TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Page 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Attributes of the learners and how these can help the learners to be successful in an online learning environment 2 2.1 Well Disciplined learners 2 2.2 Independent Learners 3 2.3 Basic Computer Skills 4 2.4 Reading and Writing skills 5 3.0 Strategies That Can Be Adopted By The Learners to be a successful in an Online Learning Environment 6 3.1 Read The Syllabus Carefully 6 3.2 Ask Questions 7 3. 3Make connections with course mates 7 3.4 Good Study Environment 8 4.0 Conclusion 9 5.0 Appendix 10

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Content Page

1.0 Introduction


2.0 Attributes of the learners and how these can help the learners to be

successful in an online learning environment


2.1 Well Disciplined learners 2

2.2 Independent Learners 3

2.3 Basic Computer Skills 4

2.4 Reading and Writing skills 5

3.0 Strategies That Can Be Adopted By The Learners to be a successful in an Online Learning Environment


3.1 Read The Syllabus Carefully 6

3.2 Ask Questions 7

3. 3Make connections with course mates 7

3.4 Good Study Environment 8

4.0 Conclusion 9

5.0 Appendix



Online learning is a type of distance learning that involves modern gadget such as

computer and internetwork. It is a great leap from the traditional method to the

technology-based learning. The online education can be considered a type of learning

environment that connects learners and educators through internetwork. The online

learning environment use many channels such as the mail, discussion boards for

interaction between instructors and students and forum between students and students.

Learners send in their assignments, homework, even do their exams online thus

making teaching and learning environment easier and faster. Thus today online

learning has become a viral and vital channel for especially the adult learners to

continue with their studies from distance. For the majority of adult it is a gigantic leap

from the traditional based learning to the technology-based learning.

But despite this flexible and faster method of online learning, not all can become

a successful online learner. There are certain characteristics that attributes to the

success of the online learners. And according to Pennsylvania Pilot Project With 20

Sites implementing WES for adult basic learners, students who were most successful

shared similar characteristic and they are well disciplined learners, independent

learners, learners who have basic computer skills and have good writing and reading

skills. Those are some of the attributes that an online learner has to have in order to be





2.1 Well disciplined learners.

Firstly, a successful online learner should be well disciplined. Disciplined from

the sense of having a good time management skills. With the freedom and flexibility

of the online learning environment, one has to be well disciplined so that they can be

successful online learners. They should be able to complete their weekly assignments

and post email messages on time. According to a study done by the University of

Nevada in “Online success” online instructors expect successful students to log at

least three to five hours of online work for a week for three credit classes. Besides that

most students find they are successful if they log two hours of homework for every

credit hour of class. Successful online students report that they log many hours above

the minimum 12 hours expected. According to Hiltz and Turoff (2005) a successful

learner should be willing and able to commit to 4 to 15 hours per week per course.

Thus the online learning process is normally requires commitment on the students

part .A student who is not disciplined will find that it is hard to manage time and in

the end will be frustrated to continue with the course. Meeting deadline is another

aspect that one has to be disciplined with. A successful online learner has to be always

on toe and never miss deadline at any cost. They should be organized in setting a

schedule that allows them to meet their deadlines. Most online classes require regular

signing in and posting of messages in the virtual classroom in order to stay current

with class activities which include reading messages and lecture, interacting in

discussion and work groups and posting assignments. According to “Tips For Success

in Online Learning by Boise State University” failure to meet deadline is a step to

being failure online learners. A successful online learner is always first in submitting

assignments or is able to submit before the deadlines. All these need a learner to be

well disciplined.

2.2 Independent Learners

Secondly, a successful online learner has to be very independent learner. As an

independent online learner, one has to be able to do research on their own, able to

learn on their own as there wont be any spoon feeding from the educators and able to

compete with other learners on their own. As one of the main reason learners choose

online learning is that they wanted to work at their own pace as the online learners

may be working full time, full time parents, living in rural or isolated regions or

retires wanting to further their educations. Porter and Sturm found out that, out of 154

ABE online learners the majority were woman and the most common age group was

27- 39.And according to 0’Lawrence (1999) most adult learners are both the

undergraduate and graduate who balance work and family demands with part time

degree. Therefore these learners see online technology as providing new opportunities

and preventing a drive to attend class so that they can remain in their homes or work

place and yet participate in learning activities. As they choose this method of learning

in order to continue learning, they soon learn that as an online learner, one has to be

an independent learner. What is an independent learner? As mentioned above an

independent learner does not depend 100% on the instructor or educator to provide

information as in a traditional learning. One has to learn by them to find information.

