Original Article The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mancozeb-Induced Toxicity in Rat Thymocytes (mancozeb / ascorbic acid / thymocytes / toxicity / ROS) V. PAVLOVIC 1 , S. CEKIC 1 , B. KAMENOV 2 , M. CIRIC 1 , D. KRTINIC 3 1 Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty University of Nis, Serbia 2 Pediatric Clinic, 3 Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Centre, Nis, Serbia Folia Biologica (Praha) 61, 116-123 (2015) Received February 15, 2015. Accepted March 30, 2015. Corresponding author: Voja Pavlovic, Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty University of Nis, Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 81, 18000 Nis, Serbia. Phone: (+381) 66 276736; e-mail: vojapav@ yahoo.com Abbreviations: CCK-8 – cell counting kit, CM – culture medium, EBDC – bis-dithiocarbamate, ETU – ethylene thiourea, FCS – foetal calf serum, H2DCF-DA – 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin diace- tate, MFI – mean fluorescence intensity, MMP – mitochondrial membrane potential, PBMC – peripheral blood mononuclear cells, PI – propidium iodide, ROS – reactive oxygen species. Abstract. Mancozeb, as a dithiocarbamate fungicide, has been found to exhibit toxicological manifesta- tions in different cells, mainly by generation of free radicals which may alter antioxidant defence sys- tems in cells. The effect of mancozeb on the cells of a primary lymphoid organ has not been studied. In the present study, the effects of mancozeb (0.2, 2 and 5 µg/ml) or mancozeb+ascorbic acid (100 µg/ml), or ascorbic acid alone or control medium alone on the levels of cell viability, apoptosis, intracellular reac- tive oxygen species production (ROS), mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and ATP levels in rat thymocytes were examined in vitro. Cells treated with mancozeb displayed a concentration-dependent increase of hypodiploid cells and ROS production followed by markedly decreased viability of the cells, MMP and ATP levels. Application of ascorbic acid significantly reduced cytotoxicity in cell cultures treated with 0.2 and 2 µg/ml of mancozeb, together with significantly decreased ROS levels and in- creased MMP and ATP levels. In cells treated with 5 µg/ml of mancozeb, ascorbic acid failed to reduce toxicity while simultaneously increasing the apopto- sis rate of thymocytes. These results suggest that ROS plays a significant role in mancozeb-induced toxicity, through alteration of mitochondrial func- tion. Ascorbic acid administration reduced the toxic- ity rate in cells treated with lower mancozeb concen- trations, while it may have the ability to shift cells from necrosis to apoptosis in the presence of highest mancozeb concentrations. Introduction Pesticides are chemical compounds that are widely used throughout the world against plant diseases, which results in increased agricultural production. In the past years, due to the increasing demand for food safety, great concern was raised about the pesticide residues in food and food products and their potential risk to the consumer. Mancozeb is a contact fungicide of the ethyl- ene bis-dithiocarbamate (EBDC) family, widely used as a dithiocarbamate fungicide to protect field crops, fruits and vegetables against different fungal diseases (Paro et al., 2012). These fungicides, due to low acute toxicity in humans and short environmental persistence, are used globally. However, even though agricultural workers are the main population with high risk of EBDC intoxica- tion, the general population can also be affected by resi- dues present in the food (Rossi et al., 2006). Further, EBDCs are very unstable and rapidly degraded into ethylene thiourea (ETU), a major metabolite of EBDCs, which shows long persistence in the soil (Houeto et al., 1995) or is decomposed in water, forming products with high toxicological potential (Corsini et al., 2006). It has been shown that mancozeb causes adverse ef- fects in humans and experimental animals. Various studies documented the toxic effect of mancozeb in non- immune cells (Calviello et al., 2006; Domico et al., 2006; Tsang and Trombetta, 2007), as well as in differ- ent cells of the immune system, including rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Calviello et al., 2006), human lymphocytes (Srivastava et al., 2012) and human PBMCs (Calviello et al., 2006). Formation of re- active oxygen species (ROS) has been implicated as the main contributor of toxicity induced by mancozeb (Williams et al., 2013). This might be a consequence of its chemical structure, since it contains transitional met- als known to induce ROS formation through the Fenton reaction (Calviello et al., 2006). Ascorbic acid (vita- min C) represents the most important antioxidant in ex- tracellular fluids (Dwivedi et al., 2013). This water solu- ble vitamin has the ability to trap radicals in the aqueous phase and protect biomembranes from peroxidative damage (Eroglu et al., 2013). The ameliorating effects

