July/August 2017 The Messenger Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Our Mission We gather together to explore and celebrate the wonder of Christ, equipping all to live a God centered life. A Message From The Pastor Dear Friends, We started out the New Year with new Vision & Mission Statements for Our Savor’s Lutheran Church. I was excited about the development process and was even more pleased with the outcome. Please consider them again: VISION Turning lives right side up with Christ, one person, one family, one community at a time. MISSION We gather together to explore and celebrate the wonder of Christ, equipping all to live a God centered life. You have (and will continue to) see and hear more and more about our Vision & Mission in weeks and months to come, as we point out the many ways we already fulfill them as well as dreaming of new ways to build off of them. The First Commandment that God gave to the Hebrews isn’t a commandment at all; it’s not a pointing finger shaking in your face saying, “You’d better do this, or else!” Instead, it is a promise. “I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.” It is a promise, a commitment that God is making to us. “I AM, and I will always be your God.” The same is true of our Vision & Mission Statements: They are a promise that God has given us a vision and a mission, and that God will be with us as we seek to live them out. These are not only visions and missions for our congregation; they are also for you, your family, and all of us as we go about our daily lives. I’d like you to consider two things. First, what are ways in which you see your congregation is already living out these statements? Likewise, what are ways you can see yourself already living them out? I assure you, you are living them out one way or another. Most people have a difficult time seeing themselves as ministers in this way. However, it is a strong part of our Lutheran theology and practice that all Christians are ministers. Go through things you have done in the last weeks, the encounters you’ve had with others, with these statements in mind. Second, what are new ways that you could dream of Our Savior’s living these statements out? Likewise, what are new ways that you could dream of yourself living these statements out? One more favor, would you please contact me and let me know what answers and ideas you and the Holy Spirit have come up with. You can text me at 920.740.9907, or email me at [email protected] . I’m pleased to be your pastor,

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church The Messengeroslcwb.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/July-August-2017.pdf · 07.07.2017  · Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Our Mission We gather together

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Page 1: Our Savior’s Lutheran Church The Messengeroslcwb.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/July-August-2017.pdf · 07.07.2017  · Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Our Mission We gather together

July/August 2017

The Messenger

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

Our Mission

We gather together to

explore and celebrate

the wonder of Christ,

equipping all to live a God

centered life.

A Message From The Pastor

Dear Friends,

We started out the New Year with new Vision & Mission Statements for Our Savor’s Lutheran Church. I was excited about the development process and was even more pleased with the outcome. Please consider them again:


Turning lives right side up with Christ, one person, one family, one community at a time.


We gather together to explore and celebrate the wonder of Christ, equipping all to live a God centered life.

You have (and will continue to) see and hear more and more about our Vision & Mission in weeks and months to come, as we point out the many ways we already fulfill them as well as dreaming of new ways to build off of them.

The First Commandment that God gave to the Hebrews isn’t a commandment at all; it’s not a pointing finger shaking in your face saying, “You’d better do this, or else!” Instead, it is a promise. “I am the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.” It is a promise, a commitment that God is making to us. “I AM, and I will always be your God.”

The same is true of our Vision & Mission Statements: They are a promise that God has given us a vision and a mission, and that God will be with us as we seek to live them out.

These are not only visions and missions for our congregation; they are also for you, your family, and all of us as we go about our daily lives. I’d like you to consider two things.

First, what are ways in which you see your congregation is already living out these statements? Likewise, what are ways you can see yourself already living them out? I assure you, you ­are living them out one way or another. Most people have a difficult time seeing themselves as ministers in this way. However, it is a strong part of our Lutheran theology and practice that all Christians are ministers. Go through things you have done in the last weeks, the encounters you’ve had with others, with these statements in mind.

Second, what are new ways that you could dream of Our Savior’s living these statements out? Likewise, what are new ways that you could dream of yourself living these statements out?

One more favor, would you please contact me and let me know what answers and ideas you and the Holy Spirit have come up with. You can text me at 920.740.9907, or email me at [email protected] .

I’m pleased to be your pastor,

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Senior Pastor Darin Wiebe Cell: 920-740-9907

E-mail [email protected]

Education Ministry Assistant Sherie Kruse, AIM H: 262-334-0461

E-mail [email protected]

Office Administrator Kelly Strosin 262-334-9551

E-mail [email protected]

CSS Music Coordinator Tom Gigante 262-675-2199

Custodian Chuck Pamperin 262-338-1223

YMCA/OSLC Childcare


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Ministry Team

2017 Church Council

Rally Day ~ Sunday, September 10

1st Day of Sunday School

At 10:15 am worship

Sunday School Disciples & Journey Mentors recognized.