One has to submit assignments on the dateline given without being pushed by the

instructors or educators. As online learner they do not communicate with their

educators face to face there’s no personal touch between them. Most of the learning

takes place independently. They have to refer on their own. Therefore online students

must feel comfortable in a learning environment that emphasis on individuals taking

responsibility for their learning process. Even when online classroom includes

interactions between the student and the instructor, but it is not immediate as in the

normal traditional classroom. Although the online instructors or educators respond to

the questions and provide clarifications or information, an online learner must be able

to wait 24 hours for a response to their emails. Therefore a successful online learner

has to be independent in order to search for answers, read on their own to get more

information, communicate with other online learners to share information without

being instructed by anyone. In nutshell a successful learner has to be an independent


2.3 Basic Computer Skills

Thirdly, a successful online learner should have basic computer skills. According to

Micheal Burke in “Using Online Interaction To Break your addiction To Classroom

Training” interactivity is in the mind, not in the mouse. The statement says that even

the online learning use technology gadgets such as mouse and keyboard, its okay to

depend on these gadgets to get the mind engaged. Thus a successful online learner has

to be equipped with the computer gadgets. The computer is an internal part of the

online classroom. Online learners need basic technical skills to succeed. These basic

skills including proficiency in sending and receiving emails with attachments, to

create new documents, use a word processing program, navigate the Internet and

download software. A successful learner must have those basic computer skills in

order to accomplish the assignments given to them. According to a study in the

“Pennsylvania Pilot Project” stated that the online learners who had a computer at

home and of enough computer skills and they can use the Internet and navigate the

curriculum site are successful in their studies. In addition to that In “Tech Tools For

Students With Learning Disabilities Infusion Into Inclusive Classroom “by Jane

Quenneville, had reported that computer has many benefits by facilitating writing for

students with learning disabilities (LD) who often find writing process a problem.

According to Mac Arthur (1996) an online learner who has this kind of learning

disabilities can also be successful if they know simple basic computer skills.

Therefore successful online learner must possess technology skills that enable them to

use the wide variety of multimedia tools required to actively participate in the

distance-learning environment. These include certain software packages such as

PowerPoint and Adobe, course management systems, blogs, wikis, instant messaging

forums, audio and video editing tools, pod casts, animation tools and many more.

Successful learners spend time and effort to learn how to effectively use these tools to

communicate with other group members and connect with their instructor.

2.4 Good Reading and Writing skills

Fourthly, a successful learner must have reading and writing skills. In the virtual

classroom, almost all communications is through writing such as sending emails,

taking part in forum discussions and doing assignments. Therefore a successful

learner must have good writing skills. A successful learner should also enjoy

communications in writing if not they might face problems in conveying their

message accurately to their instructors or educators. This will bring

miscommunication between the instructor and the learners and thus making the whole

process of learning a failure. When the learning process become failure, then the

learner has failed to excel in the online learning environment. The same process goes

to the reading skills. As all assignments and lecture materials are in black and white,

therefore online learners should be equipped with the reading skills. One should be

able to read, process the information and come up with own interpretation of the

assignment and topic or homework. In short, writing and reading skill is an essential

part of the online learning process. Besides that when communicating with teachers

and other staff, you should write in full, grammatically correct sentences and with a

respectful tone. Many students are used to a very informal style of writing in chat

rooms, blogs, text messages, and so forth. Due of the distance, it's tempting for some

students to say things out of anger or frustration that they would never say to a teacher

in person. Online teachers are professionals. Treat them with respect and courtesy.


