REFERENCES: http://www.comelec.gov.ph/?r=AboutCOMELEC/OverseasAbsenteeVoting/OAVResolutions/ res9843/part1 1. Field Voting refers to the conduct of voting for a limited period of time outside the Post in places abroad where field registrations were conducted or in such areas overseas as may be authorized by the Commission. 2. Application for Registration/Certification As Overseas Voter (OVF No. 1 – refers to the form prescribed by the Commission to be used by an overseas voter in applying either for: 1. registration as an overseas voter if he is not yet a registered voter under Republic Act No. 8189 , otherwise known as “The Voters Registration Act of 1996”; or 2. certification as overseas voter if he is already registered under the said Act; 3. Overseas Voter – refers to a citizen of the Philippines who is qualified to register and vote under the Overseas Voting Act of 2003 as amended, not otherwise disqualified by law, who is abroad on the day of the elections. 4. Overseas Voting – refers to the process by which qualified citizens of the Philippines abroad exercise their right to vote. 5. Overseas Voting Certificate of Canvass – refers to a document showing the date of the election, the country in which it is held, the number of overseas voters qualified to vote, the number of overseas voters who actually voted and the total votes obtained by each candidate in a country. 6. Personal Voting – a mode of voting where the overseas voters personally appear to cast their votes at the Posts or such other voting areas designated by the Commission. 7. Postal Voting - a mode of voting where mailing packets, containing the official ballots and other election paraphernalia, are sent to the voters through the mail or are personally delivered to or picked-up by the voters at the Post or such other voting areas designated by the Commission. Whereupon, the voters either mail or personally deliver their accomplished ballots to the Post. 8. Registered Overseas Voter – refers to one whose application for registration or for certification as overseas voter has been approved by the Resident Election Registration Board under the Overseas Voting Act of 2003 as amended. 9. ART. 3. Requirements to become an overseas voter. – All qualified Filipino citizens who are not registered as a voter underRepublic Act No. 8189 , otherwise known as “The Voters Registration Act of 1996”, shall file an application for registration while those who are already registered as a voter under the said Act shall file an application for certification. 10. In both cases, only those whose applications for registration or certification have been approved, shall be allowed to vote for President, Vice-President, Senators and Party-List Representatives as well as in all national referenda and plebiscites.