Original Article The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mancozeb ... · nikaFitofarmacija a.d., Belgrade, Serbia. Preparation of thymocytes and mancozeb solution Rat thymocytes were isolated

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Page 1: Original Article The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mancozeb ... · nikaFitofarmacija a.d., Belgrade, Serbia. Preparation of thymocytes and mancozeb solution Rat thymocytes were isolated

Original Article

The Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mancozeb-Induced Toxicity in Rat Thymocytes(mancozeb/ascorbicacid/thymocytes/toxicity/ROS)


1Institute of Physiology, Medical Faculty University of Nis, Serbia2Pediatric Clinic, 3Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Centre, Nis, Serbia

Folia Biologica (Praha) 61, 116-123 (2015)


Corresponding author: Voja Pavlovic, Institute of Physiology,MedicalFacultyUniversityofNis,BulevardrZoranaDjindjica81,18000Nis,Serbia.Phone:(+381)66276736;e-mail:[email protected]

Abbreviations:CCK-8–cellcountingkit,CM–culturemedium,EBDC – bis­dithiocarbamate, ETU – ethylene thiourea, FCS – foetalcalf serum,H2DCF-DA–2’,7’-dichlorofluorescindiace­tate,MFI–meanfluorescence intensity,MMP–mitochondrialmembrane potential, PBMC – peripheral blood mononuclear cells,PI–propidiumiodide,ROS–reactiveoxygenspecies.

Abstract. Mancozeb, as a dithiocarbamate fungicide, has been found to exhibit toxicological manifesta-tions in different cells, mainly by generation of free radicals which may alter antioxidant defence sys-tems in cells. The effect of mancozeb on the cells of a primary lymphoid organ has not been studied. In the present study, the effects of mancozeb (0.2, 2 and 5 µg/ml) or mancozeb+ascorbic acid (100 µg/ml), or ascorbic acid alone or control medium alone on the levels of cell viability, apoptosis, intracellular reac-tive oxygen species production (ROS), mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) and ATP levels in rat thymocytes were examined in vitro. Cells treated with mancozeb displayed a concentration-dependent increase of hypodiploid cells and ROS production followed by markedly decreased viability of the cells, MMP and ATP levels. Application of ascorbic acid significantly reduced cytotoxicity in cell cultures treated with 0.2 and 2 µg/ml of mancozeb, together with significantly decreased ROS levels and in-creased MMP and ATP levels. In cells treated with 5 µg/ml of mancozeb, ascorbic acid failed to reduce toxicity while simultaneously increasing the apopto-sis rate of thymocytes. These results suggest that ROS plays a significant role in mancozeb-induced toxicity, through alteration of mitochondrial func-tion. Ascorbic acid administration reduced the toxic-ity rate in cells treated with lower mancozeb concen-trations, while it may have the ability to shift cells from necrosis to apoptosis in the presence of highest mancozeb concentrations.


Pesticides are chemical compounds that are widely used throughout the world against plant diseases, which results in increased agricultural production. In the past years, due to the increasing demand for food safety, great concern was raised about the pesticide residues in food and food products and their potential risk to the consumer. Mancozeb is a contact fungicide of the ethyl­enebis-dithiocarbamate(EBDC)family,widelyusedasadithiocarbamatefungicidetoprotectfieldcrops,fruitsand vegetables against different fungal diseases (Paro et al.,2012).Thesefungicides,duetolowacutetoxicityinhumans and short environmental persistence, are used globally. However, even though agricultural workers are themainpopulationwithhighriskofEBDCintoxica­tion, the general population can also be affected by resi­dues present in the food (Rossi et al., 2006). Further,EBDCs are very unstable and rapidly degraded into ethylenethiourea(ETU),amajormetaboliteofEBDCs,which shows long persistence in the soil (Houeto et al., 1995)orisdecomposedinwater,formingproductswithhightoxicologicalpotential(Corsinietal.,2006).