3rd Graders will receive a Bible

3 year olds welcomed into Sunday School

“God’s Work. Our Hands.” An all-congregation service event following worship.

Watch for details!


John Engstrom 623-0446


Debbie Butschlick 334-0466


John Petras 338-0363


Pete Schroeder 689-5756

Worship & Music

Peggy Schmidt 334-9045


Dwayne Schied 306-6840

Christian Education

Arline Rasmussen 414-690-6808


Audra Arndt


Amy Berken 335-1669


Kristi Schmidt 262-224-0783

500 Years of Reformation

Sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone

Sola Gratia – Grace Alone

Sola Fide – Faith Alone

Watch for opportunities this fall to celebrate coming to you this fall.

“God doesn’t love us because of our worth, We are of worth because God loves us.”

~Martin Luther

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July/August 2017

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Back Pack Blessing

When the month of August arrives it means that school is just around the corner! Shopping for school supplies, books, and fall clothes becomes a part of everyone's schedule..

Here at Our Savior’s, Sunday, August 27, we want to celebrate and bless the beginning of another school year. Stu­dents, (preschool through adult,) teachers, aides, principals, administra­tors, secretaries, cooks, librarians, jani­tors, and bus drivers…come to church to be blessed, affirmed in your voca­tion, and encouraged as you serve chil­dren and families in your daily work!

Bring your backpacks or book bag to worship at 8:15 am or 10:15 am. The services will lift up children and stu­dents of all ages, dedicating them to God's glory as we begin a new school year.

Come and join us for this Celebration Sunday! Invite your colleagues and friends too!

August at : 5 am & : 5 am

If you’re interested in helping in our various education ministries this year the kids could use you on their team. Contact Sherie Kruse by e-mail [email protected]. or text her at 262- 689-7307.

Sunday School Co-Teachers and Journey Mentors

are needed for the 2017-18 education year

Sunday School Teachers and Co-Teachers

3 yr. olds & 4 yr. olds - Covered

Kindergarten – 1 co-teacher needed

1st & 2nd Grade – 1 co-teacher needed

3rd & 4th Grade – Covered

5th Grade – 2 co-teachers needed

Journey Mentors – 3 Mentors Needed

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OSLC on Facebook

Stay connected with upcoming events, church youth trips through Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, West Bend Facebook Page. “Like” the page to receive updates and photos.

Spread a Little Joy August 5th

Harvest House Fruit Spread Collection

The local grocery stores donate leftover bread to Harvest House for the guests to take home with them each week. Many guests take a large quantity indicating it may be a main staple for them during the week. We would like to be able to place a jar of jam or jelly at each place setting on August 5th when we serve again for them to take home and enjoy on their bread during the week. We would like to collect 72 jars to set on the tables. If you would be interested in helping us reach this goal, please drop the fruit spread off in the labeled container in the Narthex.

Day Camp

Thank you to the families whose children participated in Day Camp. We had so much fun the kids were sad to see it end.

Thank you to the 16 middle and high schoolers who stepped up to be Jr. Counselors. They were awesome in helping the kids in their small group have a super time.

Thank you to parents and grandparents who drove us back and forth to the YMCA.

And a huge THANK YOU goes out to our Crossway Camp Counselors, Briley, Erin and “G” for making Day Camp a great experience for the kids. God is good all the time! All the time God is good! If you're on Facebook go to Our Savior's page and check out a week’s worth of photos.


“You are not only responsible for what you say, But also for what you do not say”

~Martin Luther

Habitat for Humanity

July 22nd, 2017

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July/August 2017

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OSLC’s annual picnic with our broth­ers and sisters from Hephatha Lutheran Church is on Wednesday August 9 at Blue Lotus Retreat Center in Newburg, from 10:00 till 3:00.

The picnic is a day to celebrate the completion of the Hephatha Church Instruments of Peace neighborhood ministry and to provide a safe fun day for the families to enjoy.

OSLC volunteers make the day more enjoyable for our guests. Activities include swimming, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, biking, and of course, eating a great lunch. It’s a good day to relax and enjoy being out­side.

Volunteers can stay the whole day or just part as your schedule allows. Volunteers can be men, women, younger, older or in-between. OSLC families are welcome to help and to enjoy this time together.

To learn more, talk with David or Nancy Slinde in person, by phone (339-2570) or by email ([email protected]).

