BTSA Orientation 2010-11 Orientation Orientation Extended Participants Extended Participants Breakout Session A

Orientation Extended Participants

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Orientation Extended Participants. Breakout Session A. Welcome. Ice Breaker. Local District Contact Information. Refer to Local District Brochure and website: Local District Specialist Office Technician Human Resource Contact Sheet MOU. Timeline. FACT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

OrientationOrientationExtended ParticipantsExtended Participants

Breakout Session A

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BTSA Orientation 2010-11


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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

Ice BreakerIce Breaker

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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

Local District Contact InformationLocal District Contact Information

Refer to Local District Brochure and website: Local District Specialist Office Technician

Human Resource Contact Sheet MOU

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BTSA Orientation 2010-11


FACT Component Expected Completion Time

Context for Teaching/Assessment of

Teaching Practice (Tab 2)

2 Months

Inquiry #1

Self Selected (Tab 6)

3 Months

Inquiry #2 (if applicable)

Self Selected (Tab 7)

3 Months (if applicable)

Summary of Teaching

Practice/Portfolio Review (Tab 8)

May/June 2011

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Formative Assessment for

California Teachers

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• Class, School, District, and Community

• Conversation Guide


• CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based

Reflective Conversation

Reflective Conversation

INQUIRY #1—Self-Selected• Inquiry Focus• Action Plan• Essential Component for

Instruction• Observation• Analysis of Student Work• Summative Assessment• Reflection


•Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth

•Future Considerations for Study




to C


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INQUIRY #2—Self-Selected• Inquiry Focus• Action Plan• Essential Component for

Instruction• Entry Level Assessment• Observation• Analysis of Student Work• Summative Assessment• Reflection




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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

CFT/ATP OverviewCFT/ATP Overview

Locate these documents in your Portfolio◦ Alignment Chart Discussion Guide (2.2) Optional ◦ Conversation Guide: Classroom Management (2.3)◦ Class Profile (2.4)◦ Classroom Layout (2.5)◦ K-W-O Chart (2.6)◦ Observation/Reflection (2.7/2.8, 2.9)◦ Description of Practice (DOP) 2.10◦ Conversation Guide: CSDC & Pedagogy (2.11)◦ School & District Information/Resources (2.12)◦ Home/School Communication (2.13)◦ Site Orientation Checklist (2.14)◦ Community Map (2.15)

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Visiting the DOPVisiting the DOP

Locate your copy of the DOP (2.10) Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Review the CSTP elements and the three column headings Highlight key words from each of the three descriptors for

element 1.1 Which heading describes your level of practice? What would your evidence be?◦Refer to the bottom of the DOP for abbreviations of

various sources of evidenceHow is this tool useful for self-reflection?


Standard 1 ELEMENT


1.1 Connecting students’ prior knowledge, life experience, and interests with learning goals

The teacher makes some connections between the learning goals and the students’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests. The teacher elicits some questions from students during a lesson to monitor their understanding.

The teacher makes substantial connections between the learning goals and the students’ prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests. The teacher elicits and uses students’ questions and comments during a lesson to extend their understanding.

The teacher facilitates as students connect and apply their prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests to new learning and the achievement of learning goals. The teacher builds on students’ questions and comments during lessons to modify instruction.

1.2 Using a variety of instructional strategies to respond to students’ diverse needs

The teacher uses a selection of instructional strategies that are largely appropriate to the students and the instructional goals, but they may lack variety or may not be responsive to students’ needs.

The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies that are appropriate to the students and the instructional goals. The teacher carries these strategies out thoughtfully, making some adjustments to respond to students’ needs.

The teacher makes skillful use of a wide repertoire of instructional strategies to engage all students in learning, making adjustments while teaching to respond to students’ needs.

1.3 Facilitating learning experiences that promote autonomy, interaction, and choice

Learning experiences are directed by the teacher and allow limited student autonomy, interaction, and choice.

Learning experiences are facilitated by the teacher to promote constructive interactions, autonomy, and choice, and to encourage and support student involvement in learning.

