On top teach By: Scarlette Erices P. Natalia García I. Special Price £2


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On top teach

By: Scarlette Erices P.

Natalia García I.

Special Price




� Index page 2.

� Letters to the editor page 3.

� ICT’s and Education page 4.

� Education and Special needs page 5.

� Health and Nutrition page 6.

� Hot Spots page 7.

� Television page 8.

� Fun class activities page 9.

� Beauty tip for teachers page 10.

� Dictionary ‘chilean slangs’ page 11.




Letters to the editor

Your opinion is important, we will post your letters, thanks.

‘How teachers should dress’

I found this article amazing. In spite of

being teachers we are role models to

students, so we must project an image

of ourselves that inspires students to be

cautious about the way they dress. Thus,

teachers should always be presentable

because you can meet with your

students anywhere and they tend to be

very critical about your aspect. I had

really enjoyed this article, very helpfully


Sent by Mss Martha Fairfax.

‘State always alert’

I have read some articles in your

magazine and this one specially caught

my attention because it is about bully at

schools. Personally, if I were a mom I

will be so concerned about how my

daughter or son is being treated at

school. If someone menaced he or she I

would probably do the same as the

mother in the article, she was really

brave to confront the principal for not

doing a thing to protect her daughter.

Also I’m in shock how children could be

so mean.

Sent by Helen Wallace.



Technology and Education

In the last century, students should learn

everything from their teacher, in the classroom

and taking notes as fast as they can. Nowadays

things have changed. Teachers have to update

and get used to new tools to improve the learning

in students, there is where technology appears.

Computers and Internet give teachers and

students access to new sources of information and

different points of view in a very short time, as a

result students can look for new information out

of the classroom, even in their own home.

The use of software’s such as ‘Microsoft’ and

other programs have helped students to make presentations, organize information and

talk with their teachers online to guide a project without the necessity of being in the

same classroom.

In consequence the educational community should keep finding new ways to use

technology and preparing students and teachers to be able to use it to improve the

effectiveness of the educational process.

In this picture an Indian teacher is teaching

with technology.



Students with special needs

Some decades ago it was really hard to teach students

with special needs, because the lack of information

about how to teach them, and also parents didn’t get

involved in their kids’ education. At that time, for

parents to have a kid with special needs it was rough;

indeed they had to take care about by their own and

teach them what they learn. All this because schools

didn’t accept those kids.

We did a research to know what ‘students with special needs means’, this could mean

that these kids have specific disabilities such as: autism, cerebral palsy, Down

syndrome, spinal bifida and epilepsy. On the other hand, this could mean gifted students

whom they are full of questions and answers in other words inquisitive.

Currently, it is easier to teach students with special needs, you may ask why, because

through technology and medical advances we are able to know how we must treat these

students and also which activities best suit their condition. So we must change our way

of teaching finding new strategies from a books or the Internet.



Nutrition at school

Obesity, according to WHO, has become a world

epidemic. This disease causes a lot of health

problems as diabetes, high blood pressure and some

types of cancer. At school, children and teenagers

learn a lot of habits that they will keep for the rest

of their lives, some of those habits are nutritional

habits, that’s why it is very important to teach

them not just school matters but also healthy

habits. As a teacher you are a role model, so you

have to be an example, if they see you eating

cereal bars, fruits, drinking milk, they will feel motivated to do the same. Also it is

important to talk with the parents, because this has to be team work, this habit has to

start at home and continue at school. It is not

always easy, but perseverance will make easier

the process. You will see that the good habits will

live on in their lives.



Chilean’s hot spots

Chile is an amazing country located in South America, with the Andes on its east and the

Pacific Ocean on its western flank. This country is 2,700 miles long and 109 miles wide,

as a result Chile has 15 regions in which have a great diversity of climates and beautiful

landscapes across it.

In the north of Chile we have the world’s driest desert called

‘Desierto de Atacama’ as expected the climate in the northern

Chile is really hot.

The capital city is located in the centre of Chile and it is

called Santiago, and two other important cities like

Concepción and Valparaíso both with a lot of beaches. Also

we have one of the most gorgeous islands called Eastern

Island, which could be easily one of the world’s natural

wonders. In this region’s the climate is warm as the


In the south of Chile we have picturesque cities like

‘Pucón’, ‘Valdivia’, and ‘Puerto Montt’ and of course the

‘Antarctica’. In here the climate is very cold.



Education in films

Films have always tried to include in their

scripts topics that have worried the world and

that provokes discussion, education has been

one of these topics.

Films emphasize topics as education rights,

exclusion of the wreakers, the education for

women and the changes that education

produces in people.

In some cases this films are very useful to know

the reality of fifty years ago, so makes possible

the investigation of the problems of pedagogy,

reality in world, the history of education, and

the importance of teachers in the education

process and in their students.

There are some films about the power of

education as; the color purple, the miracle

worker and Freedom Writers. Other related to

teachers and students as; Dead poets’ society,

Butterfly tongues and Les Choristes, and finally

films about the education right as; Turtles can

fly, The color of paradise and Padre Padrone.



Fun class activities

You might ask in which students are interested now. Here you are

going to find some interesting things to do in your class to make it


Nowadays children and teenagers are very into technology; therefore they are constantly

in contact with people around the world and they are able to know what the newest

trends are. All this thanks to tools like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube. In those

pages kids could now everything about the latest music, movie, series and more.

One of the latest trends in kids is K-pop, which means Korean

pop. Because they watch Korean series, in this series include

love and drama, things that teenagers love. Also these series

have some very famous bands such as: ‘Big Bang’, ‘Super

Junior’, ‘Shinee’ and ‘J y J’. On the other hand, some kids still

prefer video games; one of the trendiest now is ‘The Avengers’.

According to all this, it might help to you for do some fun

activities including those trends, besides the class is going to be

more fun also teenagers and children are going to get involved better if they know

something that is familiar to them.



Daily make up

Today we will show you a very natural make up, perfect to use it at work or to go

anywhere with it because it looks like that you are without any make up but definitely

you will be able to see the difference.

1) First of all to cover the imperfections of your skin put a little bit of eye concealer in your spots or the ring around the eye.

2) Use foundation of the same colour of your skin and with your fingertips spread

it all that you can.

3) Now is the turn of the blush, choose a light shade like apricot, and apply it under the cheek bone.

4) In the eyes we will use an orangish or brownish shadow put just on the outside of the eyelid and brown or black eyelash


5) Finally a little bit of bronzer over the nose and outside of the

eyes. We hope you will like it.

This is the




Dictionary Chilean slangs

‘Aperrar’: it means to describe a

person who can do almost

everything without complaining. It

could be the perfect person to go

out and make extreme things.

‘bakan’: meaning super cool.

‘brígido (a)’: something or someone

extremely dangerous.

‘buena onda’: it means that you are

feeling good vibes.

‘cachai’: to understand something, to

get it.

‘carretear’: to party. The action could

be on the beach, a bar in someone’s

home, etc.

‘chato (a)’: really tired.

‘Copete’: drink usually with a lot of


‘Gringo’: American person.

‘para de hinchar’: to stop bothering


‘pacos’: cops.

‘jugoso’: usually to describe someone

really drunk.

‘Ser yeta’: meaning you have bad luck.

‘sacarse la cresta/mugre’: to work very

hard like a slave.

‘La previa’: to describe the union of

people with drinks and snacks before a


‘piola’: perfect, quiet, relaxed.

‘pasar piola’: not to call the attention

of others.

‘subirse por el chorro’: it means to gain

a lot of confidence very quickly without

even know a person.

‘dejar la escoba’: meaning to cause a

mess or a disaster.