August 9 Picnic

Volunteers Needed

Oneyda Fuentes of Fe y Esperanza

Oneyda Fuentes, a young woman of Fe y Esperanza, was selected for a special opportunity within the ELCA in New Jersey from May through August. In this ELCA program, Lutheran youth from around the world are invited to come to the United States to help as counselors at a summer camp. This provides for cultural exchange, increased learning about the Lutheran faith, an opportunity to practice and strengthen English skills and to grow in ministry development,

Oneyda is a strong leader directing the Sunday School program at our sister church Fe y Esperanza and she also serves at a Salvadoran Synod level in youth programs. She is artistic - the painting she gave to Pastor Darin in 2013 for OSLC is mounted in the narthex. She is studying English at the University and often helps delegations as a translator.

As Fe y Esperanza's sister church, Our Savior’s was able to help Oneyda with this new experience by providing the funding for her visa. Oneyda sent of personal note of appreciation:

“Dear brothers and sisters of Our Saviors,

I have been selected to represent my church (Fe y Esperanza) at a camp in New Jersey, United States. I am very excited to have this opportunity to share with Lutherans from other countries and to learn new ideas about the work of the Church. I am very active in my church and very proud that they trust me and have chosen me to participate in this summer church camp. Oneyda”

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Fe y Esperanza Education Program Middle School

Breakfast Conversations

9:15 - 10 a.m.

6th, 7th & 8th Graders will engage in faith conversations together with

yummy breakfast snacks in the new middle school room downstairs in the

old library.

Heading off to College or Tech School locally, close by or across the country your faith family would love to have your address.

We want to feed your mailbox with cards and care packages. Fill out the information below and return the card to the church office. Please print






We Need Addresses

Thank you for the student support donations received in June for specific students and to fund the sister parish education program. Please consider making a donation now to continue to provide for this important ministry for the children and youth of Fe y Esperanza. The next transfer of funds will be made in August so your contribution is urgent. Clearly mark your envelope to the attention of Kelly in the office and put Student Support on the check memo line. Any questions can be addressed to Kelly. With appreciation,

Pastor Darin

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July/August 2017

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Did you forget something at church or are you just not sure where you left something??? Check the Lost and Found box in the church narthex, just across from the elevator. If it stays in the box for more then 3 months, it will be taken to Goodwill. Stop in or call the office at 334-9551.

Help us Care For You

If you or a family member are hospitalized and would like a pastoral care visit, please have a family member call the church office.

We are finding that hospitals are not notifying us when members are admitted, even if you have requested that they do so.

Lost and Found

6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Journey!

Journey [Confirmation] ministry is a ministry that is all about helping our middle school aged youth understand the relevance of living the “L” shape of faith: Learning, Loving and Lending a hand. It’s a ministry that continues to get everyone involved in helping to shape and live a vibrant faith; youth, par­ent[s], mentors, pastoral staff and the congregation. That’s what our education ministry is all about partnership. In partnership with one another we build and strengthen relationships with one another and with God.

Journey is held Wednesday evenings. Our time together begins with an op­tional event we call Journey Open House. Journey Open House is a social time for the Journey kids as well as mentors before class begins. It’s provides opportunity for fun, laughter, talk, even a snack, Open House is held from 6:00-6:30 pm.

Our learning and discover time happened in both large and small group. At this time Pastor Darin and myself are evaluating which curriculum will meet our needs. Whichever material we select you can be assured that it will be an innovation confirmation curriculum that will invite students to ask their tough­est questions and encourage them to work together to find answers as they ex­plore their faith and examine how to live their faith.

On more than one occasion parents as well as kids themselves have told us that they want to come to Journey. When kids want to come to Journey we know that we know we are doing something right!

Looking ahead to the month of September

Parent / Student Orientation - Wednesday, Sept 6 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM

First Journey Class - Wednesday, September 13

Journey Open House 6:00 -6:30 pm

Journey Class 6:30 -8:00 pm

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Why wait until Sunday to hear them? Now you can have them in your home or even in your car! For a donation of $10 (or more!) you can take the CSS Band with you in the form of their new CD. It also makes a great gift!

Simply put your offering in an envelope and put the envelope in the mailbox across from the church office.

Thanks, and enjoy the CD!

Operation: End Hunger

July & August Missions

Our annual picnic with our friends and family from Hephatha Lutheran Church is on Wednesday August 10 from 10:00 till 3:00.

Volunteers always make the day more fun and safer for our guests. Kids activities include swimming, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, biking, and of course, eating a great lunch. For the adults, it’s a good day to relax and enjoy being outside.