Learning experiences are facilitated by the teacher and students to promote and support a variety of constructive interactions, autonomy, and choice in the pursuit of significant learning.

1.4 Engaging students in problem solving, critical thinking, and other activities that make subject matter meaningful

Some learning opportunities are provided for students to engage in problem solving within subject matter areas, but little support is given to develop necessary skills.

Learning opportunities and support are provided for students to engage in problem solving and in investigating and analyzing subject matter concepts and questions within subject matter areas.

Learning opportunities are provided that extend student thinking, and engage and support all students in problem posing, problem solving, inquiry, and analysis of subject matter concepts and questions within or across subject matter areas.

1.5 Promoting self-directed, reflective learning for all students

Students’ learning is directed and monitored by the teacher, and some opportunities are provided for students to reflect on their work individually.

Students are supported in developing the skills needed to monitor their own learning during activities. Students reflect on and talk about their own work with peers.

Students take initiative for their own learning, and reflect on, talk about, and evaluate their own work with peers.

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An inquiry is a structured series of teaching activities in which a teacher explores a specific aspect of teaching practice.

How:Use the IIP to:◦Guide you through the steps of the

inquiry◦Provide a framework for documenting

your work as you complete each step

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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

Inquiry DocumentsInquiry Documents


Individual Induction Plan (6.2) Essential Components for Instruction (6.3) Entry Level Assessment (6.4) Focus Student Selection (6.5) Lesson Plan Template (6.6) Observations (6.7) Post-Observation Reflection (6.8) Summative Assessment Parts 1 & 2 (6.9) Analysis of Student Work (6.10) Reflective Conversation Record (6.11)

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Sample IIPSample IIP

Look at Annie Wonderful’s IIP

◦Focus of Inquiry Cells 1-4

◦Action Plan Cells 5-7 Describe research Tell how research was implemented

◦Reflection/Application Cells 8-9 Include data results

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“ ” “ ” is the center of Inquiryis the center of Inquiry

I explore my teaching as the subject & object of the research

I am asking a real question about a real issue and I am hoping to move towards an increased understanding of my teaching practice and possible solution of the issue

I am starting from where I am

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A teacher may think…A teacher may think…

My students are very talkative. They seem to have a need to be very sociable. I need to keep them focused on what we are learning.

“How can I use my children’s social skills to enhance their learning and instruction at the same time?”

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Compelling Inquiry Questions Are…Compelling Inquiry Questions Are…

Grounded in a specific teaching context Are open-ended rather than yes/no Ask a question that you don’t know (do not

research to confirm a strategy that you already think is good or bad)

Are specific and tangible (4-6 week lesson series)

Focused on improvement of practice

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A Compelling QuestionA Compelling Question

Read and review the inquiry questions on the Focus Question Quiz

Mark the compelling questions

Discuss with an elbow partner your rationale

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Essential Components for InstructionEssential Components for Instruction


Read your assigned section of the Essential Components for Instruction (3.3)◦Assessment & Application of Research◦Accommodations/Modifications◦Learning Environment◦Materials and Resources

Highlight the key instructional elements on the left Does Annie Wonderful fulfill the required elements? Each group share requirements and answer to the


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BTSA Orientation 2010-11

Next StepsNext Steps Know your Plan Begin your work on Context for

Teaching/Assessment of Teaching Practice (TAB 2) Calendar your visits for your Local District FACT

Work Time Sessions (mandatory) Register for all components of the LAUSD BTSA

Induction Program (Extended Participant) on the Learning Zone* as outlined in today’s General Session

* Charter Schools go to the link posted on the BTSA website (


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FACT Work Time SessionsFACT Work Time Sessions

Until you are assigned a support provider you are required to attend a “Work Time Session” each month to assist you in completing your program requirements. Be sure to sign up on the Learning Zone

“Open Agenda” See Local District brochure for dates

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Complete your “Ticket Out The Door”

Meet with facilitator to formulate Individual Completion Plan