It has been shown that mancozeb causes adverse ef­fects inhumansandexperimentalanimals.Variousstudiesdocumentedthetoxiceffectofmancozebinnon-immune cells (Calviello et al., 2006; Domico et al.,2006;TsangandTrombetta,2007),aswellasindiffer­ent cells of the immune system, including rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (Calviello et al.,2006),humanlymphocytes(Srivastavaetal.,2012)andhumanPBMCs(Calvielloetal.,2006).Formationofre­activeoxygenspecies(ROS)hasbeenimplicatedasthemain contributor of toxicity induced by mancozeb(Williamsetal.,2013).Thismightbeaconsequenceofits chemical structure, since it contains transitional met­als known to induce ROS formation through the Fenton reaction (Calviello et al., 2006).Ascorbic acid (vita­minC)representsthemostimportantantioxidantinex­tracellularfluids(Dwivedietal.,2013).Thiswatersolu­ble vitamin has the ability to trap radicals in the aqueous phase and protect biomembranes from peroxidativedamage(Erogluetal.,2013).Theamelioratingeffects

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ofascorbicacidhavebeenshowninspermtoxicityin­ducedbymancozeb(KhanandSinha,1996).Also,theanti­mutagenic effect of ascorbic acid has been well documented in various in vivo and in vitrosystemsex­posedtopesticides(Duraketal.,2009).However,de­spite numerous studies regarding the toxic effect ofmancozeb on different cells, its effect on the cells of the primary lymphoid organ has not been studied. Therefore, the current study was undertaken to determine a possi­bletoxiceffectofmancozebinthymocytesandtoinves­tigate whether there is any preventive effect of ascorbic acid, along with potential mechanisms involved.

Material and Methods


Experimentswereperformedon11adultmaleWistarrats(180–200g),9–11weeksold,bredattheVivariumof the Institute of Biomedical Research, Medical Fa­culty, Nis, under conventional laboratory conditions and in accordance with national animal protection guide­lines.

MaterialsCulture medium (CM) was prepared using RPMI

1640(Sigma-Aldrich,St.Louis,MO),accordingtothemanufacturer’s instructions. CM contained 25 mMHEPES,2mMglutamine,penicillin(100U/ml),strep­tomycin(100μg/ml)and10%foetalcalfserum(FCS).2’,7’-dichlorofluorescindiacetate(H2DCF-DA),Cell

Counting Kit (CCK-8), Rhodamine 123 and ATPBioluminiscent Assay Kit were purchased from Sigma­Aldrich. Propidium iodide (PI) was obtained fromSanta Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) was purchased from Galenika a.d.,Belgrade, Serbia. Mancozeb was purchased from Gale­nika­Fitofarmacija a.d., Belgrade, Serbia.

Preparation of thymocytes and mancozeb solution

Rat thymocytes were isolated as described earlier (Pavlovicetal.,2007).Briefly, thymuswasextirpatedusing sterile technique and placed in CM with 10% FCS. Thymocytes were released by teasing the thymus through a steel mesh. Cell suspensions were filteredthrough sterile nylon filter to remove the stroma andthen thecellswerewashed twicewithCM/10%FCS.Thymocytes were counted and adjusted to a density of 1 × 106 cells/ml.Theviabilityof the isolatedcells, asdeterminedby trypanbluedye exclusion test,was al­waysover93%.Mancozebsolutionswerepreparedim­mediatelybeforeuseindimethylsulphoxideanddilutedin appropriate amount of CM. Control cells were treated withthesameamountofvehiclealone.Thefinaldime­thyl sulphoxide concentration never exceeded 0.5 %(v/v).