Overseas Cull Out Fr Resolution

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Overseas Voting Act

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REFERENCES:http://www.comelec.gov.ph/?r=AboutCOMELEC/OverseasAbsetee!ot"g/OA!Resolut"os/res#$%&/part''. Field Voting re)ers to the co*uct o) vot"g )or a l"m"te* per"o* o) t"me outs"*e the +ost "places abroa* where ,el* reg"strat"os were co*ucte* or " such areas overseas as ma- beauthor".e* b- the Comm"ss"o./. Application for Registration/Certifcation As OverseasVoter (OVF No. 1 0 re)ers to the)orm prescr"be* b- the Comm"ss"o to be use* b- a overseas voter " appl-"g e"ther )or:'. reg"strat"o as a overseas voter ") he "s ot -et a reg"stere* voter u*er Republ"c ActNo. $'$#1 otherw"se 2ow as 3The Voters Registration Act of 199645 or/. cert",cat"o as overseas voter ") he "s alrea*- reg"stere* u*er the sa"* Act5&. Overseas Voter 0 re)ers to a c"t".e o) the +h"l"pp"es who "s 6ual",e* to reg"ster a* voteu*er the Overseas !ot"g Act o) /77& as ame*e*1 ot otherw"se *"s6ual",e* b- law1 who "sabroa* o the *a- o) the elect"os.%. Overseas Voting re)ers to the process b- wh"ch 6ual",e* c"t".es o) the +h"l"pp"es abroa*e8erc"se the"r r"ght to vote.9. Overseas Voting Certifcate of Canvass 0 re)ers to a *ocumet show"g the *ate o) theelect"o1 the coutr- " wh"ch "t "s hel*1 the umber o) overseas voters 6ual",e* to vote1 theumber o) overseas voters who actuall- vote* a* the total votes obta"e* b- each ca*"*ate" a coutr-.:. Personal Voting a mo*e o) vot"g where the overseas voters persoall- appear to cast the"rvotes at the +osts or such other vot"g areas *es"gate* b- the Comm"ss"o.;. Postal Voting - a mo*e o) vot"g where ma"l"g pac2ets1cota""g the ohereupo1 the voters e"ther ma"l or persoall- *el"ver the"r accompl"she*ballots to the +ost.$. Registered Overseas Voter re)ers to oe whose appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o or )orcert",cat"o as overseas voter has bee approve* b- the Res"*et Elect"o Reg"strat"o ?oar*u*er the Overseas !ot"g Act o) /77& as ame*e*.#. ART. 3. Requirements to become an overseas voter. 0 All 6ual",e* F"l"p"o c"t".es whoare ot reg"stere* as a voter u*erRepubl"c Act No.$'$#1 otherw"se 2ow as 3The VotersRegistration Act of 1996, shall ,le a appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o wh"le those who are alrea*-reg"stere* as a voter u*er the sa"* Act shall ,le a appl"cat"o )or cert",cat"o.'7. @both cases1 ol- thosewhoseappl"cat"os )or reg"strat"o or cert",cat"o have beeapprove*1 shall beallowe*tovote )or +res"*et1 !"ce=+res"*et1 Seators a*+art-=L"stRepresetat"ves as well as " all at"oal re)ere*a a* pleb"sc"tes.ART. 4. Publication and posting of notice of registration and election. 0 At least s"8 A:B moths be)ore the start o) the ,l"g o) appl"cat"o )or reg"strat"o1 the Comm"ss"o shall1 through the +h"l"pp"eembass"es1 cosulates a* other )ore"g serv"ce establ"shmets1 publ"sh oce " a ewspaper o) geeral c"rculat"o1 or " local F"l"p"o ewspapers o) w"*e c"rculat"o1 " coutr"es w"th ot less tha Cwet-=,ve thousa* A/91777B F"l"p"os1 the *ate1 place a* t"me o) the hol*"g o) a regular or spec"al at"oal elect"os a* the re6u"remets )or the part"c"pat"o o) 6ual",e* F"l"p"o c"t".es abroa*.a**"t"o1 the Comm"ss"o a* the DFA shall post the sa"* ot"ce o) reg"strat"o a* elect"o " the"r respect"ve webs"tes.ART. 18. Wo ma! register. " All c"t".es o) the +h"l"pp"es1 who are abroa* or w"ll be abroa* *ur"gthe th"rt- A&7B=*a- vot"g per"o*1 at least e"ghtee A'$B -ears o) age o the *a- o) the elect"os a*ot otherw"se *"s6ual",e* b- law1 ma- reg"ster.ART. 1#. Wo ma! not register. " Che )ollow"g shall be *"s6ual",e* )rom reg"ster"g:'. Chose who have lost the"r F"l"p"o c"t".esh"p " accor*ace w"th +h"l"pp"e laws5/. Chose who have e8pressl- reouce* the"r +h"l"pp"e c"t".esh"p or who have ple*ge*alleg"ace to a )ore"g coutr-5 e8cept *ual c"t".es as re)erre* to u*er Republ"c Act No. #//91otherw"se 2ow as the C"t".esh"p Retet"o a* Reac6u"s"t"o Act o) /77&5&. Chose who have comm"tte* a* are cov"cte* " a ,al Eu*gmet b- a court or tr"bual o) aoFese pu"shable b- "mpr"somet o) ot less tha oe A'B -ear1 such *"sab"l"t- ot hav"gbee remove* b- plear- par*o or amest-5 +rov"*e*1 however1 Chat a- perso *"s6ual",e*to reg"ster u*er th"s subsect"o shall automat"call- ac6u"re the r"ght to vote upo e8p"rat"oo) ,ve A9B -ears a)ter serv"ce o) setece5%. A- c"t".e o) the +h"l"pp"es abroa* prev"ousl- *eclare* "sae or "competet b- competetauthor"t- " the +h"l"pp"es or abroa*1 as ver",e* b- the +h"l"pp"e embass"es1 cosulates orFore"gServ"ceestabl"shmets cocere*1 ulesssuchcompetet author"t-subse6uetl-cert",es that such perso "s o loger "sae or "competet.ART. $%. Were to &le application for registration'certi&cation. " O!F No. ' ma- be ,le* at a-+ost abroa* or at *es"gate* reg"strat"o ceters outs"*e the post or " the +h"l"pp"es as approve* b-the Comm"ss"o.ART. $1. Requirements for &ling of applications for registration' certi&cation. " Ever-appl"cat shall accompl"sh ()* +o.1a* subm"t the )ollow"g:'. !al"*+h"l"pp"epassport toestabl"shh"s "*et"t-. @theabseceo) aval"*passport1 acert",cat"oo) theDFAthat "t hasrev"ewe*theappropr"ate*ocumetssubm"tte*b-theappl"cat a* )ou* them su