU w e« ra I, t» ^ TOtt aeenraU a a ^ depeadaWe A SIDE LINE w r r a v s , , . «EED»


LANTgDime to Plant . .PEPPER,t h e D o z e n

— ( i t ’B c h e a p e r )


F r o n t E g r a B e a c h ' ..................( Q iu n l i t f P rie ts),

S E D S , o S r . . ' ^

er PlantsV io la s , F r e n c h B e d d in g M a rl -

B n t A s t e r s , e tc .

ES and S]ITBD—In Bud, ready to rangea, Budlea, Spirea, I

E G E T A B L E w e e d s

x ) w e r : ------------WI

KES ~— :-------- ---------------------pft inw B ia iU /. makes 3 galloIbO ._ ja o jq .n .o f ;

j ^ a m e s _ i^ g ]-^_BU kes for Urge

_______;________ i_ ment________

l A f es d 6 t ]

g A " l f ^

tJR CATTtE ■ " — -TOP PBICESfor AU Type Stodc : .


m u M Wa w o n o n o i r *

R O iS m K S S I O N C O .INB'IM, OWTMT. acanagat. .- a r t w . M i i . i i ..

m -' i


" ■■ J — I

0 b l o o m . - S H B U B S f e - ^

F o r s y t h i a / I j l a c j . e t c . f f i

e ^ - O U I - O F , D A T E - g

E E D ^ O K :-^ ISM o u t o f 7 o a r 1 a i o i . ,w l t l i l l ' ^T S - - - — ....PU a w w form q{

Uonaof a o lu U o o .ab M tb to ea ffv . : / i - ' tiflr^gn, fnritfiTT'gJUn.; a J ;i i i — i i ; s * * 5 5 S 5 — s i a r ^ p

iE cn o iiffisM ilt a n d fu m lsb you «U b t b e ^ e o n d ^ O g r w p ^ ^ M * ^ B

lu a t 'B iv iB i 'r A iv r . a ad T i a tM ,- p o » . — —

rUMBO OLAO ’S D J W ' : •A a e e r te d -b a t-O C A g tte --^ V f a M i , b ^ ; e t ; « l o a r 5 U S s s s » ^ B M

Page 22: ons in ' ^ uss ‘Ac If Over ® Faiths bideJII Bid, T -Says,; Inewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News... · 2014-12-12 · 'haJ placed a patronage »lag“ on vote#

.1:. I ' _ 'B B b

j^ S• • w m ^

J ^ t e

9 x 1

I F e l t B a s e

I NOWI F o r » b r ig h t , n « w ,,e a B y - tI B ingle p ie c e H a r m o n y H o uI R u g . S p R rk H n y , c o lo rfu lI n i s i * r « a n u c c « l l e n t T & ] u cI < iua lity m a d e , n o m a t t e r w

1 ^ t o r d e H i T T T m t r p a B t l n j r t: r ^ th e m a t S E A H S to d a j


I C o l t o n L c

j T u f t e t h

T N o w JI , T h M » rf >m ir f a v c r iu ■ ,I c o t t o n ruR P. c l c n r o f c o lo r,I u r ib u s u n d c rfo o U T h e s e ai

' I , q u f t l i ty . H e a v y o o t lo n Im dI lo o p s f lm iM 'iy n tf n c h c d . Wfl

. I . . . W « 5 h a b lc . . . A vftlui> |«*;-1 I • n e w low p r ic e s .

__ S iic 24 X 36 .... .....L f c . ” .. . 30 X 5 4 _______

- I - - - - • 46 X 72 ............ ..


e R u g s

_ 5 ^ ® ^-to-clean floor Iny * ')use p rin ted Enam el il H arm ony House JC. T here Is no fin e r w h a t you pay . Easy, ,‘or uck lna : t i e r e d ; a y l


■ Rich, k

of the inlaid tl finer hc


R u g S ~~

2 -4 9 _ f l

‘> th ick tex tu rcd lux^a rc H arm ony Hoiifinck lip« sm odlh . . .i-on'f pull ou't oii.^ily. ^i-kffi niK Ht SEAR.«;

-------------- i 4 9........... . S .4 »................1 0 ^ 9

y M

longI sparkling floor


Y a r d____ 6 to 9-f

p N o w

1 For a floor covering < I . service, choose this H

ing. Each design is- ... colored-for-finesfe effe

enameled surface is 1 finish .... as easy to just a wipe of a damp < mony House best qual

l * " * r '


i n l a i d L i ii

N o w | . S

, lovely marbelized colors ( leum do wonders for old ; excellent sei*vicc . . . and c

le linoleum. They can’t u i through to felt back. Avai household weight made.

— ^ - \ 7 '

ig-wearing or beaufy at a saving

f e T t

d G o o d sl-Foot Widths

g of unusual beauty and lon Hamony House floor cover

is carefully proportioned anc ffect-in 'large-rooms thici is baked to a glossy, durable to keep clean as a china dish, ip cloth removes all dirt Har- aality . . . no finer obtainable.

i n o l e u mJ

.98 Sq. Vd.

•s of Harmony House Inlaid d flo6rs. Thick wear layer d colors will last the lifetime wear off because they are

vailableln 6-foot widths. No

'■■ , TIMES-NEWS,.'

C o m p aJ S . "

t g . r ar- ■ Jwjid . »:k- .....................»le mtl, ^f* .1e. *

S Here is a set thm oak... rcsistanJ?________3 o ld _ s e p a ra te ly .

B U F F E T _______

' s



Truly a beautifu House quality is. and top comfort

' 4 0 3 “ N R


a r e S t y l i n g c

a l l y o

l | g K |^ ^ | i g ^ a p

• I I jy-fc

f v " ,


D i n e

N o wthat wili catch the eye of all; int to marring from alcoholic'y , - - - ------------------------------- --- -------

.................... « 9 . « 8 . CHINA C/

2 - p c . 0

-R eg. 139.50- h

ful combination to grace any is Jiow-available to you at a pr rt. Divan opens easily to 7:

• ' J * ' ■' I

r A n r s v E . “ w ;TONE 2860

' ' '

Bp i y

o f m o r e e ^ i

o u r s a t t h i j

l l ^ f - | j H > W IIt ^ ■

Bce Limed Oak-

s t t e S e '

8 9 8 8ill your friends.. . finished lie beverages, fruit acids or

CA BIN ET ...........8 9 .8 8 Cl

D i v a n S i

N o w 9 8 .ny living room. This match price within reach of all...) 72 X 44-inch double Jjed.

T t “T ' ■ " ■g ) A r m i e s

^®9- Kl

A conifoi-*t-in-Kaving. or sleeping is this 1(

Built with features vice and jooks Soft felted cotton linters motion t o form coe

•'V-' surface. Bed size 7:

HOURS:- ” 9:30 to 5:30—F

pensive setsis l o w p r ic e !

I I E ^ I p I

■Iv.o: I iHtyo

.*J7 “-


- 1 - ------------------ONLY---------- ------i

' t . '

d In beautiful modem limed r hot dishes . . . . each piece.

C HAIRS, E A C H _______1 4 J I ’



e t

iJied set of finest Harmony . built for smart good looka:. Beddihg box under at_

s s - D a v e n o = I

w L 4 Q . 8 r ;

igs-.-,-,-a-comforiin-Sjt: ---; low priced armlesB diyaa - ,

s that assure comfortr j )ftly padded with layer* of' , rs. 'Opens with";pne’« -*- ; Dmfortable,.Jev slMp ; ! ': 72x46. , i ;.; I

' ' ’ ■"■■"■"■ ' - ■y ■ y,