Cell culture

Isolated cellswere cultivated in 96-well round-bot­tom plates (NUNC, Aarhus, Denmark), containing100µlofcell suspension (5×105 cells) ineachwell.Thymocytes were treated with increasing concentra­tionsofmancozeb(0.2,2and5µg/ml)andvitaminC(100µg/ml),onlymancozeb(0.2,2and5µg/ml),onlyvitaminC(100µg/ml)orleftinCMalone.Allcellcul­tures were done in triplicates and incubated in an incu­bator(Galaxy,WolfLaboratories,Edison,NJ)at37°Cfor24h in an atmosphereof95%air and5%carbondioxide.Thedoseresponsestudywasconductedbyexposing

the rat thymocytes to different concentrations of man­cozeb (0.2–10μg/ml) for24h.The results revealedadose­dependent decrease in cell viability, with an IC50 valueof2.75μg/ml,andthereforeweselected0.5,2and5μg/mldosesofmancozebfor24hexposureforfurtherstudies. The concentration of ascorbic acid used in the current study was based on a previous report (Turkez andAydin,2012).

Analysis of cell viabilityCell viability of rat thymocytes after the cultivation

periodwasestimatedbyCCK-8assayaswaspreviouslydescribed(Horietal.,2002).Briefly,100µlofcellsus­pension (5 × 105 cells)wasplatedperwell in96-wellplates and cultured in CM containing 10% FCS. After the cells underwent exposure to the compounds de­scribed above, they were washed with phosphate­buf­feredsaline,resuspendedinCMandplatedina96-wellplate.Tenµlofreactionmixture,containing3-(4,5-di­methylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide,wasaddedintoeachwell.After2hof incubation, thesolubilized formazan product was quantified spectro­photometrically, by using a Perkin­Elmer microplate reader (Wallac Victor2V, Turku, Finland).Absorbancewasmeasuredat450nm.Foreachsample,basalinten­sity values were subtracted from those obtained after different treatments. Absorbances were presented as a ratio of control for further comparison.

Apoptotic DNA analysisThymocytesundergoingapoptosiswereidentifiedby

their reduced relative nuclear DNA content as previ­ouslydescribed (Nicoletti et al., 1991).Briefly, at theend of the cultivation period, cells were collected, cen­trifuged(200×g)andgentlyresuspendedin1.5mlofhypotonicfluorochromesolution(PI50µg/mlin0.1%sodiumcitrateplus0.1%TritonX-100)inpolypropyl­ene tubes.The tubeswere placed at 4 °C in the darkovernight before the flow-cytometric analysis. Singleapoptotic cells were detected using an Epics®XLflowcytometer(Coulter,Krefeld,Germany)asareductioninfluorescence of theDNA-binding dye PI in apoptoticnuclei. The percentage of apoptotic cells (subdiploid DNA)wasdeterminedandpresentedasaratioofcon­trol for further comparison.


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Measurement of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production

A redox-sensitive probe (H2DCF-DA)was used todetermine changes in overall cellular ROS levels, as de­scribed previously (Boldogh et al., 2003; Das et al.,2005). Briefly, after the cultivation period ended, cellsuspensionswereloadedwithH2DCF-DAat5µMfor15minutesat37°C.Thechangeinfluorescence(excita­tion485nm;emission530nm)wasmeasuredusingaPerkin-Elmerfluorometer (WallacVictor2V).For eachsample, basal fluorescence intensity values were sub­tracted from those obtained after different treatments andtheresultswerepresentedasthemeanfluorescenceintensity(MFI)ratioofcontrolforfurthercomparison.

Determination of mitochondrial membrane potential

Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP)ofthymocyteswereevaluatedbyuptakeoflipo­philiccationRhodamine123intomitochondria,aspre­viouslydescribed(PathakandKhandelwal,2006;Wangetal.,2007).Briefly,treatedcellswereincubatedwithRhodamine 123 (5 µg/ml as final concentration) for60mininthedarkat37°C.Thymocyteswereharvestedandresuspendedinphosphate-bufferedsaline.Thefluo­rescence of intracellular Rhodamine 123 (excitation485nm;emission530nm)wasmeasuredbyaPerkin-Elmer fluorometer, as described earlier (Yang et al.,2008). For each sample, basal fluorescence intensity

values were subtracted from those obtained after differ­enttreatmentsandtheresultswereexpressedastheMFIratio of control for further comparison.