3.1 Read The Syllabus Carefully

There are a few strategies that an online learner can use to become a successful

learner. Firstly, a successful online learners has to read the syllabus of the course

carefully .The syllabus is a vital resource for any course. It is the road map for the

entire course so one has to get to know it well. White and Eight (2000) suggest online

learners to consider the syllabus as a foundation or framework for their course .The

syllabus include a wealth of information such as instructor contact data, course

prerequisite, course objectives, course outlines, course expectations, course policies,

information on how to submit assignments and link to course resources .The syllabus

also may also include course calendar. Within the calendar the workload sequencing,

reading schedules, project timelines and assignment due dated should be indicated. At

the same time highlight and record the due dates for the assignments in your personal

calendar .If you know it will be impossible to submit an assignment by the due date

due to some important or urgent matter, contact the instructor or educator as soon as

possible before the assignment is due. One may get some consideration from the

instructor by contacting him or her before the date and not after. According to Theresa

A. Middleton Brosche - 2010 - Education has survey over 40 online students and

faculty and found that the main reason online students experience difficulties was

failure to read syllabus completely.

3.2 Ask Questions

Next, to be a successful online learner one must never feel embarrassed to ask

questions to the instructor or educators. If you have questions be clear in your

communications. Ask questions that need clarification or information. Do not let the

virtual classroom to hinder the online learners the process of learning. The more you

ask questions the more you learn. The virtual space in online learning can be a barrier,

if you let it get in the way. If you have a question about course content, need

clarification on a difficult concept – ask. And when you do ask a question, make it

count. Before you post a question, know what you are asking and why. Be clear and

concise in your communication. By asking fellow students and instructor would go

deeper into the subject. Going deeper will make the subject matter more

understandable. Online chat rooms, if provided, are another great resource for

students seeking answers. Online chat rooms give students a forum to meet other

students taking the same course and ask questions or discuss assignments. More than

likely another student taking the course has had or will have the same question. If an

online learner needs an immediate answer – do your best to find the answer

themselves. They will likely satisfy other lingering questions in the process and often

times the journey to the answer teaches them more than the answer itself.

3.3 Make connections with course mates

Besides the above points, making connection with other course mates can also

make online learners to be successful. The instructor or educator is not the only

source of information in the course but the online learners also can gain from their

peers and they can learn from you as well. . They can even create a small group study

so they can always be in touch of what’s happening regarding their coursework. There

is also a collaborations tool in Google Docs, which helps a group to have online real

time discussions. An online learner can also try Google Hangouts .It is an applications

that allow video chat and discuss in real time. They can also share documents and web

pages. When we make connections with our course mates we can get many

information and help that can motivate us to keep on going with our course and

assignments. Log on to your course Web site often for e-mails, discussion topics, and

instructor announcements. Find out who has commented on your postings and read

the feedback of your instructor and classmates. If you do not log on to your course

discussion group often, you will fall behind and find it very difficult to catch up. Also,

contact your instructor regularly especially when you have questions about the course.

Be very clear in your online communication since you do not have the benefit of face-

to-face contact with your professor and classmates.

3.4 Good Study Environments.

Another critical component of online learning success is a good study environment.

Ones should avoid all the interruptions that can take his or her away from what they

are doing. An online learner has to have a peace and quiet environment. They will

need a quiet place to work without distractions from things like television, gadgets,

family or roommates. It is always a wise idea to keep away all the gadgets that ping,

buzz and beep their way into our attention as those things can cause distraction. Let

friends and family members know the hours that you will be at school and the time

you have allocated time for studies so they can understand you better. Set a definite

time to meet their needs and you can have your break as well. Do not let temptation to

stop you from your assignments. It is easy to lose track of the time as you wander

from site to site. Therefore focus on what you set to do online. Good study

environment also includes the light in the room. The light should be bright enough to

make you feel comfortable when you are doing your assignments

4.0 Conclusion

Online learning is a growing and exciting new way to learn about almost

anything. If there is a course you have always wanted to take or a skill you have

always wanted to learn, but you have not had the time to attend a traditional face-to-

face class or there hasn't been an opportunity near you, then online learning might be

your answer. Today's online learning opportunities offer everything from one-hour

live workshops to online degrees. There is virtually something for everyone; all you

have to do is find it. However, learning online is different from learning in a face-to-

face setting, and it is important to think about your goals, your needs and your

interests before committing yourself to something. You also need to think about the

time you have available, your comfort level with using technology and the equipment

that is at your disposal. As we all become more familiar with computers and computer

access becomes increasingly common, online learning will continue to open doors

and offer learning opportunities for those who are interested. But not all can be a

successful online learner. To become a successful online learner one has to have

certain attributes such as should be well disciplined learners, should be independent

learners, have basic computer skills, have good reading and writing skills, read the

syllabus carefully, ask questions, make connections with course mates and must have

good study environment.