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Originate ideas part

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Page 1: Originate ideas part

Originate ideas

Mind map one:

Analysis of idea one: This documentary would be discussing the topic of an allergy called “Gluten”. I would start off by introducing what gluten is to people. Gluten is an allergy to certain ingredients, some of these being wheat, flour and barley. I would then move on to how it can affect people explaining different ways in which people are affected by Gluten. Some effect’s being concentration lacking problems or how people who suffer from Gluten can have a considerably lower alcohol tolerance compared to the average person.

I would then talk about how people who suffer from Gluten combat it so they are not affected by the problem. This would contain things such as how chain stores such as Tesco and Waitrose now sell food and drink products specifically for people who are allergic to Gluten. I would then discuss how doctors and nutritionists are trying to find a temporary or even permanent cure for people who suffer from Gluten. I would then conclude the documentary with a question leaving the audience thinking about it.

During the documentary I would use a small amount of archive footage to back some of the facts that I narrated. But the majority of the documentary would consist of interviews with people who have answers to my questions. Some of these people would be nutritionists, doctors, people who suffer from gluten and people who sell gluten free products.

Page 2: Originate ideas part

Mind map two:

Analysis of idea two: This documentary would be discussing High Wycombe. I would start off by giving a brief introduction to what High Wycombe is and where it is in the country/ world. I would then discuss the past history of High Wycombe right up until this point. I would then talk about what there is to do in High Wycombe and what makes it unique from other places around the world.

Selection and justification: I have selected Idea one to go ahead with and develop. There are many strong reasons why I have chosen this idea over the other idea. One of the main reasons being that as gluten sufferer myself, I feel that I have a very large understanding of the subject because it’s been in my best interest and health to understand what gluten is and how to combat it. It makes sense for me to choose a subject which I pre understand thoroughly rather than choosing an idea which look’s good to do but don’t have much understanding of it.

Another major reason for choosing this idea is because of how unique it is. I have never once seen a documentary or article on gluten allergy whereas I have seen tens of articles or documentary’s covering other allergies and diseases. My theory behind this is that gluten is not a well enough understood allergy and not nearly enough of the population are aware of its existence.