ATP measurementsATP levels in cultured thymocytes after the end of the

incubation period were measured by using a Sigma ATP Bioluminiscent Assay Kit and chemiluminescence was determined by a luminometer (Wallac Victor2V)accord­ing to the manufacturers’ guidelines. The results were presented as a ratio of control for further comparison.

Statistical analysisAllvaluesareexpressedasmean±SD.Thecompari­

sons among groups were carried out using the analysis ofvariance(ANOVA)coupledtotheDunnett’sposthoctest.APvalue<0.05wasconsideredsignificant.


wereevaluatedafter24hofincubationwithincreasingconcentrations(0.2,2,5µg/ml)ofthetestedcompound.Exposuretoincreasingconcentrationsofmancozebre­sulted in a dose­dependent decrease in cell viability (Fig. 1), indicating a significant cytotoxicpotential ofmancozeb in rat thymocytes. As shown in Fig. 1, the most prominent cytotoxicity was observed in the cells ex­posedtothehighestmancozebconcentration(P<0.01).Todeterminewhethermancozeb-inducedcytotoxici­

ty is mediated by increased apoptosis, we evaluated the

Fig. 1.Theeffectofmancozebandascorbicacidoncytotoxicity.Ratthymocytes(5×105 cells/well)werecultivatedwithincreasingconcentrationsofmancozeb(0.2,2,5µg/well)and/orvitaminCfor24handcelltoxicitywasdetermined.Results are presented as mean percentage ± SD. Results are presented as the absorbance ratio of control for further com­parison.MZ – cells treated with mancozeb, MZVC – cells treated with mancozeb and vitamin C, SD – standard deviation, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared to control cells, #P < 0.05 compared to mancozeb­treated cells

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effect of increased mancozeb concentrations on rat thy­mocyteapoptosis.Mancozebexposure(0.2,2,5µg/ml)ledtoasignificantincreaseofsub-G1peakinalltestedconcentrations(Fig.2).Theresultsshowedthattheper­centage of apoptotic cells in sub­G1 phase of the cell cycle increased in a dose­dependent manner after man­cozebexposure,asdeterminedbyflow-cytometricana-lysis,confirmingthepro-apoptoticpotentialofmanco­zeb.

By using fluorometric analysis, intracellular ROS levels were determined in terms of MFI. As shown in Fig.3,exposuretoincreasedmancozebconcentrationsresultedinasignificantdose-dependentincreaseofROSproductioninratthymocytes,suggestingitspro-oxidantpotential. Simultaneously, to evaluate alterations of mi­tochondrial parameters during mancozeb­induced cyto­toxicity, MMP andATP levels were examined. Fluo-rometricanalysisshowedasignificantdecreaseofbothMMP and ATP levels in rat thymocytes following in­creasedmancozebexposure(Fig.4,Fig.5).

The potential capacity of ascorbic acid to reduce mancozeb-inducedtoxicityinratthymocyteswaseval­uated in in vitroexperimentswherecellsweresimulta­neously cultured with both compounds. The results shown in Fig. 1 demonstrated that application of ascor­bic acid significantly reduced cytotoxicity in cell cul­turestreatedwith0.2and2µg/mlofmancozeb,whileincultures treatedwith5µg/mlofmancozeb,nosignifi­cant reduction was observed. On the other hand, ascor­

bicacidexposurewasfoundouttosignificantlyincreasetheapoptosisrateincultureswith5µg/mlofmancozeb,compared to the thymocytes treated only with manco­zeb(Fig.2).Further,applicationofascorbicacidincellculturestreatedwith0.2and2µg/mlofmancozebre­sultedinsignificantlydecreasedROSproductioninthy­mocytes(Fig.3),asevaluatedbyH2DCF-DAfluores­cence intensity. Simultaneously, decreased ROS levels werefollowedbysignificantlyincreasedMMPandATPlevels in thymocytes, compared to their respective con­trols(Fig.4andFig.5).

