Origins of the Nazi Party A history of anti- semitism, folk lore and fear of the other in Germany

Origins of the Nazi Party

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Origins of the Nazi Party. A history of anti- semitism , folk lore and fear of the other in Germany. Very superstitious. Witches, really? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Origins of the Nazi Party

Origins of the Nazi PartyA history of anti- semitism, folk lore and fear of the other in GermanyVery superstitious..Witches, really?In a period of religious upheaval, people living in the germanic states were pigeonholed, they were protestant, catholic, or jewish, with no science to explain the mysteries of their faith, or their surroundingsFor catholics, if bread and wine could turn into the body and blood of christ, why wouldnt magic also be a very real part of their society?Jewish people in Germany in the 1500sWerent German like catholics or protestants. Their faith defined them as a group of displaced persons, waiting for their saviour and homelandIn times of crisis, they were blamed for floods, famines, droughts, poor crops and basically, all the ills of the world, simply because their religion was different to that of the majority. So jewish people must be evil, and magic??

A Jewess giving birth to two piglets, 1574Veneration of the Virgin Mary as an excuse for cleansing

pilgrimage to the beautiful virgin of regensburg, 1520The others were scary and worked together, so were punished the same way

The stories backed up the imageshttp://www.pitt.edu/~dash/antisemitic.html#pforzheimAdd the idea of German Superiority to thisEarly Romantic nationalism in Europe was strongly inspired by RosseauJohann Gottfried von Herder, who in 1784 argued that geography formed the natural economy of a people, and that their customs and society would develop along the lines that their basic environment favored.Add the idea of German Superiority to thisFrom its beginnings in the late 18th century, romantic nationalism has relied upon the existence of a historical ethnic culture which meets the romantic ideal; folklore developed as a romantic nationalist concept. The Brothers Grimm were inspired by Herder's writings to create an idealized collection of tales, which they labeled as authentically German.Hansel and Gretel the voice of a new generation,

At the time the brothers Grimm were writing, the Holy Roman Empire had just collapsed (early 1800s), and they were very concerned with creating a German identity to replace the one they had just lost.

They also wrote the first German Dictionary.. Which I think is something worth knowing (potential trivia quiz winner..)Wagner (Hitlers favourite),

And the support of philosophersThe bermensch (English Overman or Superman) is a concept in the philosophy of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche--he posited the bermensch as a goal for humanity to set for itself in his 1883 book Thus Spoke Zarathustra. However, Nietzsche never developed the concept on racial grounds; the philosopher was no racist (nor an anti-semite). Instead, the bermensch "seems to be the ideal aim of spiritual development more than a biological goal.. Nazism distorted the real meaning behind the concept to fit its 'master race' view.And you have the historical justification you need

And the support of people desperate to be german again

As well as the ability to brainwash a whole new generation

Ride of the ValkyriesWagnerVarious ArtistsClassical For The New Age2010-05-01T07:00:[email protected] 2010 Essential World Masters2011-11-16 12:33:45Orchard:isrc:USA3710972902:256