The picnic is at the beautiful Blue Lotus Retreat Center in Newburg. It is a day to celebrate the summer youth and family Instruments of Peace ministry in the Hephatha Church neighborhood.

Volunteers can stay the whole day or just part as your schedule allows. OSLC men, women and children are encouraged to help and enjoy this time together.

A sign-up sheet will be on the Information Center or talk with David or Nancy Slinde (phone (339-0030) email ([email protected]).

Why Grandma Gave

One Sunday as she was getting ready for church, a grandmother received a call from her daughter. “Can you watch the kids while we’re out of town next week?” the daughter asked. Grandma was so thrilled she put an extra $5 into the offering plate that morning. The next Sunday, after her three

young grandchildren had returned home, she put in an extra $20.

Ok Agents of God here are your next 2 missions….

Help “dry up” poverty! We are collecting deodorant for men and women for the month of July.

Together we can “beet” poverty! We are collecting canned mixed vegetables and canned beets for the month of August.

You’re Invited to a Picnic

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July/August 2017

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Braxton Daniel Zias son of Danielle Zias was baptized on Saturday May 20th, 2017.

Macie Elizabeth Wilfer daughter of Charles & Emily Wilfer was bap­tized on Saturday June 3rd, 2017.

Amirah Rose Witek daughter of Maisha Anjum & Ricky Witek was baptized on Sunday June 25th. 2017.

Lincoln Louis Fischer son of Billy Fischer & Amanda Witek was baptized on Sunday June 25th, 2017.

Shirley and Marcy

A mother was concerned about her kindergarten son walking to school. He didn't want his mother to walk with him. She wanted to give him the feeling that he had some independence but yet know that he was safe.

So she had an idea of how to handle it. She asked a neighbor if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn't notice her. She said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed.

The next school day, the neighbor and her little girl set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbor girl he knew. She did this for the whole week.

As the two kids walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy 's little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, 'Have you noticed that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?'

Timmy nonchalantly replied, 'Yeah, I know who she is.'

The little girl said, 'Well, who is she?'

'That's just Shirley Goodnest, 'Timmy replied, 'and her daughter Marcy.'

'Shirley Goodnest? Who is she and why is she following us?

'Well,' Timmy explained, 'Every night my Mom makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers, 'cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ' Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life', so I guess I'll just have to get used to it!'

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

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July/August 2017

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Our Men and Women Who Serve:

Article Deadline….. For the September/October Newsletter August 17th is the deadline. Submit all articles to the church office or email them to:

Healing Service every month that has a fifth Sunday is a Healing Service. It is a quiet, peaceful opportunity to bring

our pains, fears, and ailments to God and to receive an anointing of oil and laying on of hands for prayers of healing. Next Healing Service is July 30th.

Thank you to all those who generously give their time to help fold, staple, stuff envelopes and seal those envelopes! Our weekly bulletins and newsletters could not get out timely without your help. If you are interested in joining a wonderful group of people, please call the office at 334-9551.

Every 5th Sunday

Tina Anderson Max Baumgartner Darrin Ferguson Jr. Thomas Garvey

Jason Krueger Troy Nienow Joseph Osheim

Terry Osheim

Jonathon Osheim Turner Pruett Jack Ramson

Joe Ramson Jeff Schied Christopher Zaczyk

Chris Zeman

In our Prayers:

Alicia Balasch Sami Arndt Gary Bronson

Rich Ellingboe

Bill Fullhart Cynthia Handford

Marge Heisler Hep Hepner Reanne Hepner Tom Jensen

Doris Ruch

Zachary Schmoldt Joan Sherman

Mary Sherman

Rhonda Sutherland Abbey Vickney

Reese Widowski Arnie Wickland

Bold names are new additions…

People we pray for are renewed by calling the church office.

Bible Quiz

What is Gideon doing when the angel of the Lord appears to him with God’s call to lead Israel’s fight against the Midianites?

A. Threshing wheat B. Harvesting grapes C. Keeping sheep D. Making a sacrifice to the Lord

Answer: A

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Dates to Remember:

July 22 Habitat Build Day

August 5th Harvest House

August 9th Hephatha Picnic @ Blue Lotus

August 27th Back Pack Blessing

. September 10th Rally Day

July/August 2017

Monday - Friday

8:00am to 4:30 pm

If there is an Emergency please call Pastor Darin at 920-740-9907

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

Office Phone: 262-334-9551

Office Fax: 262-334-9708

Office Email: [email protected]