DiscussionThe concern about the environmental impact of pesti­

cides has been growing in the last years. However, thanks to its short environmental persistence, mancozeb is intensely used, even though it has been reported that manypesticidesenhanceoxidativestresswithresultingteratogenicand/orcarcinogeniceffects(Paskovaetal.,2011). In the present study,we investigated the cyto­toxic effects of mancozeb on rat thymocytes and themechanismsinvolved,aswellasapotentialbeneficialrole of ascorbic acid in these processes. Rat thymocytes were chosen to determine the effect of mancozeb on cells of a primary lymphoid organ and the potential de­velopment of secondary immunological consequences (including adaptive immune system failure with result­ingimmunodeficiencyandhighsusceptibilitytoinfec­


Fig. 2. The effect of mancozeb and ascorbic acid on rat thymocyte apoptosis. Cells (5 × 105cells/well)weretreatedwithincreasingconcentrationsofmancozeb(0.2,2,5µg/well)and/orvitaminCfor24handapoptosiswasevaluatedbyflowcytometry.Thepercentageofapoptoticcells(subdiploidDNA)wasdeterminedandpresentedasaratio±SDofcontrolfor further comparison.MZ – cells treated with mancozeb, MZVC – cells treated with mancozeb and vitamin C, SD – standard deviation, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared to control cells, #P < 0.05 compared to mancozeb­treated cells

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Fig. 3. The effect of mancozeb and ascorbic acid on ROS production in rat thymocytes. Rat thymocytes (5 × 105 cells/well)werecultivatedwithincreasingconcentrationsofmancozeb(0.2,2,5µg/well)and/orvitaminCfor24handintra­cellularROSproductionwasevaluatedbyusingaredox-sensitiveprobe(H2DCF-DA).Resultsarepresentedasaratioofmeanfluorescenceintensity±SDofcontrolforfurthercomparison.MZ – cells treated with mancozeb, MZVC – cells treated with mancozeb and vitamin C, SD – standard deviation, **P < 0.01 compared to control cells, #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, compared to mancozeb­treated cells

Fig. 4. The effect of mancozeb and ascorbic acid on mitochondrial membrane potential of rat thymocytes. Cells (5 × 105 cells/well)weretreatedwithincreasingconcentrationsofmancozeb(0.2,2,5µg/well)and/orvitaminCfor24handmitochondrialmembranepotentialwasevaluatedbyusingRhodamine123.Resultsarepresentedasaratioofmeanfluo­rescence intensity ± SD of control for further comparison.MZ – cells treated with mancozeb, MZVC – cells treated with mancozeb and vitamin C, SD – standard deviation, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared to control cells, #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, compared to mancozeb­treated cells

V. Pavlovic et al.

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tion).Theresultsofthecurrentstudydemonstratethatexposure of rat thymocytes to mancozeb was able toinducecytotoxicityinadose-dependentmanner.Flow-cytometric analysis revealed that some of the cells die via the apoptotic mechanism in the presence of increased mancozeb concentrations. These findings are in linewithpreviousreportsshowingcytotoxiceffectsofman­cozebinratPBMCs(Calvielloetal.,2006),humanlym­phocytes(Srivastavaetal.,2012),ratastrocytes(TsangandTrombetta,2007),ratmesencephaliccells(Domicoetal.,2006)andratfibroblasts(Calvielloetal.,2006),along with pro­apoptotic mancozeb potential in lym­phocytes(Srivastavaetal.,2012),PBMCs(Calvielloetal.,2006)andmammaryadenocarcinomacells(LinandGarry,2000).

Since it has been well documented that ROS genera­tion may cause damage to DNA, lipids and other bio­molecules,with resultingcytotoxic effect (Pelicanoetal.,2004),wenextevaluatedthepotentialmechanismsinvolvedintheseprocesses.Exposuretoincreasedman­cozeb concentrations resulted in a dose­dependent in­crease of ROS production, together with depletion of MMP and ATP levels, which corresponds with decreased viability of the rat thymocytes. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their plasma mem­branes,cellsoftheimmunesystemareexpresslysensi­tive to oxidative stress (Victor et al., 2002). IntensiveROS production may induce apoptosis by oxidativestress or direct ROS damage to cellular components (Hildeman et al., 2003). Cell death depends, in part,upon mitochondrial dysfunction, which is often charac­

terized by increased production of ROS (Exline andCrouser,2008).Functionalalterationsofmitochondriaare usually manifested in changes of MMP, which is es­sential for mitochondrial functions such as oxidativephosphorylationandATPsynthesis(Zhangetal.,2008).Taken together with our results, it seems that elevated ROS production and mitochondrial dysfunction may represent a key factor in mancozeb-induced toxicity,with potential secondary immunological consequences.Basedonthepreviousfindings,wehypothesizedthat

ascorbicacidmaymodulatethemancozeb-inducedtox­icity. Application of ascorbic acid significantly de­creased ROS production in mancozeb-exposed cells,suggesting its protective role in mancozeb­induced ROS generation. In addition, our results showed that ascorbic acidsignificantlydecreasedtoxicityincellstreatedwith0.2 and 2 µg/ml ofmancozeb.The protective role ofascorbic acid in mancozeb-induced toxicity has beenshownearlierinspermtoxicity(KhanandSinha,1996)and here we demonstrate the protective role in rat thy­mocytes.Ascorbicacidisanon-enzymaticantioxidantthat defends the cellular compartment against water­solubleoxygenandnitrogenradicals.Ontheotherhand,different reports demonstrate that increased ROS pro­duction induces mitochondrial dysfunction, which sen­sitizes T cells to apoptosis (Hildeman et al., 2003;Pavlovicetal.,2007).

Our results support previous studies indicating that ascorbicacidenhancesantioxidantdefencesofTcells(Wu et al., 2000) and inhibits various forms ofT-celldeath(Campbelletal.,1999).Further,inratthymocytes

Fig. 5. The effect of mancozeb and ascorbic acid on ATP levels in rat thymocytes. Cells (5 × 105cells/well)weretreatedwithincreasingconcentrationsofmancozeb(0.2,2,5µg/well)and/orvitaminCfor24handATPlevelsinratthymocyteswere evaluated by using ATP Bioluminiscent Kit. The results were presented as a ratio of bioluminescence of control for further comparison.MZ – cells treated with mancozeb, MZVC – cells treated with mancozeb and vitamin C, SD – standard deviation, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 compared to control cells, #P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, compared to mancozeb­treated cells


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exposedtothehighest(5µg/ml)mancozebconcentra­tions,ascorbicacidfailedtoreducethetoxicitybut,si­multaneously, markedly increased the apoptosis rate. These findings correlate with mitochondrial analysis,whichshowedthemostsignificantincrease,afterascor­bic acid application, of MMP and ATP levels in the cells treated with highest mancozeb concentrations. Besides MMP, cellular ATP levels are another characteristic of mitochondrial dysfunction. ATP is necessary for apopto­some development, and ATP depletion can cause block ofapoptosissteps(Nicoteraetal.,1998).Basedontheobtained study results we can speculate that ascorbic acid may have the ability to shift cells from necrosis to apoptosis, by increasing MMP and ATP levels in the cellsexposed to thehighest (5µg/ml)mancozebcon­centrations. In line with this, it has been postulated that cells triggered to undergo apoptosis will die by necrosis when the intracellular ATP levels are depleted (Leist et al.,1997).T-cellnecrosisisalwaysassociatedwithaninflammatoryresponsecomparedtoapoptosis(Jinetal.,2007).Sincehighlevelsarerequiredtosustainapopto­sis, it seems that ascorbic acid enables maintaining the bioenergetics status of immune cells and prevents fur­therinflammatoryresponsethatresultsinimpairedim­mune function. Insummary,wehaveshownthatexposureofratthy­

mocytestomancozebresultedinincreasedcytotoxicitymainlythroughinductionofoxidativestressandresult­ing mitochondrial dysfunction. Ascorbic acid adminis­tration reduced the toxicity rate in cells treated withlower mancozeb concentrations while increasing the apoptosis rate of cells in the presence of highest manco­zeb concentrations. Understanding the mechanism of the protective role of ascorbic acid at the cellular level mayprovidearationaleforantioxidant therapy inhu­manswhoareexposedtodifferentpesticidesandpre­vent possible secondary immunological consequences.

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